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Molecular identification of sheep at Blydefontein Rock Shelter, South Africa


Abstract and Figures

The Blydefontein Rock Shelter is a Later Stone Age archaeological site in the eastern Karoo of South Africa. No remains of domesticated animals have been reported although a dung layer, interpreted as deriving from sheep, dates to approximately one thousand years ago. The published morphological analyses of the site’s fauna include many wild taxa, but also report that the majority of the bones in the assemblage were too fragmentary to identify. A recent re-examination of the assemblage identified ten specimens as examples of sheep or goats. In this paper we report on ancient DNA research on the eight specimens we were sent to study, six of which have preserved DNA. Of these, five are examples of wild animals, all of which had been previously identified as present at the site. One specimen was confirmed as a sheep, and it likely comes from a layer that dates to a period well after the initial introduction of domesticates. Direct dating of the specimen is not possible as the entire sample was consumed by the genetic testing. This study highlights the importance of ancient DNA as confirmation of taxon identification when the results of morphological identification challenge the broader culture history.
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Southern African Humanities 27: 65–80 November 2015 KwaZulu-Natal Museum
Molecular identication of sheep at Blydefontein Rock Shelter,
South Africa
1K. Ann Horsburgh and 2J. Víctor Moreno-Mayar
1Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX 75275; School of
Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, P.O. Wits,
2050 South Africa;
2Centre for GeoGenetics, Natural History Museum of Denmark, 1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark;
The Blydefontein Rock Shelter is a Later Stone Age archaeological site in the eastern Karoo of South Africa.
No remains of domesticated animals have been reported although a dung layer, interpreted as deriving
from sheep, dates to approximately one thousand years ago. The published morphological analyses of
the site’s fauna include many wild taxa, but also report that the majority of the bones in the assemblage
were too fragmentary to identify. A recent re-examination of the assemblage identied ten specimens as
examples of sheep or goats. In this paper we report on ancient DNA research on the eight specimens
we were sent to study, six of which have preserved DNA. Of these, ve are examples of wild animals, all
of which had been previously identied as present at the site. One specimen was conrmed as a sheep,
and it likely comes from a layer that dates to a period well after the initial introduction of domesticates.
Direct dating of the specimen is not possible as the entire sample was consumed by the genetic testing.
This study highlights the importance of ancient DNA as conrmation of taxon identication when the
results of morphological identication challenge the broader culture history.
KEY WORDS: Faunal analysis, ancient DNA, Blydefontein, Ovis aries, Capra hircus.
Blydefontein Rock Shelter, in South Africa’s eastern Karoo, has been excavated twice,
once in 1967 and once in 1985 (see Figure 1 for a map showing the site’s location,
and Figure 2 for a stratigraphic section of the site). The faunal remains from those
excavations were analyzed by Richard G. Klein and Kathryn Cruz-Uribe. The results
were published, and at that time no domesticated fauna were reported (Sampson 1970;
Klein 1979; Bousman 1998, 2005). Further, it was reported that the majority of the
bones in the assemblage were too fragmentary to identify (Klein 1979: 36). In 2008
Ina Plug and Karin Scott undertook a re-analysis of the faunal remains recovered from
the 1985 excavations and ten specimens were identied as domestic caprine (sheep or
goat). One specimen in particular (BFT138) proved interesting as a consequence of
a direct AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) date that seemed to provide evidence
of domestic stock in southern Africa considerably earlier than the generally accepted
date of approximately 2000 years ago (Sealy & Yates 1994; Pleurdeau et al. 2012).
Analyses of DNA from both modern (Horsburgh et al. 2013) and archaeological
domestic fauna (Horsburgh & Rhines 2010; Orton et al. 2013) have proven valuable
in reconstructing relationships among populations, and in verifying morphological
identications of skeletal elements (Loreille et al. 1997; Moss et al. 2006). There was
some doubt about whether the caprine associated with the old radiocarbon date was
from a sheep or a goat, so we were approached to attempt to recover ancient DNA
(aDNA) from eight domestic caprine specimens (Bousman pers. comm. 2013).
ISSN 2305-2791 (online); 1681-5564 (print)
Fig. 1. Southern Africa, showing the location of Blydefontein Rock Shelter and Die Kelders 1. Redrawn
after Bousman (2005).
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic section of Blydefontein Rock Shelter showing the location of the genetically identied
sheep specimen and relevant radiocarbon determinations. Redrawn after Bousman (2005).
All DNA extraction and Illumina library preparation before PCR amplication was
undertaken in the University of Otago’s purpose-built aDNA facility (Knapp et al.
2012). DNA was extracted from between 160 mg and 1.11 g of tooth or bone material
using a standard silica and guanidinium thiocyanate protocol (Rohland & Hofreiter
2007a, b). Two negative controls were processed alongside the eight specimens.
Barcoded Illumina sequencing libraries were constructed directly from both the
aDNA extracts and the associated negative controls using custom Illumina shotgun
adapters as described by Meyer and Kircher (2010). The amplication plateau was
estimated by quantitative PCR using SYBR Green dye (Applied Biosystems) on the
Stratagene MxPro 3000P platform, and amplied libraries were visualized with SYBR
Safe DNA Gel Stain (Invitrogen) on 2 % agarose gels. Libraries were immortalized by
PCR amplication to plateau using ABI’s AmpliTaq Gold with the following reagent
concentrations: 1× AmpliTaq PCR Buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 1 mM dNTPs, 0.2 μM of
each extension primer and 3.75 units of AmpliTaq Gold. Immortalized libraries were
puried using MinElute columns (QIAGEN) following the manufacturer’s protocol
with the addition of a second PE wash and a ve-minute incubation with 0.1× TE
buffer instead of the provided elution buffer.
