
The Robustness of Test Statistics to Nonnormality and Specification Error in Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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Monte Carlo computer simulations were used to investigate the performance of three χ2 test statistics in confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Normal theory maximum likelihood χ2 (ML), Browne's asymptotic distribution free χ2 (ADF), and the Satorra-Bentler rescaled χ2 (SB) were examined under varying conditions of sample size, model specification, and multivariate distribution. For properly specified models, ML and SB showed no evidence of bias under normal distributions across all sample sizes, whereas ADF was biased at all but the largest sample sizes. ML was increasingly overestimated with increasing nonnormality, but both SB (at all sample sizes) and ADF (only at large sample sizes) showed no evidence of bias. For misspecified models, ML was again inflated with increasing nonnormality, but both SB and ADF were underestimated with increasing nonnormality. It appears that the power of the SB and ADF test statistics to detect a model misspecification is attenuated given nonnormally distributed data.

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... Esse tratamento resultou em uma amostra final de 100 questionários completos, uma taxa de resposta de apenas 3,31% se considerado toda a população de participantes e de 10,77% considerando somente aqueles que abriram o e-mail enviado. (Brown, 2015;Curran;West;Finch, 1996). ...
... Esse tratamento resultou em uma amostra final de 100 questionários completos, uma taxa de resposta de apenas 3,31% se considerado toda a população de participantes e de 10,77% considerando somente aqueles que abriram o e-mail enviado. (Brown, 2015;Curran;West;Finch, 1996). ...
... Esse tratamento resultou em uma amostra final de 100 questionários completos, uma taxa de resposta de apenas 3,31% se considerado toda a população de participantes e de 10,77% considerando somente aqueles que abriram o e-mail enviado. (Brown, 2015;Curran;West;Finch, 1996). ...
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O modelo de lacunas proposto por Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry afirma que é possível medir a qualidade de um serviço por meio da diferença entre a expectativa e a percepção dos usuários considerando os seus cinco fatores latentes básicos. Nesse sentido esse trabalho busca avaliar, com o emprego da escala SERVQUAL, a qualidade dos serviços oferecidos por uma Entidade Fechada de Previdência Complementar (EFPC) do oeste do Paraná. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um levantamento (survey), seguindo o modelo da escala SERVQUAL de três colunas, contendo o nível mínimo esperado, o nível ideal desejado e a percepção da qualidade do serviço. O processamento dos dados foi realizado com auxílio do software JASP, empregando-se as análises fatoriais exploratória e confirmatória na avaliação da escala e análise exploratória na apuração da qualidade percebida dos serviços. Foi observado que a qualidade percebida da entidade estudada está na zona de tolerância e que seus participantes observam os fatores que compõem a escala SERVQUAL de forma agrupada, discriminando dos demais o fator Tangibilidade. Pode-se concluir que a SERVQUAL é um instrumento válido e adequado para medir qualidade de serviço nesse contexto.
... The metaphor of the mare magnum tries to convey the idea of a complexity that is very difficult to describe, first of all because, as Cros (1997) argues, the notion of innovation can only be defined by clarifying first of all the socio-cultural matrices in which it is used, and in any case owes its attraction to its ambiguity and its illusory strength. However, according to the French pedagogist, in schools the word innovation takes on its own specificity if it can be clearly understood by the teachers who have to carry it out, because it is accompanied by a fairly precise definition of the practices to be adopted, which must bring something more than those adopted. ...
... First, it is checked that there have been no errors in the pairing, verifying that, for each of the two groups, experimental and control one, there is the same number of students of the same sex, from the same region, who attended or not the kindergarten. Then, you have to check that the distributions of the scores on the ESCS indices of the school, the class and the student respect some parameters of normality: asymmetry lower than 2 and kurtosis lower than 7 (Curran, West and Finch, 1996). ...
... Since the maximum likelihood estimation procedures used in this study can produce distorted result when the normality assumption is severely violated (Curran, West, & Finch, 1996), the normality of each variable is investigated in terms of its skewness and kurtosis. Moreover, the skewness of this study was from .17 to 1.32 and the kurtosis was from .13 to 3.47. ...
... Moreover, the skewness of this study was from .17 to 1.32 and the kurtosis was from .13 to 3.47. According to Curran et al (1996) absolute values of skewness index greater than 2 and kurtosis index greater than 7 illustrate serious departure from normality. Therefore, in this study the normality hypothesis of the variables were acceptable (see table 2). ...
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The aim of this study was to assess the relationship among self-perception, attitude and reading ability in elementary school students in Ilam, Iran. The relationship among self-perception, attitude and reading ability has been examined in an enormous number of studies. The large numbers of these studies have discovered confirmation for a mutual effects model. In this study 380 elementary school students participated. The researcher employed self-perception, attitude and reading scales. All instruments were back translated from English to Persian and Persian to English. The structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationship between feeling to read (self-perception and attitude) and reading ability in elementary school student. The results showed that goodness of fit in all variables and domain variables.
... Before reporting results in accordance with the research questions, we conducted preliminary analyses to calculate means, standard deviations, and Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the scales. The results showed that the skewness and kurtosis indicators for the observed variables fell within ±2, demonstrating normal distribution of the scales (Curran et al. 1996). Further, the alpha coefficients, with values well above 0.70 (Hair et al. 2019), demonstrate good internal reliability of each emotional construct (see Table 1). ...
... As shown in Table 1, with regards to foreign language achievements, as represented by the scores of the 2022 NMET, students in our sample achieved a mean score of 123.27 out of 150. The skewness and kurtosis indicators for this variable demonstrate a normal distribution (Curran et al. 1996). Pearson correlation coefficients, as indicated in Table 2, show that foreign language achievements were related to all the three emotions (p < 0.01). ...
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For decades, studies on learner emotions in foreign language learning have been predominantly focused on foreign language anxiety, and recent years have witnessed a surge in the exploration of other positive and negative emotions such as enjoyment and boredom. The current study aimed to extend this line of inquiry and explored the bidirectional relations between foreign language achievements and learner emotions through a questionnaire study among English learners (n = 756) in Chinese senior secondary schools, an understudied population in foreign language emotion research. Results indicated that the three emotions were significantly related to each other. Further analyses suggested that anxiety and boredom were significant predictors of achievements, and that language achievements predicated all the three emotions. The study confirms the reciprocal relationships between language achievements and emotions and provides pedagogical implications for language teaching.
... It is also a much stronger assumption. In linear models, violations of normality lead to biased standard errors and fit statistics, but they leave the parameter estimates unaffected, at least in large samples (e.g., Curran et al., 1996;Satorra & Bentler, 2001;Yuan et al., 2005). When using LMS, non-normal latent variables not only lead to incorrect inferential tests but can also lead to biased parameter estimates (e.g., Aytürk et al., 2020;Brandt et al., 2014;Cham et al., 2012;Klein & Muthén, 2007). ...
... This estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal when the data are multivariate normal (equation 2, see Yuan et al., 2005) and remains consistent irrespective of the distribution of the data (see, e.g., Browne & Shapiro, 1988;White, 1982;Yuan et al., 2005). However, both theory (see, e.g., eq. 25, Wall & Amemiya, 2001) and simulation work (e.g., Curran et al., 1996) show that standard errors and fit statistics are not trustworthy with non-normal variables. This property can represent a problem for EXT because the product indicators are never normally distributed. ...
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Latent moderated structural equation (LMS) is one of the most common techniques for estimating interaction effects involving latent variables (i.e., XWITH command in Mplus). However, empirical applications of LMS often overlook that this estimation technique assumes normally distributed variables and that violations of this assumption may lead to seriously biased parameter estimates. Against this backdrop, we study the robustness of LMS to different shapes and sources of nonnormality and examine whether various statistical tests can help researchers detect such distributional misspecifications. In four simulations, we show that LMS can be severely biased when the latent predictors or the structural disturbances are nonnormal. On the contrary, LMS is unaffected by nonnormality originating from measurement errors. As a result, testing for the multivariate normality of observed indicators of the latent predictors can lead to erroneous conclusions, flagging distributional misspecifications in perfectly unbiased LMS results and failing to reject seriously biased results. To solve this issue, we introduce a novel Hausman-type specification test to assess the distributional assumptions of LMS and demonstrate its performance.
... Se analizó el cumplimiento de la condición de normalidad mediante los valores absolutos de asimetría, comprendidos entre 0 y 2, y los de curtosis, entre 0 y 7, que dan prueba de una distribución normal (Curran et al., 1996). ...
... Los valores absolutos de simetría y curtosis se encuentran dentro de los intervalos referidos (0-2 para la simetría y 0-7 para la curtosis), lo que hace posible el empleo de pruebas paramétricas (Curran et al., 1996). La Tabla 2 informa de las medias, las desviaciones estándar, las correlaciones y las significaciones entre variables. ...
