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A New Method to Measure and Assess Tooth Size and Tooth Size Discrepancy Via Circumferential Measurements using Stereomicroscope


Abstract and Figures

An accurate evaluation of tooth size and tooth size discrepancy is critically important in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. The purpose of this study was to establish a new method to measure and assess tooth size and tooth size discrepancy with accuracy and reproducibility, named as circumferential tooth size (CFT), circumferential anterior tooth size ratio (CAR), circumferential overall tooth size ratio (COR) respectively. Total 128 dental models were scanned via Hirox digital stereomicroscope for the fabrication of the digital models. Dental models were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria. All the measurements were obtained with the accuracy of 0.1×10-6 mm; the mean and the SD for the CFT, CAR and COR were calculated. The developed norms for the CFT, demonstrated significantly greater values for males in relation to females. More precisely, there were statistically significant differences observed in different variables (*p 0.05 to ***p 0.001). CAR and COR ratio show slight greater value for males without any statistically significant differences. The findings provide valuable information that CFT cover the tooth size in all dimensional aspects. For the prediction of ideal occlusion to be achieved at the finishing stage, orthodontist needs to evaluate CAR and COR ratios via proposed method.
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Fazal Shahid et al.: Tooth Size Discrepancy Via Circumferential Measurements
A New Method to Measure and Assess Tooth Size and Tooth Size Discrepancy
Via Circumferential Measurements using Stereomicroscope
Fazal Shahid1), Mohammad Khursheed Alam1), Mohd Fadhli Khamis2), Atsuo Komori3),
Katsutoshi Kubo3) and Hatsuhiko Maeda3)
1) Orthodontic Unit, School of Dental Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia
2) Forensic Dentistry Unit, School of Dental Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia
3) Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan
(Accepted for publication, July 13, 2015)
Abstract: An accurate evaluation of tooth size and tooth size discrepancy is critically important in orthodontic
diagnosis and treatment planning. The purpose of this study was to establish a new method to measure and
assess tooth size and tooth size discrepancy with accuracy and reproducibility, named as circumferential tooth
size (CFT), circumferential anterior tooth size ratio (CAR), circumferential overall tooth size ratio (COR)
respectively. Total 128 dental models were scanned via Hirox digital stereomicroscope for the fabrication of the
digital models. Dental models were selected on the basis of inclusion criteria. All the measurements were
obtained with the accuracy of 0.1×10-6 mm; the mean and the SD for the CFT, CAR and COR were calculated.
The developed norms for the CFT, demonstrated significantly greater values for males in relation to females.
More precisely, there were statistically significant differences observed in different variables (*p 0.05 to
***p 0.001). CAR and COR ratio show slight greater value for males without any statistically significant
differences. The findings provide valuable information that CFT cover the tooth size in all dimensional aspects.
For the prediction of ideal occlusion to be achieved at the finishing stage, orthodontist needs to evaluate CAR
and COR ratios via proposed method.
Key words: Circumferential tooth size, Tooth size discrepancy, Digital dental models.
Correspondence to: Dr. Mohammad Khursheed Alam, Orthodontic Unit,
School of Den tal Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian,
16150 Kot a Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia; Tel: + 60142 926 987; Ema il:,
In ort ho don tic diagnos is and trea tmen t plann in g, great
importance has been attached to evaluating the tooth size and tooth
size discrepancy. Linear measurements have been incorporated
into various dental model analyses to help the clinician to measure
the tooth size and tooth size discrepancies to establish the most
appropriate treatment plan1-3).
Variatio ns in too th size and tooth size rati o have been
connected with diverse ethnic foundations and occlusion status4-
9). Inter maxillary tooth size discrepancy is not infrequent in many
populations1,10,11). From a clinical point of view, ideal balance ought
to exist between the mesiodistal tooth sizes of the maxillary and
mandibular arches to assure correct interdigitation, overbite and
overjet at the consummation of orthodontic treatment12-14).
