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Testicular germ cell tumours and parental occupational exposure to pesticides: a register-based case-control study in the Nordic countries (NORD-TEST study)


Abstract and Figures

A potential impact of exposure to endocrine disruptors, including pesticides, during intrauterine life, has been hypothesised in testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) aetiology, but exposure assessment is challenging. This large-scale registry-based case-control study aimed to investigate the association between parental occupational exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk in their sons. Cases born in 1960 or onwards, aged between 14 and 49 years, and diagnosed between 1978 and 2013 in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden, were identified from the respective nationwide cancer registries. Four controls per case were randomly selected from the general national populations, matched on year of birth. Information on parental occupation was collected through censuses or Pension Fund information and converted into a pesticide exposure index based on the Finnish National Job-Exposure Matrix. A total of 9569 cases and 32 028 controls were included. No overall associations were found for either maternal or paternal exposures and TGCT risk in their sons, with ORs of 0.83 (95% CI 0.56 to 1.23) and of 1.03 (0.92 to 1.14), respectively. Country-specific estimates and stratification by birth cohorts revealed some heterogeneity. Cryptorchidism, hypospadias and family history of testicular cancer were risk factors but adjustment did not change the main results. This is the largest study on prenatal exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk, overall providing no evidence of an association. Limitations to assess individual exposure in registry-based studies might have contributed to the null result. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
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Testicular germ cell tumours and parental
occupational exposure to pesticides: a register-based
casecontrol study in the Nordic countries (NORD-
TEST study)
Charlotte Le Cornet,
Béatrice Fervers,
Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton,
Maria Feychting,
Eero Pukkala,
Tore Tynes,
Johnni Hansen,
Karl-Christian Nordby,
Rémi Béranger,
Timo Kauppinen,
Sanni Uuksulainen,
Pernilla Wiebert,
Torill Woldbæk,
Niels E Skakkebæk,
Ann Olsson,
Joachim Schüz
Additional material is
published online only. To view
please visit the journal online
For numbered afliations see
end of article.
Correspondence to
Dr Charlotte Le Cornet, Section
of Environment and Radiation,
International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC),
150 Cours Albert Thomas,
Lyon 69372, Cedex 08, France;
Received 29 January 2015
Revised 16 July 2015
Accepted 5 August 2015
To cite: Le Cornet C,
Fervers B, Oksbjerg
Dalton S, et al.Occup
Environ Med Published
Online First: [please include
Day Month Year]
Objectives A potential impact of exposure to
endocrine disruptors, including pesticides, during
intrauterine life, has been hypothesised in testicular
germ cell tumour (TGCT) aetiology, but exposure
assessment is challenging. This large-scale registry-based
casecontrol study aimed to investigate the association
between parental occupational exposure to pesticides
and TGCT risk in their sons.
Methods Cases born in 1960 or onwards, aged
between 14 and 49 years, and diagnosed between 1978
and 2013 in Denmark, Finland, Norway or Sweden,
were identied from the respective nationwide cancer
registries. Four controls per case were randomly selected
from the general national populations, matched on year
of birth. Information on parental occupation was
collected through censuses or Pension Fund information
and converted into a pesticide exposure index based on
the Finnish National Job-Exposure Matrix.
Results A total of 9569 cases and 32 028 controls
were included. No overall associations were found for
either maternal or paternal exposures and TGCT risk in
their sons, with ORs of 0.83 (95% CI 0.56 to 1.23) and
of 1.03 (0.92 to 1.14), respectively. Country-specic
estimates and stratication by birth cohorts revealed
some heterogeneity. Cryptorchidism, hypospadias and
family history of testicular cancer were risk factors but
adjustment did not change the main results.
Conclusions This is the largest study on prenatal
exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk, overall providing
no evidence of an association. Limitations to assess
individual exposure in registry-based studies might have
contributed to the null result.
Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) represent
98% of testicular cancer. Although accounting for
only 1% of all cancers in men, they remain the
most common cancer diagnosed in young men
aged 1539 years. In 2012, over 23 000 new cases
were estimated in Europe.
TGCT affects mainly
Caucasian populations with incidence rates up to
10-fold higher in Europe compared with Asian or
African countries.
Incidence rates have increased
steeply over the past decades in industrialised coun-
tries, with the highest incidence rates observed in
Europe and the USA,
and the burden is predicted
to rise by 24% by 2025 in Europe.
Neighbouring countries show important geo-
graphical variations in incidence rates. An example
of this is the very different incidence rates in
Denmark and Finland: 10.0 and 4.8/100 000 men
in 2010, respectively.
Incidence rates also vary
between rst and second generations of immi-
Both observations are in support of a pre-
dominant role of environmental factors in TGCT
development, in addition to the role of genetic sus-
and family history of TGCT.
Despite extensive research, risk factors of TGCT
remain largely unknown. The peak of incidence of
TGCT in young adults, its association with con-
genital malformations such as cryptorchidism and
and the fact that embryonic stem
cell markers have been found in carcinoma in situ
(CIS) cells,
the precursor of TGCT, suggest early
determinants of testicular cancer onset.
What this paper adds
Prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptors,
including pesticides, has been hypothesised to
increase the risk of testicular germ cell tumours
(TGCT). Only a few rather small studies have
investigated this time window of exposure,
with inconclusive results.
This large-scale registry-based casecontrol
study in the Nordic countries provides no
evidence of an association between parental
occupational exposure to pesticides and TGCT
risk in the offspring.
Limitations to assess individual exposure in
registry-based studies might have decreased
our ability to show positive association.
Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860 1
OEM Online First, published on August 24, 2015 as 10.1136/oemed-2015-102860
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2015. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd under licence. on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
According to testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) hypoth-
esis, TGCT, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and several forms of
male infertility
share common aetiological factors.
hypothesis is that exposure to endocrine disruptors during fetal
life disturbs normal gonadal development and particularly the
normal differentiation of primordial germ cells, inducing CIS.
The prenatal origin of TGCT is also supported by the observed
associations of TGCT with gestational age, birth weight,
sib-ship size and birth order.
So far, the investigation of environmental factors associated
with TGCT has focused mainly on exposure during adulthood.
Two recent reviews
16 17
emphasised the need for further
research into exposures during early time windows of exposure.
Maternal exposure to exogenous oestrogens during gestation
has been suggested to induce male reproductive tract abnormal-
Diethylstilbestrol, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, hex-
achlorobenzene (HCB), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
some pesticides with endocrine disrupting properties are sus-
pected to disturb the normal genital development by mimicking
Paternal occupational exposures have been seen to
potentially affect cancer susceptibility in the child by transpla-
cental exposures.
Despite an observed association with persist-
ent organic pollutants in maternal serum,
few epidemiological
studies have investigated the association of prenatal exposures to
pesticides with TGCT risk since 2001, when the TDS hypothesis
was rst proposed.
It is methodologically difcult to retrospectively assess pre-
natal exposure. Only a few epidemiological studies
22 23
attempted to study parental occupational exposure, in particular
to pesticides, but these have been severely limited by lack of stat-
istical power due to a limited number of cases.
