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Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb. (Basidiomycota): first record from Brazil



Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb. ...
BIOCIÊNCIAS, Porto Alegre, v. 13, n. 2, p. 107-111, dez. 2005
Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb. (BASIDIOMYCOTA):
Gilberto Coelho1,2
Mateus Reck2
Rosa Mara Borges da Silveira2
Rosa Trinidad Guerrero2
Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb., a temperate to tropical species, is recorded for the
first time in Brazil, collected in Rio Grande do Sul State. It presents simple-septate hyphae, allantoid
spores and a bright orange-red color, which is rare among polypore species. A key for the so far known
Brazilian species of the genus Ceriporia is presented.
Key words: Hapalopilaceae, Polyporales, new record, xylophilous fungi.
Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rachjenb. (Basidiomycota): uma espécie de fungo com poros
citada pela primeira vez no Brasil
São registrados para o Brasil os primeiros espécimes de Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.)
Rajchenb., uma espécie de distribuição em regiões temperadas e tropicais, a qual foi coletada no estado
do Rio Grande do Sul. As principais características da espécie são: hifas com septo simples, esporos
alantóides e uma coloração laranja-avermelhado brilhante, esta última incomum entre as espécies de
políporos. É incluída uma chave para as espécies de Ceriporia conhecidas para o Brasil.
Palavras-chave: Hapalopilaceae, Polyporales, nova ocorrência, fungo xilófilo.
Ceriporia Donk is an accepted polypore genus
(RYVARDEN 1973, 1991) containing about 22 and
29 species, which has been included in the family
Hapalopilaceae Jülich (Polyporales) (KIRK et al.,
2001; SUHARA et al., 2003). In recent works on
Brazilian polypores only four species of Ceriporia
were found (LOGUERCIO-LEITE; GERBER, 1997;
1990; SILVEIRA; GUERRERO, 1991).
Several polypore studies have been made in Brazil
along the last centuries by ancient or modern authors,
but the continental dimensions of the Brazilian
territory and the diversity of tropical forest woody
hosts allow to claim that it still remains a mycologicaly
understudied country. More studies on the distribution
and taxonomy of the polypore mycota will generate a
new amount of interesting data. We present a polypore
species newly recorded in Brazil in order to contribute
to its knowledge and distribution.
Basidiomes were collected in Santa Maria, RS
and Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Viamão, RS; in
both locations the predominant vegetation being the
Recebido em: 27.04.05; aceito em: 28.09.05.
1Departamento de Fundamentos da Educação, CE, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus. CEP 97110-050, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil –
2Departamento de Botânica, Instituto de Biociências, UFRGS. Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, CEP 91501-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil –
108 COELHO, G. et al.
BIOCIÊNCIAS, Porto Alegre, v. 13, n. 2, p. 107-111, dez. 2005
subtropical Forest making part of the rain forest
domain. Macro and microscopic analysis were made
with usual procedures in polypores fungi studies.
Specimens’ identification is according to the keys
by Rajchenberg (1984) and Suhara et al. (2003).
Description abbreviations are modified from Dai
(1999) and Coelho (2005). All the collections are
preserved at the Herbário do Departamento de
Botânica of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Sul (ICN).
Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb.
Mycotaxon 17: 276, 1983.
Fig. 1-3
Polyporus spissus Schwein. ex Fr., Elench. Fung., p. 111. 1828.
Poria spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Cooke, Grevillea 14: p. 110. 1886.
Physisporinus spissus (Schwein. ex Fr.) Murrill, Mycologia 34
(5): p. 595. 1942. Meruliopsis spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Parmasto,
Consp. Syst. Cort., p. 103. 1968. Caloporus spissus (Schwein. ex
Fr.) Ryvarden, Norw. J. Bot. 20: p. 9. 1973. = Boletus juglandinus
Schwein., Schr. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig 1: p. 99. 1822. = Polyporus
cruentatus Mont., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. 4, 1: p. 129. 1854. = Poria
crocipora (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Sacc., Syll. Fung. (Abellini) 6:
p. 300. 1888. = Polyporus crociporus Berk. & M. A. Curtis ex
M. A. Curtis, Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey N. Carol. III, p. 100. 1867.
= Polyporus laeficus Peck, N. Y. State Mus. Ann. Rept. 38: p. 91.
