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Abstract and Figures

Inadequate regulation of food intake plays an important role in the development of overweight and obesity, and is under the influence of both the internal appetite control system and external environmental cues. Especially in environments where food is overly available, external cues seem to override and/or undermine internal signals, which put severe challenges on the accurate regulation of food intake. By structuring these external cues around five different phases in the food consumption process this paper aims to provide an overview of the wide range of external cues that potentially facilitate or hamper internal signals and with that influence food intake. For each of the five phases of the food consumption process, meal initiation, meal planning, consumption phase, end of eating episode and time till next meal, the most relevant internal signals are discussed and it is explained how specific external cues exert their influence.
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External cues challenging the internal
appetite control system
-overview and practical implications-
Els Bilman, Ellen van Kleef en Hans van Trijp
In Press: Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
Inadequate regulation of food intake plays an important role in the development of overweight and
obesity, and is under the influence of both the internal appetite control system and external
environmental cues. Especially in environments where food is overly available, external cues seem to
override and/or undermine internal signals, which put severe challenges on the accurate regulation of
food intake. By structuring these external cues around five different phases in the food consumption
process this paper aims to provide an overview of the wide range of external cues that potentially
facilitate or hamper internal signals and with that influence food intake. For each of the five phases of
the food consumption process, meal initiation, meal planning, consumption phase, end of eating
episode and time till next meal, the most relevant internal signals are discussed and it is explained how
specific external cues exert their influence.
Food environment; satiety; satiation; food intake; obesity
Over the past decades, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased tremendously. In 2013,
worldwide 36.9% of men and 38% of woman were overweight or obese (Body Mass Index > 25
kg/m2) (Ng et al., 2014) Being overweight or obese can have serious health consequences, as high
BMI is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, different types of cancers and type 2
diabetes (Wang et al., 2011). At the most basic level, overweight is the result of an imbalance in
energy intake and energy expenditure: over time more calories are consumed than energy is expended.
Adequate management of food intake is a crucial factor in the development and prevention of
overweight. Such food intake management constitutes a complex process involving concious and
unconscious decisions on when to start, what to eat, how much to consume and when to stop eating.
To support adequate food intake management, the human body is equipped with a sophisticated
physiological system that provides a variety of internal signals, resulting in subjective feelings of
hunger and satiety. This appetite control system has proven to be highly important in human evolution
and has improved survival through periods of unstable food environments where shortages were
altered with abundance (Bellisari, 2008). In order to survive, ancestral hunter-gatherers had to seek out
and eat as many high-density foods as possible. Throughout thousands of years, it is believed that
humans adapted themselves genetically to this environment, which makes them predisposed to be
highly responsive to external food cues (King, 2013).
However, the current high prevalence of overweight and obesity suggests that the appetite control
system may be less effective in situations where food is in abundance (Popkin et al., 2004). In today’s
“obesogenic” environment, highly palatable foods are easy accessible, affordable and widely promoted
(Lake et al., 2006). This makes that the appetite control system is challenged and potentially
overpowered by habits, routines and cues in the external environment as (additional) determinants of
the regulation of food intake.
External cues related to food and the food consumption environment exert their effect on subjective
feelings of hunger and satiety through psychological processes as an addition to the internal signals
from physiological processes (Mela, 2006; van Kleef et al., 2012b). External, environmental cues as
for example packaging and portion sizes and labelling, tend to be strong, salient and seductive, and are
believed to undermine the process of self-regulation necesary to the accurate management of food
intake (Wansink, 2010; Wansink et al., 2009). Thus, subjective feelings of hunger and satiety are
under the joint control of internal physiological signals and signals from the food consumption
environment. These two types of signals may be aligned in that external cues possibly enhance and
strengthen internal signals of hunger and satiety, but in many instances external cues signaling when to
start, what to eat, how much to consume and when to stop, may override the internal signals of “start
and stop” any consumption event, potentially leading to overconsumption.
The two interrelated processes of satiation and satiety are crucial for accurate food intake management
(Bellisle, 2008). Satiation, sometimes referred to as within-meal satiety (Benelam, 2009) is the process
that leads to the termination of eating (Blundell et al., 2010). Satiety, sometimes referred to as
between-meal satiation, is the feeling of fullness after a meal and serves as a signal for the timing and
size of the next consumption moment (Benelam, 2009; Blundell et al., 2010). For human food
consumption, with more or less structured eating occasions, satiety is the more strategic process in
food intake management as food intake decisions are made in an anticipatory fashion. That is, how
much to consume at any discrete consumption occasion to ensure that the next eating occasion can be
reached comfortably without a lack of energy or unpleasant feelings of hunger that may undermine the
self-control to resist temptations to (over-) consume in between.
Taking as a starting point that food intake management is under the joint control of internal signals
and external cues, we review scientific evidence on how external cues can support or undermine an
individuals’ responsiveness to internal signals. In current paper, external cues are defined as all signals
related to the food consumption environment that are not regarded as internal, physiological cues. This
overview is not intended to be exhaustive in the sense that we provide a total review of all relevant
studies, but aims to provide an overview and illustration of the wide range of external cues that
potentially facilitate or hamper internal signals and with that influence food intake.
While excellent reviews exist on the influence and potential mechanisms of external cues influencing
food consumption (Larson et al., 2009; Wansink, 2004) and particular internal physiological
mechanisms of appetite regulation (Arora et al., 2006) this paper shows how their separate and
combined influence exerts itself across five different phases of the food consumption process.
To provide some background, we start by discussing the different elements of the appetite control
system from the perspective of the satiety cascade framework. Then, key findings are classified from
previous research on the effect of external cues on appetite control, according to five stages of the
consumption sequence: meal initiation, meal planning, consumption phase, termination of
consumption, and initiation of the next consumption episode. Finally, implications for public health
policies aimed at adequate food intake management are discussed and directions for future research
are identified.
Internal signals from the appetite control system
An influential theoretical framework outlining the various internal signals affecting feelings of satiety
and satiation over time is the satiety cascade proposed by Blundell over 25 years ago (Blundell et al.,
1987a), that has been further updated by Mela (Mela, 2006). The satiety cascade (see Figure 1) details
out the sensory, cognitive, post-ingestive and post-absorptive influences on feelings of satiation and
satiety over time.
Figure 1. Satiety cascade from Blundell modified by Mela (Mela, 2006)
Following the satiety cascade, the start of a consumption moment is determined by a combination of
internal hunger signals and cognitive factors. Just after the start of a consumption episode and prior of
any post-ingestive or post-absorptive signals, perceived quality of a meal (in terms of expectations,
reward and pleasure) is an important factor in the development of satiation feelings.
When consumed food reaches the stomach, post-ingestive and post-absorptive processes take over and
meal quantity becomes important. The increase in gastric volume, the ‘stomach stretch’ is
communicated to the brain and gastrointestinal hormones are released (Benelam, 2009). In
combination with the cognitive perceptions of the food and drink consumed, this makes that satiation
is stimulated.
