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Alphacoronaviruses Detected in French Bats Are Phylogeographically Linked to Coronaviruses of European Bats

  • Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille

Abstract and Figures

Bats are a reservoir for a diverse range of viruses, including coronaviruses (CoVs). To determine the presence of CoVs in French bats, fecal samples were collected between July and August of 2014 from four bat species in seven different locations around the city of Bourges in France. We present for the first time the presence of alpha-CoVs in French Pipistrellus pipistrellus bat species with an estimated prevalence of 4.2%. Based on the analysis of a fragment of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene, phylogenetic analyses show that alpha-CoVs sequences detected in French bats are closely related to other European bat alpha-CoVs. Phylogeographic analyses of RdRp sequences show that several CoVs strains circulate in European bats: (i) old strains detected that have probably diverged a long time ago and are detected in different bat subspecies; (ii) strains detected in Myotis and Pipistrellus bat species that have more recently diverged. Our findings support previous observations describing the complexity of the detected CoVs in bats worldwide.
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Alphacoronaviruses Detected in French Bats Are
Phylogeographically Linked to Coronaviruses of
European Bats
Anne Goffard
*, Christine Demanche
, Laurent Arthur
, Claire Pinçon
, Johan Michaux
and Jean Dubuisson
Received: 14 September 2015; Accepted: 23 November 2015; Published: 2 December 2015
Academic Editor: Andrew Mehle
Molecular & Cellular Virology, University Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille,
U1019-UMR 8204-CIIL-Centre d’Infection et d’Immunité de Lille, Bâtiment IBL. 1 rue du Pr. Calmette
CS 50447, 59021 Lille Cedex, France;
Bacterial Respiratory Infections: Pertussis and Tuberculosis, University Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille,
Institut Pasteur de Lille, U1019-UMR 8204-CIIL-Centre d’Infection et d’Immunité de Lille,
F-59000 Lille, France;
Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Bourges, Les Rives d’Auron, allée René Ménard, 18000 Bourges, France;
University Lille, CHU Lille, EA 2694-Santé publique: épidémiologie et qualité des soins,
F-59000 Lille, France;
Conservation Genetics Unit, Institute of Botany (B. 22), University Liège, 4000 Liège, Belgium;
CIRAD TA C-22/E-Campus international de Baillarguet, 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5, France
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +33-3-20-87-11-62; Fax: +33-3-20-87-12-01
Abstract: Bats are a reservoir for a diverse range of viruses, including coronaviruses (CoVs).
To determine the presence of CoVs in French bats, fecal samples were collected between July
and August of 2014 from four bat species in seven different locations around the city of Bourges
in France. We present for the first time the presence of alpha-CoVs in French Pipistrellus
pipistrellus bat species with an estimated prevalence of 4.2%. Based on the analysis of a
fragment of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene, phylogenetic analyses show that
alpha-CoVs sequences detected in French bats are closely related to other European bat alpha-CoVs.
Phylogeographic analyses of RdRp sequences show that several CoVs strains circulate in European
bats: (i) old strains detected that have probably diverged a long time ago and are detected in different
bat subspecies; (ii) strains detected in Myotis and Pipistrellus bat species that have more recently
diverged. Our findings support previous observations describing the complexity of the detected
CoVs in bats worldwide.
Keywords: bats; alphacoronavirus; coronavirus; phylogeographic analysis; phylogenetic analysis;
Europe; molecular characterization
1. Introduction
In 2012, a novel coronavirus (CoV), the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-CoV,
emerged in humans in the Arabian Peninsula [1]. This CoV is highly pathogenic, as was the
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-CoV that has emerged in 2002/2003 in China, causing a
worldwide outbreak with 774 deaths [2]. CoV belongs to the subfamily of Coronaviridae in the order
of Nidovirales. CoVs are divided into four genetic and serologic genera: alpha- and beta-CoVs, that
infect mammals, and gamma- and delta-CoVs known to infect mainly birds [3].
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290; doi:10.3390/v7122937
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
Bats, in the order of Chiroptera, are widely distributed across various ecosystems. They constitute
one of the largest groups of mammals, second in number of species after Rodentia and first in terms
of individuals present on Earth [4]. Bats are the only mammals that can fly. They fly to hunt, to change
their habitat for hibernation and to migrate. However, less than 3% of extant bat species show
migratory movements greater than 50 km [5]. The order of Chiroptera is divided into two suborders:
Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera [6]. Microchiroptera were reported to live in Europe with 53 species
described [6]. European bats inhabit temperate regions and use torpor and hibernation during winter.
Chiropters occupy diversified habitats from cities to the countryside and exhibit a large diversity of
diets. Their different diets led bats to colonize various ecosystems. In Europe, Microchiroptera are
mainly considered as insectivorous. They nest in attics, barns, or unoccupied buildings but also in
rocks, trees, barks, hollows, and under leaves [7]. In Europe, bats are often the only wild mammals
living in human habitats. Some bat species are solitary but, frequently, they form colonies that can reach
a million of individuals. In France, 34 bat species have been described and two species, Pipistrellus
pipistrellus and Eptesicus serotinus, are present in the whole territory. Bats have been considered as
the natural hosts of many common animal and human viruses, such as measles or mumps, and now
they have been considered to be natural reservoirs for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV (reviewed in [8]).
Phylogeography has been defined as the “field of study concerned with the principles and
processes governing the geographical distributions of geographical lineages, especially those within
and among closely related species” [9]. The tools of phylogeography have been applied to various
fields of biology, such as biodiversity, and recently to explore the links between human migration
and viral outbreaks [10]. Thus, using phylogeographic analyses, it has been shown that the HIV
outbreak was due to repeated introductions of simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) in the human
population [11]. These tools are also used to study the spread of the flu outbreak in 2009 or to
speculate on the origin of human hepatitis B [12,13]. Therefore, phylogeography proposes a set of
tools that can help to understand how CoV circulate among an animal population, such as uropean
bats as described here.
Since 2008, alpha- and beta-CoVs have been identified in several European countries from
various bat species, however, no data are available on the presence of CoVs in French bats,
as proved by the consultation of the database of bat-associated viruses (
DBatVir/) [1419]. The aim of this study is to describe alpha-CoVs among French bats, especially in
Pipistrellus pipistrellus, one of the most common bats in France. To our knowledge, we present the first
report of alpha-CoV RNA detection in French bats and the phylogeographic relationships between
European alpha-CoVs, based on the analyses of previously published sequences of bat alpha-CoVs.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area and Sampling
Samples were collected from seven distinct locations, each harboring a single bat species, during
July and August of 2014. Colonies were located near Bourges in the central region of France (Figure 1).
The roosts of bat colonies were mainly human dwellings, such as attics and barns (Table 1). Around 10
to 40 individuals constituted each colony. During the period of collection, males, pregnant and
lactating females, as well as young animals born that year inhabited in the same bat colony. The bats
species were identified based on their morphologic characteristics according to the European bat
identification keys [20].
