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Towards a physiological management of the third stage that prevents postpartum haemorrhage

  • All The Way Homebirth Service


Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) rates for low-risk women having vaginal births in the Western world are reported as 5% (500ml), 1% (>1000ml), and 1% of women receiving blood transfusions as a result of these events. While it could be argued that these are the unavoidable by-products of birth, there is a need to question whether expedient placental delivery, allowing for fast contraction of the emptied uterus, and before platelets are used up and the use of gravity to expedite the process are the critical factors that have not been emphasized. Active management results in increased manual removal rates and expectant management causes increased atony by delaying placental delivery. Where there is greater acknowledgement that a shorter third stage results in a lower PPH rate, this leads to reappraisal of third stage management. The knowledge that the vast majority of placentas deliver in five minutes if the woman is in squatting position was seemingly forgotten when women stopped squatting to urinate and defecate and as a result of putting women under anaesthesia during delivery. Waiting for signs of separation causes unnecessary delay in third stage, thereby increasing the PPH rate. A protocol was devised based on timing the actions and non actions necessary at three, four and five minutes from the birth for delivery of the placenta using a squatting position. This idea was born out of an attempt to eliminate PPH, based on the logic that no animals experience any PPH, even those with the same placenta as humans, and vaginal delivery of a placenta weighing one kilo requires maternal effort, not passivity. 1000 consecutive attended homebirths resulted in a 0.6% PPH rate (500ml ), which compares favourably to the published PPH rates of other third stage protocols.
ne important aspect of a midwife’s work is to
observe and reflect on what these observations
mean. Most authorised views of anatomy and
physiology evolved from new observations. This is never
so important or as appropriate as when the midwife works
independently, since her setting involves more continuity
of care, offering her a more holistic viewpoint, and since
she has less outside support her outcomes are usually
directly a result of her own management.
In Western society, women have adopted lifestyles that are
far removed from their evolutionary species of primates.
The development of chairs led to the adoption of a sitting
rather than squatting position. Over some considerable
time, sophistication in lifestyles has meant that the
majority of women in the Western world have lost the
habit, and muscle and knee strength, involved in routine
squatting to urinate or defaecate where there are now
widespread use of toilets for these functions. There are
also aspects of protection and preservation which can also
be seen in higher primate behaviour, and which are now
largely hidden in societal norms for childbirth in the
Western world. An example of this is if an unknown
primate approaches a mother gorilla and her newborn
immediately after birth, the gorilla will sense threat and
attack. The instinct of human mothers to protect their
children from strangers may or may not be totally lost, but
it is rare to see a glimpse of it at birth where the majority
of women deliver in hospital and entrust their newborn to
a whole range of strangers previously unknown to them.
The argument for maintaining physiological birth as it
evolved over millions of years is difficult in the present
birth environment and this is probably even truer when it
comes to placental delivery.
Neither active nor expectant management
are physiological
There are currently two main approaches to management
of the third stage within formal Western health care.
The first is referred to as ‘actively’ managing placental
expulsion and the second is referred to as ‘expectant’
management or the non-interventionist, passive, and
physiological approach (McDonald 2007). However, in
fact they both actively manage the third stage. More
importantly, neither approach has evidence supporting its
ability to decrease or prevent PPH in low-risk women
(Fahy 2009).
Active management does what its description suggests in
being proactive in assisting the descent of the placenta
through the cervix by pulling on the cord. The protocol
calls for uterotonic within one minute of birth and
controlled cord ‘traction’. Active management has the
serious drawback of higher rates of manual extraction as
well as pain, caused by the uterotonics, which may
interfere with the mother’s ability to focus on the
establishment of breastfeeding. Active management is
associated with a reduction in PPH, but not in the absolute
sense, only when compared to the relatively poorer
outcomes of expectant management (McDonald 2007).
Magann et al (2005) concluded that the length of the third
stage was the critical factor in lowering the PPH rate, not
uterotonics. Any decrease in PPH using active management
may have little or nothing to do with the uterotonic but
rather because timely yanking on the cord gets the placenta
out more quickly than expectant management, albeit with
some cords breaking, sometimes leaving parts inside,
which necessitates manual extraction.
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 20:3 2010
Towards a physiological management of the third stage that prevents postpartum haemorrhage
Towards a physiological management
of the third stage that prevents
postpartum haemorrhage
Judy Slome Cohain
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) rates for low-risk women
having vaginal births in the Western world are reported as
5% (500ml), 1% (>1000ml), and 1% of women receiving
blood transfusions as a result of these events. While it
could be argued that these are accepted by-products of
birth, there is a need to question why both active and
expectant management appear to show no reduction in
those rates and whether this is because speed of
placental delivery is the critical factor that has not been
emphasised. Active management causes PPH because of
increased manual removal rates and expectant
management causes increased atony by delaying
placental delivery. Where there is greater
acknowledgement that a shorter third stage results in a
lower PPH rate, this leads to reappraisal of third stage
management. The knowledge that the vast majority of
placentas deliver in five minutes was seemingly forgotten
during the period of putting women under anaesthesia
during delivery. Waiting for signs of separation causes
unnecessary delay in third stage, thereby increasing the
PPH rate. A protocol was devised based on timing the
actions and non actions necessary at three, four and five
minutes from the birth for delivery of the placenta using
a squatting position. This idea was born out of an attempt
to eliminate PPH, based on the logic that vaginal delivery
of a placenta weighing one kilo requires maternal effort,
not passivity. In my practice, 350 consecutive attended
homebirths resulted in a 0.6% PPH rate (500ml ), which
compares favourably to the published PPH rates of other
third stage protocols.
