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Magnetic resonance angiographic evaluation of circle of Willis: A morphologic study in a tertiary hospital set up

  • Narayana Health, Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre

Abstract and Figures

Background: Anatomy of circle of Willis (CW) shows wide variation in different individuals, population groups, and has vital clinicalsignificance in causation and presentation of clinical disease. This study evaluates the anatomical variations, incidence of various commonanomalies of CW in south Indian tertiary hospital set up, using three-dimensional time-of-flight (3D-TOF) magnetic resonance angiography(MRA). Materials and Methods: A total of 300 patients referred for neuroimaging study over a period of 2-year were included in the analysis. In this prospective and retrospective study, 198 men and 102 women; mean age, 55 years) underwent 3D-TOF MR angiograms of the CW using a 1.5-tesla MR scanner. Images were reviewed for anatomical configuration of the CW using maximum intensity projection (MIP) and 3D volume rendered images Results: On analysis, a complete CW was seen in 50 (16.6%) of 300 subjects. An incomplete anterior and posterior CW was found in 66 (22%) The remaining 184 (61.3%) subjects had partially complete CW configuration. The most common type of CW in a single subject was anterior variant type A and posterior type variant E. Conclusion: We observed wide variation in CW configuration in our patients. The prevalence of complete configuration of the circle is 16.6%; slightly higher in females and younger subjects. Complete anterior circle was present in 77.3%. Most common anterior variant is type A (normal anterior configuration) with a prevalence of 66%. The most common posterior circle variant is type E (hypoplasia or absence of both PcomA) with 32.6%. Overall, CW variants are slightly more common among the women in comparison to men. Incidence of associated anomalies like aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation (AVM) was comparable to that described in literature.
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Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, ???-??? 2015, Vol ??, Issue ??
collateral pathways, may also be recruited. Examples include
flow reversal through the ophthalmic arteries, reversed
ow through the anterior choroidal artery, and anastomosis
between the cortical branches of the intracerebral arteries
(leptomeningeal collaterals). The collateral potential of the
CW is believed to be dependent on the presence and size
of its component vessels,[1-3] which vary among normal
Considerable anatomic variation exists in the CW.
Recent cadaveric study has shown 21 types of CW
variations.[9] Classification presented in the work of Chen
et al.,[11] is adopted in our presentation for the simplicity
of the scheme. There are 10 types of variations (A–J) in
anterior and posterior circle which are illustrated in the
figures [Figures 1 and 2]. One common variation consists of
relative narrowing of proximal part of the posterior cerebral
artery (PCA) with large ipsilateral PcomA, so the ICA
supplies the posterior cerebrum. In another variation, the
AcomA is a large vessel, such that a single internal carotid
supplies both the anterior cerebral arteries (ACAs). In third
variation, ACA gives rise to both post-communicating
segments and supplies retrograde flow to the ipsilateral
Vascular anatomy of CW had been subject of extensive autopsy
studies as well as in vivo imaging studies.(1-8)CW is constituted
by two internal carotid arteries (ICAs) and basilar artery
anastomosing at the base of the brain. The carotid arteries and
their branches supply the anterior portion of the brain referred
to as the anterior circulation. Whereas, posterior circulation
refers to vertebrobasilar system that supplies the posterior
portion of the brain. The anterior communicating arteries (A
com As) and posterior communicating arteries (PcomAs) are
component vessels of the CW and designated as the primary
collateral pathways. Other pathways, known as the secondary
Magnetic resonance angiographic evaluation of circle
of Willis: A morphologic study in a tertiary hospital set up
Shankar Rao Naveen, Venkatraman Bhat, Gadabanahalli Ashok Karthik
Department of Radiology, Narayana Health, Multispeciality Hospital, Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Center, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India
Background: Anatomy of circle of Willis (CW) shows wide variation in different individuals, population groups, and has vital clinical
significance in causation and presentation of clinical disease. This study evaluates the anatomical variations, incidence of various common
anomalies of CW in south Indian tertiary hospital set up, using three-dimensional time-of-flight (3D-TOF) magnetic resonance angiography
(MRA). Materials and Methods: A total of 300 patients referred for neuroimaging study over a period of 2-year were included in the
analysis. In this prospective and retrospective study, 198 men and 102 women; mean age, 55 years) underwent 3D-TOF MR angiograms
of the CW using a 1.5-tesla MR scanner. Images were reviewed for anatomical configuration of the CW using maximum intensity projection
(MIP) and 3D volume rendered images. Results: On analysis, a complete CW was seen in 50 (16.6%) of 300 subjects. An incomplete
anterior and posterior CW was found in 66 (22%) The remaining 184 (61.3%) subjects had partially complete CW configuration. The most
common type of CW in a single subject was anterior variant type A and posterior type variant E. Conclusion: We observed wide variation
in CW configuration in our patients. The prevalence of complete configuration of the circle is 16.6%; slightly higher in females and younger
subjects. Complete anterior circle was present in 77.3%. Most common anterior variant is type A (normal anterior configuration) with
a prevalence of 66%. The most common posterior circle variant is type E (hypoplasia or absence of both PcomA) with 32.6%. Overall,
CW variants are slightly more common among the women in comparison to men. Incidence of associated anomalies like aneurysm or
arteriovenous malformation (AVM) was comparable to that described in literature.
Key Words
Anatomy CW, circle of Willis, CW, configuration CW, MRI
For correspondence:
Dr. Venkatraman Bhat, 309, Greenwoods Apt, Royal Gardenia, Bommasandra, Bangalore - 560 099, Karnataka, India.
Ann Indian Acad Neurol 2015;??:??-??
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2 Naveen, et al.: Magnetic resonance angiography of circle of Willis
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, ???-??? 2015, Vol ??, Issue ??
pre-communicating segment, which, in turn, gives rise to
the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA; both ACAs and
both MCAs are supplied by a single ICA). Physiologically,
arrangement of the cerebral arteries in the CW creates
deficiencies, redundancies; also provide potential collateral
pathways in cerebral circulation. If one part of the circle
becomes blocked or narrowed, blood flow from the other
arteries can preserve the cerebral perfusion by maintaining
enough flow to avoid ischemia.
The CW is an important potential collateral pathway in
maintaining adequate cerebral blood ow in patients with
ICA obstruction. With the advances in microneurosurgery and
the more eective ability to deal with occlusive neurovascular
disease surgically and by interventional methods, the accurate
knowledge of the intracranial vascular anatomy has become
increasingly important.
Based on anatomical[12-14] and radiological studies,[7,15,16] it
has been shown that more than half of healthy subjects
have anatomical variations in the CW. Recent studies have
investigated the role of the CW in the development of
collateral ow in ICA obstruction; these studies were based
on mathematical models[17-19] and used transcranial Doppler
ultrasound,[20-25] digital contrast–enhanced angiography,[3,26]
or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA).[2,3,27-29] MRA has
previously been shown to be well-suited to investigate the
CW, in view of the fact that it is able to provide morphological
as well as hemodynamic information concerning blood ow
direction in individual vessels accurately.[30,31] Previous studies
have demonstrated that three-dimensional time-of-flight
(3D-TOF) MRA is a sensitive, noninvasive modality suitable
for detecting the anatomy of the CW in healthy volunteers and
patients with carotid artery disease.[11,32]
Aims and objectives
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and to describe the
prevalence and pattern of CW, arterial variants (aplasia,
hypoplasia) and anomalies (arteriovenous malformations
(AVMs) and aneurysms) in noncontrast 3D-TOF-MRA in
the study group. In addition to providing a standard of
reference for future research on the circle with 3D TOF
MRA, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether
any age- or sex-related differences could be found in circle
Materials and Methods
In a prospective and retrospective observational study, 300
patients referred for neuroischemic study protocol from
February 2010 to July 2011 were included in the study. Study
was approved by the institutional review board. Informed
consent from the patient or guardian was obtained before
scanning. All patients (198 men and 102 women; mean age,
55 years) underwent 3D-TOF MR angiograms of the CW.
Images were obtained with the sequence of spoiled gradient-
recalled acquisition (SPGR) using a 1.5-tesla MR scanner
(Achieva; Philips Medical Systems, The Netherlands).
Patients with pacemaker, ferromagnetic intracerebral
aneurysm clips, or other metallic implants and patients with
claustrophobia were excluded. Severely ill, uncooperative
patients who were not able to remain stable for study
duration were also excluded. Images were reviewed for CW
anatomy and conguration.
Figure 2: (a) Schematic diagrams of anatomical variations of the
posterior part of the CW (modied from Chen et al.[11]). (a) Bilateral
PcomAs are present (blue). (b) PCA originates predominantly
from the ICA. This variant is known as a unilateral fetal type
PCA; the PcomA on the other side is patent. (c) Bilateral fetal
type PCAs with both pre-communicating segments of the PCAs
patent. (d) Unilateral PcomA present. (e) Hypoplasia or absence
of both PcomAs and isolation of the anterior and posterior parts
of the circle at this level. (b) (f) Unilateral fetal type PCA and
hypoplasia or absence of the pre-communicating segment of
the PCA. (g) Unilateral fetal type PCA and hypoplasia or absence
of the contralateral PcomA. (h) Unilateral fetal type PCA and
hypoplasia or absence of both pre-communicating segment of the
PCA and the PcomA. (i) Bilateral fetal type PCAs with hypoplasia
or absence of bothpre-communicating segments of the PCAs.
(j) Bilateral fetal type PCAs with hypoplasia or absence of the
pre-communicating segment of either PCA. PCA = Posterior
cerebral artery, PcomA = Posterior communicating artery
a c e
h i jg
b d
Figure 1: (a) Schematic diagrams of anatomic variations in the
anterior part of the CW (modied from Chen et al.[11]). (a) Normal adult
pattern. There is a single AcomA (red). The ICA bifurcates into the
pre-communicating segment of the ACA and the MCA. (b) Two or
more AcomAs. (c) Median artery of the corpus callosum arises from
the AcomA. (d) Fusion of the ACAs over a short distance. (e) ACA
forms a common trunk and split distally into two post communicating
segments. (b) (f) MCA originates from the ICA as two separate trunks.
(g) Hypoplasia or absence of an AcomA. (h) One pre-communicating
segment of an ACA is hypoplastic or absent, the other pre-
communicating segment gives rise to both post-communicating
segments of the ACAs. (i) Hypoplasia or absence of an ICA. ACA
gives rise to both postcommunicating segments, supplies retrograde
ow to the ipsilateral precommunicating segment. (j) Hypoplasia
or absence of an anterior communication. The MCA arises as two
separate trunks. CW = Circle of willis, ICA = Internal carotid artery,
MCA = Middle cerebral artery, AcomA = Anterior communicating
artery, ACA = Anterior cerebral artery
ac e
h i jg
b d
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Naveen, et al.: Magnetic resonance angiography of circle of Willis 3
Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, ???-??? 2015, Vol ??, Issue ??
Scanning technique: Patients were imaged in supine position,
wherever necessary, aer sedation with midazolam 0.07-0.08 mg/
kg intramuscular (IM; approximately 5 mg IM) administered up
to 1 h before the study in uncooperative patients. Examination
was done with a dedicated head coil. Monitoring of vital signs
of patient was performed throughout the scanning. Dedicated,
optimized high-resolution 3D-TOF MRA protocol with
repetition time (TR)/echo time (TE)/ip angle of 19/5.7 ms/16°,
respectively, with isotropic resolution of 0.6 � 0.6 � 0.6 mm3 was
used. T1-weighted volume scans and T2-weighted multisection
fast-eld echo anatomic scans were obtained for the detection
of brain abnormalities. Scanning parameters included; slice
thickness 1.2 mm, 0.6 mm slice overlap, eld of view of 100
100 mm, and matrix 0.6 � 0.6 � 0.6 mm3 andTR-19 ms, TE - 5.7ms,
and ip angle-16°. Totally 50 slices covering a volume of 30 mm
(50 � 0.6 mm eective slice thickness) was obtained. The total
imaging time was approximately 15 min, of which the 3D TOF
MRA sequence required 3 min 24 s. These axial source images
were post-processed by the maximumintensity projection (MIP)
algorithm [Figure 3a] to produce eight projections rotating
about the section axis. All component vessels of the CW were
assessed by measuring the diameter on the individual MIP
images. Whenever there was doubt in determining the diameter
of vessel due to overlap in the MIP images, the TOF source
images were then reviewed on the advanced workstation
(Philips ADW 4.0 workstation). Occasionally, it was necessary
to cuto the unwanted branching vessel on the images in order
to beerdepict the target vessels and assess correct diameter.
Vessels visualized as continuous segments of at least 0.8 mm
in diameter, were considered present. Those smaller than
0.8 mm in diameter were considered as hypoplastic.[11,33] The
images were also reviewed with volume rendering technique
and evaluated in all the angles [Figure 3b]. Arteries when seen
as noncontinuous segments were considered as absent. The
anterior and posterior parts of CW were evaluated separately
and classied according to the scheme. The prevalence of each
anatomic variant was documented.
Study group consisted of 300participants (198 men and
102 women; mean age, 55 years) [Graph 1a and b]. Incidence
of various types of CW is documented in Table 1. Common
morphological types of CW variations [Table 2] and common
types of anterior and posterior circulation are illustrated in
Table 3. The prevalence of the variants of the anterior and
posterior circle of Willis (CW) for dierent age groups of both
sexes and for total subjects are also shown in Graph 2. Variant
type A [Figure 4a] was the most common type of anterior part of
the CW in all age groups and sexes [Table 2 and Graph 2a and b].
Anterior CW variants
The anterior CW was complete in 232 out of 300 participants
(77.3%), with a normal conguration (Type A) seen in 198
subjects. In two patients, two AcomAs [Figure 4b] were
observed. The anterior circle was incomplete in 67 participants
who had compromised anterior collateral ow, AcomA was
absent in 39 [Figure 4c1 and 2]. The remaining 28 subjects had
A1 hypoplasia or aplasia [Figure 5g and h]. The most common
type of anterior collateral was type A [Figure 4a1 and 2], in
which all component vessels were competent.
Posterior circle variants
The prevalence of the variants of the posterior part of CW was
shown for dierent age groups and both sexes in Table 2. The
prevalence of unilateral fetal-type posterior communicating
artery (FTP com A; posterior part variants B, F, G and H)
was 16% and bilateral FTP com A (posterior part variants C,
I, and J) was found in 7%. A higher percentage of incomplete
collaterals were observed in the posterior part of the circle
compared with the anterior collaterals. An adult conguration
complete posterior circles [Figure 6a] was observed in 51
participants, and transitional variant [Figure 6b and c] was
observed in 29 participants. A FTP CW was seen in 69 (23%) of
the 300 subjects. Of the 69 subjects with FTP, 56 (18.6%) were
classied as having partial FTP [Figures 6b and c, 7g, 8j] in
which a hypoplastic P1 segment was present, and 13 (4.3%)
were found to have a full FTP in which a P1 segment was
Graph 1: Status of circle of Willis and age distribution of patients
Graph 2: Status of the circle of Willis in relation to sex and age
Figure 3: Maximum intensity projection (MIP) and volume
rendered (VR) three-dimensional time-of-ight magnetic
resonance (MR) angiogram of the normal CW
a b
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Entire circle
Table 1 and Figures 4 and 5 shows the prevalence of complete,
partially complete, and incomplete conguration of the entire
CW for dierent age groups, both sexes, and total subjects.
There was statistically signicant dierence among dierent
age and sex groups. Higher prevalence of complete CW was
found in younger group (below 50 years; 33.9% of younger
older subjects versus 6.8% of older subjects) and in females
(28.4% of women versus 10.6% of men).
Combined analysis of entire circle
In the combined analysis, a complete CW was seen in 50 (16.6%)
of 300 subjects. An incomplete anterior and posterior CW was
found in 66 (22%) of 300 subjects. The remaining 184 (61.3%)
subjects had partially complete CW conguration. The most
common type of CW in a single subject was anterior variant type
A and posterior type variant E. Incidentally three patients had
aneurysms, one subject was having AVM and another subject was
having persistent trigeminal artery on MR angiograms [Figure 9].
The conguration of the CW has been investigated in many
anatomical and clinical studies.[3-10] There are only a few studies
that have systematically investigated the conguration of
the CW in a general population.[9,10] There is a great clinical
signicance to CW variations, allowing prognostication of
intracranial ischemia in incomplete circles.
MRA has demonstrated high sensitivity in evaluation of
component vessels in the CW.[29] Though well-accepted
clinically, sensitivity of 3D time-of-ight (TOF) MRA depends
on the blood ow velocity of the vessel, and the technique may
have diculties in visualizing small vessels in the CW with
slow or turbulent ow.[34] In most studies, MRA 3D acquisitions
absent [Figures 7f and 8h]. The most common type of posterior
variation was type E [Figure 7e], in which bilateral P com
A were absent. Of the 56 participants with a partial FTP, a
unilateral FTP was found in 35 participants and bilateral FTP
was seen in 21 participants.
Table 2: Morphology and incidence of variation of COW
Morphology of circle of Willis
Morphology Cases Percentage
Complete circle 50 16.6
Incomplete ant, post circle 66 22
Partially complete 184 61. 4
Complete anterior circle 232 77.3
Complete posterior circle 99 33
Isolation of contralateral (Ant J) 0 0
Isolation of posterior circulation (Post G) 98 32.6
Table 1: COW. Types of anterior and posterior
circulation and relative incidence
Morphological types of COW in relation to Sex (%)
Anterior circulation Posterior circulation
A 66 42.3 23.6 17 7. 3 9.7
B 0.6 0.3 0.3 4.67 3.7 1
C 2 1 1 4.3 2.3 2
D 6 4 2 9 7. 3 1.6
E 2.6 1.6 1 32.7 23 9.7
F 0 0 0 1 0.7 0.3
G11.6 12 4 7 6.3 0.66
H 9.3 9 2 3.3 1. 6 1. 6
I 0 0 0 0 0 0
J 0 0 0 2.6 2.3 0.3
Figure 4: Type A: A 40 year-old male with syncope, suspected
of cerebrovascular accident (CVA): A single AcomA. The ICA
bifurcates into the pre-communicating segment of the ACA and
the MCA. Type B: A 48 year-old male with syncope, suspected
of CVA: Two AcomAs (arrows). (c1 and 2) Type C: A 42-year-
old male with transient unsteadiness, suspected of CVA: Medial
artery of the corpus callosum arises (arrow) from the AcomA. (d1
and 2) Type D: A 36-year-old female with headache, for exclusion
of vascular lesion: Focal fusion of the ACA (long arrow)
Figure 5: (e1 and 2) Type E: A 24-year-old female with migraine,
for exclusion of vascular lesion: ACA forms a common
trunk (arrow) and split distally into two post-communicating
segments. (g1 and 2) Type G: A 52-year-old male with transient
visual disturbance, suspected of CVA hypoplasia or absence of
an AcomA (circle). (h1 and 2) Type H: A 53-year-old male with
two episodes of gait unsteadiness, suspected of CVA: One
pre-communicating segment of an ACA is hypoplastic or absent
and the other pre-communicating segment (triangle) gives rise
to both post-communicating segments of the ACAs
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Figure 8: (h1 and 2) Type H: A 48-year-old female with headache,
visual blurring, suspected with CVA. Unilateral fetal type PCA (arrow)
and hypoplasia or absence of both pre-communicating segment of
the PCA and the Pcom A (circle). (i1 and 2) Type I: A 51-year-old
female with migraine, referred for exclusion of vascular intracranial
lesion. Bilateral fetal type PCAs (open arrow) with hypoplasia or
absence of the pre-communicating segment of either PCA (arrow)
Figure 9: (a and b) A 50-year-old male with syncope, suspected
of CVA: Persistent left trigeminal artery (arrow). (c and d) A
47-year-old female with recurrent headache, suspected of
intracranial vascular lesion: AVM in right parietooccipital region
in right PCA territory draining into right cortical veins and into
superior sagittal sinus. (e) A 55-year-old male with transient gait
disturbance, suspected of CVA: AcomA aneurysm (pointer)
Figure 6: (a1 and 2) Type A: A 52-year-old male with episodes of
blurred vision, suspected with CVA; bilateral PcomAs are present
(arrows). (b1 and 2) Type B: A 62-year-old male with a syncopal
attack, suspected with CVA: PCA originates predominantly from
the ICA (triangle). This variant is known as a unilateral fetal type
PCA; the PcomA on the other side is patent. (c1 and 2) Type C: A
24-year-old female with migraine, referred to exclude intracranial
vascular abnormality: Bilateral fetal type PCAs with both pre-
communicating segments of the PCAs patent (arrow heads). (d1
and 2) Type D: A 55-year-old male with transient right hemiparesis,
suspected with CVA. Unilateral PcomA present (arrow)
Figure 7: (e1 and 2) Type E: A 65-year-old male with transient
visual blurring, suspected with CVA. Hypoplasia or absence of
both PcomAs and isolation of the anterior and posterior parts
of the circle at this level (circle). (f1 and 2) Type F: A 55-year-
old male with transient right hemiparesis, suspected with CVA.
A 59-year-old female with recurrent vertigo, suspected with
CVA. Unilateral fetal type PCA and hypoplasia or absence of
the pre-communicating segment of the PCA (arrow). (g1 and 2)
Type G: A 35-year-old male with sudden onset unsteady gait,
suspected with CVA. Unilateral fetal type PCA (triangle) and
hypoplasia or absence of the contralateral PcomA
Table 3: COW common variations and incidence
Common types of variations
Circulation Type No Percentage
Anterior Type A 19 8 66
Type G 35 12
Type H 28 9
Posterior Type E 98 32.6
Type A 51 17
Type D 27 9
were made with either steady state precession (FSSP) or spoiled
gradient technique (SPGR) using 1.5-tesla systems. Using
FSSP technique, an axial slab with a thickness of 52 mm and
64 partitions was placed over the entire CW. A gradient-echo
sequence (fast imaging with steady-state precession) with a
matrix of 256 3 512 and a eld of view of 200 mm was used,
which yields a voxel size of 0.78 3 0.39 3 0.81 mm3 acquisition
time of 11 min 47 s.[30] Typical parameter used in SPGR
technique were 45 ms TR, 4.9 ms TE, 20° ip angle, 256 � 192
matrix in a 14 cm eld of view, and 42 mm slab with 60 serial
axial slices of 0.7 mm thick with total imaging time of 10 min.[11]
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Our study focuses on anatomical variants of the CW. In the
evaluation process, like in earlier studies, we have considered the
following vessels forming part of the CW: The A com A, the pre-
communicating segment (A1) of the ACA, the pre-communicating
segment (P1) of the PCA, the P com A, and ICA. CW conguration
can be categorized in to three dierent types based on the structure
of P1, P2 segment of PCA, and P Com A. Congurations are the
adult type, transitional type, and fetal type. In adult conguration,
P1 diameter is larger than the PComA diameter. In transitional
conguration, diameters of both arteries are equal and equally
contribute in formation of P2 of PCA. Fetal or embryonic
conguration diameter of the P1 is smaller than diameter of P
Com A and P2.[9] In previous studies, the prevalence of a complete
anterior circle varied from 74 to 90% in dierent ethnic groups,[9,35-37]
almost similar to our observation. Autopsy studies, however,
showed lower incidence of complete circles.[36] One recent cadaveric
study has reported variation of CW in 40% with maximum variation
in Pcom A (50%) followed by A com A (40%).[9] In the present study,
the prevalence of entirely complete CW was 16.6%, higher in
females than males (28.4 and 10.6%, respectively) and young than
older subjects (33.9 and 6.8%, respectively). Previous studies have
shown higher incidence of complete circles in female patients and
younger patients.[11,33,37] Diameter of the proximal arteries measured
on MRA in control studies tend to be larger in male show tendency
to decrease with age. Our observation is similar to earlier studies.
Additionally, average age of male subjects was 63 years and that of
the female 47 years, which might partly explain higher visualization
in female subjects. The most common variant in anterior circulation
is type A, which is normal paern in both the sexes. Type A variant
in anterior circulation in common among women (n = 71, 69.6%)
slightly more frequent compared to men (n = 127, 64.1%). Type E
variant of posterior circulation is most common in both the sexes.
It is also common in men (n = 69, 34.8%), slightly more compared
to women (n = 29, 28.4%).
In a large study of Indian subcontinental patients, Kapoor
et al.,[14] observed that 45.2% conformed to the typical paern.
In the rest of the study group there were variations. In other
studies, complete CW was observed in 4.6-72.2%.[10,37] The
major variation is observed in incidence of complete CW, in
autopsy studies, ranging from 14.2 to 52.3%;[36] relatively lower
than clinical observation. Several reasons could account for
this variation; rst, the subject selection dierence, healthy
volunteers were included in some studies with additional
subjects without vascular disorders or even some with
neurological disease.[28,38] Second reason could be due to the
dierence in observation method, like studies wherein phase-
contrasted MR angiography was utilized in addition to TOF
study.[28] Third reason is related to the criteria set for what
constitutes a complete-circled conguration. We applied the
criterion of the vessel diameter less than 0.8 mm as absence
in determining the prevalence of various anatomical variants.
Some autopsy studies used 1 mm as their lower limit.[16,36]
Although TOF-MRA demonstrates high sensitivity in detecting
intracranial arteries, this technique has its disadvantages.
Slow or turbulent ow may not be demonstrated in the TOF-
MRA images, even though the vessels are patent. Therefore,
the prevalence of the complete conguration of circle may be
underestimated. The incidence of incomplete conguration
of the circle is 22%. Among these variations, a single major
ICA supplying several cerebral arterial territories, with lile
collateral ow provided by other arteries, should be taken
note carefully. Such variation, called isolated circulation, is
an important observation for preoperative surgical planning;
especially when temporary or permanent occlusion of the
parent artery is anticipated. In such instance, temporary
occlusion of the ICA during carotid endarterectomy would
lead to the risk of ischemic insult in the watershed area between
these separately perfused territories.
Reasons for variations in the segments of the CW have been
hypothesized. Genetic factors[10] and postnatal development
of the brain following occlusive diseases[39] are main theories.
From the evolutionary standpoint, it is noteworthy that
variations of the cerebral arteries seem to be equally common
in humans as well as animals.[40]
We noted transitional-type posterior circles in our population,
with an incidence of 4%. Interestingly, we also observed
higher occurrence of posterior variant (variant J) in the study
population. We believe that, these observed variants call
for need of larger population-based studies to improve our
understanding of regional variations.
In a large study involving north Indian subject groups,
intracranial saccular aneurysm was present in 1%[14] and AVMs
in 1.4% in the PCA. In our study, aneurysms were detected in
1%; noted in both the A com A and the le ACA. AVMs were
found in a single case (0.33%) in the right parietooccipital
region. Persistent le trigeminal artery was noted in another.
Hence, our observations are in conformity with earlier studies.
The morphological variations demonstrated by TOF-MRA in our
study provide an important reference source for CW variations in
the regional population. Our ndings conrm the view that the
conguration of the CW vary largely in our general population.
The prevalence of complete conguration of the circle was16.6%
and is slightly higher in females than males and younger
(below 50 years) than older subjects. Complete anterior CW is
more common with incidence of 77.3% of all the subjects. The
most common anterior circle variant is type A (normal anterior
conguration) with a prevalence of 66%. The most common
posterior circle variant is type E (hypoplasia or absence of both
Pcom As and isolation of the anterior and posterior parts of the
circle at this level) with incidence of 32.6%. Overall, CW variants
are slightly more common among the women in comparison
to men. Incidence of associated anomalies, like aneurysm and
AVM, is comparable to that described in literature.
Authors would like to thank the valuable contribution of radiology
collegues, Dr. Dayananda, Dr. Murugan, Dr. Shiv Kumar Swamy and
neurology colleagues for their contributions towards this work.
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How to cite this article: Naveen SR, Bhat V, Karthik GA. Magnetic
resonance angiographic evaluation of circle of Willis: A morphologic
study in a tertiary hospital set up. Ann Indian Acad Neurol 0;0:0.
Received: 04-01-15, Revised: 26-01-15, Accepted: 01-03-15
Source of Support: Nil, Conicts of Interest: None declared.
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... there are more and more articles in the literature reporting various anatomical variants of CW, defined as those changes that lead to the impossibility of this anastomotic structure to maintain an adequate brain flow, namely: 1). the lack of some of the vessels that make up this structure; 2). the abnormal origin of some of the branches, found to be obviously different to the right and left of this structure; 3). additional arteries; 4). the presence of a smaller diameter of an artery compared to the contralateral artery (3,(10)(11)(12). ...
... However, it is important to note that a normal CW occurs in only 16.6% of population in autopsy studies conducted so far, and in less than half (42.8%) of the population in imaging studies (12,18). ...
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ClINICal SIgNIfICaNCE Of CIrClE Of WIllIS aNatOMICal VarIaNtS IN CErE-brOVaSCular DISEaSES (abstract): to date, many studies investigated cerebral circulation due to the clinical significance of circle of Willis (CW) anatomical abnormalities. Various techniques have been used to study the anatomical variants of CW, but non-autopsy investigations have some certain limitations in detecting anatomical variants. Studying morphology of CW constituent arteries on specimens taken during the autopsy allows a direct and wide view of the vessels at the base of the brain. the purpose of this study is to investigate the clinical significance of anatomical abnormalities/variants of CW arteries in the population sample from the NorthEast region of romania by assessing the causes of cerebral vascular mortality. this study included patients who died of various medical causes in the Emergency Clinical Hospital "Prof. dr. N. Oblu" Iaşi, in a period of 30 months (01.01.2014-30.06.2016), and who were subjects of a rutine autopsy. Out of the total of 96 available human brains, 28 cases (29.17%) were classified as "abnormal" or "ana-tomical variants" and these were the cases that were analysed in this research. In this group, 53.57% were males, and the mean age of the cases was 61.78 years. 60.71% of patients with anatomical variations of CW died of cerebrovascular diseases, and 39.29% died of other medical causes, on the first rank being acute myocardial infarction (17.85%). Knowing the frequency of anatomical variations of CW arteries in the population of Moldova can be useful in planning surgery for cerebral aneurysms, to avoid accidental vascular trauma during surgery and can be reported in current anatomy treatises.
... Among all other anatomical variations of the anterior circulation, there was a type A dominance in most of the studies in the past, similar to the results of this new investigation. The prevalence of the complete anterior circulation ranged between 74 and 90%, while this prevalence was lower in the autopsy series 4 . 75.78% of the study population in this current research was found to have a complete circle, similar to other studies in the literature. ...
... Bilateral duplication of A1 segment 1 18 . I variant in anterior and posterior, J type in anterior circulation has not been observed in another study 4 . No patients with I type in anterior and posterior, or J and F type in anterior circulation has been reported in the study population of another research 3 19 . ...
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The Circle of Willis (COW) is an important collateral pathway to protect the persistence of cerebral blood perfusion. This study aims to investigate the morphological variants of this significant vascular structure with a large study population. 867 patients who had undergone MR angiography (MRA) evaluation were enrolled in this study. The MRA images of these patients obtained by the three-dimensional time-of-flight technique were re-interpreted to measure the vessel diameters of all components of the COW and classify the COW variations. In addition, correlations of the vessel calibers and the integrity of the COW with gender and age groups were presented. There was female dominance in the study population, and the mean age was 48. Type A was the most common variation in anterior (75.78%) and posterior (53.98%) circulation. Types G and H were the other common variation in the anterior circulation, and types E and D were the second and third common variations in the posterior COW, respectively. Smaller calibration for both ICAs, both P1s and BA were observed in females compared with the male group. Diameters of the BA, and both P1 segments were lower, and the left PCom diameter was significantly higher in the patients with a complete circle. There was a significant sex and age difference regarding the distribution of the complete, partially complete, and incomplete circle groups. The significant differences in the vessel calibers of specific components of the COW for complete, partial, and incomplete circulations revealed by this study should be explained with further research. In addition, meta-analyses with other studies in the literature might be a guide to understanding the morphological alterations of the COW and their relationships with a complete and non-complete circle.
... These results were statistically significant (P value ¼ 0.01). Similar results were documented by Krabbe-Hartkamp et al., 20 Naveen et al., 22 Eaton et al., 25 and Zaninovich et al. who all demonstrated an inverse relationship between age and completeness, 26 a relationship now well established in the literature. The exact mechanism behind this change has not yet been determined, but has been suggested to occur secondary to a combination of atherosclerosis and other lifestyles diseases, including diabetes mellitus and hypertension, 27-29 which cause vessel occlusion over time and radiological absence, but not anatomical absence, a theory supported by more complete CoWs in cadaveric studies. ...
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Objectives: This article seeks to determine the prevalence of a complete circle of Willis (CoW) and its common morphological variations in a south Trinidad population, while also investigating the influence of gender, age, and ethnicity on CoW morphology. Methods: A prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was done on the magnetic resonance images for consecutive patients who had a brain MRI/magnetic resonance angiography at a tertiary health institution in south Trinidad between October 2019 and September 2020. Patients with significant cerebrovascular disease and/or a history of prior neurosurgical intervention were excluded. Results: A complete CoW was seen in 24.3%, with more complete circles observed in younger participants (≤45 years) and Afro-Trinidadians. No gender predilection for a complete CoW was demonstrated. The most common variations in the anterior and posterior parts of the circle were a hypo-plastic anterior communicating artery (8.6%, n = 13) and bilateral aplastic posterior communicating arteries (18.4%, n = 28), respectively. Conclusions: Significant variations exist in the CoW of a south Trinidad population with a frequency of complete in 24.3%, and more complete circles in younger patients and Afro-Trinidadians. Gender did not influence CoW morphology. Advances in knowledge: Structural abnormalities in the CoW may be linked to future incidence of cerebrovascular diseases and should therefore be communicated to the referring physician in the written radiology report. Knowledge of variant anatomy and its frequency for a particular populations is also required by neurosurgeons and neuro-interventional radiologists to help with preprocedural planning and to minimize complications.
... Recent literature various reports variations of CoW from its original definition. Studies conducted so far, be it on autopsy cases or on imaging investigations, showed that a normal CoW occurred in only 16.6% to 42.8% of the population [6][7].i.e. less half of the cases. ...
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Introduction: The current literature proves that the frequency of anatomical variants of circle of Willis (CoW) has not yet been sufficiently evaluated both in the Romanian population and internationally, and in the North East region of Romania there is no evidence of such research so far.The aim of this study is to identify the frequency and types of anatomical variants of the constituent arteries of the posterior part of the Cov in patients with cerebrovascular diseases diagnosed within the main Neurology hospital in the Northeastern region of Romania, based on macroscopic analysis of arterial specimens obtained at autopsy and the results with data from updated literature.
... The size and patency of the arteries of the circle of Willis are known to be variable. 4 The collateral potential of the Circle of Willis would be impaired if any component of this cycle is absent or hypoplastic 5 . It is expected that that the anatomical variations of the Circle of Willis may affect the occurrence and severity of symptoms of such cerebrovascular accidents as infarctions. ...
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Background: The extent of damage by ischaemic stroke and the course of illness depend largely on the presence of collateral vessels around the affected area. The Circle of Willis (CoW), which serves as an important potential collateral pathway in maintaining adequate blood flow around the brain, is known to have variable patency. So the completeness of CoW is expected to influence the severity of ischaemic stroke. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the association of completeness of Circle of Willis with severity of acute ischaemic stroke. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study done in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka from March, 2015 to August, 2017. A total of 42 patients of acute ischaemic stroke who were undergoing Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) for different reasons were selected by purposive sampling method. Data regarding completeness of Circle of Willis were obtained from DSA. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score were measured to assess the severity of stroke. Then the severities of stroke between the complete and incomplete Circle of Willis groups were compared. Results: A total of 27 male and 15 female patients were enrolled. Among them, 47.6% (20) had complete CoW and it was incomplete in rest 52.4% (22). Median (range) of NIHSS scores of complete and incomplete CoW group was 4.5 (0-17) and 9.5 (3-21) respectively. Mean NIHSS (±SD) for the complete and incomplete CoW was 6.60 (±4.97) and 9.95 (±5.10) respectively. The difference of mean between the two groups was found to be statistically significant (p=0.037). Odd’s Ratio (OR) for development of more severe stroke in patients with incomplete CoW was 4.5, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.18-18.13 which was statistically significant (p=0.029). Conclusion: It was concluded that incomplete Circle of Willis is associated with more severe stroke in acute ischaemic stroke patients. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2021; 47(2): 181-191
... The published anatomical variants of CoW are the lack of some of the vessels that make up this structure, the presence of additional arteries, the abnormal origin of some of its arteries as they are found to be obviously different to the right and to the left of this structure, the presence of a smaller diameter of an artery compared to the contralateral artery, etc. However, it is important to note that studies conducted so far, based on autopsy or on imaging data, show that a normal CoW occurs in only 16.6% and 42.8% of the population [6,7], so in less than half of the studied cases. ...
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In the literature, there are many articles reporting anatomical variations of circle of Willis (CoW), defined as those changes that lead to the inability of this anastomotic structure to maintain adequate brain flow. Because there is such a wide variation in the configuration of the CoW, its anatomical variations affect the hemodynamics of blood flow, thus contributing to the development of aneurysms or stroke. As such, we consider that a good knowledge of the embryological development of the constituent arteries of the CoW can shed some light on the causes of the appearance of its anatomical variants. Reviewing literature, we will present the embryological development of the constituting arteries of the CoW and will begin with vasculogenesis and angiogenesis of the vascular system as a whole. Then, we will focus on the embryological development of the internal carotid artery (ICA) and its branches because, starting with the embryological day 24, these arteries are the first vessels that begin to develop to provide the necessary blood for the primitive brain. As the hindbrain increases its volume, a larger amount of nutrients is needed. Because a larger amount of blood is required to be provided by the primitive ICAs, there is a need for arterial capacity development and thus the posterior circulation begin to take shape. At this stage, the posterior circulation consists of a plexiform arterial network that receives blood from the carotid artery through the carotid-vertebrobasilar anastomoses. At the 5-8 mm embryonic stage, these anastomoses begin to regress, and the basilar artery and vertebral arteries become independent of the ICA. We are pointing out on the process of regression of these primitive vessels, emphasizing the fact that their persistence represents the starting point for the appearance of anatomic anomalies of the CoW, which are identified in the adult individuals. In this review, we also present and illustrate some developmental abnormalities of the anterior and posterior parts of the CoW.
... Carotid arteries and their regions play a part in the anterior circulation and the vertebra-basilar network provides to the posterior circulation. 5 It influences significant functions in supervision of reliable intracranial blood stream and perfusion pressure.Growing classification, difference, and extent of opening of the anatomy all impact on its objective as an origin of balanced flow. 6 Components in the COW are generally missing or hypoplastic making the COW incomplete. ...
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Background: The COW shows vast variations in different individuals. The aim of this study was to evaluate and describe the prevalence and patterns of arterial variants and the different morphological variations of the COW on MRA in adult Pakistanis. Aim: To find the different anatomical variations of Circle of Willis in adult patients on magnetic resonance angiography. Methodology: In this descriptive study a total of 90 patients with ages 20-90 years, were selected for the study between July 2021 till October 2021. The adult patients were referred for screening MRA brain in the Department of Radiology. The protocol selected to visualize the COW was 3D-TOF MRA. Results: Data analysis demonstrates that out of total 90 patients, 51(56.7%) were males and 39(43.3%) were females. Overall, 66(79.5%) circles were complete in anatomical configuration and 24(20.5) were incomplete. The anterior circle was complete in 73(81.1%) subjects and incomplete in 17(18.9%) subjects. The posterior circle was complete in 83(92.2%) subjects and incomplete in 7(7.8%) subjects.The most common variation of COW was hypoplasia/absence of segments of Circle of Willis. ACA was the most frequent segment of Circle of Willis that was hypoplastic/absent followed by A1 segment of right ACA is absent in 6(7.2%) subjects and A1segment of right ACA is hypoplastic in 6(7.2%) subjects. Conclusion: The study concludes that mostly the COW is complete in Pakistani adults. There are variations particularly in anterior part as compared to the posterior part of the COW. The most common variants are of A1 segment of Right ACA as compared to other type of variants. Keywords: Circle of Willis, 3D-TOF-MRA, Anterior circulation, Posterior circulation, Complete circle, Incomplete circle
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This research investigates the Circle of Willis, a critical vascular structure vital for cerebral blood supply. A modified novel dual‐pathway multi‐scale hierarchical upsampling network (HUNet) is presented, tailored explicitly for accurate segmentation of Circle of Willis anatomical components from medical imaging data. Evaluating both the multi‐label magnetic resonance angiography region of interest and the multi‐label magnetic resonance angiography whole brain‐case datasets, HUNet consistently outperforms the convolutional U‐net model, demonstrating superior capabilities and achieving higher accuracy across various classes. Additionally, the HUNet model achieves an exceptional dice similarity coefficient of 98.61 and 97.95, along with intersection over union scores of 73.32 and 85.76 in both the multi‐label magnetic resonance angiography region of interest and the multi‐label magnetic resonance angiography whole brain‐case datasets, respectively. These metrics highlight HUNet's exceptional performance in achieving precise and accurate segmentation of anatomical structures within the Circle of Willis, underscoring its robustness in medical image segmentation tasks. Visual representations substantiate HUNet's efficacy in delineating Circle of Willis structures, offering comprehensive insights into its superior performance.
MRA is essential for neurovascular evaluation with applications in anatomic mapping, atherosclerotic disease, stroke, aneurysm, vascular malformations, and vascular dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases. TOF MRA is the most used MRA technique but has some disadvantages. Many new and important advancements in flow imaging have emerged both without and with the use of contrast agents. The purpose of this article was to highlight appropriate advantages, pitfalls, and applications for both traditional and more advanced MRA techniques including TOF, phase contrast MRA, 4D flow, arterial spin-labeling, and contrast-enhanced MRA techniques.Learning Objective: To review TOF MRA and explore the advantages, disadvantages, and applications of alternative MRA techniques without and with contrast including phase contrast MRA, arterial spin-labeling MRA, and other novel contrast-enhanced MRA techniques
Background and purpose: Intracranial aneurysms are more common in women than in men. Some anatomical variants of the circle of Willis (CoW) are associated with a higher risk of developing intracranial aneurysms. We hypothesized that variations of the CoW are sex dependent which may partly explain why intracranial aneurysms are more common in women. We systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed the literature to compare the presence of anatomical variations of the CoW between women and men in the general population. Material and methods: A systematic search in Pubmed and EMBASE using predefined criteria, following the PRISMA guidelines was performed. The presence of different CoW anatomical variants and a complete CoW was compared between women and men using an inverse variance weighted random effects meta-analysis to calculate relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Results: Fourteen studies were included reporting on 5478 healthy participants (2511 women, 2967 men). Bilateral fetal type posterior cerebral arteries (RR 2.79; 95%CI 1.65-4.72, I2=0%), and a complete CoW (RR 1.24, 95%CI 1.13-1.36; I2=0%) were more prevalent in women than in men. The variants absence or hypoplasia of one of the anterior cerebral arteries (RR 0.58, 95%CI 0.38-0.88, I2=57%) and hypoplasia or absence of both posterior communicating arteries (RR 0.79, 95%CI 0.71-0.87, I2=0%) were more prevalent in men. Conclusions: Several anatomical variations of the CoW are sex dependent, with some variants being more common in women while others in men. Future research should assess how these sex-specific CoW variants relate to the sex-specific occurrence of intracranial aneurysms.
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Objective . Circulus arteriosus/circle of Willis (CW) is a polygonal anastomotic channel at the base of the brain which unites the internal carotid and vertebrobasilar system. It maintains the steady and constant supply to the brain. The variations of CW are seen often. The Aim of the present work is to find out the percentage of normal pattern of CW, and the frequency of variations of the CW and to study the morphological and morphometric aspects of all components of CW. Methods . Circulus arteriosus of 150 formalin preserved brains were dissected. Dimensions of all the components forming circles were measured. Variations of all the segments were noted and well photographed. The variations such as aplasia, hypoplasia, duplication, fenestrations, and difference in dimensions with opposite segments were noted. The data collected in the study was analyzed. Results . Twenty-one different types of CW were found in the present study. Normal and complete CW was found in 60%. CW with gross morphological variations was seen in 40%. Maximum variations were seen in the PCoA followed by the ACoA in 50% and 40%, respectively. Conclusion . As it confirms high percentage of variations, all surgical interventions should be preceded by angiography. Awareness of these anatomical variations is important in neurovascular procedures.
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Background: Cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke, aneurysms and arterio-venous malformations are very much prevalent in our country. Circle of Willis, as an anastomotic polygon at the base of the brain forms an important collateral network to maintain adequate cerebral perfusion. Changes in the normal morphology of the circle may condition the appearance and severity of symptoms of cerebrovascular disorders, such as aneurysms, infarctions and other vascular anomalies. A possible link between abnormalities of the circle of Willis and the mentally ill patients has been observed. Aim and objectives: The aim of the present study is to have an intimate knowledge of the variations in the cerebral arterial circle and to clarify the clinical importance of these variations in certain forms of cerebrovascular diseases. So an attempt was made to analyse the anatomical variations of the circle in a random population. Material and methods: The work was based on fifty adult brains from persons died of diverse causes. The materials were obtained during routine autopsy studies. The base of the brain including the brain stem with intact arterial circle was preserved in 10% formalin for 10 days. The circle of Willis and its major branches were carefully dissected under water using a magnifying lens. The variations were recorded and photographed. Results: Majority of the circles (52%) showed anomalies. Hypoplasia was the most frequent anomaly and was found in 24% of the brains. Accessory vessels in the form of duplications/triplications of anterior communicating artery were seen in 12% of the circles. The embryonic origin of the posterior cerebral artery from the internal carotid persisted in 10% of the circles. An incomplete circle due to the absence of one or other posterior communicating artery was found in 6% of the specimens.Variations are more frequent in posterior half of the circle. Conclusion: The anatomical variations of the circle of Willis were probably genetically determined, develop in early embryonic stage and persist in post natal life. The amplitude of neck movements, racial, environmental and hemodynamic factors may also modify these variations. These anomalies may alter the occurrence, severity of symptoms, treatment options and recovery from certain cerebrovascular disorders viz., stroke and aneurysms. A detailed knowledge of the vascular variants is useful to surgeons in planning their shunt operations, choice of the patients and also keeps away inadvertent vascular traumas during surgeries.
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Objective Aimed to evaluate the different anatomical variations of the circle of Willis (COW) and determined average vessels diameters in general Egyptian population.Patients and methodsWe retrospectively evaluated the 3D-time of flight (TOF) MR angiogram (MRA) of 250 patients. One hundred and eighty patients out of them had no manifestations of cerebrovascular diseases included in the study. All of them were examined by 3D TOF MRA. The anatomical variants of the anterior and posterior components of the COW were studied. The complete COW were assessed and the diameters of all the components were measured. The correlation between the vessel diameters in relations to age and sex were evaluated.ResultsComplete anterior and complete posterior parts of the COW were seen in 68.3%, and 38.3%, respectively. Entirely complete COW was seen in 46.7%. The prevalence of entirely complete COW was slightly higher in females and young than males and older subjects. The study illustrated that there are statistically significant differences in some vessel diameters according to sex and age.Conclusion The anatomical variants of the COW and the normal reference values for vessels diameter were determined in general Egyptian population based on measurements in 3DTOF MRA.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate and to describe the prevalence and pattern of circle of Willis (COW) arterial variants seen in non-contrasted three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography (3D-TOF-MRA) in a large series of patients. A review of the results of 507 consecutive normal subjects undergoing 3D-TOF- MRA of COW was performed retrospectively. There were 241 males and 266 females, aged from 18 to 89 years. A 1.5-T scanner was used in all these studies. The anatomic variants of anterior and posterior parts of the Circle of Willis were evaluated on maximal intensity projection (MIP) images and the diameters of its major constituents were measured. In these 507 cases, 397 (78.30%) cases have complete anterior parts of the COW; 129 (25.44%) cases have complete posterior parts of the COW and 89 (21.30%) cases demonstrate entire configuration of the Circle. Ten types of variations of anterior and posterior parts of the circle were recognized.
A very simple model of the flow in the circle of Willis is described in this paper. Disregarding pulsatility and vessel wall elasticity, fluxes in all segments of the circle of Willis and its afferent and efferent vessels are calculated by applying the Poiseuille-Hagen formula. Comparison withe the fluxes calculated numerically from a more sophisticated mathematical model, including pulsatility, vessel wall elasticity and nonlinear effects, revealed only very slight differences. In short, fluxes in the afferent vessels and the segments of the circle of Willis are influenced by any change of resistance within the network, whereas the fluxes in the efferent segments are dominated by the efferent resistance distribution.However, a great advantage of the present simple model is that it offers the possibility of an analytical approach which yields both an easy sensitivity analysis of parameters and an insight into the mechanisms that govern the flow in a network like the circle of Willis. It can be concluded that these mechanisms are similar to the principles of the Wheatstone bridge, known from electrical circuit theory.
The velocity-phase relationship intrinsic to phase-contrast magnetic resonance (MR) angiography permits the quantitative and qualitative assessment of blood flow. The ability to measure velocity and vessel cross-sectional area allows noninvasive assessment of volume flow rate (VFR) in the internal carotid artery (ICA). Phase-contrast techniques also demonstrate flow direction. Using two-dimensional cine phase-contrast angiography, the authors evaluated VFR in the ICA and collateral flow about the circle of Willis in 15 patients with ischemic neurologic symptoms. The VFR in each carotid artery was correlated with the degree of stenosis and presence or absence of abnormal circle of Willis collateral flow. There was a correlation between a decrease in VFR and abnormal circle of Willis collateral flow. In addition, a correlation between severe stenosis and a decrease in VFR was found. In patients with ischemic neurologic symptoms without severe stenosis (<70% diameter stenosis), no decrease in VFR was seen. It is hoped that flow quantification and directional flow imaging with phase-contrast angiography will help further characterize carotid artery occlusive disease by enabling assessment of VFR changes associated with ischemic neurologic symptoms. This study also supports the hypothesis that two mechanisms-hemodynamic and embolic-play a role in ischemic neurologic symptoms.
To establish normal reference values for the presence of the anatomic variants of the circle of Willis and average diameters for its component vessels by using three-dimensional time-of-flight magnetic resonance (MR) angiography and to determine whether age- or sex-related differences exist in the circle's anatomy. One hundred fifty volunteers were grouped according to age: those aged 20-25 years (n = 50) and those aged 60-88 years (n = 100). All subjects underwent three-dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography of the arterial circle at 1.5 T. The anatomic variants of the anterior and posterior parts of the circle were determined separately, the completeness of the entire circle was assessed, and the diameters of all component vessels were measured. On MR angiograms, 111 (74%) subjects demonstrated a complete anterior part of the circle, 78 (52%) demonstrated a complete posterior part of the circle, and 63 (42%) demonstrated an entirely complete circle of Willis (complete anterior and posterior parts of the circle combined). The presence of an entirely complete circle of Willis was slightly higher in younger persons and in women. Most vessel diameters were smaller in women, except for the diameter of the posterior communicating artery. Statistically significant differences were found in vessel diameters between the younger and the older age groups. The authors determined normal reference values for morphologic variants and diameter measurements of the circle of Willis specific to three dimensional time-of-flight MR angiography.
To determine the extent of hypoplasia of the component vessels of the circle of Willis (CW) and the anatomical variations in the anterior communicating artery (AcomA) in the subjects who have died of causes unrelated to the brain and compare with previous autopsy studies. The external diameter of all the arteries forming the CW in 225 normal Sri Lankan adult cadaver brains was measured using a calibrated grid to determine the occurrence of "typical" CWs, where all of the component vessels had a diameter of more than 1 mm. Variations in the AcomA were classified into 12 types based on Ozaki et al., 1977. 193 (86%) showed "hypoplasia", of which 127 (56.4%) were with multiple anomalies. Posterior communicating artery (PcoA) was hypoplastic bilaterally in 93 (51%) and unilaterally in 49 (13%). Precommunicating segment of the posterior cerebral arteries (P1) was hypoplastic bilaterally in 3 (2%), unilaterally in 14 (4%), and AcomA was hypoplastic in 91 (25%). The precommunicating segment of the anterior cerebral arteries (A1) was hypoplastic unilaterally in 17 (5%). Types of variations in the AcomA were: single 145 (65%), fusion 52 (23%), double 22 (10%) [V shape, Y shape, H shape, N shape], triplication 1 (0.44%), presence of median anterior cerebral artery 5 (2%), and aneurysm 1 (0.44%). The occurrence of "typical" CW in autopsy brains was rare. Further studies would be necessary to determine if these anatomical variations could predispose to cerebral ischemia and premature stroke in the Sri Lankan population.