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Osteochondrolipoma Presenting as a Popliteal Cyst


Abstract and Figures

Here, we describe a popliteal mass that was initially misdiagnosed as a simple popliteal cyst, which finally turned out to be osteochondrolipoma. A 63-year-old housewife presented with sustained knee pain in association with a palpable mass on the popliteal fossa. The mass was in the posteromedial area and soft, non-tender, non-movable in the posteromedial area. Using plain radiography, the mass appeared as a round, soft tissue density lesion containing bony fragments. We performed an ultrasound-guided needle biopsy in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging, followed by an open excisional biopsy. Microscopically, histological sections showed a lipoma with cartilaginous and osseous differentiation, finally diagnosed as osteochondrolipoma. In conclusion, popliteal masses are not always simple cysts, and the evaluation of masses in the popliteal fossa is always necessary.
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A popliteal cyst, also known as a Baker’s cyst, is the most
common tumorous mass found around the popliteal fossa
of the knee joint, and is usually treated conservatively with
the identification of underlying conditions.
other tumorous masses such as lipoma, synovial sarcoma,
meniscal cysts, muscular herniation, bursae of biceps and
semitendinosus tendons mimick the appearance of pop-
liteal cysts.
Furthermore, some papers in the literature
also report a vascular problem, namely popliteal artery
and vein aneurysm, that also present as a popliteal mass.
Therefore, careful differential diagnosis of popliteal masses
is needed because occasionally popliteal masses require
surgical intervention.
The case presented here describes a patient with
a soft tissue tumor of the popliteal fossa, which was di-
agnosed as osteochondrolipoma. To our knowledge, a
popliteal mass of this pathology has never been reported,
suggesting that it is exceptional.
A 63-year-old housewife presented with sustained knee
pain and a palpable mass on her popliteal fossa that had
lasted more than a year. After failed control of the pain
with medication, a primary physician referred this patient
to our clinic after taking an ultrasonography with the im-
pression of an ‘unusual soft tissue tumor in the popliteal
fossa.’ Physical examination revealed a soft, non-tender
mass in the posteromedial area of the left knee. The mass
was non-movable, without evidence of palpable pulsation,
erythema or venous congestion. Overall alignment of the
lower extremity was varus by a finger breadth, and the left
knee joint had a mild effusion without any instability or
tenderness. The range of motion of the knee was slightly
decreased, and the patient complained of some discomfort
with forced flexion.
Lateral plain radiography of the left knee revealed a
round, soft tissue density lesion containing bony fragments
on the popliteal fossa (Fig. 1). Ultrasonography showed a
solid mass of the dimensions 4 × 5 × 3 cm, well-encapsulated
with heterogeneous echogenicity in the popliteal fossa (Fig. 2).
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) investigation showed
Osteochondrolipoma Presenting
as a Popliteal Cyst
Young-Joon Choi, MD, Jeong-Ho Kang, MD, Gil-Hyun Kang, MD
, Soo-Jung Choi, MD
Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Pathology, and
Radiology, Gangneung Asan Hospital,
University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Gangneung, Korea
Here, we describe a popliteal mass that was initially misdiagnosed as a simple popliteal cyst, which finally turned out to be osteo-
chondrolipoma. A 63-year-old housewife presented with sustained knee pain in association with a palpable mass on the popliteal
fossa. The mass was in the posteromedial area and soft, non-tender, non-movable in the posteromedial area. Using plain radiog-
raphy, the mass appeared as a round, soft tissue density lesion containing bony fragments. We performed an ultrasound-guided
needle biopsy in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging, followed by an open excisional biopsy. Microscopically, histologi-
cal sections showed a lipoma with cartilaginous and osseous differentiation, finally diagnosed as osteochondrolipoma. In conclu-
sion, popliteal masses are not always simple cysts, and the evaluation of masses in the popliteal fossa is always necessary.
Keywords: Popliteal cyst, Neoplasm, Biopsy
Copyright ©
2015 by The Korean Orthopaedic Association
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery
pISSN 2005-291X eISSN 2005-4408
Received March 16, 2012; Accepted June 1, 2012
Correspondence to: Jeong-Ho Kang, MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Gangneung Asan Hospital, University of
Ulsan College of Medicine, 38 Bangdong-gil, Sacheon-myeon, Gangneung
210-711, Korea
Tel: +82-33-610-3243, Fax: +82-33-641-8050
Case Report
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery 2015;7:264-268
Choi et al. Osteochondrolipoma Presenting as a Popliteal Cyst
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015
a well-defined round mass located just behind the posteri-
or capsule, in close proximity to the popliteal neurovascu-
lar bundle (Fig. 3). The mass was mixed with hypointense
and hyperintense lesions on both T1-weighted and T2-
weighted images, and heterogeneous enhancement of the
lesion was observed.
