
Measuring the quality of recreation services

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... Cultural and heritage tourism: The new grand tour? Historic Environment, 7(3&4), [86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98] характер на уникални места." 61 Наистина, наследството се смята за неделима част от културния туризъм и негова основна предпоставка. ...
... Същевременно общините като териториалноадминистративна единица се смятат за особено подходящ обект на туристическото планиране, поради приписваната им прилика с класическото индустриално предприятие, което позволява при управлението им да се прилагат основните принципи и техники на мениджмънта на предприятието. 97 В същото време, от съществено значение е и сътрудничеството между отделните общини с цел създаване на интегриран туристически продукт. В България, добра практика на подобна кооперация в сферата на културния туризъм са няколкото пилотни проекта с ръководител проф. ...
... В заключение бихме могли да обобщим основните управленски дейности на местно ниво като: политика и планиране, изграждане и поддържане на общата 97 Воденска, М. (2010) цит. изт., стр. ...
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Настоящето изследване е проведено в периода 2009-2012 година и е представено за защита на докторска степен в научна специалност Икономика и управление (туризъм). Какво обосновава публикуването му седем години по-късно? На първо място, актуалността на проблема – културният туризъм, макар и от години извеждан като приоритет в развитието и позиционирането на туристическа дестинация България, все още не е развит в пълния си потенциал и конкурентната позиция на дестинациите за културен туризъм в България се нуждае от подобряване. В този смисъл, приносът на настоящата работа може да бъде в няколко посоки: • Осигуряване на иструментариум за оценка и анализ на конкурентоспособността на дестинация за културен туризъм. Изследването представя детайлен авторов модел за оценка, който включва критерии и показатели, алгоритъм за провеждане на проучването, както и набор от методи за събиране и обработка на данни. В допълнение, така представената методология е приложена за реално проучване върху три дестинации – Мелник, Жеравна и Копривщица, което илюстрира приложението на модела и улеснява използването му и от други автори. • Надеждна база за лонгитудинални изследвания. Фактът, че представените в изследването данни са валидни за период назад във времето дава възможност за провеждане на съпоставителни проучвания, които да установят посоката и темпа на развитие на културните дестинации от гледна точка на конкурентната им позиция.
... The early quality studies have been dominated by the manufacturing sector; to the neglect of the services. Nevertheless, research in the service sector attracted an enormous interest in the 1980's which has resulted in a developing body of general literature (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1985;Jarvis and Mayo, 1986;Mackay and Crompton, 1990;Crompton, et al.,1991;Frochot and Hughes, 2000;Tsaur et al., 2002;Hwang et al., 2005). ...
... This study applied the SERVQUAL model as developed by Parasuraman and his co-researchers (1985) to examine the tourists' perceptions of the TSQ in Malindi, Kenya (Figure 1). This model has been widely used and indeed cited in the management field (Parasuraman et al., 1985;Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry, 1990;MacKay and Crompton, 1990;Crompton, et al., 1991;Stevens, et al., 1995;Tribe and Snaith, 1998;Frochot and Hughes, 2000;Tsaur et al., 2002;Hwang et al., 2005;Gursoy et al., 2005). However, it should be noted that despite its wide application, the instrument has notable deficiencies. ...
... However, it should be noted that despite its wide application, the instrument has notable deficiencies. The service attributes that are used to measure service quality, for instance, may not represent the actual levels of service quality and/ or may not measure all the important characteristics of a particular service (See for example MacKay and Crompton, 1990;Crompton et al., 1991;Stevens et al., 1995;Frochot and Hughes, 2000;Hwang et al., 2005). However, the model still posses some value as a management tool to alert tourism service managers/providers on issues relating to the quality of their services. ...
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This study is an attempt to investigate the tourism service quality in Malindi, Kenya. It is based on a fieldwork research carried out in October through December 2000. SERVQUAL model was used in generation of questionnaires which were the primary tools for data collection. The study results suggest that, the performance-based measures of service quality can be used to provide an index of the quality perceptions of a tourist destination’s service providers. It provides insightful and meaningful information about tourists’ perceptions of a particular service. This study, for instance, found that beach operators, informal micro-entrepreneurs, play an important role in the overall tourism service quality in Malindi.
... According to Baker and Crompton (2000), the quality of products or services can be assessed through the performance quality of attributes under the control of a service provider. This is also proposed as an antecedent of customer satisfaction or tourist satisfaction in the tourism context (Baker & Crompton, 2000;Crompton & Mackay, 1989;MacKay & Crompton, 1990;Tian-Cole et al., 2002). As tourist satisfaction can be evaluated through the performance quality of tourism attributes presented in a destination, it is essential for tourism organisations to understand which quality dimensions and attributes are important in the eyes of tourists, including honeymooners. ...
... -Recreation Services (Akama & Kieti, 2003;MacKay & Crompton, 1990) and; ...
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Honeymoon tourism has become an important sector of the tourism industry, creating a significant economic yield and visitation to many destinations. Despite many destinations management organisations (DMOs) around the world having invested significant resources and promoted honeymoon tourism activities to attract potential honeymooners to their destinations, research in this topic area is still not well-developed (Bulcroft et al., 1997, 1999; Kim & Agrusa, 2005; Jang et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2010). Existing studies on honeymoon tourism only cover limited research domains, such as the competitiveness and the positioning of overseas honeymoon destination (Kim & Agrusa, 2005), a choice-sets model for a couple in selecting a honeymoon destination (Jang et al., 2007) and the determinants of destination selection (Lee et al., 2010). Therefore, this study aims to address this lack of research and extend the range of honeymoon tourism studies by identifying and validating a quality scale for honeymoon tourism. In addition, by drawing together perceived quality, fantasy and relational value to synthesise a conceptual model, this thesis develops and verifies a model of the effects of honeymooners’ perceived quality on their fantasy, as well as destination relational value. The current study applied a mixed research method and consisted of two main studies. Study 1 focused on identifying and validating a quality scale for honeymoon tourism using a multidimensional approach. Besides the literature search, it employed the item development procedure suggested by Churchill (1979). Following the steps for the item development process, face-to-face in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 industry practitioners and 3 prospective honeymooners. The initial derived items were then reviewed by a panel of experts. After the refinement process, the items were used to perform EFA, CFA and scale validation. As revealed from the findings, the newly developed quality scale for honeymoon tourism indicated nine underlying dimensions (i.e. hospitality of local people, honeymoon destination image, accessibility, price, honeymoon accommodation, honeymooners’ privilege, dining experience, honeymoon service provider and local tour product) with 27 measurement items. Study 2 employed an advanced quantitative approach, utilising structural equation modelling (SEM) to verify the structural model with two paths: 1) from honeymoon quality dimensions to fantasy and 2) from fantasy to destination relational value. The main survey analysed 565 responses from international honeymooners who visited Phuket, Thailand. Statistical results revealed the model fits the data well. Research findings also exposed that seven out of nine sub-hypotheses from a honeymooner’s perceived quality to fantasy were supported, as well as all three sub-hypotheses from fantasy to destination relational value. This thesis makes several theoretical contributions, the most important implication is its expansion of the range of studies on honeymoon tourism. Although some issues concerning honeymoon tourism have been examined by scholars, there is still only a handful of research available in this field (Kim & Agrusa, 2005; Jang et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2010). Existing studies tend to focus on the general aspects of honeymoon tourism. On the other hand, in-depth empirical studies have been overlooked, particularly in the area of honeymoon tourism quality (Kim & Agrusa, 2005; Bulcroft et al., 1999; Jang et al 2007). Although the importance of quality has been recognised as a key to understanding the nature of customers’ evaluative perceptions in hospitality and tourism literature (Baker & Crompton, 2000), the concept has not been explored in a honeymoon tourism context (Bulcroft et al., 1999; Kim & Agrusa, 2005; Jang et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2010). As a scale for measuring honeymoon tourism quality has not been identified (Kim & Agrusa, 2005; Jang et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2010), the newly-developed quality measurement tool not only bridges the gaps not addressed in previous research but also opens the door for future research in the field. Furthermore, this study emphasised on investigation of a structural model, which is derived from the concepts of perceived quality, fantasy and destination relational value. By applying these important concepts to honeymoon tourism, a practical, valuable model is empirically developed that contributes to closing the gaps evident in existing literature. Future research on honeymoon tourism can build on these foundations and examine a deeper understanding in this particular field.
... Accommodation is a prime factor that provides services and facilities to the tourists that influence the tourist's choice and selection process of tourism products (Chu & Choi, 2000). Service quality and accommodation facilities help to attract tourists to a Hanqin and Lam (1999), Thompson and Schofield (2007) 2 Accommodation Accommodation is the facility where tourists can stay and pay according to the duration of the stay Hui et al., (2007); Xia et al., (2009);Hosany et al., (2006) 3 Assurance Assurance is a tourist's attitude, which comes from a difference between the perception of actual services and the expectation of services Mackay and Crompton (1990), Berry (1991), Juran, (1993 4 Attraction {culture} The attraction is a place where tourist wants to visit Kruger et al. (2013), Kim and Chen (2010) 5 Cleanliness Cleanliness means tourist places should be clean from unhealthy things Alegre and Garau (2010), Ozturk and Hancer (2008) 6 Hospitality Hospitality is a way of expressing gratitude by residents towards guests, tourists, and visitors, who arrive in the community (hotels, guest houses, apartments, and condominiums) Jenkins (1999), Yoon and Uysal (2005) 7 (2010) 10 Security Security is a way to protect tourist from various risk {financial and functional risk, social and time risk, physical and psychological risk} Tasci and Boylu (2010) Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management destination, inspire for WOM recommendations (Nessel et al., 2021), and improve the intention of tourists to revisit the same place after the consumption of tourism products. In addition, there are several other attributes of the accommodation (Kim et al., 2020;Nessel et al., 2021) that make tourists happy and satisfied, such as the cleanliness of the dining area, bathroom and room, flexible check-in and check-out, hospitality, and location. ...
