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The cost effectiveness of a policy to store carbon in Australian agricultural soils to abate greenhouse gas emissions The cost effectiveness of a policy to store carbon in Australian agricultural soils to abate greenhouse gas emissions


Abstract and Figures

Data for cropping and pastoral enterprises in south eastern Australia were used in a cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the feasibility of abating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through storing soil carbon (C) as soil organic matter under the Australian government's Carbon Farming Initiative. We used the C credit value for 2013-14 of $24.15 per tonne of CO 2-equivalent (CO 2-e) and a C storage rate of 0.5 tonne C/hectare/year for conversion of cropland to pasture. Given that a change of enterprise is driven primarily by farmer returns, we found that none of the changes were feasible at current prices, with the exception of wheat to cattle or sheep in an irrigated system, and dryland cotton to cattle or sheep. Given that our model scenario assumed the most favourable economic factors, it is unlikely that increased soil C storage through a change from cropping to pasture can make a significant contribution to abating Australia's CO 2 emissions. However, of greater concern to society is the methane emissions from grazing cattle or sheep, which would negate any gain in soil C under pasture, except for a switch from dryland cropping to sheep.
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The cost effectiveness of a policy to store carbon in Australian agricultural soils to abate
greenhouse gas emissions
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2015 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 25 012004
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The cost effectiveness of a policy to store carbon in Australian
agricultural soils to abate greenhouse gas emissions
Robert E White and Brian Davidson
Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville,
Victoria 3010, Australia.
Abstract. Data for cropping and pastoral enterprises in south eastern Australia were used in a
cost-effectiveness analysis to assess the feasibility of abating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
through storing soil carbon (C) as soil organic matter under the Australian government’s
Carbon Farming Initiative. We used the C credit value for 2013-14 of $24.15 per tonne of CO2-
equivalent (CO2-e) and a C storage rate of 0.5 tonne C/hectare/year for conversion of cropland
to pasture. Given that a change of enterprise is driven primarily by farmer returns, we found
that none of the changes were feasible at current prices, with the exception of wheat to cattle or
sheep in an irrigated system, and dryland cotton to cattle or sheep. Given that our model
scenario assumed the most favourable economic factors, it is unlikely that increased soil C
storage through a change from cropping to pasture can make a significant contribution to
abating Australia’s CO2 emissions. However, of greater concern to society is the methane
emissions from grazing cattle or sheep, which would negate any gain in soil C under pasture,
except for a switch from dryland cropping to sheep.
1. Introduction
The Australian government has a stated objective of decreasing Australia’s greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 5 percent by the year 2020. Through a Direct Action Policy, the government’s objective
will be achieved by abatement .... purchased via a market mechanism to achieve the lowest
price....The lowest cost abatement may be a mix of energy efficiency, cleaning up waste coal mine gas,
cleaning up power stations and landfill gas. It may be reafforestation of marginal lands or
revegetation or improvement of soil carbon[1]. This policy is currently being implemented through
an Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF), under the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) for which there is a
Carbon Credits (Sequestration of Carbon in Soil Using Modelled Abatement Estimates) Methodology
Determination 2014 [2]. Currently, this ‘determination’ sets out possible acceptable ‘project types’ as
being ‘sustainable intensification’, ‘conversion to pasture’ and ‘stubble retention’.
The modelled abatement estimates for carbon (C) storage are derived from the Australian
Government’s National Inventory System soil carbon model (the Full Carbon Accounting Model
FullCAM) and the parameters used to generate National Inventory reports for agricultural systems [2].
