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The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health: an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases, 5th Edition



In the 1930s, Royal Raymond Rife invented a device that emitted an electromagnetic field that successfully disabled disease-causing pathogens without harming the human (or animal) host. The device also added voltage to the body's tissues, strengthening cells and improving nutrient absorption and waste removal. Modern versions of this equipment are available today. People all over the world are using Rife Therapy to heal from cancer, infectious diseases (flu, Lyme, Candida, Ebola, anthrax, etc.), and degenerative conditions. THE RIFE HANDBOOK describes the history and science of the invention, explains where to obtain machines today, and gives detailed instructions on how to use Rife Therapy for yourself, family, friends, and even animals. THE RIFE HANDBOOK also contains detailed, accessible information on the most cutting-edge complementary and alternative medicine therapies, most of them affordable to anyone. These therapies include all kinds of electromedical protocols, such as light, color, magnetism, and electricity. For more information, reviews, and free downloads from THE RIFE HANDBOOK, see and click, on the left hand side, "Description and Contents."
Front Matter & Introduction
The Rife Handbook
of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health
an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases
5th Edition
second printing
© 2021 by Nenah Sylver, PhD
You can obtain
the entire printed / bound Rife Handbook
or The Rife Handbook ebook
Praise for The Rife Handbook
Natural therapies and healing have been ridiculed as quackery by the medical-pharmaceutical complex for a
century. Yet consumers spend thirty billion out-of-pocket dollars a year on alternative therapies. Why? Not
because people are gullible, but because many of these modalities work. Holistic health is complex. It addresses
the entire body, all one hundred trillion cells. Supported by abundant research, Nenah Sylver does an amazing
job explaining the plethora of options, techniques and technologies that will help readers make informed
decisions about how to naturally support their health and innate healing power. Simply put, The Rife Handbook
is an encyclopedia of holistic health. It’s so comprehensive, it’s mind boggling. This stellar body of work belongs
in every household as well as every practitioner’s office.
—Bernard Straile, DC
author of One Thousand Shades of Pink
and developer of the IMAET quantum energy wellness equipment
This book is incredibly well written and comprehensive, relevant to students and practitioners alike. Covering
an array of topics in medicine and holistic health, it comes at a most crucial time in the bourgeoning field of
alternative and complementary health care. Having read scores of books on electromedicine, l count this book
as my number one reference on the topic. I only wish I had the knowledge presented in these pages many years
ago. As a scientist with over forty years of clinical and academic experience, I am mesmerized by Nenah Sylver’s
quality of writing and knowledge. She explains the most difficult topics clearly so anyone can understand and
benefit from what she has to offer. Dr. Sylver is sure to inspire and educate those fortunate enough to hold
a copy of her book in their hands. Without question, she will be included as one of the great minds of the
21st century. It is with great pride and honor that I recommend The Rife Handbook without hesitation to all
physicians and students in the health field.
—John A. Amaro, PhD, DC, LAc, Dipl Med Ac
past president, International Academy of Medical Acupuncture
and developer, Electro Meridian Imaging (EMI) acupuncture diagnostic instrument
In this 5th edition of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health—the definitive work on
Rife, resonant frequency, pulsed energies, and related technologies for therapeutic use—Nenah Sylver has set
an even higher bar of excellence. She has conveyed so much new and important information in an even more
organized and cohesive manner, that this edition is a “must have” even if you enjoyed the previous volume.
Dr. Sylvers unique ability to translate complex information into accessible content, suitable for health
professionals and laypersons alike, leave most hard-core technical persons (like myself) in total awe. Her
attention to accurate historical detail as opposed to myth, and inclusion of new, cutting-edge complementary
healing modalities, allows readers to strategize a practical and effective approach for their often serious health
issues. This latest edition empowers the reader by providing a wealth of knowledge compiled, sorted, and
refined over the last decade. It offers information that few have time to research for themselves when their
health requires it the most. This book is an incredibly valuable resource that everyone needs. If you have but
a single reference in your library on the science and practice of these technologies and therapies, The Rife
Handbook should definitely be the one!
—Jimmie Holman
co-founder, Pulsed Technologies Research (USA)
and Bioenergetics & Pulsed Technologies (EU)
Traditional medicine, with its faulty paradigm and obsolete Neanderthal protocols, is already in a state
of decline. In its wake, Integrative Medicine has begun to fill the void with bio-mechanical therapies,
electromedicine, and more natural remedies to heal. Keeping up with the many advances is a monumental task.
The previous edition was a first-rate, comprehensive, extremely well organized and documented manual
to help laypersons and physicians better understand the concepts of vibrational medicine and the power of
complementary health protocols. As an author, researcher and international lecturer with over forty years
of clinical experience, I was literally blown away by that masterpiece and gave it a definitive five-star rating.
This revised 5th edition of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health is a perfect example of
intelligent evolution. Dr. Nenah Sylver has compiled an even more comprehensive holistic bible. In an improved
format, it provides frequencies to treat new diseases, plus expanded sections on the politics of medicine and
vaccines, more breakthrough complementary therapies, historical electromedicine references, and other topics
to help one survive the pitfalls of modern medicine. It’s a must for everyones reference library.
—Gerald H. Smith, DDS, DNM
past president, Holistic Dental Association
Dr. Nenah Sylver has brought together the sciences of bioelectronics and naturopathic health care in a truly
integrated approach. The Rife Handbook is the bible of holistic medicine for the 21st century.
—Brian McInturff
creator of the Consolidated Annotated Frequency List (CAFL),
Dr. Nenah Sylver has gifted humanity with a magnificent, comprehensive, thoroughly researched guide to
holistic health as well as the science and application of the work of a great medical pioneer, Royal Raymond
Rife. This book will help physicians expand their base of practical and theoretical knowledge. I highly
recommend it for any clinical practice utilizing complementary and energy medicine therapies.
—Robert S. Ivker, DO
co-founder and past president, American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM)
and author of Sinus Survival
At a time when health conscious individuals are concerned about drug-resistant infectious diseases, the
government’s push for mass inoculations, the over-medication of children, bioterrorism, and negative effects of
vaccines and drugs, along comes a well researched, easy-to-read treatise that revives non-invasive and effective
frequency therapy. The Rife Handbook is sophisticated enough for the seasoned health professional, yet thorough
and understandable enough for the novice. This book does more than discuss the genius of Royal Raymond
Rife; it superbly explains holistic approaches to treating disease. Even if the reader does not (yet) own a
frequency device, this book is one of the best primers I have ever seen on holistic health. Anyone interested in
alternative healing protocols must have this book.
—Rose Marie Williams, MA
Townsend Letter columnist, and natural health and environmental advocate
This 5th edition of The Rife Handbook is huge. Our definition of “handbook” must expand to include the book’s
thousand-odd pages—making it a little unwieldy in the field, but absolutely worth keeping at the desk. It’s
enormous in scope, but Nenah Sylver eases us into the text by explaining, in the Introduction, the premise
under which she operates: “It became clear to me that I couldn’t just create a list of numbers [frequency
settings] to go with the equipment . . . it wasn’t enough to receive frequency sessions; [people] had to actively
eliminate the conditions that had allowed their illness to occur in the first place.” The end result is truly a
comprehensive volume of healing.
Healing invariably makes us think of germs. But as Dr. Sylver writes, “As long as we perceive ourselves
as helpless victims of germs, we’ll continue to rely on pharmaceuticals to help us get well.” A famous senior
executive at GlaxoSmithKline (whom she quotes) once publicly admitted that over 90% of pharmaceuticals
are only about 30%–50% effective (depending on the genetics of the person to whom they are administered).
Dr. Sylver discusses the effectiveness and toxic effects of pharmaceuticals in depth. The political aspect of
both pharmaceutical drugs and their marketing is also discussed and referenced extensively. The section on
vaccination is to be particularly noted—the history, politics, science, and their incorporation into our own
genetic material (a sort of biologic gene editing phenomenon). And that is only Chapter 1.
Other highlights made a particular impression as well. Dr. Sylver discusses the inventions of Royal Rife
and the discoveries of other healers in this field of holistic medicine. The entire history, as recounted in this
book, is sordid, and reflects very poorly on the medical establishment, including the American Medical
Association. We are given a multitude of choices for healthy living—with the caveat that “one size fits all”
does not work for either bathrobes or diets. I was especially drawn to the section on gratitude, toward both
the animals and plants that provide us with our food. The Brix measurement of plant vitality was a brand new
one to me. High Brix means more nourishment, and is measured by placing a drop of plant juice on a device
called a refractometer and seeing how much the light is bent as it passes through the prism. There is also a very
interesting discussion of wheat, and how it has become modified from the original 14-chromosome gluten-
poor grain to the current 42-chromosome gluten-rich grain associated with multiple forms of illness known as
“gluten intolerance.”
One of the appendices gives an excellent discussion of various electromagnetic frequency devices and
magnetic therapy in general. Another appendix satisfies the research junkies among us, a list of published
papers and books on electromedicine dating back to 1877. Plus, there are still all the chapter references, almost
five hundred for Chapter 1 alone. Appendix E gives a tantalizing glimpse of current research on frequency
treatment of cancer cells in vitro. And Appendix F lists commonly used chemicals, almost all of which are toxic
to human life. There is so much more to this book that you need to read it for yourself and decide what your
favorite portions are.
If you want to learn about Rife therapy or the context in which it is best used, this book is an excellent place
to start. It is also an invaluable reference manual for complementary therapies and holistic living in general.
The writing is superb. The information is well researched, logically presented, and accurate. “We cannot die
in peace without living in love,” writes Nenah Sylver. The overall impression this book leaves is one of light and
I am beyond impressed.
—Martha M. Grout, MD, MD(H)
Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine
Scottsdale, Arizona
Royal Rife developed equipment to apply frequencies. Since that time, various types of effective frequency
devices have been produced. Hundreds of cancer patients have recovered without the benefit of surgery,
chemotherapy, or radiation. Lyme disease, Multiple Sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other conditions
have yielded to frequency therapies. Non-professionals have produced many of these results. I have had the
privilege of watching many people self-treat and enjoy improvements in their health.
