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Analysis of judo throwing techniques, as the most important attacking structures in a judo match, can help experts to improve training process. The aim of this paper was to analyse and classify throwing techniques from the aspect of their importance in judo matches. For this purpose eight judo experts assessed the importance of throwing techniques in seven official senior weight categories for men. Sample of entities consisted of 40 throwing techniques and the sample of variables consisted of seven weight categories. Cluster analysis was used for the classification of throwing techniques. The Euclidean distance method and Ward's method of cluster mergers was used. The differences between the established groups were tested by discriminant analysis. Unlike in some other classifications, a smaller number of groups was formed. According to the criterion of importance two main groups of throws were identified (group A and B). Group B contains the most important and the most applicable throws in current judo matches, whereas group A contains less important throwing techniques. Group A has been divided into two significantly different subgroups and group B into three significantly different subgroups. The proposed classification clearly distinguishes throwing techniques according to their performance importance and provides a clearer insight into the technical structure of judo sport. The results of this research can be useful to judo experts for the selection of the most rational methods of the technical and tactical preparation and for the establishment of new and modern approaches to judo training.
Ivan Segedi and Hrvoje Sertić
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Corresponding author: Ivan Segedi, Ph.D.
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Analysis of judo throwing techniques, as the most important attacking structures in a judo
match, can help experts to improve training process. The aim of this paper was to analyse
and classify throwing techniques from the aspect of their importance in judo match. For this
purpose eight judo experts assessed the importance of throwing techniques in seven official
senior weight categories for men. Sample of entities consisted of 40 throwing techniques
and the sample of variables consisted of seven weight categories. Cluster analysis was used
for the classification of throwing techniques. The Euclidean distance method and Ward's
method of cluster mergers was used. Differences between the established groups were
tested by discriminant analysis. Unlike in some other classifications, a smaller number of
groups was formed. According to the criterion of importance two main groups of throws
were identified (group A and B). Group B contains the most important and the most
applicable throws in current judo matches whereas group A contains less important
throwing techniques. Group A has been divided into two statistically significant different
subgroups and group B into three statistically significant different subgroups. The proposed
classification clearly distinguishes throwing techniques according to their performance
importance and provides a clearer insight into the technical structure of judo sport. The
results of this research can be useful to judo experts for the selection of the most rational
methods of the technical and tactical preparation and in the establishment of new and
modern approaches to judo training.
Key words: weight categories, cluster analysis, applicability of throwing techniques, judo
Classification into groups, as a scientific method, solves the problems of systematization of
elements of a certain area and represents an important theoretical basis for the study in any
scientific discipline. Classification helps recognition of the similar in the different and the
different in the similar. The most common reasons for classifying entities in groups are as
follows: visibility of data, data compression, and determination of the typology (Furjan
Mandic, 2000).
In judo sport there are several relevant classifications of throwing techniques. The main
criteria for the classification, in most of them, are biomechanical parameters (Koizumi,
1960; Gleeson, 1967; Geesink, 1977; Sacripanti 1989; Kano, 1994). Although
biomechanical parameters are useful for better understanding of different types of throws,
they are less important from the tactical aspect of judo training. Since the tactical
preparation is an important part of judo training, it is crucial to know the most important
facts related to performance or situational effectiveness in a match. Judokas are divided by
weight categories, and various studies have demonstrated that there is a difference in the
frequency of use of certain throwing techniques between different weight category
(Franchnini & Sterkowicz, 2000; Boguszewski & Boguszewska, 2006; Marek, Laskowski,
Tabakov & Smaruj, 2013). Therefore, one can conclude that body weight of judokas is a
very important performance factor in a judo match and one of the crucial elements of
tactical preparation in judo.
Techniques of throws are the most important attack elements in judo and analysis from the
standpoint of their importance in different weight categories seems to be a logical step in
further analysis of throws. The main goal of this paper was to perform a comprehensive
classification of all throwing techniques usable in a judo match according to the criterion of
their importance to different weight categories.
Subject sample
Forty throwing techniques recognized by the official rules of the International Judo
Federation (IJF) represented the subject sample. All other throws that exist in judo but are
not allowed in official judo match were not a part of this research.
The sample of variables consisted of seven official weight categories for men: up to 60 kg,
up to 66 kg, up to 73 kg, category up to 81 kg, up to 90 kg, up to 100 kg and over 100 kg
of body weight.
