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Two new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the North West region of Western Australia

  • National Herbarium of NSW
  • Queensland herbarium

Abstract and Figures

Two new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the North West region of Western Australia. Utricularia byrneana R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro and U. wannanii R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro are described as new and are considered members of Utricularia subgen. Polypompholyx section Pleiochasia. The distribution and habitat preferences of these species are discussed. Two individual taxonomic keys are provided representing the groups in which the new species are most likely to be closely related. Specifically, Utricularia byrneana is compared with species from Western Australia possessing hollow peduncles namely U. fistulosa P.Taylor and U. tubulata F. Muell., while U. wannanii is compared to species possessing connate bracts and bracteoles namely U. dunlopii P.Taylor, U. georgei P.Tayor and U. kimberleyensis C.A.Gardener, as well as close relative U. uniflora R.Br.
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© 2015 Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust • • ISSN 0312-9764 (Print) ISSN 2200-4025 (Online)
Journal of Plant Systematics
Volume 18: 201–208
Publication date: 21 August 2015
Two new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the
North West region of Western Australia
Richard W. Jobson1 and Paulo C. Baleeiro1,2
1National Herbarium of New South Wales, Mrs Macquaries Road, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia.
2Department of Botany, University of Sao Paulo, St. Rua do Matão, 277. 05508-900 São Paulo, Brazil.
Two new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from the North West region of Western Australia. Utricularia
byrneana R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro and U. wannanii R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro are described as new and are considered
members of Utricularia subgen. Polypompholyx section Pleiochasia. The distribution and habitat preferences
of these species are discussed. Two individual taxonomic keys are provided representing the groups in which
the new species are most likely to be closely related. Specifically, Utricularia byrneana is compared with species
from Western Australia possessing hollow peduncles namely U. fistulosa P.Taylor and U. tubulata F. Mu e l l . ,
while U.wannanii is compared to species possessing connate bracts and bracteoles namely U.dunlopii P. Tay l o r ,
U.georgei P.Tayor and U. kimberleyensis C.A.Gardener, as well as close relative U.uniflora R.B r.
The two species named here possess a two-parted calyx, lack scales on their peduncles, and have bladder-traps with
a single unbranched dorsal appendage and are therefore considered members of Utricularia subgen. Polypompholyx
(Lehm.) P.Taylor sect. Pleiochasia Kamiénski (Taylor 1989; Jobson et al. 2003; Reut and Jobson 2010).
Recognition as distinct species is supported by morphological data (this paper), and preliminary molecular
phylogenetic results (Jobson et al., in prep). Within sect. Pleiochasia, U. byrneana is found to always have a
hollow peduncle (Figs 1, 2); a synapomorphy for members of the ‘group B’ clade (Reut and Jobson 2010),
mostly distributed across Northern Australia (Fig. 5).
Utricularia wannanii is found to have basisolute bracts and bracteoles with the inferior part connate forming
a sleeve-like structure (Figs 3, 4), a character restricted to three other northern Australian species U. georgei
P.Taylor (Taylor 1989, fig. 16, p. 124), U. dunlopii P.Taylor (ibid., fig. 34, p. 164), and U. kimberleyensis C.A.Gardner
(ibid., fig. 15, p. 122).
The south east Australian species U. uniflora R.Br. (Taylor 1989, fig. 14, p. 120) was phylogenetically placed
sister to U. kimberleyensis (Reut and Jobson 2010), and on close examination of the bracts and bracteoles across
a number of herbarium species, these organs were found to be shortly basisolute, with inferior parts forming
slight connections towards the base (Jobson pers. observation; Taylor 1989, fig. 14, p. 120).
202 Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 Jobson and Baleeiro
These two new taxa are herein named and their morphology is compared with related species, for which
distinguishing characters are discussed and presented in two diagnostic identification keys. This paper also
provides notes on their distribution and ecology, phenology, and conservation status. Terminology, including
corolla colour, follows Taylor (1989).
Relevant dried and alcohol-preserved material representing all related species, held at the National Herbarium
of New South Wales (NSW) and Western Australia Herbarium (PERTH), were examined. Material of
U.byrneana was examined from fresh and sheet collections, while examination of U. wannanii was performed
on spirit material of a single collection held at NSW. Seed and pollen were examined using an Olympus CH
compound microscope (magnification X100). The distribution map presented (Fig. 5) was generated using
DIVA-GIS 7.1.7 (Hijmans et al. 2005).
Utricularia byrneana R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Similar to U. fistulosa P.Taylor but differs in having leaves lanceolate, corolla mauve with two raised
yellow ridges at base, corolla spur cylindrical, apex rounded, shorter than lower lip, seeds cylindrical, trap
dorsal appendage short.
