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Ameloblastoma: A Review of Recent Molecular Pathogenetic Discoveries


Abstract and Figures

Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic neoplasm whose molecular pathogenesis has only recently been elucidated. The discovery of recurrent activating mutations in FGFR2, BRAF, and RAS in a large majority of ameloblastomas has implicated dysregulation of MAPK pathway signaling as a critical step in the pathogenesis of this tumor. Some degree of controversy exists regarding the role of mutations affecting the sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway, specifically Smoothened (SMO), which have been postulated to serve as either an alternative pathogenetic mechanism or secondary mutations. Here, we review recent advances in our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma as well as the diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implications of these discoveries.
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Ameloblastoma: A Review of Recent Molecular
Pathogenetic Discoveries
Supplementary Issue: Signaling Pathways as Biomarkers
Noah A. Brown and Bryan L. Betz
Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
ABSTRACT: Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic neoplasm whose molecular pathogenesis has only recently been elucidated. e discovery of recurrent
activating mutations in FGFR2, BRAF, and RAS in a large majority of ameloblastomas has implicated dysregulation of MAPK pathway signaling as a criti-
cal step in the pathogenesis of this tumor. Some degree of controversy exists regarding the role of mutations aecting the sonic hedgehog (SHH) pathway,
specically Smoothened (SMO), which have been postulated to serve as either an alternative pathogenetic mechanism or secondary mutations. Here, we
review recent advances in our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma as well as the diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic implica-
tions of these discoveries.
KEY WORDS: ameloblastoma, MAPK, BRAF, RAS, odontogenic tumor, therapy
SUPPLEMENT: Signaling Pathways as Biomarkers
CITATION: Brown and Betz. Ameloblastoma: A Review of Recent Molecular Pathogenetic
Discoveries. Biomarkers in Cancer 2015:7(S2) 19–24 doi:10.4137/BIC.S29329.
TYPE: Review
RECEIVED: June 3, 2015. RESUBMITTED: July 13, 2015. ACCEPTED FOR
PUBLICATION: July 14, 2015.
ACADEMIC EDITOR: Barbara Guinn, Editor in Chief
PEER REVIEW: Two peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’
reports totaled 577 words, excluding any condential comments to the academic editor.
FUNDING: Authors disclose no funding sources.
COMPETING INTERESTS: Authors disclose no potential conicts of interest.
COPYRIGHT: © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
CC-BY-NC 3.0 License.
Paper subject to independent expert blind peer review. All editorial decisions made
by independent academic editor. Upon submission manuscript was subject to anti-
plagiarism scanning. Prior to publication all authors have given signed conrmation of
agreement to article publication and compliance with all applicable ethical and legal
requirements, including the accuracy of author and contributor information, disclosure
of competing interests and funding sources, compliance with ethical requirements
relating to human and animal study participants, and compliance with any copyright
requirements of third parties. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication
Ethics (COPE).
Published by Libertas Academica. Learn more about this journal.
Ameloblastoma is an uncommon, locally invasive odontogenic
neoplasm arising in the jaw. e average age of diagnosis is
36 years, with equal incidence in men and women.
ameloblastomas (up to 80%) occur in the posterior mandible,
with fewer tumors arising in the maxilla.
Patients typically
present with painless swelling of the jaw, and the vast major-
ity of ameloblastomas are slow-growing neoplasms without
metastatic potential. However, ameloblastic tumors with
cytologic atypia are classied as ameloblastic carcinoma and
have a propensity for rapid growth and metastasis.
ameloblastic neoplasms metastasize in spite of a benign his-
tologic appearance, and they are classied as metastasizing
ameloblastoma. Current treatment options for ameloblastoma
include both conservative treatment (enucleation or curet-
tage) and resection. e former is associated with high rates of
recurrence, while the latter results in signicant facial defor-
mity and morbidity.
Ameloblastoma is thought to arise from cells of the dental
and resembles structures of the cap/bell stage of the
developing tooth.
In the 2005 World Health Organization
(WHO) classication, ameloblastomas include four sub-
types based on location and histopathology: solid/multicytic
(91%), unicystic (6%), extra-osseous (2%), and desmoplastic
Histologically, most tumors display a follicular pat-
tern characterized by islands of epithelium within brous
stroma that lacks inductive capacity to form hard tissue. e
epithelium is comprised of columnar, preameloblast-like,
palisaded cells with reverse polarization at the periphery,
and loosely arranged cells resembling the stellate reticu-
lum in the center (Fig. 1). However, some tumors display a
plexiform pattern of epithelium with inconspicuous stellate
While the molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma was
largely unknown prior to 2014, there was mounting evidence
suggesting that activation of the mitogen-activated protein
kinase (MAPK) pathway plays a prominent role. Several
studies demonstrated activation of components of the MAPK
pathway in an ameloblastoma cell line (AM-1) under various
circumstances, including stimulation with tumor necrosis fac-
tor alpha (TNF α)
and broblast growth factors 7 and 10.
In addition, transgenic mice expressing v-Ha-Ras under the
zeta-globin promoter were shown to develop odontogenic
tumors resembling ameloblastoma.