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 20:3 2010
Towards a physiological management of the third stage that prevents postpartum haemorrhage
labour & birth
Expectant management entails waiting for signs of
placental separation, delayed cutting of the cord and
aiting for the placenta to deliver preferably
spontaneously, and if it does not deliver by 10–15
inutes, intervening with squatting, pushing, nipple
stimulation and/or infant sucking (McDonald 2007). Its
shortcoming derives from the incorrect assumption that
maternal effort is not needed to deliver the placenta unless
it doesnt deliver by 10–15 minutes after birth. What
miracle would explain why the woman pushes hard to get
even a 2 kilo or 2.5 kilo baby out, but a sticky 1 kilo
placenta attached to a slimy bag of membranes is
expected to slide down the uterus through a partially
closed cervix and down the narrow diameter of the vagina
by itself and quickly enough to avoid associated excessive
blood loss? In about 96% of cases, the placenta does
deliver uneventfully using expectant management, albeit
with maternal effort. But 4% of the time expectant
management results in PPH >500ml (Combs et al 1991,
Janssen et al 2002, Hofmeyr et al 2008, Janssen et al
2009). A theory, supported by current research, explaining
why expectant management results in a 4% PPH rate, is
because it delays the placental delivery needed to empty
the uterus enabling the uterus to contract the wound where
the placenta was attached.
Since expectant management often entails intervention,
‘passive’ or ‘non-interventionist’ are misnomers.
‘Physiological’ may be a misnomer as well, since the
resistance by women to squat immediately after birth may
not be physiological, but rather due to the relatively recent
invention of indoor plumbing. Counting off 10–15
minutes and then squatting is neither physiological nor
research-based, since a delay of even five minutes has
been shown to double the PPH rate (Magann et al 2005).
Instinctual third stage management is an oxymoron.
Instinctive birth is not divided into first, second and third
stages with various management protocols for each. One
might hypothesise that instinctive third stage would be
where the placenta followed immediately after the baby,
pulled along by the suction created by the body of the
fetus as it leaves a relatively airless cavity. The only
argument against delivering the placenta in a squatting
position at five minutes is a non-evidence based feeling
that it is not physiological to interfere with delivery of the
placenta until 10–15 minutes if it hasn’t delivered ‘on its
own’. The desire for a physiological third stage may be
admirable, but it is out of context with the way birth
currently takes place in the Western world. How many
women elect to birth physiologically when it involves
walking to the hospital, fetching drinking water from the
river, refusing the use of electricity, or food and drinks
that used electricity or gas to be produced, or going
outside to use an outhouse in the trees behind the
hospital? Most women forsake such a birth when they
leave the privacy of their home to give birth among
strangers, and not only that, take a car to get there. It is
unclear why the desire to return to nature suddenly
surfaces for the first 10–15 minutes after the baby is born.
Women rarely object to squatting to push the placenta out
at 4–5 minutes when it is explained to them that waiting
five minutes doubles their risk of PPH.
Placental separation takes ‘a very few minutes’
The 16
edition of Williams Obstetrics (Williams et al
980) describes the delivery of the placenta in great detail:
‘…as the baby is born (NB not after, but DURING the
delivery of the infant) immediately the uterus
spontaneously contracts down on its diminishing
ontents. Normally, by the time the infant is delivered, the
uterine cavity is nearly obliterated and the organ consists
of an almost solid mass of muscle, the fundus lying below
the umbilicus. This sudden diminution in uterine size
inevitably is accompanied by a decrease in the area of the
placental implantation site. Because of the limited
elasticity of the placenta it is forced to separate. During
cesarean section, this phenomenon can be observed
directly when the placenta is implanted posteriorly…
Placental separation occurs within a very few minutes
after delivery… The membranes usually remain in place
until the separation of the placenta is nearly completed.
They are then peeled off the uterine wall, partly by
further contraction of the myometrium and partly by
traction exerted by the separated placenta as it falls into
the lower uterine segment with the force of gravity and
uterine contraction… When the woman is upright, the
placenta may be expelled by abdominal pressure, but
women in the recumbent position frequently cannot expel
the placenta spontaneously.
Rates of 50% of placental deliveries within five minutes
(Dombrowski et al 1995) have been reported; however,
this rate was confounded by the routine use of oxytocin
before placental delivery, which can slow or prevent
delivery of the placenta by closing the cervix.
Recent ultrasound studies (Herman 2002, Mo & Rogers
2008) have taken great care to document whether
placentas separate all at once (monophasic) or from the
sides (multiphasic). The multiphasic separation was
further observed to take place either from the right, or the
left, or bipolar. These detailed observations have no
relevance for prevention of PPH. The length of time that
it took for the placenta to separate was not reported in a
single ultrasound study. These studies may only be
reporting part of the story, since they relate only to
placentas delivered in the prone position. No study has
examined when or how the placenta separates when the
woman is upright or squatting.
Seconds count
The median length of the third stage of labour was seven
minutes for women without a PPH and nine minutes for
women with a PPH (Magann et al 2005). Seconds make
large differences in PPH rates. Magann found the risk of
postpartum haemorrhage (>1000ml) to be twice as high
for third stages over 10 minutes compared to those under
10 minutes, four times as high for third stages over 20
minutes as under 20 minutes, and six times as high for
third stages over 30 minutes compared to those under 30
minutes. Each of the 6,588 women in this study received
10u of oxytocin upon delivery of the shoulder and 5.1%
of vaginal deliveries caused the loss of >1000 ml of blood.