Type : AUSTRALIA: W A: Dampierland: Taylors Lagoon, E of Broome (17.785°S, 122.893°E),
30 April 2014, R.W. Jobson 2325 & P. B al ee i r o (holo: NSW; iso: PERTH).
Small to medium-sized perennial, terrestrial herb. Rhizoids capillary, simple, up to 15 mm long, tapering from
0.2 mm thick at base to 0.07 mm near apex, numerous from base of peduncle, rarely with one from node of
stolon. Stolons few, filiform, hollow, 0.2–0.3 mm thick, up to 30 mm long, internode length 5–7.5 mm long.
Leaves numerous, few from base of peduncle and in pairs, or sometimes in whorl of four from stolon internodes,
not obviously petiolate; lamina lanceolate, c. 10–22 mm long, 0.3–0.7 mm wide, hollow near base, single nerve,
apex acute or rounded. Traps stalked, few at base of peduncle and rarely 1 at nodes of stolon, ± uniform, ovoid,
1–2 mm long; mouth lateral, with a short dorsal appendage c. 0.4 mm long; two lateral appendages simple, short
c. 0.4 mm long, ventral wings absent. Inflorescence erect, solitary 60–170 mm long; peduncle terete, glabrous,
hollow, 0.2–0.9 mm thick. Scales absent. Bracts and bracteoles 1–1.5 mm long, ± similar, basifixed, slightly
gibbous at base, narrowly ovate with apex rounded. Flowers rarely 1, usually 2 in opposite pairs, or a whorl
of three, pedicels erect, filiform, slightly tapering apically, 2–10 mm long. Calyx lobes unequal; upper lobe
c.3mm long, 2.3 mm wide, broadly ovate with apex rounded; lower lobe c. 2 mm long 2.2 mm wide with apex
emarginate. Corolla mauve; lower lip 3–8 mm long with two prominently raised yellow (becoming white near
apices) ridges at base, with 3 prominently raised mauve ridges on either side, bordered by dark violet V-shaped
markings forming a thick band, outer and central ridges equal in length; upper lip constricted near base,
superior part obovate with apex emarginate or slightly bilobed, inferior part broadly ovate, ciliate on margin.
Lower lip limb transversely elliptic or ± flat, weakly 3-lobed with apex rounded; palate shortly pubescent, with
a marginal rim; spur cylindrical, straight or curved forwards near middle, apex rounded, parallel with, and
c.half as long as lower-lip. Staminal filaments straight, c. 1.5 mm long, anther thecae sub-distinct. Ovary ovoid,
c. 1 mm long; style short (half as long as ovary); stigma with lower lip transversely elliptic, upper lip smaller,
deltoid. Capsule globose, 2–3 mm diam., walls thin, dehiscing by a single, ventral, longitudinal, marginally
thickened slit. Seeds cylindrical, c. 0.35 mm long, 0.15 mm wide. Pollen: 3-colporate, c. 30 × 30 m and
35 × 20m (Jobson 2325, NSW852619) (Figs 1, 2a, b).
Additional specimens examined: W A: Dampierland: Broome, Taylors Lagoon, G.Byrne3502,
26 Jul 2008 (PERTH8097070); Dampier Peninsula, A. Lowrie 4024, 23 Jul 2009 (HL, NSW854053); Dampier
Peninsula, 1 km S of track to La-Djardarr Bay, R.W. Jobson 2323 & P. Baleeiro, 29 Apr 2014 (NSW852612).
Etymology: The specific epithet honours Dr Geoff and Ruth Byrne who together recognised the uniqueness
of this species and made the first known collection of U.byrneana.
Phenology: Flowers and fruits recorded in April and late July. Seed-set has been observed in three specimens:
R.W. Jobson 2325 & P. Baleeiro (type), R.W. Jobson 2323 & P. Baleeiro, and Lowrie 4024 representing northern
and southern populations. Personal observation at the type location indicates fresh flowers emanate a strong
sweet musk-like fragrance.
Two new species of Utricularia from Western Australia Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 203
Fig . 1. Utricularia byrneana a, habit; b, bracts and bracteoles with pedicel base in situ; c, flower in frontal view; d, flower
in lateral view; e, flower in dorsal view; f, upper lip of corolla; g, stamen; h, fruiting capsule with calyx in lateral view; i,
fruiting capsule showing suture; j, seed; k, bladder-trap in lateral view. Scale bar: a = 3 cm; b = 0.3 cm; c-e = 1 cm; f = 0.4cm;
h, i = 0.5 cm; j = 0.1 cm; g, k = 0.2 cm. Material used: a, k = R.W. Jobson 2325 (NSW954556 spirit, NSW852619 sheet).