MAPK Pathway Mutations
In 2014, three separate reports identied recurrent MAPK
mutations in ameloblastoma.
e most common and
rst mutation identied was BRAF V600E. Two of these
reports found BRAF mutations at a similar frequency (64%
and 63%; 54/84 and 15/24),
while a third demonstrated
a lower frequency (46%; 13/28).
A more recent study
reported BRAF mutations in 82% (14/17) of cases.
combined incidence from all four studies is 62.7% (96/153).
Journal name: Biomarkers in Cancer
Journal type: Review
Yea r: 2015
Volume: 7(S2)
Running head verso: Brown and Betz
Running head recto: Molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma
Brown and Betz
Figure 1. Histopathology of ameloblastoma. (A) The follicular pattern with islands of odontogenic epithelium within brous stroma. The epithelium
consists of peripheral palisading cells showing reverse polarization and central loosely arranged cells resembling the stellate reticulum. H&E staining
(×100). (B) The plexiform pattern with anastomosing strands of basal cells, delicate stroma, and inconspicuous stellate reticulum. H&E staining (×100).
BRAF is a serine-threonine kinase within the MAPK
pathway. eV600E mutation is present in numerous neo-
plasms including melanoma,
hairy cell leukemia,
lary thyroid carcinoma,
Langerhans cell histiocytosis,
and colorectal cancer.
is mutation results in constitutive
activation of the BRAF protein and downstream MEK and
ERK signaling, enhancing cell proliferation, survival, and
ultimately neoplastic transformation.
Both Brown et al
and Sweeney et al
also identied the BRAF V600E muta-
tion in the ameloblastoma cell line AM-1, and demonstrated
evidence of in vitro activation of MAPK signaling that was
blocked by BRAF inhibition.
In addition to BRAF, two studies identied muta-
tions aecting other genes in the MAPK pathway upstream
of BRAF (Fig. 2).
e BRAF protein is normally acti-
vated by the G-protein RAS. RAS mutations were identied
in up to 20% of ameloblastomas, including KRAS, NRAS,
and HRAS.
All RAS mutations occurred at sites com-
monly mutated in other neoplasms (codons 12 and 61) and
are known to lead to constitutive activation of RAS signal-
ing. e activation of RAS and the remainder of the MAPK
pathway is normally triggered by the activation of a growth
factor receptor in response to a growth factor. Fibroblast
growth factor receptor2 (FGFR2) is one of several receptors
Figure 2. Schematic of the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway with mutation frequencies in ameloblastoma based on all studies in which
each gene was evaluated.
Molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma
that activate MAPK signaling. FGFR2 mutations were iden-
tied in 6%18% of ameloblastomas,
occurring in either
the transmembrane (C382R and V395D) or kinase domain
(N549K) of the receptor. ese mutations have been described
in both endometrial carcinoma and craniosynostosis and are
known to result in constitutive MAPK pathway activation
that is abrogated by treatment with FGFR inhibitors.
Together, FGFR2, RAS, and BRAF mutations are pres-
ent in 78%88% of ameloblastomas. Importantly, mutations
aecting these genes were mutually exclusive in all 65 cases
described except one (Fig. 3). is case from Sweeney et al
demonstrated concomitant mutations of BRAF and FGFR2.
e high prevalence and near-complete mutual exclusivity of
these mutations suggests that activation of the MAPK path-
way likely represents a critical event that occurs early in the
pathogenesis of ameloblastoma.
SMO and Other Mutations
Several mutations were identied within genes not involved
in the MAPK pathway. ese included SMO, CTNNB1,
PIK3CA, and SMARCB1. Of these, SMO mutations were the
most frequent, occurring in 16%–39% of cases.
SMO muta-
tions included W535L and L412F, which have been previously
described in basal cell carcinoma
and meningioma,
well as a novel mutation G416E. e Smoothened (SMO) protein
is a nonclassical G-protein-coupled receptor that mediates sonic
hedgehog (SHH) signaling and is normally repressed by patched
(PTCH1) in the absence of the Hedgehog ligand.
phisms and deleterious germline mutations within PTCH1 have
been shown to aect the risk of ameloblastoma.
et al
demonstrated increased sonic hedgehog signaling activity
in Smo
mouse embryonic broblasts carrying SMO L412F.
Furthermore, the eect of this mutation was inhibited by phar-
macologic inhibitors of SHH signaling, including KAAD-
cyclopamine and arsenic trioxide.
It is unclear whether MAPK and the Hedgehog pathway
mutations represent two molecular subclasses of ameloblastoma,
as suggested by Sweeney et al,
or whether SMO mutations
function as secondary events with MAPK pathway activation
being the essential driver of pathogenesis, as suggested by Brown
et al.
BRAF and SMO were the two most frequently mutated
genes in both studies, and mutations in these genes were mutu-
ally exclusive with one another in all but three instances (16%
of SMO mutated cases). However, SMO mutations frequently
co-occurred with RAS mutations (37% of SMO mutated cases)
and FGFR2 mutations (32% of SMO mutated cases). Sixteen
percent of SMO mutations occurred in the absence of any
MAPK pathway mutations, accounting for 4% of ameloblas-
tomas overall.