Upright position eliminated during the period of
twilight sleep
Although the version of the textbook Williams Obstetrics
(Williams et al 1980) reports on the expedience of upright
position for placental delivery, protocols apparently had to
e adjusted for anaesthetised women during vaginal
elivery, who were unable to be upright for third stage.
espite the fact that twilight sleep and chloroform haven’t
been used for the past 30 years, current third stage
rotocols appear not to have readjusted to reflect this
change. One explanation for this may be an underlying
preference for intervention by carers rather than deferring
to woman-initiated actions. Typical Western practice
includes high rates of routines that are done to low risk
women such as prenatal ultrasound, induction,
augmentation, epidurals, vacuum and caesareans which
are promoted as being critical to delivering a healthy baby,
when in fact planned attended homebirth involving very
low rates of those interventions results in equally good
outcomes (Janssen et al 2002, Janssen et al 2009).
Fitting with the distrust of womens capacity to give birth
unaided, widespread objection to getting the woman into
an expedient position like squatting would be expected,
despite its obvious use of gravity and the diaphragm
muscles to facilitate separation and delivery of the
placenta in a timely fashion. Both Magann et al (2005)
and Dombrowski et al (1995), together observing over
52,000 births, found that the women whose placentas
were delivered within five minutes had the lowest PPH
rates. The researchers admit that the vast majority of
women had epidural anesthesia which would have made
it challenging to get them into a squatting position.
However, their conclusion was not to assist the woman to
expedite delivery of the placenta herself, but rather to
decrease the protocol for manual removal by the carer
from 30 minutes postpartum to 18 minutes (Magann et al
2005) or to 15 minutes (Dombrowski et al 1995). In a
population which does not use epidurals, taking five
minutes as a reputable baseline, I invited women to
expedite placental delivery themselves, and created
the protocol of 3, 4, 5, 10 minute third stage protocol
(Cohain 2010).
Redefining what is acceptable blood loss
If a contractor who builds houses had a reputation that 5%
leaked when it rained (PPH), and 1% of the houses needed
a costly overhaul (blood transfusion) every time it was
used, he would not have much business. Neither active nor
expectant management has shown a significant,
consistent reduction in the PPH rates reported in
industrialized countries in recent times (McDonald
2007). What this means is that both usually result in PPH
rates of 5% or more and blood transfusion rates of
1%–2%. I question the need for this excessive blood
loss in one of every 20 births and blood loss adequate
enough to justify blood transfusion in about one of every
100 births.
Exact blood loss is hard to measure but PPH is not
Wide ranges of PPH rates can be explained by inaccurate
assessments of blood loss (McDonald 2004). If a woman
delivers in a squatting position, using a bowl to catch all
blood at birth and subsequently measuring it with a
measuring cup is probably the most accurate way to
easure blood loss. There is still the problem of how
uch is amniotic fluid or urine, and so overestimation of
the amount of blood loss within the total is likely but
reduces the risk of underestimation. Without a bowl, it
may be difficult to distinguish exactly between 200 and
300ml or 600 and 700ml. However, defining the blood
loss as over 2 cups, or 500ml, is relatively easy, since
blood overflows the standard 60 x 90 disposable underpad
and flows on to the bed, chair, floor or bathtub, and clots
appear on the pad and floor. Alternatively, the blood clots
inside the uterus and if one or more 10cm diameter clots
emerge upon massage of the uterus, this is considered to
be a PPH. This is based on calculations that the volume of
one 10cm round clot = (4/3)π(5)³ = 524ml. Measuring the
diameter of a round clot is a skill which practitioners are
familiar with from measuring cervical dilation. If the clot
is 15cm in diameter, the volume of blood loss is 1766ml.
The protocol for the 3, 4, 5, 10 minute third stage
management is to use a digital watch or Programmed
Talking Timer that announces at three minutes, cut cord
if you like’, at four minutes, up to squatting and push’,
five minutes. push harder if placenta not out yet’, and ten
minutes, ‘check bleeding’. Use of the bowl is optional.
There will have already been a discussion with the woman
about adopting the squatting position for delivery of the
placenta. The exact time of the birth is noted on a digital
watch and said quietly out loud to help keep track of the
time. Immediate continuous skin-to-skin contact with the
baby is initiated for the first 3½ minutes postpartum. The
following is optional but recommended. At three minutes:
check to see if cord has stopped pulsing and cut non-
pulsing cords. At four minutes: if the placenta has not
delivered yet, assist the mother into a squatting position.
The mother is encouraged to push out placenta with or
without a contraction. At five minutes: if the placenta is
not yet born, assist the cord to come out further by gently
pulling it down another 5–20cm in length in order to bring
the placenta low enough to give the woman the urge to
push. At ten minutes: the uterus is massaged to check
for clots.
A bowl can be placed under the woman when she gets into
a squatting position to measure blood loss. Immediately
after delivery of the placenta, the mother is given a
sanitary pad, assisted into bed, and immediately given
the baby.
If bleeding is flowing from the vagina in a 1.5–2cm wide
stream, rather than dripping or spotting the pad, an
intramuscular shot of 10u Pitocin (oxytocin) or 0.2 mg
methergine is given at ten minutes postpartum. Early
suckling at the breast is encouraged.
