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Receipt of Preventive Services After Oregon's Randomized Medicaid Experiment


Abstract and Figures

Introduction: It is predicted that gaining health insurance via the Affordable Care Act will result in increased rates of preventive health services receipt in the U.S., primarily based on self-reported findings from previous health insurance expansion studies. This study examined the long-term (36-month) impact of Oregon's 2008 randomized Medicaid expansion ("Oregon Experiment") on receipt of 12 preventive care services in community health centers using electronic health record data. Methods: Demographic data from adult (aged 19-64 years) Oregon Experiment participants were probabilistically matched to electronic health record data from 49 Oregon community health centers within the OCHIN community health information network (N=10,643). Intent-to-treat analyses compared receipt of preventive services over a 36-month (2008-2011) period among those randomly assigned to apply for Medicaid versus not assigned, and instrumental variable analyses estimated the effect of actually gaining Medicaid coverage on preventive services receipt (data collected in 2012-2014; analysis performed in 2014-2015). Results: Intent-to-treat analyses revealed statistically significant differences between patients randomly assigned to apply for Medicaid (versus not assigned) for 8 of 12 assessed preventive services. In intent-to-treat analyses, Medicaid coverage significantly increased the odds of receipt of most preventive services (ORs ranging from 1.04 [95% CI=1.02, 1.06] for smoking assessment to 1.27 [95% CI=1.02, 1.57] for mammography). Conclusions: Rates of preventive services receipt will likely increase as community health center patients gain insurance through Affordable Care Act expansions. Continued effort is needed to increase health insurance coverage in an effort to decrease health disparities in vulnerable populations.
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Receipt of Preventive Services After Oregon’s Randomized
Medicaid Experiment
Miguel Marino, PhD1,2, Steffani R. Bailey, PhD1, Rachel Gold, PhD, MPH3,4, Megan J.
Hoopes, MPH3, Jean P. O’Malley, MPH2, Nathalie Huguet, PhD1, John Heintzman, MD1,
Charles Gallia, PhD5, K. John McConnell, PhD6, and Jennifer E. DeVoe, MD, DPhil1,3
1Department of Family Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon
2Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Division of Biostatistics, Oregon Health
and Science University, Portland, Oregon
3OCHIN, Inc. Portland, Oregon
4Kaiser Permanente Northwest Center for Health Research, Portland, Oregon
5Office of Health Analytics, Oregon Health Authority, Salem, Oregon
6Center for Health System Effectiveness, Department of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health
and Science University, Portland, Oregon
Introduction—It is predicted that gaining health insurance via the Affordable Care Act will
result in increased rates of preventive health services receipt in the U.S, primarily based on self-
reported findings from previous health insurance expansion studies. This study examined the long-
term (36-month) impact of Oregon’s 2008 randomized Medicaid expansion (“Oregon
Experiment”) on receipt of 12 preventive care services in community health centers using
electronic health record data.
Methods—Demographic data from adult (aged 19–64 years) Oregon Experiment participants
were probabilistically matched to electronic health record data from 49 Oregon community health
centers within the OCHIN community health information network (N=10,643). Intent-to-treat
analyses compared receipt of preventive services over a 36-month (2008–2011) period among
those randomly assigned to apply for Medicaid versus not assigned, and instrumental variable
analyses estimated the effect of actually gaining Medicaid coverage on preventive services receipt
(data collected in 2012–2014; analysis performed in 2014–2015).
Results—Intent-to-treat analyses revealed statistically significant differences between patients
randomly assigned to apply for Medicaid (versus not assigned) for eight of 12 assessed preventive
services. In intent-to-treat[MM1] analyses, Medicaid coverage significantly increased the odds of
receipt of most preventive services (ORs ranging from 1.04 [95% CI=1.02, 1.06] for smoking
assessment to 1.27 [95% CI=1.02, 1.57] for mammography).
Address correspondence to: Miguel Marino, PhD, Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Family Medicine, Mailcode:
FM, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland OR 97239.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Am J Prev Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 February 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Am J Prev Med. 2016 February ; 50(2): 161–170. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.07.032.
Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript
Conclusions—Rates of preventive services receipt will likely increase as community health
center patients gain insurance through Affordable Care Act expansions. Continued effort is needed
to increase health insurance coverage in an effort to decrease health disparities in vulnerable
In the U.S., lack of health insurance is associated with decreased access to health care,
including lower receipt of recommended preventive services among uninsured patients
compared with insured patients.1–8 The 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) created new
opportunities for millions of uninsured people to obtain health insurance.9,10 It is predicted
that ACA coverage opportunities will positively affect rates of receipt of preventive services
as uninsured patients become insured.11–13 These predictions are largely based on data that
could be influenced by unmeasured external factors. For instance, increased rates of
preventive services receipt among people who gain insurance coverage as a result of a
significant life event (e.g., getting a new job) could confound how change in insurance status
affects preventive care receipt. To estimate the causal effect of gaining health insurance on
receipt of preventive services, researchers examined “natural experiments” in which
individuals gained coverage owing to a policy change such as Massachusetts’ 2006 health
insurance expansion. Most of these studies were observational or quasi-experimental and
relied on self-reported data, which could explain why their findings were inconsistent.14–18
Randomizing patients to receive an intervention provides the strongest design to assess
causal relationships; however, it is nearly impossible to conduct a study that randomizes
insurance coverage. The “Oregon Experiment,” a randomized natural experiment, provided
a unique opportunity to isolate the effect of health insurance on preventive services
receipt.19–22 In 2008, Oregon expanded Medicaid coverage to a limited number of “non-
categorically eligible” individuals (i.e., those not federally mandated to receive Medicaid). It
was anticipated that the number of people that signed up for coverage would exceed the
expansion budget; thus, to most fairly allocate limited resources, interested adults were
added to a list and were randomly selected to apply for Medicaid coverage. From a
“reservation list” of >100,000 entries, approximately 30,000 people were randomly selected
to apply, and approximately 10,000 gained coverage.23 Detailed information about Oregon’s
Medicaid program in 200823,24 and the Oregon Experiment is available elsewhere.19,21,23,25
This study utilized this randomized natural experiment to assess the impact of gaining
Medicaid coverage on receipt of preventive services among community health center (CHC)
patients. The authors hypothesized that those who were selected to apply and gained
Medicaid would receive more preventive services than those who did not gain Medicaid
An ideal setting for isolating the effect of insurance, CHCs provide care for millions of
patients, regardless of insurance coverage status or ability to pay.26 CHCs also care for a
high percentage of racial/ethnic minority patients and others likely to have low rates of
preventive services and to experience healthcare disparities.27 Thus, CHC patients would
likely be among those most affected by a policy change to expand Medicaid coverage.
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To limit bias inherent in self-reported measures, this study utilized electronic health record
(EHR) data from 49 CHCs. It assessed participants’ receipt of preventive services, as
documented in the EHR, in the 36 months after the Oregon Experiment. This is the first
study to focus on the impact of the Oregon Experiment on receipt of preventive care services
in CHCs utilizing EHR data.
Data Sources
This study used EHR data from the OCHIN community health information network, a
501(c)(3) network of health systems that supports >300 CHC clinic sites by providing a
centrally hosted EpicCare EHR with an enterprise-wide master patient index (each patient
has a single medical record available across the network). Originally called the Oregon
Community Health Information Network, its official name became “OCHIN, Inc.” as
membership expanded beyond Oregon. Detailed information about OCHIN and the
suitability of OCHIN’s EHR database for research purposes is available elsewhere.28–30 The
authors identified all Oregon CHC sites in the OCHIN network that were live on EHR as of
March 11, 2008 (N=49), which was the earliest date a patient could have received Medicaid
via the Oregon Experiment. State administrative data, including the Oregon Experiment
reservation list (names, addresses, and other contact details provided to sign up for the
chance to gain Medicaid) and Oregon’s Medicaid enrollment data were also used to assess
periods of Medicaid coverage during the study period.
Study Population
Individuals on the Oregon Experiment “reservation list” (N=100,407) were probabilistically
matched to individual OCHIN patients (N=106,692), using Link Plus software31 and
demographic variables common to both data sets. Two researchers independently performed
a case-by-case review of uncertain matches using additional demographic variables.
Appendix Table 1 provides more details. The authors identified 11,041 matched individuals,
4,205 of whom were selected to apply for coverage, and 6,836 who were not selected. To
preserve randomization, minimal exclusions were applied: patients aged <19 years (n=8)
and >64 years (n=337), patients not alive at the end of the post-period (n=60), and those
with unknown sex (n=1). This led to an exclusion of 156 (3.7%) from the selected group and
242 (3.5%) from the non-selected group. The final study population consisted of 10,643
patients: 4,049 selected to apply for coverage and 6,594 not selected.
Random selection to apply for Medicaid coverage occurred through eight monthly drawings
held between March and October 2008. Among selected individuals, coverage start dates
were retroactively assigned as the date of selection notification (the “selection date”). For
analyses, a 2008 selection date was randomly assigned to individuals not selected to apply
based on the distribution of observed selection dates among people selected to apply.
Outcomes were assessed in the 36 months after the selection date (post-period).