An attorney with an autistic son reported that her child seldom slept more than three hours at a time; he
would wake up in pain. The two of them were getting six hours or less of sleep a night. After the mother gave
the boy one frequency session, he started sleeping consistently for ten hours, and his behavior improved. A
prostate cancer patient had difficulty urinating and tried frequency therapy. Five days later, the urine flow was
normal. A leukemia patient had a white blood cell count of 250,000. He decided to use frequencies that other
leukemia patients had found useful. After six weeks, his white blood cell count was down to 16,000. A patient
with pulmonary fibrosis made crinkling sounds in his lungs as he breathed. He was told that his prognosis was
hopeless, that his oxygen saturation would continue to decrease until not even inhaling oxygen would keep
him alive. After frequency therapy he coughed up a lot of material, after which his lung sounds and oxygen
saturation returned to normal. Several people with degenerative hip conditions have used frequency therapies.
So far, all have recovered. It appears that when the infections in the joints are removed, the body is able to
repair the damage. And yet, most physicians have never heard of Rife’s work.
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy is a book that doctors and their patients can use to learn about this
safe, effective and non-toxic therapy for cancer and so many other conditions. Dr. Sylver presents a fascinating
account of the life of Dr. Rife and his accomplishments. She describes how his discoveries were, and continue
to be, ignored or opposed. She explains why you may not get the best available care when you seek medical
help. She covers in detail helpful steps to take in moving toward wellness, including how to get quality water
and how to detoxify the body. She covers what you need to know to conduct a frequency therapy session. She
lists a large number of conditions with appropriate frequencies. And she offers a wide range of complementary
therapies that are natural, effective, and easy to use for a wide variety of ailments. Dr. Sylver has spent years
studying how people get sick and how they can get well. She presents a wealth of valuable material that will
be beneficial to all kinds of practitioners including doctors, and to those on the road to recovering their own
—Richard Loyd, PhD
practitioner, Health Balances
Graham, Washington, United States
and coordinator of the Rife International Health Conference,
Nenah Sylvers direct style is a prophetic voice for the medicine of the future. She provides a well-organized
history of Rife’s work and a seminal guidebook for the modern application of his discoveries. This significant
volume will encourage lively and informed discussion regarding the implications of bio-electromagnetic
energies for human wellness.
—Joel P. Carmichael, DC, DACBSP
president, North American Academy of Energy Medicine
author of What Should I Eat? A Food-Endowed Prescription For Well Being, 2nd Edition
and Nutrition For Endurance: Finding Another Gear
Dr. Nenah Sylver’s 2001 edition offered an impressive collection of long-suppressed information to help people
break away from the self-serving deceits employed by conventional allopathic medical care and the pharmaceutical
industry. With this new volume, Dr. Sylver demonstrates her mastery of this complicated field with massive
amounts of hands-on information that you must learn if you are to finally be well. She courageously demonstrates
how each of us has the power to take charge of our own lives and create our own wellness protocols, without
abdicating responsibility to anyone else. The Rife Handbook is destined to become the definitive reference on
attaining self-directed, holistic health.
—S. Nathan Berger, DDS, PC
Rife researcher and biological dentist
It doesn’t happen very often, but occasionally I read a massive book on natural health and healing that just
plain blows me away. Dr. Nenah Sylver’s huge and impressive Rife Handbook is more than merely the best and
most complete compendium on frequency healing that I’ve ever seen. In addition to a massive cross-referenced
frequency directory for most human ailments, this wonderful book also features detailed, helpful, and ground-
breaking information on complementary therapies—and much, much more.
—Chet Day
Health & Beyond Online,
As an AAMA Board Certified Alternative Medicine Practitioner, I have many fine modalities from which to
choose. I recently experienced a health issue that failed to be helped by either conventional allopathic medicine
or even alternative medicine treatments. However, after a Rife frequency square wave treatment protocol was
applied, this health issue was completely resolved.
Rife technology, until now, has been largely questioned by both alternative medicine and allopathic
practitioners for efficacy and disease resolution. But The Rife Handbook will dispel your doubts. It is the
recommended work for practitioners who need to understand how and why this therapy works, and who
want to utilize frequency therapies in conjunction with current preferred interventions to help their patients
heal. Nenah Sylver’s definitive interpretation of frequency therapy identifies applications, indications,
contraindications, safety, and specific treatments along with directions specifying “how, when, and
what frequency” for therapy sessions. The detail with which the author examines treatment modalities is
remarkable; she presents a variety of protocols to resolve most health issues. It is rare that I read another’s
views of various alternative medicine therapies that exude such succinct clarity and comprehension as hers.
Dr. Sylver has a remarkable grasp of what works, how it works, and on whom it may be effective.
This well-referenced treatise provides treatment options when progress falls short, or when there appears to
be an impassable plateau in the way of optimal recovery.
—Bill Misner, MS, PhD
AAMA Board Certied Alternative Medicine Practitioner
When Nenah Sylver published the first edition of The Rife Handbook in 2002, it received excellent reviews
as the best book in the field. This new version is substantially updated and improved, reflecting many of the
advances in frequency therapies that have occurred in over a decade. Frequency therapy, properly applied,
may well replace every other modality. Frequencies can alter DNA, kill or enhance cells, affect all chemical
interactions, break up toxic substances and cause them to be eliminated from the body, kill pathogens that
disrupt bodily function, and enhance and stimulate all cells and organ systems to higher levels of performance.
There are superbugs and bioengineered diseases out there that might make it to your neighborhood. Will
your local medical clinic help you when thousands of people are dying from a strange disease? Don’t count on
it! If you want to live long and prosper, learn about frequency therapy. Dr. Sylver spends a lot of time in her
book to help you use frequencies safely. Even if you just want to make life a little better for your family and
friends, you will want to read The Rife Handbook.
—Jeff Sutherland, PhD
co-principle investigator of research grants, National Cancer Institute
assistant professor, Department of Radiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine
co-founder, Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research
Frequency Foundation, Boston, Massachussetts, United States
We work in the area of complementary and holistic cancer healing education and recommend Rife therapy
to all our clients. The Rife Handbook is a bible in our office, an invaluable tool toward the healing of dozens of
cancer victors. Nenah Sylver’s research is thorough and detailed. The book sits on a prominent place on my
shelf next to every frequently used manual in my practice.
—Ellyn Hilliard, CNC, PhD
former co-owner of Twelve Ways Healing Center in Colorado, US
and author of Cancer Healing Victories
Royal Raymond Rife discovered one of the most groundbreaking medical tools of the last hundred years.
Due to political and financial interests, his discoveries were driven underground. But today, people suffering
from cancer and other diseases can base their treatment on authentic science instead of politics. A scientist in
the true definition of the word, Dr. Sylver methodically guides readers through Rife’s life and achievements,
with a history of the technology and the scientific foundation for its use. She also provides practical tips that
can be easily integrated into a comprehensive protocol for a wide variety of health conditions. Nenah Sylver
is the “researcher’s researcher”; I habitually turn to her work as a trusted reference. I recommend The Rife
Handbook without reservation to every health seeker, patient, physician, and scientist who values objectivity
and innovation in medicine and wants guidance on complementary healing modalities.
—Bryan Rosner
author of Lyme Disease and Rife Machines,
The Top 10 Lyme Disease Treatments,
and Freedom From Lyme Disease
Desert Gate ProDuctions LLc
surPrise, arizona
Nenah Sylver, PhD
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy
and Holistic Health
Updated and Expanded 5th Edition
second printing
an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases
© 2018 and 2021 by Nenah Sylver, PhD
published by:
Desert Gate Productions LLC
16772 West Bell Road, Suite 110-246
Surprise, Arizona 85374
To contact the author:
You must use the contact form at, as the author is unlikely to respond initially to phone
calls. To request an interview, private consultation, group class, educational seminar, the author’s participation at a
conference or on a panel, or to submit products or equipment for testing, please use the contact form.
To order printed/bound books and DVDs:
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The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health: an integrated approach for cancer and other diseases.
Updated and Expanded 5th Edition
The first softcover edition of this book (with a different title) was published in 2001 by The Center for Frequency.
Two larger, revised hardcover editions, almost identical, containing substantially new material, improved organization
and an index, were published in 2009 and 2011 by Desert Gate Productions LLC.
An updated and expanded 5th edition (with 1104 pages, almost 400 more pages than the 2011 volume) was published
in 2018 by Desert Gate Productions LLC.
In this second printing of The Rife Handbook 5th Edition, copyright 2021, a few errors have been corrected
and some updates and newer material have been added to the text. The page count remains the same.
All rights reserved.
New interior book design by Nenah Sylver.
Cover design by Duane Burchett and Nenah Sylver.
Index by Nenah Sylver.
Cover Images, Back.
Top: Bipolar nerve cell, as seen through the Ergonom microscope.
Middle: Cross section of a bone 3.5 mm thick, as seen through the Ergonom microscope.
Bottom: Cell division, as seen through the Ergonom microscope.
ISBN: 978-0-9818075-3-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008904590
who seek
clean food
pure water
dependable shelter
right livelihood
and radiant health
who want to be
acknowledged in community
respected for their humanity
and honored for their divinity.
May they find the
and love
that is their birthright
and may they always have
to choose the course of their own lives.
This book is dedicated
to all peoples everywhere—
The information given in this Handbook is for educational,
informational, and investigational purposes only. It is
not to be construed as diagnosis of disease, treatment
of disease, prevention of disease, or as a replacement for
consulting a qualified medical practitioner.
Be careful when investigating this technology!
