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Efficacy of a patient-based health education intervention in reducing antibiotic use for acute upper respiratory tract infections in the private sector primary care setting in Singapore


Abstract and Figures

KAP paper on antibiotic use in private sector primary care setting in Singapore
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Efficacy of a patient-based health education intervention in reducing
antibiotic use for acute upper respiratory tract infections in the
private sector primary care setting in Singapore
Magdalene Hui Min Lee1, Darius Shaw Teng Pan1, Joyce Huixin Huang1, Mark I-
Cheng Chen, MBBS, MMed(Public Health), PhD2,3* , Ee Hui Goh, BSc(Hons),
MPH2, Lili Jiang, MD, MPH, MSc2, Yee Sin Leo, MBBS, MMed(Internal Med),
MRCP, FAMS, FRCP, MPH,1,2,3,5, Tau Hong Lee, MBBS, MRCP3, Chia Siong
Wong, MBBS, MMed(Public Health)3, Victor Weng Keong Loh, MBBS,
MMed(Family Med)4, Fong Seng Lim4, Adrian Zhongxian Poh6, Tat Yean Tham,
MBBS, MCFP(S), GDFM, GradDip FPDerm, GradDip OccMed1,4,6, Wei Mon
Wong, MBBS, GradDip FRDerm, GradDip FAMS4,7,8, Yue Yu1
*Corresponding Author
1 Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2 Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore,
3 Institute of Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology, Communicable Disease
Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
4 Division of Family Medicine, Department of Medicine, University Medicine
Cluster, National University Hospital System, Singapore
5 Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nan Yang Technological University,
6 Frontier Healthcare Group, Singapore
7 Division of Primary Care, Raffles Medical Group, Singapore
8 Duke NUS Graduate Medical School, National University of Singapore,
Corresponding Author:
Dr Mark I-Cheng Chen
Phone: (+65) 65165781
2 Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, 16
Medical Drive, Kent Ridge, 117597, Singapore
3 Institute of Infectious Diseases & Epidemiology, Communicable Disease
Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
Keywords: Upper respiratory tract infection, intervention, antibiotics
URTI: Upper tract respiratory infection
GP: General practitioner
Source of support: Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Prior Presentation: Poster presentation at Singapore Health & Biomedical
Congress, October 2015
Word Count: 2700
Number of tables: 2
Number of Figures: 3
Conflict of interest statement: None of the authors has conflict of interest.
Purpose: We investigated the effectiveness of patient-targeted education in reducing antibiotic
prescriptions for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) amongst adults in the private primary
care setting in Singapore.
Methods: Our randomized controlled trial enrolled patients aged 21 years and above presenting
at GP (general practitioner) clinics with URTI symptoms for 7 days or less. Intervention arm
patients were verbally educated via pamphlets about the etiology of URTIs and role of
antibiotics in treating URTIs. Control arm patients were educated on influenza vaccinations.
Both arms were compared on proportions prescribed antibiotics and patients’ post-consultation
Results: 914 patients consulting 35 doctors from 24 clinics completed the study (457 in each
arm). Demographics in both arms were similar. 19.1% were prescribed an antibiotic, but this
varied from 0% to 70% for individual GPs. The intervention did not significantly reduce antibiotic
prescriptions (odds ratio [OR] 1.20, 95% confidence intervals [CI] 0.841.72) except in patients
of Indian ethnicity (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.140.75). Intervention arm patients were more likely to
agree that the education improved their understanding of URTI causes (Spearman’s rho
0.13, p<0.001). However positive effects on the view that antibiotics were not needed most of
the time for URTIs (Spearman’s rho 0.20, p=0.047) and being worried about the side effects of
antibiotics (Spearman’s rho 0.24,p=0.018) were restricted to the Indian subgroup.
Conclusions: Our educational intervention was effective only in the Indian ethnic subgroup.
Follow-up studies to investigate differences in responses to educational programs between
ethnicities, and to assess GP-targeted interventions, are recommended.
