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Simple 3D Low Poly Modeling Tool with Intuitive GUI


Abstract and Figures

This paper is dedicated to the development of an intuitive 3D-modeling tool for game design and 3d printing techniques. Today these steps often require special knowledge and complex 3D software. The tool should be developed in C++ or Qt. Alternatives for data exchange should be analyzed and implemented for game design and 3D printing techniques. The goal should be a small, performant and easy to use 3D modeling tool for game designers and 3D printing techniques.
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AT M ¨
Simple 3D Low Poly Modeling Tool
with Intuitive GUI
Yueyue Cheng
AT M ¨
Simple 3D Low Poly Modeling Tool
with Intuitive GUI
Yueyue Cheng
Aufgabensteller: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hußmann
Betreuer: Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang H¨ohl
Henri Palleis
Abgabetermin: 15. Juni 2015
Hiermit versichere ich, dass ich die vorliegende Diplomarbeit selbst¨andig verfasst und
keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe.
unchen, den 15. Juni 2015
(Unterschrift des Kandidaten)
This paper deals with the design and development of a small 3D modeling tool which is
mainly applied on the PC. At first beyond a short overview of the application of 3d model
and the history of 3d modeling software development, it explains the present situation of the
modeling software on the market, as well as deficiencies that should be improved. Then the
relevant theoretical knowledge is introduced and several modeling software on the market are
used and discussed through the aspect of game design to guide the design and development of
the modeling tool. This tool which is required to be with an user-friendly user interface and
convenient operations is inspired by the famous sandbox game “Minecraft”, and developed
by Qt Creator with OpenGL. This tool provides a homemade cube structure as the basic unit
of modeling, and uses the Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface and its variants to optimize
the edge of the model.
After the tool is complete, it will be applied by actual example and its strengths and
weaknesses will be evaluated. Considering all this, it will show some strategies to solve the
weaknesses of this tool. Finally, the development direction of this tool in the future will be
prospected and described.
Keyword: 3D Modeling, Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface, Low Poly, Intuitive GUI,
Qt Creator
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2. StateoftheArt................................... 1
1.3. Overview of the Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Theory and Technique 5
2.1. LowPoly ...................................... 5
2.2. GameDesign .................................... 6
2.3. RelevantFileFormat................................ 7
3. Environment and Analysis 9
3.1. Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2.1. theBasicFeatures ............................. 10
3.2.2. Workflow of Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2.3. Use Case for Game Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4. Concept and Design 21
4.1. RequirementsAnalysis............................... 21
4.2. Workow ...................................... 22
4.2.1. Ready-madeMesh ............................. 22
4.2.2. Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2.3. the Pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.2.4. the Post-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3. ModelingFunctions................................. 29
4.4. UserInterface.................................... 35
5. Programming and Implementation 39
5.1. CubeStructure ................................... 39
5.2. Algorithm of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3. 3DModelingFileFormat ............................. 43
6. Discussion and Conclusion 47
6.1. PracticalUseCase ................................. 47
6.1.1. the Description of Modeling Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.1.2. ModelExport................................ 50
6.2. LessonsLearned .................................. 51
6.2.1. Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
6.2.2. GoodPoints ................................ 53
6.2.3. Problems and Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.3. FutureWork .................................... 59
A. Version and Configuration of System and Related Software 61
B. Contents of CD 63
List of Figures 65
Bibliography 67
1. Introduction
1.1. Background and Motivation
3D modeling is the process to produce 3D model which represents objects by three-dimensional
polygons and usually displayed with computer or other video devices. The displayed 3D
model can be anything that can be existed physically in nature, either the entity in the real
world or something in imaginary world. Today, 3D modeling is widely used in various fields.
For instance, the medical industry uses 3D modeling to produce the accurate models of the
organs; the engineering and manufacturing uses it to design new products; the the construc-
tion industry uses it to show simulated buildings and landscape; the film and video industry
uses it to create animated characters and simulate their actions; the video games uses it
to obtain creative resources. With the continuous development of 3D computer graphics
technology, and popular of 3D graphics on the PC, more and more individuals are getting
started with 3D modeling, because of the needs for study and job, or just as a hobby. In
this way, appropriate software of 3D computer graphics is necessary, and very important.
The 3D computer graphics software is the software which produces 3D models or CGI
(Computer-Generated Imagery) through 3D modeling and rendering. These kinds of software
are often used in the production of movies and video games, most of them also include high-
end dedicated plug-ins for construction and other fields. On the other hand, this type of
software often has a complex user interface and needs to add additional software kit while
it is used. Sometimes it even requires the user to have some relevant skills and knowledge.
The objective of this project is to design and develop a small 3D modeling software
which is mainly applied on the PC. This software is inspired by the famous sandbox game
“Minecraft”, developed by Qt Creator with OpenGL, to design more user-friendly user in-
terface and operations, so that users can make model quickly and easily.
1.2. State of the Art
The 3D computer graphics software allows users to create models and to change mesh of
model by adding, subtracting, stretching or other ways to the shape which the users want.
Meanwhile, the software like this can also display the model from a variety of angles, and
usually its view can be zoomed, rotated or translated. Most modeling software support
a number of different model formats, so that they can export their models which can be
imported into other applications for further processing. In addition, some software also
include a number of related features, such as texture mapping facilities, NURBS (Non-
uniform rational B-spline) and even animation which can generate video with a series of
rendered scenes.
1. Introduction
Currently the most popular 3D computer graphics software in the world include 3ds
Max, cinema4D, Maya etc[1]. The 3ds Max which is formerly known as 3D Studio was
originally released in 1990 for the DOS platform[2]. At that time it is still far away from 3D
computer graphics software on the PC. However, Autodesk’s 3D Studio showed its powerful
features and stability. This is also one of the reasons that it can be widely popular. Before
the emergence of Windows NT, the production of industrial-grade computer graphics is
monopolized by SGI (Silicon Graphics, Inc.) graphics workstations. Later because of the
3D Studio MAX 1.0, Maya and other similar software for Windows NT platform have been
launched. The combination of 3D Studio Max and Windows NT reduced the costs of CG
production significantly. After that, the CG software production platforms have been moved
from the Unix workstation to Web-based PC.
Most of the PC-based high-end 3D computer graphics software, including the three
examples above are commercial software. They support for 3D rendering, are integrated
3D graphics software for making 3D models, images, animations and games, and request
relatively low configuration. For example of 3ds Max, it began to use at first the animation
in computer games, further became to product also special effects of movies, such as “X-Men
2”, “The Last Samurai” and so on[3]. 3ds Max has strong modeling capabilities, not only
include regular polygon modeling which is especially used on game design, but also support
the NURBS to smooth surface and to eliminate the straight edges of polygon models. The
auxiliary tools in this software are very rich[4]. At the same time 3ds Max can also provides
additional functions and improves the ability of the original by installing plug-ins. The
built-in scripting language MAXScript is be supported to allow users to develop new tools
and create more plug-in modules themselves.
Of course, there are still many deficiencies of current modeling software. Taking 3ds
Max as an example once again, due to the abundant auxiliary tools and plug-ins, users
can deal the same question with several different options. This is its strength but also its
weakness, especially for beginners. And because it is commercial software, a lot of plug-ins
is not for free. Some high-end special plug-ins which have high price, only will be used
by specialized production companies. In order to use these diverse functions and tools,
the whole software including the user interface becomes complex. Although some modeling
software like Autodesk’s FormIt and Google’s SketchUp offer a friendly user interface and
simple operations already, they had to give up some features, and do not provide advanced
modeling tools such as NURBS or subdivision surfaces. In addition, building a good 3D
model often requires the user’s own ability: a certain art foundation, a good sense of space,
and sometimes it even requires the user to have special knowledge of certain aspects. In this
case, even the top-end modeling software today wouldn’t help very much.
This master project will provide a cube as the basic unit of modeling which can be
transformed and smoothed instead of the modeling unit (point, edge and face) in traditional
modeling software, and probe a solution to make the 3D models easier, faster and more
human-friendly by combining these basic units.
1.3. Overview of the Chapters
1.3. Overview of the Chapters
In this project, several modeling software on the market will be compared and analyzed, and
a new simple modeling software will be developed. Then we will build new models by this
software and export the models to use further for game design and rapid prototyping. This
entire process, including test results will be discussed and analyzed.
In chapter 2 the relevant background knowledge will be described, including the theory
and technology related to this project, for example: polygonal modeling, game design and
some common file formats of 3d model.
In chapter 3 we will focus on comparing and testing several existing modeling software
(Blender, Wings3D and SketchUp) through the aspect game design, and then discuss and
analyze the results.
In chapter 4 we will explain the design concept of the new modeling software in this
project, the expected functions and the actual functions of success at the last. Especially
the algorithm and principle of subdivision surface that be involved in the software will be
introduced in detail.
In chapter 5 some implementations of the major and important functions in this modeling
software will be described and the programs will be analyzed through the class diagram and
the sequence diagram. According to some examples those functions will be used and tested.
Finally in chapter 6 we will make a use case for this software, record and analyze the
results, determine strengths and weaknesses, find out the improvement for the problems.
And the entire project will be reviewed and summarized; the experience will be learned.
2. Theory and Technique
The topic of this project thesis is “Simple 3D low poly modeling tool with intuitive GUI”.
This chapter will introduce and describe the theories and techniques which are involved to
3D computer graphics technology in this project
2.1. Low Poly
3D model is broadly divided into two categories, one is a solid, and the other is shell. The
solid model which is more realistic, but also more difficult to build, is mainly used for the
CAD (Computer Aided Design) and non visual simulations such as engineering simulations
and medical[5]. The model of shell is a polyhedral object like a thin eggshell which represents
the object’s boundary but not volume. It is common in computer graphics, because the
object’s appearance depends largely on its boundary. And the model’s shape is defined with
a polygon mesh which is a collection of vertices, edges and faces[6]. Low poly means a
polygon mesh with relatively few polygons. The alternative is high poly which has relatively
more polygons in a polygon mesh.
In theory, the polygon mesh can be constituted by the polygons which have any number
of edges, but in fact the mesh is commonly divided into triangles for display. Generally,
the more triangles in polygon mesh make the shape of model more detailed, but also take
more rending time. The number of triangles that can be rendered to appear in a scene and
the frame rate of rending that can be accepted, are depend on the combination of rendering
method and the performance of computer. In order to decrease rending times or to increase
frame rate, it is necessary to reduce the number of triangles in the scene. This is why low
poly is needed for a polygon mesh[7].
Therefore the low-poly models are especially useful in computer games, films or other
software in which the user have to manipulate 3D objects in real time. Rendering in real
time requires higher frame rates. The processing power of personal computer or games
console is very limited. A large network of computers also must take hours to render films
or still images with a higher polygon, although the rendering does not need to be done in
real time[8]. In a case such as this, the low poly modeling sacrifices some detail of model in
favor of precious computational cycles. In this way, with only less memory, the game can be
rendered quickly, even be playback and give best game effects to players.
The common models of low poly are often blocky and lacking in detail, for example
rectangular fingers or no individual fingers of a hand. When the model represents the object
which is supposed to be circular or spherical, it needs high number of triangles to make a
curve to appear smooth. In addition, low poly is a relative term. There is no threshold to
define a low poly mesh or a high poly mesh. The low poly depends on the shape of meshes,
the required detail and the performance of hardware. With the improvement of computer
2. Theory and Technique
power, the number of polygons can also be increased.