The time in which the orthodontic practice is currently being
known as “digital era” the computerized advances are no doubt
used to resolve the past confinement of the patient record keeping
and management15). Digital models have facilitated the automated
calculation of tooth size ratios once the mesial and distal points
of each t oo th have been id en tified16- 21). D igital models have
advantages of being faster and providing easier storage of data14,
22). Digital study models have been found to be an appropriate
altern ative to t ho se der ived usin g plas ter models and d igital
calipers14 ,16-18,23 ).
Analysis o f tooth size discrep ancy24, 25) is of extraord inary
importance for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning and
con si dered a s a seventh key to o cc lusion26) . Some stud ies
investigated ra ce an d sex di fferences1 ,5) . Other auth ors have
suggested no significant differences in the tooth size ratio with
different malocclusion10 ,27,28).
A specific measurement should assess the tooth size and tooth
size discrepancy, independent of mesiodistal, buccolingual and
diagon al lin ear measurements. Our study investigated a new
method to measure the tooth size and tooth size discrepancy and
named as circumferential tooth size (CFT), circumferential anterior
tooth size ratio (CAR), circumferential overall tooth size ratio
(COR) respectively. CFT, CAR and COR do not depend on any
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology 24[4] (2015) 305- 310
© 2015 T he Hard Tissue Biology Netwo rk Association
Printed in Ja pan, All rights res erved.
J.Hard Tissue Biology Vol. 24(4):305 -310, 2015
Figure 1. Circumferential tooth size measurement Figure 2. Hirox digital stereomicroscope
Fig ure 3. Fabrication of the di gital models vi a hirox digit al
stereomicroscope and circumferential tooth size measurements
linear measurement, CFT would be especially valuable whenever
previously established tooth size measurements, such a s the
mesiodistal, buccolingual and diagonal cannot be used accurately
because of their dependence on varying factors like caries and
tooth wear.
The CFT, CAR and COR
The CFT, CAR and COR are the new measurements for
assessing the tooth size and tooth size discrepancy of the maxilla
and the mandible via digital dental models.
The CFT can be found by locating the maximum perimeter of
the tooth (Fig. 1).
The CAR and COR can be used to iden tify the tooth size
discrepancy. Fo r CFT in orthodontics CAR and COR c an be
obtained by the following formula
CAR = ×100
COR = ×100
The purposes of this study were to establish the norms for
Pakistani population with regard to CFT, CAR and COR using
stereomicroscopic digital dental models. In addition to the norms
of ci rc umferential dimension s an d ra ti os, the sex an d side
differences were also investigated.
Materials and Methods
Dental impression and personal information were collected
only after informed consent has been obtained from the subjects.
This study was approved by the Human Ethics Committee of the
Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Current research was outlined
and directed as indicated by the ru les of st rength ening the
Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE),
and we used the STROBE guidelines in this manuscript29).
Sample size calculation
Sample size were calculated based on our pilot study by using
PS software30). The p ar amet ers we re a s follo w: p ower 0 .8,
significant level 0.05, standard deviation (from the pilot study)
1.8mm, mean difference 0.9mm and equal ratio between groups.
The estimated sample size was 64 females and 64 males. Three
thousand five hundred eighty-four variables were measured with
the following inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria
The in clusion criteria incl ude hea lt hy subject s with a ge
between 18 – 24 years, having full dentition in both arches
excluding the third molars, no history of orthodontic treatment,
ideal occlusions with class I incisor relationship according to
British standards institute, class I molar and canine relationship,
no crowding, no spacing, no rotation s along with good quality
study models for digital scanning and acquisitions were selected.
