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Customer Service Information System for a Call Center


Abstract and Figures

As one of the customer relationship management tools, a call center acts as an interface between the customers and the company. The aim of this case study is to design a web based customer service information system to improve service quality and efficiency in a call center. The results are based on a single case studying a certain manufacturer of ceramic sanitary wares and plumbing hardware company in one of the countries it operates. Considering there were several significant issues which directly affect the level of customer satisfaction. The objectives of the system are to manage the technician schedule to do a visit based on the customer preference, to facilitate better escalation of unclosed processed problems after certain duration of time and to generate various types of reports for the use of the management. Furthermore the ability to enable the system to be used by new call center planned to be opened in different location was added. The proposed solution also facilitated mobile usage for more significant process improvements.
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Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 304
1877-0509 © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015)
doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.07.569
Available online at
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62-21-5345830
International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015)
Customer Service Information System for a Call Center
Sartika Kurnialia*, Titanb
aBina Nusantara University,Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
bBina Nusantara University, Jl. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
As one of the customer relationship management tools, a call center acts as an interface between the customers and the company.
The aim of this case study is to design a web based customer service information system to improve service quality and
efficiency in a call center. The results are based on a single case studying a certain manufacturer of ceramic sanitary wares and
plumbing hardware company in one of the countries it operates. Considering there were several significant issues which directly
affect the level of customer satisfaction. The objectives of the system are to manage the technician schedule to do a visit based on
the customer preference, to facilitate better escalation of unclosed processed problems after certain duration of time and to
generate various types of reports for the use of the management. Furthermore the ability to enable the system to be used by new
call center planned to be opened in different location was added. The proposed solution also facilitated mobile usage for more
significant process improvements.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Computer Science and
Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015).
Keywords:call center; web; customer relationship management; customer service
1. Introduction
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is abusiness strategy focused on improvement of customer
satisfaction and building customer loyalty. Both of the objectives can be achieved by better understanding of
customer characteristics and purchase patterns, by adjustment of the offer to customer needs and by efficient service
and providing reliable and exhaustive information directly to customer1.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence (ICCSCI 2015)
Sartika Kurniali and Titan / Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 – 304
A call center is a centralized office meant for the purpose of receiving and transmitting a large volume of
information by telephone. Call centers are required for large companies to sell or promote their goods and services
as well as for the after sales services and customer queries2. A call center is also one of the CRM tools available for
Due to the extended ranges of services and channels for customer and organization beyond telephone, the
interactions have increased complexity for call center management. These make call centers can be defined as a
department in an organization that interacts with customers or prospective customers through any one or multiple
communication channels. Call center is confronted with many challenges, including wide range and complex
customer enquiries4.
In this case study the aim of the call center was to improve the customer satisfaction using a new customer
service information system since the old information system was considered unable to achieve this. This aim would
be achieved through the several key features such as the ability to manage the technician schedule to do a visit based
on the customer preference, facilitate better escalation of unclosed processed problems after certain duration of time
and to generate various types of reports for the use of the management. Furthermore the ability to enable the system
to be used by new call center planned to be opened in different location was added. The proposed solution also
facilitated mobile usage for more significant process improvements.
2. Materials and Methods
Call center or front offices acts as an interface between the customer and a company where they can call and
report problems or ask for information regarding products or services offered. While the back office function is to
support the call center staff by solving customer issues which they cannot handle.
For the manufacturer of ceramic sanitary wares and plumbing hardware company focused upon in this paper,
several issues were discovered in its call center. The existing system was unable to facilitate a seamless workflow
between the call center agents and the back office; the call center agent had to pass the details manually to the
relevant back offices, in the form of batches of hardcopy documents. This involves a lot of paperwork and it was
time consuming.
The call center agent was also unable to manage the technician schedule to do a visit based on the customer
preference. Not to mention at the moment technician visit was the most asked service by the customers with around
40 technician visits requests coming in every day. Letting the technician came up with their own visiting schedule
required them to make another call to the customer to make the appointment and allows the technician placed their
best interest rather than the customer preference. Since all of this caused the whole process ran slow, the customer
had to wait longer to be served. It was hard to fulfill the promised 2 day visit service level agreement. Even more
when new spare part order was involved along the way. There was no structured way to track and escalate the
process and move it forward to completion.
