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Environmental Degradation: Causes and Consequences



The subject of environmental economics is at the forefront of the green debate: the environment can no longer be viewed as an entity separate from the economy. Environmental degradation is of many types and have many consequences. To address this challenge a number of studies have been conducted in both developing and developed countries applying different methods to capture health benefits from improved environmental quality. Minimizing exposure to environmental risk factors by enhancing air quality and access to improved sources of drinking and bathing water, sanitation and clean energy is found to be associated with significant health benefits and can contribute significantly to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of environmental sustainability, health and development. In this paper, I describe the national and global causes and consequences of environmental degradation and social injustice. This paper provides a review of the literature on studies associated with reduced environmental risk and in particular focusing on reduced air pollution, enhanced water quality and climate change mitigation.
European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(81), № 8-2
Copyright © 2014 by Academic Publishing House Researcher
Published in the Russian Federation
European Researcher
Has been issued since 2010.
ISSN 2219-8229
E-ISSN 2224-0136
Vol. 81, No. 8-2, pp. 1491-1498, 2014
DOI: 10.13187/er.2014.81.1491
Biological sciences
Биологические науки
Environmental Degradation: Causes and Consequences
1 Swati Tyagi*
1 Neelam Garg
2 Rajan Paudel
1 Department of Microbiology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (Haryana), India
2 Department of Plant Pathology, SVPUA&T, Meerut-250110, India
The subject of environmental economics is at the forefront of the green debate: the
environment can no longer be viewed as an entity separate from the economy. Environmental
degradation is of many types and have many consequences. To address this challenge a number of
studies have been conducted in both developing and developed countries applying different
methods to capture health benefits from improved environmental quality. Minimizing exposure to
environmental risk factors by enhancing air quality and access to improved sources of drinking and
bathing water, sanitation and clean energy is found to be associated with significant health benefits
and can contribute significantly to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals of
environmental sustainability, health and development. In this paper, I describe the national and
global causes and consequences of environmental degradation and social injustice. This paper
provides a review of the literature on studies associated with reduced environmental risk and in
particular focusing on reduced air pollution, enhanced water quality and climate change
Keywords: Environment degradation; consequences; pollution and climate.
The environment affects our health in a variety of ways. The interaction between human
health and the environment has been extensively studied and environmental risks have been
proven to significantly impact human health, either directly by exposing people to harmful agents,
or indirectly, by disrupting life-sustaining ecosystems (Remoundou and Koundouri, 2009).
Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of natural
resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.
Environmental degradation may be defined as any change or disturbance to the environment
perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. Environmental degradation is one of the Ten
Threats officially cautioned by the High Level Threat Panel of the United Nations. The
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction defines environmental
degradation as The reduction of the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological
European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(81), № 8-2
objectives, and needs”. The primary cause of environmental degradation is human disturbance.
The degree of the environmental impact varies with the cause, the habitat, and the plants and
animals that inhabit it. Humans and their activities are a major source of environmental
degradation. (
Worldwide the greatest effects on the health of individuals and populations result from
environmental degradation and social injustice. The two operate inconsort. (Martin Donohoe,
2003). Causes include overpopulation, air and water pollution, deforestation, global warming,
unsustainable agricultural and fishing practices, overconsumption („„affluenza‟‟), maldistribution of
wealth, the rise of the corporation, the Third World debt crisis, and militarization and wars. Mining
is also a destructive development activity where ecology suffers at the altar of economy. Scientific
mining operations accompanied by ecological restoration and regeneration of mined wastelands
and judicious use of geological resources, with search for eco-friendly substitutes and alternatives
must provide sensational revelation to the impact of mining on human ecosystem (Singh and
Chauhan, 2010).
Consequences include increased poverty, overcrowding, famine, weather extremes, species
loss, acute and chronic medical illnesses, war and human rights abuses, and an increasingly
unstable global situation that portends Malthusian chaos and disaster. Unfortunately, most of the
world‟s governments, guided by self-interest (or self-preservation) have adapted too slowly to
environmental changes and as such face decreasing internal stability, their health care systems in
crisis. The report also estimates that 24% of the global disease burden (healthy life years lost) and
23% of all deaths (premature mortality) are attributable to environmental factors, with the
environmental burden of diseases being 15 times higher in developing countries than in developed
countries, due to differences in exposure to environmental risks and access to health care.