Fazal Shahid et al.: Tooth Size Discrepancy Via Circumferential Measurements
Table 1. Norms based Circumferential Tooth Size Measurements
Variables* Male Female 95% CI P
Mean SD Mean SD Mean diff. Lower Upper
11 27.24 1.82 25.75 1.73 1.49 0.89 2.09 .001 ***
12 22.47 1.78 21.52 1.84 0.95 0.35 1.56 .002 **
13 25.60 1.75 24.41 1.79 1.20 0.60 1.79 .001 ***
14 27.35 2.02 26.24 1.94 1.10 0.44 1.77 .001 ***
15 26.76 1.84 25.50 2.10 1.26 0.60 1.92 .001 ***
16 37.32 2.31 35.88 1.73 1.43 0.74 2.12 .001 ***
17 31.98 2.91 29.92 3.02 2.06 1.06 3.06 .001 ***
21 27.24 1.82 25.75 1.73 1.49 0.89 2.09 .001 ***
22 22.47 1.78 21.52 1.84 0.95 0.35 1.56 .002 **
23 25.60 1.75 24.41 1.79 1.20 0.60 1.79 .001 ***
24 27.34 2.02 26.24 1.94 1.10 0.43 1.77 .001 ***
25 26.76 1.83 25.50 2.10 1.26 0.60 1.92 .001 ***
26 37.32 2.31 35.88 1.73 1.43 0.74 2.12 .001 ***
27 31.98 2.91 29.92 3.02 2.06 1.06 3.06 .001 ***
31 19.32 1.54 18.34 1.64 0.99 0.45 1.52 .001 ***
32 20.12 1.36 18.97 1.49 1.15 0.67 1.63 .001 ***
33 23.08 1.44 21.48 1.84 1.60 1.05 2.15 .001 ***
34 23.90 1.68 23.02 1.81 0.89 0.30 1.47 .003 **
35 25.34 1.55 24.43 2.11 0.91 0.29 1.53 .004 **
36 36.18 2.30 34.18 4.08 2.00 0.91 3.09 .001 ***
37 33.57 2.64 32.38 2.26 1.19 0.36 2.02 .005 **
41 19.32 1.54 18.34 1.64 0.99 0.45 1.52 .001 ***
42 20.12 1.36 18.97 1.49 1.15 0.67 1.63 .001 ***
43 23.08 1.44 21.48 1.84 1.60 1.05 2.15 .001 ***
44 23.90 1.68 23.02 1.81 0.89 0.30 1.47 .003 **
45 25.34 1.55 24.43 2.11 0.91 0.29 1.52 .004 **
46 36.18 2.30 34.18 4.08 2.00 0.91 3.09 .001 ***
47 33.57 2.64 32.38 2.26 1.19 0.36 2.02 .005 **
*FDI notation; CI:
confidence interval; SD: standard deviation; Mean diff.: mean differences (***p 0.001), (**p 0.01) and (*p 0.05).
Table 2. Right and Left Comparison for Circumferential Measurements
Maxilla Mandible
variables Mean diff. SD 95% CI P Mean diff. SD 95% CI P
Lower Upper Lower Upper
CI 0.01 .004 -.001 .001 .946 0.01 .002 -.001 .000 .224
LI 0.01 .005 .000 .001 .303 0.01 .002 .000 .001 .258
CI 0.01 .004 -.001 .001 .963 0.01 .004 .000 .001 .221
IPM 0.01 .007 -.001 .002 .584 0.01 .003 -.001 .000 .328
2PM 0.01 .002 -.001 .000 .504 0.01 .003 -.001 .000 .151
IM 0.01 .002 -.001 .000 .028 0.01 .003 .000 .001 .741
2M 0.01 .003 -.001 .000 .392 0.01 .003 -.001 .000 .106
CI: central incisor; LI: lateral incisor; C: canine; IPM: 1st premolar; 2PM: 2nd premolar; IM: 1st molar; 2M: 2nd molar;
CI: confidence interval; Mean diff.: mean differences; SD: standard deviation.
J.Hard Tissue Biology Vol. 24(4):305 -310, 2015
Table 3. CAR and COR Ratios with Sexual Dimorphism.
Sex Mean SD SE 95%CI
Lower Upper p
CAR M 83.09 3.52 0.41
F 82.05 4.01 0.50
COR M 88.79 3.13 0.36
F 88.16 5.27 0.66
CAR: ci rcumferential anterior ratio; COR: circumferential overall ration; CI: confidence in terval;
SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error mean.
Exclusion criteria
Subject who have inter proximal caries or restoration, missing
or supern umerary teeth, teeth wear that affect the tooth size
measurement and damage casts were excluded. Dental impressions
of the upper and lower arches of the each subject were taken with
alginate impression material (Zhermack Orthoprint alginate ISO
1563 –ADA 18 made in Italy) and poured with dental stone (Type
III hard plaster quick stone made in China) in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions and labeled accordingly.