A measurement instrument, questionnaire, was designed according to which eight judo
experts assessed importance of throwing techniques to the defined variables. Team of eight
international judo experts was recruited specially for this research (one from Brazil, Italy
and Poland, three from Japan and two from Croatia). Every expert had to satisfy two out of
three criterions: to be a lecturer of the teaching judo at a higher education institution
somewhere in the world; to be a coach or a member of coaching team of elite judo
competitors members of a national team; was previously elite judo competitor and a
member of a national team. The experts were previously introduced to the methodology of
the research and they assessed importance of throwing techniques to a particular weight
category with grades from 1 to 5, in a way that 1 ment a very little importance of a
technique to each variable, while the grade 5 ment a very great importance of particular
technique to each variable. Importance was defined as the applicability, application rate and
performance effectiveness of a throwing technique.
Statistical analysis
Based on the scores of their importance to performance within a particular weight category,
throwing techniques were classified into homogeneous groups using cluster analysis. The
Euclidean distance method and Ward's method of cluster mergers was used. The differences
between the obtainedgroups were tested by discriminant analysis.
Figure 1. Diagram of dividing throwing techniques into clusters
Figure 1 shows that at the Euclidean distance of twelve units two groups of throwing
techniques can be identified: group A and B.
Group A contains twenty-two throwing techniques, and group B eighteen throwing
Table 1. Discriminant analysis of groups A and B
The difference between the defined groups was statistically significant at the significance
level of .01 (Table 1).
A more detailed analysis of the structure of isolated groups reveals the presence of several
sub-groups at the Euclidean distance of seven units.
Group A is divided into two sub-groups (Table 2), and group B into three subgroups of
throwing techniques (Table 3).
Table 2. Group A
Table 3. Group B
The statistically significant difference between the sub-groups of throws identified by
cluster analysis was determined by discriminant analysis (Table 4 and Table 5).
Table 4. Discriminant analysis of subgroups A1 and A2
Table 5. Discriminant analysis of subgroups B1, B2 and B3
Discussion and conclusions
Unlike in some other classifications, according to the criterion of performance importance
of certain throwing techniques to various weight categories a smaller number of groups was
formed. The throwing techniques classified into a certain group are similar as regards their
application, thus such a distribution is logical and interpretable from the aspect of
performance in a judo match.
Group B mainly contains the most used (the highest importance) techniques of throws
(Marek, Smaruj & Tyszkowski 2011; Marek, Laskowski, Tabakov & Smaruj, 2013), while
group A contains less used throws.
Within group B, sub-group B2 comprises throws that are commonly used by judokas of
light and medium weight categories. According to execution structure, the throws are
performed in a way to affect the opponent’s centre of gravity by a judokas’ rapid descend
below its level. These throwing techniques require a high level of speed, this motor ability
characterizes judokas in these weight categories (Almansba, et al., 2008). If one analyses
judo matches of judokas in these weight categories, it can be seen that intensity of a bout
and frequency of throwing techniques application are very high (Boguszewski &
Boguszewska, 2006; Sterkowicz, Lech & Almansba, 2007). These techniques of throws are
characterized by judokas’ capability of quick "entering" into a throw, but also with a quick
"exit" or escape out from throwing if he/she has estimated that the application of the final
phase of the throw (kake) will not be possible.
Throws in sub-group B1 are commonly used in heavier weight categories. Due to their
anthropological characteristics, judokas in higher weight categories rely on their strength
and body mass and not on speed, as is the case in the lower weight categories. More
suitable throws for them are those that can be performed without a deep descend below the
opponent’s centre of gravity, and those in which the body does not do a large range of
Sub-group B3 contains throws that are equally important in all analysed weight categories
(Franchnini & Sterkowicz, 2000). Also, from the aspect of judo training, the throws from
group B must be a basis in training process in order to enable judokas to be more effective
Group A comprises throwing techniques that are used less frequently in judo matches and
that are, according to their importance and applicability, “secondary” in modern judo.
Throws from sub-group A2 fulfill this criterion in particular. These throws are hardly ever
used in a modern judo match and can be found in “Judo Nage no Kata” (a form that
includes throwing techniques that are performed by a pre-defined order). In the sub-group
A1 are throws occasionally used in a judo match, but they do not belong to the group of the
most important throws. It is interesting to note that most of the throws from this subgroup
were presented in the first classification of throwing techniques in 1885 (three years after
first mention of judo). It can be assumed that these throws had a greater importance and a
more frequent application in the ancient judo and that they lost their importance due to the
development of judo sport and judo match.