A total of 162 guano samples were collected from four bat species, Pipistrellus pipistrellus
(118 specimens), Barbastella barbastellus (24 specimens), Myotis myotis (10 specimens) and Eptesicus
serotinus (10 specimens) (Table 1), as previously described [21,22]. To collect bat guano samples,
clean plastic sheets were laid down on flat surfaces beneath bat roosts before sunset. Three days
later, fresh guano samples were collected and preserved in 250 µL of RNAlater (Applied Biosystems,
Courtabœuf, France) during shipment by mail. Several fecal samples were harvested for each colony.
On receipt, samples were stored at ´80
C until analysis.
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
Table 1. Prevalence of alpha-CoV in French bat species.
Positive Samples/Total of
Tested Samples by Location
Total of Positive
Samples/Total of
Tested Samples
% of
Bat Species
Size of Bat
Colonies *
Day Roost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All Areas
Small and
Attics, Barns 3/53 2/20 0/10 0/35 5/118 4.2
Small Attic 0/24 0
Small Barn 0/10 0
Small Attic 0/10 0
Total 5/162 3.1
* Bat colony size was scored as follows: small, 10 to 30 individuals; medium, 31 to 200 individuals; large, >200 individuals.
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
Figure 1. Geographical locations of bat colonies where guano samples were taken during the summer
of 2014. The colonies are numbered 1 to 7 and georeferenced as: 1 (02
54” E; 47
39” N),
2 (02
02” E; 47
59” N), 3 (02
19” E; 46
23” N), 4 (02
38” E; 47
39” N), 5 (02
E; 47
24” N), 6 (02
59” E; 46
27” N), and 7 (02
21” E, 46
28” N). They are scattered
around the city of Bourges, in the central region of France.
2.2. Genome Detection and Sequencing
Fecal pellets stored in RNAlater were tested after mechanical lysis using a MagNAlyser
(Roche Diagnostics, Meylan, France) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Viral RNA was
extracted from 100 µL of fecal homogenate using a viral RNA mini kit and eluted in 50 µL of
elution buffer (Qiagen, Courtabœuf, France). Samples were then analyzed for the presence of CoV
RNA using a nested reverse transcription (RT)-PCR targeting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(RdRp), slightly modified from Souza et al. [23]. RNA (5 µL) was random primed reverse transcribed
(High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription kit; Applied Biosystems). Twenty-five microliters of
reactions were carried out using Taq DNA polymerase (New England Biolabs, Evry, France) with
2 µM of sense and anti-sense primer, and 5 µL of complementary DNA (cDNA). Thermal cycling
was set at 94
C for 1 min and then 40 cycles of 94
C for 30 s, 50
C for 30 s, 68
C for 40 s, and
final extension at 68
C for 5 min. The nested PCR protocol, unmodified from Souza et al. [23], used
1 µL of first round PCR product. Negative and positive controls were included in each experiment,
in DNA extraction, reverse transcription, DNA PCR, and nested PCR amplifications. Amplicons
were purified using the NucleoSpin Gel and PCR clean-up kit (Macherey-Nagel, Hoerdt, France).
Purified products were cloned using TOPO TA cloning kit for subcloning with TOP10F’ E. coli (Life
Technologies, Illkirch, France). Three positive clones of each amplicon were sent for sequencing using
M13 forward and reverse primers to Genoscreen (Pasteur Campus, Genopole of Lille, Lille, France).
2.3. Sequence Analysis
The RdRp gene sequences described in this study were initially aligned with homologous
sequences of alpha-CoVs from humans, civet, camel, and bats (Table 2) using CLUSTAL X v1.63b [24].
The aligned sequences were converted to distance matrix (% of differences) using PAUP 4.0b10
software [25]. Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of sequences were carried out with PhyML
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
v3.0 [26] using the GTR (general time reversible) + Γ (gamma distribution of rates with four rate
categories) + I (proportion of invariant sites) model. The appropriate model of sequence evolution
was selected using PhyML with automatic model selection by Smart Model Selection (SMS) to
determine the evolutionary model which best fits the input data [27]. Evaluation of statistical
confidence in nodes was based on 1000 bootstrap replicates [28]. Alignments of polymerase gene
sequences used in the various analyses are available upon request from the corresponding author.
2.4. Phylogeographic Analysis
A minimum spanning network was constructed using the MINSPNET algorithm available in the
ARLEQUIN 2.0 program [29]. The genetic divergences between sample groups were estimated using
a distance analysis (K
P, mega program).
Table 2. List of sequences used for phylogeny analyses with Genbank accession number, coronavirus
group, host species and geographic origin and name used in this study.
GenBank Accession
Group Host Species Geographic Origin Name Reference
AY903459 β Human Belgium OC43_BEL_2003 [30]
KC243392 β Pipistrellus nathusii Ukraine Pnat_UKR_2011 [31]
KC243391 β Pipistrellus nathusii Romania Pnat_ROM_2009 [31]
KF906251 β Dromedary United Arab Emirates Dro_UAE_2013 [14]
JX869059 β Human Saudi Arabia MERS_SAU_2012 [32]
EF507780 β Human France HKU1_FR_2005 [33]
GU190221 β Rhinolophus euryale Bulgaria Reur2_BLG_2008 [17]
FJ588686 β Rhinolophus sinicus China Rsin_CHI_2006 [34]
AY304488 β Civet China Civ_CHI_2003 [35]
KJ652334 α Myotis daubentonii Hungary Mdau_HUN_2013 [19]
KJ652333 α Myotis nattereri Hungary Mnat_HUN_2013 [19]
KJ652332 α Pipistrellus pigmae Hungary Ppig_HUN_2013 [3]
KJ652331 α Myotis myotis Hungary Mmyo_HUN_2013 [3]
KJ652330 α Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Hungary Rfer_HUN_2013 [3]
KJ652329 α Rhinolophus ferrumequinum Hungary Rfer_HUN_2013 [3]
KF500949 α Pipistrellus kuhlii Italy Pkuh1_ITA_2010 [18]
KF500945 α Pipistrellus kuhlii Italy Pkuh2_ITA_2011 [18]
JF440366 α Myotis nattereri United Kingdom Mnat1_UK_2009 [17]
JF440365 α Myotis nattereri United Kingdom Mnat2_UK_2009 [17]
JF440353 α Myotis daubentonii United Kingdom Mdau1_UK_2009 [12]
JF440351 α Myotis daubentonii United Kingdom Mdau2_UK_2009 [12]
JF440349 α Myotis daubentonii United Kingdom Mdau3_UK_2009 [17]
HQ184061 α Hypsugo savii Spain Hsav_SP_2007 [16]
HQ184060 α Pipistrellus sp. Spain Psp_SP_2007 [16]
HQ184058 α Pipistrellus kuhlii Spain Pkuh_SP_2007 [16]
HQ184057 α Myotis myotis Spain Mmyo_SP_2007 [16]
HQ184056 α Myotis daubentonii Spain Mdau_SP_2007 [16]
HQ184051 α Nyctalus lasiopterus Spain Nlas_SP_2007 [16]
GU190239 α Nyctalus leisleri Bulgaria Nlei_BLG_2008 [36]
GU190237 α Rhinolophus euryale Bulgaria Reur1_BLG_2008 [36]
GQ259966 α Myotis dasycneme The Netherlands Mdas_NLD_2006 [15]
GQ259964 α Pipistrellus pipistrellus The Netherlands Ppip_NLD_2008 [15]
GQ259967 α Myotis dasycneme The Netherlands Mdas_NLD_2007 [15]
EU375871 α Myotis daubentonii Germany Mdau_GER_2007 [14]
EU375869 α Pipistrellus nathusius Germany Pnat1_GER_2007 [14]
EU375868 α Pipistrellus pigmae Germany Ppig1_GER-2007 [14]
EU375867 α Pipistrellus pigmae Germany Ppig2_GER-2007 [14]
EU375864 α Pipistrellus nathusius Germany Pnat2_GER_2007 [14]
EU375863 α Myotis dasycneme Germany Mdas_GER_2007 [14]
AY864196 α Miniopterus sp. China HKU8_CHI_2004 [37]
DQ249228 α Miniopterus sp. China HKU8_CHI_2005 [38]
NC009988 α Rhinolophus sp. China HKU2_CHI_2004 [39]
2.5. Statistical Analyses
Prevalences of CoV were estimated with 95% confidence intervals constructed using the normal
approximation. A Fisher exact test was done to compare the prevalence of CoV for Pipistrellus
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
pipistrellus to the prevalence for the other species (the other species were considered as a single group
since no positive sample had been detected).