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El hecho de que un grupo de estudiantes online trabaje de forma conjunta en un cometido académico no es sinónimo de que lo hagan colaborativamente. Para que los alumnos se puedan desempeñar de esa forma (y que los profesores la puedan llegar a evocar), obteniendo así unos mejores resultados de su aprendizaje, resulta imprescindible comprender cómo se sucede esta interacción académica. La finalidad de esta investigación es validar un modelo de factores que permita entender cómo aportan los estudiantes a sus dinámicas de trabajo en equipo desde una perspectiva socioemocional. La muestra está compuesta por 722 estudiantes de masters de management. Se cursa un cuestionario que está integrado en su mayoría por ítems extraídos de instrumentos que son referente de la medida de la inteligencia emocional. La propuesta de factores se concreta de la forma siguiente: Autocontrol, Influencia personal, Comunicación integral, Trabajo en equipo y Gestión de conflictos. El modelo obtenido se comprueba ajustado mediante Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. Se observan diferencias significativas entre sexo femenino y Trabajo en equipo, Influencia personal y Comunicación integral; así como entre mayores de 30 años y Gestión de conflictos, Trabajo en equipo e Influencia personal. Los resultados arrojan luz sobre como: a) plantear y mejorar esta dimensión pedagógica en la universidad; b) procurar una mejor orientación al alumnado para que este mejore su particular contribución a los trabajos de equipo.
... In the current study, we used the expectation-maximization (EM) estimation method to handle missing data and avoid issues using only the participants with complete data (Enders, 2010). The skewness and kurtosis of negative emotions and submissive behavior within the acceptable range (i.e., skewness < |2.0| and kurtosis < |7.0|) (Curran et al., 1996). However, the distributions of bullying victimization (skewness = 2.69) and non-suicidal self-injury (skewness = 3.37) were somewhat skewed. ...
... However, the distributions of bullying victimization (skewness = 2.69) and non-suicidal self-injury (skewness = 3.37) were somewhat skewed. Thus, the log transformation was used to correct the skewness of the data and maximum likelihood with robust standard errors was applied as estimator to avoid issues associated with nonnormally distributed data (Curran et al., 1996). We used SPSS.28.0 to compute the descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlations. ...
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Based on general strain theory, the current study examined whether bullying victimization was significantly related to adolescents’ non-suicidal self-injury and whether negation emotions mediated this association and submissive behavior moderated this mediation process. A total of 1984 adolescents completed a series of anonymous questionaries regarding bullying victimization, negative emotions, non-suicidal self-injury, and submissive behavior. Results showed that bullying victimization was significantly and positively associated with non-suicidal self-injury and this relation was partially mediated by negative emotions. Submissive behavior moderated the relation between bullying victimization and non-suicidal self-injury as well as negation emotions and non-suicidal self-injury. Specifically, the victims of bullying with high submissive behavior were more likely to develop non-suicidal self-injury. Adolescents who had higher negative emotions were at greater risk of engaging in non-suicidal self-injury when they also had high submissive behavior. The positive association between negative emotions and non-suicidal self-injury was stronger in females than males.
... Por lo que respecta a la simetría la mayoría de ítems han conseguido valores negativos, lo que denota ligeras concentraciones de valores en la parte alta de las diversas curvas con apuntamientos que oscilan entre los valores cercanos a 0 hasta 1.5. Con estos datos podemos concluir que la normalidad univariante está garantizada, si tenemos en cuenta que valores entre ±1 se consideran excelentes, mientras que valores inferiores a 1.60, adecuados (George & Mallery, 2011) o inferiores a 2 para la asimetría y entre 2 a 7 para el apuntamiento (Curran et al.,1996). Para la comprobación de la normalidad multivariante se han calculado diferentes coeficientes mediante el programa STATA v.17 (StataCorp,2021), exactamente el coeficiente de Mardia para asimetría y curtosis, así como los de Henze-Zikler y el de Doornik-Hansen. ...
... Based on these data, we can conclude that univariate normality is guaranteed, considering that values between ±1 are considered excellent, while values below 1.60 are considered adequate (George & Mallery, 2011) for skewness, and values below 2 for skewness and between 2 to 7 for kurtosis (Curran et al., 1996). For the verification of multivariate normality, different coefficients have been calculated using the STATA program v.17 (StataCorp, 2021). ...
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El fin del presente artículo ha sido adaptar y validar una Escala del Modelo Ampliado de Aceptación de la Tecnología para su utilización en el contexto universitario de República Dominicana. La muestra ha ascendido a 327 estudiantes pertenecientes a diversas instituciones de educación superior de carácter público y privado de la República Dominicana. Se han aplicado sendos análisis factoriales, exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC), análisis de fiabilidad e invarianza factorial para comprobar la equivalencia por género. El AFE reveló la pentadimensionalidad de la escala confirmada posteriormente por el AFC implementado. La fiabilidad como consistencia interna también ha resultado muy alta. Finalmente, la invarianza factorial denota que la estructura factorial es similar en hombres vs mujeres. Podemos concluir, que la escala es consistente, valida e invariante para determinar el aprendizaje percibido en entornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje dentro del modelo ampliado de aceptación de la tecnología en el contexto dominicano.ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article was to adapt and validate a Scale of Extending the Technology Acceptance Model for use in the university context of the Dominican Republic. The sample consisted of 327 students from various public and private higher education institutions in the Dominican Republic. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability analysis and factorial invariance analysis were applied to check the equivalence by gender. The EFA revealed the pentadimensionality of the scale, which was subsequently confirmed by the implemented CFA. Reliability as internal consistency was also very high. Finally, factorial invariance denotes that the factor structure is similar in male vs. female. We can conclude that the scale is consistent, valid and invariant for determining perceived learning in virtual teaching-learning environments within extending technology acceptance model in the Dominican context.PALABRAS CLAVES · KEYWORDSEntornos virtuales de enseñanza-aprendizaje, modelo ampliado de aceptación de la tecnología, propiedades psicométricas, educación superior, estudiantes.Virtual teaching-learning environments, extending the technology acceptance model, psychometric properties, higher education, students.
... Descriptive statistics were computed for all the variables. The variables in both samples exhibited skewness and kurtosis between +2 and -2 indicating approximately normal distribution [29], [30]. Independent t-test (Welch's t-test when necessary) was used to analyze gender-related differences. ...
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The influence of personality traits on individuals' attitude towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) remains inconclusive. This study investigates the association between personality traits, measured through Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) and attitude towards AI measured by both Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence (ATAI) and single-item positive and negative measures in two distinct samples, UK and Arab. Correlational analysis showed a significant association between attitudes towards AI and agreeableness, as well as neuroticism in the UK sample, and agreeableness, neuroticism, and conscientiousness in the Arab sample. The regression analysis indicated that agreeableness in the UK sample positively predicted positive attitudes and negatively predicted negative attitudes using both attitude towards AI measures. Similarly, conscientiousness in the Arab sample positively predicted positive attitudes and negatively predicted negative attitudes. However, the small effect size observed in both samples suggests that other factors may be more relevant and better explain the variability of AI attitudes among individuals. The variability and inconsistency in the association between attitudes towards AI and personality traits suggest potential cultural effects.
... For the skewness and kurtosis analyses, all the data analysed ranged between ± 2.0 and − 6.0 to + 4.0. According to the criteria by Byrne [54] and Curran et al. [55], data is referred to as normal or has moderate normality when the skewness and the kurtosis are between ± 2.0 and ± 7.0. None of the skewness and kurtosis values were beyond the specified ranges, suggesting that the data analysed was fairly free from skewness and was not awkwardly distributed. ...
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The sustainability of plastic materials and products requires the continuous improvement of the circular pathways for the material. A key strategy in the circularity of plastic is plastic recycling. Improving the circular pathways requires an understanding of the maturity level of the plastic recycling system. This study evaluated the maturity of the plastic recycling system in South Africa across the plastic value chain. Both secondary and primary data were collected, analysed and cross-validated. The results put the maturity of the country’s system at “Visionary” (Level 3) for the value chain stages of primary plastic production, product manufacturing and recycling, whereas waste generation, collection and handling, sorting and recyclate market were rated as “Structured” (Level 2). Furthermore, a set of initiatives to advance the maturity of the system to the desired level of “Connected and Dynamic” (Level 5) were identified. The paper provides a benchmark of performance and determines the stages of the system requiring additional attention. This is aimed at providing insight into policymaking to advance plastic recycling and circularity.
... For both datasets, the four survey items measuring willingness to pay and the aggregate score of these items exhibited skewness and kurtosis values within the range of +2 to − 2, suggesting approximately normal distribution and permitting the use of parametric tests [62]. However, the two questions about the amount of monthly social networking and messenger fees that one is willing to pay showed skewness and kurtosis values outside the range of ±2, indicating a violation of normality assumptions. ...
... Mahalanobis distances of predicted variables were calculated to detect outliers in multivariate data. The maximum absolute values of skewness and kurtosis of the measures were found well within the limits recommended by past research (Curran et al., 1996). All plots and statistics indicated no significant deviations from the assumption. ...
