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Male cone morphogenesis, pollen development and pollen dispersal mechanism in Ginkgo biloba L.


Abstract and Figures

Lu, Y., Wang, L., Wang, D., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Jin, B. and Chen, P. 2011. Male cone morphogenesis, pollen development and pollen dispersal mechanism in Ginkgo biloba L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 91: 971-981. Ginkgo biloba L. is one of the oldest gymnosperms. Male cone morphogenesis, pollen development and dispersal are important for successful pollination and reproduction. In this study, we investigated the development of male cone, pollen and the sporangial wall in detail. The results indicate that: (1) The primordia of male cones and leaves begin to differentiate in early June and remain open until the following March. The male cones then mature and release pollen in mid-April. The male cones are drooped and approximately perpendicular to the leaves during pollination. (2) The microsporocytes develop from the sporogenous cell and form a tetrahedral tetrad after two simultaneous asymmetrically meioses, then produce a matured four-cell pollen after three polar mitotic divisions. The matured pollen is hemispheric in shape with a large aperture area and three pollen wall layers; once released from the microsporangia, the pollen becomes boat-like in shape. (3) The sporangial walls are eusporangiate and consist of epidermis, endothecium and tapetum. The differentiation of the tapetum occurs separately from that of the epidermis and endothecium, and originates from the outermost layer of sporogenous cells. The sporangial walls exhibit shrinkage of the epidermis, fibrous thickening of the endothecium, and enzymic dissolution of the tapetum during pollen dispersal, which contributes to microsporangia opening. Based on these results, we conclude that there many unique and primitive characteristics of the development of the male cones, pollen and sporangial wall of G. biloba. In addition, we also found that the male cones, pollen and sporangial walls have evolved efficient structural and morphological adaptations to anemophily.
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Male cone morphogenesis, pollen development and
pollen dispersal mechanism in
Ginkgo biloba
Y. Lu
, L. Wang
, D. Wang
, Y. Wang
, M Zhang
, B. Jin
, and P. Chen
College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, People’s Republic of China
College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, People’s Republic of China;
Key Laboratory of Photosynthesis and Environmental Molecular Physiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, People’s Republic of China
Received 24 February 2011,
accepted 26 May 2011.
Lu, Y., Wang, L., Wang, D., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Jin, B. and Chen, P. 2011. Male cone morphogenesis, pollen
development and pollen dispersal mechanism in Ginkgo biloba L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 91: 971981. Ginkgo biloba L. is one of the
oldest gymnosperms. Male cone morphogenesis, pollen development and dispersal are important for successful pollination
and reproduction. In this study, we investigated the development of male cone, pollen and the sporangial wall in detail.
The results indicate that: (1) The primordia of male cones and leaves begin to differentiate in early June and remain open
until the following March. The male cones then mature and release pollen in mid-April. The male cones are drooped and
approximately perpendicular to the leaves during pollination. (2) The microsporocytes develop from the sporogenous cell
and form a tetrahedral tetrad after two simultaneous asymmetrically meioses, then produce a matured four-cell pollen after
three polar mitotic divisions. The matured pollen is hemispheric in shape with a large aperture area and three pollen wall
layers; once released from the microsporangia, the pollen becomes boat-like in shape. (3) The sporangial walls are
eusporangiate and consist of epidermis, endothecium and tapetum. The differentiation of the tapetum occurs separately
from that of the epidermis and endothecium, and originates from the outermost layer of sporogenous cells. The sporangial
walls exhibit shrinkage of the epidermis, fibrous thickening of the endothecium, and enzymic dissolution of the tapetum
during pollen dispersal, which contributes to microsporangia opening. Based on these results, we conclude that there many
unique and primitive characteristics of the development of the male cones, pollen and sporangial wall of G. biloba.In
addition, we also found that the male cones, pollen and sporangial walls have evolved efficient structural and
morphological adaptations to anemophily.
Key words: Ginkgo biloba L., male cone, pollen development, sporangial wall, wind pollination
Lu, Y., Wang, L., Wang, D., Wang, Y., Zhang, M., Jin, B. et Chen, P. 2011. Morphoge´ ne` se du co
ˆne ma
ˆle, de´ veloppement du
pollen et me´ canismes de dispersion chez Ginkgo biloba L. Can. J. Plant Sci. 91: 971981. Ginkgo biloba L. est l’un des plus
anciens gymnospermes. La morphoge
`se du co
ˆne ma
ˆle, le de
´veloppement du pollen et les me
´canismes de dispersion
jouent un ro
ˆle important dans une pollinisation et une reproduction efficaces. L’e
´tude devait pre
´ciser le de
´veloppement du
ˆne ma
ˆle, du pollen et de la paroi des sporanges. Les re
´sultats re
`lent ce qui suit. (1) L’e
´bauche du co
ˆne ma
ˆle et les
feuilles commencent a
`se diffe
´rencier au de
´but de juin, et l’ouverture persiste jusqu’au mois de mars suivant. Le co
ˆne ma
parvient alors a
´et libe
`re le pollen a
`la mi-avril. Le co
ˆne ma
ˆle est tombant et a
`peu pre
`s perpendiculaire aux feuilles
au moment de la pollinisation. (2) Les microsporocytes sont issus de cellules sporoge
`nes et forment une te
´drique apre
`s deux me
´ioses asyme
´triques simultane
´es, puis produisent un grain de pollen a
`quatre cellules apre
`s trois
mitoses polaires. Parvenu a
´, le grain de pollen est de forme he
´rique, posse
`de une large ouverture et sa paroi
est triple; apre
`s libe
´ration du micro-sporange, le grain adopte la forme d’une embarcation. (3) Les parois du sporange sont
´es et comprennent l’e
´piderme, l’endothe
`que et le tapetum. La diffe
´renciation du tapetum diffe
`re de celle de
´piderme et de l’endothe
`que, car elle de
´rive de la couche exte
´rieure de cellules sporoge
`nes. Les parois du sporange
illustrent un re
´cissement de l’e
´piderme, un e
´paississement fibreux de l’endothe
`que et la dissolution du tapetum par des
enzymes au moment de la dispersion du pollen, ce qui facilite l’ouverture du microsporange. D’apre
`s ces re
´sultats, les
auteurs concluent que le de
´veloppement des co
ˆnes ma
ˆles, du pollen et des parois du sporange de G. biloba pre
beaucoup de particularite
´s uniques et primitives. Les auteurs ont e
´galement constate
´que les co
ˆnes ma
ˆles, le pollen et les
parois du sporange ont vu leur structure et leur morphologie e
´voluer de manie
`re efficace pour s’adapter a
`la fe
Mots cle
´s: Ginkgo biloba L., co
ˆne ma
ˆle, de
´veloppement du pollen, parois des sporanges, pollinisation par le vent
These authors contributed equally to this work
Corresponding author: College of Horticulture and Plant
Protection, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009,
China (e-mail:
Abbreviations: SEM, scanning electron microscopy; TEM,
transmission electron microscopy
Can. J. Plant Sci. (2011) 91: 971981 doi:10.4141/CJPS2010-036 971
Ginkgo biloba is a fascinating gymnosperm, which is a
unique extant species of the order Ginkgoales and is
regarded as a living fossil (Gifford and Foster 1989).
Ginkgo first appeared in the Permian about 280 million
years ago and achieved its maximum diversity during
the Jurassic Period (Zhou and Zheng 2003); it is
currently cultivated widely in Asia and other regions
(Tredici 2007). The reproductive biology of Ginkgo has
received considerable attention since the discovery of
its multiflagellate spermatozoids by Hirase in 1896. To
date, many studies on the anatomical and developmen-
tal aspects during the gametophytic life cycle of Ginkgo
have been reported (Friedman 1987a; Lu et al. 2009;
Wang et al. 2010).
