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The big squeeze: scaling of constriction pressure in two of the world's largest snakes, Python reticulatus and P. molurus bivittatus



Snakes are important predators that have radiated throughout many ecosystems, and constriction was important in their radiation. Constrictors immobilize and kill prey by using body loops to exert pressure on their prey. Despite its importance, little is known about constriction performance or its full effects on prey. We studied the scaling of constriction performance in two species of giant pythons (Python reticulatus Schneider 1801 and Python molurus bivittatus Kuhl 1820) and propose a new mechanism of prey death by constriction. In both species, peak constriction pressure increased significantly with snake diameter. These and other constrictors can exert pressures dramatically higher than their prey's blood pressure, suggesting that constriction can stop circulatory function and perhaps kill prey rapidly by over-pressurizing the brain and disrupting neural function. We propose the latter "red-out effect" as another possible mechanism of prey death from constriction. These effects may be important to recognize and treat properly in rare cases when constrictors injure humans.
The big squeeze: scaling of constriction pressure in two of the
worlds largest snakes, Python reticulatus and Python molurus
David A. Penning
, Schuyler F. Dartez* and Brad R. Moon
Snakes are important predators that have radiated throughout many
ecosystems, and constriction was important in their radiation.
Constrictors immobilize and kill prey by using body loops to exert
pressure on their prey. Despite its importance, little is known about
constriction performance or its full effects on prey. We studied the
scaling of constriction performance in two species of giant pythons
(Python reticulatus and Python molurus bivittatus) and propose a
new mechanism of prey death by constriction. In both species, peak
constriction pressure increased significantly with snake diameter.
These and other constrictors can exert pressures dramatically higher
than their preys blood pressure, suggesting that constriction can stop
circulatory function and perhaps kill prey rapidly by over-pressurizing
the brain and disrupting neural function. We propose the latter red-
out effectas another possible mechanism of prey death from
constriction. These effects may be important to recognize and treat
properly in rare cases when constrictors injure humans.
KEY WORDS: Burmese python, Feeding, Predatorprey, Predation,
Red-out effect, Reticulated python
Constriction behaviour was probably very important in the
evolution and radiation of snakes, allowing for the subjugation of
otherwise unobtainable prey, including large and potentially
dangerous ones such as alligators, deer and, rarely, humans
(Greene and Burghardt, 1978; Murphy and Henderson, 1997).
Constricting snakes exert pressure by coiling around and squeezing
their prey, typically killing it before swallowing (Moon and
Mehta, 2007). Constriction takes energy and time, and risks
injury to the snake (Murphy and Henderson, 1997; Moon and
Mehta, 2007). Constriction performance is important because it can
affect feeding success, and hence growth and fitness (Moon and
Mehta, 2007).
Constriction pressures are generated by forces from the snakes
axial musculature applied to the prey. These forces are proportional
to the cross-sectional area of active muscle, and therefore to snake
diameter (Moon and Mehta, 2007). Force production during
constriction may also be increased by using more of the body
because the segmental axial muscles act mainly in parallel (Moon
and Mehta, 2007). As snakes increase in size, so should their peak
constriction pressures. However, constriction involves a dynamic
interaction between predator and prey, and can have highly variable
outcomes. Despite the widespread use of constriction, the cause of
death during constriction has been uncertain; it may involve several
non-exclusive mechanisms including suffocation, circulatory arrest
or spinal injury (reviewed by Moon and Mehta, 2007). Moon (2000)
first tested the possibility that constriction causes circulatory arrest
and demonstrated that constriction pressure can be substantially
higher than the systolic blood pressure of mice that are eaten by
constrictors. Later, Moon and Mehta (2007) tested snakes of
different species and sizes, and inferred that low pressures may
cause suffocation, moderate pressures may cause circulatory arrest,
and extremely high pressures may cause spinal injury. Boback et al.
(2015) nicely extended this earlier work by directly measuring
circulatory function in rats during constriction; they showed that a
constriction pressure of 20 kPa can severely impede cardiac and
circulatory function in rats. In the prey, heart rate decreased, cardiac
electrical activity became abnormal, and blood pressure increased
ca. sixfold in the vena cava near the heart and decreased by half
peripherally in the femoral artery, all indicating that constriction can
induce circulatory arrest (Boback et al., 2015). However, to our
knowledge, no previous work has tested the effects of constriction
pressure on neural tissue, one of the most immediately important
tissue systems in the prey.
Giant snakes have fascinated humans for centuries (Murphy and
Henderson, 1997). Despite such intense curiosity and ongoing
study, we have yet to fully understand how these animals work,
especially as predators. Snakes in the genus Python are typically
highly stereotyped constrictors (Greene and Burghardt, 1978) and
vary dramatically in body size. For example, both reticulated
pythons (Python reticulatus) and Burmese pythons (Python
molurus bivittatus) are born ca. 100200 g in mass and 45 cm in
length, and can reach maximum lengths of 810 m (Murphy and
Henderson, 1997) and exceed 60 kg (this study). Accompanying
this dramatic growth are shifts in reproductive output, energy stores,
prey base, habitat use and other variables (Shine et al., 1998).