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In the present turbulent market situation, building strategic information sharing (SIS) capability among the partner firms of a supply chain is imperative to create the agility and adaptability which further lead to the supply chain performance (SCP). In the available literature, combined role of agility and adaptability and their impact on SCP is poorly investigated. As a rapidly changing market environment requires the supply chains to be more responsive and flexible, supply chain agility and adaptability appear to be value-enhancing and contribute to its effectiveness. Following the resource-based views (RBV) and relational theory this study presents a model linking SIS capability, agility, and adaptability with SCP. A cross-sectional survey of 243 Indian auto component manufacturers was conducted to collect the data. The results reveal that SIS, agility, and adaptability are directly and significantly connected with SCP. This finding supports the prominently published studies. The main contribution of the study is unveiling the mediation effect of agility and adaptability on the SIS-SCP relationship. Results depict that agility and adaptability mediate the SIS-SCP relationship fully and partially respectively. The study also discusses the theoretical and managerial implications along with limitations and scope for future research.
... Anche per l'azione sulla provincia di Roma, dopo le procedure di somministrazione e pulizia dei dati, è stato applicato il metodo dell'uniformazione semplice per l'assegnazione dei casi ai gruppi sperimentale e di controllo, ed è stata verificata l'ipotesi relativa alle differenze tra montessoriani e non, riguardo alle caratteristiche socioaffettive misurate, anche considerando i diversi profili degli insegnanti avuti e delle pratiche ricevute. Da un punto di vista statistico, per la verifica delle ipotesi, innanzitutto si è verificato che le distribuzioni sulle variabili di volta in volta prese in esame rientrassero in alcuni parametri di normalità (Curran et al., 1996). A questo punto la significatività delle differenze tra deviazioni standard è stata calcolata con un test F di Fisher che non tiene conto della media, tramite un calcolatore online 1 , mentre la significatività delle differenze tra medie è stata calcolata con l'analisi della varianza, tramite il software SPSS. ...
... Il secondo passaggio è stato verificare la significatività delle differenze nelle distribuzioni dei punteggi tra gruppi sperimentali e gruppi di controllo, dopo aver verificato che tutte le distribuzioni rispettassero alcuni parametri di normalità: asimmetria inferiore a 2 e curtosi inferiore a 7 (Curran et al., 1996). ...
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Questo studio ha verificato l’ipotesi che un gruppo sperimentale di studenti Montessori avesse risultati significativamente più eterogenei nei punteggi alle prove Invalsi di italiano e matematica, rispetto a un gruppo di controllo di studenti non-Montessori, appaiati per condizioni socioeconomico-culturali. I risultati mostrano che gli studenti Montessori ottengono punteggi simili o significativamente più alti e, soprattutto in matematica, anche distribuzioni più eterogenee.
... Skewness gauges the asymmetry of a variable's probability distribution concerning its mean, while Kurtosis measures the peakedness of a variable in terms of its probability distribution (Rindskopf & Shiyko, 2010). While studies by West, Finch, and Curran (1995) and Curran, West, and Finch (1996) suggest that skewness values should be less than 2 and kurtosis values should be less than 7, Kline (2016) proposes that values greater than 3 for skewness and greater than 10 for kurtosis may indicate a problem. Therefore, based on the above discussion, Table 3 reveals that the dataset for certain variables such as age, household size, educational qualification, years of farming experience, labor use, credit advance, and access to extension services in this study demonstrates normality, as the values fall within the range of -1 to 1 for skewness and from 1 to 3 for kurtosis, which is below the given threshold. ...
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This research work examines the role Bank of Agriculture Limited plays in fostering agricultural development in Nigeria. Primary data was obtained by distributing 120 questionnaires to farmers who benefitted from the Bank’s credit facility, linear regression analysis was employed and the result reveals that credit advance contributes 24.13% in increasing farmers’ output which translates to agricultural development. It was therefore recommended that the government should firstly invest in the agricultural sector by making provisional allocations in the annual budget for the Bank; secondly, the Bank should streamline the loan application, processing and approval procedure to ease access to credit; thirdly, enact policy that will mandate civil servants to have personal account with the Bank to help raise the liquidity position of the Bank; and lastly, direct the Central Bank to issue all financial transaction licenses to the Bank including such that would enable the Bank deal in foreign exchange transactions.
... To make the currencies uniform, they were converted to Euro. The skewness and kurtosis of the ten survey items measuring WTP for SNS/MSG, and the two questions about the amount of the monthly fee showed values inside the range of ±2, indicating non violation of normality assumptions according to Curran et al. [61]. The results of the homogeneity of variance test were not statistically significant, indicating no violation of the homogeneity assumption. ...
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The prevalence of social network sites (SNS) and messaging platforms (MSG) has transformed the way people communicate, interact, and share information. However, concerns about digital wellbeing have arisen due to issues such as disclosure of personal information, excessive usage, fake news, extremism, and mental health challenges. This study aims to investigate the level of interest in digital wellbeing services on both SNS and MSG and explore potential differences in willingness to pay (WTP) for these services between the two types of online platforms. The analysis encompasses the demographic factors of age, gender, financial wellness, and education level. Data were collected from 262 participants through an online questionnaire, focusing on ten digital wellbeing services. The findings indicate that overall, the WTP for digital wellbeing services was higher on SNS compared to MSG across the entire sample and among different demographic factors. However, variations were observed at the individual service level. For instance, participants demonstrated greater WTP on MSG for services related to data protection and abstaining from data usage for marketing purposes. On the other hand, they showed a stronger inclination to pay on SNS for services aimed at addressing issues of fake news, radicalization, and excessive online usage. These preferences remained consistent across various demographic factors, with no significant interactions or between-subject effects observed, suggesting that the impact of the platform on WTP was consistent across the demographics studied. The research provides valuable insights into consumers’ valuation of digital wellbeing services, which can guide market players and policy makers in tailoring their offerings and strategies accordingly.
... Univariate frequencies, descriptive statistics, histograms, and bivariate scatter plots were examined for outliers, adequate variability, skewness (< 2) and kurtosis (< 21) [44]. There was no violation on items of the scales. ...
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Background Many of the college students expressed experiencing moderate or severe psychological distress. In their emergence as adults, college students encounter significant periods of drastic change. Family functions play a crucial role in determining individuals’ mental health status. Objectives The first objective of this study was to investigate whether family communication mediates the relationships between family dysfunctions and perceived mental health status among under/graduate students. The second objective was to investigate whether the mediation effects of family communication on the relationships between family dysfunctions and perceived mental health status differ by gender. Methods The current study applied Minuchin’s Structural Family Theory with under/graduate students ( N = 348) in Ohio. Structural Equation Modeling was conducted to examine the effects of family dysfunctions and communication on perceived mental health status among under/graduate students. Results Disengaged family function significantly influenced family communication, which, in turn, significantly impacted perceived mental health (mediation effect). Enmeshed family function did not show a significant relationship with family communication, whereas family communication had a significant impact on perceived mental health (no mediation effect). The model comparison test indicated that there were differences between males and females: the structural weights of the current path models were consistent with the full models, and there was a significant difference in the effect of parents’ marital status on perceived mental health, with males being significantly impacted in both models. Conclusions Practitioners should recognize that improving positive communication skills within the family unit can be a realistic approach to supporting the perceived mental health of under/graduate students. Colleges/universities should offer regular education programs to promote an understanding of the relationship between family communication strategies and the mental health of under/graduate students.
... Cut-off values of 3 for univariate skewness and 7 for univariate kurtosis have been proposed by West et [16] al Gravetter and Wallnau suggested acceptable [17] limits as ±2. Curran et al. suggested these same moderate normality thresholds of 2 and 7 for skewness and kurtosis respectively when assessing [18] multivariate normality. ...
Introduction: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a statistical technique to verify the factor structure of a set of observed variables. Objective: The study was conducted with an objective to study the psychometric properties of DASS 21 scale by Confirmatory factor analysis Method: This study used a Multi Method Design (Multiple approach Design), one was a cross sectional study of 228 participants and the other was a Solomon 4 group Design with total 64 participants. Four groups of health care professionals viz Allopathic doctors, Physiotherapists, Nursing professionals and Community Health Officers (CHOs) were chosen for the study. Convenience sampling was done at two stages. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate the construct validity of DASS 21 scale. The model was overidentified as the estimated parameters were less than the number of observed variances and covariances. CMIN/DF(Chi square (minimum discrepancy function) /Degree of freedom) value was 2.021 which was < 5. Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) value (0.892) was near to .9. Root Mean square Residuals (RMR) and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) value were 0.031 and 0.063 respectively which were less than 0.08. Average variance extracted (AVE) for the three constructs were less than the squared interconstruct correlation. Conclusion: DASS-21 scale demonstrated a good convergent validity, but in this study, discriminant validity was found to be poor as determined by average variance extracted in comparison to squared Interconstruct correlation.
... Spaghetti Fig. 4. Linear mixed-effects models were employed to analyze the relationship between each longitudinal measure (total area, proportion of intersection, and balance ratio) and age at baseline, sex, years of education, lag (in years) since enrollment of the study, and the interaction between lag and the three demographic measures with 497 PCT cases from 84 participants. We assessed the normality assumption of each QIP metric as an outcome of the mixed effects model, and determined that all three metrics were acceptable for normality assumption 13,14 . The results showed a significant inverse relationship between age and the balance ratio (beta = −0.49, ...