Error study
20 % of dental cast were randomly selected for intra observer
errors. The time interval b etween the first and second reading
were approximately 2 weeks. The method error was analyzed by
the Dahlberg’s double determination formula31). ME = Σ (x1-x2)
2/2n; n = number of sample.
Measurement of CFT
Dental models of each subject for maxillary and mandibular
arches were scanned via Hirox digital stereomicroscope (HIROX
KH7700, Japan) for the fabrication of the digital models. CFT
were carried out via stereomicroscope (SM) scanned digital models
for maxillary and mandibular arches (Figs. 2 and 3). SM was
proven as valid19) and reliable tool for such measurements with
the accuracy of 0.1×10-6mm.
Statistical analysis
Data collected by the investigators were first entered into Excel
(Microsoft, Redmond, Washington, USA). Collected data were
screened for any missing values or outliers and for validity of
distributio n assumptions. To summarize the data, means a nd
standard deviations of CFT were calculated. An independent
samples t-test was used to evaluate differences for CFT in males
and females. The paired sample t test was u sed to determine
differences in teeth size between the right and left side of the
maxillary and mandibular arches. A P value 0.05 was considered
to be statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed
in SPSS (IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22.0, Chicago, USA).
Error of the method
The method error was analyzed by the Dalhberg’s double
determination formula, showed the value of 0.973mm for CFT.
The co mb in ed error fo r any of the variables was sma ll and
considered to be within acceptable limit31 ).
CFT norms and inter sex disparities
Table 1 shows CFT comparisons between males and females
using stereomicroscopic digital models. The developed norms for
the CFT, demonstrated with significantly greater values for males
in relation to females. Mo re precisely, there were statistically
significant differences observed in different variables (*p 0.05
to ***p 0.001).
CFT com pariso n s ide s dis pariti es for the max ill ar y a nd
mandibular teeth
Table 2 shows disparities between the right and left side for
the CFT maxillar y and mandibular teeth size. There were no
statistically significant differences observed in all variables.
CAR and COR ratio and inter sex disparities
Table 3 shows CAR and COR ratio norms with slight greater
value for males without any statistically significant differences.
In orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, the evaluation
of the tooth size and tooth size discrepancy is an indispensable
step and this investigation is generally determined by study model
analysis. To evaluate this relationship, various linear measurements
by sliding calipers and digital models have b een used3, 14,1 6-19 ).
Digital dental models were considered as a valid and reliable tool
for d i ff ere nt t o oth size measu r em ents 17 ,1 9, 20 ,3 2) . Too th size
measurements were done with the accuracy of 1×10-2mm using
digital caliper on the plaster models, emodels, and anatomodels
and suresmile software with 0.1 mm33) the current study SM digital
models is with the accuracy of 0.1×10-6 mm which is a valid
The most popular parameter for assessing the tooth size and
-0.23 2.30 0.107
-0.80 2.06 0.385
Fazal Shahid et al.: Tooth Size Discrepancy Via Circumferential Measurements
tooth size discrepancy remains the mesiodistal tooth width, but it
is affected by various factors and can often be misleading. When
using the mesiodistal tooth width, factors such as the patient’s
age, attrition and time consumption, which makes the interpretation
of this tooth size and tooth size discrepancy much more complex.
To overcome these problems, investigator measured the tooth size
vi a mesio d i s t al1, 12 ), bucc o l i n gual 34) an d diag o n a l cr own
diameters35). Current study investigated the tooth size via CFT to
assess the tooth size via alternate method. Tooth size may assume
an imperative part in the etiology of malocclusions, should be
considered for various analyses in orthodontic examination and
treatment5). Thus CFT is the alternate way to measure the tooth
size from different perspective to help in the examination and
treatment planning. The proposed CFT values will be of great
importance in orthodontics for the ideal treatment to finish with
proper interdigitation, overbite and overjet.