Brown et al
also identied mutations in several
other genes at a lower frequency. ese included CTNNB1,
PIK3CA, and SMARCB1 present in 4%, 6%, and 6% of cases,
respectively. ese mutations were not mutually exclusive with
one another or with MAPK pathway or SMO mutations. All
mutations have previously been described in other neoplasms.
It is unclear precisely what role these mutations play in the
pathogenesis of ameloblastoma.
MAPK Mutations in Other Odontogenic Tumors
Two studies investigated the pathogenetic specicity of MAPK
pathway mutations, particularly BRAF V600E, by evaluating other
odontogenic tumors. In one study, BRAF mutations were identi-
ed in 2 ameloblastic bromas and 1 ameloblastic brodentinoma
but were not identied in 37 other odontogenic tumors. ese
included ameloblastic carcinoma, odontoameloblastoma, clear cell
odontogenic carcinomas, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, kera-
tocystic odontogenic tumor, calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor,
calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor, odontogenic broma,
and odontogenic myxoma.
A subsequent study identied
BRAF V600E mutations in 3/8 (38%) ameloblastic carcinomas
and 1/1 clear cell odontogenic tumor, but found no mutations in
either of the two ghost cell odontogenic carcinomas.
e pres-
ence of BRAF mutations in ameloblastic carcinoma and amelo-
blastic broma/brodentinoma suggests that these tumors may
be pathogenetically related to ameloblastoma. Some ameloblastic
carcinomas appear to arise from a pre-existing, benign ameloblas-
toma and are therefore designated dedierentiated ameloblastic
While ameloblastic bromas and brodentinomas
Figure 3. Summary of BRAF, KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, FGFR2, SMO, PIK3CA, CTNNB1, and SMARCB1 mutations in ameloblastoma based on two studies
in which all of these genes were evaluated.
Colored boxes indicate the presence of mutations in the indicated genes (rows) and samples (columns).
The histologic pattern (plexiform versus non-plexiform) is also indicated (if known).
Brown and Betz
tend to occur in younger individuals and exhibit less locally
aggressive behavior, these tumors are histologically very similar
to classic ameloblastoma, diering primarily in the appearance of
the stroma surrounding odontogenic epithelium.
Overall, these
ndings suggest that ameloblastic tumors are a distinct group
of odontogenic tumors with characteristic genetic abnormali-
ties. ese ndings also implicate the BRAF V600E mutation
as a potential diagnostic marker in the work-up of odontogenic
tumors that is specic for ameloblastic tumors. Notably, Brown
et al
observed perfect concordance between VE1 immunohis-
tochemistry and the molecular detection of BRAF V600E muta-
tions, demonstrating that both techniques may be useful in the
diagnosis of ameloblastic tumors.
Clinicopathologic Associations
e mutation prole of ameloblastomas correlates with
histopathology, location (Fig. 4), age at diagnosis, and prog-
nosis (Fig. 5). As stated earlier, Sweeney et al
postulated that
BRAF-mutated and SMO-mutated tumors represent two dis-
tinct molecular subtypes with ameloblastoma with dierent
clinicopathologic features including location, histologic pat-
tern (follicular versus plexiform), and possibly prognosis. e
former two showed statistically signicant associations with
genotype (BRAF-mutated vs SMO-mutated). However, in
the larger series from Brown et al,
these associations corre-
lated better with the presence or absence of the BRAF muta-
tion rather than the presence of SMO mutations, which were
found in only a minority of BRAF wild-type tumors (37%).
BRAF mutations were shown to occur much more frequently
in the mandible and only rarely in the maxilla (5.6%), while
43% of BR AF wild-type tumors arose in the maxilla. is
trend was not specic for SMO-mutated tumors; indeed, 64%
of BRAF wild-type, SMO wild-type tumors also arose in the
Sweeney et al
observed that 80% of ameloblasto-
mas with the plexiform histologic pattern were BRAF
wild-type, SMO mutant (P , 0.02). Brown et al
did not
comment on the relationship of follicular/plexiform pat-
tern and genotype. However, a review of their data shows
that, while there was no statistically signicant association
between plexiform histology and SMO mutations (50% fre-
quency in SMO-mutated compared to 43% frequency in
SMO wild-type), plexiform histology was signicantly more
common among BRAF wild-type tumors (62%) compared
with BRAF-mutated tumors (35%; P , 0.02). Similarly,
when data from these two studies are combined (Fig. 3),
plexiform histology remains signicantly more com-
mon among BRAF wild-type tumors (62% versus 36%;
P = 0.026), while SMO status shows no signicant association.
Brown et al
also found that BRAF mutations occurred
in younger patients with a mean age at diagnosis of 34.5years
compared to 53.6 in BRAF wild-type cases (P , 0.0001).
Similarly, the mean age at diagnosis among BRAF wild-type,
SMO wild-type cases was 57.2years. In addition, this study
showed that BRAF V600E is an independent predictor of
recurrence-free survival with BRAF wild-type tumors recur-
ring earlier (P = 0.046). No statistically signicant association
was observed between recurrence and SMO mutation status.