However, to our knowledge, no data are available on predatory
performance in either of these giant snakes, and no study has
evaluated intraspecific scaling of constriction performance for any
snake species. Here, we describe the ontogeny of constriction
performance in reticulated and Burmese pythons and discuss how it
relates to interspecific data from the literature. Lastly, we discuss the
implications of our findings for the cause of prey death during
This research was approved by the University of Louisiana at Lafayettes
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. We tested 65 snakes in the
collections of private breeders. Python reticulatus Schneider 1801 (N=48)
Received 26 June 2015; Accepted 26 August 2015
Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504-
43602, USA.
*Present address: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, White Lake
Wetlands Conservation Area, Gueydan, LA 70542, USA.
Author for correspondence (
© 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd
Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 3364-3367 doi:10.1242/jeb.127449
Journal of Experimental Biology
were 0.845.5 m long (snoutvent length, SVL) and 1.218.0 cm maximum
diameter. Python molurus bivittatus Kuhl 1820 (N=17) were 0.833.7 m in
SVL and 3.615.5 cm diameter. All snakes were fed live or recently killed
prey (Rattus norvegicus and Oryctolagus cuniculus) with an attached
pressure sensor. Prey type and size depended upon the owners feeding
regimen. Whenever we fed snakes pre-killed prey, we shook the prey with
forceps or tongs to simulate activity and elicit maximal constriction
performance (following Moon and Mehta, 2007).
For smaller snakes, we used a 2 ml water-filled rubber pipette bulb
attached to the prey as a pressure sensor, connected to a Research Grade
Blood Pressure Transducer (Model 60-3002, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston,
MA, USA). For larger snakes, we used either a Pressure Manometer (Model
SYS-PM100R, World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL, USA) with a
water-filled 100 ml rubber pipette bulb as the sensor, or an Omega
Instrument Remote Sensor attached to a DPI 705 Digital Pressure Indicator
(Omega Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT, USA) with an air-filled Inflatable
Dent Remover Pad (Model LT-800, 20.32×20.32 cm, Lock Technology,
Inc., Naperville, IL, USA) as the sensor. We loosely attached sensors to the
preys thoracic region with string, hook-and-loop straps, or tape. Once we
instrumented the prey, we placed it in proximity to the snake. Snakes readily
struck at, constricted and consumed their prey. We recorded peak
constriction pressure (kPa), the number of loops used during constriction,
and maximum snake diameter. We removed the pressure sensor when the
snake began to swallow.
To assess constriction performance, we analysed the scaling of peak
constriction pressure using least-squares multiple linear regression with
peak pressure as the dependent variable and snake diameter and number
of loops in a coil as independent variables (all non-transformed data).
We also log-transformed our data and used t-tests to compare our
regression coefficients to interspecific values from Moon and Mehta
(2007). We performed analyses in R Studio and Past 3, and removed
non-significant factors to arrive at the final models (considered
significant at P<0.05).
Reticulated and Burmese pythons both constricted the prey
vigorously using coils of 14 loops (Fig. 1). Reticulated pythons
exerted maximum pressures of 8.2753.77 kPa, with larger
individuals exerting significantly higher peak pressures than
smaller individuals (constriction pressure=15.17+diameter×1.39;
=0.29, F
=19.06, P<0.0001; Fig. 1). Burmese pythons
constricted with maximum pressures of 18.042.93 kPa, with
larger individuals exerting significantly higher peak pressures than
smaller individuals (constriction pressure=17.7+diameter×1.42;
=0.61, F
=26.56, P<0.0002; Fig. 1). In a multiple linear
regression with a species×diameter interaction (overall F
P<0.0001), the slopes (interaction t=0.04, P>0.96) and intercepts
(t=0.43, P>0.66) did not differ significantly between these species.
The number of loops in a coil did not significantly affect peak
pressure in either species (reticulated t=0.42, P>0.6; Burmese
t=0.32, P>0.7), in contrast to the results of Moon and Mehta (2007).
Reticulated and Burmese pythons used a broader range of loops than
other species (12 loops were reported by Moon and Mehta, 2007),
and it seems likely that the pattern observed across multiple species
is not a reliable predictor of behaviour within any one of the species.
It is also possible that different loops within a coil exert different
forces, and hence contribute differently to the overall pressure
experienced by the prey. For example, one loop may exert maximum
force while others hold the prey in place, preventing escape but not
exerting maximum force.
Log-transformed constriction pressure in both species scaled
with significantly lower slopes (β
=0.25, β
than the interspecific data reported by Moon and Mehta (2007;
β=1.39; t
=13.21, P<0.0001 and t
=11.24, P<0.0001,
respectively; Fig. 2). The lower slopes within species than
between species could result from several factors. Constriction
requires muscle exertion, and therefore energy; so snakes may
modulate their effort and use submaximal but fully sufficient
performance, conserving energy in the process. For example, one
of our smallest snakes was capable of generating pressures
comparable to those of some of the largest pythons tested
(Fig. 1), suggesting that the larger pythons were not using their
maximum capacities to subdue prey. However, a large snake has
a large diameter, and therefore a larger surface area over which it
exerts force, although the relationships among force, surface area
and pressure are not yet well quantified in snakes. It is possible
that larger snakes exert maximum force during constriction, but
the area over which it is exerted on the prey results in lower
overall pressure. Reticulated and Burmese pythons were not
available for the interspecific study by Moon and Mehta (2007),
and the species they used were not available in sufficient
numbers for this study. When comparing individual
performance, the pressures generated by small reticulated and
Burmese pythons (<6 cm in diameter) are similar to those of
small pythons reported by Moon and Mehta (2007). Moon and
Mehta (2007) reported constriction pressures of four snakes with
diameters >7 cm; we recorded pressures from 34 snakes with
diameter >7 cm. The incorporation of more large snakes from
additional species would result in a different interspecific scaling
4 cm
0 5 10 15 20
Peak constriction pressure (mmHg)
Peak constriction pressure (kPa)
Snake diameter (cm)
Reticulated python
Burmese python
Fig. 1. Constricting pythons coil around and squeeze prey animals, which
exerts pressure on the prey that scales positively with snake diameter.