To refer to the three minute timing, 99% of cords have
stopped pulsing by three minutes (McDonald 2007). The
timing of cord clamping does not affect the incidence of
PPH (McDonald 2007); however, having the baby
connected to the mother often delays the mother getting
into a squatting position, for which timing is critical. If the
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 20:3 2010
Towards a physiological management of the third stage that prevents postpartum haemorrhage
MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 20:3 2010
Towards a physiological management of the third stage that prevents postpartum haemorrhage
labour & birth
cord is not cut, delivery of the placenta may be delayed
by the juggling of the position of the baby relative to
the mother.
The 3, 4, 5, 10 minute third stage protocol has now been
sed to deliver 350 women with only two occasions of
PPH (0.6%). Both of these were in high-risk women
one with severe vulvodynia who had an unusual tear,
ripping a 1 inch strip of cartilage-like tissue which bled
profusely (500ml), and the other who had severe
emotional difficulties around the time of the birth and
wished to die (800ml). Among 350 births using the 3, 4,
5, 10 minute protocol, 347 (99%) delivered between five
and six minutes. Two women delivering their ninth babies
delivered at 15 minutes postpartum in these cases no
tension was put on the cord to pull it down because of the
multiparous uteri, and one first birth had a retained
placenta that was separated by hand and then removed at
30 minutes. Seven per cent of women required a shot of
Pitocin or methergine at 10 minutes.
New evidence is presented here indicating that 99% of
placentas in mothers who get into the squatting position
are separated and delivered around five minutes after
birth. This is subsequently associated with a low PPH rate,
with blood loss accurately measured in a bowl.
Several theories for this observation, or a combination of
the three, can be offered:
1. Squatting facilitates separation occurring more quickly.
2. Gravity and abdominal and diaphragm muscles speed
the delivery of an already separated placenta.
3. The increased speed of delivery could be mediated by an
unknown neurochemical pathway, such as the mother’s
confidence in her ability to birth.
A trial in various populations of women is recommended.
It is possible this protocol unnecessarily delays placental
delivery. Waiting to get the woman into a squatting
position at four minutes was chosen to allow for the cord
to stop pulsing at three minutes, for the convenience of
cutting the cord before squatting, and to allow some time
for the woman to examine her newborn. My tendency is
to stay with 3, 4, 5 because neither of the two PPHs were
likely to have been prevented with faster delivery of the
placenta, since one was from the tear, and one was
mediated by a psychological desire to die. There is no
evidence, however, for not getting the woman to squat at
wo or three minutes, for example.
It may surprise some that the 3, 4, 5 protocol contradicts
the practice of waiting for the four classic signs of
separation. Watching for signs of separation only causes
unnecessary delay which leads to an increase in PPH.
Caregivers still have to look for bleeding. An early gush of
blood before four minutes means the placenta has
separated right away and is ready for delivery before four
minutes. Once the woman is squatting several centimetres
above the floor, a gush of blood and cord extension are
poorly visualised and squatting makes it is impossible to
palpate a firm, globular uterus or see whether the uterus
rises in the abdomen. Waiting for the woman to feel
contractions only leads to unnecessary delay.
Perhaps other practitioners have tried similar protocols.
I would be very happy to correspond with any readers
about the protocol, with the aim of finding a third stage
protocol that prevents PPH.
Judy Slome Cohain is a private practitioner and
independent researcher working in the USA. Email:
ohain JS (2010). A proposed protocol for third stage management. Birth 37(1):84-5.
Combs CA, Murphy EL, Laros RK (1991). Factors associated with postpartum
hemorrhage with vaginal birth. Obstetrics and Gynecology 77(1):69-76.
Dombrowski MP, Bottoms SF, Saleh AA et al (1995). Third stage of labor: analysis of
duration and clinical practice. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
172(4,part 1):1279-84.
Fahy FM (2009). Third stage of labour care for women at low risk of postpartum
haemorrhage. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 54(5):380-6.
Herman A, Zimerman A, Arieli S et al (2002). Down-up sequential separation of the
placenta. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 19(3):278-81.
Hofmeyr GJ, Abdel-Aleem H, Abdel-Aleem MA (2008). Uterine massage for
preventing postpartum haemorrhage. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Issue 3.
Janssen PA, Lee SK, Ryan EM et al (2002). Outcomes of planned home births versus
planned hospital births after regulation of midwifery in British Columbia. CMAJ
Janssen PA, Saxell L, Page LA et al (2009). Outcomes of planned home birth with
registered midwife versus planned hospital birth with midwife or physician. CMAJ
Magann EF, Evans S, Chauhan SP et al (2005). The length of the third stage of labor
and the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Obstetrics and Gynecology 105(2):290-3.
McDonald S (2007). Management of the third stage of labor. Journal of Midwifery &
Women’s Health 52(3):254-61.
McDonald S, Abbott JM, Higgins SP (2004). Prophylactic ergometrine-oxytocin versus
oxytocin for the third stage of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 1.
Mo A, Rogers MS (2008). Sonographic examination of uteroplacental separation
during the third stage of labor. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 31(4):427-31.
Williams JW, Pritchard JA, MacDonald PC (1980). Williams Obstetrics. 16th ed. New
York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Cohain JS. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, vol 20, no 3, September 2010,
pp 348–351.
Original article. © MIDIRS 2010.
Editor’s note:
A recent Cochrane review has been published which looks again at the evidence for management of the third stage:
Begley CM, Gyte GML, Murphy DJ et al (2010). Active versus expectant management for women in the third stage of
labour. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, issue 7.
