
Meta analysis of involvement research

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... Zuvor hatte bereits Costley (1988) (vgl. Mitchell 1979, S. 194). ...
... Mitchell 1979, S. 194). Darauf aufbauend konstatierte Costley (1988), dass ,,[t]he object of involvement may be a product, an ad, or a situation" (Costley 1988, S. 554 Für das weitere Vorgehen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird in Übereinstimmung mit Antil (1984), der seine Ausführungen auf den empirischen Erkenntnissen von Tyebjee (1979b) und Sherrell und Shimp (1982) basiert, ein zustandsorientiertes Involvement-Konstrukt unterstellt, da "heightened cognitive processing should be considered a possible result of high involvement, not the cause of it. ...
... So warnte bereitsMitchell (1979) vor einem zu raschen Übergang auf die empirische Erforschung des Involvement-Konstruktes ohne vorab für ein allgemein anerkanntes Begriffsverständnis gesorgt zu haben. Wie im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zu zeigen versucht wird, ist es vor allem den Arbeiten von Autoren wie etwaCostley (1988) oder Laaksonen ( 1994) zu verdanken, dass ein besseres allgemeines Verständnis über das Konstrukt Involvement gewonnen werden konnte, dennoch scheint die Forderung Mitchells' nichts an ihrer Aktualität eingebüßt zu haben.Wie bereits oben angesprochen, besteht ein zentrales Anliegen der vorliegenden Arbeit in der Ermittlung des Involvements mit Strom bei Privatkunden. Dazu wird zunächst eine theoriegestützte Abgrenzung des verwendeten Involvement-Begriffes vorgenommen. ...
... It is recognized as a primary determinant (Broderick and Mueller, 1999) and significant descriptor of consumer behavior (Celuch and Taylor, 1999). However, involvement is an original structure in which researchers have difficulty in obtaining a single conceptual and thus operational definition 502 JAMR 15,4 (Costley, 1988), and measurement (Bezençon and Blili, 2010). It reflects the extent of an individual's connecting himself/herself with an activity or a product (Trauer, 2006) and it is characterized as the consumers' level of interest in different aspects of consumption process like products, advertisements and action of buying (Broderick and Mueller, 1999). ...
... Cakir (2006) states that this type of involvement can occur even when there is no purchasing intention, rooted not from perceived risk, but from the strength of the relationship between the product and the individual's needs, values and involvement. Moving from this fact, it can be said that in addition to the characteristics of a product, characteristics of an individual's needs and experiences have an effect on PI (Costley, 1988). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the joint effect of two composite characteristics –openness to experience (OE) and nostalgia proneness (NP) – on product involvement (PI) and whether brand loyalty (BL) is a result of this PI. Design/methodology/approach In accordance with this purpose, a model suggesting that OE dimension of the five-factor model and NP influences PI and PI influences BL was developed and tested. The data used in the study were obtained from 1,392 participants from the Thrace region of Turkey. The authors use a structural equation model to test and confirm hypothesis. Findings OE influences PI and hence BL. On the other hand, it has been concluded that NP has no significant influence on PI. Research limitations/implications This is the first study to examine the influence of OE, one of the personality traits, and NP on BL. In this study, only OE, which is one of the five-factor personality traits, has been examined. Studies in the future may research the relationship between other personality traits and NP, PI and BL. Practical implications This paper provides managerial insights into why consumers’ personality traits and NP need to be taken into consideration in creating BL. Originality/value To the best of authors’ knowledge, the influence of OE and NP on BL has not been addressed in the current literature. Personality traits and NP are closely related to individuals’ behaviors as a consumer. Understanding the factors that influence consumer purchase decision processes is of crucial importance to managers and researchers alike. The paper is of great value for firms that consider enhance BL.
... The conceptualization and the operationalization of the involvement concept raise some challenges [61][62][63][64],): the choice of items, the measurement scales, and content/construct validity. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the main profiles of tourist segments in the agave-tequila industry in Mexico. The blue agave landscape and the ancient tequila facilities are part of the UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage. Heritage sites may operate as a brand and generate tourism externalities. Investigations combining heritage and sustainable tourism are a promising research field, still underexplored, particularly in emerging destinations. This study contributes to the debate on heritage and sustainable tourism through the identification of different tourist profiles visiting the Tequila region. The study applies a market segmentation approach grounded in the concept of ‘involvement’. Involvement is a good predictor of tourist behavior. Therefore, our investigation identifies distinctive homogenous segments with different levels of tourist involvement. The data in the empirical study was collected through a questionnaire applied to a sample of 700 domestic and international visitors to the city of Tequila. The questionnaire was directly administered to collect data during a 6-month period in order to avoid seasonal issues. Cluster analysis was performed to identify three distinct segments on the basis of the degree of tourists’ ‘involvement’. Findings suggest that the agave landscape and knowledge about tequila are the most salient attributes for high- and low-involved visitors. As those factors are closely related to cultural heritage, the study provides guidance for policy makers and marketers protecting and/or promoting the agave-tequila industry. This research project is an initial attempt to segment agave-tequila tourists and creates a pathway for further investigations into this area.