(A) A 1081 g juvenile Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) constricting
alabrat(Rattus norvegicus) weighing 99 g. (B) The scaling relationship
between peak constriction pressure and snake diameter. See Results and
Discussion for description of the regression model.
SHORT COMMUNICATION Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 3364-3367 doi:10.1242/jeb.127449
Journal of Experimental Biology
exponent. Furthermore, relative meal size decreased in larger
snakes because larger prey were not available, although previous
work had the same limitation. Lastly, these differences may arise
from as yet unidentified factors. Despite the different scaling
results between studies, the constriction pressures generated by
all snakes were effective in killing their prey quite rapidly.
Although the constriction pressures exerted by reticulated and
Burmese pythons scale differently from those of other snakes,
many of the highest pressures (ca. 52 of the 65 data points) were
probably high enough to force blood into the brain at high
pressure in mammalian prey (Fig. 2).
In addition to suffocation, circulatory arrest and spinal
dislocation, we propose the red-out effect(Balldin, 2002) as a
fourth possible mechanism of prey death by constriction. The red-
out effect describes the effect of negative gravity on jet pilots during
extreme flight manoeuvres, in which vision becomes reddened by
uncontrollable blood flow to the brain and eyes (Balldin, 2002).
When fighter pilots experience negative gravitational accelerations
(G-forces), they incur a rush of blood to the brain that causes rapid
loss of consciousness (Balldin, 2002). Constriction pressures above
the venous blood pressure of the prey will impede blood flow and
oxygen delivery to tissues (reviewed by Moon and Mehta, 2007;
Boback et al., 2015). Constriction pressures dramatically higher
than the preys blood pressure could force blood away from the site
of constriction and into the extremities, including the head and
brain. We recorded maximum pressures of ca. 55 kPa from
reticulated and Burmese pythons, and previous work has recorded
pressures as high as 175 kPa (Moon and Mehta, 2007). Both of
these values are well above the normal blood pressures of mammals
(Flindt, 2003). Blood being pushed into the brain during peak
constriction exertion could cause the same red-out effect described
above for pilots, and could cause extensive ruptures in cranial blood
Accompanying forced haemorrhaging caused by high
constriction pressures is the potential for immediate neural
disruption and damage. Interfering with the nervous system of
prey hinders their defensive capabilities, further reducing the
risk of injury to the snake. Neural tissue is sensitive to pressure
and can deform, tear and cease function entirely (Toth et al.,
1997; Courtney and Courtney, 2009). Shockwave and
concussive-impact pressure effects on the brain cause neural
damage and failure when in the range of 55300 kPa during
transient exposures (Courtney and Courtney, 2009). Directed
pressures of ca. 140 kPa for only 20 ms on the dura of rats
causes immediate incapacitation for 120200 s (Toth et al.,
1997), although lower pressures comparable to those we
recorded during constriction were not tested. Pressure is
probably not a localized phenomenon that dissipates near
impact sites, but can travel through tissues and structures from
the site of impact (e.g. constriction coil) to the neural tissue,
damaging it and perhaps immediately stopping function
(Courtney and Courtney, 2009).
Most pythons in this study exerted lower pressures than those
reported in the literature on brain impacts, although several
reached the lower range of damagingly high pressures, and other
snakes can exert pressures up to ca. 175 kPa (Moon and Mehta,
2007). Pressure-wave impacts occur over milliseconds, whereas
snakes constrict for orders of magnitude longer. Based on our
current knowledge of how pressure affects tissues, it is likely that
high constriction pressures are capable of interfering with, or
completely disabling, both circulatory and neural function (Toth
et al., 1997; Moon, 2000; Moon and Mehta, 2007; Courtney and
Courtney, 2009; Boback et al., 2015). The worlds largest snakes
are capable of quickly incapacitating large and potentially
dangerous prey by causing multiple kinds of injuries. The
dynamic interactions, movements and resulting postures that
occur during predation probably determine which kinds of injury
occur, are most severe, and subdue the prey most rapidly.
Furthermore, these diverse effects may be important to recognize
and treat properly in those rare cases when large constrictors
injure humans.
We thank B. Clark, M. Miles and N. McCorkendale for allowing access to their
snakes, and P. Leberg for help with experimental and analytical design. D.A.P.
thanks B. Sawvel and M. Perkins for helpful discussions. S.F.D. thanks L. Dartez,
C. Denesha, A. Rabatsky and P. Hampton for support and guidance. B.R.M. thanks
C. Gans, D. Hardy and N. Kley for valuable insights, and W.Boggs and D. Hamlin for
critical help with equipment.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing or financial interests.
