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Movement Patterns of Prairie Rattlesnakes ( Crotalus v. viridis ) across a Mountainous Landscape in a Designated Wilderness Area

  • U.S. Geological Survey

Abstract and Figures

Many snake species make lengthy linear migrations between overwintering sites and summer foraging or mating habitats. Although mountainous topography may restrict migratory movements, most previous studies on migratory snake populations have occurred in areas with low to moderate topographic relief. The objectives of this study were to describe the movement patterns of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) in a mountainous landscape, compare those patterns to those of migratory snake populations from areas with lower topographic relief, and test for variation in movement patterns between sexes and among years. We used radiotelemetry to monitor the movements of 21 male and 6 nonpregnant female Prairie Rattlesnakes in the Frank Church Wilderness in central Idaho during the summers of 2006-2008. Mean total distance moved during the entire activity season in 2008 was 4.46 km (range 1.38-7.67); mean maximum distance moved from the hibernaculum was 1.46 km (range 0.69-2.71). Although the movement distances reported here are intermediate to those reported for other migratory snake populations, they are similar to some distances reported from areas with low to moderate topographic relief. This suggests that rattlesnakes are capable of making considerable movements in a mountainous landscape, although factors such as prey availability could also contribute to differences in reported movement distances. Rattlesnakes displayed moderate fidelity to summer activity areas but had similar mean bearings during outbound migration across multiple years. We hypothesize that linear migrations reported from rattlesnakes in many populations actually represent the most-direct movement to annual foraging areas rather than true searching movements.
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Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 49, No. 3, 377–387, 2015
Copyright 2015 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
Movement Patterns of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) across a Mountainous
Landscape in a Designated Wilderness Area
Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho, USA
Wallowa Resources, 401 NE 1st St., Suite A, Enterprise, Oregon, USA
ABSTRACT.—Many snake species make lengthy linear migrations between overwintering sites and summer foraging or mating habitats.
Although mountainous topography may restrict migratory movements, most previous studies on migratory snake populations have occurred in
areas with low to moderate topographic relief. The objectives of this study were to describe the movement patterns of Prairie Rattlesnakes
(Crotalus v. viridis) in a mountainous landscape, compare those patterns to those of migratory snake populations from areas with lower
topographic relief, and test for variation in movement patterns between sexes and among years. We used radiotelemetry to monitor the
movements of 21 male and 6 nonpregnant female Prairie Rattlesnakes in the Frank Church Wilderness in central Idaho during the summers of
2006–2008. Mean total distance moved during the entire activity season in 2008 was 4.46 km (range 1.38–7.67); mean maximum distance moved
from the hibernaculum was 1.46 km (range 0.69–2.71). Although the movement distances reported here are intermediate to those reported for
other migratory snake populations, they are similar to some distances reported from areas with low to moderate topographic relief. This
suggests that rattlesnakes are capable of making considerable movements in a mountainous landscape, although factors such as prey
availability could also contribute to differences in reported movement distances. Rattlesnakes displayed moderate fidelity to summer activity
areas but had similar mean bearings during outbound migration across multiple years. We hypothesize that linear migrations reported from
rattlesnakes in many populations actually represent the most-direct movement to annual foraging areas rather than true searching movements.
Landscape features exhibit a multitude of influences on
animal movements. For example, the availability of key
resources such as food, water, mates, and refugia may vary
spatially across the landscape and their spatial arrangement
may influence animal movement patterns (McIntyre and Weins,
1999; Klaassen et al., 2006; Filipa-Loureiro et al., 2007).
Landscape features may also impose costs on animal move-
ments, thereby confronting individuals with tradeoffs between
the benefit of acquiring key resources and the costs associated
with movements (Werner and Anholt, 1993). Costs imposed by
landscape features may include risks of predation (Fortin et al.
2005), physiological stress (Daltry et al., 1998; Bartelt et al.,
2010), and increased energy expenditures (Johnson et al., 2006).
Such costs may be particularly important for migrating species
as a result of extended movements between spatially separate
habitats. Species whose migrations are restricted to fixed
migration routes may also be more susceptible to natural and
anthropogenic disturbances along those routes (Berger, 2004).
Understanding the movement patterns of migratory species and
the factors which may restrict those movements can help better
understand how those movement patterns may be affected by
both natural and anthropogenic disturbances.
Many populations of snakes from multiple taxa undertake
seasonal migrations between overwintering sites and summer
activity areas, particularly at northern latitudes (Gregory et al.,
1987; Larsen, 1987; Jorgensen et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2009;
Williams et al., 2012; Gardiner et al., 2013). In contrast,
conspecifics or closely related species at more-southerly
latitudes often show reduced movement distances or nonmi-
gratory movement patterns (Reed and Douglas, 2002; Rodri-
guez-Robles, 2003; Brown et al., 2008; Dugan et al., 2008; Klug et
al., 2011). Migrations in snakes may be caused by limited
numbers of suitable hibernacula, spatial separation between
hibernacula and foraging habitats, and attempts to minimize
conspecific competition near communal hibernacula (Hirth et
al., 1969; Gregory, 1984; Larsen, 1987; Jorgenson et al., 2008).
Migrations are often lengthy (e.g., over several kilometers) and
very linear (King and Duvall, 1990; Jorgenson et al. 2008;
Wastell and Mackessy, 2011; Martino et al. 2012). The high
directionality of these movements is hypothesized to be an
efficient search pattern in response to spatially unpredictable
prey or mates (King and Duvall, 1990; Duvall and Schuett,
1997). Although resource availability is known to influence
movement patterns in migratory snake species, relatively little
attention has been focused on the role of landscape character-
istics, such as habitat types, in influencing those movements. In
particular, the effects of topography have received relatively
little attention, perhaps because many studies on migratory
snake populations occurred in areas with low to moderate
topographic relief or did not comment on the effects of
topography (e.g., Brown et al., 2009; Gardiner et al., 2013).
Where resource availability in a given area is relatively stable
across time, it is often advantageous for an individual to exhibit
fidelity to those areas if the benefits of reusing that resource
exceed the costs of searching for new resources (Switzer, 1993).
Site fidelity has been demonstrated in diverse taxa at a range of
spatial and temporal scales spanning temporary refugia (Webb
and Shine, 1997; Beck and Jennings, 2003) to seasonal and
annual home ranges (Andersen, 1991; Janmaat et al., 2009;
Scouler et al., 2011; Trierweiler et al., 2013). Snakes in cold-
temperate climates should show strong fidelity to hibernacula
because most hibernacula are persistent over time, and the
consequences to fitness of surviving the winter are high. Many
studies of snakes in such environments do show strong fidelity
to specific hibernaculum (e.g., Blouin-Demers et al., 2007; Parker
and Anderson, 2007; Clark et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2009).
However, less attention has focused on fidelity to migration
routes and summer activity areas. If resources such as prey and
mates are fairly stable in space and time, we would expect
individuals to return to the same summer activity areas over
multiple years. In contrast, varying resource availability or
predictability (or both) may cause individuals to show low
fidelity to activity areas over time (Edwards et al., 2009). Most
Present address: Department of Environmental Conservation,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA
Corresponding author. E-mail:
DOI: 10.1670/13-153
studies monitoring snake movements over multiple activity
seasons have found that snakes do indeed use the same general
summer activity areas (Kapfer et al., 2008; Pattishall and
Cundall, 2008; Smith et al., 2009). However, few, if any, studies
have examined fidelity to migration routes over time in snakes.
An accurate description of ecological patterns and processes
is first necessary to understand the factors influencing those
patterns and processes. Therefore, the objective of this study
was to describe the movements of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus
v. viridis) in a mountainous landscape. To address this objective,
we asked three specific questions: 1) How do the movement
patterns of Prairie Rattlesnakes in a mountainous landscape
compare to those of populations from areas with lower
topographic relief; 2) do males and nonpregnant females
display differences in movement patterns that may be caused
by male mate-searching; and 3) do rattlesnakes display high
fidelity to summer activity areas? Additionally, we tested for an
effect of body size on several movement statistics because
movement patterns have varied with body size in multiple
snake taxa (Blouin-Demers et al., 2007; Jorgensen et al., 2008;
Hyslop et al., 2014).