... Involvement is the manifestation of time, effort, and consideration given together with the satisfaction derived by choosing a product or service (Laurent & Kapferer, 1985). Costley (1988) defined involvement based on four dimensions, namely content, object, nature, and intensity. In leisure literature, Laurent and Kapferer (1985) conceptualized four facets of involvement which are attraction, sign, risk probability, and risk consequences. ...
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The present research sought to uncover how tourists’ cultural involvement (CI) influences responsible behavior (RB) during their travel to a tourist’s destination. Although the importance of involvement has been recognized in responsible tourism literature; CI as a major contributor to RB finds no mention and deserves more attention. To cull deeper insight, the study followed the triangulation method, where both tourist and tour-operators were probed. Grounded theory approach was adopted to theorize the conceptual framework and model validation was carried out with quantitative analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM). Three major antecedents to CI, namely, tourist’s cultural motivation (CM), social influence (SI), and marketing stimuli (MS) were identified. The study also traced the moderating role of mindfulness in arousing RB. Limiting the scope within the geographical boundary of India, the study makes the first attempt in introducing “CI” in tourism research which can be extended further with more cross-cultural studies. The findings will aid future researchers, marketers, and policymakers to associate CI with responsible tourism.
... Issue involvement: cognitive and affective involvement Issue involvement refers to a perceived connection between an individual and an issue because of personal interest, commitment, or issue importance to one's own life (Costley 1988). Involvement with an issue or cause has been extensively studied in a wide range of disciplines and shown to affect individuals' thinking and decisionmaking processes (Johnson and Eagly 1989). ...
This study adopts the consumer-centric perspective, through the lens of the consumer involvement theory and stakeholder theory, to examine the role of consumer involvement in shaping individuals’ attitudinal and behavioural responses toward Nike’s 30th Anniversary ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick. Specifically, a survey (N = 345) was conducted to examine how consumers’ cognitive and affective involvement regarding the issue of NFL national anthem protests, their brand attachment, and brand attitude guide their attitudes and word-of-mouth intentions in response to Nike’s corporate social advocacy practices. The findings of this study suggested that consumers’ support for a company’s CSA efforts could depend on their involvement in the social issue that a brand chose as well as their involvement in the brand. Moreover, the interaction of issue involvement and brand attachment factors can serve as a segmentation strategy to cement brand loyalty and strengthen the relationship with the existing stakeholders whose issue attitude was congruent with the corporation’s stances. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.
... According to Laurent and Kapferer (1986), Valette- Florence (1989) and Sabadie (1999), the concept of implication appeared in social psychology with Sherif and Cantril in 1947. Work on consumer involvement in marketing is a major concern for many researchers and practitioners who have developed this concept in the study of consumer behavior Costley (1988), Involvement is an "unobservable state that reflects the interest, excitement or emotional attachment of an individual evoked by a given product" (Bloch,1981). The emergence of this concept is attributed to the high personal importance of an act of purchase by the consumer (Zaichkowsky, 1985). ...
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Awareness of the requirements of sustainable development has become increasingly important in terms of responsible consumption, respect for the environment and promotion of local economies. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of sustainable involvement and buying intentionof tourists on their socially responsible behavior. An empirical study was conducted with a sample of 113 tourists in Morocco. Validation of hypotheses through bi-varied analysis shows that sustainable involvement and intention have a positive impact on socially responsible behavior. In addition, the age, gender and marital status variables have a significant moderating effect on causality links between groups.
... et Parasuraman et al. (1988),Cronin & Taylor (1992) ont étudié la qualité comme l'output d'un processus d'évaluation où les clients comparent leurs attentes avec le service qu'ils ont reçu. D'autres chercheurs ont participé à la création des modèles sur la qualité perçue, Parasuraman et al(1985( ) et (1988( ), Jougleux (2005 .Plusieurs auteurs se sont intéressés de la qualité perçue électronique et les échelles de sa mesure, Donthu(2001), Loiacono et al (2002), Wolfinbarger M. et Gilly M. C (2003) ; Jayawardhena (2004), Ming-Hui (2005), Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Malhotra, 2005).Le concept de qualité perçu est multidimensionnel.Chumpitaz et Swaen (2004), a proposé deux dimensions, qualité de produit (concerne la performance de produit) et qualité de service (les dimensions du service, et cela sur la base des travaux de(Brady et Cronin (2001),Grönroos (1984), Parasuraman (1985) entre autres. d'autres chercheurs ont proposé une conceptualisation de la qualité perçue en trois dimensions voire même cinq. ...
