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A revision of the genus Heliophobus Boisduval, 1828 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Hadeninae)

  • Heterocera Press Ltd
  • Pensioned Researcher

Abstract and Figures

The taxa of the genus Heliophobus Boisduval, 1828 are revised, the majority of formerly described taxa of the genus, H. reticulata (Goeze, 1782), H. unicolor (Alpheraky, 1889), H. kitti (Schawerda, 1914), H. texturata (Alpheraky, 1892), and H. nepalensis (Plante, 1982) are redescribed; three newly discovered Central Asiatic species, H. mongoliensis sp. n. (Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, China), H. aequalifuscus sp. n. (Pakistan) and H. bulcsui sp. n. (Pakistan, China), are described. With 86 genitalia figures and 57 colour images of adults.
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Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 61(2), pp. 147–188, 2015
DOI: 10.17109/AZH.
Sándor JenŐ Simonyi1, LászlÓ Ronkay2 and Péter Gyulai3
1H-1031 Budapest, Sóvári utca 30, Hungary; E-mail:
2Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum
H-1088 Budapest, Baross u. 13, Hungary; E-mail:
3H-3530 Miskolc, Mélyvölgy u. 13/A, Hungary; E-mail:
The taxa of the genus Heliophobus Boisduval, 1828 are revised, the majority of formerly de-
scribed taxa of the genus, H. reticulata (Goeze, 1782), H. unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889), H. kitti
(Schawerda, 1914), H. texturata (Alphéraky, 1892), and H. nepalensis (Plante, 1982) are rede-
scribed; three newly discovered Central Asiatic species, H. mongoliensis sp. n. (Mongolia,
Russia, Kazakhstan, China), H. aequalifuscus sp. n. (Pakistan) and H. bulcsui sp. n. (Pakistan,
China), are described. With 86 genitalia figures and 57 colour images of adults.
Key words: Heliophobus, Noctuidae, Hadeninae, taxonomic revision, redescriptions, new
species, Central Asia.
Former studies on the taxonomy of the genus Heliophobus produced no
generic revision but a number of interesting results concerning with the tax-
onomic identity of certain species. The starting point is the work of Tykac
(1943) who first recognised the distinctness of the two species occurring in
Europe, though he considered them as two subspecies of the same species (H.
reticulata reticulata and H. reticulata silbernageli), and overlooked the identity of
his silbernageli with the taxon described by Schawerda (1914) as H. reticulata
var. kitti. Dufay (1979) was the first expert who has proved the specific dis-
tinctness of Heliophobus kitti (Schawerda, 1914) from H. texturata (Alphéraky,
1892) and recognised the identity of H. silbernageli and H. kitti. Subsequently,
Plante (1982) described a new species from the southern Himalayas, H. nepa-
lensis; the taxonomic rank of this taxon has remained, however, disputable,
presumably because of the great similarity to its sibling species, H. texturata
and by the absence of information about the everted vesica. In his paper, Be-
hounek (1986) compared the genitalia of western Asiatic specimens of the H.
reticulata species-group and recognised a new type of Heliophobus genitalia
which he considered belonging to H. unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889). This taxon
was subsequently described as H. dalmae by Simonyi in 2010.
Despite these results and the rising new problems, the genus Heliophobus
seems to be rather neglected during the last two decades, although the exami-
nation of the everted vesica has became essential and widespread, and several
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
successful expeditions provided considerable new material from large areas
of Central and Inner Asia.
The genus has long been considered to contain four species and this view
was widely accepted before 2010. The investigations on the external and es-
pecially on the genital morphology on a large Asian Heliophobus material pre-
served in Hungarian Lepidoptera collections provided the firm base for the
revision of the genus. The species content of Heliophobus has been consider-
ably increased; the present paper contains the characterisation of the genus,
the detailed comparisons of its six formerly known taxa and the descriptions
of three new species. The subspecific splitting of the polytypical species (e.g.
H. unicolor and H. kitti) will be discussed in a later article.
Genus Heliophobus Boisduval, 1828
H. reticulata group:
H. reticulata (Goeze, 1781)
H. unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889)
H. dalmae Simonyi, 2010
H. mongoliensis Simonyi sp. n.
H. texturata group:
H. texturata (Alphéraky, 1892)
H. kitti (Schawerda, 1914)
H. nepalensis Plante, 1982
H. bulcsui Simonyi sp. n.
H. aequalifuscus Gyulai & Simonyi sp. n.
Abbreviation – BMNH = Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Muse-
um, Natural History); HNHM = Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest; NHMG =
Natural History Museum, Geneva; NHMW = Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna; ULB =
Újpesti Lepkemúzeum (Lepidopterological Museum, Újpest), Budapest; ZISP = Zoologi-
cal Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg; ZMHU = Zoological Museum,
Humboldt University (actually Museumr Naturkunde), Berlin.
Genus Heliophobus Boisduval, 1828
Heliophobus Boisduval, 1828, Europaeorum Lepidopterorum Index Methodicus: 69. Type-species:
Phalaena saponariae Borkhausen, 1792, by subsequent designation by Duponchel, 1829.
Taxonomy. The genus Heliophobus appears as a compact and clearly
defined, monophyletic lineage within the Sideridis Hübner, 1821–Conisania
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Hampson, 1905 clade of the subfamily Hadeninae. The entire clade can be
characterised by several shared features of the male genitalia, e. g. the almost
symmetrical valvae, the reduced harpe, the well developed saccular exten-
sions, and the distal fascia of cornuti in the vesica, etc. This common basic
structure of the male genitalia (theSideridis-type” clasping apparatus) is the
main reason of the different evaluation of the supraspecific categories within
the generic complex. The differentlumping or splitting – concepts about the
taxonomic interpretation of the main lineages (Sideridis, Colonsideridis Beck,
1991, Aneda Sukhareva, 1973, Heliophobus, Conisania, Luteohadena Beck, 1991,
Saragossa Staudinger, 1900 and Dianthivora Varga et Ronkay, 1991) led to the
frequent changes of their rank. The Heliophobus lineage appears as clearly
monophyletic, and represents a rather basal branch on the phyletic tree of the
generic complex. Its supposed sister-group is none of the above-mentioned
supraspecific taxa but an unnamed lineage represented by a single species,
Polia” costirufa Draudt, 1950. Thus, in the opinion of the authors, is better
interpreted as a distinct genus than a subgenus of Sideridis.
The genus includes two main species-groups, the reticulata–unicolor and
the texturata–kitti groups. There are conspicuous differences between the two
main lineages in the wing pattern and some other external features, and the
differences in the structure of the genitalia of both sexes are essential. It can be
stated, based on the „ground planof the genitalia of the two different groups,
that the clasping apparatus of the H. texturata–H. kitti lineage has partly lost
its ability for fixing the female body, but this function has been taken over by
the winding and sclerotisation of the female ductus bursae and the stronger
vesica of the males.
Diagnosis. The external appearance of the adults is very characteristic
and easily recognisable. This forewing pattern with the contrasting, whitish
or ochreous-white filling of the antemedial and postmedial crosslines, the
similarly white or whitish subterminal line, the pale covering on the veins
and the white or whitish outlines of the orbicular and reniform stigmata on
a dark brown or grey ground is a group feature of the genus. Similar col-
ouration may appear in certain other noctuid groups like the not very closely
related, subtropical hadenine Dictyestra Sugi, 1982 or the xylenine Genoveva
eximia Zilli, Varga, Ronkay et Ronkay, 2009).
The diagnostic features of the male genitalia are the well developed cu-
cullus with mostly slender neck, the reduction of the digitus on at least one
side, the large, flattened, falciform or moon-shaped saccular extension, and
the long, axis-like sclerotized ribbon of the proximal half of the vesica. The
vesica is long, tubular, helicoid or recurved (not T-shaped); the armature of
the vesica is variable, displaying two main types. The vesica in the reticulata-
group is helicoid, without basal and medial cornuti but with long brush-like
distal field of cornuti; that of the taxa of the texturata-group is reclinate dor-
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sally and armed by groups and rows of fine spinules in the basal and medial
sections while the distal brush-like field is reduced, short and weak.
The female genitalia show the main features of theSideridis–Conisania
ground plan with the medium-long and conical ovipositor, the sclerotised
antrum and ductus bursae, the well-developed appendix bursae and the sac-
culiform corpus bursae with long, interrupted signum-stripes. The female
genitalia of the two species-groups are easily distinguished by the structure
of the ductus bursae and the appendix bursae; the ductus bursae of the reticu-
lata-group is short and straight, and the appendix bursae is helicoid, while the
ductus bursae of the members of the texturata-group is considerably longer
and rather S-shaped, and the appendix bursae is shorter but stronger sclero-
The detailed characterisation of the two main species-groups and their
species is given in the following section.
Heliophobus reticulata species-group
External morphology. Medium-sized moths (wingspan 32–46 mm) with
usually vivid colouration and sharply defined noctuid pattern. Forewing
ground colour varies from ochreous shaded pale grey (usually with violet
hue) to deep brown and dark brown-grey; vestiture of head and thorax cor-
responds to ground colour of forewing; collar and tegulae ornamented by
light and dark stripes. Veins regularly paler than ground colour but less
prominently than in the taxa of the H. texturata species-group. Light parts
of crosslines and outlines of stigmata bordered by dark scales forming fine
stripes and annuli; dark elements of pattern usually do not dominate over
the shade of ground colour of forewing, therefore, the entire pattern appears
somewhat mottled. Hindwing rather contrasting, inner area whitish-grey to
pale grey with some ochreous shade; marginal area suffused with dark brown
to brown-grey.
Male genitalia. Clasping apparatus strongly built, often slightly asym-
metrical, left valva often broader than the right one. Sacculus and saccular
extensions heavily sclerotised; apex of saccular extension pointed. Clavus and
costal edge serrated. Left digitus always stronger than the rather reduced right
one; left digitus may be long and well developed or remarkably shorter and
weaker, depending on the given species. Aedeagus tubular, dorso-ventrally
slightly bent, with carinal thorn. Vesica tubular, slightly tapering distally, be-
ing either reclinate towards the aedeagus or coiled with one or two coils; a
sclerotised area with sclerosetae (in the further text: sclerosetose area) appears
at proximal end of vesica. A strongly sclerotised, costa-like, recurved ribbon
(in the further text: recurving costa) starts besides sclerosetose area. Recurv-
ing costa followed usually by tapering, sclerotised ribbon (in the further text:
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
accessory ribbon), that can be reduced or rather long, sinuous. Distal part of
vesica possesses variably long, brush-like cornuti field.
Female genitalia. Ovipositor medium-long (length of ovipositor corre-
sponds one and half width of ostium bursae), relatively weakly sclerotised;
papillae anales short, more or less quadrangular; intersegmental membra-
nous section rather long. Both pairs of gonapophyses relatively short, basal
plates of apophyses posteriores flattened triangular. Length of ovipositor-
ostium complex more or less equal with that of ductus bursae; ostium bur-
sae wide, sclerotised, antrum short. Ductus bursae bent dorso-ventrally and
divided into distal, sclerotised and proximal membranous parts. Appendix
bursae situated dorsally, membranous, with one or two coils; neck of appen-
dix bursae conjoined with ductus bursae; internal side of proximal part of coil
usually slightly sclerotised. Corpus bursae membranous, rounded, with four
rows of small, rounded signum-patches.
Heliophobus reticulata (Goeze, 1781)
(Figs 1–4, 55–56; 58–72)
Phalaena reticulata Goeze, 1781, Entomologische Beyträge zu des Ritter Linné Zwölften Ausgabe
des Natursystems 3: 254. Type-locality: no locality given.
Phalaena reticulata Villers, 1789, Caroli Linnaei Entomologica 2: 254 (nom. preocc.). Type-lo-
cality: Europe.
Noctua calcatrippae Vieweg, 1790, Tabellarisches Verzeichniss der in der Churmark Brandenburg
einheimischen Schmettlinge 2: 71. Type-locality: [Germany] Brandenburg region.
Phalaena saponariae Borkhausen, 1792, Der Phalaenen zweite Horden, Eulen. Naturgeschichte
der Europaischen Schmetterlinge nach Systematischer Ordnung 4: 370. Type-locality: no
locality given.
Noctua marginosa Haworth, 1809, Lepidoptera Britannica; sistens Digestionem novam Insecto-
rum Lepidopterorum quae in Magna Britannia Reperiuntur, Larvarum Pabulo, Temporeque
Pascendi; Expansione Alarum; Mensibusque Volandi; Synonymis atque Locis Observationi-
busque Variis 2: 193. Type-locality: England, Norfolk.
Heliophobus lohi Noel, 1906, Le Naturaliste 28: 227. Type-locality: [France] Doubs.
Heliophobus saponariae hibernica Cockayne, 1944, Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Varia-
tion 56: 55. Type-locality: Ireland, County Cork. Holotype: male.
Material examined. Hungary. 1 male, Tiszakécske, 23.VI.1962, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide
No. 170 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Monorierdő, 15.VI. 2006, leg. S.
J. Simonyi, slide No. 161 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Monori-erdő,
28.V.1983, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 165 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male,
Monorierdő, 21.VI.1980, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 171 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Bu-
dapest); 1 male, Sóskút, Fundoklia, 3.VI.2000, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 162 SJ. Simonyi
(coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 3 males, 1 female, Epöl, 21.V.2009, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide
Nos 330m, 331m, 334m, 325f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, 7 females,
Epöl, 19–21.VI.2009, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide Nos 333m, 455m, 327f, 328f, 329f, 332f, 339f,
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
404f, 406f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 female, Bakonykúti, 5.VII.1994, leg.
G. Rácz, slide No. 178 SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, Bakonykúti, 29.VI.2002 leg. G.
Rácz, slide No. 239 SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, Vászoly, Öreg-hegy, 8.VII.1978, leg.
S. J Simonyi, slide No. 166 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi Budapest); 1 male, Vászoly, Öreg-
hegy, 10.VI.1979, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 172 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest);
1 female, Vászoly, Hűs-völgy, 3.VI.1983, leg. L. Scsényi, slide No. 179 SJ. Simonyi (coll.
L. Scsényi, Budapest). Romania. 1 male, Transylvania, Balan, 1450 m, Piatra Singuratica,
7–8.VII.1983, leg. Peregovits L., slide No. 241 SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, MT Vran-
cea, Cheile Tisitei, 30.VI.2007, leg. L. Székely, slide No. 275 SJ. Simonyi (coll. L. Székely,
Romania, Sačele). Switzerland. 1 male, 1 female, Wallis (Simplon) Gabi, 10.VII.1968, leg. J.
Wettstein, slide Nos 184m, 185f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 5 males, Wallis, Chandolin, 2000
m, 10–20.VII.1984, slide Nos 446, 454 SJ. Simonyi, coll. A. Saldaitis (coll. S. J. Simonyi Bu-
dapest); 1 female, Wallis, Soussillon, 1400 m, 15.VII.1981, slide No. 456 SJ. Simonyi, coll. A.
Saldaitis (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest). Italy. 1 male, 2 females, South Tyrol, Sesvenna Mts,
vicinity of Mals, 1550–1600 m, between Premajur and Lutaschg, 7–10.VII.2004, leg. A. Kun
& L. Ronkay, slide Nos 230f, 231f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM). Montenegro. 1 male, Durmitor
Mts, Zmijnic Jezero, 6.VII.1958, 1500 m, leg. Dr. Gozmány, slide No. 192 SJ. Simonyi (coll.
HNHM); 1 female, Durmitor Mts, Zmijnic Jezero, 29.VI.1958, 1500 m, leg. Dr. Gozmány,
slide No. 193 SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); Bulgaria. 1 male, Sofia, Kostinbrod, 15.VII.2005, leg.