Overall, several clinicopathologic features correlate with
the presence or absence of BRAF mutations and are not spe-
cic for SMO mutations. ese ndings are analogous to
BRAF V600E mutations in melanoma, which also occur in
younger patients and have a dierent anatomic distribution
compared with NRAS and other mutations.
In mela-
noma, dierent anatomic distributions are thought to result
from dierences in ultraviolet light exposure. It is unclear why
the anatomic distribution diers between BRAF V600E and
BRAF wild-type ameloblastomas.
Figure 4. Relationship between the anatomic location and mutation frequency in ameloblastoma based on all studies in which BRAF, RAS, FGFR2, and
SMO were evaluated.
Molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma
Implications for erapy
Several small-molecule inhibitors targeting BRAF and MEK
are FDA-approved or in clinical trials for the treatment of neo-
plasms with activating MAPK pathway mutations, principally
BRAF V600E-mutated melanoma. Two separate studies showed
that ameloblastoma cells harboring the BRAF V600E mutation
are sensitive to the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib invitro.
More recently, Kaye et al
reported a patient with multiply
recurrent ameloblastoma in the mandible and metastatic amelo-
blastoma in the lung that was found to harbor a BRAF V600E
mutation. is patient was treated with a combination of dab-
rafenib (BRAF inhibitor) and trametinib (MEK inhibitor) and
achieved a dramatic response after 8weeks of therapy.
ese ndings suggest a potential role for BRAF and
MEK inhibitors in ameloblastoma treatment. While amelo-
blastoma is typically treated surgically, surgical resection
often results in signicant facial deformity and recurrences
are common. In addition, pharmacological treatment may be
particularly useful in metastatic and locally aggressive cases
and in patients who are poor surgical candidates. A clinical
trial investigating the utility of dabrafenib in BRAF-mutated
melanoma is currently under way.
Other mutations identied in ameloblastoma may also
be targetable. MEK inhibitors are currently being investi-
gated as potential treatment for NRAS-mutated melanoma
and may therefore also be useful in ameloblastomas with RAS
e utility of FGFR inhibitors is also under
as is SHH pathway inhibition with medica-
tions such as itraconazole and arsenic trioxide.
Great strides have recently been made in our understanding
of the underlying molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma.
Mutations aecting several genes within the MAPK pathway
are now known to occur in a large majority of cases. e bio-
logic importance of these mutations is highlighted by their
high frequency and pattern of mutual exclusivity. e BRAF
V600E mutation is the most common mutation, occurring in
approximately two-thirds of cases. e presence or absence
of this mutation correlates with several clinicopathologic
features including location, age at diagnosis, histology, and
prognosis. is mutation has also been shown to be specic
for ameloblastic tumors, suggesting a potential role as a diag-
nostic marker. Somatic mutations aecting the Hedgehog
pathway, specically SMO, are also fairly common. It is cur-
rently unclear whether MAPK and Hedgehog pathway muta-
tions represent two molecular subclasses of ameloblastoma,
or whether SMO mutations function as secondary events
with MAPK pathway mutations being the essential driver
of pathogenesis. However, the higher frequency of MAPK
mutations, the lack of mutual exclusivity of Hedgehog with
MAPK pathway mutations, and the lack of clinicopathologic
associations with SMO that are independent of BRAF status
would argue against viewing SMO-mutated tumors as a truly
distinct subclass of ameloblastoma. Finally, both in vitro and
anecdotal clinical data implicate MAPK pathway inhibition
as a promising future treatment option for ameloblastoma.
e authors would like to thank Katherine Betz for her assis-
tance with the artwork.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: NAB, BLB.
Analyzed the data: NAB, BLB. Wrote the rst draft of the
manuscript: NAB, BLB. Contributed to the writing of the
%5$) %5$)±
 
 
  
/RJUDQN3 
*HQRW\SH %5$) %5$)±
Figure 5. Clinical and prognostic signicance of the BRAF V600E mutation in ameloblastoma adapted from Brown et al.
(A) Box plot showing a
statistically signicant difference in age distribution for BRAF V600E-mutated and BRAF wild-type ameloblastomas (P = 0.0007). Diamond indicates
the mean, middle horizontal line indicates the median, box indicates 25th and 75th percentiles, and whiskers indicate minimum and maximum.
(B) Recurrence-free survival (in years) for BRAF V600E-mutated and BRAF wild-type ameloblastomas using the Kaplan–Meier method.
Brown and Betz
manuscript: NAB, BLB. Agree with manuscript results and
conclusions: NAB, BLB. Jointly developed the structure and
arguments for the paper: NAB, BLB. Made critical revi-
sions and approved nal version: NAB, BLB. Both authors
reviewed and approved of the nal manuscript.
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... Los ameloblastomas con mutaciones de wild-type BRAF también ocurrieron con más frecuencia en el maxilar que en la mandíbula y sufrieron recurrencias más tempranas. 29 RAS es un gen que actúa corriente arriba de BRAF, mientras que FGFR2 es un activador de la señalización de MAPK unido a la membrana. Las mutaciones RAS y FGFR2 ocurrieron en 28% de los ameloblastomas estudiados. ...
