
The Structure of ‘Unstructured’ Decision Processes

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... These leaders usually try to set the course of the organization in the right path by utilizing advice from their different sources of advice either through acquiring strategic information from their advisors or recommendations for a method or process that can be used to accomplish their strategic goals (Hirai, Watanabe, & Inuzuka, 2013). At the end of this advice seeking process, the leaders often end up deciding which resources to use or determine which method or path to utilize as a part of strategy formulation and strategic decision-making process (Mintzberg, Raisinghani, & Theoret, 1976). ...
... These information sources can turn out to be very insightful for the executive during their strategic decision-making process as they help the executive gain specific knowledge on a certain topic. On the other hand, these sources of information often consist of historical data which sometimes can become less relevant or contextually fulfilling at the time the executive tries to make a strategic decision (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1988;Mintzberg, et al., 1976). In today's business environment, executives are flooded with these types of formal information that come through both external and internal sources of data and information which makes the executive's decision-making process more complex and timeconsuming as they often find it hard to obtain insightful information from this overabundance of data and information (Chernhall, 2003). ...
... Many scholars have come up with a different definition of a strategic decision however most studies still cite the early works of (Eisenhardt & Zbaracki, 1992;Mintzberg, Raisinghani, & Theoret, 1976) which define a strategic decision as a type of decision that is made by the top management of an organization that have a long-lasting and consequential impact on the whole organization and its sustainability. The nature of these decisions tends to have infrequent, unstandardized, far-reaching, and mostly vaguely structured. ...
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Decision making, and strategic decision making have been a focal and popular area of management literature, and numerous scholars have conducted thorough research to explain the relationships between each antecedent, characteristic, or variable and the outcomes of the strategic decision process. In addition, recent studies have looked at decision making from an upper echelons" perspective and tried to investigate how the top management teams, boards of directors, and CEOs in organizations take such strategic decisions. Scholars have also looked at how these executives seek and utilize essential information that can be acquired either through internal or external resources, which is referred to as advice seeking behavior. The term "advice seeking behavior" has been recently attracting a lot of attention in the literature; however, the amount and depth of these studies have been rather limited and very specific. Therefore, this research aims to provide an integrated and explanatory approach to explain how the upper echelons in organizations, especially CEOs, take strategic decisions and how they seek advice during this process. In addition, the research also aims to combine the literature on strategic decision-making and the upper echelons by integrating leadership style literature to understand how each style affects advice seeking behavior. Finally, the research investigates how these behaviors affect strategic decision outcomes in terms of speed and quality.
... a Mintzberg et al (1976) . ...
... Chen and Klay, 1994;Kraemer and Dedrick, 1997;Andersen and Danziger, 1995;Danziger and Andersen, 2002) . Danziger and Andersen (2002) Mintzberg et al (1976) (Simon, 1977) ; Mintzberg et al. (1976) = (Cyert and March, 1963) . (Mintzberg et al., 1976) . ...
... Chen and Klay, 1994;Kraemer and Dedrick, 1997;Andersen and Danziger, 1995;Danziger and Andersen, 2002) . Danziger and Andersen (2002) Mintzberg et al (1976) (Simon, 1977) ; Mintzberg et al. (1976) = (Cyert and March, 1963) . (Mintzberg et al., 1976) . ...
تناولت هذه الدراسة بالبحث والتحليل تأثير نظم المعلومات على عملية اتخاذ القرار في المنظمات العامة الكويتية، وتحديداً في الوزارات الحكوميةـ استخدمت الأدبيات السابقة حول عملية اتخاذ القرار، والأدبيات حول تأثير نظم المعلومات على عملية اتخاذ القرار لتحديد مراحل اتخاذ القرار، وتحديد جوانب تأثير نظم المعلومات على عملية اتخاذ القرارـ نموذج اتخاذ القرار، الذي استخدم في هذه الدراسة كان خليطاً من النموذج الذي اقترحه Simon (1977) وMintzberg et al (1976)ـ يتكون نموذج اتخاذ القرار المستخدم في هذه الدراسة من ثلاث مراحل، هي التحري، التصميم، والاختيارـ بحثت هذه الدراسة تأثير نظم المعلومات على فاعلية مراحل اتخاذ القرار وكفايتهاـ وصيغت ستة فروض تشير إلى وجود علاقة طردية بين استخدام نظم المعلومات وكفاءة مراحل اتخاذ القرار وفاعليتهاـ جميع متغيرات الدراسة ومقاييسها تم تعريفها وقياسها باستخدام الأدبيات السابقةـ جمعت معلومات هذه الدراسة باستخدام قائمة استقصاءـ استخدم أسلوب العينة العشوائية البسيطة لاختيار ست€ وزارات و¢300 متخذ قرارـ وكانت نسبة الرد 67% وقد أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى التأثير الإيجابي لاستخدام نظم المعلومات على كفاءة جميع مراحل اتخاذ القرار وفاعليتهاـ تضمنت الخاتمة عدداً من التوصيات لتعزيز كفاءة عملية اتخاذ القرار وفاعليتها، واقتراحات لفرص بحثية مستقبليةـ
... Ketersediaan informasi yang relevan diperlukan dalam tiap tahap dalam proses pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan perspektif rasional-normatif [50]. Dalam tahap intelligence, informasi real-time mempercepat decision recognition dan diagnosa. ...
... Ketersediaan informasi real-time, terutama melalui dukungan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, berpotensi meningkatkan konsensus dengan cara meningkatkan akurasi, reliabilitas, dan konsistensi informasi yang digunakan dalam setiap tahapan (intelligence, design, dan selection) pengambilan keputusan menurut perspektif rasional-normatif [50]. Informasi yang konsisten akan membantu terciptanya shared definition dan kesamaan framing masalah (persepsi) yang memudahkan tercapainya kesepakatan di antara para anggota TMP, sehingga: H1: Semakin tinggi pemanfaatan informasi real-time, maka semakin tinggi tingkat konsensus yang dihasilkan dalam pengambilan keputusan stratejik. ...
... Dalam TMP yang heterogen, perbedaan latar belakang demografik, nilai-nilai, kepribadian dan sebagainya dapat menyebabkan perbedaan persepsi [27] serta menimbulkan konflik, yang dapat memperlambat pengambilan keputusan [50]. Konsensus menjadi rendah (tidak tercapai kata sepakat sampai akhir) dan kecepatan keputusan menjadi rendah, terutama apabila tim tidak memiliki mekanisme resolusi konflik yang baik (keduanya berkorelasi positif). ...
Kecepatan keputusan stratejik dan konsensus telah diidentifikasi sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan [5, 38]. Sesuai dengan perspektif parallel information processing model [15], penelitian kualitatif [20] menunjukkan bahwa informasi real-time membantu eksekutif di industri high velocity mengambil keputusan stratejik dengan cepat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi temuan-temuan tersebut, dalam konteks yang baru di Indonesia, serta untuk memahami apakah kecepatan keputusan dan konsensus dapat dicapai secara bersamaan. Studi ini melibatkan 156 responden yang merupakan manajemen puncak di industri telekomunikasi, media, dan IT di Indonesia. Hasil kuantitatif empirik menunjukkan bahwa informasi real-time meningkatkan kecepatan keputusan, konsensus, dan dukungan pada keputusan. Lebih penting lagi, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan keputusan dan konsensus dapat dicapai secara bersamaan, dan keduanya akan meningkatkan dukungan para anggota tim manajemen puncak (TMP) terhadap keputusan stratejik yang diambil. Strategic decision speed and consensus have been previosly identified as determinants of firm performance [5, 38]. In line with the parallel information processing model [15], [20] showed that real-time information helps executives in high velocity industry make fast strategic decisions. This research was conducted to confirm those findings, within a new context in Indonesia, and whether decision speed and consensus can be achieved simultaneously. It involved 156 respondents who belong to the top management within the telecommunication, IT, and media sectors in Indonesia. The quantitative empirical evidence shows that real-time information has positive effects on strategic decision speed, consensus, and support for the decision. More importantly, this study demonstrates that decision speed and consensus can be achieved simultaneously and both will improve support for the strategic decision by members of the top management team (TMT).
