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A unique species in Phytophthora clade 10: Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov. recovered from stream and irrigation water in eastern United States


Abstract and Figures

A novel Phytophthora species was recovered during surveys of stream and nursery irrigation water in Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia in United States. This novel species is heterothallic and all examined isolates were A1 mating type. It produced rare ornamented oogonia and amphigynous antheridia when being paired with A2 mating type testers of P. cinnamomi and P. cryptogea. Sporangia of this new species were nonpapillate and noncaducous. Thin-walled intercalary chlamydospores were abundant in hemp seed agar and carrot agar, while only rarely produced in aged cultures grown in clarified V8 juice agar. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region, beta-tubulin, and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 genes indicated that this novel species is phylogenetically close to P. gallica in Phytophthora clade 10. This novel species has morphological and molecular features distinct to other species in Phytophthora clade 10. It is formally described here as Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov. Description of this unique clade-10 species is important to understanding the phylogeny and evolution of Phytophthora clade 10.
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On: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 18:36:23
A unique species in Phytophthora clade 10,
Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov., recovered from
stream and irrigation water in the eastern USA
X. Yang,
Y. Balci,
N. J. Brazee,
A. L. Loyd
3 and C. X. Hong
X. Yang
Hampton Roads Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Tech, Virginia Beach, VA,
Department of Plant Sciences and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park,
UMass Extension, Center for Food, Agriculture and the Environment, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA, USA
Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
A novel species of the genus Phytophthora was recovered during surveys of stream and nursery
irrigation water in Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia in the
USA. The novel species is heterothallic, and all examined isolates were A
mating type. It
produced rare ornamented oogonia and amphigynous antheridia when paired with A
type testers of Phytophthora cinnamomi and Phytophthora cryptogea. Sporangia of this novel
species were non-papillate and non-caducous. Thin-walled intercalary chlamydospores were
abundant in hemp seed agar and carrot agar, while they were produced only rarely in aged
cultures grown in clarified V8 juice agar. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the
internal transcribed spacer region and the b-tubulin and mitochondrial cytochrome-c oxidase 1
(cox1) genes indicated that the novel species is phylogenetically close to Phytophthora gallica
in Phytophthora clade 10. The novel species has morphological and molecular features that are
distinct from those of other species in Phytophthora clade 10. It is formally described here as
Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov. Description of this unique clade-10 species is important for
understanding the phylogeny and evolution of Phytophthora clade 10.
The genus Phytophthora currently includes more than 130
species (Kroon et al., 2012; Martin et al., 2012, 2014).
Although species of Phytophthora resemble filamentous
fungi morphologically, they actually belong to the kin gdom
Chromalveolata, which is more closely related to plants and
algae (Adl et al., 2005). Most species of Phytophthora are
ecologically and economically important plant pathogens
in forest and agricultur al settings (Erwin & Ribeiro,
1996). For example, Phytophthora ramorum causes the
notorious sudden oak death (SOD) on many oak species
and has wiped out millions of forest trees in California
and Oregon (Rizzo et al., 2002, 2005). It also causes
ramorum blight on hundreds of ornamental plants
(Werres et al., 2001). Excluding species that are well-estab-
lished plant pathogens (e.g. Phytophthora cinnamomi and
P. ramorum), many species of Phytophthora have unre-
solved host ranges, such as the recently described Phy-
tophthora amnicola (Crous et al., 2012), Phytophthora
borealis, Phytophthora riparia (Hansen et al., 2012), Phy-
tophthora fluvialis (Crous et al., 2011), Phytophthora hydro-
gena (Yang et al., 2014b), Phytophthora macilentosa,
Phytophthora stricta (Yang et al., 2014a), Phytophthora mis-
sissippiae (Yang et al., 2013), Phytophthora moyootj (Crous
et al., 2014) and Phytophthora virginiana (Yang & Hong,
2013). While limited information on host specificity does
exist, it is assumed that some of these newly described
species may be saprophytes of dead organic matter (Brasier
et al., 2003; Jung et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2013).
The genus Phytophthora has been expanding quickly over
the past 15 years, and many novel species in the genus
3Present address: Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories, Charlotte, NC,
Abbreviations: ITS, internal transcribed spacer; ML, maximum-
likelihood; SOD, sudden oak death.
The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers for the ITS and cox1
and b-tubulin gene sequences of isolate 45B7
are KT163268,
KT163315 and KT163336, respectively.
A supplementary table and two supplementary figures are available
with the online Supplementary Material.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2016), 66, 845–855 DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.000800
2015 IUMS Printed in Great Britain 845
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were initially recovered from aquatic ecosystems. Since the
2000s, the SOD epidemic has reminded the scientific and
public communities of the importance of species of Phy-
tophthora and catalysed research on this important plant-
pathogen group. Extensive surveys have been conducted
to study species of Phytophthora in many previously unex-
plored ecosystems such as forests, streams, irrigation water
and riparian ecosystems. Since then, there has been a
‘golden era’ for discovering novel species of Phytophthora.
Approximately 80 novel species of Phytophthora have
been described since 2000, with 16 of these novel species
(plus many provisional species) first recovered from
aquatic ecosystems. Specifically, these include P. amnicola
(Crous et al., 2012), P. borealis (Hansen et al., 2012), Phy-
tophthora chlamydospora (5Phytophthora taxon Pgchla-
mydo) (Brasier et al., 2003; Hansen et al., 2015),
P. fluvialis (Crous et al., 2011), P. lacustris (Nechwatal
et al., 2013), P. moyootj (Cro us et al., 2014) and Phy-
tophthora taxon aquatilis (Hong et al., 2012) from stream
water, Phytophthora aquimorbida (Hong et al., 2012), P.
hydrogena (Yang et al., 2014b), Phytophthora hydropathica
(Hong et al., 2010), P. macilentosa (Yang et al., 2014a), P.
mississippiae (Yang et al., 2013), P. stricta (Yang et al.,
2014a) and P. virginiana (Yang & Hong, 2013) from irriga-
tion water and Phytophthora pluvialis (Reeser et al.,2013)
from canopy drip. These species, along with Phytophthora
gonapodyides, exemplify endemic and dominant species in
aquatic environments worldwide, while their less-frequent
presence in terrestrial environments indicates the potential
variation in composition of species of Phytophthora between
aquatic and terrestrial habitats.
Species concepts for t he genus Phytophthora have evolved
from being based on morphology to phylogeny. Tradition-
ally, classification of species of Phytophthora was accom-
plished using morphological characters (Waterhouse,
1963). Now, by sequence analyses, species of Phytophthora
have generally been classified into 10 phylogenetic clades
(Blair et al., 2008; Cooke et al., 2000; Kroon et al., 2004;
Martin et al., 2014).
Phytophthora clade 10 currently contains four formal
species: Phytophth ora boehmeriae, Phytophthora gallica,
Phytophthora kernoviae and Phytophthora morindae.
Except for P. boehmeriae, all these species were described
after 2005. Most of these species pose threats to agricultural
production and natural plantations (Brasier et al., 2005;
Erwin & Ribeiro, 1996; Jung & Nechwatal, 2008 ; Nelson
& Abad, 2010). P. kernoviae is an invasive pathogen to
many forest and ornamental plants in the UK and presents
a significant threat to global biosecurity (Brasier et al.,
2005). P. boehmeriae causes a variety of diseases on a
number of host plants such as brown rot of citrus fruits
(Erwin & Ribeiro, 1996), foliar blight of hot pepper (Cap-
sicum annuum) (Chowdappa et al., 2014) and boll rot of
cotton (Gossypium sp.) (Erwi n & Ribeiro, 1996). P. morin-
dae causes black flag disease of noni (Morinda citrifolia)
(Nelson & Abad, 2010), an evergreen fruit tree in Hawaii.