Due to the fact that the mass was located relatively
far from the tibial nerve, but near to the joint capsule,
and contained both fat and bone components, a tumor of
neural origin or a vascular mass, can be excluded. With a
tentative diagnosis of malignant mesenchymoma, synovial
sarcoma, or teratoma, an ultrasound-guided needle bi-
opsy was performed, and five pieces of whitish gray linear
specimen obtained. A cytological examination revealed
fragments of fibro-collagenous tissue with myxoid stromal
change of a benign nature.
An open excisional biopsy was performed using a
posterior approach. The mass was located near the medial
head of the gastrocnemius, under a superficial fascia. The
joint capsule was adhered to the mass in certain areas,
otherwise separation from the surrounding soft tissue was
relatively easy. Finally, a moderately solid and yellowish
mass was excised and sent to a pathologist.
The mass was well-circumscribed and the cut
surface was yellow and fatty with traversing whitish fibro-
chondroid bands and nodules (Fig. 4). Microscopically, the
Fig. 1. The plain radiograph of the left knee shows a mass-like lesion
con taining fat (long arrow) and internal ossifications (short arrows) in the
posterior area of the left knee.
Fig. 3. Sagittal plane magnetic resonance imaging scans: (A) T1-weighted image, (B) T2-weighted image, (C) fat-suppressed gadolinium-enhanced
image, and (D) axial T1-weighted image. The contents of the mass are presumed to be fat (arrows), enhancing fibrous tissue (arrow heads), and
ossifications. The tibial nerve (curved arrow) is shown separately.
Fig. 2. The ultrasound (US) scan of US-guided biopsy reveals a well-
defined soft tissue mass and prominent acoustic shadowing caused by
internal ossifications.
Choi et al. Osteochondrolipoma Presenting as a Popliteal Cyst
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015
specimen showed chondroid matrix and chondrocytes aris-
ing in the fibromyxoid band, as well as lamellar bone with
osteoblasts and osteoclasts within the chondroid nodule
(Fig. 5).
There were no abnormal neurological or vascular
symptoms postoperatively. Two months postoperative, the
patient had showed improvement of the chronic discom-
fort, and no calcified density remained on a plain radio-
The common evaluation steps of a popliteal mass are
physical examination, plain radiography, and aspiration of
cystic fluid. The most common popliteal mass is a Baker’s
cyst, and the prevalence rate is between 5% and 19% in
a large series of knee MRI studies.
The diagnosis of a
Baker’s cyst is easily made using these procedures. How-
ever, many papers in the literature have reported unpre-
dictable disease of the popliteal area, therefore differential
diagnosis and evaluation of a popliteal mass should be
performed in some cases. Physical examination can give
important clues. In the case of a lipoma in the popliteal
area, it is generally less renitent on palpation compared
with the tightness of a popliteal cyst. When the popliteal
mass is accompanied by erythema with leg edema, deep
vein thrombosis or popliteal vein aneurysm can be consid-
ered as a diagnosis. In addition, a pulsatile popliteal mass
may be caused by pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery.
Tseng et al.
reported a nerve sheath ganglion of the tibial
nerve in the popliteal area. Due to the fact that their case
showed a positive Tinels sign and a moderate degree of
paresthesia, they decided to perform an MRI, and found
an unexpected ganglion. If the character of the mass ap-
pears unusual upon physical examination, the next step
should include ultrasonography or MRI.
Ultrasonography is a very useful imaging method to
identify the nature of a cystic or solid mass, and arterial or
venous origin, however sometimes it is not sufficient. Fiori
et al.
reported that a popliteal venous aneurysm in the
Fig. 5. Histological sections of the tumor specimen show lipoma with cartilaginous and osseous differentiation. (A) Ossification in the chondroid nodule.
Lamellar bone with osteoblasts and osteoclasts is being formed in the chondroid nodule (H&E, ×40). (B) Fibroblast proliferation and fibrous band is
intimately apposed to the fat necrosis area of lipoma (H&E, ×100). (C) A chondroid nodule in the lipoma. Chondroid matrix and chondrocytes are arising
in the fibromyxoid band (H&E, ×40).