The pooled NORD-TEST study has been designed as a case
control study, nested within the populations of Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden, utilising the registry data with
the objective to investigate the possible association between par-
ental occupational exposure to pesticides during prenatal
periods and the risk in their sons to develop TGCT in
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have population-based
cancer registries since the 1940s to 1960s, and registries record-
ing information on socioeconomic status, family composition
and occupations since the 1960s.
The NORD-TEST study is a registry-based nested case
control study conducted in Denmark, Finland, Norway and
Sweden. In these countries, all residents have a unique personal
identication number (CPR number) since 1968 in Denmark,
1967 in Finland, 1964 in Norway and 1947 in Sweden, allow-
ing linkage between registries for tracking personal medical
information and occupational status for research purposes (see
online supplementary le 1).
Study population
In order to have information on the parental occupations before
birth and given that the censuses start at the earliest in 1960, all
men diagnosed with TGCT from 1978 onwards were regarded
as eligible. Cases and controls born outside of the included
countries or with a history of cancer (except non-melanoma
skin cancer) prior to the index date of TGCT diagnosis were
not eligible. The last available diagnostic year at the time of data
set creation was in 2003 in Denmark (due to availability of
occupational data, see below), 2012 in Finland, 2010 in
Norway and 2011 in Sweden (see online supplementary le 1).
In addition to date of diagnosis, the study inclusion depended
on the year of the rst census available, with Denmark including
men born between 1965 and 1981, Finland including men born
in 1970 or later and Norway and Sweden including men born
in 1960 or later.
Cases were identied in the nationwide population-based
cancer registries using International Classication of Diseases
(ICD) codes as follows: ICD 7:178, ICD 8 and ICD 9:186, ICD
10 and ICD-O-3:C62, Danish revision of ICD 7:178, 278, 378,
478, 578, 678, 878.
Online supplementary le 2 gives the histological codes and
classications used to categorise TGCT cases into seminoma and
non-seminoma. In Denmark, the classication used was the
extended Danish version of the seventh version of the ICD. We
used the ICD-Oncology (ICD-O-3) in Finland, a Norwegian
version of the ICD-O in Norway and, in Sweden, histology
code from 1958,
according to WHO/HS/CANC/24.1,
ICD-O-2 from 1993 and, from 2005 onwards, ICD-O-3.
Four controls per case were randomly selected from the
national population registers of each country matched to case
on year of birth. Overall, 11 111 cases and 38 553 controls
were extracted.
Figure 1 presents the various steps of exclusions for cases and
controls. Men aged between 14 and 49 years at diagnosis were
retained. Only cases with conrmed TGCT subtypes (seminoma
and non-seminoma) were kept. Cases and controls were
excluded when occupations before birth were unavailable for
both parents. The nal sample included 9569 cases and 32 028
Data collection
Exposure assessment
The Finnish National Job-Exposure Matrix (FINJEM) translates
the occupational codes from the Finnish classication into quan-
titative estimates of fungicides, herbicides and insecticides. These
estimations were based on available exposure measurements,
hazard surveys and assessments from occupational hygienists.
Fungicide, herbicide and insecticide exposures were calculated as
the product of the proportion of exposed persons (P), and the
mean level (in mg/m
) of exposure (L) estimated for each occupa-
tional code.
Pesticide exposure was thus then the sum of fungi-
cide, herbicide and insecticide exposures. For parental
occupation, data were available only from one census prior to the
childs birth, without indication of duration of occupation, and
thus did not allow cumulative exposure assessment. In FINJEM,
six occupational codes are associated with pesticide exposure
(300: farmers, silviculturists, horticulturists, 311: commercial
garden and park workers, 340: forestry workers and lumberjacks,
671: sawyers, 672: plywood and breboard workers, 731: cooks
and furnacemen (chemical processes)). FINJEM includes three
dimensions: the quantication of the agents, the occupations and
the calendar periods, taking into account changes of pesticide
exposures over time. In our study, the FINJEM estimates were
used for two distinct periods, 19601984 and 19851994.
Parental job titles (or job codes) for cases and controls were
identied from census data in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Job
codes were collected from six censuses in Sweden (1960, 1970,
1975, 1980, 1985, 1990), from ve censuses in Finland (1970,
1975, 1980, 1985, 1990) and from four censuses in Norway
(1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 (1990 being complete only for a subset
of the census subjects)). Missing data from the Norwegian survey
in 1990 were replaced by job titles from the 1980 census when
available, assuming that the impact on the results was negligible
since less than 2% of our study population was born in 1990 or
2 Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860
Environment on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
later. In addition, missing job codes between two known censuses
with identical job titles were recoded with the same job codes.
The Finnish occupational classication contains 311 job codes.
Swedish and Norwegian job codes were translated to the Finnish
In Denmark, no census data were collected; we used parental
employment history on a company level prior to the birth of
the sons instead. Since 1964, all employees in Denmark have
been compulsory members of the Supplementary Pension Fund,
which stores historical information on all employments (dates of
start and end, a unique company number and the individual
CPR number of the employee).
Ave-digit detailed industry
code for each employee has been applied by Statistics Denmark
based on the International Standard Industrial Classication
(ISIC). A Danish expert ( JH) on occupational exposures,
blinded to casecontrol status, manually selected the Danish
industry codes with a similar level of exposure to pesticides as
the existing occupations included in FINJEM. Additionally, job-
codes taken from the income tax form were available for
Denmark. Since industry codes include various occupations and
workplaces within a specic industry, a cross-check between job
codes (proxy for white/blue collar) and industry codes allowed
distinguishing between exposed and unexposed job codes within
an industry, and therefore to categorise the pesticide exposure
level to 0 when exposure was unlikely (eg, dentist, care staff,
ofce assistant).
To target prenatal exposure, the closest maternal and paternal
occupation before the childs birth was selected from the
Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish censuses. In Denmark, the
longest parental employment held in the last 12 months prior to
the childs birth was retrieved from the Supplementary Pension
Fund. When the father had no employments in this period, the
longest occupation held within the 2 years prior to the childs
birth was selected instead.
Maternal and paternal total pesticide, fungicide, herbicide
and insecticide exposures before the childs birth were cate-
gorised into binary variables (exposed/unexposed) as well as
into four categories of exposure based on quantitative estima-
tions (unexposed, low exposure (<0.01 mg/m
), intermediate
exposure (0.010.1 mg/m
), high exposure (>0.1 mg/m
Parental pesticide exposure before birth was the sum of the total
paternal and maternal pesticide exposure before birth.
The parental pesticide exposure was not calculated when one of
the parents had no information on occupation prior to the
childs birth and the other had an occupation unlikely to be
exposed to pesticides.