Antibiotic resistance is an increasingly prevalent public health problem worldwide1, largely due
to the overuse of antibiotics.2-5 Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections increase morbidity and
mortality6 and generate socioeconomic costs.1, 5 The declining rate of development of new
antimicrobial agents exacerbates the problems faced with resistance.7, 8
Current evidence-based guidelines do not support antibiotic use in most cases of upper
respiratory tract infections (URTIs).9, 10 This is because URTIs are frequently of viral etiology,11-13
are often self-limiting,14, 15 and seldom lead to serious complications.16 Using antibiotics for
URTIs promotes the selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria,17 increases the risk of adverse
drug reactions18 and increases costs.1, 5 However, antibiotic prescriptions for URTIs in primary
care remain high worldwide.2, 19, 20 While there is no data on antibiotic use for URTIs in
Singapore, it has been noted that antibiotics are frequently prescribed for URTIs,21 the most
common condition seen in primary care.22 Causes of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for
URTIs are multifactorial and include patients having inadequate knowledge on appropriate
antibiotic use for URTIs,21, 23-25 and direct or indirect pressure from patients on physicians to
prescribe antibiotics.14, 21, 26-30
There is evidence that reducing antibiotic prescriptions decreases the prevalence of antibiotic-
resistant bacteria.31, 32 Interventions to reduce antibiotic prescriptions for URTIs have been
attempted, mostly in the USA and Europe, with varying results.33, 34 While there are no published
studies on such interventions in Singapore, one local study showed that patients had several
misconceptions regarding the use of antibiotics in URTI, and that those who knew that URTIs
are self-resolving had more appropriate health-seeking behaviours.21 We hypothesized that
correcting such misconceptions through patient education might reduce antibiotic prescriptions.
We hence designed a patient-targeted educational intervention in the form of verbal counseling
and educational pamphlets on the causes of URTIs and the role of antibiotics in treating URTIs.
We performed a randomized controlled trial to investigate its efficacy in the private general
practitioner (GP) setting, which accounts for 87% of URTI consults in Singapore,22 and
assessed if our intervention was effective in reducing antibiotic prescriptions and changing
patients’ views about the use of these medications for URTIs.
Study design and setting
We conducted a two-arm, parallel group randomized controlled trial over eight working days in
February 2015. GPs from the academic medicine network affiliated with the National University
of Singapore (NUS) and three major GP clinic chains were approached via email. We then
visited the GPs who responded to assess their clinics’ suitability for inclusion into the study,
explain the study objectives and execution, address their concerns, and obtain their consent. In
all, 35 GPs were recruited from 24 clinics of various sizes, including solo and group practices in
both residential and commercial areas across Singapore.
38 fourth-year medical students from NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLLSoM) were
deployed in pairs as field researchers to participating clinics during operating hours. These
students had undergone a carefully planned full day training program that included video
demonstrations, simulations and role-play, which aimed to familiarize all researchers with the
study protocol and standardize the questionnaire and education process.
The inclusion criteria were patients aged 21 years and above, presenting with at least one of
four URTI symptoms (runny nose, blocked nose, cough or sore throat) for seven days or less at
participating clinics. Patients were excluded if they had sought medical consultation for the
same symptoms in the preceding 30 days, were on long-term immunosuppressive or oral
corticosteroid medications, had chronic kidney disease, had a history of advanced stage or
metastatic cancer, were immunocompromised (e.g. human immunodeficiency virus infection), or
were not conversant in English or Mandarin. Eligible patients who provided written consent were
enrolled into the study.
Following patient enrolment, the first researcher administered an interviewer-assisted pre-
consultation questionnaire on the patient’s demographic characteristics and details of the
presenting illness. Each patient was then randomly allocated to either the control or intervention
arm using sequential envelopes containing pre-generated assignments based on simple
randomization. Patients in the intervention arm were educated on causes of URTIs and when
antibiotics are appropriate to treat URTIs. Patients in the control arm were educated on
influenza vaccinations, a topic relevant to the patients’ presenting complaints but not expected
to directly influence antibiotic prescription. The first researcher then verbally educated patients
for three minutes via educational pamphlets using standardized scripts in English or Mandarin.