2.2. Game Design
In this project, whether the analysis of the existing modeling software on the market in
preparatory work, or the testing after completion of the new modeling software, will use a
simple self-designed video game as a use case. So what is game design? Game design is a
process of designing the content and rules of a game[9], involving every detail for how would
the game be played. Here it mainly refers to video games: the rules and playing of the game,
the effect of players’ choice for the game process, the standard of winning or losing, the
background story, the game programming, and the visual art and sound in order to make a
better user experience. Finally, there may be also the problems of the transition.
Essentially, the game design is restrained by a series of constraints which guide the
development of the game exactly. These constraints are designed depending on the different
types of game. There are many kinds of constraints, such as: funds and technique for game
development, product copyright and profit ability, the constraints from user groups and
political constraints.
Early in the video game, the game designer is often programmers. In 1970s, with the
expanding of the video game industry, game designers’ task became independent of the main
programmer. For some very complex games, such as MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online
Role Playing Game) game, there are usually one or two major designers and many junior
designers for subsets of the game.
Depending on the different game designers and companies, the process of game design
will have different principles and procedures[10], and according to the operating post of game
designer, the working content is also different. In general, the game designers will pre-create
a game design document which determines the direction and related details of the designed
game. This document will probably base on the existing games or concept and be continually
improved with the process of game development[11]. With the help of pre-existing engines
and tools like Game Maker or Unity3D, concept prototyping can be implemented more easily.
Besides, other works of game designers include: writing game scripts and requirements for
art resource, making game scenes, participating in the game testing and rewrite the game
engine if it is necessary.
Before the start of a new project, which is in the discussion stage, the game designers
may be required to submit a short concept at first, including the game’s specific features,
audience, platform and so on. According to this concept of short, designers will consult with
other relevant departments, and give the available time, the size and the budget to determine
its feasibility and then to decide whether the project be implemented. With the development
of production, there may be more and more problem about elements missing from the design.
How to deal with these issues needs the game designer to make decisions. The consequences
of these decisions are difficult to predict, and the merits of some decisions often may appear
only after complete implementing. These are known as design’s unknowns, the sooner they
are found the less risk will be brought to the entire process of game development and even
the game itself.
2.3. Relevant File Format
2.3. Relevant File Format
Blender and other 3D modeling software often support several file formats. By using the
software, we come inevitably into contact with these file formats.
OBJ(.obj) is a standard 3d model file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies
and used for the 3d modeling and animation software “Advanced Visualizer”. The file
format is a text based, open and universally accepted format by other 3D graphics
applications. Therefore, in this project, we also choose this format, as one of the export
format for the models of our new modeling software. Except ASCII format (.obj),
Object files can be also binary format (.mod) which is unpublished as a patent[12].
OBJ3.0 file format supports lines, polygons, surfaces and free-form curves. Lines and
polygons are described by their points. Curves and surfaces are according to their
extra information which are controlled by points and are attached the type of curve.
This information supports the regular and irregular curves, including Bezier, B-spline,
Cardinal/Catmull-Rom and Taylor equations.
OBJ file consists of lines of text, does not require any kind of file header, although there
is often a few lines of comment with the symbol “#” as the beginning of the file. The
meaningful lines are marked by one or two letters (the keyword) at the beginning of
the line. The keywords can explain what kind of data in this line. For instance vertex
definition which defines the coordinates of each vertex, and face definition which defines
the vertices in each face of the model, are respectively beginning with the keyword “v”
and “f”. Other common keywords are as well as “l” for edge definition, “vt” for texture
vertices, “vn” for vertex normals and so on[13]. Further discussion and examples of
OBJ file’s format will continue in subsequent chapters.
OBJ file does not contain information about the properties of material. The file format
Material Template Library(.mtl) is a companion file format for OBJ that describes
material properties of objects. MTL is defined by Wavefront Technologies for ASCII
files. A OBJ file can also reference plural MTL files with different material descriptions
by name[14].
FBX(.fbx) was file format of 3D character animation software FilmBoX which is re-
named Motionbuilder later. This file format is developed by Kaydara, and now owned
by Autodesk as a proprietary file format. The FBX format specifies both ASCII and
binary representations. The Blender Foundation publishes an unofficial spec for the
FBX binary file format[15].
The biggest use of FBX is interoperability of model, texture and camera information
between digital content creation applications such as software Max, Maya and Soft-
image. So the user can take the advantages of different software. It can be said, the
performance of FBX in this part is quite ideal for transferring models. The transferred
model is basically perfectly.
A C++ FBX SDK provided by Autodesk can read, write, and convert to or from FBX
2. Theory and Technique
files. Although the FBX file format is proprietary, its description can be founded in the
FBX Extensions SDK that provides header files for the FBX readers and writers[16].
3DS(.3ds) is one of the 3D file formats used by the Autodesk 3ds Max for modeling,
animation and so on. Other 3D file formats is MAX(.max).
3DS was the native file format of the old 3D Studio in DOS, which is the predecessor
of 3D Studio Max. Since 1990 3DS has been in existence, and today it has became a
standard for transferring models between 3D programs[17]. This format can save the
information of mesh model and UV stably, is also compatible with basic bones and
basic animation for all of 3D software. 3DS is a binary file format.
DAS also known as COLLADA is an interchange file format(.dae) for interactive 3D
software, and is managed by the Khronos Group which is a nonprofit technology con-
sortium. As a publicly available specification COLLADA has been adopted by ISO
with number ISO/PAS 17506[18].
The digital assets that are described by COLLADA documents are XML files. COL-
LADA defines an open standard XML-based schema to exchange freely digital assets
among various graphics software without loss of information, and combine multiple
software packages into extremely powerful tool chains.
Besides, COLLADA can be imported by Adobe Flash. The model of Google Earth is
STL(STereoLithography) is an interface protocol developed by 3D SYSTEMS company
in 1987[19]. It is 3D graphics file format(.stl) and widely used for rapid prototyping.
STL files describe only the surface geometry of a 3D object which consists of a plurality
of triangular facets without color, texture or other attributes. The definition of each
triangular is including the 3D coordinates of each point in triangle and the normal
vector of the triangle surface. The order of the triangle vertices follows the right-hand
rule. The STL can be represented as either binary or ASCII data, and more compact
binary files are more common than ASCII[20].
In order to properly print 3D model by STL, surface model must be closed and con-
nected, which means that each edge must belong to the two triangles at the same time,
and the both triangles do not intersect each other. But the syntax of STL does not
enforce this property, so that depending on the application and software, sometimes
the closure propertycan be ignored.
3. Environment and Analysis
In this chapter, we will complete the preparatory work before to design and to program the
target modeling tools, including the confirmation of the work environment and the analysis
of several existing modeling software through a case study of game design. The results of
analysis will guide us better, more specifically to design and to program the target modeling
3.1. Development Environment
All works in this project, including the using of existing modeling software, the design of
the sample game and the ultimate goal–the programming of modeling tools, will carry out
on a PC (Lenovo ThinkPad E520). The selected existing modeling software are Blender,
SketchUp and Wings3D and the selected game engine which is used for case study is Unity3D
(see the Appendix A).
In addition, the target modeling tool will developed by Qt Creator. Qt Creator is a cross-
platform integrated development environment for Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac
OS X, which supports C++, JavaScript and QML[21]. It includes an editor of source code
with syntax highlighting and auto-completion, a visual debugger, GUI-Designer, project
manager and rich sample programs. On Linux Qt Creator uses the C++ compiler of the
GNU Compiler Collection, while on Windows it can use the default install MinGW or MSVC
for compiling. Here MSVC has been used in this project.
After years of development, Qt not only has the improved graphics library of C++, but
also integrates gradually the database, multimedia library, OpenGL library, network, script
library and so on in recent years. Its core library also joined the inter-process communication,
multithreading and other modules, which all of these has greatly enriched development ability
of Qt for large complex cross-platform applications.
The user interface of Qt graphical is based QWidget, which includes all the types of
Qt GUI components such as buttons, labels, toolbars and so on. Widget is responsible
for receiving the events from mouse, keyboard or window system, and depicts itself on the
screen. Each GUI component is a widget, and widget can also be used as a container which
contains other widgets. The positions of widgets in the user interface of an application are
described by the class of layout manager. When the window is scaling, the layout manager
will automatically adjust the size, position or word size of widgets, to ensure their relative
arrangement and whole user interface still usability[22].
In this project, in order to complete various functions of the 3D modeling tools, the
technology about 3D computer graphics is needed. The QtOpenGL module makes it easy
to use OpenGL which is a standard API for rendering 3D graphics in Qt applications. The
3. Environment and Analysis
OpenGL widget class that was provided can be used just like any other Qt widget. Moreover,
it will open an OpenGL display buffer where the uses can use the OpenGL API to render
the contents.
In the aspects of communication between objects, Qt uses the mechanism of signal/slot
to replace the traditional callback[23]. When the operation event of an object happened, the
object trigger will send a signal to the corresponding slot. The slot is a function which ac-
cepts the signal and then runs its own actions. Between signals and slots, the static method
“connect” of QObject is used for link. The signal can be transmitted on any operating point,
and even can transmit new signals in the corresponding slot. The links between signals and
slots are not limited as one-on-one. A signal can link to multiple slots, meanwhile multi-
ple signals can link the same slot, and the signals can also link other signals. The previous
callback lacks safety of type, because it cannot determine the correct type of transmitted pa-
rameter. But the type of transmitted parameter between signal and slot must be consistent,
otherwise the compiler will warn.
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis
The Analysis of existing modeling software will be accomplished through the introduction
of basic features and practical modeling. The finished models will be actually applied in a
homemade video game to test the performance of the models. Moreover a typical modeling
process of a simple model will be also recorded and described.
3.2.1. the Basic Features
Blender is a widely known open source, 3D computer graphics software which has BSD
(Berkeley Software Distribution license) license. The functions that Blender provides in-
cluding animation, modeling, rendering and materials can compare with the high-end 3D
modeling software such as Maya and 3ds Max. Blender can run on different platforms (Win-
dows, Mac OS X, and Linux)[24], and take little space after installation. Its main features
Support for polygon meshes, subdivision surfaces, NURBS surfaces, Bezier curves and
other a variety of geometric primitives
Internal render engine and integrated external render engines through plugins, such as
YafRay (Yet Another Free Raytracer)
Animation tools including keyframe, timeline, (skeletal) armature, inverse kinematics,
Soft body dynamics including mesh collision detection and a particle system with
collision detection
Python scripting for game creation, task automation, custom tools, etc[25].
Sub-project the Blender Game Engine for the production of real-time computer games
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis
Figure 3.1.: the Screenshot of Blender with two Modeling Windows
Blender provides a lot of tools, so that the user interface is relatively complex for be-
ginners, but it will be able to quickly get started with the help of documents. In general,
it consists mainly of two basic modes: object mode which can be used to move, rotate and
scale entire polygon meshes, and edit mode which can be used to manipulate the individual
vertices, edges or faces of a single mesh. A large number of hot keys are used, and cooperated
with menu to increase efficiency. Meanwhile the workspace of Blender can adjust itself, such
as change the size of each window, increase or decrease different windows to display all kinds
of information at the same time(see the Figure3.1).