Libraries were enriched for the mitochondrial genome by in-solution hybridization
following Maricic et al. (2010), but employing a few modications. Each sequencing
library was enriched independently, and pooled in equimolar ratios only after a further
10 cycles of PCR amplication and quantication by qPCR as above. Additionally,
the libraries were eluted from the MyOne Streptavidin C1 Dynabeads (Invitrogen) by
heating for three minutes to 95°C instead of treatment with sodium hydroxide. The
DNA used in the manufacture of sheep mitochondrial DNA capture bait was extracted
from a lamb chop bought in a supermarket in Dunedin, New Zealand. Pooled libraries
were sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform with 2 × 75 base paired-end reads.
First, we trimmed adapter-derived sequences, leading Ns and low-quality runs from
the raw sequencing reads using AdapterRemoval 1.5.4 (Lindgreen 2012). We mapped
the ltered reads to a set of reference mitochondrial genomes using the BWA-ALN
algorithm version 0.7.5a-r405 (Li & Durbin 2009). Seeding (-l parameter) was disabled
in order to prevent 5' terminal substitutions characteristic to aDNA to bias the mapping
(Schubert et al. 2012). PCR duplicates were then identied and removed from resulting
bam les using the MarkDuplicates command from the Picard tools suite (http:// We then performed indel-based local realignment
on the reads using GATK (DePristo et al. 2011). Finally, the MD tag was recomputed
for each read using the SAMtools 0.1.18 (Li et al. 2009) calmd command. Mapping
statistics are reported in Table 1. The sequences are available in the supplementary
online materials (
We took three complementary approaches for identifying the species to which the
biological remains belong.
Mapping statistics. For each specimen the rst three rows of statistics refer to mapping to Ovis aries: GI:3445513, Capra hircus: GI:612342193 and Bos taurus:
GI:662034268, and the last row refers to mapping to the assigned species.
Specimen Total reads
# Mapped
# Mapped
(w/o PCR
(2 d.p.)
Mean read
(2 d.p.)
Depth of
BFT03 1146144 1139066 22629
BFT07 260737 257604 7917
BFT09 370584 366533 365
BFT133 1067987 1054310 8268
TABLE 1(continued)
Mapping statistics. For each specimen the rst three rows of statistics refer to mapping to Ovis aries: GI:3445513, Capra hircus: GI:612342193 and Bos taurus:
GI:662034268, and the last row refers to mapping to the assigned species.
Specimen Total reads
# Mapped
# Mapped
(w/o PCR
(2 d.p.)
Mean read
(2 d.p.)
Depth of
BFT134 660184 855415 899
BFT135 344958 341132 829
BFT137 660184 656024 2348
BFT138 508668 504008 728
Mapping-based approach
We mapped the sequencing reads to three different reference mitochondrial genomes
(Ovis aries: GI:3445513, Capra hircus: GI:612342193 and Bos taurus: GI:662034268)
independently. We called majority-rule-based haploid consensus sequences using
ANGSD (Korneliussen et al. 2014) after ltering reads with mapping quality lower than
30 and nucleotides with base quality lower than 20. We then performed a BLASTN
(Altschul et al. 1997) search against the nucleotide database, using each consensus
sequence as a query. For each of the three consensus sequences from each sample, we
retrieved the best hit based on the e-value and coverage (Table 2).
De novo assembly-based approach
Mapping-based consensus calling (and further species identication) is susceptible to
being biased by the reference genome to which reads are mapped. Therefore, we also
conrmed the results from the approach above through a de novo assembly procedure.
Since only a small fraction of the ltered reads appeared as endogenous mtDNA
fragments (Table 1), we restricted this analysis to the reads that could be mapped to
any of the mitochondrial references. For each sample, we assembled the corresponding
reads using Velvet 1.2.03 (Zerbino & Birney 2008) with a k-mer length of 21 bases,
and allowing for automatic coverage ltering. We used the resulting contigs as a query
for a BLAST search against the nt database and retrieved the best hit for each contig.
In Table 2 we report the species that was recovered by the majority of the contigs as
a best hit, for each sample.
Species identication
We assigned each sample to a candidate species based on the BLAST results from
both approaches, which were highly concordant. For the mapping-based approach,
we considered the results from the reference that yielded the most mapped reads, and
for the assembly-based approach we considered the two most frequent BLAST hits.
For the cases in which both approaches coincided in the genus assignment but not the
species, the result from the assembly approach was kept.
We then mapped all the reads to a reference mitochondrial genome from the
candidate species and generated consensus sequences, as described above. We then
performed a BLAST search using such consensus sequences and assigned each sample
to the best BLAST hit (Table 2). Note that samples for which we could not map 100 or
more reads to at least two of the three reference genomes were not included at this stage.
Cytochrome b (cyt b) is a mitochondrial gene involved in energy production in the cell.
The DNA sequences of cyt b are relatively stable within species and variable between
species so it has been one of the genes of choice for species identication in archaeology
(Loreille et al. 1997), forensics (Parson et al. 2000; Lee et al. 2009) and conservation
(Hsieh et al. 2001). Its reliability and efcacy for the purposes of species identication
has been demonstrated across many taxa (Kocher et al. 1989; Irwin et al. 1991).