L. Székely, slide No. 274 S.J. Simonyi (coll. L. Székely Romania, Sačele); 1 male, Central Bal-
kan Mts, Kaldterska Planina, 1700 m, (coll. L. Székely, Romania, Sačele); Russia. 2 males, 1
female, S. Russia, Selyavnoe, Don river, Voronezh distr. 15–18.VI.1989, leg. A. Belyalov, slide
Nos 196m, 225f, 279m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 3 males, Russia, Baskiria,
Alkino, 100 m, 17–18.VI.2001, leg. M. Danilevsky, slide Nos 434, 447, 448 SJ. Simonyi (coll.
S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, 2 females, S. Ural, Orenburg region, 5 km W of Donskoe
village, 7–12.VII.2004, leg. V. Višinskas, slide Nos 450m, 451m, 453f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J.
Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, Orenburg region, Podgornoe, 10 km W 16–19.VII.2004, leg. V.
Višinskas, slide Nos 430m, 452m S J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest). Kazakhstan.
1 male, Kustonaj reg., Toguzak river, 170 m, 19.VI.2001, leg. M. Danilevsky, slide No. 300
S.J. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Kustonaj reg., Toguzak river, 170 m,
15.VI.2001 leg. M. Danilevsky, slide No. 449 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest).
Redescription. Wingspan 34–46 mm. Head brownish grey, collar chequered with
light and dark stripes. Tegulae brownish grey, their border light with dark stripe. Metatho-
racic tuft brownish-grey, bordered by whitish; abdomen and abdominal ridges coloured
by brownish-grey; dorsal crest well-developed. Forewing rather broad, broader than the
other species of the reticulata-group; apex slightly rounded; costa almost straight; outer
edge slightly arcuate. Ground colour violaceous brown, sometimes brownish-grey or dark
grey with violaceous gloss; costal margin chequered by light and dark spots. Veins ap-
pear as thin whitish lines, except in the terminal area where they covered by dark brown.
Crosslines pinkish-white to greyish-white, defined by dark lines; median fascia dark
brown, often rather blurred; postmedial line oblique below cell. Orbicular and reniform
stigmata encircled by blackish and whitish lines and filled by ground colour; reniform
stigma with whitish internal stripe; claviform stigma large, dark brown outlined and filled
with ground colour. Subterminal line whitish, most parts slightly waved; W-mark at medi-
al veins sharply defined; arrowhead spots dark, long, and sometimes obsolescent. Terminal
line fine, pinkish-ochreous, followed inwards by a row of small, dark, flattened triangles;
fringes striolate by light and dark stripes. Hindwing greyish-white with some ochreous
shade; veins and broad marginal area covered by brown; discal spot and transverse line
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
obsolescent but discernible. Terminal line brown; fringes pinkish or ochreous, with brown-
ish stripes. Underside of forewing greyish-brown, reniform stigma, crossline and marginal
area darker than ground colour. Underside of hindwing lighter, whitish-grey with ochre-
ous shade; veins and costal area suffused with brownish; discal spot, transverse line, and
marginal area darkened.
Male genitalia (Figs 58–69). Clasping apparatus almost symmetrical, rather robust.
Uncus moderately wide or slender, spearhead-like, its apex pointed; fultura inferior broad,
deltoidal; vinculum V-shaped. Valva broad and evenly arched towards narrow neck of
cucullus; sacculus wide, sclerotised, with heavily sclerotised, pointed extension; clavus
roughly serrated. Costal margin with large, more or less triangular subapical lobe, ventral
part of costal plate folded. Both digituses reduced, left one usually stronger and more
developed. Cucullus large, broadened distally and rounded terminally, its shape rather
variable individually; corona well-developed, coronal setae relatively short, subapical area
covered densely with longer setae. Aedeagus tubular, slightly arcuate; distal end with
large, flattened ventro-lateral carinal plate and terminal thorn. Vesica tubular, slightly
tapering, usually recurved towards dorsal end of aedeagus, only rarely coiled medially.
Sclerosetose area and recurving costa present, accessory ribbon long, tapering, only oc-
casionally reduced or absent; distal cornuti field long.
Female genitalia (Figs 70–72). Ovipositor corresponds to the „ground planof the spe-
cies-group. Distal, sclerotised part of ductus bursae usually ends before proximal membra-
nous part, except strong, medial fold; sclerotised area may become weaker towards proximal
membranous part of ductus bursae. Appendix bursae makes one coil, with slight sclerotisa-
tion at proximal section; corpus bursae membranous, rounded, with four row of signa.
Bionomics. Heliphobus reticulata inhabits grassy plains, and rather
opened, wooded hilly and mesomontane areas; in the more southern parts of
its range (south from the main chain of the Alps in France, Switzerland, Italy
and Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece, and NW Turkey) the species confines to the
higher altitudes, up to 2000 m elevations. The moths are on the wing from
the beginning of May to the end of July. The larval foodplants are carnation
(Silene, Melandrium, Lychnis, and Dianthus) and related species (e.g. Saponaria).
Distribution. The species is widespread in Europe from the British Isles
and the Iberian Peninsula to the Ural region; there are confirmed records from
western Kazakhstan and Bashkiria. The eastern part of the area is less ex-
plored due to the small numbers of the available specimens with confirmed
identification by genitalia dissections.
Heliophobus unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889)
(Figs 9–20; 73–83)
Mamestra reticulata var. unicolor Alphéraky, 1889, Mémoires sur les Lépidoptéres 5: 147. Type-
locality: [China] Tien Shan, Kuldja. Lectotype: male, here designated; in coll. ZISP.
Type material examined. Lectotype male, “Tian Chian, 3.VI.1879, v. unicolor Stgr.”,
“Kol. Vel. Kn. Nikolaia Mihailovicha” [with Cirillian letters; it means: collection of the Re-
gent Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanov]; slide No. 0322 Matov (ZISP).
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Additional material examined. Kyrgyzstan. 2 males, N Tien Shan, Chon-Kurchak,
2400 m, 30–31.VII.1952, leg. Korov, slide Nos 220, 283 SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hun-
gary); 1 female, Chatkal river, upper part, 2200 m, 28–29.VI.1998, leg. Plyushch, slide No.
297f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Sary-Chelek, 1900 m, 21.VI.2004,
Figs 1–15. 1–4 = Heliophobus reticulata (Goeze, 1781): 1 = male, Switzerland, Wallis, 2 = male,
Bulgaria, C. Balkan Mts, 3 = male, Hungary, Buda Hills, 4 = female, Romania, Transylvania.
5–8 = H. dalmae Simonyi, 2012: 5 = holotype, male, Turkey, Prov. Agri, 6 = paratype, female,
Turkey, Prov. Nevşehir, 7 = paratype, female, Armenia, 8 = paratype, male, Iran, Prov.
Zangan. 9–15 = H. unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889): 9 = lectotype, male, Tien Shan, Kuldja, 10 =
male, Tajikistan, W. Pamir Mts, 11 = female, Tajikistan, Darvaz Mts, 12 = male, Kyrgyzstan,
Transalai Mts, 13 = male, Kyrgyzstan, N Tien Shan, 14 = male, Kazakhstan, Ketmen range,
15 = female, Kyrgyzstan, Fergana Mts.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
leg. M. Danilevsky, slide No. 409f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, Kyr-
gyz Mts, 3200 m A la-Medin, Chon-Tor valley, 10–20.VII.1991, leg. A.V. Nekrasov, slide Nos
177m, 214m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, 1 female, Naryntoo-Mts, Ak-Muz, 2600 m,
41°12’N, 76°05’E, 5.VII.1993, leg. V. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 318m, 219f, SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr.
P. Gyulai, Hungary); 4 males, Kyrgyz Mts, Issyk-Ata-river, 1900 m, 26.VII.–7.VIII.1995, leg.
Figs 16–30. 16–20 = Heliophobus unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889): 16 = female, Kyrgyzstan, Su sa-
myr Mts, 17 = male, Kyrgyzstan, Naryn-Too Mts, 18 = female, Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul re-
gion, 19 = male, Iran, Demavend, 20 = male, China, Xinyiang Uygur. 21–25 = H. mongoliensis
sp. n.: 21 = paratype, male, Mongolia, Arkhangay aimak, 22 = holotype, male, Mongolia,
Bulgan aimak, 23 = paratype, female, Mongolia, Govi Altay aimak, 24 = paratype, female,
Mongolia, Bulgan aimak, 25 = paratype, male, Kazakhstan, S. Altai Mts. 26–30 = H. kitti
(Schawerda, 1914): 26 = holotype, male, Austria, Lunz, 27 = male, France, Hautes Alpes,
28 = male, Czechia, Karlstein, 29–30 = females, Russia, Transbaikalia.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Toropov, slide Nos 313m, 335m, 337m, 383m SJ. Simonyi; 5 males, 7 females, Susamyr Mts,
Kobik, 2100 m, 9–10.VII.1996, leg. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 319m, 336m, 341m, 342m, 343m,
284f, 285f, 320f, 324f, 326f, 340f, 344f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 3 males,
Terskey-Alatoo (Issyk-kul Lake area), Kara-Talaa, 1610 m, 42°18’N, 76°30’E, 2.VII.1993, leg.
V. & A. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 317m, 322m, 382m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary);
1 male, Bashi Mts, 3300 m, near Chatir-Kol Lake, 2–7.VI.1995, slide No. 296m SJ. Simonyi
(coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Alai Mts. Maidan, 2000 m, 20–21.VII.1997, leg. local
collector, slide No. 175m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 4 males, Alai Mts, Artschaty, 2400 m,
39°53’N, 73°16’E, 9–10.VII.1993, leg. V. & A. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 314m, 323m, 244m, 245m
S.J. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 2 males, Transalai Mts, Aram-Kungei, 2800 m,
12–15.VII.1993, leg. V. & A. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 221m, 287m S.J. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gy-
ulai, Hungary); 6 males, Osh region, Alai M ts, Kurtuk-Ata, 2383 m, 39°55,959’N, 73°24,915’E,
4.VII.2011, leg. SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 4 males, 2 females, Jalal-Abad
region, Fergana Mts, near Urumbash, 1633 m, 41°13,188’N, 73°28,658’E, 7.VII.2011, leg. SJ.
Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, 5 females, Jalal-Abad region, Fergana Mts,
near Aral village, 1857 m, 41°21,888’N, 73°45,070’E, 8.VII.2011, leg. SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J.
Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Naryn region, near Orto-Tokoy lake, 1761 m, 42°18,298’N,
75°54,154’E, 10.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 6 males, 1 female,
Issyk-Kul region, E of Balikhci, 1628 m, 42°19,837’N, 76°13,088’E, 11.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Si-
monyi, slide No. 417f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 female, Issyk-Kul region,
N of Ak-Say, 1852 m, 42°11,050’N, 76°50,219’E, 12.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Si-
monyi, Budapest); 1 male, Issyk-Kul region, Terskey-Ala-too Mts, gorge of Turgen-Aksu,
2308 m, 42°31’02,15”N, 78°54’22,20”E, 14.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi,
Budapest); 1 male, Issyk-Kul region, N of Issyk-Kul lake, near Chon-Shariol, 1858 m,
42°38,403’N, 76°52,912’E, 15.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 fe-
male, Chuy region, Kungey-Ala-Too Mts, SW of Ak-Tüz, 1867 m, 42°51,180’N, 76°04,820’
E, 17.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 470f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest).
Uzbekistan. 1 female, Mt. Great Chimgan 29.V.1974, leg. V. N. Prasolov (coll. ZISP St. Pe-
tersburg); 1 female, Samarkand, 18–30.VII.1892, leg. O. Herz (coll. Gr. Pr. Nikolaj
Mikhajlovich, ZISP); 1 male, W Tien-Shan Mts, Chimgan, 800–2000 m, 69°58’E, 41°32’N,
18–25.VII.1990, leg. P. Gyulai & M. Hreblay, slide No. 218m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai,
Hungary). Tajikistan. 4 males, Turkestan Mts, Shakristan pass, Khushikat, 2000 m, 5–8.
VI.1994, leg. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 223m, 229m, 235m, 248m SJ. Simonyi (col. Dr. P. Gyulai,
Hungary); 1 male, West-Pamir, Chorog, 2300 m, 6.VI.1965, leg. Shchetkin, slide No. 282m
SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Hissar Mts, gorge Majchura, Charam-
kul, 6.VII.1967 leg. Shchetkin, slide No. 286f SJ. Simonyi (coll Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1
male, Safi-Dhara, near Dushanbe, 27.VI.2005, leg. V. Gurko, slide No. 321m S.J. Simonyi
(coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Darvaz Mts, area near Ganishou village, 10–20.
VII.2001, leg. V. Gurko, slide No. 405f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 female,
20 km SE from Tajikabad, near Ganishou 20–25.VII.2005, leg. V. Gurko (coll. S. J. Simonyi,
Budapest); 1 male, 1 female, Hissar Mts, Anzob pass, 3300 m, 15.VII.2010, leg. O. Pak, (coll.
O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male, 1 female Anzob pass, 3300 m, 1–6.VI.2000, leg. O. Pak, (coll.
O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 4 males, 2 females, Peter I. Mts, 10 km S of Tajikabad, near Gan-
ishob kishlak, 2100 m, 15–21.VII.2004, leg. O. Pak (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male,
Peter I. Mts, Garm district, Tajikabad circ., Ganishou village., 2100 m, 7.VI.2006, leg. O. Pak,
slide No. 2994m PGY (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary). China. 2 males, 1 female Xinjiang, SW
from Kashi, Teng Tau Mts, Oytag loc., 38°54,383’N, 75°12,747’E, 2750 m, 1.VI.2013, leg. A.
Floriani, (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary), 1 female, 20 km SE from Tajikabad near Ganishou
20-25.VII.2005, leg. V. Gurko (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, 1 female Gissarsky
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Ridge, Anzob pass, 3300 m, 15.VII.2010, leg. O. Pak, (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male,
1 female Anzob pass, 3300 m, 1-6.VI.2000, leg. O. Pak, (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 4
males, 2 females, Petr I. Ridge, 10 km S of Tajikabad, near Ganishob kishlak, 2100 m, 15-
21.07.2004, leg. O. Pak (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male, Xinjiang, SW from Kashi, Teng
Tau Mts., Oytag loc., 38°54,363’N, 75°13,788’E, 2650m, 4.VI.2013, leg. A. Floriani slide Nos.
3625, 3683, 3816, 3817 Dr. P. Gyulai (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, NW China, Xin-
jiang Uygur, vicinity of Balguntay, 2500 m, 7.V.1999, leg. S. Murzin, slide No. 3985m Dr. P.
Gyulai (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary). Kazakhstan. 3 males, 1 female, Ketmen range, 3000
m, 20–30.VI.1994, leg. V. Gurko, slide Nos 222f, 226m, 227m, 228m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr.
P.Gyulai, Hungary); 2 males, Ketmen range, Tujuk village, 2000 m, 10–15.VI.1997, leg. S.
Toropov, slide Nos 301m, 302m SJ. Simonyi (coll.Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Taldy-
Kurgan 450 m, Ili river, Borokhuasir, 7–19.VI.1996, leg. Lukhtanov, slide No. 316m SJ. Si-
monyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Bakanas, Hir. env., 15–20.VIII.1994, leg.
Saldaitis, slide No. 215f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Prov. Almaty,
Uzunbulak, Mt. Kuluktau, 1800 m, 43°08’N, 79˚02’E, 29.V.1994, leg. Gy. Fábián & I. Retezár,
slide No. 380m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 1 female, Boro-Khoro Mts, Sary-
Bel environs, 1630 m, 44°29’45,9”N, 80°03’50,9”E, leg. S.K. Korb, slide No. OP1633f, O. Pe-
karsky (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male, SE Kazakhstan, Dzhungarsky Alatau Mts,
1570 m, 23–27.VI.2012, 44°33,318’N, 79°51,708’E, leg. S. Rybalkin, slide No. OP2045m (coll.