Study Area.—We conducted this study in the lower Big Creek
drainage of the Frank Church—River of No Return Wilderness in
central Idaho, USA (458050N, 1148510W, Fig. 1). Our field work
was based out of the University of Idaho’s Taylor Wilderness
Research Station (TWRS, 1,200 m). The topography of the lower
Big Creek drainage is characterized by steep valleys and high
ridges (1,100–2,780 m in about 4.8 km). Southerly aspects support
several species of xeric shrubs and grasses including mountain
mahogany (Cercocarpus ledifolius), big sagebrush (Artemisia
tridentata), Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis), and bluebunch
wheatgrass (Pseudoroegneria spicata). Cooler, northerly aspects
support Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and mallow ninebark
(Physocarpus malvaceus). Riparian vegetation includes black
cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), Rocky Mountain maple (Acer
glabrum), hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii), serviceberry (Amelanch-
ier alnifolia), alder (Alnus spp.), chokecherry (Prunus virginiana),
raspberry (Rubus idaeus), thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus), rose
(Rosa spp.), and other shrub species. Exotic cheatgrass (Bromus
tectorum) is also present throughout lower Big Creek. Exposed
rocky outcrops and bare talus slopes are widespread along the
valley sides. Large fires burned much of the Big Creek drainage
in August 2000, including most of the forested habitat near the
TWRS, and the effects of the fire are still clearly seen. A second
fire burned a wide area north of the TWRS during July 2006.
The overwintering locations of the vast majority of rattle-
snakes observed during this study occurred in three clusters
(0.05–1.96 ha) within 1.5 km of each other and within 800 m of
the TWRS. We refer to these clusters as hibernaculum
complexes. Within a complex, the number of rattlesnakes
captured at a given crevice or opening during spring egress
ranged from one to three and the distances between neighbor-
ing crevices or openings within a cluster was approximately 5–
75 m. All complexes observed during this study were along the
side of the Big Creek Valley or its tributary valleys. Two
complexes were north of Big Creek and the third was south of
Big Creek. The southern complex, approximately 1.96 ha,
consisted of scattered rock outcrops and small talus patches at
1,302–1,468 m elevation with a mean aspect of 2148. The first
northern complex consisted of two disjunct talus patches; a 0.58-
ha subcomplex at 1,245–1,311 m with a mean aspect of 968and a
0.04-ha subcomplex at 1,317–1,321 m with a mean aspect of
1418. The second northern complex consisted of several small
rock outcrops and was approximately 0.05 ha at 1,248–1,262 m
with a mean aspect of 1038. One rattlesnake overwintered
solitarily north of Big Creek in the south-facing junction of a
rock outcrop complex and talus slide at 1,264 m and was
approximately 1.2 km from the nearest hibernaculum complex.
Rattlesnake Radiotelemetry.—We surgically implanted radio
transmitters into 29 male and nonpregnant female rattlesnakes
during this 3-yr study. Rattlesnakes were captured near the
hibernacula 28 April–1 May 2006, 2 May and 8–10 May 2007, and
16 April–23 May 2008 and brought back to the TWRS. In 2007,
we were unable to capture a sufficient number of rattlesnakes
around the hibernacula in the spring, so we implanted
transmitters into five rattlesnakes that were opportunistically
encountered around the TWRS between 17 May and 18 June.
Rattlesnakes were anesthetized using Sevoflurane as an inhalant
following the procedures described in Reinert (1992). Transmit-
ters were implanted using the technique described in Reinert and
Cundall (1982). We used 3.8-g PD-2, 9-, 11-, and 13.5-g SI-2T, and
5-g SB-2T transmitters (Holohill Systems Ltd., Carp, Ontario,
FIG. 1. Map of the study area showing the Frank Church—River of
No Return Wilderness, the Taylor Wilderness Research Station, and the
three Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus v. viridis) hibernaculum complexes
used in this study.
Canada). Transmitters were 5% of the rattlesnake’s body mass
at time of surgery. Each rattlesnake was held for 8–36 h before
being released at their respective capture sites and all rattlesnakes
were alert and responsive before release. Telemetered rattle-
snakes were monitored 11 May–6 August 2006, 17 May–11
August 2007, and 16 April–28 September 2008. We located each
rattlesnake using a three-element Yagi antenna (Wildlife Materi-
als International Inc., Murphysboro, Illinois, USA) and a Telonics
TR-2 receiver (Telonics Inc., Mesa, Arizona, USA) approximately
once every 2–4 d and recorded its position (Universal Transverse
Mercator, UTM) using a handheld GPS unit (Garmin GPSmap
76CS, Garmin International Inc., Olathe, Kansas, USA). GPS
accuracy ranged from 2–13 m (mean approximately 5 m). We
attempted to capture each rattlesnake to determine its mass at the
end of the 2006 field season and once per month in 2007 and
Movement Patterns.—To describe individual rattlesnake move-
ment patterns, we entered the UTM coordinates for all telemetry
locations that were separated by at least 1 d, including the
overwintering location, into ArcGIS 9.2 (ESRI, Inc., Redlands,
California, USA). We then calculated several movement statistics
that would allow us to describe these patterns. We measured the
straight line distance between each location for each rattlesnake
using the Animal Movement Extension (Hooge and Eichenlaub,
1997) in ArcView GIS 3.2 (ESRI, Inc.). We measured the
maximum straight line distance (i.e., displacement) a rattlesnake
moved from its spring capture point. These distances were
converted into topographic distances using 10-m digital elevation
models (DEM) in ArcGIS 9.2. Topographic distances were used in
all subsequent analyses. We measured the bearing of each
movement segment using Hawth’s Analysis Tools (Beyer, 2004)
in ArcGIS 9.2. These were converted to a turn angle (08to 1808)
representing the departure from the previous bearing, which
served as a measure of directionality. We also calculated an
inverse meandering ratio (Williamson and Gray, 1975) for each
rattlesnake as a second measure of directionality by dividing the
maximum distance moved from the hibernaculum by the total
distance moved and subtracting that value from one so that high
values represent high meandering. Movement rate was calculat-
ed for each movement segment as meters moved per 24 h.
Movements between consecutive radiotelemetry observations
that were separated by more than 7 d were excluded for rate and
absolute turning angle calculations to ensure that the most-
accurate data were used for these calculations. Movements less
than 5 m in length were excluded to facilitate comparisons with
previous studies (Jorgensen et al., 2008). Only snakes captured at
their hibernacula and monitored for an entire field season were
included in subsequent analyses to avoid biasing the results
towards snakes that had already begun moving away from their
Estimating Summer Activity Areas.—We estimated summer
activity areas (i.e., active season home ranges) using two
approaches. We calculated 100% minimum convex polygons
(MCP) and 95% fixed kernels (FK) for each rattlesnake in Home
Range Tools (Rodgers et al., 2005) and ArcGIS 9.2. To determine
the appropriate smoothing parameter (h), we decreased the
reference bandwidth (h
) incrementally by 0.1 until we found
the smallest contiguous polygon with no lacuna that included all
telemetry observations (Berger and Gese, 2007). We also
calculated a 50% FK for each snake to represent areas of
concentrated activity. For each rattlesnake, many UTM coordi-
nates were identical, which reflected multiple telemetry obser-
vations of that rattlesnake at identical locations. Because these
duplicate UTM coordinates caused computational problems with
our kernel estimation, we altered these duplicate coordinates by
1–2 m to generate useful kernel estimates while retaining the
information provided by observing our telemetered rattlesnakes
in the same location on multiple occasions. Because of the
extensive topographic relief in our study area, planimetric
activity areas underestimated the size of the activity area
(Greenberg and McClintock, 2008). We therefore converted our
activity area polygons (MCP and 95% FK) and 50% FK into three-
dimensional TIN (triangular integrated networks) using a 10-m
DEM and calculated the topographic area of each TIN (Green-
berg and McClintock, 2008). We buffered each summer activity
area polygon by 5 m to allow the TIN to cover the full extent of
the polygon. Unless otherwise noted, all statistical analyses were
conducted in SAS 9.1 (SAS Institute, Carey, North Carolina,
USA). All means are reported 6one standard error.
Statistical Analysis.—We then conducted a series of analyses to
test for an effect of overwintering site, sex, initial body mass,
change in body mass, and year on several movement statistics
(i.e., total distance, maximum distance, mean rate, mean turning
angle).Weusedanunequalvariancet-test to test for differences
between rattlesnakes overwintering on either side of Big Creek
for each year separately. We use linear mixed-effects models with
the lme function (Pinheiro et al., 2014) in R 3.0.2 (R Core Team,
2013) to test for an effect of sex, initial body mass, and year on
total distance moved, maximum distance moved, rate, turn
angle, and meandering ratio. We initially included a sex by mass
interaction, but if this proved statistically nonsignificant (P<
0.05), we removed the interaction term from the model and made
inferences using only main effects. Maximum distance moved
and mean rate were log
transformed to meet assumptions of
normality. Data from all 3 yr were included and the number of
telemetry locations (e.g., telemetry fixes) for each individual in
each year was included to correct for differences in sampling
intensity among years. Individual was included as a random
effect to control for repeated measures from the same individual.