... Los datos clínicos in vitro y anecdóticos implican a la inhibición de la vía MAPK como una opción de tratamiento futura prometedora para el ameloblastoma. 29 Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios para verificar estas teorías. ...
... Though they are classified as benign and generally slow growing, ameloblastomas are locally invasive and destructive, and in rare cases metastasize to other organs similar to malignant tumors. 2 The exact origin and pathogenesis of these neoplasms is unknown but is believed to arise from the enamel organ of developing teeth, epithelium of other odontogenic cysts, or the stratified squamous epithelium [8,9]. More recent understanding of the biological factors shows that ameloblastomas arising from the mandible are likely to be associated with mutations in the MAPK pathway, with BRAFV600E mutations being the most common, while those arising from the maxilla tend to have SMO mutations [10][11][12][13]. These mutations may lead to non-surgical targeted treatment options through targeted therapy [10][11][12][13][14]. ...
... More recent understanding of the biological factors shows that ameloblastomas arising from the mandible are likely to be associated with mutations in the MAPK pathway, with BRAFV600E mutations being the most common, while those arising from the maxilla tend to have SMO mutations [10][11][12][13]. These mutations may lead to non-surgical targeted treatment options through targeted therapy [10][11][12][13][14]. ...
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Ameloblastomas are benign neoplasms of the jaw, but frequently require extensive surgery. The aim of the study was to analyze the demographic and clinicopathological features of ameloblastoma cases at a single Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery group in the United States. Study Design: A retrospective chart review of patients evaluated for ameloblastoma between 2010 and 2020 at a single tertiary care center. Age, race, sex, tumor size, tumor location, and histological subtypes were recorded. Results: A total of 129 cases of ameloblastoma were recorded with a mean patient age of 42 ± 18.6 years (range 9–91 years old), male to female ratio 1.08:1. Ameloblastoma presenting in the mandible outnumbered maxilla in primary (118 to 8, respectively) and recurrent cases (8 to 1, respectively). There was a higher prevalence of ameloblastoma in Black patients (61.3%) with mean age of Black patients occurring at 40.5 years and the mean age of White patients occurring at 47.8 years and mean tumor size trended larger in the Black patients (15.7 cm ² ) compared to White patients (11.8 cm ² ). Conclusion: Data suggests a strong influence of racial factors on the incidence of ameloblastoma, with regards to size, Black patients with ameloblastoma trended higher and more data is needed to clearly elucidate any relationship between the tumor size and race, as other factors may influence the size (such as time to discovery).
... Aggressive growth is nothing but a local invasion, with 70% of cases turning into malignant tumors and 2% of them are considered tumors [2] .Many previous studies have proven that the age of these patients ranges from thirty to sixty years [3] .Also, it appears from 10% to 15% of ameloblastoma lesions that appear in childhood and form a high percentage of 25% in Asia and Africa [4] . So histology of ameloblastoma tissue is very similar to enamel organ, which forms teeth [5] .Many theories assume inflammation, shock, and tooth decay [6] . However, the reason for this stems from a lack of nutrition, unspecified irritation from extraction, or fever, which may lead to a disruption in the growth of dental bud; however, there is a great similarity between dental bud and ameloblastoma in cytokine expression [7] .Another theory centered on the morphological differentiation of ameloblasts from pre-ameloblasts, which originally came from the development of the bell stage [8] .However, the stratum intermedium will prevent the formation of ameloblasts at the bell stage [9] . ...
... However, the stellate reticulum will later dissolve to form a very fine sac of tumor nests, which later formed a larger area of cysts that would later be given ameloblastoma multicystic appearance [10] . The molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma occurs due to a defect in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway [6] , BRAF, a serine-threonine protein kinase activating the MAPKERK signaling pathway has been implicated in 63% of ameloblastoma [11,12] . However, BRAF at codon 600 mutations [13] and BRAF protein mutations will later turn into neoplasm [14] . ...
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This study was conducted to treat patients with primary ameloblastoma and solid/multicystic ameloblastomahistopathologically. Twenty-seven patients with primary ameloblastoma were treated in the period between2008 and 2019 in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and these patients ranged from 16y to 58 y old and the average age was 37 y. The number of males reached 16 individuals and the numberof females 11 individuals. Twenty-two patients with solid/multicystic ameloblastoma histopathologicallywere treated for partial jaw excision along with the restoration of bone plate osteosynthesis and 2 cm wasused to remove a surgical free margin with bone correction, and three patients with bone metastasis weretreated with excision, and the marginal jaw was removed with a 1 cm free margin with a reconstructivebone structure. Patients with unicystic ameloblastoma were treated through partial removal of the lower jawwith bone structure with titanium, and 1.5 cm was used as a free margin useful for bone health. There are3 patients out of twenty-two infected primary solid/multicystic ameloblastoma were present with cases ofrepeated visualization of radiation are sick after 7 y of surgery and during routine follow-up, one patient wasoffered during the 6 y after the operation.
... Early and critical event in the molecular diagnosis of ameloblastoma is B-Raf-Proto oncogenes (BRAF) p. V600E as the most common activating mutation. [5] It affects the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) pathways, hence BRAF inhibitor therapy has been proposed for treatment of selective cases. [6] As advancement in the field of molecular-biology, it can be predicted that data on these target therapies will increase and probably will be included in the next classification. ...