O. Pekarsky, Budapest). Russia. 2 males, Russian Altai, Chibit, 1200 m, 13.VI.2010, leg. R.
Yakovlev, slide Nos. 468m SJ. Simonyi, OP1596m (colls. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest; O. Pekar-
sky, Budapest). Iran. 1 male, Prov. Zanjan, Sendan Mts, 2300 m, 20 km E of Zanjan, 36°42’N;
48°44’E, 20.V.2001, leg. B. Benedek & G. Csorba, slide No. 247m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P.
Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Prov. Mazandaran, 10 km E of Valiabad, 3200 m, 22–25.VII.2000,
leg. B. Benedek, slide No. 280m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 2 males, Alborz
Mts, Prov. Mazandaran, Pel Pass, 3000 m, 22.VI.2005, leg. Hácz, Juhász & Petrányi, slide
Nos 288m, 289m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Újpesti Lepkemúzeum and S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 3
males, 2 females, Demavend, Polur, 2600 m, 14–16.VII.2005, leg. Hácz, Juhász & Petrányi,
slide Nos 293m, 304m, 305m, 294f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest). Iran. 1 female,
Demavend, Polur, 2600m, 14–16. VII. 2005 leg. Hácz, Juhász, Petrányi, slide No. 299f SJ.
Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Prov. Zanjan, Sendan Mts, 2300 m, 20 km E
of Zanjan 36°42’N, 48°44’E, 20.V.2001, leg. B. Benedek & G. Csorba, slide No. 247m S.J. Si-
monyi (coll Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); Turkey. 1 female, Prov Hakkari, Yüksekova, 2000 m,
20.VI.1986, leg. Dittrich, slide No. 174f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM).
Diagnosis. Heliophobus unicolor resembles externally to its closely related
species, H. reticulata, H. dalmae, and H. mongoliensis, but differs from them by
the shape of the postmedial line that is mostly straight or almost straight be-
low cell, and by the darker, brown-coloured hindwing.
The clasping apparatus of H. unicolor is most similar to that of H. dalmae,
differing from those of H. reticulata and H. mongoliensis by its well-developed
left digitus. The vesica has mostly weak or reduced accesory ribbon and often
one coil, while the vesica of H. dalmae has very long waved ribbon and two coils.
This ribbon is long in H. mongoliensis and the vesica often makes a coil, while the
ribbon of H. reticulata is also long, but the vesica usually does not make a coil. In
the female genitalia, the appendix bursae of H. unicolor has one coil, as those of
H. reticulata and H. mongoliensis, while the appendix of H. dalmae has two coils.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
The sclerotised part of ductus bursae of H. unicolor has wedge-shaped exten-
sions on the anterior, membranous part while in the other, sibling species there
is a border between the sclerotised and the membranous parts.
Redescription. Wingspan 34–40 mm. Head greyish-brown to dark brown; collar
marked by light and dark stripes; tegulae and metathoracic tuft greyish-brown to brown
Figs 31–45. 31 = Heliophobus kitti (Schawerda, 1914): female, Mongolia, Central aimak. 32–
36 = H. nepalensis Plante, 1982: 32–33 = males, 34–35 = females, all from Nepal, Annapurna
Himal, 36 = male, Tibet, Gyantse. 37–41 = H. texturata (Alphéraky, 1892): 37 = male, China,
Big Chingan Mts, 38 = female, China, Gansu, 39 = lectotype, female, China, Tibet, Amdo,
40 = male, Mongolia, Töv aimak, 41 = paralectotype, male, China, Tibet, Amdo. 42–45 = H.
bulcsui sp. n.: 42 = holotype, male, N. Pakistan, Karimabad, 43 = paratype, male, Pakistan,
Karimabad, 44 = paratype, female, China, Yunnan, 45 = paratype, female, China, Yunnan.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
and bordered by dark and light stripes; abdomen greyish-brown to brown. Forewing elon-
gated triangular, with apex slightly pointed. Ground colour pale greyish-brown to brown,
with violaceous sheen; veins pale brown, except in marginal area where they covered by
dark brown and accentuated with light spaces. Filling of crosslines light brown, bordered
by dark lines on both sides; postmedial line usually straight or only slightly oblique below
cell; median fascia sinuous, dark brown. Reniform and orbicular stigmata encircled by thin
dark and light brown stripes; filling of reniform stigma consisting of lighter and darker
stripes; orbicular stigma filled with ground colour. Claviform stigma represented by its
obsolescent dark outline and filled with ground colour. Arrowhead spots of subterminal
Figs 46–57. 46–49 = Heliophobus bulcsui sp. n.: 46 = paratype, male, China, Qinghai, 47 =
paratype, male, China, Gansu, 48 = paratype female, China, Gansu, 49 = paratype male,
China, E. Tibet, Qamdo. 50–53 = H. aequalifuscus sp. n.: 50 = paratype, male, Pakistan, Ka-
ghan valley, 51 = paratype, female, Pakistan, Hindukush Mts, 52 = paratype, male, Pa-
kistan, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, 53 = holotype, male, Pakistan, Kaghan valley. 54 = H.
texturata (Alphéraky, 1892), male, China, Beijing. 55–56 = H. reticulata (Goeze, 1781): 55 =
male, Russia, Bashkiria, 56 = male, Kazakhstan, Kustanaj region. 57 = H. mongoliensis sp. n.:
paratype, male, Russia, Transbaikalia.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
area thin and rather diffuse but mostly well discernible. Subterminal line strongly marked,
light brown, zigzagged; terminal line very thin, dark brown, waved, most often only a row
of tiny wedges or triangles. Fringes ornamented by light and dark brown, waved longitu-
dinal stripes. Hindwing brownish-grey with broad dark marginal area or greyish-brown
to dark brown with paler inner area; veins brown, transverse line and discal spot blurred,
hardly discernible; fringes chequered by light and dark stripes. Underside of forewing
suffused with greyish-brown to brown; base of wing, inner margin, outlines of orbicular
and reniform stigmata and ghosts of postmedial, subterminal and terminal lines paler,
yellowish-brown. Underside of hindwing light yellowish-brown to brown; costal margin,
transverse line and broad marginal area suffused with brown; discal spot dark brown.
Male genitalia (Figs 73–80). Clasping apparatus asymmetrical, left valva broader
than right one; left digitus well developed, often extending beyond edge of cucullus, right
digitus reduced. Uncus usually medium-broad, apically pointed; fultura inferior slender,
elongated deltoidal; vinculum V-shaped. Cucullus axe-shaped, rather small, comparing
with width of valva; right cucullus often somewhat larger than left one. Sacculus slender,
with sclerotised extension; clavus and costa slightly serrated. Aedeagus slightly bent, with
variably sized carinal thorn. Vesica tubular, slightly tapering, recurved or (mostly) makes a
coil; shape of the sclerosetae area slightly variable; accessory ribbon mostly reduced, short
and weak; cornuti field long.
Female genitalia (Figs 81–83). Ovipositor large and broad (the largest within this
group). Ductus bursae bent dorso-ventrally, without definite border between sclerotized
posterior and membranous anterior parts, due to the wedge-shaped extensions of sclero-
tised part into the membranous part. Appendix bursae membranous, with one coil, its neck
conjoined with ductus bursae; corpus bursae membranous, drop-shaped, rounded, with
four rows of signa.
Bionomics. The species has been collected in grassland habitats of the
Central Asiatic high mountains, between 450–3200 m elevations. It is frequent
above all on fresh meadows of mountain climate and was found only sparsely
in dry places. The moths are on the wing, depending on the climate of the
actual locality, from end of May to beginning of August.
Distribution. Heliophobus unicolor occurs in the large mountain systems
of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, East Uzbekistan, West China, South-East Kazakh-
stan, SE Turkey and Iran; it was found also in the Russian Altai Mts. The area
of the Iranian population of H. unicolor is overlapping with that of H. dalmae.
Remarks. Alphéraky provides the description as follows:”54. Mamestra
Reticulata Vill. var. Unicolor Stgr. C’est à cette variété plusle et grisâtre,
quappartient lunique pris par Mr. Groum-Grshimaïlo à Sarykol. L’individu
pris par moi à Koulden 1879, ainsi que plusieurs individus dautres en-
droits du Turkestan, prouvent que cette forme y remplace toujours le type
d’Europe.” The only specimen preserved in the Romanov collection from the
above-mentioned localities is the male from Kuldja (though the label does not
show explicitly the locality „Kouldja”), therefore it is designated here as the
lectotype of the species. It means also that the type-locality of the species is to
be changed from „Pamir, Sarykolto „Tien Shan, Kuldja”.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Figs 58–73. Genitalia of Heliophobus species: 58–72 = H. reticulata (Goeze, 1781), 73 = H. uni-
color (Alphéraky, 1889), clasping apparatus of the lectotype.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Figs 74–88. Genitalia of Heliophobus species: 74–83 = H. unicolor (Alphéraky, 1889), 74 =
aedeagus and everted vesica of the lectotype, 84–86 = H. dalmae Simonyi, 2012, 87–88 = H.
mongoliensis sp. n..
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Figs 89–103. Genitalia of Heliophobus species: 89–100 = H. mongoliensis sp. n. 101–103 = H.
texturata (Alphéraky, 1892).
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Figs 104–118. Genitalia of Heliophobus species: 104–109 = H. texturata (Alphéraky, 1892),
110–116 = H. kitti (Schawerda, 1914), 117–118 = H. nepalensis Plante, 1982.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Figs 119–132. Genitalia of Heliophobus species: 119–122 = H. nepalensis Plante, 1982,
123–132 = H. bulcsui sp. n.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Figs 133–143. Genitalia of Heliophobus species: 133–135 = H. bulcsui sp. n., 136–143 = H.
aequalifuscus sp. n.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Heliophobus dalmae Simonyi, 2010
(Figs 5–8, 84–86)
Heliophobus dalmae Simonyi, 2010, Noctuidae Europeae 12: 185, pl. 14, figs 16–20. Type-locali-
ty: Turkey, Prov. Agri, Cakmak Dagh. Holotype: male, in coll. HNHM.
Type material examined. Holotype male, Turkey, Prov. Agri, Çakmağ Daği, 2250 m,
3 km NE of Hayranl, 39°46’44,8”N; 42°27’40.30”E, 16–17.VI.1994, leg. S.J. Simonyi; slide
No. 168 SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi; deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Mu-
seum, Budapest). A long series of paratypes from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran and
the Russian side of the Caucasus range, listed in the original description.
Diagnosis. Heliophobus dalmae was recently described in the Noctuidae
Europeae, Vol. 12 (pages 185–187), following the standard of the present pub-
lication. Thus, there is no need to repeat the details of the diagnosis and de-
scription, and only the most distinctive features are summarised below.
The forewing of H. dalmae is narrower than those of H. reticulata and H.
unicolor, having the apex more pointe d, than in H. mongoliensis and H. reticu-
lata (the apex of the latter species is rather rounded). Heliophobus dalmae differs
from these three closely related species by its pale greyish-whitish suffused
brown forewing ground colour with ochreous hue, and by the narrower and
paler, brownish-grey marginal suffusion of the hindwing. Wingspan 34–42
mm.The diagnostic features of the genital apparatus of H. dalmae are the big-
gest and broadest aedeagus within this species-group, the long and coiled
vesica with two full coils, long and waved sclerotised ribbon and with short
cornuti field in the males; and the two coils of the appendix bursae in the fe-
males, in correspondence with the configuration of the male vesica. The well-
developed left digitus of H. dalmae is similar to that of H. unicolor.
Bionomics. The habitats of H. dalmae are dry meadows, hillsides and xe-
rothermic grasslands of the high mountains, between 1100–2800 m altitudes.
The adults can be found from mid-May to beginning of August.
Distribution. Heliophobus dalmae occurs in the Crimean Peninsula, the
Caucasus range, Turkey and NW Iran.
Heliophobus mongoliensis Simonyi sp. n.
(Figs 21–25, 57; 87–100)
Holotype. Male, Mongolia, Bulgan aimak, 5 km W von Somon Dashinchilen, 1140 m,
Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, 1964, No. 253, 3.VII.1964, slide No. 199m S.J. Simonyi (coll. HNHM).
Paratypes. Mongolia. 1 male, Bulgan aimak, Namnan ul Mts, 23 km NW of Somon
Chutag, 1150 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab 1968, No. 977; 17.VI.1968, slide No. 204m SJ. Simonyi
(coll. HNHM); 1 male, Bulgan aimak, 11 km W of Somon Bayannuur, at lake Bayan, No.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
1144, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, 24.VII.1968, slide No. 212m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 4 males,
Bulgan aimak, 63 km W of Erdenecant, 1500 m, 47°20’35”N, 103°39’96”E, 12.VI.1997, leg. L.
Lőkös & L. Peregovits, slide Nos 236m, 238m, 242m, 243m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 3
males, Central aimak, 12 km S of Somon Bayanbarant, 1380 m, Exp. Dr. Kaszab, 1967, No.
776, 8.VI.1967, slide Nos 176m, 173m, 202m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 2 males, Central
aimak SE of Somon Bayanzogt, 1600 m, Exp. Dr. Kaszab, 11.VI.1966, slide Nos 182m, 206m
SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, Central aimak, Colut Tsagan Doel, 46°55’N, 107°30’E,
17–20.VII.1984, 1300 m, leg. K. Černy, slide No. 200m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 2 males, 1
female, Central aimak, Ulaan Baatar, Mts Bogd, Zaisan valley, 1700 m 47°51’48’’N,
106°54’01’’E, 13.VI.1997, leg. L. Lőkös & L. Peregovits, slide Nos 187m, 240m, 186f SJ. Simo-
nyi (coll. HNHM); 1 female, Central aimak, Uliastin am, Uliastin gol river, 30 km NE of
Ulaan Baatar, 1931 m, 48°04’37,0”N, 107°04’05,8”E, 10–11.VII.2004, leg. J. Puntsagdulam &
Tögs-Erdene, slide No. 233f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 2 males, Saarga Mort, 20 km NE of
Ulaan Baatar, 1400–1500 m, 48°03’N, 107°04’E, 17–19.VII.1987, leg. L. Peregovits, M. Hre-
blay & P. Sger (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 2 males, Central aimak, 1400–1600m Tsa-
gaan Davaa, 20 km NW of Bayan Tsadmani, 48°17’N, 106°05’ E, 18–23.VII.1988, leg. L.
Peregovits & Z. Varga, slide Nos 375m, 376m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 1
female, Chentei aimak, Tsenkermandal, Modoto Chomtei Mts, 1600–1800m, 47°48’N,
109°04’E, leg. K. Černy, 9–14.VII.1981, slide No. 181f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male,
Central aimak, 10 km NE of Songino, at river Tola, 1250 m, 47°50’N, 106°38’E, 16.VII.1987,
leg. L. Peregovits, M. Hreblay & T. Sger (coll Dr. P. Gyulai Hungary); 2 males, 1 female,
Arkhangay aimak, Khangay Mts, 8 km W of Somon Urdtamir, 1620 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab,
No. 537, 18.VI.1966, slide Nos 190m, 201m, 207f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 2 males,
Arkhangay aimak, Khangaj Mts, 2000 m, Tsetserleg, 21.VII.1996, leg. S. Farkas & I. Zs. Tóth
(coll Dr. P. Gyulai Hungary); 2 males, Övörkhangay aimak, Mts Hangay, 15 km SW Hud-
jirt, 2150 m, 46°44’84”N, 102°43’40”E, 9.VI.1997, leg. L. Lőkös & L. Peregovits, slide Nos
208m, 209m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, Övörkhangay aimak, Mts Hangayn nuruu,
2150 m, Harhorin, 46°12’N, 102°49’E, 29–30.VII.1986, Exp. Gy. Fábián, M. Hreblay, L. Pere-
govits & G. Ronkay, slide No. 211m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 female, South Gobi aimak,
Hejon nuruu, Frontier station, Ovot Chuural, 1500 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, 20.VI.1967, slide
No. 191f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, South Gobi aimak, 10 km NNE of Dalanzadgad
town, 1450 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, No. 898, 7.VII.1967, slide No. 205m SJ. Simonyi (coll.