The estimates currently range from 0.122 to 0.5 tonnes (t) C per hectare (ha) per year (yr), that is,
0.449 to 1.835 t carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e)/ha/yr, the highest figure being for conversion from
cropland to pasture. These C storage estimates are consistent with the range of 0.3-0.6 t C/ha/yr
reported in a review of national and international literature by Sanderman et al. [3], but higher than
reported for intensively managed pastures under dryland or irrigation in recent New Zealand research
[4, 5]. However, the estimates are much lower than that claimed for ‘biological farming systems’ of a
Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
0.15% increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) annually (amounting to 3 t C/ha/yr for a soil of 1% C)
Given the wide disparity between these estimates of SOC storage potential and the fact that farmers
will be reluctant to change from a profitable farming enterprise to a less profitable one that may
require new skills, capital input, and incur a compliance cost for an approved project, the aim of this
paper is to analyze the economic consequences for farmers who change their current farming system
to other systems for the purpose of storing SOC. A range of common farming systems and their C
storage potentials is considered, as are the changes to farmers’ gross margins, the cost of compliance
with government policy, and a notional value of a C credit (which as from 1 July 2015 will be set by a
‘reverse auction’ process). Two measures are used to assess the viability of the program - the cost
effectiveness per ha of making a change (a measure of the incentive farmers need to partake), and the
cost effectiveness per t C (a measure of what the government might expect from the program). These
measures are calculated for the short term (1 yr), reflecting the immediate incentive to change, and the
longer term of 25 yrs, as will be permitted under the CFI policy from 1 July 2015. However, it should
be noted that projects approved after that date will be subject to a 20% reduction in any credits earned
if they are based on a 25-yr ‘permanence period’ [7].
2. Methods
Cost-effectiveness analysis is a technique that assists in ensuring the efficient use of investment
resources in sectors where benefits may be difficult to evaluate [8]. The technique can be used to
select amongst alternative projects or practices which have the same objectives (quantified in physical
terms). The approach can be used to identify the alternative that minimizes the actual value of costs to
provide a given level of output; or conversely, the value of costs that maximizes the output level. The
result of the analysis is a cost-effectiveness ratio of outputs to costs that can be used to measure the
impact of a policy.
This study is confined to the cost-effectiveness of changing from a cropping to pasture-based
livestock enterprise, assuming a C accumulation under grazed pasture of 0.5 t C/ha/yr (amounting to
1.835 t CO2-e/ha/yr) [2]. Although SOC will approach a new equilibrium value asymptotically, this
may take 80-120 years [9] so the assumption of a linear change over the first 25 yr is justified.
Although a wide range of cropping systems is possible, for simplicity we have chosen representative
irrigated cropping systems in southern New South Wales and dryland cropping systems in northern
New South Wales, for which data are readily available [10], and assessed the cost-effectiveness of a
change to a cattle or sheep enterprise. The costs are those associated with making a change from one
enterprise to another and those of complying with the policy. It is assumed that farmers who undertake
the change do so just once and do not opt in and out of the program. This assumption is in line with
the analysis undertaken by Cowan et al. [11] who argued that farmers, while being tactically flexible
within a production system, persist with their existing production systems despite adverse commodity
prices. The 'effect' is the amount of C stored per ha, which measured over time is the difference
between the increased SOC under the new enterprise compared with the SOC under ‘business as
usual’. This effect will often be larger than the difference calculated between SOC under the new
enterprise and SOC at time zero (the baseline).
The costs of changing enterprises are simplified by assuming they are confined to a change in the
gross margin a farmer receives from his enterprise. This assumes that the capital costs associated with
the change are non-existent. In table 1, data on gross margins for various dryland and irrigation
cropping and livestock enterprises are presented [10]. The costs of compliance will depend on the
costs of auditing the project and reporting, and the costs of SOC measurement to verify FullCAM’s
performance. At present, these costs cannot be quantified and so the compliance cost has been set at
zero in the analysis.
Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
Table 1.
Gross margins for irrigated and dryland wheat, soybeans, lucerne, cotton, sheep and cattle
enterprises in southern and northern NSW
Enterprise Soybeans
(1) Maize
(2) Wheat
(3) Lucerne
(4) Cotton
(5) Sheep
(6) Cattle
Irrigated systems
Farm price ($/t) 625 290 200 310 2400 - -
Yield (t/ha) 4 11 3.5 15 2.025 10 2.6
Gross revenue ($/ha) 2500 3190 700 4650 5348 1116 1497
Gross Costs ($/ha) 622 1396 442 2249 3167 609 594
Gross Margin ($/ha) 1878 1794 258 2401 2181 903 903
Dryland systems
Farm price ($/t) 475 240 265 288 1992 - -
Yield (t/ha) 1.5 3.75 3.5 4 0.6075 2 0.45
Gross revenue ($/ha) 713 900 928 1152 1210 223 183
Gross Costs ($/ha) 393 583 430 781 1160 122 55
Gross Margin ($/ha) 320 317 498 371 50 101 127
Notes: 1. Irrigated - Soybeans (edible) – Beds Murrumbidgee Valley Summer 2012-13. Dryland – Soybeans
(no-till) North East NSW Summer 2012-13.