... Assurance Perception of quality and assurance is a tourist's attitude, which comes from a comparison between the perception of actual services and the expectation of services (Berry, 1991;Mackay & Crompton, 1990;Rossi & Tarquinio, 2017). Assurance establishes the confidence in tourists that there will be no difference between in perception of actual services and the expectation of services, and the performance of the quality-related activities well (Juran, 1993). ...
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Among services, the immense growth of Indian tourism in the last years has attracted the interest of practitioners, researchers, and governments. Service experiences at the point of encounter can impact the consumption of these tourism services extensively. However, measuring the service experience at the point of service encounter becomes a bit difficult. The tourists who visit India often share their experiences immediately regarding their service encounter in social media. These tweets often have high sentiments and emotional content. In this study, we attempt to identify factors which impact customer service experience, at the point of service encounter, by mining social media discussions. After removing spurious tweets, 7,91,804 tweets were identified and analysed in this study. Factors such as accessibility, accommodation, assurance, cultural attraction, Jugaadu service flexibility, cleanliness, hospitality, price, restaurant, and security were identified using topic modelling, topic association mining, and sentiment analysis. We attempt to model these experiences and their drivers across five zones of India, namely North, South, East, West, and North-East India. Our inferential analysis highlights that the importance and impact of these factors differ significantly zone wise across India, which indicates high location specificity of factors which impact the customer service experience. The study elaborates implications for theory and practice based on our findings.
... Önceleri bu modeller spor ve fitness hizmeti özelliklerini yansıtan modeller olarak görülsede (MacKay ve Crompton 1990;McDonald ve diğ., 1995), daha sonraki çalışmalarda bu boyutların fitness hizmetlerine yönelik çok da uygun olmadığı sonucuna varılmıştır. ...
... Bu girişim, tüketicilerin alınan hizmetlerle ilgili istek ve algılarını değerlendiren kalite ile ilgili 25 kriterden oluşan bir ölçüm aracı önermiştir.Bu ölçüm modelleri içinde önerilen bir ölçüm modelini tekrar sınayan ölçüm modelleri de mevcuttur. Örneğin Mackay veCrompton (1990) tarafından geliştirilen ölçek daha önce geliştirilmiş bir ölçeğin yeniden geçerlik ve güvenirliğini sınamış ve dört faktörlü bir yapı elde etmiştir. ...
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Fiziksel aktiviteye düzenli katılım insanların içinde yasadıkları toplumda daha sağlıklı, dengeli, verimli ve mutlu olmalarında önemli rol oynar (Vlachopoulos, & Karageorghis, 2005). Günümüzde sağlıklı yaşam bilincinin artmasıyla fitness kulüplerine olan ilgi artmış, üye sayısı % 3,8 artarak 65 milyona ulaşmıştır. Fitness kulüplerinin toplam geliri ise 28,2 milyar Euro olmuştur (+ 3.1% at constant currency) (European Health & Fitness Market Report, 2020). Fitness sektöründeki bu büyüme düzeyine rağmen, fitness kulüplerine üye olan bireyler işletmelerden kolayca ayrılabilmektedir. (Gonçalves, & Diniz, 2015). Araştırmalara göre müşterilerin sadece % 4’ü hizmet kalitesiyle ilgili memnuniyetsizliğini işletme yönetimine bildirirken, % 90’ı hayal kırıklığına uğrayarak hizmeti kullanmamayı tercih etmektedir.
... Though this instrument has a 7-point scale, the choices are not the same as the SERVQUAL and are out of balance: with only one negative choice but five positive choices (disagree, neither agree nor disagree, slightly agree, agree, strongly agree, very strongly agree, and extremely strongly agree). MacKay and Crompton (1990) reported that the Cronbach (1951) alpha for the five dimensions of their scale ranged from .62 to .86 (the Cronbach alpha for each dimension was not reported), which were not as good as the SERVQUAL (Cronbach alphas ranging from .72 to .86, with a median of .82). ...
... Similarly, Howat, Absher, Criley, and Milne (1996) , 1995). Similar to MacKay and Crompton's (1990) scale, the 6-point CERM-CSQ is out of balance: with only one negative choice but four positive choices (i.e., disagree, neither agree nor disagree, slightly agree, agree, strongly agree, and very strongly agree). Later, Howat, Murray, and Crilley (1999) found that those perceived service quality attributes could be classified under three dimensions: (a) Personnel, (b) Core, and (c) Peripheral. ...
... The service quality measurement in the hospitality sector has become a popular research subject. Among the research instruments developed and adapted to measure service quality and satisfaction in tourism industry include SERVQUAL (Mackay and Crompton, 1990: Fick and Ritchie, 1991: Lam and Zhang, 1999: Pawitra and Tan, 2003: Juwaheer, 2004, RECQUAL (Crompton, et al., 1991), SERVPERF (Cronin and Taylor, 1994;Hudson et al., 2004), HOLSTAT (Tribe and Snaith, 1998), DINESERV (Stevens, et al., 1995); LODGESERV (Knutson et al., 1990) ECOSERV (Khan, 2003). In this research, the researchers intend to measure customer satisfaction in relation to Eco-lodge performance evaluated by Eco-guests' perceived service quality dimension. ...
... In conclusion, This study can be classified as an extension to previous studies that attempted to explore the effect and relation between services quality, guests satisfaction and guest behavioral intentions in the Hotel industry, but this study development scale practical for new phoneme in hotel sector name is Eco-lodge to reported the different SQ dimension between the traditional hotel and Eco-lodge effect on Eco-guest satisfaction and guest behavioral intentions, Pawitra and Tan, (2003), Khan , (2003), Lam and Zhang, (1999), Augustyn and Ho, (1998), Cronin and Taylor, (1994) Fick and Ritchie, (1991), Crompton et al. (1991, Mackay and Crompton, (1990) and Mackay and Crompton, (1988). ...
... Such indicators could be ineffective and challenging for the management to monitor the changes in the indicators variables. Satisfaction is usually measured by SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al. 1988), RECQUAL (MacKay & Crompton 1990), and ECO SERV (Khan 2003). These satisfaction measurements consisted of multi-dimensional items (e.g., responsiveness and reliability dimensions) that are not specific to represent the resource, social and managerial conditions. ...
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A systematic quantitative literature review was conducted to assess the characteristics and gaps of the carrying capacity studies in Malaysia. Of the 13 academic papers identified, which were published from 2012 to 2021, results showed a ratio of 1.4 academic papers had been published in the nine years. Almost all the reviewed papers incorporated the elements of public enjoyment and were carried out by eliciting recreational resources, experiential, or managerial conditions. The gaps comprised the lack of carrying capacity studies in the recreation resources under the state and federal forestry department authority, despite being Malaysia's largest and most visited recreation resource networks. In addition, only two studies included the standards of carrying capacity. The indicators determined are most likely to be less specific and manageable, and a lack of attention has also been given to the managerial components of the carrying capacity. Lastly, most studies were conducted from the social science perspective, thus warranting more studies in the natural science discipline to formulate the indicators based on the changes happening to the ecological components of the recreation resources. The review provides recommendations for researchers and decision-makers on the future direction of carrying capacity study in Malaysia.
... In the first part of the scale, questions about the demographic information of tourists are included. In the second part, the "Excitement Seeking Scale" developed by Hoyle et al. in 2002 and adapted into Turkish by Çelik and Turan (2016) and the "Recreational Service Quality Scale" developed by Mackay & Crompton in 1990 were used. However, Kim et al. (2015) have a behavioral intention for the experience prepared for nature-based activities, Baker and Crompton (2000) have a reengagement intention scale, and Mao and Zhang (2014), Lee et al. (2005) have a destination-oriented behavioral intention scale adapted from the scale developed to measure behavioral intention. ...
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Turizm olgusu içerisinde gerçekleştirilen rekreasyonel faaliyetler, turistlerin hem destinasyon hem de konaklama işletmesi tercih aşamasında etkilidir. Ayrıca bu faaliyetler destinasyon ve işletmenin kalitesinin, imajının ve çekiciliğinin artmasına etki eden unsurların başında bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma rekreasyon hizmet kalitesi ile davranışsal niyet arasındaki ilişki içerisinde heyecan arama davranışının düzenleyici etkisinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu bakış açısıyla Kapadokya Bölgesi’nde sıcak hava balonu deneyimi yaşayan yerli ve yabancı 603 turist üzerinde anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Çalışma verilerini ve hipotezleri analiz etmek amacıyla Kısmi En Küçük Kareler Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (KEKK-YEM), t testi ve ANOVA testleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, turistlerin hizmet kalitesi algılamaları ile rekreatif deneyime ve destinasyona yönelik davranışsal niyetleri arasında olumlu ve anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Heyecan arama davranışının ise bu ilişki içerisinde kısmi de olsa düzenleyici etkisi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, turistlerin rekreasyon hizmet kalitesi algılamalarının, heyecan arayışlarının ve destinasyona yönelik davranışsal niyetlerinin cinsiyet, yaş, medeni durum, seyahat etme sıklığı ve destinasyona gelme sayılarına göre farklılık gösterdiği, uyruğun ise farklılık göstermediği tespit edilmiştir.