All of these issues are main concern for the management and there was a need of a system which can relieve
those issues. The company also looking to open new call center in different location and hope that the new system
can facilitate that. In addition, the ability to use the system mobile was recognized to for more significant process
The proposed solution of web based customer service information system was then designed based on those
needs and simultaneously improve its service quality and efficiency. The web based customer service information
system then was built with prototype model approach. This allows a rapid development and testing of working
models. During the design phase an interactive, iterative process is used. This also makes the development faster and
easier, especially when end user requirements are hard to define and has enlarged the role of business stakeholders5.
3. Results
The proposed web based customer service information system required every user to logon to the system based
on their role. These roles would determine the set of menu the user could then access (Fig.1). The roles were call
center agents, head of the call center, and technician.
300 Sartika Kurniali and Titan / Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 – 304
After logon, a dashboard as an easy and powerful way to get the instant overview about the call center
operational activities. This includes number of calls, number of work assignment letter for technician visit (SPK),
pie chart of the type of interaction, and pie chart of incoming calls based on sector located as seen in Fig.2.
Fig. 1. Use Case Diagram for Customer Service Information System
Sartika Kurniali and Titan / Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 – 304
Fig. 2. The Web Based Customer Service Information System Dashboard
Fig. 3. Agents Creates New Call Details from Customers
Every incoming call could then be entered in the system in details. Existing customers could be identified so
there would be no need to save their data inside the system again. On the other hand new customers needed to
inform their basic identity information to the agent so they could save it to the database as shown in Fig.3.When the
call involved a technician visit, the agent could now create the work assignment letter inside the system and
schedule the visit based on the customer preference and schedule availability. This is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 5 showed after visiting the customer the technician could update status of the work assignment letter. A
finish status concluded the whole process while sometimes another visit is needed. Any new spare part order need
was then forwarded to the related back office by the agents. The system also reminded the agent in charge to track
and escalate the process if after two weeks passed the spare part still unavailable for another technician visits.
302 Sartika Kurniali and Titan / Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 – 304
Fig. 4. Agent Schedules Technician Visit based on the Customer Preference
Fig. 5. Technician Updates Progress and Result from the Visit
Sartika Kurniali and Titan / Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 – 304
Fig. 6. Monitor and Review the Customer Service Activities
Several reports for the use of the management such as analyzing often broken products, distribution demography
of the customers were added. These reports could be generated based by a certain variables set by the users. One of
the reports is shown in Fig. 6.
4. Discussion
The web based customer service information system designed addressed issues that were discovered as shown in
the figures respectively above. However the limitation of the prototype is that it was designed based on a case in a
certain company. The system also was still unable to automatically recognize call from previous saved customer due
to technical barrier not yet explored with the Cisco telephone system it used.
Overall the new customer information system accommodated a lot of the things that the old system could not
achieve to improve business process and the customer satisfaction. A detailed look on the new customer information
system compared to the old one can be seen in table 1 below.
Table 1.The customer information system comparison.
User login
User management
Unclosed problem escalation
Scheduling technician visit by the agent based
on the customer preference
Easy and visualized report monitoring
Ability to be used simultaneously in different
locations and mobile development
Furthermore the information systems models to evaluate complex systems as call centers are considered
important (6). Two models are mainly adopted that can be used to measure the performance of success and failures
304 Sartika Kurniali and Titan / Procedia Computer Science 59 ( 2015 ) 298 – 304
of information systems namely: the Delone and Mclean model first introduced in 19927 and the Design Reality Gap
model introduced by Heeks in 20028.
Since the call center mainly take request by phone call and occasional internal email from corporate customer it
was not fully harnessed the whole range of channel for customer interaction with a company. Not only from
telephones, but extended to include channels such as email, fax, short message service (SMS), chat, and web forms9.
