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Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome 19p13.12-19p13.2


Abstract and Figures

Craniosynostosis, a condition in which the cranial sutures prematurely fuse, can lead to elevated intracranial pressure and craniofacial abnormalities in young children. Currently surgical intervention is the only therapeutic option for patients with this condition. Craniosynostosis has been associated with a variety of different gene mutations and chromosome anomalies. Here we describe three cases of partial deletion of chromosome 19p. Two of the cases present with syndromic craniosynostosis while one has metopic ridging. A review of the genes involved in the rearrangements between the three cases suggests several gene candidates for craniosynostosis. CALR and DAND5, BMP regulators involved in osteoblast differentiation, and MORG1, a mediator of osteoclast dysregulation may play a role in abnormal cranial vault development. Additionally, CACNA1A, a gene that when mutated is associated with epilepsy and CC2D1A, a gene associated with nonsyndromic mental retardation may contribute to additional phenotypic features seen in the patients we describe. In addition, these findings further support the need for genetic testing in cases of syndromic craniosynostosis.
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Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with
microdeletion of chromosome
Sarah M. Lyon
, Darrel Waggoner
, Sara Halbach
Erik C. Thorland
, Leila Khorasani
, Russell R. Reid
Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, United States
Department of Human Genetics and Pediatrics, University of Chicago, 5841 S. Maryland Ave,
M/C 0077, Chicago, IL 60637, United States
Lab Medicine & Pathology, 200 First St SW, Hilton 970, Rochester, MN 55905-0001, United States
Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, 5841 S. Maryland Ave, M/C 0077, Chicago, IL 60637,
United States
Received 27 July 2015; accepted 9 September 2015
Chromosome 19;
Abstract Craniosynostosis, a condition in which the cranial sutures pr ematurely fuse, can
lead to elevated intracranial pressure and craniofacial abnormali ties in yo ung children.
Currently surgical intervention is the only therapeutic option for patients with this condition.
Craniosynostosis has been associated with a variety of different gene mutations and chromo-
some anomalies. Here we describe three cases of partial deletion of chromosome 19p. Two of
the cases present with syndromic craniosynostosis while one has metopic ridging. A review of
the genes involved in the rearrangements between the three cases suggests several gene can-
didates for craniosynostosis. CALR and DAND5, BMP regulators involved in osteoblast differen-
tiation, and MORG1, a mediator of osteoclast dysregulation may play a role in abnormal cranial
vault development. Additionally, CACNA1A, a gene that when mutated is associated with ep-
ilepsy and CC2D1A, a gene associated with non-syndromic mental retardation may contribute
to additional phenotypic features seen in the patients we describe. In addition, these findings
further support the need for genetic testing in cases of syndromic craniosynostosis.
Copyright ª 2015, Chongqing Medical University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is
an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
* Corresponding author. Section of Plastic Surgery, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, M/C 6035, Chicago, IL 60637, United States. Tel.: þ1 773 702
6302; fax: þ1 773 702 1634.
E-mail addresses: (S.M. Lyon), dwaggone@geneti (D. Waggoner), (S .
Halbach), (E.C. Thorland), (R.R. Reid).
Peer review under responsibility of Chongqing Medical University.
Please cite this article in press as: Lyon SM, et al., Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome
19p13.12e19p13.2, Genes & Diseases (2015),
2352-3042/Copyright ª 2015, Chongqing Medical University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
Available online at
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Genes & Diseases (2015) xx,1e6
The premature fusion of cranial sutures affects approxi-
mately 1 in 2500 newborns in a condition known as cra-
Craniosynostosis can lead to elevated
intracranial pressure, developmental delay and ocular/vi-
sual compromise.
Craniosynostosis can be characterized as either syn-
dromic or non-syndromic. Approximately 80% of cases are
non-syndromic and there is no common genetic basis.
isolated (non-syndromic) craniosynostosis the sagittal su-
ture is most commonly affected, followed by the metopic
and coronal sutures. Closure of the metopic suture can
result in metopic ridging and metopic craniosynostosis
which can be difficult to differentiate but which have
importance for treatment.
Syndromic cases can be
inherited but are often sporadic and are the result of de
novo autosomal dominant mutations commonly involving
fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) and TWIST gen-
Gain-of-function mutations in FGFR1 to 3 have been
associated with Crouzon, Pfeiffer, Apert and Muenke syn-
dromes, among others. More than 180 syndromes have been
reported to manifest craniosynostosis.
Here we describe
three cases of patients with deletions in the region of
chromosome 19p13.12ep13.2. Two of the cases with over-
lapping deletion have developmental delay and craniosy-
nostosis, whereas the other patient with a unique deletion
in the region has physiologic closure of the metopic suture
with ridging without craniosynostosis. These cases along
with one additional case from the literature help define
genes that may be associated with syndromic craniosynos-
tosis. Approval of this case series was obtained from the
University of Chicago Institutional Review Board (IRB#14-
0489). Parental consent forms, which included permission
for the use of the facial images of the affected individuals,
were obtained for the reported work.
