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... Iz tablice 9. se vidi da su kod ukrasnih karakteristika vrtoglava (zlatana) najbolje ocijenjene ukrasne karakteristike cvijeta i to vrlo dobrom ocjenom (3,58). Potom je ukrasnim karakteristikama habitusa dodijeljena ocjena dobar (2,98) i ocjena dovoljan za ukrasne karakteristike lista (2,24). Ispitanici bi ovu vrstu radije primijenili na javnim zelenim površinama (3,50) nego u kućnim vrtovima (2,64). ...
U zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća sve se više radi na istraživanju i uvođenju u uzgoj samoniklih i zaštićenih biljnih vrsta. Primjenom ovih vrsta u gradskim krajobrazima doprinosi se očuvanju biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti. U nas još vlada trend nedovoljnog uzgoja ovih vrsta. Stoga je i cilj ovog rada bio, putem anketnog istraživanja istražiti percepciju i stavove ispitanika o ukrasnim karakteristikama i primjeni odabranih zaštićenih biljnih vrsta koje rastu na hrvatskom kršu (Por. Caryophyllaceae, Iridaceae, Liliaceae i Ranunculaceae). Kroz opći dio rada obrađuje se uvođenje novih vrsta u ukrasnu hortikulturu s naglaskom na zaštićene biljne vrste, kao i opisi odabranih potonjih vrsta s bioekološkog i zaštitarskog aspekta. Kao izvor primarnih podataka provedeno je anketno ispitivanje, u drugoj polovici 2019. godine. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitanici ukrasne karakteristike i primjenu odabranih vrsta uglavnom vrednuju s ocjenom dobar. Prosječne ocjene po vrstama su donekle približne promatrajući ukrasne karakteristike i primjenu. Razlog tome je kontinuirana uporaba alohtonih vrsta tijekom posljednjih decenija. Postoje i izuzetci u pogledu ukrasnih karakteristika i primjene kojima su dodijeljene vrlo dobre ocjene: zvjezdasti ljiljan, vele cvjetni kukurijek i velika šumarica. Način održavanja gore navedenih vrsta u uzgoju ispitanici percipiraju kao osrednje težak. Ovi preliminarni rezultati mogu se koristiti prilikom uvođenja novih vrsta u ukrasnu hortikulturu.
... Systematic methods, such as the profile (Noordegraaf, 1987) and inventory (Sachs et al., 1976) methods, and overall schemes (Roh and Lawson, 1993) or systems (Armitage, 1986(Armitage, , 1990, have been proposed for the development of new plant products. However, development of many, successful new floriculture products has not conformed to reported, systematic methods. ...
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Croatian clove, Dianthus giganteus D'Urv ssp. croaticus (Borbas), the indigenous perennial, neo-endemic plant, was chosen out of the flora of the continental Croatia for the placement on the ornamental plant market. Basic prerequisites for the introduction into commercial growing of this attractive species were researched during the three year period of the project "Introduction of indigenous ornamental species into horticulture". Croatian clove could be used in ornamental horticulture for planting in private gardens and public spaces, as a pot flower or cut flowers. As a first step to introduce it into culture, methods and duration of plant propagation were researched. Seeds collected in natural habitats, were sown in unheated plastic greenhouse in two seasons (spring and autumn). It was determined that the sowing date doesn't make any significant difference for the growth parameters of the seedlings, like plant height and plant diameter as well as the number of shoots per plant, which gives us the possibility of growing this species during the year-round floriculture production.
In this study, the effects of growing conditions and sowing time on the growth and flowering characteristics of Consolida orientalis (Gay) Schröd. population native to Cevizli district (Antalya, South Anatolia) were investigated. The seeds collected from native population were sown in open field and unheated plastic greenhouse conditions on 22 October, 22 November, 22 December, 24 January and 24 February, and plants were grown under natural photoperiods. Results indicated that unheated plastic greenhouse conditions significantly shortened the times from sowing to flowering in all sowing times, these times reduced with delayed sowing dates under each of growing conditions, and differences in sowing dates did not reflect to the flowering dates and flowering dates of plants sown on different dates were quite similar. In all sowing dates, the highest values for plant height, stem diameter, length, diameter and flower number of main flower stalks, and also number, length, diameter and flower numbers of secondary flower stalks were recorded under greenhouse conditions. Delaying sowing dates resulted in significant decreases in all growth and flowering characteristics under both open field and greenhouse conditions and no plant establishment was recorded under open field conditions in January and February sowings. Sowing in November and December for unheated plastic greenhouse and sowing in November for open field growing were found to be best sowing times with respect to the most of growth and flowering characteristics considered in this study.
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