2. Irrigated Maize-Grits (beds) – Murrumbidgee Valley Summer 2012-13. Dryland – Maize (no-till) North
East NSW Summer 2012-13.
3. Irrigated Wheat-Biscuit (Flood irrigated contour bay/sod sown) – Murrumbidgee Valley Winter 2012.
Dryland – Wheat (no-till, long fallow, after sorghum) North East NSW Winter 2012.
4. Irrigated Lucerne (Flood irrigated, maintenance) – Murrumbidgee Valley Summer 2012-13. Dryland –
Lucerne Hay Northern Zone NSW Summer 2010-11.
5. Irrigated Cotton (Roundup ready) – Murrumbidgee Valley Summer 2012-13. Dryland Cotton (Roundup
ready) North West NSW Summer 2011-12.
6. Sheep – Merino Ewes (20 micron) wether lambs finished, December 2012, on irrigated pasture and on
dryland (native pasture).
7. Irrigated Cattle – Yearlings Southern/Central NSW (pasture improved) December 2012. Dryland Cattle –
Inland Weaners (native pasture).
The sheep enterprise is assumed to be a 1000 ewe flock run at 10 dry stock equivalents (dse)/ha (irrigated
pasture) and 2 dse on dryland (native pasture). The cattle herd is assumed to be a 100 head mob, run at 2.6
livestock units (lsu)/ha (irrigated) and 0.5 lsu (dryland).
Source: NSW Department of Primary Industries (2012) Farm Budgets and Costs [10].
These costs and their effects need to be measured against the benefits to a farmer from undertaking
the change. The value of a C credit was taken as the Australian value of $24.15 per t CO2-e for 2013-
14, which was used in two ways. First, it is incorporated into the farm-level analysis as a benefit to
farmers from undertaking the change, and so is subtracted from the costs of change and compliance.
Although it is assumed the C credit is paid for every year of the analysis, it must be prorated up as the
difference in SOC accumulated increases over time, in this case over 25 yrs. Second, the C credit
value can be used to assess the whole policy, when it becomes the basic price the government has to
pay to implement soil C sequestration as part of the policy. In this way, the value of a C credit
necessary to achieve a desired level of abatement can be determined. This then determines the national
cost of the policy, which can be compared with the sum of money the government is prepared to
allocate to the policy.
3. Results and Discussion
The results of the analysis presented in table 2 have three main components. First, there is the
distinction between changing enterprises from one of five main crops to either sheep or cattle, in two
different farming systems: irrigated and dryland. Second, there is the difference between the cost of
Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
saving a tonne of CO2-e to society and the cost to the farmer of saving CO2-e per ha, for each of the
two farming systems. Third, there is a distinction between the short-term annual costs and the long-
term costs (over 25 years discounted using net present value (NPV) techniques at 7% per yr) in the
two different farming systems. Note that the adjustment costs of making a change between enterprises
and the compliance cost of a project are assumed to be zero.
