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Breeding for Disease Resistance

  • ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture


Disease resistance is often defined as reduction of pathogen growth on or in the plant.It denotes less disease development in a genotype than that in the susceptible variety and is a relative attribute.Generally, the rate of reproduction is considerably reduced which limits the spread of disease. Plants are almost always resistant to certain pathogens but susceptible to other pathogens; resistance is usually pathogen species-specific or pathogen strain-specific.
Agrobios News Letter, November 2015 Vol. XIV (06) 83-84
Breeding for Disease Resistance
Sajad unNabi and Devendra KumarChoudhary
PhD Scholars, Division of plant pathology IARI New Delhi 110012
Disease resistance is often defined as reduction
of pathogen growth on or in the plant.It denotes
less disease development in a genotype than that
in the susceptible variety and is a relative
attribute.Generally, the rate of reproduction is
considerably reduced which limits the spread of
disease. Plants are almost always resistant to
certain pathogens but susceptible to other
pathogens; resistance is usually pathogen
species-specific or pathogen strain-specific..
Types of disease resistance
Vertical resistance: Term coined by
Vanderplank.It is qualitative resistance or race
specific resistance governed by major genes and
is characterized by phenotype specificity it is
easily overcome by new races of the pathogen.
Common in diseases caused by biotrophic
pathogens e.g. rusts.
Horizontal resistance:Term coined by
Vanderplank Quantitative or durable resistance,
controlled by polygenes and is host
nonspecific.These genes provide the plants with
defensive structures or toxic substances that
slow down or stop the advance of the pathogen
into the host tissues and reduce the damage
caused by the pathogen, in diseases caused by
non-biotrophic pathogens.The defenses in
quantitative resistance develop slower and
perhaps reach a lower level than those in the
race specific resistance.It is durable resistance
and never breaks down to new strains of disease,
as does vertical resistance.
Plant breeders focus a significant part of their
effort on selection and development of disease-
resistant plant lines. Plant diseases can also be
partially controlled by use of pesticides, and by
cultivation practices such as crop rotation,
tillage, planting density, purchase of disease-free
seeds and cleaning of equipment, but plant
varieties with inherent (genetically determined)
disease resistance are generally the first choice
for disease control. Breeding for disease
resistance has been underway since plants were
first domesticated, but it requires continual
effort. This is because pathogen populations are
often under natural selection for increased
virulence, new pathogens can be introduced to
an area, cultivation methods can favor increased
disease incidence over time, changes in
cultivation practice can favor new diseases, and
plant breeding for other traits can disrupt the
disease resistance that was present in older plant
varieties. A plant line with acceptable disease
resistance against one pathogen may still lack
resistance against other pathogens
Steps in breeding for disease resistance
Identification of resistant breeding sources:
Plants that may be less desirable in other ways,
but which carry a useful disease resistance trait.
Ancient known plant varieties and wild relatives,
cultivated varieties and land races are very
important to preserve because they are the most
common sources of enhanced plant disease
resistance. Others include mutations,somaclonal
variation & unrelated species.
Breeding methods:Crossing of a desirable but
disease-susceptible plant variety to another
variety that is a source of resistance, to generate
plant populations that mix and segregate for the
traits of the parents.The methods of crossing
include selection, introduction, marker assisted
selection, genetic engineering,hybridization-
includes backcross, pedigree,bulk
methods.Among these methods marker assisted
selection & backcross methods are important.
Screening: This may require artificial epidemics
created by inoculation of pathogen onto the plant
Soil borne diseases- Sick plots are
created for testing resistance to such
Air borne diseases- Spraying a
suspension of spores.
Seed borne diseases-dry spores are
dusted on seeds or seeds may be soaked
in a suspension of pathogen spores
Selection of disease-resistant individuals:
Breeders are trying to sustain or improve
numerous other plant traits related to plant yield
and quality, including other disease resistance
traits, while they are breeding for improved
resistance to any particular pathogen.
Each of the above steps can be difficult to
successfully accomplish, and many highly
refined methods in plant breeding and plant
pathology are used to increase the effectiveness
and reduce the cost of resistance breeding.