Future research on integrating the customer interaction from all of those channels enables provides another
opportunity for the company to improve customer satisfaction and building customer loyalty while optimizing the
existing web and social media of the company. As multimedia contact volume grows, front-line agents must be
prepared to handle transactions in whatever media choice the customer desire10.
5. Conclusion
It was found that there were several issues with the usage of the existing system in the call center. Issues that
unfortunately compromised the customer satisfaction because the company was unable to fulfill its service level
This paper also provides a design in the form of a prototype for the web based customer service information
system to address these issues by adding new features to facilitate any changes and process improvement. Compared
to the existing system which need to be installed and must be access through a computer, choosing a web based
system also provides several advantages. These advantages includes the ability to enable the system to be used by
new call center planned to be opened in different location and facilitated mobile usage of the system especially for
the mobile technician who frequently visit the customers.
Furthermore, future research should evaluate the effectiveness and the efficiency of this customer service
information system, whether it is can be reliable in handling wide range and complex customer enquiries or it is can
reduce the stress level of staffs in serving customers. Further research could also elaborate the impact of
information, system, and service quality to effectiveness of the customer service information system11. Knowledge
management (KM) is also could be an enhancement for advance development of customer service information
system. KM should be embedded with the system, so it can be used as knowledge warehouse related to cases, lesson
learned, and best practices in serving customer, whereas it also can be utilize to reduce customer service staff
training time and costs4.
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... Customer relationship management (CRM) is a business approach that focuses on customer satisfaction and leads to better customer perception and trustworthiness (Kurniali and Titan 2015). In this highly competitive world, customer needs a real time solution for any error in the end product or service and organisation must provide quick solution to customer issues (Kappa et al., 2020). ...
... Fokus penelitian adalah layanan kesehatan call center 119 yang terkena covid 19 (Adnan et al. 2020). Layanan kesehatan ini sudah dilaksanakan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia di wisma atlet Kemayoran Jakarta, melalui pusat pendidikan sumber daya daya manusia (Kurniali and Titan 2020). ...
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Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa inovasi layanan kesehatan di Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dalam kesiapan aparat melayani pasien yang terkena virus covid 19. Layanan kesehatan call center 119 adalah layanan kegawatdaruratan medik yang memberikan fasilitas ambulan, perlunya rumah sakit rujukan rawat inap pasien yang terkena covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori New Public Management (NPM) yang dikembangkan Osborne dan Gaebler (1992), merupakan perbaikan dari Old Public Administration ditandai dengan munculnya konsep managerialism dan perlunya model baru dalam administrasi pelayanan publik. Manfaat penelitian diharapkan memberikan masukan konstruktif ke Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia yang sudah melakukan terobosan layanan kesehatan. Sehingga layanan Kesehatan lebih berkualitas dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pelayanan yang baik dan cepat. Layanan call center 119 menempatkan tenaga operator, perawat dan dokter yang terlatih dan profesional. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan kualitatif-deskriptif, dengan model interaktif, menciptakan situasi interaktif, dedukatif untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat. Sumber data primer diambil langsung di lapangan berdasarkan wawancara dengan pusat pendidikan sumber daya daya manusia di Kemenkes RI, ketua satgas covid 19 di wisma atlet, operator, perawat, dokter dan pegawai Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan layanan kesehatan publik call center 119 merupakan terobosan dalam layanan kesehatan publik, layanan kegawatdaruratan terpadu, terobosan kecepatan tindakan layanan medik yang dapat meningkatkan derajat dan akseptabilitas Kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Layanan kesehatan publik ini terintegrasi antara rawat inap wisma atlet, rumah sakit inap pasien covid-19 dengan melibatkan petugas operator, perawat, dokter yang terlatih dan profesional dengan dibantu Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.
... Customer relationship management (CRM) is a business approach that focuses on customer satisfaction and leads to better customer perception and trustworthiness (Kurniali and Titan 2015). In this highly competitive world, customer needs a real time solution for any error in the end product or service and organisation must provide quick solution to customer issues (Kappa et al., 2020). ...