... Rational theory assumes that investors follow a logical procedure to reach an optimal solution to a given problem (Daft, 2004;Gianakis, 2004;Judge & Robbins, 2017;Osland et al., 2006;Robbins, 2002;Robbins & Judge, 2007).Rational Models with different logical steps were developed to describe the process of rational decision-making. Mintzberg et al. (1976) proposed a rational model with three elementary phases, namely, identification, development, and selection. Identification involves determining the nature of a problem and gathering relevant information. ...
... Our proposed model used the modified Mintzberg et al. (1976) model (Lin, 2011;Mushinada, 2020) to test investor rationality. This model consists of three phases, namely, demand identification, searching information, and evaluating alternatives. ...
... We assume that an investor tends to follow these steps logically when making investment decisions. Thus, based on the model of Mintzberg et al. (1976), we test whether Moroccan investors follow the logical stages of the rational decision-making process or not. Hence, we formulate the following specific hypotheses: H1: Once the investor has identified his demand (decision problem), he moves on to the next step, which is the search for information. ...
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The paper proposes a behavioral model of investment decisions under the Adaptive Market Hypothesis (AMH) in the Moroccan financial market. This model examines the existence of rationality alongside irrational behavioral biases that might affect investors, as well as investors' tendency to adapt to market conditions. The paper uses Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the proposed hypothetical model based on primary data collected from individual and institutional investors active in the Moroccan financial market. The results of the study show that, although investors tend to follow the rational decision-making process, some irrational biases might arise during this process. Specifically, the empirical evidence reveals that during the 'searching information" stage, investors are subjected to the disposition effect. Then, the losses accumulated because of the disposition bias attenuate the overconfidence bias, and prompt investors to correct their perception of risk rationally. Therefore, the findings are consistent with the adaptive investor behavior implied by the AMH theory. Regarding investor type, the study shows that individual and institutional investors are likely to be affected by behavioural biases alike. This study is the first to use a different approach, to empirically test the AMH, based on heterogeneous and adaptive investor behavior using primary data. This approach can provide a more accurate measure of investor behavior dynamics. The study is also the first to use the PLS approach to investigate adaptive investor behavior, both at the level of individual and institutional investors, in the Moroccan context. This study has implications for trading strategies and regulatory policies. Insights from the research make investors aware of their biases, which could help them try to de-bias themselves by complying with certain rational rules. In addition, the study findings suggest that investors can exploit arbitrage opportunities resulting from irrational behavior. Moreover, the results of the study enable policymakers to understand the real behavior of investors and take appropriate regulatory measures to prevent the market from being inefficient and unstable.
... Strategic decisions are those choices made by managers that commit important resources, set important precedents, and/or direct important firmlevel actions (Mintzberg, Raisinghani, and Théorêt, 1976). They are the decisions that shape a firm's general direction (Dean and Sharfman, 1996). ...
... Conjoint analysis provides the opportunity to focus on the CEO's decision-making processes while ensuring that the decision context remains constant. As we have described, strategic decisions are those choices made by managers that commit important resources, set important precedents, and/or direct important firm-level actions (Mintzberg et al., 1976). Because of the importance of resource allocation to strategy (Bower, Doz, and Gilbert, 2005;Ghemawat, 1991;Noda and Bower, 1996), and the substantial commitment of resources often required for the pursuit of new opportunities (Burgelman, 1983), our field experiment required CEOs to engage in a decision-making task in which they evaluated a series of hypothetical opportunities and decided whether or not to allocate resources to the full-scale exploitation of each opportunity. ...
... Specifically, our findings illustrate the conditions under which the order that underlies successful strategic decision making is diminished (cf. Mintzberg, 1987;Mintzberg et al., 1976). By explaining variance in erratic strategic decisions, we further contribute to decision-making research by investigating the antecedents of erratic decisions. ...
... First, cognitive psychological research on individual decision making, by social psychological research on group decision making. Second, management and political science theory relating to organizational decision-making (Cyert et al., 1956;Cyert & March, 1963;Simon & Newell, 1970;Mintzberg et al., 1976). We focus equally on literature from both approaches that examine administrative decision making and explore how res- (Barak-Erez, 2005). ...
... Although there is a widely used process for making decisions, the process is not generally followed strategically but rather recognized ex post facto. Mintzberg et al. (1976) provide a general model of the strategic decision-making process for "unstructured" decisions, those that "have not been encountered in quite the same form and for which no predetermined and explicit set of ordered responses exist in the organization". Among opportunity decisions, problem decisions, and crisis decisions, the decision-making process is most likely to result from an individual manager connecting a problem with an opportunity. ...
... Administrative decision-making is substantially influenced by internal and external stimuli (Gore, 1964;Carter, 1971aCarter, , 1971bPettigrew, 1972). These polit- (Mintzberg et al., 1976). Meier and O'Toole (2006) suggest that the values of bureaucratic actors themselves maybe even more important than these political factors in explaining bureaucratic decisions, outputs, and outcomes. ...
... Problem solving involves means-ends analysis AND heuristics (Gigerenzer & Brighton, 2009;Hatchuel & Weil, 2003;Bardram, 1997;Simon et al., 1986;Allen, 1984;Wilenski, 1983;Sacerdoti, 1975;Polanyi, 1966;Miller, Galanter & Pribram 1960;Newell, Shaw & Simon, 1958). Decision making involves reason AND rationality (Elster, 2009;Adam 2008;Krantz & Kunreuther, 2007;March & Olsen, 2004;Adam & Pomerol, 1998;Langley, Mintzberg, Pitcher, Posada & Saint-Macary, 1995;Eisenhardt & Zbaracki, 1992;March, 1991b;Mintzberg, Raisinghani & Thorêt, 1976). Implementing involves technology AND practices (Brézillon, 2011b;Ford & Wargo, 2007;Becker, 2003;Teece, Pisano & Shuen, 1997;Kogut & Zander, 1992;Lave & Wenger, 1991;Scott, 1998;Giddens, 1984;Nelson & Winter, 1973). ...
... Problems are the focus of a very large body of research and the concept, which may include opportunities and crises (Mintzberg et al., 1976), is variously defined by researchers: ...
... There is also agreement among researchers that the tasks concern different levels (tactical/operational and political/strategic) in an organization with 'operating decisions at the bottom of the hierarchy and strategic decisions on the top' (Mintzberg et al., 1976). This suggests that practice-based organizational learning will occur at different levels and raises the question of links between the levels. ...