204 Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 Jobson and Baleeiro
Fig . 2. Images U. byrneana a, flower frontal view; b, later al vie w, c, habitat at southern site; d, habitat at northern site. Photos
by R. Jobson.
Distribution and ecology: Australia: Western Australia: Dampier Peninsula. Recorded from two swamps
separated by c. 100 km (Fig. 5). The northern most location is c. 19 km W of La-Djardarr Bay settlement
situated near Disaster Bay (16.881°S, 122.967°E; alt. 56 m), while the southern site is Taylors Lagoon c. 70 km
E of Broome (17.7794°S, 122.889°E ; alt. 42 m).
This species is locally common inhabiting shallow edges of ephemerally wet swamps and lagoons (Fig. 2c, d).
The northern site is a system of large swamps (Yarps) on deep sand, within undisturbed vegetation, fringed
by Melaleuca nervosa (Lindl.) Cheel woodland (Fig. 2d), while the southern site is on a similar substrate
with recent disturbance and possible loss of the Melaleuca woodland component (Fig. 2c). At both locations
U.byrneana is found in association with grasses, sedges, Xyris spp., Drosera spp. , Utricularia spp., Byblis filifolia
Planch., Nymphoides beaglensis Aston and N. indica (L.) Kuntze, while Glossostigma drummondii Benth. and
Peplidium muelleri Benth. are common associates at the southern site (Fig. 5).
Conservation status: Utricularia byrneana seems to be restricted to finite ephemeral swampy habitats
(Fig.2c,d). The northern site is located within the Beagle Bay Aboriginal Reserve (Lowrie 4024, Jobson 2323
& Baleeiro), while the southern site is on unprotected crown land (Byrne 3502, Jobson 2325 & Baleeiro – type).
Given the remoteness and seasonally ephemeral nature of these habitats, this species may be more widespread
than appears across the Dampier Peninsula (Fig 5). However, large swamps are relatively uncommon in the
region and this species is likely uncommon and highly localised. It is therefore recommended that this species
be listed in Western Australia as a candidate for declaration as rare flora (Priority Two – Poorly Known Taxa),
requiring further study to more definitively determine conservation status.
Notes: Although U. byrneana appears most closely allied with U. fistulosa, a molecular phylogeny places it
sister to the highly modified suspended aquatic U. tubulata F.Muell., together forming a clade sister to the
U.dichotoma Labill. complex (Jobson et al. in prep.).
Two new species of Utricularia from Western Australia Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 205
Key to related species from north-western Western Australian
(Modified from Taylor 1989)
1a. Freely suspended aquatic; leaves verticillate, narrowly linear; peduncle inflated; corolla very pale pink
with a very slender spur, 1.5–2 cm long (W.A., N.T., Qld) ........................................................U. tubulata
1b. Terrestrial or affixed aquatic; leaves not verticillate .........................................................................................2
2a. Corolla mauve, palate with 2 yellow ridges, lower lip longer than spur (W.A.) ........................ U. byrneana
2b. Corolla white, palate with yellow tinged spot, lower lip shorter than spur (W.A., N.T.) ............ U. fistulosa
Utricularia wannanii R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro sp. nov.
Diagnosis: Has bracts and bracteoles similar to those of U. georgei but differs in having corolla lobes of the
upper and lower lip long, subulate, with strongly reduced spur, peduncle up to 15 mm long, seeds ovoid.
Type : AUSTRALIA: W A: Gardener: Garimbu Creek, Prince Regent National Park
(15.362°S; 125.510°E), 24 June 2014, B. Wannan 6685 & M. Wardrop (holo: NSW; iso: CANB).
