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Effects of a Formulated Bio-product Containing the Nitrogen Fixing Bacterial Strain Enterobacter oryzae 3LSO1 on Sugarcane Growth



Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for plant growth, widely applied as chemical N-fertilizer to improve yield of sugarcane. The elevated doses of fertilizers may have negative and unpredictable effects on the environment. Bio-fertilizers containing nitrogen fixing bacteria (NFB) are alternative and potential way to reduce application of chemical N-fertilizer. The NFB strain Enterobacter oryzae 3LSO1 isolated from rhizosphere soil of sugarcane can fix atmospheric dinitrogen (N2), produces indole-3-acetic acid as plant growth promoting substance. Therefore, this effective strain was developed as a vermiculite-based bio-product to enhance sugarcane growth. The bio-product was compared storing conditions at 10 and 30 °C for 30 or 60 days after formulation (DAF), and then its performance was evaluated. Result stated that the bio-product could be kept at 10 and 30 °C for up to 60 DAF without a decrease in the NFB population or a loss in its ability to fix N2. In a greenhouse experiment, commercial sugarcane variety Khon Kaen 3 applied with the E. oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product and planted with or without nitrogen fertilizer could increase the tiller number, plant height, fresh and dry weight, NFB population in soil and sugarcane, compared with the control. This E. oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product not only used as a bio-nitrogen fertilizer for sugarcane crops, but also reduced chemical N-fertilizer application for sustainable agriculture.
1 23
Sugar Tech
An International Journal of Sugar Crops
and Related Industries
ISSN 0972-1525
Sugar Tech
DOI 10.1007/s12355-015-0386-x
Effects of a Formulated Bio-product
Containing the Nitrogen Fixing Bacterial
Strain Enterobacter oryzae 3LSO1 on
Sugarcane Growth
Nutthawut Meesilp, Prasit Jaisil, Nipa
Milintawisamai & Suwanna Niamsanit
1 23
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Effects of a Formulated Bio-product Containing the Nitrogen
Fixing Bacterial Strain Enterobacter oryzae 3LSO1 on Sugarcane
Nutthawut Meesilp
Prasit Jaisil
Nipa Milintawisamai
Suwanna Niamsanit
Received: 10 February 2015 / Accepted: 9 June 2015
ÓSociety for Sugar Research & Promotion 2015
Abstract Nitrogen (N) is an essential element for plant
growth, widely applied as chemical N-fertilizer to improve
yield of sugarcane. The elevated doses of fertilizers may
have negative and unpredictable effects on the environ-
ment. Bio-fertilizers containing nitrogen fixing bacteria
(NFB) are alternative and potential way to reduce appli-
cation of chemical N-fertilizer. The NFB strain Enter-
obacter oryzae 3LSO1 isolated from rhizosphere soil of
sugarcane can fix atmospheric dinitrogen (N
), produces
indole-3-acetic acid as plant growth promoting substance.
Therefore, this effective strain was developed as a vermi-
culite-based bio-product to enhance sugarcane growth. The
bio-product was compared storing conditions at 10 and
30 °C for 30 or 60 days after formulation (DAF), and then
its performance was evaluated. Result stated that the bio-
product could be kept at 10 and 30 °C for up to 60 DAF
without a decrease in the NFB population or a loss in its
ability to fix N
. In a greenhouse experiment, commercial
sugarcane variety Khon Kaen 3 applied with the E. oryzae
3LSO1 bio-product and planted with or without nitrogen
fertilizer could increase the tiller number, plant height,
fresh and dry weight, NFB population in soil and sugar-
cane, compared with the control. This E. oryzae 3LSO1
bio-product not only used as a bio-nitrogen fertilizer for
sugarcane crops, but also reduced chemical N-fertilizer
application for sustainable agriculture.
Keywords Nitrogen fixing bacteria
Enterobacter oryzae Sugarcane Bio-product
Sugarcane (Saccharum species hybrids) is one of the major
economic plant crops. Chemical fertilizers applied are to
increase the crop yield. Nitrogen is the important
macronutrient for plant growth, but it is easily lost by
several factors such as de-nitrification and soil surface
wash in rainy season. Chemical N-fertilizers are usually
applied at high dose in fields. However, these are becoming
more scarce and costly. N
-fixation is one of the possible
biological alternatives to save N-fertilizers and leads to
more productive and sustainable agriculture without
harming the environment (Dobereiner and Urquiaga 1992).