We also used linear mixed-effects models with the lme function to
test for an association between the percent change in body mass,
sex, and each movement statistic using the 2008 data, testing for
interactive effects as described earlier. The meandering ratio did
not meet the assumptions of these parametric tests despite
transformations. We therefore tested for differences in meander-
ing ratio between males and nonpregnant females and between
rattlesnakes overwintering north and south of Big Creek using a
Mann-Whitney U-test. We used a Spearman’s Rank Correlation
to test for an association between initial body mass and percent
change in body mass to determine if larger rattlesnakes lost more
weight and an unequal variance t-test to test if percent change in
body mass differed between males and females.
Fidelity to Summer Activity Areas.To assess the degree of
fidelity to summer activity areas, we calculated the percentage of
95% and 50% FK overlap between years for rattlesnakes that
were captured at their hibernacula and monitored over an entire
field season for multiple years (N=12). Percent overlap was
calculated following Jenkins (2007) by dividing the area of
overlap (i.e., the area used in both years, only overlapping) by the
total cumulative use area (i.e., the total area used in both years,
overlapping and nonoverlapping). In calculating the total
cumulative use area, the area of overlap was not counted twice.
For example, if a rattlesnake’s home range during year 1 was 100
ha, during year 2 was 200 ha, and the area of overlap was 50 ha,
the index of overlap would be calculated as Overlap =50/
[(200-50)+100]. To test for differences in fidelity among years,
we compared the percentage of 95% and 50% FK overlap among
all three combinations of years (2006/2007, 2007/2008, and 2006/
2008) using a repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
We tested whether rattlesnakes followed the same bearing during
outbound and inbound migration in 2008. Migratory movements
were identified using the procedures described in Bauder (2010)
but generally consisted of lengthy, rapid, and linear movements
away from or towards the hibernaculum during the spring and
fall, respectively, in contrast to the shorter, less-directional
movements associated with foraging. We used a nonparametric
Moore’s test for circular uniformity of paired data to test if the
mean bearing of inbound and outbound migrations were
different (Zar, 1996). The null hypothesis under this test was
that rattlesnakes followed the same mean bearing during
outbound and inbound migration. Because outbound and
inbound migrations typically occurred in opposite directions,
we added 1808to the mean inbound migration bearing to
calculate the angular difference between mean bearing for
inbound and outbound migration. We used Moore’s test for
circular uniformity of paired data to test whether rattlesnakes
followed the same mean bearing during outbound migration
during different years. We only used snakes for which we had
complete outbound migration data (N=12). Because this test can
only be conducted between two samples, we ran the test for each
pair-wise year combination using Bonferroni corrections.
Rattlesnake Radiotelemetry.—We monitored the movements of 12
male rattlesnakes in 2006, 12 male and 3 nonpregnant females in
2007, and 16 males and 6 nonpregnant females during 2008 for a
total of 29 rattlesnakes (Table 1). Five rattlesnakes were
telemetered during all 3 yr, one in 2006 and 2007, 6 in 2007
and 2008, and 2 in 2006 and 2008 for a total of 49 snake-years.
Seven of these snake-years were partial data sets due to battery
failure or late capture dates. Twenty-seven (21 males and 6
nonpregnant females) rattlesnakes provided data from 44 snake-
years that met the criteria for inclusion in some or all of the
analyses. Mean body mass of these 27 individuals at the time of
transmitter implantation was 323 g (614.5 g, range 172–487 g) for
males and 207 g (613.97 g, range 138–255 g) for females. Mean
snout–vent length was 75.7 cm (61.57 cm, range 68.3–93.8 cm)
for males and 76.3 cm (61.90 cm, range 70.3–81.7 cm) for females.
Movement Patterns and Home Range Size.—Rattlesnakes moved
a mean total distance of 4.04 km (60.24 km) and a mean
maximum distance of 1.32 km (60.11 km; Table 2). The
maximum distance moved from a hibernaculum was 2.93 km
by a male in 2006. However, these overall means are likely biased
because not all individuals were monitored throughout the
activity season or the entire study. Additionally, the spring
hibernacula searches in 2007 probably occurred after peak
emergence, further biasing the results of that year to rattlesnakes
that emerged later in the spring. Because the 2008 data were
collected during the entire activity season, and snakes were
captured throughout their spring emergence, these results are
probably the most-accurate representation of rattlesnake move-
=22) moved a mean total distance of 4.46 km (60.37 km) and a
mean maximum distance of 1.46 km (60.15 km). During 2008,
mean rate was 42.76 m/24 h (63.82 m/24 h), mean turn angle
was 70.928(62.848), and mean meandering ratio was 0.66
(60.03). Mean 95% and 50% FK size was 109.21 ha (622.60 ha)
and 23.98 ha (64.58 ha), respectively, while mean MCP was 48.34
ha (67.00 ha). Estimates for 95% FK and MCP that incorporated
topographic relief were a mean of 16% (range 6–28%) and 16%
(range 8–23%), respectively, larger than those that did not. Total
distance moved was strongly correlated with the size of the 95%
FK (r
=0.7502, P<0.0001) and 50% FK (r
=0.7594, P<0.0001),
as was maximum distance moved (95% FK, r
=0.8961, P=<
0.0001; 50% FK, r
=0.8776, P=<0.0001). Total distance moved
and maximum distance moved were also highly correlated with
MCP (r
=0.7864, P<0.0001 and r
=0.9060, P<0.0001,
respectively). For this reason, we did not use home range size in
analyses testing for differences in movement patterns between
overwintering locations, sex, and among years. We found no
differences in any movement statistics in each year between
rattlesnakes overwintering on the north and south side of Big
There were few differences in movement patterns between
males and nonpregnant females, and the interactive effect
between sex and body mass (either initial body mass or change
in body mass) was not significant in any analyses (P0.2661).
There was no significant effect of sex on total distance moved (t
TABLE 1. Size and radiotelemetry tracking dates of 27 Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) in the lower Big Creek drainage of central Idaho 2006–
2008. Means and ranges are presented for mass, SVL, number of days monitored with radiotelemetry, and number of radiotelemetry locations (i.e.,
telemetry fixes per individual).
Year NMass (g) SVL (cm)
Number of days
Number of
Start date of
End date of
2006 11 ?314 (210–436) 81.6 (72.5–92.2) 85 (83–87) 27 (26–30) 11 MAY 6 AUG
2007 9 ?and 2 /287 (185–421) 78.2 (68.3–86.0) 85 (83–87) 30 (29–31) 17 MAY 11 AUG
2008 16 ?and 6 /303 (138–487) 81.8 (71.8–93.8) 144 (110–164) 39 (28–44) 16 APR 28 SEP
Mean NA 302 80.7 115 34 NA NA
TABLE 2. Mean annual movement statistics from 27 Prairie Rattlesnakes (C. v. viridis) monitored with radiotelemetry in the lower Big Creek
drainage of central Idaho 2006–2008. FK =fixed kernel and MCP =100% minimum convex polygon.
Total distance (km) Max. distance (km) Rate (m/24 h) Meandering ratio Turn angle (8) 95% FK (ha) 50% FK (ha) MCP (ha)
2006 4.20 1.42 59.98 0.66 87.79 113.50 24.42 53.37
2007 3.03 0.95 42.66 0.68 82.98 54.45 12.44 29.43
2008 4.46 1.46 42.76 0.66 70.92 109.21 23.98 48.34
Mean 4.04 1.32 47.04 0.67 78.22 96.30 21.14 44.79
=-0.21, df =25, P=0.8324), log
maximum distance moved (t
=-1.16, df =25, P=0.2569), or log
mean movement rate (t=
0.07, df =25, P=0.9472). There was a marginal effect of sex on
mean turning angle (t=1.86, df =25, P=0.0751), with males
having a higher mean turning angle (81.01862.528) than
females (65.63865.798). There was a significant difference in
meandering ratio between males and nonpregnant females in
2008 (0.71 60.02 vs. 0.54 60.05, Z=-2.66, P=0.0077),
indicating that males meandered more than nonpregnant
females. There was no difference in percent change in body
mass between males and females in 2008 (t=0.98, df =4.34, P
Initial body mass had some effect on rattlesnake movement
patterns. There was a significant positive effect of initial body
mass on the total distance moved (t=2.59, df =13, P=0.0223;
Fig. 2A) and the log
mean movement rate (t=2.51, df =13, P
=0.0259; Fig. 2B). There was no effect of initial body mass on
maximum distance moved (t=1.07, df =13, P=0.3032) or
mean turning angle (t=0.57, df =13, P=0.5813). Initial body
mass was correlated with meandering ratio, but only in 2008 (r
=0.4348, P=0.0431), and the strength of this association was
low. There was no correlation between initial body mass and
percent change in body mass in 2008 (r
=-0.3385, P=0.1444).