Case 1
The first patient was born to healthy parents after a preg-
nancy complicated by antenatal ultrasound findings of
ventriculomegaly. The patient was born via elective ce-
sarean section at 38 weeks with a birth weight of 2365 g
(<5th percentile) and occipitofrontal circumference (OFC)
of 36.5 cm (95th percentile). In the newborn period, she
developed oxygen desaturations and feeding difficulties.
Clinical examination at that time revealed micrognathia,
frontal bossing, low set ears, a high palate and scaphoce-
phaly (Fig. 1). A CT scan of the cranial bones revealed
partial posterior sagittal craniosynostosis and micrognathia
(Fig. 1). Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the brain
revealed an immature brain with thickened cortex and
decreased gyral pattern suggestive of a cortical brain
malformation. An ophthalmology examination revealed
bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia.
Due to her severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)dwith a
presurgical apneaehypopnea index (AHI) of 60dthe patient
underwent multiple interventions (tongue lip adhesion and
mandibular distraction osteogenesis) to improve her airway
obstruction. This markedly reduced the patient’s supple-
mental oxygen requirement. With improvement in her
airway and nutrition, the patient underwent a subsequent
subtotal calvarial vault reconstruction for sagittal cranio-
synostosis (Fig. 1 ).
Her growth and development continued to be delayed.
At 8 months of age, her weight was 6.61 kg (2nd percen-
tile), and height was 68.2 cm (40th percentile) and OFC was
44.5 cm (75th percentile). At 11 months of age she had
developmental delays of gross and fine motor as well as
speech. At 20 months of age she developed seizures, which
were treated with anti-epileptic medication.
At 26 months of age, 20 months post initial cranial vault
expansion, the patient’s head circumference failed to
progress over a 9-month period. The patient presented with
turribrachycephaly and computed tomography (CT) scan
evaluation revealed clear signs of craniocerebral mismatch
with no identifiable cranial suture patent (Fig. 1). These
radiographic signs corroborated the clinical presentation,
as the patient was found to have signs and symptoms of
increased intracranial pressure. These findings necessitated
a revision cranial vault expansion via multidirectional pos-
terior vault distraction.
Microarray results. Cytogenomic microarray revealed a
2.2 Mb microdeletion of chromosome 19p: arr
19p13.12ep13.2 (12,552,241e14,714,485) (National Center
for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) build 36.1) containing
approximately 73 known genes.
Case 2
The second patient is an international case of a 10-month-
old Scandinavian child who is the product of a first preg-
nancy to healthy parents. She was born following induction
of labor for low amniotic fluid at gestational age 41 weeks 3
days. Birth weight was 3 465 g and length was 51 cm. There
were no complications at birth. An abnormal head shape,
with occipital flattening, was noted by the parents and the
pediatrician, but this was thought to be related to posi-
tional molding.
She developed persistent vomiting/reflux, necessitating
hospitalization on three separate occasions (starting at 2
months of age). Secondary to the reflux and developmental
delays a cytogenomic microarray revealed a 700 kb deletion
of chromosome 19p13.2 (chr. 19: 13,041,835e13,740,519
NCBI Build 36.1). Parental studies were not obtained.
Her head circumference measured 38.1 cm at 4 weeks of
age, 42 cm at 4 months of age, and 44.5 cm at 9 months of age
(all at the 75th percentile for age). Digital photography (not
shown) reveals bitemporal retrusion, mild brachycephaly,
and right posterior plagiocephaly. Interestingly, craniofacial
CT scan with 3D reformations demonstrates partial synos-
tosis of the bilateral coronal suture systems (Fig. 2). No other
findings were remarkable on these imaging studies.
Case 3
The third patient is a female 7-month-old fraternal twin
born via cesarean section at 36 weeks gestation following a
pregnancy in which serial ultrasonography identified ven-
triculomegaly and hydronephrosis. The patient had respi-
ratory distress and cyanosis and feeding difficulties. Birth
weight was 2060 g (<5th percentile), length was 41 cm
2 S.M. Lyon et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Lyon SM, et al., Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome
19p13.12e19p13.2, Genes & Diseases (2015),
(<5th percentile), and head circumference (HC) was
31.5 cm (<5th percentile). A brain MRI confirmed the
enlarged ventricles and, additionally, showed a hypoplastic
corpus callosum.
At 6 months of age she was noted to have significant
proximal and peripheral hypotonia as well as symmetrically
decreased reflexes in the upper and lower extremities. Her
ears were slightly low set and posteriorly rotated with
mildly pointed superior helices, and her head was triangular
shaped with a flat occiput, severe plagiocephaly, biparietal
peaking, and bitemporal narrowing. Her skin showed a 1 cm
-au-lait spot in the right groin, a tiny skin tag at the
coccyx without dimple, and a 2.5 cm brown flat macule
with clear borders on the center of the abdomen. Her
weight was 6.5 kg (14th percentile), length was 62.0 cm
(8th percentile), and HC was 42.3 cm (41st percentile).
Developmentally she had delays in gross motor skills.
Based on her head shape described above a CT scan was
done and showed features consistent with physiologic
closure of the metopic suture with ridging, and no cranio-
synostosis ( Fig. 3).
Chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP)
array analysis was ordered with showed a 19p13.12 deletion
(14,144,824e14,787,018, hg19). This 642 kb deletion was
maternally inherited.