2.6. Nucleotide Sequence Accession Numbers
RdRp gene sequences were deposited in GenBank under accession number KT345294
to KT345296.
3. Results
A total of 162 guano samples of bats were collected from seven bat colonies located at seven
different sites around the city of Bourges in the central region of France, during the summer of 2014
(Figure 1). Guano collections were all carried out in July, except for colony 7, which was completed
in August.
CoV RNA was detected in five out of 162 samples. All the CoV-positive samples were detected
from Pipistrellus pipistrellus. No CoV RNA was detected from Barbastella barbastellus, Myotis myotis
and Eptesicus serotinus. Prevalence of CoV was estimated at 3.1% (CI95%: (0.4%; 5.8%)) in the whole
sample, all positive sample being detected in Pipistrellus pipistrellus, leading to a prevalence for this
species estimated at 4.2% (CI95% : (0.6%; 7.9%)), compared to 0% for the other species; however, this
difference in prevalence was not significant (Fisher’ exact test, p = 0.32).
To characterize the overall diversity of CoV sequences, a phylogenetic analysis of bat CoVs was
performed using the sequences of a 440 base pairs (bps) PCR amplicon of the RdRp gene from three
positive samples. Two sequences, Ppip1_FR_2014 and Ppip2_FR_2014, were obtained from guano
collected in a same bat colony. The third French sequence, Ppip3_FR_2014, was obtained from guano
collected from another bat colony located 12 km from the first site. For the two remaining samples,
we were not able to obtain the sequence of the fragment. Nucleotide sequence analysis shows
that the bat CoV corresponding to the sequences amplified from French bats belong to alpha-CoV
genera (Figure 2). Comparison of the RdRp-aligned sequences was carried out on 277 positions,
including gaps, for a total of 48 taxa: three original sequences and 45 previously published (Table 2).
The beta-CoV and alpha-CoV sequences are clearly separated in two groups supported each by
100% bootstrap value (Figure 2). Our analyses showed that genetic divergence between beta- and
alpha-CoV sequences is up to 35%.
Among the alpha-CoV group, sequences appear separated in two lineages: 1 and 2 (Figure 2).
Nucleotide divergence between groups 1 and 2 varies from 22.02% to 30% (Figure S1). We also noticed
that sequences of alpha-CoV are grouped according to the host species and independently of date or
of the sampling location.
Thus, lineage 1 includes several groups of sequences: (i) HKU8 sequences obtained from
Miniopterus sp. in 2004 and 2013 in China are grouped with the 72.1% bootstrap value; (ii) another
group includes sequences obtained from P. kuhli in 2007 in Spain, and in 2010 in Italy (99% of
bootstrap values); and (iii) both French sequences from Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Ppip1_FR_2014 and
Ppip2_FR_2014, are closely related to each other (2.90% of nucleotide sequence divergence) and
grouped with sequences obtained from P. pipistrellus in the Netherlands in 2008 and P. kuhli in Italy in
2010 with a 99.4% bootstrap value. Other sequences belong to lineage 1, such as sequences obtained
from R. ferrumequinum in 2013 in Hungary, from N. leisleri in 2008 in Bulgaria, from M. myotis,
N. lasiopterus, and H. savii in Spain in 2007.
Lineage 2 includes several groups. The first one includes sequences obtained from M. nattereri
in 2009 and 2013 in the United Kingdom and Hungary (71.5% bootstrap value); the second one
associates sequences obtained from M. daubentonii between 2007 and 2013 in several countries
(92.1% bootstrap value); the third one corresponds to sequences from P. pigmae in 2007 in Germany
and in 2013 in Hungary (73.6% bootstrap value); and the fourth one includes sequences from
P. nathusius in 2007 in Germany (95.6% bootstrap value). Sequences obtained from M. dasycneme in
2006 in the Netherlands, and in 2007 in Germany and the Netherlands, are also grouped with low
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
support (bootstrap values smaller than 60%). A French bat sequence obtained from P. pipistrellus,
Ppip3_FR_2014, also belongs to this last group. Finally, sequences obtained from M. myotis in 2013 in
Hungary and from Pipistrellus sp. in 2007 in Spain are also included in lineage 2.
Finally, two sequences obtained from Rhinolophus sp. in 2004 in China and from R. Euryale in 2008
in Bulgaria appear highly separated in a divergent lineage, supported by an 85.2% bootstrap value.
Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree of the partial RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene (277 bp)
of coronavirus strains found in bats. The phylogram results from bootstrapped data sets obtained
using PhyML 3.0 program [26]. The tree was visualized using the FigTree program, version 1.4.2.
The percentages above the branches are the frequencies with which a given branch appeared in 1000
bootstrap replications. Bootstrap values below 60% are not displayed. Taxa are named according to
the following pattern: bat species/country of origin/year of detection. Sequences belonging to lineage
1 are presented in the green box, those belonging to lineage 2 in the red box. French bat sequences are
presented in grey.
The minimum spanning network illustrates the mutational relationship of the European
alpha-CoVs in bats (Figure 3). Thirty-four different alpha-CoV sequences were used for analyses and
evidenced several groups. The first group (group I) associates three sequences, closely interconnected
with two and five mutational steps obtained from M. dasycneme in 2007 in Germany and in 2006
and 2007 in the Netherlands, and seven sequences obtained from several subspecies of Pipistrellus in
various countries. The French sequence Ppip3_FR_2014, detected from Pipistrellus guano, belongs to
this group.
Two other groups (groups II and III) are separated from group I with 30 mutational steps each.
Group II includes three sequences obtained from M. natttereri in 2009 and 2013 in the United Kingdom
and Hungary. Group III includes six sequences obtained from M. daubentonii in several countries.