Several commercial sugarcane varieties such as U-thong
(series 9–13), K84–200, Khon Kaen 3 are cultivated in
Thailand depending on weather and soil types.Khon Kaen
3 is the most important and high yielding commercial
sugarcane planted variety in the Northeast of Thailand
including Khon Kaen province. This variety exhibits many
dominant characteristics such as resistant to red rot disease,
high commercial cane sugar (CCS), high cane yield, low
flowering and growing well in non-irrigated sandy soil.
NFB are the bacteria containing nitrogenase enzyme that
enable N
-fixation to occur in nature. Some sugarcane
varieties have been recorded to fix up to 70 % of their
nitrogen requirement through biological nitrogen fixation
&Suwanna Niamsanit
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen
University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
Department of Plant Science and Agricultural Resources,
Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen
40002, Thailand
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen
University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand
Sugar Tech
DOI 10.1007/s12355-015-0386-x 
Author's personal copy
(Barraquio et al. 2000). NFB strain Enterobacter oryzae is
one of the plant growth promoting bacteria containing N
fixation ability (Ruppel and Merbach 1995), produce phy-
tohormones such as auxin compounds as indole-3-acetic
acid, solubilize calcium phosphate and inhibit the growth
of some phytopathogenic fungi (Hardoim et al. 2013). This
strain has been isolated from agriculturally important
grasses including sugarcane. E. oryzae was reported the
rhizosphere soil and also in the interior regions of the plant
roots and shoot without causing disease symptoms (James
and Olivares 1997). Many workers reported it could pro-
mote the growth of various plant species such as cereals,
wheat and sugarcane (Ka
¨mpfer et al. 2003; Remus et al.
2000; Ruppel et al. 2006).
Improvement of sugarcane growth under greenhouse
conditions by using NFB as plant growth promoting agent
was reported by soaking the cane setts with bacterial
suspension before planting (Suman et al. 2005). However,
this method is impractical due to difficulty in handling,
transport, storage and large-scale application (Rabindran
and Vidhyasekaran 1996). Several researchers developed
the formulation of efficient bacterial strains with carrier
materials such as talc, lignite, coir dust peat and vermi-
culite. However, the development of a formulation of
NFB used as bio-nitrogen fertilizer has not been reported.
For example, Pseudomonas fluorescens was formulated
with carrier materials to control damping-off of sugar
beet, a disease caused by Pythium spp. (Moe
¨nne et al.
1999). Vermiculite-based formulations has been reported
for supporting the survival of bacteria during storage in
different conditions (Rabindran and Vidhyasekaran 1996;
Graham-Weiss et al. 1987).
In a previous study, the NFB isolate 3LSO1 was iso-
lated from the rhizosphere soil of field-grown sugarcane
on N-free LGIP medium and identified as E. oryzae
(based on biochemical test and 16S rDNA). In this study,
the NFB strain displayed a high efficient nitrogenase
activity to fix N
investigated with flame ionization
detector gas chromatography (acetylene reduction assay)
and produce indole-3-acetic acid (colorimetric method).
When it was applied to commercial sugarcane variety
Khon Kaen 3 as a bacterial suspension planted in defi-
ciency N soil with 3 levels of N-fertilizer (0, 75,
151 kg N/ha), it greatly enhanced sugarcane growth with
N at rates 0 and 75 kg N/ha. Thus, the effective strain E.
oryzae 3LSO1 was developed as bio-products used ver-
miculite-base for supporter. During storage the bio-pro-
duct, a N
-fixation ability and survival of NFB population
were measured. Moreover, the bio-product containing E.
oryzae 3LSO1 was also proved able to promote growth of
a commercial sugarcane variety Khon Kaen 3 with or
without N fertilizer under greenhouse condition.
Materials and Methods
Bacterial Preparation
The E. oryzae 3LSO1 inoculant was prepared by growing
in Luria–Bertani medium (LB, quantities per liter; 10 g
Tryptone, 5 g Yeast extract, and 5 g NaCl) with shaking at
30 °C for 8–10 h. Bacterial cells were harvested by cen-
trifuging at 65009gfor 20 min at 4 °C, and then re-sus-
pended in 600 mL fresh LB medium to make the inoculum.
The turbidity of the cell suspension was measured as
optical density at 620 nm (0.08 910
cfu/mL) with a
The vermiculite-base was packed in polypropylene bags
before autoclaving at 121 °C 15 lb/in
for 30 min (2 days
consecutive). A sub-sample of the carrier material was
analyzed to determine its initial characteristics [total N
(Kjeldahl), total P, K, Ca, and Mg (HNO
tion)]. To prepare each bag of bio-product, a 600-mL ali-
quot of the prepared bacterial inoculum was added to 2.5 L
sterile vermiculite, and mixed well under sterile conditions.