Protocols may need to be modified, or used with only
certain types of equipment and not others—or this
technology may be contraindicated entirely—if you
have a heart condition, are wearing a pacemaker or
autodefibrillator, are pregnant, are nursing, have blood
clots, are taking strong medications such as chemo, are
taking herbal or nutritional supplements, have a medical
need to suppress your immune function (such as organ
transplant recipients who are taking immunosuppressive
drugs), are wearing metal implants or stents, have breast
implants, are especially sensitive to radio frequency (RF)
or other electromagnetic radiation, or have especially
sluggish detox/eliminative functions (liver, colon,
kidneys, and lymph system). Before using any equipment,
and to see if you should even be experimenting with
this technology, please read the beginning of Chapter 4,
which explains these circumstances and the precautions
to take. The author, publisher, distributors, and sellers
of this book are not responsible or liable for the results
of your experimentation with Rife Therapy or your use
of any other protocols described in this book. The reader
accepts full responsibility for any and all consequences
of trying or using these modalities. If you have a medical
condition, see a qualied health professional of your choice.
Acknowledgments ................................................................................................xiii
Foreword Steve Haltiwanger, MD, CCN .................................................................xv
Introduction .......................................................................................................xix
Chapter 1: The Politics of Medicine and the Nature of Health .......................................... 1
Chapter 2: The History of Pleomorphism and the Inventions of Royal Raymond Rife ........... 187
Chapter 3: Healthy Living and Complementary Therapies ............................................ 243
Chapter 4: Frequently Asked Questions About Rife Equipment and Sessions ..................... 509
Chapter 5: Frequency Directory ........................................................................... 601
Chapter 6: Creating a Better World, Inside and Out ................................................... 853
Appendix A: Resources ........................................................................................897
Appendix B: Legal Implications of Rife Sessions .......................................................... 913
Appendix C: Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies ..................................... 919
Appendix D: Published Studies in Electromedicine ....................................................... 957
Appendix E: Rife Research in the United States .......................................................... 971
Appendix F: At-A-Glance Review of Common Toxic Chemicals ...................................... 973
Appendix G: Safe Substitutes for Common Toxic Chemicals ............................................ 989
Appendix H: Create a Detox Footbath for Ten Dollars ................................................... 997
Appendix I: Recent Studies on the Dangers of Harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) ......... 999
References .....................................................................................................1007
Index ..................................................................................................... 1045
Detailed chapter outlines, containing up to four levels of headings and subheadings
exactly as they appear in the text, are at the beginning of each individual chapter.
Table of Contents
Royal Raymond Rife with one of his microscopes, 1929.
© San Diego Historical Society; used with permission
This book would never have been written without the
pioneering discoveries and great personal sacrifices of
Royal Raymond Rife. Likewise, I am indebted to the
archivists, electronics engineers, microscopists, medical
researchers, and others who came after Rife and continue
to contribute to and refine the growing field of frequency
therapies. This Rife Handbook is not intended to supplant
anyone’s research, discoveries, or devices. Rather, it is
meant to guide you through Rife’s healing modality that
has reemerged and been updated, after being suppressed
for over half a century. This book is also intended to
provide you with a solid introduction to natural health so
you can utilize this versatile frequency therapy to its best
Throughout the years, as this book has grown in size
and detail, more people have critiqued it, adding to the
complexity of its contents. There are many researchers in
the Rife Therapy field who deserve to be acknowledged
for their efforts to promote this drug-free, non-invasive
modality, although not all are in the public eye (or want to
be). Of those who can be named, I thank Brian McInturff
for his early Consolidated Annotated Frequency List and
continuing contributions to the Rife community; Jeff
Sutherland, PhD, for his eclectic approach and assistance
to me in the early years of this manuscript; and Jeff Garff,
Shawn Montgomery, Jason Ringas, and Stanley Truman
for allowing me to use documents and photos from their
archives. I also thank Dave Felt, who spent many hours
patiently answering my questions and explaining technical
issues (particularly as they pertained to engineering);
and Marty Monahan, DC, NMD, who kindly gave me
some additional frequencies he has used successfully in his
clinical practice. Edna Tunney and her staff at Resonant
Light Technology Inc. also have my thanks for giving me
the kindest, most polite encouragement as only Canadians
can. And I appreciate Bryan Rosner for his unique insights
on protocols that help eliminate Lyme disease, as well as
for his enthusiastic support.
There are some very special people in the forefront of
the Rife community that I want to tell you about. Peter
Walker, founder of the decades-old organization Rife
Research, Europe and the Rife Forum (
and who then began hosting dozens of other types of
health-related groups—has been instrumental in helping
to keep the Rife community afloat and active, for which
the world owes him a huge debt of gratitude. Over the
years, Peter has graciously provided me with information
and much practical assistance in many areas. I continue to
be thankful for his dedication and efforts.
Another multitalented individual is Rife researcher,
musician, mathematician, and historian Charlene Boehm.
With her incisive mind for details and dedication to ethics
and accuracy, Char would always make time to explain
technical information. She also reviewed my history of
Royal Rife and corrected a few errors—some of which
had already been widely disseminated for years on the
Internet and on the printed page, and then unfortunately
made their appearance in previous printings of this book.
Richard Loyd, PhD, is an exceptionally kind and caring
researcher and practitioner. Dr. Loyd has generously
shared his extensive knowledge of frequencies, his clinical
findings, and many wonderful articles on electronics and
nutrition. He has also freely and humbly acknowledged
what has not worked, reminding me that sometimes, we
learn from our mistakes even more than our successes.
Jimmie Holman of Pulsed Technologies is another
person I have been honored to call a friend. Over the
course of five editions of this book, this brilliant scientist
has also functioned as a mentor. I will always treasure his
willingness to share his innovative research, accompanied
by a generous dose of patience as I sometimes struggled to
understand what I was being taught.
Finally, I want to mention the late Steve Haltiwanger,
MD, CCN. Steve possessed a giant intellect and
encyclopedic knowledge, which he used in his many
professional capacities to help countless health seekers.
However, what I will equally remember him for is his
kind and generous heart, which is what impelled him to so
freely share what he knew with whoever wanted to learn.
My many hours of discussion with Steve inspired me to
include some important material in this book. Steve passed
away after the 5th Edition was published but before this
second printing was released. I will miss him.
On the practical side, some of the organizing assistance
for past versions of Chapter 5, provided by Linda Thieman,
MA, were retained for this current edition. Ann Rogers
and Ron Strauss, who provided the index for earlier
editions, laid the foundation for my indexing of this
current volume. Duane Burchett, with good-natured
patience, provided many versions of this new cover until
I was satisfied.
Rife therapy should be administered holistically, as
part of an overall wellness protocol. Therefore, this book
addresses many complementary modalities. A project
of this scope and depth could not have been completed
without input from health professionals and educated
laypersons versed in acupuncture, biology, chemistry,
chiropractic, herbology, massage therapy, physics, and
even law. There are too many people to name who
provided input for both past and current editions. I trust
that you all know who you are and will accept my thanks.
In the personal arena, I am blessed by two wonderful
people who have become my family and constantly show
me that our companions in life can help us work miracles
and weather any storms, no matter how bleak life may
appear. Throughout the decades that I labored on all
versions of this book, Paul Silverfox helped with countless
everyday tasks so that I could spend uninterrupted hours
writing. He reviewed all of the previous editions as well as
this current one, remaining cheerful no matter how many
rewrites I asked him to critique. From his perspective as a
licensed massage therapist, he offered sage advice on many
topics concerning health and gave me encouragement
whenever I needed it. I will always treasure his friendship,
support, wisdom, and common sense. For the 5th Edition
and this second printing of the 5th Edition, James Dutcher
provided enthusiastic and loving encouragement as well as
highly personalized computer and software support. He
upgraded, debugged, and repaired my computer—day
or night, whenever it was needed. Most importantly, he
spent many hours helping me navigate a frustrating and
complicated software program for professional publishing.
Doing my own manuscript layout was not only exhilarating
and empowering, it immeasurably influenced my writing.
I cannot emphasize enough how formatting this book
myself allowed me to include more, essential, and timely
information, organized in a way that makes complex data
easier to absorb. In a sense, this book has been created for
you by three people. I could never have written it without
Paul and James. Having loving friends and comrades in life
makes even gargantuan tasks manageable.
There are many others I want to acknowledge, even
though I’ll never meet them face-to-face. First are the
thousands of people who, over the course of two decades,
telephoned or emailed me about their health concerns.
Their questions propelled me to search for answers, and
because of that search I was able to write a better book. I
also want to acknowledge members of the Internet health
group community, people from all over the world who
shared their very personal stories about how they were
helped by frequency therapies and other complementary
modalities. I found these accounts informative, inspiring,
and often moving. Finally, I want to acknowledge those
who sent me personal emails thanking me for writing
this book and helping to make the quality of their lives
better—and in some instances, for saving their lives.
Whether or not I truly can (or should) accept credit for
that feat, such comments literally take my breath away.
When I receive such heartfelt missives, I know that I have
succeeded in doing the job I’m supposed to be doing.
There is one more person I want to sincerely thank:
you, the reader. Your courage to question the status
quo, your desire to learn new ways of healing, and your
willingness to take responsibility for your health, are a
testimony to what holistic medicine is all about. It is in
service to you that I have written The Rife Handbook.
Foreword by Steve Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
Medicine is a cult. Just as religion has its catechism,
medicine has a set of credos based on faith. The faith says
that if you take a pharmaceutical, it will fix everything. But
this is a delusion. Pharmaceuticals do not heal. In order for
true healing to take place, you need raw materials: amino
acids, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins. Otherwise, cells do
not work, tissue cannot be restored, and symptoms will
not abate. They will not ever abate, not unless the body
is given the chance to fix itself. Therefore it is my great
pleasure and honor to be asked to write a foreword for this
new edition of The Rife Handbook. It does not ask that you
accept what is written on faith. You are presented with
some solid science that organized medicine denies, the
self-serving political agenda that organized medicine tries
to cover up, and the contradictions in logic that organized
medicine tries to pretend do not exist. And then it is up
to you to decide what to do about your health.