Small sized probably annual, lithophytic herb. Rhizoids capillary, simple, up to 8 mm long, c. 0.1 mm thick, several
from base of peduncle. Stolons two or three linking other rosettes, filiform, hollow, 0.15–0.2 mm thick, up to
12 mm long, internodes absent. Leaves several, in a loose rosette at base of peduncle, petiole fleshy, c. 0.5 mm
long; lamina obovate, 1.5–2.5 mm long, 1–1.3 mm wide, single nerve, apex rounded. Traps stalked, few at base
of peduncle and rarely 1 on stolons or rhizoids, uniform, ovoid, 1–1.5 mm long; mouth lateral, with a dorsal
appendage c. 0.25 mm long; two lateral appendages simple, c. 0.25 mm long, ventral wings narrow with margin
fimbriate, or simple. Inflorescence erect, solitary or in pairs 8–15 mm long; peduncle terete, glabrous 0.1–0.3 mm
thick. Scales absent. Bracts and bracteoles basisolute ± similar 0.7–0.8 mm long, superior parts ovate with apex
acute c. 3.5–4 mm long, inferior parts connate forming tube c. same length as superior parts. Flowers usually 1,
rarely 2 in pairs, pedicels erect, filiform, slightly tapering apically (rarely flattening), 2–4.5 mm long. Calyx lobes
unequal; upper lobe obovate with round or acute apex c. 0.9 mm long, 0.6 mm wide; lower lobe ovate, apex
emarginate, c. 0.8 mm long 0.7 mm wide. Corolla white; lower lip 2–3 mm long deeply 3-lobed, two outer lobes
broadly subulate, apex acute; central lobe broadly ovate at base graduating to a subulate limb with apex acute;
palate ciliate, with a marginal rim; spur short, broadly cylindrical, apex rounded. Upper lip constricted near base
3–4.5 mm long, superior part ovate, constricted near middle, deeply divided into two subulate lobes, canaliculated
on lower half; inferior part broadly ovate, minutely glandular on entire surface. Staminal filaments curved, c.
0.9mm long, anther thecae sub-distinct. Ovary ovoid, c. 0.7 mm long; style short (half as long as ovary); stigma
with lower lip transversely elliptic, upper lip smaller, deltoid. Capsule globose, 1.0 mm diam., walls thin, dehiscing
by a single, ventral, longitudinal, marginally thickened slit. Seeds ovate, c. 0.3 mm long, 0.2 mm wide. Pollen:
3-colporate, c. 20 × 20 m (B. Wannan 6685 & M. Wardrop, NSW 924583) (Figs 3, 4a, b).
Additional specimens examined: None known.
Etymology: The specific epithet honours Dr Bruce Wannan, botanist and environmental scientist at the
Queensland Herbarium (BRI), and collector of U. wannanii.
Phenology: Flowers and fruits recorded in June. No other information available.
Distribution and ecology: Only known from the type location at Garimbu Creek (alt. 177 m), a tributary of
the Roe River catchment, western Kimberley region (Figs 4d, 5). Found growing on seepage of shaded south
facing sandstone rock-faces (vertical and horizontal) in the lithophytic habit (Fig. 4a–c), with nearby drier
areas containing a Stylidium sp.
Conservation status: Known from a single colony in a tributary of the Roe River, protected within the Prince Regent
National Park, and accessible only by helicopter (Fig. 5). Given the limited botanical knowledge of these watercourses,
U. wannanii may be more widespread than currently appears. However, due to the lack of previous collections of
this species, despite a number of surveys in this general area, the species is likely to be highly localised. It is therefore
recommended that this species be listed in Western Australia as a candidate for declaration as rare flora (Priority
Two – Poorly Known Taxa), requiring further study to assess conservation status and determine potential threats.
Notes: Preservation of botanical samples in 70% ethanol is thought to destroy the molecular structure of DNA.
However, in the case of U. wannanii (Wannan 6685 & Wardrop) a short storage time in ethanol (<3 months)
allowed for successful extraction and amplification of chloroplast molecular markers, allowing U. wannanii to
be included in a phylogenetic study of the subgen. Polypompholyx (Jobson et al., in prep.). Thus far, preliminary
unpublished results place U. wannanii with those species included in the relevant discussion above and key below.
With its lithophytic habit, small size, and uniquely shaped flowers, U. wannanii is unlikely to be confused with
any other Australian species of Utricularia.
206 Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 Jobson and Baleeiro
Fig . 3. Utricularia wannanii a, habit; b, bladder traps; c, leaf; d, seed; e, fruiting capsule showing suture; f, bracts & bracteoles with
pedicel base in situ; g, flower in lateral view; h, flower in dorsal view; i, flower in ¾ frontal view; j, stamens; k, ovary in lateral
view ; l, ovary in frontal view; m, upper lip of corolla with stamens, stigma, and lower calyx lobe in situ. Scale bar: a = 0.8 cm; b, e, f,
j–m = 0.2 cm; c = 0.6 cm; d = 0.1 cm; g–i = 0.25 cm. Material used: a-m = B. Wannan 6685 & M. Wardrop (spirit –NSW 924583).
Two new species of Utricularia from Western Australia Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 207
Fig . 4. Images U. wannanii a, flower frontal view; b, col ony, c, habit; d, habitat near waterfall. Photos by Bruce Wannan
Key to related species (Modified from Taylor 1989)
1a. Bracts and bracteoles basifixed or shortly basisolute inferior parts not connate (Tas., Vic., N.S.W.) ..........