The other analyzed sequences appear highly differentiated with important levels of
mutational steps among them (from 34 to 62). An exception is nevertheless observed for
the sequences Pkuh2_ITA_2010, Ppip_NLD_2008, Ppip1_FR_2014, Ppip2_FR_2014, Nlas_SP_2007,
and Mmyo_SP_2007, which appear more closely related with less than eight mutational steps
among them.
The topology of the minimal spanning network adopts the same configuration than the
phylogenetic tree. Indeed, lineage 2 observed on the tree is characterized by short branches lengths
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
suggesting a recent diversification for these sequences. They also appear closely interconnected in
the network, with low levels of mutational steps among them.
In contrast, lineage 1 of the phylogenetic tree is characterized by longer branches lengths,
suggesting ancient separations among sequences of this lineage. Important levels of genetic
divergence observed between these sequences corroborate this result.
Phylogeographic and phylogenetic analyses therefore give congruent results, although the
minimum spanning network sometimes give a better robustness for some groups, represented by
lower bootstrap values in the phylogenetic tree.
Figure 3. Minimum spanning network constructed using RdRp gene sequences of bat alpha-CoV.
Bat species and subspecies, geographic origins and year of detection are indicated. Numbers
correspond to the mutational steps observed between sequences. Sequences belonging to lineage 1
are presented in the green box, those belonging to lineage 2 in the red box. Among lineage 2, groups
I–III are presented in white boxes. French bat sequences are presented in dotted bold circles.
4. Discussion
4.1. Prevalence of Alpha-CoV in French Pipistrellus pipistrellus
Previous studies using nested RT-PCR reported important differences in prevalence between
bat species in several countries. In China, prevalence of CoV RNA in bats varies between 6.5%
and 48% [3840]. In Germany, overall prevalence of alpha- and beta-CoVs was reported at 9.8%
in different bat species [14]. Concerning the prevalence of alpha-CoV in Europe, it reached 75% in
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
Myotis nattereri [14,17]. CoVs are also detected in Barbastella barbastellus, in Myotis myotis, and Eptesicus
serotinus species in Europe [17,19,41].
The overall prevalence (3.1% (CI95%: (0.4%; 5.8%)) of alpha-CoV reported here in four bat
species, and especially in Pipistrellus pipistrellus (4.2% (CI95%: (0.6%; 7.9%)) is lower than in previous
observations, but is similar to those reported in Pipistrellus sp. in Spain (3.6%) [16]. The differences
can be explained by the way the bat guano was collected. Indeed, in previously published studies,
animals were caught to obtain biological samples while, in our work, we collected the fresh guano in
different bat colonies. We cannot exclude that we may have studied several samples produced by the
same individual. Therefore, our results may potentially be explained by the degradation of viral RNA
under natural conditions. In our study, no CoVs were detected in Barbastella barbastellus, Myotis myotis
and Eptesicus serotinus species. In addition to the potential degradation of viral RNA, our results may
be explained by the low number of collected samples, the small number of bat species sampled,
regarding the 34 bat species listed in France, and the sampling location being limited to the area near
Bourges. To further extend this study, it will be necessary to analyze a larger number of samples,
collected in different locations in France, to determine the real prevalence of CoV in French bats.
In humans, alpha-CoV, HCoV-229E, and HCoV-NL63, cause the common cold. Bats are
identified as natural reservoir for CoV and, recently, it has been shown that hipposiderid
(Hipposideridae) bats may be infected with an alpha-CoV closely related to HCoV-229E [42].
However, in our work, phylogenetic analyses with human alpha-CoV sequences, such as HCoV-229E
or HCoV-NL63, failed because the genetic divergences were very high (data not shown).
The phylogenetic analyses conducted from a fragment of RdRp gene reported here show that
alpha-CoV sequences are separated into two major lineages, 1 and 2, and a minor group. The genetic
divergence between the two major lineages varies between 20% and 35%. The French sequences
are distributed within the two major lineages. Both Ppip1_FR_2014 and Ppip2_FR_2014 sequences
detected from guano collected from the same bat colony were closely related, and are included in
lineage 1. The third French sequence, Ppip3_FR_2014, obtained from guano collected from another
bat colony is included in lineage 2. Both colonies are located by 12 km away from each other.
Such result would be explained by the fact that Pipistrellus bats are very loyal solitary and that
they usually remain confined to their own colonies, even if another colony is located 10 km away.
Similar observations have been reported for P. nathusius in Germany or M. nattereri in the United
Kingdom [14,17]. Thus, the phylogenetic tree presented here shows several clusters of sequences
grouped by bat species. These results confirm the existence of coronavirus strains specific to bat
species and suggest a low circulation of viral strains among bat species [14,15,17].
On the basis of genetic diversity, seven lineages of alpha-CoV have been previously described
in Europe [14,15,17]. The previously described lineages, 1–4, are distributed among lineage 2, which
we have defined. The genetic diversity among alpha-CoV sequences obtained from bats was very
high (up to 45.5%). Our results show that sequences obtained from several bat species in different
European countries are grouped together. A new definition of bat coronavirus lineage seems to be
required to describe the diversity of alpha-CoV in Europe.
4.2. Phylogeographic Relatedness among Alpha-CoVs Detected in European Bats
Phylogeography is used to study the circulation of an infectious agent and an animal population
or the dissemination of an infectious agent in a group of humans [43,44]. Here we used this tool to
describe the circulation of alpha-CoV among European bats. The topology of the minimum spanning
network shows that two types of alpha-CoVs strains circulate in European bats. On the one hand,
the old strains diverged a long time ago from a common unknown ancestor, as suggested by the
large mutational steps observed between sequences belonging to lineage 1. The identification of the
common ancestor of alpha-CoVs strains may be difficult since the diversification of European bats
and perhaps bat viruses date to the glacial periods [45]. On the other hand, the strains detected in
Myotis and Pipistrellus bat species, which are interconnected with smaller mutational steps, have more
Viruses 2015, 7, 6279–6290
recently diverged. These strains may have been recently introduced in the European bat populations
and have quickly circulated within Myotis and Pipistrellus bat species. This recent introduction may
explain why these strains are specific to their host as suggested by previous studies [15,16].
In conclusion, previous studies showed the presence of alpha-CoV in various European bat
species. However, to our knowledge, this is the first report describing the presence of alpha-CoV
RNA in French bat species, and the first description of phylogeographic relatedness among
alpha-CoV detected in European bats. Our findings support previous observations describing
the complexity of the detected CoVs in bats in Europe, but also in South America, China, and
Eastern Thailand [40,46,47].
Acknowledgments: We thank René Courcol, which allowed us to use the facilities of molecular biology platform
of the Microbiology Institute of the Biology Pathology Centre of University Hospital of Lille. We are grateful
to Anny Dewilde for providing the CoV positive sample as control of pan-coronavirus RT-PCR development.
We thank especially Cécile-Marie Aliouat and Annie Standaert who facilitate the contacts between collaborators.
Author Contributions: Collection of bat guano: L.A. Conceived, designed and performed experiments: A.G.
