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Functioning of mycorrhizas along the mutualism-parasitism continuum

New Phytologist

Abstract and Figures

A great diversity of plants and fungi engage in mycorrhizal associations. In natural habitats, and in an ecologically meaningful time span, these associations have evolved to improve the fitness of both plant and fungal symbionts. In systems managed by humans, mycorrhizal associations often improve plant productivity, but this is not always the case. Mycorrhizal fungi might be considered to be parasitic on plants when net cost of the symbiosis exceeds net benefits. Parasitism can be developmentally induced, environmentally induced, or possibly genotypically induced. Morphological, phenological, and physiological characteristics of the symbionts influence the functioning of mycorrhizas at an individual scale. Biotic and abiotic factors at the rhizosphere, community, and ecosystem scales further mediate mycorrhizal functioning. Despite the complexity of mycorrhizal associations, it might be possible to construct predictive models of mycorrhizal functioning. These models will need to incorporate variables and parameters that account for differences in plant responses to, and control of, mycorrhizal fungi, and differences in fungal effects on, and responses to, the plant. Developing and testing quantitative models of mycorrhizal functioning in the real world requires creative experimental manipulations and measurements. This work will be facilitated by recent advances in molecular and biochemical techniques. A greater understanding of how mycorrhizas function in complex natural systems is a prerequisite to managing them in agriculture, forestry, and restoration.
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New Phytol. (1997), 135, 575–585
Functioning of mycorrhizal associations
along the mutualism–parasitism
, J. H. GRAHAM# F. A. SMITH$
"Biological Sciences,Northern Arizona University,PO Box 5640,Flagstaff,Arizona
#Citrus Research and Education Center,University of Florida,Lake Alfred,Florida
$Department of Botany,University of Adelaide,SA 5005,Australia
(Received 5 November 1996; accepted 6 February 1997)
A great diversity of plants and fungi engage in mycorrhizal associations. In natural habitats, and in an ecologically
meaningful time span, these associations have evolved to improve the fitness of both plant and fungal symbionts.
In systems managed by humans, mycorrhizal associations often improve plant productivity, but this is not always
the case. Mycorrhizal fungi might be considered to be parasitic on plants when net cost of the symbiosis exceeds
net benefits. Parasitism can be developmentally induced, environmentally induced, or possibly genotypically
induced. Morphological, phenological, and physiological characteristics of the symbionts influence the functioning
of mycorrhizas at an individual scale. Biotic and abiotic factors at the rhizosphere, community, and ecosystem
scales further mediate mycorrhizal functioning. Despite the complexity of mycorrhizal associations, it might be
possible to construct predictive models of mycorrhizal functioning. These models will need to incorporate
variables and parameters that account for differences in plant responses to, and control of, mycorrhizal fungi, and
differences in fungal effects on, and responses to, the plant. Developing and testing quantitative models of
mycorrhizal functioning in the real world requires creative experimental manipulations and measurements. This
work will be facilitated by recent advances in molecular and biochemical techniques. A greater understanding of
how mycorrhizas function in complex natural systems is a prerequisite to managing them in agriculture, forestry,
and restoration.
Key words: Mycorrhizal functioning, mutualism, parasitism, cost–benefit analysis, fitness.
Relationships among species are often defined by the
effect of the interaction on each of the species
(Burkholder, 1952; Bronstein, 1994). There is a
continuum of interactions ranging from mutually
beneficial (,) to mutually detrimental (®,®)
(Lewis, 1985; Fig. 1). Mutualisms are relationships
that benefit both species. Commensalism occurs
when one species benefits and the other is not
affected. Parasitism, predation, herbivory, and fung-
ivory are all consumer–resource relationships in
* This paper is based on a discussion}workshop entitled ‘Can
mycorrhizal associations be parasitic ? Re-addressing our defini-
tion of mycorrhiza: structure vs. function’ at the First In-
ternational Conference on Mycorrhizae in Berkeley, California,
USA, 4–9 August 1996.
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: Nancy.Johnson!
which one species (the consumer) benefits at the
expense of the other species (the resource). Amen-
salism occurs when one species is inhibited and the
other is not affected. Finally, competitive inter-
actions are mutually detrimental because both spe-
cies are inhibited by the relationship.
Mycorrhizas can be defined in structural terms as
associations between symbiotic soil fungi and the
absorbing organs of plants (Gerdemann, 1970).
Mycorrhizas are often considered to be classical
mutualisms: many experimental investigations have
shown that both plant and fungal symbionts benefit
from the reciprocal exchange of mineral and organic
resources. However, this is not always the case and
upon closer analysis, there appears to be a continuum
of plant responses to mycorrhizal colonization rang-
ing from positive to neutral to negative. Reports of
neutral or negative plant growth responses are
576 N.C.Johnson,J.H.Graham and F.A.Smith
Gradient of fungal responses
Gradient of plant responses to mycorrhizal associations
(+,+) Commensalism
Figure 1. Types of species interactions (modified from
Burkholder, 1952 and Bronstein, 1994, This paper focuses
on the continuum of plant responses to mycorrhizal
formation illustrated by the shaded region.
remarkably common (e.g. Koide, 1985; Fitter, 1991;
Modjo & Hendrix, 1986 ; Bougher, Grove & Mala-
jczuk, 1990; see also references in Smith & Smith,
1996). Does this suggest that mycorrhizal fungi are
sometimes parasitic on plants? The term parasitic is
value-laden, and many mycorrhiza researchers resist
using it to describe mycorrhizal interactions. How-
ever, technically it might be an accurate description
of some mycorrhizal associations where the fungus is
detrimental to the plant or vice versa (Leake, 1994;
Smith & Smith, 1996).
One of the best ways to assess the value of a
paradigm is to investigate and understand the
conditions where it does not ‘appear’ to work. In the
long run, we will have a much better understanding
of mycorrhizal associations if we understand the
conditions in which they appear to be neutral or even
parasitic. The purpose of this paper is to explore the
spectrum of plant responses to colonization by
mycorrhizal fungi and develop a conceptual frame-
work on which to construct testable hypotheses
about mechanisms generating this diversity of re-
sponses. Although also important, the spectrum of
fungal responses to associations with plants is not
analysed in this paper. Because the majority of
mycorrhizal fungi are obligate biotrophs with ob-
vious benefits from the association, we will focus on
the interactions illustrated by the shaded region on
the bottom of Figure 1, in which the fungus always
benefits from the interaction.
    
Mycorrhizal associations are complex hierarchical
systems (see O’Neill, O’Neill & Norby, 1991). At the
core of every association is a fungus and a plant
living symbiotically. The functioning of this sym-
biosis is mediated by direct and indirect effects of
biotic and abiotic factors of the surrounding rhizo-
sphere, community, and ecosystem (Fig. 2). It is
important to recognize the complexity of mycor-
rhizal systems, and address the appropriate scale
Figure 2. The functioning of mycorrhizal systems is
mediated by a hierarchy of abiotic and biotic factors.
when assessing mycorrhizal function. The larger the
scale of interest, the greater the potential for
moderating mycorrhizal responses through indirect
interactions. For example, a plant and associated
fungus can be grown in sterile media in a growth
chamber with very little mediation from biotic and
abiotic factors in the environment. This study system
is appropriate for many physiological questions, but
it is not appropriate for many ecological questions
because it is lacking properties that emerge from the
actions and interactions between the plant–mycor-
rhiza–fungus and the milieu of biotic and abiotic
factors in the rhizosphere, community, and eco-
Some studies reporting ‘ parasitic effects’ of mycor-
rhizal fungi were conducted in extremely simplified
experimental systems, or were the result of a single
season of research. It is possible that when systems
are more thoroughly studied at larger spatial or
temporal scales, interactions that originally appeared
parasitic might become commensal or mutualistic.