Male cone and pollen morphological characteristics,
which are essential for successful fertilization and
reproduction in G. biloba, have been detailed by several
studies. For example, the male cones arise in the axils of
the inner bud scales (Christianson and Jernstedt 2009).
The microsporangia originate from the outer hypoder-
mal layer, which is similar to the developmental pattern
seen in leptosporangiate ferns (Mundry and Stu
2004). During the different stages of meiosis, the
microsporocyte nucleoids (plastids and mitochondria)
go through a series of regular dynamic changes and
establish an axial polarity (Wolniak 1976; Zhang et al.
1999), which is associated with the microtubules and
g-tubulin arrays (Wolniak 1976; Brown and Lemmon
2005). Upon germination, the microspores go through
three polar mitotic divisions and form mature pollen
(Friedman 1987b; Zhang et al. 1999). Although these
studies highlighted many characteristics that are unique
to the development of male cones and pollen in G.
biloba, few results have been reported on male cones
morphogenesis and no study has been carried out to
investigate the development of sporangial walls.
Therefore, systematic studies on male cone morphogen-
esis and the development pollen and sporangial walls are
essential for our comprehensive understanding of the
reproductive biology of G. biloba.
Ginkgo biloba is dioecious with wind pollination
(anemophily) (Whitehead 1983). The male cones are
catkin-like with spirally arranged microsporophylls
(Mundry and Stu
¨tzel 2004; Liu et al. 2006), and they
are borne on short shoots in the axils of bud scales
(Mundry and Stu
¨tzel 2004; Tredici 2007). Previous
studies on other gymnosperms have shown that archi-
tecture and location of male cones play a significant role
in determining the efficiency of pollen dispersal (Niklas
1985; Di-Giovanni and Kevan 1991). For example, the
pendulous, catkin-like or spike-like male cones are
particularly well-designed for pollen disposal in most
gymnosperms (Niklas 1985). Male cones normally
locate higher than or at least equal to the height of
vegetable structures in some species (such as Picea and
Abies firma) (Niklas 1985), or clustered at the ends of
flexible branches in other species (such as Metasequoia
glyptostroboides) (Sze 1951), which all prefer to reduce
pollen filtration and shed pollen (Niklas 1985;
Di-Giovanni and Kevan 1991). However, the role of
male cones in enhancing the efficiency of pollen
dispersal in G. biloba has not been investigated. To the
best of our knowledge, data on the pollen dispersal
mechanism in gymnosperm are still scarce, especially in
G. biloba. The pollen grains have evolved a number of
structural and morphological traits to adapt to
anemophily (Friedman and Barrett 2008). For instance,
the pollen grains of wind-pollinated species are smaller
and have smoother surface ornamentation than those of
animal-pollinated species (Ackerman 2000). Moreover,
pollen grains of many gymnosperms, such as Pinaceae
and Podocarpaceae, contain 13 sacci (Tomlinson 1994;
Schwendemann et al. 2007), which have significance in
adapting to the aerodynamics of wind pollination and
increase pollen dispersal distance (Schwendemann et al.
2007; Leslie 2008; Doyle 2010). However, the functions
of non-saccate pollen in G. biloba during pollination
have been far less studied than those in saccate pollen
Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate
pollen dispersal mechanisms and male cone morphogen-
esis and pollen development by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) and light microscopy, to reveal how the pollen
grains disperse effectively in G. biloba. The phylogeny
of G. biloba is also discussed based on the comparison of
male cone and pollen development among Ginkgo,
Cycas and conifer species. Together, these findings
extend our knowledge on wind pollination mechanisms
and reproductive biology in Ginkgo, and increase our
awareness of pollination and reproductive diversity in
Study Species
Male reproductive structures were studied for 3 yr in
20-yr-old male trees of G. biloba, grown in the Ginkgo
Experimental Station in Yangzhou University, Eastern
China (lat. 32820?N, long. 119830?E). The G. biloba
Experimental Station is about 1.6 km
, and has 240
mature plants. Of the 240 mature plants, 120 (50%)
were male and 120 (50%) were female. Five healthy trees
were selected based on the presence of numerous
developing male cones.
Morphological Observations
The male floral and leaf buds are very similar in early
developmental stages and are difficult to differentiate
using morphological features. Consequently, the col-
lected buds were dissected under a Motic SMZ-168
dissecting microscope from June to early March before
male cones were exposed and examined by SEM. Male
floral buds were selected, which consisted of three
developmental stages: early June when male cone
primordia started to form; mid-September when male
cones had formed basely; and over-wintering. The
samples for examining male cones were collected from
five male trees with at least 10 developing buds per tree.
About 20 male floral buds without bract at each devel-
opmental stage were separately fixed in 2.5% glutar-
aldehyde (in 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.2) and FAA
solution (formalin: acetic acid: 70% alcohol 1: 1: 18)
at 48C until use. The fixed male cone buds in FAA were
rinsed three times in 0.2 M phosphate buffer (15 min
each), dehydrated in a graded ethanol series (30, 50, 80,
90, 95 and 100%, 15 min each), and critical point dried
using liquid CO
. The samples were mounted on speci-
men stubs with adhesive tabs. Male cone buds were
examined and imaged with a Hitachi S-4800 SEM at
15.0 kV, after coating with goldpalladium using a
sputter coater (SCD500).
We distinguished the male floral buds from leaf buds
after male cones emerged in early March. As soon as
male cones were exposed, observations were made every
3 days. When pollen dispersed, samples were examined
twice daily (morning and afternoon) until the pollen had
shed from all male cones. The male cones were photo-
graphed against a background of black cloth at the
Experimental Station using a DSC-H7 Sony digital
camera. One microsporophyll from at least six male
cones from each tree (30 microsporophylls in total) was
collected at irregular intervals from early March to mid-
April and fixed separately in 2.5% glutaraldehyde at
48C until use. When the male cones matured, morpho-
logical index measurements, including length and width
of the male cone and microsporangium, were measured
using digital calipers. We measured 30 male cones
(six from each tree) and 30 microsporangia (one from
the 30 male cones). Averages and standard deviations
were calculated with Microsoft Office Excel 2003.
Anatomical Observations
Microsporogenesis, pollen development, sporangial wall
development and microsporangial opening of G. biloba
were examined using light microscopy or TEM. The
materials fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde were rinsed three
times in 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) and post-fixed
with 1% (wt/vol) osmium tetroxide for 6 h at room
temperature. After rinsing three times in phosphate
buffer, the samples were dehydrated through a normal
alcohol series (20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 95 and 100%, 15 min
each), infiltrated in Spurr resin, and hardened at 708C
for 24 h. The samples were sectioned at 700 nm with a
glass knife using a Leica EM UC6 ultramicrotome, and
stained with 0.5% Toluidine Blue O prior to examina-
tion. Observation was performed under a light micro-
scope (Zess Primo Star X-2005), with digital images
captured using a Moticam 2306 CCD and Motic Images
Advanced 3.2 software. The samples embedded in Spurr
resin were sectioned at 70 nm with a diamond knife
using the Leica EM UC6 ultramicrotome, and stained
with 1% uranyl acetate in 70% methanol, and 1% lead
citrate. The matured pollen was examined and imaged
with a Philips Tecnai 12 TEM. Pollen size, aperture area
and pollen wall were measured using Auto CAD 2008
software (Autodesk, Inc.). Male reproductive structure
description and terminology followed those of Owens
et al. (1998) and Fernando et al. (2010).