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To examine the effect of providing access to apply for health insurance on the receipt of
preventive services, intent-to-treat (ITT) analyses were conducted comparing patients
randomly selected to apply for Medicaid coverage (i.e., intervention group) versus those not
selected to apply (i.e., control group). However, the ITT approach does not provide a causal
estimate of obtaining Medicaid insurance. For example, individuals randomly selected to
apply for insurance did not always follow through, and thus remained uninsured. To
estimate the effect of gaining Medicaid on receipt of preventive services, bivariate probit
instrumental variable (IV) analyses were conducted. To be considered a valid instrument for
IV analyses, the variable(s) must be associated with Medicaid coverage, but not associated
with the receipt of preventive services in the relevant time period except through the
instrument’s effect on Medicaid coverage. Based on these criteria, two instrumental
variables that met the standards for valid instruments were used: (1) selection status in the
Oregon Experiment (randomly selected to apply, or not)20,32; and (2) Medicaid coverage
status in the pre-period (any coverage or no coverage). Both variables were positively and
significantly associated with post-period coverage, but neither would be expected to be
directly associated with post-period preventive service receipt except through their
association with post-period coverage. The treatment variable was having at least 6 months
of continuous Medicaid coverage in the post-period starting from their selection date, as
participants who received Medicaid were covered for 6 months before they had to reapply to
renew coverage. The ITT and IV analyses are presented together in this study to identify the
effects of gaining access to apply for health insurance (ITT) and actually gaining Medicaid
(IV), which are two different experiences.
The primary outcomes were whether or not the patient received preventive care services in
the post-period: screenings for cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer (fecal occult blood
testing and colonoscopy); screenings for diabetes (glucose and hemoglobin A1c [HbA1c]),
hypertension, obesity, smoking; lipid screening; chlamydia testing; and receipt of influenza
vaccination. Codes were used based on EHR Meaningful Use Stage 1 measures.33 These
included ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure codes, Current Procedural Terminology and
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System codes, Logical Observation Identifiers
Names and Codes, and medication codes. The authors also used relevant code groupings and
codes specific to the OCHIN EHR, used for Meaningful Use reporting and internal quality
improvement initiatives.34 Appendix Table 2 provides detailed technical specifications and
patient eligibility criteria for each measure.
For covariates, this study used EHR data to obtain patient age, sex, race/ethnicity, household
income, and baseline health status prior to each patient’s selection date. Patients’ household
income was estimated as the average of available Federal Poverty Level from all visits. To
measure baseline health status, prior diagnosis of five chronic conditions was assessed using
standard Meaningful Use criteria33 or Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set35
codes: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. If a
qualifying diagnosis code appeared on the problem list or in two or more encounters prior to
the selection date, the patient was considered to have the condition.
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Statistical Analysis
Differences were assessed in the covariates between patients randomly selected to apply for
Medicaid versus those not selected to apply, using chi-square tests for categorical
characteristics and two-sample t-tests for continuous predictors. This was done for every
preventive service outcome separately, and covariates that displayed significant differences
between the selection groups were included in adjusted analyses. Next, ITT analyses were
conducted for each outcome, comparing preventive service receipt in the 36 month post-
period among those randomly selected to apply versus not selected using generalized
estimating equation models with a logit link and robust sandwich variance estimator to
account for the clustering of patients within CHCs.
A maximum-likelihood bivariate probit IV model36 was used, as it has been shown to be
more consistent and less biased for models with binary outcomes and binary endogenous
variables compared with the common two-stage least-squares model.37 The bivariate probit
model controlled for the same covariates included in the ITT models. A robust variance
estimator that account for within-clinic correlation was implemented.38,39 The validity of the
instruments was tested using an over-identification test. All statistical tests were two-sided
and significance was defined as a p-value <0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using
SAS, version 9.3 and Stata, version 12.1 (data collected in 2012–2014; analysis performed
in 2014–2015). This study was approved by the IRB at Oregon Health and Science
University and was registered as an observational study at
A total of 10,643 participants with an average age of 39.2 years at baseline were followed
for 36 months after random selection to apply for coverage (Table 1). About 59% of
participants had no chronic conditions documented in the EHR in the pre-period, and 60%
were non-Hispanic white. There were no significant differences at baseline between the
selected and not selected groups in gender, age, Federal Poverty Level, or race/ethnicity.
The groups differed on the number of chronic conditions prior to selection date.
Table 2 presents the percentage of participants who received preventive services during the
36-month post-period by selection group and the ORs of receipt of preventive services,
comparing those participants selected to apply versus those not selected. Patients selected to
apply had significantly higher odds of receiving assessments of BMI (AOR[MM2]=1.12,
95% CI=1.10, 1.14), blood pressure (AOR=1.09, 95% CI=1.07, 1.12), and smoking status
(AOR=1.04, 95% CI=1.02, 1.06). Statistically significant increases in the odds of receipt of
preventive services were also observed when comparing selected with not selected groups
for the following outcomes: 15% increase for Pap test, 27% increase for mammography,
15% increase for fecal occult blood testing, and 24% increase for chlamydia testing.
Additionally, participants who were selected to apply had lower odds of receiving HbA1c
testing (AOR=0.79, 95% CI=0.71, 0.88), compared with participants not selected.
Among the 4,049 patients that were selected to apply, 44% actually gained Medicaid
coverage (≥6 months of continuous coverage) in the post-period. Table 3 displays the effects
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of gaining Medicaid coverage on receipt of preventive services estimated by the IV
approach. The bivariate probit model estimates indicated that participants who had Medicaid
coverage in the post-period had significantly higher likelihood of receiving BMI (increase of
12.5%, 95% CI=10.6, 14.4), blood pressure (increase of 10.1%, 95% CI=7.0, 13.3), and
smoking (increase of 6.2%, 95% CI=5.3, 7.1) screenings, compared with those who did not
have Medicaid coverage. Among cancer-related screenings, statistically significant
Medicaid coverage effects were observed for Pap testing (10.3% increase, 95% CI=8.8,
11.7) and mammography (14.5% increase, 95% CI= 10.1, 18.8). A positive Medicaid
coverage effect was also observed for chlamydia testing (increase of 27.3%, 95% CI=14.1,
40.4) and lipid screening (increase of 8.0%, 95% CI=1.0, 15.0). No significant effect of
Medicaid coverage was found on receipt of fecal occult blood testing, colonoscopy, glucose,
or HbA1c screenings.
Previous studies of the Oregon Experiment examined the impact of a Medicaid expansion on
self-reported healthcare utilization and service receipt in the general population.21,22,25,40
This study extends that work to evaluate the effect of a Medicaid expansion on receipt of
preventive services in CHCs, a setting likely to be impacted by ACA Medicaid expansions,
as most CHC patients are uninsured or Medicaid recipients.41 This study also expands on
prior examination of the Oregon Experiment by including a longer follow-up (36 months)
and using EHR data from a linked system to objectively measure receipt of preventive
services.20,21 EHR data can overcome potential biases that result when asking patients to
recall service receipt, particularly over a long period of time.42–44 The randomization
component of the Oregon Experiment enabled examination of [MM3]both the effect of
being selected to apply for Medicaid coverage on utilization of CHC services, and the
isolated effect of actually gaining Medicaid coverage.
The findings strengthen the survey-based evidence from other Oregon Experiment studies
regarding the causal link between health insurance and receipt of breast and cervical cancer
screening.20,21 Similar to those studies no significant effect of insurance on influenza
vaccination was found. Interestingly, Medicaid coverage positively affected screenings for
BMI, blood pressure, and smoking (not assessed in previous Oregon Experiment studies),
despite the fact that these services are usually performed at most visits and do not generate a
separate billing charge. Based on post-hoc analyses (results not shown), one possible
explanation for these findings is that insured patients had a higher primary care office visit
rate than those who were uninsured, increasing the odds that these routine services would be
performed. It should be noted that although the authors did not find statistically significant
differences in glucose and HbA1c testing and colorectal cancer screenings by insurance
coverage, there was a trend toward Medicaid coverage having a positive effect on these
Policy Implications
These findings can help inform what to expect as an increasing number of uninsured patients
gain coverage via the ACA insurance expansions.45 CHCs provide critical access to millions
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of uninsured and underinsured Americans and do an excellent job of providing quality
services.27,46–51 However, previous studies show that without insurance coverage, CHC
patients cannot always obtain all recommended services; having a primary care medical
home and health insurance coverage is optimal.4,52–55 The finding that CHC patients who
gained insurance coverage in the Oregon Experiment had increased rates of receipt of many
preventive care services suggests that ACA Medicaid expansions could potentially lead to
better access to preventive healthcare services for many Americans. Another ACA provision
that requires most health plans to cover evidence-based preventive services without cost
sharing will further increase this access: About 71 million Americans with private insurance
gained access to fully covered preventive services in 2010–2011 with no co-pay.56 Without
cost sharing, it is reassuring that discussion of preventive care receipt for insured patients
may no longer have to include whether or not a patient can afford the out-of-pocket costs
that used to be associated with many of these services. However, it is important to remember
that an estimated 30 million Americans might remain uninsured, despite ACA insurance
expansions.57 The findings also suggest that these people are much less likely to receive
many recommended preventive services, and that continued effort is needed to increase
access to insurance and health care in this population.