Cytogenomic array analysis was performed using either a
custom Agilent oligonucleotide microarray with 180,000
probes and analyzed on human genome build hg18 or the
Affymetrix CytoScan HD array including 750,000 SNP probes
and 1.9 million non-polymorphic probes analyzed on hg19.
Base pair coordinates were estimated from the microarray
and the coordinates from hg18 were converted to hg19 for
Microdeletions in the small arm of chromosome 19 are rare
and described deletions have significant phenotypes that
Figure 1 Case 1. I: A, B; Photos of patient 1 before calvarial vault reconstruction. A. Photo shows typical compensatory sca-
phocephaly and micrognathia, as well as dysmorphic features including low set ears, frontal bossing of the cranial vault secondary
to sagittal suture fusion. C,D; 24 months of age demonstrating turribrachycephaly. II: A, B; CT scan at birth showing the micro-
gnathia (A) and the partial sagittal craniosynostosis (B). C, D; Axial T2 FLAIR MRI at birth shows adequate brain growth. Scan is
notable for mild lissencephaly. III: A, B; CT scan at 5 months post mandibular distraction showing persistent micrognathia and
progression of the sagittal craniosynostosis. C, D; CT scan at 24 months of age demonstrating craniocerebral mismatch with
effacement of the sagittal suture and the coronal sutures.
Syndromic craniosynostosis 3
Please cite this article in press as: Lyon SM, et al., Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome
19p13.12e19p13.2, Genes & Diseases (2015),
are often terminal in utero.
The clinical phenotypes of
patients with chromosome 19p deletions are difficult to
compare and variable as the deletions are of different sizes
and involve different regions of chromosome 19. Many re-
ported cases were described based on karyotype abnor-
malities with poor resolution of breakpoints. The recent
advance of cytogenomic microarray technology has allowed
for higher resolution studies and characterization of the
exact genomic composition including specific genes within
genomic rearrangements.
Three patients with overlapping 19p13.12 microdeletions
have been described with mental retardation, ear malfor-
mations, brachycephaly and anteverted nares.
ally, an 834 kb deletion in 19p13.2 was described in a five-
year-old boy with intellectual disability, febrile seizures and
minor dysmorphic features including a slightly protruding
forehead, short fingers and ears with overfolded helices.
An additional case bearing common deletions within the
same region to our case series is a case of complex syn-
dromic craniosynostosis (fused left coronal, lambdoid and
parieto-temporal sutures) described by Lysy et al.
The patient reported by Lysy et al and two of the three
patients we describe (Cases 1 and 2 herein) all share de-
letions of CALR and DAND5 (Fig. 4)dregulators of bone
morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) essential for bone
metabolism, organ and skeletal formation and differentia-
tion of osteoblastic cells.
These common deletions
suggest that the absence of these BMP regulatory genes
could cause abnormalities in calvarial development leading
to craniosynostosis.
Additionally, MORG1, a gene whose
product associates with components of the extracellular
signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway integral to osteo-
clast development and activity, is deleted in the patient
described by Lysy et al and in our first case.
Deletion of
this helper protein may disrupt the ERK signaling pathway
that leads to osteoclast dysregulation.
This gene was not
deleted in the second case reported herein who similarly
presents with a 700 kb deletion in chromosome 19p13.2
(within that of Case 1), partial synostosis and develop-
mental delay. Deletion of coding regions on the 5
end of
the gene, however, could affect MORG1 expression. The
microdeletion described in this second case is on the 3
of the gene, which suggests that MORG1 is not implicated in
the craniosynostotic phenotype (Fig. 4). Interestingly, both
cases described herein had partial involvement of a
particular suture system, whether sagittal (Case 1)or
bilateral coronal (Case 2). In the case described by Lysy
et al, there is pansynostosis (left unicoronal, lambdoid, and
parieto-temporal) which, to our review of the figures in
their manuscript, represents a partial, “skip-lesion”
Figure 2 Case 2. Three-dimensional reformatted CT scan imaging demonstrates partial synostosis of bilateral coronal sutures.
A. Frontal view; B. Right lateral view; C. Posterior view; D. Left lateral view. Arrows denote areas of abnormal bridging ossification
(synostosis) of coronal sutures.
4 S.M. Lyon et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Lyon SM, et al., Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome
19p13.12e19p13.2, Genes & Diseases (2015),
phenotype. The authors also comment in their case that the
craniosynostosis, in certain areas, is partial. The fact that
our first case had craniocerebral disproportion with
elevated intracranial pressure, and required revision cra-
nioplasty to expand the cranial vault, corroborates the
syndromic nature of this presentation and points to po-
tential lesions in the molecular pathways described above.
Further implicating this region’s significance in suture
homeostasis is the third case presented in this study.
Microarray analysis of this patient revealed a deletion distal
to the other patients, and therefore not involving the pu-
tative genes described above. Despite clinical findings of
severe plagiocephaly, biparietal peaking, and bitemporal
narrowing, suggestive of premature metopic closure, the
patient failed to demonstrate the formal radiographic signs
characteristic of metopic craniosynostosis: her findings are
Figure 3 Case 3. Three-dimensional reformatted CT scan imaging demonstrates head shape and lack of findings consistent with
craniosynostosis and consistent with physiologic closure of the metopic suture. A. Frontal view; B. Right lateral view; C. Posterior
view; D. Left lateral view. Note occipital flattening and biparietal peaking, physiologic closure of metopic suture and patency of
other cranial sutures.