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Organizations that leverage lessons learned from their experience in the practice of complex real-world activities are faced with five difficult problems. First, how to represent the learning situation in a recognizable way. Second, how to represent what was actually done in terms of repeatable actions. Third, how to assess performance taking account of the particular circumstances. Fourth, how to abstract lessons learned that are re-usable on future occasions. Fifth, how to determine whether to pursue practice maturity or strategic relevance of activities. Practice-based organizational learning and performance improvement are investigated in a field study using the Context-based Intelligent Assistant Support (CIAS) approach. The novelty of the research resides in the simultaneous study of the different levels involved in the activity. Route selection in light rail infrastructure projects involves practices at both the strategic and operational levels. It is a stepping stone in that it is part managerial/political and part engineering. A practice-based approach to activity management is enabled by a new conceptual framework that supports researchers and practitioners in applying the CIAS paradigm to practice-based organizational learning and performance improvement. The accompanying analytic tool-kit includes a new method of selecting Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), new methods for measuring and assessing organizational learning, and a new method for prioritizing organizational improvement effort. It is shown how aspectual comparison of practices represented in Contextual Graphs constitutes a new approach to the selection of KPIs that is free from causality assumptions and forms the basis of a new approach to practice-based organizational learning and performance improvement. Next, the evolution of practices in contextual graphs is shown to express organizational learning which can be interpreted in an objective and measurable way using a practice-based organizational learning novelty typology. Finally, it is shown how experience from lessons learned effectively leveraged leads to practice maturity of an activity and how the practice maturity level in combination with an assessment of an activity’s strategic relevance can be used by management to prioritize improvement effort.
... There is no consensus within the literature regarding which activities should be accomplished during the front end and how they should be ordered (Williams et al., 2019). Mintzberg et al. (1976) suggested a three-phase decision-making process, including (1) identification of problem or opportunity, (2) solution development, and (3) selection. Smith and Jackson (2000) and Smith et al. (2006) suggested a method referred to as Strategic Needs Analysis, which can be used to analyse and review clients' objectives, propose alternatives, and confront participants with making choices. ...
... The appraisal includes the following three main steps, in line with the three-phase decisionmaking process suggested by Mintzberg et al. (1976): 1. Assessment of the triggering problem or need. ...
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Purpose In the project initiation phase, an appraisal is needed to clarify the strategic problem and alternative solutions. Full-scale construction projects and simple solutions ( do-minimum alternatives) should be assessed. The do-nothing alternative is the baseline for the appraisal and an option in itself. The paper explores the role of do-nothing and do-minimum alternatives in public project appraisal, which may significantly impact the attractiveness of a construction project. Design/methodology/approach The paper presents an empirical study from Norway, which requires external quality assurance (QA) of early project appraisals. The data include an extensive document review of 112 projects and interviews with 41 experts involved in the appraisal processes. Findings Of 112 appraisals, 110 recommended a major construction project, including cases where the benefits and value were low or uncertain. The do-nothing alternative was generally included as a reference but not treated as a viable option. Do-minimum alternatives were often not explored. By contrast, the external QA reports recommended do-nothing or do-minimum in 28 cases. Interestingly, although political decision-makers rarely reject projects, they may put them on hold indefinitely, implying that the actual outcome in many cases is still do-nothing . Originality/value The paper addresses a topic that has been understudied in the literature. The findings contribute to the broader literature on project initiation processes, project appraisal and how to reduce the risk of bias and manipulation in appraisals.
... Simple random sampling is used for collection of data from 210 employees. Finally the result of the study showed that there is a positive relationship between information technology practices and job satisfaction (Mintzberg, 2016). ...
... The recycling will reduce the EMS impact. Finally, it is concluded that it will help to improve the employees working environment and create the awareness about the environment management system and also it increases the profit and the environment clean (Mintzberg, 2016). ...
Information plays a vital role in the life of every individual and a country at large. The life sustainer of every organization can be traced to information technology practices. Secretaries are not left out in the practice of information technological. However, a situation whereby the indicators of information and technology management is not practiced, there is every tendency that the level of job performance working in such organizations will be questioned. In this regard, this study deems it fit to investigate how Information Technology Practices (ITP) will influence Job Performance (JP) of secretaries in higher institutions of learning in Lagos state. Descriptive research design was adopted. Population consists of 1189 secretaries in higher institution of learning in Lagos state. Multistage sampling technique was adopted, afterwards, 226 secretaries served as the sample size for this study. The reliability coefficient for each of the variable ranged from 0.70 to 0.95. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that ITP was found to significantly influence JP (Adj. R2 = 0.102; p = 0.000). The study concluded that in terms of achieving maximum job performance, only ITP will bring about this. The study recommended that taking decisions by secretaries should be engineered by IT related factors, should actually avail themselves of making use of state of the art IT facilities during the course of their jobs and also secretaries in higher institution of learning in Lagos state should be compensated handsomely if they carry out extra jobs within the institution. Keywords: Information Technology Practices, Job Performance, Lagos State, Secretaries. Journal Reference Format: Erwat, E.A. & Idiake, C.O. (2023): Information Technology Practices and Job Performance of Secretaries in Tertiary Institutions in Lagos State, Nigeria. Humanities, Management, Arts, Education & the Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 11. No. 1, Pp 1-10
... En este paso, se comprende el problema en profundidad y se identifican las causas y los efectos de este (Mintzberg et al., 1976). ...
... 6. Implementación de la alternativa: En este paso, la solución seleccionada se pone en práctica (Mintzberg et al., 1976). ...
El libro es una obra completa que examina la integración vital de la dirección estratégica y la gestión del cambio. El primer capítulo argumenta que el cambio estratégico es un componente crucial de la dirección estratégica, destacando la necesidad de anticipar y adaptarse a las fluctuaciones en el entorno de negocio. El segundo capítulo presenta la dirección estratégica como un modelo de cambio, subrayando la importancia de alinear la estrategia con la visión y los objetivos de la empresa para impulsar el cambio efectivo. El capítulo final analiza las competencias esenciales necesarias para la dirección estratégica, enfatizando en habilidades como el liderazgo, la toma de decisiones informada y la gestión de la incertidumbre. Esta obra es una guía esencial para aquellos que buscan comprender y aplicar efectivamente la gestión del cambio en un marco estratégico.
... L'élaboration d'une stratégie est un phénomène organisationnel qui intègre la planification, l'analyse, la prise de décision et de nombreux aspects de la culture, du système de valeurs et de la mission d'une organisation (Hart, 1992). Dans la même logique, Mintzberg et al., (1976) ...
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Studies in entrepreneurship consider that the sustainable performance of an SME is linked to its entrepreneurial orientation, i.e. its degree of commitment to risk-taking, innovation and proactivity. In other words, an SME that aims to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in the market should have an entrepreneurial orientation that allows it to engage in innovative actions, to take more risk in order to explore and exploit new opportunities, and to engage in proactive practices in order to anticipate market needs before the competition. This paper presents the results of an analysis of articles dealing with the entrepreneurial orientation of SMEs from 1983 to 2022 and published in journals of international reputation. Indeed, the analysis of the different models proposed by the literature allowed us to identify three key dimensions of the concept "entrepreneurial orientation": innovation, risk-taking and proactivity. Similarly, a major interest was given to the importance of this entrepreneurial behavior in the achievement of the organizational performance objectives of SMEs.
... Human beings make decisions all the time, each decision being the final product of a particular psychological/cognitive decision-making process of an individual or a group. The decision-making process can be defined as 'a set of action and dynamic factors that begin with the identification of a stimulus for actions and end with a specific commitment to action' (Mintzberg et al. 1976). This decision-making process is often accompanied by uncertainty, which is known as the feeling of being unsure of what will happen in the future. ...
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Individuals often make decisions in a social environment where social influence can impact on people’s decision-making domains such as online purchasing, political voting and voluntary vaccine uptake. Social influence can be recognised as the intentional or unintentional change in an individual’s belief, perception, or behaviours caused by an information diffusion process embedded in a social network. However, there is limited research on how this diffusion process is shaped by the topology or structure of the social network. This work provides an exploratory and systematic analysis of how decision-making outcomes in a population can be affected by both the structure of the social network and the starting node of where new information starts to diffuse. Simulation results considering three common network structures highlight how social networks with clear community structures lead to a larger absolute impact on decision-making outcomes and networks where the social connections follow a preferential attachment rule show the largest relative impact than the others. The results also suggest scenarios in which introducing new pieces of information to the social network can facilitate the information diffusion process and produce a more significant impact in terms of the overall population decision-making process.