Analyzed the data: A.G., C.D., J.M. and J.D. Wrote the paper: A.G., C.D., J.M. and J.D.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... Conducting surveillance in different habitats, such as caves or other bat habitats, may yield different results due to variations in environmental conditions and bat species composition, and more importantly, animal densities. The CoV strain identified in the bat in our study exhibited close genetic relationships with Alphacoronavirus strains previously isolated from the same bat species, P. pipistrellus, in the United Kingdom (West Sussex) [40], more specifically, from the Pedacovirus subgenus, and it also clustered with other strains previously isolated from P. pipistrellus in France and Italy [42,43]. The phylogenetic tree based on the partial RdRp gene confirmed that our sequence clustered with other members of the Alphacoronavirus genus retrieved from P. pipistrelus with strong support, as indicated by >90% bootstrap value. ...
... This observation implies two distinct possibilities: the occurrence migrations motivated by the search for suitable mates in distant habitats, also propelled by factors such as competition for resources or territory, or the need to establish new breeding grounds [63]. That being said, bats of this species do not have a strong migratory character, since they are usually known to remain confined to their own colonies even if another colony is located 10km away [43]. This also indicates that these viruses may not primarily evolve within a specific bat species, instead, their evolution and spread appear to be significantly influenced by geographical location. ...
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Coronaviruses (CoVs) are RNA viruses capable of infecting a wide range of hosts, including mammals and birds, and have caused significant epidemics such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Bats, the second most diverse mammalian order, are hosts for various CoVs due to their unique immune responses and ecological traits. This study investigates CoV prevalence in crevice- and tree-dwelling bats in Portugal, a country with limited prior research on bat CoVs. Using nested RT-PCR and sequencing, we screened 87 stool samples from bats, identifying one sample (1.15%) that was positive for Alphacoronavirus, belonging to Pipistrellus pipistrellus. Phylogenetic analysis revealed close genetic relationships with Alphacoronavirus strains from the same bat species in Europe. The low prevalence suggests habitat-specific differences in viral transmission, with cave-dwelling bats exhibiting higher CoV prevalence due to population density and behaviour. These findings underscore the necessity for sustained surveillance efforts aimed at comprehending CoV dynamics within bat populations, especially concerning the risk of spillover events and viral evolution. Vital to this understanding is the monitoring of bat migration patterns, which serves as a crucial tool for elucidating CoV ecology and epidemiology. Such efforts are essential for ongoing research endeavours aimed at mitigating the potential for future zoonotic disease outbreaks.
... Italy, and the Netherlands; in Myotis sp. in Hungary, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands; in Rhinolophus sp. in Bulgaria and Hungary; and in Nyctalus sp. in Spain and Bulgaria[66,67].In France, although there are 35 species of bats, only four have been studied for Coronaviridae[66]. From 2013 to 2015, intestinal samples were obtained from carcasses collected, 12 of which had coronavirus infection; five sequences of Pipistrellus pipistrellus and two of Pipistrellus sp. ...
... Italy, and the Netherlands; in Myotis sp. in Hungary, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands; in Rhinolophus sp. in Bulgaria and Hungary; and in Nyctalus sp. in Spain and Bulgaria[66,67].In France, although there are 35 species of bats, only four have been studied for Coronaviridae[66]. From 2013 to 2015, intestinal samples were obtained from carcasses collected, 12 of which had coronavirus infection; five sequences of Pipistrellus pipistrellus and two of Pipistrellus sp. ...
In this third year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic responsible for COVD-19 and related diseases worldwide, the scientific studies and reviews focused on this virus and its variants are still crucial. The third volume of the Coronaviruses series brings together some essential data regarding the origin, pathology and chemotherapeutic drugs to treat coronavirus infections. Contributions are written by experienced researchers with the goal of updating medical researchers and clinicians dealing with COVID-19 patients. It presents seven chapters covering a range of topics: (1) bat coronaviruses in the world, (2) hospital challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, (3) the pro-inflammatory and thrombotic manifestations and the therapeutic options of Covid-19, (4) the common and rare dermatologic manifestations registered in COVID-19 patients, (5) the circulating biomarkers of cardiopulmonary disturbances in COVID-19, and (6) the aspects of pathology and pathogenesis of coronavirus infection
... Phylogenetic analyses and RdRp sequence similarity suggested circulation of two distinct alpha coronaviruses in P. pipistrellus (sequences were similar to previously described: accession no. KT345296.1 and KT345294.1 [54]) and one alpha (sequence similar to accession no. OQ405400) and one beta coronavirus in P. nathusii (sequence similar to accession no. ...
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Changes in land use can modify habitat and roosting behaviour of bats, and therefore the transmission dynamics of viruses. Within bat roosts the density and contact rate among individuals increase and may facilitate the transmission of bat coronaviruses (CoVs). Landscape components supporting larger bat populations may thus lead to higher CoVs prevalence, as the number of roosts and/or roost size are likely to be higher. Hence, relationships between landscape composition and the presence of CoVs are expected to exist. To increase our understanding of the spread and shedding of coronaviruses in bat populations we studied the relationships between landscape composition and CoVs prevalence in the species Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Pipistrellus nathusii . Faecal samples were collected across The Netherlands, and were screened to detect the presence of CoV RNA. Coordinates were recorded for all faecal samples, so that landscape attributes could be quantified. Using a backward selection procedure on the basis of AIC, the landscape variables that best explained the presence of CoVs were selected in the final model. Results suggested that relationships between landscape composition and CoVs were likely associated with optimal foraging opportunities in both species, e.g. nearby water in P . nathusii or in areas with more grassland situated far away from forests for P . pipistrellus . Surprisingly, we found no positive association between built-up cover (where roosts are frequently found) and the presence of bat-CoVs for both species. We also show that samples collected from large bat roosts, such as maternity colonies, substantially increased the probability of finding CoVs in P . pipistrellus . Interestingly, while maternity colonies of P . nathusii are rarely present in The Netherlands, CoVs prevalence was similar in both species, suggesting that other mechanisms besides roost size, participate in the transmission of bat-CoVs. We encourage further studies to quantify bat roosts and colony networks over the different landscape compositions to better understand the ecological mechanisms involved in the transmission of bat-CoVs.
... daubentonii and M. myotis) in France. α-CoV and rotavirus have previously been described in France [6,36,54] and in Europe [11,37,55]; here, we confirmed the presence of α-CoV and rotavirus in four bat species (M. myotis, M. daubentonii, M. emarginatus and R. ferrumequinum), whereas only rotavirus was detected in B. barbastellus. ...