Fig. 4. Photograph of the popliteal mass. The mass is well-circumscribed
and the cut surface is yellow and fatty with traversing whitish fibro-
chondroid bands and nodules.
Choi et al. Osteochondrolipoma Presenting as a Popliteal Cyst
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015
popliteal fossa demonstrated only a mixed echogenicity
mass, with no evidence of an arterial or venous nature, us-
ing color-Doppler ultrasonography. Tatari et al.
a well-circumscribed mass, resembling a Baker’s cyst, us-
ing ultrasonography; however, it was finally confirmed to
be pigmented villonodular synovitis. Additional investiga-
tion such as needle biopsy in conjunction with ultraso-
nography can prevent misdiagnosis. Needle biopsy of the
mass described in our study was performed with a view
to uncovering important information about the nature of
MRI is widely considered the best imaging tech-
nique for the examination of popliteal masses. Shin et al.
reported a case of synovial sarcoma that was located at the
popliteal fossa, adjacent to the proximal tibia, and which
failed to show any abnormalities on a plain radiograph.
The soft tissue mass accompanied by bony lesions in close
proximity to the neurovascular structure was uncovered
during an MRI scan. MRI has the additional advantage of
being able to show the anatomical orientation, important
for excision of the mass.
In this case, histological findings were a well-encap-
sulated mass containing a mixture of adipose, fibrous, and
chondroid tissue, with bone formation. The lipoma area is
composed of mature fat, and there is no atypical adipocyte
or lipoblast to be concerned with liposarcoma, including
any dedifferentiated cells. On the basis of fat necrosis ad-
jacent to the chondroid and osseous differentiation, this
osteochondroid feature is thought to be metaplasia, related
to fat necrosis in a longstanding lipoma. Certain authors
regard this tumor as a benign mesenchymoma, due to the
presence of various cell types. However, the predominant
components encapsulated within the lipoma are fat tis-
sue, cartilage and bone, thus it was finally diagnosed as
osteochondrolipoma. Differentiation into a diverse set of
mesenchymal elements, such as blood vessels, fibrous tis-
sue or muscle is relatively common. Nevertheless, mature
cartilage and bone arising within a lipoma is extremely
rare. Only a few cases of osteochondrolipoma have been
reported, particularly in the thigh and chest wall, but never
in the popliteal fossa.
It is apparent from this case that popliteal masses are
not always popliteal cysts, and careful evaluation of any
mass in the popliteal fossa is essential. The following are
a few suggestions to keep in mind when being presented
with a popliteal mass. Careful physical examination is es-
sential to check the nature of the mass including tender-
ness, pulsation and a tingling sensation that do not usually
exist with a simple cyst. If there are any abnormal findings
upon the physical examination or plain radiography, do
not hesitate to perform further imaging investigations
such as ultrasonography or MRI. Needle biopsy should be
chosen primarily over open excisional biopsy if a malig-
nant lesion is suspected from the imaging investigation.
As described earlier, the popliteal mass that was
initially misdiagnosed as a simple popliteal cyst, finally
turned out to be osteochondrolipoma. Therefore, when-
ever we encounter a popliteal mass, being open to all
diagnostic possibilities and evaluation procedures is para-
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
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Choi et al. Osteochondrolipoma Presenting as a Popliteal Cyst
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015
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... All the reported cases treated this lesion with surgical excision, confirmed their diagnosis with histopathology, and reported no recurrence. Additionally, the patients were able to regain full functionality of the affected organ or limb [4][5][6][7][8]. ...
... Although it remains unclear, multiple theories have been suggested for the pathogenesis of osteochondrolipomas. One theory suggests that the different components independently arise from multipotent mesenchymal cells, while another suggests it indicates a metaplastic process in a previously existing chondrolipoma or lipoma, and some suggest repetitive trauma to cause secondary ossification [7][8][9]. Furthermore, the diagnosis of osteochondrolipomas depends on plain radiographs, computerized 6 Intraoperative radiograph of the right foot tomography (CT), MRI, and histopathology. MRI is regarded as the optimal imaging modality in this condition. ...
... Furthermore, symptom presentation may also differ. In certain instances, and as opposed to scapular lesions, patients with osteochondrolipomas of the hand may present with complaints of pain and numbness [1,6,8]. The patient in our case experienced progressively worsening pain associated with swelling, eventually leading to a significant impact on their daily activities. ...