When nutrients are absorbed by the intestines, satiety signals are released from the digestive track
signalling to neurons in the brain during the post-ingestive phase of the satiety cascade (Blundell et al.,
1987b) and satiety hormones are released. On the long term, the stimulation of satiety is based on the
availability of nutrients sensed by the hypothalamus. When deviations from normal adiposity levels
are detected, insulin and leptin are mobilized to induce satiety (Berthoud, 2007).
External cues challenging the internal system
It might be expected that, over time, the internal appetite control system leads to appropriate timing
and portion sizes of meals to avoid uncomfortable feelings of hunger or satiety (Booth et al., 1976).
But external cues from today’s food environment seem to override and/or undermine these internal
signals and make it more difficult to regulate food intake at any stage of the consumption process
(Figure 2). Food consumption is often regarded as a rational processes with well-reflected decisions on
what to choose and how much to consume. But in reality many of these decisions are taken
impulsively rather than deliberately. Dual processing theory states that human behaviour can be
guided by two systems (Epstein, 1994; Kahneman, 2011; Sloman, 1996). System 1 operates
automatically and is highly impulsive. Affective reactions and learned associations play an important
role. System 2 is reflective and has the ability to monitor behaviour generated by the impulsive system
1. The impulsive behaviour guided by system 1 makes that we are more susceptible for external cues
in all stages of the food consumption process, as further discussed in this paper.
Figure 2. External cues challenging the internal appetite control
Meal initiation
Meal initiation refers to the begin situation in which the first (mental) steps are taken to acquire and
consume food. The subjective feeling of hunger provided by the appetite control system is an
important signal for meal initiation. However, in some instances external cues and not internal hunger
signals induce the start of a consumption episode. For meal initiation, the external cue “eating by the
clock” and other eating habits are important influencers. Eating by the clock is a fixed pattern of meals
and snacks during the day (e.g. 7.30 breakfast, 12.20 lunch, 18.00 dinner) that many people develop
over the years and comply with, regardless of hunger and satiety feelings. The development of eating
habits is an effective strategy to save up cognitive capacity for other tasks and decisions since food
intake is a reoccurring activity during the day (Marteau et al., 2012). Eating habits are the result of
conscious decisions that have evolved into automatic behaviour (van't Riet et al., 2011). It can
therefore be assumed that, although habits can overrule internal signals, there is still some sort of
relationship between eating habits and internal signals. For satisfactory daily food consumption it is
important to find a delicate balance between avoiding unpleasant hunger feelings and preventing
abnormal fullness. Through experience with the intake of food, people find this balance and learn the
optimum timing between two consumption moments. Over time, the repetitive use of this interval
becomes a habit that will be predictive for future meal initiation. These habits are often so strong that
they manage to be predictive even in the absence of hunger feelings (van't Riet et al., 2011).
Food cues in the environment or cues that have become associated with food (e.g. the shop where you
always purchase your lunch) can also initiate food consumption. For example, a food cue can be the
sight or smell of a food product but can also be the visibility of foods in an advertisement on TV or in
a magazine (Cornell et al., 1989). These food cues influence meal initiation by altering physiological
responses via two distinct routes. Firstly, food cues in the environment can increase feelings of hunger
(Schüssler et al., 2012). The sight and the smell of a food can activate ‘Cephalic Phase Responses’,
these signals are initiated by the central nervous system and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for
optimal processing of the expected nutrients (Smeets et al., 2010) and seem to stimulate the ingestion
of large meals (Williams, 2010). In addition, as soon as food cues as the smell of freshly baked
cookies or the sight of a chocolate bar are perceived, the stomach stimulates ghrelin secretion. Ghrelin
is a neuropeptide that induces appetite of which the levels normally increase before meals and
decrease after consumption. Perceiving a food cue thus actually increases hunger feelings. Secondly,
at the same time, the sight and smell of foods affect the level of dopamine transmission in the brain
(Volkow et al., 2011; Volkow et al., 2002). The neurotransmitter dopamine plays a major role in
reward-driven learning. When consuming a food for the first time, the level of dopamine transmission
in the brain is increased and causes a feeling of enjoyment. When exposed to the food more often, the
dopamine response transfers onto cues that are associated with food reward, for example the sight or
smell of the particular food. Already the smell of a food can induce a dopamine response in the brain
and becomes a predictor of reward. This response increases the desire to consume the food, inhibits
cravings and is associated with ‘wanting’ of a food instead of ‘liking’ the food (Finlayson et al., 2008;
Finlayson et al., 2007; Mela, 2006; Volkow et al., 2011). When food cues similarly trigger hunger
feelings and food ‘wanting’, it is easy to imagine that resisting food intake is extremely difficult.
Especially when cognitive capacity is low, it is a challenge to resist attractive food temptations (Ruhm,
In addition, culturally determined social norms and traditions are important influencers of meal
initiation. The way in which people share food is surrounded by socially and culturally defined norms,
such as generosity and reciprocity (Robson et al., 2006). Sharing food is not solely about eating, it
strengthens relationships, creates feelings of solidarity and bonding and stimulates interaction among
members of a specific society (Belk, 2010; Turner et al., 2001). So when refusing a meal, not only the
host might be offended this can also have a potential negative effect on future interactions and
relationships (Power et al., 2009). Therefore most people will accept and initiate the meal, even when
they just ate and are not at all hungry.
Meal planning
Once the intention to eat something is there, the meal planning process starts. Meal planning refers to
the forethought given to activities and means required to consume food. This is not necessarily a
deliberate process, reacting on ones impulses and grabbing an apple while passing a fruit bowl, can
already be considered as meal planning. A suitable consumption volume is often already selected
before the first bite and seems to be fairly resistant to modification over the course of a meal (Fay et
al., 2011). Fay et al. (2011) show that 28% of their participants still cleaned their plate although they
reported to be satiated. An important mechanism in the pre-meal planning process is being able to
learn from previous ingestions. Through post ingestive learning, people learn to associate the
physiological consequences of food intake with different sensory food cues. One of the possible
physiological consequences of food intake is the experienced level of satiety after consumption. Booth
(1972) formulated the term ‘conditioned satiety’ to describe the association between sensory aspects
of a food, as a sweet taste or creaminess, and the internal feeling of fullness afterwards. With the help
of those associations we build expectations and learn how much we need to eat to feel comfortably
full. Bilman et al. (2010) show for example that consumers expect a relatively higher level of satiety
from products that are perceived as fat, high in protein, having a savoury taste and are in one piece.
These generated satiation and satiety expectations do not necessarily have to be accurate, hence the
plate cleaning while feeling satiated. Recent research suggests that these expectations, affect meal-size
selection before the start of a meal (Brunstrom, 2007; Brunstrom, 2011; Brunstrom et al., 2011;
Brunstrom et al., 2008a; Brunstrom et al., 2009; Brunstrom et al., 2008b). Some external cues
undermine this learning process of conditioned satiety by influencing norms, perceptions and
expectations and with that affect the meal planning process.
