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Draft Genome Sequences of Anaerolinea thermolimosa IMO-1, Bellilinea caldifistulae GOMI-1, Leptolinea tardivitalis YMTK-2, Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, Longilinea arvoryzae KOME-1, Previously Described as Members of the Class Anaerolineae (Chloroflexi)

  • National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan


Members of the class Anaerolineae in the bacterial phylum Chloroflexi are widespread in a range of ecosystems but remain poorly understood. We present here the draft genome sequences of the type strains of five Anaerolineae species, Anaerolinea thermolimosa IMO-1, Bellilinea caldifistulae GOMI-1, Leptolinea tardivitalis YMTK-2, Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, and Longilinea arvoryzae KOME-1.
Draft Genome Sequences of Anaerolinea thermolimosa IMO-1,
Bellilinea caldifistulae GOMI-1, Leptolinea tardivitalis YMTK-2,
Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, Longilinea arvoryzae KOME-1,
Previously Described as Members of the Class Anaerolineae
Norihisa Matsuura,
Dieter M. Tourlousse,
Akiko Ohashi,
Philip Hugenholtz,
Yuji Sekiguchi
Biomedical Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
; Australian Centre for Ecogenomics,
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia
; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of
Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia
Members of the class Anaerolineae in the bacterial phylum Chloroflexi are widespread in a range of ecosystems but remain
poorly understood. We present here the draft genome sequences of the type strains of five Anaerolineae species, Anaerolinea
thermolimosa IMO-1, Bellilinea caldifistulae GOMI-1, Leptolinea tardivitalis YMTK-2, Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, and
Longilinea arvoryzae KOME-1.
Received 2 August 2015 Accepted 5 August 2015 Published 17 September 2015
Citation Matsuura N, Tourlousse DM, Ohashi A, Hugenholtz P, Sekiguchi Y. 2015. Draft genome sequences of Anaerolinea thermolimosa IMO-1, Bellilinea caldifistulae GOMI-1,
Leptolinea tardivitalis YMTK-2, Levilinea saccharolytica KIBI-1, Longilinea arvoryzae KOME-1, previously described as members of the class Anaerolineae (Chloroflexi). Genome
Announc 3(5):e00975-15. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00975-15.
Copyright © 2015 Matsuura et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Address correspondence to Yuji Sekiguchi,
Members of the class Anaerolineae are cosmopolitan bacteria
found in various ecosystems, suggesting their functional im-
portance (1). Currently, 10 Anaerolineae species have been iso-
lated and characterized (2–8). However, the genome sequence of
only a single species, Anaerolinea thermophila (strain UNI-1), has
been available. To further expand the knowledge on the genomic
diversity of the Anaerolineae, we generated draft genomes of five
previously described isolates. Two represent the type strains of
thermophilic species, Anaerolinea thermolimosa (strain IMO-1)
and Bellilinea caldifistulae (strain GOMI-1), isolated from ther-
mophilic anaerobic waste/wastewater treatment systems (3,4).
The others are the type strains of mesophilic species, Leptolinea
tardivitalis (strain YMTK-2), Levilinea saccharolytica (strain KIBI-
1), and Longilinea arvoryzae (strain KOME-1), isolated from
mesophilic anaerobic wastewater treatment systems or Japanese
paddy field soil (3,4).
Nextera XT paired-end (300 to 700 bp) and Nextera mate-pair
(2 to 10 kbp) libraries were prepared from the genomic DNA of
each strain. Pooled libraries were sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq
(2 250-bp reads) at an expected coverage of 50and 10
per genome for the paired-end and mate-pair libraries, respec-
tively. The sequence reads were merged with SeqPrep with con-
current removal of sequencing adapters. Unmerged reads were
quality trimmed and filtered using Nesoni version 0.112. SPAdes
version 2.5.0 (9) was used for assembly, and further scaffolding
and refinement were performed as described previously (10). Ge-
nome annotations were generated within the Integrated Microbial
Genomes platform (11).