A MIDIRS review of this is planned for the December issue of Essentially MIDIRS.
Full-text available
Fathers of young infants have a crucial role to play in the promotion, support and protection of breastfeeding as women often face many challenges during the post-partum period. The World Health Organization recommends paying particular attention to participation by the male partners in child and maternal health as they also have responsibilities and roles to play in nurturing their young ones and supporting their families. The focus of this research was to explore and to describe the perceived roles of fathers in the support, protection and promotion of breastfeeding. This study adopted a qualitative method using an explorative and descriptive design, and the sample included twelve fathers of infants aged less than six months at Schoonoord Village, Sekhukhune District, Limpopo province, South Africa. Using in-depth individual unstructured interviews, data were collected until data saturation was attained and analysed using Tesch’s open-coding method. The findings show that fathers perceive breastfeeding to be the optimum feeding choice for the baby and beneficial to the mother. Provision of emotional and financial support to the women, protection of the mother and the baby, motivation and assistance in seeking healthcare emerged as the key roles of fathers during the breastfeeding period. This study recommends that fathers be involved in breastfeeding counselling and that healthcare providers create an environment that is conducive to the participation of fathers in the topic of infant feeding. Keywords: fathers; roles; promotion; support; protection; breastfeeding
Full-text available
We are all trained to believe that a certain percent of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and perineal tears are unavoidable at human vaginal birth. We accept this as truth despite the fact that all other primates with the same type of placenta as humans experience no PPH and horses with about the same diameter vagina as humans never tear while delivering 200 pound foals. In my practice, for the past 20 years, I have used the following protocol to deliver the placenta at 875 consecutive births without a single PPH.(1,2) I call it Judy’s 3-4-5. The protocol: At the 36-week prenatal visit, the practitioner squats in front of the client to demonstrate how she will deliver her placenta. At birth, immediate continuous skin-to-skin contact with the baby for the first 3 1 ⁄ 2 minutes postpartum. If the mother gives permission, the cord is cut at 3 1/2 minutes postpartum while the baby is in her mother’s arms. It is not necessary to cut the cord but it makes it easier for the woman to get into squatting and the more expediently she squats and delivers the placenta, the less blood she loses. The midwife keeps hands off the fundus and the cord. At 4 minutes: The midwife verbally directs the mother into a squatting position on the floor with both feet flat on the floor. If the cord is cut, the baby is handed to someone, kept warm by covering the baby well. The midwife verbally encourages the woman to push out the placenta without a contraction. It helps to say, “the placenta is right there, ready to deliver! Just give a push!” The woman pushes and births the placenta. The time of delivery is noted. Immediately after delivery of the placenta, the mother is dressed with a pad, assisted into the bed and given the baby. The uterus is massaged once to check for clots. If 250 cc or more are lost in 5 minutes after delivery, a shot of either 10 u Pitocin, 0.2 mg methergine or 0.125mg Methergine PO is given at 10 minutes postpartum. Early suckling at the breast is initiated. To prevent perineal tearing, I deliver the head slowly, encouraging the woman to pant for an extra 30 seconds as the head emerges, to allow the perineum to stretch. Using this protocol, I no longer carry a suture kit in my equipment because i dont need it. I dont get any tears. I find that one 5 minute session with the EPINO birth trainer at 38 weeks assists in preparing women for the intense pain of panting an extra 30 seconds as the head emerges. (3) I invite practitioners to join my multi site testing of these protocols. The test questionaire can be obtained by emailing me
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Sir, I read with distress the biased debate about planned home births in the August issue which failed to mind the knowledge of home birth practitioners.[1] Dr Chervenak presents himself as an expert on homebirth when his knowledge is narrowly confined to hospital births. The five high quality planned home birth studies—Janssen (2002, 2009), Hutton (2009), deJonge (2009) and Birthplace Collaborative (2011)—studied 348 583 home births, and proved planned home birth to have equivalent perinatal outcomes and significantly less maternal morbidity and mortality. Who should have a home birth? Any woman who wants to be guaranteed she will survive birth. Since their inception, hospitals have higher infection rates. Hospital births also involve impersonal treatment, overuse of caesareans, inductions, augmentations, epidurals, EFM, AROM, and vaginal exams. Having six vaginal exams significantly increases rates of Newborn GBS disease.[2] In the USA, 300+ women die annually of avoidable caesareans and inductions, while only about 50 term newborns die of Newborn GBS. Yet, every year, a million term pregnancies are made crazy by fears of GBS and given prophylactic i.v. antibiotics, but are not warned of the mother's risk of dying at a hospital birth. Maternal mortality has been rising since 1987. Today 1 in 2345 low-risk women die at hospital births[3] and 1 in 1000 low-risk women almost die at hospital birth.[4] Not a single maternal death has been documented at homebirth in the presence of a trained practitioner in the past 40 years. AJOG Editor Chervenak crusades against homebirth, self-publishing his unsound work, critiqued elsewhere. If a compelling advantage to hospital birth existed, as he suggests, it would have been uncovered in the five objective homebirth studies. Cord prolapse is the only event with better outcomes in hospital, but it is completely preventable during attended labour by avoiding vaginal exams. Placental abruption and uterine rupture happen at high risk births only. Pre-eclampsia will not come as a surprise if the woman's blood pressure is taken. Fetal heart decelerations rarely happen at homebirth and are treated by position change and pain relief. Shoulder dystocia has better outcomes at homebirth.[5] There is no quality research supporting induction for postdates.