... Fokus penelitian adalah layanan kesehatan call center 119 yang terkena covid 19 (Adnan et al. 2020). Layanan kesehatan ini sudah dilaksanakan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia di wisma atlet Kemayoran Jakarta, melalui pusat pendidikan sumber daya daya manusia (Kurniali and Titan 2020). ...
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Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa inovasi layanan kesehatan di Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia dalam kesiapan aparat melayani pasien yang terkena virus covid 19. Layanan kesehatan call center 119 adalah layanan kegawatdaruratan medik yang memberikan fasilitas ambulan, perlunya rumah sakit rujukan rawat inap pasien yang terkena covid 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori New Public Management (NPM) yang dikembangkan Osborne dan Gaebler (1992), merupakan perbaikan dari Old Public Administration ditandai dengan munculnya konsep managerialism dan perlunya model baru dalam administrasi pelayanan publik. Manfaat penelitian diharapkan memberikan masukan konstruktif ke Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia yang sudah melakukan terobosan layanan kesehatan. Sehingga layanan Kesehatan lebih berkualitas dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pelayanan yang baik dan cepat. Layanan call center 119 menempatkan tenaga operator, perawat dan dokter yang terlatih dan profesional. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan kualitatif-deskriptif, dengan model interaktif, menciptakan situasi interaktif, dedukatif untuk mendapatkan data yang akurat. Sumber data primer diambil langsung di lapangan berdasarkan wawancara dengan pusat pendidikan sumber daya daya manusia di Kemenkes RI, ketua satgas covid 19 di wisma atlet, operator, perawat, dokter dan pegawai Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah Daerah DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan layanan kesehatan publik call center 119 merupakan terobosan dalam layanan kesehatan publik, layanan kegawatdaruratan terpadu, terobosan kecepatan tindakan layanan medik yang dapat meningkatkan derajat dan akseptabilitas Kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Layanan kesehatan publik ini terintegrasi antara rawat inap wisma atlet, rumah sakit inap pasien covid-19 dengan melibatkan petugas operator, perawat, dokter yang terlatih dan profesional dengan dibantu Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Kepolisian Republik Indonesia.
... Aplikasi layanan Pusat Panggilan ini akan dikembangkan berbasis web karena memiliki kelebihan seperti yang diuraikan pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Kurniali (2015) dalam penelitiannya yang berjudul "Customer Service Information System for a Call Center" menyimpulkan bahwa memilih sistem berbasis web memberikan keuntungan antara lain kemampuan untuk memungkinkan sistem digunakan oleh Pusat Panggilan baru yang direncanakan akan dibuka di lokasi yang berbeda. ...
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Saat ini aplikasi layanan Pusat Panggilan telah menjadi bagian yang penting dalam manajemen hubungan pelanggan. Aplikasi ini memiliki peran sebagai antarmuka antara pelanggan dan perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan merancang aplikasi layanan Pusat Panggilan berbasis web untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan efisiensi layanan di suatu Pusat Panggilan. Studi Kasus ini didasarkan pada suatu perusahaan yang berperan dalam menyediakan aplikasi layanan Pusat Panggilan yang dapat digunakan oleh Perusahaan yang memiliki mitra dengan jumlah pelanggan yang sangat banyak. Dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa masalah signifikan yang secara langsung mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, maka adanya aplikasi layanan Pusat Panggilan ini diharapkan dapat mengatur jadwal agen untuk menghubungi pelanggan (klien) dan memfasilitasi penyelesaian masalah yang lebih baik dari masalah yang belum terselesaikan dalam jangka waktu tertentu serta menghasilkan berbagai jenis laporan untuk pihak manajemen dalam hal menilai kinerja para agen dan supervisor.