The assembly of the A. thermolimosa IMO-1 genome consists
of 81 contigs in 6 scaffolds (coverage, 180); the total size is
4,173,865 bp, and the GC content is 53.72%. The assembly of
the B. caldifistulae GOMI-1 genome consists of 43 contigs in a
single scaffold (coverage, 180); the total size is 3,698,317 bp, and
the GC content is 52.18%. The assembly of the L. tardivitalis
YMTK-2 genome consists of 15 contigs in 15 scaffolds (coverage,
230); the total size is 3,687,036 bp, and the GC content is
46.82%. The assembly of the L. saccharolytica KIBI-1 genome con-
sists of 196 contigs in 4 scaffolds (coverage, 200); the total size is
4,249,622 bp, and the GC content is 57.36%. The assembly of
the L. arvoryzae KOME-1 genome consists of 25 contigs in 2 scaf-
folds (coverage, 60); the total size is 4,438,311 bp, and the GC
content is 56.84%. The genomes are predicted to contain between
3,301 (L. tardivitalis YMTK-2) and 3,888 (L. arvoryzae KOME-1)
protein-coding genes and between 54 (L. tardivitalis YMTK-2)
and 64 (A. thermolimosa IMO-1) RNAs. The availability of these
genomes will contribute to our understanding of the metabolic
potential and possible ecological roles of members of the class
Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. These whole-genome
shotgun projects have been deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank un-
der the accession numbers BBXW00000000,BBXX00000000,
BBXY00000000,BBXZ00000000, and BBYA00000000 for A. ther-
molimosa IMO-1 JCM 12577, B. caldifistulae GOMI-1 JCM
13669, L. arvoryzae KOME-1 JCM 13670, L. saccharolytica
KIBI-1 JCM 12578, and L. tardivitalis YMTK-2 JCM 12579,
respectively. The versions described in this paper are versions
BBXW01000000, BBXX01000000, BBXY01000000, BBXZ01000000,
and BBYA01000000.
Genome AnnouncementsSeptember/October 2015 Volume 3 Issue 5 e00975-15 1
This research was partly supported by a grant-in-aid for JSPS Fellows from
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to N.M.
1. Yamada T, Sekiguchi Y. 2009. Cultivation of uncultured Chloroflexi
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crobes Environ 24:205–216.
2. Sekiguchi Y, Yamada T, Hanada S, Ohashi A, Harada H, Kamagata Y.
2003. Anaerolinea thermophila gen. nov., sp. nov. and Caldilinea aerophila
gen. nov., sp. nov., novel filamentous thermophiles that represent a pre-
viously uncultured lineage of the domain Bacteria at the subphylum level.
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 53:1843–1851.
3. Yamada T, Sekiguchi Y, Hanada S, Imachi H, Ohashi A, Harada H,
Kamagata Y. 2006. Anaerolinea thermolimosa sp. nov., Levilinea saccharo-
lytica gen. nov., sp. nov. and Leptolinea tardivitalis gen. nov., sp. nov.,
novel filamentous anaerobes, and description of the new classes An-
aerolineae classis nov. and Caldilineae classis nov. in the bacterial phylum
Chloroflexi. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 56:1331–1340.
4. Yamada T, Imachi H, Ohashi A, Harada H, Hanada S, Kamagata Y,
Sekiguchi Y. 2007. Bellilinea caldifistulae gen. nov., sp. nov. and Longilinea
arvoryzae gen. nov., sp. nov., strictly anaerobic, filamentous bacteria of the
phylum Chloroflexi isolated from methanogenic propionate-degrading
consortia. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 57:2299–2306.
5. Podosokorskaya OA, Bonch-Osmolovskaya EA, Novikov AA, Kol-
ganova TV, Kublanov IV. 2013. Ornatilinea apprima gen. nov., sp. nov.,
a cellulolytic representative of the class Anaerolineae. Int J Syst Evol Mi-
crobiol 63:86–92.
6. Nunoura T, Hirai M, Miyazaki M, Kazama H, Makita H, Hirayama H,
Furushima Y, Yamamoto H, Imachi H, Takai K. 2013. Isolation and
characterization of a thermophilic, obligately anaerobic and heterotrophic
marine Chloroflexi bacterium from a Chloroflexi-dominated microbial
community associated with a Japanese shallow hydrothermal system, and
proposal for Thermomarinilinea lacunofontalis gen. nov., sp. nov. Mi-
crobes Environ 28:228 –235.
7. Grégoire P, Fardeau ML, Joseph M, Guasco S, Hamaide F, Biasutti S,
Michotey V, Bonin P, Ollivier B. 2011. Isolation and characterization of
Thermanaerothrix daxensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic anaerobic
bacterium pertaining to the phylum Chloroflexi,” isolated from a deep
hot aquifer in the Aquitaine basin. Syst Appl Microbiol 34:494497.
8. Imachi H, Sakai S, Lipp JS, Miyazaki M, Saito Y, Yamanaka Y, Hinrichs
KU, Inagaki F, Takai K. 2014. Pelolinea submarina gen. nov., sp. nov., an
anaerobic, filamentous bacterium of the phylum Chloroflexi isolated from
subseafloor sediment. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 64:812– 818. http://
9. Bankevich A, Nurk S, Antipov D, Gurevich AA, Dvorkin M, Kulikov
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10. Sekiguchi Y, Ohashi A, Parks DH, Yamauchi T, Tyson GW, Hugenholtz
P. 2015. First genomic insights into members of a candidate bacterial
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Matsuura et al.