After the patient’s consultation with the GP, the second researcher, who was not involved in the
pre-consultation questionnaire or education, administered an interviewer-assisted post-
consultation questionnaire on the patient’s views about URTI causes and antibiotic use on a 4-
point scale, and collected information on all medications prescribed.
Health education materials
The intervention pamphlets and counseling scripts were designed based on information from
patient information pamphlets and booklets from the Health Promotion Board (HPB),
Singapore35-37 and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA.38 Several
primary care and infectious disease physicians and public health experts were also consulted.
The material specifically addressed key misconceptions identified in the previous study of URTI
patients at local primary care clinics21. It was first tested on layperson volunteers, then field-
tested during a pilot study in December 2014. It was then refined based on feedback from
participating GPs and patients.
Attempts were made to blind the GPs and researchers assessing the study outcomes. The first
and second researchers were kept in separate partitioned areas to minimize communication
between them, with the second researcher unaware of which study arm the patient was
assigned to. In addition, patients were asked to keep the pamphlets within sealed envelopes we
provided to prevent the GP and the second researcher from seeing the pamphlets. GPs were
not told each patient’s allocation, and were informed not to attempt to find out what topic each
patient was counseled on. However, GPs were not blinded to the study aims, and we
emphasized that they should educate their patients about antibiotics where appropriate. We
assessed the adequacy of blinding for the GPs through intra-consult questionnaires for each
patient and found that in 99% of instances, GPs were unaware of which arm the patient was in.
Outcome measures
The primary outcome was the proportion of patients in each arm prescribed antibiotics. The
secondary outcomes were patients’ agreement on a 4-point scale to the following three
statements: that the education had improved their understanding about causes of URTI, that
they were worried about the side effects of antibiotics, and that antibiotics are not needed most
of the time for URTI.
Sample size calculations, data management and data analysis
We estimated that, with equal numbers in the intervention and control arms, and assuming that
10% of patients would receive antibiotics in the absence of any intervention, we would need 900
patients to complete the study to have 80% power to detect the effect of an intervention that
halved the prescription rate at a p-value of less than 0.05.
Data collected at each GP clinic was entered twice into a shared database. We present the
effect of the intervention on antibiotic prescription using odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence
intervals (CIs), with robust standard errors to account for potential clustering of results at the GP
level. Patients’ post-consultation views about URTIs and antibiotics were analyzed as ordinal
outcomes using Spearman’s rho to assess the strength of the correlation with the study arm.
Stratified analyses were performed to investigate the effect of age, gender, education level and
ethnicity on the efficacy of the intervention, and to identify patterns in the variation of the effect
by GP.
All data was analysed using Stata for Windows, version 11 (Stata Corporation, College Station,
Texas, USA). P-values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Ethics approval
The institutional review board of NUS approved the study (reference B-14-259).
Of the 48 GPs approached, 35 agreed to participate (Figure 1). 1258 of their patients were
approached; 80 declined and 262 were ineligible. The remaining 916 patients were randomized
into control and intervention arms. 2 patients dropped out, with 457 patients from each arm
completing the study.
The median age of participating patients was 35 (interquartile range [IQR] 2845, see Table 1).
48.8% were male, 68.9% were Chinese, and 74.4% had post-secondary qualifications or higher.
Distributions for age, gender, ethnicity and educational qualifications were similar between both
Overall, the intervention did not significantly affect antibiotic prescriptions (Table 2), with 94
(20.6%) intervention and 81 (17.7%) control arm patients prescribed antibiotics (p=0.313).
However, in the Indian ethnic subgroup, intervention arm patients received significantly fewer
antibiotic prescriptions (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.140.75, p=0.008), whereas there was no significant
difference amongst those of non-Indian ethnicity (OR 1.40, 95% CI 0.932.13, p=0.110).