... Ghobadian et al., (1994) categorized the definition of quality into five broad categories based on how crucial they are to service businesses, including transcendence, product, process or supply, customer, and value approaches. While Mackay & Crompton (1990) defined service quality as "the relationship between what customers desire from a service and what they perceive that they receive." On the other hand, Lenka et al., (2009) specified that service quality is the discrepancy between customer expectations and perceived service. ...
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The essence of banking service will always be service quality. To gain customer satisfaction, enhance market rivalry, and achieve sustainable performance. The primary goal of this article is to identify the primary factor contributing to high customer dissatisfaction and poor service quality in bank services. This article synergies fuzzy SERVQUAL, fuzzy Kano model, and fuzzy analytic network processing into QFD. Structured survey questions based on SERVQUAL and Kano models were developed and disseminated to collect data. According to the findings, the bank should offer the promised service within the time range, respond to client concerns immediately, and supply appropriate service within the time frame. Furthermore, an employee should give timely care to the client; the employee should never be too busy to respond to customer demands and inform the consumer when service is delivered. In conclusion, focusing on customer requirements can enhance the bank's service level, which increases customer satisfaction.
... Service magnificence is frequently a consumer's all round impact of the practically identical inferiority or superiority of an enterprise and its consequences [10]. Mackay and Crompton [11] characterize service magnificence by the relationship between what customer actually wishes from the service in addition to what exactly customer receive. Parasuraman et al. [3] contended that service quality is characterized as the complete valuation of a specific service that results from associating company's execution with the customer all inclusive prospects of how firms in that industry should complete. ...
Bandung dikenal sebagai ibu kota Jawa Barat. Bandung berkembang juga sebagai kota kuliner. Sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab Pemerintah untuk memfasilitasi wisatawan yang datang ke Bandung, Pemerintah secara resmi mengumumkan Bus Pariwisata "Bandros" (Bandung Tour on Bus). Namun secara praktis, banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh para pemangku kepentingan. Standarisasi harga di antara penumpang, batasan jumlah bus yang tidak dapat melayani penumpang, ketidakjelasan rute termasuk keberangkatan dan kedatangan, manajemen yang tidak sehat untuk faktor keselamatan dan meningkatnya jumlah penumpang yang memberikan dampak negatif karena kualitas layanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas layanan, kepuasan masyarakat dan minat masyarakat untuk menggunakan kembali Bandros, dan juga untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis sejauh mana kualitas layanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan masyarakat serta dampaknya terhadap minat masyarakat untuk menggunakan kembali Bus Bandros. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif-verifikasi. Metode ini digunakan untuk memverifikasi kualitas layanan persepsi, kepuasan masyarakat dan niat masyarakat untuk menggunakan kembali Bus Bandros dengan melibatkan 500 responden yang ingin menggunakan Bus Bandros. Penyebaran dan pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan menggunakan convenience sampling. Analisis jalur juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil proses pengujian statistik ditemukan persepsi yang signifikan antara variabel kualitas layanan dan citra merek dengan minat masyarakat di Kota Bandung untuk menggunakan Bus Bandros. Untuk rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini, kejelasan informasi dapat meningkatkan niat publik untuk menggunakan Bus Bandros, karena informasi yang disampaikan akan memberikan kejelasan dalam rangka meningkatkan niat publik untuk naik Bus Bandros.
... Though service quality measurements have been made in different fields, it is known that the dimensions of service quality measured are similar. For example, MacKay and Crompton [35] used the five-dimensional scale developed by Parasuraman et al. [34] to measure service quality in recreational activities. ...
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This study has been conducted in a sample of Eskişehir city center, which is one of the important destinations in Turkey, to determine the effects of experience quality in recreational activities on perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Following this purpose, the data were obtained from 420 people who participated in recreational activities organized by the local governments between April and June 2022. As a result of the findings, it has been determined that the perceptions of individuals regarding the experience quality of the activities positively affect their perceptions of value and satisfaction. Moreover, individuals’ positive value perceptions of activities increase their satisfaction and behavioral intentions. This study differs from other studies by examining the variables of experience quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intention in recreational activities as a whole. Most studies on recreation, which is accepted as important in the context of public health, in addition to the fact that recreational activities emphasize the perspective of protecting and improving health. Unlike other studies, this one is expected to contribute to the literature by determining the antecedents for the activities to be much more efficient.
... Primarni motiv znatnijeg fokusa znanstvenih stručnjaka za shvaćanjem koncepta kvaliteta usluga javio se kao posljedica potrebe u razumijevanju preferencija korisnika. Pregledom literature utvrđeno je kako je najučestalija definicija kvalitete usluga razlika između percepcije i očekivanja korisnika usluga (Asher, 1996;Cadotte & Turgeon, 1988;Gefen, 2002;Gronroos, 1984;Hoffman & Bateson, 1997;Lewis & Booms, 1983;Mackay & Crompton, 1990;Oliver, 1980;Parasuraman et al., 1985Parasuraman et al., , 1988Parasuraman & Berry, 1991;Smith & Houston, 1982) pri čemu se očekivanja interpretiraju kao vjerovanja o usluzi ili proizvodu prije njegove konzumacije (Olson & Dover, 1979), a percepcija ono što je korisnik zaista dobio kupnjom (Rašan & Rašan, 2022). ...
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Svrha – Turistički vodiči poveznica su između turističkih agencija, hotela i grupa turista s najmanje jednim noćenjem u destinaciji. Polazeći od navedenog, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati i analizirati stavove turističkih vodiča sjeverozapadne Hrvatske o njihovom sveukupnom zadovoljstvu hotelskim uslugama i namjeri preporuke hotela turističkim agencijama za koje rade. Metode – U tu svrhu na temelju relevantne znanstvene literature kreiran je anketni upitnik koji je distribuiran u online obliku. U mjerenju kvalitete hotelskih usluga iz perspektive turističkih vodiča korišten je modificirani SERVQUAL model, a ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 52 ispitanika. Obzirom da je ovo istraživanje prvo koje se bavi spomenutom tematikom u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, odlučeno je najprije provesti pilot testiranje. Zaključci – Rezultatima provedenog empirijskog istraživanja utvrđeno je da je kod većine čestica u modelu prisutan negativan SERVQUAL jaz, što znači da hotelijeri nisu nadmašili očekivanja turističkih vodiča. Usprkos toj činjenici, ispitani turistički vodiči bili su zadovoljni ukupnom pruženom hotelskom uslugom te planiraju preporučiti hotel svojim poslodavcima, točnije turističkim agencijama. Originalnost istraživanja – Osim što je ovim istraživanjem dokazan SERVQUAL model kao prikladan instrument za mjerenje zadovoljstva turističkih vodiča, doprinos ovog istraživanja od značajan je za hotele jer temeljem dobivenih podataka mogu determinirati trenutnu razinu kvalitete koju pružaju s ciljem njezina poboljšanja i unaprijeđena.
... This error is due to intangible behavioral processes that cannot be easily monitored or controlled (Bowen, 1986). However, although a substantial amount of service quality research has focused on service customers' perceived service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1988 Service Quality has always attracted the attention of managers and leaders in organizations (Mackay & Crompton, 1990).In the present Global competitive environment Organization seek to improve their performance through Innovation and Quality of Services they offer to Customers. As many researchers contend, organizations need to deal with both internal and external customers (Hauser et al., 1996).Successful organizations need to emphasize the quality of services offered to both internal and external customers. ...
... It is also the degree to which opportunities satisfy the motivations for which they were designed. Hence, the challenge of providing high quality recreational services would become less difficult when agencies are aware of what their patrons desire from their services (Mackay and Crompton, 1990). ...
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The essentials of urban open space management recommend that a mindfully implemented urban improvement should incorporate more than just great buildings. It ought to incorporate parks and open spaces on the ground that both buildings and open spaces benefit from each other through the quality of each space. Furthermore, it provides benefits from the economical, social, communal, environmental and aesthetical aspects.Parks and open spaces improved the personal satisfaction of urban communities and neighborhood by the city enhancements and facilities. The reasonable system on nature of a neighborhood park in this paper is gotten from a multidisciplinary study in the fields of landscaping design, relaxation, amusement, tourism industry and the environment. This system takes into consideration theory based combination of certainties and thoughts as well as functional ramifications for the advancement of tools to assess the aspects of value in Ado Ekiti Neighborhood Park. Neighborhood Park as the subject of evaluation for this tool since it has social, monetary and social qualities on our everyday lives. In addition to the fact that it provides income benefits for health and mental prosperity, it also serves as a societal and community gathering place for certain residential neighborhood. This paper fundamentally evaluates the result of investigations literature that characterizes the idea of quality for a neighborhood park. The outcome of this study would be utilized to control future development of a structure to characterize parts of value in Ado-Ekiti neighborhood parks.
