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Collagen and matrix metaloproteinase-2 and -9 in the ewe cervix during the estrous cycle



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Collagen and matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 in the ewe
cervix during the estrous cycle
M. Rodríguez-Piñón
, C. Tasende
, D. Casuriaga
, A. Bielli
, P. Genovese
E.G. Garófalo
Biochemistry Area, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay
Histology and Embryology Area, Department of Morphology and Development, Veterinary Faculty, Universidad de la República,
Montevideo, Uruguay
article info
Article history:
Received 17 December 2014
Received in revised form 21 May 2015
Accepted 21 May 2015
Cervical remodeling
Estrous cycle
The cervical collagen remodeling during the estrous cycle of the ewe was examined. The
collagen concentration determined by a hydroxyproline assay and the area occupied by
collagen bers (%C), determined by van Gieson staining, were assessed in the cranial and
caudal cervix of Corriedale ewes on Days 1 (n ¼6), 6 (n ¼5), or 13 (n ¼6) after estrous
detection (dened as Day 0). In addition, the gelatinase activity by in situ and SDS-PAGE
gelatin zymographies and matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 (MMP-2 and MMP-9,
respectively) expression by immunohistochemistry were determined. The collagen con-
centration and %C were lowest on Day 1 of the estrous cycle (P <0.04), when MMP-2
activity was highest (P <0.006) and the ratio of activated to latent MMP-2 trend to be
highest (P ¼0.0819). The MMP-2 activity was detected in 73% of the homogenized cervical
samples, and its expression was mainly detected in active broblasts. By contrast, the
MMP-9 activity was detected in 9% of the samples, and its scarce expression was associated
with plasmocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression
was maximal on Day 1 in the cranial cervix and on Day 13 in the caudal cervix and was
lower in the cranial than in the caudal cervix (P <0.0001). This time-dependent increase
in MMP-2 expression that differed between the cranial and caudal cervix may reect their
different physiological roles. The decrease in the collagen content and increase in broblast
MMP-2 activity in sheep cervix on Day 1 of the estrous cycle suggests that cervical dilation
at estrus is due to the occurrence of collagen ber degradation modulated by changes in
periovulatory hormone levels.
Ó2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The tortuous nature of the ovine cervix restricts trans-
cervical articial insemination and embryo transfer pro-
cedures [13]. However, natural cervical dilatation occurs
at estrus [4], and many studies have examined the physi-
ological mechanism of cervical dilatation for transcervical
cannulation improvement [5,6]. Fibrillar collagen and
high-molecular-weight proteoglycan complexes are the
main components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the
cervical connective tissue [79]. The biochemical in-
teractions between these structural elements are critical to
the cervical remodeling process that results in cervical
dilation [10,11].
In the ewe, the proposed model for cervical dilatation at
estrus involves a central role of periestrous endocrine
changes that drive ECM remodeling processes and, conse-
quently, cervical dilatation [46]. These periestrous endo-
crine changes include the preovulatory increase of estradiol
and gonadotropins [46,12] and the activation of the
*Corresponding author. Tel.: þ598 2622 1195; fax: þ598 2628 0130.
E-mail address: (M. Rodríguez-Piñón).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
0093-691X/$ see front matter Ó2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Theriogenology xxx (2015) 19
prostaglandin E2/oxytocin (PGE2/Ox) system [1315].
Cervical production of PGE2 stimulates smooth muscle
relaxation and hyaluronan-like glycosaminoglycan (GAG)
synthesis via an autocrine or paracrine mechanism, causing
disaggregation of collagen bers and cervical dilatation
[16,17]. In other species, some evidence indicates that
degradation of collagen bers may also be involved in
cervical dilatation. For example, a decrease in collagen
content was measured chemically [18] and histologically in
pregnant women at term [19]. The degradation of collagen
in the ECM depends on the activity of matrix metal-
loproteinases (MMPs), which are the only enzymes capable
of degrading denatured brillar collagen [20]. In particular,
the expression of MMP-2 and -9 (also called gelatinases A
and B, respectively) increases in the human cervix at the
end of pregnancy [21], indicating a likely role of MMP-2
and -9 in the cervical dilatation process.
We hypothesized the coexistence of increased collagen
ber disaggregation and increased enzymatic collagen
degradation in the sheep cervix around the estrus. The
changes in the collagen content and distribution and in the
MMP-2 and -9 abundance and activity along the cervix of
the ewe during the estrous cycle were examined, particu-
larly at the expected time of articial insemination and
embryo transfer (Days 1 and 6 after estrus, respectively).
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Animals and treatments
The experiment was carried out at the experimental eld
of the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Uruguay, Cane-
lones, Uruguay (35
S), during the breeding season of Corrie-
dale ewes (February through March). Animal experimentation
was performed in compliance with regulations set by the
Veterinary Faculty of the University of Uruguay. The adult
Corriedale ewes were kept under natural daylight conditions.
They grazed on native pastures and were given water ad libi-
tum. Vasectomized rams tted with marking crayons were
keptwith the ewesfor 2 monthsbefore thestart of thestudy to
conrm the normal cyclic conditions of the ewes.
The estrus was synchronized with two doses of a PGF2
analogue (intramuscularly, 150 mg, Glandinex; Laboratorio
Universal, Montevideo, Uruguay) administered 6 days
apart. From Day 10 after the second PGF2
treatment, ewes
were checked twice daily (at 6 and 18 hours) for service
marks of two vasectomized rams carrying marking crayons
(day of estrus ¼Day 0). Seventeen ewes (bodyweight,
mean pooled standard error of the mean, 39.0 1.1 kg)
showing spontaneous estrus were slaughtered on Days 1
(n ¼6), 6 (n ¼5), or 13 (n ¼6) after the estrus detection.
The day of the estrous cycle for each animal was conrmed
by concentrations of circulating estradiol-17
(E2) and
progesterone [12].
2.2. Cervical samples, wet weight, and water content
The cervices were weighed and dissected at a temperature
of 0
C into three transversal segments of equal length
labeled cranial, middle,and caudal cervical zones(22.5 g per
cervical zone). The cranial and caudal cervical zones were
longitudinally cut into four equal segments (500600 mg/
segment). One longitudinal segment for each cervical zone
was used to determine the water content by drying until a
constant weight was reached at 80
C for 3 hours; this water
content was expressed as percentage humidity (%). Another
longitudinal segment was weighed, sliced, andhomogenized
in PBS buffer (1/10, wt/vol) with a Polytron Homogenizer
(Polytron Homogenizer PT-10; Kinematica AG, Littau Luzern,
Switzerland). Aliquots of homogenateswere stored at 80
until the spectrophotometric and SDS-PAGE zymography
assays were performed. The third longitudinal segment was
immediately xed by immersion in buffered 4% formalde-
hyde (pH 7.4) for 24 hours and then stored in 70% ethanol for
10 days. Fixed cervices werethen dehydrated and embedded
in parafn until histochemistry and immunohistochemistry
assays were performed. Thefourth longitudinal segment was
embedded in tissue-freezing medium without xation and
stored at 80
C until the in situ zymographywas performed.
2.3. Collagen and total soluble protein content determined by
The collagen content was measured indirectly by a hy-
droxyproline assay adapted from Bannister and Burns [22].