Cette recherche s'intéresse à l'analyse de l'importance de l'effet du pays d'origine et son impact sur la décision d'achat à travers ses attributs (le produit et la marque). L'objet de notre étude consiste à établir un modèle conceptuel qui explique l'effet du pays d'origine sur la décision d'achat des consommateurs. Il s'agit de la combinaison des principaux modèles ayant traité la question. Ce modèle a été́ testé empiriquement à travers une enquête menée auprès de 748 algériens acquéreurs de véhicules touristiques neufs. Les résultats montrent que la notoriété et la fidélité à la marque, la qualité perçue et le niveau de la communication, le prix et la complexité du produit ont une influence significative contrairement à l'attachement à la marque, l'implication et la familiarité. Mots clés: Pays d'origine-décision d'achat-marque-produit-marché automobile-Algérie. Abstract : This research deals with the analysis of the importance of the effect of the country of origin and its impact on the purchase decision through its attributes (the product and brand). The purpose of our study is to develop a conceptual model that describes the effect of the country of origin on consumer purchase decision. It is the combination of models who treated the matter. This model has been empirically tested through a survey of 748 Algerian purchasers of new touristic vehicles. The results highlight that the reputation and brand loyalty, perceived quality and the level of communication, price and product complexity have significant influence in contrast to brand loyalty, involvement and familiarity.
... The nature of attachment experiences between individuals and their possessions has been scrutinised to better understand the outcomes that result from this emotional bond. Conceptual boundaries have been established between attachment to a specific thing versus a product category [17], brand [25] or possessions in general [5]. From a sustainability perspective, promoting attachment that is specifically assigned to the singular physical device itself has been considered as a viable strategy to address issues with the rate of product consumption [28,32]. ...
... Duality. The question of abstraction and attachment has been well considered in physical objects with conceptual boundaries established between attachment to a specific thing vs a product category (Costley 1988), brand (Fournier 1998) or possessions in general (Belk 1988). As discussed above, strides have been made in addressing this matter in the context of digital possessions despite the complexity in doing so. ...
Devices such as phones, laptops and tablets have become central to the ways in which many people communicate with others, conduct business and spend their leisure time. This type of product uniquely contains both physical and digital components that affect how they are perceived and valued by users. This article investigates the nature of attachment in the context of technological possessions to better understand ways in which designers can create devices that are meaningful and kept for longer. Findings from our study of the self-reported associations and meaningfulness of technological possessions revealed that the digital contents of these possessions were often the primary source of meaning. Technological possessions were frequently perceived as systems of products rather than as singular devices. We identified several design opportunities for materialising the associations ascribed to the digital information contained within technological products to more meaningfully integrate their physical and digital components.
... Originally an involvement concept in consumer behaviour research was conceived in relation to how consumers responded to advertising (Krugman, 1965). Many consumer researchers have extended the use of involvement as its use to hold how consumers relate to products and brands (McWilliam, 1997;Costley, 1988). A good deal of research on Indian consumers discussed about the high and low involvement towards the brand impacts differently on consumer reactions such as consumer attitude and purchase intention (Khare, 2014;Mann and Kaur, 2013). ...
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Aim: Product harm crisis is a serious issue in a marketing environment because it doesn't only affect the company but also affect the whole industry. This study focuses on empirically examine the changes in Indian consumer reaction during pre and post crisis with different level of brand equity. Methodology: For investigating changes in consumer reaction during pre and post crisis, an experimental study was conducted on 217 consumer members between the age group of 20 and 30 years. In addition, two genuine individual mobile phone brands one is the high equity brand and other one is low equity brand was taken in order to measure the difference in consumer reaction at different level of brand equity. Findings: Empirical results demonstrate that product harm crisis impact negatively on consumer reaction. In addition, high equity brand show less negative reaction as compare to low equity brand. In extention to previous research of measuring impact of product harm on consumer reaction at different level of brand equity.In addition, this study also reveals positive impact of consumer attitude, consumer involvement, perceived quality, company credibility on intention to purchase in both high brand equity and low brand equity products. Limitations: This experimental research measures consumer reaction during pre and post product harm crisis by considering two different brands of mobile phone. So for deeper insight more product and service related dimensions should be examined. Aditionally, Future researchers may go for a longitudinal study to measure the elongated negative effects of product harm crisis. Contribution:Though it is a replication study but this is the first study measuring product harm crisis impact among Indian consumer. India is rapid growing market and suffers with various product harm crisis. So, this study is contributing to all those companies doing business in India to give better insight about product harm crisis.
... There is no uniform definition of involvement as it may be conceptualized and operationalized in multiple ways. According to Costley (1988), the following three main trends in defining involvement can be identified: ...
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The aim of this article was to investigate whether involvement in the food product purchase influences the tendency to generate messages on such products through word of mouth communication. The study was carried out in August 2015 on a representative group of 1,000 adult Polish consumers aged 15-50 years using CAWI method. Results indicate that food category is not highly engaging. The tendency to generate both positive and negative feedback increase together with the commitment to purchase increase, whereby consumers are far more likely to recommend food products, rather than discourage from their purchase.
... Questions of the definitions of possession and ownership become con At this point, it is worth mentioning a construct in the consumer behavior literature that appears very similar to attachment, but conceptually is not. Thi is involvement (e.g., Costley, 1988). Although involvement has been defined in various ways as importance, it is generally conceived as a property of th relationship between a person and a product category, rather than a specific possession. ...