We aligned the cyt b sequences from each of the archaeological specimens with cyt
b from sheep and goat, and all the members of the genus identied by the previous
two approaches using Geneious 6.1.8 (Kearse et al. 2012). We list here the comparative
Species diagnoses based on mapping available sequences to reference genomes and de novo assembly. Note that while BFT07 most closely resembles an Ovis
orientalis genome deposited in GenBank (accession number KF938360.1), we have assigned BFT07 to Ovis aries, the domestic sheep, because Ovis orientalis (also
known as Ovis gmelinii (IUCN/SSC Caprine Specialist Group 2000)) is the likely ancestor of modern domestic sheep (Demirci et al. 2013) and is therefore
expected to be closely related to domestic sheep.
based species
De novo assembly-
based species
Cytochrome b
BFT031Ovis aries Left M1 Antidorcas
marsupialis Antidorcas marsupialis Antidorcas
BFT071Ovis/Capra Complete 1st
incisor Ovis orientalis Ovis orientalis Ovis aries Ovis aries
BFT091Ovis/Capra Proximal 2nd
phalanx Excluded from analyses due to low DNA quality and quantity
BFT133 Ovis aries Calcanium Antidorcas
BFT134 Ovis aries 3rd phalanx Pelea capreolus Pelea capreolus Pelea capreolus Pelea capreolus
BFT135 Ovis/Capra Excluded from analyses due to low DNA quality and quantity
BFT137 Ovis/Capra Proximal 1st
phalanx Redunca fulvorufula Redunca fulvorufula Redunca fulvorufula Redunca fulvorufula
BFT138 Ovis/Capra Complete 3rd
strepsiceros Tragelaphus oryx Tragelaphus oryx Tragelaphus oryx
species we used in each case, with the appropriate GenBank accession numbers. BFT137
was aligned with mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula, NC_020742.1), southern
reedbuck (Redunca arundinium, NC_020794.1) and Bohar reedbuck (Redunca redunca,
AF096626.1). BFT138 was aligned with eland (Tragelaphus oryx, NC_020750.1), nyala
(Tragelaphus angasii, NC_020748.1), mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni, AY667216.1),
bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus, NC_020749.1), lesser kudu (Tragelaphus imberbis,
NC_020619.1), bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus, JN632706.1), sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekii,
NC_020620.1), and greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros, NC_020752.1). This sequence
alignment allowed us to resolve the conict between the species determinations derived
from the mapping (kudu) and de novo assembly (eland) approaches and assign BFT138
to eland.
BFT03 and BFT133 were aligned with springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis, JN632596).
Because the springbok is the only living member of its genus, we also aligned these
sequences with those of the springbok’s closest living relative (Bibi 2013), the gerenuk
(Litocranius walleri, NC_020716.1). BFT134 was aligned with the vaalribbok (Pelea
capreolus, JN632684), which likewise is alone in its genus. We therefore aligned it with
all the Redunca species listed above as well as all the members of the genus Kobus,
specically waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus, AF096625.1), kob (Kobus kob, AF052939.1),
lechwe (Kobus leche, NC_018603.1), Nile lechwe (Kobus megaceros, AF096620.1) and puku
(Kobus vardonii, AF096619.1). In the interests of space we have not reproduced these
sequence alignments, but they are available on request.
Morphological analyses of archaeological fauna are integral to reconstructions of
the ancient environments and the behaviour of the people living in them. They are,
however, inherently subjective (Driver 1992; Wolverton 2013), and frequently much
of the bone recovered from archaeological sites is unidentiable to skeletal element
or zoological taxon (Klein & Cruz-Uribe 1984). One of us has argued elsewhere that
genetic data need to be interpreted carefully and integrated with other available lines of
evidence, and that we should furthermore guard against the temptations to go beyond
our data (Horsburgh 2015). We will, nonetheless, show here that the employment of
genetic data to identify the species of fragmentary bones is considerably less fraught
with potential misinterpretation.
The species at issue here are sheep (Ovis aries), goat (Capra hircus), springbok
(Antidorcas marsupialis), eland (Tragelaphus oryx), mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula)
and a vaalribbok (Pelea capreolus). In the interests of space we have not reproduced the
complete ~16 500 base pairs of the mitochondrial genomes of each of the relevant
species, although they are all available in the National Center for Biotechnology
Information database, GenBank, maintained by the US National Institutes of Health
( Figure S1 of the supplementary materials shows a
phylogenetic tree constructed using a neighbour-joining method with a Jukes-Cantor
model of molecular evolution executed in Geneious (Kearse et al. 2012). Genbank
accession numbers of the specimens used are listed in the gure legend. The phylogeny
visually represents the extent of evolutionary divergence among each of these species
as reected in the amount of DNA sequence divergence between them. Figure 3A
shows DNA sequences from a small portion of cyt b from each of the relevant species
(base position numbers 14 159 to 14 392). Cyt b was chosen for this illustration because
it has been widely used for the purposes of species identication elsewhere (Parson
et al. 2000; Hsieh et al. 2001). Each of the DNA sequences presented in Figure 3A is
identied by the species name, and each of the associated GenBank accession numbers
is listed in the gure legend. In the presented example, the DNA sequences are aligned
with the sheep mitochondrial reference genome. In the diagram the dots (.) represent
positions in which a given sequence is identical to the sequence to which it has been
aligned, in this case sheep. Where nucleotide bases are represented by letters in the
sequence (A, C, T or G), the specied sequence differs from the sheep sequence to
which it has been aligned. In this way the DNA variability between species can be
observed. The degree of sequence difference is a reection of the length of time to
the most recent common ancestor, with mutations accumulating in the genome in a
more or less clock-like fashion (Zuckerkandl & Pauling 1965).
Figure 3A shows the efcacy of using mitochondrial DNA sequences to identify
species and to distinguish domesticated sheep and goats from wild bovid forms.
Hence, we can have condence in the validity of the genetic identication of the
morphologically identied archaeological specimens.
Specimen BFT07 was morphologically assigned to sheep/goat. In this, the molecular
results are consistent with the morphological diagnosis, and further, we are able to use
the DNA sequence to distinguish between sheep and goat, showing that the specimen
is from a sheep. Figure 3B shows the sheep and goat reference genomes aligned with
BFT07. It can be seen that over the displayed bases, the goat reference sequence differs
from the sheep reference sequence at 26 positions. In contrast, BFT07 does not differ
at all from the sheep reference genome. When the entire mitochondrial genome of
BFT07 is examined, it does differ from the sheep reference genome, as is to be expected;
every species shows some degree of intraspecic genetic variation (Hsieh et al. 2001).