In Blender, the object and the data are separated, so Blender can makes modeling
quickly. All the scenes, objects, materials, sound, pictures, special effects in post-production
can be integrated to the animation file “.blend” which Blender provides.
Wings3D is an open source 3D computer graphics software, especially good at to create
subdivision surface models. Wings3D can create low to mid-range polygon models and tex-
tures, but does not support animation. Although Wings3D can export to external rendering
like POV-Ray and YafRay, it has only basic OpenGL rendering itself. However, Wings3D
is often used in combination with other software, for example to export the model which is
created in Wings3D to Blender for more specialized rendering and animation.
Wings3D uses the context-sensitive menu rather than a highly graphic, icon-oriented
interface(see the Figure3.2). In the Wings3D in modeling there are four different selection
modes: vertex, edge, face and body and each mode has own modeling tools. Users will use
the mouse and keyboard to affect their model by selecting and applying modeling tools of
different selection modes. Other features of Wings3D are[26]:
Support for multilateral graphics (ngon, pentagonal or more)
3. Environment and Analysis
Figure 3.2.: the Screenshot of Wings3D with Context-Sensitive Menu
Customizable interface and shortcuts
Support for Magnets and Vector Operations about modeling tool
Quick adjustments of a mesh by Tweak Mode
Add and edit lighting, materials, textures and vertex colors, and automatic UV Map-
SketchUp is a professional 3D modeling computer program for architects, urbanists, film-
makers, video game designers and other relevant specialized staffs. There are two versions
of SketchUp, one is freeware version SketchUp Make and the other is paid version SketchUp
Pro. SketchUp has a user-friendly interfaces so that it is flexible and easy to use and more
intuitive than other 3D CAD program[27]. Some of the key features of SketchUp are[28]:
Intelligent cursor system allows users to depict 3D parts by mouse in 2D screen.
“Push/Pull” technology: grab a 2D surface and then push or pull to make it into a 3D
object. Google stressed in tutorial that this technology is the most important feature
in Google SketchUp.
Simulation for the movement of the camera and the sun
Coordination functions with Google Earth: modeling in Google Earth is also very
Rotate: use protractor to rotate specific geometric components and to determine the
Angle of rotation
Move: move (or copy) selected object along the axes or the composite direction
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis
Figure 3.3.: the Cylinder (left) and the Extruded Cylinder (right)
Figure 3.4.: the new Cone (left) and the Connected Mesh (right)
3.2.2. Workflow of Modelling
Although each modeling software has its own features, the basic concept and workflow of
modeling are similar. Here a simple model of the spaceship was built in Wings3D as an
example and the process will be briefly described. First all the three software provide a
certain amount of ready-made mesh which are some simple and basic geometry. It is very
helpful for modeling, when these meshes are better used. The user can select a ready-made
mesh which is close to the desired shape to use directly, or to modify on its basis, in order
to improve the efficiency of modeling, for example, here a simple cylinder is selected as the
basic of spaceship hull. Both Blender and Wings3D provide cylinder directly. Although
SkechUp provides not cylinder directly, it can change circle which it provides to cylinder
easily “Push/Pull” technology.
Then the cylinder will be modified to achieve to desired shape, that means to operate
the point, edge or face in the mesh, such as moving, scaling or rotation. Next, taking the
cylinder as the starting, use can increase its volume and modify its shape at the same time to
continue modeling. For increasing the volume of mesh, it can use “Extrude” or other similar
functions to extend mesh toward the desired direction (see the Figure3.3), or can also add
a new ready-made mesh and connect the both, for example to add a cone as the head of
spaceship (see the Figure3.4). Sometimes to modify the details of the model can split an
existing line or face to increase the operated object in order to achieve more detailed results
(see the Figure3.5).
Modeling software provide the color and material function, and some can also create
their own new materials. The color and material can be defined in the end after the model
3. Environment and Analysis
Figure 3.5.: Split two Faces (left) into four (right)
Figure 3.6.: the Smoothed Model (right)
is complete, or while the modeling process. At last the model can also choose some post-
processing for optimizing, such as smooth (see the Figure3.6).
3.2.3. Use Case for Game Design
About game design, first we design and program a simple game by game engine Unity while
the role models which are needed in game are modeled respectively by the three above
modeling software. Then the models are exported in different formats that are supported by
the modeling software, and imported to the game in Unity. Afterwards, by observing and
comparing the models in different formats from different software, the various encountered
problems in the process and the solutions are summarized. Final the purpose of comparison
and analysis of various software is reached.
Unity3D is a cross-platform game engine for almost every platform[29] which is used to
develop 3D video games, architectural visualization, real-time 3D animation and other types
of interactive content for PC, mobile devices and websites.
Unity3D has a hierarchical integrated development environment, visualized and detailed
property editor and dynamic game previews. The graphics engine of Unity3D uses Direct3D
(on Windows), OpenGL (on both Mac and Windows) and proprietary APIs (on Wii); the
sound system which is based on OpenAL library can play compressed audio of Ogg Vorbis;
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis
Figure 3.7.: the screenshot of game Space Shooter
the video system is using the Theora encoder. The scripting of game engine is built on Mono
which is an open-source implementation of the .NET Framework, so that uses can program
with JavaScript, C# or Boo[30].
Unity3D has a variety of features, for example, it can automatically import and update
the resources of project, has a built-in terrain editor to support the patches of trees and
vegetation. In addition Unity3D provide a shader with multiple variants to adapt to diversity
platforms[31], and multiple techniques of Texture mapping, like bump mapping, reflection
mapping and parallax mapping.
Example Game Description
First, the game is called “Space Shooter” and is a vertical scroller Shoot’em up in which the
action is viewed from above while the background scrolls down. There are three levels in
this game and with increasing the level, the game will be more difficult. Player will have to
control a spaceship to fly in the space and to protect himself from random asteroids or the
spaceships of enemy, as shown in the following screenshot(see the Figure3.7).
The spaceship can move freely within the range of the screen, forward, backward, to the
left or to the right while pressing arrow keys and fire while pressing space bar. Message of
game status will be displayed in the upper left of the screen. Asteroids and enemies appear
from the top of the screen, and move down. The enemy will also fire at you. Initially, the
player has three lives. Lives will increase by through each level and will decrease by impact
or attack from the enemy. The player loses the game, when his lives reduce to zero.
On the other side the Player will increase the score by shooting down asteroids and the
spaceships of enemy. When the score reaches a certain value, Player can improve the level
(1000 points to improve to level 2; 2000 points to improve to level 3). In the final level,
the third level, the boss of enemy will appear. The boss has 10 lives and two forts which
take turns to fire with several bullets at the same time. The player will win the game after
shooting down the boss.
3. Environment and Analysis
Figure 3.8.: the process of game Space Shooter
Figure 3.9.: the models of Player, Enemy and Boss
There are nine scenes in the game, including a start scene (main), three game scenes for
different levels, three cut scenes to show game information and the last two ending scenes
(win and lose). The process of game is shown as the Figure3.8.
Result of Modeling and Analysis
In this game, there are three complex models, which are created respectively by the three
modeling software: the Player by Blender, the Enemy by SketchUp and the Boss by Wings
3D. The complete models is shown as the Figure3.9.
Through the whole process from building of the three models to import into Unity3D,
some problems were noticed, summarized in the Table3.1, and will be analyzed pertinently
ready-made mesh
Blender provides both 2D and 3D mesh, including: cube, sphere, plane and so on which
are commonly used. In contrast, Wings3D and SketchUP provide only 3D or 2D mesh.
For example, the plane in Wings3D is actually a very flat block. In SketchUP the 2D
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis
Blender SketchUp Wings3D
ready-made mesh 2D and 3D only 2D only 3D
closed surface only in the Subdivision surface
(automatic) same layer is also possible
normal mapping Batch is possible without batch
materials and colors Vertex Attribute
- Colors to Materials
supported formats[32] .fbx .stl .fbx(only pro) .stl
.3ds .dae .obj .3ds .dae .obj .3ds .dae .obj
not a whole model .3ds .dae .obj .obj
(in export)
models shrank .fbx(0.01 of original) .fbx(0.01 of original) .3ds(0.1 of original)
(in Export) .3ds(0.1 of original) .3ds(0.1 of original)
selection only
.fbx .3ds .dae .dae .3ds .dae(Mesh Renderer
in Unity3D)
Table 3.1.: the Comparison of Existing Modeling Software
Figure 3.10.: extra white Cross-Section (left)
meshes e.g. circle and plane can also be extruded to increase thickness to reach the
effect of cube and cylinder.
closed surface (automatic)
In video games the 3D models used to be asked in the best shell shape. In order to avoid
the error when the surfaces intersect, here these three models will be also completely
closed model for the target. At this point Wings 3D works particularly well, because
the surface of model in Wings 3D will be closed automatically. Even when the points
are not in the same plane, the surface will be closed by the way of subdivision surfaces.
In SketchUp the surface or the plane will be automatically generated only when the
points in the same plane.
Therefore, when the conditions are met, SketchUp will also generate automatically
cross-section in the interior of the model, as the selected white cross-section shown in
left of the Figure3.10. Sometimes it brought some troubles, especially when a pure
shell model is needed.
3. Environment and Analysis
Figure 3.11.: the Models of Correct Display and Display Error
In contrast, Blender has not similar functions. The use have to do manually if want
to generate a surface with points.
normal mapping (front/back)
Normal mapping, also called Dot3 bump mapping is an application of bump mapping
technology in 3D computer graphics which is used for faking the lighting of dents and
bumps to add details without adding more polygons[33]. There are two types of normal
mapping in Blender: recalculate outside and recalculate inside. If the normal mapping
is not unified, e.g. most surfaces of a model are “recalculate outside” but the rest are
“recalculate inside”, the display error will appear after the model was imported into
Unity3D (see the Figure3.11).
The similar situation is also occurred in SketchUp. In SketchUp each surface or plane
of model is divided into light front side and dark back side, so that different materials
can be set separately both two sides. When the surfaces are not all front side outside,
the display error will appear in Unity3D too.
At this point, because there is no 2D mesh in Wing 3D, and all of the surfaces are
always closed automatically, so there is no problem about “normal mapping” in wings
materials and colors
The model can be set materials and colors in all these three software. The caveat
is that the model in Wings 3D export only its material, so that the colors of model
should be converted to material at first, when the colors need to be export too (Vertex
Attribute - Colors to Materials).
supported formats
All the three software support several different formats. Here just list the five com-
monly used format which are introduced in chapter 2. Different formats have different
3.2. Existing Modeling Software Analysis
influences to the model of, especially in exporting. For example, the model of some
formats is no longer a whole model and is divided into several parts by different mate-
rials or colors or the volume size of the model is changed. Especially for the model of
.obj format, because its materials and colors are saved in the associated files .mtl, the
materials and colors won’t be displayed directly and correctly when the .obj model is
imported in Unity3D.
supported formats Selection only is very important, when the user only want to export
the selected objects. Otherwise all visible and all invisible objects in the entire scene
will be exported. In the case of the latter situation, because the exported model is not
independent, so some property of the model which is imported into Unity3D, such as
materials and colors, cannot be set directly. Meanwhile some function (component)
which Unity3D provide to the imported model, cannot act directly on the model, e.g.
“Mesh Renderer”. This will bring some difficulties to game design and game program
in Unity3D.