There was no correlation between meandering ratio and percent
change in body mass in 2008 (r
=-0.1528, P=0.5201). None of
the movement statistics we measured had an effect on change in
body mass in 2008.
Fidelity to Summer Activity Areas.There were few differences
in rattlesnake movement statistics among years. After correcting
for the number of telemetry observations, there was no
significant difference in total distance moved, maximum distance
moved, or mean turning angle among years (P0.1446). There
was a marginal effect of year on log
mean movement rate (F
=3.66, P=0.0547) with higher movement rates in 2006
compared to 2007 and 2008 (Table 2). There were no significant
differences in the mean bearings of outbound migration for
rattlesnakes monitored during multiple years (R0=0.37–0.68, P
>0.60). The mean difference in outbound migration bearings
between years ranged from 29.618(65.458) between 2007 and
2008 to 70.038(643.228) between 2006 and 2007. Mean percentage
overlap in 95% FK home ranges was 35% (63.83%) and 18%
(62.73%) for 50% FK home ranges (Fig. 3). The percentage of 95%
FK overlap was not significantly different among the three pair-
wise year combinations (F
=0.10, P=0.9094) nor was the
percentage overlap of 50% FK (F
=0.97, P=0.4204).
Seasonally migrating snake populations in north-temperate
climates may show wide variation in movement distances both
within and among taxa (Table 3). For example, Prairie
Rattlesnakes from three separate populations in southern
Canada exhibited more than a 6-fold difference in mean
maximum distance moved (Didiuk, 1999; Jorgensen et al.,
2008; Gardiner et al., 2013) and all moved greater distances than
the Prairie Rattlesnakes in this study (Table 3). Similarly,
Martino et al. (2012) and Gardiner et al. (2013) found significant
differences in home range size and daily movement rate, but not
maximum distance moved, among three species of snakes
within the same study area. The movement distances observed
in our study were intermediate to those reported for other
seasonally migrating snake populations from multiple taxa in
areas with low to moderate topographic relief (Table 3).
Most studies of snake movements do not discuss how snakes
moved in relation to topographic features, although Williams et
al. (2012) found that Great Basin Gophersnakes (Pituophis
catenifer deserticola) at one study population (elevation 435–635
m) moved primarily away from hibernacula on hills into the
adjacent valley. Rattlesnakes in our study area did not restrict
their movements to valley bottoms and often moved over and
along ridges (Fig. 4). We also observed multiple crossings of Big
Creek and its smaller tributaries. Our observed movement
distances were also similar to or greater than those reported for
rattlesnakes from areas with less topographic relief (Jenkins,
2007; Parker and Anderson, 2007; Shipley et al., 2013). This
suggests that topography may not be wholly responsible for the
intermediate movement distances observed in our study
compared to those of other seasonally migrating snake
populations. Variation in movement distances among popula-
tions may be caused by variability in resource availability,
particularly suitable hibernacula, prey, and mates, which may
force individuals to travel further to locate sufficient resources
(Duvall et al., 1990; Pearson et al., 2005; Beaupre, 2008; Gardiner
et al., 2013). Additionally, variation in population sizes of
communal denning species could lead to higher population
densities in foraging habitats and may force individuals to
move greater distances to locate sufficient resources (Jorgensen
et al., 2008). Low topographic relief may provide snakes with
FIG. 2. (A) Relationship between initial body mass (g) and total
distance moved (km), and (B) log
mean movement rate (m/day) for
male (N=21) and female (N=5) Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis)
in the lower Big Creek drainage of central Idaho 2006–2008. Some
individuals were monitored for multiple years, so each point on the
graph represents one snake-year (N=41).
increased flexibility to travel further to locate summer foraging
habitat. This may be particularly important for snakes in areas
where hibernacula are limited, such as the northern edges of
their ranges. Indeed, some of the longest movement distances
reported for snakes occur near the northern edge of their range
where cold winters may limit the availability of suitable
hibernacula (Jorgensen et al., 2008; Martino et al., 2012).
Although we did not conduct extensive hibernacula surveys
during our study, we suspect that suitable overwintering sites
are relatively abundant within our study area given the
abundance of rocky, south-facing habitats and limited observa-
tions of solitary overwintering. However, topography may still
have a restrictive effect on rattlesnake movements within our
study area. We never observed rattlesnakes >2,000-m elevation
and observed strong selection for low elevations and gentle
slopes within 3 km of the hibernacula (Bauder et al., In press).
However, at the scale of the home range rattlesnakes showed
much less selection for topographic features. Topography may
therefore have an absolute restrictive effect on rattlesnake
movements in lower Big Creek but primarily at broad spatial
scales. Rattlesnakes could have moved up to 5 km from the
hibernacula and still remain below 2,000 m by following
drainages, yet the maximum distance moved from a hibernac-
ulum was 2.93 km.
Overlap between overwintering sites and summer foraging
habitat may lead to shorter or nonmigratory movements (Reed
FIG. 3. Summer activity areas (95% fixed kernel utilization distribution [UD]) and outbound migration movements for one female (A) and three
male (B–D) Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) in the lower Big Creek drainage of central Idaho monitored for multiple years during 2006–2008.
Each panel displays summer activity areas and outbound migration movements for 2 yr. Thick summer activity areas correspond with thick outbound
migration movements. The three hibernaculum complexes are denoted by white triangles and rivers–creeks with dark gray lines as shown in Figure 1.
TABLE 3. Mean movement distances, rates, and home range sizes (minimum convex polygon =MCP home range [HR]; 95% fixed kernel utilization distribution =UD HR) from studies of
seasonally migrating snake populations from north temperate latitudes. Single elevation values were used when the study reported a single elevation value for the study site. Total distance and
maximum distance are reported as kilometers, rate as meters moved per day, and home range estimates as hectares. Studies with two values represent the reported values for males and nonpregnant
females, respectively. Values with NA were not directly reported in the original study.
Species Location Elevation range Habitat NTotal dist. Max. dist. Rate MCP HR UD HR
This study C. v. viridis Central Idaho 1148–1898 Bunchgrass/Douglas fir 22 4.46 1.46 43 48 109
King and Duvall (1990) C. v. viridis Southern Wyoming 2120 Sagebrush-steppe 16 3.51
2.76 2.57 196
7 2.03 133
Didiuk (1999) C. v. viridis Southeast Alberta 600–>850 Prairie 5 40.00
Jorgensen et al. (2008) C. v. viridis Southeast Alberta NA Prairie 19 8.17 2.76 211
Gardiner et al. (2013) C. v. viridis Southwest
Saskatchewan 760–950
Prairie 23 NA 2.81 92 109 14
Shipley et al. (2013) C. v. viridis East-central Colorado 1728–1783 Prairie 10
3.65 0.57 116
18 NA
0.44 18
Cobb (1994) Crotalus oreganus
lutosus Southeast Idaho 1470 Sagebrush-steppe NA 10.00 4.80 NA NA NA
Jenkins (2007) C. o. lutosus Southeast Idaho 1596–1697 Sagebrush-steppe 32 5.08 1.47 NA NA 23
Parker and Anderson
(2007) C. o. concolor Southwest Wyoming 1840–2125 Sagebrush-steppe 21 4 2.12 0.78 NA 118 301
1.96 0.68 64 196
Brown et al. (2009) C. o. oreganus Southern British
Columbia 285–>700
pine 14 5.84 1.08
25 NA
Reinert et al. (2011) Crotalus horridus Central Pennsylvania 200–550
Deciduous hardwood
forest 10-12 5.53 2.11 37 89 NA
Wastell and Mackessy
(2011) Sistrurus catenatus
edwardsii Southeast Colorado 1380–1470 Prairie/ 12 4.53 1.89
32 42 104
Smith et al. (2009) Agkistrodon
contortrix Central Connecticut 80–220 Deciduous hardwood
forest 10 8 4.32 0.77 NA 17 NA
1.82 0.36 5
Gardiner et al. (2013) Coluber constrictor
flaviventris Southwest
Saskatchewan 760–950
Prairie 23 NA 2.46 65 159 14
Martino et al. (2011) Pituophis catenifer
sayi Southwest
Saskatchewan 760–950
Prairie 6 NA 1.71 52 87 NA
Williams et al. (2012) Pituophis catenifer
deserticola Southern British
Columbia 330–645
pine 39 NA 0.52 NA 10.5 NA
Maximum distance reported by King and Duvall (1990) was calculated by summing the length of daily movement steps during outbound migration. Values from Brown et al. (2009) were for resident snakes only. Sample size
range for Reinert et al. (2011) was sample size range over the 4-yr study and values were the mean annual values average across all 4 yr.