By aligning 518bp of the mitochondrial d-loop of BFT07 with the d-loop sequences
deriving from haplogroups A, B and C sequences reported by Guo et al. (2005), we
were able to determine that BFT07 is a member of haplogroup B.
Figure 3C shows the two specimens we have identied as springbok (BFT03 and
BFT133). To make the visual comparison straightforward we have aligned BFT03,
BFT133, the sheep reference genome and the goat reference genome to the springbok
genome. The dots in this case, then, indicate where the sequences are identical to the
springbok mitochondrial genome. It can be seen that the two archaeological specimens
are very much more similar to the springbok genome than they are to either the sheep
or goat genomes. Figures 3D and 3E show the same types of alignment for specimens
BFT134, genetically identied as vaalribbok (Pelea capreolus), and BFT137, identied as
mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula).
The most critical specimen in these analyses is BFT138 because it is associated
with a direct AMS date which, if it were a domestic specimen, would demonstrate a
surprisingly early arrival of domesticated fauna in southern Africa. Figure 1F shows
the recovered mitochondrial DNA sequence from BFT138 aligned with the eland
(Tragelaphus oryx) mitochondrial genome above the homologous sequences from both
sheep and goat. BFT138 is clearly an eland, not a sheep or a goat. Specimens BFT09
and BFT135 were poorly preserved and did not yield DNA of sufcient quality or
quantity to allow determination of species.
Fig. 3A. Sequence alignment of 234bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b. In this gure, and subsequence gures, dots (.) represent nucleotide positions
where the sequence for the given specimen is identical to the sequence at the top of the alignment. For example, in the rst displayed position
(nt 14,159), the sheep mitochondrial genome has an adenine residue (A). The other ve shown species likewise have an A. All six species have the same
nucleotides for the rst four of the displayed positions (ATGA). At the fth position, however, the sheep mitochondrial genome has a thymine (T),
as does the springbok, but the other four species all have cytosines (C). It can be seen here that there are enough differences in the DNA sequences
to condently distinguish them from each other. The Genbank accession numbers for each of the DNA sequences displayed here are as follows:
sheep (NC_001941), goat (NC_005044), mountain reedbuck (JN632695), springbok (JN632596), vaalribbok (JN632684) and eland (NC_020750.1).
Fig. 3B. Sequence alignment of 234bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b of sheep, goat and specimen BFT07. Over this stretch of the gene, the specimen
BFT07 does not differ at all from the sheep reference genome, but differs at 26 positions from the goat reference genome.
Fig. 3C. Sequence alignment of 234bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b of sheep, goat and specimens BFT03 and BFT133 aligned to the springbok
mitochondrial genome. The two archaeological specimens do not differ from the springbok reference genome at all, but differ from the sheep and
goat genomes by 33bp and 40bp respectively.
Fig. 3D. Sequence alignment of 234bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b of sheep, goat and specimen BFT134 aligned to the vaalribbok mitochondrial
genome. The archaeological specimen differs at only one position from the vaalribbok sequence, but differs from the sheep and goat sequences by
20bp and 18bp respectively.
Fig. 3E. Sequence alignment of 234bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b of sheep, goat and specimen BFT137 aligned to the mountain reedbuck
mitochondrial genome. The archaeological specimen differs at only two positions from the mountain reedbuck sequence, but differs from the sheep
and goat sequences by 24bp and 36bp respectively. Note that the string of 7 Ns in the BFT137 sequence indicates positions in the mitochondrial
genome of the archaeological specimen that we were unable to recover.
Fig. 3F. Sequence alignment of 234bp of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b of sheep, goat and specimen BFT138 aligned to the eland mitochondrial
genome. The archaeological specimen differs at one position from the eland sequence, but differs from the sheep and goat sequences by 30bp and
23bp respectively.
Based on the nal sequence alignments to the assigned species, we investigated whether
our sequences bore misincorporation patterns characteristic of aDNA, using bamdamage
(Malaspinas et al. 2014). We observed an excess of C to T substitutions towards the 5'
ends of the reads, which supports the authenticity of the extracted aDNA (Briggs et al.
2007; Krause et al. 2010; Skoglund et al. 2014). Note that in some cases, the expected
complementary G to A substitutions towards the 3' ends are increased to a lesser
extent. This is probably the consequence of reads being shorter than the actual DNA
fragments that were built into sequencing libraries. The heavy tail present in read length
distributions further supports this scenario (see Fig. S2 in the supplementary materials
for plots of the base substitutions). We also observed an overall increased substitution
rate, which could be attributed to the specicity limitations of our species assignment,
which is ultimately limited by the species representation in the nucleotide database.
We also produced sequencing data from two negative extraction controls, which we
analyzed with the above mapping pipeline. As expected, these experiments yielded
one and zero mapped reads (to any of the three reference mitochondrial genomes),
respectively. This result, together with the observed misincorporation patterns towards
the reads’ termini, supports the authenticity of the genetic data produced in this study.
The specimen we were able to securely identify as sheep (BFT07) was excavated from
Unit B8, Level 1. Before the specimens were made available for aDNA analysis, they
had been subjected to AMS dating and stable isotope analysis. The remaining portion of
specimen BFT07 was only 0.36 g of material, so it was therefore completely consumed
by the DNA extraction protocols. There are no radiocarbon dates published from Level
1 of Blydefontein. There are, however, published dates from deeper in the sequence
(Bousman 2005). We have taken those published, corrected, dates, and calibrated them
using the SHCal13 calibration curve (Hogg et al. 2013). Level 2, dating to cal. AD
1020–1395 (SMU-1902) provides a lower boundary for the age of Level 1, as well as
a date of cal. AD 640–1025 (SMU-1925) from a dung deposit (CPB) within Level 2,
while a date of cal. AD 678–861 (SMU-1850) from just below the dung feature shows
that the upper layers are well within the last 2000 years. The dung deposit has been
previously interpreted as evidence for the presence of domestic stock (Bousman 1998,
2005), a nding consistent with our identication of a sheep bone in Level 1.