... Furthermore, DM in organizational contexts often involves additional complexities, including aligning decisions with strategic objectives, stakeholder interests, and ethical considerations. Mintzberg et al. (1976) describe the DM in organizations as iterative and nonlinear, involving deliberate planning and reactive adjustment to unforeseen challenges. Lastly, DM is a multifaceted process integrating cognitive, psychological, and social dimensions. ...
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Purpose-This study investigates the intricate dynamics between elements of emotional intelligence (EEI)-self-awareness (SA), self-regulation (SR), motivation (M), empathy (E), and social skills (SS)-and their impact on Brand Loyalty (BL) and Decision-Making (DM) among university students. It aims to elucidate how these facets of EEI shape students' BL and influence their DM. Design/methodology/approach-Employing a quantitative research design wherein data were collected through a survey administered to (n = 389) students at Karabük University, and the hypotheses were tested using the SPSS ver.26, alongside the Process macro ver. 4.2, developed by Andrew F. Hayes, facilitates the examination of the data. Findings-The results reveal that M, E, and SS significantly enhance BL, indicating the crucial role these EEIs play in fostering a loyal student base. Contrarily, SA and SR showed a less significant direct impact on BL. Furthermore, BL was found to mediate the relationship between all five EEI and DM, underscoring the pivotal role of EEI in students' DM. Research limitations/implications-The study's primary limitation is its focus on a university student population, which may restrict the generalizability of the findings. Future research should extend to diverse demographic groups and incorporate longitudinal designs to affirm causality and elucidate EEI, BL, and DM dynamics. Originality/value-This research contributes to the emergent discourse on the intersection of emotional intelligence and student behavior, particularly in the context of BL and DM. It offers novel insights into the mediated role of BL within the EEI and DM nexus, providing valuable implications for brand managers and marketers in developing strategies that resonate with the emotional and psychological dimensions of student or consumer behavior.
... We are building on this stream of research (Harris et al., 2009;Carr et al., 2010;Jørgensen and Messner, 2010;Emmanuel et al., 2010;Grant and Nilsson, 2020) and paying attention to the role of multiple managers in the SIDM process. Management research that has used qualitative approaches to investigate the behavioural side of strategic decision-making processes (Simon, 1955(Simon, , 1976Bower, 1970;Mintzberg et al., 1976;Hickson et al., 1986;Eisenhardt, 1989;Butler et al., 1993;Elbanna and Child, 2007;Bardolet et al., 2011) has revealed the importance of the "hidden process" of decision makers drawing on their intuition in making managerial judgements. Our research echoes the importance of such issues as "strategic fit" and organisational factors (Harris, 1999;Carr et al., 2010) and the roles of human and non-human actors (Jørgensen and Messner, 2010). ...
... We adapt the general strategic decision-making process proposed in extant literature (e.g., Agarwal and Tanniru, 1991, Harrison, 1996, Mintzberg, Raisinghani and Theoret, 1976 and propose a general project journey for UD projects consisting of three key steps: (1) problem identification, (2) solution development, and (3) problem resolution (see Fig. 3). ...
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Despite the unprecedented growth in both the volume of unstructured data (UD) and the associated methodo-logical sophistication, there is a growing managerial need for a structured view of how to select data sources and methods given a specific use case or scenario. Handling UD is typically resource intensive, requires many steps, and involves high uncertainty, but UD can contain rich information not found in structured data. Recognizing the gap in clear guidelines for leveraging UD in managerial decision-making, we develop a systematic three-step approach: (1) problem identification, (2) solutions development, and (3) problem resolution. Building on organizational learning theory, we propose a solutions development framework with four conceptually distinct uses of UD based on two dimensions: organizational learning goals (exploration and exploitation) and environmental scanning scope (internal and external data sources). Finally, we discuss implications for practitioners and outline key focus areas for future research directions.
... Diante desse cenário desafiador, o gestor precisa se tornar um exímio pesquisador, indo além das informações disponíveis no momento para investigar a organização, o contexto ao seu redor, tendências tecnológicas e as mudanças no mercado (Mintzberg et al., 1995). A coleta e a análise de informações extras são essenciais para embasar as decisões e torná-las mais assertivas. ...
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No século 21, os gestores enfrentam desafios significativos devido à acirrada competitividade impulsionada pelos avanços tecnológicos. A habilidade do gestor em tomar decisões acertadas e aumentar a produtividade e o êxito das empresas torna-se fundamental para a longevidade dos empreendimentos. A sobrevivência dos negócios requer decisões fundamentadas na análise de recursos financeiros passados, presentes e futuros, prevendo possíveis dificuldades financeiras. O presente estudo bibliográfico objetiva abordar a análise de negócios como meio para compreender a estrutura, políticas e operações de uma organização, recomendando soluções que alcancem os objetivos estratégicos. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica aprofundada, exploraremos como a análise de negócios, apoiada por tecnologias e dados, capacita os gestores a tomar decisões mais informadas e embasadas. Destacaremos também a importância de prever cenários financeiros, identificar oportunidades de melhoria e mitigar riscos potenciais. Mencionaremos brevemente o caso da School 21, uma empresa educacional que se destaca ao utilizar tecnologias e análises de negócios para aprimorar suas condições operacionais e alcançar decisões empresariais mais assertivas, resultando em sucesso organizacional. O estudo visa contribuir para o entendimento da relevância das análises de negócios e tecnologias na tomada de decisões, oferecendo insights valiosos para gestores e profissionais que buscam potencializar o sucesso e a sustentabilidade de suas empresas na era moderna.
... We are building on this stream of research (Harris et al., 2009;Carr et al., 2010;Jørgensen and Messner, 2010;Emmanuel et al., 2010;Grant and Nilsson, 2020) and paying attention to the role of multiple managers in the SIDM process. Management research that has used qualitative approaches to investigate the behavioural side of strategic decision-making processes (Simon, 1955(Simon, , 1976Bower, 1970;Mintzberg et al., 1976;Hickson et al., 1986;Eisenhardt, 1989;Butler et al., 1993;Elbanna and Child, 2007;Bardolet et al., 2011) has revealed the importance of the "hidden process" of decision makers drawing on their intuition in making managerial judgements. Our research echoes the importance of such issues as "strategic fit" and organisational factors (Harris, 1999;Carr et al., 2010) and the roles of human and non-human actors (Jørgensen and Messner, 2010). ...
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Purpose-This study aims to explore how managers exercise agency in strategic investment decisions (SIDs) by drawing on their knowledgeability of the strategic context. Specifically, the authors address the role of position-practice relations and irresistible causal forces in this conduct. Design/methodology/approach-The authors examine SID-making (SIDM) practices in four case organisations operating in highly competitive markets, conducting interviews with managers at various levels and analysing company documents. Drawing on strong structuration theory, the authors show how managerial decision makers draw upon their knowledge of organisational context when exercising agency in SIDs. Findings-The authors provide insights into how SIDM behaviour, specifically agents' conduct, is shaped by a combination of position-practice relations and the agents' comprehension of their organisation's context. Research limitations/implications-The authors extend the SIDM literature by surfacing the issue of how actors' conjuncturally-specific knowledge of external structures shapes the general dispositions they draw on in exercising agency in practice. Originality/value-The authors extend the SIDM literature by surfacing the issue of how actors' conjuncturally-specific knowledge of external structures shapes the general dispositions they draw on in exercising agency in practice. Particularly, the authors contribute to this literature by identifying irresistible causal forces and illuminating why actors might not resist in SIDM processes, despite having the potential to do so.