Confounding variables
Data on siblings and parents of cases and controls were
retrieved from the central population registries via the CPR
number. Cases, controls, and their parents and siblings were
linked to the respective cancer registries in the four countries in
order to collect testicular cancer family history. The national
cancer registries have operated since 1942 in Denmark, 1953 in
Finland and Norway, and since 1958 in Sweden. Date of diag-
nosis, age at diagnosis, morphology and histology of the cancer
were extracted, for brothers and fathers, from the cancer
Data on diagnostic and surgical interventions for cryptorchid-
ism and hypospadias were extracted from the birth registry,
which started in 1987 in Finland and 1973 in Sweden, and
from the Hospital Discharge Register, available from 1969 in
Finland and from 1964 in Sweden. In Finland, in addition to
birth registry and hospital discharge registry, the registry of con-
genital malformations from 1980 at the National Institute for
Health and Welfare was also used. In Norway, only information
from the Medical Birth Registry from 1967 onwards was used
to retrieve cryptorchidism and hypospadias. Congenital malfor-
mations were not included in the Danish birth registry until
1996; therefore, they were obtained from the Hospital
Discharge Register available since 1977 for inpatients and from
1995 for outpatients. Online supplementary le 3 shows the
disease codes and operational codes used to identify hypospa-
dias and cryptorchidism. Only the rst diagnosis or the rst
operation declared for the same congenital malformation was
taken into account.
Statistical analysis
Conditional logistic regression for matched casecontrol sets
was used to measure the association between parental occupa-
tional exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk, with ORs and
their 95% CI. The impact of well-known risk factors for TGCT
was tested in the model; cryptorchidism (yes/no), hypospadias
Figure 1 Flow chart of inclusion of cases and controls (*Controls not matching the inclusion criteria as well as all controls matched to excluded
cases were excluded).
Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860 3
Environment on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
(yes/no), fathers history of testicular cancer ( yes/no) and broth-
ershistory of testicular cancer (yes/no).
These variables were treated as potential confounders in mul-
tivariable models. No confounding was assumed if the expos-
ureoutcome association measure changed less than 15% on
inclusion of the covariate in models.
The analyses were made for all TGCT combined and separ-
ately for seminoma and non-seminoma. The Spearman correl-
ation coefcient was used to estimate the correlation between
paternal and maternal exposure to pesticides. Additional strati-
cations were conducted by country, by 5-year birth cohorts, as
well as by year of census, to investigate the potential changes in
exposure over time. A sensitivity analysis was performed
restricted to cases born within 2 years after the parental census
to narrow the time window between the census and the childs
birth, thereby reducing the risk of misclassication due to job
changes. All analyses were carried out using SAS statistical
package V.9.3 (SAS Institute, Inc, Cary, North Carolina, USA).
NORD-TEST has been approved by the relevant data protec-
tion and ethical committees in Denmark, Finland, Norway and
Sweden, and by the International Agency for Research on
Cancer (IARC) ethics committee.
Overall, 9569 cases and 32 028 controls were included in the
study. Country-specic distributions of cases and controls are
shown in online supplementary le 4. Sweden and Norway
together account for 70% of the total study population. Most
cases (84%) were born before 1980 and 94% were diagnosed in
1990 or later. Eighty-ve per cent of the cases were diagnosed
at age 2040 years with an average age of 32 years for semi-
noma and 26 years for non-seminoma. Seminoma accounts for
44% of the cases.
Information about occupational exposure prior to the childs
birth was available for 89% of the mothers and 97% of the
fathers (see online supplementary le 4). The median time
between the closest census date prior to child birth and at the
childs birth was 2 years for fathers and for mothers. Only 0.4%
of mothers were classied as being potentially exposed to pesti-
cides in their occupation prior to the childs birth, whereas
4.9% of fathers were classied as such.
Cryptorchidism and hypospadias were associated with TGCT
with OR=3.28 (95% CI 2.72 to 3.97) and OR=2.21 (95% CI
1.46 to 3.36), respectively. Associations were also found with
family history of testicular cancer among fathers (OR=3.33
(95% CI 2.45 to 4.54)) and brothers (OR=6.30 (95% CI 4.34
to 9.13)).
Table 1 shows the frequency of estimated occupational pesti-
cide exposure in parents and the association with TGCT in their
No associations were found for either maternal or paternal
occupational exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk in their
sons, with OR=0.83 (95% CI 0.56 to 1.23) and 1.03 (95% CI
0.92 to 1.14), respectively. Adjustment for cryptorchidism,
hypospadias and family history of testicular cancer did not
materially change the effect estimates: adjusted OR=0.81 (95%
CI 0.55 to 1.21) for maternal and 1.03 (95% CI 0.91 to 1.16)
for paternal occupational exposure. Fungicides represented the
most prevalent pesticide exposure among fathers and mothers
(5.0% and 0.4%, respectively), but the fungicides, insecticides
and herbicides assessed individually, did not show any associ-
ation with TGCT in sons (table 1). Owing to small numbers and
non-signicant results, we only show the overall outcomes for
maternal exposure and give further details for paternal exposure
in table 1. When both parents were potentially exposed to pesti-
cides in their occupation before the childs birth, no association
was observed, even for the highest exposure category. In add-
ition, no correlation was found between maternal and paternal
exposure to occupational pesticides (r=0.13).
The stratication by TGCT subtypes showed results similar to
all types combined (table 1); no association was observed either
for father, mother or for both combined.
Variations were found between the country-specic estimates.
While the OR for paternal exposure to pesticides before the
childs birth and TGCT risk was increased in Denmark
(OR=2.98 (95% CI 1.61 to 5.52)), the estimate was decreased
for maternal exposure in Sweden (OR=0.49 (95% CI 0.23 to
1.05)), with no other notable associations for any other mater-
nal and/or paternal exposure to pesticides prior to the childs
birth. Stratication by census did not show any further associa-
tions (data not shown). Investigating the association by 5-year
birth cohorts did not reveal any clear trends by time with most
ORs close to 1, but few signicant results were observed,
namely for the birth cohort 19601965 with parental exposure
(OR 1.30, CI 1.02 to 1.65; mother only: OR 2.53, CI 0.60 to
10.69) and an inverse association for the birth cohort 1975
1980 with maternal exposure (OR 0.28, CI 0.09 to 0.92).
The sensitivity analysis using only parental occupational pesti-
cide exposures recorded within 2 years prior to the childs birth,
based on 20 exposed case mothers and 252 exposed case
fathers, showed no association between exposure to pesticides
and TGCT risk, with an OR=0.97 (0.58 to 1.61) for maternal
exposure and 1.06 (0.91 to 1.23) for paternal exposure.
Although the study, to our knowledge, is the largest ever made
on parental occupational exposure associated with TGCT risk,
the overall number of parents with a history of occupational
pesticide exposures was small. Only 0.4% of the mothers and
4.9% of the fathers were classied as possibly exposed to pesti-
cides in their job prior to their childs birth. Our general nd-
ings of no association between parental prenatal occupational
exposure to pesticides and TGCT risk, both for seminoma and
non-seminoma, even among the highest category of parental
exposure prior to the childs birth, conrmed those of smaller
previous studies.
Our results were not entirely homogeneous across countries
and between birth cohorts. Positive association between paternal
exposure to pesticides before the childs birth and TGCT was
observed in Denmark, but not in the other countries. In add-
ition, parental pesticide exposure of the 19601965 birth
cohort was associated with a signicantly increased risk of
TCGT. However, we cannot rule out that these results were
chance ndings due to the large number of analyses.
Previous studies from the USA
and Denmark
did not nd
an increased risk of TGCT for sons of parents who had
reported, using self-administered questionnaires, employment in
agriculture during the prenatal period. However, these studies
had limited statistical power because of the small populations
and low prevalence of exposure, resulting in effect estimates
with wide CIs. There may be a slight overlap of data between
our study and the previous Danish casecontrol study
to cases diagnosed between 1986 and 1988, which represents
less than 5% of the Danish cases included in the present study.
