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One new species of the genus Eudonia Billberg (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Scopariinae) from China

Entomotaxonomia (2012) 34(2): 267–269 ISSN 1000–7482
One new species of the genus Eudonia Billberg
(Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Scopariinae) from China
LI Weichun
College of Agronomy, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330045, China
Abstract: Eudonia abrupta sp. nov. is described from Jiangxi, China. Photographs of the adult and the
genitalia are provided.
Key words: Lepidoptera; Crambidae; Eudonia; new species; China
CLC number: Q969.432.4 Document code: A
Article ID: 1000-7482(2012)02-0267-03
江西农业大学农学院,江西 南昌 330045
摘要:记述采自中国江西武夷山优苔螟属 Eudonia 1新种,即截形优苔螟 Eudonia abrupta sp. nov.。该
种与伊诺优苔螟 E. inouei Sasaki, 1998 近似,但其雄性外生殖器爪形突的末端与基部等宽,阳茎为抱器
瓣长的 1.5 倍;而伊诺优苔螟的爪形突末端显著窄于基部,阳茎与抱器瓣近等长。文中提供了成虫和外
The genus Eudonia Billberg occurs worldwide and contains 261 described species (Nuss
et al. 20032012). Members can be recognized by the long and thin costa, the absence of free
distal process and cornutus in the male genitalia; the long and thin apophysis posterior and
apophysis anterior, the elongate colliculum and the presence of appendix bursae in the female
genitalia. To date, 25 species of this genus have been known in China (Li et al. 2012). In the
present paper, one new species is described.
Terminology for morphological structures follows Nuss (2005). Genitalia were prepared
and mounted according to the methods introduced by Li (2002). The image of the adult was
taken with a digital camera Canon G12. The illustration of the genitalia was prepared with a
digital camera DV320 OPTPro2010_Chs attached to a digital microscope Optec BK-DM320.
The studied specimens are deposited in the Insect Museum, Jiangxi Agricultural University,
Nanchang, China (JXAUM).
Received date: 21 Mar. 2012
268 Entomotaxonomia (2012) 34(2): 267–269
Eudonia abrupta sp. nov. (Figs. 1, 2)
Forewing length 7.0–7.5 mm. Frons blackish brown. Vertex pale brown mixed with white.
Labial palpus blackish brown, dorsally white mixed with pale brown. Maxillary palpus
blackish brown, inner side and apex white. Antenna pale brown and white alternately on dorsal
surface, orange yellow on ventral surface. Patagium pale brown mixed with white. Thorax
blackish brown. Tegula pale brown mixed with white, posterior margin with long white scales.
Forewing covered with blackish brown scales; antemedian line white, outcurved at anterior
two fifths, incurved at posterior two fifths; antemdian stigmata stripe-shaped, blackish brown;
distal discoidal stigma 8-shaped, blackish brown; postmedian line white, sinuate, outcurved at
anterior two fifths; subterminal line white, straight, inconspicuous; fringe greyish white, pale
brown near base. Hindwing white, sparsely suffused with pale brown scales along costa,
terminal part and veins; fringe greyish white. Legs white, covered with blackish brown scales
on outer side, tarsi with blackish brown and white alternately on outer side.
Male genitalia (Fig. 2): Uncus convex slightly at basal half, concave at distal one fourth,
apex as wide as base, truncate distally. Gnathos broad basally, tapering to pointed tip, about
five sixths length of uncus. Valva narrowed near base, then broadened slightly towards distal
one fourth, distal one fourth narrowed to rounded apex. Juxta broad basally, narrowed towards
blunt apex. Phallus straight, one and half times as long as valva.
Figures 1, 2. Eudonia abrupta sp. nov. 1. Adult, male; 2. Male genitalia, prep. gen. LW11034.
Female. Unknown.
Holotype. , China: Jiangxi, Wuyishan (27°52N, 117°47E), alt. 1820 m, 08-VI-1991,
collector unknown, prep. gen. LW11034. Paratype. 1 , same data as the holotype.
Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Eudonia inouei Sasaki, 1998 by the uncus with
a truncate apex in the male genitalia. It can be distinguished from the latter by the apex of
uncus as wide as its base, the phallus one and half times as long as valva in the male genitalia.
In E. inouei, the apex of uncus is much narrower than its base, and the phallus nearly as long
as valva.
Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin abruptus (= truncate) in
reference to the truncate apex of uncus in the male genitalia.