For example, a recent tillage study found maize
grown under adequate soil phosphorus conditions in
no-till fields to have higher levels of mycorrhizal
colonization, and lower yields, compared with maize
grown in fields tilled with a mouldboard plough
(McGonigle & Miller, 1996). If only these two
treatments are considered in the analysis one would
conclude that mycorrhizal colonization is negatively
correlated with crop performance. But if a third
treatment is considered (ridge-till) that uncouples
the effects of residues on soil temperature and the
effects of soil disturbance on mycorrhizal inoculum,
then colonization is positively correlated with early-
season crop performance (McGonigle & Miller,
1993). It is important for investigators to study
systems thoroughly in space and time so that
confounding factors (such as soil temperature and
soil disturbance in the example above) can be
uncoupled from the functioning of mycorrhizas.
    
 
At the most basic level, mycorrhizal associations are
beneficial (mutualistic) to plants when net costs are
less than net benefits, and detrimental (parasitic)
Functioning of mycorrhizas 577
Mutualism Parasitism
Cost Benefit Cost Benefit
Unmanaged Soil Fertilized Soil
Cost Benefit Cost Benefit
Cost Benefit Cost Benefit
Normal Light Reduced Light
Effects on plant fitnessEffects on plant fitness Effects on plant fitness
Figure 3. Mycorrhizal associations are mutualistic to
plants when benefits exceed costs and parasitic when costs
exceed benefits (a). Fertilization diminishes benefits and
can generate parasitic associations (b). Factors that limit
production of photosynthate, such as reduced irradiance,
can generate parasitic associations by increasing relative
costs (c).
when costs exceed benefits (Fig. 3 a). Potential fitness
is often the currency used in ecological cost:benefit
analysis (Cushman & Beattie, 1991). In natural
systems, plant fitness is typically measured by
survival and fecundity, and biomass changes might
or might not be a good indicator of reproductive
success. By contrast, biomass is usually a good
variable to measure in many agricultural systems
where seed or biomass yields are the currency of
agricultural success. Fitness is measured at the scale
of an individual. But in the real world, individuals
are not isolated in experimental pots. Interactions at
the scale of populations, communities, and eco-
systems, mediate the actual fitness of individuals.
The challenge in analysing plant responses to
formation of mycorrhizas is measuring costs and
benefits at scales that are appropriate for the question
of interest.
From a plant perspective, costs of mycorrhizas are
traditionally expressed in terms of photosynthate
allocated to the fungus and the supporting root tissue
(e.g. Koide & Elliot, 1989 ; Fitter, 1991; Peng et al.,
1993). Estimates of the amount of carbon allocated to
fungal associates can be substantial, ranging from 4
to 20% of a plant’s total C budget (Peng et al., 1993;
Rygiewicz & Andersen, 1994; Tinker, Durall &
Jones, 1994; Watkins et al., 1996). Mycorrhizas of
heterotrophic (achlorophyllous) plants (i.e. orchid
and monotropoid mycorrhizas) are major exceptions
to this pattern, because in these associations, C flow
is reversed so that the fungus supplies the plant
heterotrophically acquired C for all or part of the
plant’s life cycle (Alexander & Hadley, 1985; Leake,
1994). In these cases, the plant appears to be parasitic
on the funguswhat benefits the latter derives from
the association are unclear (Leake, 1994).
Where mycorrhizal plants are linked by a hyphal
network, the issue of costs and benefits, and hence of
parasitism, can become blurred if C flows from a
donor’ to a ‘receiver ’ plant (Francis & Read, 1984).
Transfer of C has been primarily demonstrated with
"%C and this has mostly given no indication of the
amount of C transferred, its form, or even whether
there is in fact always net transfer. For example,
complex cycling of organic C (and of organic N) will
be associated with synthesis of amino acids and
amides in a mycorrhizal fungus that connects two
plants: see Smith & Smith (1996) for a critical
discussion of this issue. Recent work with stable C
isotopes has overcome many of the problems and has
demonstrated significant plant to plant transfer of
organic C through a common hyphal network
(Watkins et al., 1996). Furthermore, recent "$C-
labelling experiments with Festuca turves indicate
that C exported to neighboring plants does not enter
the root tissues of the receiver, but remains in the
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (J. D. Graves
et al., unpublished). Consequently, the ecological
and evolutionary significance of mycorrhizal links
between autotrophic plants is still unclear (Janos,
1987, Smith & Smith, 1996).
Benefits from mycorrhizas are traditionally recog-
nized as improved access to limiting soil resources,
most notably immobile nutrients (e.g. P, Cu, Zn, and
ammonium), but also organic C in the case of orchids
and monotropoids. The nutritional benefits of
mycorrhizas can be significant. For example, Mar-
schner & Dell (1994) estimated that external hyphae
of AM fungi can deliver up to 80% of a plant’s P
requirements and 25% of a plant’s nitrogen require-
ments. Nutritional benefits are even greater in most
ectomycorrhizal associations. For example, ecto-
mycorrhizal pine roots can supply up to 3±2 times
more P and 1±8 times more N than a nonmycorrhizal
root system (Bowen, 1973). Resource limitation is a
key component of cost:benefit analysis of mycor-
rhizal effects on plant fitness (see Eissenstat et al.,
1993). Carbon allocated to a fungus is only a cost if
it could otherwise have been allocated to increase
plant fitness,and resources gained through the
578 N.C.Johnson,J.H.Graham and F.A.Smith
activities of a fungal symbiont are only beneficial if
those resources are in limiting supply.
Although reciprocal exchange of limiting re-
sources is the most obvious (and traditional) choice
for cost:benefit analysis, in many natural systems,
other (often subtle) mycorrhiza-induced changes
might ultimately be more important to plant fitness.
For example, plant morphology, allometry, phe-
nology, and chemistry are affected by the presence of
mycorrhizal fungi (e.g. Allen, Moore & Christensen,
1980; Miller, Jarstfer & Pillai, 1986; Pacovsky,
Bethlenfalvay & Paul, 1986; Hetrick, Wilson &
Leslie, 1991; Bethlenfalvay, Mihara & Schreiner,
1994; Lu & Koide, 1994). Some of these changes
will complicate the cost:benefit analysis. Thus, if
formation of a mycorrhiza results in reduction of
root growth compared with that in an equivalent
non-mycorrhizal plant, then the cost to the plant in
terms of loss of C to the fungus might be less than
the cost resulting from ‘ additional’ root formation in
the non-mycorrhizal plant.
Put into a community or ecosystem context,
mycorrhizal symbioses can substantially impact
plant fitness both directly and indirectly through
altered relationships with other components of the
system (e.g. Marx 1972; Grime et al., 1987;
Linderman, 1988; Malajczuk, 1988; Miller & Jast-
row, 1990). These relationships might be difficult to
disentangle. For example, in a winter annual grass
system, Newsham, Fitter & Watkinson (1994) found
that colonization by AM fungi was not directly
related to plant fecundity, but mycorrhizal inter-
ference with asymptomatic root pathogens was
positively correlated with fecundity. Consequently,
mycorrhizas contributed to plant fitness by pro-
tecting plants from pathogens. Depending upon the
system of interest, mycorrhizal effects on plant-
pathogen interactions can be either a benefit (as
shown in the previous example), or a cost to plant
fitness. Although mycorrhizas frequently reduce the
incidence of soil-borne diseases (Graham, 1988) they
might indirectly enhance the incidence of other
diseases, like viruses, that are stimulated by im-
proved plant nutrition, growth, and other physio-
logical factors (Dehne, 1982).