I met Nenah Sylver at a scientific conference many years
ago, and she and I stayed in constant contact thereafter.
I found her to be a compassionate individual and a good
friend. Nenah is not only an outstanding writer and
the author of the best electromagnetic medicine book
currently on the market, she is also a multi-talented
musician and songwriter. A person of depth, she has
lived an interesting life. She has always collected and
surrounded herself with individuals who are curious and
expansive in their vision. Not surprisingly, she gathers
and assembles information the same way. She does
extensive research, so her readers can be satisfied that
the information she has collated has been checked. She
asks the same question, of several people, until she is
satisfied with the answer. In her investigations into new
developments in the scientific community, Nenah is in
regular communication with innovators. This includes
manufacturers of electromagnetic medicine equipment.
Then she assembles a voluminous amount of information,
and somehow it all neatly fits together into a book.
While this book has “Rife” in the title, it is a much
broader review of multiple technologies that can be
used to promote health. I ought to know. I have lectured
for thirty-three years in seventeen countries on topics
involving electromagnetic biology, infrared therapies,
PEMF therapies, psychiatry, and nutritional treatments
of neurological conditions. Over the last twenty-two
years, I have participated in seventy-two research studies
focused on the use of PEMF devices, microcurrent
treatments, infrared therapies, photobiomodulation,
nutritional supplementation, and laboratory analysis
of human chemistry. I have formulated numerous
nutritional supplements and I’m a consultant to several
companies in the medical field. With my background
and experience, I am pleased to say that this book is an
invaluable contribution to the holistic and alternative
medical fields. It is documented and sophisticated enough
for the professional, and accessible enough for the layman.
With information expanding at a geometric pace, it is
impossible to keep current with all the equipment that is
being invented and produced. It is also difficult to keep
current with all the advances in complementary medicine.
Therefore, although this is called a “handbook,” a better
name might be “the bible of electromagnetic devices and
complementary medicine made accessible to everyone.”
My one complaint is that I don’t have enough time and
money to buy and try all the technology described in this
This book is not the type that you usually read cover
to cover. Instead, it is like an encyclopedia in which
you search out specific topics that you have an interest
in exploring. As you look through this book, you’ll
discover how the properties of electricity, magnetism,
light, and sound can be utilized by devices to affect and
regenerate the human body. You’ll also learn about more
complementary therapies than you possibly have time for.
While these therapies reinforce the benefits of having an
electromagnetic medical device, if you don’t own a piece
of equipment just yet, the therapies can do a pretty good
job on their own. In fact, the therapies are critical to
becoming well and staying well.
Having had the pleasure of reading prior versions of
this book, I am happy to report that this current version
has vastly improved, like fine wine that gets better with
age. This 5th edition has been expanded by over three
hundred carefully documented pages. The Rife Handbook
is an invaluable resource, not only for scientists and health
professionals, but also for individuals who want to know
more about technologies and adjunctive health therapies.
I urge you to use this book as a guide and as a reference.
Savor it.
—Steve Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
lecturer, researcher, psychiatric consultant, and
consultant in Rife Therapy,
electromedicine, and nutrition
medical director and consultant for many
international nutrition corporations
former medical director,
Emmanuel Center for Health
author of dozens of research papers, including
“The Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells”
co-author of the book The Electric Human
Letter from Dr. Milbank Johnson to Royal Raymond Rife, November 9, 1931.
Milbank Johnson became one of Rife’s most enthusiastic supporters and a trusted benefactor.
Royal Raymond Rife and Mamie Ah Quin Rife.
Courtesy of Jeff Garff
Imagine what your life would be like if you could
eliminate ill health in as little as one day for something
mild (like the common cold), or in several months to a
year, maximum, for a more serious illness (like cancer).
To do this, you would need three things: a protocol to
strengthen your system so that it’s no longer a breeding
ground for pathogens, a frequency device, and a list of
frequencies to go with the device. You would not need
toxic drugs or invasive surgery, you would not incur
unfairly high medical bills, and you would not have to
depend on doctors for long periods of time. This protocol
is called Rife Therapy, named after its inventor Royal
Raymond Rife.
American scientist Royal Rife, and his remarkable
technology that has helped thousands overcome life-
threatening diseases, is finally becoming more public
after decades of suppression. As incredible as it sounds,
though, the knowledge that specific frequencies destroy
pathogens is not new. Royal Rife began his career as an
inventor almost a century ago.
It all started with one of Rife’s key inventions, a most
unusual microscope. In those days, the magnifying power
of existing microscopes was poor. Individual viruses,
and even some bacteria, could not be seen because they
were too small. Determined to view them, Rife built
his highly acclaimed Universal Microscope. Many times
more powerful than other magnifying instruments, the
microscope made specimens visible without killing them.
This feat was beyond the capacity of even an electron
microscope, which makes pathogens visible by bombarding
them with electrons in a vacuum, thus destroying them.
Rife had a good reason for wanting to see specimens
in their natural live state. If you want to discover how to
kill a microorganism, you need to know how it reacts to
its environment. Once Rife could observe the activities
and responses of living microorganisms, he could devise
a method to destroy them. Hence, the Rife Ray was born.
Rife’s strategy of destroying microorganisms was based
on the principle of resonance. Every living organism has a
resonant frequency, or intrinsic radiation signature. The
cliché of the soprano who shatters a glass with her single,
pure, focused tone is (for now) an adequate working
metaphor for how Rife’s electronic device worked. The
various frequencies it emitted, via an electromagnetic field,
corresponded to the resonance of different pathogens and
therefore disabled them. Once they were no longer viable,
the body’s immune cells could eliminate them.
Tests were successfully conducted on thousands of
infected animals. Many of the most prestigious doctors and
pathologists in the US, impressed with the initial results,
supported Rife in several ways. They gave him money,
worked with him in his laboratory, substantiated his
findings, and used the Rife Ray in their US and overseas
clinics. Some doctors even sent Rife notarized affidavits
affirming the effectiveness of the treatments. Accounts
of Rife’s microscope and ray machine were published in
newspapers, journals, and medical bulletins across the
United States.
Ironically, Rife’s treatments may have been too
successful. The medical-pharmaceutical industry,
foreseeing a massive loss in profits from drugs and
surgeries, appointed some very vocal opponents—none
of whom, it should be pointed out, tested the machine.
The physicians and financial backers who had been
Rife’s colleagues and friends became targets of character
assassination. Medical boards threatened to revoke the
licenses of doctors who used the Rife Ray unless they
relinquished their equipment. Some of Rife’s closest
collaborators later denied even knowing him, despite
the existence of a widely circulated photograph in which
they appeared with him at a banquet in his honor. Articles
on Rife and his inventions began disappearing from
newspaper archives. The greed and callousness of the
wealthy powerful few deprived many sick people of healing
and even cost them their lives. Vilified and discredited by
the ignorant and greedy, his technology misunderstood
and underutilized, Royal Raymond Rife died in 1971.
Rife’s story, while unique in some ways, nonetheless
follows a familiar pattern. First, a therapy is discovered
that’s non-invasive, inexpensive, and drug free. Next,
after it makes large numbers of people well, its inventor,
proponents and users are privately harassed, publicly
humiliated, and legally persecuted. Perhaps they even die
of mysterious causes or under suspicious circumstances.
Finally, steeped in rumor and innuendo, the modality
disappears. As with other promising complementary
treatments, Rife’s therapy was driven underground.
The long silence on Rife and his inventions was finally
broken with Christopher Birds article “What Has Become
of the Rife Microscope?”, which appeared in the March
1976 issue of New Age Journal and was later reprinted in
other publications. Then in 1987, Barry Lynes published
The Cancer Cure That Worked, an emotionally-charged
glorification of Rife’s life and work. However, original
source material was scarce. Movie footage from 1936
showing Rife in his lab, and a few equally old photographs,
provided the only visual clues about the equipment.
Gradually, other memorabilia surfaced: Rife’s surviving
lab notes, letters, telegrams, photographs and awards, all
unearthed from different locations. One researcher spent
hours rummaging through the morgue files of a California
newspaper office to find decades-old news clippings.
Another investigator spotted articles in obscure yellowing
engineering journals. Still others uncovered documents in
the attics and basements of people descended from Rife’s
colleagues and co-workers. One astonishing find was an
old trunk full of reel-to-reel tapes, featuring discussions
between Rife and his close colleagues. The tapes were
transferred onto CDs and made available to the public.
Around 2005, a non-working Rife Ray was found in a
museum and restored by a team of resourceful engineers.
Shortly after, a US frequency equipment manufacturer
acquired a box of priceless documents from a nurse who
had once worked with Royal Rife’s colleague John Marsh.
This manufacturer was then given an old schematic of one
of Rife’s original units built in the 1930s. With the help of
others—including an elderly engineer familiar with the
tube technology of Rife’s era—he deciphered the almost
illegible drawing and reconstructed the model. Then an
actual prototype of yet another model was discovered,
and the Rife community was closer to understanding how
Rife’s technology worked. This knowledge was not merely
academic. It could, and would, lead to the production of
more effective modern units.
Also around this time, the most powerful of Rife’s
microscopes was resurrected: the Universal Microscope
(after being stolen from Rife’s lab decades earlier and
then recovered). Kept safely in an undisclosed location,
it underwent meticulous restoration by several key
researchers until it was again taken. Predictably perhaps,
the cloak-and-dagger antics of secrecy, theft, and duplicity
that had plagued Royal Rife have continued today.
Fortunately, not everyone interested in Rife history
wanted to hoard their treasures. Many documents, along
with designs of Rife’s original ray machine, were posted
on the Internet. This global sharing has allowed Rife’s
diverse technologies to inspire progress in many fields
of electromedicine today. Using the primary source
materials as references, scientists, health practitioners,
electronics engineers and curious laypeople are now
experimenting with different types of machines as well as
new frequencies. With a rapidly growing, fresh generation
of wellness seekers demanding access to life-saving
technology, a new era of frequency healing has been born.