Aliquots of frozen homogenates were hydrolyzed in
constantly boiling hydrochloric acid(3 N) at 90
After a partial neutralization (pH ¼2.3) with 3-N NaOH, the
hydrolyzed samples were exposed to an oxidizing agent
(chloramine-T 7%: water: PBS buffer, 7:100:500, v:v:v) for
15 minutes at room temperature (RT). Under these conditions,
hydroxyproline was liberated by acid hydrolysis and oxidized
to a pyrrole, which then reacted with the color reagent (30 g of
4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, 45 mL of 60% perchloric acid,
and 250 mL of propan-2-ol) at 70
absorbance of the resulting colored product was read at
550 nm. Readings were calibrated against standards prepared
from L-4-hydroxyproline (Fluka, 56250) dissolved in 0.01-N
HCl (0.530
g/mL, r¼0.9976, P <0.0001). All samples
were analyzed in a single assay, with a sensitivity of 0.5
and intra-assay coefcient of variation of 7%. The collagen
concentration was calculated assuming that the hydroxypro-
line/collagen ratio is 14%[23] and was expressed relative to dry
tissue mass (mg/g of dry tissue).
The total soluble protein concentration in the aliquots of
frozen homogenates was determined by the method of
Lowry et al. [24], using BSA (Fraction V, Sigma Chemical, St.
Louis, MO, USA) as the standard (0.050.8 mg/mL,
r¼0.9960, P <0.0001). All samples were analyzed in a
single assay, with a sensitivity of 0.05 mg/mL and intra-
assay coefcient of variation of 4%. The total soluble pro-
tein concentrations (mg/g of dry tissue) were positively
correlated with the amount of tissue used (r¼0.7123,
n¼86, P <0.0003), showing that the total proteins
extracted were similar among cervical samples.
2.4. Collagen distribution determined by van Gieson staining
Van Giesons picrofuchsin stain was used to observe the
connective tissue bers in deparafnized and rehydrated
cervical sections (5
m). Sections were stained with iron
hematoxylin for 10 minutes, washed in running water for
M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 192
15 minutes, and rinsed with distilled water. After differ-
entiation with 0.5% acid alcohol for 2 minutes, the slides
were stained with van Gieson stain (alcoholic picric acid
and acid fuchsine) for 5 minutes, dehydrated, and mounted
in Entellan (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). All cervical
samples were analyzed in a single assay. After a general
inspection of each slide, the stroma was divided into four
histologic compartments (SHC) depending on cell density
and localization according to Rodríguez-Piñón et al. [15]:
supercial fold stroma (SFS), deep fold stroma (DFS), su-
percial wall stroma (SWS), and deep wall stroma (DWS).
To estimate the percentage of collagen bers (red stain), a
quantitative image analysis was performed on selected
digitized images captured by an Olympus microscope and
innity camera connected to a computer. Ten digitized
images (400) of systematic randomly selected elds of
each SHC for two slides per cervical zone per ewe were
analyzed separately by removing the other SHCs (Photo-
shop 6.0). Color-discrimination software (Image-Pro Ex-
press 6.0) was used to apply a threshold for red staining by
a color detection system; it creates a binary image from
which the percentage of the total area that contains
collagen bers (%C) is automatically estimated.
2.5. Gelatinase and collagenase activity detected by in situ
Frozen tissue sections were examined for gelatinase and
collagenase activity using in situ zymography. Fluorescein
conjugates DQ gelatin from pig skin and DQ collagen type 1
from bovine skin (Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, OR, USA)
were used as substrates. Seven-micron sections were cut
from each frozen cervical segment, placed on poly-L-
lysinecoated slides, xed in 10% buffered formalin for
5 minutes at 48
C, and washed three times with cold Tris-
buffered saline (TBS). Nuclear counterstaining was per-
formed with propidium iodide (Molecular Probes) diluted
1:50 (wt/vol) in TBS for 8 minutes at RT. After washing, the
slides were maintained in a darkened TBS bath at 48
until use. The desired substrate (DQ gelatin or DQ collagen)
was dissolved to a nal concentration of 25 mg/mL in a
mixture of 2% gelatin, 2% sucrose, and 0.02% sodium azide
in TBS. The substrate solution was layered over the tissue
section, covered with a coverslip, and incubated in a
darkened humidity chamber at 37
C for 16 hours. For
control sections, the broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor 1,10-
phenanthroline (Sigma) was added at a nal concentra-
tion of 10 mM and incubated at 37
C for 1 hour before
counterstaining. Each section was viewed using an
Olympus Corp. (Birkerød, Denmark) uorescent micro-
scope with a uorescein isothiocyanate lter.
2.6. MMP-2 and -9 activity detected by gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE zymography)
Aliquots of frozen homogenates were diluted 1:1 in a 50-
mM Tris/HCl sample buffer containing 10% glycerol, 2% SDS,
and 0.0025% bromophenol blue at pH 7.6 and incubated at
C for 1 hour before electrophoresis. The samples were
loaded (10
L) onto 1-mm-thick polyacrylamide gels (10%)
copolymerized with gelatin (2.5 mg/mL, G9391; Sigma) and
electrophoresed at 100 V for 2 hours. After washing, the gels
were incubated in 50-mM Tris/HCl buffer (5 mM of CaCl
200 mM of NaCl, and 0.005% Brij 35, Sigma, pH 7.8) for
24 hours at 37
C. The gels were then stained with 1% Coo-
massie blue R-250 (Sigma) and destained. Gelatin degrada-
tion was manifest as clear zones on a blue-stained gel. The
gels were scanned, and the images were analyzed using the
menu option Analyze->Measure in ImageJ 1.46r to measure
the area and number of pixels for each clear band, then
converted to standard units using the Set Scale function. The
concentration of both latent (L) and activated (A) forms of
MMP-2 and -9 in the samples were calculated from cali-
bration curves prepared from human recombinant stan-
dards (M9445, Sigma; 50.08 ng/10
L, r¼0.9654 and
r¼0.9794 for L and A MMP-2 forms, respectively,
and M8945, Sigma; 0.50.008 ng/10
L, r¼0.9629 and
r¼0.9756 for L and A MMP-9 forms, respectively,
P<0.0001). Low, medium, and high MMP-2 and -9 standard
concentrations were loaded in each gel, with interassay
coefcients of variation of 11%, 8%, and 26%, and 6%, 11%, and
23%, respectively. Two samples were treated with 20-mM
EDTA (Sigma) as negative controls, and two were treated
with 1-mM p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (Sigma), for a
metalloproteinase-specic activation test. The activities of
both L and A forms of MMP-2 and -9 in the homogenates
were expressed in ng/mg protein using the total soluble
protein concentration (see Section 2.4), and the A/L ratios
were calculated for both MMP-2 and -9 isoenzymes.
2.7. MMP-2 and -9 histology distribution assessed by
Sections (5
m) of cervical samples were deparafnized
and rehydrated before antigen retrieval treatment, con-
sisting of steam heating in 10-mM sodium citrate buffer, pH
6.0 for 30 minutes at 100
C. After rinsing, endogenous
peroxidase activity was blocked by 30% hydrogen peroxide
in methanol for 10 minutes at RT in a humidied chamber.
To prevent nonspecic reactions, samples were incubated
with normal horse serum (Vectastain Elite ABC Kit; Vector
Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) for 30 minutes at RTand
then treated with a primary antibody. Goat polyclonal
MMP-2 and -9 primary antibodies against the C-terminus
amino acidic sequence of human MMPs (hMMPs) were
used (K-20, sc-8835 and C-20, sc-6840, respectively, Santa
Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA); they
recognize both L and A forms. Primary antibodies (dilution
1/100) were incubated at RT for 1 hour. Replacement of the
primary antibody with an equivalent concentration of
normal horse serum (sc-2025; Santa Cruz Biotechnology)
was used as a negative control. After primary antibody
binding, sections were rinsed and incubated with a bio-
tinylated horse antimouse IgG secondary antibody (Vec-
tastain Elite ABC Kit, Mouse IgG, Cat # PK-6102) at a
dilution of 1:200 in normal horse serum for 60 minutes.