HNHM); 1 male, Bayan Ölgiy aimak, valley of Chavchalin gol river, 24 km of Somon Tsa-
gannuur, 1890 m, Exp. Dr. Z. Kaszab, No. 1042, 29.VI.1968, slide No. 203m SJ. Simonyi
(coll. HNHM); 1 male, Bayan Ölgiy aimak, Mongolian Altay Mts, Bulgan village, 6–7.
VIII.1986, leg. P. Gyulai; 4 males, Chovd aimak, Dzhungar Gobi, Bulgan sum (in the vil-
lage) 31.VII.–1.VIII.1986, leg. P. Gyulai, slide No. 237m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai,
Hungary); 2 males, Khövsl aimak, 6 km WNW of Somon Tosontsengel, 1480 m, Exp. Dr.
Z. Kaszab, No. 981; 18.VI.1968, slide No. 213m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 female, Za-
vkhan aimak, 1750 m 5km SW of Tsagaan Khayrkhan Sum, 47°27’56.9”N, 96°43’25,3”E,
4–5.VII.2003, leg. J. Puntsagdulam & Tögs-Erdene, slide No. 232f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM);
1 female, Govi Altay aimak, Govi Altay Mts, 6 km S of Tögrög, 1750 m, 45˚51’N, 94˚45’E,
6.VIII.1988, leg. L. Peregovits & Z. Varga, slide No. 379f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Bu-
dapest); 2 males, 5 females, Gobi Altay aimak, Mongolian Altay Mts (southern slope), Mo-
goijn-Gol valley, 1800 m, 6–8.VII.2010, 45°39’N, 93°49’E, leg. R. Yakovlev & E Guskova,
slide No. OP2046m (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male, Gobi Altay aimak, Dzhungarian
Gobi, 15–20 km N Alag-Nuur lake, 1300 m, 45°19’N, 94°28’E, leg. R. Yakovlev & E. Gusko-
va, slide No. OP1594m (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 6 males, Töv aimak, Gorki Terelj NP.,
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
6 km S of Terelj, 47°56’N, 107°27’E, 1660 m, 23.VI.2005, leg. B. Benedek & T. Csővári; 1 male,
Govi Altay aimak, Mongolian Altay Mts, 16 km SE of Dzuyl, 46°11’N, 94°01’E, 2070 m,
28.VI.2005, leg. B. Benedek & T. Csővári; 1 male, Central aimak, Tsagan Davaa, 20 km NW
of Bayan Tsadmani, 1440–1600 m, 48°17’N, 106°05’E, 18–23.VII.1988, leg. L. Peregovits & Z.
Varga; 2 males, Övörhangay aimak, Khan Khögsin Uul, 81 km SW of Arvaykheer, 45°51’N,
101°55’E, 1890 m, 25.VI.2005, leg. B. Benedek & T. Csővári; 1 male, Govi Altay aimak, Mts
Adz Bogd, valley of Ih-gol, 2100m, 44°45’N; 95°00’E, 3–4-VIII.1988, leg L. Peregovits & Z.
Varga; 1 male, Töv aimak, 46 km E of Lun, 47°90’N, 105°53’E, 1220 m, 10,VII.2005, leg. B.
Benedek & T. Csővári; 1 male, Central aimak, Saarga Mort, 20 km NE of Ulaan Baatar,
1400–1500 m, 48°03’N, 107°04’E, 17–19.VII.1987, leg. L. Peregovits, M. Hreblay & P. Sger;
1 male, Central aimak, Mts Bogdo-uul, Yarmag, 8 km SE of Ulaan Baatar Airport, 1700 m,
47°50’N, 106°57’E, 17.VII.1988, leg. Cs. Szaky (coll. G. Ronkay, Budapest); 1 male, Gobi
Altay aimak, source Ushijn-Bulak, 30 km NW of Beger, 13.VII.1970, leg. A.F. Emeljanov; 1
male, 1 female, North Gobi aimak, lake Orok Nuur, 6.VII.1926, leg. P. Kozlov; 2 males,
North Gobi aimak, lake Orok Nuur, Ikhe-Bogdo, 14–18.VI.1926, leg. P. Kozlov; 1 female,
North Gobi aimak, river Kholt, 2–6.VIII.1926, leg. P. Kozlov [all written in Russian] (coll.
ZISP); 1 male, Hovd aimak, near Erdene-Buren-Somon, 1250 m, sandy semidesert, 4.
VII.2007, leg. R.V. Yakovlev & E. Guskova, slide No. AV0818 Volynkin; 1 male, Govi Altay
aimak, Adzh-Bogdo Mts (NE slope), near Khalba-Khayrkhan Mt., 1700 m, 45°03’N; 94°59’E,
3–4.VII.2011, leg. R.V. Yakovlev, slide No. AV0814 Volynkin; 1 male, 1 female, Hovd aimak,
Uenchin-Gol valley, 50 km N of Uench village, 1500 m, 6.VII.2007, leg. R.V. Yakovlev & E.V.
Guskova, slide Nos AV0819m, AV0816f Volynkin (coll. A. Volynkin, Russia, Barnaul); 1
male, Mongolia, Chentei aimak, Belgerhaan obo, 90 km N from Öndörhaan, 13.VI.1986,
light trap (coll. P. Gyulai); 6 males, from the same locality, 22.V.–25.VIII.1986, light trap
(coll. P. Gyulai); 1 male, Mongolia, Chovd aimak, Khovd, in the town, 9–10.VIII.1986, leg.
P. Gyulai (coll. P. Gyulai); 2 males, Mongolia, Chovd aimak, Dshungar Gobi, Bulgan sum,
in the village, 31.VII.–1.VIII.1986, leg. P. Gyulai (coll. P. Gyulai); 1 male, Mongolia, Bayan
Ölgiy aimak, Mongol Altai, Bulgan village, 6–7.VIII.1986, leg. P. Gyulai (coll. P. Gyulai); 1
male, Mongolia, Arhangaj aimak, Hangaj Mts, Tsetserleg, 21.VII.1996, leg. S. Farkas & Zs.
th (coll. P. Gyulai). China. 1 male, Nei Mongol, Altan-Xirel, 20–24.VII.2009, leg. E. Kuc-
era (coll. P. Gyulai); Kazakhstan. 4 males, 2 females SE Altay Mts, Kulbinsky Mt., Ognovka
village, 16.VI.2000, leg. Klimenko, slide No. 407m SJ. Simonyi (colls S. J. Simonyi, Buda-
pest; A. Saldaitis, Lithuania); 1 female, 40 km S of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Siblinka river, 500 m,
8.VI.2005, 49°35’N, 82°30’E, leg. M. Danilevsky, slide No. 408f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simo-
nyi, Budapest); 1 male, SE Kazakhstan, Dzhungarsky Alatau Mts, 1570 m, 23–27.VI.2012,
44°33,318’N, 79°51,708’E, leg. S. Rybalkin, slide No. OP2045m (coll. O. Pekarsky, Buda-
pest); 1 male, Altai Mts, Ulansky district, near Verkhnyaya Tainta village, Kalbinsky Ridge,
Shybyndy-Kol lake, 20.VI.2010, leg. R.V. Artemjev, slide No. AV0817 Volynkin; 1 female,
Zaisan district, Saur Mts, Tas Mt., 2350–2600 m, 47°15’N, 85°04’E, 20–22.VII.2011, leg. R.V.
Yakovlev, slide No. AV0818 Volynkin (coll. A. Volynkin, Barnaul). Russia. 1 male, Russian
Altay Mts, Chibit, 1200 m, 13.VI.2010, leg. R. Yakovlev, slide No. 467m SJ. Simonyi (coll. S.
J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Transbaikalia, Chita, slide No. 188m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Jul.
Isaac, in coll. Ulbrich; coll. HNHM); 2 males, Altay Mts, Ongudai district, Khabarovka, 900
m, 18.VI.2010, leg. R. Yakovlev, slide Nos. OP1595m, OP1596m (coll. O. Pekarsky, Buda-
pest); 2 males, Yablonovy hrebet, 19 km N of Burgen, 19.VI.1995, leg.I. Kostyuk (coll. G.
Ronkay, Budapest); 1 male, Altai Rep., Kosh-Agach district, Chuya steppe, 6 km SE of
Chagan-Uzun vill., 1800 m, 50°04’N, 88°24’E, 12.VII.2009, leg. A. Volynkin, M. Černila &
A.N. Nakonechny, slide No. AV0821 Volynkin; 1 male, Altai Rep., Ust’-Kan district, Kan
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
hollow, 8 km NE of Ust’-Kan, 1090 m 50°57’24”N, 84°51’36”E, 10.VI.2008, M. Černila leg.,
slide No. AV0822 Volynkin; 2 males, Altai Rep., Ulagan district, 3 km W Aktash village,
Chibitka river valley, 1300 m, 23.VI.2007, leg. A.V. Volynkin, slide Nos AV0823,
AV0827 Volynkin; 1 male, Altai Rep., Ust-Koksa district, Uimon steppe, 5 km NE Multa
village, 1000 m, 50°12’30”N, 85°58’59”E, 22.VI.2006, leg. A.V. Volynkin, slide No.
AV0824 Volynkin; 1 male, Altai Rep., Ulagan district, 26 km N Balyktuyul village, Chuly-
shman river valley, 500 m, 51°00’N, 88°01’E, 8.VII.2009, leg. A. Volynkin & M. Černila, slide
No. AV0825 Volynkin (coll. A. Volynkin, Barnaul); 2 males, 1 female, Buryatia, near Mondy,
Kuliuguisha Mts, 2–7.VII.2012 (colls S.J. Simonyi, Budapest; A. Saldaitis, Lithuania).
Diagnosis. Heliophobus mongoliensis sp. n. is the smallest member of the
H. reticulata–H. unicolor group with its wingspan 32–38 mm; it differs exter-
nally from the three closely related species, besides the measures, by its most
often rather mottled colouration of forewing. The dark spots of the basal and
terminal areas are comparatively smaller than in the other sibling species, and
the arrowhead spots are the shortest, in comparison with the width of the
marginal area. The light marginal area with mostly blurred markings may
resemble the marginal field of H. unicolor but the postmedial line is consider-
ably more oblique (that is mostly straight or almost straight below cell in H.
unicolor). The hindwing colouration resembles only that of H. reticulata but the
dark marginal area is broader and usually more accentuated at inner side by
a narrow light line.
The clasping apparatus of H. mongoliensis sp. n. resembles those of H.
unicolor and H. dalmae due their small cucullus and the only slightly serrated
clavus and costa but differs from them by its rather short digitus. The configu-
ration of the aedeagus and the everted vesica with long cornuti field resemble
mostly H. reticulata and H. unicolor, the differences between them are as fol-
lows. The vesica of H. mongoliensis sp. n. often makes a coil like in H. unicolor,
while H. reticulata usually has no coil; the accessory ribbon is long, similarly
to H. reticulata, while this ribbon is mostly reduced in H. unicolor. The third
related species, H. dalmae has, on the contrary, large and thick aedeagus with
long and twice waved accessory ribbon, two full coils of the vesica and short
cornuti field.
The female genitalia of H. mongoliensis sp. n. differ from those of the three
related species by the comparatively smaller corpus bursae; in addition, there
is a distinct border between the membranous anterior part and sclerotized
posterior part of ductus bursae (like in H. reticulata) while there are sclerotis-
ed, wedge-shaped extensions at this area in H. unicolor. The appendix bursae
of H. mongoliensis, H. unicolor and H. reticulata are single coiled, while that of
H. dalmae has two coils.
Description. Wingspan 32–38 mm. Forewing rather flattened triangle-shaped, with
apex slightly rounded or sometimes pointed. Head yellowish-grey, sandbrown or brown;
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
collar striolate by light and dark stripes, having paler edges; tegulae and metathoracic tuft
same coloured as the head and marked by dark and light stripes. Abdomen sandbrown
or brown; lateral abdominal ridges similarly coloured. Forewing ground colour ochreous-
grey, yellowish-grey, or sandbrown, sometimes dark brown or even violaceous brown; cos-
tal margin chequered by short dark and light stripes. Veins somewhat lighter than ground
colour, being darker in marginal area, covered by dark brown scales and partly accentu-
ated by paler spaces. Crosslines lighter yellowish-brown, defined by dark lines; median
fascia obsolescent, dark and waved; postmedial line oblique below cell; subterminal line
conspicuous, vivid yellowish or light brown, zigzagged. Reniform and orbicular stigmata
encircled by rather strong light greyish-brown lines, outside accentuated by dark lines and
spots; reniform stigma filled w ith light and dark stripes, orbicular stigma filled w ith ground
colour. Claviform stigma marked only by its dark frame and filled with ground colour.
Marginal area rather pale, arrowhead spots narrow and relatívely short, mostly blurred,
only partly and hardly discernible. Terminal line consists of a row of small, dark brown
triangles. Fringes marked by dark and light stripes; outer edge dark. Hindwing yellowish-
grey or brownish-grey, with broad greyish-brown marginal area; transverse line and discal
spot usually well discernible; transverse line mostly accentuated by narrow, pale streak
between the line and the dark marginal field. Fringes coloured by light and dark stripes,
outer edge pale yellow. Underside of forewing light yellowish-grey; costal and marginal
areas suffused by brown, filling of reniform stigma, and postmedial line also darkened;
veins covered by brown. Underside of hindwing light yellowish-grey, costal area suffused
by brownish; transverse line and discal spot sharply defined, marked by brown.
Male genitalia (Figs 87–96). Uncus medium-broad, sometimes rather slender, with
apex pointed; fultura inferior slender and high deltoidal; vinculum wide, V-shaped. Valvae
comparatively broad; sacculus slender, saccular extensions sclerotised; clavus and costa
slightly serrated. Both digituses reduced, left one rather strong, often well-developed. Ae-
deagus slightly bent; carinal thorn small. Everted vesica recurved or (more often) has one
coil; accessory ribbon and cornuti field long.
Female genitalia (Figs 97–100). Corpus bursae small, in comparison with the entire
female genitalia. Appendix bursae has one coil that can be slightly sclerotised on its in-
ternal side. Ductus bursae with distinct border between its membranous and sclerotised
sections; membranous part strengthened by thin, sclerotised folds, two of them sometimes
rather strong.
Bionomics. Heliophobus mongoliensis sp. n. has been found mainly in the
xerothermic parts of Mongolia, the preferred habitats are semi-deserts and
dry steppes; between 1140–2150 m elevations. The vegetation of some affected
places consists of mainly Artemisia, Oxytropis, Anabasis, Rhodiola, Astragalus,
and Allium species, the foodplant of the species is, however, still unknown. In
Kazakhstan, the species was found also in the lower regions, at 500 m, while
in NW China it was collected in certain higher places, up to 2500 m altitude.
The moths are on the wing from the end of May to end of August.
