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Law Enforcement Intelligence: A Guide for State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies, 2d ed.



A detailed description of the concepts and applications of the contemporary law enforcement intelligence process as used by state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies.
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... Дискутуючи з приводу визначення, Реткліфф стверджував, що ILP має мету як «… бізнес-модель і філософія управління, де аналіз даних і кримінальна розвідка є ключовими для об'єктивності системи прийняття рішень, що сприяє зниженню злочинності та проблем її усуненню, руйнуванню і запобіганню як через стратегічне управління, так і ефективні стратегії правозастосування, що спрямовуються на небезпечних злочинців» [10]. Хоча існує певна неоднозначність у визначенні ILP [11], ця концепція загалом зосереджена на аналізі та використанні розвідувальної інформації щодо злочинів для систематичного спрямування зусиль на зниження та запобігання злочинності [12,13,14]. Водночас ILP робить аналітичну розвідку ключовим визначальним фактором для розподілу ресурсів по всьому відомству [12]. ...
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The article focuses on the current issues of law enforcement reform based on the introduction of a new model of Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP). The essence of this model is briefly presented and important emphasis is placed on its successful implementation. The key subject of the study is the activities of fusion centers, which occupy an important place in the American law enforcement system precisely as the relevant content and an essential component of the implementation of the ILP philosophy. It is noted that fusion centers were created to serve as a single point of contact for obtaining information on crime, terrorism and information related to crime, terrorism and threats, for its analysis and dissemination in order to improve situational and operational awareness. Attention is focused on the processes of obtaining and exchanging intelligence analytical data between end users and fusion centers. It is emphasized that current research on a number of fusion center characteristics, including information sharing, relationships, and analytical functions, has contributed to the academic understanding of these new organizations, and has contextualized these functions as a component of local ILP efforts. The literature on intelligence- driven policing and law enforcement fusion centers argues that intelligence-driven policing can be improved by improving the dissemination of intelligence products from fusion centers. However, it is important to analyze the extent to which studies characterize the relationship between law enforcement agencies and fusion centers, how these analytical products are perceived and how useful they are to law enforcement agencies, and whether analytical products are further shared within law enforcement agencies.
... The intelligence cycle consists of six stages: 1) Direction/ tasking; 2) Collection; 3) Collation/Processing; 4) Evaluation; 5) GEOINT Analysis; and 6) Dissemination [113,118]. Although the components of the intelligence cycle are presented sequentially, they experience a continuous and dynamic flow in practice, which allows information to be processed through a logical and scientific methodology [119]. ...
... In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the U.S. government's responsive War on Terrorism, the police assumed vast intelligence and counterterrorism responsibilities. The police were called upon to help detect and deter terrorist activity and to share information with law enforcement and other officials at all levels of government (Carter, 2009;DHS, 2004;National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 2004;White House, 2002). The War on Terrorism metaphor used here reflects U.S. efforts to thwart terrorism beginning in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, including domestic counterterrorism initiatives and military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq (Belasco, 2014;Bush, 2010). ...
Police education must stay abreast of the nuances and changes in the field. This article identified three meta-focusing events: the Columbine High School shooting (1999); the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; and the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown (2014), which forever altered policing in the United States. Combined with other less discrete events and circumstances, these three events helped frame 21 st-century policing. The new norm of policing raised the questions: What do police officers need to know and what should they be able to do in the performance of their duties? What is the knowledge and base of policing as a profession? Using the Delphi technique, this study developed the intellectual infrastructure for an undergraduate degree in police studies. The results provide a basis for a core curriculum that supports professional police studies as opposed to criminal justice programs for educating police officers. ______________________________________________________________________________
... In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the U.S. government's responsive War on Terrorism, the police assumed vast intelligence and counterterrorism responsibilities. The police were called upon to help detect and deter terrorist activity and to share information with law enforcement and other officials at all levels of government (Carter, 2009;DHS, 2004;National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, 2004;White House, 2002). The War on Terrorism metaphor used here reflects U.S. efforts to thwart terrorism beginning in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, including domestic counterterrorism initiatives and military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq (Belasco, 2014;Bush, 2010). ...
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Police education must stay abreast of the nuances and changes in the field. This article identified three meta-focusing events: the Columbine High School shooting (1999); the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; and the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown (2014), which forever altered policing in the United States. Combined with other less discrete events and circumstances, these three events helped frame 21 st-century policing. The new norm of policing raised the questions: What do police officers need to know and what should they be able to do in the performance of their duties? What is the knowledge and base of policing as a profession? Using the Delphi technique, this study developed the intellectual infrastructure for an undergraduate degree in police studies. The results provide a basis for a core curriculum that supports professional police studies as opposed to criminal justice programs for educating police officers. ______________________________________________________________________________
... Furthermore, they have not commuted to the area, which can distort the profile and prevents the final condition; which is that the offenses are spread evenly around the home or base (Rossmo, 2000). These assumptions have also been supported by other scholars who have suggested that offending needs to remain localized, geographically stable, and committed within a confined area (Carter, 2004;D. Canter & Hammond, 2006). ...