Although frequency equipment has been substantially
modified and redesigned since Rife’s colleagues treated
people in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, the basic principle
of how the devices work—pathogen destruction
through resonance—remains the same. There are now
hundreds of companies, on every continent of the globe,
selling frequency therapy units to address all types of
diseases. Despite the intimidation tactics of the medical-
pharmaceutical industry and some government agencies,
more researchers are stepping forward to share what they
know, via the printed page, radio, electronic media, and
at conferences. In addition, medical clinics and formal
and informal research centers are springing up all over
the world: Australia, Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, South Africa, Germany, Romania, and the
United States, among other countries.
It was over 30 years ago—around 1983, long before
the massive infusion of Rife-related artifacts—that I
first heard about Rife’s technology. Cryptic fliers from
companies specializing in unusual devices somehow found
their way to me. From time to time, electronics buffs
and complementary health practitioners would tell me
about a device that emitted frequencies to reverse disease,
but they were extremely vague in their accounts and
couldn’t or wouldn’t elaborate. The couple of fliers that
specifically addressed rife machines gave, for merchant
contact information, addresses that were either in Mexico
or for United States post office boxes, so I wasn’t sure
if the sellers were honorable. Because I still had more
questions than answers about the information I was seeing,
I didn’t do much more than collect data.
Thus for many years, Rife and his inventions occupied
the same category as all the other unsolved mysteries of
the universe, like who built the Easter Island statues and
how did the Bermuda Triangle sink ships. Although my
collection of papers taunted me with their “too good to be
true” rumors, my intuition told me that this information
was vitally important and would one day bear fruit. So I
put everything into a file folder and waited, remaining
open to whatever the universe might choose to reveal.
Then in 1993 I met Howard, a US-based dulcimer
maker and musician who had majored in electrical
engineering at Cornell and was now retired. With his
highly inquisitive mind, engineering background and
love of tinkering with machines, Howard was an ideal
Rife researcher. (He had already demonstrated an affinity
for unusual science projects: One winter holiday, he sent
me several Petri dishes containing glow-in-the-dark
fungus as a gift.) Howard had previously been interested
in frequencies as a musician (as had I), so learning about
Rife was a logical next step. When he informed me that
unfortunately (for experimentation purposes) he was in
excellent health and therefore had no way to test his (not
one, but two) frequency units, I could not believe my
good fortune. Having suffered for years from a severe
systemic Candida albicans infection and desperate for
relief, I instantly volunteered to do the testing for him.
Just as eagerly, Howard accepted my offer. This is how
my academic query turned into a hands-on experiment.
Little did I know that my experimentation would lead
me to unexpected and startling places—and continue
indefinitely. I exposed myself to many different types
and makes of machines and tried nearly all of the
frequencies that were on the lists that came with the units.
My efforts were rewarded when the Candida became
more manageable. Then I began helping friends and
acquaintances with health problems of their own.
As people learned that I was experimenting with rife
technology, they began asking me about Rife and his life,
how frequencies work, and about healing in general. Not
knowing all the answers—especially when they involved
electronics and details about pathogens—I pumped
information from every knowledgeable professional who
was willing to talk to me. Dragging out my dusty medical
and science textbooks, I increased my knowledge about
biology, brushed up on physics, labored over chemistry,
and struggled with electronics. I also read every book on
Rife that I could find. The problem was, except for Barry
Lynes’s indignant little paperback and one highly technical
manual on how to build a frequency machine, very little
information on Rife and his inventions was available. Not
only that, there was no cohesive guide to understanding
or using frequency equipment. Plus, information on the
frequencies themselves was scattered in many different
places. So I began to compile a simple guide of popular
frequencies that I had personally found to be effective,
while continuing to work with new frequencies.
Almost immediately, it became clear to me that
I couldn’t just create a list of numbers to go with the
equipment. I wanted people to understand that in most
cases, it wasn’t enough to receive frequency sessions;
they had to actively eliminate the conditions that had
allowed their illness to occur in the first place. I needed to
investigate, refine, and explain a solid, workable paradigm
of what it meant to be healthy.
At that point, a major area of my life had become heavily
impacted by my involvement with Rife research: my work
as a Reichian (body-mind) psychotherapist. More and
more clients were coming to me who were struggling not
only with knotty emotional issues, but also with serious
physical ailments. They had been taught that Western
medicine was the only legitimate modality, so they weren’t
convinced that holistic methods could help them. Some
clients had trouble understanding that physical disease can
influence one’s emotional state in unexpected ways. This
lack of comprehension struck me as odd—considering
that they had specifically sought my services because they
knew that unresolved emotions lodge in the body as muscle
tension, which causes biochemical changes that eventually
lead to illness. But it never occurred to these same clients
that many emotional problems can be exacerbated, or even
directly caused, by the same biochemical imbalances and
pathogens involved in disease! This piece of information
even more strongly fired my resolve to focus on the
physical, as well as emotional, origins of disease.
The more I became immersed in frequency therapy,
sharing—with friends, acquaintances and even strangers,
anyone whod listen—became a full-time job. There was
so much to report and explain that I was teaching even
in social situations when I “should” have been relaxing. I
did recognize, though, that this was a lot of information
for people to handle—especially in a social situation,
where they’re not expecting to be bombarded by an
impassioned lecture on medicine. Also, people tend to
retain information more easily if it’s written down. And,
most important, although my enthusiasm never waned, my
energy levels did. So I realized I needed another way to
convey the material, and looked for well written, acessible
books that presented the topic clearly and thoroughly.
To my great dismay, I couldn’t find what I was looking
for. What I wanted, very simply, was an all-purpose
holistic health book that met many needs and featured a
wide range of topics: cutting-edge research in medicine
and science, an exposition on Rife and his work, and a
foundational discussion of electromedicine (so people
would understand why Rife therapy is so effective), along
with a directory of frequencies to use for specific health
conditions. Not surprisingly in retrospect, nothing suited
my exacting requirements. After complaining for months
about how hard it was to obtain reliable information
about Rife, in conjunction with additional topics that I
felt were essential—presented, no less, in just the way I
wanted—I realized that the person who was supposed to
put all this together was me. That is how my little list of
popular frequencies metamorphosed into a project whose
scope I couldn’t possibly have foreseen. This fifth edition
that you are now holding in your hands is the result of my
curiosity, learning, labor and love over the course of two
and a half decades.
Now that you have this Handbook, where do you begin?
Some readers, especially those who own frequency
devices, may be tempted to jump directly to the Frequency
Directory (Chapter 5). But this Handbook is about much
more than pathogen-destroying frequencies. It is about
freeing yourself from medical propaganda, trusting in your
own experience, and opening to the self-confidence and
health that blossom when you think and act for yourself.
So please don’t ignore the beginning of the book. It shows
you new ways to approach your body and healing, as well
as addressing your questions about rife machines.
Chapter 1, “The Politics of Medicine and the Nature
of Health,” is a primer on allopathic vs. holistic (also
known as “complementary,” “alternative,” or “functional”)
medicine. It explains why most drugs don’t work and
in fact make you worse—as well as how most clinical
trials are not only worthless, but can be rigged to “prove”
whatever outcome the experimenter wants. The reader is
also shown how drugs are approved, and by whom—which
in virtually all cases, involves politics and profit rather
than humanitarian concerns or even good science. This
chapter also contains a brand new section on electrosmog:
what it is, how it affects us, and how to avoid it.
Chapter 2, “The History of Pleomorphism and the
Inventions of Royal Raymond Rife,” features Rife’s unusual
life and the controversial debate over pleomorphism—a
phenomenon relatively unknown in the United States, but
widely understood in Europe. Pleomorphism is the ability
of pathogens to radically change their form, structure and
function, from simple and primitive to highly complex and
multi-functional, depending on the changing terrain of
the body. Rife’s microscope showed that often, pathogens
become dangerous only when the system becomes
biochemically unbalanced. So, if you are attached to
the germ theory of disease, this chapter will give you
a different perspective. The debate on pleomorphism
is important, because as long as we perceive ourselves
as helpless victims of germs, we’ll continue to rely on
pharmaceuticals to help us get well. But if we understand
that pathogens can and do adapt to their environment, we
can lessen or remove their harm, knowing that we can
alter that environment—the terrain of our own bodies.
The task of making that terrain (ourselves) less
hospitable to pathogens leads us to Chapter 3, “Healthy
Living and Complementary Therapies.” Here, you will find
some of the most effective, user-friendly, and inexpensive
protocols to help you detoxify and heal. This chapter is a
guide for frequency device users who want to handle the
effects of sudden microbial die-off. But it’s also designed
for non-rifers who want clarity about lifestyle choices,
and are eager to learn about some of the best, mostly self-
administered, holistic protocols available today. Readers
already familiar with these protocols will learn new ways
to approach what they’re doing. The range of therapies
is vast. In addition to ozone, sauna and light therapies,
Inclined Bed Therapy, and homemade colloidal silver, I
have added sections on homeopathy, organ cleanses, and
so-called “folk” remedies that really work—activated
charcoal, clay, and castor oil. This edition also contains
vital new information on food, exercise, and nutritional
supplements. Also, from my Reichian psychology
background, I discuss the relationship between mind and
body and the psychological aspects of what we call disease.
Chapter 4 shifts our focus to the “how to” of Rife’s
technology. To apply this technology correctly, you need
to know who can benefit from the equipment and who
should not use it, and under what circumstances; what
type of frequency device might best suit your needs; how
to give yourself a Rife Therapy session; how to administer
sessions to children, pets and the elderly; how to select
the correct frequencies; how to deal with detoxification
reactions from microbial die-off; and what to do if you’re
not getting the results you want. If you already own a
frequency device, this chapter will help you use it to its full
advantage. If you don’t own one, this chapter will help you
choose the unit that’s right for you. In addition to older
material that has been rewritten for clarity, there are some
new sections, including one specifically for practitioners
on how to incorporate this therapy into a busy practice.