Represents distance per movement.
Values were calculated from raw data provided in the source document.
Elevation ranges (in meters) were estimated from Google Earth using the description of the study area provided in the original document.
Represents range length.
and Douglas, 2002; Dugan et al., 2008; Shipley et al., 2013).
Bauder et al. (In press) found that small mammal surface
activity (used as a proxy for prey availability) was similar across
all habitats, that rattlesnakes foraged in most habitats in
proportion to their availability, and that some rattlesnakes fed
at their hibernaculum. These observations suggest that suitable
overwintering sites and prey are sufficiently abundant within
lower Big Creek to negate the need for more-extensive seasonal
migrations. However, additional data on the distribution and
availability of overwintering sites and prey and their interaction
with population density are required to test this hypothesis.
Many studies on snake movements have found differences in
total or seasonal movement distances between sexes and have
attributed such differences to male mate-searching, females
searching for oviposition sites, or differing energetic require-
ments between sexes (Gregory et al., 1987; Blouin-Demers and
Weatherhead, 2002; Pearson et al., 2005; Cottone and Bauer,
2013). Male and nonpregnant female rattlesnakes in our study
showed no differences in movement distances, either total
distance or maximum distance moved, or movement rate,
although a relatively small female sample size may have
prevented us from detecting differences. Males in many species
of North American vipers show larger home range sizes
compared to females (Roth, 2005; Waldron et al., 2006; Smith
et al., 2009; Anderson, 2010; Glaudas and Rodriguez-Robles,
2011; Putnam et al., 2013), although differences in distance
FIG. 4. Movement pathways for 11 selected Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) in the lower Big Creek drainage of central Idaho monitored
during 2006–2008. Pathways represent movements from a single activity season. Pathways not showing a return to a hibernaculum were collected in
2006 or 2007 when radio tracking ceased in August.
moved or home range size may be absent or marginal in some
populations (King and Duvall, 1990; Reed and Douglas, 2002;
Parker and Anderson, 2007). Larger home range sizes are
generally attributed to male mate-searching, which is a common
mating system among North American vipers (Duvall et al.,
1992). Although we did not observe sex-specific differences in
distance moved we did observe differences in the pattern of
movement. Several males undertook distinct mate-searching
movements which were generally long, rapid movements made
in July and August that tended to have low directionality
(Bauder, 2010). This likely explains the higher turn angles and
meandering ratios we observed in males.
The mate-searching movements observed in our study
contrast with those observed in Prairie Rattlesnakes in southern
Wyoming (King and Duvall, 1990; Duvall and Schuett, 1997). In
those populations, females continued to forage during the late
summer, but their spatial predictability was low because of the
spatial unpredictability of prey. Straight line mate-searching
movements allowed males to maximize their encounters with
females (Duvall et al., 1992; Duvall and Schuett, 1997). The
sharp contrast of our results and those of Duvall et al. suggests
that females within lower Big Creek were more-spatially
predictable, thereby allowing males to forgo linear mate-
searching movements. Even so, only about half of the males
in this study exhibited distinct mate-searching movements
during July and August. The male depicted in Figure 3C
undertook mate-searching movements in 2006 (indicated by the
bold activity area outline) but did not in 2008 (indicated by the
thin activity area outline). We are unsure why we did not
observe mate-searching movements in all males, and we are
unaware of how widespread this pattern is among other snake
populations exhibiting male mate-searching. Although larger
males may be more likely to exhibit courtship or mate-guarding
behaviors (Clark et al., 2014), we found no difference in initial
body mass between mate-searching and non–mate-searching
males (Bauder, 2010). Males exhibiting mate-searching gained
slightly less weight (1.7% vs. 6.9%) and spent less time foraging
(60 days vs. 81 days), on average, than did males where mate-
searching was unobserved, although these differences were not
significant (Bauder, 2010). This suggests that there may be some
opportunity cost to mate-searching which, given a restricted
activity season, may cause some males to forgo searching for
females at the expense of foraging. Alternatively, if receptive
females are relatively accessible within our study area, males
may have ample opportunities to encounter females while
foraging and therefore negate the need for additional searching.
Consistent with several other studies from multiple snake
taxa (Kapfer et al., 2008; Pattishall and Cundall, 2008; Smith et
al., 2009), rattlesnakes in our study generally showed fidelity to
summer activity areas although the degree of overlap in
summer activity areas was relatively modest (range 0.06–0.65).
In addition, telemetered rattlesnakes tended to follow the same
mean bearing during their outbound migrations over multiple
years. We observed comparatively less overlap in summer
activity areas, particularly in areas used for foraging, among
telemetered rattlesnakes within activity seasons (JMB, unpubl.
data) although fully addressing interindividual space use
overlap was beyond the scope of this study. Our rates of
activity area overlap were lower than those reported by Jenkins
(2007) for Great Basin Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus lutosus)in
southeast Idaho (mean =0.63), although Jenkins (2007)
considered overlap of summer foraging areas whereas our
summer activity areas included inbound and outbound
migration. Additionally, portions of summer activity areas used
one year but not another were often used during mate-searching
(e.g., Fig. 3C). This results in less overlap in summer activity
areas between years if males do not conduct extensive mate-
searching movements every year, as suggested by our data.
Differing methodologies used to calculate activity area fidelity
in other studies also limits our ability to compare our results
more broadly. The tendency for rattlesnakes to use similar
migration bearings across time while showing modest activity
area overlap may suggest greater fidelity to migration routes
than to foraging areas. Fidelity to summer foraging areas should
be expected if prey resources remain fairly stable in space and
time. However, small mammal populations often fluctuate
widely over time (Gillespie et al., 2008; Boonstra and Krebs,
2012), and Beaupre (2008) found that Timber Rattlesnakes
(Crotalus horridus) foraged more and showed less reproductive
activities during years of low prey abundance. One might
therefore expect that snakes, such as rattlesnakes which prey on
species with dynamic life histories, would adjust their foraging
movements in response to shifts in prey abundance. However,
Jenkins (2007) found that Great Basin Rattlesnakes returned to
the same general foraging areas in subsequent years even in
years of low prey abundance. Movements during these years
were more directional, suggesting that rattlesnakes adjusted
their foraging movements within their summer activity areas to
increase their searching efficiency in response to perceived prey
availability (King and Duvall, 1990; Duvall and Schuett, 1997).
The patterns of fidelity to migration routes and summer
activity areas observed in this study may have some implica-
tions for the hypothesis that linear migration movements
represent efficient search patterns for widely distributed or
spatially unpredictable prey resources. If snakes do migrate to a
familiar summer activity area year after year along a familiar
route, then these movements are probably not true searching
movements. Rather, linear migratory movements may represent
the quickest and most direct route to a known foraging area. We
hypothesize that migratory movements are relatively fixed and
independent of perceived prey availability compared to
foraging movements made during the summer. This may
explain the linear migrations observed in many seasonally
migrating snakes (Larsen, 1987; King and Duvall, 1990; Wastell
and Mackessy, 2010). However, when a snake reaches its
summer foraging area, it may then adjust its movements in
response to perceived prey availability, perhaps continuing to
make linear movements if prey availability is low. Jenkins (2007)
found that Western Rattlesnakes in southeastern Idaho made
more linear movements during low prey years. Rattlesnakes still
returned to the same general foraging areas, suggesting that the
more-linear movements were in response to more-spatially
unpredictable prey resources. However, further research is
needed to evaluate if summer fidelity is observed in other
rattlesnake populations, particularly during fluctuations of prey
abundance, and to test the hypothesis that rattlesnakes modify
foraging movements, not migration routes, in response to prey
Acknowledgments.—We thank J. Akenson, R. Bauder and C.
Bauder, A. Brumble, T. Morrison, D. Hilliard, S. Cambrin, and
the students, staff, and researchers at the Taylor Wilderness
Research Station for assistance in the field. J. Kie, D. Delehanty,
E. Strand, and J. Rachlow provided valuable input during this
study. T. Peterson assisted with the statistical analysis. We
would like to thank Arnold Aviation for logistical support. This
research was supported by the DeVlieg Foundation, National
Geographic Society (Young Explorers Grant), the Wildlife
Conservation Society, the American Museum of Natural History
(Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Grant), Sigma Xi, and The
Explorers Club (Youth Activity Fund). The University of Idaho
College of Natural Resources and Department of Fish and
Wildlife Resources also supported this research through a
Berklund Undergraduate Research Scholarship and the Fund
for Excellence Award, respectively. The Orianne Society
supported JMB during the preparation of this manuscript. The
comments of G. Perry and two anonymous reviewers greatly
improved this manuscript. This research was approved by the
University of Idaho and Idaho State University IACUC (no.
