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Prerequisites for Effective Implementation of Telemedicine: Focusing on Current Situations in Korea



Objectives The practice of telemedicine requires social interventions and systems for efficient implementation. Further, it requires sufficient discussions among related parties because the purpose of telemedicine is diagnosis and treatment, and the participation of medical specialists is essential. Based on the characteristics of the healthcare structure of Korea, which has a low proportion of public healthcare and most patients are taken care of by a few large tertiary care hospitals, the fundamental issues need to be discussed. Methods A comparison was conducted with overseas cases to discuss the prerequisites for the effective implementation of telemedicine in South Korea under the current situation. We also examined the structural characteristics of the Korean medical community. Results The current paper recommends that an in-depth analysis and studies are conducted on the following aspects: a search for telemedicine services focused on public healthcare, a search of services for illnesses that impose high levels of burden on households, and the development and implementation of a telemedicine system for follow-up management at primary and secondary care hospitals after the patient undergoes surgery or treatment at tertiary care hospitals. Conclusions As the technology develops, the focus should also be on factors such as safety, usefulness, availability, and how the functions will be realized in order to enable user communication. A clear system should be established to regulate and manage the lack of sufficient discussions. In addition, seeking projects and systems that reflect the characteristics of each country will facilitate the efficient implementation of telemedicine.
I. Introduction
In late May 2015, there was an outbreak of the Middle East
respiratory syndrome corona virus (MERS-CoV) that spread
widely among the hospitals in the metropolitan area of
Seoul, Korea. Infected patients were placed in isolation hos-
pitals, and patients who had contracted or were suspected to
have contracted the MERS-CoV were isolated in their homes
or medical facilities for a set duration. By the end of July,
there were 186 conrmed cases of the infection and 16,600
people had been placed in isolation [1].
In the process, large domestic tertiary care hospitals be-
came major sources of MERS-CoV infection, and the gov-
ernment allowed telemedicine to treat the patients of those
Prerequisites for Effective Implementation of
Telemedicine: Focusing on Current Situations in
Hyeoi-Yun Lee, MSN, RN, Ji-San Lee, MSN, RN, Jeongeun Kim, PhD, RN
College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Objectives: e practice of telemedicine requires social interventions and systems for ecient implementation. Further, it
requires sucient discussions among related parties because the purpose of telemedicine is diagnosis and treatment, and the
participation of medical specialists is essential. Based on the characteristics of the healthcare structure of Korea, which has a
low proportion of public healthcare and most patients are taken care of by a few large tertiary care hospitals, the fundamental
issues need to be discussed. Methods: A comparison was conducted with overseas cases to discuss the prerequisites for the
eective implementation of telemedicine in South Korea under the current situation. We also examined the structural char-
acteristics of the Korean medical community. Results: e current paper recommends that an in-depth analysis and studies
are conducted on the following aspects: a search for telemedicine services focused on public healthcare, a search of services
for illnesses that impose high levels of burden on households, and the development and implementation of a telemedicine
system for follow-up management at primary and secondary care hospitals aer the patient undergoes surgery or treatment
at tertiary care hospitals. Conclusions: As the technology develops, the focus should also be on factors such as safety, useful-
ness, availability, and how the functions will be realized in order to enable user communication. A clear system should be
established to regulate and manage the lack of sucient discussions. In addition, seeking projects and systems that reect the
characteristics of each country will facilitate the ecient implementation of telemedicine.
Keywords: Telemedicine, Telehealth, Health Policy
Healthc Inform Res. 2015 October;21(4):251-254.
pISSN 2093-3681 • eISSN 2093-369X
Review Article
Submitted: August 8, 2015
Revised: September 20, 2015
Accepted: September 21, 2015
Corresponding Author
Jeongeun Kim, PhD, RN
Research Institute of Nursing Science, College of Nursing, Seoul
National University, 103 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, Korea.
Tel: +82-2-740-8483, Fax: +82-2-766-1852, E-mail: jeongeunkim
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com-
mons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduc-
tion in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2015 The Korean Society of Medical Informatics
Hyeoi-Yun Lee et al
hospitals through the telephone for a limited time without
sufficient consideration of the policy debate and prior re-
search, which became controversial subjects.