........................................................................................................................................................... U.uniflora
1b. Bracts and bracteoles basisolute, inferior parts connate ................................................................................. 2
2a. Corolla yellowish or brownish-pink with 2 capillary lobes extending vertically above the flower arising
from the apex of the corolla upper lip (N.T., W.A.) ................................................................. U. dunlopii
2b. Corolla pale to bright violet, or white ................................................................................................................ 3
3a. Corolla violet, lower lip shallowly 3-lobed or entire, with a prominent, lobed basal swelling (N.T., W.A.)
................................................................................................................................................U. kimberleyensis
3b. Corolla lower lip deeply 3-lobed without a prominent basal swelling .......................................................... 4
4a. Corolla white with violet and yellow at base of lower lip, three lower lip lobes apically rounded, upper-lip
bifid (W.A.) ...................................................................................................................................... U. georgei
4b. Corolla entirely white, three lower and two upper lip lobes long, subulate (W.A.) ................. U. wannanii
208 Telopea 18: 201–208, 2015 Jobson and Baleeiro
Fig . 5. North-west Kimberley region of Western Australia, showing known distribution of U. byrneana (red squares), and
U. wannanii (yellow circle).
We thank the staff at the Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) for providing specimens and material for
loan, and Allen Lowrie for providing a specimen of U. byrneana, along with site information regarding the
Dampier Peninsula. We are grateful to Lesley Elkan and Catherine Wardrop (both NSW) for providing the
wonderfully detailed illustrations presented in this paper. Scientific Purposes permits were obtained through
the Western Australian Government, Department of Parks and Wildlife (SW016203). This work was supported
by a grant to RWJ from the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) National Taxonomy Research Grant
Program (NTRGP) (RFL212-45). PCB was supported by a Ciências sem Fronteiras scholarship (CAPES)
through the Government of Brazil.
Hijmans RJ, Guarino L, Jarvis A, O`Brien R, Mathur P, Bussink C, Cruz M, Barrantes I,
Rojas E. (2005) DIVA-GIS 7.1.7. Accessed 03 March 2015.
Jobson RW, Playford J, Cameron KM, Albert VA (2003) Molecular phylogeny of Lentibulariaceae inferred from
plastid rps16 intron and trnL-F DNA sequences: implications for character evolution and biogeography.
Systematic Botany 28: 157–171
Reut M, Jobson RW (2010) A phylogenetic study of subgenus Polypompholyx: a parallel radiation of
Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) throughout Australasia. Australian Systematic Botany 23: 152–161
Taylor P (1989) The genus Utricularia. Kew Bulletin Additional Series XIV. (HMSO: London)
Manuscript received 3 July 2015, accepted 11 August 2015
... Both U. byrneana and U. tubulata are distributed in the Kimberley region of WA, with the distribution of the latter extending across to NT, coastal regions of the Gulf of Carpentaria and the type location in north-eastern Qld (Taylor 1989). These two species are morphologically and ecologically divergent, with the terrestrial U. byrneana occupying edges of swamps, possessing a non-inflated hollow peduncle, corolla spur as long as the lower lip, and seed structure typical of most other members of Pleiochasia (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015). In contrast, U. tubulata is highly modified for the fully suspended aquatic habit (Fig. 6) with inflated hollow peduncle, along with a corolla spur twice the length of the lower lip, and seeds coated in specialised appendages (Taylor 1989;Reut and Jobson 2010). ...
... On the basis of overall appearance, U. uniflora was previously thought to be allied with U. dichotoma (Taylor 1989). Here, we have confirmed the results of Reut and Jobson (2010) and have found a sister relationship with a wellsupported grouping containing two populations of U. dunlopii P.Taylor from Jabiru and Darwin, NT, the recently described Kimberley endemic lithophyte U. wannanii R.W.Jobson (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015), and U. sp. Fanged (R.W.Jobson 2682; Fig. 2). ...
... Fanged (R.W.Jobson 2682; Fig. 2). Both U. dunlopii and U. wannanii have elongated upper (2Â) and lower (3Â) corolla lip lobes; in U. dunlopii, these are filiform and pinkish-bronze (Taylor 1989), whereas in U. wannanii the lobes are subulate and white (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015). These two species share similar connate bracts and bracteoles; however, bladder trap structure, overall floral form and size, and habitat are divergent (Fig. 6;Taylor 1989;Jobson and Baleeiro 2015). ...