A large number of throwing techniques exist in judo, therefore it is not realistic to expect
that every judoka will equally master all throws. However, every throw has at least a
minimum applicability and relevance to performance in a match and that enables judokas to
select throwing techniques according to their own individual characteristics. Judokas,
according to their anthropological characteristics, will modify basic throwing techniques
and will use them in a specific way, thus creating their own "special techniques" (tokui
waza) and their own fighting style. Relationship of judokas motor abilities and
morphological characteristics affects the selection and use of throwing techniques in a judo
match (Franchini, Takito, & Bertuzzi 2005; Jagiello, Kalina, & Korobrelnikow, 2007). For
that reason the classification of judo throwing techniques according to the criterion of
importance to performance of judokas of a different weight categories in a match is
important and can help to improve technical and tactical aspects of training process. The
results of this research can serve experts in selecting the most rational content of the
technical and tactical preparation and in the establishment of new, modern teaching
procedures and approaches to judo training. Thus, the results of this study can be used for
rational planning, programming and organization of judo training and that is a practical
contribution of this paper.
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Ahmaidi, S. (2008). A comparative study of speed expressed by the number of
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Boguszewski, D., & Boguszewska, K. (2006). Dynamics of judo contests performed
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Franchini, E., & Sterkowicz, S. (2000). Techniques used by judoists during the
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T r e e D i a g r a m f o r 4 0 C a s e s
W a r d ` s m e t h o d
E u c l i d e a n d i s t a n c e s
0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5
L i n k a g e D i s t a n c e
C _ 3 5
C _ 3 4
C _ 3 2
C _ 2 5
C _ 2 4
C _ 2 3
C _ 2 2
C _ 3 0
C _ 2 9
C _ 3 8
C _ 2 7
C _ 4 0
C _ 1 0
C _ 3 3
C _ 3 7
C _ 3 1
C _ 2 6
C _ 9
C _ 1 5
C _ 1 1
C _ 2 1
C _ 7
C _ 3 9
C _ 2 0
C _ 3 6
C _ 1 9
C _ 1 3
C _ 4
C _ 1 8
C _ 1 6
C _ 1 7
C _ 1 2
C _ 3
C _ 8
C _ 2
C _ 2 8
C _ 6
C _ 1 4
C _ 5
C _ 1
A 1
B 3
B 2
B 1
A 2
Figure 1. Diagram of throwing techniques divided into clusters
Table 1. Discriminant analysis of groups A and B
Eigenvalue Canonicl - R Wilks'
Lambda Chi-Sqr. df p-value
2.374870 .838864 .296308 41.96431 7 .000001
Table 2. Group of throws divided into cluster A
Table 3. Group of throws divided into cluster B
Table 4. Discriminant analysis of subgroups A1 and A2
Eigenvalue Canonicl - R Wilks'
Lambda Chi-Sqr. df p-value
3.025602 .866943 .248410 22,97913 7 .001719
Table 5. Discriminant analysis of subgroups B1, B2 and B3
t function
Canonicl -
Lambda Chi-Sqr. Df p-value
03.831364 .890516 .049792 35,99874 14 .001044
13.156886 .871456 .240565 17,09719 6 .008933
... Colleagues from the University of Zagreb think similarly. They say that the results of this type of research can serve professionals in choosing more rational technical and tactical training content and in developing new, modern learning procedures and approaches in judo training (Segedi & Sertić, 2014). ...
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The growing popularity of judo around the world is forcing researchers and coaches to constantly look for new, effective, and scientifically based tools and methods for learning judo techniques for optimal competition performance. The opinions of judo specialists on mastering the judo technique are divided into two groups: one believes that a smaller amount of technique should be taught, and that the focus should be on mastering these techniques better, while the other believes that the basics of technical training are the acquisition of basic techniques, i.e., the acquisition of 40 techniques. Increasing the efficiency of the training process with a well-thought-out set of tools and methods is an important condition for mastering the basic techniques of fight in standing position in judo. The research aim is the approbation of the model for optimizing the learning of basic techniques of fight in standing position for young judokas. Research methods: research and analysis of literature sources, expert evaluation method, modelling, observational experiment, and mathematical statistics. The research involved judokas aged 7-12 (58 judokas) and 3 judo experts. The research results reveal that the model for optimizing the acquisition of basic techniques of fight in standing position in judo consists of identifying the learning needs of judokas; setting learning goals; setting learning tasks; choice of learning methods and tools; assessment of learning results, as well as general developmental, auxiliary exercises, and special developmental and competition exercises. The optimization of learning the basic techniques of fight in standing position in judo is initially done by using general developmental, auxiliary exercises, special development, and competition exercises, during which the elements of the technique are mastered up to the skill level, followed by 5 student grades (kyo) with 8 techniques in each. The experience of accumulated movements is expanded, and body movements are managed in 3 planes, as well as physical properties are developed in parallel, with an emphasis on coordination skills.
... They were supposed to make the fight more spectacular, attract media, and bring it closer to the original traditional version. Calculation and compilation of the values of indicators of technical and tactical preparation of judokas during competition at the elite level allows for the determination of the current level of competition in terms of the preparation of competitors and changes in the course of judo fights following the introduction of new regulations, and also for linking it with technical and tactical skill level [34]. ...