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The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a widely employed screening tool for the severity of cognitive impairment. Among the MMSE items, the pentagon copying test (PCT) requires participants to accurately replicate a sample of two interlocking pentagons. While the PCT is traditionally scored on a binary scale, there have been limited developments of granular scoring scale to assess task performance. In this paper, we present a novel three-stage algorithm, called Quantification of Interlocking Pentagons (QIP) which quantifies PCT performance by computing the areas of individual pentagons and their intersection areas, and a balance ratio between the areas of the two individual pentagons. The three stages of the QIP algorithm include: (1) detection of line segments, (2) unraveling of the interlocking pentagons, and (3) quantification of areas. A set of 497 PCTs from 84 participants including their baseline and follow-up PCTs from the Rush Memory and Aging Project was selected blinded about their cognitive and clinical status. Analysis of the quantified data revealed a significant inverse relationship between age and balance ratio (beta = − 0.49, p = 0.0033), indicating that older age was associated with a smaller balance ratio. In addition, balance ratio was associated with perceptual speed (r = 0.71, p = 0.0135), vascular risk factors (beta = − 3.96, p = 0.0269), and medical conditions (beta = − 2.78, p = 0.0389). The QIP algorithm can serve as a useful tool for enhancing the scoring of performance in the PCT.
... Table 1 presents descriptive statistics, including measures such as mean, standard deviation, and normality tests, as well as bivariate correlation coefficients and internal consistency reliability estimates for the key variables in this study. Skewness values ranged from − 0.73 to -0.31, and kurtosis values ranged from − 0.49 to 1.60, falling within the "good" and "acceptable" range for normal distribution, as per conventional criteria for skewness and kurtosis scores < |1| or < |2| (Curran et al., 1996). Correlation analysis revealed that the COVID-19 impact was significantly negatively correlated with meaning in life and resilience and positively correlated with psychological adjustment problems. ...
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While the number of COVID-19 cases has significantly decreased, its lasting effects persist, posing a continued threat to global mental health and well-being. The aftermath of the pandemic raises concerns about psychological adaptation, meaning in life, and resilience among individuals. This study investigated the potential impact of COVID-19 on psychological adjustment problems and explored the mediating roles of meaning in life and resilience in this relationship. The study involved a sample of 481 general publics from Turkey, with 53.8% of participants identifying as male, and ages ranging from 18 to 70 years (M = 26.63, SD = 6.50). Using an online survey, participants completed the self-reported measures of COVID-19 impact, meaning in life, resilience, and psychological adjustment problems. The findings revealed that the COVID-19 impact significantly predicted levels of meaning in life, resilience, and psychological adjustment problems. Also, meaning in life and resilience emerged as significant predictors of psychological adjustment problems. Notably, the mediation effects of meaning in life and resilience in the relationship between COVID-19 impact and psychological adjustment problems were statistically significant. These results suggest that the COVID-19 influence may reduce levels of meaning in life and resilience, ultimately leading to increased psychological adjustment problems. These findings have implications for highlighting the importance of incorporating strength-based approaches in guidelines and interventions aimed at promoting positive psychological health in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
... Moreover, preliminary to mediating and moderating hypotheses testing, Correlational Analyses (i.e., Pearson's correlations among all study variables) were undertaken to explore correlations between, respectively, stressors in nursing linked to interpersonal conflicts, inter-role conflicts and work-related stress dimensions with psychological and relational health outcomes (H1), as well as to evaluate the feasibility of the testing of mediating (H2) and moderating hypotheses (H3). Furthermore, to judge the normality of data, the distribution of variables was explored by calculating Skewness (range − 2 to + 2) and Kurtosis values (range − 7 to + 7) (i.e., Skewness = 2 and kurtosis = 7 considered to be a violation of normality) [71][72][73][74]. ...
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Background The increasing costs of nurses’ occupational-stress, conflicts, and violence within healthcare services have raised international interest. Yet, research/interventions should consider that perceived stress and conflicts– but also potential resources– within the wards can crossover the healthcare settings, impacting nurses’ private lives and viceversa, potentially creating vicious circles exacerbating stress, conflicts/violence or, conversely, virtuous circles of psychological/relational wellbeing. Based on the Demands-Resources-and-Individual-Effects (DRIVE) Nurses Model, and responding to the need to go in-depth into this complex dynamic, this study aims to explore potential vicious circles featured by the negative effects of the interplay (main/mediating effects) between perceived stressors in nursing linked to interpersonal conflicts (Conflicts-with-Physicians, Peers, Supervisors, Patients/their families), work-family inter-role conflicts (Work-Family/Family-Work-Conflicts), and work-related stress (Effort-Reward-Imbalance) on nurses’ psychological/relational health (Anxiety, Depression, Somatization, Interpersonal-Sensitivity, Hostility). The potential moderating role of work-resources (Job-Control, Social-Support, Job-Satisfaction) in breaking vicious circles/promoting virtuous circles was also explored. Method The STROBE Checklist was used to report this cross-sectional multi-centre study. Overall, 265 nurses completed self-report questionnaires. Main/mediating/moderating hypotheses were tested by using Correlational-Analyses and Hayes-PROCESS-tool. Results Data confirmed the hypothesized detrimental vicious circles (main/mediating effects), impairing nurses’ psychological health conditions at individual level (Anxiety, Depression, Somatization), but also at relational level (Hostility and Interpersonal-Sensitivity). The moderating role of all work resources was fully supported. Conclusion Findings could be used to implement interventions/practices to effectively prevent the maintenance/exacerbation of vicious circles and promote psychological/relational wellbeing in healthcare settings and beyond.
... The first step of the analysis was assessing the multivariate normal distribution. Curran et al. (1996) argued that for the maximum likelihood estimation method, values of skewness equal to or lower than two (|sk|≤2) and kurtosis equal to or lower than seven (|ku|≤7) indicate respect for this assumption. After this procedure, the overall model fit was tested based on the results of the EFA. ...
Purpose This study aims to adapt and validate the Job Crafting Scale (JCS), a measure based on the conceptualization of job crafting of the job demands–resources theory, for a sample of Portuguese workers and to test its psychometric properties regarding validity (factor, convergent, discriminant, and criterion) and reliability. Design/methodology/approach Two subsamples ( n 1 = 315 and n 2 = 329) of Portuguese workers aged 18 years old and over participated in this research. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were used to assess the factor structure. Findings The results indicated that the Portuguese version of the JCS, with 18 items, has a factor structure composed of four-correlated factors. Furthermore, the results demonstrated the existence of factor, discriminant, and criterion validity, as well as reliability. Originality/value This study provides a job crafting measure adapted to the Portuguese language that can serve as a diagnostic tool for workers and organizations.
... The absolute values of skewness for the primary variables ranged from 0.28 to 1.03, while those of kurtosis ranged from 0.21 to 0.92, as indicated in Table 2. This confirms that these values satisfied the criteria for normality, with absolute values of skewness and kurtosis less than 2 and 7, respectively [38]. ...
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This study investigated the structural relationships among parental respect for children’s decision-making, respect for human rights, and self-esteem, and their impact on depression in early adolescents. The study utilized data from 2,747 middle school students who participated in the 2020 Survey on the Current Status of Korean Children’s and Youth’s Rights conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute. The data were analyzed using a structural equation model based on partial least squares with SmartPLS 3.0. The analysis revealed that both parental respect for children’s decision-making and respect for human rights perceived by middle school students had a significant positive impact on self-esteem and a significant negative impact on depression. Furthermore, self-esteem was found to have a significant negative effect on depression. Importantly, self-esteem also played a significant mediating role in the relationship between parental respect for children’s decision-making and depression, as well as the relationship between respect for human rights and depression. Therefore, in order to manage depression, it is necessary to develop strategies that encourage parental respect for children’s decision-making, promote respect for human rights, and foster self-esteem in early adolescents.
... In structural equation modeling (SEM), the fit indices establish whether, overall, the model is acceptable. The model fit evaluating issue in SEM analysis has been at the main topic of theoretical and empirical research for years [13][14][15][16][17]. The simplest model that describes the data well enough and makes the best prediction is the best fit model. ...
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There are many fit statistics used in the structural equation modeling, and new ones are consistently being developed. Because of the variety of fit statistics, it is very important to be able to decide which fit statistics are appropriate to use in studies. When comparing any two statistics, the asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) between them is used. The ARE can use as a power of the fit indices is one of the familiar optimal criteria. It is frequently more convenient, and also more suggestive, to use a measure of relative merit called the relative efficiency. This study aimed to compare of fit indices using Fraser’s asymptotic relative efficiency. The data sets were derived from the multivariate normal distribution using the mean vector and covariance matrix. It was determined that the most efficient fit indices in terms of asymptotic relative efficiency were Z-Test of Wilson & Hilferty (W&H), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), and Chi-Square indices, respectively.
... The results showed skewness and kurtosis values of 1.324 and 1.155, respectively. Significantly, these values fall within the acceptable range of skewness under 2 and kurtosis under 7, as Curran et al. (1996) outlined. ...