The pathogenicity of P. gallica has not been fully
determined. This species was originally isolated from rhizo-
sphere soil of declining oak and reed stands in France and
Germany (Jung & Nechwatal, 2008) and later detected
from streams in Spain (Catala
et al., 2015) and Oregon,
USA (Sims et al., 2015). It has been shown to be weakly
to moderately aggressive to pedunculate oak (Quercus
robur), white willow (Salix alba), common alder (Alnus
glutinosa) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica ) in patho-
genicity tests (Jung & Nechwatal, 2008). Also, P. gallica is
morphologically distinct in producing non-papillate and
persistent sporangia and being self-sterile (Jung & Nechwa-
tal, 2008), while the remaining three clade-10 species are
homothallic and produce papillate and caducous sporangia
(Brasier et al., 2005; Erwin & Ribeiro, 1996; Nelson &
Abad, 2010). Additionally, P. boehmeriae, P. kernoviae
and P. morindae are phylogenetically closely related and
form a distinct cluster within clade 10, while P. gallica
was placed basal to them according to previous phyloge-
netic analyses (Jung & Nechwatal, 2008; Martin et al.,
2014). In addition to the formal species, a provisional
species in clade 10, Phytophthora gondwanense prov.
nom., has recently been recovered from rivers in the Gond-
wana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area (Scar-
lett et al., 2015).
Isolates of a previously unknown species of Phytophthora
have been recovered frequently from stream water in the
eastern USA. Preliminary sequence analyses found that
this novel species is phylogenetically close to species in
clade 10. In this study, it is described based on its distinct
morphological, physiological and molecular characters and
formally named as Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov.
Isolate collection and maintenance. Aside from one isolate that
was recovered from irrigation water at an ornamental plant nursery in
North Carolina, all isolates of Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov. were
recovered from streams in five eastern states: Maryland, Massachu-
setts, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. Information on
these isolates is given in Table 1.
In Virginia, P. intercalaris isolates were recovered by the Virginia
Department of Forestry from a wide range of distinct stream locations
using rhododendron leaf baits during stream surveys for P. ramorum
from 2007 to 2012. The baits were deployed in the surveyed streams
for 7 to 14 days and then transferred to the Ornamental Plant Path-
ology Lab in Virginia Beach, VA. They were cut into 10
|10 mm
sections and plated onto PARP selective medium (Jeffers & Martin,
1986). Pure cultures were obtained from hyphal tips of emerging
colonies from the edge of leaf pieces. Cultures were maintained and
routinely subcultured onto 20% clarified V8 juice agar (cV8A) during
morphological examination in this study. Blocks of fresh cultures
growing in cV8A were transferred into microtubes containing sterile
distilled water and autoclaved hemp seeds for long-term storage at
C. In Maryland and West Virginia, P. intercalaris was isolated as
part of SOD stream surveys using the same protocol described above.
In North Carolina, P. intercalaris isolates were recovered from rivers,
streams and, in one incidence, a reclamation reservoir. Samples were
taken using 500 ml sterile polypropylene bottles. At each sampling,
500 ml water was collected at a depth of approximately 20–25 cm
below the surface and the nearest point of the intake pump. A water
X. Yang and others
846 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66
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Table 1. Isolates of P. intercalaris sp. nov. examined in this study
GenBank accession numbers are listed in Table S1. Culture collections: ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA; CBS,
CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Substrates: F, filters; GPB, green pepper baits; PB, pear baits; RLB, rhododen-
dron leaf baits.
Isolate Location State Substrate Date
5 CBS 140632
) Rapidan River Virginia Stream water, RLB July 2007
47E2 Ramsey’s Draft Virginia Stream water, RLB September 2008
48A1 East Hawksbill Virginia Stream water, RLB May 2008
48E5 McKittricks Branch Virginia Stream water, RLB October 2008
48H8 Robinson River Virginia Stream water, RLB October 2008
49A7 (5 CBS 140631) Rush River Virginia Stream water, RLB May 2009
49C1 South River Virginia Stream water, RLB May 2009
50B7 North Fork Thornton River Virginia Stream water, RLB September 2009
50F9 Thornton River Virginia Stream water, RLB September 2009
51B6 Hazel River Virginia Stream water, RLB June 2010
52C9 Jordan River Virginia Stream water, RLB October 2010
56J7 Lickinghole Creek Virginia Stream water, RLB September 2011
57B2 Flint Run Virginia Stream water, RLB October 2011
57G3 South Fork Rockfish River Virginia Stream water, RLB October 2011
59J4 Rappahannock River Virginia Stream water, RLB September 2012
59J5 Rappahannock River Virginia Stream water, RLB September 2012
42P2-2 Duncan Creek North Carolina Stream water, F 2009
47P4-2 Green River North Carolina Stream water, F 2009
66P2-1 Irrigation reservoir North Carolina Irrigation water, F 2009
1Pax2 P4-1 French Broad River North Carolina Stream water, F 2012
2Pax2 P4-2 French Broad River North Carolina Stream water, F 2011
AF-15 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB July 2013
AV-W5-1 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, F July 2014
MV-W12-3 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, F August 2014
MV-W1-3 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, F June 2014
SS-W13-1 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, F August 2014
SS-W15-3 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, F September 2014
UMF-32 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB September 2013
UMF-39 Connecticut River Massachusetts Stream water, GPB October 2013
HR-07 Fort River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB July 2013
HR-24 Fort River Massachusetts Stream water, PB August 2013
HR-30A Fort River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB September 2013
HR-35 Fort River Massachusetts Stream water, PB September 2013
MR-10 Mill River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB July 2013
MR-17 Mill River Massachusetts Stream water, PB July 2013
MR-39 Mill River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB September 2013
MR-46 Mill River Massachusetts Stream water, RLB September 2013
MR-48 Mill River Massachusetts Stream water, PB October 2013
MR-52 Mill River Massachusetts Stream water, PB October 2013
KG-W12-2 Mohawk Brook Massachusetts Stream water, F August 2014
RC_6_3A Rock Creek Maryland Stream water, RLB August 2009
BAL_7_1B Ballenger Creek Maryland Stream water, RLB August 2009
GUN_7_1C Gunpowder Falls Maryland Stream water, RLB August 2009
1475_FLA_7_3B Flat Creek Maryland Stream water, RLB July 2009
1365_RC_2_1_g Rock Creek Park Maryland Stream water, RLB June 2009
MIL_1_2C Mill Creek Maryland Stream water, RLB May 2009
1490_SMT2_8_1_c Muddy Creek (Smithsonian) Maryland Stream water, RLB July 2009
1191_RC_4_4_b2 Rock Creek Maryland Stream water, RLB July 2009
262_ROB_1_3c Robinson Creek Maryland Stream water, RLB May 2009
104_BFA Beech Fork West Virginia Stream water, RLB June 2007
117_MC135 Muddlety Creek West Virginia Stream water, RLB October 2007
Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov., in clade 10 847
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filtration assay was used to recover isolates of Phytophthora
(MacDonald et al., 1994). Aliquots of each water sample were passed
through Fisher Scientific brand filter papers (1–5 mm pore size). After
the filtrate had been vacuumed, filters were removed and placed top-
side down on PARPH selective medium (Jeffers & Martin, 1986).
Plates with filter papers were incubated in the dark at 21
C for 24 h.
After initial incubation, filter papers were removed and plates were
incubated in the dark at 21
C for an additional 48 h. Isolations were
made from colonies with visually distinctive morphological characters
and hyphal branching typical of members of Phytophthora. Sub-
cultures were obtained from each colony by transferring a hyphal tip
to PARPH. Pure cultures were maintained on cornmeal agar for
further characterization (Loyd et al., 2014). In Massachusetts,
P. intercalaris isolates were recovered in 2013 and 2014 from the
Connecticut River and various tributaries during a survey of distri-
bution of species of Phytophthora. Isolates were recovered using
various baits (rhododendron leaves, non-organic pear and pepper) in
2013 and by water filtration in 2014. Pure cultures were obtained and
prepared for long-term storage in a similar manner to that described
DNA extraction. An approximately 5|5 mm culture plug of each
isolate was taken from the actively growing area of a fresh culture. It
was then grown in 20% clarified V8 broth at room temperature
(approx. 23
C) for 7–10 days to produce mycelium. Virginia isolates
were lysed using a FastPrep-24 Instrument (MP Biomedicals).