... Decision-making is the act of building a preference out of several alternatives (Orlovsky, 1978), which involves making a choice (Sadovykh & Sundaram, 2017). In the model of Mintzberg et al. (1976), the decision-maker must first recognize a problem or a tangible issue that requires action to begin evaluating alternatives (Sadovykh & Sundaram, 2017). Hence, using CA nudges to make fashion shoppers more aware of sustainability issues can be required, especially among individuals unaware of the environmental pollution debate (Sutanto et al., 2021). ...
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With nudges, conversational agents (CAs) can be used to recommend environmentally sustainable products to individuals shopping online. CAs can thus influence individual purchase behaviors and have the potential to promote green decision-making. There is a lack of qualitative insights into how CA nudges might influence the purchase decisions of individuals in the specific context of sustainable fashion consumption – especially regarding customer perceptions of CAs trying to influence those decisions. We conducted an explorative survey with a qualitative online questionnaire of 79 fashion shoppers to determine how they think about CAs nudging their product choices and to derive propositions on how CA nudges should be designed to support green decision- making.
... Evaluation and decision-making is a very difficult and challenging concept [8] for managers since they build a large part of the evaluations on the basis of judgments and perceptions from dealing with unstructured or non-routine problems [31] and that most of the time they represent phenomena that do not produce the same characteristics and attributes. The nature of evaluation and decision-making is constantly unknown practically by managers, but they try to create new approaches through scenarios, systematic plans, empirical analyzes and various statistical and mathematical models [39,40] which will provide them with a longevity and profitevity path. ...
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Evaluation of alternatives to making decisions still remains as the most difficult field for every manager. Considering that uncertainty, stress, emotions and many other factors still remain insurmountable during decision-making in the work of managers. The research will bring a contemporary approach to the evaluation of alternatives through the multi-stage method by conducting a series of exhibitions for an effective decision. Model will create a logical structure derivation of exhibitions by revealing options and paths toward strategic leadership. The research used mixed methods of data collection to create a more meaningful and integrative research design. The sample was elongated over a survey of 250 organizations. The research brings to the surface a clear analysis of the following path as a guide and practically used to gain differentiating advantages towards the long-term through Strategic Attractiveness Position in Industry (ST-API). From this analysis structure, a clearness leadership orientation is created for managers, a recommendation for strategic leadership, revealing a group of strategies to undertake depending on the ST-API dimension IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) or ST-API dimension EFE (External Factor Evaluation) through crafting "Option's" since the organizations are concentrated in the vicinity of the corner (nook) in quad IV, conclusively in "growth and build". Occurrated in this axle, organizations are advised to orient their actions towards the "develop products" in order to go towards longevity and leaderism in the industry.
... Rationality in decision making manifests itself in the comprehensive search for information, inventorizing, and evaluation of alternatives (Thunholm 2004), suggesting the presence of rationality in the whole decision making process instead of limiting it to the final choice. This long-established process approach to decisions (Svenson 1979) requires the identification of a sequence of successive phases such as 3 phases of identification, development, and selection (Mintzberg et al. 1976) or 4 phases of problem identification, problem definition, prioritization, and test for cause-effect relationships (Kepner and Tregoe 2005). Process descriptions of decision making are rather rational approaches, whereby the most widely applied and referred model has been developed by Simon (2013), differentiating between the intelligence, design, choice, implementation, and monitoring phases. ...
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The surge in data-related investments has drawn the attention of both managers and academia to the question of whether and how this (re)shapes decision making routines. Drawing on the information processing theory of the organization and the agency theory, this paper addresses how putting a strategic emphasis on business analytics supports an analytical decision making culture that makes enhanced use of data in each phase of the decision making process, along with a potential change in authorities resulting from shifts in information asymmetry. Based on a survey of 305 medium-sized and large companies, we propose a multiple-mediator model. We provide support for our hypothesis that top management support for business analytics and perceived data quality are good predictors of an analytical culture. Furthermore, we argue that the analytical culture increases the centralization of data use, but interestingly, we found that this centralization is not associated with data-driven decision making. Our paper positions a long-running debate about information technology-related centralization of authorities in the new context of business analytics.
... Thus, crisis leaders will not engage in unnecessary risk, but risk that is associated with creative and innovative solutions that identify novel paths forward. Aguilera, 1990;Boin et al., 2005;Connelly, 2009;Dutton, 1986;Hadley et al., 2009;Mintzberg et al., 1976;Wooten & James, 2008 Communicating effectively ...
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Crisis leadership has received growing attention since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, scholarship remains underdeveloped relative to mainstream models of leadership. Importantly, during crises, followers turn to leadership for decisive support and direction. This study aims to build a profile of leader behaviors that followers believe are necessary and effective during an organizational crisis (compared to non-crisis organizational contexts). I surveyed 85 undergraduate students with at least six months of work experience during the onset of COVID-19 (i.e., January 2020 – June 2020). Results were largely inconclusive. Nonetheless, multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs) suggest significant group effects on several leader competencies that align with popular models of crisis leader attributes. Primarily, followers perceive that strong crisis leadership is characterized by an ability to make decisions under pressure and foster a sense of connection, both with followers and across the organization. Given the significant sample size restrictions of this study, future work is necessary to provide further support or refute these results. Overall, this is a first step in a program of research aimed at informing a comprehensive theory of crisis leadership.
... Diante desse cenário desafiador, o gestor precisa se tornar um exímio pesquisador, indo além das informações disponíveis no momento para investigar a organização, o contexto ao seu redor, tendências tecnológicas e as mudanças no mercado (Mintzberg et al., 1995). A coleta e a análise de informações extras são essenciais para embasar as decisões e torná-las mais assertivas. ...
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No século 21, os gestores enfrentam desafios significativos devido à acirrada competitividade impulsionada pelos avanços tecnológicos. A habilidade do gestor em tomar decisões acertadas e aumentar a produtividade e o êxito das empresas torna-se fundamental para a longevidade dos empreendimentos. A sobrevivência dos negócios requer decisões fundamentadas na análise de recursos financeiros passados, presentes e futuros, prevendo possíveis dificuldades financeiras. O presente estudo bibliográfico objetiva abordar a análise de negócios como meio para compreender a estrutura, políticas e operações de uma organização, recomendando soluções que alcancem os objetivos estratégicos. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica aprofundada, exploraremos como a análise de negócios, apoiada por tecnologias e dados, capacita os gestores a tomar decisões mais informadas e embasadas. Destacaremos também a importância de prever cenários financeiros, identificar oportunidades de melhoria e mitigar riscos potenciais. Mencionaremos brevemente o caso da School 21, uma empresa educacional que se destaca ao utilizar tecnologias e análises de negócios para aprimorar suas condições operacionais e alcançar decisões empresariais mais assertivas, resultando em sucesso organizacional. O estudo visa contribuir para o entendimento da relevância das análises de negócios e tecnologias na tomada de decisões, oferecendo insights valiosos para gestores e profissionais que buscam potencializar o sucesso e a sustentabilidade de suas empresas na era moderna.
... For example, deciding the new strategic direction of an organisation is bound to require multiple iterations of the decision process due to the unstructured nature of the decision problem and vast array of information sources to combine and draw insights from (Mintzberg and Theoret 1976). This idea of decision-making as a nested sequence of Decision-making can be viewed as a nested sequence of embedded decisions. ...