Purpose The main aim of this study is to explore the relationship between information system flexibility and dynamic capabilities to build sustainable and net zero supply chains under the influence of environmental dynamism. Design/methodology/approach We have formulated a self-administered survey, with 359 participants contributing responses. Prior to delving into foundational assumptions, such as homoscedasticity and normality, a nonresponse bias analysis was executed. The integrity of the data, in terms of reliability and construct validity, was gauged using confirmatory factor analysis. Subsequent regression outputs corroborated all the proposed assumptions, fortifying the extant scholarly literature. Findings The empirical findings of this research underscore a positive correlation between Information system flexibility, dynamic capabilities and a net zero supply chain, especially in the context of environmental dynamism. Data sourced from the cement manufacturing sector support these observations. We also found that environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between data analytics capability and sustainable supply chain flexibility but does not moderate the relationship between Resource flexibility and sustainable supply chain flexibility. Additionally, this research strengthens the foundational principles of the dynamic capability theory. Originality/value The conceptual framework elucidates the interplay between information system flexibility, dynamic capabilities, and sustainable supply chain flexibility, emphasizing their collective contribution towards achieving sustainable chain net zero, introducing environmental dynamics as a moderating variable that augments the scholarly discourse with a nuanced layer of analytical depth.
... As expected, all variables were normally distributed (Skewness cutoff of 2.0 and kurtosis cutoff of 7.0) (Curran et al., 1996). Partial correlations (after accounting for sex) among all variables are also provided in Table 1. ...
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While an expanding corpus of empirical investigations has underscored the deleterious ramifications of partner phubbing on interpersonal communication and relationship quality, there remains a paucity of scholarly inquiry into its underlying internal mechanisms engendering such adverse outcomes. In light of this gap, based on cognitive appraisal theory, this study examined the effects of emotional factor (romantic jealousy) and behavioral factor (relational aggression) between young adults’ partner phubbing and intimacy quality. A sample of 512 Chinese young adults who in love (202 males and 310 females, age range 19–25 accounts for 97.8%) were included in the study. Results indicated that, after controlling for relationship length, partner phubbing was significantly and negatively related to young adults’ intimacy quality, and this relation was mediated by romantic jealousy and relational aggression. Moreover, the current study tested the role of sex by multi-group analysis. Results showed that females could suffer more from partner phubbing than males. Amidst the escalating prevalence of smartphones within romantic contexts, this pioneering study sets forth a novel proposition by establishing a crucial link between partner phubbing and the diminished intimacy quality experienced by young adults. Furthermore, the paper extensively deliberates on the theoretical underpinnings and practical ramifications of the obtained results.
... A distribution's kurtosis indicates how heavy its tails are. The distribution is considered normal if the skewness and kurtosis values are both 0. A distribution with fatter or heavier tails than typical is indicated by a kurtosis greater than three (Curran, West & Finch, 1996). With the exception of savings deposits, which exhibited platykurtic behavior, all kurtoses were greater than 3. ...
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Effectively managing a bank's portfolio, maximizing returns and at the same time minimizing risks, while being constrained by governance and regulatory requirements, is not easy. This article focuses on the elimination of current risk categories but deals with the relevant topics of portfolio diversification in the banking industry. Focusing on commercial banks in Kenya, this study assesses the theoretical and empirical foundations of portfolio diversification as a strategy for banks operating in a country like Kenya. The objective of this study was to address the constraints faced by Kenyan banks by formulating a multi-objective strategy to achieve optimal balance sheets using the current situation as a starting point. The purpose of the study was to find out how different deposit portfolios affected the performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The research methods used in the study were descriptive and correlative. The study included 43 commercial banks that received an official operating license from the Central Bank of Kenya before the end of 2018. Data for the study comes from various sources such as Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, World Bank, Central Bank of Kenya, statements from all 43 commercial banks in Kenya and research publications in the banking sector. Data were analyzed using time-series and cross-sectional unbalanced secondary panel methods. The study covered the years 2003-2018. The study looked at existing pair-correlations between the studied variables. Diversification of deposits had a positive effect on the financial result. According to the study, portfolio management should have safeguards in place to reduce risk. Commercial banks should prioritize building trust, creating versatile marketing tactics and determining the optimal asset mix to ensure effective portfolio diversification.
... 이에 따라, 학업열의에 영향을 미치는 요인을 밝히고자 하는 국내외 연구들 이 진행되어 왔다 (김나영, 황혜영, 2020;김혜원, 장윤옥, 2016;박신영, 정혜원, 2023;임효진, 이소라, 2020;정혜원 외, 2021;조주연, 김명소, 2013;최영미, 2020;Barkatsas et al., 2009;Caldas & Bankston, 1997;Furrer & Skinner, 2003;Stoeber et al., 2011;Zhu et al., 2021) (Schaufeli et al., 2002). (Kline, 2015), 최대우도법을 통한 추정에 무리가 없는 것으로 판단하였다 (Curran, West & Finch, 1996) The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of individual, academic, and social factors on the academic engagement of adolescents attending elementary, middle, and high school levels within the online educational environment. Therefore, multiple regression analyses were conducted on the responses of 444 elementary school students, 673 middle school students, and 472 high school students using the data from an online survey of adolescents aged 10 to 18 years old. ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of individual, academic, and social factors on the academic engagement of adolescents attending elementary, middle, and high school levels within the online educational environment. Therefore, multiple regression analyses were conducted on the responses of 444 elementary school students, 673 middle school students, and 472 high school students using the data from an online survey of adolescents aged 10 to 18 years old. The results show that, first, academic engagement level was lower as the school level increased. Furthermore, the influencing factors differed by school level. For elementary school students, academic stress was the most influential variable. For middle school students, a diminishing level of academic engagement was associated with the challenges encountered in the online learning environment. High school students exhibited lower academic engagement in circumstances where they resided in smaller communities. Based on the findings of this study, we recommend individualized practical and policy measures that take into account the school level to improve the academic engagement of adolescents.
... From the skewness and kurtosis values, the absolute value of the skewness of the continuous variable was less than 3, and the absolute value of the kurtosis was less than 7. These results indicate that our data followed normal distribution (Curran, West, & Finch, 1996). Additionally, SBLM was negatively associated with meaning of work (r = −0.325, ...
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Many professional managers are driven to achieve the bottom line to secure income, honor, and standing in the workplace. Drawing on social information processing theory, we propose that supervisor bottom-line mentality in the workplace has a dysfunctional effect on organizations. Specifically, supervisor bottom-line mentality will hinder subordinates’ perception of the meaning of work, which eventuates high employee withdrawal (turnover intention and work withdrawal behavior). We also verified that amoral management weakens the negative relationship between supervisor bottom-line mentality and meaning of work in the first-stage moderated mediation model. Additionally, the strength of the indirect effects of supervisor bottom-line mentality on turnover intention and work withdrawal behavior is weaker (stronger) when supervisors’ amoral management is high (low). Our hypothesized moderated mediation model is supported by 301 data points generated by a three-stage full-time staff member. Furthermore, we put forward important theoretical and practical implications according to the research.
... indices meet the normality requirements. 22 The internal consistency coefficients (Cronbach's alpha) for the subscales and total score varied from 0.62 to 0.80, and the test-retest correlations at 6 months interval ranged from 0.53 to 0.70. Table 2 presents the correlations between the subscales of the Korean short UPPS-P-C. ...
Objective Impulsivity is a multifaceted construct that plays an important role in various problem behaviors in children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to validate a Korean version of the short UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale for Children.Methods Participants were 330 children (166 female) from 2 elementary schools in Korea and 94 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children (23 female) from two major hospitals. The Korean short UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale for Children (UPPS-P-C) (20 items), Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6–18 (CBCL 6–18), and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11 (BIS-11) were administered. 107 children from the control group were retested 6 months later.Results Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) conducted in the control group supported a 5-factor hierarchical model in which 1) positive and negative urgency factors are loaded on a higher-order factor of general urgency; 2) lack of perseveration and lack of premeditation factors are loaded on a higher-order factor of lack of conscientiousness; and 3) sensation seeking remained as a separate dimension. Reliability analysis demonstrated that the 5 factors of the Korean short UPPS-P-C had acceptable internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Lack of premeditation and lack of perseveration subscales showed significant correlations with measures of problem behaviors in CBCL and all the subscales were correlated with the BIS-11. The ADHD group showed significantly higher scores in lack of premeditation, lack of perseveration, positive urgency, and negative urgency subscales.Conclusion This study indicates that the Korean version of short UPPS-P-C has adequate reliability and validity. It may be a valid tool to assess impulsivity of healthy children as well as ADHD.
... The residual plots were examined, and there was no systematic variation of error terms. As the absolute value of skewness was less than two and the absolute value of kurtosis was less than seven, the assumption of normality was not violated (Curran et al., 1996). All continuous independent variables were mean-centered prior to the regression analysis to avoid multicollinearity (Cohen et al., 2003). ...