... [2] Studies on tumourigenesis of ameloblastoma have implicated that almost 90% of cases exhibited mutations in genes belonging to the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. [3] Recurrent activating mutations in FGFR2, BRAF and RAS have implicated dysregulation of MAPK pathway signalling as a critical step in pathogenesis of ameloblastoma. [4] Several other mutations were also identified within genes not involved in the MAPK pathway like the Hippo, Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and WNT/β-catenin signalling pathways. ...
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Background Ameloblastoma is one of the major odontogenic neoplasms with an invasive and recurrence potential. Its tumourigenesis and proliferative capacity can be attributed to the activation or inactivation of certain molecular signalling pathways. Hippo signalling pathway is known to regulate diverse physiological processes related to mitosis and organ growth and is an emerging tumour suppressor pathway, the dysfunction of which is implicated in various diseases including cancers. Yes-associated protein1 (YAP) and transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) are the downstream effectors in the Hippo cascade, which on nuclear activation leads to cellular proliferation in various tumours. Aim The current study was undertaken to evaluate the expression of YAP in various histopathological variants of ameloblastoma and unicystic ameloblastoma. Materials and Methods Fifty formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue samples of histopathologically diagnosed cases of ameloblastoma, and 10 histopathologically diagnosed cases of unicystic ameloblastoma were obtained from the departmental archives to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of YAP both manually and by software analysis. Results More than 90% of cases of conventional ameloblastoma and unicystic ameloblastoma elicited positive expression of YAP. No statistical difference was found among different histopathological variants of conventional ameloblastoma. Significant difference between the means of all four quantitative score groups was observed. Conclusion In view of the modulating effect of YAP in tumourigenesis and its higher expression in ameloblastoma, further exploration of this molecule appears to be a promising area of research.
... This approach aimed to tailor treatments based on the specific genetic and protein characteristics of individual patients, leading to more effective and personalized therapeutic interventions for AM. However, there was still a scarcity of molecular studies examining genetic and protein alterations in AM (3,4). ...
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Ameloblastoma (AM) is a prominent benign odontogenic tumor characterized by aggressiveness, likely originating from tooth-generating tissue or the dental follicle (DF). However, proteomic distinctions between AM and DF remain unclear. In the present study, the aim was to identify the distinction between AM and DF in terms of their proteome and to determine the associated hub genes. Shotgun proteomics was used to compare the proteomes of seven fresh-frozen AM tissues and five DF tissues. Differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were quantified and subsequently analyzed through Gene Ontology-based functional analysis, protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis and hub gene identification. Among 7,550 DEPs, 520 and 216 were exclusive to AM and DF, respectively. Significant biological pathways included histone H2A monoubiquitination and actin filament-based movement in AM, as well as pro-B cell differentiation in DF. According to PPI analysis, the top-ranked upregulated hub genes were ubiquitin C (UBC), breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1), lymphocyte cell-specific protein-tyrosine kinase (LCK), Janus kinase 1 and ATR serine/threonine kinase, whereas the top-ranked downregulated hub genes were UBC, protein kinase, DNA-activated, catalytic subunit (PRKDC), V-Myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (MYC), tumor protein P53 and P21 (RAC1) activated kinase 1. When combining upregulated and downregulated genes, UBC exhibited the highest degree and betweenness values, followed by MYC, BRCA1, PRKDC, embryonic lethal, abnormal vision, Drosophila, homolog-like 1, myosin heavy chain 9, amyloid beta precursor protein, telomeric repeat binding factor 2, LCK and filamin A. In summary, these findings contributed to the knowledge on AM protein profiles, potentially aiding future research regarding AM etiopathogenesis and leading to AM prevention and treatment.
... Studies have elucidated that the incidence of BRAF, RAS, and FGFR2 mutations in examined ameloblastoma cases approximates 79%. Notably, these mutations demonstrate a mutual exclusivity, with a solitary exception where simultaneous BRAFV600E and FGFR-2 mutations were detected [6] This evidence underscores the pivotal role of mutations in the MAPK pathways as an early and critical event in the pathogenesis of ameloblastoma [7,8]. ...
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Case Report A compelling case of a 14-year-old male with an insidious presentation of a submandibular mass, ultimately diagnosed as ameloblastoma featuring an unusual aspect, regional nodal metastasis. The complex diagnostic approach involved ultrasonography, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT), and fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) to pinpoint both the primary lesion and metastatic involvement. Surgical intervention was executed meticulously, incorporating segmental mandibulectomy for primary lesion extirpation and plating for maintaining mandibular continuity.
... It is the second most common odontogenic tumor, accounting for approximately 3%-14% of all jaw tumors and cysts [2]. The annual incidence of ameloblastoma is estimated to be one in every two million individuals [3]. Despite being classified as benign by the World Health Organization, ameloblastoma poses a concern for clinicians due to its locally aggressive nature and the potential for recurrence [4]. ...