After rinsing, the sections were incubated in a horseradish
avidinbiotin peroxidase complex (Vectastain Elite ABC Kit)
for 60 minutes and then in 3,3
-diaminobenzidine (DAB Kit,
sk-4100; Vector Laboratories) for 60 seconds. All sections
were counterstained with Mayers hematoxylin and
mounted with Entellan. Due to scarce and sporadic positive
M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 193
immunostaining obtained with the MMP-9 antibody, a
quantitative image analysis was only performed on the
selected digitized images for MMP-2 immunostaining. The
number of positive (brown stained) and negative (blue
stained) cells of each SHC (dened in Section 2.4)was
counted for a sample of 1000 cells at a magnication
of 400. Brown-stained cells were considered to be posi-
tive, irrespective of the intensity of the color. The propor-
tion of positive cells relative to the total numberof cells was
calculated (%MMP-2), and the MMP-2positive cell density
was estimated (MMP-2 cells/mm
) using the area mea-
surement tool of the software (Image-Pro Express 6.0).
2.8. Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed by ANOVA using the MIXED pro-
cedure implemented in Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS
Institute, Cary, NC, USA). The model included the xed ef-
fects of day of estrous cycle (Days 1, 6, or 13), cervical zone
(cranial or caudal), and their interactions. For immunohis-
tochemistry and histochemistry determinations, the
ANOVA model also included the xed effect of SHC (SFS,
DFS, SWS, or DWS) and their interactions. For cervical
weight, only the effect of day of estrous cycle was consid-
ered. The %MMP-2 and the MMP-2positive cell density
showed skewed and nonnormal distributions (Kolmo-
gorovSmirnov Test, Statgraphics Centurion XV, 2011).
Before the analysis, these variables were log transformed
and the variance homogeneity between groups was
conrmed (Statgraphics Centurion XV, 2011). The results
are expressed as the least-square mean pooled standard
deviation, and P <0.05 was considered statistically signif-
icant, unless otherwise specied.
3. Results
3.1. Cervical weight and water content
The cervical wet weight (g) was greater on Day 1 than
on Days 6 and 13 (10.4 0.4, 7.4 0.5, and 7.9 0.9,
respectively, P <0.005). No effect of day of estrous cycle or
cervical zone on water content was found, which ranged
from 66% to 74%.
3.2. Collagen and total soluble protein content
A signicant effect of day of estrous cycle on collagen
concentration (P <0.04) was found. The collagen concen-
tration was lower on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 (Table 1).
There was an effect of day of estrous cycle on total soluble
protein concentration (P <0.0002). The total soluble pro-
tein concentration was lower on Days 1 and 6 than on Day
13 (Table 1).
3.3. Collagen distribution
There was an effect of day of estrous cycle (P <0.002),
cervical zone (P <0.0001), and SHC (P <0.0001) on %C, as
well as an interactive effect among stroma types (P <0.005).
The %C was lower on Days 1 and 6 thanon Day 13 (37.8 1. 7% ,
37.9 1.5%, and 43.0 1.8%, respectively) and was greater in
the cranial than in the caudal cervix (47.1 1.4% and
32.7 2.7%, respectively). The %C differed between all SHCs
evaluated (25.0 2.1%, 34.4 3.7%, 44.5 2.8%, and
53.0 1.8 % fo r SF S, D FS , SWS, a nd DWS, r es pe ct ively).
In SFS, the %C was greater on Days 1 and 6 than on Day
13 in the cranial cervix, whereasit was lower on Day 1 than
on Day 13 in the caudal cervix (Table 2). In DFS, the %C was
greater on Day 1 than on Days 6 and 13 in the cranial cervix
and was greater on Day 1 than on Day 13 in the caudal
cervix. In SWS and DWS, no signicant difference between
days in the %C was found in the cranial cervix. However, it
increased from Day 1 to Day 13 in SWS and from Days 1 and
6 to Day 13 in DWS in the caudal cervix (Fig. 1).
3.4. Gelatinase and collagenase activity estimated by in situ
Using in situ analysis, we found that gelatinase and
collagenase activity were localized primarily in the extra-
cellular space, although pericellular localization was also
visible (not shown). Negative controls performed with 1,10-
phenanthroline (a zinc ion chelator) completely inhibited
the uorescence, showing that both gelatinase and colla-
genase activities were due to MMP activity. The gelatinase
activity was localized in the epithelium and in both fold
and wall stromata (Fig. 2A), whereas the collagenase ac-
tivity was restricted to the epithelium (Fig. 2B).
3.5. MMP-2 and -9 activity detected by SDS-PAGE
Using SDS-PAGE, two intense bands that migrated at
72 and 62 kDa and two weaker ones that migrated at 92
and 86 kDa were found, corresponding to the clear bands
obtained with the L and A forms of hMMP-2 and -9 stan-
dards, respectively (Fig. 3A). A clear band of w130 t o
140 kDa of unknown origin was found in four cervical
Table 1
Collagen and total soluble protein concentration (mg/g of dry tissue), gelatinase activity (ng/mg of protein) of latent (L) and activated (A) forms of matrix
metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2), and A/L ratio in cervices of ewes on Days 1, 6, and 13 after estrus (Day ¼0).
Days after the estrous
detection (Day 0)
Collagen concentration
(mg/g dry tissue)
Total soluble proteins
concentration (mg/g dry tissue)
(ng/mg of protein)
(ng/mg of protein)
A/L ratio
Day 1 (n ¼6) 151 15
270 18
8.0 2.8
22.3 6.3
3.4 1.1
Day 6 (n ¼5) 200 18
294 25
2.4 1.0
2.4 1.1
1.0 0.4
Day 13 (n ¼6) 201 12
411 20
Values (mean standard error of the mean) within each column that are marked with different letters differ signicantly (P <0.04).
On day 13, the L and A forms of MMP-2 were detected only in one (1.0 ng/mg of protein) and two samples (1.1 and 0.2 ng/mg of protein), respectively.
M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 194
samples (Fig. 3A, line 5). A clear band of gelatinase activity
at w200 kDa in the hMMP-9 standard and in two of the 34
cervical samples was found (Fig. 3B, line 1); these bands
were artifacts of MMP-9 dimerization. Treatment of sam-
ples with EDTA removed both MMP-2 and -9 gelatinase
activity bands, whereas p-aminophenylmercuric acetate
treatment reduced the bands corresponding to the L-form
and increased the bands corresponding to the A-form
(Fig. 3B, line 1), indicating that gelatinase activity is spe-
cically exerted by MMPs.
The gelatinase activity corresponding to the L and A
forms of MMP-2 was detected in 25 of the 34 cervical
samples, whereas gelatinase activity corresponding to the L
and A forms of MMP-9 was only detected in three of the 34
cervical samples (Fig. 3A). Therefore, only bands corre-
sponding to the L and A MMP-2 forms were quantied
(Table 1).
There was an effect of day of estrous cycle (P <0.006) on
the activity of both L and A MMP-2 forms and a tendency on
the effect of day of estrous cycle on A/L ratio (P ¼0.0819).
The L and A MMP-2 activities were higher on Day 1 than on
Day 6, and they were only detected in one and two samples
on Day 13, respectively. The ratio of A/L MMP-2 trends to be
higher on Day 1 than on Day 6 (P ¼0.0819).
3.6. Characterization of MMP-2 and -9 by
The MMP-2 immunostaining was localized in the
extracellular space for all SHCs and was primarily detected
in active broblasts but also in inactive broblasts and
occasionally leukocytes (Fig. 4A, B). Weak and sporadic
MMP-9 immunostaining was detected, which was limited
to the cytosol of some stromal cells. Positive cells were
mainly plasmocytes, some macrophages, a few lympho-
cytes, and very few broblasts (Fig. 4A, C). Therefore, only
the immunohistochemical signal corresponding to MMP-2
was quantied.
There was an effect of cervical zone (P <0.0001), SHC
(P <0.007), and an interaction between day of estrous cycle
and cervical zone (P <0.0001) on %MMP-2. The %MMP-2
(%) was lower in the cranial (0.32 0.01%) than in the
caudal (1.96 0.06%) cervix. It was lower in DWS than in
DFS and SWS and trends to be lower in SFS than in SWS
(0.49 0.03%, 1.14 0.06%, 1.34 0.06%, and 0.24 0.02%
in SFS, DFS, SWS, and DWS, respectively). The %MMP-2
decreased throughout the estrous cycle in the cranial cervix
but was higher on Day 13 than on Days 1 and 6 in the caudal
cervix (Table 3).
There was an effect of cervical zone (P <0.0001) and
SHC (P <0.0004) on MMP-2positive cell density. The
MMP-2 cells density was lower in the cranial (569 106)
than in the caudal (2917 401) cervix. It was higher in SFS,
DFS, and SWS than in DWS (1644 265, 1180 213,
2070 367, and 409 89, respectively).
4. Discussion
We reported for the rst time in the ovine cervix that
the collagen content is lower and MMP-2 activity is higher
in estrus than in the luteal phase of the natural estrous
Table 2
Area occupied by collagen bers expressed as a percentage (%C) in different stromal histologic compartments of the cervices of ewes on Days 1, 6, and 13 after
estrus (Day ¼0).
Days after the estrous
detection (Day 0)
Cranial Caudal Cranial Caudal Cranial Caudal Cranial Caudal
Day 1 (n ¼6) 36.0 1.1
13.6 4.3
58.5 4.1
24.1 2.6
51.2 0.8 18.4 2.7
48.8 1.5 52.3 1.9
Day 6 (n ¼5) 37.4 1.1
17.5 3.7
48.4 3.3
13.4 2.2
51.0 1.2 40.1 2.3
52.1 4.3 45.7 1.4
Day 13 (n ¼6) 26.5 2.2
22.4 5.0
47.2 3.2
18.4 2.7
55.3 2.3 51.9 5.6
51.4 1.2 69.5 2.3
Percentages (mean standard error of the mean) within a column that are marked with different letters differ signicantly (P <0.005).
SFS, DFS, SWS, and DWS are histologic compartments.
Abbreviations: DFS, deep fold stroma; DWS, deep wall stroma; SFS, supercial fold stroma; SWS, supercial wall stroma.
Fig. 1. Images of collagen bers with van Gieson staining from supercial wall stroma of the caudal cervix from the same ewe on Days 1 (A) and 13 (B) after estrus
detection (Day 0). Note the lower density of bers on Day 1 than on Day 13.
M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 195
Both the cervical collagen concentration and distribu-
tion were lower 1 day after estrus detection compared with
during the luteal phase, suggesting that either the pre-
ovulatory estrogen levels increase collagen degradation or
the progesterone luteal levels inhibit it. Consistent with
these interpretations, the cervical collagen concentration
and distribution remain unchanged throughout most of
ovine pregnancy but decrease in the nal month [25], when
circulating progesterone begins to decrease and estrogen
increases [26]. Because the collagen concentration was
expressed with respect to the dry tissue and the water
content did not change during the estrous cycle, the
decrease in collagen 1 day after estrus detection is due to a
genuine collagen degradation and not a dilution effect. In
the cervix of cycling cows, both water and collagen content
(based on dry tissue) were not associated with the pro-
gesterone status [27], suggesting interspecic differences
in the magnitude of collagen degradation during cervical
softening at estrus.
The wet weight of the cervix was higher 1 day after
estrus detection than in the luteal phase, despite similar
water contents; this is in agreement with the increase in
cervical wet weight without changes in water content re-
ported by Regassa and Noakes [25] during ewe pregnancy.
Interestingly, there was maximal cervical weight around
the estrus, when the collagen content, total soluble pro-
teins, cell proliferation [28], and nuclear density [15] were
minimal. These data suggest that the increase in the cer-
vical wet weight around estrus is due to an increase in the
nonprotein component of the cervical ECM. Hyaluronan-
like GAGs are 80% to 90% of all GAGs in the sheep cervix
and increase before the LH preovulatory surge in the cervix
of estrus-synchronized ewes [16,17]. Overall data suggest
that the ovine cervical dilatation around the estrus is a
consequence of a tissue remodeling process involving both
an increase in collagen degradation and an increase in
hyaluronan-like GAG synthesis, which have been suggested
in the human cervix during pregnancy [7,29].
In the present work, the observed gelatinase activity in
the cervix of cycling ewes was found by in situ and SDS-PGE
gelatin zymographies. Using in situ zymography, we
observed both collagenase and gelatinase activities in the
luminal epithelium but only gelatinase activity in
the stroma. The stromal gelatinase activity may be due to
the presence of MMP-2 and -9 (gelatinases) because the
immunostaining of both MMP-2 and -9 was restricted to
stroma. The gelatinase activity bands corresponding to the L
and A forms of MMP-2 were detected in all cervical samples,
but slight bands of the L and A MMP-9 forms were detected
in very few samples. Immunohistochemical ndings
conrmed these observations because MMP-2positive
cells were detected in all samples, but MMP-9positive cells
were scarce detected or undetected. These results suggest
that the gelatinase activity in the cervix of cycling ewes is
predominantly caused by the MMP-2 isoenzyme. In addi-
tion, MMP-2 immunostaining was mainly associated with
active broblasts, whereas MMP-9 immunostaining was
associated with cells related to immune and inammatory
processes. These data are in agreement with those of Stygar
et al. [21], who reported that stromal broblasts of the
human cervix are the main source of MMP-2, whereas
MMP-9 is restricted to leukocytes. The scarce MMP-9 ac-
tivity levels and its association with cells related to immune
and inammatory processes suggest that this type of pro-
cesses are not predominant in the cervical ECM modica-
tions during the estrous cycle. No reports describing the
occurrence of inammatory and immune-mediatedlike
processes were found in ruminant cervices during the
estrous cycle. In the ovine cervix, although an increase in
cervical interleukin 8 (a proinammatory cytokine) was
detected at estrus [30], administration of interleukin 8 had
no effect on cervical penetrability [31].
Interestingly, the levels of the activated form of cervical
MMP-2 were approximately 10 to 20 times higher around
the estrus, when cervical penetrability is maximal [4], than
during the luteal phase. Concomitant with this increase in
MMP-2 activity 1 day after estrus detection, a decrease in
the cervical collagen concentration and the percentage of
collagen bers was found. Raynes et al. [32] failed to detect
changes in cervical collagenase activity in ewes during
gestation using a semisynthetic collagen-like substrate.
The higher levels of cervical MMP-2 activity found after
estrous detection could result from the induction of
MMP-2 expression by estrogen during the preovulatory
peak and/or the lack of luteal progesterone. The MMP
hormonal regulation could occur at the transcriptional and
posttranscriptional levels via changes in the rate of
messenger RNA synthesis and/or stability (half-life) [33].
Fig. 2. Gelatinase (A) and collagenase (B) activities by in situ zymography (400) in the cervixof cyclingewes. Note the presence of gelatinase activity in both the
epithelium and stroma, whereas the collagenase activity was restricted to the epithelium.
M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 196
Anuradha and Thampan [34] reported that E2-mediated
enhancement of collagenase activity in the rat uterus is
inhibited by actinomycin D and cycloheximide, indicating a
transcriptional inductive effect of estrogens on collagenase
expression. In agreement with this, an increase in uterine
MMP-2 expression at 48 hours after E2 treatment has been
observed in rats [35]. The relatively prolonged latency be-
tween the E2 stimulus and the increase in uterine MMP-2
expression could be explained, at least in part, by the 12-
to 36-hour half-life of MMP transcripts [36]. Data suggest
that the increase in cervical MMP-2 activity 1 day after
estrus detection could reect a previous stimulatory effect
of preovulatory estrogens on MMP-2 expression, occurring
before the onset of estrus, under maximal concentrations of
circulating E2 [37]. This early preovulatory estrogen-
stimulatory effect on MMP-2 expression could be main-
tained during the estrus via high levels of cervical estrogen
receptors [12,15]. In addition, the MMP-2 A/L ratio trends to
be higher on Day 1 after estrus detection than during the
luteal phase, indicating that the estrogen-induced increase
in MMP-2 activity may be due to an increase in both protein
expression and enzyme activation.
The increased activity of MMP-2 1 day after the onset of
estrus may be due to an inductive effect of preovulatory es-
trogens, but other stimulatory factors cannot be ruled out.
Cervical PGE2 production increases in response to LH [38]
and Ox [39,40] in the bovine cervix, although both PGE2
receptortypes 4 and 2 have been reported in the cervix of the
ewe [16,41,42] which can mediate MMP secretion [43,44].In
an elegant in vitro experiment in the human cervix, PGE2
treatment decreased the incorporation of [
H] glycine but
increased [
H] glucosamine, precursors of collagen, and
GAGs in samples obtained during the follicular phase, and
the oppositewas found in samples obtained during the luteal
phase [45]. Overall, the data report an association between
various hormones at the control of cervical collagen
remodeling. Moreover, low-molecular-weight hyaluronic
acid (HA) can induce collagenase and gelatinase activity in
the rabbit cervix [46].
The rearrangement and dissociation of collagen bers
and bundles is thought to contribute to cervical relaxation
in the ewe at estrus [47,48]. Kershaw et al. [48] found a
higher proportion of collagen relative to smooth muscle
before the LH surge than during the medium luteal phase
(on Day 9), and this result was attributed to estrogen-
induced separation of collagen bundles and bers via HA
accumulation [16,17]. In the present work, a pre-LH stage
was not assessed; however, 1 day after estrous detection
(probably after the LH preovulatory surge), the area occu-
pied by collagen bers and the collagen concentration were
lower, and the cervical MMP-2 activity and A/L ratio were
higher than they were in the late luteal phase (on Day 13).
Fig. 3. Gelatin zymography of cervical sample homogenates of ewes during the estrous cycle. (A) Lines 1, 2, and 3: 10
L of mixed human recombinant standards
of latent and activated matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 (72 and 62 kDa, respectively; SigmaAldrich, M9445; 5.0, 0.62, and 0.08 ng in each line, respectively)
and latent and activated MMP-9 (92 and 86 kDa, respectively; SigmaAldrich, M8945; 0.5, 0.062, and 0.008 ng in each line, respectively). Lines 4, 5, and 6: 10
cervical sample homogenates of different ewes on Day 1 after estrus (Day 0). (B) Line 1: 10
L of cervical sample homogenates. Line 2: 10
L of cervical sample
homogenates preincubated with 1-mM p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA). Note the clear bands of approximately 130 to 140 kDa of unknown origin in
panel A, line 5 and 200 kDa at the top of panel B, line 1.
Fig. 4. Immunohistochemical detection of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 (MMP-2 and MMP-9, respectively). Negative controls omitted primary antibodies
(bar ¼50
m, A), MMP-2 (bar ¼20
m, B), and MMP-9 (bar ¼10
m, C). Note that the MMP-2positive immunostaining localized pericellularly to active
broblasts (arrows, B), whereas the MMP-9positive immunostaining localized in the cytoplasm of plasmocytes (arrows, C).
M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 197
Both Kershaw et al. [48] and the present report indicate
that collagen ber disaggregation occurs from the late
luteal phase until ovulation, followed by enzymatic
collagen degradation. These results strongly suggest that
the dissociated and partially denatured collagen bers that
result from HA accumulation during the early stage of the
follicular phase are degraded by MMP-2 during the late
follicular phase. Thus, around the estrus, both disaggrega-
tion and degradation of cervical collagen bers coexist and
cooperate for the remodeling of the ECM. The temporal
relationship between the cervical collagen degradation and
the periovulatory hormonal environment should be taken
into account in the design of treatments for induction of
cervical dilation in articial insemination and embryo
transfer techniques.
Interestingly, although the percentage of MMP-2
positive cells did not change during the estrous cycle, its
pattern of variation differed between cranial and caudal
cervical regions, suggesting that there is a differential time-
dependent stimulation of MMP2 protein synthesis along
the longitudinal axis of the cervix. The increase in MMP-2
expression before ovulation (on Day 13 after estrus detec-
tion) in the caudal cervix could play a permissive role for
upward progress of sperm at copulation [49] by inducing
cervical relaxation. The increase of MMP-2 expression
around the time of ovulation (on Day 1 after estrus detec-
tion) in the cranial cervix could be related to its role as a
spermatic reservoir [49] by softening the cervical folds. This
differential MMP-2 protein expression between the cranial
and caudal cervix could be regulated directly or indirectly
through local tissue- or cell-dependent factors that interact
with regulation via ovarian steroid hormones [20]. Differ-
ential expression of the receptors of estrogen, progesterone,
LH, FSH, Ox, and PGE2, as well as of COX-2 and hyaluronan
synthase enzymes between the cranial and caudal cervix
has also been reported in the ewe [12,15,16,48,50,51].
Interestingly, the percentage and density of MMP-2
protein-positive cells were greater in the caudal than in
the cranial cervix, and the percentage of collagen bers was
lower in the caudal than in the cranial cervix, suggesting a
high potential rate of collagen degradation in the caudal
cervix. The MMP-2positive cell density showed a similar
pattern of variation to the total nuclear density previously
reported [15]. Both the MMP-2positive cells and the total
nuclear density were lower in the cranial than in the caudal
cervix, and maximum in SWS and minimum in DWS, sug-
gesting that the MMP-2positive cell density is strongly
inuenced by the total cell density. Overall, these data
indicate molecular and functional differences between the
cranial and caudal ovine cervix; these differences are
important considerations in the design of local treatment
protocols to induce cervical dilatation.
In this study, a decrease in the cervical collagen levels
around the ovine estrus was reported, which occurs
concomitant with an increase in the activity of MMP-2,
which is produced by stromal broblasts and activated by
changes in periovulatory hormone levels. Additionally, a
time-dependent differential increase in MMP-2 expression
along the longitudinal axis of the cervix was detected,
occurring before ovulation in the caudal cervix and around
the time of ovulation in the cranial cervix, reecting their
different physiological roles.
The authors would like to thank P. Rubianes for technical
assistance, M. Marco and G. Lin for technical assistance in
gelatin zymography,and C. Maeda Takiya, V. Samoto, and A.
Dantas Medeiros for the generous and seless technical
assistance in in situ gelatin zymography. The authors
received nancial support from Comisión Sectorial de
Investigación Cientíca (CSIC) and Programa de Desarrollo
de Ciencias Básicas (PEDECIBA), Universidad de la Repúb-
lica; Comisión de Investigación y Desarrollo Cientíco
(CIDEC) and Programa de Posgrados, Facultad de Veter-
inaria; Fondo Clemente Estable, Agencia Nacional de
Investigación e Innovación (ANII); and Dirección Nacional
de Ciencia y Tecnología (DINACYT), Ministerio de Educación
y Cultura, Uruguay.
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M. Rodríguez-Piñón et al. / Theriogenology xxx (2015) 199
... | 307 RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑÓN Et al. Fibrillar collagen and high-molecular-weight proteoglycan complexes (glycosaminoglycans or GAGs) are the main structural components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the cervical connective tissue (Leppert, 1998). Changes in the content and structural organization of these constituents commonly occur during the cervical tissue remodelling, which was mostly reported in the ewe during cervical dilatation at term pregnancy and in oestrus (Regassa & Noakes, 2001;Rodríguez-Piñón et al., 2015). During prepubertal development, the size of the cervix increases several times and its sonographic appearance changes (Honaramooz et al., 2004), suggesting that an intense remodelling of the cervical connective tissue would also be occurring. ...
... The collagen fibres of the cervical ECM are disaggregated as consequence of the increase in the hyaluronic acid content-the main GAG of cervical connective tissue-and are degraded by the increase in the activity of collagenases (Kershaw-Young, Khalid, McGowan, Pitsillides, & Scaramuzzi, 2009;Perry, Haresign, Wathes, & Khalid, 2010;Regassa & Noakes, 2001;Rodríguez-Piñón et al., 2015). The degradation of collagen depends mainly on extracellular proteases that are members of the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) family (Woessner, 1991). ...
... The activity of cervical MMPs is positively regulated by the increase in circulating oestrogen/progesterone ratio in adult ruminants (Van Engelen et al., 2008;Rodríguez-Piñón et al., 2015. ...
Full-text available
The tortuous nature of the ovine cervix restricts the transcervical passage of the cannula, and many studies have aimed to understand the endocrine mechanism of the remodelling of cervical tissue in adult ewe. However, little is known about the remodelling of the cervical tissue during the prepubertal development of the lambs. To obtain histochemical and biochemical evidence about the nature of the prepubertal development of the cervix of the ewe, cervices of Corriedale lambs obtained at 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 months of age (n = 5 to 6 in each) were processed. Neutral and acidic glycosaminoglycans (by PAS‐Alcian stain) were weakly in the cervical stroma and not shown change during the development, whereas the percentage volume of fibrillar collagen (by van Gieson stain) increases throughout the experimental period in the superficial fold stroma and deep wall stroma (p < 0.05). The relative cervical weight (g/kg of body weight) and the collagen concentration (by spectrophotometry, mg/mg wet tissue) showed an early decreasing phase from months 0 to 4 and a later increasing phase from months 4 to 8 (p < 0.05). The latent form of matrix metalloproteinase‐2 (MMP‐2) detected by gelatin zymography (ng/mg protein) decreased from months 0 to 2 and increased from months 4 to 8, whereas the activated form decreased from months 0 to 2, remained low until month 6 and then recovered on month 8 (p < 0.0001). Data suggest that the relative cervical weight biphasic pattern during the development is related to MMP‐2‐dependent changes in the collagen content.
... In naturally cycling ewes, an increase in the cervical activity of both the A and L forms of MMP-2 concomitant with a decrease in the collagen concentration and fibre aggregation around oestrus was found (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). MMP-2 expression was associated with active fibroblasts, whereas MMP-9 immunostaining was mainly associated with cells related to immune and inflammatory processes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). ...
... In naturally cycling ewes, an increase in the cervical activity of both the A and L forms of MMP-2 concomitant with a decrease in the collagen concentration and fibre aggregation around oestrus was found (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). MMP-2 expression was associated with active fibroblasts, whereas MMP-9 immunostaining was mainly associated with cells related to immune and inflammatory processes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). Furthermore, a time-dependent differential increase in MMP-2 protein expression along the longitudinal axis of the cervix was also found; the MMP-2 levels increased before ovulation in the caudal cervix, whereas they increased around ovulation in the cranial cervix, suggesting different functions for these zones (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). ...
... MMP-2 expression was associated with active fibroblasts, whereas MMP-9 immunostaining was mainly associated with cells related to immune and inflammatory processes (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). Furthermore, a time-dependent differential increase in MMP-2 protein expression along the longitudinal axis of the cervix was also found; the MMP-2 levels increased before ovulation in the caudal cervix, whereas they increased around ovulation in the cranial cervix, suggesting different functions for these zones (Rodríguez-Piñón et al. 2015). ...
The aim was to obtain experimental evidence of cervical collagen degradation in anoestrous Corriedale adult ewes induced to ovulate with progesterone (P) and gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH), at the expected time of induced ovulation and early luteal phase. In Experiment 1, anoestrous ewes were treated with P for 10 days (P, n = 4), with nine micro-doses of GnRH followed by a GnRH bolus injection (GnRH, n = 4) or with P plus GnRH treatments (P+GnRH, n = 3), and cervices were obtained either without treatment (A, n = 4), when P was removed, or 24 h after the GnRH bolus injection. In Experiment 2, cervices were obtained 1 (group P+GnRH, n = 5) or 5 (P+GnRH 5, n = 6) days after the GnRH bolus injection with P pretreatment. MMP-2 activity was detected in all samples; however, MMP-9 activity was only detected in 15% of the samples. The activity of the latent (L) form of MMP-2 in the cranial zone of group A was higher than in the cranial zone of groups P, GnRH and P+GnRH, and was also higher than that in the caudal zone of the same group (P < 0.05). The collagen concentration was lower in group P+GnRH 1 than in group P+GnRH 5 (P < 0.04). The activity of the activated (A) form of MMP-2 and the A/L MMP-2 ratio were higher in group P+GnRH 1 than in group P+GnRH 5 (P < 0.05). Data suggest that the L form of MMP-2 was expressed mainly in a constitutive form in the cervix of anoestrous ewes and that an oestrogen-dependent activation mechanisms due to the GnRH treatment may be responsible for the lowest collagen content at the moment of the induced ovulation. This work provides evidence about cervical collagen remodelling in anoestrous ewes treated with P + GnRH.
... During cervical dilatation, collagen bundles are separated by increased water perfusion in the cervical extracellular membrane and collagen degradation by matrix metalloproteinases [61]. The findings by Kershaw et al. (2007) and Rodríguez-Piñón et al. (2015) [62,63] show a higher proportion of collagen in the luteal phase compared to the estrus phase. This gene is also highlighted among the 100 genes most differentially expressed in the luteal phase of sheep (Table S4). ...
... During cervical dilatation, collagen bundles are separated by increased water perfusion in the cervical extracellular membrane and collagen degradation by matrix metalloproteinases [61]. The findings by Kershaw et al. (2007) and Rodríguez-Piñón et al. (2015) [62,63] show a higher proportion of collagen in the luteal phase compared to the estrus phase. This gene is also highlighted among the 100 genes most differentially expressed in the luteal phase of sheep (Table S4). ...
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The present study developed a review and exploration of data in public and already validated repositories. The main objective was to identify the pathways involved in ruminants’ cervical dilatation, which are conserved between cattle and sheep in the follicular and luteal phases of the reproductive cycle. In cattle, 1961 genes were more differentially expressed in the follicular phase and 1560 in the luteal phase. An amount of 24 genes were considered exclusively expressed from these. A total of 18 genes were in the follicular phase and 6 genes were in the luteal phase. In sheep, 2126 genes were more differentially expressed in the follicular phase and 2469 genes were more differentially expressed in the luteal phase. Hoxb genes were identified in both species and are correlated with the PI3K/Akt pathway. PI3K/Akt was also found in both cattle and sheep, appearing prominently in the follicular and luteal phases of both species. Our analyses have pointed out that the PI3K/Akt pathway and the Hoxb genes appear in prominence in modulating mechanisms that involve estrus alterations in the cervix. PI3K/Akt appears to be an important pathway in the cervical relaxation process.
... Through its complexes of elastin, proteoglycans, and glycosaminoglycans, the ECM also causes uterus dilation through collagen bre degradation during the oestrous cycle [35]. Overall, our results revealed signi cant roles played by time-dependent transcriptomic changes in cell growth, proliferation, and cell-cell interaction during the oestrous cycle. ...
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Background Understanding the complex changes in the swine female reproductive system is important for solving issues related to reproductive failure as well as the litter size. The oviduct is the site of fertilization, from where the fertilized egg moves to the uterus for implantation. Hence, elucidating the regulatory mechanisms of the natural oestrous cycle in the oviduct under non-fertilization conditions can improve our understanding of their roles in the reproductive system. Results In this study, whole transcriptome RNA sequencing of oviduct tissue samples was performed on Days 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 across the entire oestrous cycle to screen for differentially expressed genes (DEGs). We identified 7,623 DEGs across all the time points relative to Day 0. The DEGs were distinctly classifiable into three major clusters according to their expression patterns. Clusters 1 and 2 (1,222 and 1,146 genes, respectively) included genes involved in overall physiological changes observed through the oestrous cycle. Cluster 1 included genes were mainly involved in PI3K-Akt signalling and steroid hormone biosynthesis pathways, while Cluster 2 genes were involved in extracellular matrix–receptor interaction and protein digestion pathways. The expression levels of Cluster 3 genes were specifically downregulated in the luteal phase. We constructed a network with 1,000 Cluster 3 genes. KEGG pathway enrichment analyses revealed that the DEGs in Cluster 3 were strongly associated with cell cycle, calcium signalling, and oocyte meiosis. According to gene set enrichment analysis, genes associated with calcium signalling pathways and oocyte meiosis were also significantly downregulated in the luteal phase. Conclusions In this study, we identified that the expression of genes in the oviduct during the oestrous cycle affects oocyte transport and fertilization, which are the key functions of the oviduct. Current study provides a basis for successful breeding in the pig industry and uncovers an overall mechanism change for the pig oviduct in the oestrous cycle.
Scopolamine is a parasympatholytic drug that can modulate uterine contractile activity. Based on the hypothesis that deficiency in uterine contractility is a cause of Repeat Breeder (RB) syndrome in cows, this study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of scopolamine administration in RB cows, on the day of heat, in increasing conception rates. Forty RB cows were randomly divided into treated group [T; 20 cows treated with scopolamine butylbromide 40 mg/100 kg of body weight (BW) by the intramuscular (IM) route after clinical confirmation of heat (T0)] and the control group [C; 20 cows treated with 2 mL/100 kg of BW of saline solution, IM, at T0]. Twelve hours later (T1), all of the cows were artificially inseminated (AI). Blood plasma-progesterone (P4), hydroxyproline, and prostaglandin F2α metabolite (PGFM), concentrations were assessed at T0 and T1. Additionally, the uterine tone was evaluated by transrectal palpation. Conception rates were recorded. Drug administration increased the conception rates in group T to 80% unlike group C (25%) (P < 0.0001). Higher PGFM concentration levels were registered in the treated group than in the control group. The higher PGF2α secretion in pregnant cows of the T group may have reduced the P4 levels, making conception possible. Scopolamine administration at the time of heat can improve uterine contractility. This makes it more suitable for promoting conception in RB cows, where hormonal alterations and contractile and biochemical deficits are responsible for the syndrome.
Understanding the changes in the swine female reproductive system is important for solving issues related to reproductive failure and litter size. Elucidating the regulatory mechanisms of the natural oestrous cycle in the oviduct under non-fertilisation conditions can improve our understanding of its role in the reproductive system. Herein, whole transcriptome RNA sequencing of oviduct tissue samples was performed. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified for each time point relative to Day 0 and classified into three clusters based on their expression patterns. Clusters 1 and 2 included genes involved in the physiological changes through the oestrous cycle. Cluster 1 genes were mainly involved in PI3K-Akt signalling and steroid hormone biosynthesis pathways. Cluster 2 genes were involved in extracellular matrix-receptor interactions and protein digestion pathways. In Cluster 3, the DEGs were downregulated in the luteal phase; they were strongly associated with cell cycle, calcium signalling, and oocyte meiosis. The gene expression in the oviduct during the oestrous cycle influenced oocyte transport and fertilisation. Our findings provide a basis for successfully breeding pigs and elucidating the mechanisms underlying the changes in the pig oviduct during the oestrous cycle.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus worldwide. More than 99% of cervical cancer cases are associated with certain types of HPVs, termed high-risk types. In addition to the well-known transformative properties, HPVs-infected cells actively instruct the local milieu and create a supportive post-infection microenvironment (PIM), which is becoming recognized as a key factor for the viral persistence, propagation, and malignant progression. The PIM is initiated and established via a complex interplay among virus-infected cells, immune cells, and host stroma, as well as their derived components including chemokines, cytokines, extracellular vesicles, and metabolites. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of these key components, characteristics, and effects of the PIM, and highlights the prospect of targeting the PIM as a potential strategy to improve therapeutic outcomes for cervical cancer.
This study was conducted to elucidate mare cervical dilation mechanisms by testing two hypotheses: (i) the proportion of collagen staining in histological samples of mare cervices and (ii) the abundance of hormone receptors in the equine cervix differ with stage of the oestrous cycle and site within the cervix. Tissues and jugular vein blood samples were collected from 15 mares. Collagen content was assessed using Masson's Trichome staining. Receptor abundance was assessed using RT-PCR, qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. In sub-epithelial stroma, there was less collagen during the follicular than luteal phase, in the caudal- (P = 0.029), mid- (P = 0.0000) and cranial (P = 0.001) cervical tissue. In the deep stroma, there was less collagen staining during the follicular stage in the mid- (P = 0.004) and cranial- (P = 0.041) cervical regions. There were PTGER2, PTGER3, PGR and ESR1 mRNA transcripts in the cervix. A greater proportion of cells were positive for ESR1 protein during the follicular phase in sub-epithelial (P = 0.019) and deep (P = 0.013) stroma. The abundance of ESR1 in the epithelium was negatively correlated with collagen staining in sub-epithelial (P = 0.007) and deep (P = 0.005) stroma. The results of the study provide new information about the cervical biology of mares by increasing the knowledge about collagen content and the relationship between collagen content and ESR1 protein abundance during the oestrous cycle which indicates the ESR1 receptor is a candidate for involvement in control of cervical dilation.
The epidermal growth factor receptor (ErbB) family and its ligands are essential for the regulation of multiple cellular processes required for mammalian reproduction. The objectives of this study were to investigate the expression and localisation of ErbB subtypes (ErbB1-4) and selected ligands, namely epidermal growth factor (EGF), amphiregulin (AREG) and neuregulin (NRG), in the cervix and vagina of cycling cows and to determine possible steroid hormone-dependence of their expression using immunohistochemistry. All four ErbBs and EGF, AREG and NRG proteins were found to be localised in the nucleus and cytoplasm of different cells in the cervix and vagina, and their expression differed during the oestrous cycle. During the follicular phase, in both the cervix and vagina, ErbB1, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4 and EGF expression was higher in the luminal epithelium (LE) than in stromal and smooth muscle (SM) cells (P<0.05). During the luteal phase, the expression of ErbB1, ErbB3 and EGF in the LE was significantly different from that in stromal and SM cells in the cervix, whereas the expression of EGF and AREG differed in the vagina compared to the cervix (P<0.05). Throughout the oestrous cycle, in both the cervix and vagina, although ErbB2/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 expression in the LE and SM cells was significantly higher than in the stromal cells (P<0.05), NRG expression was similar in the LE, stromal and SM cells (P>0.05). Overall, these results suggest that all four ErbBs and the EGF, AREG and NRG proteins may collectively contribute to several cellular processes in the bovine cervix and vagina during the oestrous cycle.
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Mounting evidence suggests that cells within soft tissues seek to maintain a preferred biomechanical state. Residual stress is defined as the stress that remains in a tissue when all external loads are removed and contributes to tissue mechanohomeostasis by decreasing the transmural gradient of wall stress. Current computational models of pelvic floor mechanics, however, often do not consider residual stress. Residual strain, a result of residual stress can be quantitatively measured through opening angle experiments. Therefore, the objective of this study is to quantify the regional variations in opening angles along the murine female reproductive system at estrus and diestrus, to quantify residual strain in the maintenance state of sexually mature females. Further, evidence suggests that hydrophilic glycosaminoglycan/proteoglycans are integral to cervical remodeling. Thus, variations in opening angles following hypo-osmotic loading are evaluated. Opening angle experiments were performed along the murine reproductive system in estrus (n = 8) and diestrus (n = 8) and placed in hypo-osmotic solution. Measurements of thickness and volume were also obtained for each group. Differences (p < 0.05) in opening angle were observed with respect to region and loading, however, differences with respect to estrous stage were not significant. Thickness values were significant (p < 0.05) with respect to region only. The effects of both estrous cycle and region resulted in significant differences (p < 0.05) in observed volume. The observed regional differences indicate variation in the stress-free state among the reproductive system which may have implications for future computational models to advance women's reproductive health.
The ovine estrous cycle in ewes is controlled by a complex interaction between cues from the external environment and internal hormonal signals. Environmental factors influence ovulation rate and determine whether or not estrous cycles occur, but are not directly involved in the events of the estrous cycle. Instead, these endocrine events reflect a coordinated hormonal communication among the brain, pituitary, ovaries, and uterus. The primary coordinator of this communication within the ewe is progesterone, which controls the timing of the major endocrine events of the estrous cycle. Superimposed on these internal events are four major environmental cues. First, changes in nutrition influence the number of healthy follicles and thus ovulation rate. Second, stressors inhibit follicular phase events, delaying the occurrence of ovulation. Finally, photoperiod and pheromones control when estrous cycles occur. Long-day photoperiods, by activating inhibitory neural systems, actively suppress ovarian cycles, but these inhibitory effects of photoperiod can be disrupted by introduction of pheromones from the ram. The external cues appear to influence ovarian cycles largely by controlling the negative feedback action of stradiol. Inhibitory photoperiods induce an ovulation by increasing estradiol negative feedback, and pheromones trigger ovulation by blocking estradiol negative feedback. Moreover, with the return of ovulatory cycles, progesterone concentrations increase, and resume control of the hypothalamic pulse generator and hence the occurrence of ovulation.
The human uterine cervix is a fibrous organ with a high connective tissue content. An extensive remodeling of the connective tissue prior to parturition, i.e., cervical ripening, requires the presence of proteolytic enzymes. The exact mechanism of cervical ripening has not been clarified. We evaluated in vivo distribution and expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 (MMP-2 and MMP-9) in the human cervix at term pregnancy and immediately after parturition compared with the nonpregnant state. Cervical biopsies were obtained from term pregnant, postpartum, and nonpregnant women. MMP-2 and MMP-9 proteins were localized by immunohistochemistry. Messenger RNA levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were evaluated by relative quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using an invariable internal standard. The mRNA levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were increased in the cervix at term pregnancy and postpartum compared with the nonpregnant state. Cervical stromal fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells were identified as main sources of MMP-2, whereas the MMP-9 protein was observed exclusively in invading leukocytes. These data indicate the involvement of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the cervical ripening process.
Histoarchitectural changes of the uterine cervix allow its successful adaptation to different physiological conditions. In this study, we evaluated cell turnover in each cellular compartment of the uterine cervix in association with steroid hormone receptor expression in order to establish the range of physiological changes. Proliferation, apoptosis, and progesterone receptor (PR) and estrogen receptor α (ERα) expression were evaluated in cycling, pregnant, and postpartum rats. In estrus and diestrus II, ERα and PR expression exhibited variations according to the region evaluated. Proliferation and apoptosis showed a reciprocal pattern, the epithelium being the region with higher cell turnover. High apoptotic index (AI) in estrus was associated with the lowest ERα and the highest PR scores. During pregnancy, proliferation of the epithelium was the predominant event and AI was low. On Postpartum Day 1 (PPD1), proliferation decreased while apoptosis increased. As described for the estrous cycle, during pregnancy and PPD1, AI and ERα were negatively correlated. In the fibroblastic stroma, low proliferation was observed throughout pregnancy; however, there was a net increase in cell number because very few cells underwent apoptosis. No difference in ERα was observed in fibroblastic cells during pregnancy and postpartum; however, a great decrease of this receptor in the epithelial compartment was observed after delivery. Unlike cervical epithelium, PR was highly expressed in stromal cells. At term, a dramatic increase in epithelial PR was observed. While epithelial PR remained high on PPD1, a decrease was observed in muscle stroma. These results show that, in all stages studied, 1) ERα and PR have different patterns of expression with differential responses to signals that modulate proliferation and/or apoptosis depending on the cellular compartment, and 2) even though the epithelium is the region with the highest cell turnover, the fibroblastic and muscle stroma are active regions that have their own patterns of behavior.
Research up to 1993 is reviewed. Freezing and thawing of ram semen causes ultrastructural, biochemical and functional damage to a significant proportion of spermatozoa. These changes are accompanied by a reduction in motility, impaired transport and decreased viability of spermatozoa in the female genital tract, and reduced fertility after cervical insemination. Methods used to improve the fertility after cervical insemination include increased concentration of spermatozoa in the inseminate, treatment of ewes with or addition to the semen of hormones, double and deep cervical inseminations. The most effective method is to increase the depth of deposition of frozen-thawed semen into the cervical canal. Recently developed transcervical insemination techniques achieve deep cervical insemination or even uterine deposition of semen. However, at present satisfactory and reliable lambing results are only obtainable by using intrauterine insemination by laparoscopy.
The use of transcervical artificial insemination in sheep is limited because of the anatomy of the cervix, which restricts the passage of an inseminating pipette into the uterine lumen. There is a degree of natural cervical relaxation at estrus that enables greater penetration with an inseminating pipette. We hypothe-size that this relaxation may be regulated by cervical prosta-glandin synthesis and remodeling of the cervical extracellular matrix. The present study investigated the changes in prosta-glandin endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2) mRNA expression and the proportion of smooth muscle and collagen in the sheep cervix during the estrous cycle. Sheep cervices were collected at four stages of the estrous cycle: prior to the LH surge, during the LH surge, after the LH surge, and during the luteal phase. The expression of cervical PTGS2 mRNA was determined by in situ hybridization, and the proportion of smooth muscle and collagen in the cervix was investigated by Masson trichrome staining. The expression of PTGS2 mRNA in the sheep cervix was greatest prior to the LH surge, when estradiol concentrations were also greatest. The increase in PTGS2 mRNA expression was associated with an increase in the proportion of collagen in the sheep cervix. We propose that prior to the LH surge, estradiol may stimulate PTGS2 mRNA expression and hence prostaglan-din E 2 synthesis in the sheep cervix to regulate cervical relaxation, most likely through the rearrangement of collagen bundles within the cervical extracellular matrix.