Author contributions
All three authors helped design the project, collect and analyse data, write the
manuscript, and provide funding. For data collection, D.A.P. tested P. m. bivittatus,
and S.F.D. and B.R.M. tested P. reticulatus. All authors approved the final
Funding was provided by the Louisiana Board of Regents Graduate Fellowship to
D.A.P., Graduate Student Organization at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
to D.A.P., the Kansas Herpetological Society to D.A.P., University of Louisiana at
Lafayette Masters Fellowship to S.F.D., personal funds by S.F.D., and the National
Geographic Society (grant number 7933-05 to B.R.M.).
Balldin, U. (2002). Acceleration effects on fighter pilots. In Medical Aspects of Harsh
Environments, Vol. 2 (ed. K. Pandoff and R. Burr), pp. 1014-1027. Virginia:
Department of the Army.
Boback, S. M., McCann, K. J., Wood, K. A., McNeal, P. M., Blankenship, E. L.
and Zwemer, C. F. (2015). Snake constriction rapidly induces circulatory arrest in
rats. J. Exp. Biol. 218, 2279-2288.
Courtney, A. C. and Courtney, M. W. (2009). A thoracic mechanism of mild
traumatic brain inju ry due to blast pressure waves. Med. Hypotheses 72,
Flindt, R. (2003). Amazing Numbers in Biology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Greene, H. W. and Burghardt, G. M. (1978). Behavior and phylogeny: constriction
in ancient and modern snakes. Science 200, 74-77.
Moon, B. R. (2000). The mechanics and muscular control of constriction in gopher
snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) and a king snake (Lampropeltis getula). J. Zool.
Lond. 252, 83-98.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
log pressure (mmHg)
log pressure (kPa)
log diameter (cm)
Reticulated python (N=48)
Burmese python (N=17)
Fig. 2. Constriction pressure scales differently in Python reticulatus and
P. molurus bivittatus than in other species. The interspecific slope (dashed
line) from Moon and Mehta (2007) represents 30 snakes from 12 species,
ranging in size from 0.85 to 12.5 cm in diameter. Blood pressure values (top
green bar, systolic; bottom blue bar, diastolic) are from mice, rats, rabbits,
sheep and humans (Flindt, 2003).
SHORT COMMUNICATION Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 3364-3367 doi:10.1242/jeb.127449
Journal of Experimental Biology
Moon, B. R. and Mehta, R. S. (2007). Constriction strength in snakes. In Biology of
the Boas and Pythons (ed. R. W. Henderson and R. Powell), pp. 206-212. Utah:
Eagle Mountain Publishing.
Murphy, J. C. and Henderson, R. W. (1997). Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical
Natural History of Anacondas and Pytho ns. Florida: Krieger Publishing
Shine, R., Harlow, P. S., Keogh, J. S. and Boeadi, (1998). The allometry of life-
history traits: insights from a study of giant snakes (Python reticulatus). J. Zool.
Lond. 244, 405-414.
Toth, Z., Hollrigel, G. S., Gorcs, T. and Soltesz, I. (1997). Instantaneous
perturbation of dentate interneuronal networks by a pressure wave-transient
delivered to the neocortex. J. Neurosci. 17, 8106-8117.
SHORT COMMUNICATION Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 3364-3367 doi:10.1242/jeb.127449
Journal of Experimental Biology
... Constriction performance increases with body size both among and within species (Moon and Mehta 2007;Penning et al. 2015;Penning and Dartez 2016;Penning 2017a), although these studies found different maximum pressures and scaling exponents that warrant further study (Figs. 14.7 and 14.8). ...
... a A 1081 g juvenile Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) constricting a lab rat (Rattus norvegicus) weighing 99 g. b The scaling relationship between peak constriction pressure and snake diameter (reproduced from Penning et al. 2015) and Greene 2000). Hardy (1994) reassessed the observations of McLees (1928) that constriction can kill small mammals faster than suffocation alone, and supported McLees's hypothesis of circulatory arrest as the primary mechanism of death by constriction. ...
... Constriction by very small snakes involves low pressures that may kill prey by suffocation (Moon and Mehta 2007). However, the constriction pressures exerted by diverse snakes are often high enough to make circulatory arrest the proximate mechanism of death in mammalian prey (Moon 2000a;Moon and Mehta 2007;Boback et al. 2015;Penning et al. 2015;Penning and Dartez 2016). Constriction may cause internal bleeding and high tissue pressures (Greene 1983;Penning and Dartez 2016), interfere with or damage neural tissue (Penning et al. 2015;Penning and Dartez 2016), and in large snakes perhaps damage the spine of a prey animal (Rivas 2004). ...
... Constriction performance increases with body size both among and within species (Moon and Mehta 2007;Penning et al. 2015;Penning and Dartez 2016;Penning 2017a), although these studies found different maximum pressures and scaling exponents that warrant further study (Figs. 14.7 and 14.8). ...