In this regard SketchUp are lacking, although SketchUp has also the function “selection
only”. When selection only is enabled in SketchUp, the exported model of some formats
will still attach with some invisible objects, so that some of the properties and functions
cannot be set directly. However the eligible model of format .dae cannot often be a
whole after exporting from SketchUp. So sometimes the exported model from SketchUp
needs a third-party software as a relay, such as Blender, when the user want to import
an appropriate model into Unity3D.
4. Concept and Design
By summarizing analysis of several modeling software in the last chapter, in this chapter,
the requirements of the new tool will be presented. Then according to these requirements
we will draw up the design concept of this new tool and the corresponding functions.
4.1. Requirements Analysis
Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a software project[34], including the tasks
that are to determine the need, meet for a new or altered product, the possibly conflicting
between the various stakeholder, and etcetera.
In this project, the main work and the main purpose is to develop a 3D modeling tool.
The primary requirement of this tool is of course the 3D modeling functions:
based on simple 3D-low-poly-modelling
In order to decrease render times a polygon mesh has relatively few polygons.
basic functions of 3D modeling
The ready-made meshes are provided.
The models are created with different shapes and colors.
to ensure the quality of the model
The edge of model is optimized, e.g. to achieve the arc with the algorithm of
subdivision surfaces.
Secondly, there are also three further important requirements for the tool. According
to these requirements, some of the more specific child requirements are expanded after the
analysis of section 3.2.
intuitive GUI
The framework and interface of the tool should be designed user-friendly.
It is a quick and understandable to change the parameters.
apply to game design or other aspects
The model is exported to Unity3D with .obj format.
The model should be a completely closed and pure shell model.
By taking Wings3D as a reference, the model should be close surface automatically
to avoid the problem of normal mapping.
Function “selection only” chooses the model and keeps its independence.
4. Concept and Design
Finally, this tool must also have some general requirements, like all good used software.
reliability and robustness
The errors’ probability has to be kept low and an error has only little effect, if it
is unable to avoid
Incorrect operation will not lead to crash.
The framework of the tool should be able to be expanded easily for additional
4.2. Workflow
In section 3.2.2, a simple modeling process has been described. To reference that process,
and to combine with requirements of the tool in last section, the modeling process will be
designed. The Figure4.1 describes the using process of the tool. Like other 3D modeling
tools on the market, this tool provides the function from creating a new model to completing
it, then saving and exporting the its data.
4.2.1. Ready-made Mesh
After starting the tool, first the user can create a new or open an existing file. Then the
user can use the Ready-made Meshes those are provided by the tool to start modeling.
In order to make the operation as simple as possible, this 3D modeling tool is inspired by
the sandbox indie game “Minecraft” (see the Figure4.2). The game Minecraft allows players
to build constructions out of cubes which are sized uniformly and textured variously in a 3D
procedurally generated world[35]. Therefore the basis Ready-made Mesh that is provided
by this tool is also a fixed unit cube. By constantly adding cubes and manipulating them,
the user can build their own model, just as people build houses with bricks.
4.2.2. Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
Theoretically, if there is a sufficient number of unit cubes, people can build a model of
arbitrary shape. But sometimes it requires too much work, especially when you need curved
surfaces. Here we can apply the function of subdivision surfaces to solve this problem as
much as possible.
The subdivision algorithms include two steps: the topological connection of points in
new mesh and vertices’ geometric positioning, and the common subdivision algorithms are
based on quadrilateral or triangular mesh. Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface which is the
subdivision algorithm for arbitrary quadrilateral mesh is one of the most common schemes
to create smooth surfaces in computer graphics. This algorithm is a promotion of bi-cubic
uniform B-spline surfaces which was devised by Edwin Catmull and Jim Clark in 1978[37][38].
A B-spline, or basis spline is a spline function to give support for degree, smoothness and
4.2. Workflow
Figure 4.1.: the Workflow of the Tool
Figure 4.2.: the Screenshots of Minecraft[36]
4. Concept and Design
domain partition in numerical analysis. In the CAD and computer graphics, the B-spline
constructs spline functions as linear combinations with a set of control points. The B-spline
is a generalization of B´ezier curve, and can further be promoted into NURBS which can
provide more geometry to build more accurate models.
The B-spline curve can be subdivided by subdivision and iteration of its control points,
which is useless for curve but can be extended into curve surface to produce a subdivision
The detailed algorithm of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface is described as follows[39]:
All of the vertices in a mesh of an arbitrary polyhedron should be called original points.
A face point which is the average of all original points of the respective face is added
for each face.
formula of the face point (red points in the Figure4.3):
Vi: the vertex of the face
n: the number of the vertices
The average of the edge’s two original endpoints and its two neighbouring face points
is added as an edge point for each edge.
formula of the edge point (blue points in the Figure4.3):
2(W+V) + 1
W,V: two original endpoints of the edge
VF1,VF2: the two neighboring face points of the edge
Each original point Vmoves to the place of the new vertex point V’ with following
formula of the new vertex point (black points in the Figure4.3):
n: the number of neighboring edges
F: the average of all face points for faces touching point V
R: the average of all edge midpoints for edges touching point V
For each face point connects the edge points those are added for every edge of the same
Each new vertex point connects the edge points of the edge that the original point is
touching to.
4.2. Workflow
Figure 4.3.: the Effect of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
(no subdivide, subdivide once and subdivide twice)
The new faces are defined as enclosed by edges.
The Figure4.3 shows the effect of Catmull-Clark subdivision surface, from left to right:
the original mesh, the mesh that was subdivided once and twice.
4.2.3. the Pre-processing
The pre-processing is a pre set process in this tool. According to the algorithm of Catmull-
Clark subdivision surface and its change, the simplex Ready-made Mesh will be subdivided
into variety of different basic shapes to deal with more complex modeling. While modeling
the user still manipulate the blocks those are marked with black line, such as we introduced
in section 4.2.1 above. The actual effect of the model is indicated by the orange line, and
this part is done automatically by the tool itself.
Through different subdivision algorithm, the Ready-made Mesh is divided into three
different shapes. The degree of subdivision for mesh in the pre-processing can be once of
subdivision, or further twice. All of these can be selected and set in the preset of Ready-made
Mesh. The detailed scheme of different shapes will be introduced in the following.
Shape 1: Block
The subdivision algorithm of block is similar to Catmull-Clark subdivision surface, but the
edge points and the new vertex point have changed.
formula of the changed edge point (blue points in the Figure4.4):
2(W+V) (4.4)
W,V: two original endpoints of the edge
formula of the changed new vertex point (black points in the Figure4.4):
4. Concept and Design
Figure 4.4.: the Effect of Subdivision Surface for Block
Figure 4.5.: the Effect of Subdivision Surface for Sphere
Shape 2: Sphere
The subdivision algorithm of sphere is the application of Catmull-Clark subdivision surface.
Although the shape of the sphere will be more optimized with the increasing of subdivision,
on the other hand the volume of the entire body will be relatively smaller. Therefore, the
highest number of subdivision in the pre-processing is twice(see the Figure4.5).
Shape 3: Octahedron
The subdivision algorithm of octahedron is also similar to Catmull-Clark subdivision surface,
and the edge points and the new vertex point have changed too. Meanwhile the whole method
of subdivision will be changed after the first subdivision.
formula of the changed edge point (blue points in the Figure4.6):
2(VF1+VF2),subdivide time = 1
2(W+V),subdivide time 2
VF1,VF2: the two neighboring face points of the edge
W,V: two original endpoints of the edge
formula of the changed new vertex point (black points in the Figure4.6):
V0=F, subdivide time = 1
V, subdivide time 2(4.7)
4.2. Workflow
Figure 4.6.: the Effect of Subdivision Surface for Octahedron
Figure 4.7.: Join of Block and Sphere
F: the average of all face points for faces touching point V
Join between Cubes
It can be seen as above that the surfaces of block are subdivided, but the shape does
not change. In the same way, the shape of octahedron does not change since the second
subdivision. Here, the purpose of subdivision is in order to correspond to the subdivision of
sphere, so that the cube with different deformation can be jointed together freely and the
closing of entire mesh will be ensured, as shown of the Figure4.7.
Each cube is subdivided into one of three different shapes: block, sphere or octahedron
which is also as a shape attribute for the cube. When the cubes with different shape joint,
each cube is subdivide still in accordance with its own set of shape attributes, except the
edge points and the new vertex points in connection part.
The edge point (magenta points in the Figure4.7) in connection part is calculated
by the edge which neighbors two faces of the two cubes each with different shape
4. Concept and Design
formula of the edge point in connection part:
2(W+V) + 1
2(VF1+VF2),block and octahedron
2(W+V)+(VF1+VF2),sphere and octahedron
2(W+V) + 1
2(VF1+VF2),block and sphere
W,V: two original endpoints of the edge
VF1,VF2: the two neighboring face points of the edge
The new vertex point (cyan points in the Figure4.7) in connection part means the
point which belongs to several cubes with different shape attributes simultaneously.
formula of new vertex point in connection part
m: the number of neighboring cubes
i: the new vertex point for neighboring cube with its own shape attribute
For example: the new vertex points in the Figure4.7 (cyan points) are the average
of the new vertex points V0
1of block and V0
2of Sphere:
2) = 1
nV (4.10)
4.2.4. the Post-processing
The post-processing means the phase to optimize further the details of model after the
completion of basic model in the main modeling phase. The process is free to choose that
users can decide themselves whether the process is needed according to the completeness of
The post-processing can optimize further the shape of the entire model according to the
algorithm of subdivision surface and its variants after the main modeling phase, so that the
shape of the model can be smoother. Meanwhile, different from the pre-processing and the
main modeling phase, the structure of cube which is provided by Ready-made Mesh will not
continue to use in the post-processing, but the traditional modeling units like point, edge
and face will be used.
It can get more accurate model when each point, line and face in model can be modified.
For example, because it is difficult to generate automatically a cylinder by the algorithm
4.3. Modeling Functions
Figure 4.8.: the Approximate Model and the Accurate Model of Cylinder
of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces, so the shape of cylinder does not be provided as a
Ready-made Mesh in this modeling tool. In the pre-processing and the main modeling phase,
this modeling tool can only build approximate cylinder model (see left of the Figure4.8), but
in the post-processing the user can change the approximate model into an accurate model of
cylinder by modifying the specific points, edges or faces, especial the two sections on either
side of the cylinder in this case (see right of the Figure4.8).
4.3. Modeling Functions
In this section, the functions of this modeling tool at present will be introduced briefly.
Add Cube and Batch
The addition of new cube in this modeling tool is in two ways which both cannot be used
in the post-processing. One way is to add cube through the toolbar AddCube by the given
coordinate where is the location for the new cube. The other way is to extrude new cube
next to the selected face of the existing cube. Both ways support batch processing, can add
cubes in the same time. The batch processing of cube addition is with the help of toolbar
AddCube too. The user determines the batch mode at first and gives the three numbers of
new cubes along the axis (x, y and z), and then click the button to finish the addition of cubes
(see the Figure4.9). The batch processing of function Extruded is with the help of multiple
select. The user can select more than one face of one cube or many cubes, and extrude a
new cube next to each selected face in the same time (see the Figure4.10). Adjacent cubes
can are joint each other themselves in order to ensure the closed of the entire mesh.
Factors for Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
In order to further increase the variety of the cube’s shape and to modify its changes more
freely, the modeling tool adds three factors which correspond to face point, edge point and
new vertex point respectively based on the algorithm of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface.