While there are loose restrictions on the scope and criteria
for factors such as the target service base, standards, techni-
cal forms, and implementation of e-health and u-health, the
practice of telemedicine requires social interventions and
systems for efficient implementation. Further, it requires
sucient discussions among related parties because the pur-
poses of telemedicine are diagnosis and treatment, and the
participation of medical specialists is essential.
erefore, a comparison was conducted with overseas cases
to discuss the prerequisites for the eective implementation
of telemedicine in Korea under the current situation. We
also examined the structural characteristics of the Korean
medical community.
II. The Current Domestic and International
Status of Telemedicine
Telemedicine is a type of healthcare that provides medical
services to patients in distant locations and checks the pa-
tients’ conditions by means of communication modes such
as telephones, radios, and video calls.
Telemedicine began with the purpose of solving public
health problems in locations with inadequate professional
medical services, and it was intended to increase medical ac-
cess in countries with relatively large territories. erefore, a
variety of services that combine information and communi-
cation technology have been and are being developed. Re-
cently, research on and the implementation of telemedicine
has also been conducted in the Middle East and Africa,
where the medical industry is relatively underdeveloped, to
resolve inequalities in access to medical benets.
With reference to reviewing the status of policies and tech-
nical introduction of telemedicine in foreign countries, the
United States started to discuss policies focused on securing
health rights in medically vulnerable areas and develop-
ment of the healthcare industry since the establishment
of the American Telemedicine Association in 1993. Later,
Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems were established,
portals for telemedicine practice of Medicare and Medicaid
were launched, inventories were built for emergency situ-
ations and disaster medical response, and their efficiency
was evaluated [2]. Currently, the United States implements
telemedicine services, such as remote consultation and in-
dividual psychotherapy, with Medicare and Medicaid, and
insurance benets are provided for the elderly aged 65 years
and over. Telemedicine thus carries the same responsibilities
as face-to-face medical care.
Canada, with an implementation plan for medical informa-
tization by the end of the year 2000, established businesses
to build the EHR system and supplying programs. Currently,
telemedicine is being utilized for psychotherapy and oncol-
ogy, and 21% of the total population is using telemedicine
for a majority of actual medical treatments (73%) [3].
In Europe, telemedicine is implemented focusing on home
healthcare management in countries with a rapidly aging
population, and service conveniences are considered by
computerizing and putting medical systems of all member
countries online. Further, the compatibility of the medi-
cal systems of each country is being worked on. England
has promoted medical informatization since 1986. It began
the Choose & Book reservation system in 2004 and a full
prescription service in 2005 [4]. Australia began providing
telemedicine services at the beginning of the 20th century.
It continues to expand because of the diculties of directly
delivering medical care due to the country’s vast territory.
Further, in 1996, the Australia & New Zealand Telehealth
Committee was established with New Zealand to deliver
health and medical information and services [2].
In Japan, medical treatments and surgeries are performed
under teleradiology and telepathology with the advice of
doctors (medical facilities) and medical specialists, which al-
lows for observations, health instructions, and advice to pa-
tients. Additionally, long-term care insurance pays the costs
for these services [4].
In Korea, a telemedicine pilot project, which utilized vital
signs and electrocardiograms, has been conducted for rural
areas and army medical corps since 1990. In 2002, there was
an attempt to institutionalize telemedicine by revising the
medical laws, and a pilot project was carried out in some
districts and islands [5]. Its eectiveness is being evaluated
through a telemedicine pilot project between medical doc-
tors and patients that began in September 2014 [6].
III. Current Challenges
In other countries, when implementing telemedicine, along
with technical development, efficient settlement was pro-
moted by discussing the structure of the medical industry
and health policy of each country from the planning stage.
However, research in Korea has been relatively biased toward
the technical aspects. This is partly due to disagreements
between the medical community and government offices
with regard to policies for telemedicine practice. In 2010, the
Ministry of Health and Welfare pushed for a law amendment
to allow the practice of telemedicine between healthcare
253Vol. 21 • No. 4 • October 2015
Prerequisites for Effective Implementation of Telemedicine
providers and patients, but it failed due to delays caused by
opposition from concerned organizations. At that time, the
governments consideration was focused on the economic
aspects rather than people’s health. Moreover, the medical
community, such as the Korean Medical Association, was
worried about the ocking of patients to tertiary-care or for-
prot hospitals, so-called problems of healthcare privatiza-
tion and medical insurance costs, as well as system stability.