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Research has demonstrated the crucial role of creative metacognition and risk-taking in creativity. However, little empirical research has examined how creative metacognition and risk-taking work on creative performance in educational practice. This paper explored the moderating effects of creative metacognition on the relationships between different types of risk-taking (i.e., propensity for taking a risk, willingness to take a risk) and creative performance (i.e., general creativity, originality, usefulness) in a middle school context. The sample consisted of 350 7th- and 8th-grade students from three middle schools. They completed a survey and a creative performance task. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that creative metacognition moderated the relationships between willingness to take a risk and both originality and usefulness. The results indicated that creative metacognition reinforces the positive effect of risk-taking on originality and mitigates the negative effect of risk-taking on usefulness. Our findings suggest a potential role for creative metacognition in enhancing curriculum-based creative performance in middle schools. In the end, practical implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.
... For BFS-N, the significance value was 0.004, with a kurtosis of -0.305 and skewness of 0.854. While the data were not perfectly normal, the absolute values of kurtosis and skewness, both less than 10 and 3, respectively, are generally acceptable for a normal distribution 25 . Using AMS, LLS score, and altitude as independent variables and BFS-P and BFS-N as dependent variables, linear regression analysis was performed, as presented in Table 2. ...
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Research on amateur mountaineers is scarce, and this study aims to delve into the emotional experiences of ten amateur mountaineers during their ascent using the "Befindlichkeitsskala" (BFS) and Lake Louise Acute Mountain Sickness scoring system (LLS). These subjects were exposed to altitudes of 3140 m, 4300 m, and 5276 m, respectively. We found that LLS scores were negatively correlated with positive emotions (β = −27.54, p < 0.05) and positively correlated with negative emotions (β = 21.97, p < 0.05). At an altitude of 4300 m, individuals with AMS exhibited significant differences in depression, anger, excitement, and inactivity compared to climbers without AMS. Upon returning to 3140 m after completing the climb, significant differences were observed in emotions such as happiness, calmness, anger, excitement, and depression. Throughout the three-day climb, noteworthy differences emerged in activity, happiness, calmness, inactivity, positive emotions (p < 0.01), negative emotions, and overall emotional scores (p < 0.05). Our study suggests a decline in the emotional well-being of amateur climbers with increasing altitude, highlighting AMS as a pivotal predictive factor for emotional experiences while climbing.
... The confidence intervals that contain the zero are interpreted as statistically non-significant. For this type of estimation (ADF), different simulations (Chou, Bentler & Satorra, 1991;Curran, West & Finch, 1996;Hu, Bentler & Kano, 1992) indicate that a sample equal to or greater than 5000 cases, such as that obtained through bootstrapping, compensates for the type I errors produced by smaller samples. The final model construction was carried out using the AMOS 24.0 program. ...
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This study is focused on promoting self-reflection and self-regulation of learning through the use of digital tools to improve the academic performance of university students. Specifically, the main objective is to evaluate the impact of the use of collaborative ePortfolios on facilitating the comprehension of the concepts being studied. During the 2021/2022 academic term, a voluntary survey was administered to 60 students in the Adaptation Course of the Primary Education Degree Program. Through a structural equation analysis, a theoretical model was analyzed in which the intensity of participation in the ePortfolio appears as a mediating variable between the different independent variables and the improvement in academic learning. The results of the study confirm this mediating function for some variables, while at the same time they show a direct positive relationship between the intensity of participation in the ePortfolio and comprehension of the course concepts. The findings of this study can have important implications for the promotion of digital tools, such as ePortfolios, to improve learning in the university context. In addition, the work offers methodological alternatives to the recurring problem of analyzing complex relationships (both direct and indirect effects) with small samples.
... Power of authority significantly affects enforced compliance to tax, as the pioneer practical evidence on justification of frameworks' assumption reveals (Wahl, et al., 2010). Effect of authorities power on enforced compliance to tax has been confirmed in various locations, through different studies (Pellizzari & Rizzi, 2014;Andyarini, et al., 2019;Damayanti & Martono, 2018;da Silva, et al., 2019;Kastlunger, et al., 2013;Prinz, Muehlbacher, & Kirchler, 2014;Kogler, et al., 2013;Kogler, et al., 2015;Ayuba et al., 2018;Muehlbacher, et al., 2011;and Siglé, et al., 2018). Conversely, Mas'u d etal., (2014) & Mas'ud etal., (2015 found irrelevant effect of authorities power on compliance to tax using cross country analysis. ...
... Furthermore, we tested the univariate normality through the coefficients of skewness and kurtosis while the multivariate normality and homoscedasticity were tested through the residual plots by predicted values. The highest values of skewness and kurtosis coefficients (-0.94 and 1.37 respectively) are well within acceptable limits (Curran et al., 1996). Furthermore, residual plots did not raise any cause for concern regarding multivariate normality or homoscedasticity. ...
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Previous literature provides ample analyses of the antecedents of supply chain agility, but the organizational context has generally been neglected. Setting up the right organizational context is important for dynamic capabilities such as supply chain agility, especially in turbulent times. In this research, we study organizational context from two aspects as antecedents of supply chain agility, i.e., a firm’s performance orientation context and its social orientation context. Based on the dynamic capabilities view, the literature on organizational context, supply chain agility, and innovation, we develop our hypotheses. We investigate the previously overlooked impact of supply chain agility on innovation performance, as we find that supply chain agility not only helps to prevent and repair short-term damage but also promotes innovation in the long term. We also consider the moderating role of the organization’s complementarity with its key suppliers in this relationship. Structural equation modeling is applied to investigate the proposed research hypotheses using lagged survey data with multiple respondents from the manufacturing sector in Pakistan.
... The results of the analysis showed that the skewness of each variable ranged from a minimum of -0.53 to a maximum of -0.05, and the kurtosis ranged from a minimum of -0.62 to a maximum of 0.13. Since the absolute value of skewness is less than 2 and the absolute value of kurtosis is less than 7, it can be considered as normal distribution data (Curran et al., 1996); therefore, we can see that the data met the condition of normal distribution. ...
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With the continuous development of Internet technology and digital economy, the external environment is constantly impacting the nature of work and existing work structures, making work highly ambiguous, dynamic and decentralized, and the work environment has become more uncertain and complex. In this work environment, the emphasis is on employees as well as the organization to react quickly and act proactively. A related and much talked about concept is job crafting. A compilation of the existing literature reveals that individual-led job crafting behavior is influenced by a variety of factors. However, little attention has been paid to the impact of employee relations on job crafting in the workplace. Therefore, this study investigates the influence of workplace friendships related to employee relationships on job crafting in the workplace. Based on affective events theory and broaden-and-build theory, we suggest that positive emotions mediate the influence of workplace friendships on job crafting and are influenced by individualism/collectivism and job autonomy. As hypothesized, we analyzed the data collected from 504 employees from Chinese companies and the results supported our research hypothesis. Confirmatory factor analysis was first applied and then hierarchal regression was used to test the research hypotheses. The results show that workplace friendship has a positive effect on job crafting, positive emotion mediates between workplace friendship and job crafting, collectivism moderates between workplace friendship and positive emotion, and job autonomy moderates between positive emotion and job crafting. The theoretical implications of our findings are that they confirm the importance of workplace friendship as an antecedent variable for job crafting and extend the research related to the antecedent variables of job crafting to the relational aspect. Our findings reveal the importance of properly managing workplace friendships in order to promote personal job crafting, as well as the need for companies to focus on enhancing positive emotions and giving employees more autonomy at work.
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Purpose-The present research study extends the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) by focusing on satisfaction , continuance intention, and recommendation intention among smart robotic vacuum cleaner users. The impacts of battery life concern and perceived privacy factors on satisfaction and continuance intention of the smart robotic vacuum cleaner were investigated by adding the variables of battery life concern, perceived privacy , and recommendation intention in the ECM. Design/methodology/approach-The participants of this study consisted of smart robotic vacuum cleaner users in Turkey. The snowball sampling method, as one of the non-random sampling methods, was used to reach the participants; data was collected using an online survey created with Google Forms, asking the participants to share the survey link with people around them who have smart robotic vacuum cleaners. A total of 218 smart robotic vacuum cleaner users participated in the study between March 1 and May 1, 2023. Findings and implications-Structural equation mod-eling (SEM) was used as the data analysis technique in the study. While the ECM was confirmed as a result of the SEM analysis, an important finding was that consumers with battery life concerns intend to continue using the smart robotic vacuum cleaner despite a negative relationship between battery life concern and satisfaction. While the effect of perceived privacy on continuance intention was not significant, satisfaction was found to have a significant effect on continuance intention. Given that artificial intelligence-related businesses face fierce competition, organizations that wish to prosper in this environment must excel in a variety of areas, ranging from product design to marketing and from sales policies to post-sales assistance. Considering the findings, determining the factors that affect the satisfaction and intention to continue using robot vacuum cleaners will be a guide for smart robot vacuum cleaner manufacturers and marketers. At the same time, the fact that the issue has been investigated within the framework of a model will also make significant contributions to the literature. Limitations-Different factors influence smart robotic vacuum cleaner users' satisfaction and desire to continue using them, but only battery-life concerns and perceived privacy variables were incorporated into the ECM model in this research study. Another limitation is connected to the research sample. Because the snowball sampling method was employed to obtain data for the research, its findings cannot be generalized as they cover only smart robotic vacuum cleaner users who participated in the survey. Originality/value-The ECM employed in the study was expanded by including the variables of battery-life concern , perceived privacy, and recommendation intention. A general lack of information among potential consumers regarding artificial intelligence and smart robotic vacuum cleaners, which is highly fascinating and a source of curiosity, as well as the lack of research on this issue in the literature, underscore the significance of this research study. By integrating and expanding the ECM for application to consumers using smart robotic vacuum cleaners, this study adds a fresh viewpoint to the literature.
