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Anthropocene archaeology of the Yellow River, China, 5000-2000 BP


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we use geoarchaeological and paleoenvironmental data from three localities in the Yellow River Valley, China – Taosi, Sanyangzhuang, and the Yiluo Valley – to argue that human activity in the mid- to late-Holocene contributed to large-scale changes in the behavior of the Yellow River and that these changes were of sufficient magnitude to bend the arc of China’s history. Massive anthropogenic landscape transformation from the later Neolithic into the early Dynastic periods, especially in the Chinese Loess Plateau, increased sedimentation in the Yellow River requiring intensive investment in flood control features to protect an ever-growing population. As the Yellow River channel aggraded, channel gradients became increasingly steep, and avulsions occurred with greater frequency and consequence. Flooding reached an apogee in the first decades of the Common Era when a massive avulsion of the Yellow River ca. 14–17 CE caused the river to shift to the south and east of its former channel. This avulsion and the catastrophic flooding that followed triggered the collapse of the Western Han dynasty. The Yellow River – known as ‘China’s Tribulation’ – has been seen as a natural scourge that afflicts the inhabitants of the fertile North China Plain. However, when viewed in an Anthropocene perspective, it is evident that China’s Tribulation largely is the result of human manipulation of the environment.
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The Holocene
2015, Vol. 25(10) 1627 –1639
© The Author(s) 2015
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0959683615594469
China’s Yellow River is widely known as ‘China’s Tribulation’ or
the ‘River of Sorrow’ (Wu and Ge, 2005) because of its frequent
flooding and course changes through history. China’s Tribulation
is a powerful symbol of the capriciousness of the Yellow River,
suggesting that the river is beyond human control and that it is
naturally dangerous, unpredictable, and untamable. An Anthropo-
cene perspective, though, challenges this story of forbearing peo-
ple contending against a capricious river. For the last 5000 years,
humans have shaped the Yellow River, both inadvertently and
actively, such that the behavior of China’s Tribulation is the out-
come of a complex amalgam of human and natural processes.
Anthropogenic alteration of the environments of the Yellow River
watershed and direct engineering of the Yellow River itself made
humans the primary geomorphic agent affecting the river by ca.
3–2 kya. Human actions, and the ways they amplified climatic
and geological circumstances through time, are largely responsi-
ble for the massive flooding and catastrophic results for which the
Yellow River is known by the early dynastic period.
We use case studies from three locations – the Taosi site, the
Sanyangzhuang site area, and the Yiluo Valley (Figure 1) – to
argue for an Anthropocene hypothesis that incorporates a variety
of effects on the landscape over time. Between 5 and 2 kya, Chi-
nese societies altered many otherwise natural processes in the
Yellow River watershed, and in doing so changed the course of
their own history. This evidence joins with other data to show that
there is an unexpectedly early anthropogenic footprint in numer-
ous parts of the globe (Ellis et al., 2013a: Figure 1; Redman, 1999,
2004; Wilkinson, 2010).
The Yellow River originates in the Tibetan-Qinghai Plateau and
flows through the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) (Figure 1). The
CLP covers ~640,000 km2 in northwest China and is composed of
thick Pleistocene-age loess deposits (Wang et al., 2006). Although
loess is well suited for agriculture (Catt, 2001), the silt-sized soil
skeleton of loess promotes deep penetration of water into the
ground surface (Shi and Shao, 2000); in most regions of the CLP,
this soil condition coupled with a semi-arid environment means
that vegetation is largely confined to limited numbers of trees,
shrubs, and grasses (Li et al., 2003; Shang and Li, 2010). Meager
plant cover and the loose soil structure of loess result in continu-
ous soil erosion and gullying.
Over the Holocene, an estimated annual average of 0.8 × 109
tons of sediment washed down from the CLP into the Yellow River
(Shi et al., 2002: 280). Once it enters the North China Plain (NCP)
east of modern Luoyang (Figure 1), the transport capacity of the
river is surpassed by the sediment load resulting in rapid aggrada-
tion (Liu and Jiyang, 1989: 223–224). The river’s bed and banks
are prone to erosion because they are composed of relatively
Anthropocene archaeology of the Yellow
River, China, 5000–2000 BP
Tristram R Kidder1 and Yijie Zhuang2
In this paper, we use geoarchaeological and paleoenvironmental data from three localities in the Yellow River Valley, China – Taosi, Sanyangzhuang, and
the Yiluo Valley – to argue that human activity in the mid- to late-Holocene contributed to large-scale changes in the behavior of the Yellow River and that
these changes were of sufficient magnitude to bend the arc of China’s history. Massive anthropogenic landscape transformation from the later Neolithic
into the early Dynastic periods, especially in the Chinese Loess Plateau, increased sedimentation in the Yellow River requiring intensive investment in
flood control features to protect an ever-growing population. As the Yellow River channel aggraded, channel gradients became increasingly steep, and
avulsions occurred with greater frequency and consequence. Flooding reached an apogee in the first decades of the Common Era when a massive avulsion
of the Yellow River ca. 14–17 CE caused the river to shift to the south and east of its former channel. This avulsion and the catastrophic flooding that
followed triggered the collapse of the Western Han dynasty. The Yellow River – known as ‘China’s Tribulation’ – has been seen as a natural scourge
that afflicts the inhabitants of the fertile North China Plain. However, when viewed in an Anthropocene perspective, it is evident that China’s Tribulation
largely is the result of human manipulation of the environment.
Anthropocene, China, environmental archaeology, Sanyangzhuang, Taosi, Yellow River, Yiluo Valley
Received 3 December 2014; revised manuscript accepted 9 June 2015
1Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
2Institute of Archaeology, University College London, UK
Corresponding author:
Tristram R Kidder, Department of Anthropology, Washington
University in St. Louis, Campus Box 1114, One Brookings Drive, St.
Louis, MO 63130-4899, USA.
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Special Issue: The Anthropocene in the Longue Durée
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1628 The Holocene 25(10)
coarse-grained sediments that lack structural cohesion (Chien,
1961; Jing et al., 1995: 484–485). Channel switching and avulsions
are common as the channel aggrades and the slope differential
between the channel bed and the surrounding floodbasin increases.
Because of high sediment load and unstable bank conditions, the
Yellow River Holocene alluvial floodplain is characterized by rapid
sediment accumulation and thick sediment deposits (Jing et al.,
1995; Wu et al., 1996a; Xu, 1998, 2003; Xu et al., 1996).
For much of the Holocene, the lower Yellow River flowed
north to discharge in the Gulf of Bohai (Saito et al., 2000, 2001;
Wu et al., 1996a; Xu, 1989; Xue, 1993; Ye, 1989: Figure 1). Avul-
sions in Western Han times (206 BCE–23 CE) shifted the course
eastward (Wang and Su, 2011). At the end of the Northern Song
Dynasty (960–1127 CE), the river relocated southward from its
ancestral course (Lamouroux, 1998; Zhang, 2009). Between 1128
and 1855 CE, the main trunk of the river flowed almost due east
to the Yellow Sea. An avulsion east of Kaifeng in 1855 diverted
the river northward into its current channel (Jing et al., 1995:
285–286; Xu, 1989) (Figure 1a).
Over the Holocene, the East Asian monsoon has altered between
strong and weak periods. Strong monsoon periods bring moisture
farther into the continental interior. During weak periods, the
monsoon boundary retreats south and east, resulting in less mois-
ture reaching the interior (An et al., 2000; Cai et al., 2010; Clift
and Plumb, 2008; Cosford et al., 2008; Maher, 2008; Selvaraj
et al., 2007; Tan et al., 2009, 2011a; Yancheva et al., 2007). These
trends are punctuated by years of abnormal weakened summer
monsoons associated with El Niño. Strong El Niño events result
in extreme aridity in central China (Wen et al., 2000).