Stratification by age, gender and educational qualifications did not reveal significant differences
in prescription between intervention and control arms in any other subgroups (data not shown).
Figure 2 compares patients’ post-consultation views of URTIs and antibiotic use by study arm.
Overall (Figure 2A), there was a significant positive association between the intervention and
agreement with the statement that the education improved the patient’s understanding of URTI
causes (Spearman’s rho 0.13, p<0.001). However, significant positive effects on views about
antibiotics were restricted to those of Indian ethnicity (Figure 2C), both on agreement that
antibiotics are not needed most of the time for URTIs (Spearman’s rho 0.20, p=0.047) and on
being worried about the side effects of antibiotics (Spearman’s rho 0.24, p=0.018). In contrast,
there were no significant associations between the responses to these two statements and
study arm for those of non-Indian ethnicity (Figure 2B).
Amongst GPs who contributed more than 10 patients, the proportion prescribed antibiotics by
each GP varied widely from 0 to 70% (Figure 3). 10 GPs were more likely to prescribe
antibiotics for control than intervention arm patients, the converse was true for 13 GPs, and the
difference was statistically significant for only one GP each way. There was no apparent pattern
in the efficacy of the intervention by participating GP.
Patients who received our educational intervention in the form of verbal counseling and
educational pamphlets on the causes of URTIs and the role of antibiotics reported that it
improved their understanding of URTI causes. This however did not reduce antibiotic
prescription rates except in patients of Indian ethnicity, amongst whom the intervention also had
a demonstrable effect on increasing awareness of the potential side effects of antibiotics and
that antibiotics are not indicated most of the time for URTIs. Across GPs, the proportion of
patients prescribed antibiotics and the intervention effect varied widely.
Previous patient-targeted educational interventions have reported both positive25, 39, 40 and
negative41, 42 findings. There are several possible explanations for this. Firstly, it has been
postulated that patients undergo a complex process of behavioral change as exemplified by the
transtheoretical model,43 with time needed for the effects of an educational intervention to
produce results. If so, studies like ours focusing on prescriptions in the same visit may be more
likely to have negative findings. Outcome measures such as prescriptions at subsequent
consultations may hence be more suitable in assessing the efficacy of such interventions. Also,
one randomized controlled trial in the pediatric population found that an educational intervention
for parents modified parental attitudes about the use of antibiotics but did not significantly
reduce antibiotic prescriptions for their children.;42 There is some suggestion of such a trend
amongst our non-Indian patients, amongst whom the intervention resulted in more patients
agreeing that their understanding of URTI causes had improved but did not affect antibiotic
prescriptions. This could be due to the presence of multiple links in the causal chain between
patient perceptions and eventual antibiotic prescription, including GP factors such as clinical
judgment, prescribing habits44, 45 and healthcare system factors.46 It might hence be useful to
investigate whether patients use antibiotics after receiving them.39
Our study may also have failed to detect an overall intervention effect more modest than the
50% relative reduction in prescriptions that the sample size was adequately powered for.
However, we did detect a significant effect in the subset of patients of Indian ethnicity which
suggests heterogeneity in Singapore’s patient population’s response to educational
interventions. In addition to being less likely to receive antibiotics, Indian patients in the
intervention arm were also more likely than those in the control arm to have appropriate post-
intervention views about antibiotics. This was not seen amongst non-Indian patients. Possible
reasons are differing receptiveness to health education and degrees to which patients
understood our health education. In Singapore, there are three major ethnic groups: Chinese,
Malays and Indians. One local study found that Malays and Indians are more willing to
participate in health education programs than the Chinese,47 and another demonstrated that
these ethnic differences in receptivity extended to patients’ willingness to being interviewed and
examined by medical students in clinics.48 Moreover, our pamphlets were designed only in
English, and verbal counseling was provided only in English and Mandarin. Although we only
selected patients conversant in English or Mandarin, local census data shows that only 21.2%
of Malays who are literate in English speak English at home, compared to 49.8% of Indians and
45.2% of Chinese.49 Therefore ethnic differences in the degree of understanding of the
education provided may have arisen. Ethnic and cultural factors have been noted to affect
health education outcomes elsewhere50 and should be investigated further, perhaps through
qualitative research methods, and accounted for in future health education interventions in
Another explanation for the negative findings in our study is the wide variation in GPs’ antibiotic
prescription practices. The proportion prescribed antibiotics ranged from 0 to 70% for each GP.
