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Use of Colors in Teletext and Videotex

  • Institute for Infology, Tullinge, Sweden
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My life with words, visuals, and form. This book includes some special memories often related to several of my many non-commercial books, drawings, paintings, poems, and other texts. This book is mainly about my private activities, and what I have done in my own time, not payed for by any employer
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I have sorted all my documents available on ResearchGate in twelve different "project areas". In this way it will be easier for an-yone to search for and find research within their own areas of in-terest. Due to copyright situations a few of my documents are not available. / Rune
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I min bok Ord, bild och form – observationer och forskningsresultat beskriver jag mina arbetsuppgifter under 50 yrkesverksamma år. Jag har arbetat både praktiskt och teoretiskt med frågor som rör samspel mellan ord, bilder och form i skilda medier. Detta arbete har bidraget till att informationsdesign kunde bli inrättat som ett nytt akademiskt ämne i Sverige. Boken innehåller referenser till mina artiklar, böcker och konferensbidrag.
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