Basidiocarp annual, resupinate, 70 × 20 × 2 mm,
fleshy and soft when fresh, membranous to papery and
more firm when dried. Hymenophore poroid, watery,
ceraceous to fleshy, usually with a vivid orange-
red color, but also cream, reddish-cream, pink to
brownish-red, darker when dried, reddish-ochre;
pores round to elliptical, (5-)6-8(-9)/mm, Pm = 6.85,
n = 75/2; dissepiments smooth; margin paler than the
hymenophore, whitish cream, orange, pink to pale
reddish-orange, more elevated than the hymenophore,
cottony, up to 2 mm wide or wider in sterile mycelial
growing zones. Tube layer concolor with the
hymenophore, up to 1 mm thick. Context residual, less
than 0,5 mm thick, similar in coloration with the
margin, paler than the tube layer.
Hyphal System monomitic, tramal generative
hyphae simple-septate, branched, thin to usually thick-
walled, pale-yellow to hyaline, becoming oriented in
parallel, difficult to individualize, with a ferruginous
coloration, (1.6-)2.4-4(5.5) µm in diam. in the trama,
Dm = 3.3, n = 90/2; contextual generative hyphae
ferruginous, branched, intertwined in any direction,
some hyphae from the context can be obliterated
with yellowish material, (2-)2.4-4(-5) mm in diam.,
Dm = 3.3, n = 91/2, there are amorphous ferruginous
crystalline bodies among hyphae.
Basidia clavate, 4-sterigmate, (8-)9.2-12.8(-14.4) ×
(2.8-)3.2-4.4(-5.2) µm, Lm × Wm = 10.6 × 3.99,
Q = 1.80-3.78, Qm = 2.70, n = 105/3; basidiopores
allantoid, hyaline, thin-walled, tiny, (3.2-)3.4-4.4(-4.8) ×
(1-)1.2(-1.6) µm, Lm × Wm = 3.8 × 1.26, Q = 2.00-4.00,
Qm = 3.11, n = 117/3. Cystidia lacking.
Associated wood-rot and cultural studies: white
(see RAJCHENBERG, 1983).
Substrate: on decayed branch of a living Schinus
terebinthifolius Raddi (Anacardiaceae), decayed wood
of Senna multijuga (L. C. Rich.) Irwin & Barneby
(Fabaceae), and other decayed Angiosperms.
Geographic distribution: temperate to tro-
pical. widely distributed in Europe (Canary Islands),
Asia (Northern China and Japan), Oceania (New
1993), and the Americas (DAVID; RAJCHENBERG,
1985; LOWE, 1966; SETLIFF; RYVARDEN, 1983;
RAJCHENBERG, 1984; AIME et al., 2003): North
America (Canada and USA), Central America (Cuba),
and South America (Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador and
Studied materials: BRAZIL, Rio Grande do Sul, SANTA
MARIA, Camobi, Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria,
03.II.1998, leg. G. Coelho, GC 127-1, on S. terebinthifolius;
30.VI.1999, leg. G. Coelho, GC 185-3, on S. terebinthifolius;
27.IX.1999, leg. G. Coelho, GC 197-2, on S. terebinthifolius;
17.II.2000, leg. G. Coelho, GC 214-1, on S. terebinthifolius;
11.II.2003, leg. G. Coelho, GC 376-1, on S. multijuga; leg.