Genome September/October 2015 Volume 3 Issue 5 e00975-15
... 20 , which is a marine bacterium) correspond to soil bacteria, e.g. Glycomyces xiaoerkulensis 21 , Longilinea arvoryzae 22 and Streptosporangium roseum 23 . HGT among soil bacteria is rampant involving IncP-and IncPromA-type broad host range plasmids 24 . ...
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Plant subtilases (SBTs) are a widely distributed family of serine proteases which participates in plant developmental processes and immune responses. Although SBTs are divided into seven subgroups in plants, their origin and evolution, particularly in green algae remain elusive. Here, we present a comprehensive large-scale evolutionary analysis of all subtilases. The plant subtilases SBT1-5 were found to be monophyletic, nested within a larger radiation of bacteria suggesting that they originated from bacteria by a single horizontal gene transfer (HGT) event. A group of bacterial subtilases comprising representatives from four phyla was identified as a sister group to SBT1-5. The phylogenetic analyses, based on evaluation of novel streptophyte algal genomes, suggested that the recipient of the HGT of bacterial subtilases was the common ancestor of Coleochaetophyceae, Zygnematophyceae and embryophytes. Following the HGT, the subtilase gene duplicated in the common ancestor and the two genes diversified into SBT2 and SBT1, 3–5 respectively. Comparative structural analysis of homology-modeled SBT2 proteins also showed their conservation from bacteria to embryophytes. Our study provides the first molecular evidence about the evolution of plant subtilases via HGT followed by a first gene duplication in the common ancestor of Coleochaetophyceae, Zygnematophyceae, and embryophytes, and subsequent expansion in embryophytes.
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Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions are a major source of gaseous nitrogen loss, causing environmental pollution. The low organic content in the Loess Plateau region, coupled with the high fertilizer demand of maize, further exacerbates these N losses. N fertilizers play a primary role in N 2 O emissions by influencing soil denitrifying bacteria, however, the underlying microbial mechanisms that contribute to N 2 O emissions have not been fully explored. Therefore, the research aimed to gain insights into the intricate relationships between N fertilization, soil denitrification, N 2 O emissions, potential denitrification activity (PDA), and maize nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in semi-arid regions. Four nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates, namely N0, N1, N2, and N3 (representing 0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha ⁻¹ yr. ⁻¹ , respectively) were applied to maize field. The cumulative N 2 O emissions were 32 and 33% higher under N2 and 37 and 39% higher under N3 in the 2020 and 2021, respectively, than the N0 treatment. N fertilization rates impacted the abundance, composition, and network of soil denitrifying communities ( nirS and nosZ ) in the bulk and rhizosphere soil. Additionally, within the nirS community, the genera Cupriavidus and Rhodanobacter were associated with N 2 O emissions. Conversely, in the nosZ denitrifier, the genera Azospirillum , Mesorhizobium , and Microvirga in the bulk and rhizosphere soil reduced N 2 O emissions. Further analysis using both random forest and structural equation model (SEM) revealed that specific soil properties (pH, NO 3 ⁻ -N, SOC, SWC, and DON), and the presence of nirS -harboring denitrification, were positively associated with PDA activities, respectively, and exhibited a significant association to N 2 O emissions and PDA activities but expressed a negative effect on maize NUE. However, nosZ -harboring denitrification showed an opposite trend, suggesting different effects on these variables. Our findings suggest that N fertilization promoted microbial growth and N 2 O emissions by increasing the abundance of nirS and nosZ denitrifiers and altering the composition of their communities. This study provides new insights into the relationships among soil microbiome, maize productivity, NUE, and soil N 2 O emissions in semi-arid regions.
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Nitrite reductase (Nir) and nitric oxide reductase (NOR) are the two central enzymes in denitrification, a key process in the global nitrogen cycle. This study identifies a novel Nir domain architecture and expanded diversity in a rarely reported nitric oxide reductase variant (eNOR) in members of the bacterial phylum Chloroflexi. Abstract Denitrification plays a central role in the global nitrogen cycle, reducing and removing nitrogen from marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The flux of nitrogen species through this pathway has a widespread impact, affecting ecological carrying capacity, agriculture, and climate. Nitrite reductase (Nir) and nitric oxide reductase (NOR) are the two central enzymes in this pathway. Here we present a previously unreported Nir domain architecture in members of phylum Chloroflexi. Phylogenetic analyses of protein domains within Nir indicate that an ancestral horizontal transfer and fusion event produced this chimeric domain architecture. We also identify an expanded genomic diversity of a rarely reported NOR subtype, eNOR. Together, these results suggest a greater diversity of denitrification enzyme arrangements exist than have been previously reported.
Denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) not only mitigates methane emission from wastewater treatment, but compensates for the deficiency of current nitrogen removal process. However, the doubling time of DAMO microbes is usually more than two weeks, resulting in a long-period startup of a methane-dependent denitrification reactor especially with anaerobic sludge as inoculum. The study presented here found that, in the presence of magnetite, the nitrate removal rate reached 17.6 ± 0.4 mgNO3⁻-N/L/d after the 120-day experiments, which was approximately 2.4 folds higher than that in the absence of magnetite (7.3 ± 0.1 mgNO3⁻-N/L/d). The nitrate removal rate in the presence of magnetite reached 7-8 mgNO3⁻-N/L/d at day 80-85, which shortened the startup periods of approximately 35-40 days. Microbial morphology based on scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope showed that, the surface of cells was deposited by magnetite and they might be connected via magnetite. Further investigations via cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy showed that magnetite mediated an electrically connected community with a higher capacitance and lower resistance than that in the absence of magnetite. Microbial community analysis showed that, in the presence of magnetite, the potential DAMO bacteria (Methylacidimicrobium and Methylotetracoccus species), methanogens (Methanothrix species) as well as nitrate-reducing bacteria (Bellilinea and Dechloromonas species) were enriched. They might participate in direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) via magnetite substituting for c-type cytochromes as the electrical connection components, since methane oxidation in the presence of magnetite was insensitive to the external addition of potential intermediates, such as hydrogen.
Chapter'ne.a. Gr. adj. leptos fine; L. fem. n. linea line; N.L. fem. n. Leptolinea fine, line‐shaped organism. Chloroflexi / Anaerolineae / Anaerolineales / Anaerolineaceae / Leptolinea Multicellular filaments are longer than 100 µm and thinner than 0.2 µm. Cells are gram‐negative, nonspore‐forming, and nonmotile. Optimum growth occurs at 37°C and pH 7.0. Strictly anaerobic chemoorganoheterotroph. Growth is not observed under both phototrophic and aerobic conditions. Yeast extract is required for growth. In the presence of yeast extract, sugars and proteinaceous carbon sources are utilized, although fatty acids, alcohols, and aromatic compounds do not support growth. Nitrate, fumarate, sulfate, sulfite, elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, and Fe (III)‐nitrilotriacetate (NTA) are not used as electron accepters. Cocultivation with hydrogenotrophic methanogens does not enhance growth. Known habitats are mesophilic anaerobic sludge. Leptolinea ‐like environmental 16S rRNA gene sequences have been recovered from mesophilic anaerobic sludges and contaminated aquifer sediments. DNA G + C content (mol%) : 46.8% (draft genome sequence). Type species : Leptolinea tardivitalis Yamada, Sekiguchi, Hanada, Imachi, Ohashi, Harada and Kamagata 2006, 1339 VP
Chapter'ne.a. L. adj. bellus beautiful; L. fem. n. linea line; N.L. fem. n. Bellilinea beautiful line‐shaped organism. Chloroflexi / Anaerolineae / Anaerolineales / Anaerolineaceae / Bellilinea Multicellular filaments range from 0.2 to 0.4 µm in width and longer than 100 µm. Cells are nonmotile, nonspore‐forming, and Gram‐negative. Growth occurs under thermophilic and neutrophilic conditions; optimum growth occurs at 55°C and pH 7.0. Neither phototrophic nor aerobic growth is observed. Strictly anaerobic chemoorganoheterotroph. Yeast extract is required for growth. In the presence of yeast extract, sugars, proteinaceous carbon sources, and pyruvate are used for growth. Fatty acids, alcohols, and aromatic compounds do not support growth. Under anaerobic conditions, electron accepters are not utilized. Syntrophic cultivation with hydrogenotrophic methanogens enhances the growth rate. Known habitat is thermophilic anaerobic sludge. DNA G + C content (mol%) : 52.2% (draft genome sequence). Type species : Bellilinea caldifistulae Yamada, Imachi, Ohashi, Hanada, Harada, Kamagata and Sekiguchi 2007, 2302 VP .
