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Research and Teaching: "It's Not You, It's the Room"--Are the High-Tech, Active Learning Classrooms Worth It?


Abstract and Figures

Several institutions have redesigned traditional learning spaces to better realize the potential of active, experiential learning. We compare student performance in traditional and active learning classrooms in a large, introductory biology course using the same syllabus, course goals, exams, and instructor. Using ACT scores as predictive, we found that students in the active learning classroom outperformed expectations, whereas those in the traditional classroom did not. By replicating initial work, our results provide empirical confirmation that new, technology-enhanced learning environments positively and independently affect student learning. Our data suggest that creating space for active learning can improve student performance in science courses. However, we recognize that such a commitment of resources is impractical for many institutions, and we offer recommendations for applying what we have learned to more traditional spaces.
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Journal of College Science Teaching
“Its Not You, It’s the Room”—
Are the High-Tech, Active Learning
Classrooms Worth It?
By Sehoya Cotner, Jessica Loper, J. D. Walker, and D. Christopher Brooks
Several institutions have redesigned
traditional learning spaces to better
realize the potential of active,
experiential learning. We compare
student performance in traditional
and active learning classrooms
in a large, introductory biology
course using the same syllabus,
course goals, exams, and instructor.
Using ACT scores as predictive,
we found that students in the active
learning classroom outperformed
expectations, whereas those in the
traditional classroom did not. By
replicating initial work, our results
that new, technology-enhanced
learning environments positively
and independently affect student
learning. Our data suggest that
creating space for active learning
can improve student performance
in science courses. However, we
recognize that such a commitment
of resources is impractical for
many institutions, and we offer
recommendations for applying what
we have learned to more traditional
Among active learning strat-
egies, team-based learning
(or cooperative learning)
has perhaps the longest
history and the richest evidentiary
basis (Michael, 2006; Prince, 2004;
Springer, Stanne, & Donovan, 1999).
Ye t a rc h i te c tu r a ll y, tr a d it i on a l c la s s -
rooms with rows of students facing
a single focal point—the instructor
or a central screen or board—are not
necessarily conducive to peer interac-
tion (Milne, 2006; Oblinger, 2006).
In response to this perceived barrier
to the implementation of active learn-
ing strategies, a few institutions have
    -
tire classrooms (e.g., North Carolina
State University’s SCALE-UP class-
rooms [Beichner et al., 2007] and the
TEAL project at MIT [Dori, 2007]).
These rooms are designed to encour-
age student interaction and facilitate
active or team-based collaborative
learning by including features such as
round tables, movable chairs, student
laptop connections for sharing work
on overhead projectors, and tableside
Some work has been done to as-
sess the effectiveness of these rooms
in contributing to meaningful student
interactions and in increasing student
understanding of course material (Dori
& Belcher, 2005; Gaffney, Richards,
Kustusch, Ding, & Beichner, 2008).
At both North Carolina State Univer-
classrooms had lower failure rates
and increased levels of conceptual
understanding compared with students
taking the course in a traditional class-
room using a lecture-based approach.
However, the interpretation of these
early results is constrained because of
 