2005-08 and no. 628REN1008, respectively) and the Idaho
Department of Fish and Game (permit no. 940706).
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Accepted: 27 July 2014.
... The objectives of our study were to assess how wildfire and cheatgrass affect reptile community composition and the occupancy and relative abundance of specific reptile species in the context of local and landscape-level factors. We defined local level as an area delineated by a 50 m radius around a trapping array and landscape-level as the average home range size for our seven lizard species and seven snake species, separately (Burkholder & Walker 1973, Burkholder & Tanner, 1974, Schorr et al., 2011, Hirth et al., 1969, Bauder et al., 2015. We predicted that wildfire and cheatgrass would not affect reptile richness because we expected that the mosaic of habitats created by the cheatgrass-fire cycle across the landscape might benefit some species while harming others, and thus local richness would be equivocal. ...
... We delineated the local scale as a circular area with a 50-m radius centered on each trapping array. We delineated the landscape scale as a circular area with a radius of 3,560 m approximating the average home range size of each lizard species (~10 sq km; Burkholder & Walker, 1973, Burkholder & Tanner, 1974, Schorr et al., 2011 and with a radius 13,580 m approximating the average home range size of each snake species (~145 sq km) in our study area (Hirth et al., 1969, Bauder et al., 2015, centered on each trapping array. Hence, the local scale is nested within the landscape scale, and they are not completely independent. ...
... These migrants typically exhibit three types of movement and behavioural patterns throughout the course of an active season: (i) spring migration away from hibernaculum; (ii) midsummer movements within established hunting and mating grounds; and (iii) fall migration back to hibernaculum for overwintering. A number of factors have been posited to drive snake movements away from hibernacula, namely, the spatial separation between hibernacula and foraging-mating grounds, limited suitable habitat for hibernacula, reduced competition within a communal hibernacula community (Larsen 1987;Bauder et al. 2015), and the unequal dispersion of thermal habitat across the landscape (Huey 1991;Shine et al. 2004;Harvey 2015). ...
... For this calculation, we used an ad hoc method to select the appropriate smoothing factor (h adhoc ) to prevent over-or under-smoothing (Berger and Gese 2007). We decreased the reference bandwidth (h ref ) by 0.1 until we found the home-range estimate that included all telemetric locations and represented the smallest continuous polygon with no lacuna (Berger and Gese 2007;Kie 2013;Bauder et al. 2015), and we then used the outputs from the 50% isopleths from those estimates. We calculated both 100% MCP and 50% fixed-kernel isopleths using the Home Range Tools (HRT) extension (Rodgers et al. 2007) in ArcGIS version 10.2.2 ( ...
Due to increasing anthropogenic pressures including land-use transformation globally, the natural process of animal migration is undergoing alterations across many taxa. Small-scale migrants provide useful systems at workable scales for investigating the influence of disturbance and landscape barriers on natural movement patterns and migrations. The western rattlesnake (Crotalus oreganus Holbrook, 1840) in British Columbia, Canada, is a small, migrant predator that undertakes seasonal spring movements from its communal hibernaculum to summer hunting and mating grounds, and reverses its movements in autumn. From 2011–2016 we examined changes to spring migration movements in 27 male rattlesnakes encountering both mitigative fencing barriers and disturbed habitats. Individuals moving through disturbed habitats or intercepted by mitigative fencing demonstrated shorter migration distances and reduced spring path sinuosity compared to individuals migrating in undisturbed habitats. Specifically,individuals encountering a fence during spring movements completed shorter total spring migration path lengths and occupied smaller home ranges over the course of the entire active season. Total spring migration distance also was strongly associated with the distance individuals traveled until they first encountered human disturbance. This study contributes significantly to our knowledge of how fencing barriers may impact normal behaviour patterns in smaller vertebrates.
... Each shapefile was downloaded and then buffered to a biologically relevant distance based on the dispersal ability and home range of the species. For prairie rattlesnakes, we chose a buffer of 1.5 km based on home-range data from Bauder et al. (2015), and for Ord's kangaroo rats, we chose a buffer of 36 m based on the largest shifts in center of activity (COA) ...
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Climate change has the potential to disrupt species interactions across global ecosystems. Ectotherm–endotherm interactions may be especially prone to this risk due to the possible mismatch between the species in physiological response and performance. However, few studies have examined how changing temperatures might differentially impact species' niches or available suitable habitat when they have very different modes of thermoregulation. An ideal system for studying this interaction is the predator–prey system. In this study, we used ecological niche modeling to characterize the niche overlap and examine biogeography in past and future climate conditions of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and Ord's kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ordii), an endotherm–ectotherm pair typifying a predator–prey species interaction. Our models show a high niche overlap between these two species (D = 0.863 and I = 0.979) and further affirm similar paleoecological distributions during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and mid-Holocene (MH). Under future climate change scenarios, we found that prairie rattlesnakes may experience a reduction in overall suitable habitat (RCP 2.6 = −1.82%, 4.5 = −4.62%, 8.5 = −7.34%), whereas Ord's kangaroo rats may experience an increase (RCP 2.6 = 9.8%, 4.5 = 11.71%, 8.5 = 8.37%). We found a shared trend of stable suitable habitat at northern latitudes but reduced suitability in southern portions of the range, and we propose future monitoring and conservation be focused on those areas. Overall, we demonstrate a biogeographic example of how interacting ectotherm–endotherm species may have mismatched responses under climate change scenarios and the models presented here can serve as a starting point for further investigation into the biogeography of these systems.
... [18][19][20]20]. It can also be valuable in understanding habitat selection by a species [21][22][23], how habitats might change annually or seasonally [24][25][26] and in describing the site delity of individuals [27,28]. ...
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Understanding the home range of reptiles is important to their conservation and recovery efforts. Despite numerous home range studies for the imperiled timber rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus ), only a single study has been undertaken in the central midwestern United States. We report on the home range size, site fidelity, and movements of this species in west-central Illinois. Using VHF telemetry, we located 29 C. horridus (13 female, 16 male) every 1.3 days over a 5-year period for 51 years ofrecords of the species' locations and movements. We calculated annual home ranges for each snake per year using 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths derived from Brownian Bridge utilization distributions, and we also report 100% minimum convex polygons for comparison with other studies. We examined the effects of sex, mass, SVL, and year on home range sizes and reportedon movement metrics as well as home range fidelity using both UDOI and BA statistics. The homerange sizes for male and non-gravid C. horridus were 56.91 Ha (CI = 41.04-72.77) and 20.22 (CI = 3.81-36.62) for 95% BBMM; 7.56 Ha (CI = 5.47-9.65) and 2.36 Ha (CI = 0.19-4.53) for 50% BBMM; and 80.03 Ha (CI = 50.95-109.11) and 30.80 Ha (CI = 1.55-60.06) for MCP. The estimated daily distance traveled was significantly greater for males (mean = 57.25 m/day, CI=49.06-65.43) than females (mean = 27.55 m/day, CI = 18.99-36.12). Similarly, maximum displacement distances from hibernacula were significantly greater for males (mean = 2.03 km, CI = 1.57-2.48) than females (mean = 1.29 km, CI = 0.85-1.73], and on average, males were located further from their hibernacula throughout the entirety of their active season. We calculated habitat fidelity using 11 snakes that were tracked over multiple years. The mean BBMM overlap using Bhattacharyya's Affinity (BA) for all snakes at the 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths was 0.46 (SE=0.03), 0.38 (SE=0.03), and 0.08 (SE=0.02), respectively. The mean BBMM overlap for all snakes using the Utilization Distribution Overlap Index (UDOI) at the 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths was 0.78 (SE=0.13), 0.41 (SE=0.03), and 0.09 (0.02), respectively. Our results are largely consistent with those of other studies in terms of home range sizes and theinfluence of sex on those home ranges and distances traveled. The species also exhibits strong site fidelity with snakes generally using the same habitats each summer. Particularly interesting was the tendency for snakes to disperse from specific hibernacula in the same general direction to the same general areas. We propose some possible reasons for this dispersal pattern.