Storage and Analyses of Bio-product
All of the NFB bio-product bags were stored at 10 °C and
30 °C for 30 to 60 DAF. For analyses, a 5 g sample of each
NFB bio-product were collected at 0, 30, and 60 DAF and
suspended following serially diluted in 0.85 % normal
saline. Then, 0.1 mL aliquots of appropriate dilutions were
spread on N-free LGIP medium (quantities per liter; 0.2 g
, 0.6 g KH
, 0.2 g MgSO
O, 0.02 g
O, 0.002 g NaMoO
O, 0.01 g FeSO
5 ml of 0.5 % bromothymol blue in 0.2 N KOH, 100 g
sucrose, 15 g agar, and pH 7). The number of bacterial
colonies formed after 48 h incubation at 30 °C was used to
calculate as log cfu/g.
Greenhouse Experiment
Soil Preparation
Sandy soil (Oxic Paleustult; Yasothon series) was used in
these experiments. The soil was air dried for 7–14 days and
a representative sample (1 kg) was analyzed to determine
organic matter (Walkey and Black wet oxidation), total N
(Kjeldahl), available P (Bray II), exchangeable K, Ca, Mg
(ammonium acetate at pH 7), electrical conductivity (soil:
water, 1:10), and pH (soil: water, 1:1). The soil was ster-
ilized by fumigation with 40 % (v/v) formalin for 1 week
Sugar Tech
Author's personal copy
in a closed system. The formalin was allowed to evaporate
before the soil was used in the experiments and each pot
contained 13 kg soil.
Cane Preparation and Treatment
The commercial sugarcane variety Khon Kaen 3 was
selected for improving the effect of E. oryzae 3LSO1 bio-
products. Cane sett with a single bud (about 5 cm) was
planted horizontally in each pot. After 7 days, the E.
oryzae 3LSO1 bio-products that had been stored at 10 or
30 °C for 30 or 60 DAF was applied at a rate 151 kg/ha
(0.151 g/kg soil). Sterile vermiculite was added the same
rate for the control treatment. The experiments were
separated into twice of plantation by conducting in a
completely randomized design with three replicates. First
crop (December 23, 2011 to April 23, 2012), sugarcane
was applied with 30 day-old NFB bio-products containing
6 treatments (bio-products stored at 10, 30 °C and con-
trol 92 N levels). Second crop (January 23 to May 23,
2012), the plants were applied with 60 day-old NFB bio-
products also containing six treatments. Chemical fertil-
izer, urea nitrogen was applied at rates of 0 (PK) and 75
(NPK) kg N/ha (0, 0.075 g/kg soil, respectively), single
super phosphate at 0.3 g/kg soil, and potash at 1.6 g/kg
soil were applied to 30 day-old sugarcane plants in pots.
Plants were grown under greenhouse conditions at Faculty
of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University under natural light
and the moisture content of soil was adjusted with chlo-
rine-free water.
Effect of E. oryzae 3LSO1 Bio-products
after Planting
Detection of NFB Population
The NFB population of plants and soil after planting was
measured on N-free LGIP medium. Shoot and root of
plants were washed with tap water and surface-sterilized
with 5 % (v/v) chloramine T followed by 70 % (v/v)
ethanol, and finally rinsed three times in sterile distilled
water. Only shoot, the cane peel was removed with a sterile
sharp knife, and then tissue pieces were rinsed with 95 %
ethanol and flamed. Sterile shoot and root were rolled on
LB and N-free LGIP medium to verify appropriate surface
sterilization and then macerated in 5 % (w/v) sucrose
solution. Soil and extracted plant solution were diluted in
0.85 % normal saline followed by spreading on N-free
LGIP medium. The NFB population was counted after 48 h
incubation at 30 °C.
Measurement of Plant Growth and Soil Properties
Tiller number and plant height was recorded until 120 day
after planting (DAP). Above-ground plant parts were har-
vested close to the soil surface, and roots were dug from
the soil. The fresh weight of each sugarcane plant was
measured immediately upon collection, and the dry weight
was measured after oven drying to constant weight at
80 °C. Moreover, shoot and root of plants were examined
the accumulation of total N (Micro–Kjeldahl method), total
P, and total K (Wet oxidation method) contents. Soil
samples were collected near the sugarcane root and ana-
lyzed to determine organic matter (Walkey and Black wet
oxidation), total N (Micro–Kjeldahl method).