Nature has given a perfect proportion for teeth to occlude in
proper relation. These relations were explored by means of mesial
distal tooth estimate by Bolton24,25 ). In orthodontic diagnosis and
treatment planning tooth size ratio is of extreme value. Some
studies reflect that various tooth-size ratios show indigenous and
sex differences1,8). Others found no significant differences in either
an t e r i or o r ov e r al l r a t io s in s u bj e c t s wi t h di ffe r e n t
malocclusion27,2 8). Investigator in addition offered the newest
formula for tooth size discrepancy36) . Current study investigated
the tooth size ratio via CFT for CAR and COR which is an alternate
novel method to assess the tooth size discrepancy in orthodontics.
CAR and COR showed no significant differences in relation to
gender. In reality, without perfect proportional relationships in
the circumferential tooth size, we cannot give ideal occlusion to
the patients at the finishing stage of orthodontics treatment.
Human teeth have lots of variations in size in relation to race
and sex37,38). Tooth size disproportion is the lack of accord between
the intermaxillary tooth size or group of teeth. Any disharmony in
the tooth size can lead to either spacing in one arch or effect the
functional relationship. To achieve an ideal occlusion the teeth
size shoul d be in ide al relation from all dimensions, such as
mesiodistal, buccolingual and diagonal tooth size. The CFT cover
th e to o t h si ze in all dime n sional as p ects . Thu s for the
accomplishment of good occlusion with the accurate overbite and
overjet, the maxillary and mandibular teeth must be proportional
in size form all dimensional aspects. For the prediction of ideal
occlusion to be achieved at the finishing stage, orthodontist needs
to evaluate CAR and COR ratios via proposed method. Current
study investigated the tooth size and tooth size discrepancies for
both sexes.
CFT, CAR and COR norms will be of great value in forensic
dentistry and dental anthropology investigations in addition to
orthodontic treatment planning. CFT, CAR and COR need to be
further investigated on other population for sexual dimorphism.
In conclusion th e, no rms were d eveloped for CFT us ing
stereomicroscopic digital models; there is no difference between
the CFT of right and left side of the maxillary and mandibular
arches; norms were developed for the CAR and COR ratio to assess
tooth size discrepancy; CFT presented the sexual dimorphism with
the greatest value for male were observed; the developed norms
CAR and CO R ratios will be h elpful adjun ct in orthodontic
treatment planning for understanding the tooth size discrepancies.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support from the
Universiti Sains Malaysia 304/PPSG/61313104 short-term grant.
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... Crown size measurements such as mesiodistal (MD), buccolingual (BL) [2,3], and diagonal [4] diameters and circumference [5] have been used successfully to predict sex as adjuvant methods. A more advanced three-dimensional method has also been used to measure crown size, achieving a similar range of classification accuracy as that of conventional digital caliper methods [6,7]. ...
... Thus, the results from one population cannot be implemented in other populations. In the Malay community, studies have examined sexual dimorphism in crown size measurements of teeth [5,11]. However, data on the cusp area of tooth surfaces needed to enable sex prediction in the Malay population are lacking; such data would provide options or alternatives regarding other crown size measurement methods. ...
Full-text available
In this study, we aimed to compare the cusp and crown areas of the maxillary first premolar (PM1), second premolar (PM2), and first molar (M1) in males and females in the Malay population and to formulate sex prediction models. For this purpose, the maxillary posterior teeth of 176 dental cast samples (from 88 males and 88 females) were selected and transformed to two-dimensional digital models using 2D-Hirox KH-7700. Cusp and crown area measurements were obtained using Hirox software by tracing the outermost circumference of the tooth cusps. Statistical analysis included independent t-tests, logistic regression analysis, and receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves as well as determination of sensitivity and specificity; analysis was performed with SPSS version 26.0. The significance threshold was set at 0.05. All crown and cusp area measurements were significantly larger in males than in females (p < 0.001). The most sexually dimorphic tooth was the first maxillary molar (mean difference, 10.27 mm²), and the most sexually dimorphic cusp was the mesiopalatal cusp (mean difference, 3.67 mm²) of M1. The sex prediction model had a good accuracy, with 80% of selected cases correctly predicted. Hence, we conclude that the maxillary posterior teeth in the Malay population exhibit significant sexual dimorphism, and this information may be used for sex determination as adjuvants along with other procedures.