Figure 4 Genomic overlap A. Ideogram of chromosome 19 at
850 band stage. B. Zoomed in view of deletions showing the
regions of overlap between the cases and the genes of interest.
Dotted lines represent minimum region of overlap between the
patients with craniosynostosis.
Syndromic craniosynostosis 5
Please cite this article in press as: Lyon SM, et al., Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome
19p13.12e19p13.2, Genes & Diseases (2015),
more indicative of physiologic closure of the metopic suture
with ridging.
Lastly, the deletion described in our first and second
cases also included the CACNA1A and the first and third
case included the CC2D1A gene. CACNA1A is a gene
encoding a voltage dependent calcium channel subunit
expressed in neuronal tissue and mutations in this gene are
associated with epilepsy.
CC2D1A is a gene that regu-
lates the expression of serotonin receptors in neuronal
tissue and mutations in this gene have been associated with
non-syndromic mental retardation.
Deletion of these
genes likely contributes to the patient’s phenotype of
developmental disability and seizures.
We now add to the growing body of evidence in the liter-
ature supporting the association of specific chromosomal
19p microdeletions (19p13.12e13.2) and cranial suture
dysmorphology. Specifically, two craniosynostotic patients
are described: one with sagittal craniosynostosis, micro-
gnathia, seizure disorder, hypotonia and developmental
delay, and another patient with bilateral coronal synostosis
and mild developmental delays. Our third case in this se-
ries, with a deletion distal to the first two cases and only
hypotonia, plagiocephaly and developmental delay, further
targets a putative gene locus, which affects suture ho-
meostasis. Of particular interest, the first two patients
described in this report, and that described by Lysy et al,
demonstrate initial partial involvement of some sutures,
suggesting a progressive process and therefore point to
genetic and epigenetic causal factors. The craniosynostosis
in the first case required multiple surgeries secondary to
craniocerebral mismatch, which is unusual outside the
syndromes associated with FGFR. The second case demon-
strates bilateral coronal synostosis, which is partial in na-
ture. The genes in the deleted region are associated with
seizures, developmental disability and a disruption in the
balance between osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity
essential for proper bone growth and remodeling. This
report not only helps expand the phenotypic characteriza-
tion of 19p deletions, but also reinforces the importance of
cytogenomic microarray in the setting of suspected syn-
dromic craniosynostosis.
The authors would like to thank James Cao, Administrative
Specialist in the Section of Plastic Surgery, University of
Chicago, for his assistance with obtaining test results and
figures from Case 2 and with consent form procurement.
Conflict of interest
None of the authors have any financial conflicts of interest
to disclose.
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6 S.M. Lyon et al.
Please cite this article in press as: Lyon SM, et al., Syndromic craniosynostosis associated with microdeletion of chromosome
19p13.12e19p13.2, Genes & Diseases (2015),
... So far, descriptions of patients in the literature comprise cases of haploinsufficiency of NFIX gene, due to chromosomal microdeletions in 19p13.2 region (Auvin, Holder-Espinasse, Lamblin, & Andrieux, 2009;Bonaglia et al., 2010;Dolan et al., 2010;Dong et al., 2016;Hino-Fukuyo et al., 2015;Jezela-Stanek et al., 2016;Jorge, Silva, Águeda, Dória, & Leão, 2015;Karmarkar, Amarillo, & Larsen, 2014;Klaassens et al., 2015;Kuroda et al., 2017;Lyon et al., 2015;Lysy et al., 2009;Malan et al., 2010;Natiq et al., 2014;Nimmakayalu et al., 2013;Priolo et al., 2018;Shimojima et al., 2015;Welham et al., 2015), and also point mutations in NFIX (Gurrieri et al., 2015;Jezela-Stanek et al., 2016;Klaassens et al., 2015;Lu et al., 2017;Malan et al., 2010;Martinez et al., 2015;Oshima et al., 2017;Priolo et al., 2012Priolo et al., , 2018Rai, Narayanan, & Phadke, 2018;Yoneda et al., 2012). ...
... NFIX (OMIM * 164005), a member of the nuclear factor I family of transcription factors, is essential for normal brain and skeletal development and Nfix deficiency in mice leads to brain malformations including ventriculomegaly and partial agenesis of the corpus callosum (Driller et al., 2007;Malan et al., 2010). To date, together with the present study, 35 patients were described with Malan syndrome phenotype, all of them presenting deletions involving NFIX gene, with variable breakpoints (Auvin et al., 2009;Bonaglia et al., 2010;Dolan et al., 2010;Dong et al., 2016;Hino-Fukuyo et al., 2015;Jezela-Stanek et al., 2016;Jorge et al., 2015;Karmarkar et al., 2014;Klaassens et al., 2015;Kuroda et al., 2017;Lyon et al., 2015;Lysy et al., 2009;Malan et al., 2010;Natiq et al., 2014;Nimmakayalu et al., 2013;Priolo et al., 2018;Shimojima et al., 2015;Welham et al., 2015) ( Figure 2). ...