... a A 1081 g juvenile Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) constricting a lab rat (Rattus norvegicus) weighing 99 g. b The scaling relationship between peak constriction pressure and snake diameter (reproduced from Penning et al. 2015) and Greene 2000). Hardy (1994) reassessed the observations of McLees (1928) that constriction can kill small mammals faster than suffocation alone, and supported McLees's hypothesis of circulatory arrest as the primary mechanism of death by constriction. ...
... Constriction by very small snakes involves low pressures that may kill prey by suffocation (Moon and Mehta 2007). However, the constriction pressures exerted by diverse snakes are often high enough to make circulatory arrest the proximate mechanism of death in mammalian prey (Moon 2000a;Moon and Mehta 2007;Boback et al. 2015;Penning et al. 2015;Penning and Dartez 2016). Constriction may cause internal bleeding and high tissue pressures (Greene 1983;Penning and Dartez 2016), interfere with or damage neural tissue (Penning et al. 2015;Penning and Dartez 2016), and in large snakes perhaps damage the spine of a prey animal (Rivas 2004). ...
Snakes are a diverse group of squamate reptiles characterized by a unique feeding system and other traits associated with elongation and limblessness. Despite the description of transitional fossil forms, the evolution of the snake feeding system remains poorly understood, partly because only a few snakes have been studied thus far. The idea that the feeding system in most snakes is adapted for consuming relatively large prey is supported by studies on anatomy and functional morphology. Moreover, because snakes are considered to be gape-limited predators, studies of head size and shape have shed light on feeding adaptations. Studies using traditional metrics have shown differences in head size and shape between males and females in many species that are linked to differences in diet. Research that has coupled robust phylogenies with detailed morphology and morphometrics has further demonstrated the adaptive nature of head shape in snakes and revealed striking evolutionary convergences in some clades. Recent studies of snake strikes have begun to reveal surprising capacities that warrant further research. Venoms, venom glands, and venom delivery systems are proving to be more widespread and complex than previously recognized. Some venomous and many nonvenomous snakes constrict prey. Recent studies of constriction have shown previously unexpected responsiveness, strength, and the complex and diverse mechanisms that incapacitate or kill prey. Mechanisms of drinking have proven difficult to resolve, although a new mechanism was proposed recently. Finally, although considerable research has focused on the energetics of digestion, much less is known about the energetics of striking and handling prey. A wide range of research on these and other topics has shown that snakes are a rich group for studying form, function, behavior, ecology, and evolution.
... The prey is suffocated by coiling and squeezing around its chest to cause asphyxiation and cardiac arrest (Douglas, 1995). Additionally, spinal dislocation and extensive ruptures in cranial blood vessels may occur due to the excessively high blood pressure attributed to the immense constriction (Penning et al., 2015). Although not the main purpose of constriction, bone or spine crushing of relatively small prey may occasionally occur due to the constantly strong force applied (Douglas, 1995;Penning et al., 2015). ...
... Additionally, spinal dislocation and extensive ruptures in cranial blood vessels may occur due to the excessively high blood pressure attributed to the immense constriction (Penning et al., 2015). Although not the main purpose of constriction, bone or spine crushing of relatively small prey may occasionally occur due to the constantly strong force applied (Douglas, 1995;Penning et al., 2015). Given that snakes have relatively small heads and mouths, there is general doubt that pythons can swallow large and bulky prey relative to their size without crushing their bones (Douglas, 1995). ...
Snakes have fascinated and terrified humans throughout history. Worldwide, innate fear (ophidiophobia), culturally-founded superstition , and myths have caused pervasive snake persecution, snakebite mismanagement, human injuries, and fatalities, particularly in the tropics. We analyzed 20 common snake myths narrated by 934 respondents inhabiting a typical rural savanna community of northern Ghana. The myths summarized perceived, self-assessed knowledge about snakes and were evaluated in their zoo-ecological contexts versus their folkloristic explanatory origins. Only eight snake myths (~40%) had any justifiable scientific basis, partially representing misinterpretations among predominantly male, less-educated respondents. Contrastingly, 70% of the myths were largely rooted in ophidiophobia, representing a major driver of human-wildlife conflict and indiscriminate snake persecution. To promote wildlife-friendly perceptions and behavior toward snakes and their conservation, we recommend innovative gap-bridging conservation education and public awareness that reconciles myths and realities about snakes, thus reducing snakebite incidences, mortality, and widespread persecution and killing of snakes.
... • We compared the pinioning pressures of kingsnakes in simulated tunnels to their constriction pressures on a flat surface -To test whether or not predation performance is reduced in confined spaces -Pressure is a good measure of performance because it is the key mechanism by which constriction, and probably pinioning, subdues prey (McLees, 1928;Hardy, 1994;Moon, 2000;Moon and Mehta, 2007;Boback et al., 2015;Penning et al., 2015). ...
... We quantified the pinioning pressures of kingsnakes in simulated tunnels and compared them to constriction pressures on the surface. These pressures are good measures of predation performance because pressure can directly incapacitate the prey (McLees, 1928;Hardy, 1994;Moon, 2000;Boback et al., 2015;Penning et al., 2015). We found that pinioning pressures in tunnels were higher than constriction pressures on open surfaces. ...