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This report investigates current practice at the interface between the social (human) decision-making process and digital technology. It provides an overview of current learning across various practice contexts, through a unified lens which allows us to assimilate the learning and guide further research. By cross analysing 13 cases, we identified themes about how to promote the: • Adoption of the integration of the digital technology in decision-making, in terms of enablers and barriers • Assessment of the integration of the digital technology in decision-making in terms of effectiveness and appropriateness • Adaptation of the human systems to integrate digital technologies in decision- making, including inward and outward adaptation
... Decision-making is a step-by-step process to make choices. Archer (1980), Blai (1986) Mintzberg et al. (1976) suggest that major decisions can usually be divided into smaller decisions. Top-level managers usually take programmed decisions, whereas lower-level managers non-programmed ones. ...
This study examines how the coronavirus pandemic may affect the price of consumer services in the Transportation, Accommodation and Food Service sections in the European Union over the next period utilizing Machine Learning. For the purpose of the study, the authors use monthly reports of coronavirus cases and deaths along with a nominal sample size of 44.000 units, mainly national institutes, from the Joint Harmonized EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys by Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of European Commission. The dataset contains balanced answers from surveys asking for positive and negative replies measuring managers’ assessment of their company’s turnover from past experience and future estimations. The authors present evidence that it is possible to forecast future expectations on service price evolution during the pandemic utilizing Neural Network models. These models can predict a balanced percentage which can further be used for a systematic decision-making process. This percentage depends on the number of cases and deaths in each country but not in the same analogy to others. Each country performs differently in every sub-category of economic activity presented. To the best of our knowledge, this is a first attempt to investigate and predict the impact of coronavirus on consumer service price. These predictions concern the evolution of economic indicators using Neural Networks. In case of emergency situations, such as during pandemic, it is difficult to have enough data to make reliable predictions using other statistical models, therefore utilizing machine learning methods seems appropriate.KeywordsMachine learningNeural networksCoronavirusPrice evolution
... In many under-debate research topics and fields for management, research into strategic decision-making (SDM) stands out impressively (Papadakis et al., 2010) due to its significance to organisations. Those ones that commit substantial resources, set precedents, and create waves of lesser decisions (Mintzberg et al., 1976) distinguish themselves from the trivial ones, and are intrinsically salient and important to the organisation, to an extent determined by the specific type and context. Without precedent, we extend the spectrum of the definition for strategic decisions to encompass not only classical ones that would have major impact on the organisations, but also those that are crucial to functional units (e.g., team and department) at a smaller scale. ...
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As currently exemplified by the COVID-19 situation, there is a need to conduct strategic decision-making research through a process approach for crisis where threats, uncertainties, instabilities, pressures and virous negative environmental factors present or coming. The purpose of this research is to examine the presence of rational strategic decision-making processes and relevant factors involved in a crisis context from empirical managerial practice. This research is based on seven multi-case study interviews of both top and middle level managers from multiple industries. Empirical evidence indicates the predominance of a rational strategic decision-making process with intuitive elements incorporated in within a situation of crisis. A rational strategic decision-making process with intuitive elements embedded in is derived and structured from the data collected. This paper further presents many influential factors in the processes that are either already known (e.g., information, uncertainty, heterogeneity, dynamism) or newly discovered/named (e.g., regulatory requirement, sustainability and heteroturbulence).
... Seeking to understand the moderating role of CEO educational qualification on the relationship that exist between firm attributes and social responsibility reporting arises when we ask the question of who, within the firm, decides to invest in corporate social responsibility programs and to what extent does the firm allocate financial resources to these purposes? In response to this question, it is the strategic leaders of the firm (upper echelons) who make decisions about the strategy of the firm and how many financial resources should be devoted to achieving this strategyMintzberg, Raisinghani & Theoret (1976). These strategic leaders often consist of a top management team, the chief executive officer (CEO) or the board of directorsNippa & Petzold (2009). ...
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The study investigated the moderating effect of CEO educational qualification on the relationship between corporate governance attributes and corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting of listed non-financial companies in Nigeria using a time frame of ten years (2011-2020). The variables under study are board size, board independence, board gender diversity, board ownership, moderated with CEO educational qualification and its effect on corporate social responsibility reporting. In this study, ex-post facto research design and descriptive research design on a panel data set which were sourced from annual financial report of seventy-three listed non- financial companies in Nigeria were employed. Furthermore, two econometric models were specified and the study hypotheses were listed using binary logistic regression analysis and moderated binary logistic regression analysis (MBLR) technique. Specifically, the probability values, (p-values) for the regression output formed the basis for decision on the statistical significance of the coefficients obtained for each tested hypotheses. The result revealed that CEO educational qualification has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between board independence and CSR reporting in Nigeria. Further outcomes obtained from the regression analysis revealed that CEO educational qualification is not a significant moderator in the relationship between board size, board gender diversity, board ownership and corporate social responsibility in Nigeria during the period under review. It is recommended among others, that strong emphasis should be given to simultaneous policies that consider improved board independence together with hiring a CEO with more educational qualification.
... Professional bureaucracies such as universities are documented as pluralistic (Hardy, 1991;Hardy et al., 1983;Mintzberg et al., 1976); contexts in which disparate goals and interests need to coexist (Denis et al., 2007). Rules and conventions are one of the mechanisms accommodating this cohabitation (Denis et al., 2011). ...
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Recent years have made populations in the world resilient to the addition and change of rules and regulations. The recent pandemic has required governments at different levels to adjust practices and implement stricter regulations. Some rules were changed, some were added, and some were complexified. Ambiguity in the application of some of these rules was at times caused by their modification, removal, or the addition of new ones. This phenomenon of rule content complexification, rule changes, and rule additions, is defined as rule proliferation. In the context of a longitudinal case study following the life of one rule and conducted during doctoral work in a pluralistic organization; we observed the emergence of four areas of ambiguities generating further rule proliferation. For this study, we opted for a longitudinal case study. The case study selected is the life of one bureaucratic rule in a university, namely, the clause-reserve rule indicating how teaching load reserves are to be distributed between visiting professors and graduate students before they are allocated to lecturers. It presents findings and contributions pertaining to the role of emergent areas of ambiguities in the process of rule proliferation. The enduring nature of these areas of ambiguity cultivates the process of proliferation. We conclude that organizational rule proliferation is a process in which the autonomous and control regulations interplay by fostering areas of ambiguities that require resolving. 2 These results contribute to the literature on the bureaucracy theory and organizational learning. Because this study takes place in a pluralistic setting, it further contributes to research on pluralistic organizations.
... We believe that this model will address and aid individuals' decision-making processes in a comprehensive way. Since decision makers often spend most of their time 1 We take the view that decision-making is continuous, occurring over time and directs and affects the nature, degree, and pace of change (see Kickert and van Gigch, 1979;Mintzberg et al., 1976;Nutt, 1984;and Simon, 1957). 2 The magnitude of loss is the actual loss that occurs. This is generally not known for certain in advance so has to be estimated. ...
... The decision-making process is a unique action of each manager that must be associated with organizational purposes. It is observed that the studies on decision-making remain with a linear routine that has been going through decades using the same steps to reach the decision process (MINTZBERG et al., 1976;BAZERMAN;MOORE, 2010). ...