Chapter'ne.a. L. adj. longus long; L. fem. n. linea line; N.L. fem. n. Longilinea long line‐shaped organism. Chloroflexi / Anaerolineae / Anaerolineales / Anaerolineaceae/ Longilinea The genus Longilinea are multicellular filaments and are longer than 100 µm and 0.4–0.6 µm in width. Cells are nonspore‐forming, nonmotile, and stain Gram‐negative. Optimal growth occurs at 37°C and pH 7.0. Strains are chemoheterotrophic and grow under strictly anaerobic conditions. Neither phototrophic nor aerobic growth is observed. Yeast extract is required for growth. In the presence of yeast extract, proteinaceous carbon sources and a limited range of sugars are used for growth. Fatty acids, alcohols, and aromatic compounds do not support growth. Nitrate, fumarate, sulfate, sulfite, elemental sulfur, thiosulfate and Fe(III)‐nitrilotriacetate (NTA) are not utilized as electron acceptors. Growth is stimulated in cocultivation with mesophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Rice paddy soil is the known habitat. Longilinea‐like 16S rRNA gene phylotypes has been also recovered from high molecular weight‐polycyclic aromatic‐degrading hydrocarbon‐contaminated sediment microbial fuel cells and tetrachloroethene‐dechlorinating consortia. DNA G + C content (mol%) : 56.8% (draft genome sequence). Type species : Longilinea arvoryzae Yamada, Imachi, Ohashi, Hanada, Harada, Kamagata and Sekiguchi 2007, 2304 VP
Chapter'ne.a. L. adj. levis smooth; L. fem. n. linea line; N.L. fem. n. Levilinea smooth, line‐shaped organism Chloroflexi / Anaerolineae / Anaerolineales / Anaerolineaceae / Levilinea Multicellular filaments are longer than 100 µm and 0.4–0.5 µm in width. Cells are nonmotile and non‐spore formation, and are Gram‐negative. Optimal growth occurs at 37°C and pH 7.0. Strictly anaerobic chemoorganoheterotroph. Yeast extract is required for growth. In the presence of yeast extract, sugars and proteinaceous carbon sources are utilized for growth. Fatty acids, alcohols, and aromatic compounds are not utilized. Anaerobic respiration is not observed; nitrate, fumarate, sulfate, sulfite, elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, and Fe (III)‐nitrilotriacetate (NTA) are not used as terminal electron acceptors. Growth is not stimulated in cocultivation with mesophilic hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Mesophilic anaerobic sludge the known habitat. DNA G + C content (mol%) : 57.4% (draft genome sequence). Type species : Levilinea saccharolytica Yamada, Sekiguchi, Hanada, Imachi, Ohashi, Harada and Kamagata 2006, 1338 VP
A novel slow-growing, facultatively anaerobic, filamentous bacterium, strain MO-CFX2T, was isolated from a methanogenic microbial community in a continuous-flow bioreactor that was established from subseafloor sediment collected off the Shimokita Peninsula of Japan. Cells were multicellular filamentous, non-motile and Gram-stain-negative. The filaments were generally more than 20 µm (up to approximately 200 µm) long and 0.5-0.6 µm wide. Cells possessed pili-like structures on the cell surface and a multilayer structure in the cytoplasm. Growth of the strain was observed at 20-37 °C (optimum, 30 °C), pH 5.5-8.0 (pH 6.5-7.0), and 0-30 g l-1 NaCl (5 g l-1 NaCl). Under optimum growth conditions, doubling time and maximum cell density were estimated to be approximately 19 days and ~105 cells ml-1, respectively. Strain MO-CFX2T grew chemoorganotrophically on a limited range of organic substrates in anaerobic conditions. The major cellular fatty acids were saturated C16 : 0 (47.9 %) and C18 : 0 (36.9 %), and unsaturated C18 : 1ω9c (6.0 %) and C16 : 1ω7 (5.1 %). The G+C content of genomic DNA was 63.2 mol%. 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic analysis showed that strain MO-CFX2T shares a notably low sequence identity with its closest relatives, which were Thermanaerothrix daxensis GNS-1T and Thermomarinilinea lacunifontana SW7T (both 85.8 % sequence identity). Based on these phenotypic and genomic properties, we propose the name Aggregatilinea lenta gen. nov., sp. nov. for strain MO-CFX2T (=KCTC 15625T, =JCM 32065T). In addition, we also propose the associated family and order as Aggregatilineaceae fam. nov. and Aggregatilineales ord. nov., respectively.
Chapter'ne.a. L. masc. n. flexus bending; L. fem. n. linea a line; N.L. fem. n. Flexilinea a flexible line‐shaped organism. Chloroflexi / Anaerolineae / Anaerolineales / Anaerolineaceae / Flexilinea Gram‐negative, nonmotile, and nonsporulating. Forms multicellular filaments. Strictly anaerobic. Fermentative growth on a range of carbohydrates, including starch. External electron acceptors not utilized, but coculture with hydrogen‐scavenging methanogens enhances growth. Contains a single species with validly published name, the type species Flexilinea flocculi. Isolated from methanogenic sludge in a mesophilic reactor treating high‐strength organic wastewater. The genome sequence of the type strain of F. flocculi is 3.5 Mb in length, has a G + C content of 41.3%, and contains 2,793 protein‐encoding and 56 RNA genes. Phylogenetically belongs to the class Anaerolineae within the bacterial phylum Chloroflexi. Shares less than 90% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with previously characterized Anaerolineae species. Known habitat is mesophilic anaerobic sludge. DNA G + C content (mol%): 41.3 (genome sequence), 42.1 (HPLC). Type species: Flexilinea flocculi Sun, Toyonaga, Ohashi, Matsuura, Tourlousse, Meng, Tamaki, Hanada, Cruz, Yamaguchi and Sekiguchi 2016, 993VP.