Although there was little to imply that the intervention was effective in any particular subset of
GPs, this large variation suggests that factors other than clinical indications and patient
expectations may drive prescription decisions. GP level factors identified by others that could
lead to inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions include fear of medico-legal repercussions,51 saving
time51 and financial incentives.52 Our intervention, in targeting only the patient’s desire for
antibiotics, did not address these factors, and would thus be effective only in GPs who were
primarily influenced by patients’ expectations when prescribing medications. Although not the
primary objective of our study, it is worth noting that the high prescription levels by some GPs of
up to 70%, and the high overall prescriptions of 19.1% as compared to other Asian countries
with similar healthcare standards like Taiwan (6%)53 and Hong Kong (5%)54, suggests room for
optimizing antibiotic prescription practices in Singapore. More research is needed to study
factors influencing antibiotic prescription and to explore the role of GP-targeted interventions.
Our study had several limitations. Firstly, the pre-consultation questionnaires may have caused
control arm patients to recognize the importance of appropriate antibiotic use, thus reducing
differences between the study arms. Secondly, selection bias was present in the recruitment of
GPs. The sample population of GPs was relatively small and disproportionate numbers of
patients from 6 to 60 were recruited per GP. This was due to variations in the number of eligible
patients visiting each clinic during the study period. Thirdly, because some of the participating
GPs were from an academic medicine network, they would be more likely to value good
prescription habits. For more accurate representation, an alternative GP recruitment strategy
would have been to approach GPs randomly sampled from a national register. However our
previous study employing this strategy resulted in a dismal response rate.55 Also, physicians in
public primary care clinics were not included in this study. Finally, a follow-up questionnaire after
several weeks would have been helpful in evaluating if patients’ views of URTIs and antibiotic
use remained similar, while a longitudinal follow up on patients would be helpful in assessing for
changes in antibiotic prescriptions at subsequent consultations.
Our study found that an intervention to reduce antibiotic prescriptions in Singapore’s primary
healthcare setting was partially effective. Patients in the intervention arm reported improved
understanding of URTI causes, but the intervention was associated with reduced antibiotic
prescriptions and more appropriate views on antibiotics only in the Indian ethnic subgroup.
Follow-up studies to investigate differences in responses to educational programs between
ethnic groups would facilitate the design of more targeted patient level interventions. The wide
variation in antibiotic prescriptions across GPs also suggests a role for GP-targeted
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We would like to thank all participating GPs for offering their clinics for patient recruitment. We
also acknowledge other members of the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine 2014/2015
Community Health Project Team 1 for their contributions to study design and conduct of field
work, and Dr Gerald Koh and Ms Moira Soh, for providing academic and administrative support
during the project. Finally, we acknowledge the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health for
funding the study.
