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Introduction Ant algorithms are multi-agent systems in which the behavior of each single agent, called arti cial ant or ant for short in the following, is inspired by the behavior of real ants. Ant algorithms are one of the most successful examples of swarm intelligent systems [3], and have been applied to many types of problems, ranging from the classical traveling salesman problem, to routing in telecommunications networks. In this section we will focus on the ant colony optimization (ACO) meta-heuristic [18], which de nes a particular class of ant algorithms, called in the following ACO algorithms. ACO algorithms have been inspired by the following experience run by Goss et al. [31] using a colony of real ants. A laboratory colony of Argentine ants (Iridomyrmex humilis) is given access to a food source in an arena linked to the colony's nest by a bridge with two branches of dierent length (see gure 2.1). Branches are arranged in such a way that ants going in either direction (
... Відповідно, фіксація оптимальної конфігурації частково пройденого маршруту полягає в додаванні у «пам'ять» мурах частково-визначених маршрутів. Для цього в алгоритм вводиться Pre k -список ребер графу, по яким k мураха зобов'язана рухатись в рамках оптимальної конфігурації частково пройденого маршруту, ігноруючи ймовірнісне правило класичного мурашиного алгоритму, описаного в [21]. Тобто, перебуваючи в вершині i графу, мураха k рухається в вершину j якщо i, j ∈ Pre k , інакше наступна вершина знаходиться за ймовірнісним правилом. ...
...  IF error is NL and error-rate is PL THEN output Z  IF error is NL and error-rate is NL THEN output NL The other rules of FLs are summarized in Table 1. [19], and was developed it in his further work with his colleagues, as summarized in [20]. ...
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This paper presents two robust control strategy to improve the performance of the UPFC used for controlling independently active and reactive powers in the power transmission line. The proposed controllers are used to overcome the drawback of traditional linear PI control, which is typically tuned for one specific operating condition: The first type, is an intelligent controller based on the principle of fuzzy logic and the second is an advance technique based on the meta-heuristic methods, namely ant colony algorithms (ACO) used to tune the parameters of FACTS. To achieve this goal, first we establish a state space complete dynamic model of UPFC based on Kirchhoff's equations and (d-q) transformation, this model includes the two voltage source inverters and the DC bus voltage link. Then the proposed techniques are developed for the UPFC system control. Simulation results show power, effectiveness, robustness and accuracy of the proposed controllers in terms of tracking, and decoupling.
... Ant-colony optimization (ACO) [13][14] newly the meta-heuristic method has been developed to solve optimization complications built on operating in an ant colony. Most specifically, it is built on eight colonies that find food short cuts. ...
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The increasing need for energy has placed optimization at the center of power engineering research and development. Presenting the theoretical underpinnings of optimization from a practical power system perspective, this review article on Electric Power System Applications of Optimization explores state-of-the-art techniques, novel approaches, and ongoing application difficulties. This work addresses several algorithmic issues that arise from the planning and management of power systems using diverse approaches, as well as the analytical formulation of optimization. This article introduces new features related to market programs, pricing, reliability, and developments in intelligent systems with working algorithms and examples. This paper discusses the latest developments in the fields of adaptive feedback design and approximate dynamic programming. In order to describe new concepts and variations of Adaptive Dynamic Programming, this work begins with fundamental theories and theorems from functional optimization, optimum control, and dynamic programming. Because of its innovative integration of basic optimization principles with application, this review article encourages power engineers to make new discoveries in the provision of energy at the optimal rate.
... The ACO algorithm [25][26][27], inspired by the cooperative foraging behavior of ants in nature, is widely used to solve combinatorial optimization problems (such as disassembly sequence planning [28], vehicle routing problem [29], traveling salesman problem [30], airport taxiway planning [31], job shop scheduling [32], feature selection [33], and image segmentation [34]) due to its advantages of positive feedback, strong robustness, and parallelism. For the path planning of mobile robots, there are also numerous research results in the literature. ...
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With the continuous development of mobile robot technology, its application fields are becoming increasingly widespread, and path planning is one of the most important topics in the field of mobile robot research. This paper focused on the study of the path planning problem for mobile robots in a complex environment based on the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. In order to solve the problems of local optimum, susceptibility to deadlocks, and low search efficiency in the traditional ACO algorithm, a novel parallel ACO (PACO) algorithm was proposed. The algorithm constructed a rank-based pheromone updating method to balance exploration space and convergence speed and introduced a hybrid strategy of continuing to work and killing directly to address the problem of deadlocks. Furthermore, in order to efficiently realize the path planning in complex environments, the algorithm first found a better location for decomposing the original problem into two subproblems and then solved them using a parallel programming method-single program multiple data (SPMD)-in MATLAB. In different grid map environments, simulation experiments were carried out. The experimental results showed that on grid maps with scales of 20 $ \times $ 20, 30 $ \times $ 30, and 40 $ \times $ 40 compared to nonparallel ACO algorithms, the proposed PACO algorithm had less loss of solution accuracy but reduced the average total time by 50.71, 46.83 and 46.03%, respectively, demonstrating good solution performance.