Dispersal Regulation Observations
The male cones and microsporophylls were collected
during pollen dispersal and kept in the laboratory. The
male cones were photographed against a background of
black cloth every 20 min at room temperature, using a
DSC-H7 Sony digital camera, to observe the process of
pollen dispersal. The microsporophylls were examined
under the Motic SMZ-168 dissecting microscope and
imaged every 2 min using a Nikon Coolpix 4500 camera.
Morphogenesis of Male Cones
To understand the morphogenesis of the male cone in G.
biloba and its functional importance in wind pollination,
the development of male cones was observed for 3 yr.
The results showed that the male floral buds were borne
on the perennial short shoots, and they differentiated
into male cone and leaf primordia at the beginning of
June (Fig. 1a, b). In mid-September, the microsporo-
phyll primordium could be distinguished easily (Fig. 1c),
and each was composed of two tight microsporangial
primordia (Fig. 1d). The male floral buds underwent
dormancy for about 6 mo (Fig. 1d, e) until the following
March, when the male floral buds began to open
(Fig. 1f). The stalks of the microsporangia and main
axes of male cones began to extend rapidly just prior to
early March. Thus, the male cones were pushed out of
the subtending bract (Fig. 1g). Subsequently, male cones
and leaves appeared successively within 2 wk (Fig. 1h, i).
The male cones were situated in axils of bracts, and the
leaves in the center (Fig. 1j, k). By early April, the male
cones tended to droop, and were perpendicular to the
fan-shaped leaves above. At that time, they were green
and the microsporophylls were arranged compactly
around the main axis (Fig. 1l). As male cones matured,
the main axis elongated and separated the microspor-
ophylls, and began to turn yellow (Fig. 1m). By the
middle of April, male cones were yellow and began to
shed pollen (Fig. 1n). A large amount of pollen grains
dispersed within a few days. Mature male cones were
pendulous and catkin-like, and 37 male cones tufted at
the tip of short shoot (Fig. 1m). Each male cone was up
to 2.3790.29 cm long and 0.590.23 cm wide, and
contained 6080 microsporophylls that were spirally
arranged around the main axis (Fig. 1o). Each micro-
sporophyll was usually composed of a sterile extension
and two elliptical microsporangia about 2.7890.49 mm
long and 1.0690.14 mm (Fig. 1p). The phenology of the
male cones is presented in Fig. 2.
Microsporogenesis and Pollen Development
Sporogenous cells initiated in September and afterwards
underwent dormancy for 6 mo. During the hibernation
period, the sporogenous cells in irregular polygonal
shape were closely arranged and they had thin walls and
concentrated cytoplasm (Fig. 3a). At that time, several
sporogenous cells started to disintegrate, and provided
spaces and nutrients for the development of other
sporogenous cells. The sporogenous cells separated
from each other (Fig. 3b) and formed polygonal
microspore mother cells (Fig. 3c), in which a large
nucleus with an obvious nucleolus and dense cytoplasm
was found, but vacuoles and callose wall were absent.
After the microspore mother cells formed, meiosis
occurred, with elongated cells and chromosomes
arranged in the equatorial region (Fig. 3d). The
chromosomes were pulled to opposite ends and
dispersed to the cell plate that formed in the equatorial
region, but there were no additional callose deposits at
the first nuclear division (Fig. 3e). Subsequently, the
second division took place in a plane orthogonal to the
first (Fig. 3f) and a tetrad was formed with a tetrahedral
shape by the deposits of the callose walls (Fig. 3g).
Cytokinesis took place after completion of two divi-
sions, by formation of the intersporal callose walls, and
therefore, microsporogenesis was simultaneous. After
formation of the tetrad, the callosic walls were thickened
asymmetrically and formed the thicker proximal side
and the thinner distal side where the aperture area
developed (Fig. 3h). At the end of microsporogenesis,
the callose wall began to degrade and finally disap-
peared following the release of microspores from the
tetrads (Fig. 3h, i).
Fig. 1. Morphogenesis of male cones in G. biloba. (a) SEM image of the male floral bud. (b) Male cone and leaf primordial within a
floral bud on Jun. 10. (c) Male cones and leaves within a floral bud in mid-September. (d) Each microsporophyll consists of two
microsporangia and one sterile extension. (e) Long shoot with short shoots bearing a male floral bud. (f) Opening bracts of a male
floral bud. (g) Male cones emerging from bud scales in mid-March. (h) Leaves emerging following male cones from floral bud.
(i) The facing of short shoot with outer male cone and inner leaves. (j)(k) Short shoot in late March with five male cones rising in
axils of bracts, and five leaves in the center. (l) Male cones of early April showing pendulous and green in color. (m) Male cones
displaying yellow color, and perpendicular to leaves before pollen dispersal. (n) Pollen dispersal of male cones. (o) Male cone with
several spirally arranged microsporophylls bearing two microsporangia. (p) Microsporophyll in detail consisting of a stalk, sterile
extension and two microsporangia. Le foliage leaf; Lh long shoot; MBmale floral bud; MCmale cone; Prprimordium;
SBsubtending bract; SEsterile extension; Sgmicrosporangium; Sh short shoot; St stalk. Scale bars 1 mm (a, p); 500 mm
(bd); 1 cm (en); 5 mm (o).
Fig. 2. Phenology of male cone development in G. biloba.
After release from the tetrad, the microspores
expanded rapidly and formed a large vacuole in the
distal side, which gradually pushed the nucleus to the
proximal side (Fig. 3i). The free microspore divided into
a large central cell and a small and flattened prothallial
cell after the first asymmetric mitosis (Fig. 3j). Subse-
quently, the large central cell divided into a large
antheridial initial and a second small prothallial cell,
while the first prothallial cell degenerated with only a
few remaining residues (Fig. 3k). Finally, the antheridial
initial cell divided into a tube cell and a generative cell
through the third asymmetric mitosis (Fig. 3l). As a
result, the free microspore formed a mature pollen grain
with one tube cell, one generative cell and two prothal-
lial cells. The entire process was rapid and lasted for
about 25 d (meiosis for 10 d and mitosis for 15 d). The
phenology of microsporogenesis and pollen develop-
ment is presented in Fig. 4.
Morphology of Mature Pollen
The mature pollen in the microsporangia was hemisphe-
rical, and about 23.4591.60 mm in equatorial diameter
and 1691.38 mm in polar axis, with a large aperture
area on the distal side about 1191.56 mm in diameter
(Fig. 5a). The pollen grains had four cells that were
separated from each other by the walls, but plasmodes-
mata were not detected (Fig. 5b). Many organelles such
as plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi
bodies, vesicle and lipids were observed in the pollen
(Fig. 5c, d), which indicated that the pollen was very
active at that time. The pollen wall consisted of ectexine,
endexine and intine, with different features between the
proximal and distal sides. The ectexine of the proximal
face was 0.6990.05 mm, and characterized by a thin foot
layer, an irregular infratectum with several cavities,
Fig. 3. Microsporogenesis and pollen development in G. biloba. (a) Hibernating sporogenous cells. (b) Separated sporogenous cells
after hibernation. (c) Microspore mother cells with a large nucleus with an obvious nucleolus. (d) Early meiosis I. chromosomes
arranged in equatorial region. (e) Late meiosis I. chromosomes moved to opposite ends. (f) Early meiosis II. (g) Middle meiosis II.