By comparison of the formula about edge point VEand new vertex point V0of the
three different shapes, it can be found the three edge points (blue points) or the three new
vertex points (black points) are located on the same line (see the Figure4.11). Then we can
4. Concept and Design
Figure 4.9.: the Batch Processing of Cube Addition
Figure 4.10.: the Batch Processing of Function Extruded
Figure 4.11.: the Edge Points or the New Vertex Points on the Same Line
4.3. Modeling Functions
Figure 4.12.: the Variants of Cube’s Shape
determine the value interval about the edge points and the new vertex point. And the new
formulas are:
2(VF1+VF2)(1 fE) (4.11)
V0=Vf0+F(1 f0) (4.12)
fE: the factor for the edge point
f0: the factor for the new vertex point
The Range of new face point is set simply from the original face point to the cube¡ R
center its formula is as follows:
nVi+ (1 fF)C(4.13)
fF: the factor for the face point
C: the center point of cube
Each face of cube saves its corresponding factors, so the edge points and the new vertex
point are controlled by all the neighboring face. Therefore the user can be unified to modify
all the parameters in this modeling tool, the user can modify uniformly all the factors of
cube, or only the factors of one face to changed the corresponding face’s shape. As a result,
except the three basic Ready-made Meshes the cube can be changed to more different shapes,
for example: cone and tire-shaped4.12.
In this modeling tool, there are two methods of subdivision surfaces, one is Catmull-Clark
Subdivision Surface which is played also as the role to smooth surface, the other is simply
to increase sub-surfaces without shape’s change (see the Figure4.13). Here the two methods
can be combined to use. The parameter of smooth is save as a Boolean in each face, so the
user can choose freely which face needs smooth and which does not, and then subdivide faces
4. Concept and Design
Figure 4.13.: before Subdividing (left), Smooth Subdivision (middle) and not Smooth
together. No matter which phase, the degree of subdivision surface can be adjusted freely,
its maximum time for subdivision is two. In the post-processing, the user can determine
the effect of subdivision by function ”apply”. The new subdivided mesh can be subdivided
In the post-processing, one important function of the subdivision surface is to increase
the operational object (like point, edge and face) to replace the defect that the new cube
cannot be added.
There are total six selection modes in this modeling tool which are controlled by six exclusive
buttons, so that only one mode can be chosen in one time. Except the mode of “no select”,
there are also “vertex select”, “edge select”, “face select”, “body select” and “all select”.
The user can choose one mode and click the corresponding object by mouse which the user
want to choose. The chosen object will be highlighted in red mark, and then user can use
the related functions to operate the selected object. When in the mode of selection, the
modifier key “ctrl” can be combined with mouse to choose multiple objects.
The mode of “body select” which is used to select cube cannot be used in the post-
processing, because the structure of cube has be removed. In contrast, due to restrictions of
cube structure, each points and edges cannot be modified freely in the pre-processing and
main modeling phase. Therefore the mode of “edge select” is used only in the post-processing
and the mode of “vertex select” in the pre-processing and main modeling phase can only
display the coordinates of the selected point to help the users to better locating but cannot
operate the selected point itself.
The function Delete which is activated by right-click menu is used to remove the selected
cube or cubes in the pre-processing and main modeling phase. Because this function is based
on the structure of cube, so this function cannot be used in the post-processing. The entire
mesh will be closed automatically even after the cube or cubes which are the part of mesh
are deleted.
4.3. Modeling Functions
Figure 4.14.: Color and Transparency
Figure 4.15.: Color for Face of Cube in main Modeling Phase (left)
and Color for Face in Post-processing (right)
Color and Transparency
The color and transparency of model can be set (see the Figure4.14). Here, the color and
transparency are as the parameters to save in each of the face, so the color of each face can
be modify freely. But the parameters of sub-surfaces which are generated automatically by
Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface are inherited from the original face, and cannot change
freely in the pre-processing and main modeling phase. To change the color of sub-surface,
will have to determine the effect of smooth at first (see the Figure4.15).
Moving and Mirror
Moving and Mirror are peculiar functions in the pre-processing and main modeling phase
which are both based on cube structure. Moving is controlled and implemented by toolbar.
The user can give the expected distance of moving at first and then move the selected cube
or cubes up, down, left, right, forward or backward by 6 directional buttons. Mirror is
activated by right-click menu and copy the selected cube or cubes symmetrically according
to the axes as center line.
Both the functions will remain the closed of mesh. For example, if a big mesh is split
into two by moving a part of cubes, the two small meshes will close themselves respec-
tively and automatically, or if the separate meshes contact with each other, then they joint
Position and Scale
Position and Scale are peculiar functions in the post-processing, and the objects on which
they work can be any points, edges or faces. Position has two different types, one is the
4. Concept and Design
Figure 4.16.: the Original Position (left)
the Relative Moving (middle) and the Absolute Moving (right) along x Axis
Figure 4.17.: the Function Scale
relative Position, and the other is the absolute Position.
The relative Position will calculate the center point of all the points of the selected
objects and the distance between each selected points and the center point, and then move
all the selected objects relatively without the change of relative distance between all selected
points. The absolute Position is to move direct all selected objects which means each point
of the selected objects to the target coordinates (see the Figure4.16).
The Function Scale needs also to calculate the center of the selected object at first, and
then move all the points of the selected objects away from the center point or toward the
the center point (see the Figure4.17).
Modeling File
As a fully functional modeling tool, there are also a series of related functions for modeling
files, such as to create a new file, to open an existing file, to save file and so on. This tool
provides two original file formats which are imitated OBJ format, respectively for the cube
structure in the main modeling phase and the structure of vertices, edges and faces in the
post-processing. As a result, the modeling work in any phase can be saved successfully in
order to continue to work at any time.
In addition, the modeling tool can also export the model in OBJ format which is one of
common 3D modeling file formats, so that the model can be used by more other software,
such as Blender or Unity3D.
4.4. User Interface
Figure 4.18.: the Screenshot of User Interface
4.4. User Interface
In this project, the user-friendly interface of the modeling tool is also a very important
requirement. The GUI (Graphical User Interface) refers the user interface that allows users
to operate computer through graphical icons[40]. Compared with the text-based interfaces
of early computer, the graphical user interface is more visually and easier to be accepted
for users. Otherwise, although this tool is used mainly in the PC at present, considering
the possibility of transplant to mobile devices in the future, the simple and reasonable user
interface is very necessary At this point the, Qt provides a rich controls, in order to establish
a beautiful and practical user interface. The Figure4.18 shows the screenshot of user interface
of this modeling tool in project.
As the show of the Figure4.18, the GUI of this tool is mainly including one MainWindow:
which is main application window to provide menu, toolbar, status bar and other controls:
Menu: three submenus, File, Edit and About
three Toolbar (see the Figure4.19):
AddCube: three LineEdits are used to give the coordinates of the position where
the new cube will be added; a PushButton is used as a switch to open the batch
mode; three LineEdits are used to give the number of new cubes along the axis
in batch mode and finally a PushButton is used to add new cube/cubes.
SelectMode: a ButtonGroup with six exclusive PushButtons for each Select Mode
(None, Vertex, Edge, Face, Body and All)
the function of Move: a LineEdit is used to give the distance of cube’s movement
and six ActionButtons are used to determine the direction of movement.
MainWidget: It is main modeling window with axes and grid. The scene of the main
modeling window can be rotated, translated and zoomed.
4. Concept and Design
Figure 4.19.: the Toolbars of AddCube (top),
SelectMode (lower left) and the Function of Move (lower right)
Figure 4.20.: the TabWidget for Toolbars with three Tabs
MiniWidget: It is preview window for the presetting of new cube for the pre-processing
and the main modeling phase and its scene can be rotated. The preview of cube is
always centered.
a PushButton: It is a switch to change the display of MainWidget and MiniWidget.
a ButtonGroup with three exclusive PushButtons: Its function is to choose the shape
of Ready-made Mesh.
three Sliders: The Sliders are used respectively to modify the three factors (the factor
of face point, edge point and new vertex point) of whole cube.
a SpinBox and a Checkbox: The SpinBox determines the degree of subdivision surface
and the Checkbox determines the kind of subdivision surface.
a TabWidget for Toolbars with three Tabs4.20
FaceForm: Each face of cube can be modified individually.
six ComboBoxes: They provide quick options for the basic shape of each face.
eighteen Sliders: They represent the three parameters of each face.
Color and Texture:
four SpinBoxes: They represent the RGB color and transparency.
other controls: about texture (unfinished).
two PushButtons: One is used to open the post-processing. Once the post-
processing is confirmed to open, it cannot return. The other is used to deter-
4.4. User Interface
mine the degree of smooth.
three LineEdits: They are used to give coordinates where the selected objects
will be moved to.
three CheckBoxes: They are used as switch to determine the relative move-
ment or absolute movement.
three CheckBoxes: They are used to determine the direction (axis x, y and
z) of Scaling.
a ComboBox: It used to select polygon mode, for example Bounding Box and Wire
a StatusTool: shows the tips and the description of the various functions and the
warning of error operations.
5. Programming and Implementation
In this chapter, some specific algorithm and structure of program about this modeling tool
will be introduced briefly.
5.1. Cube Structure
The cube structure is a 3D mesh structure which is specifically designed for this project. The
following class diagram5.1 shows simply its structure. For example in one cube, it includes
eight vertices, twelve edges, and six faces. Each face of the cube has four edges and four
vertices, and each edge contains of two vertices.
There are four classes: Vertex, Edge, Face and Cube. The relationships between Cube
and Vertex, Edge or Face are Aggregations which are represented as a single line with a
hollow diamond shape in the UML. The relationship Aggregation represents a part-whole
or part-of relationship. In the aggregation relationship, one class can be a collection or
container of the other classes, but the contained classes can also exist independently from
the class of the container??. For example: the class Face is part of the class Cube, but the
Face can also exist independently.
Each Edge and Vertex has an ID number, and all these ID numbers are stored as list of
integer in order to be called easily by other classes. For instance, each Edge saves the two ID
number of its vertices, so that the corresponding vertices of any one edge can be find quickly,
rather than to save all the coordinates of vertex in the corresponding edge. Moreover each
Face saves four ID numbers of its edges and four ID numbers of its vertices which are all
stored in anticlockwise of the target face.
In addition, the class Face also set other related parameters:
int neighborID: when two cubes joint from each other in order to maintain the closed
and hollow of the whole mesh, the two overlapped faces will be deleted. This parameter
of face is used to record the other face ID which is overlapping itself. If there is not
overlapped face, this parameter holds the initial value of -1.
bool isDraw: if the neighborID is not -1, which means the overlapped face is existing,
this parameter is false and the face does not draw.
bool isSmooth: this parameter is used to determine when the all the faces are sub-
divided, this face is subdivided by Catmull-Clark subdivision surface or just simple
subdivision surface.
Color *rgbaValue: it includes four double-precision floating points which represent
RGB colors and transparency of the face.
float facePointFactor, edgePointFactor, newVertexPointFactor: as the section 4.3 has
5. Programming and Implementation
Figure 5.1.: the Cube Structure in Class Diagram
been introduced, this three factors are used to adjust the changed formula of subdivi-
sion surface to increase more different shape of each sub-faces which are gernerated by
subdivision of the original face.