... CACNA1A gene (OMIM *601011) encodes a voltage-dependent calcium channel subunit expressed in neuronal tissue and mutations in this gene have been associated with epilepsy (Kors et al., 2004;Zamponi, Lory, & Perez-Reyes, 2010) and chronic neurological disorders (Ducros et al., 2001;Ophoff et al., 1996;Wan et al., 2011). Of 27 individuals reported with deletion encompassing NFIX and CACNA1A genes, including our patient, 12 presented with seizures (Auvin et al., 2009;Bonaglia et al., 2010;Hino-Fukuyo et al., 2015;Kuroda et al., 2017;Lyon et al., 2015;Natiq et al., 2014;Nimmakayalu et al., 2013;Priolo et al., 2018;Shimojima et al., 2015). On the other hand, four of eight patients have been reported with seizures and 19p13.2 ...
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Background: Malan syndrome is a recently introduced overgrowth disorder described in a limited number of individuals. Haploinsufficiency and also point mutations of NFIX gene have been proposed as its leading causative mechanism, however, due to the limited number of cases and different deletion sizes, genotype/phenotype correlations are still limited. Methods: Here, we report the first Brazilian case of Malan syndrome caused by a 990 kb deletion in 19p13.2p13.12, focusing on clinical and behavioral aspects of the syndrome. Results: The patient presented with macrocephaly, facial dysmorphisms, hypotonia, developmental delay, moderate thoracolumbar scoliosis, and seizures. The intellectual and behavioral assessments showed severe cognitive, language, and adaptive functions impairments. The 19p deleted region of our patient encompasses NFIX, CACNA1A, which seems to be related to a higher frequency of seizures among individuals with microdeletions in 19p13.2, and 15 other coding genes, including CC2D1A and NACC1, both known to be involved in neurobiological process and pathways. Conclusion: Deletions involving NFIX gene should be considered in patients with overgrowth during childhood, macrocephaly, developmental delay, and seizures, as well as severe intellectual disability.
... A LoF mutation in HCN4 has been reported to be associated with Familial benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy [43]. Mutations in STRADA, SYNJ1, CACNA1A and NPRL3 have also been reported with severe epilepsyrelated disease, but the association has not been reported for heterozygous variants in isolated forms of epilepsy [44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. ...
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Background Epilepsy, a serious chronic neurological condition effecting up to 100 million people globally, has clear genetic underpinnings including common and rare variants. In Saudi Arabia, the prevalence of epilepsy is high and caused mainly by perinatal and genetic factors. No whole-exome sequencing (WES) studies have been performed to date in Saudi Arabian epilepsy cohorts. This offers a unique opportunity for the discovery of rare genetic variants impacting this disease as there is a high rate of consanguinity among large tribal pedigrees. Results We performed WES on 144 individuals diagnosed with epilepsy, to interrogate known epilepsy-related genes for known and functional novel variants. We also used an American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) guideline-based variant prioritization approach in an attempt to discover putative causative variants. We identified 32 potentially causative pathogenic variants across 30 different genes in 44/144 (30%) of these Saudi epilepsy individuals. We also identified 232 variants of unknown significance (VUS) across 101 different genes in 133/144 (92%) subjects. Strong enrichment of variants of likely pathogenicity was observed in previously described epilepsy-associated loci, and a number of putative pathogenic variants in novel loci are also observed. Conclusion Several putative pathogenic variants in known epilepsy-related loci were identified for the first time in our population, in addition to several potential new loci which may be prioritized for further investigation.
... [3] Although sporadic cases have been reported, syndromic craniosynostosis is inherited and is often associated with genetic disorders such as Apert, Baller-Gerold, Pfeiffer and Muenke syndromes. [4] Lemon-shaped head is associated with spina bifida in 31.6% of fetuses; strawberry-shape is associated with aneuploidy in 18.4% of fetuses. [5] Trisomy-13, on the other hand, is associated with facial defects and uro-genital malformations while trisomy-21 is characterised by facial dysmorphism. ...
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Background: Sonographic cephalometry is used to identify ethnic differences. Biparietal diameter (BPD) and occipito-frontal diameter (OFD) may be used to compute cephalic index (CI). Methods: A sonographer measured the BPD and OFD in 200 pregnant women of Yoruba ethnic origin. The formula BPD/OFD x 100 was used to compute the CI. Mean CI was used to determine craniotypes. Coefficient of correlation, line graph, and the Bland-Altman plot, were used to determine the relationship between CI, BPD and OFD. Results: Mean CI was 77.24 ± 3.88 mm. There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in mean CI between fetuses of Yoruba, Igbo and Indian ethnic origin. Correlation was significant between CI and BPD (r = 0.163; p = 0.02) and between CI and OFD (r =-0.02; p = 0. 000); 68.0% of fetuses had mesocephaly. The formula CI = 0.0371(BPD) + 74.656 and CI = 0.0035 (OFD) + 77.559 may be used to calculate CI on the basis of respective sonographically measured BPD and OFD. Conclusion: While the skull appeared to have grown to its full length and breadth in the first trimester of pregnancy, a typical fetus of Yoruba ethnic origin in Lagos metropolis most likely would have a long and flat skull at birth. Even as ethnic differences appear to be a major factor in the development of cranial development in the population studied, a simple regression equation can be used to compute cephalic index and to correct atypical craniotypes among fetuses without craniofacial anomalies.