Analyses were limited to the 49 Oregon CHCs that had fully implemented the OCHIN EHR
before March 11, 2008 to be able to fully capture documented data on preventive services
over the 36-month follow-up. This resulted in small sample sizes and reduced power for
some preventive service categories, likely explaining the trend toward Medicaid coverage
having a positive effect on colon cancer and glucose screenings but not reaching the level of
statistical significance. This study was conducted in Oregon CHCs; patients seeking care
outside this state and setting may behave differently. Further, the majority of the sample was
already receiving care at the Oregon CHCs prior to the Oregon Experiment; thus, the results
may not generalize to other patient populations such as those seeking care for the first time
via the ACA, or among patients less engaged in their health care. The observed percentage
receipt of most screening outcomes during the 36-month follow-up was slightly lower than
other studies,51 likely because the authors did not limit the sample to patients with a primary
care visit during the post-period (68% of the selected group and 66% of those not selected
had one or more primary care visit in the post-period). The authors also were unable to
assess the extent to which patients sought care outside the OCHIN network. If a patient
gained insurance and left the OCHIN network, this would diminish the percentage receipt of
preventive services for the Medicaid coverage group and thus bias the effects towards the
null.28 Additionally, gaining Medicaid was defined as having ≥6 months of continuous
Medicaid coverage in the post-period. If subjects in the Medicaid group lost coverage after 6
months, this could adversely affect preventive service receipt later in the study period; thus,
the observed treatment effects may be underestimated.
Utilizing the Oregon Experiment, a randomized natural experiment, this study demonstrates
a causal relationship between Medicaid coverage and receipt of several preventive services
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in CHC patients, including receipt of breast and cervical cancer screenings as well as
screenings for BMI, blood pressure, and smoking, during a 3-year follow-up.
This study was supported by grants R01HL107647 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and K08
HS021522–02 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The funding agencies had no involvement in
the preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript. We thank Heather Angier and Eve Dexter for their
contributions, and gratefully acknowledge the OCHIN community health centers and Practice-Based Research
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Appendix Table 1
Demographic Characteristics of Patients on the Medicaid ‘Reservation List’ That Were
Probabilistically Matched to OCHIN EHR Data and Included in the Study Sample Versus
Those That Were Not
Study sample
Not in study
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Female 6,034 (54.7) 47,080 (52.7)
Male 5,007 (45.3) 42,286 (47.3)
Mean (SD)a39.9 (12.5) 39.8 (13.3)
English 9,195 (83.3) 72,222 (80.8)
Spanish 542 (4.9) 3,918 (4.4)
Other/Unknown 1,304 (11.8) 13,226 (14.8)
Urban-rural status
Urban 10,809 (97.9) 83,635 (93.6)
Rural 197 (1.8) 5,441 (6.1)
Unknown 35 (0.3) 290 (0.3)
Note: To identify individuals common to both the Medicaid reservation list and the OCHIN patient population, we used
LinkPlus software to probabilistically compare demographic variables contained in both datasets. Matching variables
included first and last name, date of birth, gender, street address, city, Oregon Medicaid identification number, and
preferred language. The software generates a “match score” indicating each pair’s likelihood of being a match. For pairs of
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uncertain match status based on match score, we conducted double clerical review by independent reviewers. We also
completed several rounds of quality assurance analyses to verify the validity of our match results.
aTwo-sample t-test
Appendix Table 2
Outcome Measure Specifications
Metric Denominator Numerator Areas of EHR
included in search
BMI assessment All patients Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
ICD-9-CM grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c160
(physical exam finding: BMI
percentile); ICD-9-CM
diagnosis codes V85.0-
V85.4; Height and weight
recorded at same encounter.
Encounter vital signs,
Encounter diagnoses,
Problem list
Blood pressure assessment All patients Patients in the denominator
with systolic and diastolic
blood pressure recorded at
same encounter(s) in study
Encounter vital signs
Smoking status assessment All patients Patients in the denominator
with smoking status recorded
at one or more encounters in
measurement period.
Social history2
Cervical cancer screening Female patients ages 21–
Exclusions: EHR
documentation of
Hysterectomy: MU
CPT grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c273
(procedure performed:
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c274
(procedure performed:
hysterectomy noted as
reason for no last
menstrual period in
encounter record.
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
ICD-9-CM grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c279
(laboratory test result: pap
test); MU CPT grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c277
(laboratory test result: pap
test); MU HCPCS grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c278
(laboratory test result: pap
Encounter diagnoses,
Problem list,
Procedures, Medical
history, Surgical
Screening codes:
Encounter diagnoses,
Labs, Procedures,
Problem list, Health
Breast cancer screening Female patients age ≥40.
Exclusions: EHR
documentation of
bilateral mastectomy.
Mastectomy: MU CPT
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c79
(procedure performed:
unilateral mastectomy)
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
CPT grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c72 (diagnostic
study performed: breast
cancer screening); MU
HCPCS grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c73 (diagnostic
study performed: breast
cancer screening); MU
ICD-9-CM grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c74
(diagnostic study performed:
breast cancer screening);
OCHIN internal use codes
for equivalent procedures and
Bilateral mastectomy:
Surgical history;
Screening codes:
Encounter diagnoses,
Procedures, Referrals,
Health maintenance3
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Metric Denominator Numerator Areas of EHR
included in search
Colorectal cancer screening Patients age ≥50.
Exclusions: EHR
documentation of
colorectal cancer history,
total colectomy,
completed colonoscopy
within 10 years, or
completed flexible
sigmoidoscopy within 5
Colorectal cancer
history: MU ICD-9-CM
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c520
(diagnosis active/
colorectal cancer). Total
colectomy: MU CPT
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c36
(procedure performed:
total colectomy).
Colonoscopy and
flexible sigmoidoscopy:
see Numerator column.
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
CPT grouper1 Standard
Concept Ids: N_c18
(procedure performed:
colonoscopy), N_c29
(procedure performed:
flexible sigmoidoscopy),
N_c13 (laboratory test
performed: FOBT); MU
HCPCS grouper1 Standard
Concept Ids: N_c32
(procedure performed:
colonoscopy), N_c30
(procedure performed:
flexible sigmoidoscopy),
N_c17 (laboratory test
performed: FOBT); HCPCS
code G0120; MU ICD-9-CM
grouper1 Standard Concept
Id N_c15 (laboratory test
performed: FOBT); MU
LOINC grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c16 (laboratory
test performed: FOBT);
OCHIN internal use codes
for equivalent labs and
Colorectal cancer
history and total
colectomy: Encounter
diagnoses, Procedures,
Problem list, Medical
history, Surgical
history; Screening
codes: Encounter
diagnoses, Labs,
Procedures, Problem
list, Surgical history,
Referrals, Health
Colonoscopy Patients age ≥50.
Exclusions: EHR
documentation of
colorectal cancer history,
total colectomy,
completed colonoscopy
within 10 years, or
completed flexible
sigmoidoscopy within 5
Colorectal cancer
history: MU ICD-9-CM
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c520
(diagnosis active/
colorectal cancer). Total
colectomy: MU CPT
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c36
(procedure performed:
total colectomy).
Colonoscopy and
flexible sigmoidoscopy:
see Numerator column.
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
CPT grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c18 (procedure
performed: colonoscopy);
MU HCPCS grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c32
(procedure performed:
colonoscopy); OCHIN
internal use codes for
equivalent referrals.
Colorectal cancer
history and total
colectomy: Encounter
diagnoses, Procedures,
Problem list, Medical
history, Surgical
history; Screening
codes: Procedures,
Surgical history,
Referrals, Health
Fecal occult blood test
(FOBT) Patients age ≥50.
Exclusions: EHR
documentation of
colorectal cancer history,
total colectomy,
completed colonoscopy
within 10 years, or
completed flexible
sigmoidoscopy within 5
Colorectal cancer
history: MU ICD-9-CM
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c520
(diagnosis active/
inactive/ resolved:
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
CPT grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c13 (laboratory
test performed: FOBT); MU
HCPCS grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c17 (laboratory
test performed: FOBT); MU
ICD-9-CM grouper1
Standard Concept Id N_c15
(laboratory test performed:
grouper1 Standard Concept
Colorectal cancer
history and total
colectomy: Encounter
diagnoses, Procedures,
Problem list, Medical
history, Surgical
history; Screening
codes: Encounter
diagnoses, Procedures,
Labs, Problem list,
Referrals, Health
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Metric Denominator Numerator Areas of EHR
included in search
colorectal cancer). Total
colectomy: MU CPT
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c36
(procedure performed:
total colectomy).
Colonoscopy and
flexible sigmoidoscopy:
see Numerator column.
Id N_c16 (laboratory test
performed: FOBT); OCHIN
internal use codes for
equivalent labs.
Chlamydia screening Sexually active female
patients ages 19–24.
Codes indicative of
sexually active woman:
MU CPT grouper1
Standard Concept Id
N_c207 (procedure
performed: procedures
indicative of sexually
active woman); MU
HCPCS grouper1
Standard Concept Id
N_c208 (procedure
performed: procedures
indicative of sexually
active woman); MU
ICD-9-CM grouper1
Standard Concept Id
N_c580 (diagnosis
active: sexually active
woman); MU LOINC
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c210
(laboratory test
performed: Laboratory
tests indicative of
sexually active woman);
Internal OCHIN
grouper “Diagnosis
Concept: Sexually
Transmitted Disease”;
Social History2 sexually
active flag.