Vertex *midpoint; this point is the center point of the cube which the face belongs to.
It main function is to calculate the new face point by changed formula of subdivision
surface according to the section 4.3.
Each vertex or edge has set count value. The function of count value is similar to the
parameter “neighborID” and “isDraw” in class Face, and is used to count the number of
replications about the vertex or the edge when cubes joint each other. When the vertex or
the edge becomes the internal point or line of the entire mesh because of the increasing cube,
in order to maintain the closed and hollow of mesh, this point or line will not be drawn, that
means the count value for vertex cannot be greater than or equal to 8 and for edge cannot be
greater than or equal to 4. If the cube is deleted, the count value of corresponding vertices
and edges will also be subtracted accordingly.
All information of the vertex, edge and face are also linked and saved in the corresponding
cube simultaneously. In addition, there are three methods in the operation of class cube.
The public method Cube() set all attributes of the new cube which are added in the given
coordinates “xPosition”, “yPosition”, and “zPosition”. The two private method loadColor()
and faceForm() are used to set the color and shape for each face of the cube.
5.2. Algorithm of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
In the chapter 4, we have introduced the algorithm of Catmull-Clark subdivision surface
and its variants; here its implementation process will be described briefly. All vertices, edges
5.2. Algorithm of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
Figure 5.2.: the Calculation Process of Face Point
and faces will be numbered and their number will be saved as lists in class Mesh without
duplicate. The subdivision of surface is will operate on all faces, edges and vertices which
stored in the class Mesh. The following are Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams for the specific
First step is to calculate face point of each face which is the center point of all vertices
in the face, and then save it as the original face point. When it is not in the post-processing,
it also need the factor of face point and the center point of the cube which both are saved
in class Face to calculate new face point according to the changed formula of subdivision
surface, and save the new face point as the final result5.2.
The second step is to calculate edge point of each edge. According to the flowchart5.3,
the program searches each face to find two neighboring faces which are touching to the edge,
and saves their original face point, besides the midpoint of the edge is also needed. Because
the required parameters from subdivision surfaces, like the factor of edge point, are saved
in class Face. So to calculate the final edge point, at first it needs to calculate the two
temporary edge points which are respectively corresponded the two neighboring face. And
the final edge points is the average of the two temporary edge points
The third step is to calculate the new vertex point, and its process is similar to the
calculation process of the edge point. The temporary new vertex point of each neighboring
face is needed to calculate respectively at first by the saved parameters in corresponding
class Face, and then calculate the average of all temporary new vertex points to get the final
new vertex point. It should be noted that except neighboring faces the calculation of new
vertex point requires also all the neighboring edges. Here, every vertex will has maximum
five neighboring faces and neighboring edges5.4.
Finally, it needs to generate new sub-surface by connecting the calculated face points,
edge points and new vertex points5.5. Here, because each face is constituted of four vertices,
each original face will be subdivided into four sub-faces that each is still constituted of four
vertices. In addition, the sequence of list which stores the vertices or edges of new sub-surface
should be noted. Here the vertices and edges of each sub-surface are linked in the lists in
5. Programming and Implementation
Figure 5.3.: the Calculation Process of Edge Point
Figure 5.4.: the Calculation Process of New Vertex Point
5.3. 3D Modeling File Format
Figure 5.5.: the Generation of New Sub-surface
anticlockwise of the corresponding sub-surface.
5.3. 3D Modeling File Format
File Format OBJ
In order to increase the compatibility of this modeling tool, this tool is designed that can
export the model in a variety of common 3D model formats. The first selected file format
which has been successfully completed at present is the .obj format which has be introduced
in section 2.3. In this modeling tool, since the completed model is perfect closed shell-model,
so it does not consider the information of edges when the model is exported in the file format
OBJ, but only need to record the information of all the faces and vertices which constitute
those faces. And because the accompanying file .mtl of OBJ here is not completed yet, the
related information about color and texture are also negligible at this moment.
It is to make an example of a simple cube (see the Figure5.6). Except the beginning
and descriptive text, this file record the coordinate positions of all eight vertices in the cube,
and each line of text about vertex starts with the keyword “v”. The line about face is with
the keyword “f” at beginning. There are in total six faces of the cube and each with the
numbers of four vertices in the face. For instance the vertex’s numbers of first face is 1, 4,
3 and 2, that means the Face 1 is made by Vertex 1, Vertex 2, Vertex 3 and Vertex 4 which
are record in preceding part of the text. The sequence of the four vertices is anticlockwise
along the face.
the Original File Format
This modeling tool provides its original file format to its modeling capabilities. Its file format
has two different types which both are inspired by file format of OBJ.
5. Programming and Implementation
Figure 5.6.: the File Format OBJ
Figure 5.7.: Type 1 of the Original File Format
The first type is to save model in cube structure. First, this text of file is also beginning
with “#”, and the second line record the type of the original file format, then each line
represent one cube and starts with the keyword “cube”. For example one cube (see the
Figure5.7), the file records the information of one cube. First three values which are marked
red are the position of the cube which means the coordinates of the starting vertex of the
cube. Later the information are the parameters of the cube’s six faces which are separated
by orange lines. The four values in the blue box represent RGB colors and transparency,
and the three values in the green box are the three factors which are used to subdivision
surface. The last is Boolean value to determine whether this face needs to smooth.
The second type is to save model with vertices, edges and face5.8. This type is closer
to the file format OBJ, but adds colors and other related information. The each line of
main content starts with the keyword “v”, “e” or “f” to represent the vertex, edge or face
respectively. The Information of vertices include the coordinates of the point, and the edge’s
information record the ID number of both points in the edge. The Information about face is
including the ID number of its vertices which are in the red box, the ID number of its edges
which are in the blue box, the RGB color and transparency which are in the green box and
finally the Boolean value for smooth.
5.3. 3D Modeling File Format
Figure 5.8.: Type 2 of the Original File Format
6. Discussion and Conclusion
In this chapter, we will analyze and discuss the performance of this model tools by practical
use case. After summarizing the advantages and disadvantages we will give the future
direction of development and solutions for the question which are found as far as possible.
6.1. Practical Use Case
In the previous chapters, the design concept, functions and some implementation methods of
this modeling tool have been introduced. Next we will use this tool to build a specific model.
The referenced model is selected the simple spaceship model that is modeled by SketchUp
in chapter 3 (see the Figure3.9).
6.1.1. the Description of Modeling Process
The first is to build the basic shape of the model of simple spaceship in main modeling phase.
The first cube is added by the given coordinates which are input direct through the toolbar
AddCube. Here the batch function can also be selected to add more cubes as the main hull
of the spaceship in one time. Then the user can expand model sequentially and quickly
by the second method of cube adding which is based on extruding of the existing cubes.
While the modeling process, the shape of cube can be preset and viewed in preview window
before it will be added, or can select the existing cube to change the shape of corresponding
selected face. Consider the automatically change of cubes’ shape when the surrounding
cubes joint each other, it is better to modify the shape of cube after it has added, especially
the time when a lot of cubes with complex shape change are needed. In addition, in the
main modeling phase, it provides function Mirror. This model of spaceship is symmetrical,
so using the Mirror function can greatly improve the speed of modeling. The Figure6.1 is
the basic shape of the finished model in main modeling phase.
Later the entire model will be subdivided once for the setting of details. For example
the barrel of spaceship is modeled by Sphere form to realize similar cylinder, and the top of
spaceship is modeled by Octahedron form to realize ramp (see the Figure6.4). If the more
detailed model is needed, it can subdivide the model one more time. The Figure6.5 shows
respectively the look of model by subdividing surface once and twice. Here has a small
problem about the Sphere form of cube (see left of the Figure6.2). The original Catmull-
Clark Subdivision Surface does not produce jagged edges (see the Figure6.3). Here this
tool has imported the concept of factors (edgeFactor and newVertexFactor) to modify the
formula of subdivision surface and to make the location of the new generated edge points
and new vertex points more freely. But when the tool realizes the effect of the original
Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface with this concept, the factors have to be used as the
6. Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 6.1.: the Basic Shape of Model without Subdivision Surfaces
Figure 6.2.: the Jagged Edges (left) and the Smooth Edges (right)
approximation. And this error is caused the current situation. However this problem can
also be solved easily by the controls of factors (see right of the Figure6.2). Selecting the
cubes and modifying factors (edgeFactor and newVertexFactor) uniformly, when both are
basically the same, the jagged edges is eliminated.
In the status of keeping subdivision, it is more intuitive when the new cube is directly
added and its shape is modified in real-time. But the complicated calculation of subdivision
surfaces will give the system burdens, the more time of subdivision is the greater burden on
the system correspondingly, and the reaction speed of the entire tool will slow down.
Following is the post-processing. After confirming to begin the post-processing, the
tool will transform the model which is showed in main modeling window directly into the
post-processing mode. At the moment, the shape of transformed model has no change, but
the cube structure for model has removed (see the Figure6.6). In the post-processing it also
provides the function of subdivision surfaces. The user can transform the model with original
cubes into the post-processing and then subdivide surfaces, or transform the model directly
with the status of keeping subdivision. Here, because the model is not much complicated, it
will be subdivided once and then transformed directly into the post-processing.
So far a spaceship with rough shape has basically appeared. In order to make it look
6.1. Practical Use Case
Figure 6.3.: the Original Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
Figure 6.4.: the Barrel (left) and the Top (right) of Spaceship
Figure 6.5.: the Model by Subdividing Surface Once and Twice
Figure 6.6.: to Transform the Model in the Post-processing
6. Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 6.7.: the Finished Model (left)
and the Model by Subdividing Surface One More Time (right)
Figure 6.8.: the Color Settings in the main modeling phase (left)
and in the post-processing (right)
more beautiful, in the post-processing, the details of model which is means each vertex, edge
or face can be re-edited by modification of the coordinate for position. It should be noted
that, although the model is a perfect closed shell-model, if the positions of vertices were
moved excessively without plans, it will still cause the cross or superposed lines and faces
to damage the shell-model. There are two useful functions in the post-processing: Scale and
the change of Position which play an important to improve the efficiency of modeling. The
finished model is shown in the Figure6.7.
Alternatively for color settings, it can be set in the main modeling phase and be finer
changes in the post-processing, or also can be set directly in the post-processing as shown
in the the Figure6.8.
6.1.2. Model Export
To complete a model is not usually the end; the key point is how to use it. Sometimes
the completed models will be exported, and then will be imported into other higher-end
modeling software or game engine for CG, animation or game production, and sometimes
the model will be used for rapid prototyping. This modeling tool also can export the model
in OBJ file, although associated file .mtl about colors and textures has not complete yet,
6.2. Lessons Learned
Figure 6.9.: the Exported Model is Re-imported in Blender (left) and Unity 3D (right)
the export of model shape has realized perfectly. The Figure6.9 is exported model which is
re-imported successfully by the modeling software Blender and the game engine Unity 3D.
6.2. Lessons Learned
6.2.1. Performance Evaluation
This modeling uses a total of 195 cubes. With the help of referenced model the entire basic
shape of model is completed fast and easy, and took the time no more than 10 minutes.