Packaging and portion sizes undermine conditioned satiety by suggesting that the restaurant portion or
the pre-packaged or served food presented is the normal amount to consume. These packaging and
portion sizes set a norm for the appropriate amount to eat and therefore make pre-meal planning based
on own experiences unnecessary. People tend to eat the main part of the food that is presented or
served to them. Studies show that intake from different packaging and portion sizes mirrors the
amount of food presented: more food is consumed from larger portions compared to smaller ones
without a significant difference in feelings of fullness afterwards (Rolls et al., 2004; Rolls et al.,
2006a, 2006b; Wansink, 2010). A recent review of 104 portion size studies showed that doubling of
portion size leads to an average consumption increase of 35% (Zlatevska et al., 2014). The unit size of
food (i.e. the number of units in which a portion of food is divided) also influences consumption as
people tend to eat many foods in units (e.g. slices, pieces). Typically, people eat more when food is
presented in larger compared to smaller units (Geier et al., 2006; van Kleef et al., 2014).
The serving behaviour of others affects the meal planning process in a similar manner. Participants in
modelling studies tend to serve a similar amount (or somewhat less) than the confederate who has
been instructed to eat a lot or a little (Herman et al., 2005). This shows that in these social situations
people rather use norms set by others than their own experiences and expectations.
The amount of food selected during the meal planning process is also affected by the size of
dinnerware, including plates, spoons, bowls and glasses. People tend to over serve when it comes to
larger plates and bowls and under serve when confronted with smaller dinnerware. This effect can be
explained by the Delboeuf illusion (Van Ittersum et al., 2012). This illusion illustrates that a same size
circle (as food on a plate) appears smaller when surrounded by a slightly larger circle and with that
biases serving size perceptions and consumption. Van Ittersum and Wansink (2012) suggest that using
smaller plates leads to an decrease in food intake without affecting feelings of fullness after
consumption. Various studies on the portion size effect show that larger portions typically do not lead
participants to report increased feelings of fullness. This again suggests that hunger and satiety signals
are easily overridden or ignored (Chandon et al., 2010; Ello-Martin et al., 2005; Kral et al., 2004;
Rolls et al., 2004; van Kleef et al., 2013).
Labelling and packaging cues can influence the amount of food selected during the meal planning
process by altering product expectations that have been built through conditioned satiety. Low fat,
organic and fair trade claims on packaging make that consumers expect a healthier food product than it
actually is, the so called ‘health halo’ effect and therefore consume more (Schuldt et al., 2012; Schuldt
et al., 2010; Wansink et al., 2006). Wansink and Chandon (2006) showed that low fat labels increased
food intake independently of the type of snack, age of consumers, consumption setting, being an
nutrition expert or not and whether people served themselves (Wansink et al., 2006). It might be that
healthy food is perceived as less filling compared to other foods and therefore needs to be consumed
in a larger amount to be equally satisfying (Finkelstein et al., 2010). Another explanation is that
consumers’ anticipated consumption guilt is reduced because the food is perceived to be healthier
(Chandon, 2012). In addition to product claims, Piqueras-Fiszman & Spence (2012) showed that also
the weight of a package is a subtle cue to influence satiety expectations. Products in heavier containers
are expected to be more satiating and dense, both before and after tasting the food, compared to the
same content presented in a visually identical but lighter containers.
Consumption phase
An important process in meal termination that develops during the course of eating is satiation. In this
phase of food consumption, a food’s sensory features make that the body signals nutrient intake and
with that increase feelings of satiation. An internal mechanism that stimulates the development of
satiation feelings is sensory specific satiety: the decrease in pleasantness of the food that has been
consumed generalizing to other foods that would deliver similar sensory features, such as taste or
textures (Hetherington, 1996; Rolls, 1986; Snoek et al., 2004). Meal variety is an external cue that has
the potential to overrule the process of sensory specific satiety. Meals that offer more variety in
sensory features have less effect on the decrease in pleasantness to eat and therefore stimulate
consumption (Brondel et al., 2009).
Recent studies show that the development of feelings of satiation through the mechanism of sensory
specific satiety can also be accomplished without actual consumption (Larson et al., 2014; Morewedge
et al., 2010). Morewedge at al. (2010) asked participants to imagine eating 3 or 30 M&M’s before
actual consumption. Participants imagining the consumption of 30 M&M’s ate fewer M&M’s
compared to participants imagining the consumption of 3 M&M’s. Larson et al. (2014) demonstrated
that participants were more satiated of a particular food after showing them pictures of similar foods
(i.e. all salty) with a task that emphasized the taste of that food. Both studies seem to rely on the same
mechanism, the taste focus of the tasks make that the taste centre in the brain is stimulated and
satiation for similar foods is affected.
A food’s texture is another influential external cue in the development of satiation feelings. Most
probably, texture influences satiation through its effect on oral exposure time in the mouth. Taste
receptors in the mouth inform the brain that food is being processed and nutrients enter the body. This
makes that satiation feelings are stimulated. Because of a shorter oro-sensory exposure time, liquid
substances lead to a lower satiation response and therefore later meal termination in comparison to
solid foods (de Graaf, 2012).
Also a food’s palatability influences the development of satiation feelings during the course of a meal.
It has been argued (Berthoud, 2007; Erlanson-Albertsson, 2005) that when a ‘standard food’ is
ingested, information on its energy content and taste are transmitted to the hypothalamus leading to the
release of various satiety peptides and a decrease in appetite. But when a highly palatable food is
consumed, taste sensing is different in comparison with a standard food. Information on the food is
transmitted to the reward centre leading to an increased release from reward mediators as dopamine
and serotonin. This reward centre has connections with appetite controlling neurons in the
hypothalamus that induce hunger signals and suppress satiety signalling, which may lead to overeating
and increased levels of adiposity (Berthoud, 2007; Erlanson-Albertsson, 2005). Several studies indeed
show that more food is consumed when it is palatable compared to less palatable food with similar
caloric content (De Castro et al., 2000a; De Castro et al., 2000b; Sørensen et al., 2003).
Some of the external cues as perceived variety and the palatability of a food activate physiological
processes and with that influence feelings of hunger and satiation. Mainly these processes make it
possible to ingest more food, hunger feelings are activated and/or feelings of satiation and satiety are
repressed. Both neural and hormonal processes seem to be involved (Berthoud, 2007, 2012).
End of consumption episode
Towards the end of a consumption episode, the developed feelings of satiation lead to meal
termination. Although bodily signals might inform the decision to stop eating, the actual decision to
end a consumption moment needs to be made actively. Some external cues extend this decision and
drive food consumption beyond the point that internal satiation signals would suggest. A distraction
during an eating episode is such a factor and seems to reduce the monitoring capacity (Higgs et al.,
2009). The presence of others, TV viewing or playing a computer game during consumption makes
that less attention is paid to the meal that is therefore not encoded properly in memory (Higgs et al.,
2009). Distractions also make a person less perceptive of internal satiation signals, which lead to a
longer meal duration and increases intake (Conger et al., 1980; Goldman et al., 1991; Hermans et al.,
2008; Hermans et al., 2012).