Statistical Analysis
All measurements were subjected to analyses of variance
(ANOVA) to determine the least significant difference.
Results and Discussion
Initial Vermiculite and Soil Characteristic
The physical and chemical properties of vermiculite and
Yasothon soil were presented in Table 1. The initial pH of
the carrier material was approximately neutral. The soil
had low nutrient contents, especially total N.
Table 1 Characteristics of vermiculite and soil
Sample pH EC
Percentage of element accumulation
Vermiculite 7.7 ND ND* 0.44* 5.02* 1.31* 0.93*
Soil 4.8 0.038 0.66 0.028* 15.31** 244.97*** 5.55*** 70.22***
ND not detected
Electrical conductivity (mS/cm)
OM organic matter
* Total, ** available; *** exchangeable
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E. oryzae 3LSO1 Population in Bio-products During
The result of counting NFB population in bio-products is
presented in Table 2. Before storing at 10 or 30 °C(0
DAF), each bio-product contained the E. oryzae 3LSO1
population average in log 7 cfu/g. The population rate of
this NFB strain in bio-products extremely increased (log
8–9 cfu/g) in the first 30 DAF, since the bacterial cells
were centrifuged and re-suspended in fresh LB medium
that might be the culture substrate to prolong shelf life of
NFB during stored. The populations at 60 DAF showed a
little bit increased from 30 DAF. Due to the properties and
structure of the vermiculite-base were inorganic and multi-
lamellate, it provided superior aeration and space for
microbial proliferation. Although the vermiculite base did
not support microbial growth because of its mineral nature
(Graham-Weiss et al. 1987), but NFB bio-products sup-
plemented with fresh culture substrate (LB medium) could
promote the growth of E. oryzae 3LSO1.
Effect of E. oryzae 3LSO1 Bio-products on NFB
The populations of NFB after planting (120 DAP) counted
on N-free LGIP medium is shown in Fig. 1. Soil, shoot and
Table 2 E. oryzae 3LSO1 population in the bio-product at 0, 30, and
60 DAF
Treatment E. oryzae 3LSO1 population (log cfu/g)
0 DAF 30 DAF 60 DAF
Bio-product 10 °C 7.42 9.35 9.44
Bio-product 30 °C 7.83 8.22 8.50
DAF days after formulation
+ PK
10 °C + PK
10 °C + NPK
30 °C + PK
30 °C + NPK
log cfu/g
Soil Shoot Root
+ PK
10 °C + PK
10 °C + NPK
30 °C + PK
30 °C + NPK
log cfu/g
Soil Shoot Root
Fig. 1 Effects of 30 (a) and 60
(b) DAF E.oryzae 3LSO1 bio-
products on NFB population at
120 DAP
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root of the treatments without inoculation the bio-products
(both 30 and 60 DAF) revealed a low NFB population not
more than 100 cfu/g. Generally, some species of NFB have
been widely discovered in un-inoculated sugarcane, but with
limited N
-fixation efficiency (Barraquio et al. 2000).
Planting sugarcane with bio-products, NFB population
detected in soil was higher (log 7–8 cfu/g) than in shoot (log
4–5 cfu/g) and root (log 3–5 cfu/g) of plant. Most bacterial
colony morphology found in soil and plant samples inocu-
lated with bio-products were found similar to E. oryzae.The
result revealed that E. oryzae could infect and colonize into
shoot and root playing role as endophytic bacteria. Cracks at
the root branching points and wounds on the root system
were probably the entry points for the bacterium to enter and
establish inside the plant (Sevilla et al. 1998,2001;James
2000). Studies have shown that soil microbial biomass
nitrogen increased during crop growth, with the highest
values at maturity (Shukla et al. 2013).