The main findings to note are (a) for society, with the exception of wheat in the irrigated system,
the net costs per t CO2-e abated are between $462 and $1033 per yr. In the dryland system; with the
exception of dryland cotton, the net costs per t CO2-e abated are between $79 and $192 per yr. (b) For
society as a whole, with the exception of irrigated wheat, in the long term these costs accumulate and
in NPV terms amount to between $5444 and $11820 per t CO2-e abated. In the dryland system, with
the exception of cotton, the long term costs (in NPV terms) are between $1145 and $2458 per t of
CO2-e abated. (c) Farmers need an incentive to change enterprises and, with the exception of irrigated
wheat, the net costs (i.e. loss of income) of changes in the irrigated system are between $847 and
$1850 per ha in the first year. In the long term, the net costs increase substantially to between $9980
and $21670 per ha. In the dryland system, with the exception of cotton, the costs of changing
enterprises is between $145 and $352 per ha in the first year. Over 25 yrs the net costs in the dryland
system increase to between $2099 and $4507 per ha. (d) The negative results for irrigated wheat and
dryland cotton are interpreted as the opposite to a cost; in other words these are the benefits of
changing. A change from irrigated wheat to cattle is estimated to yield a benefit of $376 per t CO2-e
abated in one year and $4320 per t CO2-e in the long term. Per ha, irrigated wheat farmers would
improve earnings by an estimated $689 in the short term and $7920 over 25 yrs. The benefits are less
appealing in a change from irrigated wheat to sheep. In the case of dryland, cotton producers changing
to cattle is estimated to yield a benefit of $66 per t CO2-e abated in one year and $550 per t CO2-e over
25 yrs. Per ha, dryland cotton farmers would improve earnings by an estimated $121 in one year and
$1008 over 25 yrs. The benefits are less appealing in a move from dryland cotton to sheep. (e) The
question arises why farmers do not abandon irrigated wheat or dryland cotton and take up cattle?
Regardless of the benefits of C storage, this would appear to be a profitable move at current
commodity prices. However, a shortcoming of this analysis is that the costs of making the change have
not been incorporated and these would need to be (in the case of irrigated wheat) less than $689 per ha
in the first year and less than $7920 per ha over 25 yrs. Although the costs needed to make a similar
change from dryland cotton to cattle, or from either irrigated wheat or dryland cotton to sheep are less,
the same principle applies. In addition, while the losses in the long term would be less if a lower
discount rate (say 4%) were used, any change from a cropping to a livestock enterprise (with the
exception of those stated above) would still result in a loss. (f) Although changing from a cropping
enterprise to sheep appears less cost-effective than a change to cattle, the adjustment cost of making
this change may be less.
The government’s draft Carbon Credits Determination Methodology 2014 identifies several factors
that could change the net CO2-e abatement for a change from a cropping to pasture [12], of which the
most significant is the net negative effect of methane (CH4) emissions from cattle or sheep grazing the
pasture, which should be an overriding concern for society. The median values for these emissions for
cattle [13] and sheep [14] are 83.5 and 7.3 kg CH4/head/yr, respectively. Taking the global warming
potential of CH4 relative to CO2 over 25 yrs as 63 [15], the effect of the CH4 emissions from irrigated
pasture is estimated to be 13.7 and 4.6 t CO2-e/ha/yr for the cattle and sheep systems, respectively; for
dryland pasture, the CH4 effect would be 2.6 and 0.9 t CO2-e/ha/yr. Notwithstanding the uncertainties
in these estimates, the CH4 emissions (in t CO2-e/ha/yr) are much greater for irrigated pasture than the
abatement of 1.835 t CO2-e/ha/yr achieved through an increase in soil C under pasture. For dryland
pastures, the situation is more favourable for sheep, which provide a net abatement benefit, but not for
Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
Table 2
. The net cost (per t CO2-e and per ha) of changing from a cropping to a livestock
enterprise to store soil C (assuming an average soil C storage of 0.5 t C/ha/yr).