The Institute for the Future of State stated that because
previous studies on telemedicine mostly focused on the ef-
fectiveness and legitimacy of telemedicine, evaluations of
practical problems were insucient [7]. is means that un-
less there are sufficient discussions on costs and insurance
fees, system stability, countermeasures for healthcare respon-
sibilities and legal issues, and solutions for patient ocking
to specic medical facilities or doctors, the implementation
of telemedicine may be dicult. Based on the characteristics
of the healthcare structure of Korea, which has low a propor-
tion of public healthcare and most patients are taken care of
by a few large tertiary care hospitals, the fundamental issues
presented above need to be discussed.
IV. Suggestions
e structural and political discussion to address the current
contextual state of domestic telemedicine will take a long
time. erefore, we recommend that in-depth analysis and
studies are conducted on the following aspects. Additionally,
solutions for the current situation are presented.
First, a search for telemedicine services focused on public
healthcare is needed A ratio of medical professionals in Ko-
rea was 2.2 per 1000 people in 2014, which is lower than the
average of 3.3 in major OECD countries. Furthermore, the
number of nurses was 5.6, which is signicantly lower than
the OECD average of 9.1 [8]. In addition, due to the geo-
graphical concentration of medical facilities, primary medi-
cal facilities focusing on accessibility are also concentrated in
areas with high population density. erefore, several areas,
such as mountainous areas and islands, continue to lack
sufficient medical facilities. This proves the need for tele-
medicine systems focusing on public healthcare. e current
pilot project is limited to health consultations. erefore, the
expansion of service content that meets the needs of the do-
mestic situation is necessary.
Second, a search of services for illnesses that impose high
levels of burden on households is necessary. Among the na-
tional healthcare expenditures, households pay 37.7%, which
is 1.9 times higher than the OECD average of 19.5% [8].
erefore, an increase in the proportion of public healthcare
expenditure and a reduction in the proportion of self-pay
must be achieved by seeking a telemedicine system that is
suited to the severity and duration of costly illnesses, such
as circulatory diseases and malignant neoplasms [9], and
by expanding pilot projects that reflect the characteristics
of the local community through public healthcare facilities.
Furthermore, current projects organized by the Ministry of
Health and Welfare, which account for a large proportion
of the budget, such as antismoking campaigns, nutrition
education, and education on adult disease prevention [10],
are areas that have the highest inuence on the prevalence of
illnesses and on public health; therefore, preferential applica-
tions of telemedicine should be considered.
Third, we recommend the development and implementa-
tion of a telemedicine system for follow-up management
at primary and secondary care hospitals after the patient
undergoes surgery or treatment at tertiary care hospitals.
Even though the number of domestic cancer survivors has
surpassed one-million due to the development of medicine,
healthcare problems such as complication management, pre-
vention of secondary cancer, and management of chronic
diseases and psychosocial issues are challenges that still need
to be tackled [11]. To solve such problems, many domestic
and American studies and organizations have proposed the
‘shared care model’ in which cancer specialists and primary
care doctors take care of cancer patients together by sharing
information about the patient [12]. However, communica-
tion between cancer specialists of tertiary care medical fa-
cilities and doctors at the primary and secondary hospitals
is not easy to establish due to geographical and institutional
problems. Therefore, we hope that medical personnel on
both sides will contribute to reducing death rates and im-
proving the quality of life of cancer survivors by communi-
cating remotely, as a solution to this challenge.
In addition, application targets and methods that reflect
the characteristics of illnesses that occur in Korea need to be
V. Conclusion
Telemedicine is not an auxiliary method to simply replace
face-to-face medical care. It is a medical domain and an un-
avoidable phenomenon that must be developed in accordance
with the times. erefore, we have to keep pace with trends
in technology and institutions. e measurement of health
indices using smart devices is already actively practiced in
both Korea and overseas, and utilizing them in actual medi-
cal care can be easily accomplished with the current level of
technology. However, alongside technical development, the
Hyeoi-Yun Lee et al
focus during the development of telemedicine should also be
on factors such as safety, usefulness, availability, and how the
functions will be realized to enable user communication.
e rise of the necessity of telemedicine in radiation danger
zones aer the large earthquake in Japan in 2011 and discus-
sions on the application of telemedicine due to the spread of
MERS-CoV can be a temporary driving force for the devel-
opment and growth of related systems. However, the lack of
sucient discussions is a concern.