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Background Osteochondromas, classified as a new benign subtype of lipomas and characterised by chondroid and osseous differentiation, are rare lesions that have been infrequently reported in previous literature. The maxillofacial region was reported as the most frequent localization, with infrequent occurrence in the lower limb. This paper represents the first documented case report of osteochondrolipoma in the foot. Case presentation A 51-year-old male patient presented with a chief complaint of right foot pain at the plantar aspect, accompanied by the observation of swelling between the first and the second metatarsal shafts. His complaint of pain and swelling started 10 and 4 years prior, respectively. Since their onset, both symptoms have progressed in nature. Imaging revealved a large mass exhibiting a nonhomogenous composition of fibrous tissue and bony structures. Surgical intervention through total excision was indicated. Conclusion Osteochodrolipoma is a benign lesion that can affect the foot leading to decreased functionality of the foot due to the pain and swelling. Surgical excision is the recommended approach for this lesion, providing both symptomatic relief and confirmation of the diagnosis through histopathological examination.
... This entity has several names: osteochondrolipoma, lipoma with bone and chondral metaplasia reflecting its uncertain origin. Histologically, it is composed of mature adipocytes associated with mature bone trabeculae, mature hyaline cartilage and osteoid substance [3] This tumor has been most often described in the region of the head and neck and around the oral cavity [3]. However, some isolated cases located to the limbs have been reported [2,3]. ...
... This entity has several names: osteochondrolipoma, lipoma with bone and chondral metaplasia reflecting its uncertain origin. Histologically, it is composed of mature adipocytes associated with mature bone trabeculae, mature hyaline cartilage and osteoid substance [3] This tumor has been most often described in the region of the head and neck and around the oral cavity [3]. However, some isolated cases located to the limbs have been reported [2,3]. ...
... Histologically, it is composed of mature adipocytes associated with mature bone trabeculae, mature hyaline cartilage and osteoid substance [3] This tumor has been most often described in the region of the head and neck and around the oral cavity [3]. However, some isolated cases located to the limbs have been reported [2,3]. We report a case of osteochondrolipoma of the knee specifying the clinical, radiological and therapeutic aspects of this rare tumor. ...
... Previous reports showed that osteochondrolipoma could be mobile and non-adherent to the bone or muscle [5] or be firmly attached to the bone [2]. Occasionally, osteochondrolipoma presents as a cyst in popliteal region as reported by Choi [14]. Initially, in the local hospital, CT images showed that the mass contained osseous and cartilage tissue and was closely connected to the periosteum with a broad attachment to the underlying ischium, which is similar to those of osteochondroma in growth pattern, shape, components and appearance to a great extent. ...
Osteochondrolipoma is an extremely rare histological variant of lipoma with osseous and chondroid differentiation, which occurs mostly in the head and neck area and the upper half of the body. In this paper, we present a case of osteochondrolipoma, which displayed components of both cartilage and bone in lipoma, located on the right side of the ischium of a 31-year-old male. On thorough review of literature, no such site has been reported to date. Peculiarities of this case and the diagnostic challenges are discussed.
... Among them, osteolipoma and chondrolipoma are rare, especially lipoma with both osseous and cartilaginous components. That is, osteochondrolipoma is extremely rare and to the best of our knowledge, only 14 cases have been reported in the English literature, including the present case (Table 1); 5 tumors were localized at the maxillofacial region, 5-8 with another 5 cases at the extremities, 2,4,9,12,13 and the other 4 at the trunk. 1,3,10,11 There was no clear sex predominance (8 men, 6 women), and the average patient age was 57.4 years (SD = 13.5 years; range, 19-73 years). ...
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Objective: Lipomas are very common benign tumors located in any part of the body in which fat is normally present, but lipomas containing both osseous and cartilaginous elements are rare. Methods: A case of osteochondrolipoma in a 72-year-old man is reported. The tumor in the mental region was 2×1.5×1.5 cm. Results: After resection of the tumor, there has been no recurrence during the 6-month postoperative follow-up. Histological examination confirmed the definitive diagnosis. Conclusions: Osteochondrolipoma is an extremely unusual lesion that should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of soft-tissue tumors.