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The basis for achieving success in sport is technical preparation supported by adequate level of physical fitness. During judo competitions, athletes use technique to meet tactical objectives aimed to achieve victory. The modification of the rules of combat in judo that has been carried out in recent years has changed the course of competition. It seems to be interesting if there are relations between technical and tactical preparation expressed by means of indices and modification of the course of the fight caused by changes in the rules. The purpose of the paper was to determine the values of technical and tactical preparation of judokas during competition at the elite level. A hundred and twenty bouts during the Olympic Games in London in 2012 as well as 136 bouts fought during the World Championships in Rio de Janeiro in 2013 were analyzed. Verification was performed by calculating indicators of technical and tactical preparation. The results show a significant correlation between the indicators of technical and tactical preparation and the ranking in the general classification of the analyzed competitions. There were no statistically significant correlations between the change of fighting rules and the level of the examined indices of technical and tactical preparation. The results of the study verified the appropriate method of preparation for the competitions analyzed.
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Objetivo: investigar os principais fatores motivacionais em praticantes de judô, dos sexos masculino e feminino. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática e utilizou as seguintes bases de dados: LILACS, Scopus e Pubmed. As buscas foram feitas no mês Junho de 2022, sem corte temporal e 7 estudos foram incluídos na síntese qualitativa. Conclusão: Foi possível constatar diferentes direções motivacionais em determinados estudos, alguns deles apontaram para elementos relacionados a motivação intrínseca e outros para motivação extrínseca. Os atletas de elite e não elite demostraram alto nível de motivação, quando comparado com outros esportes o judô demonstrou diferenças relevantes na hierarquia de aspirações entre judocas e outros praticantes de artes marciais.
Judo's sporting success, as a fight between attack and defense, is largely driven by the mastery of the sporting technical means. The classic Kyu/Dan system which includes all the initial technical characteristics remained. At the same time, only a limited number of gripes are used in competitive conditions. The main aim of this study is to define the general pattern in the technical development of this sport and at the same time assessing the place of the best Judoka in the total number of judo practitioners. Therefore, it is of particular interest to discover the trends in the development of sporting technical mastery. On the basis of a large-scale statistical analysis, trends in the development, usability and effectiveness of competition techniques have been evaluated. The individual characteristics of the best competitors by weight category are also analyzed. Along with the general patterns and trends, the features of the main leading schools in world judo are also distinguished. The results obtained and their analysis can contribute to adequate development and planning initial training programs and to applying a science based approach to sports technical intelligence in elite judoka mastery.
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Background: Winning an Olympic medal is a sporting accomplishment that rewards well-prepared judokas. Despite many studies devoted to understanding his performance, the elite judoka remained an attractive object of investigation. The study aimed to define the technical and tactical profile of the Olympic medalists. Methods and material: The observation of 575 matches determined 6,750 Nage-waza actions performed by 112 male medalists and their opponents in four consecutive Olympic Games (2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016). Anderson-Darling assessed the normal distribution of the data; one-way ANOVA used for inter and intra-Olympic comparisons, followed by the Post hoc Tukey test. Unbiased estimator ω2 tested the effect size of the analysis of variance. Results: Medalists performed 6.4±2.4 attacks/match; opponents carried out 5.3±2.2 attacks/match. They have registered offensive effectiveness of 15.7±9.9% and defensive effectiveness of 95.7±4.2%. To achieve this performance, medalists executed 1.7±.6 attacks/min and their opponents’ 1.4±.5 attack/min. Their technical repertoire of 10.8±3.9 techniques has shown the technical requirements at these Olympic competitions. Ashi-waza was the most preferred, but Te-waza was the most effective. Conclusion: These findings improve knowledge of the technical and tactical profile of Olympic medalists. Coaches could use them as references in judoka preparedness for future competitions.
This textbook,updated and revised edition of "Biomeccanica del Judo" edited 1988,is divided in two parts Biomechanics and Judo. Biomechanics part is intriguing, presenting the last knowledge that perhaps display doubts about the limits of the actual conditioning practice. Judo part presents a review of the most important scientific advances carried out in the world. There is also performed a deep analysis on changes evolved in Judo after the first edition: the Russian Style analysis compared to the Japanese one, the most important technical classifications and teaching methodologies born in the world, a careful study of competition evolution, point of interest for coaches and athletes. After an analysis of most important parameters in competition, the final part describe Judo "Match Analysis" tools and applications. Three very advaced appendices show how man and judo sport are scientifically complexes. This global effort on Judo biomechanics presents very difficult matter in quite easy way. A complete Judo book that could be useful for coaches, athletes, students and for all people who love Judo Sport in his complex reality, beyond legend.
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