Similarly, atmospherics (e.g. music, lightning) during consumption influence food intake. Preferred or
soft music and dimmed lightening encourage a slower rate of eating and longer meal duration. The
pleasant ambience and the fact that leftover foods are available for a longer period of time make that it
is more difficult to actively stop the consumption moment (Caldwell et al., 2002; Wansink, 2004;
Wansink et al., 2012). Also packaging and portion sizes have the potential to drive food consumption
beyond the point internal signals would suggest. The so called ‘completion compulsion’ makes that
plates are cleaned and packages are emptied even when feelings of fullness would indicate to stop
eating (Fay et al., 2011; Wansink, 2010).
Time till next meal
The time till the next eating occasion is largely determined by the presence or absence of satiety
feelings. Most probably, these satiety feelings have a physiological and a cognitive component. At the
end of a consumption moment, when nutrients are absorbed by the intestines, satiety signals are
released from the digestive track signalling to neurons in the brain in the post-ingestive phase of the
satiety cascade (Blundell et al., 1987b) and satiety hormones are released. For the cognitive influence
on satiety expectations and the timing and size of next meal it matters whether a person perceives an
eating occasion as a snack or as meal (Pliner et al., 2007; Wadhera et al., 2012; Wansink et al., 2010).
Furthermore, satiety feelings can be influenced by labelling and packaging cues through altering
satiety expectations. Both early work from Wooley (1972) and a more recent study from Crum and
colleagues(2011) showed that beliefs and expectations can be important influencers in the process of
satiety development and meal termination. Wooley (1972) found that people tend to report feelings of
hunger and fullness in accordance with their beliefs on what they ate rather than the actual caloric
content. Participants food intake was reduced and feelings of fullness 20 minutes after consuming a
meal were increased when the test food was positioned as ‘high calorie’. Crum et al. (2011) extended
these findings by measuring the level of the satiety hormone ghrelin in response to the intake of
differently labelled milkshakes. They showed that the level of ghrelin had a steeper decline when a
milkshake was labelled as ‘indulgent’ than when the same milkshake was labelled as ‘sensible’,
indicating that participants’ internal feelings of satiety were in line with what they believed they were
consuming. This finding indicates that the perception of what has been eaten not only has a cognitive
effect but also mediates internal physiological processes. In addition, the proper encoding of a meal is
important for the timing of the next meal. Rozin and colleagues (1998) showed that two amnesic
patients, who most of the time were not able to remember what happened a minute ago, easily
consumed three meals in a short time frame without a change in satiation feelings. This study
emphasises the importance of the cognitive component in food consumption.
When hunger feelings return or habits, food visibility or social norms indicate that it is time to eat, a
new consumption episode starts.
Conclusion and practical implications
Over the past years, an increasing number of studies has been dedicated towards the influence of
external cues from the environment on food consumption. As a result, a wide range of cues has been
identified and slowly the dominant physiological view towards food consumption and satiety has been
complemented by a broader psychological perspective. Such deeper understanding of the broad range
of factors involved in decisions on when to start, what to eat, how much to consume and when to stop
eating, can inform strategies for reduction in food intake without comprising on feelings of satiety.
We structure potential strategies around the phases of the food consumption process as outlined in this
Especially when contemplating the start of a consumption episode (meal initiation), the availability of
food in the direct environment can be crucial for the actual decision on whether to start eating or not
and for the type of food selected (Wansink, 2004). Therefore the unavailability of (unhealthy) food in
the environment can limit the influence of external cues on food intake. Possible strategies to influence
the availability of foods are for example restricting the sale of food products at the counter of non-food
stores or banning vending machines from schools and workplaces. However, a recent study (Taber et
al., 2014) shows that banning vending machines from schools might have a counter effect when in the
direct environment of the school, soda and fast food are easily available. So in order to be effective it
is important that these types of measures are not carried out in isolation but should involve the
complete local community. This can be a challenge, as most consumers do not like to be restricted in
their options. A more subtle approach to limit the influence of external cues on intake is changing the
accessibility of foods. A recently promoted concept that takes the accessibility of food products into
account is nudging. Nudging refers to a type of intervention that interferes in the choice or eating
environment of consumers, without banning certain products or telling them exactly what to do
(Thaler et al., 2008). Building on insights of behavioural economics and psychology, the idea is to
design choice environments in such a way that they encourage self-control and facilitate healthy
behaviours. Moreover, nudging interventions are characterised by that they are inexpensive and easy
to implement (Johnson et al., 2012). An example of a nudge that can have an influence on the start of a
consumption episode is to reduce visibility and accessibility of tempting snacks near the checkout of a
cafeteria (van Kleef et al., 2012a).
In the meal planning phase, one of the key factors contributing to overeating are portion sizes. Portion
size has been the core element of many interventions. Besides portion size education to create
awareness of portion control, altering portion sizes requirements in certain settings (e.g. schools,
restaurants) or pricing strategies are also suggested (Steenhuis et al., 2009). For some foods,
recommended serving sizes on food labels are acceptable interventions for consumers (Vermeer et al.,
2010) and might be a reliable guide for portion size determination. In the meal planning phase it can
also be helpful for consumers to use smaller plates when serving foods and to leave leftovers in the
kitchen (Wansink, 2010).
In the consumption phase, a first possible approach would be to strengthen the signals from the
internal physiological system to stimulate feelings of satiation and satiety. Both industry and the
public sector have invested in the development of satiation- and satiety-enhancing food products. In
these products, the food composition is changed to provide stronger physiological satiation and satiety
signals (van Kleef et al., 2012b). This can for example be done by lowering the energy density of a
food when adding water or air (Bell et al., 2003; Benelam, 2009; Rolls et al., 1999; Rolls et al., 2000;
Rolls et al., 1998) or by increasing the chewiness and denseness of a product by adding certain types
of fibres (Camire et al., 2007; de Graaf, 2005). For the development of satiation it can be beneficial to
limit the variety of colours and tastes within a meal (Brondel et al., 2009).
Towards the end of an eating episode, signals from the internal physiological system could also be
strengthened through mindful eating approaches. Marchiori & Papies (2014) showed that a
mindfulness based intervention effectively reduced effects of hunger on unhealthy food consumption.
And the other way around, van de Veer et al. (2015) showed that focussing on outer body appearance
takes up resources needed for relying on physiological cues resulting in higher food intake. Being
mindful when eating might affect the development of satiation during the consumption phase and
possible affects the end of an eating episode. More research is needed determine the full potential.
The different phases could also be targeted by approaches inspired by social eating norms. The
perceived eating habits of others have shown to influence food intake. Studies in which consumers are
exposed to eating-norm messages have shown promising results (Robinson et al., 2013). Campaigns
could also aim to change social norms such that consumers follow the behaviours of others in that they
believe that smaller portions or water instead of soft drinks are the norm.