Advantages of breeding for disease resistance
Resistant varieties offer the cheapest
means of disease control.
Resistant varieties obviate the use of
fungicides ,thus reduce environmental
Effectiveness of resistant varieties is
not affected by environmental
It safeguards against the inadvertent
release of such varieties that are most
susceptible than earlier varieties.
Problems in breeding for disease resistance
Resistance breakdown(vertifolia effect,
boom & bust cycle)
Horizontal resistance being durable but
difficulty relates to an accurate &
reliable assessment of the level of
Sometimes there is negative correlation
between yield & disease resistance e.g
wheat leaf rust gene Lr34 causes a 5%
reduction in grain yield.
For introgression of multiple resistances
in varieties against several diseases
requires meticulous planning and far
greater effort than that required for
single resistance.
Singh.B.D.1983, Plant breeding,
Breeding for biotic stress-Disease
resistance, pp-536-
edition,Kalyani publishers, New
Allard.R.W.1960, Principles of plant
breeding, Breeding disease resistant
varities, pp-359-368, John wiley& sons
New York.
Chaube.H.S&Pundhir.V.S. 2005Crop
diseases and their management,
Management through host genes, pp-
... Symptoms on the above-ground parts of plants are most obvious in spring or early summer but are a consequence of damage to the roots during the winter months when the soil is cool and wet. Reid (1949) was able to predict the severity of the disease in summer in Scotland by counting the number of days on which rain fell between 1 October and 31 March during the previous autumn and winter. ...
... detected Pff zoospores in drainage water from infected plants held at temperatures between 2 and 20°C but not from plants held at 26°C. Total amounts of inoculum released by infected plants and the length of time over which it was released, were greater at lower temperatures, especially below 10°C, in agreement with Reid's observations (Reid, 1949). Although the damage done to the plant by the pathogen is most evident in early summer as plants come under water stress, the damage to the roots occurred much earlier as there was no evidence of recent root infection at this time. ...
An experimental field infested with Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae (Pff) and used for strawberry red core fungicide and cultivar resistance trials until 1981 was surveyed for the presence of inoculum of the pathogen 11 and 12 years later. Alpine strawberries, highly susceptible to all races of Pff, were grown from true seed and planted as a bait crop on a 0·5 m-spaced grid. Rapid and widespread red core infection was observed, which provided good evidence that oospores had survived in soil for this extended period. Site elevation and the distribution of red core infected plants showed a strong correlation, with a higher frequency of infected and dead plants in the lowest areas of the field. The race designation of 18 recovered isolates were determined and AFLP fingerprint patterns of some of these and their single-spore derivatives were analysed. The isolates differed little in race type, and the majority were genetically identical at 433 AFLP loci. Races used to inoculate the site in the 1970s were recovered. The fingerprints of the single variant isolate matched that of an isolation made by Hickman in the 1950s, originally used to inoculate the site. Clearly Pff is a very stable and long-lived pathogen able to retain its genetic integrity and lie dormant in soil for many years, ensuring its survival between epidemiologically favourable conditions which occur erratically.
... Disease epidemics can be created by inoculating the pathogen of the test plant or the inoculum source plant that was planted prior to planting the test material. Inoculation of plant pathogens can be carried out through planting in infected soil plots for soil-borne pathogens, spraying pathogen suspension for air-borne pathogens, and soaking the seeds with the pathogen suspension for seed-borne diseases (UnNabi and Choudhary 2015). ...