G. Coelho, GC 376-7, on S. multijuga; VIAMÃO, Parque Estadual
de Itapuã, 23.X.2004, leg. M. A. Reck, MR 123, on decayed
Remarks: Ceriporia spissa, recorded for the first
time in Brazil, is a remarkable species due to its beauty
and very intense reddish orange coloration, uncommon
among polypores. Some collections, however, can
present pale colors (pink to pale red). The pseudo-
parenchymatic trama with amorphous colored crystals
is a diagnostic microscopic character.
Ceriporia purpurea (Fr.) Donk presents a colored
purplish basidiome, but it differs by larger dimensions
of allantoid spores and pores (species keyed below).
Species of Pycnoporus P. Karst., a widely distributed
poroid genus, also have a brilliant red-orange color and
white wood-rotting ability, but they are quite different
Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb. ...
BIOCIÊNCIAS, Porto Alegre, v. 13, n. 2, p. 107-111, dez. 2005
from C. spissa by producing subcylindrical to
cylindrical spores in a pileate basidiome with a trimitic
hyphal system. Species of the genus Pycnoporellus
Murrill are similar to C. spissa in their red-
orange hymenophore color and monomitic hyphal
system with simple-septate generative hyphae
(GILBERTSON; RYVARDEN, 1987); those species,
however, produce brown wood-rot and cylindrical to
oblong-ellipsoid spores, further they are distributed in
the North Hemisphere. Brilliant colors also can be
observed in basidiomes of a small species group of
Tyromyces P. Karst., however, they presents clamped
generative hyphae in basidiomes usually pileate
(RYVARDEN, 1987).
Key to the species of Ceriporia reported from Brazil
Adapted from Rajchenberg (1984) and Suhara
et al. (2003).
1. Pore surface purple, orange or reddish-orange, basidiospores
allantoid ................................................................................. 2
1’. Pore surface white to tan, basidiospores cylindrical or ellipsoid
to globose ............................................................................... 3
2. Pore surface purple; basidiospores 5.5-8.5 × 1.5-2.5, pores
2-4/mm.............................................. C. purpurea (Fr.) Donk
2’. Pore surface reddish-orange when fresh; basidiospores 3-6 ×
1-2, pores 4-6/mm ........C. spissa (Schwein.: Fr.) Rajchenb.
3. Basidiospores cylindric, 5-8 × 2.5-3, pores 1-2/mm ..............
............................... C. mellea (Berk. & Broome) Ryvarden
3’. Basidiospores ellipsoid to globose 3.5-6 × 3-5, pores
3-6/mm..................... C. xylostromatoides (Berk.) Ryvarden
The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for
critically revising the manuscript. The authors also thank the Federal
Universities of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Maria for maintaining
scientific programs and making available their space and equipments.
Mateus Reck is supported by CNPq (PIBIC) and thanks to the
Scientific financial supporting program.
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Guyana. Mycologia, New York, v. 95, n. 4, p. 614-619, 2003.
BERNICCHIA, A. Polyporaceae s. l. in Italia. Bologna: Institu-
to Di Patologia Vegetale, Università degli Studi di Bologna, 1990.
584 p.
BREITENBACH, J.; KRÄNZLIN, F. Champignons de Suisse.
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Aphyllophorales, Gastéromycetes. Lucerne: Verlag Mykologia,
1986. 412 p.
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polypores and polypore-like fungi recorded from New Zealand.
New Zealand Journal of Botany, Wellington, v. 38, p. 265-323,
COELHO, G. A Brazilian new species of Auriporia. Mycologia,
New York, v. 97, n. 1, p. 266-270, 2005.
CUNNINGHAM, G. H. Polyporaceae of New Zealand. New
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Helsinki, v. 166, p. 1-115, 1999.
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New York State University College of Forestry, Technical
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New citations for Brasil. Inheringia Série Botânica, Porto Ale-
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NÚÑEZ, M.; RYVARDEN, L. East Asian polypores. Synopsis
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110 COELHO, G. et al.
BIOCIÊNCIAS, Porto Alegre, v. 13, n. 2, p. 107-111, dez. 2005
Fig. 1. Microscopic characters of Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb., GC 214-1.