[6] Meconium aspiration and TTN can be prevented by delaying the delivery of the body until the newborn's lungs are drained. Ultrasound does not result in better outcomes, just more worried mothers. Dr Chervenak claims that predicting a good outcome, even for a low risk birth, is a ‘clinical fiction’. Having 100% good outcomes are a clinical fiction at hospital births, but not at homebirths. In hospital, of the healthy, term mothers in labour, with normal BMI, adequate nutrition, negative organ scan, a head-down fetus, EFW ~3 kg, and with reassuring fetal heart on arrival to hospital, 30% are given caesareans, killing at least 1 in 10 000 women. At planned attended homebirth with a motivated, well-trained practitioner, these same births end in living moms who have healthy babies, and vaginal births with no need for stitches and without a postpartum haemorrhage, if the head is delivered slowly and Judy's 3,4,5 protocol is used, which eliminates PPH at both low and high risk births.[7] • 1 Grünebaum A, McCullough LB, Arabin B, Brent RL, Levene MI, Chervenak FA. Home birth is unsafe. For: The safety of planned homebirths: a clinical fiction. BJOG 2015;122:1235. • 2 Heath PT, Balfour GF, Tighe H, Verlander NQ, Lamagni TL, Efstratiou A, HPA GBS Working Group. Group B streptococcal disease in infants: a case control study. Arch Dis Child 2009;94:674–80. • 3 Mishanina E, Rogozinska E, Thatthi T, Uddin-Khan R, Khan KS, Meads C. Induction of labour. CMAJ2014;186:1247. • 4 Danilack VA, Nunes AP, Phipps MG. Unexpected complications of low-risk pregnancies in the United States caused by delivering in hospital. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015;212:809.e1–6. • 5Kallianidis AF, Smit M, van Roosmalen J. Shoulder dystocia in primary midwifery care in the Netherlands. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2015; • 6 Cohain JS. To what extent does English language RCT meta-analysis justify induction of low risk pregnancy for postdates? J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 2015;44:393–7. • 7 Cohain JS. Towards a physiological management of the third stage that prevents postpartum haemorrhage. MIDIRS Midw Dig 2010;20:348–51. First published: 20 May 2016 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.
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Method: Judy’s 3,4,5 minute third stage protocol: At some point during labor, the practitioner squats in front of the client to demonstrate how the client will get into squatting at 4 minutes postpartum and deliver her placenta 5 minutes after the birth. Clients who are unable to replicate a squatting position are told to do as best they can. At the birth, immediate continuous skin-to-skin contact with the baby is initiated for the first 3 1 ⁄ 2 minutes postpartum. If the mother gives permission, the cord is cut at 3 1/2 minutes postpartum. Since all cords have stopped pulsing by 3 ½ minutes except where the cord is surrounded by 37 degree C. air or water, it is explained to the clients that there are no drawbacks to cutting the cord at 3 ½ minutes and that cutting the cord at 3 1/2 minutes makes it easier for the woman to get into squatting by 4 minutes and squatting at 4 minutes will reduce the risk of PPH. It is explained to her that the more expediently she squats, the less blood she loses. If the cord is cut, the baby is handed to someone or placed for one minute near the mother, kept warm by covering the baby well. If the client insists on not cutting the cord, the baby is placed at the feet of the mother, attached to the cord. At 4 minutes: The practitioner verbally directs the mother into a squatting position. The practitioner encourages the woman to push out the placenta without a contraction. It is helpful to say things like: “the placenta is right there, ready to deliver! Just give a push!” The woman pushes and births the placenta. The practitioner keeps hands off the fundus and the cord except in high risk cases of very low platelets or history of previous PPH in which more expedient cord traction may speed delivery of the placenta, reducing blood loss. The time of delivery is noted. Immediately after delivery of the placenta, the mother lays down, a sanitary pad is placed on the mother and she is immediately given the baby. The uterus is massaged once soon after to check for clots. If one cup or 200 cc of bleeding is estimated to come out in the next 5 minutes, i.e. by 10 minutes postpartum, a shot of either 10 u Pitocin IM, 0.2 mg Methergine IM or Methergine 0.125mg PO are given, depending on the amount of bleeding. Early suckling at the breast is initiated, which generally takes place between 10 and 45 minutes postpartum depending on the baby.
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The choice to give birth at home with a regulated midwife in attendance became available to expectant women in British Columbia in 1998. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety of home birth by comparing perinatal outcomes for planned home births attended by regulated midwives with those for planned hospital births. We compared the outcomes of 862 planned home births attended by midwives with those of planned hospital births attended by either midwives (n = 571) or physicians (n = 743). Comparison subjects who were similar in their obstetric risk status were selected from hospitals in which the midwives who were conducting the home births had hospital privileges. Our study population included all home births that occurred between Jan. 1, 1998, and Dec. 31, 1999. Women who gave birth at home attended by a midwife had fewer procedures during labour compared with women who gave birth in hospital attended by a physician. After adjustment for maternal age, lone parent status, income quintile, use of any versus no substances and parity, women in the home birth group were less likely to have epidural analgesia (odds ratio 0.20, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.14-0.27), be induced, have their labours augmented with oxytocin or prostaglandins, or have an episiotomy. Comparison of home births with hospital births attended by a midwife showed very similar and equally significant differences. The adjusted odds ratio for cesarean section in the home birth group compared with physician-attended hospital births was 0.3 (95% CI 0.22-0.43). Rates of perinatal mortality, 5-minute Apgar scores, meconium aspiration syndrome or need for transfer to a different hospital for specialized newborn care were very similar for the home birth group and for births in hospital attended by a physician. The adjusted odds ratio for Apgar scores lower than 7 at 5 minutes in the home birth group compared with physician-attended hospital births was 0.84 (95% CI 0.32-2.19). There was no increased maternal or neonatal risk associated with planned home birth under the care of a regulated midwife. The rates of some adverse outcomes were too low for us to draw statistical comparisons, and ongoing evaluation of home birth is warranted.