A Swedish study investigating testicular cancer occurrence
among offspring of pesticide applicators licensed between 1965
and 1976 found only two cases born between 1958 and 1994,
indicating no increased risk of TGCT among pesticide
4 Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860
Environment on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
Table 1 Risk for all types of testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) combined and for TGCT subtypes in relation to individually and combined maternal and paternal prenatal pesticide exposure
All TGCT Seminoma Non-seminoma
Cases Controls
OR 95% CI
Cases Controls
OR 95% CI
Cases Controls
OR 95% CIN%N % N%N % N%N %
Maternal pesticide exposure before birth
None 8410 99.6 28 616 99.5 3588 99.6 12 124 99.6 4822 99.6 16 492 99.5
Any 33 0.4 136 0.5 0.83 (0.56 to 1.23) 15 0.4 46 0.4 1.03 (0.57 to 1.88) 18 0.4 90 0.5 0.72 (0.43 to 1.21)
Paternal pesticide exposure before birth
None 8793 94.9 29 630 95.1 3811 94.1 12 784 94.5 4982 95.6 16 846 95.5
Any 471 5.1 1543 4.9 1.03 (0.92 to 1.14) 241 5.9 741 5.5 1.09 (0.93 to 1.27) 230 4.4 802 4.5 0.97 (0.83 to 1.13)
None 8793 94.9 29 630 95.1 3811 94.0 12 784 94.5 4982 95.6 16 846 95.4
Low 414 4.5 1348 4.3 1.03 (0.92 to 1.16) 221 5.5 663 4.9 1.13 (0.95 to 1.31) 193 3.7 685 3.9 0.95 (0.81 to 1.12)
Medium 24 0.2 108 0.3 0.76 (0.49 to 1.19) 8 0.2 44 0.3 0.65 (0.30 to 1.39) 16 0.3 64 0.4 0.83 (0.48 to 1.45)
High 33 0.4 87 0.3 1.29 (0.86 to 1.94) 12 0.3 34 0.3 1.21 (0.62 to 2.37) 21 0.4 53 0.3 1.34 (0.81 to 2.25)
Paternal herbicide exposure before birth
None 8850 95.5 29 825 95.7 3831 94.5 12 862 95.1 5019 96.3 16 963 96.1
Any 414 4.5 1348 4.3 1.03 (0.92 to 1.16) 221 5.5 663 4.9 1.11 (0.95 to 1.31) 193 3.7 685 3.9 0.95 (0.81 to 1.12)
Paternal fungicide exposure before birth
None 8793 94.9 29 630 95.1 3811 94.1 12 784 94.5 4982 95.6 16 846 95.5
Any 471 5.1 1543 4.9 1.03 (0.92 to 1.14) 241 5.9 741 5.5 1.09 (0.93 to 1.27) 230 4.4 802 4.5 0.97 (0.83 to 1.13)
Paternal insecticide exposure before birth
None 8938 96.5 30 120 96.6 3883 95.8 13 021 96.3 5055 97.0 17 099 96.9
Any 326 3.5 1053 3.4 1.03 (0.91 to 1.18) 169 4.2 504 3.7 1.11 (0.93 to 1.34) 157 3.0 549 3.1 0.96 (0.80 to 1.15)
Parental pesticide exposure before birth
None 7740 94.0 26 576 94.3 3270 93.0 11 187 93.6 4470 94.8 15 389 94.8
Any 492 6.0 1616 5.7 1.04 (0.93 to 1.17) 248 7.0 765 6.4 1.09 (0.93 to 1.29) 244 5.2 851 5.2 1.00 (0.86 to 1.17)
Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860 5
Environment on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
Also, in Norway, an investigation into
offspring of parents engaged in agricultural activities did not
show any association between testicular cancer and exposure to
A recent study on TGCT used a qualitative job-exposure
matrix ( JEM)
to categorise the prenatal paternal and maternal
exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) as unex-
posed, and possibly or probably exposed; pesticides were
included in the EDCs. No increased risk of TGCTwas observed
for probable paternal and maternal exposure to pesticides prior
to the childs birth compared with unexposed (OR=1.33 (95%
CI 0.65 to 2.70) and 0.97 (95% CI 0.23 to 4.07), respect-
Components with endocrine disrupting properties such
as HCB, PCBs and chlordanes, have also been studied in mater-
nal serum, and a signicantly higher concentration in case
mothers compared with control mothers was reported.
However, the serum was sampled at the time of the cases diag-
nosis, which conveys uncertainties with regard to its representa-
tiveness of past exposures. Also, the recruitment of cases was
not population-based.
The strength of our study is the pooling of cases from four
countries, with full national population coverage providing a
larger sample size than prior studies. The registries provided
multiple variables that have been collected systematically over
time, avoiding recall bias. Even if individual lifestyle factors
cannot be collected in registries, information about the major
known TGCT risk factors were available. Cryptorchidism, hypo-
spadias and family history were associated with an increased
TGCT risk in our population, thereby conrming well-known
Parental occupations were systematically
reported and, if missing values occurred, this was independent
of casecontrol status.
One limitation of our study was the use of a crude proxy for
the time of the prenatal window of exposure. The occupation
before birth was assumed to best reect the preconceptional or
pregnancy period. Indeed, the lag time between the childs birth
and the closest census before birth ranged from 0 to 15 years
and a change of occupation between the census and the childs
birth may have occurred. Nevertheless, more than 80% of
fathers and mothers had a census recorded within 5 years prior
to the childs birth and 99% within 10 years. Also, the sensitiv-
ity analysis performed for parents having a census within the
2 years before the childs birth showed similar results. Some pes-
ticides are chemicals persisting in the body for decades.
Therefore, parental exposures occurring several years before the
child birth may have an impact. However, given that our sensi-
tivity analyses show similar OR for approximately half of the
exposed fathers and mothers, with census within the 2 years
before the childs birth, compared with the overall OR, an
increased risk for the remaining with larger time lag is unlikely.
Retrospective exposure assessment methods are subject to
exposure misclassication and our objective was to limit mis-
classication as much as possible by choosing the most appropri-
ate JEM. FINJEM was initially developed in 1990 to estimate
occupational exposures in Finland and was later extended to the
neighbouring Nordic countries
27 33
for various exposures but
not pesticides. Thus, variation in pesticide use between countries
and over time might have introduced bias; however, climate and
agricultural practices are expected to differ less between Nordic
countries, and this would more probably have been the case in a
study involving more distant countries.
FINJEM assigns an exposure level to a job title assuming
homogeneity of exposure within jobs, which may lead to expos-
ure misclassication. Variation in exposure levels may be
observed within occupations, leaving non-exposed persons
within the exposed groups. Also, some non-agricultural occupa-
tions have been suggested to also be potentially exposed to pes-
ticides, during some tasks (eg, among carpenters, sawmill
workers, staff and students at research institutions, laboratories
that use pesticides, employees in joint experimental work in
34 35
and were not considered in FINJEM. As well,
individual domestic and environmental level of pesticide expos-
ure was not available in our study, inducing potentially misclassi-
cation bias; hence, the effect may have been diluted. However,
the FINJEM approach allows selection of those occupations
having, a priori, a high level of exposure and a high prevalence
of exposure. If no risk was found with these occupational
codes, it means that the occupational codes with a smaller pro-
portion of exposed parents would not have been associated with
TGCT risk either. Nevertheless, the record linkage approach
precludes differential assessment between cases and controls.