Item Units Soybeans Maize Wheat Lucerne Cotton
To society
Immediate (1 yr)
- to cattle $/t CO2-e 508 462 -376 793 673
- to sheep $/t CO2-e 748 702 -136 1033 913
Long term (25 yrs)
- to cattle $/t CO2-e 5977 5444 -4320 9302 7906
- to sheep $/t CO2-e 8496 7962 -1802 11820 10425
To the farmer
Immediate (1 yr)
- to cattle $/ha 931 847 -689 1454 1234
- to sheep $/ha 1327 1243 -293 1850 1630
Long term (25 yrs)
- to cattle $/ha 10959 9980 -7920 17054 14495
- to sheep $/ha 15576 14597 -3303 21670 19112
To society
Immediate (1 yr)
- to cattle $/t CO2-e 81 79 178 109 -66
- to sheep $/t CO2-e 95 93 192 123 -52
Long term (25 yrs)
- to cattle $/t CO2-e 1165 1145 2294 1493 -550
- to sheep $/t CO2-e 1329 1309 2458 1657 -386
To the farmer
Immediate (1 yr)
- to cattle $/ha 148 145 326 200 -121
- to sheep $/ha 174 171 352 226 -96
Long term (25 yrs)
- to cattle $/ha 2136 2099 4206 2737 -1008
- to sheep $/ha 2437 2399 4507 3038 -708
4. Conclusions
These results emphasize that enterprise choice is driven primarily by returns to the farmer. Thus,
unless an incentive to change enterprises (such as a C credit) is large, change will not occur. This
analysis, conducted over five different enterprises and two different farming systems, shows the best
possible outcome because we have ignored the adjustment costs of any change, the compliance costs,
and the intended 20% discount of a C credit for a 25-yr project. We have also assumed a generous
value for an ACCU that is not likely to be achieved under the Direct Action Plan starting on 1 July
2015 (indeed the indicative cost of a C credit realized in the first auction held in April 2015 is $13.95
per t CO2-e). Hence all real situations present a worse-case scenario than that we have modelled here.
With the exception of irrigated wheat and dryland cotton production, changing to grazed pasture to
store soil C will not be a cost-effective way of abating GHG emissions. At a wheat price of $200 per t,
a change to cattle or sheep could be profitable provided the initial adjustment cost is less than $689/ha
Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
or $293/ha for a change to cattle or sheep, respectively. All the commodity prices considered here will
fluctuate over time; in particular, wheat prices have been as high as $300 per t which would make a
change from wheat to cattle or sheep much less attractive than appears in our analysis.
Overall, the generally unfavourable cost-effectiveness of a change from cropping to pasture means
that farmers are unlikely to make this change specifically to sequester soil C, but this general
conclusion should not preclude individual farmers or farming groups from undertaking a more detailed
analysis of the policy. However, irrespective of these financial results, the negative effect on net CO2-e
emissions of CH4 emissions from cattle pastures (irrigated and dryland) and irrigated sheep pastures
makes a change from cropping to grazed pastures an unsatisfactory option for abating GHG emissions
[1] Hunt G 2013 Choosing the right market mechanisms for addressing environmental problems
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Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, chapter
2, table 2.14
Soil Change Matters 2014 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 25 (2015) 012004 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/25/1/012004
... The Australian Government's Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), being part of its Emission Reductions Fund (ERF), is an evolving program. Previously, we analysed the cost-effectiveness from the viewpoint of the taxpayer (society) and the individual farmer (farming for profit) for a change from cropland to pasture grazed by sheep or cattle (White & Davidson, 2015). We followed the approved methodology detailed in Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Sequestering Carbon in Soils in Grazing Systems) Methodology Determination 2014, which applied to the conversion of cropland to pasture where changes in soil C stocks were estimated by direct measurement (Australian Government, 2015a). ...
... With these changes in mind, the aim in this paper is to determine both the costs and benefits for individual farmers to engage in the revised CFI, and the cost-effectiveness of society's commitment to pay for overall sequestration of C in soil. First, we analyse the changes in the net revenue for typical cropping farms on eligible land in Australia that participate in the revised CFI for soil C sequestration, following our previous approach (White & Davidson, 2015). Second, we calculate the cost-effectiveness for the government, representing the Australian taxpayer, to implement this scheme nationally, based on expected C abatements in eligible regions and likely uptake rates. ...
... The effect of stocking rate change in Conversion to Pasture produced relatively greater effects on C abatement for those grazing systems where positive abatements were possible. This is primarily due to the relatively large contribution that methane (CH 4 ) emissions from the grazing animals make to GHG emissions (White & Davidson, 2015). Net C abatement changed from 0.13 to 0.48 t CO 2 -e/ha/yr for dryland sheep in Victoria, and from -0.13 to 0.33 t CO 2 -e/ha/yr for dryland cattle in NSW. ...