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Of recent interest in consumer behavior research is the consumer's use of owned possessions to develop and maintain self-concept. This study presents a measure of a central concept in this area–attachment. A conceptual definition of the construct is proposed and is related to social-cognitive theories of the self. The role of attachment in the relationship between people and possessions is discussed. Evidence is presented for the reliability and predictive validity of a simple measure of attachment and for the discriminant validity of the construct. Relationships between attachment and other important consumer behavior constructs are explored. © 1992, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.. All rights reserved.
... Materialism is a consumer's tendency to be attached to his possessions in general ("possessiveness"), whereas product attachment is typically concerned with a specific object or product variant (Wallendorf and Arnould, 1988). Similarly, product attachment differs from the construct of involvement (e.g., Costley, 1988), because involvement is generally conceived as the importance of a product category to a person (Ball and Tasaki, 1992). Product attachment is also conceptually distinct from consumer-brand relationships (e.g., Fournier, 1998), because the latter implies that consumers develop relationships with brands, rather than with specific objects (Kleine and Baker, 2004). ...
... There is no uniform definition of involvement; however, this term has often been conceptualised and operationalised. According to Rajaniemi and Laaksonen (1986) and Costley (1988), three major trends can be found in defining the term of involvement: ...
... It has been introduced in marketing by Krugman (1967) to measure the reaction mode and information processing during an advertising exhibition. Involvement refers to a feature, a state or a process (Costley, 1988). In this work, involvement is considered as a feature which is a permanent individual characteristic for product category independent from the influence of the context (Bloch, 1981; Engel and Blackwell, 1982; Higie and Feick, 1989). ...
This article seeks to contribute to a better knowledge of sensitivity of consumers to brands. The results of the survey carried out with 361 women aged fifteen and above on the beauty lotions market in the towns of Douala, Yaounde, Ngaoundere and Bafoussam validate the fact that enduring involvement, perceived differences and perceived risks in a category of products influence sensitivity to brands. The study also confirms that perceived differences between brands are the most explanatory variable of sensitivity to brands. Finally, this paper proposes a model of sensitivity to brands of Cameroonian consumers. To succeed in Cameroun, body lotion enterprises should make visible the characteristics/advantages of their brand and act on interpersonal communications. The strengthening of the brand strategy is an action lever strongly recommended to these enterprises.
... Developed from social judgment theory (Sherif and Hovland, 1961), the concept of involvement has been used extensively in consumer behavior research (Costley, 1988). Rothschild (1984, p. 217) defines involvement as a state of motivation, arousal or interest that is influenced by past external variables and current internal variables. ...
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Purpose – This paper aims to investigate consumer participation in Facebook brand page communities from the perspectives of uses and gratification theory and mass media dependency theory. Design/methodology/approach – Data collection via an online survey resulted in 450 valid surveys where consumers indicated to what extent their motivations for Facebook use were socializing, entertainment, status seeking and information seeking. The sample included 358 respondents who had previously liked a brand on Facebook. These respondents were asked to provide the name of a brand they had liked on Facebook and answered questions regarding their experiences with the Facebook brand page for their self-identified brand. Findings – Results indicate that motivation dimensions have differential effects at three different stages of consumer interaction with a Facebook brand page community. Socializing and information seeking are the primary reasons for initially joining a Facebook brand page community. After becoming a member of a Facebook brand page community, consumers require entertainment to keep them engaged. However, as consumers become more sophisticated, their involvement with a Facebook brand page and their frequency of posting on that page are dependent on their need for information. Originality/value – Insight is gained into the role of social media, specifically Facebook, in brand building. As theoretical frameworks that can guide branding practices using the social media channel are still in their infancy, this research makes an important contribution to the ongoing theoretical discussion. Additionally, the findings add to the online brand community literature by demonstrating the key drivers of consumer willingness to join and participate in a Facebook brand page community.
... One construct of great importance in research on consumer behavior and especially the explanation of heterogeneity in consumer behavior is involvement, often described as personal arousal or perceived personal relevance (Costley, 1988;Zaichkowsky, 1985). Definitions of involvement may be inconsistent, but a widespread approach is to focus on an object of involvement, such as a product, and consider the importance of and interest in the product as the two main components of involvement (McQuarrie & Munson, 1991). ...
This article addresses the question of why Internet users participate in and actively generate content for online communities. We asked users who actively produce online content and those who are passive recipients of mainstream community Web sites that feature user-generated content about their behavior and motivations. We aimed to identify the differences between active and passive users and the motivations behind content production. Using a structural equation modeling approach, our results indicate that social status is the main motivational driver of time exposure, while involvement in the community is driven by stimulus avoidance, social relations, and social identity.
... The latter view has been further elaborated upon to embrace a perspective of attachment as a special form of self-extension (e.g., Kleine, Kleine, & Allen, 1995). In contrast to product involvement, product attachment refers to a specific product and not to an entire product category (e.g., Costley, 1988), whereas brand loyalty and brand attachment focus on immaterial phenomenanamely brands-instead of a single given physical product (e.g., Belaid & Behi, 2011;Grisaffe & Nguyen, 2010;Kirmani, 2009;Thomson, MacInnis, & Park, 2005). ...