Based on learning from previous ingestions we form expectations and use these expectations in the
meal planning process. Different external cues have the potential to alter these expectations as,
packaging and portion sizes, labelling and packaging suggestions and dinnerware, and with that
influence how much someone eats. There is still much to learn on these underlying mechanisms of
external cues and their interrelatedness. All our experiences related to food consumption are stored in
the orbitofrontal cortex (Morrison et al., 2007). In this part of the brain, all sensory information as
colour, shape, taste and flavour are linked to social context, time and place of food consumption. In
turn this information is attached to the consequences of food intake as its rewarding value and the
feeling of fullness after ingestion. This makes it possible to learn from food ingestion and allows the
adaptation of intake in future consumption situations. Habits and social norms are external cues that
result from this learning process.
The next challenge in this research area is to examine the reinforcement of expectations, the
interaction between external and internal cues or the interaction of several external cues. Increasingly,
studies show that physiological and psychological signals not only have a separate effect on food
intake and feelings of hunger and satiety, they also interact in determining food consumption.
Descriptions about the nature of a food product (e.g. labels) and the texture of a food (Chambers et al.,
2013; Hogenkamp, 2014) have been shown to influence satiety expectations and
consumption(Hogenkamp et al., 2013; Vadiveloo et al., 2013). Initial evidence even suggests that food
labels influence physiological satiety processes (Crum et al., 2011; Veldhuizen et al., 2013). Optimal
combinations of interacting internal and external cues with a possible influence on food consumption
are still unclear. Future research could unravel those processes underlying the interaction between
external cues and internal physiological responses. This knowledge could provide insights for the
development of satiety enhancing food (packages) and interventions that help people eat less.
Together, mechanisms as hormonal and neural processes and learning and conditioning seem to have
one common goal: improving chances of survival in scarce food environments, by encouraging the
efficient intake of energy, energy storage and use (Davis et al., 2014). These mechanisms direct the
food consumption process by providing information on our need for food intake, what we like to eat,
where we can find it and how much we should consume of it. For an important part this works through
the external cues that are present in the environment.
Important in this respect is that many external cues exert their influence without much awareness. In
attempts to reduce overconsumption of food, for decades, an implicit assumption has been that
consumers make these decisions mindfully. Educational efforts that operate through deliberate
decision-making processes (e.g. nutrition labelling, information campaigns) have had limited impact
(Chandon et al., 2010) but can potentially be reinforced by changes in the environment. There is a now
a turn towards the environment in overweight and obesity prevention. Consequently, the strategic
focus has shifted away from individual responsibility towards societal responsibility for ensuring a
healthy environment.
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... On the other hand, it plays on our behavioral tendency to follow the temptation to eat all the time -regardless of our emotions, but also regardless of the presence of physiological hunger signals -since food (here via the delivery service Uber Eats) is available all the time (i.e., external eating). Both tendencies, which can be understood as two different motivations to eat, have been shown to significantly influence our subjective perception of hunger and thus our eating behavior as well as the subsequent regulation of food intake (Bilman et al., 2017; Brytek-Matera, 2021). However, these complex associations are thought to be highly automatized and often unconscious (Brewer et al., 2018). ...
... These refer to a variety of triggers such as food pleasure, characteristics of particular (palatable) foods, further external cues (e.g., mealtime, food availability), and learned behavioral patterns (e.g., emotion regulation through food). Those non-homeostatic signals have the potential to override homeostatic signals, consequently influencing our subjective moment-to-moment perception of hunger (Beaulieu et al., 2018;Bilman, van Kleef, & van Trijp, 2017;Brytek-Matera, 2021). ...
... For example, identified 15 different motivations to eat of which a biological energy deficit represents just one. Accordingly, research on the variety of motivations to eat has shown that large parts of human eating behavior are guided by external, food-related cues (Bilman et al., 2017;Lowe & Butryn, 2007) as well as internal cues such as emotions (Brytek-Matera, 2021). ...
Full-text available
Maladaptive eating behaviors such as emotional eating, external eating, and loss-of-control eating are widespread in the general population. Moreover, they are associated to adverse health outcomes and well-known for their role in the development and maintenance of eating disorders and obesity (i.e., eating and weight disorders). Eating and weight disorders are associated with crucial burden for individuals as well as high costs for society in general. At the same time, corresponding treatments yield poor outcomes. Thus, innovative concepts are needed to improve prevention and treatment of these conditions. The Buddhist concept of mindfulness (i.e., paying attention to the present moment without judgement) and its delivery via mindfulness-based intervention programs (MBPs) has gained wide popularity in the area of maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders over the last two decades. Though previous findings on their effects seem promising, the current assessment of mindfulness and its mere application via multi-component MBPs hampers to draw conclusions on the extent to which mindfulness-immanent qualities actually account for the effects (e.g., the modification of maladaptive eating behaviors). However, this knowledge is pivotal for interpreting previous effects correctly and for avoiding to cause harm in particularly vulnerable groups such as those with eating and weight disorders. To address these shortcomings, recent research has focused on the context-specific approach of mindful eating (ME) to investigate underlying mechanisms of action. ME can be considered a subdomain of generic mindfulness describing it specifically in relation to the process of eating and associated feelings, thoughts, and motives, thus including a variety of different attitudes and behaviors. However, there is no universal operationalization and the current assessment of ME suffers from different limitations. Specifically, current measurement instruments are not suited for a comprehensive assessment of the multiple facets of the construct that are currently discussed as important in the literature. This in turn hampers comparisons of different ME facets which would allow to evaluate their particular effect on maladaptive eating behaviors. This knowledge is needed to tailor prevention and treatment of associated eating and weight disorders properly and to explore potential underlying mechanisms of action which have so far been proposed mainly on theoretical grounds. The dissertation at hand aims to provide evidence-based fundamental research that contributes to our understanding of how mindfulness, more specifically its context-specific form of ME, impacts maladaptive eating behaviors and, consequently, how it could be used appropriately to enrich the current prevention and treatment approaches for eating and weight disorders in the future. Specifically, in this thesis, three scientific manuscripts applying several qualitative and quantitative techniques in four sequential studies are presented. These manuscripts were published in or submitted to three scientific peer-reviewed journals to shed light on the following questions: I. How can ME be measured comprehensively and in a reliable and valid way to advance the understanding of how mindfulness works in the context of eating? II. Does the context-specific construct of ME have an advantage over the generic concept in advancing the understanding of how mindfulness is related to maladaptive eating behaviors? III. Which ME facets are particularly useful in explaining maladaptive eating behaviors? IV. Does training a particular ME facet result in changes in maladaptive eating behaviors? To answer the first research question (Paper 1), a multi-method approach using three subsequent studies was applied to develop and validate a comprehensive self-report instrument to assess the multidimensional construct of ME - the Mindful Eating Inventory (MEI). Study 1 aimed to create an initial version of the MEI by following a three-step approach: First, a comprehensive item pool was compiled by including selected and adapted items of the existing ME questionnaires and supplementing them with items derived from an extensive literature review. Second, the preliminary item pool was complemented and checked for content validity by experts in the field of eating behavior and/or mindfulness (N = 15). Third, the item pool was further refined through qualitative methods: Three focus groups comprising laypersons (N = 16) were used as a check for applicability. Subsequently, think-aloud protocols (N = 10) served as a last check of comprehensibility and elimination of ambiguities. The resulting initial MEI version was tested in Study 2 in an online convenience sample (N = 828) to explore its factor structure using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Results were used to shorten the questionnaire in accordance with qualitative and quantitative criteria yielding the final MEI version which encompasses 30 items. These items were assigned to seven ME facets: (1) ‘Accepting and Non-attached Attitude towards