Full-text available
Phylogenetic relationships among all of the 47 recognised species and eight putative new taxa of Utricularia subgenus Polypompholyx, were assessed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses of DNA sequences representing the plastid rps16 intron, trnL-F intron and spacer regions and the trnDT intron. We found strong jackknife and posterior probability support for a monophyletic subgenus Polypompholyx and a sister relationship between the sections Polypompholyx + Tridentaria and Pleiochasia. Within the section Pleiochasia are two well-supported major clades each containing three supported sub-clades. Our S-DIVA biogeographic analysis, using five major Australian drainage basins and New Zealand as geographic areas, estimated two early vicariance events between south western and north western mainland regions, corresponding with known periods of increased aridity at 15 and five Ma. Subsequent dispersal events were estimated between north and south eastern Australia, with recent dispersal of species from south western regions to the south east and New Zealand occurring between 4–1 Ma. There were 28 speciation events inferred within the north western region, followed by nine for the south west and south eastern regions, indicating that the north western monsoonal savannah habitats are a biodiversity hotspot for the lineage. We also show the evolutionary shifts in in growth habit, and show that lifecycle corresponds strongly with shifts in seasonality between temperate and monsoonal regions. Based on our molecular phylogenetic results and morphology, we here designate a new sectional ranking for subg. Polypompholyx.
... The flowers of Utricularia baliboongarnang (Figures 1a,b; 4) are similar to those of the West Kimberly U. byrneana R.W. Jobson & Baleeiro (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015), although their phylogenetic relationship is distant (Jobson et al. 2017). Despite the superficial floral similarity, the inflorescence of U. baliboongarnang is longer (120-370 mm long) than those of U. byrneana (60-170 mm long), the peduncle is solid (vs. ...
... Despite the superficial floral similarity, the inflorescence of U. baliboongarnang is longer (120-370 mm long) than those of U. byrneana (60-170 mm long), the peduncle is solid (vs. hollow), and the traps bear three long simple appendages and an absence of the ventral wings in U. byrneana (Jobson et al. (2015). ...
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A new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) is recognised for north-eastern Western Australia. A description of Utricularia baliboongarnang Baleeiro & R.W.Jobson is provided along with a new circumscription for the Northern Territory species U. singeriana F.Muell. to which it was previously assigned. We also provide comparison with U. hamiltonii F.E.Lloyd, a Northern Territory species for which U. baliboongarnang was recently found to be the phylogenetic sister, and the distantly related western Kimberley species U. byrneana R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro with which it shares a superficially similar corolla. Diagnostic features are illustrated, a taxonomic key containing related species from northern Australia is provided, and distribution, habitat, and conservation status are discussed.
... Further study will show whether they also possess glandular trichomes on the filiform appendages of the corolla. Another species of Utricularia having a reduced spur and minutely glandular, filiform appendages to the corolla was recently described (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015). Remarkably, however, in contrast to the aforementioned taxa, Utricularia wannanii R.W. Jobson & Baleeiro has a white corolla and also differs in its ecology. ...
... Remarkably, however, in contrast to the aforementioned taxa, Utricularia wannanii R.W. Jobson & Baleeiro has a white corolla and also differs in its ecology. For example, many members of the U. capilliflora complex prefer habitats which are frequently shallowly flooded during the wet season (Lowrie 1995(Lowrie , 2013Jobson 2013), whereas U. wannanii has a lithophytic habit (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015). ...
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Flowers of sexually deceptive taxa generally possess a set of morphological and physiological characters that mimic their insect pollinators. These characters often include a specific insect-like floral configuration, together with scent glands (osmophores) that produce fragrances which chemically resemble insect sex pheromones. Furthermore, these flowers tend not to produce pollinator food rewards. According to some authors, flowers of the Australian bladderwort Utricularia dunlopii (and species of the Utricularia capilliflora complex) resemble insects, and pollination perhaps occurs by pseudocopulation. The aims of this paper are to compare the structure and distribution of floral glandular trichomes in the Australian carnivorous plant U. dunlopii with those of closely related species assigned to the same section and to discuss their putative function. Floral tissues of U. dunlopii P. Taylor, Utricularia paulinae Lowrie, Utricularia dichotoma Labill. and Utricularia uniflora R.Br. (section Pleiochasia) were investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and histochemistry. In U. dunlopii, two long, erect, filiform appendages arising from the upper lip of the corolla, together with three arising from the lower lip, bear numerous glandular trichomes that may function as osmophores. In other species, such as U. uniflora and U. paulinae, glandular papillae on the corolla palate may also function as osmophores. The floral anatomical and morphological organisation of U. dunlopii differs from that of the other investigated species, indicating that its insect pollinators are also likely to differ. Morphological and ultrastructural observations, while generally contributing to our understanding of the flower of U. dunlopii, do not refute the possibility that pollination here may occur by pseudocopulation. Further field-based investigations,
... Utricularia tubulata is highly modified for a fully suspended aquatic habit, with inflated, hollow peduncles, a corolla spur twice the length of the lower lip, and seeds coated in specialised appendages (Taylor 1989;Reut and Jobson 2010). By contrast, the terrestrial U. byrneana occupies swamp edges and possesses a non-inflated, hollow peduncle, corolla spur in length approximately equal to that of the lower lip, and seed structure typical of most other members of section Pleiochasia (Jobson and Baleeiro 2015). Overall, this species resembles the morphology and habit found within the U. dichotoma complex. ...