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Given the increasing emphasis on online consumption in our digital era, the current study aimed to explore the avatar–self relationship in association with the concept of product attachment. Through constructing their own avatars and selecting certain virtual possessions for them, participants in the sample were able to represent different elements of their identities to be manifested in their embodied virtual presence. Certain attributes and emotions characterizing both the real as well as the virtual existence of participants appeared to exert important influences. Additional gender differences emerged, in that males were more likely to represent their possible and hidden self-aspects, and focus on the functional meaning of virtual products, while females were more likely to reveal their ideal selves, and attach symbolic meaning to their virtual possessions. For female participants, the role of experimentation emerged as an important construct, with their avatars often reflecting upon their ambivalence toward perceived social norms and societal expectations. Implications for scholars and practitioners are discussed.
... It is important for consumers to obtain correct information about products and also sufficient information. Costley (1988) observed that involvement featured stability and endurance, and results were measurable but not controllable. In sum, in this research, information involvement and enduring involvement were treated as variables and their effect on consumer decisionmaking was explained. ...
In this research, on the basis of a review of the literature on brand image, brand equity, involvement, and purchase intention, we developed a questionnaire to explore the correlation of brand image and brand equity with consumer purchase intention. Respondents were university students in Taiwan. After analysis with SPSS, the following results were found: brand image significantly affected brand equity, brand equity significantly affected purchase intention, and brand image significantly affected purchase intention, but involvement showed no significant effect across all dimensions.
... Die Bereitstellung neutraler Informationen kann einen Einfluss auf das Involvement der Bürger und deren Interesse an der Wahl haben. Eine systematische Gliederung der unterschiedlichen Formen des Involvement kann bei Costley (1988) gefunden werden, jedoch kritisieren Yoon et al. (2005), dass in der Literatur kein Konsens herrscht, wie genau Involvement im Kontext von Wahlen definiert und gemessen wird. Sie heben dabei die Relevanz des Involvements, vor allem des situativen Involvements, 1 für die Teilnahme an Wahlen hervor. ...
Die Einstellung gegenüber staatlich finanzierten Informationsmaterialien – Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Volksabstimmung über Stuttgart 21 Bürgerbeteiligung; Öffentliche Ausgaben; Einstellung gegenüber politischen Informationen; Strukturgleichungsmodell; Wählerverhalten Die Diskussionen um Bürgerbeteiligungen, wie beispielsweise Volksabstimmungen, gewinnen bei politischen Entscheidungen und in Bezug auf den öffentlichen Sektor immer mehr an Relevanz. In diesem Kontext stellt sich die Frage nach der Bedeutung des Informationsstands und dessen Auswirkungen auf eine Entscheidung der Bürger. Um diese ausgewogen und transparent zu in-formieren, stellt die öffentliche Hand Informationen, beispielsweise in Form von Informations-broschüren, zur Verfügung. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht mittels eines Kausalmodells die Einstellung der Bürger gegenüber staatlich bereitgestellten Informationsmaterialien und deren Auswirkungen auf den Wissensstand sowie auf die Intention, an einer Volksabstimmung teilzu-nehmen. Das Modell wird am Beispiel der Volksabstimmung zum Kündigungsgesetz von Stutt-gart 21 in Baden-Württemberg empirisch überprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Informati-onsmaterialien positiv den wahrgenommenen Wissenstand der Bürger beeinflussen. Dieser senkt wiederum die Informationskosten, erhöht das Involvement für das politische Thema und somit auch die Teilnahmebereitschaft. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse dieser Studie kann die Empfehlung gegeben werden, dass den Bürgern Informationsmaterialien bereitgestellt werden sollten, um das Interesse an einem politischen Thema im Allgemeinen und die Wahlbeteiligung an Volksabstim-mungen zu erhöhen.
... The references in consumer research are even more diverse. There, involvement is described as directed to the message of a commercial, the communicator, the advertised product, the advertised brand, or to the context of the program (Costley, 1988). Principally, one should always mention the target of involvement. ...
This article examines the willingness of consumers in Germany to purchase unpackaged food products. A two-step approach was used to determine and analyze factors potentially influencing the purchase intention: a focus group was asked about aspects and motives for purchasing intentions as a qualitative method. Starting with this research, hypotheses were derived based on the gained insights as well as the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Thus, an explanatory model was set up. To test our hypotheses, a data set of 1,894 persons was generated using an online survey. The study integrates various perspectives on unpackaged food from the consumers’ point of view, such as ethical and egoistic motives for buying in relation to attitude, subjective norm as well as limitations of personal and external resources and explains their effects on the intention to buy. Since consumer decisions play a key role in product success in the food industry, the results of the study support existing marketing strategies and allow new approaches to address potential customers within this special market.
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This research is for defining a causal relationship toward customer's satisfaction and inquiry level according to participation level of public gym facilities and service quality perception level of the facilities, to make practical application of basic data for efficient management task operation of public gym facilities. The specific purpose is the following; First, define the relationship between service quality, participant level of public gym facility and satisfaction of customers. Secondly, define the relationship between service quality, participant level of public gym facility and inquiry level. Thirdly, the relationship between customer's satisfaction and inquiry level. The result of this research is as below. 1. As high as the relationship between service quality perception level and participation level of public gym facility, it affects to customer's satisfaction positively. 2. As high as the relationship between service quality and participant level of public gym facility, it affects to inquiry level positively. 3. As high as the satisfaction of customers after using public gym facilities, it affects to inquiry level positively.