one’s own eating experience’ (ANA), (2) ‘Awareness of Senses while Eating’ (ASE), (3) ‘Eating in Response to awareness of Fullness‘ (ERF), (4) ‘Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives’ (ATM), (5) ‘Interconnectedness’ (CON), (6) ‘Non-Reactive Stance’ (NRS) and (7) Focused Attention on Eating’ (FAE). Study 3 sought to confirm the found facets and the corresponding factor structure in an independent online convenience sample (N = 612) using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The study served as further indication of the assumed multidimensionality of ME (the correlational seven-factor model was shown to be superior to a single-factor model). Psychometric properties of the MEI, regarding factorial validity, internal consistency, retest-reliability, and observed criterion validity using a wide range of eating-specific and general health-related outcomes, showed the inventory to be suitable for a comprehensive, reliable and valid assessment of ME. These findings were complemented by demonstrating measurement invariance of the MEI regarding gender. In accordance with the factor structure of the MEI, Paper 1 offers an empirically-derived definition of ME, succeeding in overcoming ambiguities and problems of previous attempts at defining the construct. To answer the second and third research questions (Paper 2) a subsample of Study 2 from the MEI validation studies (N = 292) was analyzed. Incremental validity of ME beyond generic mindfulness was shown using hierarchical regression models concerning the outcome variables of maladaptive eating behaviors (emotional eating and uncontrolled eating) and nutrition behaviors (consumption of energy-dense food). Multiple regression analyses were applied to investigate the impact of the seven different ME facets (identified in Paper 1) on the same outcome variables. The following ME facets significantly contributed to explaining variance in maladaptive eating and nutrition behaviors: Accepting and Non-attached Attitude towards one`s own eating experience (ANA), Eating in Response to awareness of Fullness (ERF), the Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives (ATM), and a Non-Reactive Stance (NRS, i.e., an observing, non-impulsive attitude towards eating triggers). Results suggest that these ME facets are promising variables to consider when a) investigating potential underlying mechanisms of mindfulness and MBPs in the context of eating and b) addressing maladaptive eating behaviors in general as well as in the prevention and treatment of eating and weight disorders. To answer the fourth research question (Paper 3), a training on an isolated exercise (‘9 Hunger’) based on the previously identified ME facet ATM was designed to explore its particular association with changes in maladaptive eating behaviors and thus to preliminary explore one possible mechanism of action. The online study was realized using a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. Latent Change Scores (LCS) across three measurement points (before the training, directly after the training and three months later) were compared between the intervention group (n = 211) and a waitlist control group (n = 188). Short- and longer-term effects of the training could be shown on maladaptive eating behaviors (emotional eating, external eating, loss-of-control eating) and associated outcomes (intuitive eating, ME, self-compassion, well-being). Findings serve as preliminary empirical evidence that MBPs might influence maladaptive eating behaviors through an enhanced non-judgmental awareness of and distinguishment between eating motives and triggers (i.e., ATM). This mechanism of action had previously only been hypothesized from a theoretical perspective. Since maladaptive eating behaviors are associated with eating and weight disorders, the findings can enhance our understanding of the general effects of MBPs on these conditions. The integration of the different findings leads to several suggestions of how ME might enrich different kinds of future interventions on maladaptive eating behaviors to improve health in general or the prevention and treatment of eating and weight disorders in particular. Strengths of the thesis (e.g., deliberate specific methodology, variety of designs and methods, high number of participants) are emphasized. The main limitations particularly regarding sample characteristics (e.g., higher level of formal education, fewer males, self-selected) are discussed to arrive at an outline for future studies (e.g., including multi-modal-multi-method approaches, clinical eating disorder samples and youth samples) to improve upcoming research on ME and underlying mechanisms of action of MBPs for maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders. This thesis enriches current research on mindfulness in the context of eating by providing fundamental research on the core of the ME construct. Thereby it delivers a reliable and valid instrument to comprehensively assess ME in future studies as well as an operational definition of the construct. Findings on ME facet level might inform upcoming research and practice on how to address maladaptive eating behaviors appropriately in interventions. The ME skill ‘Awareness of eating Triggers and Motives (ATM)’ as one particular mechanism of action should be further investigated in representative community and specific clinical samples to examine the validity of the results in these groups and to justify an application of the concept to the general population as well as to subgroups with eating and weight disorders in particular. In conclusion, findings of the current thesis can be used to set future research on mindfulness, more specifically ME, and its underlying mechanism in the context of eating on a more evidence-based footing. This knowledge can inform upcoming prevention and treatment to tailor MBPs on maladaptive eating behaviors and associated eating and weight disorders appropriately
... Subsequently, changes in preferences in the anticipatory phase can affect food intake and adherence to dietary guidelines in the consummatory phase. This is likely only to a limited extent because food intake is not only regulated by sensory perception but also by other factors, including hunger state and eating habits [100]. Additionally, eating behavior is more impacted in individuals with a distorted sense of smell than in those with smell loss; this effect is more pronounced over time [41]. ...
... Subsequently, changes in preferences in the anticipatory phase can affect food intake and adherence to dietary guidelines in the consummatory phase. This is likely only to a limited extent because food intake is not only regulated by sensory perception but also by other factors, including hunger state and eating habits [100]. Additionally, eating behavior is more impacted in individuals with a distorted sense of smell than in those with smell loss; this effect is more pronounced over time [41]. ...
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Olfaction plays a priming role in both the anticipation and consumption phases of eating behavior. Olfactory dysfunction can therefore lead to changes in various aspects of eating behavior, such as food choice, appetite, and food intake. In light of the increasing prevalence of persistent olfactory dysfunction among patients affected by Covid-19, providing proper care and dietary advice to individuals with olfactory dysfunction is imperative. Therefore, this scoping review seeks to gain a better understanding of the impact of olfactory dysfunction on eating behavior. Following the PRISMA guidelines, 49 papers were included, the outcomes were presented by dividing them into two categories: 1) anticipatory eating behavior, including (anticipatory) food liking, appetite and craving, food preferences, food neophobia, and cooking habits; and 2) consummatory behavior, including, food intake, consumption frequency, adherence to dietary guidelines, (experienced) food liking, food enjoyment, and eating habits. Our results show that in the anticipatory phase of eating behavior, food liking and, food preferences and in the consummatory phase, food enjoyment is most affected in people who experienced a sudden change in olfactory function rather than a gradual decline. Moreover, changes in food flavor perception due to olfactory dysfunction, result in a shift of food preferences towards more taste-based preferences, such as salty or savory (i.e., umami) foods. Subsequently, changes in preferences can affect food intake and adherence to dietary guidelines, but only to a limited extent. Appetite is more likely to be low in individuals with short-term olfactory dysfunction compared to those with long-term changes. Generally, eating behavior is more impacted in individuals with a distorted sense of smell than in those with smell loss, and the effect becomes more pronounced over time. Due to the heterogeneity of methods used to measure different aspects of eating behavior, this review stresses the importance of more research on olfaction and eating behavior using standardized and validated assessments. Such research is essential to better understand the effects of olfactory dysfunction on each aspect of eating behavior and provide effective interventions. Highlights Food liking, preferences, and enjoyment are the most affected by olfactory dysfunction Impact on eating behavior is more pronounced in qualitative vs. quantitative smell loss Effects of olfactory dysfunction vary by duration and nature (qualitative vs. quantitative) Standardized, validated methods are needed to assess eating behavior in future studies There is a crucial need for effective interventions to enhance the eating experience Graphical Abstract
... 21 However, individuals who are overweight or obese, especially those with a higher level of FA, may be easily attracted by the external eating cues, such as the colours or smells of food, and react to these external cues by consuming food, even if they might not feel internal hunger. 22 This situation usually happens in individuals with a strong interest in food, as indicated by their EF behaviour and less FF in this study. ...