Effect of E. oryzae 3LSO1 Bio-products on Plant
N-fertilizer was found a key factor in control treatments
which confirmed the necessity of nitrogen element for plant
growth, since the treatment with no N-fertilizer (vermi-
culite ?PK) showed less tiller number, less plant height,
shoot and root fresh weight, shoot and root dry weight as
compared to the treatment with N-fertilizer (vermi-
culite ?NPK). On the other hand, application of E. oryzae
3LSO1 bio-products (both 30 DAF and 60 DAF) without
N-fertilizer (PK) exhibited more tiller numbers (over 75 %
increased), plant height (over 25 % increased), shoot and
root fresh weight (over 30 and 17 % increased, respec-
tively), shoot and root dry weight (over 32 and 60 %
increased, respectively) than the control treatment with
N-fertilizer (vermiculite ?NPK), respectively (Tables 3
and 4). These results suggested that E. oryzae 3LSO1 bio-
Table 3 Effect of 30 DAF E.oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product on plant growth at 120 DAP
Treatment Tiller no. Height (cm) Shoot (g) Root (g)
Fresh weight Dry weight Fresh weight Dry weight
Vermiculite ?PK 0.0
Vermiculite ?NPK 1.0
Bio-product 10 °C?PK 7.6
(86.8) 256.7
(31.3) 585.50
(61.3) 142.97
(38.8) 88.70
(57.2) 39.33
Bio-product 10 °C?NPK 4.0
(75.0) 265.0
(33.5) 558.70
(59.5) 154.56
(43.4) 96.76
(60.8) 52.23
Bio-product 30 °C?PK 6.6
(84.8) 235.0
(25.0) 558.93
(59.5) 136.22
(35.8) 136.26
(72.2) 57.00
Bio-product 30 °C?NPK 6.6
(84.8) 246.7
(28.5) 581.08
(61.1) 139.09
(37.1) 92.54
(59.0) 44.25
DAF days after formulation, DAP days after planting
Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different (p\0.05, Duncan’s test). Figure in bracket indicate percent
improvement over control
Table 4 Effect of 60 DAF E.oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product on plant growth at 120 DAP
Treatment Tiller no. Height (cm) Shoot (g) Root (g)
Fresh weight Dry weight Fresh weight Dry weight
Vermiculite ?PK 0.0
Vermiculite ?NPK 1.3
Bio-product 10 °C?PK 9.0
(85.6) 290.0
(32.8) 563.29
(50.4) 156.37
(43.6) 119.13
(19.8) 37.21
Bio-product 10 °C?NPK 10.3
(87.4) 288.3
(32.4) 614.82
(54.6) 165.33
(46.7) 130.29
(26.7) 45.75
Bio-product 30 °C?PK 9.0
(85.6) 293.3
(33.5) 663.56
(57.9) 209.64
(57.9) 115.90
(17.6) 33.07
Bio-product 30 °C?NPK 7.6
(82.9) 286.7
(32.0) 439.56
(36.5) 129.55
(31.9) 125.90
(24.1) 40.18
DAF days after formulation, DAP days after planting
Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different (p\0.05, Duncan’s test). Figure in bracket indicate percent
improvement over control
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products could not only promote growth, but also reduce
chemical N-fertilizer application for sugarcane plantation.
These findings indicated that bio-products were stable, and
the bacteria were capable of fixing atmospheric N into
significant amount that could be used for plant growth,
such as NH
. The phytohormones (indole-3-acetic acid)
produced by E. oryzae 3LSO1 was another factor in the
increased stem and root elongation of sugarcane plants as
reported by other workers (Koomnok et al. 2007; Arshad
and Frankenberger 1998).
Effect of E. oryzae 3LSO1 Bio-products on Nutrient
The results of effect of E. oryzae 3LSO1 on sugarcane
growth at 30 DAF and 60 DAF were found comparable.
Therefore, we used the sugarcane plants and soil of 60 DAF
bio-products to investigate the nutrient accumulation. All
bio-products significantly enhanced the accumulation of N,
P and K in shoot (Table 5). Every formulated NFB treat-
ment without N-fertilizer (PK) exhibited the N
ability to increase N-uptake in shoot by 46–62 % over the
control (Vermiculite ?NPK). In addition, only N and P of
root inoculated with E. oryzae 3LSO1 were increased over
50 and 23 %, respectively. Soil organic matter was com-
posed of microorganisms and plant residues. A high quantity
of NFB population detected in soil after planting (log 7 cfu/
g) increased the organic matter (8.2–12.4 %) and N
(33–38 %) as compared to the control treatments (Table 6).
The bioproduct efficacy of E. oryzae 3LSO1 strain devel-
oped in the study was stable and maintained NFB popu-
lation during storage with potential N
-fixation trait. The
efficacy of E. oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product was established
with sugarcane variety Khon Kaen 3 in low N content soil.
Overall, this E. oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product not only effi-
cient as a biologically nitrogen fertilizer for sugarcane
crops, but can also reduced chemical N-fertilizer applica-
tion for sustainable agriculture.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by Khon Kaen
University and Human Resource Development in Science Project
(Science Achievement Scholarship of Thailand, SAST).