Korea is now at the stage to start providing telemedicine
services at the national level. erefore, without these fun-
damental discussions, only for the purpose to meet the
worldwide trend it will be dicult to successfully implement
telemedicine systems.
In the study of 2005 about the implementation of tele-
medicine services, the main factors associated with partial
failure of service were lack of needs-driven planning and
commitment to provide the service [13]. Therefore, as the
technology develops, a clear system should be established to
regulate and manage it. In addition, seeking for projects and
systems that reect the characteristics of Korea will facilitate
the ecient implementation of telemedicine.
Conflict of Interest
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
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... This guarantees the readiness of the health sector as a whole, which is not given in the two previous cases where only isolated projects were studied. Regulatory frameworks within the sector as well as within single institutions are adapted fast to allow for remote consultation, prescription of medication and patient monitoring (Lee et al. 2015). Along with these regulatory changes, legal concerns are ignored (Bokolo 2020;Lee et al. 2015), which allows for legal readiness but cannot be sustained in the long term. ...
... Regulatory frameworks within the sector as well as within single institutions are adapted fast to allow for remote consultation, prescription of medication and patient monitoring (Lee et al. 2015). Along with these regulatory changes, legal concerns are ignored (Bokolo 2020;Lee et al. 2015), which allows for legal readiness but cannot be sustained in the long term. ...
... Generally, in pandemic situations, communities opt for telemedicine solutions bearing in mind the holistic objective to reduce the number of infections and to prevent the health care system from collapse (Lee et al. 2015;Ohannessian 2015). As existing infrastructure is primarily used, concise knowledge of basic infrastructural requirements for telemedicine applications can be gained by those planning their rollout (Bokolo 2020). ...
Full-text available
Aim Telemedicine is a promising solution to extend traditional health care services. Even though mainly discussed during the past two decades, its roots go back into the past century and even further, considering the use of bonfires to warn other villages of diseases. Insights from historical cases can therefore be useful for the ongoing discussion regarding the successful implementation of telemedicine. Subject and Methods We analyzed three historical telemedicine cases (varying regarding time and place) and extracted their success factors and barriers as well as assessed their maturity by using the Telemedicine Community Readiness Model (TCRM). Evidence-based categories of success factors and barriers as well as the TCRM’s dimensions were used as deductive categories to analyze the study material’s content. Results The analysis showed that the readiness for telemedicine is higher when the technology is the only option to access health care services. In all three cases, core readiness played a central role. However, the health sector, existing technology, and finance were barriers present at all times, while during pandemics, some barriers are only temporarily removed, for example, by putting legal issues on hold. The analyzed cases were all on lower levels of maturity as they mainly represent pilot tests or exceptional circumstances. Conclusion Results indicate the important core functions in telemedicine initiatives as well as the diversity of their circumstances. Insights from such historical meta-perspectives can, for example, help to strengthen the sustainability of the increased use of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic and scale up current telemedicine projects.
... T. Simpson, 2013) and is an example of the use of space-suitable technology to overcome very long distances. (3) The use of telemedicine during previous SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), and Ebola outbreaks (between 2000 and 2016) as an example of telemedicine use in epidemic situations (Chang et al., 2004;Keshvardoost et al., 2020;Lee et al., 2015;Ohannessian, 2015) within various healthcare and technology settings, mainly situated in developing countries. ...
... This guarantees the readiness of the health sector as a whole, which is not given in the two previous cases where only isolated projects were studied. Regulatory frameworks within the sector as well as within single institutions are adapted fast to allow for remote consultation, prescription of medication and patient monitoring (Lee et al., 2015). Along with these regulatory changes, legal concerns are ignored (Bokolo, 2020;Lee et al., 2015), which allows for legal readiness but cannot be sustained in the long term. ...
... Regulatory frameworks within the sector as well as within single institutions are adapted fast to allow for remote consultation, prescription of medication and patient monitoring (Lee et al., 2015). Along with these regulatory changes, legal concerns are ignored (Bokolo, 2020;Lee et al., 2015), which allows for legal readiness but cannot be sustained in the long term. All success factors present in the three cases are summarized in table 3. Note: x = explicitly mentioned in the material; (x) = implicit coding based on the information in the material; blank cell = no information in the material ...