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Suriani, Patandjengi B, Muis A, Junaid M, Mirsam H, Azrai M, Efendi R, Sebayang A. 2023. New corn resistant lines to stalk rot disease (Dickeya zeae) in Indonesia. Biodiveritas 24: 3190-3200. Stalk rot disease caused by Dickeya zeae is one of the important diseases of corn in Indonesia. Host resistance cultivars are an effective and sustainable control measure of the disease. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the resistance of 15 S1 hybrid maize lines to stalk rot disease. The research was conducted in two seasons (DS and WS) using a randomized block design with 3 replications. The D. zeae suspension with 10 8 cfu/mL concentration was inoculated into the plant test 45 Days After Planting (DAP). Disease incidence and severity were observed during the two seasons. The results showed that all tested lines were infected with stalk rot disease but had various resistance reactions. Disease incidence and severity in the dry season were higher than in the rainy season. In the rainy season all test lines followed the 3 models of disease development, but in the dry season, all lines followed the monomolecular model. Further analysis showed that 3 lines of hybrid maize had the lowest AUDPC value with a protection index of more than 50% in two growing seasons. Stalk lignin content had negative correlation with a disease incidence of-0.60877, so it can be used as a parameter of plant resistance to disease. Tested lines that show resistance to the disease could potentially be useful as new varieties of maize.
... Disease epidemics can be created by inoculating the pathogen of the test plant or the inoculum source plant that was planted prior to planting the test material. Inoculation of plant pathogens can be carried out through planting in infected soil plots for soil-borne pathogens, spraying pathogen suspension for air-borne pathogens, and soaking the seeds with the pathogen suspension for seed-borne diseases (UnNabi and Choudhary 2015). ...
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Suriani, Patandjengi B, Muis A, Junaid M, Mirsam H, Azrai M, Efendi R, Sebayang A. 2023. New corn resistant lines to stalk rot disease (Dickeya zeae) in Indonesia. Biodiveritas 24: 3190-3200. Stalk rot disease caused by Dickeya zeae is one of the important diseases of corn in Indonesia. Host resistance cultivars are an effective and sustainable control measure of the disease. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the resistance of 15 S1 hybrid maize lines to stalk rot disease. The research was conducted in two seasons (DS and WS) using a randomized block design with 3 replications. The D. zeae suspension with 108cfu/mL concentration was inoculated into the plant test 45 Days After Planting (DAP). Disease incidence and severity were observed during the two seasons. The results showed that all tested lines were infected with stalk rot disease but had various resistance reactions. Disease incidence and severity in the dry season were higher than in the rainy season. In the rainy season all test lines followed the 3 models of disease development, but in the dry season, all lines followed the monomolecular model. Further analysis showed that 3 lines of hybrid maize had the lowest AUDPC value with a protection index of more than 50% in two growing seasons. Stalk lignin content had negative correlation with a disease incidence of -0.60877, so it can be used as a parameter of plant resistance to disease. Tested lines that show resistance to the disease could potentially be useful as new varieties of maize.
... Beta maritirna) are being increasingly used to breed new beet resistant to plant viruses (e.g. yellowing viruses and rhizomania) (Jolliffe, 1988;Kimber, 1992). As already reported, the wild beet, B. maritima contains BCVl (Xie et a f . ...
The effects of beet cryptic virus (BCV) infection on sugar beet crops were investigated in field trials in 1990. Two sugar beet breeding stock lines were screened for infection by BCV. Seed lots containing different proportions of seed infected with BCV1 & 2 were obtained by crossing the stock lines and used in field trials at five different sites. Five characteristics of the infected plants were assessed. BCV infection appeared to have no significant effects on the sugar beet crop at four locations which suffered from drought stress but significant effects were found at one site where the crop was grown on grade 1 land with good moisture retention properties. Root yield and sugar yield were reduced by up to 17% and 20%, respectively, by BCV infection.
Synthetic pesticides were created and adopted as an expedient and efficient method of managing crop diseases as a result of the increased need for food to support the world’s constantly expanding population. However, excessive use of synthetic pesticides is discouraged because of the harm they do to the environment, and human health, and the emergence of pathogen strains that are resistant to them. Thus along with a rise in the demand for foods produced organically, sparked an interest in finding alternate methods, with botanical pesticides notably gaining traction. Botanical pesticides are effective in controlling a variety of crop diseases, are affordable, easily biodegradable, have mechanisms of action, are readily available in their sources, and are not hazardous to non-target organisms. The phytochemical makeup of various plants is thought to be responsible for their various mode of action. As a result, they can be used in integrated pest management systems and help to produce aromatic and medicinal crops in a sustainable manner. However, because of difficulties in formulation and commercialization, which are connected to a lack of chemical data and effective management, botanical pesticides have not yet been extensively embraced. Numerous earlier workers highlighted plant pesticides with a focus on pest management. The knowledge of botanicalpesticides, their phytochemical makeup, and their mode of action against important pests in crop production are included in this chapter for sustainable pest management in the crop production system.