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With over 1,400 species worldwide, bats represent the second largest order of mammals after rodents, and are known to host major zoonotic pathogens. Here, we estimate the presence of pathogens in autochthonous bat populations. First, we set out to check our samples for PCR amplification efficiency by assessing the occurrence of inhibited PCR reactions from different types of bat samples with amplifying the housekeeping gene β-actin. Second, we investigated the presence of five targeted pathogens in a French bat population using PCR. We targeted viral RNA of Canine distemper virus , Alphacoronavirus , Lyssavirus , Rotavirus and bacterial Leptospira DNA. To do so, we screened for these viruses in bat faecal samples as well as in oropharyngeal swab samples. The presence of Leptospira was assessed in urine, kidney, lung and faecal samples. Results showed a frequency of inhibited reactions ranging from 5 to 60% of samples, varying according to the sample itself and also suspected to vary according to sampling method and the storage buffer solution used, demonstrating the importance of the sampling and storage on the probability of obtaining negative PCR results. For pathogen assessment, rotavirus and alphacoronavirus RNA were detected in Myotis myotis , Myotis daubentonii , Myotis emarginatus and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum bats. Rotaviruses were also detected in Barbastella barbastellus . The presence of alphacoronavirus also varied seasonally, with higher frequencies in late summer and October, suggesting that juveniles potentially play an important role in the dynamics of these viruses. Leptospira DNA was detected in M . myotis and M . daubentonii colonies. The 16S rRNA sequences obtained from Leptospira positive samples showed 100% genetic identity with L . borgpetersenii . Neither canine distemper virus nor lyssavirus RNA were detected in any of the tested samples. This study is the first to show the presence of Leptospira in autochthonous French bats in addition to coronavirus and rotavirus RNA previously reported in European autochthonous bats.
... Various aspects of Rousettus innate and adaptive immunity have been studied 13,[41][42][43][44][45][46] , due to its asymptomatic infection of filoviruses, as well as its association with infection with other viruses 47,48 . In contrast, antiviral immunity of Pipistrellus, a distantly related bat to Rousettus, remains poorly characterized, despite studies that suggested the presence of several Alpha-and Beta-coronaviruses (including closely related variants to MERS-CoV) in its population in Europe and the Middle East [49][50][51][52][53][54] . The fact that Pipistrellus is common in agricultural and urban areas and can be in close contact with humans, underlines the importance of studying its viriome and immune system. ...
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Bats host a range of disease-causing viruses without displaying clinical symptoms. The mechanisms behind this are a continuous source of interest. Here, we studied the antiviral response in the Egyptian fruit bat and Kuhl’s pipistrelle, representing two subordinal clades. We profiled the antiviral response in fibroblasts using RNA sequencing and compared bat with primate and rodent responses. Both bats upregulate similar genes; however, a subset of these genes is transcriptionally divergent between them. These divergent genes also evolve rapidly in sequence, have specific promoter architectures, and are associated with programs underlying tolerance and resistance. Finally, we characterized antiviral genes that expanded in bats, with duplicates diverging in sequence and expression. Our study reveals a largely conserved antiviral program across bats and points to a set of genes that rapidly evolve through multiple mechanisms. These can contribute to bat adaptation to viral infection and provide directions to understanding the mechanisms behind it.
... Various aspects of Rousettus innate and adaptive immunity have been studied 13,[41][42][43][44][45][46] , due to its asymptomatic infection of filoviruses, as well as its association with infection with other viruses 47,48 . In contrast, antiviral immunity of Pipistrellus, a distantly related bat to Rousettus, remains poorly characterized, despite studies that suggested the presence of several Alpha-and Beta-coronaviruses (including closely related variants to MERS-CoV) in its population in Europe and the Middle East [49][50][51][52][53][54] . The fact that Pipistrellus is common in agricultural and urban areas and can be in close contact with humans, underlines the importance of studying its viriome and immune system. ...
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Bats host a range of viruses that cause severe disease in humans without displaying clinical symptoms to these infections. The mechanisms of bat adaptation to these viruses are a continuous source of interest but remain largely unknown. To understand the landscape of bat antiviral response in a comprehensive and comparative manner, we studied this response in two bat species - the Egyptian fruit bat and the insectivore Kuhl's pipistrelle, representing the two major bat subordinal clades. We profiled the transcriptional response to dsRNA - that triggers a rapid innate immune response - in skin fibroblasts from a large cohort of replicates from each bat species, using RNAsequencing, and compared bat response with responses in primates and rodents. Both bat species upregulate a similar set of genes, many of which are known to be involved in the antiviral response across mammals. However, a subset of these genes is transcriptionally divergent in response between the two bat species. These transcriptionally divergent genes also evolve rapidly in coding sequence across the bat clade and have particular regulatory and functional characteristics, including specific promoter architectures and association with expression programs thought to underlie tolerance and resistance in response to viral infection. In addition, using single-cell transcriptomics, we show that transcriptionally divergent genes display high expression variability between individual cells. A focused analysis of dsRNA-sensing pathways further points to significant differences between bat and human in basal expression of genes important for triggering antiviral responses. Finally, a survey of genes recently lost or duplicated in bats points to a limited set of antiviral genes that have undergone rapid gene loss or gain in bats, with the latter group resulting in paralogs displaying divergence in both coding sequence and expression in bat tissues. Our study reveals a largely conserved regulatory program of genes upregulated in response to viral infection across bats and other mammals, and points to a set of genes that evolved rapidly in bats through multiple evolutionary mechanisms. This divergence can contribute to bat adaptation to viral infection and provides directions to understanding the mechanisms behind it.
... Alphacoronaviruses (α-CoV) and Betacoronaviruses (β-CoV) infect several mammalian species, including humans, bats and pigs, while Gammacoronaviruses (- CoV) and Deltacoronaviruses (δ-CoV) infect birds, wild felines, pigs and some marine mammalian species [16,17]. Both α-CoVs and β-CoVs have been identified in bats from different European countries such as Italy [18][19][20][21][22][23][24], France [25,26], United Kingdom [27,28], Germany [29][30][31], Romania [29], the Netherlands [29,32], Ukraine [29], Finland [33], Denmark [34,35], Hungary [36], Bulgaria [37], Slovenia [6], Luxembourg [38] and Switzerland [39]. In some cases, both α-CoVs and -CoVs genera coexist in the same animal, as it has been detected in the Iberian Peninsula or other locations [40,41]. ...
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Bats have long been associated with multiple pathogens, including viruses affecting humans such as henipaviruses, filoviruses, bunyaviruses and coronaviruses. The alpha and beta coronaviruses genera can infect most mammalian species. Among them, betacoronavirus SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2, which have caused the three major pandemics in the last two decades, have been proposed to originate in bats. In this study, 194 oral swabs from 22 bats species sampled in 19 locations of the Iberian Peninsula were analysed and characterized by three different PCR tests (coronavirus generic real-time RT-PCR, multiplex conventional PCR, and SARS-CoV-2 specific real-time RT-PCR) to detect bat coronaviruses. Screening with coronavirus generic PCR showed 102 positives out of 194 oral swabs analysed. Then, metabarcoding with multiplex PCR amplified 15 positive samples. Most of the coronaviruses detected in this study belong to alphacoronavirus (α-CoV) genus, with multiple alphacoronaviruses identified by up to five different genetic variants coexisting in the same bat. One of the positive samples identified in a Miniopterus schreibersii bat positive for the generic coronavirus PCR and the specific SARS-CoV-2 PCR was classified as betacoronavirus (-CoV) through phylogenetic analysis. These results support the rapid evolution of coronaviruses to generate new genomic potentially pathogenic variants likely through co-infection and recombination.