Complexity at community and ecosystem scales
means that mycorrhiza-induced changes in plant
allocation patterns might have unpredictable effects
on plant fitness. Streitwolf-Engel et al. (1997)
showed that colonization by different isolates of AM
fungi differentially affected reproductive allocation
by two Prunella species. Some isolates stimulated
clonal propagation through stolons, while other
isolates stimulated sexual reproduction through
flowering. Whether these fungal isolates increase or
decrease plant fitness is a function of the criteria used
to measure fitness and the scale of observation. If
fitness is measured only as annual seed set, then the
flower-inducing fungal isolates would normally be
considered more beneficial than the stolon-inducing
isolates. However, if the system of interest is
expanded to include hypothetical herbivores that
selectively graze blooming plants, then the flower-
inducing fungi would be less beneficial than the
stolon-inducing fungi because they indirectly attract
herbivores that ultimately decrease the fitness of the
The hypothetical example linking the functioning
of Prunella mycorrhizas with its herbivores is not
unreasonable. In one of the relatively few analyses of
mycorrhizal functioning at the ecosystem level,
Gehring & Whitham (1994; 1995) linked the in-
cidence of ectomycorrhizas in pinyon pine with
environmental stress and herbivory. Trees growing
in low-fertility cinder-soils had more mycorrhizal
colonization than trees growing in nearby sandy
loam soil. Furthermore, herbivory by stem and
cone-boring moths caused significant reductions of
mycorrhizal colonization in the stressful cinder soil,
but similar levels of herbivory on trees growing in
less stressful sandy loam soil did not reduce
mycorrhizal colonization. These results suggest that
pine trees growing in stressful conditions were more
C limited than those growing in more fertile soils,
and also suggests that herbivores can out compete
mycorrhizal fungi for C in this system.
  
Given the complexity of mycorrhizal functioning in
the real world, is there any hope of understanding
these systems well enough to manage them con-
sistently and over long periods of time in restoration,
forestry, and agriculture? A starting place might be
to assume mutualism as the normal state of mycor-
rhizal functioning and try to understand causes of
parasitic’ exceptions to this norm. Situations in
which net costs of a mycorrhizal association are
expected to exceed net benefits should be identified.
These hypothesized formulas for parasitism can be
experimentally tested, modified, re-tested, and
eventually used to help design management practices
that avoid parasitism by mycorrhizal fungi. Based on
the mycorrhizal system illustrated in Figure 2, fungal
parasitism of a host plant can be hypothesized to
result from (1) developmental factors (temporal
relationships of the plant–mycorrhiza–fungus), (2)
environmental factors (outside the plant–mycor-
rhiza–fungus), or (3) genotypic factors (inside the
(1) Developmental factors
Parasitic mycorrhizal associations can occur at
particular stages in the development of the as-
sociation. For example, formation of arbuscular
mycorrhizas can depress seedling growth in the first
few weeks following germination. At this time
benefits are low because necessary resources are
Functioning of mycorrhizas 579
obtained internally from seed reserves, and costs are
high because C allocated to the developing fungus
decreases allocation to photosynthetic or defense
structures or compounds that would increase a
seedling’s chances for survival. Many reports show
growth depressions in AM plants during the first
several weeks of seedling development which dis-
appear as internal seed reserves become depleted
(e.g. Bethlenfalvay, Brown & Pacovsky, 1982 ; Koide,
1985). In other words, short-term losses are often
compensated by long-term gains. In contrast to
early-stage net C drain in arbuscular mycorrhizas,
some orchid mycorrhizas might potentially generate
late-stage C drain as the endophyte shifts from being
a C source to a C sink (Leake, 1994). The balance
between net costs and net benefits is remarkably
dynamic through the development of a mycorrhizal
association and it is dependent on interactions with
the environment.
(2) Environmental factors
Parasitic mycorrhizal associations can occur when
the chemical, physical, or biotic environment of
mycorrhizal systems cause net costs to exceed net
benefits. Nutrient status of soil is the best studied,
and probably the most relevant environmental
mediator of plant responses to mycorrhizal associ-
ations. Fertilizing a system can potentially eliminate
resource limitations so that mycorrhizas become
superfluous for facultatively mycotrophic plants (e.g.
Mosse, 1973; Bethlenfalvay, Bayne & Pacovsky,
1983; Kiernan, Hendrix, & Maronek, 1983; Koide,
1985; Johnson, 1993; Graham, Drouillard & Hodge,
1996). If colonization does not decrease with fertil-
ization, then net costs will remain intact (Fig. 3 b) but
where colonization and hence total fungal biomass
decreases the net costs to the plant will also decrease.
Effects of increased soil P on colonization vary, in
some cases a large decrease in colonization occurs
and in others there is little if any effect until levels of
added P become very high. Generally speaking,
increasing the availability of a limiting soil resource
can convert balanced mutualistic relationships into
less balanced ones, some of which are clearly parasitic
(Fig. 3b).
Humans might inadvertently be altering the
relationships between plants and mycorrhizal fungi
and so might be affecting the cost:benefit balances.
Use of fertilizers has increased exponentially in the
past several decades (Vitousek, 1994). Also, wet and
dry deposition of N emitted from livestock pro-
duction, agricultural operations and internal com-
bustion engines now exceeds natural N inputs in
many ecosystems (Vitousek & Matson, 1993).
Anthropogenic inputs of N might be linked to the
alarming disappearance of mushroom-forming
fungi, including a disproportionate number of ecto-
mycorrhizal taxa (Arnolds, 1991). Whether the loss
of ectomycorrhizal fungi is a cause or a symptom of
forest decline still needs to be resolved (Cherfas,
1991; Jaenike, 1991). Nitrogen fertilization can
also change the species composition of AM fungal
communities (Johnson, 1993). Experiments suggest
that the fungal taxa that proliferate in fertilized soils
might be less beneficial as mutualists to native prairie
grasses than fungal taxa in unfertilized prairie soil
(Johnson, 1993). Again, whether the shift in mycor-
rhizal fungal communities is a cause or a symptom of
the loss of plant species diversity in eutrophied
grasslands (sensu Wedin & Tilman, 1996) is yet
Just as fertilization can cause mycorrhizal costs to
exceed benefits, so can insufficient light; only here
the benefits of a mycorrhizal association might
remain constant while relative costs increase (Fig.
3c). Low light intensities can restrict photosynthetic
capabilities of plants. Allocation of a limited supply of
photosynthate to a fungal associate might potentially
reduce plant allocation to functions related to its
fitness. This constitutes a relatively greater cost
because C has become relatively more limiting than
soil resources. Mycorrhizal growth reductions
associated with low light intensities have been
commonly observed experimentally (e.g. Bjo
1942; Hayman, 1974; Daft & El Giahmi, 1978; Son
& Smith, 1988). Anthropogenic pollution can alter
radiation levels and photosynthetic potential of host
plants, thus changing the balance between mycor-
rhizal costs and benefits. For example, Duckmanton
and Widden (1994) found that ozone changed the
morphology of arbuscular mycorrhizas in sugar
maple (Acer saccharum) seedlings. The relative
abundance of arbuscules decreased while the abun-
dance of vesicles and hyphal coils increased. These
changes suggest that mycorrhizas are extremely
sensitive to ozone generated plant stress. Again, the
relationship between mycorrhizal morphology and
functioning needs to be considered in light of the
recent decline of maples in many forest ecosystems
(Klironomos, 1995).
The biotic components of the environment in
which a mycorrhizal plant grows are known to
influence mycorrhizal functioning (e.g. Garbaye &
Bowen, 1987; Linderman, 1988; Hetrick & Wilson,
1991; Fitter & Garbaye, 1994), but the mechanisms
involved are often elusive. The complexity of biotic
interactions is great enough to overwhelm probably
even the most advanced super-computer. Yet, simple
hypotheses concerning the effects of functional groups
of organisms on mycorrhizal plants can be con-
structed using a cost-benefit framework. For ex-
ample, herbivores consume photosynthetic organs
and deplete plant reserves of photosynthate. For
facultatively mycotrophic hosts, high levels of herb-
ivory could deplete plant C reserves to the extent
that the cost of maintaining a mycorrhizal association
outweighs its benefits (e.g. Daft & El Giahmi, 1978 ;
580 N.C.Johnson,J.H.Graham and F.A.Smith
Figure 4. Mycorrhizal phenotypes are manifestations of
the interaction between plant and fungal genotypes and
environmental conditions. These factors determine the
functioning of mycorrhizas along the mutualism–
parasitism continuum.