Full-text available
This paper investigates the net benefits of sequestering carbon in soil from a biophysical and economic perspective. This study is important because sequestering carbon (C) in soil is a key component of the Australian government’s Direct Action Policy to offset the nation’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The biophysical potential for sequestering C using one of four permitted project management activities (new irrigation, managing soil acidity, stubble retention and converting cropland to permanent pasture) was calculated according to the Methodology Determination - Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Estimating Sequestration of Carbon in Soil Using Default Values, 2015. The economic prospects of those activities that show a net C abatement were then evaluated to determine whether they were profitable for a farmer to implement. Finally, the costs and benefits from society’s perspective of those activities found to be profitable were calculated. Of these activities only stubble retention and liming provided net benefits to a farmer, although there were limitations as to how widely these activities could be implemented nationally. We estimated a cost to government of approximately $35 M annually to achieve a net abatement of 2.84 M t CO2-e. Because this represents only 0.52 percent of Australia’s annual GHG emissions of 549 M t CO2-e, the policy is both expensive and relatively ineffective as a C offset policy alone. However, if viewed as an investment in farmland sustainability, this payment to farmers could be good public policy.
... The Australian Government's Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI), being part of its Emission Reductions Fund (ERF), is an evolving program. Previously, we analysed the cost-effectiveness from the viewpoint of the taxpayer (society) and the individual farmer (farming for profit) for a change from cropland to pasture grazed by sheep or cattle (White & Davidson, 2015). We followed the approved methodology detailed in Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Sequestering Carbon in Soils in Grazing Systems) Methodology Determination 2014, which applied to the conversion of cropland to pasture where changes in soil C stocks were estimated by direct measurement (Australian Government, 2015a). ...
... With these changes in mind, the aim in this paper is to determine both the costs and benefits for individual farmers to engage in the revised CFI, and the cost-effectiveness of society's commitment to pay for overall sequestration of C in soil. First, we analyse the changes in the net revenue for typical cropping farms on eligible land in Australia that participate in the revised CFI for soil C sequestration, following our previous approach (White & Davidson, 2015). Second, we calculate the cost-effectiveness for the government, representing the Australian taxpayer, to implement this scheme nationally, based on expected C abatements in eligible regions and likely uptake rates. ...
... The effect of stocking rate change in Conversion to Pasture produced relatively greater effects on C abatement for those grazing systems where positive abatements were possible. This is primarily due to the relatively large contribution that methane (CH 4 ) emissions from the grazing animals make to GHG emissions (White & Davidson, 2015). Net C abatement changed from 0.13 to 0.48 t CO 2 -e/ha/yr for dryland sheep in Victoria, and from -0.13 to 0.33 t CO 2 -e/ha/yr for dryland cattle in NSW. ...
Darrah et al. (M.A. 86M/4221) presented a model that predicted the distribution of ammonium and nitrate in a column of soil after addition of ammonium chloride to one end of the column. Simplification can reduce the time taken to run the model without affecting its accuracy. It is necessary to measure all the input parameters, except perhaps the diffusional impedance factor, in order to obtain accurate predictions from the model.-R.E.S.
... A major determinant of whether farmers can be persuaded to 'farm carbon' is whether the practice change required is financially viable. Minasny et al. (2017) make brief reference to the Australian government's CFI and to Paustian et al. (2016), who wrote about C trading and the C credits that might be needed to persuade farmers to change their practices to store more soil C. White and Davidson (2015) used the CFI methodology to analyse the cost-effectiveness of a change from cropland to pasture using Australian examples. At a time when the Australian government's legislated price of a C credit was AUD24.15/t ...