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Background: The contact center industry is one of the world’s fastest expanding, and it has become a vital basis for businesses communicating with clients, whether through information sharing (inbound) or telesales (outbound). The goal of a contact center is to handle existing and future client queries, product support, and regular transactions. Objectives: The purpose of the article was to examine the effectiveness of ICT in improving service delivery at the public sector contact centre and to determine the non-technical and technical factors that influence the effectiveness of the contact centre service delivery. Methods: This article adopted a quantitative approach, using a survey questionnaire to solicit data from respondents. Convenience sampling method was deemed fit to sample contact centre agents and team leaders and managers in the contact centre of the Department of Home Affairs. Quantitative data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: Both the literature review and the empirical results revealed that the role of effective technology in service delivery has a significant influence on the quality-of-service results. The findings support the notion that many service failures are caused by a lack of technology training for employees. Conclusion and contribution: It is concluded that the use of technology in the contact centre has significantly altered how employees perform their roles and responsibilities. Contribution: The study found that training on new technological systems can help with service delivery.
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Продукты быстрого приготовления, согласно американской рыночной терминологии, определяются как разновидность фаст-фуда, поскольку основными их преимуществами являются быстрота и удобство приготовления. Как уже отмечалось ранее в проведенных исследованиях автором, вермишель и лапша в настоящее время по прежнему остаются основным сегментом рынка продуктов быстрого приготовления (60-70% в структуре продаж), этот рынок так же является основным для одной очень известной торговой марки «ТМ 1». Однако в виду его зрелости и насыщения необходимо осуществить поиск новых позиционных ниш на рынке для сохранения и увеличения продаж в данной категории. Все это подчеркивает актуальность проведения сравнительного анализа с последующей разработкой концепции создания новой торговой марки в определенном сегменте с учетом потребительских желаний и предпочтений.
Evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communications is a recognized problem in marketing activities in general. Having proven technologies and modern tools, however, many companies ignore marketing analytics, including the reason of complexity and labor intensity of the process. However, the evaluation of the effectiveness of communication activities directly affects the competitiveness of the company. The article discusses the modern technology of call tracking, which allows to link the number of incoming calls with the effectiveness of the advertising channel, show a reliable picture of the consumer's actions, and evaluate the quality of the company's call center. This technology has limitations in its application, mainly in companies where sales or appointments are made by phone, as well as enterprises with complex or expensive products and services that require a long purchase cycle. The authors analyzed the main business sectors, the indicators of which need to be tracked through call tracking technology. What is more, key metrics were identified that should be guided by when choosing a call tracking service to ensure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
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All over the world Call centers are becoming the key channels of communication with the customers. The call center industry is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world today. Call centers are providing a mix of services like customer support, technical support, sales and telemarketing, administrative support, customer relationship management, financial services, human resource management. Today, Indian call center industry is a huge industry and classified into three major areas, inbound, outbound and web enabled services. More than 330,000 people are employed in Indian call centers and this industry is worth about £3.2 billion a year and growing at a very fast rate of around 25% per annum. Today, more than 500 companies of UK, USA and d other developed countries are outsourcing their call center activities to India. Indian Call Center companies are trying to satisfying customers by reducing the overall cost of transaction and improving the quality of interaction with customers. But it's become difficult for a call centers to make a balance between quality and efficiency while trying to achieve companies objectives. The aim of the present study is to find out key performance indicators that drive management practices in Indian Call Center Industry and also tries to investigate the relationship between various measures of call centers performance used in call centers in providing customer satisfaction. The present research paper address both qualitative and quantitative performance measures used in call centers and their relevance to customer satisfaction.
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With the emergence of Information and Communication technologies, and the relatively cheap cost of calls (voice and data), the use of call centers to provide new services to citizens has grown extensively. Evolution in call centers technologies, systems and infrastructures allowed the transformation of industries and services in big enterprises and organizations, customer support services, marketing services and after sales support are examples of such transformations. The objective of this paper was to introduce a new technique that can support decision makers in the call centers industry to evaluate, and analyze the performance of call centers. The technique presented is derived from the research done on measuring the success or failure of information systems. Two models are mainly adopted namely: the Delone and Mclean model first introduced in 1992 and the Design Reality Gap model introduced by Heeks in 2002. Two indices are defined to calculate the performance of the call center; the success index and the Gap Index. An evaluation tool has been developed to allow call centers managers to evaluate the performance of their call centers in a systematic analytical approach; the tool was applied on 4 call centers from different areas, simple applications such as food ordering, marketing, and sales, technical support systems, to more real time services such as the example of emergency control systems. Results showed the importance of using information systems models to evaluate complex systems as call centers. The models used allow identifying the dimensions for the call centers that are facing challenges, together with an identification of the individual indicators in these dimensions that are causing the poor performance of the call center.