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This study examined the sequential dual mediation effects of mindfulness and deliberate rumination on the relationship between self-exposure to trauma and posttraumatic growth. Trauma experience, self-exposure, posttraumatic growth, mindfulness, and deliberate rumination were measured in 313 traumatized adults aged 20 to 60 living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted, followed by a bootstrap analysis as proposed by Hayes. IBM SPSS 25.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro ver. 3.5 were utilized for analysis. The study results are as follows. First, there were positive correlation relationships among self-exposure, posttraumatic growth, mindfulness, and deliberate rumination. Second, mindfulness and deliberate rumination were identified as partial mediators in the relationship between self-exposure and posttraumatic growth. Third, a sequential dual mediation effect of mindfulness and deliberate rumination in the relationship between self-exposure and posttraumatic growth was found to be significant among individuals with a history of trauma. The study results have highlighted the importance of supporting trauma survivors in their self-exposure process by fostering mindfulness to help them accept emotions, physiological responses, and thoughts as they are. This support deliberate rumination processes, contemplating the meaning of traumatic events, and subsequently, emphasizes the need to provide assistance for individuals to reach posttraumatic growth.
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Objective: This Research aims to ascertain the relationship between school principal leadership, academic supervision, and achievement motivation on teacher performance. Method: This Research employs a statistical survey methodology to guarantee the precision of the findings. To provide forecasts, researchers used the partial least squares-structural equation model (PLS-SEM) to ascertain the magnitude of latent variables. The research utilized the Smart PLS. The investigation occurred at a public elementary school in Tangerang, Indonesia's Banten province. Two hundred fifty elementary school teachers from Tangerang City, Banten, Indonesia, were selected as the research sample. A random sampling method was employed to conduct the sampling. Results: This research presents four noteworthy and statistically significant findings, building upon earlier research and discussion. An important factor is the direct connection between the principal's leadership and academic supervision, which exhibits a positive association. The principal's leadership has a direct and beneficial impact on teacher performance. There is a positive association between academic supervision and teacher performance. There is a positive association between achievement motivation and teacher performance. Novelty: This research presents novelty research that combines the variables of achievement motivation, academic supervision, principal leadership, and teacher performance into a single research topic. Furthermore, the current research distinguishes itself from prior investigations through its research emphasis, subjects, and participants. This research is novel in its attempt to incorporate multiple variables into a single unit for investigation and exploration. This research is intriguing due to variations in emphasis, research participants, and incorporation of research factors compared to earlier research.
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A jógázást, mint elme-test módszert, számtalan kutatás vizsgálja a mentális és testi egészség területén normál és klinikai mintát figyelembe véve. A jógázók körében végzett vizsgálatok eredményei szerint a jógázás pozitív összefüggéseket mutat a mentális egészség több mutatójával, továbbá a mentális egészséggel szoros kapcsolatban álló szomatizációval is a felnőtt lakosság körében. A nemzetközi szakirodalomban hiányként jelölik meg a kutatók a spiritualitással és szomatizációval kapcsolatos felmérések területét, továbbá rámutatnak a COVID-19 pandémia időszakában olyan módszerek feltárásának szükségességére, amelyek segíthetik a népegészségügyet a járvány idején. Kutatásaink fő céljai e hiányterületekhez kapcsolódtak, amelyhez szerettünk volna olyan felméréseket is végezni, amelyekre korábban nem került sor Magyarországon. A kutatásainkban vizsgáltuk a mentális egészség és a testi tünetek összefüggéseit a jógázó nők jógázási paramétereivel összefüggésben. Vizsgáltuk továbbá azt is, hogy a jógázók mennyire tartják hasznosnak a jógázás módszerét az általános jóllét fenntartására és a COVID-19 esetekkel kapcsolatban és ezek a változók milyen összefüggést mutatnak a jógázás heti gyakoriságával. Emellett kettős célként tűztük ki, hogy adaptáljuk a Spirituális Egészség- és Életorientáció Kérdőív magyar változatát és elvégezzük annak pszichometriai elemzését, továbbá vizsgáljuk a jóga lehetséges hatásait a spiritualitásra, a mentális jóllétre és a szomatizációra egyetemi hallgatói mintán, aktív kontroll csoporttal is összehasonlítva. Eredményeink igazolják azon korábbi kutatásokat, amelyek pozitív kapcsolatot tártak fel a jógázás heti gyakorisága és a mentális egészség mutatói, mint a csökkent depresszió, szorongás, stressz, a hatékonyabb stresszel való megküzdés / affektivitás, továbbá a jobb szubjektív egészség és csökkent testi tünetek területén. A mért változók ehhez hasonló pozitív összefüggéseket mutattak a jógázással töltött évek számával is. A mentális jóllét szintje pozitív összefüggést mutatott a jógázás heti gyakoriságával. Továbbá hasonló pozitív összefüggés volt kimutatható azzal kapcsolatban is, hogy mennyire tartják a jógázók hasznosnak a jógagyakorlást a COVID-19 nyomán kialakult egészségproblémák megelőzésére, a tüntetek enyhítésére és orvosi kezelés kiegészítésére. A Spirituális Egészség- és Életorientáció Kérdőív (SHALOM) megbízható eszköznek bizonyult a spiritualitás négy területének kimutatására: Személyes, Társas, Környezeti, és Transzcendens dimenziók. A legjobb illeszkedést a bifaktoros modell mutatta, amely a négy elsődleges dimenzió mellett az általános faktort, amit spiritualitásnak hívunk, is hivatott mérni. Találtunk olyan tételeket is, amelyek további pontosításra szorulnak. Az egyetemi testnevelési órákon felmért jógázás azt mutatta, hogy a spiritualitás terén a jógázás hatása jelentősebb a sportágakat végzőkkel összehasonlítva, akik ugyanakkor a testi tünetek enyhítésében bizonyultak hatékonyabbnak. A jógázás és sportok végzése összességében nem mutatott jelentős különbségeket. Az elemzéseink során több olyan változót is vizsgáltunk, amelyek a nemzetközi kutatásokkal ellentétben nem mutattak pozitív változást, mint az általános és pszichológiai jóllét és az élettel való elégedettség. Összességében azt tapasztaltuk, hogy minél nagyobb heti gyakorisággal vagy minél hosszabb ideje jógázik valaki, annál több egészséghasznot várhat a jógázástól. A jógázás hatékonynak bizonyul a mentális egészség fenntartásában még a fokozottan stresszel teljes környezetben is, mint a jelenlegi COVID-19 járvány, és hatásos eszköze lehet elsősorban a megelőzésnek. A jógázás otthoni környezetben is könnyen gyakorolható módszer, amely ajánlott az egészség fenntartásához akár a világjárvány időszakában is. A jóga gyakorlásának megismertetése ajánlható az egyetemi testnevelés órai keretben.
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Background This study investigated the mediating effects of self-efficacy and social support on the relationship between stress and burnout among infection control nurses (ICNs) during an emerging infectious disease pandemic. Methods The study participants encompassed 210 ICNs with at least six months’ experience in an infection control unit at a general hospital in South Korea during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were analyzed using independent t-tests or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), while descriptive statistics were performed using SPSS/WIN 26.0 software. Hayes’s PROCESS macro 4.2 software was used to verify the significance of the indirect effects of the mediators. Results Stress had a significant positive effect on burnout (β = .80, p < .001), accounting for 73% of the variance. Self-efficacy (β = − .26, p < .001) and social support (β = − .11, p = .034) had a significant negative effect on burnout, accounting for 78% of the variance. Stress was lower when self-efficacy and social support were entered into the model (β = .80 → .59), indicating that self-efficacy and social support mediated the relationship between stress and burnout. Conclusion This study is significant in that it confirms the effects of self-efficacy and social support on the relationship between stress and burnout among ICNs. The results highlight the importance of establishing organizational support systems and developing and implementing programs for enhancing self-efficacy in order to reduce burnout among ICNs.
