
'Skeggöld, skálmöld; vindöld, vergöld' -Alexander Rud Mills and the Asatru faith in the New Age

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This article explored the poetry and religious philosophy of Alexander Rud Mills (1885 – 8 April 1964). It analysed his interpretation of medieval Teutonic religious concepts and considered at the way that those interpretations fitted into current New Age religious movements.

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... Moreover, in a foreshadowing of what would come in some European and American FR authors' writings, he attacks Judeo-Christian civilisation as devaluing the environment and animals, arguing that in contrast Odinists establish much greater harmony between humans, their surroundings and other living creatures (1939: 27, 213). Paradoxically, notwithstanding his strong antipathy to Christianity, Mills has been accused of giving his version of Odinism Christian undertones and treating Odin similar to the Judeo-Christian God (Jøn 1999). ...
This chapter critically considers two contrasting far-right groups in Australia: Soldiers of Odin and True Blue Crew. Both are stridently anti-Muslim. True Blue Crew members organise protests, incite racial intolerance and try hard to attract press coverage. Soldiers of Odin practice street vigilantism while dispersing food to the inner city homeless. Differences aside, both groups amplify claims of border incursion, immigrant crime waves, Islamist terror plots and domestic security weakness, all issues that have long generated political capital in Australia. Both groups recruit members and supporters primarily from disenchanted ‘anglo’ men. The exotic Norse mythology of Soldiers of Odin constitutes the main distinction between them, which means they target their online rhetoric differently to attract far-right supporters willing to take public action.
... Moreover, in a foreshadowing of what would come in some European and American FR authors' writings, he attacks Judeo-Christian civilisation as devaluing the environment and animals, arguing that in contrast Odinists establish much greater harmony between humans, their surroundings and other living creatures (1939: 27, 213). Paradoxically, notwithstanding his strong antipathy to Christianity, Mills has been accused of giving his version of Odinism Christian undertones and treating Odin similar to the Judeo-Christian God (Jøn 1999). ...
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The introduction gives a short overview of the various far-right groups and actions in Australia over the past decades, arguing that far-right movements have not been as visible in Australia as they have been in Europe and North America. The contemporary era, however, has witnessed a rising moral panic around the place of Islam in Australia, which has created a fertile environment for the emergence of new far-right groups. The resurgence of an emboldened far-right in Australia has been a development that has taken communities and policymakers by surprise. Australian scholarship was also ill-prepared, with research on the Australian far-right remaining conceptually and empirically underdeveloped. This introduction outlines how the individual chapters seek to address these academic knowledge gaps and contribute to making sense of the far-right in Australia.
Arguing that the Australian far-right is comprised of fringe and institutional actors, violent and non-violent activists, this chapter discusses the electoral performance of far-right political parties, the importance of Odinism in Australia’s far-right (and globally) as well as right-wing extremist terrorism in Australia. These themes are examined through an internationally comparative political opportunity structure framework. The analysis demonstrates that, while far-right political parties have remained rather marginal, compared to many European countries, Australia has had an enormous impact on the development on Odinism, which is among the most significant faiths within far-right movements globally. Moreover, Australia’s political opportunity structures appear to be a factor in the comparatively low level of Australian right-wing extremist terrorism. The chapter concludes by highlighting that far-right institutional actors and the fringe subcultures are not always poles apart.
The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology
  • Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and their Influence on Nazi Ideology, New York: New York University Press, 1992:33.
Pasing: 1922; Rudolf John Gorsleben, Die Edda, ihre Bedeutung fur Gegenwart und Zukunft. Pasing: 1923; and Rudolf John Gorsleben
  • Rudolf Gorsleben
  • John
Gorsleben, Rudolf John, Die Edda.(Pasing: 1922; Rudolf John Gorsleben, Die Edda, ihre Bedeutung fur Gegenwart und Zukunft. Pasing: 1923; and Rudolf John Gorsleben, Das Blendwerk der Gotter: Gylfaginning. Pasing: 1923.
Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit: Das Welt-Gesetz der Drei oder Entstehen -Sein -Vergehen in Ursprache -Urschrift -Urglaube. Aus den Runen geschopft
  • Rudolf 19 Gorsleben
  • John
19 Gorsleben, Rudolf John, Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit: Das Welt-Gesetz der Drei oder Entstehen -Sein -Vergehen in Ursprache -Urschrift -Urglaube. Aus den Runen geschopft. Leipzig: 1930.
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  • Markus Wolff
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Legends of Gods and Heroes, trans. by Sigurd Bernhard Hustvedt, revised by Magnus Olsen, published for The American-Scandinavian Foundation, Scandinavian Classics vol XXVII See the portrayal of 6oinn in: Snorri Sturluson The Poetic Edda, trans
  • Peter Munch
  • Norse Andreas
  • Mythology
21. Munch, Peter Andreas, Norse Mythology: Legends of Gods and Heroes, trans. by Sigurd Bernhard Hustvedt, revised by Magnus Olsen, published for The American-Scandinavian Foundation, Scandinavian Classics vol XXVII. London: Humphrey Milford, 1926. See the portrayal of 6oinn in: Snorri Sturluson, Edda: Prologue and Gylfaggining, ed. by Anthony Faulkes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982; repr. University College London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 1988; and, The Poetic Edda, trans. by L. M. Hollander XE "Hollander, Lee M.", 2nd revised edn. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1962; repr. 1994.
The Beginning of All Things', in Tales of the Norse Gods and Heroes
  • Barbara Picard
  • Leonie
Picard, Barbara Leonie, 'The Beginning of All Things', in Tales of the Norse Gods and Heroes, illustrated by Kiddell-Monroe Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1953:1-8.
English Odinism in the 'Eighties', Odinism Today
  • Dc Stubba
Stubba, DC G, 'English Odinism in the 'Eighties', Odinism Today, 8, 1992:11-17 (:17).
The Edda as Ritual: Odin and His Masks', in Edda -A Collection of Essays:3-24 (:3)), and; Christian mythology 'postulates a perfect all powerful ( ... ) god (,who demands) total subservience by all created things'. (Sven Hamesson, in Voluspa: The Prophecy of the Valva, trans
  • Jehovah
Jehovah, 'the jealous god of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam'. (Einar Haugen, 'The Edda as Ritual: Odin and His Masks', in Edda -A Collection of Essays:3-24 (:3)), and; Christian mythology 'postulates a perfect all powerful (... ) god (,who demands) total subservience by all created things'. (Sven Hamesson, in Voluspa: The Prophecy of the Valva, trans. by Jens Johansson, with notes and introduction by Sven Hamesson. Berkshire: Coxland Press, 1992:71).