Distribution. The new species is widespread in Mongolia, additional re-
cords are known from NW China (China-Nei Mongol), Kazakhstan (South
Altai Mts), and Russia (Altai Mts, Transbaikalia, Buryatia). Its area is overlap-
ping with that of H. unicolor in the Altai Mountains.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Heliophobus texturata species-group
External morphology. Moths have usually dark ground colour, and
mostly contrasting, light elements of wings pattern. Striolate pattern of col-
lar absent or only hardly discernible, except light edges; head and tegulae
as ground colour, edges of tegulae mostly light. Ground colour of forewing
rather dark, varying from greyish-brown to dark brown; elements of light
marking generally white, greyish-white or pale brownish-white, rarely light
brown, defined only by a few dark scales; large dark patches and spots among
light markings may dominate dark background of forewing. Hindwings
mostly pale grey, brownish-grey or brown, with variably broad and dark
marginal suffusion.
Male genitalia. Clasping apparatus often asymmetrical: right valva
broader than left valva. Valva and sacculus broad, appearing to be almost
smooth; clavus and costa mostly slightly serrated; saccular extension rather
weakly sclerotised, with rounded, truncated or pointed tip (in reality, the mar-
gin of the extension is most often turned behind its dorsal plate and the edge of
the bent plate produces the virtual tip of the saccular extension). Both digituses
reduced, usually only their tiny remnants can be observed. Cucullus large, co-
rona well developed, macrotrichae strong, claw-like; neck of cucullus slender.
Aedeagus long, tubular, tapering distally; coecum penis broad, rounded; cari-
nal part armed by large opening thorn. Vesica tubular, often tapering behind
rather broad proximal part; distal part producing glans-like enlargement (in
the further text: vesical glans) and makes a coil or turned back towards aedea-
gus in a wide arch. Inner curve of vesica with strong, broad, stitch-like ribbon
(in the further text: vesical stitch) running from carinal thorn towards medial
section of vesica, its length is a specific feature. Vesica often armed by groups
of strong spines; vesical glans most often bears a cornuti field.
Female genitalia. Ovipositor medium-long, truncated conical, with
quadrangular papillae anales; apophyses posteriores with triangular or
broadly quadrangular, sometimes flattened oval basal plates. Ostium bursae
and antrum sclerotised; antrum short, trapezoidal with rounded posterior and
finely arched lateral margins. Ductus bursae long (more than half as long as
the ovipositor-antrum complex), tubular, more or less S-shaped and strength-
ened by sclerotised folds and lobes; posterior end with lobe for carinal thorn;
medial section with two deep curves at a right angle at opposite sides; proxi-
mal half of ductus bursae rather straight, cranio-caudally directed, except a
short, somewhat arched proximal part at junction to corpus bursae. Appendix
bursae strongly sclerotized, wide, usually hook-like, with rather oblique basal
half. Corpus bursae elliptical-ovoid, membranous, with four long, more or
less continuous rows of signa arranged into ribbon-like structures.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Heliophobus texturata (Alphéraky, 1892)
(Figs 37–41, 54, 101–109)
Mamestra texturata Alphéraky, 1892, Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 26 (3–4): 446.
Type-locality: China, Tibet, Amdo. Lectotype: female, here designated; in coll. ZISP.
Type material examined. Lectotype female, China, Tibet, Amdo, mont Sinin, leg.
Alphéraky, coll. Gr. Pr. Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanoff, slide 0323 Matov (coll. ZISP); pa-
ralectotype male, with same data as the lectotype (coll. ZISP).
Additional material examined. China. 1 male, 1 female, Tibet, Amdo 1904 (coll.
BMNH); 1 male, 1 female, Sining, Tibet, Amdo; 1 male, Sining (Tibet, Amdo) 95. Rckbl. (coll.
ZMHU); 1 female, Kuku Noor, BMNH (Ex Obertr Coll., Brit. Mus. ’927–3); 2 females,
Gansu, SW near Xiahe (Labrang), Sangke grasslands, 2930 m, 8.VII.2010, 35°11,968’N,
102°33,545’E, leg. Floriani & Saldaitis, slide Nos 413f, 438f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi,
Budapest); 1 male, Inner Mongolia, W slopes of the Great Chingan Mts near Dular, 1000
m, 3.VII.2008, leg. Floriani & Saldaitis, slide No. 415m SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Bu-
dapest); 1 female, Beijing, 110 km NW Mentougou, Xialongman Forest Station, 1100 m,
1.VIII.2000. 39°38’N, 116°E, leg. A. Schintlmeister, slide No. 348f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P.
Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Beijing, Mentougou district, Dong Ling Mts, 1100 m, 39°58’N,
115°26’E, 7–8.VI.1999, leg. L. Lőkös and B. Papp, slide No. 263f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM);
1 female, Nei Mongol, Altan-Xirel, 20–24.VII.2009, leg. E. Kucera, slide No. 2995f PGY(coll.
P. Gyulai). Russia. 1 male, Chita, Transbaikalia, coll. Jul. Isaak, slide No. 265m SJ. Simonyi
(coll. Ulbrich, in coll. HNHM). Mongolia. 1 male, Central aimak, Ulaan Baatar Airport,
1350 m, 47°51’N, 106°47’E, 10.VII.1986, leg. Gy. Fábián, M. Hreblay, L. Peregovits & G.
Ronkay, slide No. 374m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 1 male, Central aimak,
Bogdo-uul Mts, 5 km S of Ulaan Baatar A irport, 1650 m, 47°50’N; 106°52’E 11.VII.1986, exp.
Gy. Fábián, M. Hreblay, L. Peregovits & G. Ronkay, slide No. 390m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy.
Fábián, Budapest); 1 male, Central aimak, Tsagaan Davaa, 20 km NW of Bayan Tsadmani,
1400–1600 m, 48°17’N; 106°05’E, 11–14.VIII.1988, leg. L. Peregovits & Z. Varga, slide No.
391m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 1 male, Central aimak, 1400–1600 m, Tsagaan
Davaa, 20 km NW of Bayan Tsadmani, 1400–1600 m, 48°17’N, 106°05’E, 18–23.VII.1988, leg.
L. Peregovits & Z. Varga, slide No. 393m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 2 males,
Töv aimak, 5 km SE of Jargalant, 1231 m, 48°25,535’N, 105°43,617’E, 25.VI.2008, leg. B.
Benedek, slide Nos 416m, 420m SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, Bul-
gan aimak, 15 km SSW of Erdenet, 1531 m, 48°55,405’N, 103°59,928’E, 29.VI.2008, leg. B.
Benedek (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest).
Redescription. Wingspan 31–40 mm. Head and collar dark brown (almost black),
latter with light edges; tegulae dark brown, itsshoulderand internal edges marked
by silvery-white hair-scales; crest and metathoracic tuft variably dark brown. Abdomen
greyish-brown; abdominal ridges paler brown. Forewing rather narrow, elongated-trian-
gular, with more or less straight costal margin and finely pointed apex. Ground colour
greyish-brown to dark brown-grey; veins white to light grey, with dark brown covering
at marginal area, veins m3 and cu1 accentuated with conspicuous whitish streaks between
postmedial and subterminal lines. Crosslines white to whitish-grey, defined by dark spots;
upper section of postmedial line turning gradually to light brown; dark median fascia less
distinct, often obsolescent, waved. Orbicular and reniform stigmata encircled by white,
whitish-grey or pale brownish-grey, reniform with fine dark inner annulus, orbicular with
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
larger dark central patch; interstigmatal area also darkened by smaller or darker patches.
Claviform stigma marked by its dark contours, filled with ground colour. Subterminal line
white or whitish, slightly sinuous, with less produced W-mark at veins m3-cu1; arrowhead
spots partly fused, partly blurred. Terminal line very fine, ochreous, followed by a row of
dark triangles at inner side. Fringes ornamented by light and dark brown stripes. Hind-
wing pale ochreous-grey, with variably strong grey-brown irroration; marginal area suf-
fused with dark brown; transverse line obsolescent or absent; discal spot also diffuse but
recognisable as a small brownish patch with lighter centre. Terminal line dark brown; ba-
sal line of fringes brownish-white, median stripe dark greyish-brown, outer edge greyish-
white. Underside of forewing greyish-brown, contour of reniform stigma light coloured,
its filling dark; postmedial line and arrowhead spots also darkened. Underside of hind-
wing light greyish-brown, costal and marginal areas suffused by dark brown; transverse
line and discal spot well discernible.
Male genitalia (Figs 101–106). Clasping apparatus asymmetrical, right valva conspic-
uously broader than left one. Uncus spearhead-shaped with variably broad distal section,
slender basal part, and pointed apex; fultura inferior broad, deltoidal; vinculum V-shaped.
Sacculus broad; clavus gently serrated; saccular extension broad, with more or less pointed
apex. Both digituses reduced, appearing as tiny processes with rounded tips. Cucullus
large, with arcuate neck; corona well developed, with strong macrotrichae. Aedeagus long,
tubular, coecum penis broadly rounded; carina with eversible opening thorn. Vesica tubu-
lar, distally tapering towards vesical glans, then recurved back to distal end of aedeagus;
everted carinal thorn projecting to right side in right angle (in correspondence with ductus
bursae). Vesical stitch extends from the carinal thorn over half-length of vesica, being the
longest within the species-group). Vesica armed by three larger groups of spines, one of
them situated proximally, at right side, a sparse row of spines is located at middle section,
on the outern surface; a group of long, thick spines appears rather distally, close to vesical
glans; vesical glans bears a small cornuti field at inner curve.
Female genitalia (Figs 107–109). Ovipositor relatively large, broad, the largest within
the species-group; both pairs of gonapophyses relatively short; basal plates of apophyses
posteriores usually quadrangular. Antrum broad but rather short, trapezoidal, with con-
vex posterior margin. Ductus bursae more or less S-shaped, with medium-long posterior
part having large, lobate lateral extension, short medial transverse section, and long proxi-
mal half with short recurved proximal end at junction to corpus bursae. Appendix bursae
hook-like, its basal part oblique, wrinkled and sclerotised; distal part of appendix bursae
often turned dorsad. Corpus bursae elliptical-ovoid, membranous, with four long ribbons
of variably large, rounded signum-patches.
Bionomics. Heliophobus texturata inhabits the dry steppes and mountain
grasslands of the Asian high mountains, between 1100–3300 m altitudes. The
moths are on the wing, depending on the actual climatic factors of the very
different localities, from beginning of June to middle of August.
Distribution. Heliophobus texturata occurs in Mongolia, Russia (Transbai-
kalia) and China, from Nei Mongol and Great Chingan in the NW across the
northern mountains of the Tibetan plateau towards the Beijing region and,
according to the former records, to the SE frontier of Tibet. It is worth to note
that H. texturata and its externally very similar sibling species, H. bulcsui sp. n.,
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
occur partly sympatrically in Tibet, therefore the proper identification of the
two species requires the study of the genitalia.
Remarks. Alphéraky (1892) mentioned the sexes of the types as males:
“Mamestra Texturata Alph. nov. sp. Species pulchra, simillima Mam. Reticu-
latae Vill. Differt: thorace fusco obscuriore, scapulis griseo-marginatis, alis
anticis obscurioribus, fusco-nigris (non rubicundis), signis omnibus albidiori-
bus, strigis postbasali posticaque albis simplicibus, angustioribus (non gemi-
natis), alis posticis supra omnibusque subtus-obscurioribus. mm = 38–40 mm.
Habitat: in montibus ad Sinin (Amdo).” The two specimens preserved in the
Romanov collection (ZIN St. Petersburg) represent, however, both sexes of the
species; the female of them is designated above as the lectotype of the taxon.
Heliophobus kitti (Schawerda, 1914)
(Figs 26–31, 110–116)
Mamestra reticulata var. kitti Schawerda, 1914, Jahresbericht des Wiener Entomologischer Ver-
eins 24: 125. Type-locality: Austria, Lunz. Holotype: male, in coll. NHMW.
Mamestra texturata Alphéraky, 1892 sensu auctorum nec Alphéraky, 1892;
Hadena texturata ab. silbernageli Tykac, 1940; Casopis 37: 122. Type-locality: Czechia;
Hadena texturata ssp. silbernageli Tykac, 1943, Casopis 40: 61. Type-locality: Czechia.
Type material examined. Holotype male, Austria, Lunz, Rauschmaurer, 29.5.1911,
Sauruck, coll. Dr. Schawerda (coll. NHMW); paratype female, Austria, Lunz, Rauschmau-
rer, 7.6.1911, Sauruck, coll. Dr. Schawerda (coll. NHMW).
Additional material examined. Czech Republic. 2 males, Bohemia centr., Karlstein,
18.V. and 19.V.1943, ex larva, J.G. Herych, coll. Dr. Schawerda (coll. NHMW); 1 male, Bo-
hemia, Karlstein, 1.VI.1942, leg. J. & F. Vávra, slide No. 250m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM).
France. 1 male, Les Fréaux (05), Hautes Alpes, 1320 m, Tunnel du Grand Clos, 24.V.2010,
leg. Henry Philippe, slide No. 410m SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male,
2 females, Les Fréaux (05) Hautes Alpes, 1320 m, Tunnel du Grand Clos, 4.VI.2010, leg.
Henry Philippe, slide Nos 414f, 419m, 442f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2
females, France, Les Fréaux, Hautes Alpes, 1320 m, 7.VI.2011, leg. Henry Philippe (coll.
S. J. Simonyi, Budapest). Italy. 1 male, South Tyrol, Naturns, 24.VII.1967, leg. W. Pavlas
(coll. P. Gyulai); 4 males, 6 females, Italy, South Tyrol, Sesvenna Mts, Praemajur, above
Lutaschg, 1700 m, 17.VII.2006, leg. L. Ronkay & M. Tóth, slide No. 9722m L. Ronkay (coll.
HNHM). Russia. 1 female, Transbaikalia, Chita region, vicinity of Chita, Smolenka, July
1997, leg. Golovushkin, slide No. 249f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM). Buryatia, Ust-Urm vil-
lage, 10.VII.2012, slide No. 500f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest). Mongolia. 1
male, Central aimag, Khavtsallin-gol river, 31,6 km N of Mungan-mont sum, 1571 m,
48°29’11,2”N, 108°32’52,4”E, 7.VII.2004, leg. J. Puntsagdulam & Tögs-Erdene, slide No.
234m SJ. Simonyi (coll HNHM); 1 female, Central aimag, Ulaan Baator, Mts Bogdo-uul,
Baga tenger valley, 1550 m, 47°52’11”N; 106°58’37”E 14.VI.1997, leg. L. Lőkös & L. Perego-
vits, slide No. 254f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 female, Central aimak, Bogdo-uul Mts, 5
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
km S of Ulaan Baatar Airport, 1650 m, 47°50’N, 106°52’E, 11.VII.1986, leg. Gy. Fábián, M.
Hreblay, L. Peregovits & G. Ronkay, slide No. 396f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest);
1 female, Central aimak, Ulaan Baatar Airport, 1350 m, 47°51’N, 106°47’E, 10.VII.1986, leg.
Gy. Fábián, M. Hreblay, L. Peregovits & G. Ronkay, slide No. 398f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy.
Fábián, Budapest; 1 female, Central aimak, Tsagaan Davaa, 20 km NW of Bayan Tsadmani,
1400–1600 m, 48°12’N, 106°05’E, 11–14.VIII.1988, leg. Peregovits & Varga, slide No. 411f
SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest; 1 female, Central aimak, Tsagaan Davaa, 20 km
NW of Bayan Tsadmani, 1400–1600 m, 48°17’N, 106°05’E, 18–23.VII.1988, leg. L. Peregovits
& Z. Varga, slide No. 421f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest). Japan. 1 female, Hon-
shu, Mt. Fuji, 5-Gome, 2300 m, Yamanashi Pref., 14.VII.1992, Y. Kishida leg., slide No. 8575
GB (coll. G. Behounek, Grafing); 2 males, 2 females, Mt. Fuji, sin–5-Gome, Shizuoka Pref.,
3.VIII.1995, Y. Kishida leg., slide No. 8574 GB (coll. G. Behounek, Grafing); 1 male, 1 female,
Mt. Fuji, 2370 m, 12.VII.1980, leg. Owada, slide Nos RL3236m, RL9720f (coll. HNHM); 2
males, 6 females, Mt. Fuji, 2500 m, Fujinomya, Shizuoka, 9.VII.2011, K. Eda leg. (coll. P.