Bayne, Brown & Bethlenfalvay, 1984). By contrast,
for obligately mycotrophic hosts (such as the Pin-
aceae) that cannot survive without mycorrhizae, no
C cost is too great to maintain a mycorrhizal associate
and costs never exceed benefits. Fungivores also
potentially affect mycorrhizal functioning. By con-
suming the network of external mycelium, fungi-
vores might potentially reduce the ability of mycor-
rhizal fungi to supply limiting soil resources to its
host (e.g. McGonigle & Fitter, 1988; Gange &
Brown, 1992; Fitter & Garbaye, 1994).
Positive mycorrhizal growth responses decrease as
the density of plants increase (Sanders, Koide &
Shumway, 1995). Where large numbers of roots and
mycorrhizal fungal hyphae are close together the
mycorrhizal roots appear to compete with each other
(and with any non-mycorrhizal root), so that growth
of all the individual plants is reduced compared with
growth of plants spaced well apart. This might be
one reason why in the field AM associations
sometimes exhibit little benefit in improving growth.
(3) Genotypic factors
Parasitic mycorrhizal associations occur when the
genotypes of plants and fungi involved in the
mycorrhizas do not establish ‘win–win’ symbioses.
Extreme examples of this are Armillaria mellea and
Rhizoctonia solani which are beneficial mutualists in
orchid mycorrhizas, but potentially destructive para-
sites (pathogens) to many woody and herbaceous
plants (Smith & Douglas, 1987 ; Leake, 1994).
Ultimately, it is the genotypes of the plants and fungi
involved that determine the potential functioning of
the symbiosis. However, mycorrhizal phenotypes
are manifestations of interactions between plant and
fungal genotypes and environmental conditions (Fig.
Mycorrhizal dependency varies greatly among
taxa and varieties of plants (e.g. Lambert & Cole,
1980; Burgess, Malajczuk & Grove, 1993; Graham
& Eissenstat, 1994). At one extreme are non-host
plants that do not form functioning mycorrhizas,
and if inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi can
exhibit growth depressions and root necrosis (Allen
& Allen, 1984; Allen, Allen & Friese, 1989; Francis
& Read, 1994). However, truly non-mycorrhizal
plant species and genera are remarkably rare in
nature and the great majority of plants are my-
cotrophic to some degree (Newman & Reddel, 1987).
One might hypothesize that the greater the mycor-
rhizal dependency of a plant, the smaller the
probability of a parasitic effect of mycorrhizas
because obligate mycotrophs have a greater
cost:benefit differential than facultative mycotrophs.
Alternatively, because plant genotypes that are
highly dependent on mycorrhizas for nutrient uptake
appear to have a greater propensity to allocate C to
support of higher rates of colonization than do less
dependent plant genotypes (Graham, Duncan &
Eissenstat, 1997), in highly fertilized systems, more
dependent plants might have a greater risk of
mycorrhizal parasitism where they do not closely
control ‘unnecessary’ root growth or rate of colon-
ization to reduce cost of colonization when benefit is
not forthcoming.
Just as plant taxa vary in mycorrhizal dependency,
fungal taxa and isolates vary in mycorrhizal effective-
ness. When tested on a single host species, mycor-
rhizal fungal isolates can increase, decrease, or
have little effect on plant growth (e.g. Molina, 1979;
Miller, Domoto & Walker, 1985 ; Bethlenfalvay et
al., 1989; Dosskey, Linderman & Boersma, 1990;
Burgess, Dell & Malajczuk, 1994 ; see also references
in Smith & Smith, 1996). An extreme example of a
mycorrhizal fungal association that decreases plant
performance is observed in an intensively managed
agricultural system in Kentucky, USA . A series of
field and glasshouse studies has shown that colon-
ization of tobacco by an endemic isolate of Glomus
macrocarpum significantly reduces root length,
aboveground biomass, and flowering (Modjo &
Hendrix 1986; Jones & Hendrix, 1987; Modjo,
Hendrix & Nesmith, 1987; Hendrix, Jones &
Nesmith, 1992). Although this isolate of G.macro-
carpum is strongly parasitic (pathogenic) on tobacco
in field soils with extremely high P, it does not
appear to have parasitic effects on other crops.
Furthermore, it appears to have some specificity for
tobacco because, in field studies, G.macrocarpum
populations (and stunt-disease) can be controlled by
rotation with Festuca (containing an endophyte that
inhibits G.macrocarpum) as effectively as by fu-
migation (Hendrix et al., 1992 ; An, Guo & Hendrix,
1993; Hendrix, Guo & An, 1995).
As we have seen, environmental factors mediate
mycorrhizal effects. Fungal isolates have been shown
Functioning of mycorrhizas 581
to increase plant growth in one experimental system
and not in another experimental system (e.g. Ander-
son, Hetrick & Wilson, 1994). Alternatively, some
isolates of AM fungi have been found that are
equally effective in promoting plant growth over a
wide range of edaphic and host conditions (Sylvia et
al., 1993). The question remains, are there genotypes
of mycorrhizal fungi that are universally bad for
plants i.e. are there constitutive fungal parasites ? If
so, there remains the unresolved evolutionary issue
of why plants have not evolved mechanisms to
prevent their colonization. In this context, it is
dangerous to assume that the selective advantages of
mycorrhizal associations lie only in the mutual
exchange of nutrients or other simple physiological
benefits, as emphasized by Fitter (1985, 1991).
The potential for parasitism by mycorrhizal fungi
has been discussed in the context of ‘cheating’ by
Janos (1985, 1987, 1996; see also Smith & Smith,
1996). A ‘cheater’ is an individual of a partner
species that receives the benefits of mutualism but
does not reciprocate (Soberon & Martinez del Rio,
1985). From an evolutionary context, the appearance
of cheaters within mutualistic associations is highly
probable (Boucher, James & Keeler, 1982). Based on
an analysis of cheating in plant-pollinator mutual-
isms, Soberon & Martinez del Rio (1985) proposed
that factors that impede the discrimination of
cheaters and non-cheaters by the cheated partner, or
decrease the interdependency of the partners, favour
the evolution of cheating. Native plant populations
have diverse gene pools that are continually modified
through selection pressures exerted by their en-
vironment, including the endemic mycorrhizal
fungal community. One would expect that over time,
plant genotypes that maximize mycorrhizal benefits
would be at a selective advantage, and come to
predominate in the population. By contrast, crop
plants and plantation stock have no mechanism to
link their gene pool with mycorrhizal functioning.
Farmers, fruit producers, and foresters generally do
not choose plant genotypes on the basis of their
functioning with local mycorrhizal fungi, and fertil-
ization and tillage might further uncouple the
interdependency of plants and mycorrhizal fungi.
Consequently, management practices might actually
select for mycorrhizal fungi that are cheaters (John-
son & Pfleger, 1992).
  }
The hypothesized formulas for parasitism describe
types of situations in which parasitic effects might be
expected to occur, but mechanistic details of the
causes of these effects remain largely unexplored.