Most parts of North China experienced warmer temperatures
and greater precipitation between 7 and 5 kya (An et al., 2000,
2006; Cosford et al., 2008; Dong et al., 2010; Dykoski et al., 2005;
Morrill et al., 2003; Wu et al., 2012; Zhai et al., 2011; Zhang et al.,
2011). The so-called Holocene Optimum (HO) developed asyn-
chronously across China and demonstrates temporal and spatial
differences in temperature and precipitation (An et al., 2000; He
et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2010). Middle Holocene cultural expan-
sion coincides with the onset of the HO (Shi et al., 1993).
Increasing aridity defines late-Holocene (following ~4200 cal.
BP) climates in north China (Zhang et al., 2011). Moisture avail-
ability became increasingly uncertain and conditions generally
were adverse for plant and crop growth (An et al., 2006; Dodson
et al., 2013). Climate records suggest that the frequency and
amplitude of drought and flood events were increasing between 3
and 2 kya, and this information is also apparent in the historical
records (although the latter data probably reflect reporting bias)
(Ban, 1962; Hsu, 1980: Table 12).
Case studies
The early and middle Holocene was a period of growing land-
scape control in China; plant and animal domestication was pro-
ceeding, but subsistence practices were highly varied (Flad et al.,
Yellow River
Chinese Loess
North China
Plain (NCP)
Yellow Sea
Yangtze R.
Bo Hai Sea
0 150
Huanghe megadeltas
et al. 2000)
Current channel
Abandoned channel
Former shoreline
~2278 B.C.
~602 B.C.
~15 A.D.
Channel avulsion
Figure 1. Map of China showing locations of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), North China Plain (NCP) and sites or site locations discussed in
the text (1: Taosi; 2: Sanyangzhuang and Anshang locality; 3: Yiluo Valley, where Erlitou and Han-Wei Luoyang are located). The black rectangle shows
the location of inset map A, which indicates the approximate locations of the Yellow River and Yellow River megadeltas in the late-Holocene.
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Kidder and Zhuang 1629
2007, 2010; Fuller et al., 2007; Liu and Chen, 2012). Steadily
increasing populations were leaving a growing environmental
footprint through expanding landscape clearance for settlements,
agriculture, and greater technological investment in pottery and
other tool production (Mo et al., 2010). Human activities were
increasingly indelible, marking the onset and expansion of new
relationships between people and their physical world. By ca.
5–4 kya, populations throughout the Yellow River drainage
reached new highs (Wagner et al., 2013: Figure 5). Pollen data
show that vegetation shifts were considerable (see Zhuang and
Kidder, 2014: Table 1), while charcoal records reflect more and
more use of fire for land clearance and other activities (Hu et al.,
2010; Li et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2002). Soil and sediment proxy
data demonstrate that humans were modifying fields at an ever-
increasing rate and with greater intensity (Song, 2011). Agricul-
tural innovation and expansion were also critical in shaping
human–land interaction.
Erosion at Taosi
Taosi is a massive late Neolithic walled site located in the Linfen
Basin in the Fen River valley. The occupation at Taosi is divided
into three periods – early, middle, and late – that span ca. 4300–
3900 BP. At its height, Taosi encompassed roughly 300 ha. The
early and middle period city was enclosed by a rammed earth
wall covering nearly 280 ha. The early and middle period occu-
pation included elite residential and palace/temple areas with
substantial rammed earth building platforms, a royal cemetery
with roughly 10,000 graves, storage areas, craft production
facilities organized into ‘industrial parks’ (He, 2013: 268), ritual
precincts, and commoner habitations. Settlement survey has
located 54 sites in the ‘Taosi cluster’. These sites range from
small ‘villages’ (1–9 ha) and ‘secondary centers’ that range up to
200 ha, to the Taosi site itself. The Linfen Basin underwent a very
rapid increase in population during the late Neolithic (Li et al.,
2013). This local population increase may have been caused by
growing aridity, which forced previously dispersed middle Neo-
lithic groups into fewer but larger site clusters (Liu, 2004; Liu
and Chen, 2012; Liu and Feng, 2012; Liu et al., 2004; Shao,
2000) located in favorable and relatively well-watered locales.
Investigations in the CLP demonstrate that surface erosion and
material re-deposition were common ca. 4400–3900 BP (He et al.,
2006; Huang et al., 2002a, 2002b, 2006a; Li et al., 2012; Zhang
et al., 2010). At Taosi, the stratigraphic evidence points to human-
induced erosion and the subsequent formation of gullies (He,
2013; Li et al., 2013) (Figure 2). Intermittent gravel layers indicate
periods of intense high-energy hillslope erosion off the nearby
Ta’ershan Mountains during and at the end of the site occupation.
These thin erosion episodes that transported large gravel and boul-
der-sized clasts were absent prior to the site’s occupation and are
not found following the abandonment of the site. With the con-
struction of the large walled site, housing greater concentrations of
people than in earlier times, timber consumption likely increased
dramatically. Wood from trees and shrubs would have been needed
for wall construction, house building, and fuel for fires for heat
and for ceramic production. In addition, field clearance for agri-
culture and the effects of caprine grazing are also probable causes
of increasing tree and shrub clearance (Brunson et al., in press). At
Taosi, charcoal recovered from domestic contexts indicates that at
least 25 tree species were being consumed (Wang et al., 2011),
while palynological analysis shows a progressive decline in tree
and shrub pollen following ca. 5000 cal. BP and a corresponding
increase in genera that indicate clearance, such as chenopodiaceae
and compositae (Li et al., 2014: Figure 3). Analysis at archaeologi-
cal sites in the CLP indicates that there are increases in charcoal
concentration and herbaceous pollen from 5000 to 4000 BP (Hu
et al., 2010; Li et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2002). These data point to
intensified biomass burning and vegetation change associated with
human settlements across the region (Huang et al., 2003, 2006a,
2006b, 2007; Marlon et al., 2013; Ren, 2000; Tan et al., 2005,
2011b; Wang et al., 2013).
Eroded materials from Taosi and contemporary sites in the
CLP were transported into the Yellow River. Shi et al. (2002) con-
structed a model for sedimentation-rate changes in the lower
reaches of the Yellow River and suggest a three-stage evolution of
average sedimentation rates from 0.2 cm/yr from ~11,000 to 7500
BP, through 0.25 cm/yr from ~7500 to 3000 BP, to 0.22 cm/yr
from ~3000 BP to the present. Other analyses support this pattern.
Xu (1998, 2003), using a similar method, argues there are two
evident changes in ‘temporal variation in mean sedimentation
rate’ of the Yellow River, one starting ca. 5000–4800 BP and the
other from ca. 1400 BP. Xu argues that the trend prior to 5 kya is
the result of climatic conditions associated with growing aridity,
while following 5 kya the sedimentation rate is increasingly
driven by anthropogenic factors. These sediment increases sug-
gest that increasing deposition in the NCP is the result of greater
erosion in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, some
of which appear to be enhanced by human landscape modification
such as is seen at Taosi.
Flooding in the NCP
These sedimentation-rate data, however, represent a generalized
pattern that masks considerable temporal and spatial variability.
Research at Sanyangzhuang and nearby sites provides us with a
picture of the long-term effects of anthropogenic changes through-
out the Yellow River drainage (Kidder and Liu, 2014; Kidder
Figure 2. Erosion deposited gravel layers at Taosi. (a) View of site,
looking NE across the Zhongliang Gou gulley. Arrow points to a
thin gravel layer above a massive basal gravel bed. The basal gravels
were deposited ~4600 cal. BP; subsequent gravel beds above this
indicate periods of episodic erosion during and immediately following
the site occupation. (b) Close up of gravel (and cobble) layers within
site matrix. OSL sample locations can be seen on left (reported in
Li et al. (2013)). Scale is 10 cm.