Moreover, assuming a Berkson type error for the misclassica-
tion induced by the JEM approach would suggest that risk esti-
mates are not affected, but this would also reduce the statistical
power of the study.
Given the large size of the study, even if
our power is reduced, the association between parental exposure
to pesticides and TGCT seems to be inexistent or rather weak.
Another point that might have impacted on our results is that
FINJEM attributes a probability of exposure for herbicides, fun-
gicides and insecticides, which are groups of compounds with
different mechanisms, whereas information on probability of
exposure to singular active ingredients is not provided. Only
some pesticides have an endocrine disrupting effect which
might have been diluted by using a JEM that did not consider
exposure heterogeneity within each group of pesticides.
A very small proportion of mothers were potentially occupa-
tionally exposed to pesticides in our study, and this might limit
the interpretation of the association between maternal exposure
to pesticide during prenatal period and TGCT risk. On the
other hand, if there was a modest risk that we missed, the
impact on the overall TGCT incidence would be minimal, given
the rarity of exposure. More fathers were exposed. As hypothe-
sised for childhood brain tumours and leucaemia,
exposure might affect cancer susceptibility in the child either by
transplacental exposures or genetic alterations. Yet, we lack a
strong hypothesis explaining a potential impact of paternal
exposure on TGCT risk. Although paternal exposure to pesti-
cides in Denmark was found associated with TGCT in the off-
spring, the stratied analyses produced a large number of risk
estimates, and the few associations observed are likely to be
effects of chance.
Our study only focused on the prenatal occupational expos-
ure to pesticides. However, despite the fact that no clear risk
factors have been found for TGCT among adulthood exposures,
previous epidemiological studies have reported some associa-
tions among agricultural workers, construction workers,
remen, policemen and military personnel, as well as among
workers in paper, plastic and metal industries.
It has recently
been suggested that a combined effect of prenatal and postnatal
risk factors such as exposure to organochlorine pesticides may
impact on TGCT.
Endogenous hormones play an important
role in puberty, and therefore environmental exposures during
this critical period may trigger the development of neoplasm
previously initiated.
In this large four-country study on parental exposure to pesti-
cides and TGCT risk in their sons, we found little evidence of
6 Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860
Environment on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
any association. Although based on a large study population,
NORD-TEST does not rule out that there may be an effect of
parental pesticide exposure on the TGCT risk in the offspring.
Because of the limitations of NORD-TEST, there is a need for
studies with more accurate assessment of exposure from all
sources (environmental, occupational and domestic).
Furthermore, the hypothesis on a potential combined effect of
prenatal and postnatal risk factors deserves further research.
Author afliations
Section of Environment and Radiation, International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC), Lyon, France
Unité Cancer et Environnement, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France
Université Claude BernardLyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Finnish Cancer Registry, Institute for Statistical and Epidemiological Cancer
Research, Helsinki, Finland
School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Kreftregisteret, Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo, Norway
National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Helsinki, Finland
University Department of Growth and Reproduction, University Hospital of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Acknowledgements This work was supported by public funding from the Lyric
Grant INCa-DGOS-4664 (Institute of Cancer Research, France), the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne
Rhône-Alpes (CLARA). The authors would like to acknowledge Marianne
Steding-Jessen and Andrea Meersohn from the Danish Cancer Society Research
Center, Karin Fremling from the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska
Institutet, and Veronique Luzon from IARC, for their help with the data
management. The Family-Cancer Database was created by linking registers
maintained at Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Cancer Registry. Data from the
Finnish Cancer Registry were extracted by permission for research: Number THL/
1123/5.05.00/2012. Thanks also to the NOCCA team, who approved the research
protocol for the use of FINJEM and thanks for their expertise on occupational
exposure in the Nordic countries.
Contributors CLC, BF, SOD, MF, EP, TT, K-CN, NES, AO and JS developed the
study concept and design. CLC, SOD, MF, EP, TT, K-CN and JH contributed to the
data collection. CLC, JH, TK, SU, PW, TW and AO contributed to the exposure
assessment. CLC, BF, RB, NES, AO and JS conducted the analysis and the
interpretation of the results. CLC, BF and JS drafted the manuscript. All the authors
revised it critically for intellectual content and approved the nal version.
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) ethics
committee, Danish Data protection Board, Finnish National Institute for Health and
Welfare (THL), Regional committees for medical and health research ethics (REK),
Ethical review board of Stockholm.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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Le Cornet C, et al.Occup Environ Med 2015;0:17. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-102860 7
Environment on September 10, 2015 - Published by from
NORD-TEST study)(Nordic countries control study in theregister-based case occupational exposure to pesticides: a Testicular germ cell tumours and parental
Wiebert, Torill Woldbæk, Niels E Skakkebæk, Ann Olsson and Joachim
Nordby, Rémi Béranger, Timo Kauppinen, Sanni Uuksulainen, Pernilla
Feychting, Eero Pukkala, Tore Tynes, Johnni Hansen, Karl-Christian
Charlotte Le Cornet, Béatrice Fervers, Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton, Maria
published online August 24, 2015Occup Environ Med
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... Cohort or case-control studies have suggested a link between certain parental jobs at birth and the risk of developing TGCT (40)(41)(42). However, these studies are very few in number and showed contradictory and inconsistent results that may differ according to the histological subtype (42)(43)(44)(45)(46). ...
... Pesticide exposure is one of the most frequently investigated prenatal exposures in terms of the risk of developing TGCT in adulthood, but the results of studies are divergent (15,45,74). Here, the risk of developing TGCT in adulthood was increased when the father had a job as specialized farmer (particularly seminomas) or worked in crops (all histological subtypes in sensitivity analysis from data reported by mothers), suggesting a possible link between perinatal pesticide exposure and TGCT risk, while our results across farming-related jobs seemed inconsistent. ...
Full-text available
Background Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are the most frequent cancer in young men in developed countries. Parental occupational exposures during early-life periods are suspected to increase TGCT risk. The objective was to estimate the association between parental occupations at birth and adult TGCT. Methods A case–control study was conducted, including 454 TGCT cases aged 18–45 from 20 French university hospitals, matched to 670 controls based on region and year of birth. Data collected from participants included parental jobs at birth coded according to the International Standard Classification of Occupation—1968 and the French nomenclature of activities—1999. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression, adjusting for TGCT risk factors. Results Paternal jobs at birth as service workers (OR = 1.98, CI 1.18–3.30), protective service workers (OR = 2.40, CI 1.20–4.81), transport equipment operators (OR = 1.96, CI 1.14–3.37), specialized farmers (OR = 2.66, CI 1.03–6.90), and maternal jobs as secondary education teachers (OR = 2.27, CI 1.09–4.76) or in secondary education (OR = 2.35, CI 1.13–4.88) were significantly associated with adult TGCT. The risk of seminoma was increased for the above-mentioned paternal jobs and that of non-seminomas for public administration and defence; compulsory social security (OR = 1.99, CI 1.09–3.65); general, economic, and social administration (OR = 3.21, CI 1.23–8.39) for fathers; and secondary education teacher (OR = 4.67, CI 1.87–11.67) and secondary education (OR = 3.50, CI 1.36–9.01) for mothers. Conclusion Some paternal jobs, such as service workers, transport equipment operators, or specialized farmers, and maternal jobs in secondary education seem to be associated with an increased risk of TGCT with specific features depending on the histological type. These data allow hypotheses to be put forward for further studies as to the involvement of occupational exposures in the risk of developing TGCT, such as exposure to pesticides, solvents, or heavy metals.