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In Australia, agriculture is responsible for ~17% of total greenhouse gas emissions with ruminants being the largest single source. However, agriculture is likely to be shielded from the full impact of any future price on carbon. In this review, strategies for reducing ruminant methane output are considered in relation to rumen ecology and biochemistry, animal breeding and management options at an animal, farm, or national level. Nutritional management strategies have the greatest short-term impact. Methanogenic microorganisms remove H2 produced during fermentation of organic matter in the rumen and hind gut. Cost-effective ways to change the microbial ecology to reduce H2 production, to re-partition H2 into products other than methane, or to promote methanotrophic microbes with the ability to oxidise methane still need to be found. Methods of inhibiting methanogens include: use of antibiotics; promoting viruses/bacteriophages; use of feed additives such as fats and oils, or nitrate salts, or dicarboxylic acids; defaunation; and vaccination against methanogens. Methods of enhancing alternative H2 using microbial species include: inoculating with acetogenic species; feeding highly digestible feed components favouring ‘propionate fermentations’; and modifying rumen conditions. Conditions that sustain acetogen populations in kangaroos and termites, for example, are poorly understood but might be extended to ruminants. Mitigation strategies are not in common use in extensive grazing systems but dietary management or use of growth promotants can reduce methane output per unit of product. New, natural compounds that reduce rumen methane output may yet be found. Smaller but more permanent benefits are possible using genetic approaches. The indirect selection criterion, residual feed intake, when measured on ad libitum grain diets, has limited relevance for grazing cattle. There are few published estimates of genetic parameters for feed intake and methane production. Methane-related single nucleotide polymorphisms have yet to be used commercially. As a breeding objective, the use of methane/kg product rather than methane/head is recommended. Indirect selection via feed intake may be more cost-effective than via direct measurement of methane emissions. Life cycle analyses indicate that intensification is likely to reduce total greenhouse gas output but emissions and sequestration from vegetation and soil need to be addressed. Bio-economic modelling suggests most mitigation options are currently not cost-effective.
The daily methane output of sheep is strongly affected by the quantity and digestibility of feed consumed. There are few widely applicable technologies that reduce the methane output of grazing ruminants without limiting feed intake per head or animal numbers. In contrast, there are many opportunities to increase the amount of animal product generated per unit of feed eaten. These include improving growth and reproductive rates of livestock and will reduce methane emission per unit of product (called emissions intensity) for individual animals. Producer responses to such improvements through changes to stocking rate and total area grazed will have a major effect on the total emission and profitability of the enterprise. First mating of ewes as lambs (~7 months of age) rather than as hoggets (~19 months of age) reduces the emissions intensity of self-replacing flocks but not that of flocks for which replacement ewes are purchased. Selection of sheep for improved residual feed intake reduces emissions in
Accepting that increased climate variability will require that farmers make significant changes to their farm systems, we can see that maintaining flexibility is an important coping strategy. Using general systems theory, we offer a conceptual model for describing the tactical and strategic flexibility of farm systems to reveal the sensitivity of farm systems to variable critical inputs. The model is used to classify farm systems as rigid, robust, or elastic on the basis of two factors, the capacity of the farmer to reduce reliance on critical inputs by altering the following: (i) the use of critical inputs and (ii) farm output. The different production emphasis for the different types of systems has implications for how these farmers are able to respond to increased variability and on public policies that may support viable farm businesses in the face of increased variability. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Irrigation of grazed pasture significantly increases plant and animal production, which may in turn increase soil organic carbon (SOC), depending on the balance between primary production and below-ground allocation of C on the one hand, and the decomposition and export of C from the soil on the other. To evaluate the effect of irrigation on SOC we sampled a grazed pasture field experiment maintained under different irrigation treatments for 62 years. The dry-land treatment in this experiment only received rainfall at an average of 740 mm year−1. The 10 and 20% irrigation treatments involved application of 100 mm of irrigation when the soil reached 10 and 20% gravimetric moisture content, respectively. The 10 and 20% irrigation treatments received average total annual irrigation inputs of 260 and 770 mm year−1, respectively. The 10 and 20% irrigation treatments increased pasture production by 44 and 74%, respectively, compared with that from the dry-land. Analysis of soils taken to 1-m depth revealed that amounts of SOC were not significantly different between the dry-land (125.5 Mg ha−1) and 10% irrigation (117.8 Mg ha−1) treatments, but these were significantly greater than the 20% irrigation treatment (93.0 Mg ha−1). At 50–100 cm, SOC was also less (34%) for the 20% irrigation treatment than for the 10% irrigation treatment. The relative quantities of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in the light fraction (LF) at all soil depths decreased successively from dry-land to the 20% irrigation treatment, suggesting that wetter soil conditions accelerated decomposition of the LF fraction, a comparatively labile SOC fraction. The C-to-N ratio of the bulk soil was also less for the 20% irrigation treatment, indicating more decomposed SOM in the irrigated than in the dry-land treatment. There were no significant differences in the microbial biomass between the three different irrigation treatments, but the respiration rate (CO2 production) of soil organisms in the 20% irrigation treatment was consistently greater than in the other two treatments. It was concluded that large increases in plant productivity as a result of irrigation had either no effect or significantly reduced SOC stocks under grazed pasture. The reduced SOC content observed in the 20% irrigation treatment was attributed to a combination of increased C losses in animal products and drainage associated with greater stocking, together with accelerated decomposition of organic C resulting from elevated soil moisture maintained throughout the growing season.