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1630 The Holocene 25(10)
et al., 2012a, 2012b). The study area is located east of the main
trunk of the Yellow River up through the end of the Western Han
occupation (Figure 3). The composite Holocene stratigraphy of
the region extends to 12–13 m below the modern surface and is
composed of multiple stable buried surfaces (paleosols) inter-
spersed with Yellow River flood deposits. Through time, the
periods of stability are shorter and flooding more common (e.g.
Kidder et al., 2012b: Figure 5). In addition, the landscape itself
reflects increasing evidence of unambiguous anthropogenic
modification related to managing the Yellow River and to the
intensification of food production.
At Sanyangzhuang, a paleosol formed on a Yellow River flood
deposit between ca. 5.9 and 4.9 kya cal. BP. The base of this
paleosol is extensively bioturbated. An agricultural field with dis-
tinctive ridges and furrows (Figure 4) dated from 4140 to 3160
cal. BP was added to the upper part of this natural paleosol. Inves-
tigation over roughly 1 km2 indicates that this field is continuous
across the surveyed area. A sharp drop in arboreal pollen in this
period is coupled with increases in herbaceous species, poaceae,
and a marked rise in Selaginella sinensis; these data indicate
expanding clearance and associated human activities (Liu et al.,
2013: Figure 3; see also Cao et al., 2010).
At Anshang, there is a contemporary paleosol but no corre-
sponding evidence of agricultural field construction although
micromorphological data show evidence of considerable anthro-
pogenic disturbance. At Anshang, there are three ditches and an
earthen levee (Figures 5 and 6). The ditches and the levee were
sandwiched between two paleosols separated by Yellow River
flood deposits. The youngest ditch began to fill ca. 2952–2792
cal. BP and was completely filled by 2859–2757 cal. BP (Kidder
and Liu, 2014: Figure 6, Table 1). The levee at Anshang was strati-
graphically superior to the three ditches but underlay a paleosol
11 E
11 E
11 E
11 E
11 E
11 E
11 E
11 E
38° N38°N
37° N37°N
36° N36°N
35° N35°N
34° N34°N
䜁ᐎ ᔰሱ
Bohai Bay ῾ᾏ‴
070140 210 28035
Figure 3. Map of part of the North China Plain, showing the location of Sanyangzhuang (black circle) and Anshang (black rectangle). Symbols
are not to scale. Gray shades are mountains; darker shades represents higher topographic elevations within the floodplain while lighter shades
are the lowest elevations. The solid black arrow points to the Zhang River alluvial fan discussed in the text. Modern cities are represented by
red dots and provincial capitals are shown as stars. Provincial boundaries are shown by thin black lines.
Figure 4. Sanyangzhuang Profile 1. Strata 2 and 3 are, respectively,
the natural paleosol and the anthrosol dating to the Late Neolithic/
Early Bronze Age. Note the extensive bioturbation at the base of 2
and the clear ridge-and-furrow pattern of 3. Stratum 4 is a massive
Yellow River flood and 5 is a Warring States anthrosol with ridges-
and-furrows. Stratum 6 is a laminated Yellow River flood deposit and
7 a Han Dynasty anthrosol. Note relative lack of bioturbation in 5
and 7. Strata 8 and 9 are Late Western Han flood deposits.
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Kidder and Zhuang 1631
assigned by stratigraphic position to Warring States (475–221
BCE) times.
The levee was built in two episodes; the first was a compacted,
rammed earth core, roughly 2.5–3 m high with a 35- to 40-m-long
landside berm. The second stage doubled the height, and the berm
was extended to nearly 60 m. Little time elapsed between the con-
struction of the first and second stages based on the lack of a
paleosol or other indicators of bioturbation on or in the surface of
the first construction stage.
Following the initial burst of anthropogenic landscape modifica-
tion during the late Neolithic and Bronze Ages at Sanyangzhuang,
there is a major Yellow River flood marked by a 1- to 1.3-m-thick
massive deposit of silty sediment. At Anshang, contemporary flood
deposits covered the landside of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (ca. 760–
221 BCE) levee. A Warring States-age paleosol formed on the
surface of this deposit. At Sanyangzhuang (Figure 4, no. 5), a
roughly 10- to 15-cm-thick Warring States period ridge-and-furrow
agricultural field covers the surveyed area of the site. In contrast to
the earlier field, which formed on/in a natural paleosol, the Warring
States deposits were made before any natural soil forming activities
could occur. Low levels of arboreal pollen, large amounts of herba-
ceous pollen, and abundant Selaginella sinensis indicate continued
large-scale clearance and human landscape transformation (Liu
et al., 2013: Figure 3).
The Warring States occupation was brief; another Yellow
River flood occurred and the region was inundated. A prosper-
ous Western Han Dynasty (206 BCE–9 CE) occupation is found
on the surface of the Warring States flood deposits (Figure 4,
no. 7) (Kidder et al., 2012a). The village consisted of multiple
residential compounds situated in and among agricultural
fields. Roads, field paths, wells, kilns, and looms complement
the houses and extensive plowed fields. Contemporary struc-
tures and agricultural fields are found across a ~50 km2 area. The
inhabitants were cultivating wheat and millet and processing
Figure 5. Western Zhou period irrigation ditches at Anshang. (a) Ditches A and B; (b) ditch C, which is perpendicular to A and B and is older
based on stratigraphic relationships. Horizon 6Ab is a Late Neolithic or Bronze Age paleosol, Horizon 7Ab is a Middle Holocene paleosol, and
Horizon 8Ab is a Middle to Early Holocene paleosol (see Kidder and Liu, 2014).
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1632 The Holocene 25(10)
silk worms. Ongoing extensive land clearance is shown by low
levels of arboreal pollen, increases in the pollen of herbaceous
and grass species, and a large amount of Selaginella sinensis
(Liu et al., 2013: Figure 3).
The Han occupation at Sanyangzhuang spans ca. 132 BCE to
14–17 CE. A massive flood at the end of this occupation buried
and preserved the landscape (Figure 7). The initial stage of this
flood event was a catastrophic failure of the Yellow River levee
west of Sanyangzhuang. A massive slackwater flood deposit is
widespread throughout the region and serves as a marker bed for
the late Western Han flood. The breach in the levee grew, how-
ever, and a coarse-grained, high-energy sediment splay was
deposited across the region. In some locales, incipient paleosols
formed, indicating that the splay evolved over time and with mul-
tiple anastomosing channels. The western part of the splay is
3–3.5 m thick and it thins on its margins.
The Yiluo Valley
Further evidence of substantial anthropogenic transformation of
the Yellow River landscape comes from work conducted in the
Yiluo River Valley near the site of Erlitou as well as investiga-
tions at the Eastern Han (25–220 CE) and Wei (220–266 CE)
Dynasty imperial capital of Luoyang (Figure 8). Our work at Erli-
tou was focused on exploring the history of the broad fluvial
channel immediately south of the site. Extensive coring and three
excavation units were used to understand the channel history. At
Luoyang, we did reconnaissance level study of the erosion history
at the NW corner of the city wall.
The Yiluo Valley is located in the southeastern portion of the
CLP within the middle reaches of the Yellow River catchment.
The Yi and Luo Rivers are large perennial tributaries to the Yel-
low River that join east of modern Luoyang. The Yiluo Valley is
historically important because it is an area with both an extensive
Figure 6. Artificial levee at Anshang, dated to later Zhou (Spring and Autumn period). Stage 1 is the earliest phase of levee construction,
followed rapidly by stage 2, which increased the height and width of the levee. Horizon 6Ab is a Late Neolithic or Bronze Age paleosol while
7Ab is a Middle Holocene Paleosol (See Kidder and Liu, 2014).