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Filamentous cells belonging to the candidate bacterial phylum KSB3 were previously identified as the causative agent of fatal filament overgrowth (bulking) in a high-rate industrial anaerobic wastewater treatment bioreactor. Here, we obtained near complete genomes from two KSB3 populations in the bioreactor, including the dominant bulking filament, using differential coverage binning of metagenomic data. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with 16S rRNA-targeted probes specific for the two populations confirmed that both are filamentous organisms. Genome-based metabolic reconstruction and microscopic observation of the KSB3 filaments in the presence of sugar gradients indicate that both filament types are Gram-negative, strictly anaerobic fermenters capable of non-flagellar based gliding motility, and have a strikingly large number of sensory and response regulator genes. We propose that the KSB3 filaments are highly sensitive to their surroundings and that cellular processes, including those causing bulking, are controlled by external stimuli. The obtained genomes lay the foundation for a more detailed understanding of environmental cues used by KSB3 filaments, which may lead to more robust treatment options to prevent bulking.
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A novel, anaerobic filamentous bacterium, strain MO-CFX1(T), was isolated from a methanogenic community, which was originally established from subseafloor sediments collected from off the Shimokita Peninsula, Japan. Cells were non-spore-forming, non-motile, Gram-negative, and filaments. The filaments were longer than 10 μm and 130-150 nm in width. Growth of the strain was observed at 10-37°C (optimum 25-30°C), at pH 5.5-8.5 (optimum pH 7.0), and in 0-50 g l(-1) (w/v) NaCl (optimum 15 g l(-1) NaCl). The strain was able to grow with a number of carbohydrates in the presence of yeast extract. The major cellular fatty acids were monounsaturated C18:1ω9, C16:1ω7, and saturated C18:0 and C16:0. The intact polar lipids of the strain were dominated by diacylglyceride and sphingolipid core lipid structures with monoglycosidic, mixed phospho-monoglycosidic, and fatty-acid modified monoglycosidic polar head groups. The G + C content of the genomic DNA was 52.4 mol%. Based on the comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain MO-CFX1(T) was affiliated with the class Anaerolineae within the phylum Chloroflexi and was most closely related to Leptolinea tardivitalis YMTK-2(T) (sequence identity of 91.0%). Based on phenotypic and genetic properties of the new isolate, we propose a new species representing a new genus Pelolinea submarina gen. nov., sp. nov., for strain MO-CFX1(T) (=JCM 17238(T), =KCTC 5975(T)). This is the first formal description of an isolate of the phylum Chloroflexi from the deep-sea sedimentary environment.
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IMG/M ( provides support for comparative analysis of microbial community aggregate genomes (metagenomes) in the context of a comprehensive set of reference genomes from all three domains of life, as well as plasmids, viruses and genome fragments. IMG/M’s data content and analytical tools have expanded continuously since its first version was released in 2007. Since the last report published in the 2012 NAR Database Issue, IMG/M’s database architecture, annotation and data integration pipelines and analysis tools have been extended to copewith the rapid growth in the number and size of metagenome data sets handled by the system. IMG/M data marts provide support for the analysis of publicly available genomes, expert review of metagenome annotations (IMG/M ER: and Human Microbiome Project (HMP)-specific metagenome samples (IMG/M HMP:
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A novel marine thermophilic and heterotrophic Anaerolineae bacterium in the phylum Chloroflexi, strain SW7(T), was isolated from an in situ colonization system deployed in the main hydrothermal vent of the Taketomi submarine hot spring field located on the southern part of Yaeyama Archipelago, Japan. The microbial community associated with the hydrothermal vent was predominated by thermophilic heterotrophs such as Thermococcaceae and Anaerolineae, and the next dominant population was thermophilic sulfur oxidizers. Both aerobic and anaerobic hydrogenotrophs including methanogens were detected as minor populations. During the culture-dependent viable count analysis in this study, an Anaerolineae strain SW7(T) was isolated from an enrichment culture at a high dilution rate. Strain SW7(T) was an obligately anaerobic heterotroph that grew with fermentation and had non-motile thin rods 3.5-16.5 μm in length and 0.2 μm in width constituting multicellular filaments. Growth was observed between 37-65°C (optimum 60°C), pH 5.5-7.3 (optimum pH 6.0), and 0.5-3.5% (w/v) NaCl concentration (optimum 1.0%). Based on the physiological and phylogenetic features of a new isolate, we propose a new species representing a novel genus Thermomarinilinea: the type strain of Thermomarinilinea lacunofontalis sp. nov., is SW7(T) (=JCM15506(T)=KCTC5908(T)).