... PPP2R3C is a protein phosphatase regulatory subunit, which is predicted to interact with and regulate the activity of different protein phosphatase catalytic subunits (49). ...
... Le Cornet et al. conducted a study with a similar approach that relied on records. No signs were found indicating a connection between a parent's exposure to pesticides and TC (49). McGlynn and colleagues conducted a study on a group of American military personnel. ...
... The considerable increase in the incidence of bone tumors among males in SA may be the result of better diagnosis and would be consistent with the decreasing trend of unspecified tumor types and no increase seen in females, who also undergo growth spurt just before males. Increase in the germ cell tumors incidence in males suggests environmental exposures, such as pollution or pesticides, which have an anti-androgen effect (34), although the evidence is ambiguous (35). The increasing incidence of other carcinomas and melanoma may be driven by a shift of diagnosis to an earlier age due to improved diagnostics (24) or changing exposures (2). ...
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Objective To provide a comprehensive overview of geographical patterns (2001–2010) and time trends (1993–2012) of cancer incidence in children aged 0–19 years in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and interpret the findings in the context of global patterns. Methods Geographical variations in 2001–2010 and incidence trends over 1993–2012 in the population of LAC younger than 20 years were described using the database of the third volume of the International Incidence of Childhood Cancer study containing comparable data. Age-specific incidence per million person-years (ASR) was calculated for population subgroups and age-standardized (WSR) using the world standard population. Results Overall, 36 744 unique cases were included in this study. In 2001–2010 the overall WSR in age 0–14 years was 132.6. The most frequent were leukemia (WSR 48.7), central nervous system neoplasms (WSR 23.0), and lymphoma (WSR 16.6). The overall ASR in age group 15–19 years was 152.3 with lymphoma ranking first (ASR 30.2). Incidence was higher in males than in females, and higher in South America than in Central America and the Caribbean. Compared with global data LAC incidence was lower overall, except for leukemia and lymphoma at age 0–14 years and the other and unspecified tumors at any age. Overall incidence at age 0–19 years increased by 1.0% per year (95% CI [0.6, 1.3]) over 1993–2012. The included registries covered 16% of population aged 0–14 years and 10% of population aged 15–19 years. Conclusions The observed patterns provide a baseline to assess the status and evolution of childhood cancer occurrence in the region. Extended and sustained support of cancer registration is required to improve representativeness and timeliness of data for childhood cancer control in LAC.
... Subsequently, in a large cohort of North European men, Le Cornet et al. discovered no association between parental exposure to pesticides and TC [52]. However, in this study the supposed exposure in the prenatal period was indirectly estimated through the parental occupations at the time; exposures with longer latency periods may have been missed, reducing accuracy of the estimations. ...
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Purpose Testicular cancer (TC) is the most common malignancy among young adult males. The etiology is multifactorial, and both environmental and genetic factors play an essential role in the origin and development of this tumor. In particular, exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs), resulting from industrialization and urbanization, seems crucial both in pre-and postnatal life. However, the lack of long-term studies on a wide caseload and the difficulty in evaluating their toxic effects in vivo make it challenging to establish a causal link. This review aims to discuss the main human epidemiological studies currently available in the literature to define a possible association between these chemicals and TC. Methods A comprehensive Medline/PubMed and Embase search was performed, selecting all relevant, peer-reviewed papers in English published from 2002 to January 2022. Other relevant papers were selected from the reference lists. Results To date, literature evidence is limited due to the scarcity and heterogeneity of human studies and shows controversial data, highlighting the complexity of the topic. However, most human epidemiological studies seem to point toward a correlation between EEDs exposure and TC. Conclusion Although the molecular mechanisms are not yet fully understood, the role of EEDs in TC onset is plausible, but several factors, such as the individual genetic background, the exposure time, and the complex mechanism of action of these chemicals, do not allow defining the causal link with certainty and make further studies necessary to investigate this complex topic.
... However, this result might also be due to chance and more research is needed to confirm the role of paternal exposures during preconception. Looking at early periods of development, parental occupational pesticide exposure before birth was not found associated with risk of TGCT in the offspring in a large register-based case-control study conducted in the Nordic countries, although the job-exposure matrix used only considered farmers as exposed to pesticides and there was no detail on the type of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides) [45]. In Denmark, however, an increased OR for TGCT was observed for paternal wood-related occupations with potential exposure to wood preservatives that contain insecticides and fungicides (OR = 1.50, CI = 1.01-2.24) ...
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Background Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most frequent cancers in young men in developed countries and their incidence rate has doubled worldwide over the past 40 years. Early life exposures to pesticides are suspected to increase TGCT risk. Our research aimed at estimating adult TGCT risk associated with parental domestic use of pesticides during early periods of child development. Methods We conducted a case-control study of 304 TGCT cases, aged 18–45 years old, recruited in 20 French university hospitals, and 274 controls frequency-matched on hospital and birth year. Participants’ mothers provided information on their domestic use of pesticides from 1 year before start of pregnancy to 1 year after their son’s birth, for gardening activities, treatment of indoor plants, pets, wood and mold, and pest control. Odds ratios (OR) for TGCT (overall and by histological subtype) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using conditional logistic regression. Results Prevalence of reported domestic use of pesticides was 77.3% for insecticides, 15.9% for fungicides and 12.1% for herbicides. While no association was found for any use of insecticides (OR = 1.27, CI = 0.80–2.01) or herbicides (OR = 1.15, CI = 0.67–2.00), elevated risks of TGCT overall (OR = 1.73, CI = 1.04–2.87) and non-seminoma subtype (OR = 2.44, CI = 1.26–4.74) were observed for any use of fungicides. When specific purposes were examined, using fungicides and/or insecticides for woodwork (OR = 2.35, CI = 1.06–5.20) and using insecticides on cats and dogs (OR = 1.95, CI = 1.12–3.40) were associated with increased risk of non-seminoma subtype. We found no association for seminoma subtype. Conclusions Although recall bias may partially explain the elevated ORs, our study provides some evidence of a positive association between domestic use of pesticides during early periods of development, particularly fungicides and risk of adult TGCT and non-seminoma. Given the common domestic use of pesticides in France, further research on TGCT risk is warranted.
... Nonresponse and low participation rates were not a concern in most of the studies (35)(36)(37)(39)(40)(41)44,46,47,53), but several studies did not report participation rates, potentially resulting in unknown selection bias (38,43,49,52). Selection bias is of particular concern in 1 study (34), in which participation depended upon a cancer diagnosis (including testicular cancer), thus having cancer may have affected the motivation for participation in that study. ...