Overview of Tables and Figures
Figure 1: Participating GPs and patients
Table 1: Demographics and visit characteristics of patients in control and intervention arms
Table 2: Effect of intervention on antibiotic prescription in all patients and stratified by
Figure 2: Effect of intervention on patients’ perceptions about URTI and antibiotic use
Figure 3: Proportion prescribed antibiotics in intervention and control arms, stratified by
participating GP
Figure 1:
Recruitment of participating GPs and patients
GP: general practitioner
48 GPs approached
35 GPs recruited
1258 patients approached
1178 patients assessed for
916 patients recruited
458 control arm patients
457 completed study
1 patient dropped out
458 intervention arm
457 completed
1 patient dropped out
262 patients ineligible
80 patients declined
13 GPs declined
Table 1:
Patients’ demographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity and highest
qualification) in control and intervention arms
(N = 914)
(N = 457,
(N = 457,
Median (IQR) 35 (28 – 45) 35 (28 – 45) 36 (28 – 44)
Gender (%)
454 (48.8%)
218 (47.0%)
236 (50.5%)
Ethnicity (%)
630 (68.9%)
310 (67.8%)
320 (70.0%)
116 (12.7%)
62 (13.6%)
54 (11.8%)
99 (10.8%)
46 (10.1%)
53 (11.6%)
69 (7.6%)
39 (8.5%)
30 (6.6%)
Highest qualification attained (%)
1 missing
1 missing
Secondary and below
234 (25.6%)
118 (25.8%)
116 (25.4%)
Post-secondary and above
679 (74.4%)
339 (74.5%)
340 (74.4%)
IQR: Interquartile range
Table 2:
Overall intervention effect on prescription and subgroup analysis in different ethnic
Group /
Control arm
Intervention arm
(95% CI)
Number (%)
81 (17.7)
94 (20.6)
1.20 (0.84 1.72)
- Chinese 310 52 (16.8) 320 72 (22.5) 1.44 (0.90 2.31) 0.130
- Malay 62 11 (17.7) 54 9 (16.7) 0.93 (0.32 2.72) 0.891
13 (28.3)
6 (11.3)
0.32 (0.14 0.75)
5 (12.8)
7 (23.3)
2.07 (0.47 9.20)
With control arm as reference category
CI: confidence interval, OR: odds ratio
Figure 2:
Effect of intervention on patients’ views about URTI and antibiotic use. A) In all patients, B)
In patients of non-Indian ethnicity and C) In patients of Indian ethnicity. Dark blue, green, light blue and orange
bars represent strongly disagree, disagree, agree and strongly agree respectively.
URTI: upper respiratory tract infection
Figure 3:
Proportion of patients prescribed antibiotics in intervention and control arms,
stratified by participating GP. Green bars and blue bars represent percentage of patients prescribed
antibiotics in control and intervention arms respectively. Horizontal orange line is the difference in proportion of
antibiotic prescription between the two arms (two of the GPs are highlighted in different colours because the
difference was statistically significant; green in the case where more antibiotics was prescribed in the intervention
arm and red in the case where more antibiotics was prescribed for the control arm). Error bars denote 95%
confidence intervals.
GP: General practitioner
Difference in proportion pre scribed
antibiot ic (Cont rol -Inte rvention)
Inte rvention
Difference in % prescribed
n =
n =
patients prescribed
antibiot ic
No dif-
Control > Intervention Intervention > Control
patients prescribed
antibiot ic
Unstratified Stratified by participating GPs with > 10 patie nts
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Full-text available
Study Objective. Antibiotics prescriptions for upper respiratory infections (URI) are not uncommon, but the benefits for these groups had seldom been evaluated. We aimed to utilize a sampled National Health Insurance (NHI) claims data containing one million beneficiaries to explore if the use of antibiotics could reduce the possibility of unscheduled returns. Methods. We identified patients presented to ambulatory clinics with the discharged diagnoses of URI. The prescriptions of antibiotics were identified. We further matched each patient in the antibiotic group to the patient in the control group by selected covariates using a standard propensity score greedy-matching algorithm. The risks of unscheduled revisits were compared between the two groups. Results. A total of 6915140 visits were identified between 2005 and 2010. The proportions of antibiotics prescriptions are similar among these years, ranging from 9.99% to 13.38 %. In the propensity score assignment, 9190 patients (4595 in each group) were further selected. The odds ratio of unscheduled revisits among antibiotics group and control group was 0.92 (95% CI, 0.70–1.22) with P value equal to 0.569. Conclusions. Overall, antibiotics prescriptions did not seem to decrease the unscheduled revisits in patients presented to the ED with URI. Emergency physicians should reduce the unnecessary prescriptions and save antibiotics to patients with real benefits.
Full-text available
Since their development over 60 years ago, antimicrobials have become an integral part of healthcare practice worldwide. Recently, this has been put in jeopardy by the emergence of widespread antimicrobial resistance, which is one of the major problems facing modern medicine. In the past, the development of new antimicrobials kept us one step ahead of the problem of resistance, but only three new classes of antimicrobials have reached the market in the last thirty years. A time is therefore approaching when we may not have effective treatment against bacterial infections, particularly for those that are caused by Gram-negative organisms. An important strategy to reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance is to use antimicrobials more appropriately, in ways that will prevent resistance. This involves a consideration of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics properties of antimicrobials, the possible use of combinations, and more appropriate choice of antimicrobials, which may include rapid diagnostic testing and antimicrobial cycling. Examples given in this review include Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms. We shall summarise the current evidence for these strategies and outline areas for future development.
Full-text available
Appropriate selection of antibiotic drugs is critical to optimize treatment of infections and limit the spread of antibiotic resistance. To better inform public health efforts to improve prescribing of antibiotic drugs, we conducted in-depth interviews with 36 primary care providers in the United States (physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants) to explore knowledge, attitudes, and self-reported practices regarding antibiotic drug resistance and antibiotic drug selection for common infections. Participants were generally familiar with guideline recommendations for antibiotic drug selection for common infections, but did not always comply with them. Reasons for nonadherence included the belief that nonrecommended agents are more likely to cure an infection, concern for patient or parent satisfaction, and fear of infectious complications. Providers inconsistently defined broad- and narrow-spectrum antibiotic agents. There was widespread concern for antibiotic resistance; however, it was not commonly considered when selecting therapy. Strategies to encourage use of first-line agents are needed in addition to limiting unnecessary prescribing of antibiotic drugs.
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Background Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) has a significant healthcare burden worldwide. Considerable resources are consumed through health care consultations and prescribed treatment, despite evidence for little or no effect on recovery. Patterns of consultations and care including use of symptomatic medications and antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infections are poorly described. Methods We performed a retrospective review of computerized clinical data on patients presenting to all public primary care clinics in Hong Kong with symptoms of respiratory tract infections. International Classification of Primary care (ICPC)codes used to identify patients included otitis media (H71), streptococcal pharyngitis (R72), acute URTI (R74), acute sinusitis (R75), acute tonsillitis (R76), acute laryngitis (R77), and influenza (R80). Sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, chronic illness status, attendance date, type and duration of drug prescribed were also collected. Results Of the 5,529,755 primary care consultations for respiratory symptoms from 2005 to 2010, 98% resulted in a prescription. Prescription patterns of symptomatic medication were largely similar across the 5 years. In 2010 the mean number of drugs prescribed per consultation was 3.2, of which the commonly prescribed medication were sedating antihistamines (79.9%), analgesia (58.9%), throat lozenges (40.4%) and expectorant cough syrup (33.8%). During the study period, there was an overall decline in antibiotic prescription (8.1% to 5.1%). However, in consultations where the given diagnosis was otitis media (H71), streptococcal pharyngitis (R72), acute sinusitis (R75) or acute laryngitis (R76), over 90% resulted in antibiotic prescription. Conclusion There was a decline in overall antibiotic prescription over the study period. However, the use of antibiotics was high in some conditions e.g. otitis media and acute laryngitis a. Multiple symptomatic medications were given for upper respiratory tract infections. Further research is needed to develop clinical and patients directed interventions to reduce the number of prescriptions of symptomatic medications and antibiotics that could reduce costs for health care services and iatrogenic risk to patients.