Figure 7. Flood deposits in the NCP dated to end of late Western Han at the Anshang site. The late Western Han flood deposits (between
arrows) are marked by multiple thick red silty clay deposits sandwiching a massive Yellow River silt flood package. Similar deposits dated to the
same interval have been noted at Sanyangzhuang (see Kidder et al., 2012a: Figure 4). The scale is 10 cm.
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Kidder and Zhuang 1633
archaeological record and because it has been home to some of
China’s early political centers and dynastic capitals.
Rosen’s (2007, 2008) geoarchaeological investigations of the
Yiluo Valley demonstrate that there is a significant and early
human landscape footprint. With the arrival of middle Neolithic
people ca. 7.2 cal. kya, long-term and large-scale changes are
noted in drainages flowing into the Yiluo Valley from the southern
flanks of the Songshan. A mid-Holocene stable land surface sup-
ported traces of human occupation and is associated with fine-
grained, low-energy stream flows. Beginning ca. 7.2 cal. kya,
there is an abrupt shift to a higher energy environment at several
localities. An episode of greater stream capacity, channel aggra-
dation, and floodplain accumulation lasted from the middle Neo-
lithic Yangshao (~7000–5000 cal. kya) through the late Neolithic
Longshan periods (~4600–3900 cal. kya) and came to an end
sometime between 4.1 and 3.6 cal. kya. Massive gravel buildup at
this time suggests that high-energy channel flow was linked to
substantial soil erosion and gullying in the upper catchment that
‘was new in the Holocene sediment record of this region’. Tribu-
tary valleys feeding the Yiluo record an episode of valley filling
associated with ‘compelling evidence for human management of
this river floodplain during the Neolithic’. This pattern parallels
that seen at Taosi and, we believe, provides further support for
evidence that human modification of the river was contributing to
local environmental transformations as well as large-scale modi-
fications of the sediment budget in the downstream, NCP. This
alluviation event comes to an end after the Longshan period,
and there is no alluvial deposition within the study area from
early Bronze Age or later. Rosen (2008) suggests this may be a
consequence of climatically induced aridity that lowered Yellow
River base flow leading to increased incision by high-order tribu-
taries (pp. 304–305). As discussed below, though, there may be an
alternative explanation for the absence of alluvial deposits.
Today, the Luo River is located on the north side of the Erlitou
site and we were investigating whether the channel had been
located on the south side before and during the Erlitou site occu-
pation. We confirmed that the paleochannel was the course of the
river up to the end of Western Han times when it was abruptly
abandoned. The channel bed rapidly fines upward and a paleosol,
OSL dated 3030 ± 270 to 870 ± 110 cal. BP, developed. The paleo-
sol was truncated in Northern Song Dynasty times and the chan-
nel filled through intermittent flooding indicated by sequential
fining-upward sediment packages.
The abrupt shift in the location of the Luo River channel to its
current northward location is explained by a massive anthropo-
genic intervention. At the end of Western Han, the imperial capi-
tal was relocated from Chang’an, in modern Xian, to a location
east of modern Luoyang (Bielenstein, 1976). As part of the con-
struction of the planned imperial capital of Luoyang, the Luo
River channel was canalized to flow at the southern boundary of
the new city (Cotterell, 2008). This canal construction was part of
a large-scale process of hydraulic engineering and river manage-
ment undertaken throughout many parts of the Yellow River and
its tributaries beginning in Warring States times and continuing
into the Han (Needham et al., 1971; Sima, 2013: 1687–1701). Re-
routing the Luo allowed goods transported from the nearby Yel-
low River to be brought directly to the capital and shaped the city
so that it had a proper cosmological configuration (Cotterell,
Figure 8. The Yiluo Valley. The Yellow River is visible north of the Mangling Hills. The site marked Han-Wei is ancient Luoyang, capital of the
Eastern Han and Cao Wei dynasties. The modern city of Luoyang is shown to the west of Han-Wei Luoyang and the Bronze Age sites of Erlitou
and Yanshi to the east of the Han-Wei site are marked.
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1634 The Holocene 25(10)
2008; Wheatley, 1971), with the Mangling Hills to the north and
the river at the immediate southern boundary. Thus, Luoyang rep-
licated the layouts of earlier capital cities in the Yiluo Valley,
including early Bronze Age Erlitou, Shang Dynasty Yanshi, and
Eastern Zhou Wangcheng.
The construction of the imperial capital reconfigured the Luo
River and significantly transformed the local environment. On the
northeast side of the walls of Luoyang, we see evidence of rapid
accumulation of colluvial flood deposits onlapping the city wall
(Figure 9). These deposits show continuous colluvial accumula-
tion punctuated by high-energy events that transported gravels
and cultural remains. These deposits, which begin as soon as the
city wall was constructed, suggest the Mangling Hills were
denuded of vegetation at the onset of city construction. Increas-
ingly massive human intervention at local and watershed scales
led to further increases in erosion and downstream sediment accu-
mulation, pushing the Yellow River toward a geomorphic thresh-
old that led to river destabilization and avulsion by the end of
Western Han.
Climate, environment, and humans
Increasing aridity defines climate change in the Yellow River
Basin over the middle to late-Holocene. A critical climatic effect
is the way increasing aridity preconditioned (Bintliff, 2002) the
landscape to erosion by limiting vegetation growth and inhibiting
water infiltration. This effect was most keenly felt in the CLP,
where topography and soil conditions inherently favor rapid ero-
sion (Shi and Shao, 2000; Wang et al., 2006). Human expansion
into the CLP during the HO, when climatic conditions were wet-
ter and favorable for settlement (Liu and Chen, 2012), amplifies
natural preconditions when climates changed for the worse and as
intensification increased.
We speculate that climate change may also accelerate intensifi-
cation of food production because with relatively high populations
experiencing increasing aridity, and with limited land available for
expansion, the only option was to deploy more effort in the same
amount of land. Examples of these growing investments include
the use of new crops in the Bronze Age and later, notably wheat
(Dodson et al., 2013), wells in Neolithic and later times (Wang,
2001), increasing use of canals for irrigation (Needham et al.,
1971; Sima, 2013: 1687–1701), and a rapid increase in new
production technologies, including crop rotation strategies (Hsu,
1980; Song, 2011), novel plow types and agricultural technolo-
gies (Bray, 1978, 1979–1980), and new materials (notably metal).
Trade, exchange, and especially warfare and territorial conquest
also are a form of climatically stimulated intensification as societies
that could not produce sufficient food and basic resources appro-
priated them through force.
Early Anthropocene intensification
The period from 5 to 2 kya represents an early episode of rapid
intensification in the Yellow River Valley. Demographic change
underpins much of the evolution of the Anthropocene in China.
An increase in sites through the mid-Holocene documents the
expansion of populations in the NCP and the CLP (Liu and Chen,
2012: 220–221; Wagner et al., 2013). This population expansion
correlates with the relatively mild climates of the HO. Settlement
contraction in Longshan times is offset by changes in settlement
configurations. There were fewer Longshan settlements, but
many are considerably larger; in areas such as the Linfen Basin,
concentration of Longshan settlements of varying sizes indicates
that spatial contraction may not tell the whole story. Populations
increase, as do the sizes of the largest settlements, in the Bronze
Age (Underhill et al., 2008; Wagner et al., 2013: Figure 3) and
reach ~60 million at the time of the Han census of 2 CE (Ban,
1962: Di li zhi).
Technological innovation was a major force in the expan-
sion of food production and political growth through military
means. Ceramic production for vessels, molds for metal cast-
ing, and for industrial and architectural purposes, coupled with
metallurgical invention, required expanded production and the
political capacity to support it. The increasing use of animal
traction, new agricultural technologies (Bray, 1978), and new
agricultural strategies of field rotation, field amendment, irriga-
tion, and drainage was also important (Hsu, 1980; Song, 2011).