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The lion's share of bacteria in various environments cannot be cloned in the laboratory and thus cannot be sequenced using existing technologies. A major goal of single-cell genomics is to complement gene-centric metagenomic data with whole-genome assemblies of uncultivated organisms. Assembly of single-cell data is challenging because of highly non-uniform read coverage as well as elevated levels of sequencing errors and chimeric reads. We describe SPAdes, a new assembler for both single-cell and standard (multicell) assembly, and demonstrate that it improves on the recently released E+V-SC assembler (specialized for single-cell data) and on popular assemblers Velvet and SoapDeNovo (for multicell data). SPAdes generates single-cell assemblies, providing information about genomes of uncultivatable bacteria that vastly exceeds what may be obtained via traditional metagenomics studies. SPAdes is available online ( ). It is distributed as open source software.
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A novel obligately anaerobic, mesophilic, organotrophic bacterium, strain P3M-1T, was isolated from a microbial mat formed in wooden bath filled with hot water emerging from a 2775-m deep well in Tomsk region (Western Siberia, Russia). Cells of strain P3M-1T were rod-shaped, 0.3-0.7 µm in width, gathered in multicellullar filaments that reached up to 400 µm in length. Strain P3M-1T grew optimally at 42-45 °C, pH 7.5-8.0 and NaCl concentration of 1 g l-1. At the optimum conditions the doubling time was 6 hours. The isolate was able to ferment a variety of proteinaceous substrates and sugars, including microcrystalline cellulose. Acetate, ethanol and H2 were the main products of glucose fermentation. G+C content of DNA was 55 mol%. 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic analysis showed that strain P3M-1T was a member of class Anaerolinea with 16S rRNA gene sequence identity with the closest relative - Levilinea saccharolytica - being 92.8 %. Based on the phylogenetic analysis and physiological properties a new genus and species Ornatilinea apprima gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain P3M-1T = DSM 23815T = VKM B-2669T) were proposed for the new isolate.
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Two thermophilic, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, multicellular filamentous micro-organisms were isolated from thermophilic granular sludge in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating fried soybean-curd manufacturing waste water (strain UNI-1T) and from a hot spring sulfur-turf in Japan (strain STL-6-O1T). The filaments were longer than 100 μm and of 0.2-0.3 μm (strain UNI-1T) or 0.7-0.8 μm (strain STL-6-O1T) in width. Strain UNI-1T was a strictly anaerobic organism. The optimum temperature for growth was around 55 °C; growth occurred in the range 50-60 °C. The optimum pH for growth was around 7.0; growth occurred in the range pH 6.0-8.0. Strain STL-6-O1T was a facultatively aerobic bacterium. The optimum temperature for growth was around 55 °C; growth occurred in the range 37-65 °C. The optimum pH for growth was around 7.5-8.0; growth occurred in the range pH 7.0-9.0. The two organisms grew chemo-organotrophically on a number of carbohydrates and amino acids in the presence of yeast extract. The G + C content of the DNA of strains UNI-1T and STL-6-O1T was 54.5 and 59.0 mol%, respectively. Major cellular fatty acids for strain UNI-1T were C16:0, C15:0, C14:0, and C18:0, whereas those for strain STL-6-O1T were C18:0, C16:0, C17:0 and iso-C17:0. MK-10 was the major quinone from aerobically grown STL-6-O1T cells. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rDNA sequences revealed that both strains belong to an uncultured, previously recognized clone lineage of the phylum Chloroflexi (formerly known as green non-sulfur bacteria). These phenotypic and genetic properties suggested that each strain should be classified into a new independent genus; hence, the names Anaerolinea thermophila and Caldilinea aerophila are proposed for strains UNI-1T (=JCM 11387T = DSM 14523T) and STL-6-O1T(=JCM 11388T = DSM 14525T), respectively. These strains represent the type and sole species of the genera Anaerolinea and Caldilinea, respectively.