The incidence of many hormone-dependent diseases, including testicular cancer, have sharply increased in all high-income countries during the 20th century. This is not fully explained by established risk factors. Concurrent, increasing exposure to antiandrogenic environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in fetal life may partially explain this trend. This systematic review assessed available evidence regarding the association between environmental EDC exposure and risk of testicular cancer (seminomas and non-seminomas). Following PRISMA guidelines, a search of English peer-reviewed literature published prior to December 14 th, 2020, in the databases PubMed and Embase® was performed. Among the 279 identified records, 19 were eligible for quality assessment and 10 for further meta-analysis. The completeness of reporting was high across papers, but over 50% were considered subject to potential risk of bias. Mean age at diagnosis was 31.9 years. None considered effects of EDCs multipollutant mixtures. The meta-analyses showed that maternal exposure to combined EDCs was associated with a higher risk of testicular cancer in male offspring (summary RRs: 2.16, (95% CI:1.78-2.62); 1.93 (95% CI:1.49-2.48); 2.78 (95% CI:2.27-3.41) for all, seminoma, non-seminoma respectively). Similarly, high maternal exposures to grouped organochlorines and organo-halogens were associated with higher risk of seminoma and non-seminoma in the offspring. Summary estimates related to postnatal adult male EDC exposures were inconsistent.Maternal but not postnatal adult male, EDC exposures were consistently associated with a higher risk of testicular cancer, particularly risk of non-seminomas. However, the quality of studies was mixed and considering the fields complexity, more prospective studies of prenatal EDC multipollutant mixture exposures and testicular cancer are needed.
The main mission of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC/WHO) is to conduct research for cancer prevention worldwide. The strategies of the IARC to reduce the occupational cancer burden include enhancing cancer surveillance, evaluating and classifying potential human carcinogens, and conducting epidemiological research to fill gaps in knowledge on occupationally related cancers. Beyond the IARC work, it is essential to systematically monitor occupational exposures in workplaces, in order to effectively protect workers. There are multiple sources of information about occupational exposures in workplaces, but they are often not used for hazard surveillance or for research. The Russian Federation has great potential to advance research and worker protection due to their strong tradition to monitor and record exposure concentrations in workplaces. Currently most evidence regarding occupational cancer burden comes from Western Europe and North America. Estimation of the burden of occupational cancer requires accurate data from local settings as extrapolating data from other settings may be misleading due to major differences in exposures, exposure pathways and baseline cancer risks. To fill this knowledge gap, it is important to conduct exposure surveillance and epidemiological studies on occupational cancer in the Russian Federation.
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In humans and dogs, a temporal decline in semen quality and increased incidence of testicular cancer is hypothesised to be associated with exposure to anthropogenic chemicals, particularly during fetal development. Human studies suggest that differential exposures to environmental chemicals may be associated with geographical differences in male reproductive health. Here we investigate testicular chemical profiles and pathologies in dogs residing in the UK [West Midlands (WM), East Midlands (EM), South East (SE)], Denmark (Copenhagen) and Finland (Vantaa). Testes, surplus from routine castrations, contained region specific differences in relative concentrations of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). Relative to UK regions, testes from dogs living in Finland and Denmark had higher concentrations of PBDE and lower concentrations of DEHP and PCBs. Regional differences in the UK in PCB concentrations were also observed. Dog testes from Finland had fewer pathologies, reduced testicular area stained for Sertoli and germ cells and evidence of reduced cellular proliferation. Since the geographical differences in testis pathologies in dogs parallel reports of regional differences in human testicular cancer, we postulate that this may reflect chemical effects within the testis and that this may be related to environmental influences on male reproductive function.
Résumé Objectif L’objectif de cette étude est de présenter l’évolution des données d’incidence et de mortalité du cancer des organes génitaux externes de l’homme dans l’Hérault à partir des données du Registre des tumeurs de l’Hérault (RTH) sur une période de 30 ans. Matériel et méthodes À partir de la base de données du RTH, nous avons étudié l’évolution des tumeurs germinales du testicule (TGT) et du cancer du pénis (CP) sur 30 ans (de 1987 à 2016). Nous avons analysé les données d’incidence et de mortalité de ces tumeurs. Nous avons comparé ces résultats aux données françaises, européennes et mondiales. Résultats En 30 ans d’enregistrement nous avons recensé 725 cas de TGT et 175 cas de CP. Le taux standardisé sur la population mondiale (TSM) d’incidence des TGT a doublé entre 1987 et 2016 (4,2/100 000 en 1987 et 9,3/100 000 en 2016). Il a été multiplié par 2,63 dans la population des patients de 30 à 44 ans. On observe une baisse du taux de mortalité avec un TSM à 0,8/100 000 en 1987, et 0,4/100 000 en 2016. Le TSM d’incidence des CP est stable entre 1987 et 2016 (TSM entre 0,4 et 0,9/100 000). La mortalité est stable avec un TSM entre 0,1 et 0,3/100 000 entre 1987 et 2016. Conclusion L’incidence des TGT a fortement augmenté dans l’Hérault durant les 30 dernières années alors que l’on observe une diminution de la mortalité. La proportion des tumeurs germinales séminomateuses augmente ; elle est passée de 53 % à 60 % en 30 ans dans l’Hérault. L’incidence et la mortalité du CP étaient stables dans l’Hérault durant les 30 dernières années.
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Testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most common cancers in men aged between 15 and 44 years and the incidence has increased steeply over the past 30 years. The rapid increase in the incidence, the spatial variation and the evolution of incidence in migrants suggest that environmental risk factors play a role in TGCT aetiology. The purpose of our review is to summarise the current state of knowledge on occupational and environmental factors thought to be associated with TGCT. A systematic literature search of PubMed. All selected articles were quality appraised by two independent researchers using the 'Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale'. After exclusion of duplicate reports, 72 relevant articles were selected; 65 assessed exposure in adulthood, 7 assessed parental exposures and 2 assessed both. Associations with occupation was reported for agricultural workers, construction workers, firemen, policemen, military personnel, as well as workers in paper, plastic or metal industries. Electromagnetic fields, PCBs and pesticides were also suggested. However, results were inconsistent and studies showing positive associations tended to had lower quality ranking using the assessment scale (p=0.02). Current evidence does not allow concluding on existence of any clear association between TGCT and adulthood occupational or environmental exposure. The limitations of the studies may partly explain the inconsistencies observed. The lack of association with adulthood exposure is in line with current hypotheses supporting the prenatal origin of TGCT. Future research should focus on prenatal or early life exposure, as well as combined effect of prenatal and later life exposure. National and international collaborative studies should allow for more adequately powered epidemiological studies. More sophisticated methods for assessing exposure as well as evaluating gene-environment interactions will be necessary to establish clear conclusion.