Appearance of a callosic wall and a large nucleus within tetrahedral tetrad. (h) Late meiosis II. Callosic wall degraded generally. (i)
Free microspores with a large nucleus in the proximal side and a large vacuole in the distal side. (j) Formation of a large central cell
and a small first prothallial cell after first mitosis. (k) Formation of a large antheridial initial and a second small prothallial cell after
second mitosis. (l) Formation of matured pollen with a tube cell and a generative cell and two prothallial cells through three mitoses.
AIantheridial initial; CCcentral cell; Chchromosome; CPcell plate; CWcallosic wall; GCgenerative cell; Ms
microspore; MMCmicrospore mother cell; Nnucleus; Nunucleolus; PC1first prothallial cell; PC2second prothallial
cell; SCsporogenous cell; TCtube cell; Tatapetum; TCtube cell; Tetetrad; Vavacuole. Scale bars 30 mm.
Fig. 4. Phenology of microsporogenesis and pollen develop-
ment in G. biloba.
a thick tectum, and outermost spinules (8895 nm) (Fig.
5e, f). The ectexine of the distal side just contained a
distinct foot layer and numerous spinules without tectum
and infratectum (Fig. 5h). In the transition from the
proximal side towards the distal side (aperture area), the
ectexine gradually became thinner, while the cavities
between the infratectum and the foot layer became larger
(Fig. 5g). The endexine was approximately uniform in its
thickness, both on the distal and proximal sides, which
was 0.1390.03 mm (Fig. 5e, h). The intine was 0.7390.09
mm on the distal side (Fig. 5e) but 0.14 90.01 mm on the
proximal side (Fig. 5h). After release from the micro-
sporangium, pollen grains dehydrated rapidly and closed
in around the aperture area due to its thinner wall, and
the pollen changed to a boat-like shape (Fig. 5i).
Development of the Sporangial Wall
Our observations on the developmental process of G.
biloba sporangial wall showed that it was composed of
two to three layers of cells in September (Fig. 6a), and
further differentiated to five to six layers of closely
arranged regular cells during the following 2 mo
(Fig. 6b). In the following February, the cells of the
sporangial wall increased in number and size by means of
anticlinal division (Fig. 6c). Up to early March, the
sporangial wall differentiated into 9 to 11 layers of cells,
namely an outermost epidermis, endothecium of six to
seven layers, and two to three inner tapetum layers. The
starch grains accumulated generally in the cells of
the sporangial wall (Fig. 6d). Until the end of March,
the sporangial wall cells expanded rapidly, and the outer
cells of the endothecium elongated radially (Fig. 6e). In
early April, fibrous thickening was detected in the outer
endothecium wall (Fig. 6f), while starch grains comple-
tely disappeared in the cells of the sporangial wall.
The tapetum originated from the outermost layer of
sporogenous cells and showed tangential stretching and
poor staining at the beginning of March (Fig. 6g).
Fig. 5. Transmission electron microscope images of matured pollen of G. biloba. (a) Hemisphere pollen grain with four cells. (b)
Walls of cells within pollen. (c) Organelles within pollen, such as plastids, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi bodies and
vesicle. (d) Lipids within pollen. (e) Pollen wall in the proximal face consisting of ectexine, endexine and intine. (f) Spinules on the
surface of the pollen wall in the proximal side. (g) Pollen wall in transition from the proximal side towards the distal side. (h) Pollen
wall in the distal side. (i) The boat-like pollen. Ap aperture area; Ca cavity; CW walls cell; Ec ectexine; Enendexine;
ERendoplasmic reticulum; GBGolgi body; FLfoot layer; GCgenerative cell; Inintine; Infinfratectum; L lipids;
Mmitochondria; Pplastid; PC1first prothallial cell; PC2 second prothallial cell; Sp spinule; Ttectum; TCtube cell;
Vevesicle. Scale bars5mm (a, i); 1 mm(bc, e, gh); 0.5 mm (d); 100 nm (f).
During the microspore mother cell period, the tapetum
exhibited dense cytoplasm and two or three nuclei in a
cell (Fig. 6h). Until the meiosis stage, the tapetum
showed many vesicles and tended to disintegrate
(Fig. 6i). Afterwards, nuclear shrinkage and cell wall
collapse within the tapetum were detected successively at
mitosis (Fig. 6j), and finally, the tapetum completely
disappeared at the mature pollen period (Fig. 6k).
Longitudinal Slit Formation and Pollen Dispersal
Longitudinal slit formation occurred at the early stage
of meiotic division (Fig. 7a). At first, the sporangial wall
kept expanding, except at the sides facing both micro-
sporangia (Fig. 7b). Subsequently, these cells were
trapped and sank, which resulted in formation of the
longitudinal slit by the end of the microspore period
(Fig. 7c, d). During the different pollen dispersal stages,
the endothecium cell walls thickened and the epidermis
rapidly dehydrated, leading to an increase in the
cohesive force within the cells, concentrated mainly on
the longitudinal slit. The epidermis and endothecium
within the longitudinal slit broke first (Fig. 7e) and then
the tapeta opened, owing to further dehydration of the
cells (Fig. 7f). Finally, the sporangial wall bent outwards
along the longitudinal slit (Fig. 7g) and the microspor-
angium dehisced to ballistic pollen dispersal (Fig. 7h).
Moreover, we investigated the regulation of pollen
dispersal in individual microsporangia, male cones and
trees. For one microsporangium, the slit dehisced from
the middle part to the ends (Fig. 7i). The dehiscence
took place from bottom to top for individual male cones
(Fig. 7j), and the male cones opened from exterior to
interior for an entire tree.
Significance of Male Reproductive Structures in
Relation to Wind Pollination
The morphology of male cones and their relationship
with their ambient leaves play significant roles in pollen
dispersal in wind-pollinated species (Niklas 1985;
Di-Giovanni and Kevan 1991). Urzay et al. (2009)
pointed out that the catkin-like or long filament anthers
are effective in pollen dispersal due to a stochastic
aeroelastic mechanism. In addition, Niklas (1985) sug-
gested that the spiral male cones are particularly
well-designed for pollen dispersal. In G. biloba, the
male cones are catkin-like with many helical microspor-
ophylls, which are the typical characteristics of wind
Fig. 6. Development of sporangial wall in G. biloba. (a) Sporangial wall with two to three layers in September. (b) Sporangial wall
with five to six layers in December. (c) Sporangial wall with seven to eight layers in February. (d) Sporangial wall with nine to eleven
layers and many starch grains in March. (e) Outer cells of the endothecium stretching in a radial direction. (f) Fibrous thickening in
the endothecium. (g) Tapetum originated from sporogenous tissues in early March. (h) Tapetum showing dense cytoplasm and two
or three nuclei in a cell during microspore mother cell period. (i) Tapetum showing many vesicles and tending to disintegrate. (j)
Tapetum showing nuclear shrinkage and cell wall collapse at mitosis. (k) Tapetum completely disappeared during pollen
maturation. Enendothecium; MMCmicrospore mother cell; Nnucleus; Ppollen; SGstarch grains; STsporogenous
tissues; SWsporangial wall; Tatapetum; Tetetrad. Scale bars50 mm.
pollination. Furthermore, Di-Giovanni and Kevan
(1991) proposed that the vegetation around male
reproductive structures in wind-pollinated species
increases mechanical turbulence, which can overcome
the threshold imposed by molecular adhesion and
effectively release the pollen into the air (Jackson and
Lyford 1999). In this study, we observed that male cones
and leaves were clustered in the fertile short shoots in
Ginkgo, and the male cones were located below the
leaves. Moreover, we noticed a complex relationship
between the male cones and the surrounding leaves. The
pendulous male cones of G. biloba were more or less
perpendicular to the horizontal leaves during pollina-
tion. This positional relationship can decrease the
disturbance of leaves in pollination. However, it is not
known whether the special relationship of male cones
and leaves produces more harmonic atmospheric turbu-
lence to enhance the efficiency of wind pollination.