Full-text available
Many predators feed in microenvironments that may constrain their movements and obscure or block our observation and study. For example, constricting snakes probably often feed on mammals underground in tunnels, where space may be too limited for typical coiling and constriction. In tunnels, some snakes will press prey against the walls with part of the body, in a predatory behavior that has been called “pinioning.” Pinioning serves the same purposes as constriction, to restrain and incapacitate prey before ingestion. Like many subterranean behaviors, pinioning is not well known and has not yet been quantified. We quantified the pinioning pressures of kingsnakes in simulated tunnels and compared them to constriction pressures on the surface.
... Ontogenetic changes in strike performance and tooth morphology may further inform questions of ecology and evolution. Ontogenetic changes in constriction performance and feeding strikes have been investigated briefly (Penning et al., 2015;Penning and Dartez, 2016;Penning, 2016;Ryerson, 2020), but there is not enough data to make broad conclusions. Changes in skeletal cranial elements have been more thoroughly investigated, with several examples of changing skull form that may impact feeding performance. ...
Integrating morphology, performance, and behavior is paramount to understanding fitness and evolution. Like many other vertebrates, snake teeth play an integral role in the capture and subjugation of prey. However, while many have investigated the shape and structure and teeth, there are few examples examining how those shape parameters of shape function during a prey capture sequence. Using a combination of high-speed video and CT scans, I integrate the shape of the teeth in 13 snake species with their function during a predatory strike. The kinematics of predatory striking add to a growing body of literature suggesting that strike performance is more variable than previously considered. Snakes fall into two broad categories of performance: high velocity, large gapes, and complex post-strike behaviors from species I am calling strikers; low velocity, small gapes, and large approach distances from species I call lungers. Tooth shape is also more variable than previously considered, with variation not only occurring amongst species, but within species and also within individual bones of a species. Most of this variation occurs at the anterior end of both jaws, where teeth may be more upright (perpendicular to the jaw), slender, and potentially recurved. The variation in tooth shape correlates strongly with strike performance. Species in the striker category exhibit more variation in tooth shape, and are more likely to have teeth that are more upright at the anterior ends of the jaws. In some constrictors, the teeth at the anterior end of the lower jaw are upright and the teeth on the upper jaw are strongly curved posteriorly. During a strike, the upright teeth penetrate the prey and serve as a fulcrum for the rest of the skull to rotate over. The curved teeth on the upper jaw slide over the prey and ensnare it at the onset of constriction. There is also limited evidence that tooth shape changes over an ontogenetic scale, corresponding with changes in strike performance as well. There is a clear relationship between feeding behavior and tooth morphology in snakes, and aspects of ecology, ontogeny, and evolution remain to be explored.
... Little pressure is exerted on the prey, and friction between adjacent coils holds them in place. Increased internal pressure ultimately stops the heart and perhaps neural function (Boback et al., 2015;Penning et al., 2015). ...
Most of the more than 11,000 extant species of nonavian reptiles are squamates (lizards and snakes); there are about 360 extant species of turtles, 26 crocodylians, and one rhynchocephalian. Although the diversity of reptiles is greatest in the tropics, many species occur in temperate regions and a few have geographic ranges that extend north of the Arctic Circle. Antarctica is the only continent with no extant reptiles. Oviparity is the ancestral mode of reproduction, but viviparity has evolved repeatedly among squamates. Both genetic sex determination (XX/XY and ZW/ZZ) and environmental sex determination are represented, and genetic, environmental, and non-genetic maternal factors interact in some species. Environmental sex-determination is universal in crocodylians, widespread among turtles, and present in some clades of squamates. Parental care is universal among crocodylians and is present in some species of squamates and turtles. Ectothermy, an ancestral character, is central to the biology of reptiles, and is responsible for their low metabolic rates and their high efficiency of secondary production. Lizards typically eat daily and consume many small prey items, whereas snakes eat less frequently and consume larger prey items relative to their body size. Low metabolic rates make small body sizes energetically feasible for ectotherms, and more than half of the extant species of lizards are smaller than nearly all mammals and birds. Among squamates, the mode of predation – from sit-and-wait to widely foraging – has a strong phylogenetic component and correlates with many elements of ecology, morphology, physiology, and behavior. Many species of snakes and a few lizards are venomous, and some snakes are poisonous because they sequester toxins from their prey. Although most species of reptiles have little economic value, they are important components of energy and nutrient flow in terrestrial ecosystems. Habitat loss, pollution, invasive species, disease, and global climate change affect many species. The life histories of most large species of turtles, lizards, snakes, and crocodylians depend on prolonged adult survival and reproduction, and these species are vulnerable to commercial exploitation.
... We then dissected each individual, and stored the head and trunk in 10% formaldehyde and 70% ethanol, respectively. We complemented our field data with data (i.e., adult brain mass, body mass and SVL) of other snake species from the literature (Platel, 1979;Shine 1994;Zippel et al., 1998;Santos and Pleguezuelos, 2003;Luiselli et al., 2005;Ramesh and Bhupathy, 2010;Feldman and Meiri, 2013;Penning et al., 2015;De Meester et al., 2019). We also included, in the Crotalinae sample, a few individuals stored and preserved at the herpetological collections at the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí. ...