The Utricularia dichotoma Labill. complex is a morphologically and ecologically variable group of closely related taxa with a mostly temperate distribution across New Zealand, New Caledonia and Australia. Taxonomic boundaries within the complex have been the subject of speculation, with several previously recognised species being synonymised after a nomenclatural revision. We sampled 296 populations representing all known taxa; 223 accessions were used in the full phylogenetic analysis based on two non-coding chloroplast regions (rps16, trnD–T) and two nuclear ribosomal spacers (external transcribed spacer, ETS; internal transcribed spacer-1, ITS-1), whereas the remaining accessions were identified by using ITS-1 barcodes. We found strong support for a paraphyletic U. dichotoma, with accessions matching the type material of that name grouped within a polytomy that includes clades containing accessions of U. monanthos Hook.f and U. novae-zelandiae Hook.f. Specific statuses for five recently described species previously included in U. dichotoma s.l. do not fall within this polytomy, nor do the two species U. oppositiflora R.Br. and U. speciosa R.Br. resurrected from synonymy of U. dichotoma. All sampled accessions from New Zealand form a single clade within U. dichotoma as recognised here. We here propose that seven clades recovered here be recognised as subspecies, and describe eight new subspecies, including two new combinations.We also propose that the monophyletic clade sister to U. beaugleholei Gassin be assigned to subspecies rank under that name.
... The monsoon tropics of Australia is an area of globally significant species diversity of the carnivorous plant genus Utricularia L., with more than 49 species known (Taylor 1989;Jobson and Baleeiro 2015;Jobson et al. 2017). Although some species have widespread extralimital distributions, or are widespread across northern Australia, a high proportion of species are geographically localised, particularly those belonging to subg. ...
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Six new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) are recognised from northern Australia. Descriptions of the new species Utricularia albertiana R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro, U. bidentata R.W.Jobson & Baleeiro, U. hamata R.W.Jobson & M.D.Barrett, U. magna R.W.Jobson & M.D.Barrett, U. papilliscapa R.W.Jobson & M.D.Barrett, and U. limmenensis R.W.Jobson (Lentibulariaceae) are provided. Diagnostic features for all six species are illustrated, and distribution, habitat, and conservation status are discussed.
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To uncover the nature of various kinds of stolons of Utricularia subgenus Polypompholyx (Lentibulariaceae) we studied branching of stolons by scanning electron microscopy, statistically investigated correlations of stolon types and other traits across 56 species, and evaluated seedling development and process morphological aspects. Some results were compared to the sister genera Pinguicula and Genlisea . A key to nine stolon types in Polypompholyx is provided. Predominant stolon types were rhizoids, runner stolons with rhizoids on nodes, and runner stolons without rhizoids on nodes but with bladders on internodes. Stolon types were taxonomically relevant and correlated to the distribution/climate. They obviously diverged with speciation events in Australia. Examined seedlings of Genlisea and Polypompholyx showed similar developmental patterns. Stolons were homologous to traps and leaves. Selected subterranean organs contained specific but similar process combinations of roots, shoots and/or leaves. We assume the Genlisea - Utricularia ancestor trap included processes of a Pinguicula root and leaf.