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Testicular dysgenesis syndrome (TDS) is a common disease that links testicular germ cell cancer, cryptorchidism and some cases of hypospadias and male infertility with impaired development of the testis. The incidence of these disorders has increased over the last few decades, and testicular cancer now affects 1% of the Danish and Norwegian male population. To identify genetic variants that span the four TDS phenotypes, the authors performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using Affymetrix Human SNP Array 6.0 to screen 488 patients with symptoms of TDS and 439 selected controls with excellent reproductive health. Furthermore, they developed a novel integrative method that combines GWAS data with other TDS-relevant data types and identified additional TDS markers. The most significant findings were replicated in an independent cohort of 671 Nordic men. Markers located in the region of TGFBR3 and BMP7 showed association with all TDS phenotypes in both the discovery and replication cohorts. An immunohistochemistry investigation confirmed the presence of transforming growth factor β receptor type III (TGFBR3) in peritubular and Leydig cells, in both fetal and adult testis. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the KITLG gene showed significant associations, but only with testicular cancer. The association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the TGFBR3 and BMP7 genes, which belong to the transforming growth factor β signalling pathway, suggests a role for this pathway in the pathogenesis of TDS. Integrating data from multiple layers can highlight findings in GWAS that are biologically relevant despite having border significance at currently accepted statistical levels.
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Information on individual long-term work history is often required in occupational studies of diseases. The Supplementary Pension Fund Register has kept individual information on all employments, including start and end, on a company level backdating to 1964 for all wage earners in Denmark. Based on the computerised information, which also includes the unique personal identification number, it is possible to link information on employment history to information on individuals in nationwide registers of diseases. Membership is compulsory and controlled by the Danish authorities, therefore information is considered to be accurate and complete. This register is unique and of high value in occupational epidemiology.
Several epidemiologic studies indicate an increased risk of brain tumors in farmers and suggest that occupational exposure to pesticides may play a role. This large case-control study in a wine-growing region shows an increased risk of glioma among subjects in the highest category of pesticide exposure.
Objectives The Nordic Occupational Cancer Study (NOCCA) is a large cohort study including 15 million people, based on the working population in one or more country specific census (FoB) in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland. The purpose of this study was to develop country specific job exposure matrices (JEMs) for each of the five countries to study increased risk of cancer from occupational exposure. This study presents the Swedish NOCCA-JEM. Methods The Swedish NOCCA-JEM was constructed on the basis of a Finnish matrix (FINJEM). The structure of the JEM is three-dimensional. It includes 17 chemical substances, more than 300 occupations and four time periods. The exposure has been characterised on the prevalence, P (%) and exposure level, L (eg, mg/m³) by a Nordic team of experts with the help of national exposure data files. Results Significant differences between the Nordic countries were observed for many exposures. For example, respirable silica dust-exposed foundry workers in Sweden had seven times higher exposure than in Denmark in the 1970s. In the 1990s, the Swedish exposure was reduced to 1/10 of levels of the 1970s. Conclusions The effort of the JEM construction process was very time consuming but it will now be utilised in numerous studies to translate the occupational title histories to cumulative exposure estimates. Occupational-specific cancer risk from NOCCA cohort have been published for 53 occupational categories in about 80 diagnostic cancer categories, altogether about 3 million cases. NOCCA-JEM now offers a tool to assess dose-response risk patterns of the studied cancers.
This paper reviews the use of the Finnish Information System on Occupational Exposure (Finnish job-exposure matrix, FINJEM) in different applications in Finland and other countries. We describe and discuss studies on FINJEM and studies utilizing FINJEM in regard to the validity of exposure estimates, occupational epidemiology, hazard surveillance and prevention, the assessment of health risks and the burden of disease, the assessment of exposure trends and future hazards, and the construction of job-exposure matrices (JEMs) in countries other than Finland. FINJEM can be used as an exposure assessment tool in occupational epidemiology, particularly in large register-based studies. It also provides information for hazard surveillance at the national level. It is able to identify occupations with high average exposures to chemical agents and can therefore serve the priority setting of prevention. However, it has only limited use at the workplace level due to the variability of exposure between workplaces. The national estimates of exposure and their temporal trends may contribute to the assessment of both the recent and future burden of work-related health outcomes. FINJEM has also proved to be useful in the construction of other national JEMs, for example in the Nordic Occupational Cancer study in the Nordic countries. FINJEM is a quantitative JEM, which can serve many purposes and its comprehensive documentation also makes it potentially useful in countries other than Finland.
Testicular cancer mainly affects White Caucasian populations, accounts for 1% of all male cancers, and is frequently the most common malignancy among young adult men. In light of the escalating rates of testicular cancer incidence in Europe, and in support of future planning to ensure optimal care of patients with what can be a curable disease, we predict the future burden in 40 European countries around 2025. Current observed trends were extrapolated with The prediction package NORDPRED model to estimate the future burden of testicular cancer in the context of changes in risk versus changes in demographics. Despite substantial heterogeneity in the rates, the vast majority of European countries will see an increasing burden over the next two decades. We estimate there will be 23,000 new cases of testicular cancer annually in Europe by 2025, a rise of 24% from 2005. Some of the most rapid increases in testicular cancer are observed in Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Spain, and a transition is underway, whereby recent attenuations and declines in rates in certain high-risk countries in Northern Europe contrast with the increasing trends and escalating burden in Southern Europe. According to our estimates for 2025, around one in 100 men will be diagnosed with the disease annually in the highest risk countries of Europe (Croatia, Slovenia and Norway). Elucidating the key determinants of testicular cancer and the equitable provision of optimal care for patients across Europe are priorities given the steady rise in the number of patients by 2025, and an absence of primary prevention opportunities. None.
The incidence of testicular cancer has been increasing over the past several decades in many developed countries. The reasons for the increases are unknown because the risk factors for the disease are poorly understood. Some research suggests that in utero exposures, or those in early childhood, are likely to be important in determining an individual's level of risk. However, other research suggests that exposure to various factors in adolescence and adulthood is also linked to the development of testicular cancer. Of these, two adult occupational exposures-fire fighting and aircraft maintenance--and one environmental exposure (to organochlorine pesticides) are likely to be associated with increased risk of developing testicular cancer. By contrast, seven of the identified factors--diet, types of physical activity, military service, police work as well as exposure to ionizing radiation, electricity and acrylamide--are unlikely to increase the risk of developing testicular cancer. Finally, seven further exposures--to heat, polyvinyl chloride, nonionizing radiation, heavy metals, agricultural work, pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls as well as marijuana use--require further study to determine their association with testicular cancer.
Previous job-exposure matrices (JEM) have usually cross-tabulated classified exposure information by chemical agent and occupational class. A new Finnish job-exposure matrix (FINJEM) was constructed for exposure assessment in large register-based studies. Unlike most other JEMs, FINJEM was designed to contain definitions, inferences, exposure data, and references. This documentation enables FINJEM to be applied also as a general exposure information system for hazard control, risk quantification and hazard surveillance. The system includes, e.g., workforce data, and it provides information on the numbers of exposed workers in Finland by agent, occupation, and level of exposure. The exposures of FINJEM cover major physical, chemical, microbiological, ergonomic, and psychosocial factors. The assessment period is 1945-1997, divided into several subperiods. Exposure is described by the prevalence of exposure and the level of exposure among the exposed, both estimated mainly on continuous scales. The user may also define the final criteria of exposure, and thereby influence the magnitude of misclassification.