... Several methods of digital photography have been established using multiple equipments. Hirox KH-7700 Digital Microscope System (Japan) is considered a reliable tool with an accuracy of 0.1x10 -6 [9]. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the individuality of GP of maxillary first molar (M1), first premolar (PM1), and second premolar (PM2) in a Malay population using 2D-Hirox stereomicroscope. ...
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In forensic odontology, unique features are important concepts for the antemortem and postmortem dental record comparisons. There are studies on the uniqueness of soft and hard tissue structures. However, there is insufficient data specifically on the uniqueness of groove patterns (GP). Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the uniqueness of the maxillary first molar (M1), first premolar (PM1), and second premolar (PM2) using a two-dimensional (2D) stereomicroscope for human identification. Ninety dental casts were selected for scanning. Two-dimensional images of M1, PM1 and PM2 were captured with Hirox KH-7700 Digital Microscope System (Japan). The GP tracings followed the central developmental groove and any supplementary groove emerging from it. The GPs were then duplicated into original and duplicate sets of images by examiner-A. Examiner-B decoded the original and duplicate sets of images and made 90 matched and 90 non-matched pairs of GPs of each of M1, PM1, and PM2, which were superimposed by examiner-A using 2D-Hirox. Examiner-B cross-checked to record the correct and incorrect decisions. Examiner-A gave the correct decision for all the pairs of PM1, PM2 and MI, which showed 100 % uniqueness. It was concluded that maxillary M1, PM1, and PM2 showed uniqueness of GP, and hence, may be used for human identification.
... Among the mixed dentition, expectation of the mesiodistal measurements of unerupted perpetual teeth is of incredible significance in finding and treatment arranging. Right appraisal of the span of the unerupted tooth permits enhanced treatment plan to manage tooth size discrepancies 8) . For blended dentition tooth size and curve measurement examination direct estimation strategies including hand-held calipers, charts and scale to record measurements and tooth size on dental throws have been used 9) . ...
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Purpose: The aim of the present study was to do an overview of the dental tooth size for various populations. Also, to evaluate the various type of measurement methods and sexual disparities. Methods: Two reviewers independently performed the selection process and the quality of studies was assessed. Studies published form January 1963 until October 2015 were identified in electronic databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Science direct, Web of Science, Medpilot and Medline using keywords. Criteria used included: observational studies, tooth size measured, Permanent dentition, tooth size investigated via plaster and digital dental models, measurement via calipers and computers software's. Results: The current overview showed the tooth size dimension and its disparities for various populations. Conclusion: The various methods to assess tooth size dimension should be carefully considered and well conducted as part of the clinical assessment of orthodontic treatment, since arch dimension could influence the diagnosis and treatment planning of orthodontist. © 2017 Japan Health Sciences University & Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation.
Forensic odontology” is concerned with the proper handling, inspection, and assessment of dental evidence as well as the correct analysis and representation of dental findings. An odontologist is regularly called upon to help identify unknown human remains and dental evidence recovered from crime scenes and disasters. Dental profiling is the study of teeth and their surrounding structures with the goal of determining a victim’s identity. One can estimate an individual’s age, gender, and ethnicity using dental profiling. It can also be used to determine dental anthropological features such as personal habits, diet, nutritional deficiencies, oral health, and social class. Dental profiling can be done in a number of ways by either invasive or noninvasive methods. By studying and examining solid samples with complicated surface topography for macro features, stereomicroscopy is one of the ways that might be useful in it. Such a technique could be useful for both invasive and noninvasive dental profiling approaches. Stereomicroscopy refers to a microscopic technique that can be used for stereoscopic viewing or three-dimensional imaging with depth and contrast perception; it is essential for interpreting specimen structure. A stereomicroscope or dissecting microscope is a device used to observe a sample at a low magnification utilizing light reflected off the object’s surface rather than transmitted through it. This paper provides an overview of the stereomicroscope’s usage, applications, and benefits in microscopic forensic dental profiling.