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Aims This research explores the relationships between food addiction (FA), eating behaviours, and weight status in school‐aged children and adolescents, aiming to understand how FA influences weight. Methods By using a cross‐sectional design, 426 healthy children and their parents were enroled in Eastern China. FA was assessed using the Chinese version of the Dimensional Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children 2.0 (dYFAS‐C 2.0), while eating patterns were identified using latent profile analysis (LPA) derived from the Children's Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ). Weight status was indicated by Body Mass Index Z Score (BMIZ) and waist‐to‐height ratio (WHtR). The associations among FA, eating patterns, and weight status were explored using structural equation modelling (SEM). Results Two eating patterns, the Responsive and the Controlled Eating Patterns, were identified. The Responsive Eating Pattern was characterized by high food responsiveness, enjoyment of food, emotional eating, fast eating, low satiety responsiveness, and food fussiness and was associated with FA and weight status (p < 0.001). The SEM results showed the Responsive Eating Pattern partially mediated the relationship between FA and weight status, with a mediation effect of 1.183 (95% CI [0.784, 1.629]) for BMIZ and 0.043 (95% CI [0.025, 0.063]) for WHtR. Conclusion Increased FA is associated with a higher weight status through a specific eating behaviour pattern characterized by high responsiveness to food, emotional and rapid eating habits, and low satiety. The findings suggest that targeted interventions should take these eating behaviour patterns into account to reduce the impact of FA on weight status among children and adolescents.
... Reasons for consuming streetside meats are mainly financial constraints, habit, long distances to travel to reach a butcher's shop Street foods have been implicated in outbreaks of foodborne illness, particularly Salmonella infections (16,33), as well as coliform contaminations (34), bacterial contaminations and other infections resulting from vendor transmission (32). This is a food behavior and food preferences that could be influenced by the dominant food culture (36). Also, food culture can be determined or influenced by food availability, socioeconomic factors, societal and economic transitions, and the dissemination of information through various media(37) Figure 9 Reason for eating street meat. ...
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Street food sales are a common business practice in most South African cities. It is held by young people whose age varies between 20 and 40 years with a sales experience of 6 to 10 years for the most part. Poultry meat was the best-selling meat ahead of beef and goat meat. These resellers drew information on meat preservation from their colleagues and freezing was the most widely used way to lengthen the life or avoid meat losses. Changes in color and odor were the main signs of alteration, the main causes of which were power cuts and exposure to sunlight (freezing and regular defrosting). The lack of compliance with sanitary measures only using disinfectant, hand washing, glove wearing and water to wash equipment and a healthy environment has had a negative impact on meat handling practices plus a lack of training on meat preservation. This exposes consumers to diseases. The latter, although aware of the risk of consumption of street meats, consume them mainly by habits and financial constraints and by the fact that it is nearby. From the above , it should be noted that poor preservation and handling of meat in Lubumbashi and that health promotion on food safety is recommended for meat dealers and education for consumers.
Liking for the sweetness of sugars and consumption of high fat-sugar diets are hot topics in the study of human ingestive behaviour, where controlling excess sugar and saturated fat intake is the focus of dietary guidelines and public health nutrition policies to tackle obesity globally. Contrary to the simple view that sweet liking is universal, in the first section of this chapter we review half a decade of empirical evidence for clear interpersonal variations in hedonic responses to sweetness with a three-phenotype model prevailing: a rise in liking with increasing sweetness (extreme sweet likers), liking for moderate but not intense sweetness (moderate sweet likers), and a decline in liking as sweetness increases (sweet dislikers). We then summarise how these phenotypic differences relate to diet and anthropometry and discuss the potential link between a strong liking for sweetness and enhanced responsiveness to internal cues considering alliesthesia and contemporary theories of interoception. In the second section we re-examine fat taste, distinguishing between oral detection of specific free fatty acids (FFAs) (i.e., fat “taste”) and hedonic evaluations of complex fat-based stimuli (i.e., fat “flavour”) and discuss how they might relate to body size and obesity. Finally, we review how fat perception may change with both accumulation and loss of fat from the body. Overall, we question the claims that sweetness elicits universal liking responses, with particular emphasis on disentangling the conventional wisdom that a strong liking for sweetness drives overconsumption, ultimately leading to weight gain and obesity. Instead, we propose that liking for fat may be a better predictor and propose future perspectives that take into account wider interpersonal characteristics.
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Objectives Diabetes is a complex condition that often requires the simultaneous employment of diverse approaches for prevention and treatment. Mindful eating may be a beneficial complementary approach. This narrative review analyzes potential mechanisms of action through which mindful eating may regulate blood glucose and thereby aid in diabetes prevention and management. Findings from this review may serve to inform both clinical practice and new research in the field. Method We conducted a narrative review focusing on the meditation-independent mechanisms by which mindful eating could improve blood glucose regulation. Specifically, we analyzed the effects of mindful eating practices on eating behavior, calorie intake, weight control, and/or glucose control. Results Evidence suggests that mindful eating can improve eating behaviors by decreasing automatic and disordered eating which, in turn, may regulate blood glucose levels. Moreover, by eating slowly, attentively, and according to hunger and satiety cues, mindful eating may help align energy intake to energy needs, thereby improving weight and glycemic management. Conclusion Key mindful eating practices that may directly or indirectly improve glycemic management include eating slowly, eating with deliberate attention to the sensory properties of food, cultivating acceptance of thoughts and feelings concerning food and eating, decentering from food-related thoughts, and relying on hunger and satiety cues to guide eating. Future research may improve our knowledge of these interventions and their application to the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
This article describes a new and emerging psychological perspective on hunger, together with the implications of that perspective, which is based upon learning and memory. Hunger is a psychological state characterized by a desire to eat. Historically, conceptions of hunger have largely been expressed in terms of physiology (eg, biological process X causes hunger). However, physiology neither offers a psychological account of hunger nor explains why memory impairment can eliminate hunger. Two forms of hunger are identified – specific and general. Specific hunger is for particular palatable foods. It involves recollecting episodic memories of eating that food, when an associated cue is encountered (eg, an advert). General hunger is a desire to eat triggered by temporal (eg, it is lunchtime) or interoceptive (eg, tummy rumble) cues. It involves semantic memory retrieval, which then augments the expected – remembered – pleasure for any food. Both hungers are supported by the medial temporal lobe memory system. Damage to this system can occur from eating a Western-style diet and, longer-term, from obesity and its consequences. Medial temporal lobe memory damage may cause deficits in specific hunger, but most especially in general hunger, resulting in little motivation to eat foods that the individual considers to be of low-to-moderate palatability, such as fruit and vegetables. The implications of this account for teaching people hunger, for how hunger is affected by diet, for public education, and pharmaceutical intervention, are discussed. Psychological concepts of hunger are widely used in nutritional practice. This article provides a new and emerging perspective on the psychological basis of hunger and its implications.