... Алгоритм наслідування поведінки мурашиної колонії. Це клас алгоритмів, основна ідея яких навіяна поведінкою справжніх мурах [49,50] та полягає у паралельному пошуку кількох конструктивних обчислювальних потоків. Цей процес проходить на основі даних локальної проблеми та динамічної структури пам'яті, що містить інформацію про якість попередньо отриманого результату. ...
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The relevance of modern metaheuristic algorithms, clarification of a number of terms and relationships between them, the need for classification, as well as metaphors used to describe algorithms are described. This makes it possible to understand the need to cover the specified topic and conduct research on literary sources related to the issue. A number of terms and categories and their interrelationships were considered, which made it possible to propose a classification of metaheuristic algorithms. An approach to the classification of metaheuristic algorithms based on the terms and division of categories taken from the natural sciences is proposed. According to the names of the classes, their filling takes place. This makes it possible to combine a certain segment of knowledge into a cluster with a single terminology. Considering the category of "metaphor" and its functions in the formation of metaheuristic algorithms, it made it possible to gain a deeper understanding of the possibilities of using metaphors in scientific activity and to form a list of requirements for them when describing algorithms. An overview of interesting, original and diverse metaheuristic algorithms was conducted, which made it possible to understand modern trends in this issue, to determine the advantages and disadvantages of algorithms, as well as to understand and shape the role of metaphor in their formation or description. Also, the review makes it possible to distinguish two intellectual directions of using metaphors: helping to increase understanding and intensifying the delivery of the idea to the target audience of an already developed algorithm or strategy and the development of new algorithms or strategies for finding optimal parameters. The system of formation and design of new knowledge and the role of metaphor in it are considered. The system triangle "idea-algorithm-metaphor" has been formed, as well as possible ways of development in this system, which allows the developer to define or choose a certain path and its subsequent stages. Keywords: metaheuristic algorithm, metaphor, optimization.
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic that is inspired by the pheromone trail laying and following behavior of some ant species. Artificial ants in ACO are stochastic solution construction procedures that build candidate solutions for the problem instance under concern by exploiting (artificial) pheromone information that is adapted based on the ants' search experience and possibly available heuristic information. Since the proposal of Ant System, the first ACO algorithm, many significant research results have been obtained. These contributions focused on the development of high performing algorithmic variants, the development of a generic algorithmic framework for ACO algorithm, successful applications of ACO algorithms to a wide range of computationally hard problems, and the theoretical understanding of important properties of ACO algorithms. This chapter reviews these developments and gives an overview of recent research trends in ACO.
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In recent years the use of internet is growing rapidly every minutes resulting in vast number of users are over the network which leads to demand of spectrum. Spectrum is provided to licensed user only due to which spectrum are not fully utilized. Cognitive Radio Network (CRN) is the most suitable solution to use this unutilized spectrum. In CRN the spectrum is allotted to a Secondary User (SU) when it is not used by Primary User (PU).The problem arise when PU demands back its allotted bandwidth from SU while SU is transmitting through it. The SU has to immediately release the bandwidth to the PU. Now SU has two options either stop or continue the transmission by finding neighboring bandwidth that is a micro mobility solution using ACO algorithm is required. This paper investigates the micro mobility option using ACO for a solution & save the energy and enhances the network lifetime in CRN using leach route protocol. The enhancement in performance through above suggested way of solving the problem has shown by results of simulation.
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Transportation problem (TP) aims to reduce the entire transportation cost of moving resources from various supply hubs to various demand hubs. However, in real-life situations, all organizations want to achieve numerous objectives while making transportation of goods. The degree of deterioration may vary depending on the mode, route, and time of transport. In some cases, the multi-objective could be to reduce the use of a scarce resource, such as energy. As a result, the proposed approach was discovered to be an algorithm that improves bi-and tri-objective TP techniques. This is an innovative way for solving the new bi-and tri-objective transportation algorithm using a modified ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. According to the literature, various strategies have been developed in the past to tackle the multi-objective transportation problem (MOTP). The MOTP is solved using goal programming, fuzzy programming, interactive solution algorithms, and other techniques. These strategies occasionally good or bad of achieving better results in a reasonable amount of time. The heuristic technique used in this work is the improved ACO algorithm, which is based on the ant colony algorithm and has been found to provide solutions with a reasonable degree of satisfaction for two and three objective TPs. When the findings are compared, the solution achieved using the proposed method has delivered the best performance and provides a case study to show the new strategy.
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The Ant System is a new meta-heuristic method particularly appropriate to solve hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is a population-based, nature-inspired approach exploiting positive feedback as well as local information and has been applied successfully to a variety of combinatorial optimization problem classes. The Ant System consists of a set of cooperating agents (artificial ants) and a set of rules that determine the generation, update and usage of local and global information in order to find good solutions. As the structure of the Ant System highly suggests a parallel implementation of the algorithm, in this paper two parallelization strategies for an Ant System implementation are developed and evaluated: the synchronous parallel algorithm and the partially asynchronous parallel algorithm. Using the Traveling Salesman Problem a discrete event simulation is performed, and both strategies are evaluated on the criteria "speedup", "efficiency" and "efficacy". Finally further improvements for an advanced parallel implementation are discussed.