Chapter 5, offering an extensive “Frequency Directory,”
also teaches the reader how to navigate through the
alphabetized listings that provide frequencies for common
and exotic diseases. In addition to conditions such as
allergies, cancer, HIV, Lyme disease, Morgellons and
neurological disorders, Chapter 5 includes the viruses,
bacteria, parasites, protozoa and fungi that are implicated
in these symptom pictures. This chapter also doubles as
a basic medical primer for the layperson; so even those
without a rife machine will benefit from its contents.
Summaries of the functions of organs, glands, and bodily
systems accompany the listings, along with suggestions of
holistic therapies that support (or can be substituted for)
the frequency therapy. When medical terms are used,
they are always translated into plain, everyday language.
Chapter 6, “Creating a Better World, Inside and Out,”
deals with topics that might be regarded as optional, but
they will help us meet today’s challenges. Many people are
unprepared for death and they fear it, both for themselves
and their loved ones. Yet paradoxically, in the United
States at least, the dominant values (not to mention
images) of the culture are filled with death. Our social
system supports misery, poverty, fear and hate, instead
of joy, abundance, truth and love. We cannot die in peace
without living in love. In this chapter I discuss the changes
that must be made on all levels—personal, political and
transpersonal—in order for a life-based culture to emerge.
In keeping with this theme, I could not resist including
some exciting, groundbreaking scientific research that
points to the existence of what some call “spirit” and
proves beyond a doubt that love heals.
Appendix A, “Resources,” lists some great sources
of health-related information, products, and services
(including some new listings, such as EMF protection
and personal care products). For those who want to offer
Rife Therapy to others, Appendix B, “Legal Implications
of Rife Sessions,” discusses some challenges of using a
non-medically approved device for healing purposes.
(Please note that I am not an attorney. Not all countries
and municipalities have the same legal requirements for
providing electromedical therapies. Use this section as
a guide, but do consult legal counsel to ensure that you
are compliant with the laws of your locale.) Appendix C,
“Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies,” is
written for the layperson with no background in physics
or electronics. This overview, which includes definitions
and concepts related to the electromagnetic spectrum and
sound waves, will help you better understand the more
technical aspects of almost any electromedical device you
wish to use.
Appendix D lists some publications on electromedicine.
You may be suprised to learn that medical doctors were
using many of these technologies over one hundred years
ago! Appendix E describes a recent US medical study of
a frequency machine to kill leukemia cells. Appendix F
lists toxic chemicals in household products that many of us
use every day, so you can avoid them. These chemicals are
totally unnecessary because, as described in Appendix G,
there are “Safe Substitutes for Common Toxic Chemicals.”
Appendix H shows you how to assemble your own
detoxification footbath for under ten dollars (and yes, it
really does work). Appendix I, compiled just before this
book went to press, presents medical studies showing the
harm of WiFi, microwave ovens, cell phones, computers,
and other electropolluting equipment. This is a vitally
important appendix, because the telecommunications
industry—often with the sanction of governments,
worldwide—has not only suppressed these studies (and
replaced them with lies), but is now pushing the even
more dangerous 5G techology. This needs to be stopped.
In References, for your convenience, I include contact
information for some non-mainstream sources.
Now for some editorial comments. Because a major
theme of this book is self-empowerment, I have tried to
select my words carefully. When referring to people with
health problems, I don’t use the word “patient” because it
reflects and reinforces a hierarchical model that exalts the
doctor as the all-knowing savior and relegates the health
seeker to a subordinate, lesser role. The history of the
word “layman” reveals a similar subordinate status; and
even though I use “layperson” instead of the gender-biased
“layman,” the origin of the word should be noted. Initially,
“layman” meant any person (male) who was not a member
of the laity (clergy). Later, “layman” was expanded to
mean anyone who was not in a specialized profession.
In other words, a layman is a commoner without a title.
In today’s dualistic world, more respect is given to those
who hold prestigious titles and degrees than to those who
do not. In truth, many laypeople are highly educated and
informed—often more than those with degrees—but
their lack of medical credentials apparently still makes
them commoners (unworthy). I couldn’t find a suitable
word in English designating someone who is not a medical
professional yet is worthy of respect.
This leads me to my citing of people who don’t
hold titles or degrees. While I have, of course, quoted
credentialed professionals whom I admire and respect,
I have also quoted people who aren’t well known or
necessarily have degrees, but who offer valuable input.
Considering how many medical researchers have falsified
data and outright lied (explored in depth in Chapter 1),
it seems fitting that we expand our notion of whose ideas
are worth considering. It is my hope that common sense
and a resonance with the truth, rather than degrees and
titles, will prevail.
Despite my own language preferences, when quoting
others I try to respect the writer’s voice. Thus, if certain
words are used (such as “patient”), I leave them in. The
same holds true with spellings, such as British English,
which is sometimes different from American English.
Royal Rife’s name is used often, as one would expect.
Appropriate to this usage, “Rife” is capitalized. However,
“rife” and “rifing” are now being used as verbs (referring
to the act of giving oneself a frequency session). For these,
and for the noun “rifer” (which refers to one who gives
oneself frequency sessions), the “r” is not capitalized.
Similarly, when used to describe frequency equipment,
“rife” is not capitalized, as none of the units being made
today were made by Royal Rife the man. A similar logic
explains why “rife practitioner” also uses a lower-case
“r.” However, when referring to the research, “Rife” is
capitalized because engineers and scientists involved in
this area are usually investigating the man as well as the
technology. I do capitalize “Rife Therapy,” however, to
make this modality immediately visually recognizable
and distinct from other holistic protocols being discussed.
My final editorial comment concerns the completeness
of the data in this new edition. I have included current
discoveries about health as much as possible. We already
know that two scientists—who for years had been
ridiculed by colleagues for insisting that stomach ulcers
are caused by a bacterium—found Helicobacter pylori
in the stomach lining of enough people with ulcers to
win a Nobel Prize. However, dangerous microorganisms
are now being linked to conditions we normally might
not associate with pathogens at all. For example, one
doctor found a corkscrew-shaped, bacterial spirochete in
the spinal fluid of over 90% of his clients with Multiple
Sclerosis. Actinomycetes is being tied to Parkinson’s
disease. And irrefutable evidence shows that not one, but
two strains of Adenovirus can make us fat. In addition,
we now know that bones and fat cells produce hormones.
More details on medical cover-ups have also been
included in this edition, although frankly, it’s hard to
keep up with them. There’s a fresh scandal every month,
if not week—about not only the adverse effects of drugs,
vaccines and medical devices, but also the drug industry’s
attempts to hide, distort and outright falsify test results
in the hope that consumers will continue to buy their
products. Depending on the media spin, it’s either sloppy
science (their intentions are honorable and they’re just
incredibly incompetent), or outright lies (they know
exactly what they’re doing and don’t care who they hurt).
Every effort has been made to bring you the most up-to-
date news. But unfortunately, more corruption always
seems to occur (or at least becomes public knowledge). The
printed page cannot match the speed at which electronic
media disseminates new information. Therefore, you are
encouraged to search for updates on your own.
The first edition of The Rife Handbook debuted at the
March 2002 Rife Conference held in Las Vegas, Nevada,
in the United States. Despite my having steadily been
researching this technology for eight years at that time
(long after I was given those first fliers about Rife’s
therapy), I could not have anticipated how many people
were hungry for information about this unique healing
modality. Nor could I have grasped the diversity and
sophistication of knowledge required to be a researcher in
this field—not until I attended the conference.
Being at that conference, as a speaker, author and
student, changed my life. Health professionals, equipment
manufacturers, and engineers were present. But others
attended too—people who knew someone with a serious
disease or who were ill themselves. Tired of the same old
drugs-and-surgery routine dispensed by doctors trained
in nothing else, they wanted something better. Several
people who were already using the technology recounted
successful interventions against cancer, Lyme disease, and
other conditions. I was very moved by the courage of these
folks who were taking charge of their own lives—often
despite the hostility of their friends and families, and
against the advice of their allopathically trained doctors.
I was also impressed by the dedication and talents
of the researchers. While it was true that they could
be a cantankerous bunch—quarreling about their pet
theories, how things worked and how to best accomplish
their goals—it was largely because they cared. They
should I use” advice. You are being asked to set aside a
one-size-fits-all, pop-a-pill-for-instant-results mentality
concerning medicine. You are also being asked to consider
that your education in the sciences was at best incomplete,
and at worst an outright lie. You are being asked to
maintain (at least for a while) an open and inquiring
mind. And you are being asked to make changes in your
lifestyle if necessary. This could mean anything from
different dietary habits to questioning authority or even to
meditating daily. Transformation means thinking outside
of the box—indeed, dismantling that box entirely! As
a colleague said to me recently, “What box? There is no
box!” The good news is, the more we extricate ourselves
from old habits and rigid constraints, the more we can
reinvent ourselves in increasingly life-affirming ways.
This new paradigm that I am asking you to consider
does contain some familiar elements. After all, Rife’s
therapy—at least what he publicized—was all about
viewing and devitalizing harmful microorganisms. But
despite the clear association between pathogens and
disease, this doesn’t mean that we should ignore other
issues pertaining to wellness. Healing means balancing
the bodily terrain; even Rife himself stated its importance.
(Hence, the need for lifestyle changes.) Also, despite
Rife’s spotlight on pathogens, we are realizing today that
his therapy very likely conferred other benefits unrelated
to pathogen destruction. The field created by his ray
machine appears to have helped normalize tissue function.
For many reasons, then, it’s a mistake to utilize Rife’s
technology in an allopathic way.
Nevertheless, I do not intend to misrepresent Rife
Therapy. Despite the amazing cures witnessed by Rife’s
colleagues, or how much I have personally benefited, or
the many remarkable success stories reported by friends,
colleagues and acquaintances, I freely admit that even
an outstanding therapy has its limitations. There is no
magic cure-all that has been found to work for everyone,
always. While the majority of people respond favorably
to sessions, some respond minimally or not at all. The
machines cannot produce miracle cures; your body is in
charge of that. If you faithfully give yourself rife sessions
but continue doing what contributed to your getting sick
in the first place, the best equipment in the world will
not produce lasting positive changes. Also, when you use
a healing modality is as important as the therapy itself.