Li. One new species of the genus Eudonia Billberg from China 269
The author is grateful to Senior Engineer Dongsun DING (Forest Pest Control and
Quarantine Bureau of Jiangxi, Nanchang) for providing the specimens for the study. Special
thanks are given to reviewers for critical reading of the manuscript and helpful comments.
This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31160428)
and the Educational Commission of Jiangxi Province (GJJ12248).
Li HH. 2002. The Gelechiidae of China (I). Nankai University Press, Tianjin, 1–538.
Li WC, Li HH, Nuss M. 2012. Taxonomic revision of the genus Eudonia Billberg, 1820 from China
(Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Scopariinae). Zootaxa, 3273: 1–27.
Nuss M. 2005. Scopariinae. In: Huemer P, Karsholt O (Eds). Microlepidoptera of Europe 4. 127–180, 184–185,
194–201, 225–238, 259–276. Apollo Books, Stenstrup.
Nuss M, Landry B, Vegliante F, Tränkner A, Mally R, Hayden J, Segerer A, Li H, Schouten R, Solis MA,
Trofimova T, De Prins J, Speidel W. 2003-2012: Global Information System on Pyraloidea, URL: [accessed on V, 2012]
Sasaki A. 1998. Notes on the Scopariinae from Taiwan, with descriptions of nine new species. Tinea, 15(3):
... It contains 252 described species worldwide (Li et al., 2012). Weichun (2012) reports this number as 261 in his other article. The members of the genus Eudonia can be recognized by the long and thin costa, the absence of free distal process and cornutus in the male genitalia; the long and thin apophysis posterior and apophysis anterior, the elongate colliculum and the presence of appendix bursae in the female genitalia (Weichun, 2012). ...
... Weichun (2012) reports this number as 261 in his other article. The members of the genus Eudonia can be recognized by the long and thin costa, the absence of free distal process and cornutus in the male genitalia; the long and thin apophysis posterior and apophysis anterior, the elongate colliculum and the presence of appendix bursae in the female genitalia (Weichun, 2012). According to Medvedev (1997), morphological characteristics of the genus; antennae filiform; labial palps densely scaled; maxillary pals with bruh of scales; forewings narrow; on hindwings M2 and M3 originate from single point or on short stalk. ...
This study was conducted in field and laboratory. Eudonia mercurella was caught in forested areas in Adana (Kozan) with light trap. In the field studies, totally 4 female specimens were collected. Specimens were dissected in the laboratory and prepared female genitalia and wings slides. We described the external and female genital morphology of Eudonia mercurella in detail and also diagnostical morphological features. As a result of the study, Eudonia mercurella is a new record for Adana province.
... The genus contains 263 described species worldwide, which is represented on all continents including subantarctic islands (Nuss, 1999;Nuss et al., 2003Nuss et al., -2015. In China, 26 species are known, and most of them are distributed in the region of summer monsoon (Li, 2012;Li et al., 2012). Members of the genus are difficult to be distinguished from other closely related Chinese genera by the external morphology, e.g., Scoparia Haworth, Hoenia Leraut and Caradjaina Leraut, but can be recognized by the absence of free distal process and cornutus in the male genitalia, the long and thin apophyses and the elongate colliculum in the female genitalia . ...
The genus Eudonia Billberg, 1820 from the Hailuogou Glacier area, China is studied for the first time. Four species are recognized including three new to science as follows: E. glaciaria Li, sp. n., E. lii Li, sp. n., E. chuanensis Li, sp. n. and E. hexamera Li et al., 2012. Images of adults and genitalia of the species are provided.
The Gelechiidae of China (I)
  • H H Li
Li HH. 2002. The Gelechiidae of China (I). Nankai University Press, Tianjin, 1-538.
  • W C Li
  • H H Li
  • M Nuss
Li WC, Li HH, Nuss M. 2012. Taxonomic revision of the genus Eudonia Billberg, 1820 from China (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Scopariinae). Zootaxa, 3273: 1-27.
Microlepidoptera of Europe 4. 127-180, 184-185
  • M Nuss
Nuss M. 2005. Scopariinae. In: Huemer P, Karsholt O (Eds). Microlepidoptera of Europe 4. 127-180, 184-185, 194-201, 225-238, 259-276. Apollo Books, Stenstrup.
Notes on the Scopariinae from Taiwan, with descriptions of nine new species
  • A Sasaki
Sasaki A. 1998. Notes on the Scopariinae from Taiwan, with descriptions of nine new species. Tinea, 15(3): 191-201.