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
LOINC grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c219
(laboratory test result:
chlamydia screening);
Internal OCHIN grouper
“Health Maintenance –
Chlamydia Satisfying
Sexually active codes:
Encounter diagnoses,
Labs, Procedures,
Problem list, Social
history2; Screening
codes: Labs,
Procedures, Health
Cholesterol screening Patients age ≥20. Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
CPT grouper1 Standard
Concept Ids: N_c156
(laboratory test performed:
LDL), N_c183 (laboratory
test performed: HDL),
N_c180 (laboratory test
performed: Total
Cholesterol), N_c186
(laboratory test performed:
Triglycerides); MU LOINC
grouper1 Standard Concept
Ids: N_c157 (laboratory test
performed: LDL), N_c184
(laboratory test performed:
HDL), N_c181 (laboratory
test performed: Total
Cholesterol), N_c187
(laboratory test performed:
Procedures, Labs,
Health maintenance3
Influenza vaccine Patients age ≥50.
Documentation of
vaccine allergy/
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: CPT
codes 90653, 90654, 90655,
Exclusion: Allergies,
Vaccine codes:
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Metric Denominator Numerator Areas of EHR
included in search
contraindication or
patient declined. 90656, 90657, 90658, 90659,
90660, 90661, 90662, 90663,
90664, 90666, 90667, 90668,
90672, 90685, 90686, 90687,
90688, G0008, Q2038;
OCHIN internal use codes
for equivalent procedures and
Procedures, Health
Pneumococcal vaccine Patients with a diagnosis
of diabetes, asthma, or
coronary artery disease
by start of measurement
period. Exclusions:
Documentation of
vaccine allergy/
contraindication or
patient declined.
Diabetes: MU ICD-9-
CM grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c47
(diagnosis active:
diabetes). Asthma: MU
ICD-9-CM grouper1
Standard Concept Id
A_c221 (diagnosis
active: asthma). CAD:
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id A_c122
(diagnosis active:
Coronary Artery Disease
includes MI); MU CPT
grouper1 Standard
Concept Id A_c169
(procedure performed:
Cardiac Surgery).
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
RxNorm grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c421
(medication administered:
pneumococcal vaccination);
CPT codes 4040F, 90669,
90670, 90732, G0009, S0195;
OCHIN internal use codes
for equivalent procedures.
Exclusion: Allergies,
Diabetes, asthma, and
CAD diagnoses:
Encounter diagnoses,
Problem list, Surgical
history; Vaccine codes:
Immunizations, Health
Glucose screening Patients age ≥45. Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: LOINC
codes 1492–8, 1494–4,
1496-9, 1499-3, 1501-6,
1502-4, 1504-0, 1507-3,
1508-1, 1514-9, 1515-6,
1518-0, 1530-5, 1531-3,
1533-9, 1554-5, 1557-8,
1558-6, 6749-6, 9375-7,
10450-5, 14753-8, 14754-6,
14756-1, 14757-9, 14759-5,
14764-5, 14765-2, 14771-0,
14995-5, 17865-7, 20436-2,
20437-0, 20438-8, 25666-9,
26554-6, 30251-3, 30265-3,
30267-9, 32320-4, 40285-9,
40286-7, 41024-1, 49134-0,
51597-3, 55351-1, 55381-8,
10449-7, 12610-2, 12646-6,
1521-4, 2345-7, 25428-4,
27353-2, 1527-1, 1469-9,
1539-6, 1542-0, 2348-1,
2349-9, 6760-3; CPT codes
80047, 80048, 80053, 80050,
80069, 82947, 82950, 82951,
82948, 82952; OCHIN
internal use codes for
equivalent procedures.
Procedures, Labs
HbA1c measurement Patients with a diagnosis
of diabetes. Diabetes:
grouper1 Standard
Patients in the denominator
with at least one of the
following documented in
measurement period: MU
Diabetes diagnosis:
Encounter diagnoses,
Problem list; Screening
codes: Procedures,
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Metric Denominator Numerator Areas of EHR
included in search
Concept Id N_c47
(diagnosis active:
LOINC grouper1 Standard
Concept Id N_c87 (laboratory
test result: HbA1c test); N
groupers: “Health
Maintenance – Hemoglobin
A1C procedures”; “Health
Maintenance – Diabetes
HgbA1c satisfying
Labs, Health
CPT, Current Procedural Terminology; EHR, electronic health record; HCPCS, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding
System; LOINC, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes; MU, Meaningful Use
1Meaningful Use groupers created for OCHIN reporting based on specified Standard Concept identifier from Clinical
Quality Measures for Eligible Professionals.
2Social history is the area of the EHR used to record sexuality and substance use
3Health maintenance is the EHR’s preventive health tool that is used to remind patients and providers when appropriate
preventive services are due
Appendix Table 3A
Demographic Characteristics for BMI, Blood Pressure, and Smoking Screening
Subpopulation Study Sample by Oregon OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health
Insurance Coverage via Oregon Experiment vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=10,643)
N=4,049 Not selected
N=6,594 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.734
Female 2,231 (55.1) 3,611 (54.8)
Male 1,818 (44.9) 2,983 (45.2)
Mean (SD)b39.2 (11.7) 39.5 (11.9) 0.185
Race/Ethnicity 0.263
Hispanic, any race 548 (13.5) 867 (13.2)
Non-Hispanic, white 2,447 (60.4) 3,949 (59.9)
Non-Hispanic, other 795 (19.6) 1,412 (21.4)
Unknown 259 (6.4) 366 (5.6)
Average FPLc0.827
<100% 2,911 (71.9) 4,772 (72.4)
≥100% 1,101 (27.2) 1,766 (26.8)
Missing/Unknown 37 (0.9) 56 (0.9)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated<0.001
0 2,394 (59.1) 3,936 (59.7)
1 567 (14) 1,083 (16.4)
2 261 (6.5) 442 (6.7)
3–5 135 (3.3) 272 (4.1)
No data to assess 692 (17.1) 861 (13.1)
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Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
Appendix Table 3B
Demographic Characteristics for Pap Screening Subpopulation Sample by Oregon OCHIN
Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon Experiment vs. Not
Selected to Apply (N=4,931)
N=1,872 Not selected
N=3,059 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender NA
Female 1,872 (100.0) 3,059 (100.0)
Male 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Mean (SD)b37.9 (10.9) 38.6 (11.4) 0.032
Race/Ethnicity 0.263
Hispanic, any race 338 (18.1) 516 (16.87)
Non-Hispanic, white 1,061 (56.7) 1,710 (55.9)
Non-Hispanic, other 364 (19.4) 663 (21.7)
Unknown 109 (5.8) 170 (5.6)
Average FPLc0.970
<100% 1,325 (70.8) 2,167 (70.8)
≥100% 531 (28.4) 868 (28.4)
Missing/Unknown 16 (0.9) 24 (0.8)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosedprior to selection dated0.008
0 1,197 (63.9) 1,934 (63.2)
1 237 (12.7) 467 (15.3)
2 110 (5.9) 183 (6.0)
3–5 52 (2.8) 106 (3.5)
No data to assess 276 (14.7) 369 (12.1)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3C
Demographic Characteristics for Mammography Screening Subpopulation Study Sample by
Oregon OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon
Experiment vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=3,661)
N=979 Not selected
N=1,682 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender NA
Female 979 (100.0) 1,682 (100.0)
Male 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Mean (SD)b49.0 (5.8) 49.4 (6.0) 0.128
Race/Ethnicity 0.340
Hispanic, any race 105 (10.7) 161 (9.6)
Non-Hispanic, white 633 (64.7) 1,065 (63.3)
Non-Hispanic, other 186 (19) 366 (21.8)
Unknown 55 (5.6) 90 (5.4)
Average FPLc0.652
<100% 692 (70.7) 1,206 (71.7)
≥100% 278 (28.4) 465 (27.7)
Missing/Unknown 9 (0.9) 11 (0.7)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated0.126
0 442 (45.2) 788 (46.9)
1 192 (19.6) 337 (20.0)
2 106 (10.8) 191 (11.4)
3–5 59 (6.03) 120 (7.1)
No data to assess 180 (18.4) 246 (14.6)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3D
Demographic Characteristics for FOBT and Colonoscopy Screening Subpopulation Sample
by Oregon OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon
Experiment vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=2,531)
N=951 Not selected
N=1,580 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.060
Female 445 (46.8) 790 (50.0)
Male 506 (53.2) 790 (50.0)
Mean (SD)b54.4(3.2) 54.6(3.4) 0.141
Race/Ethnicity 0.060
Hispanic, any race 56 (5.9) 129 (8.2)
Non-Hispanic, white 651 (68.5) 1,012 (64.1)
Non-Hispanic, other 192 (20.2) 355 (22.5)
Unknown 52 (5.5) 84 (5.3)
Average FPLc0.963
<100% 686 (72.1) 1,145 (72.5)
≥100% 256 (26.9) 421 (26.7)
Missing/Unknown 9 (1.0) 14 (0.90)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated<0.001
0 359 (37.8) 601 (38.0)
1 188 (19.8) 374 (23.7)
2 125 (13.1) 223 (14.1)