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) (bleeding from the genital tract after childbirth) is a major cause of maternal mortality and disability, particularly in under-resourced areas. In these settings, poor nutrition, malaria and anaemia may aggravate the effects of PPH. In addition to the standard known strategies to prevent and treat PPH, there is a need for simple, non-expensive techniques which can be applied in low-resourced settings to prevent or treat PPH. To determine the effectiveness of uterine massage after birth and before or after delivery of the placenta, or both, to reduce postpartum blood loss and associated morbidity and mortality. We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group's Trials Register (March 2008), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (The Cochrane Library 2007, Issue 2) and PubMed (1966 to June 2007). All published, unpublished and ongoing randomised controlled trials comparing uterine massage alone or in addition to uterotonics before or after delivery of the placenta, or both, to non-massage. Both authors extracted the data independently using the agreed form. One randomised controlled trial in which 200 women were randomised to receive uterine massage or no massage after active management of the third stage of labour. The numbers of women with blood loss more than 500 ml was small, with wide confidence intervals and no statistically significant difference (risk ratio (RR) 0.52, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.16 to 1.67). There were no cases of retained placenta in either group. The mean blood loss was less in the uterine massage group at 30 minutes (mean difference (MD) -41.60, 95% CI -75.16 to -8.04) and 60 minutes after enrolment (MD -77.40, 95% CI -118.71 to -36.09 ml) . The need for additional uterotonics was reduced in the uterine massage group (RR 0.20, 95% CI 0.08 to 0.50). Two blood transfusions were administered in the control group. The present review adds support to the 2004 joint statement of the International Confederation of Midwives and the International Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians on the management of the third stage of labour, that uterine massage after delivery of the placenta is advised to prevent PPH. However, due to the limitations of the one trial reviewed, trials with sufficient numbers to estimate the effects of sustained uterine massage with great precision, both with and in the absence of uterotonics, are needed.
In normal birth there should be a valid reason to interfere with normal processes. Yet, active management of third stage labor is being imposed on women who have no known risks of postpartum hemorrhage. This article examines the evidence from existing randomised trials comparing active and physiological third stage care for its relevance and validity to the effectiveness of physiological third stage care for women who are at low risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Consideration is given to midwifery and medical perspectives of the following definitions: 'postpartum hemorrhage'; 'low-risk status'; 'active'; 'expectant' and 'physiological' third stage care. A systematic search of the research literature regarding the third stage of labour is described. Four randomised trials and a meta-analysis by Cochrane were considered. These studies are examined in terms of their potential generalisability to women who are at low risk of postpartum hemorrhage. All trials included women who were at high risk of postpartum hemorrhage. The existing research does not provide relevant and valid evidence about the effectiveness of physiological third stage care, as defined by midwives, for women who are at low risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
A case-control study was performed to study risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage. Cases of hemorrhage were defined by a hematocrit decrease of 10 points or more between admission and post-delivery or by the need for red-cell transfusion. Patients with antenatal bleeding were excluded. Among 9598 vaginal deliveries, postpartum hemorrhage occurred in 374 cases (3.9%). Three controls were matched to each case and multiple logistic regression was used to control for covariance among predictor variables. Factors having a significant association with hemorrhage were prolonged third stage of labor (adjusted odds ratio 7.56), preeclampsia (odds ratio 5.02), mediolateral episiotomy (4.67), previous postpartum hemorrhage (3.55), twins (3.31), arrest of descent (2.91), soft-tissue lacerations (2.05), augmented labor (1.66), forceps or vacuum delivery (1.66), Asian (1.73) or Hispanic (1.66) ethnicity, midline episiotomy (1.58), and nulliparity (1.45). These data may help predict postpartum hemorrhage and may be useful in counseling patients about the advisability of home delivery, intravenous access in labor, or autologous blood donation.
Our purpose was to record gestational age-specific data for third-stage duration of labor, frequencies of retained placentas (undelivered at 30 minutes), manual removal of the placenta, and hemorrhage. Included were 45,852 singleton deliveries > or = 20 weeks' gestation from 1984 to 1992. Odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and actuarial life analysis with censoring of cases with manual placenta removal were performed. The frequency of retained placentas (2.0% overall) was markedly increased among gestations < or = 26 weeks (odds ratio 20.8, 95% confidence interval 17.1 to 25.4) and < 37 weeks (odds ratio 3.0, 95% confidence interval 2.6 to 3.5) compared with term. The frequency of manual removal (3.0% overall) was increased among gestations < or = 26 weeks (odds ratio 9.2, 95% confidence interval 7.5 to 11.4) and < 37 weeks (odds ratio 2.8, 95% confidence interval 2.4 to 3.1) compared with term. Hemorrhage (3.5% overall) was increased among subjects with manual placenta removal (odds ratio 10.4, 95% confidence interval 9.1 to 11.9); hemorrhage was also increased among gestations < or = 26 weeks (odds ratio 3.0, 95% confidence interval 2.3 to 4.0) and < 37 weeks (odds ratio 1.2, 95% confidence interval 1.01 to 1.3) compared with term. The frequency of hemorrhage peaked by 40 minutes regardless of gestational age. Life-table analysis predicted 90% of placentas would spontaneously deliver by 180 minutes for gestations at 20 weeks, 21 minutes at 30 weeks, and 14 minutes at 40 weeks; the predicted frequency of retained placentas was 42% higher than the recorded incidence. The duration of the third stage decreases and the frequencies of hemorrhage and manual removal decrease with increasing gestational age. Hemorrhage was associated with manual placental removal. Life-table analysis indicated that manual removal of placentas shortened the duration of the third stage of labor, especially among preterm deliveries. A prospective trial is needed to determine whether manual placental removal can reduce hemorrhage among prolonged third stages.