Der Leser weiß, was unter dem Begriff der Konsumentenverhaltensforschung verstanden wird und kennt die wichtigsten Fragestellungen der Konsumentenverhaltensforschung.
This study aimed to examine the factors affecting tourist’s satisfaction of Jordan as a tourism destination. A Convenience sample of 500 tourists was selected from those who visited different Jordanian places. They asked to answer a set-scale questionnaire that measure tourist expectation and his/her perception toward destination image, emotional involvement, perceived outcome, self image and his satisfaction. Findings of the study indicated that Perceived outcomes, Jordan image and the emotional involvement had a significant impact on the tourists’satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. While self image, and perceived expectations had no influence. Furthermore, findings indicated that tourist’s satisfaction levels do not change according to gender, martial status, and education levels. But with different nationalities, ages, and monthly income the tourists had different level of satisfaction. Finally, many recommendations were recommended as follows: 1- Giving more attention to the Gulf of Aqaba and Dead Sea beaches and work on developing suitable protection and maintenance programs. 2 - Focusing on the development of promotional programs which aim to inform tourist about different festivals in Jordan. Also, spreading the festivals to all seasons of the year. 3- Increasing co-operation between tourism organizations in Jordan and other Arab countries in order to develop a good package of tourism programs at competitive prices. 4- Focusing on exploring new Foreign and Arab markets to attract tourists to visit Jordan.
The topic of campus sexual assault has received much media attention recently, prompting scholars to examine media effects on students’ attitudes and behaviors. A survey of 567 American college students examined how their media exposure is related to issue engagement, perceived responsibility, and acceptance of rape myths. Results indicated that reading newspaper stories about campus sexual assault might contribute to college students’ victim blaming. Among other media channels examined, social media were found to be highly correlated with students’ engagement with the issue. We also found that victim blaming and acceptance of rape myths could be reduced by raising students’ perceived importance of the issue. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in detail.
Conducted analyses of product involvement, a motivational construct discussed in consumer research literature. Data are presented on the relationships among cessation program involvement, stage of quitting, and cessation program attribute preferences associated with extrinsic motivation. Results from 218 smokers suggest that smokers have a strong but not exclusive preference for program features associated with extrinsic motivation, even in later stages of quitting. A preference for these features was more pronounced in smokers with lower levels of cessation program involvement. Smokers in the contemplator stage were the most likely to show higher levels of involvement.
Die ca. 330 Begriffe, die im folgenden definiert werden, bilden den Grundwortschatz der Markenpolitik. Bei synonymen sowie englischsprachigen Begriffen wird durch → auf den definierten Begriff verwiesen. Auf übergeordnete bzw. untergeordnete Stichworte wird durch ↑ bzw. ↓ verwiesen.
This paper identifies how consumer involvement measuring techniques can be adapted for use with fast-moving consumer goods. The discussion opens with a review of the recent theoretical developments in involvement and their applications in a number of different product areas. A contemporary measuring device is identified from the extant literature and applied to grocery products. The researchers report on a data reduction step which enabled us to eliminate over one third of the measured items without apparent loss in reliability. Using this modified approach, significant differences in the levels of involvement were found across grocery product categories. The managerial implications of these results are discussed and further uses of the measuring device suggested.
In diesem Kapitel lernen Sie grundsätzliche Ansätze kennen, welche die Wirkungen von Marken beim Abnehmer erklären. Nach der Durcharbeitung dieses Kapitels sollten Sie Folgendes wissen und können: Differenzierung zwischen behavioristischen und neo-behavioristischen Ansätzen, Kenntnis über verhaltenswissenschaftliche Konstrukte (Involvement, Einstellung, Präferenz), Kenntnis über Modelle zur Speicherung von Markenwissen (Netzwerke, Schemata, Markenpersönlichkeit, means-end-Ketten, Imagery), Überblick über Prozesse der Veränderungen von Markenwissen (Klassische Konditionierung, Instrumentelle Konditionierung, Netzwerktheorien), Kenntnis über die Wahrnehmung von Marken, Kenntnis über die Markenwahl (Set-Konzepte, verschiedene Markenwahltypen), Vergleich verschiedener Ansätze der Markentreue, Überblick über Ansätze des symbolischen Markenverhaltens (Funktionen, Selbstbild), Überblick über den Einfluss von Umwelt-Faktoren (Kultur, Subkultur, Referenzgruppen, Familie) auf Markenwirkungen, Überblick über eine semiotische Betrachtung von Marken.