3–5 71 (7.5) 157 (9.9)
No data to assess 208 (21.9) 225 (14.2)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL=federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3E
Demographic Characteristics for Chlamydia Screening Subpopulation Sample by Oregon
OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon Experiment
vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=366)
N=133 Not selected
N=233 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender NA
Female 133 (100.0) 233 (100.0)
Male 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Mean (SD)b20.1 (0.8) 20.1 (0.8) 0.972
Race/Ethnicity 0.859
Hispanic, any race 26 (19.6) 38 (16.3)
Non-Hispanic, white 67 (50.4) 124 (53.2)
Non-Hispanic, other 34 (25.6) 62 (26.6)
Unknown 6 (4.5) 9 (3.9)
Average FPLc0.223
<100% 102 (76.7) 164 (70.4)
≥100% 31 (23.3) 69 (29.6)
Missing/Unknown 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated0.051
0 117 (88.0) 203 (87.1)
1 13 (9.8) 30 (12.9)
2 3 (2.3) 0 (0)
3–5 0 (0) 0 (0)
No data to assess
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3F
Demographic Characteristics for Lipid Screening Subpopulation Study Sample by Oregon
OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon Experiment
vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=10,407)
N=3,958 Not selected
N=6,449 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.732
Female 2,174 (54.9) 3,520 (54.6)
Male 1,784 (45.1) 2,929 (45.4)
Mean (SD)b39.6 (11.4) 39.9 (11.6) 0.184
Race/Ethnicity 0.070
Hispanic, any race 538 (13.6) 848 (13.2)
Non-Hispanic, white 2,399 (60.6) 3,868 (60.0)
Non-Hispanic, other 769 (19.4) 1,372 (21.3)
Unknown 252 (6.4) 361 (5.6)
Average FPLc0.702
<100% 2,843 (71.8) 4,673 (72.5)
≥100% 1,078 (27.2) 1,722 (26.7)
Missing/Unknown 37 (0.9) 54 (0.8)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated<0.001
0 2,310 (58.4) 3,814 (59.1)
1 562 (14.2) 1,071 (16.6)
2 261 (6.6) 442 (6.9)
3–5 135 (3.4) 272 (4.2)
No data to assess 690 (17.4) 850 (13.2)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3G
Demographic Characteristics for Flu Vaccine Subpopulation Study Sample by Oregon
OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon Experiment
vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=2,505)
N=948 Not selected
N=1,557 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.156
Female 446 (47.1) 778 (50.0)
Male 502 (53.0) 779 (50.0)
Mean (SD)b54.4(3.2) 54.6(3.4) 0.151
Race/Ethnicity 0.061
Hispanic, any race 57 (6.0) 126 (8.1)
Non-Hispanic, white 652 (68.8) 998 (64.1)
Non-Hispanic, other 188 (19.8) 350 (22.5)
Unknown 51 (5.4) 83 (5.3)
Average FPLc0.994
<100% 687 (72.5) 1,127 (72.4)
≥100% 252 (26.6) 416 (26.7)
Missing/Unknown 9 (1.0) 14 (0.9)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated<0.001
0 358 (37.8) 599 (38.5)
1 185 (19.5) 359 (23.1)
2 124 (13.1) 223 (14.3)
3–5 73 (7.7) 151 (9.7)
No data to assess 208 (21.9) 225 (14.5)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3H
Demographic Characteristics for Glucose Screening Subpopulation Study Sample by
Oregon OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon
Experiment vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=4,082)
N=1,506 Not selected
N=2,576 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.352
Female 718 (47.7) 1,267 (49.2)
Male 788 (52.3) 1,309 (50.8)
Mean (SD)b51.7(4.5) 51.7(4.7) 0.838
Race/Ethnicity 0.385
Hispanic, any race 109 (7.2) 209 (8.1)
Non-Hispanic, white 1,008 (66.9) 1,660 (64.4)
Non-Hispanic, other 305 (20.3) 564 (21.9)
Unknown 84 (5.6) 143 (5.6)
Average FPLc0.709
<100% 1,096 (72.8) 1,894 (73.5)
≥100% 396 (26.3) 663 (25.7)
Missing/Unknown 14 (0.9) 19 (0.7)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated<0.001
0 615 (40.8) 1,123 (43.6)
1 303 (20.1) 554 (21.5)
2 174 (11.6) 305 (11.8)
3–5 98 (6.5) 215 (8.4)
No data to assess 316 (21.0) 379 (14.7)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Appendix Table 3I
Demographic Characteristics for HbA1c Screening Subpopulation Study Sample by Oregon
OCHIN Patients Selected to Apply for Health Insurance Coverage via Oregon Experiment
vs. Not Selected to Apply (N=728)
N=248 Not selected
N=480 p-valuea
no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.717
Female 121 (48.8) 241 (50.2)
Male 127 (51.2) 239 (49.8)
Mean (SD)b47.4 (8.9) 46.8792 (9.8) 0.445
Race/Ethnicity 0.371
Hispanic, any race 47 (19.0) 94 (19.6)
Non-Hispanic, white 142 (57.3) 245 (51.0)
Non-Hispanic, other 52 (21.0) 126 (26.3)
Unknown 7 (2.8) 15 (3.1)
Average FPLc0.856
<100% 186 (75) 363 (75.6)
≥100% 62 (25) 117 (24.4)
Missing/Unknown 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated0.909
0 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
1 58 (23.4) 108 (22.5)
2 81 (32.7) 151 (31.5)
3–5 108 (43.6) 220 (45.8)
No data to assess 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s
exact test due to low cell counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Figure 1.
CONSORT diagram of the study.
*Subset of 515,575 total OCHIN patients sent for linkage with an encounter at a clinic live
on EHR by the earliest study date (March 11, 2008)
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Table 1
Demographic Characteristics by Selected Versus not Selected to Apply for Medicaid Coverage via Oregon
N=4,049 Not Selected
N=6,594 p-valuea
Total N=10,643 no. (column %) no. (column %)
Gender 0.734
Female 2,231 (55.1) 3,611 (54.8)
Male 1,818 (44.9) 2,983 (45.2)
Mean (SD)b39.2 (11.7) 39.5 (11.9) 0.185
Race/Ethnicity 0.063
Hispanic, any race 548 (13.5) 867 (13.2)
Non-Hispanic, white 2,447 (60.4) 3,949 (59.9)
Non-Hispanic, other 795 (19.6) 1,412 (21.4)
Unknown 259 (6.4) 366 (5.6)
Average FPLc0.827
<100% 2,911 (71.9) 4,772 (72.4)
≥100% 1,101 (27.2) 1,766 (26.8)
Missing/Unknown 37 (0.9) 56 (0.8)
Number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection dated<0.001
0 2,394 (59.1) 3,936 (59.7)
1 567 (14.0) 1,083 (16.4)
2 261 (6.5) 442 (6.7)
3–5 135 (3.3) 272 (4.1)
No data to assess 692 (17.1) 861 (13.1)
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05).
ap-values for chi-square test unless otherwise noted
bTwo-sample t-test
cFPL, federal poverty level; values ≥1,000% FPL were set to missing (affected less than 1% of observations). Fisher’s exact test due to low cell
counts in missing/unknown category.
dChronic conditions assessed: asthma, coronary artery disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
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Marino et al. Page 27
Table 2
Preventive Services Receipt by Selection Status to Apply for Medicaid Coverage via the Oregon Experiment
Screening N %
Receipt Difference
in % OR (OR 95% CI) OR (OR 95% CI)
Selected 4,049 54.3 +3.6 1.14 (1.12–1.17) 1.12 (1.10–1.14)
Not selected 6,594 50.7 Ref
Blood pressureb
Selected 4,049 65.6 +3.0 1.10 (1.07–1.13) 1.09 (1.07–1.12)
Not selected 6,594 62.6 Ref
Selected 4,049 59.2 +2.3 1.07 (1.04–1.10) 1.04 (1.02–1.06)
Not selected 6,594 56.9 Ref
Pap testa,b
Selected 1,872 39.3 +3.4 1.16 (1.02–1.32) 1.15 (1.01–1.30)
Not selected 3,059 35.9 Ref
Selected 979 45.7 +6.0 1.27 (1.02–1.57) 1.27 (1.02–1.57)
Not selected 1,682 39.7 Ref
Selected 951 20.0 +1.5 1.17 (0.98–1.40) 1.15 (1.01–1.32)
Not selected 1,580 18.5 Ref
Selected 951 10.8 +1.2 1.10 (0.95–1.27) 1.04 (0.90–1.20)
Not selected 1,580 9.6 Ref
Chlamydia testb
Selected 133 38.4 +5.8 1.28 (1.11–1.49) 1.24 (1.07–1.44)
Not selected 233 32.6 Ref
Lipid screeningb
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Screening N %
Receipt Difference
in % OR (OR 95% CI) OR (OR 95% CI)
Selected 3,958 36.1 +2.0 1.10 (0.92–1.32) 1.10 (0.93–1.31)
Not selected 6,449 34.1 Ref
Influenza vaccinationb
Selected 948 37.7 +0.0 1.00 (0.83–1.20) 1.02 (0.85–1.21)
Not selected 1,557 37.7 Ref
Selected 1,506 58.6 +2.4 1.08 (1.00–1.17) 1.05 (0.94–1.17)
Not selected 2,576 56.2 Ref
Selected 248 69.0 −4.8 0.79 (0.71–0.88) 0.79 (0.71–0.88)
Not selected 480 73.8 Ref
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05). Statistics were estimated from intent-to-treat generalized estimating equation logistic models. Each model controlled for imbalances between
selection groups (Appendix Tables 3A–3I show tables comparing patient demographics by selection group for each outcome):
aModel adjusted for age
bModel adjusted for number of chronic conditions diagnosed prior to selection date
cNo covariate adjustment made. No differences in covariate distribution between groups.