... Using this perspective, Crompton and Love (1995) renamed "service quality in the tourism field as quality of opportunity". Researchers used this the definition as an effort into measuring service quality (Baker and Crompton, 2000;Mackay and Crompton, 1990). On the other hand, Zeithaml (1988) defined "Perceived quality is defined as the visitors' judgment about a service's overall excellence or superiority (Zeithaml, 1988)". ...
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Event is becoming more increasingly important both socially and economically. Such growth has raised many questions concerning the quality of event and impact on satisfaction and behavioral intentions of attendees, however, few studies have examined the actual event quality of a cultural performance. With so many competitions in the event business, an event planner must increase the level of event quality. In additon to create satisfaction and revisit of attendees in the event, a highly quality of performance, employees and environment is recommended. This study examined the underlying structure of event quality and impact between satisfaction and behavioural intentions. Three event quality dimensions (quality of event employees, quality of event environment, and event product quality) were analyzed with descriptive statistical method and regression analysis. This study is based on the cultural event of 'Ramayana Ballet' performance at Culture House of Puspo Budoyo. The study therefore emphasizes event quality has a significant relationship between satisfaction and behavioural intentions, Furthermore, quality event employees, quality event environment and quality event product have significant impact on behavioral intentions. ABSTRAK Dunia perhelatan mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting secara sosial dan ekonomi. Peningkatan tersebut telah menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan mengenai kualitas acara dan dampaknya pada kepuasan dan niat perilaku peserta, tetapi tidak banyak yang meneliti kualitas acara mengenai suatu perhelatan budaya. Dengan begitu banyak kompetisi dalam bisnis ini, perencana acara harus meningkatkan tingkat kualitas acara. Selain itu untuk menciptakan kepuasan dan kunjungan kembali para peserta dalam acara tersebut, kualitas acara, karyawan dan lingkungan sangat direkomendasikan. Studi ini meneliti yang mendasari kualitas acara dan dampak antara kepuasan dan niat perilaku peserta. Tiga dimensi kualitas acara (kualitas karyawan acara, kualitas lingkungan acara, kualitas produk acara) dianalisis dengan metode statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi. Penelitian ini berdasarkan acara budaya 'Sendratari Ramayana' di Rumah Budaya Puspo Budoyo. Studi ini juga menekankan bahw kualitas acara memiliki hubungan yang signifikan antara kepuasan dan niat perilaku. Selanjutnya, kualitas karyawan acara, kualitas lingkungan dan kualitas produk mempunyai dampak yang signifikan terhadap niat perilaku peserta.
... Parasuraman et al. [16] argue that service quality can be defined as the difference between perceived and expected service, while Mackay and Crompton [17] defined it as "the relationship between the customer's desires for a service and what they perceive they receive" (p. 47). ...
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In this article, the construction of an evaluation model of the quality of the service of hard discount stores in Colombia was carried out. Thus, a quantitative study was carried out, under the deductive and descriptive method, with its own instrument designed and supported by the globally accepted Servqual and Servperf models, with Likert-type questions, to measure customer perception. In this regard, around five thousand surveys were applied in the main cities of the country, for the validation of the instrument as the information processing, the quantitative software SPSS-26 and its complement the AMOS were used. The designed model was made up of seven dimensions, namely: tangible elements, reliability, empathy, security, responsiveness, image and loyalty. Finally, it concludes by highlighting the aspects that were considered most relevant for the customers of the discounter’s stores.
... Equipment was popular in the literature of recreation service quality, under the dimension of tangibles (e.g., Mackay & Crompton, 1990;Theodorakis et al., 2001), core product (e.g., Howat et al., 1996), or physical environment quality (e.g., Ko & Pastore, 2004). Equipment was rarely considered in spectating sport event services because customers are not actively involved in the sport. ...
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In this article, a conceptual model for service quality of eSports events was proposed including four dimensions: competition quality refers to the perceived quality of the actual game itself; physical environment quality dimension stands for the physical surroundings where the service is produced and delivered; event execution quality measures the intangible items in the peripheral service, which can be directly designed or managed by the event organizer; and interaction quality measures the interaction among spectators, such as crowd experience or social factor. The validity of each dimension in other service industries and its suitability in the eSports context are both taken into consideration. At the current stage, the model is conceptualized from existing literature, thus demanding further qualitative and quantitative study.
... Unlike the top quality of goods, which may be measured objectively by such indicators as durability and number of defects, service good quality is an elusive construct that is difficult to measure (Crosby 1979). Mackay and Crompton (1990) defined service quality as "the relationship between what customer's desires from a service and what they perceive that they receive". Additionally, service good quality is also a way of thinking about how to satisfy customers so that they hold positive attitudes toward the service they have received (Ostrowski, O'Brian, & Gordon 1993in Prabaharan 2008. ...
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As one of the main travel destinations in the world, an effort to achieve Bali as the most interesting, comfortable and highly competitive place for foreign tourists needs to be sustainably enhanced. This effort would require the allocation of economic resources and clear government strategies to achieve the optimal allocation. This research investigated the key indicators of Bali tourism service from two parties, namely the foreign tourists as consumer and the local government as policy maker for tourism services in Bali. The indicators that used in this research were entry, long distance transportation, short distance transportation, hospitality, tourist attraction, promotion and supporting infrastructure. The identification of key indicators was conducted through a tourism survey based on two criteria, namely expected and perceived value, on 235 foreign tourists who stayed in the two most populated regencies, Kuta and Ubud. In addition, the identification of key indicators of policy maker was conducted through interview with Department of Culture and Tourism. The techniques for analyzing the data were Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The findings from this investigation yielded key indicators performance that would be useful for local government to improve tourism performance in Bali. It was also found that the cleanliness of hotel environment, the cleanliness of tourist attractions, the fame of tourist attraction, the availability of short distance transportation, the price of transportation, the flight availability, the highway infrastructure, the electricity supply, the ease of visa and custom process and the international promotion as the essential key indicators that the local government must pay attention to.
... (Oliver, 1997, p. 13), with three focal determinants: expectations, performance, and subjective disconfi rmation. Th e defi nition of MacKay and Crompton is similar; they, however, draw attention to the "psychological outcome of the service experience" (MacKay & Crompton, 1990). Johnson et al. (1995) also take into account these two approaches, calling them transaction and cumulative. ...
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The aim of this study is to identify the salient attributes of one-day cultural tours provided by ground operators. The research is based on the netnography approach, using as a main data source user-generated content (UGC) on TripAdvisor. A total of 233 reviews were processed applying thematic analysis through the R package for Qualitative Data Analysis (RQDA). Following an open coding procedure, five dimensions of service experience, possibly connected to tourist satisfaction were identified – the quality of tour guiding, the overall organization of the trip, sites visited, comfort of transport vehicles, and value for money. In practical terms, the findings will be of use to tour operators for designing a competitive product. As research on customer satisfaction regarding organized tours is limited, especially when one-day tours are concerned, this paper contributes to better understanding of the factors that affect it. The study complements existing knowledge of tourist satisfaction by providing insight and a model specifically tailored to one-day cultural tours, which are a growing segment in tour operator activities. The main limitation of the study is connected to the method used – it identifies salient attributes and prioritizes them, but cannot describe the nature and strength of the impact.
... The typical evaluation methods of visitor statistics or user satisfaction in available studies failed to accurately reflect the overall RS performance for comparison of different parks, because the performance of RS involves the collection of participants and their satisfaction. The purpose of urban parks, especially large ones, is to serve different kinds of activities and high service quality exists when recreation opportunities meet the needs of various visitors [46]. However, it was reported that Chinese young people were less likely to use parks [47] and this was related to a lack of attractiveness for young adults of urban parks in China [48]. ...
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Parks can offer varied services to human well-being, including recreational services (RS); however, there is insufficient understanding of park differences concerning the actual performance of their varied RS. To fill this gap, this study aimed to develop a set of performance indicators as a tool for comparing the functional efficacy of RS among different parks. The indicators covered three aspects of RS: recreational usage of various physical activities, their recreational satisfaction level and the collective performance rating. These indicators were applied in a case study of four parks in Guangzhou, China, based upon on-site observation and a questionnaire survey. The functional difference of these indicators was compared and the collective indicator was found to be able to effectively capture different efficacies of urban parks in supporting varied RS. Results show all the parks were far from reaching the maximum performance of designed RS, so it is worthy of consideration by urban managers to further improve their RS efficacy. In addition, the overall spatial design and configuration were inferred to be essential for improving the RS efficacy of urban parks, but not park size nor ornamental vegetation. The findings offered valuable evidence for the optimal spatial design and management of urban parks.
... In sport, there are several models for evaluating service quality. Models have been presented in different years such as REQUAL by MacKay and Crompton (1990), TEAMQUAL by McDonald et al (1995), QUESC by Kim and Kim (1995), CERM-CSQ by Howat et al (1996), SPORTSERV by Theodorakis et al. (2011), SQFS by Chang and Chelladurai (2003), SQAS by Lam et al. (2005), SSQRS by Ko and Pastor (2005), Service quality models in health and wellness industry by Lagrosen and Lagrosen (2007) and Moxham and Wiseman (2009), respectively. In one of the newest studies, Sarani and Elahi (2016) has developed and validated a service quality scale in sport and showed that four factors including "Accessibility and security, accountability, reliability and tangibles" were explained. ...