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Background Ameloblastoma, a common benign tumor found in the jaw bone, necessitates accurate localization and segmentation for effective diagnosis and treatment. However, the traditional manual segmentation method is plagued with inefficiencies and drawbacks. Hence, the implementation of an AI-based automatic segmentation approach is crucial to enhance clinical diagnosis and treatment procedures. Methods We collected CT images from 79 patients diagnosed with ameloblastoma and employed a deep learning neural network model for training and testing purposes. Specifically, we utilized the Mask R-CNN neural network structure and implemented image preprocessing and enhancement techniques. During the testing phase, cross-validation methods were employed for evaluation, and the experimental results were verified using an external validation set. Finally, we obtained an additional dataset comprising 200 CT images of ameloblastoma from a different dental center to evaluate the model's generalization performance. Results During extensive testing and evaluation, our model successfully demonstrated the capability to automatically segment ameloblastoma. The DICE index achieved an impressive value of 0.874. Moreover, when the IoU threshold ranged from 0.5 to 0.95, the model's AP was 0.741. For a specific IoU threshold of 0.5, the model achieved an AP of 0.914, and for another IoU threshold of 0.75, the AP was 0.826. Our validation using external data confirms the model's strong generalization performance. Conclusion In this study, we successfully applied a neural network model based on deep learning that effectively performs automatic segmentation of ameloblastoma. The proposed method offers notable advantages in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and speed, rendering it a promising tool for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
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Ameloblastoma is a noncancerous tumor that originates from epithelial tissue in the oral cavity. It is regarded as one of the most aggressive odontogenic tumors (OT) in several nations throughout the world. If left untreated, they can grow to be quite big, causing facial disfigurement and functional issues. The treatment of ameloblastoma depends on the size, location, and histological subtype of the tumor. Surgical resection is the mainstay of treatment, and various techniques have been developed to minimize morbidity and recurrence.
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The classification of ameloblastoma in multicystic or unicystic variants is associated with its clinical behaviour. Recently, BRAF and SMO mutations have been reported in ameloblastomas. However, it is not clear if such mutations are shared by the multi- and unicystic variants of ameloblastoma or by odontogenic carcinomas. We assessed BRAFV600E and SMOF412E in multicystic, unicystic and desmoplastic ameloblastomas. In addition, we investigated whether the BRAFV600E mutation occurs in odontogenic carcinomas. A total of 28 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples, comprising 17 ameloblastomas and 11 odontogenic carcinomas, were included. The BRAFV600E mutation was assessed by real-time PCR with a specific TaqMan probe and confirmed by Sanger sequencing. The SMOF412E mutation was assessed by Sanger sequencing. Fourteen out of 17 (82 %) ameloblastomas showed the BRAFV600E mutation, specifically, 5/6 (83 %) unicystic, 7/9 (78 %) multicystic and 2/2 desmoplastic ameloblastomas. BRAFV600E mutation was detected in 4/11 (36 %) malignant tumours, specifically, 3/8 (38 %) ameloblastic carcinomas and 1/1 clear cell odontogenic carcinoma, while the two ghost cell odontogenic carcinomas did not harbour this mutation. The SMOF412E mutation was not detected in ameloblastoma. The BRAFV600E-activating mutation is a common event in ameloblastomas, occurring regardless of site or histological type. This mutation is also detected in odontogenic carcinomas. SMO somatic mutation is a secondary genetic event in the ameloblastoma pathogenesis. Our findings support the possibility for personalised, molecular-targeted therapy for ameloblastomas and odontogenic carcinomas harbouring the BRAFV600E mutation.
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Here we report the discovery of oncogenic mutations in the Hedgehog and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways in over 80% of ameloblastomas, locally destructive odontogenic tumors of the jaw, by genomic analysis of archival material. Mutations in SMO (encoding Smoothened, SMO) are common in ameloblastomas of the maxilla, whereas BRAF mutations are predominant in tumors of the mandible. We show that a frequently occurring SMO alteration encoding p.Leu412Phe is an activating mutation and that its effect on Hedgehog-pathway activity can be inhibited by arsenic trioxide (ATO), an anti-leukemia drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that is currently in clinical trials for its Hedgehog-inhibitory activity. In a similar manner, ameloblastoma cells harboring an activating BRAF mutation encoding p.Val600Glu are sensitive to the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib. Our findings establish a new paradigm for the diagnostic classification and treatment of ameloblastomas.
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Ameloblastoma is a benign but locally infiltrative odontogenic neoplasm. Although ameloblastomas rarely metastasise, recurrences together with radical surgery often result in facial deformity and significant morbidity. Development of non-invasive therapies has been precluded by a lack of understanding of the molecular background of ameloblastoma pathogenesis. When addressing the role of ERBB receptors as potential new targets for ameloblastoma we discovered significant EGFR overexpression in clinical samples using real-time RT-PCR but observed variable sensitivity of novel primary ameloblastoma cells to EGFR-targeted drugs in vitro. In the quest for mutations downstream of EGFR that could explain this apparent discrepancy, Sanger sequencing revealed an oncogenic BRAF V600E mutation in the cell line resistant to EGFR inhibition. Further analysis of the clinical samples by Sanger sequencing and BRAF V600E-specific immunohistochemistry demonstrated a high frequency of BRAF V600E mutations (15 out of 24 samples, 63%). These data provide novel insight into the poorly understood molecular pathogenesis of ameloblastoma and offer a rationale to test drugs targeting EGFR or mutant BRAF as novel therapies for ameloblastoma.