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Carnivorous plants (CPs)—those possessing specific strategies to attract, capture and kill animal prey and obtain nutrition through the absorption of their biomass—are harbingers of anthropogenic degradation and destruction of ecosystems. CPs exhibit highly specialised and often very sensitive ecologies, being generally restricted to nutrient-impoverished habitats where carnivory offers a competitive advantage. As such, they are often the first species to disappear following habitat degradation, land use change, and alteration to natural ecological processes, and are at significant risk from processes such as eutrophication and weed invasion, and even poorly-understood impacts such as airborne nitrogen inputs. Many of the world’s 860 species of CPs are found in wetland habitats, which represent some of the most cleared and heavily degraded ecosystems on Earth. Global diversity hotspots for CPs are likewise located in some of the most heavily cleared and disturbed areas of the planet—southwestern Western Australia, Southeast Asia, Mediterranean Europe, central eastern Brazil, and the southeastern United States—placing their conservation at odds with human developmental interests. Many carnivorous plant species exhibit extreme range-restriction and are wholly localised to specific geological formations, microhabitats or elevations, with nowhere to move to in the face of environmental change such as a warming, drying climate. We provide the first systematic examination of the conservation status and threats to all CPs globally, compiling full or partial assessments of conservation status category for 860 species from 18 genera, and provide ten recommendations towards better conservation and management of this iconic group. A total of 69 species were assessed as Critically Endangered (8% of all species), 47 as Endangered (6%), 104 as Vulnerable (12%), and 23 as Near Threatened (3%). Slightly over 60% of CPs (521 species) were assessed as Least Concern. At least 89 species are known from only a single location based on current knowledge. Data on threatening processes were available for 790 species, with the most common threatening processes including Agriculture and Aquaculture (impacting 170 species), Natural Systems Modifications (168 species), Climate Change and Severe Weather (158 species), Energy Production and Mining (127 species), Human Intrusions and Disturbance (126 species), and Biological Resource Use (98 species). Almost a quarter of all species were impacted upon by three or more threatening processes. The most significant threats placing species at imminent risk of extinction include the continuing clearing of natural habitat for urban and agricultural development and the illegal collection of individuals from the wild for horticultural trade. The complex and specialised ecological requirements of CPs, together with the multifaceted threats they face, make conservation difficult and repatriation even to restored areas challenging. As the number of vulnerable, endangered and extinct carnivorous plant species continues to grow, despite significant conservation efforts in many regions and greater awareness of their ecological requirements, it is clear that a paradigm shift is required in our approach to the preservation of this unique group of plants in order to achieve long-term conservation successes.
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Phylogenetic relationships among 26 of the 37 recognised taxa of Utricularia subgenus Polypompholyx sensu Müller & Borsch were assessed by cladistic analysis of DNA sequences from the plastid rps16 intron. We also examined the placement of the recently described U. simmonsii (sect. Minutae), which was reported to share some morphological characters with subgenus Polypompholyx. We found strong jackknife support for a monophyletic subgenus Polypompholyx lineage; however, our strict consensus tree shows an unresolved relationship between the sections Polypompholyx and Pleiochasia. Within the section Pleiochasia, we found two supported clades, generally differing in a more northern or southern distribution. Despite high levels of morphological heterogeneity and convergence, we found some clade-specific character homogeneity within these two clades, particularly that of growth and bladder-trap form, and floral structure. Bladder-trap form corresponds most strongly with terrestrial v. aquatic habits. The evolution of filiform corolla appendages corresponds with floral colour, and is possibly associated with sexual mimicry, with those of the upper corolla arising twice independently. Furthermore, we found that U. monanthos and U. novae-zelandiae remain synonyms of U. dichotoma, and that U. simmonsii is not included in the subgenus Polypompholyx, but instead is allied with sections Stomoisia and Enskide of subgenus Bivalvaria.
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Phylogenetic relationships among 75 species of Lentibulariaceae, representing the three recognized genera, were assessed by cladistic analysis of DNA sequences from the plastid rps16 intron and the trnL-F region. Sequence data from the two loci were analyzed both separately and in combination. Consensus trees from all analyses are congruent, and parsimony jackknife results demonstrate strong support for relationships both between and within each of the three demonstrably monophyletic genera. The genus Pinguicula is sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia clade, the phylogenetic structure within this clade closely follows Taylor's recent sectional delimitations based on morphology. Three principal clades are shown within Utricularia, with the basal sections Polypompholyx and Pleiochasia together forming the sister lineage of the remaining Utricularia species. Of the fundamental morphological specializations, the stoloniferous growth form apparently arose independently within Genlisea and Utricularia three times, and within Utricularia itself, perhaps more than once. The epiphytic habit has evolved independently at least three times, in Pinguicula, in Utricularia section Phyllaria, and within the two sections Orchidioides and Iperua (in the latter as bromeliad tank-epiphytes). The suspended aquatic habit may have evolved independently within sections Utricularia and Vesiculina. Biogeographic optimization on the phylogeny demonstrates patterns commonly associated with the boreotropics hypothesis and limits the spatial origin of Lentibulariaceae to temperate Eurasia or tropical America. Communicating Editor: Matt Lavin
The genus UtriculariaHMSO: London) Manuscript received 3
  • P Taylor
Taylor P (1989) The genus Utricularia. Kew Bulletin Additional Series XIV. (HMSO: London) Manuscript received 3 July 2015, accepted 11 August 2015
HMSO: London) Manuscript received 3
  • P Taylor
Taylor P (1989) The genus Utricularia. Kew Bulletin Additional Series XIV. (HMSO: London) Manuscript received 3 July 2015, accepted 11 August 2015