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One thermophilic (strain IMO-1(T)) and two mesophilic (strains KIBI-1(T) and YMTK-2(T)) non-spore-forming, non-motile, Gram-negative, multicellular filamentous micro-organisms, which were previously isolated as members of the tentatively named class 'Anaerolineae' of the phylum Chloroflexi, were characterized. All isolates were strictly anaerobic micro-organisms. The length of the three filamentous isolates was greater than 100 microm and the width was 0.3-0.4 microm for strain IMO-1(T), 0.4-0.5 microm for strain KIBI-1(T) and thinner than 0.2 microm for strain YMTK-2(T). Strain IMO-1(T) could grow at pH 6.0-7.5 (optimum growth at pH 7.0). The optimal temperature for growth of strain IMO-1(T) was around 50 degrees C (growth occurred between 42 and 55 degrees C). Growth of the mesophilic strains KIBI-1(T) and YMTK-2(T) occurred at pH 6.0-7.2 with optimal growth at pH 7.0. Both of the mesophilic strains were able to grow in a temperature range of 25-50 degrees C with optimal growth at around 37 degrees C. Yeast extract was required for growth of all three strains. All the strains could grow with a number of carbohydrates in the presence of yeast extract. The G + C contents of the DNA of strains IMO-1(T), KIBI-1(T) and YMTK-2(T) were respectively 53.3, 59.5 and 48.2 mol%. Major fatty acids for thermophilic strain IMO-1(T) were anteiso-C(17 : 0), iso-C(15 : 0), C(16 : 0) and anteiso-C(15 : 0), whereas those for mesophilic strains KIBI-1(T) and YMTK-2(T) were branched C(14 : 0), iso-C(15 : 0), C(16 : 0) and branched C(17 : 0), and branched C(17 : 0), C(16 : 0), C(14 : 0) and C(17 : 0), respectively. Detailed phylogenetic analyses based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the isolates belong to the class-level taxon 'Anaerolineae' of the bacterial phylum Chloroflexi, which for a long time had been considered as a typical uncultured clone cluster. Their morphological, physiological, chemotaxonomic and genetic traits strongly support the conclusion that these strains should be described as three novel independent taxa in the phylum Chloroflexi. Here, Anaerolinea thermolimosa sp. nov. (type strain IMO-1(T) = CM 12577(T) = DSM 16554(T)), Levilinea saccharolytica gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain KIBI-1(T) = JCM 12578(T) = DSM 16555(T)) and Leptolinea tardivitalis gen. nov., sp. nov. (type strain YMTK-2(T) = JCM 12579(T) = DSM 16556(T)) are proposed. In addition, we formally propose to subdivide the tentative class-level taxon 'Anaerolineae' into Anaerolineae classis nov. and Caldilineae classis nov. We also propose the subordinate taxa Anaerolineales ord. nov., Caldilineales ord. nov., Anaerolineaceae fam. nov. and Caldilineaceae fam. nov.
A new strictly anaerobic thermophilic multicellular filamentous bacterium (0.2-0.3μm×>100μm), designated GNS-1(T), was isolated from a deep hot aquifer in France. It was non-motile, and stained Gram-negative. Optimal growth was observed at 65°C, pH 7.0, and 2gL(-1) of NaCl. Strain GNS-1(T) was chemoorganotrophic fermenting ribose, glucose, galactose, arabinose, fructose, mannose, maltose, sucrose, xylose, raffinose, pyruvate, and xylan. Yeast extract was required for growth. The end products of glucose fermentation were lactate, acetate, CO(2), and H(2). The G+C content of the DNA was 57.6mol%. Its closest phylogenetic relative was Bellilinea caldifistulae with 92.5% similarity. Based on phylogenetic, genotypic and phenotypic characteristics, strain GNS-1(T) (DSM 23592(T), JCM 16980(T)) is proposed to be assigned to a novel species of a novel genus within the class Anaerolineae (subphylum I), phylum "Chloroflexi", Thermanaerothrix daxensis gen. nov., sp. nov. The GenBank accession number is HM596746.
Cultivation-independent molecular surveys have shown members of the bacterial phylum Chloroflexi to be ubiquitous in various natural and artificial ecosystems. Among the subphylum-level taxa of the Chloroflexi known to date, the formerly uncultured 'subphylum I' had well been recognized as a typical group that contains a number of environmental gene clones with no culture representatives. In order to reveal their ecophysiology, attempts were made over the past decade to domesticate them into laboratory cultures, and significant advances have been made in cultivating strains belonging to the group. The microorganisms characterized so far include seven species in six genera, i.e., Anaerolinea, Levilinea, Leptolinea, Bellilinea, Longilinea, and Caldilinea, and were proposed to represent two classes, Anaerolineae and Caldilineae, providing solid insights into the phenotypic and genetic properties common to the group. Another subphylum-level uncultured group of the Chloroflexi, i.e., the class Ktedonobacteria, has also been represented recently by a cultured strain. In addition to the results from these tangible cultures, data obtained from functional analyses of uncultured Chloroflexi populations by assessing substrate uptake patterns are accumulating at an encouraging rate. In this review, recent findings on the ecological significance and possible ecophysiological roles of 'Chloroflexi subphylum I' are discussed based on findings from both the characteristics of the cultured Chloroflexi and molecular-based analyses.