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Table 5 Effect of 60 DAF E.oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product on plant nutrient accumulation at 120 DAP
Treatment Shoot (%) Root (%)
Total N Total P Total K Total N Total P Total K
Vermiculite ?PK 0.145
Vermiculite ?NPK 0.240
Bio-product 10 °C?PK 0.450
(46.7) 0.377
(55.7) 2.810
(51.2) 0.730
(60.5) 0.198
(34.8) 0.407
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(62.8) 0.455
(63.3) 3.027
(54.7) 0.736
(60.9) 0.172
(25.0) 0.568
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(64.5) 0.438
(61.9) 2.369
(42.1) 0.578
(50.2) 0.168
(23.2) 0.574
DAF days after formulation, DAP days after planting
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Table 6 Effect of 60 DAF E.oryzae 3LSO1 bio-product on soil
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Treatment Organic matter (%) Total N (%)
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(10.4) 0.0382
Bio-product 10 °C?NPK 0.826
(8.2) 0.0371
Bio-product 30 °C?PK 0.855
(11.3) 0.0369
Bio-product 30 °C?NPK 0.865
(12.4) 0.0356
DAF days after formulation, DAP days after planting
Values in the same column with different letters are significantly
different (p\0.05, Duncan’s test). Figure in bracket indicate percent
improvement over control
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Author's personal copy
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A field experiment was conducted during 2007–2010 at Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow to assess the magnitude of changes in soil physical, chemical and biological properties and crop yield with integration of FYM (organic) and inorganic fertilizer in sugarcane (plant-ratoon) system. Eight treatments of various inorganic and organic proportions were applied at the time of sugarcane planting and ratoon initiation in subsequent years. Application of 100 % N through organic showed lowest bulk density (1.30 Mg m−3) and highest infiltration rate (4.8 mm h−1). Soil organic carbon, nitrogen use efficiency and soil respiration rate improved with increasing proportion of organic with inorganic fertilizer. The higher soil microbial biomass carbon was analyzed at grand growth phase (August) of sugarcane crop as compared to tillering and maturity. Soil microbial biomass nitrogen increased with advancement in crop growth stages and the highest values were observed at maturity stage. Sugarcane yield increased with integration of organic and inorganic fertilizer and it showed long term sustainability in sugarcane based system.
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The population size of endophytic nitrogen fixing or diazotrophic bacteria was determined for three varieties of cultivated rice and four populations of wild rice. The dynamics of the bacterial populations from both types of rice was estimated at different stages of plant growth. The number of diazotrophic bacteria in roots, stems and leaves of all varieties of cultivated rice increased with ageing of the plants to a maximum at the heading stage (60 days after transplanting). However, nitrogenase activity could not be detected in bacterial isolates from cultivated rice. The highest bacterial population (5.25 × 10 6 per gram fresh material) was found in the roots of Oryza rufipogon, and this population showed the highest nitrogenase activity. In wild rice genotypes the populations of endophytic diazotrophs were stable, with the higher population in O. rufipogon as compared to O. rufipogon (18883) and O. nivara (18852). Cultures of diazotrophic bacteria were isolated and characterized as species of the genera Azospirillum, Herbaspirillum, Beijerinckia and Pseudomonas. All isolates were Gram negative and motile, and produced both pectinase and cellulase. Optimum growth and nitrogen fixation activity for Azospirillum sp. was recorded at 30-35 °C and pH 6.0-7.0, for Beijerinckia sp. at 25-30 °C and pH 6.0-7.5, and for Herbarspirillum sp. at 30-35 °C and pH 6.0-7.5.
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Six independent Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, non-spore-forming, nitrogen-fixing rod-shaped isolates were obtained from the root endosphere of rice grown at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and investigated in a polyphasic taxonomic study. The strains produced fatty acid patterns typical for members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Comparative sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA as well as rpoB genes allocated the strains to two well-defined groups within the genus Enterobacter, family Enterobacteriaceae. The analyses indicated Enterobacter radicincitans, Enterobacter arachidis and Enterobacter oryzae to be the closest related species. An RpoB (translated) protein comparison supported the placement in the genus Enterobacter and the relatedness of our isolates to the aforementioned species. Genomic DNA:DNA hybridization analyses and biochemical analyses provided further evidence that the novel strains belong to two new species within the genus Enterobacter. The two species can be differentiated from each other and from existing enteric species by acid production from L-rhamnose and D-melibiose, decarboxylation of ornithine and utilization of D-alanine, D-raffinose L-proline and L-aspartic acid, among other characteristics. Members of both species revealed capacities to colonise rice roots, including plant-growth-promoting capabilities such as an active supply of fixed nitrogen to the plant and solubilisation of inorganic phosphorus, next to traits allowing adaptation to the plant. Two novel proposed enterobacterial species, denominated Enterobacter oryziphilus sp. nov. (type strain REICA_142T=LMG 26429T=NCCB 100393T) and Enterobacter oryzendophyticus sp. nov. (type strain REICA_082T=LMG 26432T =NCCB 100390T) were isolated from rice roots. Both species are capable of promoting rice growth by supplying nitrogen and phosphorus.