Ameloblastoma is a rare odontogenic neoplasm of the mandible and maxilla, with multiple histologic variants, and high recurrence rates if improperly treated. The current mainstay of treatment is wide local excision with appropriate margins and immediate reconstruction. Here we review the ameloblastoma literature, using the available evidence to highlight the change in management over the past several decades. In addition, we explore the recent molecular characterization of these tumors which may point towards new potential avenues of personalized treatment.
The aim of the study was to characterize the molecular relationship between ameloblastoma and keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KCOT) by means of a genome-wide expression analysis. Total RNA from 27 fresh tumor samples of 15 solid/multicystic intraosseous ameloblastomas and 12 sporadic KCOTs was hybridized on Affymetrix whole genome arrays. Hierarchical clustering separated ameloblastomas and KCOTs into 2 distinct groups. The gene set enrichment analysis based on 303 dental genes showed a similar separation of ameloblastomas and KCOTs. Early dental epithelial markers PITX2, MSX2, DLX2, RUNX1, and ISL1 were differentially overexpressed in ameloblastoma, indicating its dental identity. Also, PTHLH, a hormone involved in tooth eruption and invasive growth, was one of the most differentially upregulated genes in ameloblastoma. The most differentially overexpressed genes in KCOT were squamous epithelial differentiation markers SPRR1A, KRTDAP, and KRT4, as well as DSG1, a component of desmosomal cell-cell junctions. Additonally, the epithelial stem cell marker SOX2 was significantly upregulated in KCOT when compared with ameloblastoma. Taken together, the gene expression profile of ameloblastoma reflects differentiation from dental lamina toward the cap/bell stage of tooth development, as indicated by dental epithelium-specific transcription factors. In contrast, gene expression of KCOT indicates differentiation toward keratinocytes.
Purpose: Brivanib, an oral, multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor with activity against vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) was investigated as a single agent in a phase II trial to assess the activity and tolerability in recurrent or persistent endometrial cancer (EMC). Patients and methods: Eligible patients had persistent or recurrent EMC after receiving one to two prior cytotoxic regimens, measurable disease, and performance status of ≤2. Treatment consisted of brivanib 800 mg orally every day until disease progression or prohibitive toxicity. Primary endpoints were progression-free survival (PFS) at six months and objective tumor response. Expression of multiple angiogenic proteins and FGFR2 mutation status was assessed. Results: Forty-five patients were enrolled. Forty-three patients were eligible and evaluable. Median age was 64 years. Twenty-four patients (55.8%) received prior radiation. Median number of cycles was two (range 1-24). No GI perforations but one rectal fistula were seen. Nine patients had grade 3 hypertension, with one experiencing grade 4 confusion. Eight patients (18.6%; 90% CI 9.6%-31.7%) had responses (one CR and seven PRs), and 13 patients (30.2%; 90% CI 18.9%-43.9%) were PFS at six months. Median PFS and overall survival (OS) were 3.3 and 10.7 months, respectively. When modeled jointly, VEGF and angiopoietin-2 expression may diametrically predict PFS. Estrogen receptor-α (ER) expression was positively correlated with OS. Conclusion: Brivanib is reasonably well tolerated and worthy of further investigation based on PFS at six months in recurrent or persistent EMC.
Purpose: Ameloblastoma is an odontogenic neoplasm whose overall mutational landscape has not been well characterized. We sought to characterize pathogenic mutations in ameloblastoma and their clinical and functional significance with an emphasis on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Experimental design: A total of 84 ameloblastomas and 40 non-ameloblastoma odontogenic tumors were evaluated with a combination of BRAF V600E allele-specific PCR, VE1 immunohistochemistry, the Ion AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel, and Sanger sequencing. Efficacy of a BRAF inhibitor was evaluated in an ameloblastoma-derived cell line. Results: Somatic, activating, and mutually exclusive RAS-BRAF and FGFR2 mutations were identified in 88% of cases. Somatic mutations in SMO, CTNNB1, PIK3CA, and SMARCB1 were also identified. BRAF V600E was the most common mutation, found in 62% of ameloblastomas and in ameloblastic fibromas/fibrodentinomas but not in other odontogenic tumors. This mutation was associated with a younger age of onset, whereas BRAF wild-type cases arose more frequently in the maxilla and showed earlier recurrences. One hundred percent concordance was observed between VE1 immunohistochemistry and molecular detection of BRAF V600E mutations. Ameloblastoma cells demonstrated constitutive MAPK pathway activation in vitro. Proliferation and MAPK activation were potently inhibited by the BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that activating FGFR2-RAS-BRAF mutations play a critical role in the pathogenesis of most cases of ameloblastoma. Somatic mutations in SMO, CTNNB1, PIK3CA, and SMARCB1 may function as secondary mutations. BRAF V600E mutations have both diagnostic and prognostic implications. In vitro response of ameloblastoma to a BRAF inhibitor suggests a potential role for targeted therapy.