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BACKGROUND: A substantial increase in the prevalence of eating disorders has been noticed over the past decades. Priority in the treatment of eating disorders is justifiably given to psychosocial interventions. However, it is also well known that centrally acting drugs can significantly affect appetite and food consumption. AIM: To narratively review the available neurobiological data on the mechanisms of central regulation of eating behavior as a rationale to summarize pharmacological strategies for appetite modulation in eating disorders. METHODS: The authors have carried out a narrative review of scientific papers published from January 2013 to March 2023 in the PubMed and Web of Science electronic databases. Studies were considered eligible if they included data on the neurobiological mechanisms of appetite regulation or the results of clinical trials of centrally acting drugs in eating disorders. Relevant studies were included regardless of their design. Descriptive analysis was used to summarize the obtained data. RESULTS: The review included 51 studies. The available neurobiological and clinical data allowed us to identify the following pharmacological strategies for appetite modulation in eating disorders: serotonergic, catecholaminergic, amino acidergic and peptidergic. However, implementation of these data into clinical practice difficult due to an insufficient number of good-quality studies, which is particularly relevant for adolescents as there is a research gap in this population. CONCLUSION: The progress in neurobiological understanding of the mechanisms of central regulation of appetite opens opportunities for new pharmacotherapeutic approaches aimed at changing the patterns of eating behavior. Obviously, treatment of eating disorders is a much broader problem and cannot be reduced to the correction of eating patterns. Nevertheless, at certain stages of treatment, drug-induced modulation of appetite can play an important role among multi-targeted biological and psychosocial interventions. Translation of neurobiological data into clinical practice requires a large number of clinical studies to confirm the long-term efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapeutic approaches and to develop personalized algorithms for the treatment of various forms of eating disorders in different age groups.
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The increase in the prevalence of obesity has coincided with an increase in portion sizes of foods both inside and outside the home, suggesting that larger portions may play a role in the obesity epidemic. Although it will be difficult to establish a causal relationship between increasing portion size and obesity, data indicate that portion size does influence energy intake. Several well-controlled, laboratory-based studies have shown that providing older children and adults with larger food portions can lead to significant increases in energy intake. This effect has been demonstrated for snacks and a variety of single meals and shown to persist over a 2-d period. Despite increases in intake, individuals presented with large portions generally do not report or respond to increased levels of fullness, suggesting that hunger and satiety signals are ignored or overridden. One strategy to address the effect of portion size is decreasing the energy density (kilojoules per gram; kilocalories per gram) of foods. Several studies have demonstrated that eating low-energy-dense foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and soups) maintains satiety while reducing energy intake. In a clinical trial, advising individuals to eat portions of low-energy-dense foods was a more successful weight loss strategy than fat reduction coupled with restriction of portion sizes. Eating satisfying portions of low-energy-dense foods can help to enhance satiety and control hunger while restricting energy intake for weight management.
Background: Increases in both the portion size and energy density of food have both been shown to increase energy intake, but the combined effects of such increases have not been investigated. Objective: The objective was to determine the combined effects of energy density and portion size on energy intake in women. Design: This study used a within-subjects design. Once a week for 6 wk, 39 women were served breakfast, lunch, and dinner ad libitum. The main entrée at lunch was formulated in 2 versions that varied in energy density (5.23 or 7.32 kJ/g), each of which was served in 3 different portion sizes (500, 700, or 900 g). The 2 versions were matched for macronutrient composition and palatability. Breakfast and dinner were standard meals. Results: Increases in portion size and energy density led to independent and additive increases in energy intake (P <0.0001). Subjects consumed 56% more energy (925 kJ) when served the largest portion of the higher energy-dense entrée than when served the smallest portion of the lower energy-dense entrée. Subjects did not compensate for the additional intake by eating less at the subsequent meal. Despite substantial differences in energy intake, no systematic differences in ratings of hunger and fullness across conditions were observed. Conclusions: The energy density and the portion size of a food act independently to affect energy intake. The findings indicate that large portions of foods with a high energy density may facilitate the overconsumption of energy.
Background: Previous research indicated that increasing the volume of food by adding water can lead to reductions in energy intake. However, the addition of water affects not only the volume but also the energy density (kJ/g) of foods. No studies have examined the effect of volume independent of energy density on intake. Objective: We examined the effect of food volume independent of energy density on satiety. Design: In a within-subjects design, 28 lean men consumed breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the laboratory 1 d/wk for 4 wk. On 3 d, participants received a preload 30 min before lunch and on 1 d no preload was served. Preloads consisted of isoenergetic (2088 kJ), yogurt-based milk shakes that varied in volume (300, 450, and 600 mL) as a result of the incorporation of different amounts of air. Preloads contained identical ingredients and weighed the same. Results: The volume of the milk shake significantly affected energy intake at lunch (P < 0.04) such that intake was 12% lower after the 600-mL preload (2966 ± 247 kJ) than after the 300-mL preload (3368 ± 197 kJ). Subjects also reported greater reductions in hunger and greater increases in fullness after consumption of both the 450- and 600-mL preloads than after the 300-mL preload. Conclusions: Changing the volume of a preload by incorporating air affected energy intake. Thus, the volume of a preload independent of its energy density can influence satiety.
Researchers have found that breakfasts that delay stomach emptying may increase satiety, a sense of fullness and loss of hunger, and eventually allow consumers to control their energy consumption. Satiety inhibits ghrelin, a stomach hormone that increases hunger, and stimulates leptin, a hormone produced in adipose tissue believed to decrease appetite and increase energy expenditure. Satiety effects may be short-lived, with no impact on daily energy consumption. Long-term compliance with satiating diet changes may falter, or the ability of the diet to produce satiation may decrease over time. Adding water to the food increases satiety, but do not necessarily reduce subsequent caloric intake. High protein meals delay stomach emptying and create a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Fats provide pleasant texture and flavor in the mouth that may retard satiety signals. Researchers compared breakfast that varied in their fiber and fat content to assess effects of meal composition on satiety.