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Agriculturally important grasses such as sugar cane (Saccharum sp.), rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum) sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), maize (Zea mays), Panicum maxi-mum, Brachiaria spp., and Pennisetum purpureum contain numerous diazotrophic bacteria, such as, Acetobacter diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum spp., Azospirillum spp. These bacteria do not usually cause disease symptoms in the plants with which they are associated and the more numerous of them, for example, Herbaspirillum spp. and A. diazotrophicus, are obligate or facultative endo-phytes that do not survive well (or at all) in native soil; these are thought to be spread from plant generation to plant generation via seeds, vegetative propagation, dead plant material, and possi-bly by insect sap feeders. By contrast, Azospirillum spp. are not wholly endophytic but are root-associated, soil-dwelling bacteria that are also often found within plants, probably entering host plants via seeds or via wounds/cracks at lateral root junctions. Endophytic diazotrophs have been isolated from a number of grasses in which significant biological N 2 fixation (BNF) has been demonstrated, particularly Brazilian sugar cane varieties, but also in rice, maize, and sorghum. However, although the endophytic diazotrophs are held to be the causative agents of the observed BNF, direct evidence for this is lacking. Therefore, in this review we examine probable sites of bacterial multiplication and/or BNF within endophyte-containing grasses and discuss these in terms of potential benefits (or not) to both host plants and bacteria. In particular, we examine how potentially large numbers of bacteria, especially Herbaspirillum spp., A. diazotrophicus, and Azo-spirillum spp., can exist extracellularly within non-specialized (for symbiotic purposes) regions such as xylem vessels and intercellular spaces. The processes of infection and colonization of various grasses (particularly sugar cane) by diazotrophic endophytes are also described, and these are compared with those of important (nondiazotrophic) endophytic sugar cane pathogens such as Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli and Xanthomonas albilineans.
When supplemented with a nutrient source and moisture, sterile finely ground vermiculite can be used to directly ferment bacterial cultures to prepare bacterial inoculants. All tested bacterial species, including Rhizobium japonicum, R. phaseoli, R. meliloti, R. leguminosarum, Bacillus megaterium, and several Pseudomonas strains, grew at least 10,000-fold in 1 week at room temperature. The final product was stable and had no special storage or handling requirements. Due to the unique properties of vermiculite, direct fermentation of bacteria on nutrient-supplemented vermiculite offers a reliable process for manufacturing bacterial inoculants.
Agriculturally important grasses such as sugar cane (Saccharum sp.), rice (Oryza sativa), wheat (Triticum aestivum) sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), maize (Zea mays), Panicum maximum, Brachiaria spp., and Pennisetum purpureum contain numerous diazotrophic bacteria, such as, Acetobacter diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum spp., Azospirillum spp. These bacteria do not usually cause disease symptoms in the plants with which they are associated and the more numerous of them, for example, Herbaspirillum spp. and A. diazotrophicus, are obligate or facultative endophytes that do not survive well (or at all) in native soil; these are thought to be spread from plant generation to plant generation via seeds, vegetative propagation, dead plant material, and possibly by insect sap feeders. By contrast, Azospirillum spp. are not wholly endophytic but are root-associated, soil-dwelling bacteria that are also often found within plants, probably entering host plants via seeds or via wounds/cracks at lateral root junctions. Endophytic diazotrophs have been isolated from a number of grasses in which significant biological N2 fixation (BNF) has been demonstrated, particularly Brazilian sugar cane varieties, but also in rice, maize, and sorghum. However, although the endophytic diazotrophs are held to be the causative agents of the observed BNF, direct evidence for this is lacking. Therefore, in this review we examine probable sites of bacterial multiplication and/or BNF within endophyte-containing grasses and discuss these in terms of potential benefits (or not) to both host plants and bacteria. In particular, we examine how potentially large numbers of bacteria, especially Herbaspirillum spp, A. diazotrophicus, and Azospirillum spp., can exist extracellularly within non-specialized (for symbiotic purposes) regions such as xylem vessels and intercellular spaces. The processes of infection and colonization of various grasses (particularly sugar cane) by diazotrophic endophytes are also described, and these are compared with those of important (nondiazotrophic) endophytic sugar cane pathogens such as Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli and Xanthomonas albilineans.