Unfortunately, we could not determine this from these
data, and this problem needs to be studied further.
Pollen grains of G. biloba also show several traits for
facilitating wind pollination. Schwendemann et al.
(2007) investigated whether the presence of sacci and
the change in shape of the pollen of many conifers could
contribute to a reduction in settling speed and an
increased dispersal distance by adaptation to the aero-
dynamics of wind pollination. Although the pollen
grains in G. biloba do not have sacci, they could
dehydrate rapidly after release from microsporangia,
which could cause the shape of the pollen grains to
change from hemispheric to boat-like (Tekleva et al.
2007). We speculate that two advantages of pollen
dehydration contribute to pollen dispersal. First, the
desiccation of the pollen could reduce its weight and
increase its time floating in the air allowing it to travel
further, as demonstrated by Niklas (1985) and Friedman
and Barret (2009). Second, the evolution of a boat-like
shape might facilitate its carriage on the wind. Addi-
tional aerodynamic models are needed to determine if
these pollen shapes are particularly adapted to wind
pollination. Moreover, Ginkgo pollen is small (30 mm)
and has cavities within the ectexine that are believed to
increase the floating in the air. Although smooth surface
ornamentation is thought to be beneficial for pollen
dispersal in wind-pollinated species (Niklas 1985), many
spinules appear outside the pollen wall in G. biloba.Why
the spinules exist in the pollen of G. biloba and what
roles they play in wind pollination requires further
Fig. 7. Longitudinal slit formation and pollen dispersal in G. biloba. (a) Formation of longitudinal slit at the facing sides of both
microsporangia. (b) The trapped and sunken sporangial wall at the longitudinal slit. (c) Longitudinal slit. (d) Longitudinal slit in
detail. (e) The broken epidermis. (f) The opening of the tapeta. (g) Shrunken epidermis and opening longitudinal slit. (h)
Microsporangium dehiscence. (i) Regulation of pollen release for microsporangium. (j) Regulation of pollen dispersal in male cones.
Ddyad; LSlongitudinal slit; Sgmicrosporangium; Ppollen; SW sporangial wall; Th fibrous thickening. Scale bars 200
mm (a,g); 100 mm (b,c); 50 mm(df); 2 mm (h,i); 1 cm (j).
Mechanism of Microsporangial Opening
In wind-pollinated species, pollen grains are dispersed as
soon as microsporangia (anthers) open. Therefore,
dehiscence of microsporangia is essential for wind
pollination (Keijzer 1987). In wind-pollinated angios-
perms, the mechanism of anther opening consists of
complex physiological and physical processes (Keijzer
1999). In Oryza sativa, pollen pressure combined with
the inward bending of the locule walls, as well as the
mechanical outward bending of thickened endothecium,
cause anther opening and pollen launching (Matsui
et al. 1999). Keijzer et al. (1996) have shown that
enzymatic cell wall breakdown leads to the formation
of the dehiscent cavity in maize. These studies have
mainly focused on angiosperms, and little work has been
done on microsporangial opening mechanism of
gymnosperms. In this study, we found in G. biloba
that the cells of the longitudinal slit ruptured first, and
then the sporangial wall was bent outward due to the
combination of shrinkage of the epidermis and thicken-
ing of the endothecium, which led to microsporangium
opening. These results suggest that the longitudinal slit
and the thickened endothecium are a response to
microsporangial opening in G. biloba. In angiosperms,
the enzymic dissolution and swelling pressure of pollen
are important in rupturing the tapetum (Keijzer 1987).
The tapetum of G. biloba displayed active metabolism
during the process of sporangial wall development;
therefore, we propose that the rupture of the tapetum
might be induced by enzymic dissolution. Unfortu-
nately, from our data, we could not determine whether
the swelling pressure of pollen is involved in the rupture
of the tapetum, and further studies are required. In
addition, we demonstrated that opening is sequential
and regular within an individual microsporangium, male
cone or tree in G. biloba. This suggests that the opening
regulation of male cones could prolong their pollination
period and balance the asynchrony during the develop-
ment of male and female trees.
Systematic Significance of Male Reproductive
During the development of male reproductive struc-
tures, G. biloba displays many unique and primitive
1. Microsporophyll. Mundry and Stu
¨tzel (2004) specu-
lated there is a common ancestor of the microspor-
ophyll in Gnetales, Ginkgoales, Cordaitales and
Coniferales, which displayed simple microsporo-
phyll with a terminal cluster of free microsporangia.
If a leaf-like tip is present after the reduction of the
adaxial microsporangia, the result would be a
conifer microsporophyll (Mundry and Mundry
2001). However, in cycads, the microsporophylls
are pinnate, with synangia on reduced leaflets,
which is the same as the radial synangia groups
seen in some pteridosperm taxa (Mundry and
¨tzel 2003). In this study, the microsporophyll
of G. biloba displays a sterile extension in the
adaxial position, which is a reduction of the adaxial
sporangia of primitive microsporophyll. Thus, our
results support a close relationship between
Ginkgoales and Cycadales, as was also suggested
by Mundry and Stu
¨tzel (2004).
2. Sporangial Wall. The two main sporangial wall
types (i.e., eusporangiate walls and leptosporangi-
ate walls) are widely distributed throughout the
gymnosperms, probably evolved many times in the
group, and are considered an important taxonomic
characteristic (An et al. 2007). In cycads, the
sporangial wall contains six to seven layers of cells
and is eusporangiate in form (Ouyang et al. 2004;
An et al. 2007). However, in conifers, the spor-
angial wall contains three to five layers of cells and
is leptosporangiate in form (Cao et al. 2001). In the
current study, we found that the development of the
sporangial wall in G. biloba is of the eusporangiate
form. It displays 911 layers of cells consisting of
the epidermis, endothecium and tapetum. The
above results therefore indicate that the develop-
ment of the sporangial wall in G. biloba is similar to
that seen in cycads.
3. Microsporogenesis and Pollen Development. Two
main types of microsporogenesis (i.e., simultaneous
division and successive division) occur in gymnos-
perms. Both simultaneous and successive divisions
are recorded in cycads and conifers (Ouyang et al.
2004; Rudall and Bateman 2007). In Ginkgo, the
tetrahedral tetrads resulted from simultaneous
meiotic divisions. During the different pollen
dispersal stages, gymnosperm pollen grains contain
a variable number of cells after two to five mitotic
divisions (Fernando et al. 2010). In cycads, the
microspore undergoes two asymmetric cell divisions
to produce three cells axially aligned with a
prothallial cell, an antheridial cell and a tube cell
(Ouyang et al. 2004). In conifers, pollen is shed at
the one-cell stage (no division in Taxaceae and
Cephalotaxaceae) (Wang et al. 2008), two-cell stage
(a generative cell and a tube cell) (Chichiricco
Pacini 2008) or the five-cell stage (two or more
prothallial cells, a sterile cell, a generative cell and a
tube cell in Pinaceae and Podocarpaceae)
(Fernando et al. 2005) after several rounds of cell
division. In Ginkgo, the microspore undergoes three
uneven cell divisions to form four cells, including
two prothallial cells, an antheridial cell and a tube
cell in an axial row. In addition, the first prothallial
cell of Ginkgo aborts before pollen dispersal.