A. Basidia. B. Basidiospores. C. Generative hyphae from the trama. D. Generative hyphae from
the context.
Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb. ...
BIOCIÊNCIAS, Porto Alegre, v. 13, n. 2, p. 107-111, dez. 2005
Fig. 2. Ceriporia spissa (Schwein. ex Fr.) Rajchenb.: A. Basidiome on decayed
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi. Scale bar = 10 mm. B. Basidiome on decayed
Senna multijuga (L. C. Rich.) Irwin & Barneby. Scale bar = 20 mm.
Fig. 3. Ceriporia spissa (Schw. ex Fr.) Rajchenb.: Pseudoparenchymatic
trama, with basidioles (A) and generative hyphae with simple septa (B).
Scale bar = 25 µm.
... (Greifswald) 1: 111 (1828). Description in Ryvarden and Gilbertson (1993) and Coelho et al. (2005). ...
... Known distribution Temperate to tropical, rare in Europe, Asia, Oceania, and more common in the Americas ( Coelho et al. 2005;Dai 2011). This is a new record to the Brazilian Amazonia. ...
Full-text available
Ceriporia angulata and Dichomitus amazonicus are described and illustrated as new species based on speci-mens collected in Reserva Ducke, in the state of Amazonas. Dichomitus ecuadoriensis is reported as new to Brazil and D. cavernulosus is a new record for the states of Amazonas, Rondônia and Roraima. Ceriporia spissa is a new record for the Brazilian Amazonia. Descriptions and illustrations of the new species, and keys to species of Ceriporia and Dichomitus known for the Neotropics are provided.
... Los caracteres microscópicos que muestran los materiales estudiados concuerdan con los descritos por Gilbertson y Ryvarden (1986). Ceriporia spissa está asociada a pudrición blanca (Gilbertson y Ryvarden, 1986) y tiene una distribución amplia en gran parte de América, Asia, Europa y Oceanía (Rajchenberg, 1983;Setliff y Ryvarden, 1983;David y Rajchenberg, 1985;Gilbertson y Ryvarden, 1986;Ryvarden y Gilbertson, 1993;Buchanan y Ryvarden, 2000;Núñez y Ryvarden, 2001;Aime et al., 2003, Coelho et al., 2005; ahora se presenta para México. (Nakasone y Sytsma, 1993). ...
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The objective of this paper is to increase the knowledge about resupinate fungi of the family Meruliaceae (Polyporales, Agaricomycetes) from Veracruz state, Mexico. As a result of material collected by the authors in locations from the central region of Veracruz, we present five new records of this group for the Mexican mycobiota, these are: Ceriporia purpurea, C. spissa, Phlebia acerina, P. ludoviciana, and P. subocracea. The study of samples were made using routine techniques in mycology, while determination of materials were done using specialized literature. Drawings and photographs of the studied species is presented.
... The genus is cosmopolitan and its species have been recorded worldwide. It currently includes almost 40 species (Jia et al. 2014), out of which 18 have been recorded from the Neotropics (Ryvarden & Iturriaga 2003, Coelho et al. 2005, Aime et al. 2007, Mata & Ryvarden 2010, Gomes-Silva et al. 2012). Only seven have been recorded from Brazil, two of which were from the Brazilian Amazonia (Gugliotta et al. 2013). ...
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Ceriporia amazonica sp. nov. is described and illustrated from a basidioma collected in northern Brazilian Amazonia. It is characterized by a salmon pore surface when fresh and by basidiospores that are among the smallest in the genus. In addition, C. albobrunnea is reported as new to Brazil and a key to the species of Ceriporia recorded in the Neotropics is updated.
... More recently, several other taxonomic works have been undertaken in the State on that group. Among them, the following can be highlighted: Silveira & Guerrero (1991), Groposo & Loguercio-Leite (2002, , Coelho et al. (2005Coelho et al. ( , 2006. ...
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No levantamento de fungos poróides do Morro Santana, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, realizado entre os meses de março de 2007 e março de 2009, 44 espécies foram identificadas. São apresentadas chaves de identificação e comentários sobre todas as espécies. Descrições completas e ilustrações de Datronia caperata, Junghuhnia polycystidifera, Oxyporus obducens, Phellinus umbrinellus, Phylloporia frutica e Tinctoporellus epimiltinus são apresentadas.Tinctoporellus epimiltinus é uma nova citação para o Rio Grande do Sul.
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During a survey of the polypore fungi in the Morro Santana, Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil, two species never before recorded for the country were found. Ganoderma chalceum has a pileate basidiome, laccate pileus surface, dimitic hyphal system, and a cuticle composed of clavate and amyloid hyphae. Junghuhnia meridionalis has a resupinate basidiome, dimitic hyphal system, and heavily incrusted clavate cystidia. Both species are compared with related species and illustrations are provided.
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The Atlantic Forest is one of the most diverse and threatened biomes of the world. A list with 733 species of aphyllophoroid fungi reported from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is presented based on an intensive search of literature records. These species are distributed in 219 genera and 47 families. Polyporaceae is the most highly represented family with 153 species; Phellinus is the genus with the highest number of species (42). The complete checklist is available on
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During fieldwork in Guyana several unusual and distinctive taxa of polypores were collected, three of which are described here as new. The first of these, Amauroderma coltricioides is the first species known in the Ganodermataceae with smooth basidiospores. Coltricia verrucata and Coltriciella navispora also are described as new, and a key to the neotropical species of Coltricia is provided. Finally, a checklist of 73 poroid fungi from Guyana is given, of which 29 are new records for the country.
An annotated checklist of polypores and polypore-like fungi recorded from
  • P K Buchanan
  • L Ryvarden
BUCHANAN, P. K.; RYVARDEN, L. An annotated checklist of polypores and polypore-like fungi recorded from New Zealand.
Phellinus sensu lato (Aphyllophorales, Hymenochaetaceae) in East Asia Pore fungi from French Antilles and Guiana
  • G Brazilian New Species Of Auriporia
  • G H Cunningham
  • Yu Cheng Dai
  • A David
  • M Rajchenberg
  • R L Gilbertson
  • L Ryvarden
COELHO, G. A Brazilian new species of Auriporia. Mycologia, New York, v. 97, n. 1, p. 266-270, 2005. CUNNINGHAM, G. H. Polyporaceae of New Zealand. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Wellington, v. 164, p. 1-304, 1965. DAI, YU CHENG. Phellinus sensu lato (Aphyllophorales, Hymenochaetaceae) in East Asia. Acta Botanica Fennica, Helsinki, v. 166, p. 1-115, 1999. DAVID, A.; RAJCHENBERG, M. Pore fungi from French Antilles and Guiana. Mycotaxon, Ithaca, v. 22, p. 285-325, 1985. GILBERTSON, R. L.; RYVARDEN, L. North American Polypores. Oslo: Fungiflora, 1986. v. 1. 433 p. GILBERTSON, R. L.; RYVARDEN, L. North American polypores. Oslo: Fungiflora, 1987. v. 2. p. 433-885.
BERNICCHIA, A. Polyporaceae s. l. in Italia. Bologna: Instituto Di Patologia Vegetale
  • M C Aime
  • T W Henkel
  • L Ryvarden
AIME, M. C.; HENKEL, T. W.; RYVARDEN, L. Studies in neotropical polypores 15: new and interesting species from Guyana. Mycologia, New York, v. 95, n. 4, p. 614-619, 2003. BERNICCHIA, A. Polyporaceae s. l. in Italia. Bologna: Instituto Di Patologia Vegetale, Università degli Studi di Bologna, 1990. 584 p. BREITENBACH, J.; KRÄNZLIN, F. Champignons de Suisse.