In keeping the state of subdivision once, the modifying of model in details took more than
10 minutes. And because the loads on the system, the response speed of modeling tools is
slow down with increasing cubes. Here after the number of existed cubes reaches more than
80, it is difficult to add new cube in this state directly with mouse event which is means to
extrude new cube from the selected face of existed cube by mouse. However, the following
two ways to add new cube have not any influence. One is to add new cube by the toolbar
with the given coordinates. The other is to return back the state without subdivision to add
cube, and then to subdivide again. In the case of keeping state of subdivision twice, after
25 cubes the adding of new cubes will become difficult with function Extrude. Therefore, it
is difficult to modify the detail of whole model in real-time, when the model are subdivided
In addition, although this modeling tool does not provide the function that the model
can be subdivided more than two times in the main modeling phase, we have still tested the
state of subdivision third times and fourth times. When third times, the threshold of cubes
is 10, and when fourth times, the situation is even worse (see the Figure6.10).
It can be seen from the above data, although there are also the influence of system
configuration or some other reasons, the main reason to impact the running speed of this tool
is the load from subdivision surface algorithm. How to improve the algorithm of subdivision
surface will be an important key to improve the performance of this modeling tool.
The post-processing of this modeling took the time more than seven hours, the specific
consuming time for each parts of the model are recorded as follows table6.1:
6. Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 6.10.: the Threshold of Cubes with Increasing Subdivision Times
Part Time
the cannon: 15 minutes
the prow: 1.5 hours
the roof: 40 minutes
the broadsides (x2): more than 4 hours
the stern with the engine: 40 minutes
Table 6.1.: the Consuming Time for each Parts of the Model
The required time of each part of spaceship in the post-processing is greatly affected
by the previous basic shape. For example the cannon needs only a little modifying and did
not too much time, because its shape is simple and the degree of completion of its shape is
already high in the main modeling phase. And with the help of other functions like Scale and
Position, the process of modifying can be even more accelerated. For instance, we can select
all points in a cross-section of the barrel and scale them to increase the distance between
them. Then the thick nozzle of cannon and the thin intermediate barrel are distinguished
obviously. But the part like the two broadsides which were almost not modified in the main
modeling phase, will take a lot of time to deal with in the post-processing. It also increases
the difficulty of modifying accordingly that the operable objects cannot be free to increase
or to decrease in the post-process.
In addition the selecting the operable objects is also a big reason for the time con-
sumption. Although this tool offers a variety of select model and the function of multiple
selection too, it consume too much time to select operable objects one by one of mouse click.
Meanwhile because of the touching and the covering between objects, it also increases the
difficulties for selection of operable objects. For example, the face is causing certain hin-
drance to the selection of vertices. Therefore, the objects which are displayed on the edge of
the model are easier to be selected than in the middle (see the Figure6.11). Sometimes, in
order to better select the objects, the users have to adjust the position and angle of the view
for model to move the object which will need to be selected to the edge in order to avoid
the obstruction. Here, in order to improve this situation, this tool adds the option of wire
frame in edit mode (see the Figure6.12). A wire-frame model is the model which is showed
by using lines connecting vertices of the model. In the edit mode of wire frame, because the
6.2. Lessons Learned
Figure 6.11.: the Problem of Selection
Figure 6.12.: the Model in the View Mode of Wire Frame
fillings of face are removed and the model is displayed by the form of lines, so the selection
for object becomes relatively easier. Further the edit mode of wire frame also helps people
to better view the structure of the entire model.
The function of subdivision surface is also provided in the post-processing. But because
there are already a lot of objects in the post-processing, it is very difficult to modify objects
in real time by keeping the state of surface subdivision. On the contrary, it is possible to
apply the effect of subdivision surface immediately after subdivision without keeping the
state of surface subdivision, and it is also possible to subdivide again and to apply the effect
6.2.2. Good Points
Although this is just a simple 3D modeling tool, but it has necessary functions of a complete
tool from creating a new file to saving a changed file, and even file export for other appli-
cations. In theory, this tool can complete a variety of models. By the modeling example in
previous section, several prominent advantages of this tool are revealed while the process of
simple and user-friendly interface
6. Discussion and Conclusion
With the help of a rich variety of controls which are provided by Qt Creator, this mod-
eling tool provides a simple user-friendly interface. The main controls all equip with
simple and clear graphical icons and provide shortcuts of keyboard and corresponding
descriptions about the function which are shown in the status bar. The both display
windows are drawn with auxiliary lines, such as 3D coordinates and grid lines. At the
same time, the two windows can also switch to each other to allow users to check the
model better. In addition the Toolbars are grouped by similar functions and layered
in tab form to switch conveniently of different group of tools.
A completely closed and pure shell model is automatically generated.
It can be said that is the most important feature in this tool. The shell-model has
been widely used in various fields, such as animation and video game. Especially the
3D printing technology which is popular today requires the printed model that must
be completely closed and the pure shell-model. 3D printing, also known as additive
manufacturing is one of rapid prototyping technical methods[42]. It is based on digital
model file, and can quickly generate 3D solid models of almost any shape under the
computer control and management. Today the widely accepted file format by the 3D
printing software and 3D printers is STL which has been introduced in section 2.3.
Moreover, because the model which is generated by this tool is automatically closed,
and all the faces of the model are drawn in accordance with anticlockwise, the normal
mapping of the model is unified automatically. Thus if the exported model is re-
imported by other software, such as Unity 3D, it can also be correctly displayed as the
Figure6.9, and there is no error for display (see the Figure3.11).
quick and simple modeling in the main modeling phase
The uniform modeling units which are the same size can help the user to better grasp
the overall scale of the model. Especially the people who have a relatively poor sense
of space can also get started quickly. And the modeling mode which is assembling
model like building blocks is also more accord with people’s thinking habits.
precise modifying of each operable object in post-processing
Relative to the main modeling phase which receives a certain limit, this tool provides
a relatively free post-processing, in order to ensure a wide variety of models which are
expected by user can be established successfully.
6.2.3. Problems and Solutions
Of course, after actual modeling by using this tool, we also found a lot of flaws and problems.
The following will discuss these problems and put forward improvement of method.
Overload and Slow Reaction Speed of Tool
By the analyzing in subsection 6.2.1, it can be known that the calculation amount of subdi-
vision surfaces is the main cause to slow down response speed of this tool.
6.2. Lessons Learned
Except to improve the configuration of the system itself, an effective way is to improve
the algorithm for subdivision surfaces. This tool uses variants of Catmull-Clark Subdivision
Surface, and makes each face of the entire model to save its own parameters. On the one
hand, this change can subdivide each face according to its own parameters in order to
maintain the features of each face. For example the smooth faces and the pointed faces can
be existed at the same time while the entire model is subdivided. But on the other hand, it
also increases the amount of calculation, for instance the edge points. The original formula
of edge point is the Formula4.2.
But the new formula of edge point must take different parameters of two neighboring
faces into account, calculate the two edge points for the two neighboring faces respectively
and find the average as the final answer. This way, the amount of calculation has doubled.
If it counts the new vertex point, the amount of calculation will increase even more.
In contrast, by the introduction about factors in section 4.3, it can be seen the edge
points and the new vertex point face which are generated by the faces of different forms can
be represented in a uniform formula, for example an edge point with two neighboring faces
of different forms:
2(VF1+VF2)(1 fE1) + 1
2(VF1+VF2)(1 fE2)
2(W+V)(fE1+fE2) + 1
2(VF1+VF2)(2 fE1fE2)
fE1,fE2: the factors of the two neighboring faces for the edge point
As a result, the program can reduce the repetitive calculations as long as the factors are
previously saved. In the post-processing, the evaluation of edge points and the new vertex
point needs also to depend on all neighboring faces’ parameters.
Here it can also use similar way to improve the program by saving the respective coeffi-
cients beforehand, extracting the common divisor and unified calculating, in order to reduce
the number of cycle which is increased by individual calculating in the program.
Limit and Low Accuracy of the Model in the Main Modeling Phase
The basic shape of the model in the main modeling phase affects directly the modeling work
in the post-processing, so that to improve degree of completion of the model in the main
modeling phase is very important.
In the main modeling phase, this tool provides a fixed-size modeling unit cube and the
variants of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface to change the model into a variety of different
shapes. But these are not enough. For example the case in the Figure6.13, when a larger
sphere is required, currently it is difficult to accomplish the main modeling phase. The effect
of subdivision surfaces is based on faces. As the Figure6.13 shown, there are the two cuboids
6. Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 6.13.: the Comparison of two Cuboids after Subdivision
Figure 6.14.: the Entity Cube
with the same volume which the left is composed of eight small cubes and the right is a
whole cube. The results of the two cuboids are completely different after subdivision.
At the moment, this modeling tool can only achieve the effect of the left. If the user
wants to complete the right, must control the position of the face points, the edge points and
the new vertex points by complex adjustment of factors to simulate the shape of a sphere.
Or the user can scale the small shape which can be completed in the main modeling phase
to a big one in the post-processing. Both methods have some complexity and uncertainty,
and may not be able to achieve the perfect effect.
Here, in order to solve this problem, the concept of the entity cube which is relative
to the unit cube is proposed. The cube structure which is owned by this tool currently is
unit cube structure. On the basis of this unit cube structure the tool increase entity cube
structure whose volume is multiple of unit cubes. As shown of the Figure6.14, the solid line
represents the entity cube, and the broken line represents unit cubes. The vertices of entity
cube are entity vertices; the line between both two vertices is the entity edge and the face
which is constituted of entity edges is entity face.
The specific implementation process is based on the structure of the unit cube, to add
parameter for judgment of entity cube in class Vertex, and to add two new class EntityEdge
and EntityFace (see the Figure of class diagram6.15). Except the two endpoints the class
EntityEdge also records the ID of all unit edges which are part of the entity edge. In the
same way, except the entity vertices and the entity edges which are composing entity face,
the class EntityFace records the ID of all unit faces which are part of the entity faces too.
The list of entity vertices, entity edges and entity face are added class Mesh in the total.
Thus, the jointing and deleting of the cubes remain the same and are based on the unit cubes
(see the Figure6.16), but when the model are subdivided, it is based on the entity vertices,
the entity edges and the entity face which are recorded in class Mesh. It should be noted that
in order to ensure the calculation of face point (the midpoint of face), all the entity faces are
set to maintain a rectangle to avoid irregular shapes. Therefore, after jointing and deleting
the leaved irregular faces will split themselves automatically into smaller rectangular entity
6.2. Lessons Learned
Figure 6.15.: the new Cube Structure in Class Diagram
faces. And the new entity vertices and the entity edges which are generated by the new
generated entity faces are added into list of class Mesh and all the entity faces that they
belongs to.
On the basis of the structure of the entity cube may also derive some other functions,
for example Merge and Split which can transform edge between the unit edge and entity
edge (see the Figure6.17). Besides, other derived function about scale of cube can modified
the size of the entity cube and its modified magnitude remains the multiple of unit cube.
At the same time this function can also help to solute some other problems. It reduces
the repeat works by adding directly a large volume of the cube. It also reduces the burden
of subdivision surface and improves the response speed of the tool by removing the excess
objects and subdividing only entity object. And the new cubes whose size can be modified
freely will make the modeling process more intuitive and convenient.
Repeated Operation, Especially the Selection Process
The entire modeling process, there are many boring repeated operation, for example, the ad-
dition of cubes, the modifying for the edge of model, the selection operation and adjustment
the angle of display in order to better select objects.