... Subsequent karyotyping with improved resolution of other patients allowed to exclude band 7p15 and to subsequently narrow down the locus for craniosynostosis to subband 7p21.1 [Bianchi et al., 1981;Fryns et al., 1985;Marks et al., 1985;Motegi et al., 1985;García-Esquivel et al., 1986;Schömig-Spingler et al., 1986;Speleman et al., 1989;Zackai and Stolle, 1998]. Similarly, loci for craniosynostosis on chromosome arms 2q, 5q, 9p, 11q, 14q, 17p, 17q, and 19p have been identified [Rutten et al., 1978;Lippe et al., 1980;Fryns et al., 1986;Stratton et al., 1986;Lucas et al., 1987;Lewanda et al., 1995;Thomas et al., 1996;Lemyre et al., 1998;Shiihara et al., 2004;Lyon et al., 2015]. These findings indicate that several genes may be involved in regulating proper closure of cranial sutures during development. ...
Craniosynostosis refers to a condition during early development in which one or more of the fibrous sutures of the skull prematurely fuse by turning into bone, which produces recognizable patterns of cranial shape malformations depending on which suture(s) are affected. In addition to cases with isolated cranial dysmorphologies, craniosynostosis appears in syndromes that include skeletal features of the eyes, nose, palate, hands, and feet as well as impairment of vision, hearing, and intellectual development. Approximately 85% of the cases are nonsyndromic sporadic and emerge after de novo structural genome rearrangements or single nucleotide variation, while the remainders consist of syndromic cases following mendelian inheritance. By karyotyping, genome wide linkage, and CNV analyses as well as by whole exome and whole genome sequencing, numerous candidate genes for craniosynostosis belonging to the FGF, Wnt, BMP, Ras/ERK, ephrin, hedgehog, STAT, and retinoic acid signaling pathways have been identified. Many of the craniosynostosis-related candidate genes form a functional network based upon protein-protein or protein-DNA interactions. Depending on which node of this craniosynostosis-related network is affected by a gene mutation or a change in gene expression pattern, a distinct craniosynostosis syndrome or set of phenotypes ensues. Structural variations may alter the dosage of one or several genes or disrupt the genomic architecture of genes and their regulatory elements within topologically associated chromatin domains. These may exert dominant effects by either haploinsufficiency, dominant negative partial loss of function, gain of function, epistatic interaction, or alteration of levels and patterns of gene expression during development. Molecular mechanisms of dominant modes of action of these mutations may include loss of one or several binding sites for cognate protein partners or transcription factor binding sequences. Such losses affect interactions within functional networks governing development and consequently result in phenotypes such as craniosynostosis. Many of the novel variants identified by genome wide CNV analyses, whole exome and whole genome sequencing are incorporated in recently developed diagnostic algorithms for craniosynostosis.
... Deletions in the short arm of chromosome 19 are exceedingly rare. 1,[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] While reported cases of chromosome 19p deletions have varying sizes and breakpoints and a wide range of phenotypes, all have developmental delays. We present the clinical course of a male newborn with a large deletion in the short arm of chromosome 19. ...
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Key Clinical Message We describe the prenatal and postnatal course of an infant with a large 19p deletion. Cases such as ours will improve the knowledge of specific gene functions for every medical specialist. The goal is to allow for a more rapid diagnosis, accurate prognosis and to decrease the likelihood of complications.
Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors for epilepsy among patients with craniosynostosis. Materials and methods This is a retrospective cohort study that was completed with the Kids’ Inpatient Database (KID). All patients diagnosed with craniosynostosis between the years 2000 and 2012 were included. The primary predictor variables were obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), hydrocephalus, brain compression (BC), cerebral edema (CE), papilledema, dolichocephaly, and plagiocephaly. The outcome variable was epilepsy. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine odds ratios for the outcome (epilepsy). Results Our final sample had 4,709 patients with craniosynostosis, of whom 244 patients exhibited epilepsy (5.2%). The mean age of the patients was 1.43 years (range: 0-20). Relative to Asian patients, Black patients were 4 times more likely to have epilepsy (P < 0.05). Relative to patients in fringe counties of metro areas with a population of at least one million, patients in metro areas of 50,000-249,999 population were almost two times more likely to have epilepsy (P < 0.01). Hydrocephalus (OR, 6.6; P < 0.001), BC (OR, 2.4; P < 0.01), and OSA (OR, 3.0; P < 0.001) were independent risk factors for epilepsy among our sample of craniosynostosis patients. Conclusions Hydrocephalus, OSA, and BC increase the risk of epilepsy in craniosynostosis patients. Black patients with craniosynostosis are also at increased risk for epilepsy. With regards to location, patients in areas with a population of 50,000 – 250,000 were at increased risk for epilepsy.