To characterize the patterns of placental separation during the third stage of labor. Continuous real-time ultrasound was performed during the third stage of labor in 101 normal deliveries. The sequence of placental separation was recorded for determining whether the process was multiphasic, the site from which separation commenced and the mode of its progression. Separation in 97 cases was multiphasic. Monophasic separation in which all parts of the placenta appeared to separate simultaneously occurred in two cases only. Pathological prolongation of the third stage precluded determination of separation in two cases. Ninety-two cases had a uterine wall placenta (anterior or posterior); the separation commenced at one pole and progressed sequentially towards the opposite side in 89 of them. The process started at the lower pole (down-up separation) in 83/92 cases (90.2%) and began from the upper pole (up-down separation) in only 6/92 cases (6.5%). Nine cases had a fundal placenta; of these the separation was also multiphasic but began sequentially from either the anterior or posterior pole, or simultaneously from both, in 8 (88.9%) cases so that the fundal part was separated last (bipolar separation). Placental separation is usually an orderly multiphasic phenomenon that begins mostly from the lower pole of the placenta and propagates sequentially upwards. Fundal placentae, however, separate first at their poles with the fundal part being separated last. Recognition of the sequence of events and understanding of the mechanism of placental separation may aid in detecting cases prone to third-stage complications and in managing pathological ones.
Background: The routine prophylactic administration of an uterotonic agent is an integral part of active management of the third stage of labour, helping to prevent postpartum haemorrhage (PPH). The two most widely used uterotonic agents are: ergometrine-oxytocin (Syntometrine) (a combination of oxytocin 5 international units (iu) and ergometrine 0.5 mg) and oxytocin (Syntocinon). Objectives: To compare the effects of ergometrine-oxytocin with oxytocin in reducing the risk of PPH (blood loss of at least 500 ml) and other maternal and neonatal outcomes. Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register (May 2003). Selection criteria: Randomised trials comparing ergometrine-oxytocin use with oxytocin use in women having the third stage of labour managed actively. Data collection and analysis: We independently assessed trial eligibility and quality and extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information. Main results: Six trials were included (9332 women). Compared with oxytocin, ergometrine-oxytocin was associated with a small reduction in the risk of PPH using the definition of PPH of blood loss of at least 500 ml (odds ratio 0.82, 95% confidence interval 0.71 to 0.95). This advantage was found for both a dose of 5 iu oxytocin and a dose of 10 iu oxytocin, but was greater for the lower dose. There was no difference detected between the groups using either 5 or 10 iu for the stricter definition of PPH of blood loss at least 1000 ml. Adverse effects of vomiting, nausea and hypertension were more likely to be associated with the use of ergometrine-oxytocin. When heterogeneity between trials was taken into account there were no statistically significant differences found for the other maternal or neonatal outcomes. Reviewer's conclusions: The use of ergometrine-oxytocin as part of the routine active management of the third stage of labour appears to be associated with a small but statistically significant reduction in the risk of PPH when compared to oxytocin for blood loss of 500 ml or more. No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups for blood loss of 1000 ml or more. A statistically significant difference was observed in the presence of maternal side-effects, including elevation of diastolic blood pressure, vomiting and nausea, associated with ergometrine-oxytocin use compared to oxytocin use. Thus, the advantage of a reduction in the risk of PPH, between 500 and 1000 ml blood loss, needs to be weighed against the adverse side-effects associated with the use of ergometrine-oxytocin.
To estimate whether the length of the third stage of labor is correlated with postpartum hemorrhage. In this prospective observational study women delivering vaginally in a tertiary obstetric hospital were assessed for postpartum hemorrhage. All women were actively managed with the administration of oxytocin upon delivery of the anterior shoulder. Blood loss was measured at each delivery in collecting devices, and drapes and sheets were weighed to calculate the blood loss at each vaginal delivery. Postpartum hemorrhage was defined as more than 1,000 mL blood loss or hemodynamic instability related to blood loss requiring a blood transfusion. During a 24-month period there were 6,588 vaginal deliveries in a single tertiary obstetric hospital, and postpartum hemorrhage occurred in 335 of these (5.1%). The median length of the third stage of labor was similar in women having and those not having a postpartum hemorrhage. The risk of postpartum hemorrhage was significant at 10 minutes, odds ratio (OR) 2.1, 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.6-2.6; at 20 minutes, OR 4.3, 95% CI 3.3-5.5; and at 30 minutes OR 6.2, 95% CI 4.6-8.2. The best predictor for postpartum hemorrhage using receiver operating characteristic curves was 18 minutes. A third stage of labor longer than 18 minutes is associated with a significant risk of postpartum hemorrhage. After 30 minutes the odds of having postpartum hemorrhage are 6 times higher than before 30 minutes. III.