Figure 9. Colluvial deposits at Han-Wei Luoyang. (a) View of multiple episodes of alternating fine- and coarse-grained sheet erosion deposits
onlapping the rammed-earth city wall (visible on left); (b) close up of the uppermost coarse-grained erosion episode showing composition of
rolled gravels, rounded CaCO3 nodules, and cultural materials.
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Kidder and Zhuang 1635
Between 3 and 2 kya, technological intensification expanded to
industrial scales, with ceramics, iron, salt, fabrics, and other
crafts being produced in large, often state-sponsored or con-
trolled, workshops run by trained specialists (Pan, 1950). Metal
weapons allowed Chinese states to wage war more efficiently
and to field large armies that expanded the boundaries of the
emerging centralized political system.
Growing state-level organization is closely linked with
changing economic strategies (Ellis et al., 2013b). State-like if
not truly state-level organization emerges in the late Neolithic
and early Bronze Age (Liu and Chen, 2003, 2012; Shelach and
Jaffe, 2014) and becomes increasingly entrenched through the
Bronze Age. The emergence of an imperial state under the Qin
(221–206 BCE) and its expansion during Han times mark a mas-
sive transformation in production and the control of economic
processes. Pomeranz (2009) argues that the principal driving
force behind political centralization ‘is a continuing increase in
incentives and pressures to expand economic production’
(p. 10). He refers to this tendency as the ‘Developmentalist Proj-
ect’, which constitutes a widespread socio-political endeavor
found in a range of societies defined by practices of state-
building, sedentarization, and resource intensification. Pomer-
anz specifically implicates the Developmentalist Project with
increasing environmental degradation and growing resource
consumption as states were compelled to bring more land into
production and to settle more people on the land. By Han times,
this feedback loop was inexorable, and once begun, it was dif-
ficult, if not impossible, to reign in.
The river transformed
The consequences of intensification are increasing anthropogenic
interventions in the environment. An obvious effect is the trans-
formation of the Yellow River. The Yellow River was largely sta-
ble through much of the Holocene, flowing in a northerly path
along the western edges of the NCP. Large-scale flooding was
uncommon and punctuated an otherwise long-term stable land-
scape up to ca. 5 kya. Erosion and sediment transport in the river
began in earnest ca. 5 kya. Between 3 and 2 kya, growing popula-
tions in the CLP, using new and more efficient technologies and
supported by intensified state-level infrastructure, expanded the
amount of land under cultivation and the intensities of production
per unit of land; erosion and sediment transport into the Yellow
River increased as a result.
Sediment accumulation was growing after 5 kya with increas-
ingly rapid buildup from 3 to 2 kya (Kidder and Liu, 2014:
Figure 9; Shi et al., 2002; Xu, 1998, 2003). At Sanyangzhuang
and Anshang, we see an uptick in flooding coupled with decreas-
ing landscape stability. Natural paleosols did not have time to
develop as populations in Warring States and Han times rapidly
colonized formerly flooded habitats and transformed them to
anthropogenic environments replete with fields, farms, roads, and
industrial facilities. At Anshang, large-scale flood control and
water management projects were ongoing by ca. 2.7 kya.
A major consequence of levee construction was increasingly
rapid aggradation of sediments within the river bed because the
river was now constrained in a limited channel. At Anshang, the
levee was quickly raised again after the initial construction to
cope with this challenge. By this point, the gradient between the
river bed and the floodbasin at Anshang was ~2.5–3 m, and it was
at least 3 m at Sanyangzhuang.
Flooding throughout the NCP is documented with increasing
frequency in Han times. A series of large floods occurred in the
first two decades of the Common Era. The most calamitous of
these massive floods happened ca. AD 14–17 and buried an area
up to 1800 km2 beneath a 3-m-thick sediment splay (Kidder et al.,
2012a, 2012b). The area inundated by water from this flood
event covered much of the low lying portions in eastern Henan,
southern Hebei, western Shandong, and northern Anhui. With this
flood and the associated avulsion, the Yellow River abandoned its
trunk channel position held for up to 8000 years.
The Han flood of 14–17 CE was catastrophic across a vast
region of north-central China. Soon after the flood, the region
experienced widespread famine and large-scale social unrest fol-
lowed. This area was an epicenter of popular discontent that was
channeled into civil war and rebellion against the Emperor. The
overthrow of the emperor in 23 CE has been attributed to the after
effects of this flood (Bielenstein, 1954, 1959, 1986). The region
witnessed unprecedented population loss associated with flood,
famines, and the extensive political tribulations at the end of
Western Han.
Yellow River avulsions cannot be solely attributed to anthropo-
genic effects. Climate, basin geometry, and natural sedimentation
all play a role, but humans were the most important. For example,
anthropogenic environmental change altered basin geometry along
the western edges of the NCP. North of Anyang is a large alluvial
fan of the Zhang River that extends into the floodplain from the
Taihung Mountains (Wu et al., 1996b: Figure 6) (Figure 3). Forest
clearance to fuel bronze production when Anyang was the Shang
period royal capital and field burning associated with more intense
agricultural production led to increasing erosion and fan accumu-
lation (Cao et al., 2010). The fan’s progradation into the Yellow
River floodplain effectively tilted the basin increasingly to the
south and east, which would have magnified the slope gradient
east of the aggrading Yellow River.
River base-level adjustment following the Han floods is
another example. With a more direct channel to the sea, the base
level of the river changed and the entire upstream river channel
had to accommodate to these new conditions. Following the 1855
Tongwaxiang avulsion, the effects of erosion within the main
channel could be immediately gauged for more than 100 km
upstream (Qian, 1990: 8–9) and tributary systems compensated
by incising their floodplains. Following the late Western Han
flood, increased incision among higher order tributaries in the
Yiluo Valley, for instance, magnified erosion and colluviation at
sites such as Luoyang and may account for the absence of post-
Neolithic sediments noted by Rosen (2008: 305).
Conclusion: An Anthropocene
Although China’s Sorrow has been understood as a natural condi-
tion, evidence suggests that it is part of a long-term Anthropocene
cycle driven by feedback among natural and human circum-
stances. An intensification feedback loop emerges ca. 5 kya, is
amplified ca. 3–2 kya, and defines the dynastic cycle from then
on. Consistent population growth and expansion of populations
into less or uninhabited lands is one element. This is associated
with increasing emphasis on sustained, secure, and scalable food
production, which is linked with technological innovation and
economic infrastructure development. The feedback loop is made
possible and given impetus by a strong, centralized political sys-
tem with the ability to exercise dominion over people, land, and
resources beyond the political and ethnic core of the original pol-
ity. Consumption of environmental resources is required to feed
interactions among these variables.
Greater population, especially in the floodplain of the lower
reaches of the river, requires increasing investment in fixed capi-
tal (notably landuse enhancements) to encourage and sustain pro-
duction, which requires ever-growing investment in capital
maintenance and improvement (Elvin, 2004: 120). In this area, a
primary focus on investment was in managing the Yellow River
through creation of levees and canals. By Dynastic times, as pop-
ulations expanded the central government encouraged the migra-
tions of people to the edges of empire. This policy had multiple
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1636 The Holocene 25(10)
goals. First, it relieved crowding in the NCP. Second, it provided
a demographic bulwark against ‘Barbarian’ neighbors in the
northwest, including the ecologically fragile CLP.
Both in the NCP and CLP, technology was required to enhance
productivity. The most notable productivity enhancements focused
on agricultural products, tools, and management practices. In the
late Neolithic, it was new crops and crop rotation methods; by the
Bronze Age, it was irrigation, field clearance, and new tools; in Han
times, it was the widespread use of iron tools. These technological
changes constituted a series of intensification revolutions that
allowed various Chinese polities to expand agricultural production
and to wage war that permitted territorial expansion and political
consolidation. The downside of these practices was environmental
degradation, especially in the CLP, as seems to be the case at Taosi.