... For temperate snake species, seasonal migrations between overwintering habitats (hibernacula) and summer ranges allow snakes access to food resources and mates (Gomez et al. 2015;Martin et al. 2017). These migrations typically are associated with colder climates, possibly driven by the spatial arrangement of resources (e.g., prey availability being scarce in the immediate proximity of hibernacula), with conspecifics at more southern latitudes generally exhibiting comparatively reduced migratory distances, as seen with Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis (Rafinesque, 1818); Bauder et al. 2015) and Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus Holbrook, 1840; Ashton 2003). Radiotelemetry has been instrumental in understanding the movements, habitat use, and behaviour of adult snakes, but smaller individuals largely have been excluded from these studies due to the constraints on transmitter size and design; external attachment methods and technological advances in battery size, however, are opening the doors for the study of animals with smaller body sizes (Cobb et al. 2005;Jellen and Kowalski 2007). ...
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In many species the spatial ecology of early age classes can differ significantly from adults. Adult Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus Holbrook, 1840) at the northern extent of their range undertake small-scale but important seasonal migrations between communal hibernacula and summer foraging and mating grounds. Mature snakes also show annual fidelity to their migratory paths, providing a useful system to examine the development of migratory behaviour. We examined and compared spring outbound migratory movements of juveniles and adults at a site in southern British Columbia, Canada, using radio-telemetry data collected between 2011 to 2016 (adult snakes) and 2021 (juvenile snakes). We found that compared to adult rattlesnakes, juveniles displayed similar directional orientation, direction of vertical migration, and path sinuosity, but initiated spring migrations later and exhibited shorter movements in terms of distances and rates. For example, juvenile straight-line migration distance (262 ±90 m) was significantly shorter than for adults (1069 ±134 m; P <0.001). We provide a starting point in attempting to understand an important question in migration – how individuals early on in their lives adopt different tactics – while contributing to our growing understanding of the complexity of patterns and variation in the movement ecology of a far-ranging snake.
... Ruggedness can not only impact snake mobility, but it can also create a diversity of microclimates enabling snakes to locate suitable thermal surfaces, even though the overall averaged thermal index may be unsuitable for a particular area [36]. Thus, a second key factor in estimating the distribution and abundance of rattlesnakes is topography [84,85]. ...
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Modelling the distribution and abundance of species at risk is extremely important for their conservation and management. We used ecological niche models (ENMs) to predict the occurrence of western rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) in British Columbia (BC), Canada. We applied this to existing population estimates to support a threshold of occurrence for management and conservation. We also identified predictors influencing rattlesnake distribution and abundance in this region. Using a Geographic Information Systems platform, we incorporated ENMs, capture–mark–recapture (CMR) and radio-telemetry results, province-wide observations, Landsat imagery and provincial databases for agricultural land use to produce quantitative, spatially explicit, population estimates across BC. Using available western rattlesnake habitat estimated at 183.9 km2 and averaging estimates calculated from densities in three study populations, we generated a mean adult population size of 9722 (±SD 3009; 0.8 relative index of occurrence [RIO] threshold). Only a small area (21.6 km2) of suitable land cover was located within protected areas, potentially protecting an estimated 1144 (±354) adults. Most suitable land cover was within 500 m of roads (170.6 km2), representing potential habitat being used by an estimated 9017 (±2791) adults. At the threshold RIO value chosen (0.8), only a very small area of farmland provided suitable land cover. Our results highlight the possibility of high mortality rates for western rattlesnakes near roads and the fact that protected areas do not provide sufficient coverage to conserve the population. Given that this species has relatively low mobility and high site fidelity to home ranges, our population estimate for BC provides a useful reference for the northern part of the species’ range. It also fulfills a need to estimate population size within political jurisdictions where conservation management decisions are made, as well as presenting a method that can be applied to other parts of the range, including the southern United States. Our study provides an important benchmark for future monitoring of western rattlesnakes in BC using a repeatable and transparent approach. Similar applications can be extrapolated and applied for other threatened species to identify and quantify population distributions and threats, further supporting conservation prioritization tools to be used to maximize the effectiveness of conservation strategies under financial constraints.
... Use of forest habitat by rattlesnakes is well-documented but in locations further south and east than our study location [63,81,83]. Similarly, long-distance movements also have been reported elsewhere [4,24,45] and within the same region of our study [29]. Long-distance migratory movements for northern snakes, in general, have often been hypothesized to reflect widely separated resources, such as hibernacula and summer foraging sites. ...
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Background: The importance of thermal resources to terrestrial ectotherms has been well documented but less often considered in larger-scale analyses of habitat use and selection, such as those routinely conducted using standard habitat features such as vegetation and physical structure. Selection of habitat based on thermal attributes may be of particular importance for ectothermic species, especially in colder climates. In Canada, Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) reach their northern limits, with limited time to conduct annual migratory movements between hibernacula and summer habitat. We radio-tracked 35 male snakes departing from 10 different hibernacula. We examined coarse-scale differences in migratory movements across the region, and then compared the route of each snake with thermal landscapes and ruggedness GIS maps generated for different periods of the animals' active season. Results: We observed dichotomous habitat use (grasslands versus upland forests) throughout most of the species' northern range, reflected in different migratory movements of male snakes emanating from different hibernacula. Snakes utilizing higher-elevation forests moved further during the course of their annual migrations, and these snakes were more likely to use warmer areas of the landscape. Conclusion: In addition to thermal benefits, advantages gained from selective migratory patterns may include prey availability and outbreeding. Testing these alternative hypotheses was beyond the scope of this study, and to collect the data to do so will require overcoming certain challenges. Still, insight into migratory differences between rattlesnake populations and the causal mechanism(s) of migrations will improve our ability to assess the implications of landscape change, management, and efficacy of conservation planning. Our findings suggest that such assessments may need to be tailored to individual dens and the migration strategies of their inhabitants. Additionally, local and landscape-scale migration patterns, as detected in this study, will have repercussions for snakes under climate-induced shifts in ecosystem boundaries and thermal regimes.
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Understanding the home range of imperiled reptiles is important to the design of conservation and recovery efforts. Despite numerous home range studies for the Threatened timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus), many have limited sample sizes or outdated analytical methods and only a single study has been undertaken in the central midwestern United States. We report on the home range size, site fidelity, and movements of C. horridus in west-central Illinois. Using VHF telemetry, we located 29 C. horridus (13 female, 16 male) over a 5-year period for a total of 51 annual records of the species' locations and movements. We calculated annual home ranges for each snake per year using 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths derived from Brownian Bridge utilization distributions (BBMM), and we also report 100% minimum convex polygons to be consistent with older studies. We examined the effects of sex, mass, SVL, and year on home range sizes and reported on movement metrics as well as home range fidelity using both Utilization Distribution Overlap Index (UDOI) and Bhattacharyya's affinity (BA) statistics. The home range sizes for male and non-gravid C. horridus were 88.72 Ha (CI 63.41–110.03) and 28.06 Ha (CI 17.17–38.96) for 99% BBMM; 55.65 Ha (CI 39.36–71.93) and 17.98 (CI 10.69–25.28) for 95% BBMM; 7.36 Ha (CI 5.08–9.64) and 2.06 Ha (CI 1.26–2.87) for 50% BBMM; and 78.54Ha (CI 47.78–109.30) and 27.96 Ha (CI 7.41–48.51) for MCP. The estimated daily distance traveled was significantly greater for males (mean = 57.25 m/day, CI 49.06–65.43) than females (mean = 27.55 m/day, CI 18.99–36.12), particularly during the summer mating season. Similarly, maximum displacement distances (i.e., maximum straight-line distance) from hibernacula were significantly greater for males (mean = 2.03 km, CI 1.57–2.48) than females (mean = 1.29 km, CI 0.85–1.73], and on average, males were located further from their hibernacula throughout the entirety of their active season. We calculated fidelity to high-use areas using 11 snakes that were tracked over multiple years. The mean BBMM overlap using Bhattacharyya's affinity (BA) for all snakes at the 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths was 0.48 (CI 0.40–0.57), 0.40 (0.32–0.49), and 0.07 (0.05–0.10), respectively. The mean BBMM overlap for all snakes using the Utilization Distribution Overlap Index (UDOI) at the 99%, 95%, and 50% isopleths was 0.64 (CI 0.49–0.77), 0.32 (CI 0.21–0.47), and 0.02 (CI 0.01–0.05)), respectively. Our results are largely consistent with those of other studies in terms of the influence of sex on home range size and movements. The species also exhibits strong site fidelity with snakes generally using the same areas each summer, though there is far less overlap in specific (e.g., 50% UDOI) high-use areas, suggesting some plasticity in hunting areas. Particularly interesting was the tendency for snakes to disperse from specific hibernacula in the same general direction to the same general areas. We propose some possible reasons for this dispersal pattern.