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Aim(s) To investigate spillover effects of organizational support for patient and workplace safety on safety outcomes and to examine the mediating role of safety compliance in these relationships. Design A cross‐sectional, correlational survey design. Methods This study analysed data from 1255 nurses in 34 Korean hospitals. A structured questionnaire was used including items from the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture and Safety Compliance scales. Data were collected between February and June 2022. We employed structural equation modelling (SEM) for analysis with a significance level set at 0.05. Results Organizational support for patient and workplace safety showed direct impacts on patient and workplace safety outcomes. Findings supported our hypotheses regarding spillover effects, as organizational support for patient safety was related to enhanced workplace safety and organizational support for workplace safety was associated with improved patient safety. SEM analysis showed safety compliance's mediating role. When the distribution of serial indirect effects was examined, three out of eight indirect pathways were statistically significant. Conclusion Improving organizational support for patient safety can lead to better workplace safety outcome, and enhancing support for workplace safety can result in better patient safety outcome. Given this mutually beneficial relationship, healthcare organizations should simultaneously promote safety in both areas rather than focusing on just one. Implications for the Profession and/or Patient Care Study results highlight the need to recognize the interconnected nature of patient and workplace safety in order to achieve better overall safety outcomes. Impact This study shows that organizational safety efforts for patients and workers are interconnected and mutually beneficial. The study's results have both theoretical and practical implications in demonstrating that organizational support for both patient and workplace safety plays a strong role in promoting nurses' safety compliance and improving overall safety outcomes. Reporting Method STROBE checklist. Patient Contribution No patient or public contribution.
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Bu çalışmada, süpervizör geribildiriminin niteliğini ölçmek amacıyla Etkili Süpervizör Geri Bildirimi Ölçeği (ESGBÖ) geliştirilmiş ve geçerlik güvenirliği sınanmıştır. Alanyazında sıklıkla vurgulanan ölçek geliştirme adımları sırasıyla izlenmiş ve çalışmada ESGBÖ’nün yapı geçerliği, ölçüt-bağıntılı geçerliği ve güvenirlik indeksleri incelenmiştir. Araştırmaya toplam 439 süpervizyon alan kişi (Rehberlik ve Psikolojik Danışmanlık lisans programı son sınıf öğrencileri) gönüllü bir biçimde katılmışlardır. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak Demografik Bilgi Formu (DBF), ESGBÖ, Süpervizyon Memnuniyeti Ölçeği (SMÖ) ve Süpervizyon Çalışma Uyumu Envanteri Kısa Formu (SÇUE-KF) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, ESGBÖ’nün tek boyutlu bir yapıya sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Toplam 13 maddeden oluşan ölçeğin ölçüt-bağıntılı geçerliğe ve yüksek güvenirliğe sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulguları, ESGBÖ’nün geçerliğini ve güvenirliğini destekleyici kanıtlar sunmuştur. Psikolojik danışman eğitiminde etkili süpervizör geri bildirimini arttırmak psikolojik danışmanların sahadaki uygulamalarını ve etkililiklerini destekleyebilir.
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Emophilia is a suggested stable phenomenon referring to how often and easily an individual falls in love (Jones, 2011). The current study investigated the psychometric properties of the Emotional Promiscuity Scale (EPS, i.e., a measure of emophilia) and its association with personality traits, romantic relationships, and unfaithfulness in a Scandinavian sample. The sample consisted of 2,607 participants, who were recruited through Norwegian and Swedish newspapers. Descriptive analyses of the EPS and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to verify the previously obtained two-factor structure were conducted. Correlations between emophilia and the Big Five and Dark Triad traits were calculated to investigate the discriminative validity of the EPS. Lastly, negative binomial regression analyses were run in which emophilia comprised the independent variable and the number of romantic relationships and number of times being unfaithful constituted the dependent variables. The EPS had satisfactory internal reliability and the responses to the items were normally distributed. The CFA indicated a two-factor structure, although the two factors correlated highly, justifying collapsing them into one dimension. Emophilia showed satisfactory discriminant validity (r < 00.40) against the personality traits included. Lastly, emophilia was positively associated with the number of romantic relationships and times being unfaithful. Future research should aim to improve our understanding of the psychological and behavioral aspects of emophilia.
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Globally, significant attention is given to the cultivation and evaluation of Mathematical Higher‐Order Thinking Skills (MHOTS). This study aims to address the gap in developing and validating suitable MHOTS structures for high school students. In this study, 53 items were determined by experts in the field of mathematics education and scale development. The study group of this study consists of 654 students educated at the high school level. We decided to split the samples randomly in two by designating a random half as exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and the other half as confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). EFA was used to confirm a robust “four‐dimensional, nine‐factor” measurement structure, encompassing four key dimensions, namely mathematical critical thinking, mathematical creative thinking, mathematical problem‐solving, and mathematical metacognitive skills. The scale's quality was assessed through a retest using CFA and the structural validity was evaluated through CFA and correlation analysis. The criterion validity of the scale was also examined using math scores. The results from the double validity analysis showed that the scale had a reasonable and valid structure. The findings established the MHOTS for high school students as a reliable and valid instrument for measuring the level of MHOTS among high school students. This newly developed scale holds promise as an effective tool to assess and enhance mathematical higher‐order thinking in the student population.
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Very little research has simultaneously explored the interactions between generalized problematic internet use (GPIU), problematic social media use (PSMU), problematic online gaming (POG), psychological distress, and emotional well-being among university students. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine (i) the associations between GPIU, PSMU, and POG symptoms, (ii) whether symptoms of these three problematic online behaviours form distinct entities, and (iii) whether there are associations between problematic online behaviours, psychological distress symptoms, and emotional role limitations using network analysis. A total of 807 Spanish university students participated (57.7% female; Mage = 21.22 years [SD = 3.68]). Two network models were computed. Network 1 showed a complex interaction of nodes, with particularly strong connections between analogous symptoms of GPIU and PSMU. Symptoms organised into distinct dimensions, featuring a unique dimension for POG symptoms, one that includes preoccupation and a conflict symptom of GPIU, and two other dimensions with symptoms of GPIU and PSMU. Network 2 showed significant connections between GPIU and depression, GPIU and emotional role limitations, PSMU and anxiety, PSMU and emotional role limitations, POG and depression, and POG and anxiety. The findings support the conceptualization of GPIU as a nonspecific disorder, the independence of PSMU and POG as distinct constructs, and aligning with perspectives that separate POG from the GPIU spectrum. The study reinforces the model of compensatory internet use and emphasizes the impact of problematic online behaviours on emotional well-being. The findings have practical implications for the assessment and intervention of problematic online behaviours.
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Günlük hayatta internet kullanımından en çok etkilenen alanlardan biri şüphesiz sosyal medya platformlarıdır. Sosyal medya hayatın birçok alanında olduğu gibi tüketicilerin destinasyon tercihlerinin şekillenmesinde de önemli bir alternatif mecra haline gelmiştir. Bu anlamda destinasyon pazarlama organizasyonları düşük bütçelerle geniş hedef kitlelere sosyal medya ağları ile ulaşma imkânı bulmaktadır. Aynı zamanda sosyal medya platformları tüketicilerin destinasyon tercihinde bilgiye ulaşma, plan ve rezervasyon yapma ve birbirleriyle seyahat deneyimlerini paylaşma şeklini de değiştirmiştir. Bu çalışmada amaç herhangi bir destinasyonun tercih edilmesinde sosyal medyanın tüketici davranışları üzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Evreni Türkiye geneli olan araştırmanın verilerini temin etmek amacıyla basit tesadüfi yöntem kullanılarak sosyal medya platformlarında çevrimiçi anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda sosyal medya vasıtasıyla destinasyon ihtiyacının belirlenmesi, destinasyon ile ilgili bilgi ve seçeneklerin araştırılması, destinasyon seçiminde alternatiflerin değerlendirilmesi ve satın alma sonrası sosyal medya değerlendirmesi ile sosyal medyanın destinasyon satın alma kararına etkisi arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönlü bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca sosyal medyanın destinasyon tercihinde tüketici davranışları üzerindeki etkisinin, demografik unsurlar içerisinde yer alan cinsiyet, yaş dağılımı ve aylık gelir açısından farklılık gösterdiği de tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen bilgiler ışığında sosyal medyada faaliyet gösteren destinasyon pazarlama organizasyonlarına tavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur.
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Aims To examine psychometric properties including the factor structure of the German versions of the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for teens and parents (DTSQ-T/-P). Methods Linguistically validated questionnaires were completed by 363 adolescents with type 1 diabetes and 655 parent-caregivers in a multicenter study. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), reliability, and correlations were examined. Results CFA confirmed the 2-factor model of treatment satisfaction (TS) & perceived diabetes control (PDC) with an adjustment of removing the “medical support” item from the TS and examining it as a single item in this study. Cronbach's α of TS for DTSQ-T/-P was 0.82 & 0.83, respectively, and α of the two-item PDC factor was 0.70 & 0.60, respectively. The DTSQ scale scores positively correlated with time in range and inversely correlated with HbA1c. Scale scores of DTSQ-T/-P showed significantly positive relations to the KIDSCREEN-10 Index and negative associations with the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID). The TS of the parents was correlated with depressive symptoms measured in the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Conclusions The DTSQ-T/-P produced psychometrically sound scores in measuring diabetes treatment satisfaction in German teens with type 1 diabetes and their parents. German DTSQ versions for teens and parents are recommended in research and clinical practice.
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