Morphological, phenological, and physiological
characteristics of the symbionts (both plants and
fungi) influence the functioning of mycorrhizas (see
Smith & Smith, 1996). Can certain combinations of
characteristics signal the mutualistic or parasitic
qualities of mycorrhizal associations ? Imbalances
between transfer of inorganic nutrients and organic
C might be the physiological events that determine
whether the symbiosis is mutualistic or parasitic, but
there are several possible causes of this imbalance,
ranging from synthesis, operation and regulation of
transport proteins to structural features of the
plant–fungus interface. An example of the latter in
arbuscular mycorrhizas is the number of arbuscules
and their rate of formation and turnover (Dickson &
Smith, 1991; Duckmanton & Widden, 1994). Rec-
ognition of appropriate indicators, and development
of a predictive model of mycorrhizal functioning
would be extremely useful for selecting appropriate
fungi for management or inoculation efforts to
maximize benefits of the symbiosis. A helpful start
would be to construct a model that uses as its basis
the approach of Barber and associates (Silberbush &
Barber, 1983).
A predictive model of mycorrhizal functioning
needs to incorporate variables and parameters that
account for plant responses to, and control of,
mycorrhizas. Plant genotypes differ measurably in
their dependency on mycorrhizas. In general, plants
with coarse root systems benefit more from mycor-
rhizal associations than the genotypes with fibrous
root systems (e.g. Baylis, 1975 ; Pope et al., 1983;
Graham & Syvertsen, 1985 ; Hetrick, Kitt & Wilson,
1988). Similarly, plant species and cultivars with
high shoot:root ratios can have a higher mycor-
rhizal dependency than those with low shoot:root
ratios (Jakobsen, 1991). As noted above, the potential
for plants to vary C allocation to roots and maintain
control of mycorrhizal colonization appears to be
important. Among citrus genotypes colonization rate
varies in relation to non-structural carbohydrate
allocation to roots. The more dependent the citrus
genotype on arbuscular mycorrhizas for P acqui-
sition, the greater the tendency to allocate carbo-
hydrate to roots to support colonization (Graham et
al., 1997). Plasticity in shoot :root ratios can be
another mechanism by which plants control C
allocation to mycorrhizal fungi (Koide, 1991).
A predictive model of mycorrhizal functioning
also needs to account for fungal effects on, and
responses to, the plant. As already noted, genotypes
of mycorrhizal fungi differ in their ability to acquire
and deliver limiting resources to their hosts (e.g.
Sanders et al., 1977 ; Graham, Linderman & Menge
1982; Jakobsen, Abbott & Robson, 1992). The rate
and extent of colonization is likely to be important.
Fungi that are rapid colonists appear to generate the
greatest growth benefits in low-P-fertility soils, and
also the greatest growth depressions in high fertility
soils (Abbott & Robson, 1985; Graham et al., 1996).
This relationship between colonization rate and
mutualistic or parasitic response is presently recog-
582 N.C.Johnson,J.H.Graham and F.A.Smith
nized for a narrow range of Glomus spp., and needs
to be investigated over a wider range of Glomalean
and ectomycorrhizal fungi. Functional differences at
the host–fungus interface is also likely to be im-
portant. For example, isolates of AM fungi that are
rapid colonizers have higher rates of fungal fatty acid
accumulation in roots than slower colonizers; and, a
greater effect on allocation of nonstructural carbo-
hydrates to roots in support of fungal and host
construction and maintenance of the mycorrhizas
(Peng et al., 1993; Graham et al., 1996). In heavily
fertilized soils, fungal genotypes with the potential to
overcome plant control of the rate and extent of
colonization and C allocation would be at a selective
advantage over genotypes that are more sensitive to
plant regulation (Fig. 4).
     
 
What are the best approaches to study the dynamics
of mycorrhizal functioning? Because of the ubiquity
of mycorrhizas in most ecosystems, their manipu-
lation in field trials is challenging. Fungicides and
fumigation have been utilized experimentally with
varying success to reduce the incidence of mycor-
rhizas and manipulate field function and cost benefit
outcomes (Fitter & Nichols 1988 ; Gange & Brown,
1992; Graham & Eissenstat, 1996; Wilson & Hart-
nett, 1996). The nonselectivity of some biocides
raises concerns that growth responses might be
attributable to control of pathogens or altered
nutrient dynamics rather than reducing colonization
of mycorrhizas. Jakobsen (1994) suggests making
comparisons between uninoculated and inoculated
plants grown in fumigated field plots to reduce the
confounding effects of enhanced nutrient availability
following fumigation. Several agronomic and for-
estry practices can be used instead of biocides to
reduce mycorrhizal colonization rate. Tillage as a
form of soil disturbance is well known to disrupt
hyphal networks and reduce colonization by arbus-
cular mycorrhizas (Jasper, Abbott & Robson, 1991;
McGonigle & Miller, 1996). Forest clear-cutting
and intensive site preparation is also known to
reduce ectomycorrhizal colonization rates (Perry,
Molina & Amaranthus, 1987). Pre-planting with
non-host plants or maintaining fallow might also
reduce mycorrhizal fungal populations moderately
to drastically, depending on their duration, and
reduce colonization rate in subsequent experimental
plants (Black & Tinker, 1979; Thompson, 1987;
Perry et al., 1989).
For mycorrhizal systems in which enhanced P
uptake is the dominant benefit and C drain is the
dominant cost, the ideal experimental condition to
study field functioning is in low-P soil that is
experimentally treated to: (1) reduce mycorrhizal
colonization using one of the methods described
above; and, (2) enrich P supply to provide for plant
sufficiency without mycorrhiza-mediated uptake.
Furthermore, to the extent possible, no resource
other than C assimilation (e.g. nutrient or water)
should be limiting plant growth. These experi-
mental preconditions are not atypical of intensively
fertilized and irrigated systems and are most easily
interpreted with AM plants. The predicted outcomes
of mycorrhizal reduction at low and high P supply
are designed to demonstrate the extremes of mutual-
istic to parasitic effects of indigenous mycorrhizal
fungi or those introduced through preinoculation of
the plants or planting site. At low P supply, reduced
colonization will reveal mycorrhizal benefits and
result in early P limitation and reduced growth rate
depending on the mycorrhizal dependency of the
host, and the effectiveness of the fungi. Phosphorus
fertilization eliminates mycorrhizal benefits due to
enhanced P uptake, yet maintains the costs if the
fungi are actively colonizing roots in spite of high P
availability, as discussed above. In these circum-
stances, reduced colonization often reduces mycor-
rhizal cost and might increase plant growth rate and
yield response. A similar approach can be used to
test costs and benefits when increased uptake of
another nutrient (e.g. Zn or NH%
+) is suspected or
known to be the dominant benefit. However, this
simplistic ‘functional’ approach has its dangers if the
assumption that increased uptake of a single limiting
nutrient is the only mycorrhizal benefit turns out to
be incorrect. Thus, a positive mycorrhizal response
in soil with non-limiting P would indicate another
mycorrhizal benefit.
Once differences in mycorrhizal functioning are
identified it is then desirable to identify the fungi and
study their interactions (Friese & Allen, 1991).
Morphological characters of colonization cannot
always be used to identify mycorrhizal fungi to the
species level in the field where usually several
morphological species coexist in the same root
system. Strict identification and quantitative meas-
urements of individual species require molecular
probes and biochemical analyses. Molecular appro-
aches involving amplification of nuclear DNA en-
coding the small rRNA and attendant ITS regions
yield diagnostic PCR profiles for ectomycorrhizal
basidiomycetes (Gardes & Bruns, 1993) but profiles
for AM fungi from field soils are highly variable
(Sanders et al., 1995a; Sanders, Clapp & Wiemken,
1996). Until the basis for the genetic heterogeneity is
understood, PCR techniques will be of limited use
for study of AM fungi. Biochemical techniques,
including isozyme polymorphisms and activities
(Rosendahl, 1992), fatty acid profile analysis of
fungal lipids (Graham, Hodge & Morton, 1995), and
immunofluorescence (Friese & Allen, 1991; Hahn,
Gianinazzi-Pearson & Hock, 1994) seem to hold
some immediate promise for both identification and
quantification of AM fungi in the roots.
