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Higher Education Studies in a Global Environment


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In 2012, a first volume (Barbara M. Kehm and Ulrich Teichler, eds. Higher Education Studies in a Global Environment. Vol. 1. Kassel 2012) presented the highlights of eight master theses written by students graduating from the Master Programme Higher Education Research and Development. This second and final volume presents the highlights from 13 further master theses which have been rated unanimously as “very good”. The authors of these articles come from ten different countries. Most articles address specific issues of higher education in a single or in two countries – among them often the authors’ home countries.
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... Similarly, Whitchurch et al. (2021) argue that academic career is changing because of how parameters of career are being increasingly stretched in order to accommodate new forms of academic tasks and tracks. These tasks create new divisions of work and cooperation with other sectors (Kehm and Teichler, 2014). Gregg (2016) reminds us that academic tasks and tracks always include contradictions in the sense that movements of one individual usually involve the halting of another: "valuable lives attract investment to move with agility, comfort and ease while others are left to lag, accumulate weight, and ossify" (p. ...
This study explores how policy discourses on academic career are articulated in Swedish higher education. Discourses on academic career are often expressing meritocracy and the necessity of competition, but also include demands for flexibil- ity and global participation. Recent decades of higher education policy have also stressed the importance of gender equity, which is particularly evident in the Nordic countries. Yet, how these discourses interact and impact on contemporary ideas on academic career remains unclear. We analyse a selection of Swedish government bills to explore present policy discourses on academic career mobility, and how these discourses express and create tensions for different staff groups. The findings shows that the notion, and promotion of career mobility in Swedish higher education features tensions between career advancement, transnational mobility and work life stability. It is also clear that some scholars are defined as more career mobile and successful than others. Hence, discourses on career mobility tend to give legitimacy to already existing work divisions and hierarchies partly undermining gender equity. In conclusion, our findings show tensions and contradictions in these policies, which give base for further nuanced and critical discussions on the current conditions and possibilities in Swedish higher education and academic career. Read more here:
... Tracer study adalah suatu usaha atau kegiatan dalam menelusuri atau rekam jejak para alumni dengan tujuan untuk melihata kesesuaian antara kompetensi yang diajarkan atau diberikan Program Studi dengan kebutuhan lapangan kerja yang ada. Juga kegiatan trucer studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mencari masukan guna melakukan perbaikan dalam menyusun program demi memenuhi kebutuhan lapangan kerja lulusan, atau dengan kata lain sebagai alat untuk evaluasi kesesuaian antara program pendidikan dengan lapangan kerja yang tersedia, dapat menyajikan masukan yang berguna bagi tenaga pengajar dan pengelola program pendidikan guna Meningkatkan kinerja (Kehm & Teichler, 2012). ...
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The background of this research is the writer's curiosity to the Graduates of Mathematics department at IAIN Padangsidimpuan. This article will describe the competencies of graduates of Mathematics department after they work. This article will also describe whether the Mathematics department has been able to prepare graduates' competencies in facing the challenges of the job market. The results of this study indicate that 95% of graduates are already working. Most of the graduates work in the education sector as mathematics teachers at various levels of public and private schools. It can be said that the place where they work is in accordance with their skill background. However, many of them still receive a very low salaries. Many of Ther salaries are under one million. For them, it does not matter, the most important thing for them is they can work and they can apply their skills. Most of them are not too long to get the first job after graduated their studi, because before they graduate from their collage, they have started to look for a job.
This study focuses on Erasmus student mobility in times of the European economic crisis. Based on previous research, a quantitative questionnaire concerning Erasmus student mobility was designed with a special emphasis on the current European crisis. The main research focus is on the influence of the European crisis on student mobility. Incoming Erasmus teacher training students of 10 University Colleges for Teacher Education in Austria (N = 129) were asked during the academic year 2013/14 about their experiences and the difficulties concerning being an international student in times of the economic crisis. The outcomes of the study provide clear indications that the general economic situation is reflected on European teacher training student’s life and they show that the majority of the international students who felt the effects of the European crisis and were afraid of the crisis were encouraged to look for employment in another country because of their Erasmus semester.
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In a recent review, Ferris and Judge (1991) indicated that no studies had investigated the relationship between influence behavior and overall career success. In the present study, the effect of influence behavior on career success was hypothesized to depend on the type of tactic employed. Results indicated support for hypotheses
Using data on magazine adoption of websites, I consider three alternative explanations for why firms imitate rival adopters of new technology: the competitive threat posed by rival adopters, information provided by rival adopters, and the need to maintain legitimacy. The results indicate that magazines imitate rival adopters because they convey information. I find little evidence that magazines imitate rival adopters to protect themselves from the threat posed by rival adoption or that magazines imitate rivals to maintain their legitimacy.
Seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre können in Deutschland befristete Verträge von bis zu zwei Jahren Dauer ohne Angabe von Befristungsgründen für erstmalige Beschäftigungen abgeschlossen werden. Im Zuge dieser Lockerung des Kündigungsschutzes wurde oftmals befürchtet, dass befristete Verträge nicht nur zu schlechteren Karriereaussichten, sondern auch zu einer relativ geringen Bezahlung im Vergleich zu unbefristeten Arbeitsverhältnissen führen würden. Träfe dies zu, so wäre in der Tat zu befürchten, dass Arbeitnehmer in einer unendlichen Schleife von wiederkehrenden Phasen der Arbeitslosigkeit und kurzfristigen Jobs gefangen würden. Optimistischere Prognosen erhofften sich von solchen Verträgen allerdings eher eine Brückenfunktion in reguläre Beschäftigung, vermehrte Einstellungen und sinkende Arbeitslosigkeit. Obwohl seitdem in der öffentlichen Debatte befristete Verträge als eine Art von verschiedensten „atypischen“ Beschäftigungsformen häufig diskutiert werden, wissen wir noch relativ wenig über die tatsächlichen Auswirkungen befristeter Beschäftigung auf individuelle Erwerbsverläufe. Dieses Kapitel versucht einen Teil dieser Forschungslücke zu schließen. Der vorliegende Beitrag ist unseres Wissens nach die erste Untersuchung, die den Einfluss befristeter Verträge auf den weiteren Karriereverlauf von Berufsanfängern analysiert.
The research university is a central institution of the 21st century. It is essential to the creation and dissemination of knowledge. As one of the key elements in the globalization of science, the research university is at the nexus of science, scholarship, and the new knowledge economies. The research university educates the new generation of personnel needed for technological and intellectual leadership, develops new knowledge so necessary for modern science and scholarship, and, just as important, serves as an element of worldwide communication and collaboration. © 2007 by The Johns Hopkins University Press. All rights reserved.
This study, conducted by IES in late 2002, was designed to measure the longitudinal correlations between specific program features—language study, housing choice, duration of study, enrollment in foreign university courses, participation in an internship or field study, among others—and a variety of student outcomes. A 54-year-old, not-for-profit, academic consortium, IES regularly conducts formative and summative evaluations of its programs, surveying students both during and immediately after their study abroad experiences. This longitudinal study was undertaken with the intent of comparing end of academic term evaluation results with longitudinal results. Only through such a retrospective longitudinal study could the sustainability of results, the effects of program design, and the impact of shifts in student participation patterns be assessed.