Aim The prime aim of the study was to generate a new formula to predict mesiodistal width of maxillary canines. Materials and methods The selected sample consisted of 128 subjects with the ages ranged from 18 to 24 years. A total of 1024 variables were measured. Dental models of each subject for maxillary and mandibular arches were scanned via digital stereomicroscope for the fabrication of the digital models the mesiodistal and buccolingual width of maxillary and mandibular canines were carried out via digital models. Results Highly positive correlation was found between mesio-distal width of maxillary and mandibular canines with an establishment of valid clinical prediction of mesio-distal width of maxillary permanent canines depending on their corresponding mandibular canines in each gender. The new formula was developed for the prediction of mesiodistal width of maxillary canine (MDMaxC) from the mesio distal mandibular canine width (MDMCW) as Y = 3.060 + 0.696 × (MDMCW), Y = 3.867 +0.589 × (MDMCW), Y = 3.517 + 0.607 × (MDMCW). The new formula was developed for prediction of MDMaxC from BLMCW as Y = 6.015 + 0.281 × (BLMCW), Y = 6.569 + 0.213 × (BLMCW), Y = 6.250 + 0.229 × (BLMCW). Conclusions These formulas will be helpful for the clinical treatment planning in orthodontic, prosthodontics, and restorative dentistry.
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Much medical research is observational. The reporting of observational studies is often of insufficient quality. Poor reporting hampers the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a study and the generalisability of its results. Taking into account empirical evidence and theoretical considerations, a group of methodologists, researchers, and editors developed the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) recommendations to improve the quality of reporting of observational studies. The STROBE Statement consists of a checklist of 22 items, which relate to the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of articles. Eighteen items are common to cohort studies, case-control studies and cross-sectional studies and four are specific to each of the three study designs. The STROBE Statement provides guidance to authors about how to improve the reporting of observational studies and facilitates critical appraisal and interpretation of studies by reviewers, journal editors and readers. This explanatory and elaboration document is intended to enhance the use, understanding, and dissemination of the STROBE Statement. The meaning and rationale for each checklist item are presented. For each item, one or several published examples and, where possible, references to relevant empirical studies and methodological literature are provided. Examples of useful flow diagrams are also included. The STROBE Statement, this document, and the associated Web site ( should be helpful resources to improve reporting of observational research.
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In order to establish standard norms for the Pakistani population, we investigated the geomorphometrics of tooth size and arch dimension using a conventional digital caliper (DC) and a digital stereomicroscope (SM). The sample consisted of 128 subjects ranging in age from 18 to 24 years. A total of 44,155 variables were measured. Dental models of each subject for maxillary and mandibular arches were scanned via Hirox digital stereomicroscope for the fabrication of the digital models, and the geomorphometrics of tooth size and arch dimensions were measured via SM scanned digital models. All the measurements were also carried out via DC on plaster dental models. Sex differences and changes associated with methods were assessed, and interrelationships between different variables were explored within the study group. For the data obtained by DC and SM techniques, the men had significantly larger arch dimensions and geomorphometrics of tooth size than the women did. There were no significant disparities observed between the techniques. The developed norms for the mesiodistal, buccolingual, diagonal tooth sizes and arch dimension had significantly greater values for males in relation to females (*pd " 0.05 to ***pd " 0.001). This study has established a new reference database of tooth size and arch dimensions via both DC and digital SM for first time on Pakistani population. These norms will be helpful for clinical treatment planning in dentistry. Contemporaneously, the norms will be of great value to forensic dentists and dental anthropologists for making comparisons within and between different populations.