The major cause of the environmental pollution are modern urbanization, industrialization,
over-population growth, deforestation etc. Environmental pollution refers to the degradation of
quality and quantity of natural resources. Different kinds of the human activities are the
main reasons of environmental degradation. These has led to environment changes that have
become harmful to all living beings. The smoke emitted by the vehicles and factories increases the
amount of poisonous gases in the air. Mostly, we can see pollution in urban areas where population
is increasing rapidly. The waste products, smoke emitted by vehicles and industries are the main
causes of pollution. Unplanned urbanization and industrialization have caused water, air and
sound pollution. Urbanization and industrialization help to increase pollution of the sources of
water. Similarly, the smoke emitted by vehicles and industries like Chlorofluorocarbon, nitrogen
oxide, carbon monoxide and other dust particles pollute air. and another cause of environmental
degradation is sound pollution. The main cause of sound pollution are vehicles, loud speaker, mill
etc. the excessive use of natural resources diminishes these resources and creates imbalance of the
environment. This results in the over consumption of natural resources. Deforestation, over use of
pesticides, chemical fertilizer and insecticides, congested housing or unmanaged
urbanization, industrialization and production of litters, sewages and garages etc. are the major
reasons to deteriorate quality of the environment. Pressure of population is awful in town
which results air, water and sound population too. Deforestation provokes the wildlife and other
organism to the verge of extinction. The forest areas has been cleared for agricultural land,
settlement and to collect the useful herbs. This results in environmental degradation. Global
warming is another result of environmental degradation. The temperature of the earth is rising
warmer and warmer and due to rise in temperature, the polar icecaps melting and the ice an the
colder regions is not thick as it was before. Many species are lost day by day due to
various activities of the human beings. The life of the creature will be in danger if environment goes
on deteriorating in the same way. The report also estimates that 24% of the global disease burden
(healthy life years lost) and 23% of all deaths (premature mortality) are attributable to
environmental factors, with the environmental burden of diseases being 15 times higher in
developing countries than in developed countries, due to differences in exposure to environmental
risks and access to health care. So, to live happy and prosperous life we must conserve our
environment and should emphasize on Environmental Degradation and its effects.
European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(81), № 8-2
Air pollution
Air pollution is unfortunately the common causes of environmental degradation. Pollution
introduces contaminants into the environment that can maim or even kill plant and animal species.
Industry and automobiles are the primary and secondary contributors to air pollution worldwide
(Kay, 1999). Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health and is estimated to scause
approximately two million premature deaths worldwide per year [24]. A reduction of air pollution
is expected to reduce the global burden of disease from respiratory infections, heart disease, and
lung cancer. As air quality is a major concern for both developed and developing countries, a large
number of empirical studies attempting to monetize the benefits to health generated by improved
air quality have appeared in the literature worldwide (Kyriaki Remoundou and Phoebe Koundouri
2009). For every gallon of gasoline manufactured, distributed, and then burned in a vehicle, 25
pounds of carbon dioxide are produced, along with carbon monoxides, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide, and particulate matter; these emissions contribute to increased global warming (Martin
Donohoe, 2003; Mark, 1997). In the United States, there is one car for every two people, in Mexico
one for every eight, and in China one for every 100. The global auto population is expected to
double in the next 2550 years (Mark, 1997). The average number of miles traveled/car/ year in
the United States has more than doubled, from 4570 in 1965 to 11,400 in 1999 (Amicus Journal
Staff, 1999a). The average fuel efficiency of US automobiles has decreased over the last few years,
due in part to stagnant fuel economy standards, relatively low oil prices, and a growing market for
low efficiency pick-ups, mini-vans and sports utility vehicles (SUVs, which now outsell cars)
(Martin Donohoe, 2003). Current standards are 27.5 miles per gallon (MPG) for passenger cars
and 20.7 MPG for light trucks and SUVs (Sierra Magazine Staff, 1997b; PSR Environment & Health
Update, 1999a). The nation‟s 3.3 million diesel trucks and buses, rolling smokestacks, account for
almost 3/4 of the estimated cancer risk from auto-related air pollution (Mark & Morey, 2000). In
1997, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new rules that will require diesel
manufacturers to build cleaner engines and the oil industry to produce much cleaner fuel. Under
these rules, the minimal mile-per-gallon requirements for SUVs could soon match those of
automobiles (Kluger, 1999), although the current administration has opposed these changes. The
main conclusion from the literature review is that some forms of air pollution, notably inhalable
particulate matter and ambient lead, are serious matters for concern in the developing world since
they are associated with severe health damages in monetary terms. (Martin Donohoe, 2003).