Functioning of mycorrhizas 583
Inability to monitor individual isolates of mycor-
rhizal fungi in roots imposes severe limitations on
study of their competitive behavior. Necessarily, the
ability of individual isolates to colonize roots and
their effectiveness in providing net benefits must
first be characterized under controlled environments
with a minimum of competition from other fungi.
However, competitive ability of the isolate becomes
an important consideration in the field where many
fungi co-occur in the same root system. Whether
isolates that are highly successful colonists indi-
vidually are more competitive in mixed populations,
especially in the long term, is unknown.
 
Mutualism and parasitism are extremes of a dynamic
continuum of species interactions. Mycorrhizal
associations are generally at the mutualistic end of
the continuum, but they can be parasitic when the
stage of plant development or environmental condi-
tions make costs greater than benefits, or possibly
when the genotypes of the symbionts do not form
win–win’ associations. In natural systems, plant
genotypes exist because they successfully propagate
more plants, and fungal genotypes exist because they
successfully propagate more fungi. Usually, by living
together, plants and mycorrhizal fungi improve each
other’s probability for survival and reproductive
success. But sometimes, and being anthropomorphic,
plant ‘interests’ are in conflict with those of fungi. In
the words of Dawkins (1978) ‘ we must expect lies
and deceit, and selfish exploitation of communication
to arise whenever the interests of the genes of
different individuals diverge.’ The ‘interests’ of
plants and mycorrhizal fungi are likely to diverge in
highly managed agricultural systems, where ferti-
lization eliminates shortages of soil nutrients, and
plant genotypes are selected by humans and not by
millennia of natural selection.
Based on earlier definitions proposed by Gerde-
mann (1970) and Harley (1992), Trappe (1994)
defined mycorrhizas in functional and structural
terms as ‘dual organs of absorption formed when
symbiotic fungi inhabit healthy absorbing organs
(roots, rhizomes, or thalli) of most terrestrial plants
and many aquatics and epiphytes’ and suggested
that mutualistic functioning of these associations
should be a defining criteria of the term mycorrhiza.
However, defining mycorrhizas as healthy absorbing
organs does not address their effects on whole-plant
fitness, and the mutualistic criterion becomes prob-
lematic whenever the effects of these associations are
neutral or negative to either the plant or the fungal
partner. For example, a mycorrhizal root might be
healthy, yet its presence might reduce the plant’s
fitness in its environment when compared with a
non-mycorrhizal root. We suggest that the structural
and functional accuracy of Trappe’s excellent defin-
ition are not compromised if the dynamic nature of
plant responses to mycorrhizal associations is ac-
cepted and they are considered to be generally
mutualistic, with occasional commensal and parasitic
excursions from this norm.
Twenty years ago many mycorrhizal researchers
optimistically predicted that mycorrhizal associ-
ations could be successfully managed to reduce
reliance on chemical fertilizers, but, ‘promises
concerning the applied value of mycorrhizal fungi in
agriculture, forestry and horticulture have been more
rhetorical than deliverable’ (Miller & Jastrow, 1992).
Perhaps one reason for this is that we often
underestimate the ecological complexity of mycor-
rhizal systems. If our long term goal is to understand
and manage mycorrhizal functioning in the real
world, then we must study the full spectrum of plant
responses to formation of mycorrhizas, and better
understand the factors generating these responses in
complex systems.
We wish to thank Edie Allen, Michael Allen, Christopher
Blackwood, James Hendrix, David Janos, Terry McGon-
igle, Randy Molina, Joe Morton, Mike Miller, Ian
Sanders, Jim Trappe, Paul Widden, Tom Whitham, and
other participants in the ICOM workshop for contributing
to the discussion that led to the writing of this manuscript.
Also thanks to Geoff Barnard and Rick Johnson for their
technical assistance. Financial Support was provided to
N.C.J. by the National Science Foundation (DEB
9527317), to J.H.G. by the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA-NRICGP 94–37107–1024) and to
F.A.S. by the Australian Research Council.
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... Under some circumstances, non-compensatory climate change effects on mutualisms may shift these interactions along the socalled mutualism-parasitism continuum (Bronstein, 1994;Johnson et al., 1997). For example, in the aforementioned Paramecium bursaria-Zoochlorella system, at high temperatures 'ghost' Paramecium without algal symbionts have higher fitness than Paramecium that contain Zoochlorella symbionts (Salsbery & DeLong, 2018). ...
... In this case, changes in the relative potential benefits of bacterivory and photosynthates from the algae with temperature generate a non-compensatory effect on uptake rates that switches the presence of algae from beneficial to detrimental. Given the potential for the costs and benefits or symbioses to be environmentally dependent (Bronstein, 1994;Cruz et al., 2023;Hoeksema & Bruna, 2015;Johnson et al., 1997), non-compensatory climate change effects may play a particularly important role in moving host-symbiont relationships along the mutualism-parasitism continuum. ...
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Understanding and predicting population responses to climate change is a crucial challenge. A key component of population responses to climate change are cases in which focal biological rates (e.g., population growth rates) change in response to climate change due to non-compensatory effects of changes in the underlying components (e.g., birth and death rates) determining the focal rates. We refer to these responses as non-compensatory climate change effects. As differential responses of biological rates to climate change have been documented in a variety of systems and arise at multiple levels of organization within and across species, non-compensatory effects may be nearly ubiquitous. Yet, how non-compensatory climate change responses combine and scale to influence the demographics of populations is oftenunclear and requires mapping them to the birth and death rates underlying population change. We provide a flexible framework for incorporating non-compensatory changes in upstream rates within and among species and mapping their consequences for additional downstream rates across scales to their eventual effects on population growth rates. Throughout, we provide specific examples and potential applications of the framework. We hope this framework helps to enhance our understanding of and unify research on population responses to climate change.
... This may be because establishing a symbiotic relationship with the partner requires an initial investment of resources for the plant, which is costly in the early stages of growth (Primieri et al. 2022). However, as growth period extends, the symbiotic partner enhances nutrient (N or P) uptake (Johnson et al. 1997), which benefits the plant and enables it to sustain investment in the fungi symbiotic and maintain robust growth (Primieri et al. 2022). Surprisingly, we discovered synergistic positive effect for the response of ARD to the interaction between AMF and EF in forage plants (Fig. 4f). ...
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Background and aims Inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and endophytic fungi (EF) is of primal significance for the development of sustainable agriculture. Currently, the positive effects of inoculation with AMF or EF alone on plant growth have been extensively studied, but the interaction of AMF and EF on plant performance and fungal colonization rate have not been well studied. Methods We conducted a meta-analysis of 371 observations from 62 full-factor experiments and quantified the interaction between AMF and EF on 14 variables related to plant growth performance and fungal colonization rate. Results The results indicated that the inoculation with AMF or EF alone significantly increased the aboveground biomass, total biomass, stomatal conductance and their colonization rate. AMF also significantly increased the plant height (PLH), shoot P content, average root diameter (ARD) and chlorophyll content. Meanwhile, the infection with EF alone also significantly increased belowground biomass and total root length (TRL). Antagonistic interactions were exerted for plant biomass, PLH and mycorrhizal colonization rate (MCR). Additive interactions were observed for root to shoot ratio, TRL, ARD, plant P content, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content and endophyte colonization rate. And synergies rarely occurred, with only for ARD in forage plants. Conclusion Overall, our results confirmed the positive effects of AMF or EF on plant biomass and nutrient absorption, while antagonistic and additive interactions revealed competition between microbial symbionts and independent contributions to plant performance.
... , with 10% of AM infection by Rhizophagus tenuis in A. umbelliformis and no AMF in A. genipi in the Tyrolean Central Alps in Austria. Plant species range from nonmycorrhizal to obligate, through facultative, dependency on mycorrhizal associations in some environmental settings(Johnson et al., 1997). that A. umbelliformis may be a low mycorrhizadependent species, as reported for other alpine plants like Carex curvula All., Primula minima L., Festuca halleri All., Antennaria dioica(L.) ...