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Introduction/objective: Lower socioeconomic groups have been found to have poorer health outcomes and engage in fewer health promoting behaviours. Understanding the reasons behind adverse lifestyle habits and non-willingness to participate in health promotion programmes among lower socioeconomic groups will enable administrators to modify the programmes and increase participation in this population. This study aimed to determine reasons for non-exercise, smoking and non-willingness to participate, and characteristics associated with non-willingness to participate in health promotion programmes among residents in Singapore. Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a purposive sample of residents living in four housing developments of one- and two-room households in Singapore from June to October 2009. The patterns of exercise and smoking, receptiveness towards health promotion programmes and the reasons for non-willingness to participate were elicited. Chi-square tests and logistic regression analysis were performed to identify differences between groups. Results: Seven hundred and seventy-eight responses were analysed. Only 36.1% of respondents were willing to participate in at least one health promotion programme (health screening, talk or workshop). Older respondents aged 45-64 years and more than 65 years were less likely to participate than their younger counterparts (18-44 years). Malays were more likely than Chinese to participate, and respondents who do not exercise were less likely to participate than respondents who exercise (regularly/occasionally). Reasons for non-willingness to participate were 'not interested' and 'no time'. Conclusion: Health promotion messages should adapt to the needs and situation of the disadvantaged, to increase participation.
Background: outpatients with acute cough who expect, hope for or ask for antibiotics may be more unwell, benefit more from antibiotic treatment, and be more satisfied with care when they are prescribed antibiotics. Clinicians may not accurately identify those patients. Objective: to explore whether patient views (expecting, hoping for or asking for antibiotics) are associated with illness presentation and resolution, whether patient views are accurately perceived by clinicians, and the association of all these factors with antibiotic prescribing and patient satisfaction with care. Methods: prospective observational study of 3402 adult patients with acute cough presenting in 14 primary care networks. Correlations and associations tested with multilevel logistic regression and McNemar ‘s tests, and Cohen’s Kappa, positive agreement (PA) and negative agreement (NA) calculated as appropriate. Results: 1,213 (45.1%) patients expected, 1,093 (40.6%) hoped for, and 275 (10.2%) asked for antibiotics. Clinicians perceived 840 (31.3%) as wanting to be prescribed antibiotics (McNemar’s test, p<0.05). Their perception agreed modestly with the three patient views (Kappa’s = 0.29, 0.32 and 0.21, PA’s = 0.56, 0.56 and 0.33, NA’s = 0.72, 0.75 and 0.82, respectively). 1,464 (54.4%) patients were prescribed antibiotics. Illness presentation and resolution were similar for patients regardless their views. These associations were not modified by antibiotic treatment. Patient expectation and hope (OR:2.08, 95% CI:[1.48,2.93] and 2.48 [1.73,3.55], respectively), and clinician perception (12.18 [8.31,17.84]) were associated with antibiotic prescribing. 2,354 (92.6%) patients were satisfied. Only those hoping for antibiotics were less satisfied when antibiotics were not prescribed (0.39 [0.17,0.90]). Conclusion: patient views about antibiotic treatment were not useful for identifying those who will benefit from antibiotics. Clinician perceptions did not match with patient views, but particularly influenced antibiotic prescribing. Patients were generally satisfied with care, but those hoping for but not prescribed antibiotics were less satisfied. Clinicians need to more effectively elicit and address patient views about antibiotics
Introduction: Antimicrobial resistance is a well-recognized global threat; thus, the development of strong infection control policies coupled with antimicrobial stewardship strategies and new therapies is required to reverse this process. In its 2013 report on antimicrobial resistance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention focused on this problem while presenting estimated annual rates of infections with antimicrobial-resistant organisms and their related mortality rates. Whereas some resistant pathogens were considered less threatening, others such as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae were associated with higher mortality rates owing to limited treatment options. Areas covered: An overview of the most common antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, focusing on risk factors for acquisition, clinical and economic outcomes, as well as current treatment options. Strategies to optimize antimicrobial therapy with currently available agents, in addition to newly developed antimicrobials are also discussed. Expert opinion: The emergence of pathogens with a variety of resistance mechanisms has intensified the challenges associated with infection control and treatment strategies. Therefore, prudent use of currently available antimicrobial agents, as well as implementing measures to limit spread of resistance is paramount. Although several new antimicrobials have been recently approved or are in the pipeline showing promise in the battle against resistance, the appropriate use of these agents is required as the true benefits of these treatments are to be recognized in the clinical care setting.