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Lipoma is the most common type of benign soft tissue tumor and is composed of mature adipose tissue. A neoplasm of adipose tissue with admixed mature bone and cartilage, or osteochondrolipoma, is an extremely rare histologic variant. Most documented osteochondrolipomas have occurred in the soft tissues of the head and neck related to the oral cavity, and the tumor is seen involving the extremities. A fatty mass with nonlipomatous elements can present a diagnostic challenge. We present a rare case of osteochondrolipoma involving the wrist. The clinical presentation, radiographic images, histologic findings, and treatment are discussed in this case report.
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Chondrolipomas, which are lipomas with chondroid metaplasia, are rare benign soft tissue tumors with no relevant epidemiological reports or radiological information. A limited number of lipomas with osteo/chondroid differentiation have been reported in the literature between 1960 and 2008. Moreover, only few studies have described the radiologic findings of chondrolipomas. Herein, we present a case of chrondrolipoma arising from the left supraclavicular region in a 77-year-old female.
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Background: The gastrocnemius-semimembranosus bursa may communicate with the knee joint. The arthroscopic anatomy of the posteromedial aspect varies depending on the angle of the oblique popliteal ligament, the level at which it crosses the medial gastrocnemius tendon, and its relationship with the capsular joint and synovia. The aim of this paper is to identify possible patterns, and to evaluate their characteristics and their relationship with Baker's cyst. Methods: data archived from 185 consecutive arthroscopies were evaluated; an anatomic description and classification was carried out; the percentages of association with BC and the associated pathologies were reported. Results: The different anatomies were classified into six groups based on the relationship above the medial gastrocnemius tendon, the capsular joint and synovia. The prevalence of Baker's cyst was 28.3%. The main associated intra-articular pathological condition was the contemporary presence of a meniscal tear and chondropathy. Conclusion: Exploration of the posterior aspect of the knee must be performed routinely. Knowing the possible anatomy patterns of the posteromedial arthroscopic aspect of the knee joint could help to identify the cyst and its gateway, thus facilitating its treatment. Level of the evidence: III.
Intracranial lipomas are rare developmental lesions, predominantly occurring in the interhemispheric location. Osteochondrolipoma is an extremely rare variant of lipoma with osseous and chondroid differentiation. We present a case of interhemispheric osteochondrolipoma, in a 2.5-years-old male child which was detected antenatally, in association with corpus callosum agenesis. The lesion progressively increased in size with resulting compression of surrounding structures, and was subjected to microsurgical decompression. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of intracranial interhemispheric osteochondrolipoma in the existing medical literature. Peculiarities of this case and the diagnostic and surgical challenges are discussed.
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We present extremely rare and interesting case of a Baker's cyst treated with hypertonic dextrose injection. A 54-year-old female patient had a Baker's cyst which was diagnosed by an ultrasonography. After the failure of the two-weekly conservative treatment, we injected hypertonic dextrose (25%) into her right knee joint for the treatment of a Baker’s cyst. Two weeks after the injection, the patient reported improvement in posterior knee pain, and an US showed a resolution of the posterior knee cyst. Certainly hypertonic dextrose injection for the treatment of a Baker’s cyst appears to be a reasonable treatment option. Further studies are needed in order to elucidate the efficacy of hypertonic dextrose injection in the treatment of Baker’s cysts.
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We report a case of a 21-year-old man with a popliteal venous aneurysm of the left popliteal fossa, with local symptoms and pain during palpation. Early diagnosis is fundamental in order to prevent the thromboembolic events or other major complications. Duplex scanning, Computed Tomography scanning, and Magnetic Resonance imaging are considered to be important non-invasive diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of PVA. The Angio Computed Tomography acquisition confirmed a 36 mm × 17 mm oval mass in the left popliteal fossa continuous with the popliteal veins. This lesion had presented contrast enhancement only in delayed acquisition (180 sec) and so appeared to be a true venous aneurysm and no arterial. The PVA was repaired surgically via a posterior approach to the popliteal fossa. A 4 × 2 aneurysm was identified. In the same time open tangential aneurysmectomy and lateral vein reconstruction were realised. This case is interesting because the Angio Computed Tomography study, in delayed acquisition, has allowed a correct diagnostic assessment of PVA and the surgical treatment.
Lipomas are the most common subtype of benign soft tissue neoplasms and can occur anywhere in the body. Differentiation into a diversity of mesenchymal elements, such as blood vessels, fibrous tissue or muscle, is a frequent event. However, the presence of bone or cartilage in these tumors is extraordinarily rare with very few cases reported in the head and neck area. We report a case of an ‘osteochondrolipoma’ of the chest wall, in a young individual, providing a rationale in support of this as a possible and distinctive histologic subtype of lipomas, as well as discussion in the differential diagnosis of this lesion. Gru AA, Santa Cruz, DJ. Osteochondrolipoma: a subcutaneous lipoma with chondroid and bone differentiation of the chest wall.