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Artemisia umbelliformis Lam. is an alpine herbaceous species which grows in the wild and used in the production of the génépi’ liqueur, and with interest as ingredient in other food products. The propagation and cultivation have become the only way to ensure a supply chain for this plant, preserving the natural habitats. However, seed propagation is limited by low germination. Selected seeds and fine-tuned agrotechniques are requested by the nursery production system. We investigated seed germination ability (final germination percentage - FGP, first germination time - FGT, halftime of germination - T50, germination period - GPD, and mean germination time - MGT) and early seedling development of three wild A. umbelliformis populations (Valnontey, Soana and Urtier), by testing three germination substrates with different peat and perlite ratio (v:v) (S1, 100:0 ; S2, 80:20; S3, 60:40), in combination or not with two generalist arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species (Rhizophagus intraradices and Funneliformis mosseae). Results highlighted variability in germination capacity according to the genotypes, indicating the Valnontey population as superior to Soana and Urtier in FGP (34.0 %, 7.2 % and 8.6 %, respectively), FGT (8.7, 13.2 and 14.1 days, respectively), MGT (12.5, 16.5 and 17.1 days, respectively) and T50 (13.8, 17.4 and 16.8 days, respectively). Among the substrates, S3 led to a higher FGP (22.9 %) than the others (11.4 % and 15.6 % in S1 and S2, respectively), thus resulting preferable. No AMF symbiosis was highlighted; therefore, the advantage of applying bioinoculants to improve génépi production should be further investigated.
... In addition, AMF has beneficial effects on plant capability to increase phosphorus and nitrogen acquisition (Hodge and Storer 2015), enhance pathogen 1 3 94 Page 2 of 14 resistance, improve salinity and drought tolerance and enrich soil microbial communities of host plants (Xu et al 2020). AMF association with plants has been recorded in terrestrial ecosystems, while their diversity is especially high in tropical regions (Johnson et al 1997;Bordolo et al 2015). Moreover, the distribution, abundance, composition, diversity and spore production of AMF are mainly influenced by biotic (e.g., plant diversity and structure) and abiotic (e.g., physiography, soil properties, drought and climatic variables) parameters (Rasmussen et al 2018; Solís-Rodríguez et al 2020; Chourasiya et al 2021;Sedaghati et al 2021). ...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a vital role in plant productivity and ecosystem functions. However, their responses to abiotic factors (i.e., climate, physiography, and soil properties) are unknown, especially across climatic gradients and slope aspects in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. In this study, using 60 composite soil samples, direct and indirect effects of climate factors and slope aspects on AMF diversity, composition and spore density were studied. The findings indicate that climate has a more direct influence on soil properties (P < 0.001) in comparison to slope aspect (P = 0.449). In contrast, climate significantly affected AMF diversity and composition, with the highest diversity in dryer areas. Soil pH had the highest correlation with different facets of AMF diversity. Structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that only a small part of the variation in AMF diversity and spore density could be explained by climate characteristics, slope aspect and soil properties. Based on SEM results, climate was the most important determinant of AMF diversity and spore density; slope aspect had a less critical role. The outputs suggest that variations in AMF diversity are derived by the direct effects of climate and the indirect effect of soil chemical properties. In addition, with increasing dryness, sporulation and AMF diversity increased.
... Compared to intraspecific competition, invasive Asteraceae species can promote invasion during interspecific competition by increasing the rate of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Sun et al., 2022). Similarly, nutrient variability can affect the interactions between soil microorganisms and plants (Johnson et al., 1997;Kaur et al., 2022;Yang et al., 2016). Under low-phosphorus conditions, AMF enhanced the competitive advantage of invasive plants over native plants, whereas under high-phosphorus conditions, they reduced this advantage (Chen et al., 2019). ...
Understanding the relationship between plant diversity and invasibility is essential in invasion ecology. Elton proposed that species-rich communities are more resistant to invasions than species-poor communities. While soil microorganisms play a crucial role in regulating this diversity–invasibility relationship, the effects of plant competition mode and soil nutrient status on their role remain unclear. To address this, we conducted a two-stage greenhouse experiment. Soils were first conditioned by growing nine native species separately in them for one year, then mixed in various configurations with soils conditioned using one, three, or six species, respectively. Next, we inoculated the mixed soil into sterilized substrate soil and planted the alien species Rhus typhina and native species Ailanthus altissima as test plants. We set up two competition modes (intraspecific and interspecific) and two nutrient levels (fertilization using slow-release fertilizer and non-fertilization). Under intraspecific competition, regardless of fertilization, the biomass of the alien species was higher in soil conditioned by six native species. In contrast, under interspecific competition, the biomass increased without fertilization but remained stable with fertilization in soil conditioned by six native species. Analysis of the soil microbial community suggests that the greater diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the soil conditioned by six native species might reflect the primary influence on R. typhina growth, but the interaction between AMF and R. typhina varies depending on competition mode and nutrient status. Our findings suggest that the soil microbiome is pivotal in mediating the diversity–invasibility relationship, and this influence varies with competition mode and nutrient status.
... Interestingly, no particular combination of diversity and plant traits maximized both plant biomass or plant survival, suggesting the potential for antagonistic selection between plant traits and fungal community diversity, and for growth-survival trade-offs in plants. These patterns may reflect the complex nature of biotic selection, particularly for interactions whose function can vary from mutualistic to parasitic depending on resource availability 55,56 . ...
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Coevolution describes evolutionary change in which two or more interacting species reciprocally drive each other’s evolution, potentially resulting in trait diversification and ecological speciation. Much progress has been made in analysis of its dynamics and consequences, but relatively little is understood about how coevolution works in multispecies interactions, i.e., those with diverse suites of species on one or both sides of an interaction. Interactions among plant hosts and their mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECM) may provide an ecologically unique arena to examine the nature of selection in multispecies interactions. Using native genotypes of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata), we performed a common garden experiment at a field site that contains native stands to investigate selection from ECM fungi on pine traits. We planted seedlings from all five native populations, as well as inter-population crosses to represent intermediate phenotypes/genotypes, and measured seedling traits and ECM fungal traits to evaluate the potential for evolution in the symbiosis. We then combined field estimates of selection gradients with estimates of heritability and genetic variance–covariance matrices for multiple traits of the mutualism to determine which fungal traits drive plant fitness variation. We found evidence that certain fungal operational taxonomic units, families and species-level morphological traits by which ECM fungi acquire and transport nutrients exert selection on plant traits related to growth and allocation patterns. This work represents the first field-based, community-level study measuring multispecific coevolutionary selection in nutritional symbioses.
... These empirical studies show that species vary in their ability to downregulate root phosphatase activity in response to phosphorus additions (Zalamea et al., 2016) and mycorrhizal colonizationa proxy for investment in mycorrhizal fungiin response to nutrient availability (Cárate-Tandalla et al., 2018). Some species may have inflexible strategies if they evolved in a constant, resource-poor environment (Bloom et al., 1985), when mycorrhizal fungi are opportunistic (Johnson et al., 1997;Whiteside et al., 2019), or when the costs of the strategy are low relative to the benefit, such as resorption of nutrients before senescence (Allen et al., 2020). Our ability to scale flexibility from species to ecosystems is complicated by the possibility that changes in nutrient acquisition strategies at the community level could result from either flexibility within a species or turnover in community composition. ...