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This article presents evidence that--alongside the successes-- many information systems in developing countries can be categorized as failing either totally or partially. It then develops a new model that seeks to explain the high rates of failure. The model draws on contingency theory in order to advance the notion of design-actuality gaps: the match or mismatch between IS designs and local user actuality. This helps identify two high-risk archetypes that affect IS in developing countries: country context gaps and hard-soft gaps. The model is also of value in explaining the constraints that exist to local IS improvisations in developing countries. Overall, the article shows how model and theory help understand IS cases in developing countries, and equally, how those cases provide valuable data to help develop IS models and theories.
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In 1992, DeLone and McLean suggested that the dependent variable for information systems (IS) research is IS Success. Their research resulted in the widely cited DeLone and McLean (D&M) IS Success Model, in which System Quality, Information Quality, Use, User Satisfaction, Individual Impact, and Organizational Impact are distinct, but related dimensions of IS success. Since the original IS Success Model was published, research has developed a better understanding of IS success. Meanwhile, comprehensive and integrative research on the variables that influence IS success has been lacking. Therefore, we examine the literature on the independent variables that affect IS success. After examining over 600 articles, we focused our attention on integrating the findings of over 140 studies. In this research, we identify 43 specific variables posited to influence the different dimensions of IS success, and we organize these success factors into five categories based on the Leavitt Diamond of Organizational Change: task characteristics, user characteristics, social characteristics, project characteristics, and organizational characteristics. Next, we identify 15 success factors that have consistently been found to influence IS success: Enjoyment, Trust, User Expectations, Extrinsic Motivation, IT Infrastructure, Task Compatibility, Task Difficulty, Attitudes Toward Technology, Organizational Role, User Involvement, Relationship with Developers, Domain Expert Knowledge, Management Support, Management Processes, and Organizational Competence. Finally, we highlight gaps in our knowledge of success factors and propose a road map for future research.
In 2007, I was assigned to an overlay teaching position and given the task of delivering commercially produced Desire2Learn Ministry of Education vetted high school credit courses to atrisk students within the Ottawa Catholic School Board’s various high schools. Courses were originally slated to be delivered with the student and teacher separated by distance and time. Due to the perception at that time that most students who were enrolled in on-line courses were struggling and/or failing to complete them – the idea of supported on-line learning was born. The inception of the Virtual Achievement Centre’s supported online learning program and its expansion over the last five years is presented here. Challenges and successes are discussed under Lessons Learnt. Our experiences are compared with scenarios that are presently being published in academic and popular literature. Suggestions for future research projects are also given.
We analyze a call center with multiple customer types and dynamic priority service discipline, in which a low-priority customer becomes high priority when its waiting time exceeds a given deterministic service level threshold. Within each priority queue, the service discipline is first come, first served. Based on a fluid approximation of the system, we apply infinitesimal perturbation analysis (IPA) to derive estimators for the derivatives of the queue lengths with respect to the threshold parameter. Numerical examples illustrate the validity of the fluid model approximation and the accuracy of the IPA estimators.
The quality of a Web-based customer support system involves the information it supplies, the service it provides, and characteristics of the system itself; its effectiveness is reflected by the satisfaction of its users. This paper presents the results of a study of quality and effectiveness in Web-based customer support systems. Data from a survey of 726 Internet users were used to test theoretically expected relationships. The results of this study indicate that information and system quality determine effectiveness while service quality has no impact. Practical implications for managers and designers are offered.