Following late Neolithic intensification, this degradation resulted
in massive erosion within the Yellow River floodplain that accumu-
lated by late Western Han times. This environmental transforma-
tion created China’s Tribulation and imperiled the productive
resources of the NCP. The emphasis on technology also helped pro-
pel greater investment in fixed capital in the NCP. Technologies of
river management were increasingly relied on as a way of protect-
ing intensified investment of production in the fertile and highly
populated alluvial floodplain. Although this pattern of technologi-
cal intensification is especially notable in Dynastic times, we see it
present in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, albeit at smaller scales.
Increasing aridity through time is both cause and effect in this
feedback loop. The retreat of the monsoon boundary heightened
the environmental fragility of the CLP and increased natural ero-
sion. The use of progressively more effective land clearance tech-
nology considerably enlarged the climate-driven effects of erosion
on the CLP. These effects are notable at sites like Taosi and in the
sedimentation rates of the Yellow River by the late Neolithic and
only grow more pronounced with time. But climate change also
probably pushed greater technological innovation and intensifica-
tion as growing populations adapted to declining natural environ-
mental abundance by other means.
The final cog in the process was political intensification.
Although variable across space and through time, political central-
ization was a dominant force influencing the emergence and per-
petuation of the Anthropocene condition in China. In the Chinese
case, centralization took a number of forms and included growing
political intervention in the economy, manipulation of taxes and
economic policy to promote production, control of a vast and intri-
cate bureaucracy, replete with highly controlled access to offices
and power, political control of bodies by assigning (and, as needed
altering) social status, and spatial segregation into administrative
subunits dependent on the central bureaucracy. The political econ-
omy was supported and sustained by a heavy reliance on agricul-
tural (and to a lesser extent, craft) production that gave incentives
to farmers (and bureaucrats) to produce enough so that there was a
surplus after taxes were extracted (Dubs, 1955; Huan, 1967;
Loewe, 1974, 1986; Pan, 1950). Centralized polities require
greater and greater resource intensification. In China, this is seen
by repeated calls for increasing attention to the ‘fundamental’
(agricultural production) (e.g. see Huan, 1967). Furthermore, we
see repeated instances of political expansion and the projection of
economic, military, and political power outward beyond the
boundaries of any given polity. This expansion allows states to
gather more resources and to intensify domestic production. This
in turn encourages the centralization of political power. In China,
political expansion was accompanied by demographic shifts that
placed larger and larger numbers of people in the fragile environ-
ments of the CLP. Because of this, tribulation, in the form of
excess sediments, flowed down the Yellow River from the periph-
eries to the center. As exemplified by the Western Han case,
anthropogenically driven environmental changes shifted the riv-
er’s threshold conditions leading to catastrophic flooding and sor-
row. The result was reversion to a lower level of socio-political
complexity. This pattern happens with the Han, the Tang, the Song,
and the Qing (Dodgen, 2001). In each instance, Yellow River
flooding stimulated by increased sedimentation associated with
territorial expansion in the CLP and beyond consumed resources,
caused flooding, and affected the state’s ability to govern.
China’s Tribulation neither is an entirely natural phenomenon
nor is it wholly the product of human action. The intersection of
environmental, climatic, and human forcings has shaped not only
the Yellow River but also the history of China over the last
5000 years. Modern China is grappling with many of the issues
outlined here. Complex demographic, technological, political,
climatic, and environmental factors are shaping the nation’s fate,
and the Yellow River sits at the heart of these matters. The Anthro-
pocene is not an event but a process that evolves over consider-
able time and through the actions of many natural and human
agents and agencies. This work shows that the roots of the modern
Anthropocene are deep and tangled; however, if we are to under-
stand the modern world, we need to recognize that we did not
arrive here overnight.
We thank Mr Haiwang Liu (Henan Provincial Institute for Ar-
chaeology, Zhengzhou), Professor Duowen Mo and Mr Ren
Xiaolin (Peking University, Beijing), Mr Zhen Qin and Mr Mi-
chael Storozum (Washington University in St. Louis), Dr Arlene
Rosen, and the Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Zheng-
zhou City. We are also indebted to the two anonymous reviewers
for their thoughtful critiques and suggestions.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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... The effects of increased sediment loads, induced by deforestation and other agricultural practices, were seen throughout the Yellow River basin by the Bronze Age, in the second to first millennia BC (Cao et al. 2010;Kidder and Zhuang 2015;Rosen et al. 2015). Neolithic populations made use of floodplain resources that were supported by regular river alluviation (Zhuang et al. 2013), but it was developments in irrigation during the Bronze Age that facilitated the expansion of human populations across the region (Storozum et al. 2018). ...
... Neolithic populations made use of floodplain resources that were supported by regular river alluviation (Zhuang et al. 2013), but it was developments in irrigation during the Bronze Age that facilitated the expansion of human populations across the region (Storozum et al. 2018). Ultimately, however, increased sedimentation along the Yellow River increased the risk of flooding, first in the Bronze Age and then in later periods (Kidder and Zhuang 2015). ...
... At the same time, growing populations from the mid-Holocene and a centralized, resource-consuming government sought increased production (Kidder and Zhuang 2015), often through investments in landscape modifications that reclaimed or enhanced floodplains (Zhuang and Kidder 2014). The effect was to concentrate populations in these low-lying environments: the past deposition of sediments, substantial infrastructural investments, and an increased focus on wheat made these areas especially attractive. ...
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Niche construction theory has played a prominent role in archaeology during the last decade. However, the potential of niche construction in relation to agricultural development has received less attention. To this end, we bring together literature on the forms and sources of agronomic variability and use a series of examples to highlight the importance of reciprocal causation and ecological inheritance in trajectories of agricultural change. We demonstrate how niche construction theory can inform on emergent mutualisms in both inceptive and established agronomic contexts, the recursive relationships between humans and their agronomic environments, and bridges between the past and present.
... This model has been confirmed by recent post-flood research [25,26]. In the LYR, geoarchaeological stratigraphy revealed that ancient flood deposits comprised red silty clay deposits, sandwiching a massive Yellow River silt flood package [30,32,33,39,65]. All SWDs in the LWM profile were covered by ODs of coarse silts and sands, especially SWD2/OD2, SWD4/OD4, and SWD6/OD6 with thick layers. ...
... This model has confirmed by recent post-flood research [25,26]. In the LYR, geoarchaeological strat phy revealed that ancient flood deposits comprised red silty clay deposits, sandwich massive Yellow River silt flood package [30,32,33,39,65]. All SWDs in the LWM pr were covered by ODs of coarse silts and sands, especially SWD2/OD2, SWD4/OD4 SWD6/OD6 with thick layers. ...
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Alluvial sedimentary records in the North China Plain are essential in expanding flood history and understanding hazard patterns in the Yellow River basin where inundation risk exists and would probably increase under future global change. A detailed study of the Longwangmiao profile in the lower Yellow River floodplain reveals ancient flooding records over the late Holocene. Slackwater deposits are distinguished by typical sedimentary features and share similarities with those in the upper and middle Yellow River. This indicates that the traditional method can still be applied for paleoflood research beyond the gorge. However, unlike confined bedrock gorges, multiphase flood deposits of slackwater and overbank deposits represent different stages of flood events. These sedimentary assemblages recorded six flooding periods, further confirmed by the analysis of grain size and geochemistry. The profile was broadly subdivided into two flood-poor phases (3.7–6.7 ka, 0.8–1.7 ka) and three flood-rich phases (before 6.7 ka, 1.7–3.7 ka, after 0.8 ka) based on the dating results. Compared with the existing related research in the nearby area, the synchronous deposition cycles of floods and inter-floods are mainly controlled by the hydrodynamic conditions of the old Yellow River course. This study provides an analogue of paleoflood research in the lower Yellow River and similar alluvial plains. It explores the potential of interlinking paleoflood records in the whole Yellow River basin.