Fernando et al. (2010) considered that the evolution
of the pollen showed the reduction of its compo-
nent cells. Moreover, two major innovations
occurred within cycads and Ginkgo, namely the
haustorial pollen tubes and motile sperms, which
represent original groups of gymnosperms.
Based on above analyses, we propose that Gink-
goales, cycads and conifers are not homologous and
Ginkgoales may originate from species that are more
ancient than conifers but younger than cycads.
We thank Dr. Tong Chen of the Institute of Botany, the
Chinese Academy of Sciences, for reviewing our manu-
script, and International Science Editing for correcting
the English. We would also like to thank Xiao-xue
Jiang, Lei Zhang, Hong Li, and Liang Tang for their
help in the laboratory and field. This work was
supported by the Scientific Research Foundation for
high level talents, Yangzhou University (2008) and the
National Science Fund of China (30870436).
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... March while in northern populations it is often delayed to mid-April (Lu et al., 2011;Wang et al., 2013). After a week, the green male cones tend to droop, perpendicular to the fan-shaped leaves above (Lu et al., 2011). ...
... March while in northern populations it is often delayed to mid-April (Lu et al., 2011;Wang et al., 2013). After a week, the green male cones tend to droop, perpendicular to the fan-shaped leaves above (Lu et al., 2011). By mid-April, the main axis elongates and separates the microsporophylls, then male cones turn yellow and begin to shed pollen (Lu et al., 2011). ...
... After a week, the green male cones tend to droop, perpendicular to the fan-shaped leaves above (Lu et al., 2011). By mid-April, the main axis elongates and separates the microsporophylls, then male cones turn yellow and begin to shed pollen (Lu et al., 2011). A large amount of pollen grains disperse within 7 days (Gao et al., 2001;Lu et al., 2011). ...
Full-text available
This account presents information on all aspects of the biology of Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgo, Maidenhair tree) that are relevant to understanding its ecological characteristics. The main topics are presented within the standard framework of the International Biological Flora: distribution, habitat, communities, responses to biotic factors, responses to environment, structure and physiology, phenology, reproductive and seed characters, herbivores and disease, history, conservation and global heterogeneity. Globally, Ginkgo survives a wide range of mean annual temperature (−3.3 to 23.3°C) and annual precipitation (34–3925 mm) conditions, according to a meta‐analysis. It prefers a warm, humid, open‐canopy and a well‐drained environment. The species shows strong tolerance to drought, freezing, fire, air pollution, heavy metals and low‐level salt, whereas it is intolerant to long‐time shade and waterlogging. Six Ginkgo trees even survived the atom bomb in Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II. Ginkgo is susceptible to few diseases. Those occurring in nursery seedlings and juvenile trees involve stem rot and leaf blight. The former is caused by Macrophomina phaseoli, which could lead to a mortality rate of 5%–12% (up to 31.8%) for seedlings. This disease can be mitigated by a 4‐h shading treatment and applying organic fertilisers. The pathogens inducing leaf blight include Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Pestalotia ginkgo, which may infect 100% juvenile trees in some regions. The application of 45% carbendazim or 50% Tuzet can effectively prevent leaf blight. Ginkgo biloba is one of the world’s most distinctive trees with an important position in plant evolution and human society. It is a tall deciduous dioecious tree native to China. Refugial populations were identified in three glacial refugia located in eastern, southern and south‐western China, respectively, with a patchy distribution pattern and a small population size. It typically grows along flood‐disturbed streamsides in warm‐temperate deciduous (and evergreen mixed) broadleaved forests. Ginkgo may have been introduced repeatedly out of China since the sixth century. It has been planted as a landscape tree world‐wide, except in Antarctica. Ginkgo is also of great value for edible nuts, herbal medicine, religion and art. It is a natural and cultural symbol of China.
... Ginkgo biloba L. is commonly described as a 'living fossil'; it is dioecious with anemophilous pollination (Labandeira 2010; Lu et al. 2011a;Jin et al. 2012c). The shape of dry pollen after dispersal is a bilaterally symmetrical boat with monosulcate and smooth ornamentation (Lu et al. 2011a). ...
... Ginkgo biloba L. is commonly described as a 'living fossil'; it is dioecious with anemophilous pollination (Labandeira 2010; Lu et al. 2011a;Jin et al. 2012c). The shape of dry pollen after dispersal is a bilaterally symmetrical boat with monosulcate and smooth ornamentation (Lu et al. 2011a). After hydration with the pollination drop, the pollen converts into a round shape (Tekleva et al. 2007), and the pollen grains enter into the pollen chamber to cause pollen tube germination (Lu et al. 2009;Wang et al. 2010). ...
... The pollen wall plays a key role in pollination and pollen germination (Pacini and Hesse 2005;Tekleva and Krassilov 2009). In Ginkgo, the pollen wall is constituted by intine, endexine and ectexine (Tekleva et al. 2007;Lu et al. 2011a). The ectexine is characterised by a thick solid tectum, distinct foot layer and infratectum of columellalike elements or large granules (Tekleva et al. 2007). ...
Full-text available
Key message The morphology, structure, element distribution and motion of pollen grains in Ginkgo biloba are beneficial for pollination and germination in the pollination drop. Abstract The morphology and structure of pollen grains are important for pollination, and hence reproductive success in gymnosperms. To examine the role of pollen structures associated with pollination and germination in Ginkgo biloba L., scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used to observe ultrastructure features of pollen. Compared with pollen grains before dispersal, the aperture area was sunken, spinules on the pollen surface disappeared, and the tectum and intine were thickened during pollen dispersal. However, after pollen hydration, the aperture area and spinules recovered and the thickness of tectum and intine were similar to those of pollen before dispersal, suggesting that G. biloba pollen grains could facilitate pollination and germination through changing their microstructure. In addition, calcium was mainly distributed in the intine. Calcium levels decreased significantly after ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid treatment, resulting in a low germination rate compared with untreated pollen. These results indicate that calcium could play an important role in pollen germination. Importantly, the use of both in vivo and in vitro pollen experiments revealed that after the pollen grains landed on the ovule, they hydrated and swelled on the surface of the pollination drop. This was accompanied by air bubble release at the exposed part of the aperture area. The viable Ginkgo pollen could get into the ovule easier than less-viable pollen. These results showed that the effectiveness of hydration and sinking as a selection mechanism is a result of the ability of G. biloba to exclude less-viable pollen grains and preferentially concentrate on viable pollen inside ovules.
... Intermediate cytokinesis, on the other hand, has been described in detail only in Magnolia ( Farr, 1918 ;Sampson, 1969a , b ;Brown and Lemmon, 1992 ;Nadot et al., 2008 ). For a comparison, either simultaneous or successive cytokinesis was reported for microsporogenesis in gymnosperm species other than cycads ( Maheshwari, 1935 ;Moitra and Bhatnagar, 1982 ;Anderson and Owens, 2000 ;Lü et al., 2003 ;Zhang et al., 2008 ;Lu et al., 2011 ). Currently, only limited information is available on the process of microsporogenesis in several cycads, but the cytokinetic process seems to be similar to the intermediate type ( Singh, 1978 ;Audran, 1981 ;Zhang et al., 2012 ). ...
... In the majority of seed plants, wall stub formation is closely coupled with cell plate formation in both simultaneous cytokinesis and successive cytokinesis ( Fig. 10C ). As a comparison, in Ginkgo biloba , cytokinesis in microsporogenesis appears to be simultaneous without ACWIs ( Brown and Lemmon, 2005 ;Lu et al., 2011 ). ...