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of orthodontic measurements made on digital models created with Hirox digital microscope (HDM). The data sources were plaster dental models from the archives of School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. A total of 11 dental models with 396 variables were measured using the plaster dental casts, and Hirox digital models were created. The study inclusion and exclusion criteria were followed. Two investigators (A and B) carried out the measurements of the selected dental casts using a digital caliper (DC) and the HDM. Dental plaster models were scanned using the HDM for the fabrication of the Hirox digital models. The tooth size and arch width were measured by DC and HDM. The validity of the digital measurements for examiners A and B the ICC coefficients were statistically significant (p<0.001), and the values of coefficient were in the range of strong correlation. The ICC coefficient values for inter-examiner A and B were all in the range of strong correlation for both tooth size and arch width variables in which the reliability coefficient values were comparable between digital measurements using HDM and measurements using DC. All ICC coefficient values were statistically significant (p<0.001). The results show that linear measurements of dental casts using a digital microscope are valid and reliable. Introduction Productive treatment planning in dentistry needs detailed
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Background: Determination of racial differences is one of the important aspects of forensic odontology. The present investi-gation was undertaken to compare the mesio-distal and bucco-lingual crown dimensions of permanent teeth in Indian and Malaysian populations. Materials and Methods: The study sample consisted of 30 pairs of study models from each of the two populations with the mean age of 19 to 20 years. Impressions were made in alginate and were casted immediately in plaster. The study models were dummy coded for blinding of racial affiliation and measurements were carried out using an electronic digital caliper. The mean values for the two populations were compared using univariate analysis of variance (sex factor was controlled). A logistic regression forward stepwise (Likelihood ratio) was used to evaluate the classification rates for predicting race including all tooth variables and sex as predictors. Results: The univariate analysis of variance found that Malaysian teeth were significantly larger than the Indian teeth for MD14, BL11, BL41, BL42, BL43 after sex factor have been controlled statistically. Conclusion: The results of this study may be useful in forensic cases, anthropological references and also can be useful in clinical information for orthodontists and restorative dentists.
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Historically, orthodontists have taken dental measurements on plaster models. Technological advances now allow orthodontists to take these measurements on digital models. In this study, we aimed to assess the accuracy, reproducibility, and time efficiency of dental measurements taken on 3 types of digital models. emodels (GeoDigm, Falcon Heights, Minn), SureSmile models (OraMetrix, Richardson, Tex), and AnatoModels (Anatomage, San Jose, Calif) were made for 30 patients. Mesiodistal tooth-width measurements taken on these digital models were timed and compared with those on the corresponding plaster models, which were used as the gold standard. Accuracy and reproducibility were assessed using the Bland-Altman method. Differences in time efficiency were tested for statistical significance with 1-way analysis of variance. Measurements on SureSmile models were the most accurate, followed by those on emodels and AnatoModels. Measurements taken on SureSmile models were also the most reproducible. Measurements taken on SureSmile models and emodels were significantly faster than those taken on AnatoModels and plaster models. Tooth-width measurements on digital models can be as accurate as, and might be more reproducible and significantly faster than, those taken on plaster models. Of the models studied, the SureSmile models provided the best combination of accuracy, reproducibility, and time efficiency of measurement.
Measuring plaster models by hand is the traditional method of assessing malocclusion. Recent technologic advances now allow the models to be digitized, measured with software tools, stored electronically, and retrieved with a computer. OrthoCAD (Cadent, Fairview, NJ) performs this service. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of the OrthoCAD system. Two independent examiners measured tooth size, overbite, and overjet on both digital and plaster models. The results were compared, and interexaminer reliability was assessed. The study sample consisted of 76 randomly selected pretreatment patients. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the 2 groups for tooth size and overbite, with the digital measurements smaller than the manual measurements. However, the magnitude of these differences ranged from 0.16 mm to 0.49 mm and can be considered clinically not relevant. No difference was found between the 2 groups in the measurement of overjet. Interexaminer reliability was consistent for both the plaster and the digital models.
Objective. The prime aim of the study was to measure and compare the 3D CBCT Bolton tooth size ratio in relation to the upper and lower arch widths, arch length and arch perimeter. Materials and methods. The data source was CBCT high volumetric data from the archives. Tooth size, arch widths, arch length and arch perimeter were measured in maxilla and mandibular arches. The independent t-test and ANOVA were used for statistical analyses. Results. The female Bolton anterior ratio (BAR) (78.373) and Bolton overall ratio (BOR) (93.231) show a greater tooth size ratio in comparison to male BAR (77.162) and BOR (93.124), respectively. However, no significant difference was found in the sexual comparison of all the measurements. Tooth size ratio in arch width groups also showed no significant difference. Significant discrepancies in the arch length (p < 0.05) groups and overall ratio and in the arch perimeter groups (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01) and anterior ratio were revealed. Conclusions. Tooth size ratios during orthodontic treatment for different arch length and arch perimeter groups need to be evaluated carefully. Read More: