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Enhancement of non-specific immune response, resistance and growth of (Litopenaeus vannamei) by oral administration of nucleotide



This research evaluated the nonspecific immune responsse, resistance, and growth of Litopenaeus vannamei fed nucleotide diet. Shrimp juveniles (mean weight 5.39±0.56 g) were reared in two groups of glass aquaria, each with three replications. Shrimps in group one and group two were fed nucleotide diet and basal diet each for four weeks. Total haemocyte count (THC) and PO activity were evaluated at the end of feeding while growth was measured at two weeks interval. At the end of feeding trial, the shrimps were intramuscularly injected with Vibrio harveyi 0.1x106 cfu.shrimp-1. THC of shrimp fed nucleotide diet significantly increased (P
Henky Manoppo et al. / Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
Peningkatan respons imun non-spesifik, resistensi, dan pertumbuhan udang
vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) melalui pemberian pakan nukleotida
Enhancement of non-specific immune response, resistance and growth of
(Litopenaeus vannamei) by oral administration of nucleotide
Henky Manoppo1,2, Sukenda3, Daniel Djokosetiyanto3,
Mochamad Fatuchri Sukadi4, Enang Harris3
1 Program Doktoral Ilmu Akuakultur, Departemen Budidaya Perairan, FPIK, Institut Pertanian Bogor
2 Program Studi Budidaya, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado
3 Departemen Budidaya, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor
4 Pusat Riset Perikanan Budidaya KKP RI, Jakarta
This research evaluated the nonspecific immune responsse, resistance, and growth of Litopenaeus vannamei
fed nucleotide diet. Shrimp juveniles (mean weight 5.39±0.56 g) were reared in two groups of glass aquaria,
each with three replications. Shrimps in group one and group two were fed nucleotide diet and basal diet each
for four weeks. Total haemocyte count (THC) and PO activity were evaluated at the end of feeding while
growth was measured at two weeks interval. At the end of feeding trial, the shrimps were intramuscularly
injected with Vibrio harveyi 0.1x106 cfu.shrimp-1. THC of shrimp fed nucleotide diet significantly increased
(P<0.01) up to 87% higher than shrimps fed basal diet. PO activity also different significantly as compared to
shrimp fed basal diet (P<0.02) 14 days post-challenge, shrimp fed nucleotide diet showed higher resistance
(P<0.01). After 4 weeks of feeding, weight gain achieved 65.38% greater than shrimp fed basal diet (P<0.01).
As conclusion, oral administration of nucleotide at 400 diet showed positive effect on the
enhancement of nonspecific immune responsse, resistance, and growth of L. vannamei.
Key words: Litopenaeus vannamei, nucleotide, THC, PO activity, resistance
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi respons imun non-spesifik dan resistensi udang vaname (Litopenaeus
vannamei) yang diberi pakan nukleotida. Juvenil (5,39±0,56 g) dipelihara dalam dua kelompok akuarium kaca
masing-masing dengan 3 ulangan. Udang dalam dalam kelompok pertama diberi pakan nukleotida sedangkan
udang dalam kelompok kedua diberi pakan standar selama 4 minggu. Total haemocyte count (THC) dan
aktivitas phenoloxidase (PO) diukur pada akhir pemberian pakan sedangkan pertumbuhan udang diukur setiap
dua minggu. Pada akhir periode pemberian pakan perlakuan, udang diuji tantang secara injeksi intramuskular
dengan bakteri Vibrio harveyi 0,1x106 cfu.udang-1. THC udang yang diberi pakan nukleotida meningkat secara
signifikan (P<0,01) mencapai 87% lebih tinggi dari udang yang diberi pakan standar. Aktivitas PO udang
yang diberi pakan nukleotida juga berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan udang yang hanya diberi pakan standar
(P<0,02). Empat belas hari setelah uji tantang, udang yang diberi pakan nukleotida memiliki resistensi yang
lebih tinggi (P<0,01). Setelah 4 minggu pemberian pakan, perolehan berat mencapai 65,38% lebih besar
(P<0,01) dibandingkan dengan udang yang hanya diberi pakan standar. Sebagai kesimpulan, pemberian secara
oral nukleotida pada level 400 pakan selama 4 minggu memberi pengaruh positif terhadap
peningkatan respons imun non-spesifik, resistensi dan pertumbuhan udang vaname.