Water pollution
Microbe contamination of groundwater due to sewage outfalls and high concentration of
nutrients in marine and coastal waters due to agricultural runoff are among the most serious
threats . Contact with unsafe drinking or bathing water can impose serious risks (both acute and
delayed) to human health. While tap water is subject to treatment and is required to meet detailed
testingand purity standards, it is not always disinfected of diarrhea inducing microorganisms, as
illustrated by waterborne disease outbreaks such as that caused by Cryptosporidium in Milwaukie
in 1993, which affected over 400,000people. Furthermore, fecal coliforms are not prohibited in
bottled water (Nation Staff, 1996), and water bottled and sold within the same state is not subject
to Food and Drug Administration standards (Gross, 1999).
Today 40% of waters are unfit for fishing or swimming, and levels of mercury in fish in 40
states. Clean Water Act of 1972 states to publish a list of all bodies of water that fail to meet water
quality standards, and for the states to set pollution limits and scale back pollution in watersheds
until standards are met, compliance is negligible and enforcement weak. Discharge of untreated
sewage is the single most important cause for pollution of surface and ground water in the India.
There is a large gap between generation and treatment of domestic waste water in the India. The
problem is not only that India lacks sufficient treatment capacity but also that the sewage
treatment plants that exist do not operate and are not maintained.
In a National Resources Defense Council study of the quality of bottled water (Nation Staff,
1996), approximately one-fifth of samples exceeded bacterial purity guidelines and/or safe levels of
arsenic or other synthetic organic chemicals (Amicus Journal Staff, 2000a). Between 25% and 40%
of bottled water was merely repackaged municipal tap water (Nation Staff, 1996). Dwight et al.
apply the cost of illness approach and Shuval calculate the disability-adjusted life years (DALY), to
quantify the health burden from illnesses associated with exposure to polluted recreational coastal
European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(81), № 8-2
waters. India is recognised as has having major issues with water pollution, predominately due to
untreated sewerage. Rivers such as the Ganges, the Yamuna and Mithi Rivers, all flowing through
highly populated areas, thus polluted. Effluents are another by-product of industries which poses
threat to the environment, leather and tanning industries, petroleum industries and chemical
manufacturing industries create major waste products which are released directly into nearby
streams without treatment, creating river pollution and causing harm to aquatic life. The majority
of the government-owned sewage treatment plants remain closed most of the time due to improper
design or poor maintenance or lack of reliable electricity supply to operate the plants, together with
absentee employees and poor management. According to a World Health Organization study, out
of the India's 3,119 towns and cities, just 209 have partial sewage treatment facilities, and only 8
have full wastewater treatment facilities. Over 100 Indian cities dump untreated sewage directly
into the Ganges River.] Investment is needed to bridge the gap between 29000 million litre per day
of sewage India generates, and a treatment capacity of mere 6000 million litre per day.
Toxic pollutants
Every year 25 billion pounds of toxic pollutants are added to the environment by factories
and mines (Fagin & Lavelle, 1999). Additionally, 2.2 billion pounds per year of pesticides (eight
pounds per citizen) are sprayed on our crops (Natural Resources Defense Council Staff, 1995).
Annual world production of synthetic organic chemicals has grown exponentially since the early 20
century. The vast majority of artificial chemicals have never been screened for toxicity. Chemical
manufacturers are not required to prove safety; instead the legal burden is on the government to
prove that a product is dangerous, and testings only done after a substance has been impugned.
Certain pesticides that are illegal in the United States are used in other countries on food which is
then imported back into the US, exposing Americans to the same health risks faced by individuals
in those other countries (Satcher, 2000).
Two million children in the United States are at risk of neurological damage due to elevated
lead levels (Hattam, 1998). Other toxic pollutants include dioxin, a by-product of the manufacturer
of defoliants such as „„Agent Orange‟‟, which is currently produced largely as a byproduct of medical
incineration of polyvinyl chloride in intravenous bags and tubing; polychlorinated biphenyls;
nitrates and nitrites, mercury and methylmercury; arsenic; trichloroethylene; and vinyl chloride.