First, the addition of cubes in batch and the multiple selections of mouse have great
help to quickly add cubes and uniformly modify the edges of model. If the entity cube
which is proposed and discussed above is completed, it would further contribute to solve this
6. Discussion and Conclusion
Figure 6.16.: Joint and Delete
Figure 6.17.: Merge and Split
Then about the problem of selection, the most effective solution is to increase the func-
tion of Border Select. The Border Select means to draw the marquee in the display window
by mouse, and the user can select all objects in the marquee or on the boundaries of mar-
quee. The marquee is usually rectangular, and sometimes can be irregular shape that is
drawn by the path of mouse’s movement. In addition, to improve the display method of the
model can also help to solve the problem, for example, the edit mode of wire frame which is
Cannot Increase Operable Objects in the Post-processing Freely
Although in the post-processing the new operable objects can be increased by subdivision
surface, the subdivision of the entire model will increase too much unnecessary objects to
increase the burden on the system and to reduce reaction speed of the tool.
The function which can only subdivide the selected faces will be programmed. Its process
is similar to the Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface (see the Figure6.18). It can to further
promote this function, for example to equally subdivide edge into three and face into nine.
6.3. Future Work
Figure 6.18.: Subdivision of the Selected Face
Cannot Undo and Redo
For each application tool about editing, the functions Undo and Redo are very important to
ensure that the entire work is going on smoothly.
The intermediate values will be increased and saved. During the modeling process, the
intermediate state of model will be saved and reappeared in order to achieve the functions
Undo and Redo.
6.3. Future Work
After improving the basic modeling approach, it can add some more additional auxiliary
functions for this tool, for example the functions such as Mirror, Move and Scale which play
a big help while the process of the actual modeling. The similar features can be developed
in the future, including Merge, Spilt and Scale of Cube which are discussed in section 6.2.3.
And the functions about texture and materials should be developed too.
At present although this tool provides the function of color, but there is no way to export
it. The future work will develop and improve the exported file format .mtl. Meanwhile other
exported file formats should also be increased like the commonest format .fbx and the format
.stl which is used for 3D printing.
In addition, there are many functions such as Move and Scale which need the help of
controls to realize functional in this tool. In order to make the modeling more easily in the
future, it can increase more mouse events. The functions which are realized by mouse action,
shortcuts and context menu can reduce the unnecessary controls and make the user interface
more concise. And this is also helpful when the tool transplant into the mobile device later.
A. Version and Configuration of System and
Related Software
PC: Lenovo ThinkPad E520
operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium
processor: Inter(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.30GHz
RAM: 4.00GB
system type: 64 Bit
the Programming Software:
Qt Creator 3.0.0 based on Qt 5.2.0(MSVC 2010)
Plugins: Doxygen 0.3.8 for program comment
the Modeling Software:
Blender: Blender 2.70a
SketchUp: SketchUp 14.0.4900
Wings3D: Wings3D 1.5.3
the Game Engine:
Unity 4.2.0f4
B. Contents of CD
1. the preparatory work: example game and example models
2. source code of 3D modeling tool and release version
3. the example model by the tool
4. screenshots for the example model
5. the paper and source code of LaTeX
6. electronic bibliographies
List of Figures
3.1. the Screenshot of Blender with two Modeling Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2. the Screenshot of Wings3D with Context-Sensitive Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.3. the Cylinder (left) and the Extruded Cylinder (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.4. the new Cone (left) and the Connected Mesh (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.5. Split two Faces (left) into four (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.6. the Smoothed Model (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.7. the screenshot of game Space Shooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.8. the process of game Space Shooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.9. the models of Player, Enemy and Boss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.10. extra white Cross-Section (left) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.11. the Models of Correct Display and Display Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1. theWorkowoftheTool.............................. 23
4.2. the Screenshots of Minecraft[36] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.3. the Effect of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface
(no subdivide, subdivide once and subdivide twice) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4. the Effect of Subdivision Surface for Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.5. the Effect of Subdivision Surface for Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6. the Effect of Subdivision Surface for Octahedron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7. Join of Block and Sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.8. the Approximate Model and the Accurate Model of Cylinder . . . . . . . . . 29
4.9. the Batch Processing of Cube Addition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.10. the Batch Processing of Function Extruded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.11. the Edge Points or the New Vertex Points on the Same Line . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.12. the Variants of Cube’s Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.13. before Subdividing (left), Smooth Subdivision (middle) and not Smooth (right) 32
4.14. Color and Transparency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.15. Color for Face of Cube in main Modeling Phase (left)
and Color for Face in Post-processing (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.16. the Original Position (left)
the Relative Moving (middle) and the Absolute Moving (right) along x Axis . 34
4.17.theFunctionScale ................................. 34
4.18. the Screenshot of User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.19. the Toolbars of AddCube (top),
SelectMode (lower left) and the Function of Move (lower right) . . . . . . . . 36
4.20. the TabWidget for Toolbars with three Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.1. the Cube Structure in Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2. the Calculation Process of Face Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
List of Figures
5.3. the Calculation Process of Edge Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.4. the Calculation Process of New Vertex Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.5. the Generation of New Sub-surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.6. theFileFormatOBJ................................ 44
5.7. Type 1 of the Original File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.8. Type 2 of the Original File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.1. the Basic Shape of Model without Subdivision Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.2. the Jagged Edges (left) and the Smooth Edges (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.3. the Original Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.4. the Barrel (left) and the Top (right) of Spaceship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.5. the Model by Subdividing Surface Once and Twice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.6. to Transform the Model in the Post-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.7. the Finished Model (left)
and the Model by Subdividing Surface One More Time (right) . . . . . . . . 50
6.8. the Color Settings in the main modeling phase (left)
and in the post-processing (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6.9. the Exported Model is Re-imported in Blender (left) and Unity 3D (right) . . 51
6.10. the Threshold of Cubes with Increasing Subdivision Times . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.11. the Problem of Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
6.12. the Model in the View Mode of Wire Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
6.13. the Comparison of two Cuboids after Subdivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.14.theEntityCube .................................. 56
6.15. the new Cube Structure in Class Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.16.JointandDelete .................................. 58
6.17.MergeandSplit................................... 58
6.18. Subdivision of the Selected Face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
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This research describes the process, obstacles, and results in making a Virtual Reality Application of interactive interior using Unity 3D. In this research, we propose a VR application that supports interaction and VR views between users and the digital environment using computers and android smartphones. The study has three stages, namely input, process, and output. C# script was developed for user interaction with the digital environment. The user can interact in a small interior room with digital objects such as moving around, changing furniture color, and switching the light on or off. The research successfully created a virtual reality application using Unity3D for computers and android smartphones. This study clearly describes the step of making virtual reality applications and the problems encountered during the process—also, a more stabilized method for developing the interactive user feature. Moreover, the research brings another opportunity for VR application development that focuses on other VR development factors such as immersion, imagination, and insight.
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The research work presented in this paper explores the area of bio-medical imaging. In this work, a multi-component CAD (Computer Aided Design) model of human elbow structure has been developed. Biomedical images such as computerized tomography scan (CT scan) and magnetic resonance images (MRI) are taken as input data, which are further manipulated and segmented to result in an accurate CAD model of human elbow. By varying the segmentation methods and parameters, multi-component model of whole elbow structure is obtained as an assembly of bone, soft tissue and skin. The segmentation is performed using an open source software ITK snap. The segmented 3D CAD model of human elbow structure can be used for engineering analysis, such as stress analysis, vibration analysis, and force analysis. Artificial body parts, handicap aids, and sport safety equipments can be designed by implementing rapid prototyping on the multi-component model developed.
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This paper discusses the implementation of the Search and Rescue Game Environment (SARGE) using the Unity game engine. The paper will explain the key benefits of using Unity versus other popular platforms and how the various components of the Unity API and environ-ment editor are used to create SARGE. This discussion is divided into sections covering the various robots, sensors, environments, and user interfaces in SARGE.
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The present paper describes an approach to geometric modelling, in which the representation of solids is hybrid and consists of an easily expand-able collection of representations. We also consider an experimental prototype of a framework for the development of systems for geometric modelling based on open hybrid representation schemes. We present a method for creating software-hardware (hybrid) systems based on this approach.
This paper describes a 3D modeling system in Augmented Reality environment, named 3DARModeler. It can be considered a simple version of 3D Studio Max with necessary functions for a modeling system such as creating objects, applying texture, adding animation, estimating real light sources and casting shadows. The 3DARModeler introduces convenient, and effective human-computer interaction to build 3D models by combining both the traditional input method (mouse/keyboard) and the tangible input method (markers). It has the ability to align a new virtual object with the existing parts of a model. The 3DARModeler targets nontechnical users. As such, they do not need much knowledge of computer graphics and modeling techniques. All they have to do is select basic objects, customize their attributes, and put them together to build a 3D model in a simple and intuitive way as if they were doing in the real world. Using the hierarchical modeling technique, the users are able to group several basic objects to manage them as a unified, complex object. The system can also connect with other 3D systems by importing and exporting VRML/3Ds Max files. A module of speech recognition is included in the system to provide flexible user interfaces.
"In the second edition to the acclaimed Game Design: Theory & Practice, designer Richard Rouse III balances a discussion of the essential concepts behind game design with an explanation of how you can implement them in your current project. Detailed analysis of successful games is interwoven with concrete examples from Rouse's own experience. This second edition thoroughly updates the popular original with new chapters and fully revised text. Book jacket."--BOOK JACKET.
This article provides a brief introduction to graphical user interfaces or GUIs. The first section defines graphical user interfaces, describes interface components, and the different types of GUIs. This is followed by a short discussion of GUI design principles and descriptions of some tools for easily creating GUIs. The article concludes with some examples of GUIs that would be of interest to researchers and statisticians. WIREs Comp Stat 2011 3 119–133 DOI: 10.1002/wics.150 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website
Conference Paper
Recent developments in techniques for modeling, digitizing and visualizing 3D shapes has led to an explosion in the number of available 3D models on the Internet and in domain-specific databases. This has led to the development of 3D shape retrieval systems that, given a query object, retrieve similar 3D objects. For visualization, 3D shapes are often represented as a surface, in particular polygonal meshes, for example in VRML format. Often these models contain holes, intersecting polygons, are not manifold, and do not enclose a volume unambiguously. On the contrary, 3D volume models, such as solid models produced by CAD systems, or voxels models, enclose a volume properly. This paper surveys the literature on methods for content based 3D retrieval, taking into account the applicability to surface models as well as to volume models. The methods are evaluated with respect to several requirements of content based 3D shape retrieval, such as: (1) shape representation requirements, (2) properties of dissimilarity measures, (3) efficiency, (4) discrimination abilities, (5) ability to perform partial matching, (6) robustness, and (7) necessity of pose normalization. Finally, the advantages and limits of the several approaches in content based 3D shape retrieval are discussed.
This paper describes a method for recursively generating surfaces that approximate points lying-on a mesh of arbitrary topology. The method is presented as a generalization of a recursive bicubic B-spline patch subdivision algorithm. For rectangular control-point meshes, the method generates a standard B-spline surface. For non-rectangular meshes, it generates surfaces that are shown to reduce to a standard B-spline surface except at a small number of points, called extraordinary points. Therefore, everywhere except at these points the surface is continuous in tangent and curvature. At the extraordinary points, the pictures of the surface indicate that the surface is at least continuous in tangent, but no proof of continuity is given. A similar algorithm for biquadratic B-splines is also presented.