To determine the prevalence of Baker cyst in a general orthopedic population and its association with effusion, internal derangement, and degenerative arthropathy. Reports of 400 knee magnetic resonance imaging examinations were reviewed. Presence of Baker cyst, effusion, internal derangement (meniscal and/or anterior cruciate ligament tears), medial collateral ligament injury, and degenerative arthropathy was recorded. Uni- and multivariate logistic regressions were used to evaluate associations between Baker cyst and these conditions. Probabilities of having a Baker cyst given these conditions were also calculated. No association was found between Baker cyst and anterior cruciate ligament tear or medial collateral ligament injury. There were significant associations (P < .001) with effusion, meniscal tear, and degenerative arthropathy. There were also significant associations (P < .01) for effusion, meniscal tear, and degenerative arthropathy, independent of one another. Probability of having Baker cyst given the presence of any one variable was .08-.10; any two variables, .19-.21; and all three variables, .38. The association between Baker cyst and joint effusion was confirmed. A relationship with meniscal tear and degenerative joint disease independent of effusion was also demonstrated. The probability of having a Baker cyst increases as the number of these associated conditions increases.
We describe a surgical arthroscopic treatment for popliteal cyst in a series of 30 patients, with a mean follow-up of 32 months. The treatment consists of a cure for the intra-articular pathology of the knee associated with popliteal cysts, and the contemporaneous correction of the valvular mechanism responsible for the formation and reoccurrence of popliteal cyst. The popliteal cyst in adults was found to be almost invariably associated with other knee disorders. In all of the cases studied, a connection between joint space and cyst was found. Arthroscopy allowed the treatment of almost all of the associated knee disorders and the removal of anatomic structures imposing the one-way passage of fluid from the joint space into the cyst. Two years after the treatment, we observed optimal or good clinical results in 95% of the patients treated.
Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a locally aggressive tumor of the synovium of joints and tendon sheaths. It is commonly seen in the synovial lining of the flexor tendons of the hand and in the synovium of the knee and less commonly in other joints. A case of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee in a 60-year-old man, with an intra-articular origin extending extra-articularly, is presented. The interesting point is that the initial diagnosis was a Baker cyst.
A popliteal cyst, originally called Baker's cyst, is a synovial fluid-filled mass located in the popliteal fossa. The most common synovial popliteal cyst is considered to be a distension of the bursa located beneath the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. Usually, in an adult patient, an underlying intra-articular disorder is present. In children, the cyst can be isolated and the knee joint normal. The anatomy, etiopathogenesis, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, imaging and treatment modalities of the popliteal cyst are presented. The authors try to answer some questions dealing with this condition. Is the cyst isolated, can it be treated as such, is its origin always well-defined and does surgical excision provide a permanent cure?
Nerve sheath ganglion is a relatively rare clinical entity commonly found in the peroneal nerve in the lower limb or the ulnar nerve in the upper extremity. It is rarely found in the tibial nerve. The occurrence of a nerve sheath ganglion in a patient's tibial nerve has been identified. The initial presentation of the tumor mass has been very similar to that of a Baker's cyst, namely a soft undulating popliteal mass. Yet, the case also presented symptoms and signs of tibial nerve compressive neuropathy. We present here a rare case of nerve sheath ganglion of the tibial nerve. Clinical courses of the patient were reviewed, and relevant issues were discussed with a thorough literature review.
Lipomas are very common benign soft tissue neoplasms. They are usually slow-growing and may occur anywhere in the body. Mature cartilage and bone arising in a lipoma is a rare event and is mostly associated with a parosteal localization of the neoplasm. We describe a new case of osteochondrolipoma showing not only major adipocytic differentiation but also areas of fibrocytic and cartilaginous cell differentiation and bone formation (both endochondral and membranous). The occurrence of at least 4 distinct directions of mesenchymal cell differentiation within a benign neoplasia underlines the concept of multilineage differentiation of pluripotent mesenchymal stem cells. Such a multidirectional potential was recently well established in vitro in stem cells present in adult adipocytic tissue.
Treatment of synovial sarcoma in popliteal fossa adjacent to tibia
  • DS Shin
  • BH Kwack
  • JC Ahn