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The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring the service quality in sport scientific journals. A mixed approach was conducted to fulfill the research objectives. In the qualitative phase, 15 sports paper writers were interviewed and in the quantitative phase, 357 sport researchers were studied through systematic random sampling. The face and content validity of the scale was confirmed by 15 experts and the final questionnaire of the scientific journals service quality was provided to 29 subjects. 26 items were ranked in five factors (accountability speed, executive structure, trustworthiness, employees, and updating) based on exploratory factor analysis with orthogonal rotation. Cronbach's alpha, KMO, Bartlett Test, and confirmatory factor analysis were used by SPSS and LISREL for data analysis. It is worth noting that the results of confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.91) supported the five-factor structure of JourQual scale and confirmed its validity and reliability. Journal of New Studies in Sport Management (JNSSM)
... 420-429) especially the hospitality and tourism industries (Fick & Ritchie, 1991;Luk et al., 1993;Bojanic & Rosen, 1994;Ryan & Cliff, 1997;Matzler et al., 2006). In fact, SERVQUAL served also as a basis for more specific instruments in the hospitality industry: LODGSERV, a 26 item index designed to measure customer expectations for service quality in the hotel experience (Knutson et al., 1991); DINESERV, an instrument designed to evaluate the service quality in restaurants (Stevens et al.,1995); RECQUAL, an evaluation instrument for recreation centers (MacKay & Crompton, 1990) and HOLSAT an instrument to measure the satisfaction for a tourist destination (Tibe & Snaith, 1998). In addition, there have also been many unpublished SERVQUAL studies focusing on computer services, construction, recreational services, ophthalmological services and retail services (Buttle, 1996). ...
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In almost thirty years since its introduction in 1985 by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, the SERVQUAL model has been used in identifying the ways in which service quality and, implicitly, customer satisfaction could be improved. However the model is not without flaws, which has led to several variations of the model, culminating with one based on the performance paradigm-the SERVPERF (Cronin, 1992), that have been introduced to literature and practice ever since. Since none of the proposals was a perfect solution, in spite of several refinements and reassessments of their dimensions, items, scale and wording, the objective of this article is to evaluate the main criticism related to SERVQUAL, how the model has been modified and used and to offer a personal opinion whether the SERVQUAL model is superior to the other proposed alternative in both literature review and in practice.
... Service magnificence is frequently a consumer's all round impact of the practically identical inferiority or superiority of an enterprise and its consequences [10]. Mackay and Crompton [11] characterize service magnificence by the relationship between what customer actually wishes from the service in addition to what exactly customer receive. Parasuraman et al. [3] contended that service quality is characterized as the complete valuation of a specific service that results from associating company's execution with the customer all inclusive prospects of how firms in that industry should complete. ...
Bandung is known as the capital of West Java. Bandung also develops as a culinary city. As a form of the Government's responsibility to facilitate tourists who come to Bandung, the Government has officially announced the "Bandros" Tourism Bus (Bandung Tour on Bus). But practically, there are many problems faced by stakeholders. Standardization of prices among passengers, limits on the number of buses that cannot serve passengers, unclear routes including departures and arrivals, unhealthy management for safety factors and an increase in the number of passengers that have a negative impact due to the quality of service. The purpose of this study is to describe service quality, community satisfaction and community interest in reusing Bandros, and also to obtain the results of an analysis of the extent to which service quality affects community satisfaction and its impact on community interest in reusing Bus Bandros. In this study, researchers used the descriptive-verification method. This method is used to verify the quality of service perception, community satisfaction and community intentions to reuse Bus Bandros by involving 500 respondents who wish to use Bus Bandros. The distribution and selection of respondents was carried out using convenience sampling. Path analysis is also used in this study. Based on the results of the statistical testing process found significant perceptions between service quality variables and brand image with public interest in the city of Bandung to use Bus Bandros. For recommendations in this study, clarity of information can increase the public's intention to use Bus Bandros, because the information submitted will provide clarity in order to increase public intention to ride Bus Bandros.
... In the context of tourism, satisfaction is the psychological outcome of post-trip evaluations which emerge from comparisons between pre-trip expectations and actual service experiences (MacKay & Crompton, 1990); therefore, food satisfaction can be defined as a high level of delight induced by using or consuming destination food products and services. However, destination food image not only influences the destination choices of food lovers (Tsai & Wang, 2017) but also affects post-trip evaluations of, for instance, satisfaction with the local food (Chi et al., 2013;Gani et al., 2017;Chi et al., 2019;Ab Karim et al., 2011;Peštek & Činjarević, 2014;Toudert & Bringas-Rábago, 2019). ...
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This study examined the multidimensional construct of food image, assessed the impact of destination food image on tourist loyalty intentions and investigated the mediating effect of food satisfaction on this relationship. A survey was conducted of 411 Chinese tourists who had visited Phuket. Results of Explanatory Factor Analysis revealed four dimensions including restaurant service, food safety and hygiene, variety and table manners, and food taste and popularity, among which, food taste and popularity was the most influential factor contributing to tourists’ perceptions of Thai food image. Structural Equation Modeling confirmed the relationships between perceived destination food image, food satisfaction, and loyalty intentions. Additionally, a mediation model demonstrated that food satisfaction mediates the relationship between food image and loyalty intentions. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed in the context of tourism marketing and destination management.
... SERVQUAL ölçeği (Parasuraman ve ark 1988) ortaya konduktan sonra spor sektöründe de SERVQUAL ile ilişkili ölçekler oluşturulmaya başlanmıştır. Örneğin MacKay ve Crompton (1990), rekreasyon hizmeti kalitesini ölçmek için 25 maddelik bir ölçek geliştirmiştir. Bu ölçeğin öğelerinin çoğu SERVQUAL ile aynı doğrultudadır. ...
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!!!!!!Note: This Book is produced from a thesis. This is the original version of the book. In this study, it is aimed to comparatively examine quality standard norms specific to fitness centers (DIN -33961), first developed by Germany, with Turkey; to understand what standards to be from the perspectives of fitness stakeholders; and to develop quality assessment scale in fitness centers in study scope by considering the requirements of DIN -33961. This study was carried out with mixed method by using qualitative and quantities study methods and techniques. In the first stage of qualitative section, the standard areas and details of these standard areas were discussed through document comparison. In this stage of the study, it was identified that the standard areas of DIN 33961-1 General Requirements, formed in Germany, and standard areas of "Private Sport Areas of "Turkish Bodybuilding and Fıtness Federation Directive" incorporated common categories and different categories. When considered, in terms of details, it was not mentioned about some standard areas such as service requirements, contract requirements, dealing concept, and training program flow taking place among general requirements of Private Sport Areas of Turkish Bodybuilding Fıtness and Arm-wrestling Federation Directive at all, and any distinction such as the requirements of cardiotraining with training with stationary training equipment, strength training with stationary training equipment, and group training was not made in regulations. In second qualitative section of the study, 13 participants were interviewed in order to evaluate their views regarding what standards to be from the perspectives of fitness participants. When content analysis was examined, it was revealed that stakeholders mentioned about common themes similar to DIN-33961 requirements. Considering DIN-33961 requirements, specialization centers developed in specialization scope were realized in 4 different sample groups (Pretest, N= 15; Pilot Study, N= 480; AFA, N= 400; DEA, N= 431). When the results were examined, the structure consisting of 5 sub dimensions and 30 items accounting for 63.49% of its total variable of Service Quality in Fitness Centers Scale, obtained from AFA, was confirmed by compliance values of x2/sd:3.23 CFI:0.95 NFI:0.93, obtained from DFA. It was also revealed that AVE, CR and CA values derived for convergent reliability were at the sufficient level. As a result, in qualitative section of training, the directives and regulations existing in Turkey were compared with the requirements formed in Germany for fitness centers as standard area and content and, utilizing the results of interviews with stakeholder groups, model of alternative quality standards and certification system in fitness centers that are fit to local conditions for Turkey was proposed. In quantitative stage, it was identified that Quality Assessment Scale in Fitness Centers had a usable structure. Keywords: Fitness; quality standards; mixed method; scale development Fitness Amerika, Avrupa ve Dünya’da en fazla büyüyen sektör olma özelliği taşımaktadır. Fitness modern toplumun en yaygın kullandığı spor aktivitesidir. Son beş yılda Avrupa’da fitness sektörü üye sayısını %32 oranında arttırmıştır. 