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Este caso de ensino relata a trajetória de um cidadão francês, professor, pesquisador e empresário que encontrou no Brasil a possibilidade de desenvolver comportamentos estratégicos de natureza social empreendedora. As informações foram coletadas por meio de entrevistas com o empresário e dois familiares. É possível entender que a dedicação de um professor com visão empreendedora contribua para o avanço educacional e como professor um exemplo de ser humano querendo o melhor para sua localidade. O estudo do caso abre novas discussões sobre os fatores individuais e ambientais que determinam a tomada de decisão do empreendedor, possibilitando às localidades marginalizadas a oportunidade de promover o empreendedorismo in loco e criar novas metodologias de ensino, direcionadas à formação de pessoas que possuem potencial como empreendedores.
... The decision-making process is a unique action of each manager that must be associated with organizational purposes. It is observed that the studies on decision-making remain with a linear routine that has been going through decades using the same steps to reach the decision process (MINTZBERG et al., 1976;BAZERMAN;MOORE, 2010). ...
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This teaching case reports the trajectory of a French citizen, professor, researcher, and entrepreneur who found in Brazil the possibility of developing strategic behaviors of a social entrepreneurial nature. The information was collected through interviews with the entrepreneur and two family members. It is possible to understand that the dedication of a teacher with an entrepreneurial vision contributes to educational advancement, and as a teacher an example of a human being wanting the best for his or her locality. The case study opens new discussions about the individual and environmental factors that determine the entrepreneur's decision making, allowing marginalized localities the opportunity to promote entrepreneurship in loco and create new teaching methodologies, directed at training people who have potential as entrepreneurs.
... The pursuit of creative thinking and action highlights the need for sustained, or continual, innovation for long-term innovation and competition with creative acts of terror (Hunter et al., 2022). Although, there is some argument that it is not possible to plan for unpredictable activity, such as terrorist attacks (Mintzberg, Raisinghani, & Theoret, 1976), the complex and dynamic nature of innovation requires planning to guide solutions. ...
Creativity, specifically creative problem solving, is often excluded from Homeland Security Enterprise efforts to train and develop their workforces. To determine if this lack of training was a key knowledge gap in the communities, we drew on organisational creativity literature. Using the personnel databases O*NET and Careers in the Military Database, we conducted a training needs assessment by identifying relevant job tasks, knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) that align with the creative process. More specifically, we sought to identify the need for creative problem-solving training and designated creative thinking time (e.g. red teaming) to influence innovative intelligence capabilities. Based on our findings, we recommend creativity training to facilitate creative thinking and action. Moreover, we outline situational and individual factors that will affect the transfer of the training, such as organisation environment, leadership, and creative self-efficacy. The impact of these recommendations will aid security, counterterrorism, and intelligence communities to efficiently detect and prevent emerging threats, as well as develop intelligence products to further support the Homeland Security Enterprise mission. ARTICLE HISTORY
The knowledge management can be addressed according to various perspectives which allows the discussion of specific types of knowledge: the strategic knowledge related to the formulation of the business strategy and the decisions associated with it. The literature is vast on the problems of the business strategy, as well as on the management in addition to the instruments related to the management of information in the business Context. The processes whose focus is the strategy lacks more studies and ways to make knowledge more Useful. This article seeks to discuss the concept of this type of knowledge, its characteristics, and the differences between the strategic knowledge management and the management of strategic knowledge, as well as the management of information for decision-making Strategic and control of the Same. The approach methodology privileged the studies related to knowledge management, the transformations of tacit knowledge in explicit and Vice versa, in a process of building knowledge that passes through the individual, by groups and organizations the approach methodology presents the state of the art as well as points to new Challenges.
We do not intend to deal exhaustively with this subject, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text. Our pretensions, which are much more modest, refer to documentary research for the understanding and development of humanist thought and citizenship, and some of their multiple relationships. Humanism was a movement that emerged in Italy during the Renaissance. It marked a move away from the medieval emphasis on logic and theology, and led to the rediscovery of ancient texts, the advancement of scholarship, and the transformation of art, culture, and society. The article analyzes the central ideas of Humanism, such as the importance of human dignity, individuality and learning, and demonstrates how they have influenced various domains. Humanism is a key concept in the history of human thought. There are several definitions of the concept ranging from rhetorical humanism, to the Christian humanism of the Middle Ages, and from the literary humanism of the Renaissance, to the humanism of Compte. There are several approaches to the relationship between humanism and religion. Humanism in the age of globalization may be an elaborate form of humanism capable of crossing the boundaries between the world's civilizations and overthrowing their hostile ways. Intercultural humanism must evolve as a result of the global debate. Intercultural humanism can replace the current humanism, and thus confront and overcome the many tensions and conflicts that exist between the world's divergent civilizations.
This article addresses the Democracy of the Future in a context of dynamic change in the reality of people's lives in the Digital Age. Democracy is a political regime in which all citizens in the enjoyment of their political rights also participate-directly or through elected representatives-in choosing the model of governance for the country and or region, in its development and in the creation of laws, exercising the power of governance through universal suffrage. It covers the social, economic and cultural conditions that allow the exercise of power, free and equal to political self-determination. Effective and efficient political leadership in representative democracy poses new challenges to political powers. Traditional theoretical and practical political leadership needs a new systematic approach to seeking a holistic vision for the constant improvement of meeting the social and economic needs of populations. The greatest challenge that theory and practice face is the identification of eff ective instruments for democracy of the future and deliberative practices so that the decisions taken are considered rational, transparent, legitimate, in Freedom and protect the human rights of all citizens and that they feel respected, represented and committed to their implementation.
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Rational Decision Making (DM) involve assessing scenarios to ascertain which options can deliver favourable outcomes (Smith, 1776). To navigate DM effectively, Edwards (1977) advocates use of tools such as Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) to distil complex challenges into unpretentious problems with strategic choices that are easily ranked & compared. This paper seeks to explore the theoretical pillars behind SMART and how well it performs when applied to a real-world scenario.
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The possibility that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) mix and match prediction and non-prediction while making decisions during internationalization remains a highly unaddressed scenario. The rare studies considering it do not go beyond domestic effects when contextualizing the decisions that guide SMEs’ foreign expansion. This study links SMEs’ decision-making strategies to performance and suggests that such a relationship is moderated by the host market’s institutional development and the associated institutional voids. The analysis combines primary survey data from 851 SMEs in Brazil, China, Italy, Poland, and Sweden with secondary data retrieved from the World Bank. Besides supporting both independent and synergistic performance effects of predictive and non-predictive strategies, the results indicate that foreign market institutions affect these effects differently and suggest firm size effects worth consideration. Contributions include the expansion of the debate on the relationship between prediction and non-prediction beyond the either-or reasoning that prevails in existing research and the contextualization of SMEs’ decision-making strategies in terms of the institutional dynamics that SMEs encounter abroad.
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Entrepreneurial decision making is a complex and dynamic process that involves identifying opportunities, evaluating alternatives, managing risks, and adapting to changing circumstances. Research shows a difference in the evaluation of a business model of an organization by the entrepreneur and by the researchers. It shows, based on an extensive list of questions, the decision to be taken on strategic level differs by entrepreneurs compared with the decision to be taken by researchers based on the same set of questions.