Due to energetic limitations the microbiological associative nitrogen fixation from the air is solely not able to cover the nitrogen demand of the plant. It is therefore necessary to find diazotrophic strains which are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen in presence of additional nitrogen sources and to excrete nitrogen into the surrounding medium. The diazotrophic strains Azospirillum sp. and Pantoea agglomerans were proved to fix N2 in presence of ammonium, nitrate, glutamine and glutamate in nutrient broth as sole nitrogen sources. Azospirillum sp. was completely inhibited in its nitrogenase activity after addition of 1 mM glutamine, 1 mM KNO3 and 2mM NH4Cl and higher concentrations of these nitrogen sources. The total inhibition of nitrogenase activity of Azospirillum sp. induced by 50 mg NH4+-N ∗ 1-1 was derepressed by simultaneous addition of L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine (MSX) the inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS).Pantoea agglomerans, however, showed a different response to ammonium, nitrate, glutamine and glutamic acid application than Azospirillum sp. The ammonium induced partial repression of nitrogenase activity was not derepressed by addition of MSX. Nitrogenase activity of P. agglomerans was stronger inhibited by glutamic acid than by ammonium or glutamine and was uneffected by nitrate.The nitrogenase activity analysed by acetylene reduction was compared to the amount of 15N2 incorporated into the bacterial biomass following incubation with 15N2 labelled air. The good correlation (r = 0.81*) of acetylene reduction activity and the amount of biologically fixed nitrogen (estimated by 15N2 incorporation measures with Azospirillum spp.) remains stable after the addition of 50 mg NO3- - N∗1-1 or 50 mg NH4+ - N ∗1-1. These results allowed us to use the acetylene reduction activity as a measure of biological nitrogen fixation by associative bacterial strains independent on the nitrogen source applied.
The chapter presents a discussion on plant growth-regulating (PGR) substances in the rhizosphere, with emphasis on microbial production and functions. The chapter discusses the rhizosphere as a site of plant-microbe interactions; plant growth-regulating substances and their sources; biochemistry of microbial production of PGRs; production of PGRs by rhizosphere microorganisms; metabolism of PGRs in soil; and ecological significance of PGRs produced in the rhizosphere. The chapter provides a better understanding of the mechanisms of actions of microbially derived PGRs and their interactions with plants. Moreover, development of hormone-deficient plant mutants can provide opportunities to clearly define the role of microbially produced PGRs in plan-microbe interactions. An understanding of these aspects can aid in the utilization of microbial PGRs for the betterment and benefit of sustainable agriculture.
Sugarbeet seeds used by farmers are often pelleted using an EBTM-based mix. During the pelleting process, the seeds are dried immediately after application of the mix. In this work, the effects of inoculum preparation and formulation on survival and biocontrol efficacy of Pseudomonas fluorescens F113Rif were investigated using a 1:1 EBTM/vermiculite mix and sugarbeet seeds pelleted with this material. Growing F113Rif for 3 d (28 °C) within the EBTM/vermiculite mix amended with nutrients (sucrose asparagine broth), instead of adding the cells to the unamended mix immediately before drying the mix or the pelleted sugarbeet seeds, resulted in improved survival of the strain in the mix or on the seeds, respectively, during subsequent storage. A slower drying (20 h instead of 3 h) of the F113Rif-inoculated EBTM/vermiculite mix to 11% w/w water content enhanced strain survival in the mix during storage, but the drying conditions studied had no effect on inoculant survival on the seed during storage when pelleted seeds were dried to 10% w/w water content. Biological control of damping-off disease of sugarbeet (caused by Pythium spp.) in soil microcosms was achieved when F113Rif was inoculated in the unamended mix 3 d before pelleting the seeds, but not when nutrient-amended mix was used. Inoculum preparation and drying of the formulation are key factors to consider when optimizing the use of a commercial EBTM/vermiculite seed formulation for delivery of a biocontrol Pseudomonas inoculant.
Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates that inhibited growth of Rhizoctonia solani, the rice sheath blight pathogen, were isolated from the rhizosphere of different crops. One of the most effective strains, PfALR2, was developed as an antibiotic resistant strain and a peat-based formulation was developed for this bacterium. The effective dose of a peat formulation was assessed for seed treatment, root treatment, soil application and foliar spraying. All individual treatments controlled the disease effectively. However, a combination of all four treatments resulted in the best sheath blight control in the greenhouse. In field trials, application of the peat-based formulation of PfALR2 effectively controlled the disease, increased yield, and efficacy was comparable to that of the commercially available fungicide, carbendazim.