Definition of Outcome Denominators:
BMI: all adults in the study
Blood pressure: all adults in the study
Smoking status: All adults in the study
Pap test: Females age 21–64, no history of hysterectomy
Mammography: Females age ≥40, no history of bilateral mastectomy
Colorectal cancer screen: age ≥50, no history of colorectal cancer or total colectomy
Chlamydia test: Sexually active females age 19–24
Lipid screening: age ≥20
Influenza vaccination: age ≥50, without indication of vaccine allergy/contraindication or declined
Glucose: age ≥45
HbA1c: diagnosis of diabetes (diagnosis requires ICD9 code to appear on problem list OR in 2+ separate encounters prior to request date)
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Table 3
Estimated Treatment Effect of Medicaid Coverage via the Oregon Experiment on Preventive Services Receipt
Screening outcome N
Mean value (%)
in control group
(95% CI) Change (%) with
Medicaid coverage (95% CI) p-value
BMI 10,643 49.1 (45.6, 52.6) 12.5 (10.6, 14.4) <0.001
Blood pressure 10,643 61.5 (59.1, 63.8) 10.1 (7.0, 13.3) <0.001
Smokinga10,643 56.4 (53.0, 59.7) 6.2 (5.3, 7.1) <0.001
Pap test 4,931 34.4 (32.5, 36.3) 10.3 (8.8, 11.7) <0.001
Mammography 2,661 38.2 (32.7, 43.7) 14.5 (10.1, 18.8) <0.001
FOBT 2,531 19.1 (11.8, 26.4) −0.2 (−5.1, 4.7) 0.933
Colonoscopy 2,531 9.4 (7.3, 11.4) 2.7 (−1.7, 7.1) 0.235
Chlamydia 366 28.7 (26.5, 31.0) 27.3 (14.1, 40.4) <0.001
Lipid screeninga10,407 32.9 (27.3, 38.4) 8.0 (1.0, 15.0) 0.026
Influenza vaccination 2,505 37.8 (31.5, 44.0) −0.4 (−8.3, 7.5) 0.922
Glucose 4,082 55.9 (51.5, 60.3) 4.8 (−3.0, 12.7) 0.227
HbA1c 728 71.9 (69.5, 74.4) 0.8 (−4.0, 5.7) 0.732
Note: Boldface indicates statistical significance (p<0.05). Estimated statistics using bivariate probit instrumental variable model. Models adjusted
for same covariate set as intent-to-treat models.
aSelection status in Oregon Experiment was the only instrument in this model based on test of overidentifying restrictions.
Am J Prev Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 February 01.
... Table 1 shows the characteristics of the 49 included studies. Studies were set in the UK (n = 23) , USA (n = 13) [50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62], Ireland (n = 4) [63][64][65][66], the Netherlands (n = 3) [67][68][69], Australia (n = 2) [70,71], Turkey (n = 1) [72], Poland (n = 1) [73], Finland (n = 1) [74], and one [75] compared different policies in the Germany and the UK. ...
... Thirteen were cohort studies [31,40,44,48,54,56,60,62,65,66,68,71,73]. One was a controlled before-andafter study [69]. ...
... Twenty studies [27, 33-35, 37, 45-47, 50, 53, 54, 56-60, 65, 67, 68, 73] had 'moderate' risk of bias; these had more sophisticated study designs which controlled for timevarying confounders but did not have a pre-specified/ pre-registered analysis plan, scoring a poor rating for the 'bias in selection of reported result' domain. Four studies [31,40,48,62] were at 'low' risk of bias -these were cohort studies which controlled for various confounders and had pre-specified analysis plans (Appendix 6). ...
Full-text available
Background Internationally, there is an ‘evidence-practice gap’ in the rate healthcare professionals assess tobacco use and offer cessation support in clinical practice, including primary care. Evidence is needed for implementation strategies enacted in the ‘real-world’. Aim: To identify implementation strategies aiming to increase smoking cessation treatment provision in primary care, their effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and any perceived facilitators and barriers for effectiveness. Methods ‘Embase’, ‘Medline’, ‘PsycINFO’, ‘CINAHL’, ‘Global Health’, ‘Social Policy & Practice’, ‘ASSIA Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts’ databases, and grey literature sources were searched from inception to April 2021. Studies were included if they evaluated an implementation strategy implemented on a nation-/state-wide scale, targeting any type of healthcare professional within the primary care setting, aiming to increase smoking cessation treatment provision. Primary outcome measures: implementation strategy identification, and effectiveness (practitioner-/patient-level). Secondary outcome measures: perceived facilitators and barriers to effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. Studies were assessed using the Risk Of Bias In Non-randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool. A narrative synthesis was conducted using the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) compilation and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Results Of 49 included papers, half were of moderate/low risk of bias. The implementation strategy domains identified involved utilizing financial strategies, changing infrastructure, training and educating stakeholders, and engaging consumers. The first three increased practitioner-level smoking status recording and cessation advice provision. Interventions in the utilizing financial strategies domain also appeared to increase smoking cessation (patient-level). Key facilitator: external policies/incentives (tobacco control measures and funding for public health and cessation clinics). Key barriers: time and financial constraints, lack of free cessation medications and follow-up, deprioritisation and unclear targets in primary care, lack of knowledge of healthcare professionals, and unclear messaging to patients about available cessation support options. No studies assessed cost-effectiveness. Conclusions Some implementation strategy categories increased the rate of smoking status recording and cessation advice provision in primary care. We found some evidence for interventions utilizing financial strategies having a beneficial impact on cessation. Identified barriers to effectiveness should be reduced. More pragmatic approaches are recommended, such as hybrid effectiveness-implementation designs and utilising Multiphase Optimization Strategy methodology. Protocol registration PROSPERO:CRD42021246683
... [15][16][17][18] For instance, evidence shows that gaining insurance is associated with increased receipt of preventive services and access to primary care visits, which can lead to diagnosis of a previously undetected conditions. 15,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26] On the other hand, those with chronic illnesses may be more motivated to obtain or continue to have health insurance to manage their existing conditions. ...
Background: Patients have varying levels of chronic conditions and health insurance patterns as they become Medicare age-eligible. Understanding these dynamics will inform policies and reforms that direct capacity and resources for primary care clinics to care for these aging patients. This study 1) determined changes in chronic condition rates following Medicare age eligibility among patients with different insurance patterns and 2) estimated the number of chronically ill patients who remain inadequately insured post-Medicare eligibility among patients receiving care in community health centers. Method: We used retrospective electronic health record data from 45,527 patients aged 62 to 68 from 990 community health centers in 25 states in 2014 to 2019. Insurance patterns (continuously insured, continuously uninsured, uninsured/discontinuously insured who gained insurance after age 65, lost insurance after age 65, discontinuously insured) and diagnosis of chronic conditions were defined at each visit pre- and post-Medicare eligibility. Difference-in-differences Poisson GEE models estimated changes of chronic condition rates by insurance groups pre- to post-Medicare age eligibility. Results: Post-Medicare eligibility, 72% patients were continuously insured, 14% gained insurance; and 14% were uninsured or discontinuously insured. The prevalence of multimorbidity (≥2 chronic conditions) was 77%. Those who gained insurance had a significantly larger increase in the rate of documented chronic conditions from pre- to post-Medicare (DID: 1.06, 95%CI:1.05-1.07) compared with the continuously insured group. Conclusions: Post-Medicare age eligibility, a significant proportion of patients were diagnosed with new conditions leading to high burden of disease. One in 4 older adults continue to have inadequate health care coverage in their older age.
... Related to this, Sabik et al. (2020) use cancer registry data and difference-in-differences models to show that the Massachusetts insurance mandate was associated with reductions in the likelihood that CRC cancers were detected at advanced stages, suggestive of improvements in CRC screening. A recent analysis of the 2008 Oregon Medicaid Lottery Experiment did not find that individuals who were randomly assigned access to Medicaid in the state had significantly higher colonoscopy rates than individuals who were not randomly assigned such access (Marino et al., 2016), while a study of subsequent randomized Oregon Medicaid invitations in 2012 and 2013 found large and statistically significant increases in colonoscopy rates (but not FOBT rates) associated with a randomized offer of Medicaid in the state (Wright et al., 2016). Finally, two recent studies of the ACA Medicaid expansions have used BRFSS data and found evidence that low-income adults in expansion states age 50-64 had significant increases in CRC screening rates compared to otherwise similar low-income adults in states that did not adopt the Medicaid expansion (Zerhouni et al., 2019, Hendryx andLuo 2018). ...
Full-text available
Although colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is highly effective, screening rates lag far below recommended levels, particularly for low‐income people. The Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP) funded $100 million in competitively awarded grants to 25 states from 2009–2015 to increase CRC screening rates among low‐income, uninsured populations, in part by directly providing and paying for screening services. Using data from the 2001–2015 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) and a difference‐in‐differences strategy, we find no effects of CRCCP on the use of relatively cheap fecal occult blood tests (FOBT). We do, however, find that the CRCCP significantly increased the likelihood that uninsured 50–64‐year‐olds report ever having a relatively expensive endoscopic CRC screening (sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy) by 2.9 percentage points, or 10.7%. These effects are larger for women, minorities, and individuals who did not undertake other types of preventive care. We do not find that the CRCCP led to significant changes in CRC cancer detection. Our results indicate that the CRCCP was effective at increasing CRC screening rates among the most vulnerable.