... Among the most important changes is that social stratification becomes increasingly visible. The Liangzhu City displays a degree of social complexity with power and wealth concentrated in small elite groups (Liu and Chen 2012;Shelach and Jaffe 2014;Kidder and Zhuang 2015). Furthermore, this city was likely settled and developed with a specific purpose in mind, as very few earlier remains have been found (Underhill 2013: 579). ...
... In that respect, the Early Cyclades do not resemble the Liangzhu social elite structure. Both culture have experienced different long-term human-climate interactions, a mainstream phenomenon throughout the Anthropocene (Zhen 2021;Kidder and Zhuang 2015). ...
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A critical assessment of the heterogeneous prehistoric societies of Liangzhu in China and Cyclades in Greece, forged by differing geographical, ecological, topographical, demographic, and historical conditions, is proposed. Through juxtaposition, the obtained contrasting image reveals the textures of cultures and leads to mutual understanding. For the farmers of the Yangtze River delta and the islanders of the central Aegean Sea waterborne travel encouraged a culture of exchange, long-distance relationships, and maritime or riverine navigation. Despite structural similarities, both communities would have been perplexed at the alienness of the populous settlement of Liangzhu within the lush evergreen surroundings, the masterful jade craftsmanship, the network of Cycladic villages surrounded by meagre land from which a living was eked out and hard rocks mined for rare minerals, and the intrepid sailing of dangerous Aegean waters for trade, community, marriage, and war. Activities and mentalities of distant cultures are classified as parallel items. The prehistoric inhabitants of the Yangtze delta's habitat and the deep blue of the Aegean Sea left us with unique a cultural heritage that promotes its investigation, interpretation, and dissemination using modern technology. Cultural tourism and ecological protection with interpretation and integration in the context of tangible and intangible cultural heritage are linked to sustainable development goals Yangtze River delta and the Cycladic islands act as heritage regions. When properly valued, they are assets for societal cohesion, education, development, and understanding of the past, give reason to the present, and aid for the future.
... Over the last~4000 years, more than~1570 floods, 50 diversions and at least six major diversions have occurred (Wang and Su, 2011;Chen et al., 2012). These overflow and diversion events have caused enormous casualties and economic losses (Zhang, 2009;Kidder and Zhuang, 2015;Storozum et al., 2018). Based on the hydrodynamic characteristics of the modern Yellow River and the experience of predecessors in river control, China has expended large amounts of human power and material resources to ensure the smooth flow of the Yellow River for more than 50 years. ...
Overflow events are important embodiments of the evolutionary characteristics of the lower Yellow River. Lakes in the lower reaches of the Yellow River have the capacity to record these events. Due to the complex provenance and transport pathways of sediments in local lakes, it is difficult to extract reliable information on sediments delivered by the Yellow River based on conventional methods and proxies. Here, we show results from a genetically meaningful end‐member (EM) decomposition of sediment grain‐size data from Huangdun ancient lake. The grain‐size of the sediments can be decomposed into three end‐members. Comprehensive analysis combining environmental magnetism and geochemical indicators clarifies the significance of each end‐member. EM1 represents mixed signals of various proximal fluvial sediments and the Yellow River materials. EM2 is similar to terrestrial fine‐grained debris in conjunction with local pedogenic materials, aeolian inputs and some Yi River materials. EM3 represents a component that is mainly derived from long‐distance transport by the lower Yellow River. End‐member analysis successfully identified overflow events of the lower Yellow River on a southward‐flowing path during the Holocene. This study provides a meaningful attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the lower Yellow River from sedimentary records.
... The study area (the eastern area of Henan Province) is located in the depression basin of North China, which is a low-lying region with continuous subsidence. From the Longshan era to the Eastern Zhou dynasty, this area was far away from the main channel of the Yellow River (Kidder and Zhuang, 2015). Since the early Holocene, the flood sediments of the tributaries of the Yellow River have dominated owing to the low-lying terrain, and mosaic wetlands, marshes, and lakes were widespread. ...
Agriculture constitutes the economic foundation for social complexity and civilization process in ancient China. Agricultural practices of ordinary settlements as the basic unit of society could reflect the overall agricultural production and technology and also a basic guarantee for the sustained development and stable operation of the society. The Central Plains of China witnessed the social transition, the onset and development of state-level societies, urbanization process, and the boom of bronze civilization during the Longshan period to Eastern Zhou (ca. 2600BC–221BC). This study primarily aimed to assess the coping strategies of non-urban settlements and the nature of agriculture in Central Plains during this social transformation and development period. It examined the era’s agricultural strategies by reporting the archeaobotanical remains and stable isotopic data of charred grains and legume seeds from the Huqiugang site, a long-lived settlement lasting from Longshan to Eastern Zhou in this area. Findings show that Huqiugang inhabitants adopted active agricultural strategies to confront the social changes and climate fluctuations during Longshan to Eastern Zhou, including effective adjustment of the crop structure, improved crop management and expansion of the agrarian field to cultivate multiple crops. Combined with archaeobotanical remains and stable isotope values of charred plant remains from ordinary contemporaneous sites in the Central Plains, the characteristics of agriculture in non-urban settlements during Longshan to Eastern Zhou in the Central Plains are revealed, including stability of diversified crop patterns, innovation of agricultural technology, and flexibility of agricultural practices, which all contributed to the sustainability of agriculture in this area. Sustainable agriculture provided the economic guarantee of social resilience in the period of social transformation and development in the Central Plains, and was the important driving force for the emergence and development of state-level society, urbanization, and the prosperity of bronze civilization in the Central Plains during Longshan to Eastern Zhou.
... S7A), fluvial flood events were rare. The second phase (5000 to 2500 BCE) marks the transition from a climate-dominated to a human-dominated system (30,31). Local sea level approached the present-day position, marking the onset of an aggrading channel ( fig. ...
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A warming climate may increase flood hazard through boosting the global hydrological cycle. However, human impact through modifications to the river and its catchment is not well quantified. Here, we show a 12,000-year-long record of Yellow River flood events by synthesizing sedimentary and documentary data of levee overtops and breaches. Our result reveals that flood events in the Yellow River basin became almost an order of magnitude more frequent during the last millennium than the middle Holocene and 81 ± 6% of the increased flood frequency can be ascribed to anthropogenic disturbances. Our findings not only shed light on the long-term dynamics of flood hazards in this world's most sediment-laden river but also inform policy of sustainable management of large rivers under anthropogenic stress elsewhere.
... In alluvial geoarchaeology, basin-scale reconstruction of palaeoenvironment and landscape evolution is vital to our understanding of long-term and multi-scalar interactions between cultural successions and environmental fluctuations (Kidder et al., 2008(Kidder et al., , 2012Kidder and Zhuang, 2015;Zhuang and Kidder, 2014). Alluvial basins provide essential natural resources for cultural developments. ...