Despite historical interest in brain size evolution in vertebrates, few studies have assessed variation in brain size in squamate reptiles such as snakes and lizards. Here, we analyzed the pattern of brain allometry at macroevolutionary scale in snakes and lizards, using body mass and snout vent length as measures of body size. We also assessed potential energetic trade-offs associated with relative brain size changes in Crotalinae vipers. Body mass showed a conserved pattern of brain allometry across taxa of snakes, but not in lizards. Body length favored changes of brain allometry in both snakes and lizards, but less variability was observed in snakes. Moreover, we did not find evidence for trade-offs between brain size and the size of other organs in Crotalinae. Thus, despite the contribution of body elongation to changes in relative brain size in squamate reptiles, snakes present low variation in brain allometry across taxa. Although the mechanisms driving this conserved pattern of brain size allometry in our snake sample are unknown, we hypothesize that the snake body plan plays an important role in balancing the energetic demands of brain and body size increase at macroevolutionary scales. We encourage future research on the evolution of brain and body size in snakes to test this hypothesis.
... WWW.IRCF.ORG T he Burmese Python (Python bivittatus) is one of the largest snakes in the world (Penning et al. 2015). Little is known about its status and distribution in India, largely because the Burmese Python until recently (Jacobs et al. 2009) was considered a subspecies of the Indian Rock Python (Python molurus) (e.g., Whitaker and Captain 2004), with which it is frequently confused -especially in the Terai Region (lowlands in the foothills of the Himalayas). ...
... Snake strikes are powered by a complex configuration of axial musculature extending from the neck through the rest of the body, although the extent of which remains a mystery. Much of what we know of axial muscle function in feeding is limited to constriction (Moon, 2000;Moon and Mehta, 2007;Penning, Dartez, & Moon, 2015) and only one set of data on the role of the axial musculature in striking (Young, 2010). Young (2010) postulates that because the axial muscles associated with the body coils activate prior to striking, they are likely part of a complex storing energy elastically. ...
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Human relationships with giant snakes are complex and evolving in unusual directions. Four or five of the largest snakes are human predators. Humans, however, are predators on the snakes, hunting them for food and skins and used in the leather industry. During much, if not all, of human history, we were sympatric with several of the most massive snakes, and these animals undoubtedly were selection factors in our evolution. They preyed upon us, we killed and ate them, and they were one of our competitors for much of the same protein. Today, the relationship has evolved, while we continue to hunt snakes for skins, we also keep them as pets and most surprisingly breed them for unusual color patterns and keep them as living works of art. Unfortunately, we have allowed them to escape into North America and become invasive. They have altered the species composition of natural communities and threaten endangered species. Recently, science has realized giant snake physiology may hold the key to controlling diabetes.
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As legless predators, snakes are unique in their ability to immobilize and kill their prey through the process of constriction, and yet how this pressure incapacitates and ultimately kills the prey remains unknown. In this study, we examined the cardiovascular function of anesthetized rats before, during and after being constricted by boas (Boa constrictor) to examine the effect of constriction on the prey's circulatory function. The results demonstrate that within 6 s of being constricted, peripheral arterial blood pressure (PBP) at the femoral artery dropped to 1/2 of baseline values while central venous pressure (CVP) increased 6-fold from baseline during the same time. Electrocardiographic recordings from the anesthetized rat's heart revealed profound bradycardia as heart rate (fH) dropped to nearly half of baseline within 60 s of being constricted, and QRS duration nearly doubled over the same time period. By the end of constriction (mean 6.5±1 min), rat PBP dropped 2.9-fold, fH dropped 3.9-fold, systemic perfusion pressure (SPP=PBP-CVP) dropped 5.7-fold, and 91% of rats (10 of 11) had evidence of cardiac electrical dysfunction. Blood drawn immediately after constriction revealed that, relative to baseline, rats were hyperkalemic (serum potassium levels nearly doubled) and acidotic (blood pH dropped from 7.4 to 7.0). These results are the first to document the physiological response of prey to constriction and support the hypothesis that snake constriction induces rapid prey death due to circulatory arrest. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
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Many life-history traits are allometrically tied to body size, in snakes as well as in other animals. Two problems with previous analyses on this topic for snakes are that: (i) the range of body sizes within species is generally small, so that most analyses have relied on interspecific comparisons; and (ii) available data have been heavily biased towards small, temperate-zone colubroid species. We test the generality of results from previous work with data on a species of giant tropical snake that is phylogenetically and ecologically distinctive, and encompasses such a massive size range that we can examine intraspecific allometries. We use data from >1,000 field-collected reticulated pythons from southern Sumatra to ask two questions: (i) do life-history traits show intraspecific allometries similar to those revealed by interspecific comparisons?; and (ii) are mean values for life-history traits in a giant snake consistent with allometric trends in smaller species? As predicted, strong intraspecific allometry was evident for most of the life-history traits we measured, including reproductive output (e.g. clutch size, frequency of reproduction in females, testis volume relative to body mass) and energy stores (relative size of the abdominal fat bodies). For many traits (e.g. the means and variances of clutch sizes and maternal body sizes, relative offspring size, body size at maturation relative to size at hatching and maximum adult size), these giant pythons were near or beyond the extremes reported for smaller species of snakes, supporting the importance of allometry. None the less, reticulated pythons deviate from many of these previously-documented allometries in significant ways, suggesting that current generalizations about life-history allometry in snakes may be premature.