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Ever-increasing population and climate change are the two major threats to food security across the globe. Despite the continuous effort of conventional methods to make a food secured world, there exist numerous unsolved problems that need to be dealt with. In this regard, biotechnology plays a crucial role in providing nutritious food, feed, and fuel to the growing population. Genetic engineering is one of the most promising techniques which can revolutionize the whole agriculture scenario as it has the potential to meet multiple requirements like enhancing the crop yield, biofortied food crops, climate-resilient genotypes, multiple diseases,s and pest resistant genotypes, etc. With the advent of omics technologies, the biology of plants can be studied exhaustively which will further facilitate to development of a crop with desirable traits. But public acceptance of these technologies faces a serious controversy as the product that is developed through biotechnology is perceived as a potential risk. Hence, efforts to create public awareness about the potential benefits of biotech crops are in need of the hour.
Standardized pot-infection techniques were used to study the influence of soil moisture and pH on the development of Red Core of strawberries caused by Phytophthora fragariae Hickman. Maximum infection occurs under conditions that promote the liberation of zoospores, namely high soil moisture. This may be provided either by frequent application of water to a freely draining soil or by waterlogging from below. Transport of zoospores by soil water movements is of great importance in promoting infection, particularly where the inoculum is remote from the roots. The influence of soil moisture on the disease varied with soil texture; in general, the lighter the texture the greater the amount of infection. In single soils adjusted to a range of pH values the amount of infection decreased with rise in pH to the alkaline side. Similar experiments with soils from the field indicated that the relationship between pH and Red Core is less simple for, although little infection occurred in most of the alkaline soils tested, in some the disease was severe. The results are discussed in relation to the occurrence of Red Core in the field.
The spread of strawberry red core root disease (Phytophthora fragariae) from a heavily infested field with a history of 40 yr continuous strawberry growing, to and across an adjacent field where strawberries had never before been grown, was charted by growing bait plants of the highly susceptible alpine strawberry ‘Baron Solemacher’ at the intersections of an 8 m grid. Initially the fungus could not be detected by a soil sampling/glasshouse baiting test or in field grown baits, but after a very wet winter it was detected in the field grown bait plants. Most infections occurred in plants growing in a shallow depression running the length of the field, receiving drainage water from the higher infested site and where there had been standing water for much of the winter. The importance of topography was further demonstrated when baits were planted at commercial densities in two small areas of the field, one adjacent to and the other 18 m distant from the central depression. In the former many plants were infected within 2 months of planting whilst in the latter bait plants remained free of the disease for at least 18 months. The highly susceptible bait plants may be suitable for monitoring the health of commercial propagation stocks; they are easily propagated from seed and as they do not runner there is little hazard to stock purity.
Phytophthora frugariae causes red core root rot of strawberries. Although the disease is probably most acute in northern Europe, serious outbreaks have been reported from a number of Mediterranean countries, especially France and Italy. Leather rot of fruit and crown rot, which are caused by P. cuctorum, can also be severe problems in warmer climates. Both fungi survive in soil for long periods, but the most common form of spread is in diseased planting material. Sensitive tests have been developed to detect red core in planting material, and been used to effect in certification schemes. Root rot of raspberry has gained prominence in the last 10 years in Europe as raspberry growing has expanded, but the disease has been known for many years in France. Nine species of Phyfophthora have been recovered from affected plants, but two of these, one with affinities with P. megasperma, and P. cumbiuora, are responsible for most major outbreaks. The other species are only troublesome where drainage is poor. Again, spread is mainly in infected material. Few raspberries are resistant to root rot, but some wild RubuP spp., blackberries and raspberry x blackberry hybrids are resistant and may be useful in breeding programmes.
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