„„Agent Orange‟‟ has been lined to diabetes, chloracne, porphyria cutanea tarda, soft-tissue
carcinomas, multiple myeloma, and lungand prostate cancers (Maugh, 2000). Forty-five million
US citizens live within 4 miles of one of the 1193 Superfund sites (Pope, 1994). These sites, as well
as waste dumps and incinerators, are more common in lower socioeconomic status neighborhoods,
such as the „„Cancer Belt‟‟ between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, Louisiana (Mackillop, Zhang-
Fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture in northwest have been found in rivers, lakes
and ground water. Flooding during monsoons worsens India's water pollution problem, as it
washes and moves all sorts of solid garbage and contaminated soils into its rivers and wetlands.
Tropical forest constitutes seven percent of world land surface area, yet contains over 50% of
all plant and animal species. Half of all tropical forests have been destroyed; by 2010, three-
quarters may be lost. Additionally, 2050% of global wetlands have been destroyed (54% thus far
in the US, with an additional 115,000 acres/year), (Sierra Club Staff, 2000). Loss of old growth
forest has recently particularly affected the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia, known as the
„„Brazil of the North‟‟, an allusion to the devastation wrought by the unsustainable, rapacious
logging practices of multinational corporations in the Amazon.
Solid waste pollution
Trash and garbage is a common sight in urban and rural areas of India. It is a major source of
pollution. Indian cities alone generate more than 100 million tons of solid waste a year. Street
corners are piled with trash. Public places and sidewalks are despoiled with filth and litter, rivers
and canals act as garbage dumps. In part, India's garbage crisis is from rising consumption. India's
waste problem also points to a stunning failure of governance.
European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(81), № 8-2
In 2000, India's Supreme Court directed all Indian cities to implement a comprehensive
waste-management programme that would include household collection of segregated waste,
recycling and composting. These directions have simply been ignored. No major city runs a
comprehensive programme of the kind envisioned by the Supreme Court.
Indeed, forget waste segregation and recycling directive of the India's Supreme Court, the
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates that up to 40 percent of
municipal waste in India remains simply uncollected. Even medical waste, theoretically controlled
by stringent rules that require hospitals to operate incinerators, is routinely dumped with regular
municipal garbage. A recent study found that about half of India's medical waste is improperly
disposed of.
Municipalities in Indian cities and towns have waste collection employees. However, these
are unionised government workers and their work performance is neither measured nor
Some of the few solid waste landfills India has, near its major cities, are overflowing and
poorly managed. They have become significant sources of greenhouse emissions and breeding sites
for disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats, and other pests.
In 2011, several Indian cities embarked on waste-to-energy projects of the type in use in
Germany, Switzerland and Japan. For example, New Delhi is implementing two incinerator
projects aimed at turning the city‟s trash problem into electricity resource. These plants are being
welcomed for addressing the city‟s chronic problems of excess untreated waste and a shortage of
electric power. They are also being welcomed by those who seek to prevent water pollution, hygiene
problems, and eliminate rotting trash that produces potent greenhouse gas methane. The projects
are being opposed by waste collection workers and local unions who fear changing technology may
deprive them of their livelihood and way of life. Along with waste-to-energy projects, some cities
and towns such as Pune, Maharashtra are introducing competition and the privatization of solid
waste collection, street cleaning operations and bio-mining to dispose the waste. A scientific study
suggests public private partnership is, in Indian context, more useful in solid waste management.
According to this study, government and municipal corporations must encourage PPP-based local
management through collection, transport and segregation and disposal of solid waste.
Global Warming
“The foremost evidence for worldwide climate change has been global warming.” It is one of
the important factors contributing to environmental degradation and disasters. Evidence indicates
that the Earth‟s climate system is warming in a way that has no precedent in the history of human
civilization. The continuing temperature acceleration might break the balance of a human
ecosystem that has been long established at a lower temperature.” The latest report of the IPCC
estimates a rise in the global average surface temperature from 1990 to 2100 of between 1.8° C and
4° C, although it could possibly be as high as 6.4° C. The sea level has risen between 1993 and 2003
at a rate of 3.1 millimeters per year due to melting polar ice caps and seawater expansion (due to
warmer climate); rainfall patterns have been changing with increased droughts in some areas and
heavier rain in others; glaciers and snow melting have been increasing water in rivers at certain
times; winds are increasing in power and cyclones are shown to be increasing in frequency;and
ocean temperatures have been rising.
Global warming is likely to influence the average weather patterns by gradual changes in
weather patterns and “increased variability of extreme weather events associated with changes in
surface temperature and precipitation. In the last few decades, ninety percent of natural disasters
have been caused by climate-related natural hazards; and there is scientific evidence that most of
them have their roots in global warming. The effects of warming and drying in some regions will
reduce agriculture potential and undermine “ecosystem services” such as clean water and fertile
soil.65 Thus, the environmental impacts as a result of global warming have a deleterious effect on
the living environment of large populations, which ultimately leads to mass migration.
Drought, Desertification, and Water Scarcity
Drought and water scarcity is the third main climate change impact that may significantly
contribute to climate-related migration. Droughts, desertification, and water scarcity are likely to
increase because of global warming. These phenomena are projected to affect about one-third of
European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(81), № 8-2
the world‟s current population. Droughts are likely to displace millions of people all over the world,
affecting food insecurity and human livelihoods. Sea level rise will extend areas of salinization of
groundwater and estuaries,resulting in a decrease in freshwater availability for humans and
ecosystems in coastal areas. Moreover, changing precipitation patterns create pressures on the
availability of clean water supplies.
Overview of results
To summarize, the following factors were found to be prominent in the environmental
degradation. In a majority of the studies discussed above, we found that activities by the rich and
powerful were the primary contributing factors forcing groups living at the margins into
environment degradation. Environmental degradation poses a significant threat to human health
worldwide. Harmful consequences of this degradation to human health are already being felt and
could grow significantly worse over the next 50 years. Because environment and health are so
intimately linked, so too should be environmental and health policies. It is an area of research
which has had little empirical work done to date and offers the potential for substantial work in the
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... This has become the main goal of various development policies, both at global and national levels. Tyagi et al. [1] stated that environmental degradation is environmental damage due to the depletion of natural resources such as air, water, and soil, the destruction of ecosystems, and the extinction of wildlife. The main cause of environmental damage is human disturbance. ...
... According to Tyagi et al. [1], worldwide, the greatest impact on individual and population health is due to environmental degradation and social injustice. Causes include overpopulation, air and water pollution, deforestation, global warming, unsustainable agricultural and fishing practices, overconsumption, inappropriate distribution of wealth, the rise of corporations, the Third World debt crisis, and militarization and war. ...
... Environmental degradation has attracted the attention of researchers specifically after the industrial revolution which started in 1970s. Several factors are primarily responsible for environmental degradation including urbanization, deforestation, higher population growth rates and industrialization as pointed out by Tyagi et al. (2014). Human activities have over the years played a significant role in degrading the quality of the environment. ...
... As a result, it is critical to examine and appreciate the complex link between commercial freedom and environmental deterioration. While the factors of environmental deterioration are a well-studied area of study (Tyagi et al., 2014;Khan et al., 2021), there is still much space for improvement and advancement. As a result, this study gains relevance by filling a research gap and contributing to the current body of knowledge. ...
This research has examined the impact of business freedom on environmental degradation in developed and developing countries from 2000 to 2022. Panel least squares and generalized method of moments have been applied for empirical analysis. Our findings show that both business freedom and renewable energy consumption have a significant and detrimental influence on environmental degradation in both developed and developing nations. Furthermore, our findings highlight the significant influence of financial development on environmental degradation in both the whole sample and developing nations. Urbanization, on the other hand, has a significant impact on environmental degradation in both developed and developing nations. Interestingly, financial development has a negative and significant impact on environmental degradation in developed nations, while energy consumption has a notable positive and significant relationship with environmental degradation across the board. These findings suggest that the encouragement of entrepreneurial independence and the use of renewable energy sources might be helpful ways for mitigating environmental damage. Addressing the negative consequences of urbanization on the environment is also critical. The short-run dynamics give useful insight for developing tailored strategies to establish a sustainable balance between economic expansion and environmental preservation at the same time.
... Environmental degradation, defined by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) [37], encompasses the decline in the environment's ability to meet societal and ecological needs. Tyagi et al. [38] argue that the depletion of natural resources like soil, water, and air contributes to ecosystem deterioration. Similarly, Chopra [39] posits that the consumption of assets such as air, water, and soil leads to environmental degradation, culminating in wildlife extinction and earth disintegration. ...
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This research delves into the intricate relationship between population dynamics, agricultural value chain, and environmental degradation in Otukpo Local Government Area (LGA), Benue State, Nigeria. The burgeoning population in the region has precipitated notable shifts in land use patterns, agricultural methodologies, and the overall environmental landscape. A robust research methodology was employed to explore this phenomenon comprehensively. Both primary and secondary data were collected, with a sample size of 400 determined using Taro Yamane's formula. This sample was then strategically distributed among the 13 clans within the LGA, yielding 380 returned samples for meticulous analysis. Statistical analysis, facilitated by tools such as standard deviation and mean, was conducted using SPSS software. Employing a mean criterion of 3.0, questionnaires were administered via survey techniques to discern respondents' perspectives. The research findings illuminate the multifaceted impacts of population dynamics in Otukpo LGA. Notably, these dynamics have instigated challenges within the agricultural value chain, manifesting as farmland degradation and pollution. These repercussions have reverberated throughout the environment, precipitating biodiversity loss, soil contamination, and rampant deforestation. The research also underscores the nuanced nature of these challenges. While population growth undeniably exacerbates these issues, it is crucial to acknowledge the contributory role of ineffective public policies in perpetuating environmental and agricultural dilemmas within the region. In light of these findings, the research advocates for formulating sustainable policies and evidence-based solutions. Addressing these issues holistically demands a concerted effort to mitigate the adverse impacts of population dynamics on agricultural practices and environmental sustainability.
... The severity of natural causes of environmental degradation varies by source, habitat and occupant (Agbonifo, 2016). Environmental activities are mostly economical but are however destructive activities with ecosystems suffering at the altar of economy (Tyagi et al, 2014). Consequences of such include increasing poverty, overpopulation, famine, extreme weather, species loss, acute and chronic medical diseases, warfare, and human rights abuses (Jahan 2008). ...
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This article assessed the impacts of Degradation on the Economic Development of Sierra Leone.
... But day by day, human-made activities are the main reason for the degradation of the environment (Arshadi, 2005). Environmental pollution is occurring through deforestation, industrialization, growth of population rate, modern urbanization, etc. Environmental pollution is making degradation of the quality of resources of our nature (Tyagi, 2014). These all are threatening ecosystems and equilibrium of our environment. ...
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Without an environment no organism can exists. Ecology is a subject which represents various aspects of the interrelation and interdependence of society and nature. So the subject Environmental Education from this point of view is a subject which associated with the biological and sociological context of environment. With that it also reflects the development and different paradigms of interconnection between man and ecology. It suggests the ways of conservation and sustainable development of nature. The environment of an organism consists of both the biotic world (flora and fauna) and the physical world (air, water, soil, weather etc.).Each and every organism or species have a complex network of relationship with their surroundings. Environmental education tried to comprehend and analysed these interconnection and interaction. It also enlightened us about different alternatives of how to protect the environment and supply adequate knowledge.
... In general, environmental degradation refers to any undesirable and harmful changes made to the environment by human beings or natural causes (Barbier, 1987;Barbier and Markandya, 1989). According to the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, environmental degradation is "the reduction of the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological objectives and needs" (Tyagi et al., 2014). We may divide the functions of the environment into three major groups. ...
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Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize and classify sources, manifestations and implications of environmental degradation. Design/methodology/approach-First, the typological analysis is used to conceptualize environmental degradation and its components. Then, the concepts are disaggregated into some dimensions organized in row-and-column variables and a cross-tabulated matrix is constructed. Finally, different types of environmental degradation are identified, labeled and discussed. Findings-The study distinguishes between two types of degradation as pollution and deterioration and accordingly identifies ten types (five pairs) of environmental degradation. Furthermore, the paper presents a conceptual framework and offers insights into the dynamic interchange between the causes and effects of environmental degradation. Originality/value-The originality/value of this study resides in reducing the ambiguities associated with the concept of environmental degradation and offering a multidimensional framework that can be used in empirical research to organize propositions, test hypotheses, analyze data and construct indexes.
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This research article examines the status of judicial review on existing environmental legislation in Pakistan. The article discusses the relevance of judicial review in ensuring the effectiveness of environmental laws and regulations. The research questions explore the extent to which the courts in Pakistan have used their power of judicial review to enforce environmental protection laws. The research objectives are to identify the challenges faced by the courts in exercising judicial review and to suggest recommendations for improving the effectiveness of environmental law enforcement in Pakistan. The research methodology used is a mix of literature review and case studies. The findings reveal that the courts in Pakistan have been reluctant to exercise their power of judicial review, resulting in the lack of enforcement of environmental laws. The literature review suggests that this reluctance is due to various factors, including political interference, lack of awareness, and insufficient resources. The article concludes by recommending the strengthening of the institutional framework for environmental law enforcement, increasing public awareness, and providing adequate resources to the courts to enable them to effectively exercise their power of judicial review.
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Climate change and its global impact on all people, especially the marginalized communities, is widely recognized as the biggest crisis of our time. It is a context that invites all subjects and disciplines to bring their resources in diagnosing the problem and seeking the healing of the Earth. The African continent, especially its women, constitute the subalterns of global climate crisis. Can they speak? If they speak, can they be heard? Both the Earth and the Africa have been identified with the adjective “Mother.” This gender identity tells tales in patriarchal and imperial worlds that use the female gender to signal legitimation of oppression and exploitation. In this volume, African women theologians and their female-identifying colleagues, struggle with reading and interpreting religious texts in the context of environmental crisis that are threatening life on Earth. The chapters interrogate how biblical texts and African cultural resources imagine the Earth and our relationship with the Earth: Do these texts offer readers windows of hope for re-imagining liberating relationship with the Earth? How do they intersect with gender, race, empire, ethnicity, sexuality among others? Beginning with Genesis, journeying through Exodus, Ruth, Ecclesiastes and the Gospel of John, the authors seek to read in solidarity with the Earth, for the healing of the whole Earth community.
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Demographic and environmental factors have claimed a dominant position in the post-Cold War security discourse. A main proponent of what can be called a neo-Malthusian conflict scenario, Thomas Homer-Dixon, has argued that population pressure on natural renewable resources make societies more prone to armed conflict and civil war. While previous empirical work in this field mostly count case studies, this article builds on a quantitative analysis of a cross-national time-series for the past 50 years. The results seriously undermine the neo-Malthusian position: countries experiencing great population growth, high population density relative to potential cropland, or large refugee populations do not seem to be particularly conflict prone. Moreover, there are no signs that we have entered a 'new era of insecurity' with changing conflict patterns since the end of the Cold War.
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Certain terms and expressions that relate to the environment are problematic in that they vary widely in usage within and between disciplines, and several have been used as synonyms. In an attempt to correct the problem and standardize usage, this paper defines or redefines 10 of the most common environmental terms. Two of these terms, natural environment and environmental change, are defined on the basis of what is meant by natural as reflected by common usage and dictionary entries. The three degradation terms, environmental degradation, land degradation, and soil degradation, are defined as any change or disturbance to the environment, land, or soil perceived to be deleterious or undesirable. A sixth term, soil regeneration, is defined as the reformation of degraded soil through biological, chemical, and/or physical agencies. The remaining four terms, environmental quality, air quality, soil quality, and water quality, are defined as measures of the condition or state of each relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and/or to any human need or purpose.
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The current situation of the monetary valuation of air pollution mortality is reviewed, with particular attention to the valuation of a gain in life expectancy (LE) achievable by a reduction of ambient pollution. This paper presents exploratory research centered around the application in France of a contingent valuation (CV) questionnaire developed by Krupnick et al (2002) which has been applied in the USA, Canada, Japan, and more recently in France, Italy and the UK. The original version was administered to 300 individuals, but by contrast to the application elsewhere, in France an open question was added after each set of bids and at the end of the questionnaire the WTPs (willingness-to-pay) were recalled to give the respondents the opportunity to correct their values. In addition several variants were tested on samples of about 50 each, including variants phrased in terms of LE gain. All the interviews (self-administered with a computer) were followed by written debriefing, and for the LE gain variants by face-to-face debriefing and discussions in groups of three or four, in order to better understand the perception of the questionnaire and the reasons for the responses. The results are used to provide estimates for the value of statistical life (VSL) and for the value of a life year (VOLY): they range from 0.4 to 4.1 M€ for VSL and from 0.021 to 0.206 M€ for VOLY. The WTP for a risk reduction between the ages of 70 and 80 yields a time preference rate of about 2% for mortality. However, the most important results are not the numbers but the lessons learned by debriefing and by the variants of the questionnaire. The wide scatter of the results is a reflection of the enormous difficulties that the respondents have in understanding risk reductions and replying to the WTP (willingness-to-pay) question. Thanks to the open question it was possible to measure the bias due to the starting bid: it is very large, on the order of 50% for the bids that were used. Thus the recommendation of the NOAA Panel on contingent valuation, that only the closed question should be used, is not appropriate for small risk reductions.
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Natural flood plains are among the most biologically productive and diverse ecosystems on earth. Globally, riverine flood plains cover > 2 × 106 km2, however, they are among the most threatened ecosystems. Floodplain degradation is closely linked to the rapid decline in freshwater biodiversity; the main reasons for the latter being habitat alteration, flow and flood control, species invasion and pollution. In Europe and North America, up to 90% of flood plains are already ‘cultivated’ and therefore functionally extinct. In the developing world, the remaining natural flood plains are disappearing at an accelerating rate, primarily as a result of changing hydrology. Up to the 2025 time horizon, the future increase of human population will lead to further degradation of riparian areas, intensification of the hydrological cycle, increase in the discharge of pollutants, and further proliferation of species invasions. In the near future, the most threatened flood plains will be those in south-east Asia, Sahelian Africa and North America. There is an urgent need to preserve existing, intact flood plain rivers as strategic global resources and to begin to restore hydrologic dynamics, sediment transport and riparian vegetation to those rivers that retain some level of ecological integrity. Otherwise, dramatic extinctions of aquatic and riparian species and of ecosystem services are faced within the next few decades.
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In the early 1970s Ehrlich and Holdren devised a simple equation in dialogue with Commoner identifying three factors that created environmental impact. Thus, impact (I) was expressed as the product of (1) population, (P); (2) affluence, (A); and (3) technology, (T). This article tracks the various forms the IPAT equation has taken over 30 years as a means of examining an underlying shift among many environmentalists toward a more accepting view of the role technology can play in sustainable development. Although the IPAT equation was once used to determine which single variable was the most damaging to the environment, an industrial ecology view reverses this usage, recognizing that increases in population and affluence can, in many cases, be balanced by improvements to the environment offered by technological systems.
Current perspectives on global climate change based on recent reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are presented. Impacts of a greenhouse warming that are likely to affect water planning and evaluation include changes in precipitation and runoff patterns, sea level rise, land use and population shifts following from these effects, and changes in water demands. Irrigation water demands are particularly sensitive to changes in precipitation, temperature, and carbon dioxide levels. Despite recent advances in climate change science, great uncertainty remains as to how and when climate will change and how these changes will affect the supply and demand for water at the river basin and watershed levels, which are of most interest to planners. To place the climate-induced uncertainties in perspective, the influence on the supply and demand for water of non-climate factors such as population, technology, economic conditions, social and political factors, and the values society places on alternative water uses are considered.
The world's water resources are coming under increasing stress, a stress that will become critical globally sometime during the next century. This is due to the rapidly rising population demanding more and more water and an increasing level of affluence. The book discusses the background to this issue and the measures to be taken over the next 20-30 years to overcome some of the difficulties that can be foreseen, and the means of avoiding others, such as the hazard of floods. It looks at the water resource and its assessment and management in an integrated fashion. It deals with the requirements of agriculture and of rural and urban societies and to a lesser extent with those of industry and power, against the background of the needs of the natural environment. It presents a number of ways and means of improving the management of national and international affairs involving fresh water. It highlights the importance of fresh water as a major issue for the environment and for development.
Abstract Indian megacities are among the most polluted in the world. Air concentrations of a number of air pollutants are much higher than levels recommended by the World Health Organization. In this paper, we focus on Mumbai and Delhi to characterize salient issues in health risks from particulate air (PM10) pollution in Indian cities. We perform a synthesis of the literature for all elements of the causal chain of health risks-sources, exposure, and health effects-and provide estimates of source strengths, exposure levels, and health risks from air pollution in Indian cities. We also analyze the factors that lead to uncertainty in these quantities and provide an overall assessment of the state of scientific knowledge on air pollution in urban India.
1] Removal of water from terrestrial subsurface storage is a natural consequence of groundwater withdrawals, but global depletion is not well characterized. Cumulative groundwater depletion represents a transfer of mass from land to the oceans that contributes to sea‐level rise. Depletion is directly calculated using calibrated groundwater models, analytical approaches, or volumetric budget analyses for multiple aquifer systems. Estimated global groundwater depletion during 1900–2008 totals ∼4,500 km 3 , equivalent to a sea‐level rise of 12.6 mm (>6% of the total). Furthermore, the rate of groundwater depletion has increased markedly since about 1950, with maximum rates occurring during the most recent period (2000–2008), when it averaged ∼145 km 3 /yr (equivalent to 0.40 mm/yr of sea‐level rise, or 13% of the reported rate of 3.1 mm/yr during this recent period). Citation: Konikow, L. F. (2011), Contribution of global groundwater depletion since 1900 to sea‐level rise, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L17401, doi:10.1029/ 2011GL048604.