... daubentonii, M. brandtii, M. dasycneme, M. myotis, M. nattereri, M. alcathoe, M. oxygnathus and M. blythii), Serotine bats (Eptesicus nilssonii), Pipistrelle bats (P. nathusii, P. pygmaeus, P. pipistrellus, P. kuhlii, P. auritus), Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Hypsugo savii, and Nyctalus noctula [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27]. SARS-related coronaviruses, however, were detected mainly in horseshoe bats which are the main reservoirs of the viruses, the majority of such detections were in Asia but some were in Europe and Africa. ...
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Bats are a major global reservoir of alphacoronaviruses (alphaCoVs) and betaCoVs. Attempts to discover the causative agents of COVID-19 and SARS have revealed horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae) to be the most probable source of the virus. We report the first detection of bat coronaviruses (BtCoVs) in insectivorous bats in Poland and highlight SARS-related coronaviruses found in Rhinolophidae bats. The study included 503 (397 oral swabs and 106 fecal) samples collected from 20 bat species. Genetically diverse BtCoVs (n = 20) of the Alpha- and Betacoronavirus genera were found in fecal samples of two bat species. SARS-related CoVs were in 18 out of 58 lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) samples (31%, 95% CI 20.6–43.8), and alphaCoVs were in 2 out of 55 Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) samples (3.6%, 95% CI 0.6–12.3). The overall BtCoV prevalence was 4.0% (95% CI 2.6–6.1). High identity was determined for BtCoVs isolated from European M. daubentonii and R. hipposideros bats. The detection of SARS-related and alphaCoVs in Polish bats with high phylogenetic relatedness to reference BtCoVs isolated in different European countries but from the same species confirms their high host restriction. Our data elucidate the molecular epidemiology, prevalence, and geographic distribution of coronaviruses and particularly SARS-related types in the bat population.
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The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 highlights a need for evidence-based strategies to monitor bat viruses. We performed a systematic review of coronavirus sampling (testing for RNA positivity) in bats globally. We identified 110 studies published between 2005 and 2020 that collectively reported positivity from 89,752 bat samples. We compiled 2,274 records of infection prevalence at the finest methodological, spatiotemporal and phylogenetic level of detail possible from public records into an open, static database named datacov, together with metadata on sampling and diagnostic methods. We found substantial heterogeneity in viral prevalence across studies, reflecting spatiotemporal variation in viral dynamics and methodological differences. Meta-analysis identified sample type and sampling design as the best predictors of prevalence, with virus detection maximized in rectal and faecal samples and by repeat sampling of the same site. Fewer than one in five studies collected and reported longitudinal data, and euthanasia did not improve virus detection. We show that bat sampling before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was concentrated in China, with research gaps in South Asia, the Americas and sub-Saharan Africa, and in subfamilies of phyllostomid bats. We propose that surveillance strategies should address these gaps to improve global health security and enable the origins of zoonotic coronaviruses to be identified.
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Coronaviruses (CoVs) pose a huge threat to public health as emerging viruses. Bat-borne CoVs are especially unpredictable in their evolution due to some unique features of bat physiology boosting the rate of mutations in CoVs, which is already high by itself compared to other viruses. Among bats, a meta-analysis of overall CoVs epizootiology identified a nucleic acid observed prevalence of 9.8% (95% CI 8.7–10.9%). The main objectives of our study were to conduct a qPCR screening of CoVs’ prevalence in the insectivorous bat population of Fore-Caucasus and perform their characterization based on the metagenomic NGS of samples with detected CoV RNA. According to the qPCR screening, CoV RNA was detected in 5 samples, resulting in a 3.33% (95% CI 1.1–7.6%) prevalence of CoVs in bats from these studied locations. BetaCoVs reads were identified in raw metagenomic NGS data, however, detailed characterization was not possible due to relatively low RNA concentration in samples. Our results correspond to other studies, although a lower prevalence in qPCR studies was observed compared to other regions and countries. Further studies should require deeper metagenomic NGS investigation, as a supplementary method, which will allow detailed CoV characterization.
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Importance: The ancestral origins of major human coronaviruses (HCoV) likely involve bat hosts. Here, we provide conclusive genetic evidence for an evolutionary origin of the common cold virus HCoV-229E in hipposiderid bats by analyzing a large sample of African bats and characterizing several bat viruses on a full genome level. Our evolutionary analyses show that animal and human viruses are genetically closely related, can exchange genetic material and form a single viral species. We show that the putative host switches leading to the formation of HCoV-229E were accompanied by major genomic changes including deletions in the viral spike glycoprotein gene and loss of an open reading frame. We re-analyze a previously described genetically related alpaca virus and discuss the role of camelids as potential intermediate hosts between bat and human viruses. The evolutionary history of HCoV-229E likely shares important characteristics with that of the recently emerged highly pathogenic MERS-Coronavirus.
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Bats are reservoirs for a diverse range of coronaviruses (CoVs), including those closely related to human pathogens such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) CoV and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome CoV. There are approximately 139 bat species reported to date in Thailand, of which two are endemic species. Due to the zoonotic potential of CoVs, standardized surveillance efforts to characterize viral diversity in wildlife are imperative. A total of 626 bats from 19 different bat species were individually sampled from 5 provinces in Eastern Thailand between 2008 and 2013 (84 fecal and 542 rectal swabs). Samples collected (either fresh feces or rectal swabs) were placed directly into RNA stabilization reagent, transported on ice within 24 hours and preserved at -80°C until further analysis. CoV RNA was detected in 47 specimens (7.6%), from 13 different bat species, using broadly reactive consensus PCR primers targeting the RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase gene designed to detect all CoVs. Thirty seven alphacoronaviruses, nine lineage D betacoronaviruses, and one lineage B betacoronavirus (SARS-CoV related) were identified. Six new bat CoV reservoirs were identified in our study, namely Cynopterus sphinx, Taphozous melanopogon, Hipposideros lekaguli, Rhinolophus shameli, Scotophilus heathii and Megaderma lyra. CoVs from the same genetic lineage were found in different bat species roosting in similar or different locations. These data suggest that bat CoV lineages are not strictly concordant with their hosts. Our phylogenetic data indicates high diversity and a complex ecology of CoVs in bats sampled from specific areas in eastern regions of Thailand. Further characterization of additional CoV genes may be useful to better describe the CoV divergence.
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Pneumocystis fungi represent a highly diversified biological group with numerous species, which display a strong host-specificity suggesting a long co-speciation process. In the present study, the presence and genetic diversity of Pneumocystis organisms was investigated in 203 lung samples from woodmice (Apodemus sylvaticus) collected on western continental Europe and Mediterranean islands. The presence of Pneumocystis DNA was assessed by nested PCR at both large and small mitochondrial subunit (mtLSU and mtSSU) rRNA loci. Direct sequencing of nested PCR products demonstrated a very high variability among woodmouse-derived Pneumocystis organisms with a total number of 30 distinct combined mtLSU and mtSSU sequence types. However, the genetic divergence among these sequence types was very low (up to 3.87%) and the presence of several Pneumocystis species within Apodemus sylvaticus was considered unlikely. The analysis of the genetic structure of woodmouse-derived Pneumocystis revealed two distinct groups. The first one comprised Pneumocystis from woodmice collected in continental Spain, France and Balearic islands. The second one included Pneumocystis from woodmice collected in continental Italy, Corsica and Sicily. These two genetic groups were in accordance with the two lineages currently described within the host species Apodemus sylvaticus. Pneumocystis organisms are emerging as powerful tools for phylogeographic studies in mammals.