Genomic DNA was extracted using a Maxwell Rapid Sample Con-
centrator instrument (Promega). Maryland and West Virginia isolates
were processed at the Department of Plant Science and Landscape
Architecture, University of Maryland. For initial sequencing of the
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, genomic DNA was extracted
by harvesting toothpick-tip-sized samples of mycelium grown in
1.5 ml tubes containing potato dextrose broth (PDB; Difco) and
transferring into a 0.2 ml PCR tube containing 10 ml Lyse and Go
PCR Reagent (Pierce Biotechnology). For sequencing of the b-tubulin
gene of a select isolate 104_BFA, genomic DNA was extracted from
homogenized mycelium using an AccuPrep Genomic DNA Extraction
kit (Bioneer) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. A Gentra
Puregene Tissue Extraction kit (Qiagen) was used to extract genomic
DNA from lyophilized mycelium of isolates collected in North Car-
olina. In Massachusetts, genomic DNA was extracted from lyophilized
mycelium using a chloroform/isoamyl alcohol-based protocol and the
Qiagen DNeasy kit (Qiagen).
Sequencing and phylogenetic analyses. All isolates of the novel
species were subjected to sequencing of the ITS region. Also, selected
isolates were sequenced for the protein-coding b-tubulin (Btub) gene
and the maternally inherited cytochrome-c oxidase 1 (cox1) gene.
Sequencing of the ITS region was done using the forward primer ITS6
and reverse primer ITS4 (Cooke et al., 2000). Primers Btub_F1 and
Btub_R1 were used for sequencing the Btub gene (Blair et al., 2008;
Kroon et al., 2004). Sequencing of the cox1 gene was done using the
primers COXF4N and COXR4N (Kroon et al., 2004). PCR conditions
for amplification of ITS, Btub and cox1 were described previously
(Blair et al., 2008; Cooke et al., 2000; Kroon et al., 2004). Sequences in
both directions were visualized with Finch TV version 1.4.0 (Geospiza
Inc.), aligned using
CLUSTAL W and edited manually to correct
obvious errors.
For phylogenetic analyses, sequences of isolates of P. intercalaris were
aligned with those of representative species of Phytophthora using
MAFFT online version 7 (Katoh & Standley, 2013) and the Q-INS-i
algorithm for alignment of ITS sequences (Katoh & Toh, 2008) and
G-INS-i for alignments of Btub and cox1 sequences (Katoh et al.,
2005). Maximum-likelihood (ML) inference was carried out
MEGA 6.06 (Tamura et al., 2013) using the Tamura–Nei
model (Tamura & Nei, 1993) with 1000 bootstrap replicates.
Pythium aphanidermatum was used as an outgroup for the ITS and
cox1 phylogenies and Halophytophthora fluviatilis and Phytopythium
vexans (Pythium vexans) were used as the outgroup for the Btub
Colony morphology. Colony pattern was determined by growing
three representative isolates (45B7
, 48A1 and 49A7) on carrot agar
(CA), cV8A, hemp seed agar (HSA), malt extract agar (MEA) and
potato dextrose agar (PDA) in the dark at 20
C. Colony patterns
were photographed after 10 and 30 days.
Cardinal temperatures. The same three representative isolates were
examined for their cardinal temperatures on CA and cV8A. Agar
blocks (5 mm in diameter) taken from actively growing areas of
7-day-old cultures were placed at the centre of 10 cm Petri dishes
containing 12 ml freshly made medium. Triplicate dishes per isolate
per temperature were placed in the dark at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and
C. Two perpendicular measurements of each colony were taken
after 8 days. The entire experiment was repeated twice. Means and
standard deviations of radial growth were plotted against temperature
with the gplot package 2.16.0 (Warnes et al., 2015) in R statistical
software 3.1.3 (R Core Team, 2015). Analysis of variance was also
conducted with R to determine whether there were any differences in
radial growth measurements between experiments and/or among
representative isolates.
Morphology. Sporangia were produced by transferring agar plugs
|10 mm) from actively growing cultures on cV8A to Petri dishes
containing non-sterile, 15 % soil water extract (SWE; 15 g sandy loam
soil per litre water) and incubating at room temperature under cool-
white fluorescent light. Caducity of sporangia was determined by
vigorously agitating agar plugs bearing sporangia on a microscope
slide in a drop of water (Gallegly & Hong, 2008).
Production of chlamydospores was determined in various growth
media including CA, cV8A and HSA after 10–90 days at room tem-
perature in the dark.
The mating type of isolates of P. intercalaris was determined in dual
culture with an A
or A
tester of P. cinnamomi on cV8A. Selfed
gametangia of the three representative isolates were induced in
polycarbonate membrane tests with opposite mating-type testers of P.
cinnamomi, Phytophthora cryptogea, Phytophthora meadii and Phy-
tophthora nicotianae using HSA (Gallegly & Hong, 2008; Ko, 1978).
Eight replicates per isolate per tester were used in each polycarbonate
membrane test. The polycarbonate membrane test with the mating-
type testers of P. cinnamomi and P. cryptogea was repeated twice.
Asexual and sexual bodies were photographed with an Olympus IX71
inverted microscope. Fifty randomly selected mature sporangia and
chlamydospores per representative isolate and all observed game-
tangia were measured using Image-Pro Plus version
Sequence analysis
The three representative isolates of P. intercalaris produced
848 bp ITS sequences, which differed from each other in
one or two positions. These sequences were also 99% iden-
tical to those of other isolates of P. intercalaris in homolo-
gous regions. The ITS sequence of the proposed type isolate
was distinct from that of any known species. BLAST
searches indicated P. gallica (GenBank accession no.
DQ286726) as the clos est species. However, there were
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136 nucleotide differences between the ITS sequences of the
type isolates of these two species (87% identity). The ML
inference based on the ITS sequences of 127 species of Phy-
tophthora placed isolates of P. intercalaris in a distinct clus-
ter (Fig. 1), which was close to P. gallica with moderate
bootstrap clustering support (54%).
All isolates of P intercalaris except 59J4 (1 nucleotide differ-
ence from the other isolates) produced an identical cox1
sequence. The closest matches to P. intercalar is in the
867 bp homologous sequence were Phytophthora
macrochlamydospora (56 nucleotide differences; GenBank
accession no. KC733454) and P. gallica (58 nucleotide
differences; KF317112). In the ML phylogeny based on
cox1 sequen ces of 39 species of Phytophthora (Fig. S1, avail-
able in the online Supplementary Material), isolates of
P. intercalaris were grouped in a distinct cluster that was
close to P. gallica but with weak bootstrap support
(v50%). The other three clade-10 species, P. boehmeriae,
P. kernoviae and P. morindae, were scattered in the phylo-
genetic tree and were more closely related to species in the
main Phytophthora clades (Fig. S1).
Clade 2
Clade 1
Clade 8
Clade 7
Clade 6
Clade 4
Clade 3
Clade 5
P. quercina 30A5 (KF358229)
P. hydrogena 46A3 (KC249959)
P. hydropathica 5D1 (EU583793)
P. virginiana 46A2 (KC295544)
P. parsiana 47C3 (KC733446)
P. irrigata 23J7 (EU334634)
P. macilentosa 58A7 (KF192700)
P. chrysanthemi 61F1 (KT183038)
P. aquimorbida 40A6 (FJ666127)
P. insolita PMC5-1 (GU111612)
P. polonica 49J9 (KF358225)
P. macrochlamydospora 33E1 (KC733445)
P. richardiae IMI340618 (AF271221)
P. quininea CBS 406.48 (DQ275189)
P. constricta CBS 125801 (HQ013225)
P. captiosa 310C (DQ297402)
P. fallax 310L (DQ297391)
Phytophthora intercalaris 48A1 (KT163270)
Phytophthora intercalaris 49A7 (KT163273)
Phytophthora intercalaris 45B7
P. gallica 50A1 (KF317090)
P. kernoviae P1571 (AY940661)
P. morindae Ph697 (FJ469147)
P. boehmeriae P6950 (FJ801955)
P. boehmeriae 45F9 (KT183036)
P. boehmeriae 22G7 (KT183035)
P. boehmeriae 45F8 (KT317089)
Pythium aphanidermatum P1779 (GU983641)
90 57
Fig. 1. ML phylogenetic tree based on ITS sequences of 127 taxa of Phytophthora . Alignment was done with MAFFT version
7. The phylogenetic tree was reconstructed and compressed in
MEGA6. Bootstrap support values (percentages of 1000
replicates) are shown on branches (values ,50 % are not shown). The alignment and an uncompressed tree are available
in TreeBASE (S17827).
Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov., in clade 10 849
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Isolates of P. intercalaris produced almost identical Btub
sequences, with a maximum of 3 nucleotide differences.
The Btub sequence of isolate 45B7
differed in 56 positions
from that of the P. gallica type isolate (GAL1) in the
1136 bp homologous region (TreeBASE submission ID
17827). In the ML phylogenetic tree based on Btub
sequences of 113 taxa of Phytophthora (Fig. S2), isolates
of P. intercalaris formed a distinct cluster that was basal
to the other clade-10 species.
The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers for the ITS,
cox1 and b-tubulin sequences of isolates of P. intercalaris
examined in this study are included in Table S1. All
sequences, alignments and uncompressed phylogenetic
trees derived in this study are available in TreeBASE (S17827).
Colony morphology
The three representative isolates produced very similar
colony patterns after 10 and 30 days. Thus, only colonies
of isolate 45B7
are shown in Fig. 2. Isolates of P. interca-
laris produced stellate patterns on CA, cV8A and HSA
(Fig. 2). Abundant aerial mycelium was produced at the
colony centre around the seeded plugs on CA and cV8A
after 10 days of incubation in the dark at 20
C (Fig. 2).
While aerial mycelium eventually covered the CA plate, it
remained limited to the colony centre on cV8A after
30 days (Fig. 2). Aerial mycelium was produced at both
the centre and edges of colonies on HSA after 30 days.
The colony patterns on MEA and PDA were sparsely petal-
late and rosaceous, respectively.
Cardinal temperatures for vegetative growth
The three representative isolates had almost identical daily
radial growth rates (P50.95) in two cardinal temperature
tests (P50.94). Thus, data from the three isolates and the
repeated tests were pooled and means were plotted agai nst
temperature (Fig. 3). The optimum growth temperature
was 25–30
C in CA and 25
C in cV8A. Limited growth
occurred at 5
C. No growth was observed at 35
during cardinal tem perature tests (Fig. 3). The isolates
did not resume growth when returned to room tempera-
ture after exposure to 35
C for 8 days.
Phytophthora intercalaris X. Yang, Y. Balci, N. J.
Brazee, A. L. Loyd & C. X. Hong, sp. nov. (Figs 4
and 5)
Phytophthora intercalaris ( N.L. fem. adj.
intercalaris referring to the abundant intercalary chlamy-
dospores produced in hemp seed agar and carrot agar).
MycoBank: MB812881
Abundant sporangia were produced from fresh mycelial
plugs grown in cV8A after they were submerged in 1.5%
SWE for approximately 20 h. Sporangia were mostly
ovoid (Fig. 4a–d), and occasionally ellipsoid (Fig . 4e),
limoniform (Fig. 4f), pyriform (Fig. 4g) or obpyriform
(Fig. 4h). Sporangia were terminal, sometimes formed on
a simple sympodial sporangiophore (Fig. 4i). Sporangia
ranged from 25.2 to 52.5 mm in length (mean
5.0 mm) and 19.2 to 37.0 mm in breadth (mean
2.9 mm) for the three representative isolates. They
were non-papillate and non-caducous. However, sporangia
were occasionally dislodged, with pedicels ranging from
18.9 to 63.9 mm (mean 37.5
13.3 mm) (Fig. 4j–l).
Nested or extended internal proliferations were frequently
Fig. 2. Colony morphology of P. intercalaris isolate 45B7
after 10 (top) and 30 (bottom) days at 20 8C on (left to right) CA,
cV8A, HSA, MEA and PDA.
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produced (Fig. 4m). Hyphal swellings were rarely produced
in cV8A, while they were abundant in both young and aged
cultures grown in HSA and CA (Fig. 4p). Abundant thin-
walled chlamydospores were produced in HSA and CA
after 10 days (Fig. 4q–u), but were only rarely produced
by aged cultures (w30 days) in cV8A. They were mostly
intercalary (85%) (Fig. 4q, r), occasionally terminal
(10%) (Fig. 4s, t) and rarely lateral (4%) (Fig. 4u). The
chlamydospores ranged from 24.8 to 63.1 mm in diameter
(mean 49.8
7.0 mm).
P. intercalaris is heterothallic, and all tested isolates were of
mating type. Abundant oogonia typical of P. cinnamomi
were produced in dual culture when each isolate of
(a) (b)(c) (d) (e)(f)(g)(h)
Fig. 4. Morphology of asexual structures of P. intercalaris. (a–o) Sporangia produced on cV8A flooded with 15 % SWE,
showing ovoid non-papillate sporangia (a, b), ovoid to globose sporangia (c, d), an ellipsoid sporangium (e), a limoniform
sporangium (f), an obovoid sporangium (g), an obpyriform sporangium (h), sporangia formed on a simple sympodial sporan-
giophore (i), dislodged sporangia with short (j), medium-length (k) and long (l) pedicels, an ovoid sporangium with internal
proliferation (m), a mature sporangium about to release zoospores (n) and a sporangium releasing zoospores (o). (p–u) Struc-
tures produced on HSA, showing hyphal swellings (p), an intercalary thin-walled chlamydospore (q), an off-centre intercalary
chlamydospore (r), a terminal thin-walled chlamydospore on a long pedicel (s), a terminal thin-walled chlamydospore on a
short pedicel (t) and a lateral thin-walled chlamydospore (u). The bar (10 mm) in (u) applies to all subfigures.
Daily radial growth rate (mm)
5 10152025303540
Temperature (ºC)
Fig. 3. Mean daily radial growth of isolates 45B7
, 48A1 and
49A7 in CA and cV8A over an 8-day period.
Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov., in clade 10 851
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P. intercalaris was paired with an A
tester of P. cinnamomi
in HSA for approximately 15 days. In polycarbonate
membrane tests, gametangia were rarely produced. Only
10 gametangia of P. intercalaris were recorded after
30 days when three representative isolates of P. intercalaris
were paired with A
tester strains of P. cinnamomi (Fig. 5a–c)
and P. cryptogea (Fig. 5d). No gametangia were produced
when isolates of P. intercalaris were paired with mating-type
testers of P. meadii and P. nicotianae. Oogonia of
P. intercalaris were 40.8
6.5 mm in diameter. Oogonial wall
was ornamented with abundant (Fig. 5a, d) to a few (Fig.
5b, c) protuberances. All observed oospores were aborted
(Fig. 5a–d). The mean
SD diameter was 35.8
5.2 mm.
Antheridia were amphigynous (Fig. 5a–c) and showed mean
dimensions of 20.3 mminlengthand15.5mminwidth.
The type isolate 45B7
, recovered from Rapidan Stream,
VA, USA, in July 2007, has been deposited in the American
Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA, as ATCC
(holotype), and the Centraalbureau voor Schim-
melcultures (CBS) Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht,
The Netherlands, as CBS 140632
(ex-type). Other
examined isolates are listed in Table 1.
A novel species in Phytophthora clade 10 from streams and
irrigation water in the eastern USA is formally named here
as Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov. This novel species
has unique morphological, physiological and molecular
features. Furthermore, unli ke other quickly expanding
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 5. Morphology of sexual structures of P. intercalaris. (a–c) Selfed gametangia of P. intercalaris induced by an A
type tester of P. cinnamomi, showing an aborted ornamented oogonium with abundant protuberances and a distorted amphi-
gynous antheridum (a), an aborted ornamented oogonium with a cylindrical amphigynous antheridum (b) and an aborted orna-
mented oogonium with anamphigynous antheridum (c). (d) An aborted ornamented oogonium induced by an A
tester of P. cryptogea. The bar (10 mm) in (d) applies to all subfigures.
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phylogenetic groups such as Phytophthora clades 2, 6, 7, 8
and 9, no other novel clade-10 species have been described
in the past 5 years. However, the current assemblage of five
species in clade 10 is di verse in their morphological and
genetic characters. These interesting differences are import-
ant in understanding the phylogeny and evolution of Phy-
tophthora clade 10 and are discussed below.
P. intercalaris can be readily separated from all known
species of Phytophthora . Firstly, all examined isolates of
P. intercalaris produced abundant thin-walled, intercalary
chlamydospores in HSA and CA, while they rarely pro-
duced chlamydospores in cV8A. This is a distinguishing
characteristic that is not seen in other species of Phy-
tophthora. Secondly, among the four heterothallic species
that produce ornamented oogonia, P. intercalaris can be dis-
tinguished from Phytophthora cambivora by producing
abundant hyphal swellings and chlamydospores in HSA
and CA, from P. mississippiae (Yang et al., 2013) by its
lower optimum growth temperature in cV8A (25 vs
C) and fro m Phytophth ora | stagnum (Yang et al.,
2014c) by not producing abundant hyphal swellings and
chlamydospores in cV8A. Thirdly, P. intercalaris can also
be easily identified by its distinct molecular profile, as illus-
trated through the sequences of the ITS region and cox1 and
Btub genes. These features are important in identifying this
novel species and diagnosing potential diseases in the future
that it may cause. While P. intercalaris has never been found
associated with a diseased plant or disease epidemic, its
formal description is also important to reduce the risk of
misidentifying high-impact species of Phytophthora,
especially those also found in aquatic environments, such
as the quarantine pathogens P. ramorum, Phytophthora
alni and P. kernoviae (also in Phytophthora clade 10).
Notable variations in morphological characters correlate
with distinct ecological roles of Phytophthora clade-10
species. Phytophthora clade 10 is one of the understudied
groups within the genus Phytophthora. Even with the
addition of P. intercalaris, Phytophthora clade 10 now
includes only five formal species. The two other clades
that contain fewer species are clades 3 and 5 (Kroon
et al., 2012; Martin et al., 2012; Weir et al., 2015). Clade
3 contains four homothallic species; all produce semipapil-
late and caducous sporangia (Kroon et al., 2012; Martin
et al., 2012). All four clade-5 species are homothallic and
produce papillate and non-caducous sporangia (Kroon
et al., 2012; Martin et al., 2012; Weir et al., 2015). Previous
studies have suggested that morphological features,
especially papilla tion, are mostly consistent within individ-
ual clades or subclades (Kroon et al., 2012; Martin et al.,
2012; Yang, 2014). However, clade-10 species are diverse
in morphological features. P. boehmeriae, P. kernoviae
and P. morindae (Brasier et al., 2005; Erwin & Ribeiro,
1996; Nelson & Abad, 2010) are homothallic species that
produce papillate and caducous sporangia, which are mor-
phological advantages for airborne pathogens that affect
foliage and fruits. The self-sterile species P. gallica
(Jung & Nechwatal, 2008) and P. intercalaris produce
non-papillate and non-caducous sporangia. Although
their exact ecological roles remain unknown, these two
species have been discovered exc lusively from soil and
water (Catala
et al., 2015; Jung & Nechwatal, 2008),
which indicates their unique soilborne and waterborne
In addition to the variation in morphological features,
clade-10 species are also highly diverse in their genetic
characters. P. intercalaris demonstrates 136 nucleotide
differences from its closest relative, P. gallica, based on
ITS sequences, and their grouping is supported only mod-
erately or weakly by phylogen etic analyses based on ITS
(Fig. 1) and cox1 (Fig. S1) sequences and is not supported
by the Btub phylogeny (Fig. S2). Additionally, P. gallica
and P. boehmeriae differ in their ITS sequences by 121 bp
(Jung & Nechwatal, 2008). Even between the two geneti-
cally most similar species within clade 10, P. kernoviae
and P. morindae, there are at least 38 nucleotide differences
in the ITS sequence. Generally, variation in the ITS
sequence between closely related species in other Phy-
tophthora clades is much smaller than that illustrated
among clade-10 species. There are even fewer than 10
nucleotide differences in ITS sequence among species in
some phylogenetic groups that have shown recent specia-
tion and radiation, such as subclades 1c and 6b (Cooke
et al., 2000; Jung et al., 2011), as well as the high-tempera-
ture-tolerant cluster of clade 9 (Yang et al., 2014a, b; Yang
& Hong, 2013) and the Phytophthora citricola complex’ of
clade 2 (Ho ng et al., 2011; Jung & Burgess, 2009). The gen-
etic variation implicates an earlier divergence within clade-
10 species than in other Phytophthora clades. It also high-
lights the absence of knowledge of the biology and evol-
utionary pro cesses of Phytophthora clade 10.
Recovery of abundant isolates of P. intercalaris from many
geographically distant locations indicates that this novel
species is well adapted and maybe native to the stream eco-
system in the eastern USA. A query about the presence of
this novel species has been sent to researchers who conduct
Phytophthora surveys in Asia, Australia, Europe and the
western USA (T. Burgess, G. Chastagner, M. Elliott,
E. Hansen, J. Hwang, S. Jeffers, T. Jung and J. Parke, per-
sonal comm unications). To date, no isolates of P. interca-
laris have been recovered from these areas, which supports
the hypothesis that it is endemic to the eastern USA.
The exact ecological role of P. intercalaris remains to be
investigated. Although other clade-10 species have been
detected occasionally from aquatic environments, so far it
is the only member of clade 10 that has been recovered
exclusively from water. One isolate of P. inte rcalaris was
recovered from irrigation water in a reclamation reservoir
in North Carolina. However, a single recovery from irrig a-
tion water does not provide sufficient evidence of its adap-
tation to nursery environments, especially as it has only
been detected from streams in other states of the eastern
USA where irrigation water has also been surveyed for
Phytophthora. Therefore, it is likely that this isolate was
Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov., in clade 10 853
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introduced to the irrigatio n system through a flooding
event. Another possibility is that this species is actually
adapted to irrigation systems, but is difficult to detect by
baiting methods because of its slow growth rate, coloniza-
tion of baits and low occupancy within the overall commu-
nity compared with other species of Phytophthora that are
well adapted to irrigation water. This is supported by the
fact that the only irrigation water isolate of P. intercalaris
was recovered using the filtration assay and not by baiting
methods. The closest species to P. intercalaris, P. gallica,is
also a slowly growing species compared with P. gonapo-
dyides, P. lacustris (5Phytophthora taxon Salixsoil) and
P. chlamydo spora (Hansen et al., 2015; Jung & Nechwatal,
2008), three species frequently recovered from aquatic
environments. Isolates of P. gallica were only occasionally
recovered, and its presence in streams of nor thern Spain
was only recently confirmed using pyrosequencing
et al., 2015). Therefore, whether P. intercalar is is
consistently present in irrigation water warrants further
investigation, perhaps using different detection methods.
This research was supported in part by the Virginia Agricultural
Experiment Station, the Specialty Crop Research Initiative (agreement
no. 2010-51181-21140), the Hatch Program of the United States
Department of Agriculture/National Institute of Food and Agriculture
and UMass Extension and the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment
Station (MAS00443). Virginia isolates of Phytophthora intercalaris
were recovered by Patricia Richardson from rhododendron leaf
baits received from Todd Edgerton at the Virginia Department of
Forestry in Charlottesville, Virginia.
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Phytophthora intercalaris sp. nov., in clade 10 855
... In the first ITS-based phylogeny of the genus Phytophthora Clade 10 included only a single species, P. boehmeriae, described in 1927 from Taiwan (Tucker 1931, Erwin & Ribeiro 1996, Cooke et al. 2000. However, another six Clade 10 species have been described since 2005 including, in chronological order, P. kernoviae, P. gallica, P. morindae, P. gondwanensis, P. intercalaris and P. afrocarpa (Brasier et al. 2005, Jung & Nechwatal 2008, Nelson & Abad 2010, Crous et al. 2015, Yang et al. 2016, Bose et al. 2021. Phytophthora boehmeriae, P. kernoviae and P. morindae are aerially dispersed pathogens producing caducous papillate sporangia in dense sympodia and infecting above-ground plant tissues. ...
... In contrast, the previously described Clade 10 species P. gallica, P. intercalaris and P. afrocarpa produce persistent nonpapillate sporangia with mainly internal proliferation (Jung & Nechwatal 2008, Yang et al. 2016, Bose et al. 2021. Phytophthora gallica and P. intercalaris were exclusively recovered from waterbodies or riparian forests in Europe and the USA (Jung & Nechwatal 2008, Jones et al. 2014, Sims et al. 2015, Yang et al. 2016, Redondo et al. 2018a suggesting a lifestyle as litter decomposers and opportunistic root pathogens of riparian plants similar to primarily aquatic Phytophthora species from Clades 6 and 9 (Brasier et al. 2003, Jung et al. 2011, Yang et al. 2014). ...
... In contrast, the previously described Clade 10 species P. gallica, P. intercalaris and P. afrocarpa produce persistent nonpapillate sporangia with mainly internal proliferation (Jung & Nechwatal 2008, Yang et al. 2016, Bose et al. 2021. Phytophthora gallica and P. intercalaris were exclusively recovered from waterbodies or riparian forests in Europe and the USA (Jung & Nechwatal 2008, Jones et al. 2014, Sims et al. 2015, Yang et al. 2016, Redondo et al. 2018a suggesting a lifestyle as litter decomposers and opportunistic root pathogens of riparian plants similar to primarily aquatic Phytophthora species from Clades 6 and 9 (Brasier et al. 2003, Jung et al. 2011, Yang et al. 2014). Phytophthora afrocarpa is currently known only from rhizosphere soil of the coniferous tree Afrocarpus falcatus in a temperate mountain forest in South Africa (Bose et al. 2021). ...
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During extensive surveys of global Phytophthora diversity 14 new species detected in natural ecosystems in Chile, Indonesia, USA (Louisiana), Sweden, Ukraine and Vietnam were assigned to Phytophthora major Clade 10 based on a multigene phylogeny of nine nuclear and three mitochondrial gene regions. Clade 10 now comprises three subclades. Subclades 10a and 10b contain species with nonpapillate sporangia, a range of breeding systems and a mainly soil- and waterborne lifestyle. These include the previously described P. afrocarpa, P. gallica and P. intercalaris and eight of the new species: P. ludoviciana, P. procera, P. pseudogallica, P. scandinavica, P. subarctica, P. tenuimura, P. tonkinensis and P. ukrainensis. In contrast, all species in Subclade 10c have papillate sporangia and are self-fertile (or homothallic) with an aerial lifestyle including the known P. boehmeriae, P. gondwanensis, P. kernoviae and P. morindae and the new species P. celebensis, P. chilensis, P. javanensis, P. multiglobulosa, P. pseudochilensis and P. pseudokernoviae. All new Phytophthora species differed from each other and from related species by their unique combinations of morphological characters, breeding systems, cardinal temperatures and growth rates. The biogeography and evolutionary history of Clade 10 are discussed. We propose that the three subclades originated via the early divergence of pre-Gondwanan ancestors > 175 Mya into water- and soilborne and aerially dispersed lineages and subsequently underwent multiple allopatric and sympatric radiations during their global spread.
... Some species found in aquatic habitats, especially Phytophthora Clade 6 species, appear to be facultative pathogens or aquatic opportunists that have not been associated with plant disease (Hansen et al. 2012;Jung et al. 2011;Marano et al. 2016;van der Plaats-Niterink 1981). Phytopathogens appear to constitute only a small portion of the total species recovered from streams, rivers, and irrigation water reservoirs (Brazee et al. 2017;Choudhary et al. 2016;Copes et al. 2015;Hong et al. 2012Hong et al. , 2008Loyd et al. 2014;MacDonald et al. 1994;Parke et al. 2014;Yang 2013;Yang and Hong 2013;Yang et al. 2012Yang et al. , 2014Yang et al. , 2016. Genus-level identification of Phytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium is therefore insufficient to assess the risks posed to plants. ...
... when baits are colonized by phytopathogens. Several studies have captured Phytophthora and Pythium species in water from rivers, streams, and nursery irrigation ponds using baiting and culture-based approaches, but none reported members of Saprolegniaceae Copes et al. 2015;Parke et al. 2014;Sims et al. 2015;Stamler et al. 2016;Yang et al. 2016). ...
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Recycling of irrigation water increases disease risks due to spread of waterborne oomycete plant pathogens such as Phytophthora, Pythium and Phytopythium. A comprehensive metabarcoding study was conducted to determine spatial and temporal dynamics of oomycete communities present in irrigation water collected from a creek (main water source), a pond, retention reservoirs, a chlorinated water reservoir, and runoff channels within a commercial container nursery in Oregon over the course of one year. Two methods, filtration and leaf baiting, were compared for the detection of oomycete communities. Oomycete communities in recycled irrigation water were less diverse but highly enriched with biologically active plant pathogens as compared to the creek water. The filtration method captured a larger portion of oomycete diversity, while leaf baiting was more selective for plant-associated oomycete species of Phytophthora and a few Pythium and Phytopythium species. Seasonality strongly influenced oomycete diversity in irrigation water and detection with leaf baiting. Phytophthora was the major colonizer of leaf baits in winter, while all three genera were equally abundant on leaf baits in summer. The metabarcoding approach was highly effective in studying oomycete ecology, however, it failed to distinguish some closely related species. We developed a custom oomycete ITS1 reference database containing shorter sequences flanked by ITS6 and ITS7 primers used in metabarcoding and used it to assemble a list of indistinguishable species complexes and clusters to improve identification. The predominant bait-colonizing species detected in recycled irrigation water were the Phytophthora citricola-complex, P. syringae, P. parsiana-cluster, P. chlamydospora, P. gonapodyides, P. irrigata, P. taxon Oaksoil-cluster, P. citrophthora-cluster, P. megasperma-cluster, Pythium chondricola-complex, Py. dissotocum-cluster, and Phytopythium litorale.
... The impact that plant pathogens can have on the plant industry can extend into billions of dollars, but the worst is the environmental risk, which biodiversity, forestry, and agriculture are currently experiencing [11,33,94,95]. Biosecurity needs to be the cornerstone of the global nursery trade to avoid the possibility of Phytophthora spp. ...
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The plant nursery industry has become an ideal reservoir for Phytophthora species and other soilborne pathogens. In this context, isolation from tissues and soil of ornamental and forest plants from nurseries in four regions of Spain was carried out. A high diversity of Phytophthora species was confirmed. Fourteen Phytophthora phylotypes (P. cactorum, P. cambivora, P. cinnamomi, P. citrophthora, P. crassamura, P. gonapodyides, P. hedraiandra, P. nicotianae, P. niederhauserii, P. palmivora, P. plurivora, P. pseudocryptogea, P. sansomeana, and Phytophthora sp. tropicalis-like 2) were isolated from over 500 plant samples of 22 species in 19 plant genera. Nine species were detected in water sources, two of them (P. bilorbang and P. lacustris) exclusively from water samples. P. crassamura was detected for the first time in Spain. This is the first time P. pseudocryptogea is isolated from Chamaecyparis lawsoniana and Yucca rostrata in Spain.
... For example, Yang et al. (2017) included 142 formally described and 43 yet to be described Phytophthora entities in their phylogenetic analyses. Rapid growth in the size of the family reflects increased attention on understanding the diversity in natural ecosystems such as forests (e.g., Vettraino et al. 2002;Jung et al. 2017a) and streams (e.g., Reeser et al. 2007;Yang et al. 2016;Brazee et al. 2017) as well as in regions such as Asia and South America (e.g., Webber et al. 2011;Lee et al. 2017;Jung et al. 2020;Legeay et al. 2020). ...
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Members of the Peronosporaceae (Oomycota, Chromista), which currently consists of 25 genera and approximately 1000 recognised species, are responsible for disease on a wide range of plant hosts. Molecular phylogenetic analyses over the last two decades have improved our understanding of evolutionary relationships within Peronosporaceae. To date, 16 numbered and three named clades have been recognised; it is clear from these studies that the current taxonomy does not reflect evolutionary relationships. Whole organelle genome sequences are an increasingly important source of phylogenetic information, and in this study we present comparative and phylogenetic analyses of mitogenome sequences from 15 of the 19 currently recognized clades of Peronosporaceae, including 44 newly assembled sequences. Our analyses suggest strong conservation of mitogenome size and gene content across Peronosporaceae but, as previous studies have suggested, limited conservation of synteny. Specifically, we identified 28 distinct syntenies amongst the 71 examined isolates. Moreover, 19 of the isolates contained inverted or direct repeats, suggesting repeated sequences may be more common than previously thought. In terms of phylogenetic relationships, our analyses of 34 concatenated mitochondrial gene sequences resulted in a topology that was broadly consistent with previous studies. However, unlike previous studies concatenated mitochondrial sequences provided strong support for higher level relationships within the family.
... Hosts-Phytophthora agathidicida (commonly known as kauri dieback), which causes kauri death, is considered as one of the world's most feared fungi ). An extensive survey in previously unexplored ecosystems such as natural forests (Rea et al. 2010;Vettraino et al. 2011;Jung et al. 2011Jung et al. , 2017Reeser et al. 2013), streams (Reeser et al. 2007;Bezuidenhout et al. 2010;Yang et al. 2016;Brazee et al. 2017), riparian ecosystems (Brasier et al. 2003(Brasier et al. , 2004Hansen et al. 2012), and irrigation systems (Hong et al. 2010(Hong et al. , 2012Yang et al. 2014a, b) has led an exponential increase in the number of species. ...
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This is a continuation of a series focused on providing a stable platform for the taxonomy of phytopathogenic fungi and fungus-like organisms. This paper focuses on one family: Erysiphaceae and 24 phytopathogenic genera: Armillaria, Barriopsis, Cercospora, Cladosporium, Clinoconidium, Colletotrichum, Cylindrocladiella, Dothidotthia,, Fomitopsis, Ganoderma, Golovinomyces, Heterobasidium, Meliola, Mucor, Neoerysiphe, Nothophoma, Phellinus, Phytophthora, Pseudoseptoria, Pythium, Rhizopus, Stemphylium, Thyrostroma and Wojnowiciella. Each genus is provided with a taxonomic background, distribution, hosts, disease symptoms, and updated backbone trees. Species confirmed with pathogenicity studies are denoted when data are available. Six of the genera are updated from previous entries as many new species have been described.
... About sixteen novel Phytophthora species have been recovered for the first time from open water resources in the last 15 years ( Yang et al., 2016). Some of them, like P. lacustris and P. chlamydospora, along with P. gonapodyides, are dominant species in the water environments. ...
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Phytophthora is a genus of the class Oomycetes, consisting of more than 150 species. Some of them cause damage on forest vegetation, while others are pathogens on crop plants. Some Phytophthora species are related to aquatic habitats, as well as moist soil environments. The aim of this study is isolation and characterization of Phytophthora species from the upper stream of the Osam River. Twenty Phytophthora isolates were recovered from four different locations in the river using a baiting method. Four species, P. lacustris, P. gonapodyides, P. chlamydospora and P. syringae, were indentified using classical morphological methods and molecular analyses. P. lacustris was defined as the most common and widely spread Phytophthora species in the investigated region. Pathogenicity of isolated Phytophthora species to berry plants (strawberry, blackberry, cranberry) was analyzed by inoculation of detached leaves. Results of the analyses showed that P. lacustris, P. chlamydospora, P. syringae and P. gonapodyides can infect wild berry plants, as well as cultivated species. They are a potential threat for the vegetation in the region of the Osam River and can affect different plant species in both natural ecosystems and agricultural areas.
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During 25 surveys of global Phytophthora diversity, conducted between 1998 and 2020, 43 new species were detected in natural ecosystems and, occasionally, in nurseries and outplantings in Europe, Southeast and East Asia and the Americas. Based on a multigene phylogeny of nine nuclear and four mitochondrial gene regions they were assigned to five of the six known subclades, 2a–c, e and f, of Phytophthora major Clade 2 and the new subclade 2g. The evolutionary history of the Clade appears to have involved the pre-Gondwanan divergence of three extant subclades, 2c, 2e and 2f, all having disjunct natural distributions on separate continents and comprising species with a soilborne and aquatic lifestyle and, in addition, a few partially aerial species in Clade 2c; and the post-Gondwanan evolution of subclades 2a and 2g in Southeast/East Asia and 2b in South America, respectively, from their common ancestor. Species in Clade 2g are soilborne whereas Clade 2b comprises both soil-inhabiting and aerial species. Clade 2a has evolved further towards an aerial lifestyle comprising only species which are predominantly or partially airborne. Based on high nuclear heterozygosity levels ca. 38 % of the taxa in Clades 2a and 2b could be some form of hybrid, and the hybridity may be favoured by an A1/A2 breeding system and an aerial life style. Circumstantial evidence suggests the now 93 described species and informally designated taxa in Clade 2 result from both allopatric non-adaptive and sympatric adaptive radiations. They represent most morphological and physiological characters, breeding systems, lifestyles and forms of host specialism found across the Phytophthora clades as a whole, demonstrating the strong biological cohesiveness of the genus. The finding of 43 previously unknown species from a single Phytophthora clade highlight a critical lack of information on the scale of the unknown pathogen threats to forests and natural ecosystems, underlining the risk of basing plant biosecurity protocols mainly on lists of named organisms. More surveys in natural ecosystems of yet unsurveyed regions in Africa, Asia, Central and South America are needed to unveil the full diversity of the clade and the factors driving diversity, speciation and adaptation in Phytophthora.
Many members of the Oomycota genus Phytophthora cause economic and environmental impact diseases in nurseries, horticulture, forest, and natural ecosystems and many are of regulatory concern around the world. At present, there are 223 described species, including eight unculturable and three lost species. Twenty-eight species need to be redescribed or validated. A lectotype, epitype or neotype was selected for 20 species, and a redescription based on the morphological/molecular characters and phylogenetic placement is provided. In addition, the names of five species are validated: P. cajani , P. honggalleglyana (Synonym: P. hydropathica ), P. megakarya , P. pisi and P. pseudopolonica for which morphology and phylogeny are given. Two species, P. ×multiformis and P. uniformis are presented as new combinations. Phytophthora palmivora is treated with a representative strain as both lecto- and epitypification are pending. This manuscript provides the updated multigene phylogeny and molecular toolbox with seven genes (ITS rDNA, β-tub , COI , EF1α , HSP90 , L10 , and YPT1 ) generated from the type specimens of 212 validly published, and culturable species (including nine hybrid taxa). The genome information of 23 types published to date is also included. Several aspects of the taxonomic revision and phylogenetic re-evaluation of the genus including species concepts, concept and position of the phylogenetic clades recognized within Phytophthora are discussed. Some of the contents of this manuscript, including factsheets for the 212 species, are associated with the “ IDphy : molecular and morphological identification of Phytophthora based on the types” online resource ( The first version of the IDphy online resource released to the public in September 2019 contained 161 species. In conjunction with this publication, we are updating the IDphy online resource to version 2 to include the 51 species recently described. The current status of the 223 described species is provided along with information on type specimens with details of the host (substrate), location, year of collection and publications. Additional information is provided regarding the ex-type culture(s) for the 212 valid culturable species and the diagnostic molecular toolbox with seven genes that includes the two metabarcoding genes (ITS and COI ) that are important for Sanger sequencing and also very valuable Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTU) for second and third generation metabarcoding High-throughput sequencing (HTS) technologies. The IDphy online resource will continue to be updated annually to include new descriptions. This manuscript in conjunction with IDphy represents a monographic study and the most updated revision of the taxonomy and phylogeny of Phytophthora , widely considered one of the most important genera of plant pathogens.
To document the distribution of potentially harmful Phytophthora spp. within Pennsylvania (PA), the PA Department of Agriculture collected 89 plant, 137 soil, and 48 water samples at 64 forested sites from 2018 to 2020. In total, 231 Phytophthora strains were isolated using baiting assays and identified based on morphological characteristics and sequences of nuclear and mitochondrial loci. Twenty-one Phytophthora spp. in nine clades and one unidentified species were present. Phytophthora abietivora, a recently described clade 7a species, was recovered from diseased tissue of 10 native broadleaved plants and twice from soil from 12 locations. Phytophthora abietivora is most likely endemic to PA based on pathogenicity tests on six native plant species, intraspecific genetic diversity, wide distribution, and recoveries from Abies Mill. and Tsuga Carrière plantations dating back to 1989. Cardinal temperatures and morphological traits are provided for this species. Other taxa, in decreasing order of frequency, include P. chlamydospora, P. plurivora, P. pini, P. cinnamomi, P. xcambivora, P. irrigata, P. gonapodyides, P. cactorum, P. pseudosyringae, P. hydropathica, P. stricta, P. xstagnum, P. caryae, P. intercalaris, Phytophthora ‘bitahaiensis’, P. heveae, P. citrophthora, P. macilentosa, P. cryptogea, and P. riparia. Twelve species were associated with diseased plant tissues. This survey documented 53 new plant-Phytophthora associations and expanded the known distribution of some species.