Craniosynostosis, defined as the premature closure of >1 cranial suture with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 2,000–3,000 births (Cohen 2000), comprises a heterogeneous group of birth defects, including isolated forms and syndromic cases.
Craniosynostosis, defined as the premature closure of >1 cranial suture with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 2,000–3,000 births (Cohen 2000), comprises a heterogeneous group of birth defects, including isolated forms and syndromic cases.
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The extracellular signal-related kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) are key proteins mediating mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling downstream of RAS: phosphorylation of ERK1/2 leads to nuclear uptake and modulation of multiple targets. Here, we show that reduced dosage of ERF, which encodes an inhibitory ETS transcription factor directly bound by ERK1/2 (refs. 2,3,4,5,6,7), causes complex craniosynostosis (premature fusion of the cranial sutures) in humans and mice. Features of this newly recognized clinical disorder include multiple-suture synostosis, craniofacial dysmorphism, Chiari malformation and language delay. Mice with functional Erf levels reduced to ∼30% of normal exhibit postnatal multiple-suture synostosis; by contrast, embryonic calvarial development appears mildly delayed. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and high-throughput sequencing, we find that ERF binds preferentially to elements away from promoters that contain RUNX or AP-1 motifs. This work identifies ERF as a novel regulator of osteogenic stimulation by RAS-ERK signaling, potentially by competing with activating ETS factors in multifactor transcriptional complexes.
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The University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser ( offers online public access to a growing database of genomic sequence and annotations for a wide variety of organisms. The Browser is an integrated tool set for visualizing, comparing, analysing and sharing both publicly available and user-generated genomic datasets. As of September 2012, genomic sequence and a basic set of annotation ‘tracks’ are provided for 63 organisms, including 26 mammals, 13 non-mammal vertebrates, 3 invertebrate deuterostomes, 13 insects, 6 worms, yeast and sea hare. In the past year 19 new genome assemblies have been added, and we anticipate releasing another 28 in early 2013. Further, a large number of annotation tracks have been either added, updated by contributors or remapped to the latest human reference genome. Among these are an updated UCSC Genes track for human and mouse assemblies. We have also introduced several features to improve usability, including new navigation menus. This article provides an update to the UCSC Genome Browser database, which has been previously featured in the Database issue of this journal.
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The extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1 and 2) are widely-expressed and they modulate proliferation, survival, differentiation, and protein synthesis in multiple cell lineages. Altered ERK1/2 signaling is found in several genetic diseases with skeletal phenotypes, including Noonan syndrome, Neurofibromatosis type 1, and Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome, suggesting that MEK-ERK signals regulate human skeletal development. Here, we examine the consequence of Erk1 and Erk2 disruption in multiple functions of osteoclasts, specialized macrophage/monocyte lineage-derived cells that resorb bone. We demonstrate that Erk1 positively regulates osteoclast development and bone resorptive activity, as genetic disruption of Erk1 reduced osteoclast progenitor cell numbers, compromised pit formation, and diminished M-CSF-mediated adhesion and migration. Moreover, WT mice reconstituted long-term with Erk1(-/-) bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNCs) demonstrated increased bone mineral density as compared to recipients transplanted with WT and Erk2(-/-) BMMNCs, implicating marrow autonomous, Erk1-dependent osteoclast function. These data demonstrate Erk1 plays an important role in osteoclast functions while providing rationale for the development of Erk1-specific inhibitors for experimental investigation and/or therapeutic modulation of aberrant osteoclast function.
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We describe the detailed clinical and molecular characterization of three patients (aged 7, 8(4/12) and 31 years) with overlapping microdeletions in 19p13.12, extending to 19p13.13 in two cases. The patients share the following clinical features with a recently reported 10-year-old girl with a 19p13.12 microdeletion: mental retardation (MR), psychomotor and language delay, hearing impairment, brachycephaly, anteverted nares and ear malformations. All patients share a 359-kb deleted region in 19p13.12 harboring six genes (LPHN1, DDX39, CD97, PKN1, PTGER1 and GIPC1), several of which may be MR candidates because of their function and expression pattern. LPHN1 and PKN1 are the most appealing; LPHN1 for its interaction with Shank family proteins, and PKN1 because it is involved in a variety of functions in neurons, including cytoskeletal organization. Haploinsufficiency of GIPC1 may contribute to hearing impairment for its interaction with myosin VI. A behavioral phenotype was observed in all three patients; it was characterized by overactive disorder associated with MR and stereotyped movements (ICD10) in one patient and hyperactivity in the other two. As Ptger1-null mice show behavioral inhibition and impulsive aggression with defective social interaction, PTGER1 haploinsufficiency may be responsible for the behavioral traits observed in these patients.