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Abstract Background: Bat-borne viruses pose a potential risk to human health and are the focus of increasing scientific interest. To start gaining information about bat-transmitted viruses in Hungary, we tested multiple bat species for several virus groups between 2012 and 2013. Fecal samples were collected from bats across Hungary. We performed group-specific RT-PCR screening for astro-, calici-, corona-, lyssa-, othoreo-, paramyxo-, and rotaviruses. Positive samples were selected and sequenced for further phylogenetic analyses. A total of 447 fecal samples, representing 24 European bat species were tested. Novel strains of astroviruses, coronaviruses, and caliciviruses were detected and analyzed phylogenetically. Out of the 447 tested samples, 40 (9%) bats were positive for at least one virus. Bat-transmitted astroviruses (BtAstV) were detected in eight species with a 6.93% detection rate (95% confidence interval [CI] 4.854, 9.571). Coronaviruses (BtCoV) were detected in seven bat species with a detection rate of 1.79% (95% CI 0.849, 3.348), whereas novel caliciviruses (BtCalV) were detected in three bat species with a detection rate of 0.67% (95% CI 0.189, 1.780). Phylogenetic analyses revealed a great diversity among astrovirus strains, whereas the Hungarian BtCoV strains clustered together with both alpha- and betacoronavirus strains from other European countries. One of the most intriguing findings of our investigation is the discovery of novel BtCalVs in Europe. The Hungarian BtCalV did not cluster with any of the calcivirus genera identified in the family so far. We have successfully confirmed BtCoVs in numerous bat species. Furthermore, we have described new bat species harboring BtAstVs in Europe and found new species of CalVs. Further long-term investigations involving more species are needed in the Central European region for a better understanding on the host specificity, seasonality, phylogenetic relationships, and the possible zoonotic potential of these newly described viruses.
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Phylogeographic composition of M. tuberculosis populations reveals associations between lineages and human populations that might have implications for the development of strategies to control the disease. In Latin America, lineage 4 or the Euro-American, is predominant with considerable variations among and within countries. In Colombia, although few studies from specific localities have revealed differences in M. tuberculosis populations, there are still areas of the country where this information is lacking, as is a comparison of Colombian isolates with those from the rest of the world. A total of 414 M. tuberculosis isolates from adult pulmonary tuberculosis cases from three Colombian states were studied. Isolates were genotyped using IS6110-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), spoligotyping, and 24-locus Mycobacterial interspersed repetitive units variable number tandem repeats (MIRU-VNTRs). SIT42 (LAM9) and SIT62 (H1) represented 53.3% of isolates, followed by 8.21% SIT50 (H3), 5.07% SIT53 (T1), and 3.14% SIT727 (H1). Composite spoligotyping and 24-locus MIRU- VNTR minimum spanning tree analysis suggest a recent expansion of SIT42 and SIT62 evolved originally from SIT53 (T1). The proportion of Haarlem sublineage (44.3%) was significantly higher than that in neighboring countries. Associations were found between M. tuberculosis MDR and SIT45 (H1), as well as HIV-positive serology with SIT727 (H1) and SIT53 (T1). This study showed the population structure of M. tuberculosis in several regions from Colombia with a dominance of the LAM and Haarlem sublineages, particularly in two major urban settings (Medellín and Cali). Dominant spoligotypes were LAM9 (SIT 42) and Haarlem (SIT62). The proportion of the Haarlem sublineage was higher in Colombia compared to that in neighboring countries, suggesting particular conditions of co-evolution with the corresponding human population that favor the success of this sublineage.
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Introduction: The human hepatitis B virus causes acute and chronic hepatitis and is considered one of the most serious human health issues by the World Health Organization, causing thousands of deaths per year. There are similar viruses belonging to the Hepadnaviridae family that infect non-human primates and other mammals as well as some birds. The majority of non-human primate virus isolates were phylogenetically close to the human hepatitis B virus, but like the human genotypes, the origins of these viruses remain controversial. However, there is a possibility that human hepatitis B virus originated in primates. Knowing whether these viruses might be common to humans and primates is crucial in order to reduce the risk to humans. Objective: To review the existing knowledge about the evolutionary origins of viruses of the Hepadnaviridae family in primates. Methods: This review was done by reading several articles that provide information about the Hepadnaviridae virus family in non-human primates and humans and the possible origins and evolution of these viruses. Results: The evolutionary origin of viruses of the Hepadnaviridae family in primates has been dated back to several thousand years; however, recent analyses of genomic fossils of avihepadnaviruses integrated into the genomes of several avian species have suggested a much older origin of this genus. Conclusion: Some hypotheses about the evolutionary origins of human hepatitis B virus have been debated since the '90s. One theory suggested a New World origin because of the phylogenetic co-segregation between some New World human hepatitis B virus genotypes F and H and woolly monkey human hepatitis B virus in basal sister-relationship to the Old World non-human primates and human hepatitis B virus variants. Another theory suggests an Old World origin of human hepatitis B virus, and that it would have been spread following prehistoric human migrations over 100,000 years ago. A third theory suggests a co-speciation of human hepatitis B virus in non-human primate hosts because of the proximity between the phylogeny of Old and New World non-human primate and their human hepatitis B virus variants. The importance of further research, related to the subject in South American wild fauna, is paramount and highly relevant for understanding the origin of human hepatitis B virus.
The recently-developed statistical method known as the "bootstrap" can be used to place confidence intervals on phylogenies. It involves resampling points from one's own data, with replacement, to create a series of bootstrap samples of the same size as the original data. Each of these is analyzed, and the variation among the resulting estimates taken to indicate the size of the error involved in making estimates from the original data. In the case of phylogenies, it is argued that the proper method of resampling is to keep all of the original species while sampling characters with replacement, under the assumption that the characters have been independently drawn by the systematist and have evolved independently. Majority-rule consensus trees can be used to construct a phylogeny showing all of the inferred monophyletic groups that occurred in a majority of the bootstrap samples. If a group shows up 95% of the time or more, the evidence for it is taken to be statistically significant. Existing computer programs can be used to analyze different bootstrap samples by using weights on the characters, the weight of a character being how many times it was drawn in bootstrap sampling. When all characters are perfectly compatible, as envisioned by Hennig, bootstrap sampling becomes unnecessary; the bootstrap method would show significant evidence for a group if it is defined by three or more characters.
Evidence of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection has been reported for 26 different species of African nonhuman primates. Two of these viruses, SIVcpz from chimpanzees and SIVsm from sooty mangabeys, are the cause of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. Together, they have been transmitted to humans on at least seven occasions. The implications of human infection by a diverse set of SIVs and of exposure to a plethora of additional human immunodeficiency virus–related viruses are discussed.