... South Korea was the first country in Asia to develop telemedicine. Although this development has been affected by national healthcare policies (Lee et al., 2015), the COVID-19 epidemic has prompted the country to follow the needs of the time and accept telemedicine development as a medical solution during the epidemic . Thus, South Korea has actively adopted various policies and measures to encourage the implementation of telemedicine. ...
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Aim Based on the development of telemedicine and the experience of using it during the COVID-19 epidemic, we aimed to explore its convenience and shortcomings to provide a reference for the further improvement of telemedicine. Background Traditional healthcare has been significantly affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, which has increased fear in patients with chronic diseases and increased the difficulty of obtaining hospitalized treatment. Methods This is a conceptual article. The literature search is based on Pubmed, including articles published between January 2015 and December 2020. The purpose was to determine whether telemedicine is effective in the management of chronic diseases in the epidemic situation and to develop telemedicine and chronic disease management for long-term epidemic situations in the future. Findings Telemedicine has demonstrated its advantages during the COVID-19 epidemic and can provide diversified clinical care services for patients with chronic diseases; these services have played a vital role in epidemic prevention and control, greatly alleviated the shortage of medical resources, increased the utilization level of medical resources, and reduced the cross-infection risk during treatment in hospitals. Furthermore, the epidemic situation presents opportunities for the development of diagnosis and treatment methods via the internet and active health management modalities.
... Multilateral investigations and indepth analyses are also required. Several elements affect the popularization of medical information, including advances in medical care, paradigm shifts, and technological progress in the ICT sector and highly pathogenic and deadly human coronaviruses like the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [14,15]. As the focus of modern medical care has shifted from clinical treatment to disease prevention and health promotion, personalized information needs to be provided for each patient as well. ...
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Objectives: Despite the popularization of technology and the high penetration rate of smartphones and mobile devices, differences exist in the accessibility, utilization capabilities, and quality of technology depending on users' characteristics. Since these discrepancies can threaten health information equity, popularization of medical information is essential. This review article examines domestic and international cases of popularization of medical information, and discusses the related issues, expectations, and practical measures to achieve the popularization of medical information. Methods: In this study, medical information was categorized as Electronic Health Records/Electronic Medical Records (EHR/EMRs; hospital-driven medical information), personal health records (PHRs; user-driven medical information), and patient-generated health data (PGHD; user-generated medical information [outside hospitals]). This article reviewed the domestic and international use status, acceptance rates, and use cases for each type of medical information. Issues and expectations about policies and cases related to the popularization of medical information were also described, and finally, practical measures to accomplish the popularization of medical information were discussed. Results: To achieve the popularization of medical information, the following measures should be considered: engaging health consumers to participate in the early stages of information production, cultivating digital literacy, producing easy-to-use and interesting medical content, visualizing health information, and creating a medical thesaurus. Conclusions: Healthcare providers should make regular efforts to popularize medical information. The popularization of medical information is an essential process to achieve health equity and digital health equity.
... The KMA's opinion is that telemedicine is part of a conspiracy to implement healthcare privatization [4], which will drastically increase healthcare costs for domestic citizens. Another claim is that there is not enough agreement between the public, medical professionals, and government about the structure of the medical industry or health policy regarding telemedicine [5]. They also argue that telemedicine is not needed considering that Korea has high accessibility of hospitals. ...
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Background: South Korean government is currently in progress of expanding the coverage of telemedicine projects as part of an attempt to vitalize service industry, but is facing fierce opposition from KMA. Practice of telemedicine requires sufficient discussions among related parties. Although the participation of medical specialists is important, agreement from the public is essential. Methods: Three main tertiary care centers in Seoul were selected for data collection. A total of 224 patients (patients n = 180, patient guardian n = 44) and medical professionals (n = 41) were selected using simple random sampling. Mixed method of quantitative survey and qualitative semi-interview was used. Results: This study analyzed patients' and medical professionals' perception about the application of telemedicine in cardiology ward in tertiary care centers to provide baseline data when developing and applying telemedicine services. Results implied high need for encouraging telemedicine projects in order to appeal needs among population by providing experience (p < 0.001) and knowledge (p < 0.001). Other results showed that the need for electrocardiography monitoring was high among not only in remote areas but also in areas close to the capital. 64.52% of all participants thought that telemedicine was needed, and 73.21% of participants were willing to use telemedicine service if provided. Semi-interviews revealed that participants expected more cost and time saving services through remote treatment, by not having to visit long distance hospitals frequently. Conclusions: Research results oppose Korean Medical Association's opinion that the population is against enforcing telemedicine related laws. The findings in this study reflect an up-to-date perception of telemedicine among patients and medical professionals in a tertiary care centers' cardiology ward. Moreover, the study provides a baseline that is needed in order to overcome past failures and to successfully implement telemedicine in South Korea.