Abstract We do not intend to deal exhaustively with this subject, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text. Our pretensions, which are much more modest, refer to documentary research for the understanding and development of the problems of Humanism, Complexity, Turbulence and Global (World) Society. The Global Society is supported by technological and communication innovation, in which major social, cultural, economic and political transformations occur in the dynamics of countries, organizations and people, that is, in the way people and different world decision-makers understand reality, how they relate and behave in relation to reality itself. Both meanings can be understood as a result of the informational revolution, promoted mainly from the attempts to understand human intelligence, via computational bases. It will not be an exaggeration or a flagrant error to say that today's society is increasingly qualified by the adjective Digital, where the new information and communication technologies (ICTs) have a constant daily influence, configuring themselves as mediators of social, political, economic relations and in the way of producing/disseminating knowledge. There are forms of absorbing knowledge about people in a ubiquitous way, in which ICTs can be considered, such as new forms of surveillance, work, leisure, war, etc. ICTs play a crucial role in the process of Globalization, as a phenomenon characterized by the wide circulation of people, ideas, habits, work and materials. The growing insertion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the daily lives of different governments, people, organizations, and public and private institutions has promoted a relationship of deep dependence between them. In this context, everyday actions have become essentially informative, bringing about major social, economic and political changes. Keywords: Globalization, Turbulence, Complexity, Transparency, Ethics, Freedom, Human Dignity, Economic Growth, Social Welfare
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Entrepreneurial decision making is a complex and dynamic process that involves identifying opportunities, evaluating alternatives, managing risks, and adapting to changing circumstances. Research shows a difference in the evaluation of a business model of an organization by the entrepreneur and by the researchers. It shows, based on an extensive list of questions, the decision to be taken on strategic level differs by entrepreneurs compared with the decision to be taken by researchers based on the same set of questions.
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New artificial intelligence (AI) powered technologies such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT model, intelligent decision support systems, and autonomous robots are transforming decision making leading to the increased prevalence of decision intelligence in organizations. This paper explores the relationship between decision intelligence, job characteristics, meaningful work, and employees’ intentions to leave the organization or turnover intentions. The research model is based on robust theoretical foundations and was tested with data collected from a survey on Prolific. The study utilizes PLS SEM (partial least squares structural equation modeling) method to test the hypotheses. Three categories of model fit indices are used to assess the final model. The results interpreted from direct effects revealed a positive relationship between decision intelligence and intention to leave. Nevertheless, the mediation analysis within the path model demonstrated that this relationship transformed into a negative one when mediated by job characteristics and meaningful work. In its conclusion, the paper discusses research findings, addresses limitations, and underscores contributions, thus paving the path for integrating decision intelligence into academic literature and industry practices.
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Business analytics is considered in research and practice as a promising approach to support organizations in the increasing complexity and dynamics in the strategic planning and decision making, which arise for example through the integration of product-service systems. However, literature is lacking a comprehensive analysis to what extant business analytics supports the strategic planning and decision making. Thus, coming from the affordance and socio-technical system theory, we are linking business analytics affordances to strategic planning outcomes. In doing so, we identified 20 affordances which we have assigned to the dimensions of the socio-technology system theory. Based on this, we have derived implications and propositions for research and practice. The results can be used as guidelines for practice and directions for future research.
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This study aims to analyse the details of the stages in the decision-making process of real estate agents to reconcile the landlords and expatriate tenants’ criteria and to explain these relationships with the principal-agent theory. Using a qualitative approach, the research engaged in semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 30 agents actively working in real estate agencies with foreign tenants as their target market. The findings of this research showed significant results about the unique reasons and criteria regarding the decision-making processes of each party. Additionally, it also highlighted the strategies used in addressing the various needs of these parties. These strategies included having a variety of property options available, skillfully using effective techniques such as matching, probing, and translating during communication, making trade-offs between factors, and employing effective negotiation methods. From a theoretical standpoint, the study discussed several significant aspects. These included examining power imbalances and negotiation dynamics, maximising the principal’s interests, addressing situations where there are double principals involved, and considering contextual factors that sometimes contradict the assumptions of the principal-agent theory.
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We take a process perspective to review the literature on corporate responses to social activism and argue that theoretical advances have not kept pace with the extensive and expanding scope of the literature. We identify three critical assumptions in the literature, which we believe can be traced back to two overarching issues: a mechanistic conceptualization that ascribes limited reflexivity to managers and an overreliance on variance theorizing. In order to tackle these challenges and propel future research, we suggest a research agenda that revolves around an enhanced role for managerial reflexivity in theory development and a stronger emphasis on the process-oriented view of the relationship between activism and response.
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Resumo O value relevance busca explicar como as informações contábeis são úteis para explicar o preço das ações. Estudos têm evidenciado resultados dispares no value relevance após a adoção das normas internacionais de contabilidade (International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS]), visto que alguns encontraram aumento e outros redução. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos no value relevance com o evento da adoção das IFRS no Brasil, mediante a inferência bayesiana. Na metodologia foram considerados o Lucro Líquido (LL) e o Patrimônio Líquido (PL) das empresas do Ibovespa. Para analisar a adoção das IFRS, o período foi dividido em: pré). Foram utilizados modelos de regressão elaboradas com uso das teorias estatísticas clássica e a bayesiana para comparação dos resultados. Houve também resultados com valores padronizados que permitiram a compreensão da contribuição individual de cada variável para explicar o preço. Os resultados evidenciam que a inferência bayesiana foi mais eficiente ao estimar o value relevance, pois os resultados se mostraram superiores e com maiores valores do coeficiente de determinação (explicação). Com o uso da estatística bayesiana há evidências de queda do value relevance com a adoção parcial do IFRS, e leve aumento com a adoção total (3%). De maneira geral foi identificada queda do value relevance, antes da adoção das IFRS o R² era 57% e após a adoção total das IFRS passou para 23% de explicação (R 2). O estudo contribui com a literatura evidenciando que a Teoria de Bayes é mais eficiente ao estimar o value relevance, trazendo melhores ajustes dos modelos, com potencial de uso para área de negócios e para as ciências sociais aplicada. A pesquisa contribui com a construção de uma posteriori para ser priori em futuras pesquisa de value relevance que utilizarem a inferência bayesiana. Palavras chave: Value relevance, Adoção IFRS, Teoria de Bayes (bayesiana), Teoria Clássica (Frequentista), Mercado de Capitais do Brasil.
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Decision-making involves a systematic evaluation of alternatives based on objective criteria, while intuitive decision-making relies on instincts and experience. Bounded rationality acknowledges the limitations of time and resources and makes quick decisions based on available information. Political decision-making considers the interests of different stakeholders, and group decision-making leverages the diverse perspectives of a collective. Incremental decision-making involves gradual changes, and emotion-based decision-making balances feelings with analysis. Techniques such as brainstorming, decision trees, cost-benefit analysis, SWOT analysis, game theory, multi-criteria decision analysis, Pareto analysis, the Delphi technique, and cost-effectiveness analysis provide structured frameworks for decision-making. Each technique offers unique benefits and is applicable in various contexts, such as business, healthcare, and policy development. Effective decision-making requires choosing the most appropriate approach and technique based on the situation and desired outcomes.
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L’article cherche à comprendre les (in)actions entrepreneuriales stratégiques associées à la dynamique motivationnelle de nécessité/opportunité. Nous mobilisons la littérature sur les motivations des entrepreneurs de nécessité et d’opportunité d’une part, et leurs actions d’autre part. Une étude de cas multiples est ensuite réalisée selon une démarche longitudinale au Burkina Faso. Les données collectées sur les cas étudiés sont analysées qualitativement avec Nvivo. Les résultats montrent que les phases motivationnelles de nécessité et de mixité tendent à inhiber la capacité d’action stratégique des entrepreneurs étudiés. Les phases motivationnelles d’opportunité en revanche stimulent cette capacité entrepreneuriale. Les résultats de cette recherche génèrent plusieurs implications pour les politiques d’’accompagnement des entrepreneurs dont, la nécessité d’adapter l’accompagnement aux phases motivationnelles et l’impertinence de pratiquer des politiques d’exclusion des entrepreneurs de nécessité dans des contextes entrepreneuriaux comme ceux du Burkina Faso.
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