2018 yılı verilerine göre bir önceki yıla oranla üye sayısında % +3,5 oranında büyüme yaşanmıştır ve fitness merkezi üye sayısı Avrupa’da 62.2 milyona ulaşmıştır. Bunun yanında toplam gelir 27,2 milyar Euro seviyesine ulaşmıştır (European Health & Fitness Market Report 2019). Bu denli muazzam büyüyen bir sektörde her bir fitness işletmesinin sundukları hizmetin belirli kalite standartlarında sunması veya sunduğu kalite süreçlerini somut bir belge ile desteklemesi hem fitness işletmesinin pazar performansını arttırmada hem de fitnessa katılım gösteren her bir müşterinin memnuniyetini arttırmada önemli bir unsur olduğu gerçektir. Fitness işletmelerinin belgelendirilmesi ile ilgili ilk çalışmalar Almanya’da yapılmıştır. Fitness merkezleri kalite standartları 33961-1 Temel gereklilikler, 33961-2 Aletli kardiyo antrenman gereklilikleri, 33961-3 Grup antrenman gereklilikleri, 33961-4 Aletli kuvvet antrenman gereklilikleri ve son olarak 2019 yılında yayınlanan EMS antrenman gereklilikleri olarak kamuoyuna sunulmuştur. Bu standart normlar kamuoyuna sunulduktan sonra standartların çerçevesine dayalı bağımsız kuruluşlar tarafından fitness merkezleri kendine özgü kriterler ile belgelendirilmeye başlamıştır. Almanya ve Avrupa’da fitness merkezlerinde kalite standartları adına bu derece önemli olduğu düşünülen değişimler yaşanırken, Türkiye’de gösterişli fitness merkezleri sayıları artmasına rağmen fitness merkezleri kalite standartlarını sağlıklı yaşam ve spor merkezleri özelinde değerlendirilen ve bu standartlara özgü sertifikalandırma çalışmalarının yapıldığı çalışmalara ulusal literatürde rastlanmamıştır. Bu konuda yapılan hizmet kalitesi standartlarının diğer sektörlere (finans, endüstri vb.) göre belirlenmesi nedeniyle fitness merkezlerine özgü oluşturulan DIN (33961) fitness merkezi donanım ve işletme gereklilik normları dikkate alınarak araştırma kurgulanacaktır. Türkiye’nin ihtiyaçlarının dikkate alınarak mevcut talimat veya yönetmeliklerin belirli standartlara bağlanması veya gerçekleştirilen fitness hizmetlerinin uluslararası düzeylerde standartlara bağlanması, ülke içerisinde fitnessa özgü kalite belgelendirme süreçlerinin başlatılması bu süreçleri uygulayan tüm fitness merkezlerinin prodüktivite ve verimliliklerini arttıracaklardır. Bunun yanında fitness merkezleri potansiyel sorunlara karşı proaktif ve ortaya çıkan problemlere karşı daha tepkisel davranacaklardır. Daha uygun hizmet sunmanın yanında, taahhüt edilen yeterlilik ve hizmetlere uyumları kolaylaşacaktır. Çalışma nitel ve nicel verilerin kullanılmasıyla kurgulanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın nitel bölümü ile fitness merkezlerine özgü kalite standart (DIN-33961) normlarının Türkiye’deki kamu ve özel sektörde uygulanabilirliği ve karşılaşılabilecek sorunlar makro boyutta belirlenerek; Türkiye’deki mevcut talimat ve yönetmeliğin (ÖBESTY ve TVGFF-ÖSST) getirdiği standartlar çerçevesinde irdelenmeye çalışılacaktır. Çalışmada literatür taraması yapılarak Türkiye’deki fitness merkezi kalite standartlarının mevcut yapısı ve işleyişi incelenmiştir. Bunun yanında Almanya’daki fitness merkezi kalite standartları da Türkiye ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. İncelenen standartlar çerçevesinde Türkiye için yerel şartlara uygun alternatif bir fitness merkezleri kalite standartları ve sertifika sistemi önerilmiştir. Nicel bölümünde ise, özelde fitness merkezleri kalitesini ölçen yani fitnessa özgü oluşturulmuş bir kalite standartlarının gereklilikleri dikkate alınarak oluşturulmuş herhangi bir ölçeğe rastlanmamıştır. Bu eksiklikten yola çıkarak fitnessa özgü oluşturulmuş kalite standartlarındaki (DIN 33961) gereklilikler dikkate alarak fitness kalite ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
... Unlike the quality of goods, which may be measured objectively by such indicators as durability and number of defects, service quality is an elusive construct that is difficult to measure (Crosby, 1979). Mackay and Crompton (1990) defined service quality as "the relationship between what customer's desires from a service and what they perceive that they receive". Additionally, service quality is also a way of thinking about how to satisfy customers so that they hold positive attitudes toward the service they have received (Ostrowski, O'Brian, & Gordon 1993). ...
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The online shopping cannot be considered as an emerging trend because it has become a standard way of doing business. The focus of online retailers’ interest should be aimed at the customer behavior during purchasing process. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze the use of Internet in the pre-purchase stage of customers in selected countries. We found that there is a significant negative correlation between development indicators of nations and the use of Internet in pre-purchase stage of shopping. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between consumers in different continents using Internet during pre-purchase stage in several observed activities.
... Satisfaction is then defined as a judgment which may be a product or service feature, or the product or service itself and provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related completion [4]. It is also defined as psychological consequence emerging from experiencing the service [5]. On the other hand, customer's satisfaction is an emotional response to the use of product and service [6]. ...
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The economy of Rajshahi city is growing day by day. The growing economy increasing employment opportunities which are attracting more people from the suburban areas. Hence, increasing number of trips are generated by commuters. The commuters use different modes for their commuting. Understanding the mode choice behavior and satisfaction level of the commuters is important for planners and policymakers to facilitate transportation services and to undertake management strategies. Commuter's socioeconomic background and demographic characteristics affect the mode choice and also services provided by different modes affect mode choice behavior of the commuters. This study attempts to identify the influencing factors behind the mode choice behavior of commuters and to determine the level of satisfaction of commuters on the existing frequently used mode. In this regard, the data is collected through questionnaire survey and the sample collection method is systematic random sampling method. After data collection, the data are analyzed through excel and SPSS. The analysis shows that mode choice of the commuters largely depends on income, age, travel time and travel distance. And people are satisfied with the service of their frequently used mode. With the provision of some facilities and management strategies, the satisfaction level can be further improved. If concerned authority offers commuters opportunities for smooth movement through transportation policy, Rajshahi city may function efficiently in coming decades. This study will provide an insight to formulate efficient planning and policies in the future.
... posjetiteljima zaštićenih područja) da bi se zadovoljilo njihovo poimanje kvalitete. MacKay i Crompton (1990) pri definiranju kvalitete usluge smatraju da je najvažniji odnos između želja potrošača (posjetitelja) i njegove percepcije dobivenog (npr. obilaska i boravka u zaštićenom području). ...
Uvod: Zaštićena područja prirode predstavljaju krhke oaze povezanosti čovjeka s prirodom u njezinu izvornom obliku u kojima je glavni cilj zaštita biološke, geološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti. Zbog sve većeg socioekonomskog razvoja, s povećanjem industrijalizacije, prometa te urbanizacije održivi turizam i briga za očuvanje prirode tek sinergijskim djelovanjem mogu umanjiti težnje za profitom kroz prekomjernu izgrađenost i posjećenost koja može negativno djelovati na zaštićeno područje (degradacija staništa, onečišćenje i sl.) i time dovesti u pitanje osnovnu svrhu postojanja. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti i analizirati stavove posjetitelja zaštićenih područja Istarske županije o kvaliteti usluge, analizirati njihovo zadovoljstvo i lojalnost, očekivanja i percepciju, te izračunati ECOSERV jaz. U tu svrhu izvršena je prilagodba ljestvice mjerenja ECOSERV (Khan 2003). Upitnik se sastoji od pet dimenzija (eko-opipljivost, povjerenje, pouzdanost, poistovjećivanje, susretljivost, opipljivost) i 29 tvrdnji te pitanja koja se odnose na sociodemografski profil ispitanika (dob, spol, obrazovanje, zanimanje, razlog dolaska, broj posjeta). Uzorak i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 137 posjetitelja u sljedećim zaštićenim područjima: Nacionalni park Brijuni , Park prirode Učka , park-šuma Šijana i Kamenjak. U istraživanju su sudjelovali samo domaći posjetitelji. Rezultati: Rezultati deskriptivne statističke analize pokazali su da postoji jaz između očekivane i percipirane kvalitete usluga, što znači da ustanove nisu ispunile očekivanja svojih posjetitelja, iako su posjetitelji ocijenili kvalitetu usluga u parkovima prirode visokom prosječnom ocjenom.
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Commercial banks are financial intermediary which provide different types of services to their customers. In business to business situations when large accounts are involved customer-oriented research is highly effective as it involves eliciting the expectations of the client at a specified time of the year and then following up later to determine whether the expectations were fulfilled. The aim of the study is to explore the disconfirmation of customers towards services provided by banks.Quota sampling method has been used in selecting four commercial banks. Convenience sampling method has been used in selecting fifty respondents from each of the bank. Nine (9) point-SERVQUAL scale has been used which has 5 dimensions. By summing the scores of individual perception items, aggregate score of each dimension as well as average score has been developed. Disconfirmation is determined as the difference between perceived level score and minimally acceptable service level. The study finds that all the four banks shows slightly positive disconfirmation in reliability dimension. The most responsive bank is Prime Bank Ltd. while negative disconfirmation is shown at State Bank of India in responsiveness dimension. Scores of perceived service level of each bank in assurance dimension is much more than minimum acceptable score. The study also finds that although Social Islamic Bank Ltd. customers' perception about empathy is negative, other bank's case is somewhat tolerable. The appearances of physical facilities of all the sampled banks are more than expected level of customers.