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Comparative analyses of behavior have an underappreciated potential for revealing the role of ethoecological factors in the origins of higher taxa. Twenty-seven species (13 genera) in the advanced family Colubridae exhibited 19 patterns of coil application; one or two patterns were usually consistent within a genus. Forty-eight species (26 genera) in the primitive families Acrochordidae, Aniliidae, Boidae, and Xenopeltidae usually used a single pattern, despite differences in age, size, shape, habitat, and diet. This implies the shared retention of an action pattern used by their common ancestor no later than the early Paleocene. Constriction must have been used as a prey-killing tactic very early in the history of snakes and might have been a behavioral "key innovation" in the evolution of their unusual jaw mechanism.
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Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and immunocytochemical experiments were performed to determine the short- and long-term effects of lateral fluid percussion head injury on the perisomatic inhibitory control of dentate granule cells in the adult rat, with special reference to the development of trauma-induced hyperexcitability. One week after the delivery of a single, moderate (2.0–2.2 atm) mechanical pressure wave to the neocortex, the feed-forward inhibitory control of dentate granule cell discharges was compromised, and the frequency of miniature IPSCs was decreased. Consistent with the electrophysiological data, the number of hilar parvalbumin (PV)- and cholecystokinin (CCK)-positive dentate interneurons supplying the inhibitory innervation of the perisomatic region of granule cells was decreased weeks and months after head injury. The initial injury to the hilar neurons took place instantaneously after the impact and did not require the recruitment of active physiological processes. Furthermore, the decrease in the number of PV- and CCK-positive hilar interneurons was similar to the decrease in the number of the AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunit 2/3-immunoreactive mossy cells, indicating that the pressure wave-transient causes injurious physical stretching and bending of most cells that are large and not tightly packed in a cell layer. These results reveal for the first time that moderate pressure wave-transients, triggered by traumatic head injury episodes, impact the dentate neuronal network in a unique temporal and spatial pattern, resulting in a net decrease in the perisomatic control of granule cell discharges.
Constriction of prey by gopher snakes Pituophis melanoleucus and king snakes Lampropeltis getula is highly variable in posture, muscular activity and force exertion. These snakes typically use lateral bends of the anterior trunk to wind the body into a vertical coil around the prey. Three common constriction postures are fully encircling loops that form a coil, partially encircling loops, and non-encircling loops that pinion the prey. Initial tightening of a coil occurs by winding or pressing the loops tighter to reduce the diameter of the coil. The epaxial muscles are highly active during striking and coil formation and intermittently active during sustained constriction. These results refute the hypothesis of a mechanical constraint on constriction in snakes with elongate epaxial muscles. Constricting gopher and king snakes can detect muscular, ventilatory and circulatory movements in rodent prey. In response to simulated heartbeats or ventilation in mice, the snakes twitch visibly, recruit epaxial muscle activity, and increase constriction pressure temporarily, but then quickly relax. Muscular activity and constriction pressure are increased most and sustained longest in response to muscular struggling in prey. Although muscle activity and pressure exertion are intermittent, the constriction posture is maintained until the prey has been completely still for several seconds; thus, a snake can reapply pressure in response to any circulatory, ventilatory or muscular movement by the prey. The pressures of 6.1±30.9 kPa (46±232 mm Hg) exerted on small mammal prey by constricting snakes range from about half to over twice a mouse's systolic blood pressure, and are probably 10 times larger than the venous pressure. These high pressures probably kill mammalian prey by inducing immediate circulatory and cardiac arrest, rather than by suffocation alone.
The mechanisms by which blast pressure waves cause mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are an open question. Possibilities include acceleration of the head, direct passage of the blast wave via the cranium, and propagation of the blast wave to the brain via a thoracic mechanism. The hypothesis that the blast pressure wave reaches the brain via a thoracic mechanism is considered in light of ballistic and blast pressure wave research. Ballistic pressure waves, caused by penetrating ballistic projectiles or ballistic impacts to body armor, can only reach the brain via an internal mechanism and have been shown to cause cerebral effects. Similar effects have been documented when a blast pressure wave has been applied to the whole body or focused on the thorax in animal models. While vagotomy reduces apnea and bradycardia due to ballistic or blast pressure waves, it does not eliminate neural damage in the brain, suggesting that the pressure wave directly affects the brain cells via a thoracic mechanism. An experiment is proposed which isolates the thoracic mechanism from cranial mechanisms of mTBI due to blast wave exposure. Results have implications for evaluating risk of mTBI due to blast exposure and for developing effective protection.
Amazing Numbers in Biology
  • R Flindt
Flindt, R. (2003). Amazing Numbers in Biology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Constriction strength in snakes
  • Moon
Moon, B. R. and Mehta, R. S. (2007). Constriction strength in snakes. In Biology of the Boas and Pythons (ed. R. W. Henderson and R. Powell), pp. 206-212. Utah: Eagle Mountain Publishing.
Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons
  • J C Murphy
  • R W Henderson
Murphy, J. C. and Henderson, R. W. (1997). Tales of Giant Snakes: A Historical Natural History of Anacondas and Pythons. Florida: Krieger Publishing Company.