A morphological re-analysis of the 1985 Blydefontein fauna identied ten specimens
as either sheep or domestic caprine. This result differs from the original morphological
analyses, which identied no domestic species. We had access to eight of the specimens
identied as domestic fauna, and of those, six of the specimens’ DNA preservation
was sufcient to allow us to diagnose species condently. Crucially, only one of those
six specimens (BFT07) is a sheep. The remainder are wild species, all of which were
identied by Klein and Cruz-Uribe in the original analysis (Bousman 1998).
All of Africa’s domestic sheep originate outside the continent (Epstein 1971; Clutton-
Brock 1993), most likely from several semi-independent populations in southwestern
Asia (Meadows et al. 2011) where a dramatic decrease in the body size of caprines has
been observed across the Aceramic Neolithic (Meadow 1984, 1993). There are few
comparative data available for the mitochondrial genome of African sheep. A small
fragment of the mitochondrial control region of twenty sheep specimens from the
Later Stone Age deposits at Die Kelders 1 in South Africa’s Western Cape Province
has nevertheless been reported (Horsburgh & Rhines 2010). Like those from Die
Kelders 1, the Blydefontein sheep is a member of haplogroup B, a clade with a now
almost worldwide distribution (Hiendleder, Lewalski et al. 1998; Hiendleder, Mainz et
al. 1998; Hiendleder et al. 2002; Demirci et al. 2013).
It is now evident from the mtDNA that the remaining ve specimens represent
wild species known to inhabit the region, including the specimen that yielded a
surprisingly old direct AMS date, and previously argued to be a domestic species. The
wild forms include an eland (Tragelaphus oryx), two springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), a
mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula) and a vaalribbok (Pelea capreolus). The original
zooarchaeological analyses of the fauna recovered from the 1967 and the 1985
excavations at Blydefontein (Sampson 1970; Klein 1979; Bousman 1998, 2005) did not
identify domesticates. Based on Klein’s (1979) comment that the majority of the bones
in the assemblage were too fragmentary to identify, we suggest it likely that the original
analysts regarded the eight specimens under consideration here to be nonidentiable
on morphological grounds.
We do not suggest that aDNA analyses should be considered a replacement for
traditional morphological analyses of archaeological fauna. Morphological analyses
can be undertaken on much larger sample sizes than are practical for genetic analyses,
which are tremendously costly in terms of both time and money. Furthermore,
morphological studies provide information simply inaccessible to genetic analyses. In
this instance, and others like it, aDNA analyses can provide a critical test of hypotheses
of archaeological signicance.
Horsburgh gratefully acknowledges salary support from a University of Otago Research Grant that also
funded the laboratory costs. Moreno-Mayar was supported by the Lundbeck Foundation, the Danish
National Research Foundation, and the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (National Council of
Science and Technology) in Mexico. We thank Britt Bousman for providing the specimens for analysis; Lisa
Matisoo-Smith for the use of her laboratory; Zev Kronenberg for preliminary data processing; Richard
G. Klein, David J. Meltzer and Jayson Orton for productive discussions and suggestions; and Mark D.
McCoy for assistance in calibrating radiocarbon determinations and production of gures.
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... temporally isolated, phenomenon 30 . The story remains contentious however, with recently published archaeogenetic studies arguing that the presence of domestic species in hunter-gatherer contexts in southern Africa has been overestimated [31][32][33] . At both Blydefontein in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province and at Sehonghong in Lesotho, analysis of the ancient DNA (aDNA) of faunal remains morphologically identified as domestic species has instead identified the genetic signatures of wild species, leading to the conclusion that previous morphological analyses are incorrect [31][32][33] . ...
... The story remains contentious however, with recently published archaeogenetic studies arguing that the presence of domestic species in hunter-gatherer contexts in southern Africa has been overestimated [31][32][33] . At both Blydefontein in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province and at Sehonghong in Lesotho, analysis of the ancient DNA (aDNA) of faunal remains morphologically identified as domestic species has instead identified the genetic signatures of wild species, leading to the conclusion that previous morphological analyses are incorrect [31][32][33] . Although these claims have been refuted by the zooarchaeologist involved in the original analysis 34 , debate over the relative merits of morphological analysis versus molecular analysis continues [35][36][37][38] . ...
... The ongoing debate surrounding the relative merits of osteoarchaeological versus molecular analyses for correctly identifying the presence of domestic livestock in faunal assemblages from archaeological sites [31][32][33][34][35][36][37] attests to the importance of investigating such wide-reaching questions with multiple lines of enquiry. Considering the high level of lipid residue preservation at these southern African sites, this type of analysis has an important part to play in the ongoing debate surrounding the introduction of livestock keeping into the region. ...