controls to make a case for the physical
space as opposed to the instructor (or
pedagogical approach) in contributing
to student gains.
After a pilot study of two active
learning classrooms (or ALCs), the
University of Minnesota constructed
the new Science Teaching and Student
Services (STSS) building with 10
ALCs (Whiteside, Brooks, & Walker,
2010). These classrooms, modeled in
part on North Carolina State Univer-
sity’s SCALE-UP classrooms, consist
of a centralized teaching station with
technological controls and from 3 to
14 nine-person round tables, each
of which has several laptop connec-
tions, a dedicated large overhead LCD
screen, whiteboard space, several
microphones, and visual access to
large projection screens (Figure 1).
Constructing these rooms required
commitment of scarce resources, ex-
penditures that are especially onerous
for a public institution facing budget
constraints and increased tuition
costs in a strapped economy. Was the
investment worth it?
83Vol. 42, No. 6, 2013
Learning gains in
active learning
To determine whether
the investment has had
the desired effects, re-
searchers at the Univer-
sity of Minnesota have
engaged in a longitudi-
nal investigation of the
ALCs’ impact on how
instructors teach and
how students learn.
Early work on the
ALCs (Whiteside et al.,
2010) focused on student
and faculty attitudes,
expectations, and per-
ceptions of the rooms.
Faculty members had
high expectations when
they began teaching in
the ALCs and strongly
positive attitudes toward
the spaces at the end of
the term; many noted
that their role changed
in the ALCs, shifting
to the role of a learning
coach or facilitator. Stu-
dents also had strongly
positive attitudes toward
the ALCs, particularly
regarding the rooms’ fa-
cilitation of teamwork
and collaboration with
their classmates and the
ability of ALCs to appeal
to a variety of learning
styles. Both faculty and
students noted the impor-
tance of the round-table
design in altering the
classroom dynamic in
important ways. How-
ever, some differences
emerged: Freshmen and
sophomores rated the
rooms more highly than
Top: Layout of traditional classroom (STSS 220). Bottom: Layout of active learning
classroom (STSS 330). More details available at
Journal of College Science Teaching
research and teaching
did upperclassmen, and metropolitan
students perceived the rooms as more
useful than did students from rural
Preliminary study
Following initial work on percep-
tions and attitudes, researchers
worked with a faculty member to
design a quasi-experimental study
in an effort to isolate the impact
of the room itself on student learn-
ing. The instructor taught the same
section of an introductory biology
course (Postsecondary Teaching
and Learning 1131), but in two dif-
ferent rooms—an ALC and a tradi-
tional classroom. The two sections
were taught at the same time of day,
yet on different days of the week.
Course materials, assignments, ex-
ams, and pedagogical approaches
were controlled across sections; the
only factor that varied systemati-
cally was the room itself. Research-
ers were unable to assign students
randomly to the treatment and ex-
perimental sections; however, stu-
dents were unaware of the room dif-
ferences during course registration,
allowing for post hoc demographic
equivalency to be established. The
only anomaly that emerged between
the sections was that students in the
traditional classroom had, on aver-
than did students in the ALC (22.54
vs. 20.52; p < .05). Given the pre-
dictive nature of ACT scores (e.g.,
ACT, 2007; Marsh, Vandehey, &
Diekhoff, 2008; Stumpf & Stanley,
2002), we expected students in the
traditional classroom to earn higher
grades than their peers in the ALC.
However, at the end of the term,
    
in class performance, on identical
metrics, between the two sections
    -
gested that the ALCs positively af-
fected student learning.
Methods and data collection
In spring 2011, we sought to rep-
licate these initial results using a
similar quasi-experimental design
with a different course, different in-
structor, and groups of students that
were both larger and more represen-
tative of our general student popu-
lation than the students involved in
    
instructor worked with two groups
of students enrolled in an introduc-
tory biology course for nonscience
majors (Biology 1003). One group
met in a traditional classroom, the
other in an ALC. In addition to con-
trolling for instructor, every attempt
was made to keep course material
and designed activities the same
across the two sections. Laboratory
exercises were identical, as were
quizzes, homework assignments,
and all three major exams.
Biology 1003 is a large introduc-
tory class (N = 161 and 102 for the
traditional and active sections, respec-
tively). Survey data were collected via
surveys administered in class on the
last day of the term. The University
of Minnesota’s Institutional Review
Board approved the protocol, and
we obtained informed consent for
all subjects. Demographic and grade
Students in the traditional classroom had signicantly higher ACT
scores (yet did not perform signicantly better in the course).
Traditional classroom ALC Dierence
Age 19.78
Sex (female = 1) 0.76
Caucasian 0.82
Year (senior = 4;
rst year = 1)
Metropolitan 0.75
ACT score 26.36
Grade (% of total) 77.77
Note: Cell entries for each classroom are means, standard errors (in parentheses),
and the number of cases for two-group, mean-comparison tests. ALC = active
learning classroom.
*p < .05.
85Vol. 42, No. 6, 2013
data were supplied by the University
the instructor, respectively.
A project PI and a trained student
researcher collected observational
data on 50% of randomly selected
class periods for both sections. An
observer recorded the levels at which
students appeared to be “on task,” as
iors of the instructor (e.g., lecturing,
consulting individuals or groups, and
working problems with the document
scanner) and the students (e.g., con-
sulting in a group, asking questions,
and working on a group activity).
about their experiences and percep-
tions in their respective classrooms
on the last day of class. The design
was intentionally quasi-experimental
in that we used principles of experi-
mental design, but we were unable to
randomly assign subjects to control
and experimental groups. However,
we worked with the same instruc-
tor, same syllabus, and same test
items, and the sections were offered
back-to-back in the late morning on
the same days (Tuesdays and Thurs-
days); only the space was allowed
to vary systematically. Although the
random assignment of students into
sections that would have afforded a
fully experimental design was not
possible, the enrollment process (e.g.,
coupled with post hoc equivalency
tests, essentially approximates ran-
domization. We suspect dialogue
between the sections was minimal to
nonexistent: Students enrolled from
a variety of majors within a very
large university, lab sections were
     
the sections—although offered back-
the classroom building with only 15
minutes separating them.
Expected versus actual grades (BIOL 1003). Students in the ALC earned
signicantly higher nal grades than their ACT scores predicted (****p
< .0001).
All instruments used in this re-
search have been tested for scale reli-
ability and validity and are available
online at
Like our earlier study, students in the
traditional classroom had, on aver-
 
and were thus expected to outperform
students in the ALC. And, like our
    -
different across sections (Table 1).
Given what we know about the pre-
dictive capacity of the ACT scores
 
Using a point estimation regression
model, we expected students in the
ALC to earn approximately 6 per-
     
grades than their peers in the tradi-
tional classroom; instead, students in
the ALC earned half of a letter grade
more than expected (p < .0001; Fig-
ure 2). However, just as we observed
    
2011), the altered environment did
not undermine the ACT’s predictive
power. In both classrooms, the ACT
score served as a reliable predictor
of performance, predicting 20% and
23% of variation in student grades in
the traditional and ALC spaces, re-
spectively (Table 2, Model 1). Even
when we control for a host of demo-
graphic variables, ACT composite
scores continued to be the only sig-
    
with little explanatory improvement
over the initial model (Table 2, Mod-
els 2 and 3). Thus, the patterns of evi-
      -
    
and independent impact on student
performance—are identical.
In the ALC, the same instructor,
teaching the same material, spent
Journal of College Science Teaching
research and teaching
more time consulting and leading
group activities and less time at the
podium (Figure 3). Furthermore, tet-
rachoric correlational analysis (rho)
    -
tionships between ALCs and group
activities (p < .05) and consultation (p
< .01), and negative relationships with
location in the room (p < .05).
Several significant differences
emerged in student perceptions of the
learning spaces (Figure 4): Students
in the ALC reported a higher level of
engagement than did their peers in
the traditional classroom (p < .0001);
also, ALC students reported higher
     
activities (p  
in the ALC perceived a higher align-
ment between the room and the course
(p < .01).
     
the ALC outperformed their coun-
terparts in the traditional classroom,
everything else being equal (gender,
race, year in school, etc.). By replicat-
ing initial work, our results provide
    
technology-enhanced learning envi-
ronments positively and independent-
ly affect student learning.
We are doubly intrigued by the
fact that these effects were noted in
the courses of two very different, but
skilled and experienced, instructors—
one a faculty member using a hybrid
lecture problem-solving approach
in both classrooms and one a faculty
member using active-lecturing tech-
niques with both groups (the present
How can a classroom positively
aect student learning?
Work on learning spaces encourages
us to reevaluate the role of a physi-
cal space in facilitating or hindering
the construction of knowledge (Whi-
    -
ditional classrooms, especially those
with chairs bolted in place, empha-
size the instructor over the student
and make group formation seem awk-
ward and contrived. Round tables al-
low students “face time” with other
students, deemphasize the role of the
instructor, and permit groups to form
naturally. We tested these predictions
via a systematic analysis of student
and instructor behaviors, throughout
the course of a class session, in 15
randomly selected sessions during the
Our analysis of classroom behaviors
highlights some possible causes for the
spite of concerted effects to maintain
equivalency across the two sections,
the space itself appears to have ex-
acted behavioral differences in course
delivery. Student survey responses
reinforce this notion (Figure 4). We
acknowledge that positive student
perceptions of the impact of the room
are not the same as saying the room
actually has an impact. Regardless,
these data are consistent with the be-
havioral differences and performance
gains documented previously.
Was the investment worth it?
We believe that the investment in
ALCs at the University of Minnesota
was worth it. Documented increases
average gains of nearly 5 percentage
     -
ments in the student academic ex-
perience that few educational inter-
ventions could aspire to. However,
whether these improvements warrant
Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression of ACT score on course grade,
by section.
Traditional classroom ALC
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Age –0.08
Sex 2.63
Caucasian 3.32
Year –1.23
Metro –2.61
Constant 50.58***
Adjusted R20.20 0.24 0.26 0.23 0.23 0.22
N139 139 97 81 81 58
Note: Cell entries are unstandardized OLS regression coecients with standard errors
in parentheses. ALC = active learning classroom.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
87Vol. 42, No. 6, 2013
the capital investment in ALCs is a
judgment each educational institution
must make for itself, drawing on local
priorities and resources.
Instructors may need to think seri-
ously and creatively about changing
the manner in which they deliver their
courses in spaces such as these—not
only for the sake of navigating the
challenges of teaching in a decentered
space, but also to take advantage of
the features of the room that allow us
learning. The classroom architecture is
bound to frustrate the efforts of faculty
who don’t yield to the rooms’ novel
“stage” from which to deliver a tradi-
tional lecture. Half of the students in
the class may be facing away from the
instructor at any given time. Teachers
who view silence as engagement will
need to adjust their perceptions, as
one goal of decentralized classrooms
is increased small-group interaction
and this activity can be noisy and dif-
   
the ALCs at our institution, there is
a learning curve with respect to the
technological capabilities of the rooms.
Considering these hurdles, a sub-
stantial commitment to the ALC is
required from instructional staff. As
evidence of this commitment, a va-
riety of institutional resources exist
at the University of Minnesota to aid
faculty in the transition to these novel
learning spaces. Resources range from
technology training courses, to month-
long workshops, to 18-month faculty
development programs—all designed
to support technology-enhanced learn-
ing. A faculty-development program
explicitly focused on ALCs would be
a welcome addition to this arsenal.
Given the resources expended in
making this transformation, faculty
should require evidence of the ALCs’
effectiveness. In addition to the exist-
ing work on student engagement via
active learning, the results described
herein document the positive impacts
of designing spaces for active learning.
Recognizing that such a commit-
ment of resources is impractical for
many institutions, we offer recom-
mendations for applying what we’ve
learned to more traditional spaces.
Figures 3 and 4 suggest that the ben-
on small-group interaction (e.g., the
round, nine-person tables). Namely,
any efforts to decentralize the room,
with an overt focus on group dialogue,
are likely to increase the individual
student’s sense of accountability and
lead to the learning gains that result
from peer interaction. Decentralization
can be accomplished several ways,
from something as simple as movable
chairs, to small tables with white-
boards for impromptu problem-solving
or presentation, to full-blown ALCs as
documented previously. When a stu-
time, he or she gets a clear message
that this class will not be “business
that this message, and the gains we
associate with ALCs, can be achieved
in numerous ways by inspired faculty
seeking the best for their students. n
This work was supported by the generous
     
Information Technology at the University
of Minnesota. We thank the Biology
Program for additional support, and of
course we are forever indebted to our
Interval frequency of observed classroom activity and instructor
behavior (BIOL 1003): traditional vs. ALC. Data are percentages of
5-minute intervals in which the activity or behavior was observed.
Given that more than one activity or behavior was possible in any given
interval, totals do not sum to 100%. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
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Sehoya Cotner ( is
an associate professor in the Biology Pro-
gram at the University of Minnesota in
Minneapolis. Jessica Loper is an instruc-
tor in the Detroit Public Schools in De-
troit, Michigan. J. D. Walker is a research
fellow and D. Christopher Brooks is a
research fellow, both in the Oce of In-
formation Technology at the University
of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
... In recent years, pedagogical and technological changes have also affected learning spaces. There has been an increase in the use of active learning spaces, which allows the physical layout of the classroom to support a learner-centered educational approach, [29]. The purpose of the teacher in active learning is to foster interaction rather than impart knowledge which is possible by the architecture of these venues, [30]. ...
The affective domain has a great influence on mathematics learning and academic performance. Therefore, it is important to analyze different variables to propose mathematics interventions that stimulate positive emotion, self-efficacy, and attitude in students. Pre-service teachers (PST) benefit from a novel pedagogical intervention in which they experience a positive classroom environment. The scope of this study is to understand the effects of PSTs by performing an innovative didactic intervention in the future classroom lab (FCL) in a mathematics course.
... Active-learning classrooms with moveable chairs and students facing each other might support success for larger groups compared with fixed seating lecture halls. Physical space can influence student success, with students in active-learning classrooms outperforming students in traditional lecture spaces in some studies (Brooks, 2011;Cotner et al., 2013). Even within a single space, the physical arrangement of students can influence contributions to students and to groups. ...
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Active-learning pedagogies often require group work. We tested aspects of forming groups in a nonmajors Biology class. We asked whether large or small groups affected student learning outcomes and attitudes towards working in groups. We placed students in groups of three or six and students stayed in their groups for the term. We measured learning outcomes using a pre/postassessment as well as two-stage exams. Attitudes towards working in groups were measured using a previously published pre/post survey and an exit survey. We found that students in large groups did better on group exams and large groups had higher highest scores on the individual part of two-stage exams. Group size had no effect on students' postassessment scores or attitudes towards working in groups. We next assigned students to permanent or nonpermanent groups. We used the same metrics as the group size experiment. Students in permanent groups had higher group exam scores and better attitudes towards working in groups. Group permanence had no effect on students' postassessment scores. Students preferred working in permanent groups due to positive group interactions that developed over the quarter. Optimal group size and permanence are likely context-specific and dependent on the types of group work used in class.
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Active learning techniques are increasingly being adopted in higher education to foster student engagement and improve learning outcomes. This paper critically examines active learning strategies and their impacts on undergraduate teaching effectiveness. A comprehensive review of the literature provides defines a precise definition of active learning and succinctly summarizes key techniques, including like collaborative exercises, problem-based learning, discussions, simulations, and games. The theoretical basis foundation highlights constructivist and social learning principles. Empirical studies showcased in the literature demonstrate that active learning improves academic achievement, conceptual understanding, critical thinking, motivation, and inclusiveness compared to traditional passive lecture formatss. Practical implementation recommendations focus on the gradual integration of active learning, alignment to with specific learning objectives, scaffolding of student participation, and the incorporation of continuous assessment. Despite challenges of related to student resistance, instructor skills, and resource constraintss, the evidence underscores the active learning's essential role in of active learning in delivering high-quality undergraduate education given its demonstrated cognitive and non-cognitive benefits for diverse learners.
Smart Learning Environments (SLEs) have evolved rapidly over the past 20 years. However, current investigations of SLEs have narrowly focused on specific technologies or have remained at the theoretical level without discussing the practical implications; the role and application of technology in teaching and learning aren’t sufficiently clear. The purpose of this review is to systematically examine the design and learning approaches of SLEs. This study employs a literature review method, specifically analyzing the literature on SLEs in the Web of Science database. (a) SLEs are globally recognized research fields, with contemporary studies emphasizing five key areas: technical support for SLEs, the design of learning spaces, teaching and learning ways in SLEs, SLEs models and assessment of SLEs’ quality. (b) Research mainly focuses on software devices like smart learning systems and platforms for technical support, with limited attention given to hardware devices. (c) The design of learning spaces is trending toward integrating virtual and physical elements. (d) Learning approaches in technology-supported SLEs focus on cooperative learning and autonomous learning. Finally, in view of the shortcomings of the current research, suggestions for future research are put forward.
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A growing diversity of classroom designs, broadly labeled as active learning classrooms, is a rising development across higher education institutions. Along with the construction of these new spaces, stakeholders have developed new vocabularies and concepts for articulating and identifying the impact of new classroom designs for teaching and learning. As new language evolves and ways of thinking about classroom space evolve along with new designs, there has yet to emerge an explicit conceptual framework of the nature of the learning spaces that holistically addresses the cultural, contextual, communicative, and interactional experiences of the faculty. The aim of the present study was to investigate spatial understandings of faculty members in the context of a professional development program in an attempt to identify the social construction of space in active learning classrooms. We conducted a content analysis of 25 reflective portfolios written between 2018 and 2020. Grounding on the Henri Lefebvre’s Spatial Triad (1991), we found that faculty members used three types of space as describing their spatial experiences in classrooms: (1) perceived space, (2) conceived space, and (3) experienced space. The results were discussed in terms of a cultivated space approach to support faculty in developing pedagogical agility across various learning environments.
The classroom environment is shaped by factors such as facilitation style, curricular design, and classroom layout. These factors are all inputs into student framing of the classroom environment and affect a student’s comfort interacting within it. Promoting student discourse in active learning environments provides students the opportunity to explain their thinking and develop their understanding of natural phenomena. However, successfully implementing these practices in large lecture environments is often difficult. Undergraduate introductory chemistry lectures were investigated to identify the effects that instructional practices had on student engagement. Instructor facilitation, question level, and student interactions were analyzed and compared to provide insights into what instructional practices may promote or hinder student engagement in a large enrollment course. Overall instructors were positioning themselves as an authority on knowledge in the classroom by leading questions authoritatively like instructor-focused didactic lecturing that led to a decrease in student engagement. These results highlight the complexity of the classroom ecosystem related to student interactions and the role that facilitation plays in social and cognitive engagement.
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Students attending classes in the University of Minnesota's new, technology-enhanced learning spaces exceeded final grade expectations relative to their ACT scores, suggesting strongly that features of the spaces contributed to their learning. First-year and sophomore students as well as students from metropolitan areas rated the new learning spaces significantly higher than their upper-division and rural counterparts in terms of engagement, enrichment, effectiveness, flexibility, fit, and instructor use. Different learning environments affect teaching-learning activities even when instructors attempt to hold these activities constant. Although assignment types greatly affect the study environments students select, in choosing informal study spaces students fall into routines early and are reluctant to deviate from them even if they are not meeting their study goals.
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Educational technology supports meaningful learning and enables the presentation of spatial and dynamic images, which portray relationships among complex con-cepts. The Technology-Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) Project at the Massachu-setts Institute of Technology (MIT) involves media-rich software for simulation and visualization in freshman physics carried out in a specially redesigned classroom to facilitate group interaction. These technology-based tec learning materials are especially useful in electromagnetism to help students conceptualize phenomena and processes. This study analyzes the effects of the unique learning environment of the TEAL project on students ’ cognitive and affective outcomes. The assessment of the project included examining students ’ conceptual understanding before and after studying electromagnetism in a media-rich environment. We also investigated the effect of this environment on students ’ preferences regarding the various teaching methods. As part of the project, we developed pre- and posttests consisting of conceptual questions from standardized tests, as well as questions designed to assess the effect of visualizations and experiments. The research population consisted of 811 undergraduate students. It consisted of a small- and a large-scale experimental groups and a control group. TEAL students improved their conceptual understanding