... Spatial and temporal control of the callose deposition -Callose deposition is a common event during meiosis in plants ( Singh, 1978 ;Johri, 1984 ;Bhatia and Malik, 1996 ;Lü et al., 2003 ;Lu et al., 2011 ;Zhang et al., 2012 ). In M. communis , two callose rings form at the sites where future cell plates will join the parental cell wall in advance of the mini-phragmoplast-based process of cell plate formation in the interior of the cell. ...
Full-text available
PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Spatiotemporal features of microsporogenesis may provide important clues about the evolution of microsporogenesis in seed plants. One cellular feature that attracts special attention is advance cell wall ingrowths (ACWIs) at future cytokinetic sites in microsporocytes since they have been found only in species of an ancient lineage of angiosperms, Magnolia , and in much less detail, of an ancient lineage of gymnosperms, cycads. Further investigation into microsporogenesis in a cycad species may yield knowledge critical to understanding the establishment of ACWIs as an important feature for comparative studies of microsporogenesis in seed plants. METHODS: Bright-fi eld and epifl uorescence microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the microsporogenic process in Macrozamia communis , a species in the Zamiaceae family of cycads. KEY RESULTS: In prophase-II microsporocytes in M. communis , ACWIs form as a callose ring between the newly formed nuclei and are not accompanied by cytokinetic apparatuses such as mini-phragmoplasts, wide tubules, or wide tubular networks. Shortly after the second nuclear division, new ACWIs, albeit thinner than the previous ACWIs, form between the newly formed nuclei. Subsequent cell plate formation in the planes of the ACWIs typically results in tetragonal tetrads. CONCLUSIONS: Cytokinesis at the cell periphery is initiated earlier than cell plate formation in the cell interior in microsporogenesis in M. communis. The cellular features uncovered in M. communis may serve as useful reference features for comparative studies of microsporogenesis in plants.
... First, the homology of tapetum-like structures across all land plants is far from clear. Typical tapetum structures are found in all vascular land plants-ferns, lycophytes and seed plants-which are wellsupported by past studies exploring morphological and genetic similarities (Duncan, 1940;Aya et al., 2011;Lu et al., 2011;Johri & Srivastava, 2001;Koi et al., 2016) (Fig. 9d). Tapetumlike structures also are reported in mosses even though they are difficult to recognize (Pacini et al., 1985;Wallace et al., 2015), whereas the interpretation of the sporangial structures in hornworts and liverworts require further studies (Johri & Srivastava, 2001;Villarreal et al., 2017;Yamaoka et al., 2018) (Fig. 9d). ...
... In M. truncatula, EAN1 has a tandem duplicate, EAN2, which showed much lower expression in anthers than EAN1 (Fig. 7b), indicating the possible functional divergence between EAN1 and EAN2. Such a scenario is similar to that observed in tomato, in which, although a tandem duplication led to two subfamily II genes MALE STERILE 32 (MS32) (Solyc01g081100) and Solyc01g081090, single mutations of the MS32 induced abnormal tapetum development and (Lu et al., 2011), Azolla filiculoides (Duncan, 1940;Nayak & Singh, 1989) and Selaginella moellendorffii (Schulz et al., 2010;Aya et al., 2011), the male antheridia of hornwort Anthoceros sp. (Johri & Srivastava, 2013;Villarreal et al., 2017), moss Physcomitrella patens (Landberg et al., 2013;Sanchez-Vera et al., 2017), liverwort Marchantia polymorpha (Koi et al., 2016;Yamaoka et al., 2018) and charophyte Chara braunii (Nishiyama et al., 2018), and the male gamete of chlorophyte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Johri & Srivastava, 2001). ...
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Male sterility is an important tool for plant breeding and hybrid seed production. Male‐sterile mutants are largely due to an abnormal development of either the sporophytic or gametophytic anther tissues. Tapetum, a key sporophytic tissue, provides nutrients for pollen development, and its delayed degeneration induces pollen abortion. Numerous bHLH proteins have been documented to participate in the degeneration of the tapetum in angiosperms, but relatively little attention has been given to the evolution of the involved developmental pathways across the phylogeny of land plants. A combination of cellular, molecular, biochemical and evolutionary analyses was used to investigate the male fertility control in Medicago truncatula. We characterized the male‐sterile mutant empty anther1 (ean1) and identified EAN1 as a tapetum‐specific bHLH transcription factor necessary for tapetum degeneration. Our study uncovered an evolutionarily conserved recruitment of bHLH subfamily II and III(a + c)1 in the regulation of tapetum degeneration. EAN1 belongs to the subfamily II and specifically forms heterodimers with the subfamily III(a + c)1 members, which suggests a heterodimerization mechanism conserved in angiosperms. Our work suggested that the pathway of two tapetal‐bHLH subfamilies is conserved in all land plants, and likely was established before the divergence of the spore‐producing land plants.
... The simplest and most intuitive method to distinguish the sexes of plants is based on their morphological characteristics. Previous studies reported the differences between the two sexes of ginkgo in their reproductive organs (cones) [5,6], vegetative organs [3,7], and phenology [8,9]. However, ginkgo trees have juvenile periods lasting two decades in which they produce no cones. ...
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Ginkgo biloba L. is a rare dioecious species that is valued for its diverse applications and is cultivated globally. This study aimed to develop a rapid and effective method for determining the sex of a Ginkgo biloba. Green and yellow leaves representing annual growth stages were scanned with a hyperspectral imager, and classification models for RGB images, spectral features, and a fusion of spectral and image features were established. Initially, a ResNet101 model classified the RGB dataset using the proportional scaling–background expansion preprocessing method, achieving an accuracy of 90.27%. Further, machine learning algorithms like support vector machine (SVM), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and subspace discriminant analysis (SDA) were applied. Optimal results were achieved with SVM and SDA in the green leaf stage and LDA in the yellow leaf stage, with prediction accuracies of 87.35% and 98.85%, respectively. To fully utilize the optimal model, a two-stage Period-Predetermined (PP) method was proposed, and a fusion dataset was built using the spectral and image features. The overall accuracy for the prediction set was as high as 96.30%. This is the first study to establish a standard technique framework for Ginkgo sex classification using hyperspectral imaging, offering an efficient tool for industrial and ecological applications and the potential for classifying other dioecious plants.
... The shape of sporangia was oval, elongate-elliptical and boat-shaped and in our study some were also almost round (Liu et al. 2006). The microsporangia walls exhibit shrinkage of the epidermis, fibrous thickening of the endothecium and enzymatic dissolution of the tapetum during pollen dispersal, which contributes to sporangia opening (Keijzer 1987;Abid and Qaiser 2004;Lu et al. 2011). ...
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Metasequoia glyptostroboides, a famous relic species of conifer that survived in China, has been successfully planted in large numbers across the world. However, limited information on male cone development in the species is available. In this study, we observed the morphological and anatomical changes that occur during male cone development in M. glyptostroboides using semi-thin sections and scanning electron microscopy. The male cones were borne oppositely on one-year-old twigs that were mainly located around the outer and sunlit parts of crown. Male cones were initiated from early September and shed pollen in the following February. Each cone consisted of spirally arranged microsporophylls subtended by decussate sterile scales, and each microsporophyll commonly consisted of three microsporangia and a phylloclade. The microsporangial wall was composed of an epidermis, endothecium, and tapetum. In mid-February, the endothecium and tapetum layers disintegrated, and in the epidermal layer the cell walls were thickened with inner protrusions. Subsequently, dehiscence of the microsporangia occurred through rupturing of the microsporangial wall along the dehiscence line. These results suggest that the structure, morphology, architecture and arrangement of male cones of M. glyptostroboides are mainly associated with the production, protection and dispersal of pollen for optimization of wind pollination.