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The recovery of Early Iron Age artefacts and domestic animal remains from hunter-gatherer contexts at Likoaeng, Lesotho, has been argued to indicate contact between highland hunter-gatherers and Early Iron Age agropastoralist communities settled in lowland areas of southeastern Africa during the second half of the first millennium AD. However, disagreement between archaeozoological studies and ancient DNA means that the possibility that those hunter-gatherers kept livestock themselves remains controversial. Here we report analyses of pottery-absorbed organic residues from two hunter-gatherer sites and one agriculturalist site in highland Lesotho to reconstruct prehistoric subsistence practices. Our results demonstrate the exploitation of secondary products from domestic livestock by hunter-gatherers in Lesotho, directly dated to the seventh century AD at Likoaeng and the tenth century AD at the nearby site of Sehonghong. The data provide compelling evidence for the keeping of livestock by hunter-gatherer groups and their probable incorporation as ancillary resources into their subsistence strategies. Free full text, view only access available at:
... Members of haplogroups D and E are relatively rare and have so far been found only in southwestern Asia [69]. Within Africa, haplogroup B is the most common lineage reported in Algeria [70], Egypt [71,72], Ethiopia [73,74], Kenya [75], Morocco [76], and South Africa [32,77]. All southern African sheep so far reported are members of haplogroup B, but short fragment recovery has prevented their assignment to subhaplogroups. ...
... No A lineage sheep have been found among sequenced archaeological sheep from southern Africa, but given the small sample sizes studied so far, the pattern is more likely a consequence of small sample sizes than a genuine absence of A lineage sheep in prehistoric southern Africa. To date, sequenced archaeological sheep include only 20 individuals from Die Kelders 1 in the western Cape [77] and 1 from Blydefontein in the Karoo [32,41]. With such small samples, it is very likely that we have not yet captured an accurate picture of precontact diversity. ...
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We investigated the genetic diversity and historic relationships among southern African sheep as well as the relationships between them and sheep outside the continent by sourcing both archaeological and modern sheep samples. Archaeological sheep samples derived from the site Die Kelders 1, near Cape Town, date to approximately 1500 years ago. The modern samples were taken as ear snips from Damara, Namaqua Afrikaner, and Ronderib Afrikaner sheep on a farm in Prieska in the Northern Cape. Illumina sequencing libraries were constructed for both ancient and modern specimens. Ancient specimens were enriched for the mitochondrial genome using an in-solution hybridization protocol and modern specimens were subjected to shotgun sequencing. Sequences were mapped to the Ovis aries reference genome, assigned to haplogroups and subhaplogroups, and used to calculate a phylogenetic tree using previously published, geographically dispersed mitochondrial genome sheep sequences. Genetic diversity statistics show that southern African sheep have lower diversity than sheep in other regions. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that many modern southern African sheep are likely descended from prehistoric indigenous sheep populations and not from sheep imported from Europe during the historic period.
... There remains a question as to whether the species identifications of these specimens are secure. All those mentioned above have been identified only by their morphology, and confusion with several similar-sized species of wild bovids is possible, as highlighted by the mismatch between morphological and ancient DNA (aDNA) identifications of putative early domesticates at the site of Blydefontein in central South Africa [15][16][17][18][19] , at Sehonghong in Lesotho [20][21][22] and elsewhere 23 . Several teeth from Leopard's Cave in Namibia, dated to just over 2000 BP and originally thought to be from domesticated caprines (sheep and/or goat), have since been shown by Le Meillour et al. (2020) to derive from wild springbok 24 . ...
... 2000 BP. Recent biomolecular studies at other archaeological sites in this part of the world have shown that some putative early domesticates are actually wild species 24 ; see also [16][17][18] . The winter rainfall climate of south-western Africa precluded the spread of African grain crops (principally sorghum and millets) into the region, so that agriculture was practised only after European colonisation in the seventeenth century CE. ...
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We used palaeoproteomics and peptide mass fingerprinting to obtain secure species identifications of key specimens of early domesticated fauna from South Africa, dating to ca. 2000 BP. It can be difficult to distinguish fragmentary remains of early domesticates (sheep) from similar-sized local wild bovids (grey duiker, grey rhebok, springbok—southern Africa lacks wild sheep) based on morphology alone. Our analysis revealed a Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) marker ( m/z 1532) present in wild bovids and we demonstrate through LC–MS/MS that it is capable of discriminating between wild bovids and caprine domesticates. We confirm that the Spoegrivier specimen dated to 2105 ± 65 BP is indeed a sheep. This is the earliest directly dated evidence of domesticated animals in southern Africa. As well as the traditional method of analysing bone fragments, we show the utility of minimally destructive sampling methods such as PVC eraser and polishing films for successful ZooMS identification. We also show that collagen extracted more than 25 years ago for the purpose of radiocarbon dating can yield successful ZooMS identification. Our study demonstrates the importance of developing appropriate regional frameworks of comparison for future research using ZooMS as a method of biomolecular species identification.
... Data more directly applicable to the reconstruction of prehistory are currently sequences of partial or complete mitochondrial genomes. The first study of mitochondrial variation in southern African sheep was conducted by Bruford and specimen has been sequenced from Blydefontein Rock Shelter in the eastern Karoo (Horsburgh and Moreno-Mayar 2015). Like those from Die Kelders 1, it too is a member of haplogroup B. The Blydefontein sheep was excavated from an undated layer, but the underlying layer has been dated to cal. ...
... Six of the eight specimens yielded ancient DNA, and only one was found to be from domestic stock-the specimen just described. The other specimens derived from springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), gray rhebok (Pelea capreolus), mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula), and eland (Tragelaphus oryx) (Horsburgh and Moreno-Mayar 2015;Horsburgh, Moreno-Mayar, and Klein 2017). As described, the sheep specimen was excavated from an undated layer that lies directly above a layer dated to cal. ...
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Genetic analyses of southern African livestock have been limited and primarily focused on agricultural production rather than the reconstruction of prehistory. Attempts to sequence DNA preserved in archaeological remains of domestic stock have been hampered by the discovery of high error rates in the morphological identification of fauna. As such, much DNA sequencing effort that was directed at sequencing southern Africa's domestic livestock has been expended sequencing wild forms. The few genetic data that are available from both modern and archaeological domestic stock show relatively low genetic diversity in maternally inherited mitochondrial lineages in both sheep and cattle. Analyses of modern stock show, in contrast, that the bi-parentally inherited nuclear genome is relatively diverse. This pattern is perhaps indicative of historic cross-breeding with stock introduced from outside Africa. Critically important to moving forward in our understanding of the prehistory of domesticates in southern Africa is attention to the high error rates in faunal analyses that have been documented both genetically and through ZooMS.