Taxonomy. The species has long been confused with H. texturata. The
European populations were described thrice, first by Schawerda as H. textu-
rata “var. (?ab.) kitti”, subsequently asab. silbernageli by Tykac in 1940 who
himself corrected the rank of the taxon asssp. silbernageli three years later.
In his comprehensive work, Heinicke (1956) gave the priority to the name sil-
bernageli; his opinion was corrected still that year by Daniel and Wolfsberger
(1956) who pointed out that the description of Schawerda is acceptable as
a valid subspecies while in the original description Tykac indicate the rank
of his silbernageli asab.”. The subspecific rank of the European H. kitti was
first elevated to full species by Dufay (1979). The Siberian and Mongolian
H. texturata-like populations are recently mentioned under the name H. kitti
(e.g. Kononenko 2005) though H. texturata and H. kitti occur sympatrically in
Mongolia and Transbaikalia while the Japanese population of H. kitti occur-
ring in the Mt. Fuji is cited as H. texturata even in the most recent works on the
Japanese fauna (Sugi 1965, 1982).
The typical populations in Central Europe are fairly isolated from the
more easterly distributed ones; therefore the continental Asiatic and Ural
populations and the also disjunct Japanese population may deserve subspe-
cific rank. The micro-taxonomic analysis of H. kitti will be provided in a forth-
coming article.
Diagnosis. Heliophobus kitti differs externally from all four closely related
species by its well-discernible reddish gloss of the forewings, the rather whit-
ish light elements of pattern, and the paler colouration of the hindwing. The
postmedial line of H. kitti is whitish to brownish-white, while the postmedial
line of H. texturata and H. bulcsui becomes light brown from the middle vein
to the costal margin; this part of the postmedial line is brown in H. nepalensis,
while the entire line is pale brown in H. aequalifuscus. The hindwing of H. kitti
is light greyish-brown, those of both sexes of H. texturata and the male of H.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
bulcsui are suffused by darker brown, while the hindwings of H. nepalensis, H.
aequalifuscus and the females of H. bulcsui are generally brown coloured.
In the male genitalia, the uncus of H. kitti is broader, than in H. textu-
rata and H. aequalifuscus but slenderer than in H. nepalensis and H. bulcsui; the
vinculum is more pointed, the saccular extension is broader and more arcu-
ate than those of the other four species of the H. texturata species-group. The
tip of the saccular extension of H. kitti is “virtually pointed” (see the general
characterisation of the species-group) like in most specimens of H. texturata,
that of H. nepalensis is rather rounded, the extension of H. bulcsui is truncated,
while the extension of H. aequalifuscus is really pointed. The vesica of H. kitti
has broad, wide proximal part like in H. texturata, and twisted with one coil
like in H. aequalifuscus, while the vesica of the other sibling species is only
recurved towards the aedeagus (the “false coilof the vesica of H. bulcsui in
certain slides appears as a consequence of the overcurving of the recurved
vesica). The vesical stitch of H. kitti is comparatively shorter than in H. textu-
rata but longer than those of H. nepalensis, H. bulcsui and H. aequalifuscus. The
armature of the vesica (the groups and the row of spines) is very similar to
that of H. texturata, while the middle part of the row of spines is stronger on
H. nepalensis since this part on H. bulcsui is almost spineless. The cornuti field
of the vesical glans is also similar in H. kitti and H. texturata, the cornuti field
is rather long and strong in H. nepalensis and H. bulcsui, while it is absent in
H. aequalifuscus.
In the female genitalia, the ovipositor of H. kitti is narrower than in H.
texturata, H. nepalensis and H. aequalifuscus; the longitudinal part of ductus
bursae is as long as or even longer than the proximal section of appendix
bursae, while this part is comparatively shorter in all other closely related spe-
cies. The appendix bursae of H. kitti is often recurved to the dorsal surface of
corpus bursae, similarly to that of H. texturata, in spite of the other members
of the species-group.
Redescription. Wingspan 36–43 mm. A dark coloured species, with dark brown
head, collar and tegulae, having light edges; abdomen brownish-grey, abdomen ridges
are same coloured, with light greyish edge. Forewing relatively long and broad, with apex
rounded; ground colour dark brown with reddish hue; costal margin chequered by white
and dark spots; veins white, covered by dark brown scales in marginal area. Crosslines
white to brownish-white, defined by dark spots; postmedial line tapering from edge of
cell towards costa and becomes gradually more brownish; median fascia broad, blurred;
median area with large, dark patches among postmedial line and reniform and orbicular
stigmata, dominating in dark pattern of forewing. Reniform and orbicular stigmata en-
circled by whitish and filled by ground colour (sometimes with somewhat lighter scales);
reniform stigma with fine whitish streak centrally; claviform stigma dark, blurred. Sub-
terminal line sharply marked, pale brownish-white, continuous, zigzagged; arrowhead
spots dark, partly fused and indistinct. Terminal line very fine, ochreous, followed by a
row of small, dark, flattened triangles, and often by tiny, light spots. Fringes with vari-
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
ably dark longitudinal stripes, outer edge brown. Hindwing light greyish-brown, mar-
ginal area broadly darkened, without distinct inner border; transverse line and discal spot
obsolescent but discernible. Fringes light greyish-brown, with dark inner stripes, outer
edge whitish. Underside of forewing greyish-brown, gradually paler towards basal area;
reniform stigmata, postmedial line, and outer part of marginal area towards subterminal
line darker. Underside of hindwing light brownish-grey, veins brownish; costal area and
marginal field dark suffused; transverse line and discal spot dark brown.
Male genitalia (Figs 110–113). Clasping apparatus almost symmetrical; right valva
and cucullus sometimes slightly broader than left one. Uncus medium-broad, spearhead-
or snake-head-shaped; fultura inferior broadly deltoidal; vinculum V-shaped. Valva with
broader saccular part; clavus almost smooth; saccular extensions symmetrical, broad, with
strongly arcuate edge and virtually pointed tips. Costal extensions (digituses) reduced,
but well recognisable, pointed, symmetrical; cucullus large, corona and macrotrichae well-
developed; neck of cucullus slender, arcuate with slight angle on dorsal arch. Aedeagus
long, tubular, tapering, coecum penis broad, rounded; Carina with eversible ventral bar,
terminated in strong opening thorn. Vesica membranous, tubular, tapering, twisted with
one coil at medial section; distal vesical glans comparatively narrow; vesical stitch does
not reaching half of vesica. Vesica with wide proximal part, armed by a group of spines, a
sparse longitudinal row of spines on outer surface of mid-section, and a group of strong
spines distally; vesical glans bearing a row of fine cornuti proximally.
Female genitalia (Figs 114–116). Ovipositor comparatively narrow, gonapophyses
short; ostium bursae sclerotised, antrum broadly trapezoidal, with strongly tapering proxi-
mal part and evenly rounded posterion margin. Ductus bursae about twice as long as length
of ovipositor-antrum complex; its walls sclerotised, strenghtened by sclerotised folds and
lobes; posterior part rather short, with lateral lobe for opening carinal thorn, medial section
S-shaped, turned to right at right angle then recurved towards corpus bursae; proximal third
arched again towards junction to appendix bursae. Appendix bursae strongly sclerotized,
wide, hook-like, with oblique proximal and recurved distal halves, latter part turned dorsad
towards corpus bursae. Ductus bursae and appendix bursae joined to corpus bursae at its
distal end. Corpus bursae elliptical-ovoid, membranous, with four rows of signa.
Bionomics. A xerothermic steppe species, its main habitats in the Eu-
ropean mountains are xeromontane grasslands with xerophylous vegetation
above the timberline. The Asiatic populations live along the taiga zone, most
often in rather wet forest areas and subalpine meadows of the Asian high
mountains. The known foodplants are Astragalus (e.g. A. danicus, A. glyciphyl-
los) and Vicia species. The moths are on the wing, depending on the given
locality, between end of May and middle of August.
Distribution. Heliophobus kitti is a widely distributed Siberian steppe
species, with a few larger, disjunct areas. In Europe it is known from the Alps
(France, Switzerland, Italy, and Austria), Czechia and the Danube valley in
Germany, and the Ural region (Nupponen & Fibiger 2002, Kononenko 2005).
It is still questionable whether the Ural population is connected with the Asi-
atic range of the species which is extending from southern Siberia through
Mongolia and Transbaikalia to the Amur valley (Kononenko 2005) and Japan
(Sugi 1965, Owada 1981).
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Heliophobus nepalensis Plante, 1982, bona sp.
(Figs 32–36, 117–122)
Heliophobus nepalensis Plante, 1982, Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 87: 287, figs
3–4. Type-locality: Nepal, Langtang, Kyangjin Gompa. Holotype: male, in coll. Plante
(coll. Museum of Natural History, Geneva).
Type material examined. Holotype male, Nepal, Langtang, Kyangjin Gompa, 3900
m, 3–5.VI.1976, leg. & coll. J. Plante; slide No. 705 J. Plante (NHM Geneva). Paratypes. 1
male, 2 females, with the same data as the holotype, slide No. VZ2429m Varga, in coll.
NHM Geneva and coll. Vartian, NHMW.
Additional material examined. Nepal. 1 male, 1 female, Annapurna Himal, Noma
pasture, 11 km SE Jomsom, 4000 m, 28°44,5’N, 83°48’E, 9–10.VII.1995, leg. G. Csorba, Gy.
M. László & G. Ronkay, slide Nos RL9719m, RL9719f Ronkay (coll. G. Ronkay); 1 male,
Annapurna Himal, Thadung, 5km SE Jomsom, 3450 m, 28°46’N, 83°46’E, 14.VI.1996, leg.
Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide No. 310m SJ .Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, 3 females,
Annapurna Himal, 11 km SE Jomsom, Noma pasture, 4000 m, 28°44,5’N, 83°48’E, 9–10.
VI.1966, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide Nos 266m, 267f, 307f, 309f SJ. Simonyi (coll.
HNHM); 4 males, 2 females, Annapurna Himal, 11 km SE Jomsom, Noma pasture, 4000
m, 28°44,5’N, 83°48’E, 9–10.VI.1996, leg. Gy. M. László and G. Ronkay, slide Nos 388m,
389m, 394m, 395m, 397f, 399f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Gy. Fábián Budapest); 1 female, Annapurna
Himal, 10 km SE Jomsom, 3800m, 28°45’N, 83°48’E, 10.VII.1995, leg. G. Csorba, Gy. M.
László & G. Ronkay, slide No. 315f SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, An-
napurna Himal, 4000 m, 11 km SE Jomsom, Noma pasture, 28°44,5’N, 83°48’E, 17–18.VII.
1995, leg. G. Csorba, Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide No. 308m SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM);
1 male, Annapurna Himal, 4000 m, 11 km SE Jomsom, Noma pasture, 28°44,5’N, 83°48’E,
17–18.VII.1995, leg. G. Csorba, Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay, slide No. 392m SJ. Simonyi
(coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 2 females, Annapurna Himal, 11 km SE of Jomsom, Noma
pasture, 4000 m, 28°44,5’N, 83°48’E, 9–10.VI.1996, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay (coll.
Gy. Fábián, Budapest); 1 female, Annapurna Himal, Thadung, 5 km SE of Jomsom, 3450 m,
28°46’N, 83°46’E, 8.VI.1996, leg. Gy. M. László & G. Ronkay (coll. Gy. Fábián, Budapest).
Diagnosis. Heliophobus nepalensis differs externally from the related spe-
cies by the colouration of both wings and the certain elements of the forewing
markings. The forewing ground colour of H. nepalensis is generally brown,
without greyish, reddish or olive shade; the forewings of H. texturata have
greyish hue; those of H. kitti and H. aequalifuscus are finely reddish, while H.
bulcsui has olive shade. The distinctive features of the forewing pattern are
the conspicuously broad and whitish antemedial line that is accentuated by
broad dark border and the postmedial line that mostly becomes to brown,
tapering and obsolescent from the middle vein towards the costal margin.
The hindwing of H. nepalensis is usually brown like in H. aequalifuscus, while
the hindwings of the other three sibling species are grey, except the brown
coloured female hindwing of H. bulcsui.
In the male genitalia, the uncus of H. nepalensis is broader than in H. tex-
turata, H. kitti and H. aequalifuscus; the apex of vinculum is broadly rounded,
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
despite the rather pointed vinculum of the close relatives; the tip of the sac-
cular extension is rounded (like in a part of specimens of H. texturata), while
the saccular extension of H. kitti is seemingly pointed, that of H. aequalifuscus
is really pointed and of H. bulcsui is truncated. The cucullus is turned usually
at a right angle, like in H. bulcsui, but this angle is usually blunt in H. texturata,
H. kitti and H aequalifuscus. The vesica of H. nepalensis is recurved towards the
aedeagus, that of H. texturata is turned to the right at a right angle, the vesica
is twisted with one coil in H. kitti and H. aequalifuscus, while the vesica of H.
bulcsui is recurved or overcurved, producing a coil. The proximal part of the
vesica is comparatively narrow, similarly to those of H. bulcsui and H aequali-
fuscus; this part of the vesica is broad in H. texturata and H. kitti. The length
of the vesical stitch extends about one-third of vesica (as in H. bulcsui and H.
aequalifuscus), while the vesical stick of H. texturata and H. kitti is considerably
longer. The dorsal row of spines between the two large groups of spines is
strongly developed in H. nepalensis; this row of spines is sparse in H. texturata
and H. kitti, being practically absent in H. bulcsui, while the proximal group
of spines is absent in H. aequalifuscus. The cornuti field of the vesical glans is
long and strong in both H. nepalensis and H. bulcsui, despite the rather short
and weak cornuti field of H. texturata and H. kitti, while the cornuti field of H.
aequalifuscus is absent.
In the female genitalia, the recurved part of ductus bursae of H. nepalensis
is very short, much shorter than in H. kitti, and the appendix bursae does not
turned to the backside of corpus bursae (a shared feature with H. bulcsui), in
spite of H. kitti and often of H. texturata.
Redescription. Wingspan 35–39 mm. Head and collar dark brown, latter with light
edges; tegulae dark brown, with black and silvery markings; medial crest and metatho-
racic tuft dark brown with light brown edges; abdomen and abdominal ridges brown.
Forewing rather broad, costal margin slightly arcuate; apex finely pointed; ground colour
dark brown, veins generally whitish, with stronger dark irroration in marginal area; in-
tervenal areas with whitish or pale brown streaks. Antemedial line considerably broader
and lighter than postmedial line, defined by blackish spots at inner and by thick streak at
outer side; median fascia waved, diffuse or obsolescent, dark brown; upper part of post-
medial line tapering towards costa, becoming more brownish and obsolescent; postmedial
line defined by blackish at inner and by pale brown spots at outer side. Orbicular and
reniform stigmata encircled by whitish and dark lines; former filled by light brown, latter
by ground colour, with pale central streak; claviform stigma an indistinctly outlined dark
patch. Subterminal line brownish-white, sharply defined, slightly zigzagged; arrowhead
spots not fused but mainly obsolescent; terminal line fine, ochreous, defined by smaller
or larger dark triangles. Fringes chequered by dark and light stripes, medial stripe dark
brown, outer edge light brown. Hindwing brown, gradually paler towards base, costal
area and marginal field broadly dark brown; veins darkened; discal spot small but well-
discernible; transverse line deleted. Terminal line diffuse, dark brown; base of fringes yel-
lowish, median stripe dark brown, outer third pale brown. Underside of forewing brown
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
suffused; inner margin paler b rownish-grey, postmedial and subterminal lines rather dark;
terminal area paler. Underside of hindwing light brownish-grey, costal and marginal areas
with dark brown suffusion; discal spot and transverse line clearly marked, inner edge of
marginal area followed by fine dark line.