... "Developing telehealth system" was the 4th most important ICT requirement for achieving the goals of HSMH. Telehealth is to assess patients' health conditions and provide healthcare services via communication equipment such as telephone, radio, and visual contacts (26). It was first established in the 1993 in the United States and was used mainly in emergencies and natural disasters. ...
Background: Faced with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Korea has allowed telemedicine use for a limited time. This study examined whether the surge in COVID-19 cases led to increased telemedicine use and the associated factors. Methods: Data from the electronic medical records of 929,753 outpatient episodes between March 4 and September 4, 2020, in a tertiary hospital in Korea were used. A comparison group was chosen by matching, adjusting for age and sex because only a small portion (1.0%) of the sample used telemedicine. The final sample comprised 57,972 episodes. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the association of independent variables with the dichotomous dependent variable (i.e., telemedicine visit/in-person visit). Results: The surge in confirmed COVID-19 cases led to significantly increased telemedicine use (101-300 new cases odds ratio [OR]: 3.00; 301-500 new cases OR: 5.82; and ≥501 new cases OR: 42.18; all p < 0.0001). Telemedicine use was also statistically associated with sex (female patients OR: 2.08), age ˃19 years, distance from the hospital (Incheon, Gyeonggi, region, OR: 1.30; and other regions, OR: 4.33), and the number of days from diagnosis (3-6 months OR: 1.21; 6-12 months OR: 1.56; 12-36 months OR: 1.98; and ≥36 months OR: 2.49). Medical Aid patients (OR: 0.83) were less likely to use telemedicine than those with National Health Insurance. Conclusions: Telemedicine can be effective in delivering health services during an outbreak. Policymakers and health care organizations are encouraged to use the results of this study to tailor telemedicine to meet the needs of patients.
As cancer treatments are developed, cancer survivors are increasing very rapidly. It is assumed that there are now more than 1,000,000 cancer survivors in Korea. Cancer survivor was historically defined as someone who had remained disease-free for 5 years, but the definition has been changed to a person who had experienced cancer from diagnosis. This transition reflects the necessity for long-term care planning as life years beyond cancer diagnosis gets longer. Cancer survivors are newly-appeared patient population who need comprehensive care. They are vulnerable to second-primary cancers, have to be educated for healthy behaviors, and have many comorbidities and psychosocial problems. For the comprehensive approach to cancer survivorship, ‘Shared care model’ has been suggested, and it has been applied to some hospitals in Korea. In this model, oncologists and primary-care physicians care cancer survivors together since cancer diagnosis. During active cancer treatment, the oncologist takes main role for care but the primary-care physician maintains the routine health care. And after active cancer treatment, primary-care physician assumes more responsibility for survivorship care. The oncologist and the primary-care physician have regular communication for effective care. Based on this model, the cancer survivorship is expected to be improved. Keywords: Cancer, Survivors, Prevention, Control, Shared hospital services
Many telemedicine projects fail to survive beyond the funded research phase. A review of seven Scottish telemedicine services was conducted to identify successes and failures. Qualitative interviews were conducted with key individuals in each project. All projects were partly successful. The main reasons associated with partial failure were: the service was not needs-driven; there was no commitment to provide the service; there was no suitable exit strategy after research funding expired; there was poor communication; there was a lack of training; there were technical problems; work practices were not updated; the protocols for use were poor or non-existent. Based on this, guidelines that might improve the chances of success in future projects were drawn up.
Survivors of adult cancer face lifetime health risks that are dependent on their cancer, cancer treatment exposures, comorbid health conditions, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle behaviors. Content, intensity, and frequency of health care that addresses these risks vary from survivor to survivor. The aims of this article are to provide a rationale for survivor health care and to articulate a taxonomy of models of survivor care that is applicable to both community practices and academic institutions.
Korea: Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
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telemedicine' case studies comparative analysis Proceedings of 2014 World Conference for Public Administration
  • Cl Kim
  • America
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The u-Healthcare industrial market and company analysis
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Current situation and improvement of the national health fund projects
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