... Unfortunately, mounting evidence from ancient DNA [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] and mass spectrometry analyses [20] is revealing widespread misidentification of faunal remains. The first evidence was of wild fauna being assigned to domesticated taxa but more recent work has shown that the errors are bidirectional, with domestic fauna also being misidentified as wild taxa. ...
... Extractions of ancient DNA and preparation of Illumina sequencing libraries was undertaken in the ancient DNA laboratories of the SMU Molecular Anthropology Laboratories and of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah using methods described previously [13]. In brief, DNA was extracted from bone or tooth fragments weighing between 520 mg and 1.86 g using a silica and guanidinium thiocyanate protocol [37,38]. ...
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Simple Summary: Anthropologists reconstructing the spread of domesticated animals into new regions can often rely on the archaeological remains of those animals being readily distinguishable from the remains of wild species. In southern Africa there are several wild species with bones as resemble those of cattle. Non-morphological techniques must therefore be employed to identify cattle bones in southern African archaeological sites. We have used ancient DNA analyses to identify the species of bones from four southern African archaeological that we had hoped might be those of cattle. They were not. All the analyzed specimens came from wild species. Unfortunately this means that we must await further research to identify the earliest spread of domesticated animals to southern Africa. Abstract: Establishing robust temporal control of the arrival of domesticated stock and the associated husbandry skills and lifeways in Southern Africa remains frustrated by the osteological similarities between domestic stock and wild endemic fauna. We report the results of a systematic ancient DNA survey of appropriately sized bovid remains from Later Stone Age deposits in four South African archaeological sites. We show that none of the tested remains originated in domesticated cattle. The precise date of arrival of domestic cattle in the region awaits further study, although we also report new radiocarbon determinations which further refine the local chronology.
... The earliest sheep, identified by palaeoproteomics and directly dated, are from the site of Spoegrivier in the northern Cape of South Africa [35]. The earliest sheep remains identified by ancient DNA are from the sites of Blydefontein, in the northern Cape [80] and Die Kelders 1 on the southern Cape coast. Neither of these have been directly dated. ...
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Background Hunter-gatherer lifestyles dominated the southern African landscape up to ~ 2000 years ago, when herding and farming groups started to arrive in the area. First, herding and livestock, likely of East African origin, appeared in southern Africa, preceding the arrival of the large-scale Bantu-speaking agro-pastoralist expansion that introduced West African-related genetic ancestry into the area. Present-day Khoekhoe-speaking Namaqua (or Nama in short) pastoralists show high proportions of East African admixture, linking the East African ancestry with Khoekhoe herders. Most other historical Khoekhoe populations have, however, disappeared over the last few centuries and their contribution to the genetic structure of present-day populations is not well understood. In our study, we analyzed genome-wide autosomal and full mitochondrial data from a population who trace their ancestry to the Khoekhoe-speaking Hessequa herders from the southern Cape region of what is now South Africa. Results We generated genome-wide data from 162 individuals and mitochondrial DNA data of a subset of 87 individuals, sampled in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, where the Hessequa population once lived. Using available comparative data from Khoe-speaking and related groups, we aligned genetic date estimates and admixture proportions to the archaeological proposed dates and routes for the arrival of the East African pastoralists in southern Africa. We identified several Afro-Asiatic-speaking pastoralist groups from Ethiopia and Tanzania who share high affinities with the East African ancestry present in southern Africa. We also found that the East African pastoralist expansion was heavily male-biased, akin to a pastoralist migration previously observed on the genetic level in ancient Europe, by which Pontic-Caspian Steppe pastoralist groups represented by the Yamnaya culture spread across the Eurasian continent during the late Neolithic/Bronze Age. Conclusion We propose that pastoralism in southern Africa arrived through male-biased migration of an East African Afro-Asiatic-related group(s) who introduced new subsistence and livestock practices to local southern African hunter-gatherers. Our results add to the understanding of historical human migration and mobility in Africa, connected to the spread of food-producing and livestock practices.
... Site names circled in red refer to the three archaeological sites where caprine remains were molecularly identified (ref. 16 and this study for Toteng and Leopard Cave; ref. 17 for Blydefontein). Associated dates are given to the right of the map. ...
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The advent of domestication is a major step that transformed the subsistence strategies of past human societies. In Africa, domestic caprines (sheep and goat) were introduced in the northeastern part of the continent from the Near East more than 9000 years ago. However, their diffusion southwards was slow. They are thought to have made their first appearance in the southern part of the continent ca. 2000 years ago, at a few Later Stone Age sites, including Leopard Cave (Erongo region, Namibia), which provided the oldest directly dated remains assigned to sheep or goat on the basis of morphology of bones and teeth. However, similarities in morphology, not only between these two domesticated caprine species, but also between them and the small wild antelopes, raised questions about the morphological species attribution of these remains. Additionally, the high fragmentation of the site's osteological remains makes it difficult to achieve species-level taxonomic identification by comparative anatomy. In this paper, we report molecular species identification of the Leopard Cave remains using palaeoproteomics, a method that uses protein markers in bone and tooth collagen to achieve taxonomic identification of archaeological remains. We also report new direct radiocarbon dates. Wild antelope remains from museum collections were used to enrich the available protein record and propose de novo type I collagen sequences. Our results demonstrate that the remains morphologically described as domesticates actually belong to a wild antelope species and that domestic caprines first appeared at Leopard Cave 1500 years later than previously thought. This study illustrates that the use of palaeoproteomics coupled with direct radiocarbon dates is particularly suited to complement classic zooarchaeological studies, in this case concerning the arrival of the first herding practices in arid environments.