This paper addresses the role of consumer involvement in Web site evaluation. We investigate the factors that lead the consumer to be involved with one site more than another. Based on previous research, we use the psychological constructs, information-seeking tendency, and focused attention (Baumgartner & Steenkamp, 1996; Novak, Hoffman, & Yung, 2000) to define the "information profile" of a consumer; and sensation-seeking tendency and mood variability to define the "entertainment profile" of the consumer (Eliashberg & Sawhney, 1994). The information and entertainment factors are hypothesized to affect consumers' utilitarian (need, value) and hedonic (interest, appeal) evaluations of involvement, respectively, and ultimately, the affect toward the Web site (Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982; Mano & Oliver, 1993; Zaichkowsky, 1985, 1994). We examine these evaluations for various Web sites, whose respective information and entertainment profiles are defined using elements such as informativeness, organization, and entertainment properties (Chen & Wells, 1999). The Web site properties are hypothesized to moderate the relationships between individuals' profiles and their evaluations of involvement and affect. We conducted our study using three surveys: (1) collection of data for classifying Web sites on information and entertainment properties, (2) collection of data for measurement of involvement, and (3) collection of data for time-based measurement of involvement. Our results show that the consumer's information and entertainment profiles significantly affect utilitarian and hedonic evaluations of involvement. We also find positive and significant relationships between the evaluations of involvement and affect toward the Web site. Further, we find that the Web site's informationspecific properties moderate the relationship between information profile of the consumer and his/her utilitarian evaluation of involvement. A set of results from representative time-based evaluations of involvement shows that the respective elements of evaluation of involvement show increase/decrease over time if there is a match/mismatch between the user and site properties.
Everyone in marketing is talking about word of mouth (WOM). At a time when traditional advertising is struggling, conversations between consumers - the most trusted source of product information - have taken on an entirely new dimension on the Internet. While considerable research on the effects and spread of WOM has been carried out over the past sixty years, surprisingly few scholars have tried to find out how to stimulate it. Martin Oetting seeks to close that gap. Based on involvement and empowerment research, this is the first scientific study connecting word of mouth with a participatory marketing approach, thus providing an answer to what may be marketing's most pressing question: how to strategically harness the power of blogs, Facebook, and the Social Web. © Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2009. All rights reserved.
Firm-established brand communities enable companies to increase the brand loyalty and word-of-mouth communication of their customers. Furthermore they represent an adequate organisational form for companies to integrate consumers into their innovation processes. Philipp Wiegandt empirically analyzes the effects the creation of a firm-established brand community has on the brand loyalty and word-of-mouth communication of its members over time. He finds that establishing a firm-established brand community creates value for both - the company and their customers. © Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2009. All rights reserved.
There are many markets where two technologies co-exist and compete and predicting consumer choice in this situation is difficult. Existing theories such as the diffusion of innovation go some way to explaining the initial take up of the new technology but in markets where both technologies are in a mature stage, other measures such as consumer involvement may be better indicators of consumer choice. This study examines the relationship between domain specific innovativeness (DSI) and consumer involvement profiles (CIP) in the camera market. It provides evidence of cross cultural validity of these scales and provides initial evidence to suggest consumer involvement is a better predictor of behaviour than innovativeness in markets where two relatively mature technologies compete side by side.
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L’objet de cet article est d’analyser d’une manière descriptive les facteurs déterminants dans la prise de décision d’acheter et de choisir une marque de voiture neuve en Algérie. La littérature dans ce domaine ne cesse d’introduire de nouveaux facteurs capables de changer la prise de décision en fonction de facteurs internes et externes.
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Product attachment is the emotional bond a consumer experi-ences with a product. This study examines the effect of congruity between the personalities of a person and a product on attachment and product lifetime. A scenario study shows that consumers develop stronger attachments to products with a personality that is congruent to their own. Although product attachment and product lifetime are related, feeling attached to a product with a congruent personality only results in a longer product lifetime for introvert people. Extroverts do not hold on to extrovert products. We propose that fashion moderates the relationship between product attach-ment and product lifetime.
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This study tested the ill-understood issues of involvement and loyalty relations. Even though many studies have indicated that loyalty is a function of involvement, only minimal agreement has been reached on the extent to which the constructs of involvement would predict repeat participation. A structural model is developed that relates members' involvement and loyalty using psychological commitment as a mediator. Results suggest that involvement has both a direct and an indirect effect on loyalty and confirm the role of psychological commitment as a mediator between involvement and loyalty.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the key factors considered important by customers in the selection of a Korean restaurant through the use of conjoint analysis techniques. A total of 400 questionnaires were distributed over a 2-week period in October 2011, of which 354 were completed (88.5%). Statistical analysis was then carried out using the Windows 18.0 Statistics package. The research was based on the analysis of two target areas - daily meals and special purpose meals. Responses were measured by using Zaichkowsky's Personal Involvement Inventory (PII) and a 7-point Likert Scale. Overall it was found that in all areas of the results regarding the involvement related analyses, daily meals scored lower than special purpose meals. This implied that the choice of daily meals is more applicable to customers with a low level of involvement, whereas high-involvement customers were more likely to focus on special purpose meals. The analysis of high-involvement customers revealed that the quality of food, price, service quality and physical environment, in order of priority, were the most important factors in selecting a restaurant. The use of the optimum attribute combination revealed the following results: delicious food (0.601); friendly staff (0.170); clean restaurant (0.191); price of 20,000 won (-0.513). Furthermore, low-involvement customers considered the following factors as important when selecting a Korean restaurant: quality of food, followed by price, physical environment and service quality in that order. In this instance, the optimum attribute combination showed the following outcomes: tasty food (0.645); friendly staff (0.418); clean restaurant (0.365); price of 5,000 won (-0.847). These results indicated the importance of developing a marketing plan which was based specifically on a customer's involvement level, focusing on their main selection criteria when choosing a Korean restaurant.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of consumer knowledge and involvement of apparel products on information processing style. The subjects of this study were female adults who lived in Seoul, Kyunggi or Incheon areas and Quota sampling using age and residential areas was employed. The data were obtained from 603 questionnaires. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 10 and LISREL 7.0. Major statistical methods were factor analysis, Cronbach's a coefficient, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation model analysis. The results were as follows: 1. Consumer knowledge significantly influenced information processing styles. Rational processing style was significantly influenced by objective knowledge, while experiential processing style was significantly influenced by subjective knowledge. 2. Involvement was related to the subjective knowledge more than objective knowledge. Consumers who had higher interest, social importance and followed latest fashion trends tended to process information more experientially.