Depending on the extent and type of imbalance, one
protocol may work better at a given time than another.
Sometimes I hear people complain when their healing
is not progressing according to schedule. But whose
schedule? We are not machines, even though the medical
establishment would like us to believe that we are.
cared not only about whether others lived or died, they
also cared about the quality of peoples lives. As I later
discovered, many of the researchers (like me) had at some
point struggled with severe ill health. Others began their
research after the death of a close friend or family member.
As I listened to the presentations and saw how much
there was to learn, it was hard not to feel overwhelmed
by what the seasoned rifers knew. The field of Rife
technology is so vast, it requires the knowledge and
expertise of people in many diverse disciplines: the
healing arts (medical doctor, acupuncturist, homeopath,
naturopath, veterinarian, massage therapist); medical and
scientific research (microscopist, laboratory technician,
microbiologist); historical research (archivist, writer,
filmmaker); physics; and of course electronics engineers,
with their nuts-and-bolts skills of building equipment.
Every rifer has something to contribute. This technology
could not have come this far without input from everyone.
In the years since the first—and, in hindsight, very
elementary—edition of this Handbook was released,
I’ve had the almost daily privilege of connecting with
customers from all over the world: Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Manila, Mexico, the Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, the Philippines,
Romania, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, and of course my native
United States. Words cannot adequately describe my
appreciation of these rich multicultural exchanges. The
health professionals wanted to learn more, do more. And
laypeople, many of them quite ill, made a point of telling
me how rigorously they had been seeking alternatives
to the unhelpful medical treatments they had already
tried. We may not be regularly reading or hearing about
Rife’s inventions in the national media, but that has not
prevented knowledge of this therapy from spreading.
People are waking up. They are intuitively sensing that
frequency healing is a viable option, despite disparaging
comments from the mainstream press. And these seekers
won’t stop searching until they find something that works.
Knowing how to operate frequency equipment and
which frequencies to use is a good start for your health
protocol. But genuine healing usually requires major
changes. This is why The Rife Handbook contains more
than the three chapters that deal with the history of Rife,
the “how to” of his therapy, and the “which frequencies
treatment options limited by what their doctors were
allowed to learn in medical school. And they don’t want
licensing boards to prevent their own doctors from helping
them: most boards forbid doctors to suggest alternatives
to the prevailing (allopathic) standard of care.
People also want their health care providers to honor
their need for compassion and hope as much as they honor
their need for physical care. Health seekers want to be
respected, to have their humanity acknowledged—and
to be free to make their own choices. In other words,
people want a voice in matters that affect them—and
this includes the health protocols they use. No wonder
polls consistently show that three-quarters of the United
States population have sought complementary therapies in
addition to Western medicine!
In this technologically advanced and uncertain age, with
escalating infectious diseases and degenerative conditions,
we need Rife’s and similar technologies more than ever.
Yet the power elite is fighting back even harder, invested
in perpetuating its own agenda and maintaining the status
quo—at the expense of health and happiness, not to
mention lives. Despite an obvious need worldwide for all
kinds of electromedical modalities, information about Rife
Therapy has largely been available only to the few who
discover it by chance, or who know where to look for it
(and to look for it at all). The majority of people in the
United States are ignorant of this elegant technology that
can substantially reduce suffering and save countless lives.
My goal is for The Rife Handbook to empower significant
numbers of people—not only by providing them with
reliable information about more and better health care
choices, but by inspiring them to spread the word to others
that these choices exist.
The widespread use of frequency therapies, including
Rife’s technology, promises to change the way medicine
is practiced. Even if you are fortunate to be in good
health now, it’s comforting to know that this technology
is available if you or a loved one need it in the future.
Simply by picking up this book, you have proven that you
want more than what’s being offered by industrialized
pill pushers, that you aren’t satisfied with the lowest
common denominator of mediocrity. Anyone who
seriously investigates Rife Therapy is making a statement.
Therefore, you deserve to be congratulated for having
the vision and strength to see through—and beyond—
the dominant paradigm. It takes courage to challenge
entrenched ideas!
I sincerely thank you for helping to create this positive
global change in consciousness. It is truly a blessing to
be accompanied by all of you who are embarking on this
amazing journey of healing and hope.
Furthermore, the medical industry has a very narrow
definition of “normal,” even though people vary wildly
outside the range of presumed “normalcy.” How many
times have you heard of someone who felt unwell, only to
have their doctor say, “There’s nothing wrong with you;
you’re in perfect health”? We need to rely on common
sense and how we feel, not blindly trust medical biases
that have no foundation in fact. Much of modern medicine
is based on arbitrary standards that change, according to
the desires, agendas, and goals for profit of those in power.
Here’s a question, then, that I like to ask: If medical
standards keep changing (apparently capriciously), and
doctors keep changing their minds about protocols and
prescriptions (based on these capricious standards), whose
standards should we follow? And from whom should we
seek guidance? Maybe it’s time to reevaluate the health
care you have been receiving. Consulting with a health
professional can be helpful and even essential, but you must
use your own discernment too. Who is most qualified to
help you? The person with the most impressive credentials
may not be your best choice. If your practitioner doesn’t
listen to your concerns or take them seriously, or if his
or her training seems more important than what you are
experiencing, maybe you should start looking for another
You are the one who’s living in your body—so
ultimately, your best teacher is you! However, to become
that exemplary teacher requires commitment. You have
to study, reason, decide what to keep and what to discard,
trust your own (informed) experience, and be willing to
make mistakes and learn from them. And you will make
mistakes! But let that be okay. Taking responsibility and
being accountable for our own decisions and actions makes
us powerful. This book is a stepping stone to acquiring the
knowledge that you need to become an expert…on you.
Today, five decades after Rife’s death, the concepts of
Rife Therapy, frequency healing and resonance therapy—
while not yet household phrases (at least in the US)—are
trickling more into the public’s consciousness. In some
circles, the technology is being used so regularly that the
word “rifing” has become a verb. I think that Royal Rife
would have been moved and gratified that his modality is
finally being given the respect it deserves. I trust that by
the time you finish this book, you, too, will be using the
word “rifing” as a verb.
One final thought. More and more people are insisting
that they aren’t commodities that are bought and sold
in the marketplace. They don’t want to be toyed with,
experimented on, or lied to. They don’t want their
The Campaign to Suppress Holistic Medicine
How did medicine in America shift from its early emphasis on prevention and health
to a model of disease management?
In 1908, the American Medical Association’s newly formed Council on Medical
Education wrote to industrialist millionaire Andrew Carnegie to propose a
collaboration to “reform” medical education. The Carnegie Foundation was allied
with the Rockefeller family, which had interests in oil and was now investing heavily in
pharmaceutical companies. The group decided to hire Abraham Flexner to investigate
medical schools in the United States and Canada.
Flexner was a schoolmaster who knew nothing about the field of medicine.
However, his brother Simon was director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical
Research. It’s no surprise, then, that Flexner’s findings—commonly known as the
Flexner Report—heavily favored those medical schools that emphasized the use of
pharmaceuticals. Wanting to improve the status of doctors, Flexner suggested closing
most of the schools that allowed entry to women and black people. He advised the
medical field to require specialization. And he insisted that funding and accreditation
be given to only those medical schools that trained doctors in emergency and surgical
medicine—both of which require the extensive use of drugs.
In response, the New York State Journal of Medicine berated the Carnegie
Foundation for being dictatorial, for attempting to eliminate specific universities, for
threatening the freedom of whatever medical schools were being allowed to remain
open, and for denigrating anything that competed with the prevailing allopathic
(Western, drug-oriented) methods. However, most other medical organizations and
publications praised the Carnegie Foundation’s goals precisely because of the clear
bias against chiropractic, homeopathy, and all other forms of holistic medicine. The
Journal of the American Medical Association supported Flexner’s position as truth.
Soon, the historic Flexner Report was widely acclaimed by everyone in the allopathic
medical community. One hundred sixty medical schools had been open in 1905. But
by 1927—just seventeen years after the Flexner Report was issued—that number
dropped to eighty.
The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health is designed to
challenge this legacy of suppression and deception. We don’t have to perpetuate
what we have inherited. It’s time to replace establishment medicine with true healing,
derived from many disciplines.
You can obtain
the entire printed / bound Rife Handbook
or The Rife Handbook ebook
About The Author
Writer, educator, artist and musician, Nenah Sylver has
devoted her life to the exploration of healing on mental,
emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. Her early training
in music led to subsequent studies in spirituality and
physics—all complementary paths to her lifelong passion,
the science of frequency.
Starting as a young adult, Nenah worked for two
decades as a singer-songwriter, playing piano and guitar.
Her performances include New York City coffeehouses
and clubs, and colleges nationwide. She wrote lyrics and
music for two off-off-Broadway plays and won half a dozen
songwriting awards. She also performed for Hospital
Audiences, Inc., an organization that brings music to
adults and children in hospitals, residential treatment
centers, prisons, nursing homes, and educational facilities.
In 1996, Dr. Sylver received her PhD from the Union
Institute & University in Transformational Psychology, a
multi-disciplinary program of holistic health, psychology,
and gender studies. For fifteen years, she had a private
practice in body-mind psychotherapy based on the
principles of psychiatrist and natural scientist Wilhelm
Reich. Then, in what began as a quest for solutions to
her own health issues, Nenah started researching Royal
Rife and his inventions along with other electromedical
therapies. Her extensive knowledge of safe and effective
holistic protocols eventually coalesced into five editions
of The Rife Handbook.
