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The entrepreneurial action



Since action is virtually absent from the scientific debate about entrepreneurship, the author has assumed the responsibility to restore its place, by situating it in the heart of ongoing thoughts. He intends in fact to develop a theory of action in the field of entrepreneurship, particularly through the reconciliation between the entrepreneurial know-what and know-how. Because since its inception, entrepreneurship research, while being closed on itself, has been established by contrasting with time the rational act, the normative act and the cognitive act, without managing to bringing them all together. The result has been a kind of fragmentation, and, even more, a dichotomy between the different beliefs and attitudes, which are probably hindering the development of knowledge on action and action based on knowledge. Thus, the entrepreneur finds himself separated from his own action. It seems therefore essential to seize this issue both globally and dialogically, through a systematic approach, in order to better understand the entrepreneur in his entire human complexity. The various parts of the book all serve one purpose: to prove that it is relevant and necessary to take into consideration the entrepreneur as the agent of his own action, driven by his own intentionality, rooted in his ecosystem and time, which directly influence what he undertakes. The entrepreneurial action could therefore be seen as a real awareness of all those proponents of action, which cannot be merely limited to the field of entrepreneurship, being by nature crossed by all kinds of actions of our human societies.
The entrepreneurial action
Author (s) : Christophe Schmitt
Introduced by : Louis Jacques Filion
Editions : Presses de lUniversité du Québec
Collection :Entrepreneurship and SME
Since action is virtually absent from the scientific debate about entrepreneurship, the author
has assumed the responsibility to restore its place, by situating it in the heart of ongoing
thoughts. He intends in fact to develop a theory of action in the field of entrepreneurship,
particularly through the reconciliation between the entrepreneurial know-what and know-
Because since its inception, entrepreneurship research, while being closed on itself, has been
established by contrasting with time the rational act, the normative act and the cognitive act,
without managing to bringing them all together. The result has been a kind of fragmentation,
and, even more, a dichotomy between the different beliefs and attitudes, which are probably
hindering the development of knowledge on action and action based on knowledge. Thus, the
entrepreneur finds himself separated from his own action.
It seems therefore essential to seize this issue both globally and dialogically, through a
systematic approach, in order to better understand the entrepreneur in his entire human
complexity. The various parts of the book all serve one purpose: to prove that it is relevant
and necessary to take into consideration the entrepreneur as the agent of his own action,
driven by his own intentionality, rooted in his ecosystem and time, which directly influence
what he undertakes. The entrepreneurial action could therefore be seen as a real awareness of
all those proponents of action, which cannot be merely limited to the field of
entrepreneurship, being by nature crossed by all kinds of actions of our human societies.
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Entrepreneurship research is still developing as a management science. This is especially visible when entrepreneurship research is compared to the disciplines from which it emerged, and it needs to develop its own methods and theories. Entrepreneurship research uses concepts garnered from diverse disciplines, which requires consideration of the central questions and the appropriate tools with which to study them. Several recommendations for research methods for an entrepreneurship paradigm are made: (1) less physics envy - avoid reductionism in entrepreneurship research and focus on the research as a whole through case studies; (2) fewer theoretical models and more empirical models - the present empirical knowledge of entrepreneurship research is inadequate for building robust theories; (3) less concern with sophisticated statistical analyses - entrepreneurial ventures begin with unique events and understanding them is one of the aims of entrepreneurship research. No amount of complex statistical analysis will substitute for field studies of the unique events; (4) more field research - entrepreneurship research will not get to the heart of the startup process unless it observed happening in the field; (5) more longitudinal studies - entrepreneurship is a process that evolves with time and doing only cross-sectional studies would cause much of the richness that comes from longitudinal studies to be lost; (6) dedicated researchers - better quality empirical research is needed that is exploratory or grounded and to achieve this more researchers are needed; (7) original field-derived data bases - it is difficult to do valid research on data bases that others have built since there may be unknown pitfalls, therefore entrepreneurship research should create its own data sets built from raw data; and (8) less obsession with revolutionary science - it is better to stress excellence in research, rather than glorifying extraordinary science and depreciating ordinary science. Excellent routine science is often more valuable than revolutionary science. (SFL)