A previous temporal sampling study of New Zealand soils under different grazing systems indicated that soils on flat land under dairy farming had lost significant amounts of C and N in the last few decades, while soils under drystock farming on flat land had not. This result suggested that dairy farms would have lower soil C stocks than adjacent drystock farms. To test this hypothesis, we sampled 25 adjacent dairy and drystock farms to 0.6 m depth and analysed samples for C, N and soil dry bulk density by horizon. Paired sampling sites were on average 108 m apart, on the same soil with similar slope, aspect and topography and had been in that farming system for at least 10 years prior. The average stocking rate for dairy farms (24 stock units ha−1) was higher (P < 0.01) than drystock farms (14 stock units ha−1). The mean total C and total N stocks for the whole soil profile (0–0.6 m) were 173 t C ha−1 and 15.7 t N ha−1 for the dairy farms and 183 t C ha−1 and 16.1 t N ha−1 for the drystock farms and these were not significantly different. However, when the soil horizons were considered separately, the A horizon of dairy farms had significantly lower C (8 t C ha−1, P < 0.05) than drystock farms. The A horizon thickness under dairy farming was also shallower (P < 0.05) with a greater soil dry bulk density (P < 0.05) than the drystock farms indicating soil compaction, presumably due to higher stocking rates and heavier animals on dairy farms. Changes in soil dry bulk density and A horizon depth offset one another and the total mass of soil sampled from the A horizons was the same (0.14 ± 0.01 t m−2). Therefore, the significant difference in soil C of the A horizon was likely to be a consequence of land management rather than as a result of sampling different masses of soil. Lower soil C content of the A horizon in this paired site study is consistent with an earlier sampling using temporal comparisons. We do not know the causes for these differences in C, but they might be linked to the higher stocking rates of dairy systems, where large dairy cows exert greater physical pressure on the soil, consume more above ground biomass, and deposit more intense urine patches that have been linked to solubilisation of soil C.
Temperate grasslands account for c. 20% of the land area in Europe. Carbon accumulation in grassland ecosystems occurs mostly below ground and changes in soil organic carbon stocks may result from land use changes (e.g. conversion of arable land to grassland) and grassland management. Grasslands also contribute to the biosphere–atmosphere exchange of non-CO2 radiatively active trace gases, with fluxes intimately linked to management practices. In this article, we discuss the current knowledge on carbon cycling and carbon sequestration opportunities in temperate grasslands. First, from a simple two-parameter exponential model fitted to literature data, we assess soil organic carbon fluxes resulting from land use change (e.g. between arable and grassland) and from grassland management. Second, we discuss carbon fluxes within the context of farming systems, including crop–grass rotations and farm manure applications. Third, using a grassland ecosystem model (PaSim), we provide estimates of the greenhouse gas balance, in CO2 equivalents, of pastures for a range of stocking rates and of N fertilizer applications. Finally, we consider carbon sequestration opportunities for France resulting from the restoration of grasslands and from the de-intensification of intensive livestock breeding systems. We emphasize major uncertainties concerning the magnitude and non-linearity of soil carbon stock changes in agricultural grasslands as well as the emissions of N2O from soil and of CH4 from grazing livestock.
The role of strategic and tactical flexibility in managing input variability on farms Wiley Online Library [12]
  • L Cowan
  • G Kaine
  • V Wright
Cowan L, Kaine G and Wright V 2012 The role of strategic and tactical flexibility in managing input variability on farms. Syst Res Behav Sci 30 470–94, Wiley Online Library [12] (accessed 8 December 2014)