Male genitalia (Figs 117–120). Clasping apparatus slightly asymmetrical: right valva
slightly broader than left one. Uncus broad, pointed, with narrow neck; fultura inferior
broadly deltoidal; vinculum almost U-shaped, with tiny prominence at ventral extremity.
Sacculus broad; clavus smooth except of one small thick; saccular extension arcuate, its
tip rounded or with uneven edges; right extension broader than left one. Both digituses
reduced to small but well-visible remnants; cucullus large, corona and macrotrichae well-
developed, right cucullus somewhat larger than left one; neck of cucullus narrow, arcuate,
turned towards valval end often at right angle. Aedeagus long, tubular, distally tapering;
coecum penis broad, rounded; carinal plate narrow, sclerotised, with opening distal thorn.
Vesica tubular, recurved towards distal end of aedeagus, tapering only slightly from com-
paratively narrow proximal part to distal end; vesical glans well discernible. Vesical stitch
short, extending from carinal the opening thorn to about one-third of length of vesica.
Dorsal row of spines begins at wide proximal part of vesica with a rather small group of
spines and extends to distal part, where becomes broad and strong; vesical glans armed by
comparatively long and strong cornuti field.
Female genitalia (Figs 121–122). Ovipositor rather short, gonapophyses short; ostium
bursae and antrum broad, sclerotised. Ductus bursae long (its entire length ca twice as long
as ovipositor-ostium complex), with sclerotised folds and lobes; posterior section with lobe
receiving opening carinal thorn, medial section rather S-shaped, with deep curve at right
angle at right side, continuing in a long transverse and a further cranio-caudally directed
part, anterior section very short, recurved. Appendix bursae wide, sclerotised, oblique,
hook-like, joining to sclerotized distal end of corpus bursae; corpus bursae membranous,
broadly elliptical, with four short rows of signa.
Bionomics. Heliophobus nepalensis occurs in the high altitude non-arbore-
al belts of the Nepal Himalaya, in between 3450–4100 m elevations. The main
habitats are rich subalpine meadows with sparsely wooded patches, open
rocky slopes and alpine grasslands. The moths are on the wing, depending
on the actual locality, from the beginning of June to the beginning of August.
Distribution. The species is recorded only from Nepal, the Indian Sik-
kim and Kashmir.
Heliophobus bulcsui Simonyi sp. n.
(Figs 42–49, 123–135)
Holotype. Male, N-Pakistan, 15 km SE of Karimabad, Hopar, 2700m, 36°11’N; 74°46’E,
Nr.16., 14.VI.1992, leg. M. Hreblay and G. Csorba, slide No. 255m, SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM).
Paratypes. Pakistan. 1 male, with the same datas as the holotype, slide No. 262m
S.J.Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 1 male, 15 km SE of Karimabad, Hopar glacier, 2700 m, 36°11’N,
74°46’E, No. 16., 14.VI.1992, leg. M. Hreblay and G. Csorba (coll. BMNH (E) 1994–66); 2
females, Karakoram Mts, Naltar valley, 2900 m, 36°11,08’N, 74°09,22’E, 20.VII.1998, leg.
G. Csorba & L. Ronkay, slide No. 464f SJ. Simonyi (coll. G. Ronkay, Budapest). China. 1
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
male, Sinin, Kuku-Noor, 1901, collection Dr. Schawerda (coll. NHMW); 1 male, 1 female,
Yunnan, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, 5 km SE of Deqin town, Tashis Guest-
house, near to Rerinkha village, 3356 m, 28°28,484’N, 098°53,827’E, 5–6.VI.2008, leg. B.
Benedek, slide Nos 264m, 268f SJ. Simonyi (coll. HNHM); 7 males, 2 females, from the
same site, 16–20.VI.2009, leg. B. Benedek (colls Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary, A. Floriani, Italy);
1 female, Yunnan, Diqing Tibetan Aut. Pref., 8 km NNE of Shangri La, at Nairi village,
3300 m, 21.VI.2009, leg. B. Benedek (coll. B. Benedek, Hungary); 1 female, from the same
locality, 14.VI.2009, leg. B. Benedek (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Yunnan, Diqing
Tibetan Aut. Pref., 8 km NNE of Shangri La, 2 km W of Nairi village, 3242 m, 27°53,713’N,
99°39,841’E, 7.VI.2008. leg. B. Benedek (coll. B. Benedek, Hungary); 1 male, Tibet, 3700 m,
S-Himalaya Mts, Nyalam, 10–12.VII.2001, leg. L. Bieber, slide No. 349m SJ. Simonyi (coll.
Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Yunnan, surroundings of Zhong Dian City, 3200–3400
m, 3–5.VII.2009, slide No. OP 1913m (coll. O. Pekarsky); 2 males, 1 female Yunnan, near
Zhong Dian city, 3350 m, 27°24,800’N, 99°40,500’E, 23.V.2012, leg. Floriani (colls S. J. Si-
monyi, Budapest; A. Floriani, Italy; A. Saldaitis, Lithuania); 4 males, 2 females, Yunnan,
Lijiang, Zhong Dian, near Tuguancun, 3200 m, 27°29,700’N, 99°53,700’E, 24–25.V.2012, leg.
Floriani, slide No. 501f SJ. Simonyi (colls S. J. Simonyi, Budapest; A. Floriani, Italy; A. Sal-
daitis, Lithuania); 1 male, East-Tibet, Prov. Qamdo, Mekong valley, 3500 m, 22.VI.1991, leg.
Willi Fickler, slide No. 457m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Qinghai,
Heka Mts, SW of Santa la, 3610 m, 3–4.VIII.1999, leg. P. Gyulai and A. Garai, slide No.
1212 P. Gyulai (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Qinghai NE, Daban Shan Mts, N of
Datong, 3800 m, 37°13,230’N, 101°46,988’E, 12.VII.2010, leg. Floriani & Saldaitis, slide No.
432m SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 5 males, 2 females, Gansu, SW near Xiahe
(Labrang), Sangke grasslands, 3568 m, 34°59,626’N, 102°33,808’E, 7.VII.2010, leg. Floriani
& Saldaitis, slide Nos 433m, 436m, 441m, 412f, 437f SJ. Simonyi, (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Buda-
pest); 2 males, Gansu, SW road from Zoige to Lugu, 3660 m, 34°20,780’N, 102°19,938’E,
6.VII.2010, leg. Floriani & Saldaitis, slide No. 439m SJ. Simonyi (colls S. J. Simonyi, Buda-
pest; A. Floriani, Italy).
Diagnosis. The new species is characterised by the olive hue of the fore-
wings; the other species of the texturata-group have different shade: the hue of
the ground colour is greyish in H. texturata, reddish in H. kitti and H aequalifus-
cus, while that of H. nepalensis is clear brown. There are certain differences be-
tween the forewing pattern of H. bulcsui and the closely related species, which
are as follows: the postmedial line of H. bulcsui is more tapering towards cos-
tal margin and weaker defined by darker spots than in its siblings; this line is
whitish below cell and becomes pale brownish from the middle vein towards
costa (like in H. texturata), while the entire line is white in H. kitti, and mostly
ochreous-brown to brown coloured in H. nepalensis and H. aequalifuscus; final-
ly, the most prominent light marking of H. bulcsui is the subterminal line. The
colouration of the male hindwing of H. bulcsui resembles those of H. texturata
and H. kitti, while the hindwing of the females is brown, similarly to those of
H nepalensis and H. aequalifuscus.
In the male genitalia, the key feature of the new species is the truncated
saccular extension which is unique within the genus. There are several other
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
differences between H. bulcsui and the other members of the texturata-group
which are as follows. The uncus of H. bulcsui is the broadest within this spe-
cies-group; the vinculum is V-shaped and pointed, as in certain specimens of
H. texturata, H. kitti and H. aequalifuscus while the vincular apex of H. nepalen-
sis is always rounded; the cucullus can be turned almost at a right angle, as
in H. nepalensis, while this angle is usually blunt in H. texturata, H. kitti and H.
aequalifuscus; the vesica is very similar to that of H. nepalensis with its narrow
proximal part, short vesical stitch, and the strong and long cornuti field of the
vesical glans, but it is often overcurved forming a coil, and the row of spines
is almost entirely absent between the two larger groups of spines. In compari-
son, the narrow vesica of H. aequalifuscus has similarly short vesical stitch, but
it is twisted with one coil, and the proximal group of spines and the cornuti
field are absent; the proximal part of the vesica is broad in H. texturata and H.
kitti, their vesical stitch is rather long, with a full row of spines, and their vesi-
cal glans has short and weak cornuti field. The vesica of H. texturata is mostly
turned to the right at a right angle, while the vesica of H. kitti is twisted with
one coil.
In the female genitalia, the longitudinal part of ductus bursae of H.
bulcsui sp. n. is the shortest in the species-group when compared with the size
of corpus bursae, and the basal plates of apophyses posteriores are conspicu-
ously broad.
Description. Wingspan 36–40 mm. Head and collar dark brown, latter with light
margins; tegulae dark brown with light, silvery edges; crest and metathoracic tuft dark
brown with light tips. Forewing comparatively broad, costal margin slightly arcuate; apex
finely pointed. Ground colour greyish-olive brown to dark brown; veins whitish, except
in marginal area where they covered by dark brown and accentuated by light streaks;
crosslines whitish, with moderate dark definition by darker dots. Antemedial line oblique,
almost straight, with fine angles at costal and inner margins; median fascia blurred, hardly
discernible; postmedial line tapering and becoming more brownish towards costa. Orbicu-
lar and reniform stigmata encircled by whitish and filled by ground colour; reniform with
light central line; both stigmata defined by dark spots on both sides; claviform stigma dark
borwn, less distinct, often hardly visible. Subterminal line brownish white, sharply de-
fined, slightly zigzagged; arrowhead spots partly fused, usually not prominent. Terminal
line fine, ochreous, followed by an almost continuous row of dark triangles. Fringes dark
brown, with ochreous streaks at veins, light greyish-brown outer edge and fine ochreous-
brown longitudinal lines. Hindwing of male light brownish-grey, with dark brown mar-
ginal suffusion; that of female dark brown, becoming paler towards base of wing; trans-
verse line deleted, discal spot hardly discernible. Terminal line indistinct, brown; fringes
ochreous-grey, chequered by ochreous at veins, and marked by brown and ochreous-
brown longitudinal stripes. Underside of forewing greyish-brown, costal margin, post-
medial and subterminal lines rather dark; contour of reniform stigma and inner marginal
area lighter. Underside of hindwing light brown, costal and marginal areas suffused with
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
dark brown; transverse line and discal spot distinctly marked, dark brown. Abdomen and
abdominal ridges same coloured as hindwing.
Male genitalia (Figs 123–132). Clasping apparatus usually asymmetrical, right valva
broader, than left one. Uncus broad, its apex pointed; fultura inferior deltoidal; vinculum
V-shaped, with finely rounded apex. Sacculus broad; clavus serrated, saccular extension
arcuate, its tip truncated, with pointed internal angle. Both digituses reduced, hardly vis-
ible or absent. Cucullus large, it can be turned ventrad almost at a right angle; corona
and macrotrichae well-developed; neck of cucullus slender. Aedeagus long, tubular, only
slightly tapering after the broad and rounded coecum. Everted vesica long, tubular, only
slightly tapering, recurved or making a coil; vesical stick extending only about one-third
of length of vesica; vesical glans comparatively long; proximal part of vesica with a small
group of spines at right side, distal part with long group of rather strong spines; vesical
glans bearing long and strong cornuti field.
Female genitalia (Figs 133–135). Ovipositor conical; basal plates of apophyses pos-
teriores broad, more or less rhomboidal; apophyses rather short. Ductus bursae relatively
short, sclerotised, with a lobe for opening carinal thorn, and sclerotised with folds; lon-
gitudinal part of short, in a comparison with length of corpus bursae. Appendix bursae
large, wide, obliquely hook-like. Corpus bursae wide, elliptical-rounded, membranous,
with four comparatively long rows of signa.
Bionomics. Heliophobus bulcsui sp. n. has been found in mountainous
grasslands, grassy, stony slopes and dry meadows with diverse herbaceous
vegetation, between 2700–3800 m altitudes. The moths are on the wing in
May, June and July.
Distribution. The new species is known to occur in North Pakistan and
China (Tibet, Yunnan, Qamdo, Qinghai, and Gansu).
Etymology. The new species is dedicated to Mr. Bulcsú Simonyi, son of
the senior author.
Heliophobus aequalifuscus Gyulai et Simonyi sp. n.
(Figs 50–53, 136–143)
Holotype. Male, Pakistan, Himalaya Mts, Kaghan valley, Tathabaya, 2300 m,
34°36’48”N, 73°27’01”E, 7.VII.1998, leg. G. Csorba & L. Ronkay, slide No. 463m SJ. Simonyi
(coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest, deposited in the HNHM).
Paratypes. Pakistan. 1 male, Jammu & Kashmir, NW of Junkar, 4200 m, 20–30.
VII.2003 leg. V. Gurko, slide No. 1698 P. Gyulai (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male,
Kashmir, Himalaya Mts, 30 km N of Murree, Ayubia, 2650 m, 34°01’75”N, 73°24’03”E,
5–6.VII.1998, leg. G. Csorba & L. Ronkay, slide No. 459m S.J. Simonyi (coll. G. Ronkay,
Hungary); 5 males, Himalaya Mts, Kaghan valley, Saiful Muluk, 3100 m, 34°54’N, 73°42’E;
30.VI.1998, leg. Gy. Fábián & B. Herczig; slide Nos 458m, 461m, 462m SJ. Simonyi (coll. P.
Gyulai, Miskolc and G. Ronkay, Budapest); 1 female, Kaghan valley, above Shogran, Siri-
paya, 3000 m, 4.VIII.2011, leg. B. Benedek (coll. P. Gyulai); 1 male, Kaghan valley, above
Shogran, Siripaya, 3000 m, 4–5.VII.2014, leg. B. Benedek & J. Babics (coll. P. Gyulai); 1 fe-
male, Hindukush Mts, 35 km N of Dir, Lavarai pass, 3100 m, 35°27’N, 71°43’E, 10.VII.1994,
leg. B. Herczig, Gy.M. László & G. Ronkay, slide No. 460f SJ. Simonyi (coll. G. Ronkay,
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Diagnosis. Heliophobus aequalifuscus sp. n. is the closest relative of H. kitti,
despite the brown ground colour of both the forewing and the hindwing as
those of both sexes of H. nepalensis and the female of H. bulcsui sp. n. The ele-
ments of the light forewing pattern and the sometimes well-discernible pur-
ple hue of the forewing clearly show, however, the close relationship with
H. kitti, as well as the features of the genitalia of both sexes. The main differ-
ences, in comparison with H. kitti, are as follows: the light marking elements
are light brown, not dominantly whitish; the postmedial line is crenellate in
its entire length; the comparatively vivid coloured subterminal line also very
strongly zigzagged; the postmedial line is defined by tiny dark, partly flat-
tened arrowhead-spots at inner side, and the arrowhead-spots following the
subterminal line are narrow and rather distinct, despite of the blurred and/
or fused arrowhead-spots of all closely related species. The combination of
the entire brown colouration of wings with weak purple hue of forewing and
the strongly crenellate postmedial and subterminal lines with well-defined
arrowhead-spots are the diagnostic external features of H. aequalifuscus.