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Community parks and recreation departments continue to expand the size of indoor recreation centers with more dedicated spaces and an increased scope of services that includes a significant investment into the fitness division of the operation. Many modern community recreation centers require memberships, with the revenue from memberships creating self-sufficiency, and allowing the facility to operate with limited reliance on a declining tax-based support system. Keeping existing members is less work than recruiting new members, and the industry must continue to investigate how specific operation variables influence continuation. This study examined community recreation members’ (three locations; n = 353) perceptions of price, staff, equipment, programs, locker rooms, and facility parking effects on the intention to continue membership. The data were collected online, and the direct effects are examined using SPSS, AMOS, and MS Excel Advanced Statistical Analysis. The results of this research determined that membership price was the primary positive contributor to willingness to continue membership in the overall model and for each of the three locations, staff and equipment were significant in the overall model, yet the importance of these service quality dimensions differed by location. Finding differences at each location demonstrates why each operation needs to conduct regular assessments to track and gain insight into what matters to their unique customer group.
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En este trabajo de investigación centramos nuestro interés en la satisfacción del cliente de hotel como fuente de ventajas competitivas para las empresas del sector. Para ello, y tras un breve análisis de los factores críticos determinantes del éxito en la industria hotelera, se procede a analizar la relación existente entre la calidad del servicio hotelero y la satisfacción de sus clientes. Esta relación, si bien ha sido puesta de manifiesto en numerosas investigaciones de carácter académico y empírico, no ha estado exenta de críticas y limitaciones en la definición de su dimensionalidad y en las técnicas de análisis utilizadas para cuantificarla. Se revisarán, además, los sistemas de medición de la calidad en dicha industria en conexión con la satisfacción del cliente, y se procederá a reflexionar sobre aproximaciones metodológicas más científicas que, apoyándose en instrumentos y técnicas recientes de análisis avanzado de datos, permitan obtener un marco teórico y empírico más eficiente para su medición.
This study provides a framework for customer-supplier relationships and service quality measurement in a precast concrete manufacturing firm with the use of the universally accepted SERVQUAL model. Within an increasingly competitive precast concrete market, customer satisfaction is a critical goal for manufacturers of all types. Customer-supplier relationships and service quality were therefore investigated in this study. A quantitative research approach was used in the study to analyse the data. This approach enabled the researcher to obtain an accurate measure of all constructs that relate to service quality improvement for the particular concrete manufacturing firm amongst contractors, civil consultants, government institutions and end users. A sample size of 246 respondents from Gauteng Province was used. Descriptive statistics were used to explain the characteristics of sample data. In addition, factor analysis was used to condense the variables into five factors in order to capture the essence of service quality within a cementitious products organisation. Five dimensions, responsiveness, problem- solving, physical aspects, service personnel and physical appearance were extracted to measure service quality.
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The aim of this research was, to develop a valid and reliable tool that intended to measure the perceptions of football fans, related with the quality of sports events. Participants of the study was determined by criterion sampling, that is one of the purposeful sampling methods. Our first criteria for participants of this research was, to be a fans' of a team in the Super League on 2021-2022 season, and our second criteria was, to attend the events twice in their team's stadiums, as a spectator on the same season. Totally 599 volunteer participants were involved in this study. Data from 361 participants were used for Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and data from 238 participants were used for Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Findings of EFA were demonstrated a structure with 10 factors, and factor loads of items in these factors were between .46 and .96. And CFA results displayed that the RMSEA value of the model was .063, and other goodness-of-fit indexes were among acceptable values. Also coefficients of Cronbach's alpha were observed between .821 and .933. These findings revealed that the scale consisted of 42 items, under its 10-dimensional structure and the sports events quality variable of this structure explained a significant variance of 73.23%. These findings revealed that the scale consisted of 42 items, under its 10-dimensional structure and the event quality variable of this structure explained a significant variance of 73.23%. In conclusion, it can be accepted that Sport Event Quality Scale (SEQS) is a valid and reliable measurement tool for Turkish culture.
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This study aims to investigate the level of satisfaction of foreign tourists, specifically millennials, based on different dimensions of destination image and the quality of the tourist services in Belgrade, the capital of the Republic of Serbia, as an emerging destination. Despite the tarnished image attached to the city after the Yugoslav Wars and the economic crisis in the 1990s, this emerging destination is becoming more popular among foreign visitors. A sample of 359 international tourists was surveyed. Structural equation modelling was used to test the relationships between the constructs. The results confirmed the positive effects of image and quality on satisfaction as well as a positive and direct effect of image on quality. Moreover, there was a partial mediation of quality between image and satisfaction. The findings have significant marketing and management implications for destination stakeholders. They provide useful insights for choosing effective strategies and an appropriate business tourism model in emerging destinations that can further help them to become more competitive.
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z: Bu çalışmanın amacı Abant Tabiat Parkı'ndaki rekreasyonel kullanımlara katılımları ve ROS (Rekreasyonel Fırsat Dağılımı) sınıflarındaki kriterlere göre saptanan alanları kullanan ziyaretçilerin memnuniyetlerindeki farklılıkları belirlemektir. Bunun yanında bu çalışma ile ROS sisteminin Abant Tabiat Parkı üzerinde kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla 359 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin yorumlanmasında korelasyon ve varyans analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak Türkiye standartlarına göre ROS sistemi sınıflarının tekrar belirlenmesi, daha net standartlara oturtulması, ROS dilinin açıklanması ve kolay anlaşılırlığının sağlanmasının gerektiği belirlenmiş, Abant Tabiat Parkı'nda genel memnuniyeti en çok etkileyen faktörlerin mevsim, grup büyüklüğü, kullanıcıların cinsiyeti, yaşı, gelir düzeyi ve alana geldikleri yer olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Abstract: The aim of this study is determining the participation in recreational activicies in Abant National Park and also the differences of the satisfaction of the visitors who use the areas chosen by ROS classes criterias. Besides adaptation of the ROS system to Abant Nature ark was researched. For his reason an inquiry was done to 359 people. Corelation and variance analyzes were used for interpreting the data taken. As a result it was found out that re-establishing the ROS class system according to Turkish standards, stabeling the system on clerarer standards, explaining the ROS language for easier understandingis needed. The most effective factors on general satisfaction in Abant Nature Park are, season, group size, visitor's gender, age, income level and the places they come from.
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zet: Doğal kaynakların plansızca tüketildiği günümüz dünyasında, her alanda olduğu gibi turizmde de sürdürülebilirlik kavramı giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Turizmde sürdürülebilirliği sağlamak amacıyla, çevre sorunlarına daha duyarlı olan turizm planlarını geliştirmek gerekmektedir. Yerel halk ve çevreye olan saygının geliştirilmesiyle hem sürdürülebilir bir turizmin gelişmesi sağlanabilmekte hem de daha seçici olan yeni turist profilleri için kentsel cazibe arttırılabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla turizmde sürdürülebilirliği sağlamak için yönetici ve plancıların kentlerde turizmin sadece sayısal talep boyutunu değil, doğal ve kültürel çevreye duyarlı, yerel halk ve turistlerin davranış ve beklentilerini de anlamaya çalışan bir anlayış ortaya koyması gerekmektedir. Bu amaçla bu çalışmada, Akçakoca ilçesindeki turizm sisteminin kalitesi, ürünleri, hizmetleri, turizm faaliyetlerine olan eğilim, turizm amaçlı kullanılan alanlar, alanlardaki kısıtlayıcı nedenler, kullanım yoğunluğu ve turistik alanlardaki memnuniyetleri belirlemek için yarıstandart anket formları hazırlanmış ve 500 katılımcıya uygulanmıştır. Anket verilerinin çözümlenmesinde bilgisayar destekli istatistik programı kullanılmış ve Faktör Analizinin yanı sıra Tek Faktörlü Varyans Analizi ve T testi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler, bulgular bölümünde çizelgelerle belirtilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, hem plancı ve hem de kullanıcı bakış açısıyla ilçenin turizm faaliyetlerinde karşılaşılan sorunlar tartışılmış, turizm potansiyeli olan alanlarda koruma-kullanma dengesinin sağlandığı alternatif bir turizm gelişmesi için bazı çözüm önerileri getirilmiştir. Abstract: As a result of unplanned consumption of natural resourses, sustainability is getting more and more important also in tourism as well as in many other fields in todays World. To ensure sustainability in tourism, environmentally sensitive tourism planning must be developed. Sustainable toursim can be obtained by respecting local people and environment, so that new selective tourist profiles can be attracted to the city. Therefore, in order to attain sustainability in tourism, the urban planners and governers should not consider it only as a quantitative demand. Attitudes and ezpectations of local people and tourists must be taken into account while the plans must be sensitive to both natural and culturel environment. In this context, semi standart survey forms have been applied to 500 people to analyze the quality of the tourism system, its products, services, tendency towards tourism events, places used for touristic aims, restrictions of/in those areas, density of usage and the pleasement of the clients in Akçakoca. In the analysis of the survey computer based statistics programs were used and, Factor Analysis besides Single Factor Variatıon analysis and T test were applied.In conclusion, the problems faced in tourism events in the Akçakoca district were discussed, from both the planner and the user and some solutions were proposed to develop an alternative tourism in which usage-protection balance ensured in the potantial tourism areas
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The article highlights the development trends of the cruise industry as a promising direction of tourism industry, which shows steady growth over the past ten years. The aim of the article is to determine the current trends in the cruise market development in modern conditions and the levers for competitive tourist offer formation, taking into account the key principles of behavioral and impression economy. Using the methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to generalize the competitive advantages of cruise tourism in accordance with modern development trends in the context of an inclusive economy of impressions. The factors of competitiveness formation in cruise tourism are highlighted and the importance of service quality as a determining factor for meeting the needs of tourists is substantiated, which affects the overall satisfaction of tourists and their choice in the future. A number of factors that have a significant influence on the competitiveness formation in cruise tourism are considered. The generally accepted factors that have a significant influence on the cruise industry competitiveness and their relationship with the basic principles of impression economy are analyzed. The interrelation of offer differentiation taking into account the individual subjectivity of the consumer is substantiated. It was proven, that marketing, innovation and service quality are elements of brand image formation and vital elements in a commercial environment and key factors for success in the cruise business sector. The emphasis is made on the importance of service component in the cruise industry competitiveness formation. Recommendations for identifying effective mechanisms for determining the degree of customer satisfaction are formulated. Key groups of quality indicators of cruise services which can influence the general satisfaction of tourists are proposed. The expediency of conducting a survey and questioning of cruise passengers in order to further improve the quality of cruise tourism services to increase the company’s competitiveness is substantiated.