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The continuous development of the Neolithic to Bronze-Age cultures on China's Central 28 Plains is well contested by archaeological and historical research. Environmental factors that 29 sustained such an exceptionally long cultural continuity are, however, poorly understood. The 30 evolution of fluvial landscapes and its relationship with cultural developments are key to disentangle 31 the close interaction between the environment and civilizational discourse on the Central Plains. 32 Here, we present OSL and AMS 14C ages and other environmental data collected from a range of 33 typical geomorphological locations in the Shuangji River valley, which is situated at the heartland 34 of the Central Plains and long considered to be one of the most important regions for the rise of the 35 Chinese civilization. Combining the OSL and 14C dates, results of particle size and soil/sediment 36 micromorphological analyses, and geoarchaeological field observations, we reconstructed the 37 evolution of Holocene geomorphological landscape in the Shuangji River valley. The results show 38 that the Neogene alluvial fan was incised into a wide valley during the early Pleistocene. Subsequent 39 alluvial processes were constrained within this general framework of regional landform. The period 40 of 20 ka BP and 10-8 ka BP saw two episodes of basin-scale alluvial incision, which created two 41 alluvial terraces (i.e., T4 and T3), respectively. Despite the occurrence of episodic floods and some 42 large-scale alluvial siltation during 8-3 ka BP, the alluvial surfaces remained stable for a prolonged 43 period of time and thus provided optimal living conditions for prehistoric inhabitation. We argue 44 that the geomorphological foundation and prolonged landscape stability were instrumental to the 45 continuous cultural developments on the Central Plains as seen in the Shuangji River valley as a 46 representative of such long-term human-environment interactions. Our geoarchaeological survey 47 for the first time reveals basin-scale evidence on the mechanism responsible for this distinctive 48 relationship between alluvial landscape and cultural development, in which the terrace-surface 49 stability, alongside many other cultural factors, profoundly shaped the celebrated cultural continuity 50 on prehistoric Central Plains. 51 52
Marked by its many different dynasties, Chinese history is characterised by recurring rise and downfall of imperial regimes, but it is equally noticeable that the persistence of an imperial structure penetrated the history. Not much later than the Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilisations, sedentary agriculture and then cities started to form in valleys of the Yellow Riverthe Yellow Riverand the Yangtze Riverthe Yangtze River. Since the Xia dynasty, the so-called first dynasty which was legendarily recorded in historical texts, has not been confirmed by archaeological evidence, and the Shang (c. 1600–c. 1046 BCE) dynasty was in effect a tribal state, a strictly defined Chinese civilisation that has existed for around three thousand years, from the Western Zhou dynasty in around 1000 BCE to the downfall of the Qing dynasty in 1911. Although there were several periods which were tagged with political fragmentation and military turmoil, unification after such periods of fragmentation were predominant throughout the history of the empire. During this three-thousand-year period, the deep-layered structure of governancegovernance always succeeded in controlling the territory which it possessed and in self-sustaining itself as symbolised by recurring dynastic cyclesdynastic cycles.
In this paper we propose a new super-comprehensive proxy that integrates the sedimentary rhythm indicators of grain size, black carbon, anthropogenic elements, and pollen for the division of alluvial sedimentary rhythms suitable for use on sediments that have or have not been disturbed by past human activity. The new proxy was applied in the analysis of sedimentary records from two boreholes (identified as JM and SZ) in the Kaifeng area of the lower Yellow River, an area that has received less research attention in terms of flood events and sedimentary records compared to its middle and upper reaches. From this analysis, flood events that occurred in the lower Yellow River since the late Holocene were reconstructed. The results suggest there are 15 and 14 sedimentary rhythms in the cores of JM and SZ, respectively. Based on historical documents, archaeological excavation data from the vicinity of the core sites, and AMS¹⁴C dating, we established the chronological framework of sedimentary rhythms in both JM and SZ cores. Using this information, we then reconstructed six Yellow River flood events impacting Kaifeng that occurred after the Warring States period in the years 225 BCE, 1387 CE, 1399 CE, 1461 CE, 1642 CE and 1841 CE. Among the six flood events, except for the flood of 225 BCE which was directly caused by human factors, the rest were caused by natural factors, mainly from prevailing climatic conditions but superimposed by human activities. The research results, therefore, can provide a scientific basis for flood prediction, prevention and risk assessment in the Yellow River Basin under the background of global change, and also provide support for clarifying the relationship between regional climate background and human activities in abnormal flood events.
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The heartlands of many of the world's civilizations are situated within alluvial plains, where thick alluvial sediments obscure much of the archaeological record. However, the use of alluvial geoarchaeology remains patchy, particularly in the world's largest alluvial basins. We present results from our geoarchaeological survey at Neihuang County, Henan Province, China, as an example for alluvial geoarchaeological research in the North China Plain and to develop a generalized framework for landscape evolution in the area during the Holocene. We reconstruct the alluvial history of the area around Neihuang County by synthesizing stratigraphic data from seven outcrops into distinct depositional units. Our findings suggest that much of the archaeological record in the North China Plain is buried by meters of sediment or eroded away by the ancient channels of the Yellow River and other tributary streams. Therefore, the presence of buried archaeological sites and river scour in recorded outcrops suggests that the nonsystematic archaeological surveys that are commonly used to interpret cultural changes are not accurate reflections of archaeological site distributions. From the results of this case study, we recommend that archaeologists and paleoclimatologists should exercise more caution when using settlement distribution data gathered through nonsystematic pedestrian surveys to make inferences about ancient processes of cultural change or social dynamics in the North China Plain.
The Asian monsoon is one of the most dramatic climatic phenomena on Earth, with far reaching environmental and societal effects. Almost two thirds of humanity lives within regions influenced by the monsoon. With the emerging Asian economies, the importance of the region to the global economy has never been more marked. The Asian Monsoon describes the evolution of the monsoon, and proposes a connection between the tectonic evolution of the solid Earth and monsoon intensity. The authors explain how the monsoon has been linked to orbital processes and thus to other parts of the global climate system, especially glaciation. Finally, they summarize how monsoon evolution since the last Ice Age has impacted human societies, as well as commenting on the potential impact of future climate change. This book presents a multi-disciplinary overview of the monsoon for advanced students and researchers in atmospheric science, climatology, oceanography, geophysics, and geomorphology.
This article considers the Interaction between technological development in agriculture and social change. In the early Han, a period of comparatively strong and centralized rule, the government encouraged and subsidized a particular type of agricultural development designed to benefit independent small-holders, thus discouraging the formation of large estates and maximizing the state's Income from taxes. Later as the power of the landed gentry grew, large ‘manorial’ estates superseded Independent small-holdings as the dominant mode of production despite government efforts to reverse this trend. The change in tenurial pattern was accompanied by marked changes in agricultural technology and production which became far more ‘rational’ and market oriented than had been possible in a small-holder economy.
This paper deals mainly with flood prevention in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The authors have reviewed the experience in flood control obtained by a number of Chinese engineers and scientists. Finally, an integrated countermeasure is emphasized to solve the problems of flooding in the Yellow River’s lower reaches by using systems analysis.
The Yellow River is a well-known heavily sediment laden river with a long history. Its sediment content ranks first in the world. The flood waters of the Yellow River used to run wild far back into ancient times. It was said that Yu the Great diverted the flood waters into the Bohai Sea through “nine rivers” to control floods. The so-called “nine rivers” means many rivers, and does not mean exactly nine. It is quite possible that the Yellow River formed many forks and emptied into the sea due to shifting of its main course by natural fluvial processes of sedimentation on the great plain. The dikes on both banks of the lower Yellow River below Mengjin in Henan province were built gradually before 400 B.C. (the period of the Warring States) and the disasters caused by wild floods have been reduced ever after. The channel within the dikes rose because of continuous sedimentation and a suspended river was formed. If there were a breach, an avulsion might take place.
The Yellow River is a famous river that carries sediment at hyperconcentrations. On average, the runoff volume at the Huayuankou HydrographiC Station is 47 billion cu.m annually, only one-twentieth of that of the Yangtze River, and the annual mean sediment discharge is 1.6 billion tons, 3 times as much as the Yangtze River. The disequilibrium between runoff and sediment discharge seems to be the crux of the problem which causes sedimentation and a rising bed in the lower Yellow River, gradually making the Yellow River a “Hanging River,” and causing frequent abnormal or catastropic floods, avulsions and diversions. In the last 30 years, the annual mean accretion rate in the lower Yellow River has been about 10 cm/y, resulting in a situation where the difference in height between the nearby ground surface inside the banks and outside the banks is 6–8 m in the reach from Huayuankou to Dongbatou, and 3–5 m in the reaches downstream from Dongbatou. It is very important and urgent to study the processes of the evolution of the Yellow River further and to estimate flood conditions in advance.