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Anthropogenic disturbances often present novel habitat features to which the members of an existing population must adapt. We examined the effects of disturbance and habitat fragmentation on the movements of Northern Pacific Rattlesnakes (Crotalus o. oreganus) from 2006 through 2012 in southern British Columbia, Canada. We radio-tracked 44 adult male rattlesnakes through shrub-steppe, grassland, and dry forest habitats that varied from highly disturbed and fragmented to near pristine with little human interaction. Sources of disturbance were primarily associated with tourism (golf course, campground, hiking trails, roads, parking lots, vineyards, condominium complex). After accounting for interyear variation and daily temperature, rattlesnakes in undisturbed areas had larger home ranges (100% minimal convex polygon) and longer home-range lengths compared to individuals frequenting minimally to highly disturbed areas. Contrary to our predictions, snakes in highly disturbed sites did not move greater total distances, display elevated movement frequencies, higher movement rates, and/or more convoluted movement patterns.
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We review radiotelemetry studies of Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and Western Rattlesnakes (C. oreganus), summarizing and comparing characteristics of their seasonal movements to formulate hypotheses on potential mechanisms explaining the extent and pattern of migrations of communally-denning rattlesnakes. Solitary-denning C. o. abyssus engages in relatively short, meandering seasonal movements, which is thought to be because prey and hibernacula are both available within summer activity ranges, resulting in limited resource dispersion. In contrast, long-distance, fixed-bearing migrations are typical of communally-denning Prairie and Western Rattlesnakes, and dispersion distances appear to increase with increasing latitude. We hypothesize that prey availability, rattlesnake population density, dispersion of hibernacula, and the duration of the active season are the primary factors influencing variation in the extent and pattern of migrations of communally-denning rattlesnakes.
We assessed the response of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) to land-cover type, predation risk, energetic costs of movement, and patch configuration at multiple spatial scales. We applied a nonlinear model to frequent locations collected with Global Positioning System (GPS) collars to identify discontinuities in the scales of movement by caribou found in forested and alpine (above tree line) habitats. We differentiated intra- from interpatch movements and identified collections of patches (multiple-patch scale) where caribou concentrated intrapatch movements. On average, intra- and interpatch movements were 450.7 and 1268.8 m, respectively, and multiple-patch movements occurred over an area of 182 ha. Intrapatch movements were highly correlated, indicative of a strong relationship between behavior and place. Caribou in the forest selected patches of Pine terrace, whereas caribou in the alpine selected patches of Alpine-little vegetative cover. Predation risk was not a factor influencing movements of caribou at the intrapatch scale. Selection of cover types was more variable during interpatch movements. At that scale, caribou selected patches of Pine terrace, Lakes/rivers, Alpine-little vegetative cover, and Alpine-grass. The routes selected by caribou had lower energetic costs relative to surrounding terrain, and during some winters, caribou were subjected to higher levels of predation risk during those movements. At the multiple-patch scale, selection was more specific and encompassed patches of Alpine-little vegetative cover, Alpine-grass, and Pine terrace. Predation risk was relatively unimportant at the multi-patch scale, but animals that moved from forested to alpine habitats reduced their relative risk of predation. Patch configuration was a poor predictor of those areas where caribou concentrated intrapatch movements. There was some evidence of caribou selecting patches of Pine terrace within a matrix of Wetlands and Pine–black spruce/black spruce patches. Caribou in the alpine avoided patches of Alpine-little vegetative cover adjacent to forest types. Our results indicate that forest managers should maintain widely distributed patches of Pine terrace and implement silvicultural regimes that do not stimulate predator populations across areas used for interpatch movements.
We used radiotelemetry to investigate the movement patterns of nine Psammophylax rhombeatus rhombeatus during spring 2006 on the west coast of South Africa. Snakes were on average tracked for 28 days and relocated twice per day. For each snake we calculated vernal home range size using minimum convex polygons, and 50 and 95% isopleths. These data show that male snakes moved significantly greater distances, had larger home ranges (average MCP = 2.219 ha for males and 0.619 ha for females), and were thus more active than female snakes. Telemetered female snakes displayed non-overlapping activity zones. Skaapstekers exhibited most activity from 0900–1700 h and in ambient temperatures greater than 196C. Overall these movement patterns are consistent with reports of other active-foraging snakes in mating season; however, it is possible these characteristics vary across seasons and populations for this wide-ranging species. Conspecific interactions observed during the study also provide insight into the mating system of P. r. rhombeatus. This is the first radiotelemetry study on any psammophiid inhabiting Africa and demonstrates that while male and female psammophiids are physically monomorphic, they potentially occupy very different ecological roles. P SAMMOPHYLAX rhombeatus rhombeatus (Rhombic or Spotted Skaapsteker) is a widespread and abundant psammophiid inhabiting the highveld and coasts of South Africa (Branch, 1998; Kelly et al., 2009). Much like members of the closely related genus Psammophis, P. r. rhombeatus is oviparous and an agile, active forager, thus exhibiting typical whipsnake attributes (Shine, 1980; Broadley, 1990). However, the body shape of Psammophylax is more thickset as compared to the whipsnake body plan (Branch, 1998; Shine et al., 2006; Cottone and Bauer, 2010) and therefore they are better suited for radiotelemetric transmitter implantation. Very little is known about the ecology or natural history of P. r. rhombeatus. Several studies have documented aspects of its diet, reproduction, and sexual size dimorphism via investigation of museum specimens (Van Wyk, 1988; Douglas, 1992; Flemming and Douglas, 1997; Cottone and Bauer, 2010). Yet, to-date there have been no empirical field studies that investigate the spatial ecology of this species. Modern studies that quantify snake movement patterns are largely possible due to the advent radiotelemetry (Weatherhead and Blouin-Demers, 2004). Yet, only recently has this technology been applied to studies on African snake species (e.g., Pythonidae: Alexander, 2007; Viperidae: Warner, 2009). Snakes are generally thought to live a relatively solitary existence and may even actively avoid conspecific interaction (e.g., Fitzgerald et al., 2002), yet due to their elusive nature it is difficult to investigate aspects of their social life and behavior. Therefore, reports of sociality and territoriality of psammophiids in captivity (De Haan, 2003), as well as anecdotal accounts implicating egg-guarding and communal nesting in P. r. rhombeatus specifically (Broadley, 1977; Bates, 1985; De Villers, 1995; Branch, 1998) make it particularly interesting for further study. We quanitifed home range, distance moved, and activity patterns of nine free-ranging skaapstekers on the west coast of South Africa. In addition, we describe our observations of conspecific encounters during the field study. Overall, we aimed to analyze the movements of free-ranging skaapstekers during the breeding season to better understand their ecology and natural history. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study site description.—This study took place over 54 days during early/mid spring (28 September–21 November 2006) on Farm Steenboksfontein Private Nature Reserve (32u109S, 18u189E), approximately 7 km south of Lambert’s Bay on the coast of the Western Cape Province of South Africa. This is a semi-arid region (175 mm annual precipitation average) with rainfall that is primarily the result of cyclonic activity in winter (Mucina and Rutherford, 2006). During the course of our study total rainfall measured 4 mm, daily high temperature averaged 22.3uC (spanning 14.4–36.1uC) and daily low temperature averaged 11.7uC (spanning 5.0– 18.3uC; Historical Meteorological Data for Lambert’s Bay; Climate data accessed from Weather Underground, 8 August 2011, 2006/9/1/MonthlyHistory.html#calendar). Steenboksfontein lies within the Western Strandveld, a coastal vegetation type consisting of dense shrublands dominated by succulent shrubs (e.g., Euphorbia mauritanica and Zygophyllum morgsana) and sclerophyllous, broad-leaved shrubs (e.g., Afrolimon pergrinum and Pteronia onobromoides; Mucina and Rutherford, 2006). Radiotelemetry.—All radiotracked snakes (four males, four females, and one undetermined) were collected opportunistically by hand in short-growth vegetation. Captured snakes were measured and weighed, and those too small for transmitter implantation (where transmitter .10% of body mass; Herpetological Animal Care and Use Committee, 2004) were released at their capture site. All others (n 5 9, with transmitter mass ranging 5.4–8.8% of snake mass) were fitted with Holohil, Inc. (Carp, Ontario) SB-2 snake implantation transmitters (3.8 g; lifespan range 3–6 mo) equipped with whip antennae. Implantation of radiotransmitters followed procedures of Reinert and Cundall (1982) and lasted no longer than 60 min (with length of surgical 1 Department of Biology, Villanova University, 800 Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085; E-mail: (AMC); and (AMB) Send reprint requests to AMC. Submitted: 30 May 2012. Accepted: 4 November 2012. Associate Editor: B. Stuart. F 2013 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists DOI: 10.1643/CE-12-067 Copeia 2013, No. 2, 194–200