... FDAapproved tobacco dependence treatments (TDTs) can assist with quit attempts (Fiore et al., 2008), and Medicaid programs across the country cover all or some of these treatments to help Medicaid-enrolled smokers access evidence-based treatment (DiGiulio et al., 2018). Several studies have found Medicaid coverage of TDTs is effective at increasing quit attempts (Keller et al., 2011;Ku et al., 2016;Liu, 2010;Marino et al., 2016), and specifically, successful quit attempts (Greene et al., 2014;Land et al., 2010). Although Medicaid coverage facilitates access to these TDTs, initial and ongoing communication with smokers about this coverage is important. ...
Full-text available
Medicaid-insured adults smoke at twice the rate of privately insured adults. Insurance coverage for tobacco dependence treatments (TDTs) has been shown to increase quit attempts, but few published studies have measured enrollees’ awareness of Medicaid coverage. We assessed awareness of Medicaid coverage for and use of TDTs among New York State (NYS) Medicaid-insured smokers and recent quitters. In July-August 2017, we conducted a probability-based online survey of Medicaid enrollees in NYS aged 18 to 65 in fee-for-service and managed care plans (n=266; AAPOR 4RR=22.5%). In 2017, we estimated descriptive statistics and used Adjusted Wald tests to assess differences in awareness and use of TDTs (p<0.05). We used logistic regression to assess correlates of coverage awareness and use of TDTs. Most participants (94.3%) were aware of TDTs, but fewer were aware that Medicaid covers them (59.7%). Most participants believed TDTs are effective in helping smokers quit, although many also believed non-evidence-based methods are effective. Awareness of Medicaid coverage was associated with awareness of a Medicaid-related antitobacco television ad (p<0.05), moderate nicotine dependence (p<0.05), and believing that TDTs are effective (p<0.01). Although awareness of Medicaid coverage for TDTs was found to be high, there remains room for improvement, even in a state that actively promotes these benefits. It is important for states to not only expand Medicaid coverage of TDTs but to also promote the benefits to improve the chances of quit success. Understanding Medicaid enrollees’ awareness of and perceptions of covered TDTs can inform messaging to maximize utilization of evidence-based benefits.
... Ranging from analysis of patient satisfaction surveys to case studies of state Medicaid expansion (before and after the Affordable Care Act (ACA)), these studies aim to counter the negative perception of Medicaid as substandard. They focus primarily on how the expansion of Medicaid has increased access to healthcare for certain groups, reduced emergency care/uncompensated care and produced other positive outcomes (Jacobson et al. 2016(Jacobson et al. , 2017Han et al. 2015;Marino et al. 2016;Sommers et al. 2016;Wherry and Miller 2016). A recently published report on the results of the National Medicaid Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (CAHPS) survey of over 270,000 adults enrolled in Medicaid during the fall of 2013 indicates high levels of satisfaction with both their access to and the quality of the healthcare they received (Barnett and Sommers 2017). ...
From 2002 to 2016, U.S. health insurers specialising in Medicaid financially outperformed health insurers specialising in other populations (i.e. groups, individuals, Medicare and federal employees). For this robust finding we developed a novel methodology incorporating transactions cost economics theory with supply chain performance models. The novel approach regards the insured populations as products supplied to health insurers (‘buyers’) in a supply chain. The populations are the ‘indigent’, ‘elderly’, ‘employed’ etc. Each has different care utilisation frequencies of encounters, admissions to hospitals and days in hospital, as well as severities of expenses, contractual arrangements and transaction costs advantages. The population attributes act on return on capital (ROC) through their differential interactions with insurer (buyer) attributes. The results suggest that Medicaid specialist insurers, with their extensive involvement with indigents, have the easiest pathways toward ROC optimisation by tweaking benefits, premiums and administrative expenses, which proxy transaction cost advantages.
Objective: Identify how novel datasets and digital health technology, including both analytics-based and artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools, can be used to assess non-clinical, social determinants of health (SDoH) for population health improvement. Methods: A state-of-the-art literature review with systematic methods was performed on MEDLINE, Embase, and the Cochrane Library databases and the grey literature to identify recently published articles (2013-2018) for evidence-based qualitative synthesis. Following single review of titles and abstracts, two independent reviewers assessed eligibility of full-texts using predefined criteria and extracted data into predefined templates. Results: The search yielded 2,714 unique database records of which 65 met inclusion criteria. Most studies were conducted retrospectively in a United States community setting. Identity, behavioral, and economic factors were frequently identified social determinants, due to reliance on administrative data. Three main themes were identified: 1) improve access to data and technology with policy - advance the standardization and interoperability of data, and expand consumer access to digital health technologies; 2) leverage data aggregation - enrich SDoH insights using multiple data sources, and use analytics-based and AI-based methods to aggregate data; and 3) use analytics-based and AI-based methods to assess and address SDoH - retrieve SDoH in unstructured and structured data, and provide contextual care management sights and community-level interventions. Conclusions: If multiple datasets and advanced analytical technologies can be effectively integrated, and consumers have access to and literacy of technology, more SDoH insights can be identified and targeted to improve public health. This study identified examples of AI-based use cases in public health informatics, and this literature is very limited.
Objective To describe characteristics of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) conducted using electronic health records (EHRs), including completeness and transparency of reporting assessed against the 2021 CONSORT Extension for RCTs Conducted Using Cohorts and Routinely Collected Data (CONSORT-ROUTINE) criteria. Study design MEDLINE and Cochrane Methodology Register were searched for a sample of RCTs published from 2011–2018. Completeness of reporting was assessed in a random sample using a pre-defined coding form. Results 183 RCT publications were identified; 122 (67%) used EHRs to identify eligible participants, 139 (76%) used the EHR as part of the intervention and 137 (75%) to ascertain outcomes. When 60 publications were evaluated against the CONSORT 2010 item and the corresponding extension for the 8 modified items, four items were 'adequately reported' for the majority of trials. Five new reporting items were identified for the CONSORT-ROUTINE extension; when evaluated, one was ‘adequately reported’, three were reported ‘inadequately or not at all’, the other ‘partially’. There were, however, some encouraging signs with adequate and partial reporting of many important items, including descriptions of trial design, the consent process, outcome ascertainment and interpretation. Conclusion Aspects of RCTs using EHRs are sub-optimally reported. Uptake of the CONSORT-ROUTINE Extension may improve reporting.
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Randomised controlled trials are increasingly conducted as embedded, nested, or using cohorts or routinely collected data, including registries, electronic health records, and administrative databases, to assess if participants are eligible for the trial and to facilitate recruitment, to deliver an embedded intervention, to collect trial outcome data, or a combination of these purposes. This report presents the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) extension for randomised controlled trials conducted using cohorts and routinely collected data (CONSORT-ROUTINE). The extension was developed to look at the unique characteristics of trials conducted with these types of data with the goal of improving reporting quality in the long term by setting standards early in the process of uptake of these trial designs. The extension was developed with a sequential approach, including a Delphi survey, a consensus meeting, and piloting of the checklist. The checklist was informed by the CONSORT 2010 statement and two reporting guidelines for observational studies, the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement and the REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely collected Data (RECORD) statement. The extension includes eight items modified from the CONSORT 2010 statement and five new items. Reporting items with explanations and examples are provided, including key aspects of trials conducted using cohorts or routinely collected data that require specific reporting considerations.
Introduction Paid sick leave laws have received more attention in recent years as a way to improve public health. This study estimates the impact of paid sick leave laws on the use of preventive services using a quasi-experimental design created by the implementation of Connecticut's paid sick leave law in 2012, the first statewide mandate in the U.S. Methods Data were obtained from the 2007–2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. The analyses were conducted from spring 2018 to fall 2019. This study applied a difference-in-differences model to examine preventive service use (routine checkups, influenza vaccinations, dental visits, Pap tests, mammograms, and clinical breast examinations) in Connecticut and other New England states before and after the implementation of Connecticut's paid sick leave law in 2012. Results The use of preventive services increased in Connecticut compared with other New England states after implementation of Connecticut's paid sick leave law. Specifically, the rate of routine checkups (2.7 percentage points, p<0.001), influenza vaccinations (2.1 percentage points, p<0.01), dental visits (2.3 percentage points, p<0.01), and Pap tests (2.6 percentage points, p<0.01) increased compared with other New England states. Conclusions This study found that adult workers’ use of preventive services increased in Connecticut after implementation of its paid sick leave law. State-paid sick leave laws can improve public health by supporting the use of preventive care services among workers.
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The Affordable Care Act of 2010 supports marked expansions in Medicaid coverage in the United States. As of January 1, 2014, a total of 25 states and the District of Columbia expanded their Medicaid programs. We tested the hypothesis that rates of uninsured safety net clinic visits would significantly decrease in states that implemented Medicaid expansion, compared with states that did not. We undertook a longitudinal observational study of coverage status for adult visits in community health centers, from 12 months before Medicaid expansion (January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013) through 6 months after expansion (January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014). We analyzed data from 156 clinics in the OCHIN practice-based research network, with a shared electronic health record, located in 9 states (5 expanded Medicaid coverage and 4 did not). Analyses were based on 333,655 nonpregnant adult patients and their 1,276,298 in-person billed encounters. Overall, clinics in the expansion states had a 40% decrease in the rate of uninsured visits in the postexpansion period and a 36% increase in the rate of Medicaid-covered visits. In contrast, clinics in the nonexpansion states had a significant 16% decline in the rate of uninsured visits but no change in the rate of Medicaid-covered visits. There was a substantial decrease in uninsured community health center visits and a significant increase in Medicaid-covered visits in study clinics in states that expanded Medicaid in 2014, whereas study clinics in states opting out of the expansion continued to have a high rate of uninsured visits. These findings suggest that Affordable Care Act-related Medicaid expansions have successfully decreased the number of uninsured safety net patients in the United States. © 2015 Annals of Family Medicine, Inc.