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A comprehensive phylogeny representing 142 described and 43 provisionally named Phytophthora species is reported here for this rapidly expanding genus. This phylogeny features signature sequences of 114 ex-types and numerous authentic isolates that were designated as representative isolates by the originators of the respective species. Multiple new subclades were assigned in clades 2, 6, 7, and 9. A single species P. lilii was placed basal to clades 1 to 5, and 7. Phytophthora stricta was placed basal to other clade 8 species, P. asparagi to clade 6 and P. intercalaris to clade 10. On the basis of this phylogeny and ancestral state reconstructions, new hypotheses were proposed for the evolutionary history of sporangial papillation of Phytophthora species. Non-papillate ancestral Phytophthora species were inferred to evolve through separate evolutionary paths to either papillate or semi-papillate species.
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Phytophthora species were systematically sampled, isolated, identified and compared for presence in streams, soil and roots of alder (Alnus species) dominated riparian ecosystems in western Oregon. We describe the species assemblage and evaluate Phytophthora diversity associated with alder. We recovered 1250 isolates of 20 Phytophthora species. Only three species were recovered from all substrates (streams, soil, alder roots): P. gonapodyides, the informally described "P. taxon Pgchlamydo", and P. siskiyouensis. P. alni ssp. uniformis along with five other species not previously recovered in Oregon forests are included in the assemblage: P. citricola s.l., P. gregata, P. gallica, P. nicotianae and P. parsiana. Phytophthora species diversity was greatest in downstream riparian locations. There was no significant difference in species diversity comparing soil and unwashed roots (the rhizosphere) to stream water. There was a difference between the predominating species from the rhizosphere compared to stream water. The most numerous species was the informally described "P. taxon Oaksoil", which was mainly recovered from, and most predominant in, stream water. The most common species from riparian forest soils and alder root systems was P. gonapodyides. Copyright © 2015, Mycologia.
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The Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area (GRWHA) covers approximately 370,000 ha, extending along Australia’s east coast from southeast Queensland to central eastern New South Wales (NSW). The rainforests include cool temperate and subtropical ecosystems supporting a high biodiversity of plant and animal species. More than 200 plant species found in the GRWHA are rare or threatened, and invasion by pest species, including Phytophthora, is a significant concern. The current study used a sample design based on GIS layers representing conditions conducive to Phytophthora, including the presence of human disturbance, rainfall, temperature, elevation and slope, to determine the probability of Phytophthora occurring at a particular location and to identify sampling locations within the GRWHA. Sampling at these sites revealed eight Phytophthora species; P. cinnamomi, P. cryptogea, P. multivora, P. heveae, P. frigida, P. macrochlamydospora, two isolates referred to as Phytophthora gondwanense prov. nom. and one isolate referred to Phytophthora sp. (clade 4). Species were identified based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and cytochrome oxidase subunit II (cox II) data. The greatest diversity of Phytophthora species was found in the Oxley Wild Rivers National Park. This is the first report of P. frigida in Australia and is the first study to detect P. multivora within the GRWHA. Identification of these Phytophthora species within the GRWHA is concerning due to the unknown susceptibility of endemic native flora.
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Phytophthora Clade 5 is a very poorly studied group of species of oomycete chromists, consisting of only two known species P. castaneae (≡ P. katsurae, nom. illegit.) and P. heveae with most isolates from East Asia and the Pacific Islands. However, isolates of two important disease-causing chromists in Clade 5, one of kauri (Agathis australis) in New Zealand, the other of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Hawaii, poorly match the current species descriptions. To verify whether these isolates belong to separate species a detailed morphological study and phylogenetic analysis consisting of eight genetic loci was conducted. On the basis of genetic and morphological differences and host specificity, we present the formal description of two new species in Clade 5, Phytophthora agathidicida sp. nov. and Phytophthora cocois sp. nov. To clarify the typification of the other Clade 5 species, an authentic ex-holotype culture of Phytophthora castaneae is designated and P. heveae is lectotypified and epitypified.
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Phytophthora spp. are waterborne plant pathogens that are commonly found in streams, rivers, and reclaimed irrigation water. Rhododendron and Pieris trap plants at two commercial nurseries were irrigated with water naturally infested with Phytophthora spp. during the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons to assess the frequency of disease. Phytophthora spp. were consistently recovered from water samples at every collection time but detected on only 2 of the 384 trap plants during the two growing seasons. Pathogenicity assays proved that Phytophthora hydropathica and Phytophthora taxon PgChlamydo, commonly recovered taxa in irrigation water at the nurseries, were foliar pathogens of Rhododendron and Pieris; however, neither species was able to cause root rot on these same. hosts. Overall, Phytophthora spp.-infested irrigation water did not act as a primary source of infection on Rhododendron and Pieris, even though foliar pathogenic species of Phytophthora were present in the water.
A new species, Phytophthora chlamydospora, is described. P. chlamydospora, previously known informally as P. taxon Pgchlamydo, is found in streams and wet soil worldwide and is a pathogen of some riparian tree species. It is self-sterile, and produces persistent non-papillate sporangia, usually on unbranched sporangiophores. Clamydospores are formed most regularly at warmer temperatures. Phytophthora chlamydospora is classified in ITS Clade 6.
Water samples were collected from effluent holding ponds at one northern and two southern California nurseries that practice the capture and recirculation of irrigation runoff water. Nursery effluent samples were collected approximately monthly over a 12-mo period and aliquots filtered through 0.45-µm Millipore filters. Filter residues were resuspended and dispersed onto selective agar media in petri dishes to estimate the numbers of viable propagules of Phytophthora spp. or total pythiacious fungi. Propagule numbers varied greatly from month to month at each nursery location. Pythium propagules were consistently the most numerous, ranging from 500 lo 1,500 per liter, whereas the number of Phytophthora spp. propagules ranged from 0 to 400 per liter. At the northern California nursery, propagule numbers were lowest during winter months and highest during warm seasons. Seasonal fluctuations in inoculum load were not apparent in the southern California nurseries. P. ciirophthora was the most commonly detected Phytophthora sp. Other species frequently recovered included P. citricola, P. cinnamomi, and P. cryptogea. Isolates of P. parasitica, P. megasperma, and P. syringae were recovered less frequently. Water samples also were tested for Phytophthora spp. using commercially available ELIS A tests. The ELIS A reaction intensity of filter pad extracts was correlated with the numbers of propagules estimated to be on the filters, but the correlation was stronger at some times than at others. This is believed to reflect temporal differences in water sample quality or species mixtures.
Prior to 2011, foliar blight was not reported as a serious threat to hot pepper cultivation in India. During the June-to-January cropping season of 2011 and 2012, severe foliar blight epidemics were observed in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states of India. In all, 52 Phytophthora isolates, recovered from blight-affected leaf tissues of hot pepper from different localities in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu states between 2011 and 2012, were identified: 43 isolates as P. boehmeriae and 9 isolates as P. capsici, based on morphology, a similarity search of internal transcribed spacer sequences at GenBank, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns, and species-specific PCR using PC1/PC2 and PB1/PB2 primer pairs. The isolates were further assessed for metalaxyl sensitivity and aggressiveness on hot pepper. All isolates of P. boehmeriae were metalaxyl sensitive while P. capsici isolates were intermediate in sensitivity. P. boehmeriae isolates were highly aggressive and produced significantly (P < 0.01) larger lesion than those of P. capsici isolates. Thus, emergence of P. boehmeriae was responsible for severe leaf blight epidemics on hot pepper in South India, although it is not serious pathogen on any crop in any part of the world. These results have epidemiological and management implications for the production of hot pepper in India.
A new species, Phytophthora pluvialis is described. P. pluvialis has been recovered from streams, soil and canopy drip in the mixed tanoak-Douglas-fir forest in Curry County, Oregon, and in two additional streams in other areas of western Oregon. It has been found only rarely in association with twig and stem cankers on tanoak but not with any other plant host. The earliest isolate of P. pluvialis was from soil in 2002. P. pluvialis is classified in ITS Clade 3.