In the male genitalia, the clasping apparatus is very similar to that of H.
kitti. The considerable prominence of the clavus is a shared and distinctive
feature of these two species in comparison with the other three members of
the H. texturata species-group. The specific autapomorphies of H. aequalifus-
cus are the really pointed and strongly sclerotised saccular extension, and the
lack of the cornuti field from the vesical glans. The vesica of the new species
is tubular, tapering distally, without conspicuous enlargement in its proxi-
mal part (which is present in H. texturata and H. kitti); it is twisted in a wide
arch, despite the tight arch of H. kitti and the only recurved or simply coiled
vesica of the other allied species. The vesical stick of H. aequalifuscus is one of
the shortest in this group with its length ca one-third of the full length of the
vesica). The new species lacks the group of proximal spines (all other mem-
bers of the group possess these spines), but there is a scarce row of spines on
the outer side of the arch of vesica that becomes to a group of strong spines in
the medial third of the vesica.
The female genitalia of H. aequalifu scus are almost as robust as those of
H. texturata, this latter species has the most robust female copulatory organ
within this group. The shared features of the female genitalia of these two
species are the broad ostium-antrum complex, and the rates of ovipositor, ap-
pendix bursae, corpus bursae and ductus bursae. The proximal part of ductus
bursae of H. aequalifuscus with short longitudinal and very short recurving
sections differ conspicuously from the long proximal part of ductus bursae of
H. kitti. In addition, the basal plates of the apophyses posteriores are rather
narrow in of H. aequalifuscus, not triangular as in H. kitti and H. nepalensis, or
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
quadrangular as in H. texturata and H. bulcsui, and the four rows of signa on
the corpus bursae are the shortest within the species-group.
Description. Wingspan 34–38 mm. Colouration of head, collar, tegulae and dorsal
crest greyish-brown to dark brown; light border of collar hardly discernible; margins of
tegulae marked by rather dark brown line, edges rather broad, light greyish; abdomen and
abdominal ridges slightly paler than forewing ground colour. Forewing pointed, costal
and outer margins somewhat arcuate; ground colour greyish-brown to dark brown with
poorly visible purple hue; light marking elements of paler than ground colour. Anteme-
dial line broad, accentuated by strong dark brown spots at medial section; median fas-
cia waved, blurred, dark brown; postmedial line crenulate, defined by tiny, dark brown
arrowhead-shaped spots at middle section. Orbicular and reniform stigmata encircled by
dark brown and light annuli and filled with ground colour; reniform stigma with light cen-
tral dash; contour of claviform stigma dark brown, its filling mottled brown. Subterminal
line whitish-grey, zigzagged, with short W-mark medially; arrowhead spots of following
subterminal line rather sharply defined, thin, dark brown. Terminal line very fine, ochre-
ous, defined by distinct dark brown triangles. Fringes with darker and paler brown lon-
gitudinal stripes, chequered by fine ochreous streaks at veins. Hindwing greyish-brown
to dark brown, becoming somewhat paler towards base; veins rather dark brown; discal
spot hardly visible, transverse line obsolete; terminal line diffuse, brown. Fringes ochre-
ous, with dark brown medial stripe and pale ochreous-brown outer edge. Underside of
forewing suffused by rather large greyish-brown scales; costal margin darkened; light con-
tour of reniform and dark postmedial and subterminal lines well discernible. Underside of
hindwing irrorated by greyish-brown scales; veins, costal and marginal areas, transverse
line and discal spot dark brown.
Male genitalia (Figs 136–142). Uncus narrow or medium-broad, apically pointed;
fultura inferior narrow deltoidal; vinculum V-shaped, terminally finely pointed or blunt
and slightly rounded. Saccular part of valva broad; clavus slightly serrated, its prominence
strong, rather tooth-like; saccular extension broad, heavily sclerotised, its apex really
pointed; cucullus broad, its neck short and slender; corona well-developed. Aedeagus tu-
bular, tapering, with eversible ventral carinal plate, terminated in opening thorn; coecum
penis broad, rounded. Vesica twisted, tubular, almost evenly tapering; vesical stitch about
one-third of entire length of vesica. Medial section of vesica armed by a weak row of spines
along outer arch, followed by a group of strong spines; vesical glans long, narrow, most
often without cornuti field, sometimes with a small bundle of flimsy bristles.
Female genitalia (Fig. 143). Ovipositor broad, apophyses posteriores comparatively
long, with more or less elliptical basal plates. Antrum broad, sclerotised; ductus bursae
relatively short. Appendix bursae sclerotised, hook-like, with oblique basal part; it is very
large in comparison with corpus bursae, located at distal end of corpus bursae. Corpus
bursae wide, rounded, membranous with four very short rows of signa.
Bionomics. Heliophobus aequalifuscus lives in open Himalayan-type
woodlands, consisting of patches of mixed pine and deciduous forests,
grassy, stony slopes and dry meadows rich in flowering plants. The known
specimens were collected in between 2300–4200 m altitudes. The flight period
is the early summer, the adults fly from end of June to beginning of August.
Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
Distribution. The species is distributed in the Pakistanian high moun-
tains. The overwhelming majority of the specimens were found in the SW
Himalayas (Kaghan valley, Murree Hills), only a single specimen is known
from the Hindukush (NW Frontier Province: Lavarai Pass).
Etymology. The nameaequalifuscusrefers to the almost entirely brown
colouration of the new species.
Acknowledgements – The authors are grateful to Mr. G. Behounek for his kind help
and advices, to Dr A. Matov for the examination the lectotype-specimens of Heliophobus
unicolor Alphéraky and H. texturata, to the late Gy. Juhász (†) (Újpesti Lepkemúzeum, Bu-
dapest), Mr. Gy. Fábián (Budapest), Mr. O. Pekarsky (Budapest), Mr. G. Ronkay (Buda-
pest), Mr. A. Saldaitis (Vilnius), Mr. L. Scsényi (Budapest), Mr. L. Székely (Săcele, Ro-
mania), and Dr. A. Volynkin (Russia, Barnaul) for the loaned or given material and/or
records, and to Mr. T. Csővári, Mr. I. Retezár and Mr. G. Ronkay for the photographs. Our
special thanks to the referees, G. Behounek, A. Saldaitis and A. Volynkin, for their useful
comments and suggestions.
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Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 61, 2015
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Revised version received December 12, 2014, accepted April 6, 2015, published May 29, 2015
Full-text available
The article provides the list of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera), collected in Mongolia in two expeditions of Russian entomologists in 2019. The first travel (September 14−24) − Bayan-Ulgii, Khovd, and Gobi-Altai Aimaks; the second travel (June 24-July 5) − Uvurkhangai, Bayanhongor, and Töw Aimaks. 21 species are indicated for the fauna of Mongolia for the first time: Idaea elongaria (Rambur, 1833) (Geometridae), Orgyia dubia (Tauscher, 1806), Thylacigyna antiquoides (Hübner, 1822), Ivela ochropoda (Eversmann, 1847), Catocala deducta Eversmann, 1843, C. desiderata Staudinger, 1888, C. neglecta Staudinger, 1888, (Püngeler, 1906), Autophila vespertalis (Staudinger, 1896) (Erebidae), Acronicta tridens ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Caradrina expansa Alphéraky, 1887, C. inopinata Hacker, 2004, Polymixis atossa (Wiltshire, 1941), P. rosinae (Bohatsch, 1908), Dasypolia maria Volynkin, 2012, Pseudohadena argyllostigma (Varga & L.Ronkay, 1991), Ctenoceratoda turpis (Staudinger, 1900), Mythimna l-album (Linnaeus, 1767), M. vitellina (Hübner, 1808), Dichagyris flammatra ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775), Agrotis psammocharis Boursin, 1950, Eugnorisma atrabaelbops Varga, 1975 (Noctuidae).
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The paper contains data on the fauna of the Lepidoptera families Erebidae (excluding subfamilies Lymantriinae and Arctiinae) and Noctuidae of the Saur Mountains (East Kazakhstan). The check list includes 216 species. The map of collecting localities is presented.
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The list, comprising 624 species in the families Lasiocampidae, Endromidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Noctuidae, Pantheidae, Lymantriidae, Nolidae and Arctiidae from the Southern Ural Mountains is presented. The material was collected during 1996-2001 in 10 different expeditions. Dichagyris lux Fibiger & K. Nupponen sp. n. is described. 17 species are reported for the first time from Europe: Clostera albosigma (Fitch, 1855), Xylomoia retinax Mikkola, 1998, Ecbolemia misella (Püngeler, 1907), Pseudohadena stenoptera Boursin, 1970, Hadula nupponenorum Hacker & Fibiger, 2002, Saragossa uralica Hacker & Fibiger, 2002, Conisania arida (Lederer, 1855), Polia malchani (Draudt, 1934), Polia vespertilio (Draudt, 1934), Polia altaica (Lederer, 1853), Mythimna opaca (Staudinger, 1899), Chersotis stridula (Hampson, 1903), Xestia wockei (Möschler, 1862), Euxoa dsheiron Brandt, 1938, Agrotis murinoides Poole, 1989, Agrotis sp. n. Fibiger & Ahola in prep., Agrotis iremeli K. Nupponen, Ahola & Kullberg, 2001. Euxoa friedeli Pinker, 1980 syn. n. is synonymized with Euxoa adumbrata (Eversmann, 1842). Euchalcia uralensis (Eversmann, 1842) stat. rev. is stated to be a valid species occurring sympatrically with E. variabilis (Piller, 1783) in the southern Urals. The everted vesica of Euxoa dsheiron Brandt, 1938 is illustrated for the first time. A previously unknown larva of Cucullia biornata Fischer von Waldheim, 1840 was found on Artemisia dracunculi. Further illustrations and notes on some poorly known taxa are given.
Heliophobus kitti (Schawerda), considéré jusqu'à présent comme une sous-espèce d'Heliophobus texturata (Alpheraky), n'était connu en France que par la capture d'un seul spécimen en Savoie (Y. de Lajonquière, 1956). Plusieurs entomologistes l'ont retrouvé ces dernières années en Maurienne et en Tarentaise (Savoie), et l'auteur, dans la haute vallée de la Romanche (Hautes-Alpes et Isère), où il n'est pas très rare, surtout en juin. Les différences observées, dans l'habitus comme dans les armatures génitales des deux sexes, avec les syntypes d'H. texturata d'Asie centrale (A. Sulcs, 1978) et avec des spécimens de même origine conservés dans les collections du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle à Paris, amènent à réviser le statut taxinomique de cette Noctuelle qu'il convient désormais de nommer Heliophobus kitti (Schawerda), bona species (n. comb).
Budapest); 2 males, 5 females, Jalal-Abad region, Fergana Mts, near Aral village, 1857 m, 41°21,888'N, 73°45,070'E, 8.VII
S.J. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 2 males, Transalai Mts, Aram-Kungei, 2800 m, 12-15.VII.1993, leg. V. & A. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 221m, 287m S.J. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 6 males, Osh region, Alai Mts, Kurtuk-Ata, 2383 m, 39°55,959'N, 73°24,915'E, 4.VII.2011, leg. SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 4 males, 2 females, Jalal-Abad region, Fergana Mts, near Urumbash, 1633 m, 41°13,188'N, 73°28,658'E, 7.VII.2011, leg. SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 2 males, 5 females, Jalal-Abad region, Fergana Mts, near Aral village, 1857 m, 41°21,888'N, 73°45,070'E, 8.VII.2011, leg. SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Naryn region, near Orto-Tokoy lake, 1761 m, 42°18,298'N, 75°54,154'E, 10.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 6 males, 1 female, Issyk-Kul region, E of Balikhci, 1628 m, 42°19,837'N, 76°13,088'E, 11.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 417f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 female, Issyk-Kul region, N of Ak-Say, 1852 m, 42°11,050'N, 76°50,219'E, 12.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Issyk-Kul region, Terskey-Ala-too Mts, gorge of Turgen-Aksu, 2308 m, 42°31'02,15"N, 78°54'22,20"E, 14.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, Issyk-Kul region, N of Issyk-Kul lake, near Chon-Shariol, 1858 m, 42°38,403'N, 76°52,912'E, 15.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 female, Chuy region, Kungey-Ala-Too Mts, SW of Ak-Tüz, 1867 m, 42°51,180'N, 76°04,820' E, 17.VII.2011, leg. S. J. Simonyi, slide No. 470f SJ. Simonyi (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest).
Petersburg); 1 female, Samarkand, 18-30.VII.1892, leg. O
  • Male
  • Tien-Shan Mts
Uzbekistan. 1 female, Mt. Great Chimgan 29.V.1974, leg. V. N. Prasolov (coll. ZISP St. Petersburg); 1 female, Samarkand, 18-30.VII.1892, leg. O. Herz (coll. Gr. Pr. Nikolaj Mikhajlovich, ZISP); 1 male, W Tien-Shan Mts, Chimgan, 800-2000 m, 69°58'E, 41°32'N, 18-25.VII.1990, leg. P. Gyulai & M. Hreblay, slide No. 218m SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary). Tajikistan. 4 males, Turkestan Mts, Shakristan pass, Khushikat, 2000 m, 5-8.
Lukhtanov, slide Nos 223m, 229m, 235m, 248m
VI.1994, leg. Lukhtanov, slide Nos 223m, 229m, 235m, 248m SJ. Simonyi (col. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, West-Pamir, Chorog, 2300 m, 6.VI.1965, leg. Shchetkin, slide No. 282m
Hungary); 1 female, Hissar Mts, gorge Majchura, Charamkul, 6.VII.1967 leg. Shchetkin, slide No. 286f SJ. Simonyi (coll Dr
SJ. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Hissar Mts, gorge Majchura, Charamkul, 6.VII.1967 leg. Shchetkin, slide No. 286f SJ. Simonyi (coll Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 male, Safi-Dhara, near Dushanbe, 27.VI.2005, leg. V. Gurko, slide No. 321m S.J. Simonyi (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary); 1 female, Darvaz Mts, area near Ganishou village, 10-20.
1 male, Peter I. Mts, Garm district, Tajikabad circ
  • O Pekarsky
O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 4 males, 2 females, Peter I. Mts, 10 km S of Tajikabad, near Ganishob kishlak, 2100 m, 15-21.VII.2004, leg. O. Pak (coll. O. Pekarsky, Budapest); 1 male, Peter I. Mts, Garm district, Tajikabad circ., Ganishou village., 2100 m, 7.VI.2006, leg. O. Pak, slide No. 2994m PGY (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary). China. 2 males, 1 female Xinjiang, SW from Kashi, Teng Tau Mts, Oytag loc., 38°54,383'N, 75°12,747'E, 2750 m, 1.VI.2013, leg. A. Floriani, (coll. Dr. P. Gyulai, Hungary), 1 female, 20 km SE from Tajikabad near Ganishou 20-25.VII.2005, leg. V. Gurko (coll. S. J. Simonyi, Budapest); 1 male, 1 female Gissarsky Heliophobus texturata (Alphéraky, 1892) (Figs 37-41, 54, 101-109)
Type-locality: China, Tibet, Amdo. Lectotype: female, here designated
  • Alphéraky Mamestra Texturata
Mamestra texturata Alphéraky, 1892, Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 26 (3-4): 446. Type-locality: China, Tibet, Amdo. Lectotype: female, here designated; in coll. ZISP. Type material examined. Lectotype female, China, Tibet, Amdo, mont Sinin, leg.