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Despite the imminent expansion of Medicaid coverage for low-income adults, the effects of expanding coverage are unclear. The 2008 Medicaid expansion in Oregon based on lottery drawings from a waiting list provided an opportunity to evaluate these effects. Approximately 2 years after the lottery, we obtained data from 6387 adults who were randomly selected to be able to apply for Medicaid coverage and 5842 adults who were not selected. Measures included blood-pressure, cholesterol, and glycated hemoglobin levels; screening for depression; medication inventories; and self-reported diagnoses, health status, health care utilization, and out-of-pocket spending for such services. We used the random assignment in the lottery to calculate the effect of Medicaid coverage. We found no significant effect of Medicaid coverage on the prevalence or diagnosis of hypertension or high cholesterol levels or on the use of medication for these conditions. Medicaid coverage significantly increased the probability of a diagnosis of diabetes and the use of diabetes medication, but we observed no significant effect on average glycated hemoglobin levels or on the percentage of participants with levels of 6.5% or higher. Medicaid coverage decreased the probability of a positive screening for depression (-9.15 percentage points; 95% confidence interval, -16.70 to -1.60; P=0.02), increased the use of many preventive services, and nearly eliminated catastrophic out-of-pocket medical expenditures. This randomized, controlled study showed that Medicaid coverage generated no significant improvements in measured physical health outcomes in the first 2 years, but it did increase use of health care services, raise rates of diabetes detection and management, lower rates of depression, and reduce financial strain.
Although the randomised controlled trial is the “gold standard” for studying the efficacy and safety of medical treatments, it is not necessarily free from bias. When patients do not follow the protocol for their assigned treatment, the resultant “treatment contamination” can produce misleading findings. The methods used historically to deal with this problem, the “as treated” and “per protocol” analysis techniques, are flawed and inaccurate. Intention to treat analysis is the solution most often used to analyse randomised controlled trials, but this approach ignores this issue of treatment contamination. Intention to treat analysis estimates the effect of recommending a treatment to study participants, not the effect of the treatment on those study participants who actually received it. In this article, we describe a simple yet rarely used analytical technique, the “contamination adjusted intention to treat analysis,” which complements the intention to treat approach by producing a better estimate of the benefits and harms of receiving a treatment. This method uses the statistical technique of instrumental variable analysis to address contamination. We discuss the strengths and limitations of the current methods of addressing treatment contamination and the contamination adjusted intention to treat technique, provide examples of effective uses, and discuss how using estimates generated by contamination adjusted intention to treat analysis can improve clinical decision making and patient care.
Lack of insurance is associated with suboptimal receipt of diabetes preventive care. One known reason for this is an access barrier to obtaining healthcare visits; however, little is known about whether insurance status is associated with differential rates of receipt of diabetes care during visits. To examine the association between health insurance and receipt of diabetes preventive care during an office visit. This retrospective cohort study used electronic health record and Medicaid data from 38 Oregon community health centers. Logistic regression was used to test the association between insurance and receipt of four diabetes services during an office visit among patients who were continuously uninsured (n=1,117); continuously insured (n=1,466); and discontinuously insured (n=336) in 2006-2007. Generalized estimating equations were used to account for within-patient correlation. Data were analyzed in 2013. Overall, continuously uninsured patients had lower odds of receiving services at visits when due, compared to those who were continuously insured (AOR=0.73, 95% CI=0.66, 0.80). Among the discontinuously insured, being uninsured at a visit was associated with lower odds of receipt of services due at that visit (AOR=0.77, 95% CI=0.64, 0.92) than being insured at a visit. Lack of insurance is associated with a lower probability of receiving recommended services that are due during a clinic visit. Thus, the association between being uninsured and receiving fewer preventive services may not be completely mediated by access to clinic visits. Copyright © 2014 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Health insurance status affects access to preventive services. Effective use of preventive services is a key factor in the reduction of important health concerns and has the potential to enable adults to live longer, healthier lives. Purpose To analyze the use of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)-recommended preventive services among uninsured adults, with a focus on variation across race, ethnicity, and household income. Methods Using pooled 2004–2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data, this study conducted multivariate logistic regressions to estimate variation in receipt of eight USPSTF-recommended preventive services by race/ethnicity among adults aged 18 years and older uninsured in the previous year. Stratified analyses by household income were applied. Data were analyzed in 2013. Results Uninsured adults received preventive services far below Healthy People 2020 targets. Among the uninsured, African Americans had higher odds of receiving Pap tests, mammograms, routine physical checkups, and blood pressure checks according to guidelines than whites. Moreover, compared to whites, Hispanics had higher odds of receiving Pap tests, mammograms, influenza vaccinations, and routine physical checkups and lower odds of receiving blood pressure screening and advice to quit smoking. When results were stratified by household income, racial/ethnic differences persisted except for the highest income levels (≥400% Federal Poverty Level), where they were largely non-significant. Conclusions Generally, uninsured African American and Hispanic populations fare better than uninsured whites in preventive service utilization. Future research should examine reasons behind these racial/ethnic differences to inform policy interventions aiming to increase preventive service utilization among the uninsured.
One goal of health insurance is ensuring people have timely access to primary and preventive care. This issue brief finds wide differences in primary and preventive care access among adults under age 65--across states and within states by income--before the Affordable Care Act's major insurance expansions took effect. When comparing experiences of adults with insurance, the analysis finds that state and income differences narrow markedly. When insured, middle- and lower-income adults across states are far more likely to have a regular source of care, receive preventive care, and be able to afford care when needed. The findings highlight the potential of expanding health insurance to reduce the steep geographic and income divide in primary and preventive care that existed across the country before 2014. Success will depend on the participation of all states. This brief offers baseline data for states and the nation to track and assess change.
Objective: This study compared the preventive service utilization of uninsured patients receiving care at Oregon community health centers (CHCs) in 2008 through 2011 with that of continuously insured patients at the same CHCs in the same period, using electronic health record (EHR) data. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort analysis, using logistic mixed effects regression modeling to calculate odds ratios and rates of preventive service utilization for patients without insurance, or with continuous insurance. Results: CHCs provided many preventive services to uninsured patients. Uninsured patients were less likely than continuously insured patients to receive 5 of 11 preventive services, ranging from OR 0.52 (95% CI: 0.35-0.77) for mammogram orders to 0.75 (95% CI: 0.66-0.86) for lipid panels. This disparity persisted even in patients who visited the clinic regularly. Conclusion: Lack of insurance is a barrier to preventive service utilization, even in patients who can access care at a CHC. Policymakers in the United States should continue to address this significant prevention disparity.
Objectives: We examined the association between insurance continuity and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine uptake in a network of federally qualified health clinics (FQHCs). Methods: We analyzed retrospective electronic health record data for females, aged 9-26 years in 2008 through 2010. Based on electronic health record insurance coverage information, patients were categorized by percent of time insured during the study period (0%, 1%-32%, 33%-65%, 66%-99%, or 100%). We used bilevel multivariable Poisson regression to compare vaccine-initiation prevalence between insurance groups, stratified by race/ethnicity and age. We also examined vaccine series completion among initiators who had at least 12 months to complete all 3 doses. Results: Significant interactions were observed between insurance category, age, and race/ethnicity. Juxtaposed with their continuously insured peers, patients were less likely to initiate the HPV vaccine if they were insured for less than 66% of the study period, aged 13 years or older, and identified as a racial/ethnic minority. Insurance coverage was not associated with vaccine series completion. Conclusions: Disparities in vaccine uptake by insurance status were present in the FQHCs studied here, despite the fact that HPV vaccines are available to many patients regardless of ability to pay.
Background: Before enacting health insurance reform in 2006, Massachusetts provided free breast, cervical cancer, and cardiovascular risk screening for low-income uninsured women through a federally subsidized program called the Women's Health Network (WHN). This article examines whether, as women transitioned to insurance to pay for screening tests after health reform legislation was passed, cancer and cardiovascular disease screening changed among WHN participants between 2004 and 2010. Methods: We examined claims data from the Massachusetts health insurance exchange and chart review data to measure utilization of mammography, Pap smear, and blood pressure screening among WHN participants in five community health centers in greater Boston. We conducted a longitudinal analysis, by insurance type, using generalized estimating equations to examine the likelihood of screening at recommended intervals in the postreform period compared to the prereform period. Results: Pre- and postreform, we found a high prevalence of recommended mammography (86% vs. 88%), Pap smear (88% vs. 89%), and blood pressure screening (87% vs. 91%) that was similar or improved for most women postreform. Screening use differed by insurance type. Recommended mammography screening was statistically significantly increased among women with state-subsidized private insurance (odds ratio [OR] 1.58, p<0.05). Women with unsubsidized private insurance or Medicare had decreased Pap smear use postreform. Although screening prevalence was high, 31% of women required state safety-net funds to pay for screening tests. Conclusion: Our results suggest a continued need for safety-net programs to support preventive screening among low-income women after implementation of healthcare reform.