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Ginkgo biloba L. is a dioecious anemophilous species. Its female flower is a naked ovule which catches and identifies drifting pollens in the air during pollination and has specific structures to facilitate pollen entrance into the ovule and to store them. As a consequence, the ovule structures have important effects on pollination efficiency and reproductive success. To reveal the adaptive mechanisms of this species to anemophilous pollination, we investigated the morphological and anatomical characteristics of the ovule before and after pollination by using scanning electron microscopy and a semi-thin section technique. The results show that during the development of the ovule, the funiculus primordium first appeared in December and differentiation of the integument began in next January; finally, the nucellar tissue and ovule bracket forms in mid March. During the differentiation of nucellar tissues, integument tissues continuously proliferated to form a micropylar canal by surrounding and covering the nucellus and the archesporial cells gradually appeared inside the nucellus. From late March, the ovule micropyle began to open and the micropylar canal elongated. In addition, the pollen chamber was gradually formed by degeneration of nucellar tissues near the micropylar end and the archesporium slowly elongated and developed into megasporocytes. In early April, the micropyle opened outward like a funnel and reached its greatest width. Additionally, a pollination drop appeared on the micropyle and the micropylar canal reached its greatest length. Moreover, an opening was formed on top of the pollen chamber and a tetrad was formed after two divisions of the megasporocyte during meiosis. This was the period best for pollination. After pollination, the pollination drop disappeared, the micropyle, micropylar canal and the pollen chamber closed and then the female gametophyte reached the free-nucleus stage. The results indicate that the ovule of G. biloba forms complex morphological and structural adaptions to anemophily, presumably due to long-term natural selection and ecological evolution toward enhancing pollination success.
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Microsporogenesis and pollen ontogeny in Cycas elongata (Leandri) D. Y. Wang were studied to amass additional information on the reproductive biology of cycads and to provide some data for further studies on the factors causing the endangerment of this species. This species tends to initiate the male cones in middle or late May. The microsporophylls bear their microsporangia on the abaxial surface, and 3-5 microsporangia seem to be arranged radially into a sorus with a stalk. The microsporangium wall comprises one epidermis, four to five middle layers, and a tapetum. The tapetum may be derived from the outer layer of mature sporogenous tissue and conforms to secretory type. In the middle of June the microspore mother cells are produced and immediately enter into meiosis. The cytokinesis in the later stage of meiosis is both simultaneous and successive, a phenomenon observed even in the same microsporophyll. Following meiosis, the nuclei of microspore mother cells divide into four to form tetrahedral, isobilateral, tetragonal and occasionally linear tetrads in late June. Subsequently the microspores are released from tetrads. With the development of pollen, the microspores then undergo two asymmetric mitosis to form mature pollen consisting of three cells, i.e., a tube cell, a generative cell and a prothallial cell. Pollen further develops and is dispersed through the dehiscence of the sporangium in late July. In addition, both starch grains and callose have a regular dynamic distribution during the course of microsporogenesis and pollen ontogeny. The phenomenon that the cytokinesis at the later stage of meiosis in microsporogenesis is both simultaneous and successive has not been previously reported in any other cycads, even in other gymnosperms, and thus may have systematic significance and developmental implications.
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The transport and capture of pollen in ~20% of all angiosperm families occurs in air and water. In other words, pollination is abiotic and occurs via the fluid media, not an animal vector. Whereas some early concepts considered abiotic pollination to be largely a stochastic phenomenon, there is sufficient evidence to indicate that wind pollination (i.e. anemophily) and water pollination (i.e. hydrophily) have deterministic features and are sophisticated fluid dynamic solutions to the problem of pollen release, dispersal, and capture. An abiotic pollination syndrome is defined in which there is spatial or temporal separation of carpellate and staminate flowers, which are drab, a reduction in perianth parts, stigmas and anthers are exposed to the fluid, and typically unclumped pollen may be produced in large amounts. Separate pollination syndromes are defined for anemophilous (i.e. wind-pollinated), ephydrophilous (i.e. surface-pollinated), and hydrophilous (i.e. submarine-pollinated) plants. Distinctions are based on habitat and physical conditions for pollination, pollen size, shape, and ultrastructure, morphology and ultrastructure of stigmas, and outcrossing rates. For example, anemophilous pollen are spherical and small, ephydrophilous pollen are spherical or reniform and large, while hydrophilous pollen are filiform (i.e. filamentous) or functionally filiform. The pollination mechanisms and mechanics associated with these syndromes reveals a strong evolutionary relationship between plant morphology and fluid dynamics.
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Pollen contamination causes major losses to genetic improvement from selection and breeding of "plus" trees in conifer seed orchards. Genetic losses arise by the influx of "wild" conspecific pollen into seed orchards and its deleterious fertilization of superior genetic lines. This review firstly addresses the basis of the problem: pollen, conifer reproduction, and the concept of seed orchard management, especially in regard to reduction of contamination. Secondly, the physical processes of pollen liberation, dispersal, and deposition are described, and examples of previous studies illuminating these phenomena given. Thirdly, past research on measuring pollen dispersal in natural stands and seed orchards in discussed in the light of modelling techniques used to predict these types of dispersal pattern. Work on the other facets of contamination measurement, gene-flow studies, are listed. It is concluded that a detailed study that combines both the physical and gene-flow aspects of pollen dispersal should be initiated to compare and contrast the two methods, and that attempts to model pollen contamination should be sought.
During meiosis of the microsporocyte of Ginkgo biloba L., the nucleoids, after going through a series of regular dynamic changes, had primarily established an axial polarity from the proximal face to the distal face of the cell. In the consequent germination, the microspore went through three consecutive polar periclinal mitotic divisions, which may be considered as further intensifying the primary polarity. In terms of structural change, lacking of plasmodesmas in the walls between the daughter cells, may set forth in isolating all the daughter cells in which fine differentiation took place. The anticlinal ring-like division observed in the generative cell might play an important role in polarity regulation in the male gametophyte, eventually leading to the anticlinal division in the spermatogenous cell to produce two back-to-back positioned spermatozoids.
Morphogenesis in the morphologically complex male gametophyte of the seed plant Ginkgo biloba was investigated in vitro. These studies reveal that although development in vitro is far more variable than in vivo, it is still characterized by the sequential expression of three distinct patterns of growth: initial diffuse growth of the tube cell, initiation and establishment of tip growth (which may be accompanied by branching), and radial swelling of the gametophyte. Time lapse photography shows that branching of the male gametophyte results from two distinct types of initiation events: one apical ("primary branching"), and the other subapical ("secondary branching"). Experimental manipulation of the growth medium indicates that exogenous sucrose levels strongly influence the likelihood of expression of normal morphogenetic processes. High levels of sucrose tend to inhibit both the initiation of tip growth following initial diffuse growth, as well as branching of the gametophyte. Low sucrose levels appear to promote a normal pattern of early establishment of tip growth and subsequent branching of the gametophyte, similar to development of the gametophyte in vivo. THE DESIRE to grow and study development of gymnosperm male gametophytes in vitro extends back well over a century. As early as 1872, Juranyi germinated pollen of Ceratozamia on soft pieces of pear fruit and observed the formation of pollen tubes. During the late