Experience economy is not about people buying products and services. Instead, they buy experiences that lead to strong emotions and reactions. Although service quality and customer satisfaction concepts have been under study for many years, they are still in the focus of scientific and practical research. However, there is a small number of studies that aim to measure and research customers’ emotional experience in restaurants. The main purpose of the present study is to analyse previous researches regarding these concepts, and to develop an instrument DINEXPE for measuring customers’ emotional experience in restaurants. For this purpose, measurement instrument with 35 variables was created and data was analysed using statistical methods. The sample consists of 195 restaurant customers who visited Lovran gastronomic festival (Opatija Riviera, Croatia) in April 2018. The research findings can be useful to restaurant managers to better understand their guests in designing service quality that meets guests’ expectations.
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The article shows the role of service quality provided by destinations in the tourism business. Based on marketing research, the attitude of consumers to separate the index of the service quality provided by destinations was studied. A new method for quality evaluation of tourist services has been developed. By using this method, a complex index of service quality provided by Georgian Tourism Destinations was established. Through analysis of variance statistically significant values were obtained that reflect the influence of individual index of service quality (Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Tangibles) on the complex index of service quality which was provided by Georgian Tourism Destinations. Key words: Georgian tourism destinations, service quality, quality evaluation, complex index of service quality, marketing research
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Bu araştırmada Dünya'da ilk kez Almanya'nın oluşturduğu fitness merkezlerine özgü kalite standart (DIN-33961) normlarını Türkiye ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemek, fitness paydaşlarının perspektifinden standartların ne olması gerekliliğini anlamak ve DIN-33961 gerekliliklerini dikkate alarak çalışma kapsamındaki merkezlerde fitness kalite ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu araştırma nitel ve nicel araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri kullanılarak karma yöntem ile yapılmıştır. Nitel bölümün ilk aşamasında standart alanlar ve bu standart alanların ayrıntıları belge karşılaştırma ile ele alınmıştır. Araştırmanın bu aşamasında Almanya'da oluşturulan DIN 33961-1 Temel Gereklilikler standart alanları ile "Türkiye Vücut Geliştirme ve Fitness Federasyonu Özel Spor Salonları Talimatı" standart alanlarının ortak kategoriler ve farklı kategoriler barındırdığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıntılar açısından ele alındığında ise Türkiye Vücut Geliştirme ve Fitness Federasyonu Özel Spor Salonları Talimatı temel gereklilikler içerisinde yer alan hizmet gereklilikleri, sözleşme gereklilikleri, ilgilenme konsepti antrenman programı akışı gibi bazı standart alanlara hiç değinmemiş ve aletli kardiyo, kuvvet antrenman gereklilikleri ve grup antrenman gereklilikleri gibi bir ayrıma gidilmemiştir. Araştırmanın nitel bölümünün ikinci aşamasında fitness katılımcıları perspektifinden standartların ne olması gerekliliğine ilişkin görüşlerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla 13 katılımcı ile görüşülmüştür. Yapılan içerik analizi incelendiğinde katılımcıların DIN-33961 gerekliliklerine benzer temalara değindiği ortaya çıkartılmıştır. DIN-33961 gerekliliklerini dikkate alarak çalışma kapsamındaki geliştirilen fitness merkezleri kalite ölçeğinin geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik çalışması dört farklı (Ön deneme N=15 Pilot çalışma N= 480 AFA N=400 DFA N=431) örneklem grup üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde fitness merkezleri hizmet kalite ölçeğinin AFA'dan elde edilen 5 alt boyut 30 maddelik toplam varyansının %63,49 açıklayan yapısı DFA'dan elde edilen x2/sd:3,23 CFI:0,95 NFI:0,93 uyum değerleri ile doğrulanmıştır. Aynı zamanda yakınsak geçerliliği için çıkartılan AVE, CR ve CA değerlerinin yeterli düzeyde olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak araştırmanının nitel bölümlerinde Türkiye'de mevcut talimat ve yönetmelikler ile Almanya'da fitness merkezleri için oluşturulan gereklilikler standart alan ve içerik açısından karşılaştırılmış ve katılımcı gruplarla görüşmelerin sonuçlarından faydalanarak Türkiye için yerel şartlara uygun "Fitness Merkezleri Kalite Standartları ve Sertifika Sistemi Modeli" önerilmiştir. Aynı zamanda, Fitness Merkezleri Hizmet Kalitesi Ölçeğinin kullanılabilir bir yapıya sahip olduğunu belirlemiştir.
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The travel and tourism industry today is the world's largest and most diverse business sector. The importance of this industry directly results from the fact that it serves as a primary source for generating revenues, employment, private sector growth, and infrastructure development for many countries. Tourism has become one of the important sectors of the global economy accounting for 11% of global gross domestic product (GDP) and employing 200 million people.
The competition is increasing in the tourism and hospitality industry worldwide, and the market is demanding higher levels of service, productivity, value, staff motivation, training, and improved customer relationships. Europe is without discussion the world’s most important tourism market. In this chapter, the competitiveness of the tourism industry in the European Union is examined. Firstly, competitiveness in the tourism industry and factors determining destination competitiveness are discussed. Secondly, key characteristics and competitiveness of the European Union tourism industry are analyzed. Then the tourism in Europe is investigated in eight key areas. Each of these key areas is examined through Eurostat statistics and reports. SWOT Analysis of the European Union Tourism Industry is carried out. Finally, the challenges that the outcomes of the SWOT Analysis bring out for the European Union tourism industry in order to enhance competitiveness are discussed.
In this study, it is aimed to comparatively examine quality standard norms specific to fitness centers (DIN -33961), first developed by Germany, with Turkey; to understand what standards to be from the perspectives of fitness stakeholders; and to develop quality assessment scale in fitness centers in study scope by considering the requirements of DIN -33961. This study was carried out with mixed method by using qualitative and quantities study methods and techniques. In the first stage of qualitative section, the standard areas and details of these standard areas were discussed through document comparison. In this stage of the study, it was identified that the standard areas of DIN 33961-1 General Requirements, formed in Germany, and standard areas of “Private Sport Areas of “Turkish Bodybuilding and Fıtness Federation Directive” incorporated common categories and different categories. When considered, in terms of details, it was not mentioned about some standard areas such as service requirements, contract requirements, dealing concept, and training program flow taking place among general requirements of Private Sport Areas of Turkish Bodybuilding Fıtness and Arm-wrestling Federation Directive at all, and any distinction such as the requirements of cardiotraining with training with stationary training equipment, strength training with stationary training equipment, and group training was not made in regulations. In second qualitative section of the study, 13 participants were interviewed in order to evaluate their views regarding what standards to be from the perspectives of fitness participants. When content analysis was examined, it was revealed that stakeholders mentioned about common themes similar to DIN-33961 requirements. Considering DIN-33961 requirements, specialization centers developed in specialization scope were realized in 4 different sample groups (Pretest, N= 15; Pilot Study, N= 480; AFA, N= 400; DEA, N= 431). When the results were examined, the structure consisting of 5 sub dimensions and 30 items accounting for 63.49% of its total variable of Service Quality in Fitness Centers Scale, obtained from AFA, was confirmed by compliance values of x2/sd:3.23 CFI:0.95 NFI:0.93, obtained from DFA. It was also revealed that AVE, CR and CA values derived for convergent reliability were at the sufficient level. As a result, in qualitative section of training, the directives and regulations existing in Turkey were compared with the requirements formed in Germany for fitness centers as standard area and content and, utilizing the results of interviews with stakeholder groups, model of alternative quality standards and certification system in fitness centers that are fit to local conditions for Turkey was proposed. In quantitative stage, it was identified that Quality Assessment Scale in Fitness Centers had a usable structure. Keywords: Fitness; quality standards; mixed method; scale development
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