The metopic suture is the only calvarial suture which normally closes during infancy. Upon closure, a palpable and visible ridge often forms which can be confused with metopic craniosynostosis. Metopic ridging (MR) is treated nonsurgically while metopic craniosynostosis (MCS) is treated surgically. Differentiating between the two is paramount; however, consensus is lacking about where a clear diagnostic threshold lies. The goal of this study is to describe the physical examination and CT scan characteristics which may help to differentiate between physiological closure of the metopic suture with ridging (MR) and MCS. A retrospective chart review of all patients seen at Seattle Children's Hospital between 2004 and 2009 with the diagnosis of either MCS or MR (n = 282) was performed. Physical examination characteristics described by diagnosing practitioners were analyzed. Clinical photos were assessed by 3 expert raters to determine the importance of these characteristics. CT scan findings were abstracted and compared between the two diagnoses. The "classic" triad of narrow forehead, biparietal widening, and hypotelorism was present in only 14% of patients with MCS. Ninety-eight percent of patients in both groups had a palpable metopic ridge. The photographic finding of narrow forehead and pterional constriction was present in all patients with MCS, but only in 11.2% and 2.8% of patients with MR. On CT scan, the presence of 3 or more MCS findings was diagnostic of MCS in 96% of patients. Patients with MCS were more likely to present before 6 months of age (66% vs. 32%). Patients with MCS tend to present earlier than those with MR. Upon physical examination, the relationship between the lateral frontal bone and the lateral orbit is important in distinguishing between the two diagnoses. A CT scan can be helpful in making the diagnosis not to confirm a closed suture but to identify 3 or more MCS characteristics.
Signaling of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ligands is antagonized by a number of extracellular proteins, including noggin, follistatin and members of the DAN (differential screening selected gene abberative in neuroblastoma) family. Structural studies on the DAN family member sclerostin (a weak BMP antagonist) have previously revealed that the protein is monomeric and consists of an eight-membered cystine knot motif with a fold similar to transforming growth factor-β ligands. In contrast to sclerostin, certain DAN family antagonists, including protein related to DAN and cerberus (PRDC), have an unpaired cysteine that is thought to function in covalent dimer assembly (analogous to transforming growth factor-β ligands). Through a combination of biophysical and biochemical studies, we determined that PRDC forms biologically active dimers that potently inhibit BMP ligands. Furthermore, we showed that PRDC dimers, surprisingly, are not covalently linked, as mutation of the unpaired cysteine does not inhibit dimer formation or biological activity. We further demonstrated that the noncovalent PRDC dimers are highly stable under both denaturing and reducing conditions. This study was extended to the founding family member DAN, which also forms noncovalent dimers that are highly stable. These results demonstrate that certain DAN family members can form both monomers and noncovalent dimers, implying that biological activity of DAN family members might be linked to their oligomeric state.
A craniomaxillofacial unit was established recently in Western Australia, and a study was carried out to provide some baseline characteristics of primary craniosynostosis in Western Australia and to investigate whether there has been any significant temporal change in birth prevalence. A case control study was conducted, using cases identified from a population-based register of birth defects, and a random sample of all births without a birth defect formed the control group. All subjects were born in Western Australia over the period 1980–1994 inclusive. The prevalence of craniosynostosis over the period 1980–1994 in Western Australia was 5.06 per 10,000 births. There was a significant linear increase in lambdoid synostosis over this period of 15.7% per year. Craniosynostosis was significantly more common among male infants, infants born preterm (<37 weeks gestation), breech presentation or presentations other than vertex, and infants born to fathers 40 years of age or older, even after accounting for known autosomal dominant syndromes. Other major birth defects were found in 11.2% of children with nonsyndromic craniosynostosis. Only 43 children (25.3%) with craniosynostosis were reported to have been seen by a geneticist. Thus, the prevalence of craniosynostosis in Western Australia is among the lowest reported. There is no current explanation for the increase in lambdoid synostosis. The increased risk of so-called nonsyndromic craniosynostosis with paternal age raises the possibility of undiagnosed new dominant mutations. This, along with the excess of other birth defects in children with craniosynostosis emphasises the need to ensure that these families are offered genetic counseling. Am. J. Med. Genet. 83:382–387, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Deletions of the short arm of chromosome 19 are rarely found by conventional cytogenetic techniques. This region has a high gene density and this is likely the reason why deletions in this region are associated with a severe phenotype. Since the implementation of modern high-resolution SNP- and CGH-array techniques more cases have been reported. Here, we present an almost 5-year-old boy with intellectual disability, minor dysmorphisms, febrile seizures, and a de novo deletion of 834.2 kb on 19p13.2 encompassing 32 genes. The deletion was found by the Illumina Infinium HD Human1M-Duo v1 BeadChip SNP-array and confirmed by the NimbleGen Human CGH 2.1M Whole Genome Tiling v2.0D oligonucleotide array. PCR amplification of the junction fragment and subsequent sequencing defined the breakpoints and indicated that formation was mediated by non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). The phenotype of our patient shows that microrearrangements even at gene-dense chromosomes may result in mild clinical consequences.
Perspectives on craniosynostosis are discussed under the following headings: sutural biology (anatomic and genetic categories of synostosis; sutures, suture systems, and types of craniosynostosis; well-known syndromes (Muenke syndrome and Pfeiffer syndrome); and unusual syndromes (thanatophoric dysplasia, Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome, Crouzonodermoskeletal syndrome, Carpenter syndrome, Elejalde syndrome, hypomandibular faciocranial syndrome, and craniorhiny). Five of these syndromes are caused by fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) mutations; one is caused by ras-like in rat brain 23 (RAB23) mutations; and three have Mendelian patterns of inheritance, but the molecular basis remains unknown to date.