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Geographical profiling is a form of crime analysis that can be used to help predict the area within which the home or base of a serial offender resides. Police services globally have incorporated it into their crime analysis capabilities but there remains limited research on how this has been achieved. In this article, we interview 10 geographical profilers working in the field to gather their experiences of the operational use of geographical profiling. Implementation theory is used as the theoretical framework to analyze the interviews. As a result, we identify a field with the potential to add value to criminal investigations, but a lack of knowledge and awareness of frontline officers and staff about the novel capability is affecting its use. In addition, issues relating to technology, tasking acceptance criteria, and methods of data collection create compounding factors serving to potentially reduce its contribution. We provide recommendations to address them including greater levels of training, a loosening of theoretical constraints, academic collaboration, and embracing free-to-access technology and heuristic methods as potential ways to improve the application.
İstihbarat çalışmaları son yıllarda artan akademik ilginin bir sonucu olarak giderek artan bir konu çeşitliliğine kavuşmuştur. Bunun bir örneğini teşkil eden iç güvenlik istihbaratı, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde gerçekleşen 11 Eylül saldırılarından bu yana özellikle terörle mücadele gündemi kapsamında öne çıkan konulardan birisi olmuştur. İç güvenlik konularına ilişkin yeni bir istihbarat gündemi veya kurumuna alan açmanın gerekli olup olmadığı halen tartışmalıdır. Bununla birlikte farklı ülkelerden birçok hükümet görevlisi ve akademisyen artan terörizm ve sınır aşan suç tehdidinin iç güvenlik ajandasına daha kapsamlı bir bakış gerektirdiğini vurgulamaktadır. Bu noktada, kolluk istihbaratı ve istihbarata dayalı polislik faaliyetlerini sürdüren polis teşkilatlarının önemi giderek artmaktadır. Polis teşkilatlarının iç güvenlik istihbaratına katkısını olumlu veya olumsuz yönden etkileyen pek çok husus olabilir. Alandaki karşılaştırmalı çalışmalar neticesinde, kolluk yapısı, istihbarat eğitimi, istihbarat topluluğu ile bütünleşme ve adli yargı makamları ve kolluk birimleriyle ilişki başlıklarının bahsedilen bu katkının ne ölçüde olduğuna karar vermeye uygun başlıca değişkenler olduğu görülmektedir. Türk Polis Teşkilatı’nın (EGM) bir parçası olan İstihbarat Başkanlığı (EGMİB), bir polis istihbarat kurumunun iç güvenlik istihbaratı ve milli güvenlik istihbaratı alanlarına katkısını incelemek adına verimli bir örnektir.
This chapter reviews the police response to terrorism. There are 12 sections to this chapter. The first section of the chapter examines the background of terrorism, and the second section examines how counterterrorism strategies are developed. The role that the police have in countering terrorism is then presented followed by a discussion on how prepared the police are to respond to terrorism. The use of Community-Oriented Policing and Intelligence-led Policing to prevent terrorism is discussed next. The last sections of this chapter investigate the practical aspects of responding to terrorism, the approaches that the United Kingdom have adopted to counter terrorism, and the prevention of terrorism.
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The use of covert human resources by criminalistics agencies in the investigation of world crime has always been topical. The work is about the criminalistics human intelligence source which is recruited and led by criminalistics agencies to collect the information's about the criminal activities inside the national states and at the international level. The work is opening the door to the scientists research into the field wrapped by a, veil of secrecy. The work has the methodological approach which applicates the analysis method of content, historical descriptions and comparisons to take a view of conceptual determination of human intelligence source. The research has shown scientific and theoretical approach to date, which a human intelligence source is observing as the covert opening activity. The theoretical research results provide a general perspective which helps to understand the intelligence source, with an explanation of the necessary elements that build it.
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Uno de los aspectos más importantes en la configuración de un sistema de inteligencia policial tiene que ver con la identificación y explotación de las fuentes de inteligencia. El presente trabajo pretende realizar una aproximación a las fuentes disponibles dentro de las funciones y obligaciones prestablecidas para las instituciones policiales en México, lo cual constituye un verdadero reto desde el punto de vista normativo y estructural.
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