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Nutrient limitation may constrain the ability of recovering and mature tropical forests to serve as a carbon sink. However, it is unclear to what extent trees can utilize nutrient acquisition strategies – especially root phosphatase enzymes and mycorrhizal symbioses – to overcome low nutrient availability across secondary succession. Using a large‐scale, full factorial nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization experiment of 76 plots along a secondary successional gradient in lowland wet tropical forests of Panama, we tested the extent to which root phosphatase enzyme activity and mycorrhizal colonization are flexible, and if investment shifts over succession, reflective of changing nutrient limitation. We also conducted a meta‐analysis to test how tropical trees adjust these strategies in response to nutrient additions and across succession. We find that tropical trees are dynamic, adjusting investment in strategies – particularly root phosphatase – in response to changing nutrient conditions through succession. These changes reflect a shift from strong nitrogen to weak phosphorus limitation over succession. Our meta‐analysis findings were consistent with our field study; we found more predictable responses of root phosphatase than mycorrhizal colonization to nutrient availability. Our findings suggest that nutrient acquisition strategies respond to nutrient availability and demand in tropical forests, likely critical for alleviating nutrient limitation.
... Compared with intraspecific competition, during interspecific competition, invasive Asteraceae species can promote invasion by increasing the rate of colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [AMF] (Sun et al., 2022). Similarly, nutrient variability can affect the interactions between soil microorganisms and plants (Johnson et al., 1997;Kaur et al., 2022;Yang et al., 2016). Under low-phosphorus conditions, AMF enhance the competitive advantage of alien plants over native plants, whereas under high-phosphorus conditions, they reduced this advantage (Chen et al., 2019). ...
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Understanding the relationship between plant diversity and invasibility is essential in invasion ecology. Species‐rich communities are hypothesized to be more resistant to invasions than species‐poor communities. However, while soil microorganisms play a crucial role in regulating this diversity–invasibility relationship, the effects of plant competition mode and soil nutrient status on their role remain unclear. To address this, we conducted a two‐stage greenhouse experiment. Soils were first conditioned by growing nine native species separately in them for 1 year, then mixed in various configurations with soils conditioned using one, three, or six species, respectively. Next, we inoculated the mixed soil into sterilized substrate soil and planted the alien species Rhus typhina and native species Ailanthus altissima as test plants. We set up two competition modes (intraspecific and interspecific) and two nutrient levels (fertilization using slow‐release fertilizer and nonfertilization). Under intraspecific competition, regardless of fertilization, the biomass of the alien species was higher in soil conditioned by six native species. By contrast, under interspecific competition, the biomass increased without fertilization but remained stable with fertilization in soil conditioned by six native species. Analysis of soil microbes suggests that pathogens and symbiotic fungi in diverse plant communities influenced R. typhina growth, which varied with competition mode and nutrient status. Our findings suggest that the soil microbiome is pivotal in mediating the diversity–invasibility relationship, and this influence varies according to competition mode and nutrient status.
... Fertilization often reduces allocation to extraradical hyphae and arbuscules relative to other structures 32 . The genotypes of the organisms involved and the environmental conditions under which they interact determine the functioning of mycorrhizal association along the mutualistic-parasitic continuum [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40] . A better understanding of the factors is needed. ...
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The presence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) in vascular land plant roots is one of the most ancient of symbioses supporting nitrogen and phosphorus exchange for photosynthetically derived carbon. Here we provide a multi-scale modeling approach to predict AMF colonization of a worldwide crop from a Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) population derived from Sorghum bicolor and S. propinquum. The high-throughput phenotyping methods of fungal structures here rely on a Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-CNN) in computer vision for pixel-wise fungal structure segmentations and mixed linear models to explore the relations of AMF colonization, root niche, and fungal structure allocation. Models proposed capture over 95% of the variation in AMF colonization as a function of root niche and relative abundance of fungal structures in each plant. Arbuscule allocation is a significant predictor of AMF colonization among sibling plants. Arbuscules and extraradical hyphae implicated in nutrient exchange predict highest AMF colonization in the top root section. Our work demonstrates that deep learning can be used by the community for the high-throughput phenotyping of AMF in plant roots. Mixed linear modeling provides a framework for testing hypotheses about AMF colonization phenotypes as a function of root niche and fungal structure allocations.
... Currently, most data reporting the impact of different AM fungi on their host originate from short-term experiments, using fungal taxa that readily sporulate and are easily amenable to pure cultures (Ohsowski et al. , 2014) which may not reflect the reality in natural environments. The study by Sikes et al. (2009) investigating differences in plant pathogen protection between AM fungal taxa, as well as that of (Lerat et al. , 2003) on C-sink strength among different AM fungal families suggests that certain functional outcomes resulting from the symbiosis depend on the combination of plant and fungal traits (Johnson et al. , 1997). As such, considering fungal traits alone (i.e., in absence of plant and soil characteristics) may limit predictions of functional outcomes of the symbiosis. ...
We examined the effects of ozone on the incidence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae in the roots of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) seedlings using a modified grid-line intersect method. The presence of vesicles, arbuscules, hyphal coils and internal mycelium was recorded. As the concentration of ozone increased, the frequency of vesicles, hyphal coils and internal mycelium increased while that of arbuscules decreased. Total infection rates, however, remained unchanged with increasing ozone levels. It is suggested that the fungi are responding to stress in the plant by increasing the production of less energy demanding and less efficient organs for exchange of nutrients (coils), and by increasing the resources allocated to storage and future growth (vesicles). The increase in internal mycelium (most of which was probably not mycorrhizal) may represent an increase in susceptibility to infection by fungi other than vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
In this contribution we discuss several interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and their host plants. In particular we illustrate how plant communities may be affected by mycorrhizal fungi, and how mycorrhizal fungal communities may be affected by plants and plant cultural practices. The justification for the study of the mycorrhizal symbiosis at the level of the community is rooted in the fact that organisms in nature are usually assembled into interactive communities and do not exist as solitary entities. The function of the symbiosis must therefore be viewed in the context of communities. Although we draw extensively from the ecological literature, the concepts discussed herein are also relevant to horticulture, agronomy, forestry, and land reclamation. We believe that successful use of mycorrhizal fungi in these fields requires an essentially ecological perspective. This chapter deals primarily with the vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal symbiosis. We call to the reader’s attention other recent reviews on related ecological treatments of the mycorrhizal symbiosis including those by St. John and Coleman (1983), Hetrick (1984), Loree and Williams (1984), Fitter (1990), Allen (1991), Brundrett (1991), Marx (1991), Read (1991a,b), Söderström (1991) and Fahey (1992), among others.
Most investigations of floristic diversity have involved studies 1-15 of natural vegetation. Progress using these approaches has been limited because some potentially important factors are not amenable to precise field measurement or manipulation. Here we describe an alternative research strategy in which communities were allowed to develop in turf microcosms providing factorial combinations of soil heterogeneity, grazing and mycorrhizal infection, all of which are capable in theory6,10,13,16-19 of promoting diversity. Both grazing and mycorrhizas increased diversity markedly by raising the biomass of the subordinate species relative to that of the canopy dominant. The effect of grazing is shown to be due to the differential sensitivity of the canopy dominant to defoliation. Export of assimilate from canopy to subordinate species through a common mycelial network is likely, together with enhancement of mineral nutrient capture, to be involved in the beneficial effect of mycorrhizas. No major effects of soil heterogeneity upon diversity were detected.
This chapter provides a framework for some practical approaches to the study of carbon metabolism in mycorrhiza. The ability of a fungus to utilize different carbon compounds may be tested by growing the fungus on agar or in liquid medium. It is shown that some problems may be investigated by means of methods already developed. Among these are enzymatic studies of hexose catabolism in the arbuscular fungi including the possibly important role of dark C02 fixation providing anaplerotic pathways to Krebs cycle intermediates, as well as ¹⁴Cstudies of below-ground carbon allocation, carbon incorporation by the external hyphae and interplant carbon flow mediated by connecting hyphal networks. There is an obvious need for comparative work using well-defined species of both plants and fungi. Other important areas are methodologically less well developed. These include studies of mechanisms involved in the host-fungus carbon transfer and direct measurements of host -fungus carbon flow. Approaches already developed for the study of other symbiotic associations may be an important source of new experimental initiatives in mycorrhizal research.