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Here we make the case that the interment of twelve skeletons in a small Western Cape rock shelter should be viewed as a single event. We present evidence of the partially disarticulated, clearly overlapping arrangement of human remains and the radiocarbon dating results from the individuals that point to a hasty but coordinated burial at a critical moment in the prehistory of the Cape. The moment was marked by the earliest appearance of the pastoralist lifestyle in an area previously dominated by hunting and gathering (Sadr 2015). Because, as others show (Dlamini et al., this volume), these interments are associated with peri-mortem violence, the demonstration of contemporaneity and entanglement implies a rare occurrence of so many deaths at a time when conflict between pastoralists and hunter-gatherers in the area seems likely. In describing the circumstances of bone recovery, the positioning of body parts and the associated radiocarbon ages, we lay the platform for further micro-stratigraphic, biological, genetic and isotopic studies of the twelve individuals and some contemplation on the nature of the event.
The introduction of domesticated livestock to southernmost Africa influenced both human-environment interactions and human-animal relations. This process did not occur in a uniform manner across the southern Cape region. Regional studies may contribute to broader narratives regarding this process, which occurred toward the end of the Later Stone Age. Archaeological sites located in the semiarid central interior of southern Africa, particularly along the course of the Riet River (approximately 1000–200 BP), provide some insight into this transition. To investigate the introduction of domesticated livestock in the Riet River region, a variety of archaeological methods have been applied. Analyses of local stone-walled settlement areas and enclosures indicate changing landscape use and changing relations with animals. Stable isotopic evidence from human skeletal remains suggests high reliance on wild fauna rather than domesticated livestock, indicating some overlap with foraging lifeways. Zooarchaeological evidence, however, requires further probing. This paper will outline the unique Riet River context within the broader southern African Later Stone Age narrative and will outline how zooarchaeological methods may contribute to our theoretical understanding of how the introduction of domesticated livestock impacted human groups in southern Africa.
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With a standard set of primers directed toward conserved regions, we have used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify homologous segments of mtDNA from more than 100 animal species, including mammals, birds, amphibians, fishes, and some invertebrates. Amplification and direct sequencing were possible using unpurified mtDNA from nanogram samples of fresh specimens and microgram amounts of tissues preserved for months in alcohol or decades in the dry state. The bird and fish sequences evolve with the same strong bias toward transitions that holds for mammals. However, because the light strand of birds is deficient in thymine, thymine to cytosine transitions are less common than in other taxa. Amino acid replacement in a segment of the cytochrome b gene is faster in mammals and birds than in fishes and the pattern of replacements fits the structural hypothesis for cytochrome b. The unexpectedly wide taxonomic utility of these primers offers opportunities for phylogenetic and population research.
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In growing numbers, archeologists are specializing in the analysis of excavated animal bones as clues to the environment and behavior of ancient peoples. This pathbreaking work provides a detailed discussion of the outstanding issues and methods of bone studies that will interest zooarcheologists as well as paleontologists who focus on reconstructing ecologies from bones. Because large samples of bones from archeological sites require tedious and time-consuming analysis, the authors also offer a set of computer programs that will greatly simplify the bone specialist's job. After setting forth the interpretive framework that governs their use of numbers in faunal analysis, Richard G. Klein and Kathryn Cruz-Uribe survey various measures of taxonomic abundance, review methods for estimating the sex and age composition of a fossil species sample, and then give examples to show how these measures and sex/age profiles can provide useful information about the past. In the second part of their book, the authors present the computer programs used to calculate and analyze each numerical measure or count discussed in the earlier chapters. These elegant and original programs, written in BASIC, can easily be used by anyone with a microcomputer or with access to large mainframe computers.
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Identification of preserved biological materials is often regarded as a skill which has little to do with analysis and interpretation. This paper argues that in zooarchaeological studies-here with particular reference to vertebrate remains-identification procedures deserve more detailed consideration, because these procedures have a significant effect on the results of faunal studies. It is suggested that most identifications are made within a system of usually unspecified rules which vary from one analyst to another. Improvements in comparability between faunal studies will result if these rules are considered before beginning an analysis, and if the rules are made explicit in publications.
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Background High-throughput DNA sequencing technologies are generating vast amounts of data. Fast, flexible and memory efficient implementations are needed in order to facilitate analyses of thousands of samples simultaneously.ResultsWe present a multithreaded program suite called ANGSD. This program can calculate various summary statistics, and perform association mapping and population genetic analyses utilizing the full information in next generation sequencing data by working directly on the raw sequencing data or by using genotype likelihoods.Conclusions The open source c/c++ program ANGSD is available at The program is tested and validated on GNU/Linux systems. The program facilitates multiple input formats including BAM and imputed beagle genotype probability files. The program allow the user to choose between combinations of existing methods and can perform analysis that is not implemented elsewhere.
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Summary: We present bammds, a practical tool that allows visualization of samples sequenced by second-generation sequencing when compared with a reference panel of individuals (usually genotypes) using a multidimensional scaling algorithm. Our tool is aimed at determining the ancestry of unknown samples—typical of ancient DNA data—particularly when only low amounts of data are available for those samples.Availability and implementation: The software package is available under GNU General Public License v3 and is freely available together with test datasets It is using R (, parallel (, samtools ( bammds-users@nongnu.orgSupplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Evaluates the earliest evidence for sheep in a Stone Age context, namely of 2000 to 1600 BP. Pottery first appears in this part of the world in c.2000 BP. The present case study of the larger question as to how far different components of a food producing way of life emerged in concert in various regions of the world challenges the assumption that sheep and pottery may be parts of the pastoral "package' in this part of South Africa. -after Author