Consumer repurchase behavior is a major concern for performing arts organizations because of its impact on their financial sustainability and competitive strength. Consequently, prior research has devoted a huge effort to the investigation of customer loyalty to individual performing arts organizations within a conceptual framework of within-category competition. However, arts consumption research has highlighted that performing arts organizations also face fierce competition from other categories of artistic and entertainment products, since consumers believe that different product categories are able to provide similar hedonic and entertainment value. Our paper investigates the antecedents of repurchase behavior at the product category level. Specifically, we focus on the interplay between positive emotions and product involvement as predictors of repurchase behavior in the performing arts at the product category level. In this context, we modeled four different types of relationships among positive emotions, product involvement, and repurchase behavior. We then conducted a survey among theatergoers and used structural equation modeling to test the rival models. Our findings indicate that product involvement fully mediates the relation between positive emotions and repurchase behavior in the performing arts.
Gas station consumers have become increasingly conscious of expanding choices and service options available at retail outlets. The purpose of this study was to determine key factors in customer choice of gas / service stations. This study seeks to identify key the relationship between socio-demographical variables and consumer choice, and consumer satisfaction and loyalty associated with gas / service station usage. The research instrument comprised of a questionnaire in the form of an on-line survey that was administered during November, 2010. A Total of 1,000 questionnaires were used in the final analysis. The collected data were treated with SPSS Windows 18.0 and analyzed in for frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of were as following: First, there was a strong positive relationship between involvement, satisfaction, loyalty of gas station service. Second, satisfaction was significantly affected by involvement, the frequency of gasoline purchases, the information route and customer's occupation. Third, loyalty was significantly affected by consumer satisfaction, involvement, frequency of gasoline purchases, information route and customer's occupation.
This article explores the antecedents of place attachment within the context of cultural tourism destinations. The proposed model is examined on two samples of cultural tourists with different cultural backgrounds. One sample consists of Hakka tourists, the same ethnic group as the hosts, and the other consists of tourists from a variety of non-Hakka ethnic backgrounds. The results indicate that both enduring involvement and destination attractiveness have a direct effect on place attachment, and that there is also an indirect effect of enduring involvement on place attachment mediated by destination attractiveness. Cross-group validation of the proposed model revealed that the structure fit both ethnic categories. A subsequent detailed examination, however, showed meaningful differences in the strengths of path coefficients between the two groups. These findings suggest that the meaning and formation of attachment may differ depending on the ethnic background of the tourists. Implications for theory and practice are provided.
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This study tested the ill-understood issues of involvement and loyalty relations. Even though many studies have indicated that loyalty is a function of involvement, only minimal agreement has been reached on the extent to which the constructs of involvement would predict repeat participation. A structural model is developed that relates members' involvement and loyalty using psychological commitment as a mediator. Results suggest that involvement has both a direct and an indirect effect on loyalty and confirm the role of psychological commitment as a mediator between involvement and loyalty.
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In this book the longitudinal behavior of road vehicles is analyzed. The main emphasis is on the analysis and minimization of the fuel and energy consumption. Most approaches to this problem enhance the complexity of the vehicle system by adding components such as electrical motors or storage devices. Such a complex system can only be designed by means of mathematical models. This text gives an introduction to the modeling and optimization problems typically encountered when designing new propulsion systems for passenger cars.
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The involvement construct has been extensively studied in the consumer behavior literature. Recent conceptual and measurement breakthroughs have made examination of the construct appealing in the contexts of recreational and tourist behavior. This article suggests 15 propositions that evolve from a review of involvement‐related literature. The propositions are grouped under the following headings: measurement issues; the relationship between involvement and time; the relationship of involvement with search and purchase behavior; the relationship between involvement and promotional stimuli; and accessing the involvement variable. The propositions are intended to stimulate and guide empirical research related to involvement in recreation and tourism contexts.
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