Among other publications, Dr. Sylver’s writing credits
in the areas of psychology, feminism, health and social
change include The New Internationalist, Off Our Backs,
Beiträge zum Werk von Wilhelm Reich
to the Work of Wilhelm Reich”), and the anthologies
Journeys of the Heart: Perspectives on Intimacy in America
Glibquips: Funny Words by Funny Women
(Crossing Press), Closer To Home: Bisexuality and Feminism
(Seal Press),
An Introduction to Women’s Studies
& Schuster), Transforming a Rape Culture (Milkweed
Editions), Women, Culture, and Society: Readings in
Women’s Studies (Simon & Schuster), Bullying: Beyond the
Schoolyard (Teatro V!da), and Energy Medicine Technologies
(Inner Traditions). Her volume of poetry, Birthing, was
published by Woman in the Moon Publications. She has
been cited in Utne Reader and The New Yorker. In addition,
she published a short story in an anthology,
Woman in the
Window (STARbooks Press), which she also illustrated
with original water color paintings.
In the past few decades, Nenah Sylver has become well
known for her writing in the health field. In addition
to articles in Natural Living Today and Natural Food &
, “Toxic Products, Deceptive Labels” appeared
in Nexus. Dr. Sylver’s comprehensive book, The Holistic
Handbook of Sauna Therapy, was published in 2004. In
2008, the two-part article “Healing with Electromedicine
and Sound Therapies” (which was excerpted from
Appendix C of The Rife Handbook) appeared in Townsend
. Portions of
Rife Handbook
have been translated
into German, Korean, and Polish.
The author has appeared on NBC-TV and on the
Pacifica radio station WBAI-FM in New York City to
discuss lifestyle choices. In other radio interviews she has
talked about holistic health, complementary therapies,
medical politics, electromedicine, and alternatives to
toxic chemicals in the home. In 2016, she sponsored a
conference in Tempe, Arizona, called “Rife Frequency
Therapy, Electromedicine and Holistic Health,” at which
she presented for over six hours.
In addition to being a featured speaker at conferences,
Nenah Sylver conducts educational seminars for small
and large groups. Her latest project is the professional
recording of three albums of original songs, on which
she sings and plays piano, guitar, and bass. The expected
release dates are throughout 2022. She lives with her
human and canine family near Phoenix, Arizona in the
United States.
These DVDs are for educational purposes.
If you have a medical condition,
consult your choice of health professional.
For information and ordering, go to:
Over 14 hours of presentations from:
Nenah Sylver, PhD
Three Electromedical Equipment
Researchers & Developers
Steve Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
Rife Therapy: History & Clinical Trials
How To Evaluate and Use Modern
How To Give Yourself a Rife Session
Secrets of Your Electromagnetic Body
Biological Effects of Beneficial PEMFs
How To Survive Electropollution
Q & A, both days
. . . and more
Excellent book on saunas, one of a kind.
Never have I seen this subject dealt with
so comprehensively and in a manner that
shows a full understanding of how saunas
work and how they function.”
—Joan Amtoft-Nielsen, MD, PhD
Well worth the price. . . . an excellent tool
for anyone interested in health maintenance
and disease prevention. . . . I am currently
investigating which model of sauna will best
suit my needs. This book will help me decide.”
—Townsend Letter
The 2016 Conference on Rife Therapy,
and Holistic Health
The Holistic Handbook
of Sauna Therapy
360 pages, 7 x 10 softcover.
With tables, drawings, photos, and index.
The Importance of Detox
Physiology of Sweating
The Three Types of Heat (Including FIR)
Types of Saunas and How To Choose One
How Sauna Therapy Works
How To Do Sauna Therapy
“Exceeded my expectations!”
—several conference attendees
The Rife Handbook is an encyclopedia of holistic health. It’s so comprehensive, it’s mind
boggling. . . . Nenah Sylver does an amazing job . . . This stellar body of work belongs in
every household as well as every practitioner’s office.
—Bernard Straile, DC
developer of the IMAET quantum energy wellness equipment
In this 5th edition . . . Nenah Sylver has set an even higher bar of excellence. She has conveyed so much
new and important information in an even more organized and cohesive manner, that this edition is a
“must have” even if you enjoyed the previous volume. . . . An incredibly valuable resource that everyone needs.
—Jimmie Holman, co-founder
Pulsed Technologies Research (USA)
and Bioenergetics & Pulsed Technologies (EU)
An invaluable reference manual for complementary therapies and holistic living in general. The writing is
superb. The information is well researched, logically presented, and accurate. . . . I am beyond impressed.
—Martha M. Grout, MD, MD(H)
Arizona Center for Advanced Medicine
Scottsdale, Arizona
This is an invaluable resource, not only for scientists and health professionals, but also for individuals
who want to know more about technologies and adjunctive health therapies. . . . A better name might
be “the bible of electromagnetic devices and complementary medicine made accessible to everyone.
. . . Nenah Sylver is an outstanding writer . . . I urge you to use this book as a guide and a reference.
—Steve Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
lecturer, researcher, and consultant in
psychiatry, Rife Therapy,
electromedicine, and nutrition
Holistic Health | Electromedicine
Just two decades ago, Rife Therapy was virtually unknown. Gradually, hundreds of thousands of health seekers—from Germany to
England, Indonesia to Australia, South Africa to the United States—began purchasing “rife” machines for themselves, their families,
friends, and pets. This safe and effective technology, which delivers frequencies for healing via electrodes or an electromagnetic field, has
been successfully used for cancer, neurological disorders, Lyme disease, gastrointestinal and respiratory ailments, childhood illnesses,
and dozens of infectious diseases and degenerative conditions.
Despite the best efforts of organized medicine and the pharmaceutical industry to suppress this healing modality, Rife Therapy is finally
emerging into public awareness. Tired of conventional medicine’s consistent failures to produce cures, people are making Rife Therapy
part of their lives in ways they could never have imagined.
Previous versions of this book sold in over thirty countries. This updated and expanded 5th edition has been completely rewritten,
reorganized and expanded, with almost 350 more pages in an easier-to-read format. It contains new information on self-administered
natural therapies (including clay, activated charcoal, castor oil, and homeopathy), expanded sections on the dangers of electropollution
and vaccines, and suggestions for safe substitutes for many of the drugs and poisonous chemicals we have in our homes. There is also
updated advice on how to use frequency machines and other electromedical instruments for healing, along with listings of new diseases
and frequencies that disable microbes and restore cellular vitality.
Complex data explained in understandable terms will reassure the layperson, while thousands of scholarly references will satisfy the
serious researcher. The Rife Handbook is the most complete and versatile reference anywhere on electromedicine and holistic health.
... Higher frequency in the body, results in high immune system and health. normal healthy human body has a frequency of 62-72 MHz When the body drops below this frequency, we the immune system suppresses, human cells sends abnormal signals between Mitochondrion and Nucleus, contamination by viral, bacterial and many diseases occurs [12][13][14]. For example, if the normal/healthy human body frequency drops to 58 MHz, then the body will likely to get cold, flu and many parasitic like viral and bacterial diseases. ...
Background: Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold, while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. The outbreak was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, declared to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020, and recognized as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Introduction: Coronaviruses are the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae, within the family of Coronaviridae; order Nidovirales, and realm Riboviria. They are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genome size of coronaviruses is approximately from 26 to 32kilobases. Coronaviruses were first discovered in the 1930s and Human coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s. The earliest ones studied were from human patients with the common cold, which were later named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43. Other human coronaviruses have since been identified, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and SARS-CoV-2 in 2019. Most of these have involved serious respiratory tract infections. Discussions & Results: Based on our multidisciplinary research, we have found the major cause and some treatments methods for fighting this powerful pathogen. The prime cause of COVID-19 is pushing the mitochondrial to lose MMP. A loss of the MMP by any mechanism leads to functional and structural collapse of the mitochondria and cell death. Mitophagy plays an important role in maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis, but can also eliminate healthy mitochondria in cases such as cell starvation, viral invasion, and erythroid cell differentiation. The mitochondrial fusion and fission are highly dynamic. Viruses specially COVID-19, interfere with these processes to distort mitochondrial dynamic to facilitate their proliferation. Thus, interfering with these processes promotes the interference of different cellular signaling pathways. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) escapes the innate immune response by translocating its ORF-9b to mitochondria and promotes proteosomal degradation of dynamin-like protein (Drp1) leading to mitochondrial fission. We also researched on Ultrasonic Energy to destroy the virus which leads to positive results but it needs more future research. The most destructive way of viruses is to enhance Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and free radicals in human contaminated cell which cause inflammation in a host cell. ELF-EMF converts free radicals into less active molecules and eliminates them into two pathways which have been discussed in the discussion part. Using ELF-EMF affects the second pathway that relies on the activity of the catalase and superoxide dismutase enzymes which is the most effective pathway. For the best result of treatment, is the use of lowfrequency magnetic fields (LFMF) plus EMF-ELF which penetrate into deeper tissues, cells and mitochondria. We also have gone through many researches since 1920 and found if we emit the frequency as the same frequency of COVID-19, can cause resonance in the virus and destroy it. So we measured the SARS-CoV-2 frequency by Cyclotron and calculated the frequencyof the virus is 30 KHz-500 KHz. Conclusion: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is one of the most complex viruses which have been discovered since 2020. Until today, there has been no Antiviral Drug which can be useful in the treatment of this infectious disease has been discovered till today. COVID-19 genomic sequence containing SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and Influenza A. Therefore; there is a high possibility of continuing COVID-19 even in summer. To gain the best result in treatment, we should use low-frequency magnetic fields (LFMF) plus EMF which penetrate into deeper tissues, cells and mitochondria in order to reduce ROS and Inflammation. In order to destroy SARS-CoV-2 virus in environment and also in infected individuals, we should use ELF-EMF plus LFMF. We also have gone through many researches since 1920 and found if we emit the frequency as the same frequency of COVID-19, it can cause resonance in the virus and destroy it. So we measured the SARS-CoV-2 frequency by Cyclotron and calculated the frequency of the virus that id is 30 KHz-500 KHz. The differences in the frequencies are due to the size of the virus which is from 26 to 32 Kilobases.
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