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The primary goal of the SCALE-UP Project is to establish a highly collaborative, hands-on, computer-rich, interactive learning environment for large, introductory college courses. North Carolina State University and a group of more than two-dozen collaborating schools are folding together lecture and lab with multiple instructors in a way that provides an effective, economical alternative to traditional lecture-oriented instruction. The project involves the development of the pedagogy, classroom envi-ronment, and teaching materials that will support this type of learning. It includes the development, evaluation, and dissemination of new curricular materials in physics, chemistry, and biology. Here we will focus on the calculus-based introductory phys-ics part of the effort. In comparisons to traditional instruction we have seen signifi-cantly increased conceptual understanding, improved attitudes, successful problem solving, and higher success rates, particularly for females and minorities. This chap-ter highlights the development of the SCALE-UP pedagogy, classroom environment, and teaching materials for calculus-based introductory physics at North Carolina State University.
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This issue is the first of two special issues that present a diverse collection of studies which describe and discuss innovative approaches to science and technology teaching and learning at MIT. This issue focuses on advancing and evaluating technology-based projects on-campus, while the second one will focus mainly on off-campus technology-based projects.
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Recent calls for instructional innovation in undergraduate science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) courses and programs highlight the need for a solid foundation of education research at the undergraduate level on which to base policy and practice. We report herein the results of a meta-cnalysis that integrates research on undergraduate SMET education since 1980. The meta-analysis demonstrates that various forms of small-group learning are effective in promoting greater academic achievement, more favorable attitudes toward learning, and increased persistence through SMET courses and programs. The magnitude of the effects reported in this study exceeds most findings in comparable reviews of research on educational innovations and supports more widespread implementation of small-group learning in undergraduate SMET.
For every 4-year college in the United States listed in the 1998 College Handbook of the College Board, the percentages of students graduating within 6 years of entering and of students having high school grade point averages (GPAs) of at least 3.00 were recorded. The authors also obtained the College Board Scholastic Assessment Test I (SAT I) Verbal and Math and the American College Test (ACT) scores at the 25th and 75th percentiles of the distributions of scores of the enrolled freshmen. The SAT I Verbal and Math and the ACT scores at the 25th and 75th percentiles proved to be good predictors of the percentage of students graduating from the same institution that admitted them as freshmen (rs ranging from .62 to .73), as did the percentage of freshmen having high school GPAs of 3.00 or higher (r = .49). The correlations of the group percentages and means with the criterion were considerably higher than the predictive-validity coefficients of the SAT I and ACT scores for individual graduation as reported in the literature.
The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between formal learning spaces and student learning outcomes. Using a quasi-experimental design, researchers partnered with an instructor who taught identical sections of the same course in two radically different formal learning environments to isolate the impact of the physical environment on student learning. The results of the study reveal that, holding all factors excepting the learning spaces constant, students taking the course in a technologically enhanced environment conducive to active learning techniques outperformed their peers who were taking the same course in a more traditional classroom setting. The evidence suggests strongly that technologically enhanced learning environments, independent of all other factors, have a significant and positive impact on student learning.
This study examines the evidence for the effectiveness of active learning. It defines the common forms of active learning most relevant for engineering faculty and critically examines the core element of each method. It is found that there is broad but uneven support for the core elements of active, collaborative, cooperative and problem-based learning.
  • R J Beichner
  • J M Saul
  • D S Abbott
  • J J Morse
  • D L Deardorff
  • R J Allain
  • . . Risley
Beichner, R. J., Saul, J. M., Abbott, D. S., Morse, J. J., Deardorff, D. L., Allain, R. J.,... Risley, J. S. (2007).