Kata kunci: Litopenaeus vannamei, nukleotida, THC, aktivitas PO, resistensi
Budidaya udang telah mendapat perhatian
dunia sebab secara nyata berkontribusi dalam
perkembangan ekonomi banyak negara.
Sekalipun demikian, banyak negara-negara
produsen dihadapkan dengan masalah
munculnya penyakit secara berulang yang
mempengaruhi spesies yang dipelihara, dan
karenanya menekan kesinambungan akua-
kultur. Perkembangan penyakit bukan hanya
disebabkan oleh adanya intensifikasi pro-
Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
Available :
Henky Manoppo et al. / Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
duksi tetapi juga oleh kerusakan lingkungan,
polusi, dan ketidakseimbangan nutrisi
(Bachere, 2003). Dalam dua dekade terakhir,
banyak petani atau industri budidaya udang
yang mengalami kerugian ekonomi yang
signifikan terutama disebabkan oleh penyakit
virus (Moss et al., 2006).
Udang vaname pertama kali diimpor ke
Indonesia pada tahun 2000 untuk mengganti
udang windu (P. monodon) yang terserang
WSSV (DKP, 2007). Pada akhir 2007, udang
ini telah dibudidayakan di lebih dari 17
provinsi di Indonesia (Taukhid dan Nur’aini,
2008). Masalah utama yang dihadapi dalam
pengembangan udang vaname adalah
penyakit terutama yang disebabkan oleh
virus. WSSV dan TSV merupakan penyakit
yang paling banyak mengakibatkan kerugian
pada industri budidaya udang vaname di
Amerika maupun Asia, termasuk di
Indonesia (Lightner, 2003). Sementara kedua
virus ini belum teratasi, kini muncul
infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV)
sebagai penyakit baru. IMNV pertama kali
ditemukan pada tahun 2004 di Brazil, dan
pada tahun 2006 virus ini telah terdeteksi di
Indonesia (Taukhid dan Nur’aini, 2008). Saat
ini, IMNV telah menginfeksi budidaya udang
vaname di Jawa Timur, Bali, Nusa Tenggara
dan Sumatera. IMNV menyerang udang
terutama pada juvenil dan udang muda
dengan host utama adalah udang vaname.
Penyakit ini berkembang secara perlahan-
lahan dengan mortalitas kumulatif mencapai
40-70% (Lightner, 2009). Dalam mana-
jemen kesehatan budidaya udang, strategi
pencegahan penyakit dapat dilakukan melalui
berbagai cara seperti penggunaan bahan-
bahan kimia dan antibiotik, vaksinasi, bakteri
probiotik, SPF (specific pathogen free) dan
SPR (specific pathogen resistance), sistim
produksi biosekuriti, dan imunostimulan.
Penggunaan antibiotik memiliki dampak
negatif yaitu akumulasi residu dalam jaringan
ikan dan munculnya drug-resistance
pathogen. Vaksinasi meskipun sangat efektif
namun membutuhkan waktu, tenaga dan
biaya yang mahal serta proteksi yang
dihasilkan bersifat spesifik (Cook et al.,
2003). Probiotik berguna dalam mengontrol
infeksi mikroba melalui kompetisi dengan
mikroorganisme berbahaya/patogen, pro-
duksi bahan-bahan penghambat atau melalui
stimulasi sistim imune udang yang dibudi-
dayakan (Bachere, 2003). Udang SPR hanya
resisten terhadap patogen tertentu dan dengan
adanya mutasi genetik, udang SPR yang
awalnya resisten menjadi suseptibilitas
terhadap patogen yang baru. Resistensi
udang terhadap patogen juga berbeda-beda
berdasarkan siklus hidup udang. Meskipun
strategi biosekuriti seperti pengurangan
pergantian air, penyaringan, pengeringan
kolam, screening (penapisan) postlarva untuk
membatasi masuknya patogen dalam
lingkungan budidaya, dan bahkan dikom-
binasikan dengan udang SPR secara nyata
meningkatkan produksi, namun penyakit
terus saja terjadi dalam usaha budidaya
(Moss et al., 2006). Penggunaan nutrisi yang
seimbang kini sedang diteliti untuk me-
ningkatkan respons terhadap stres dan infeksi
patogen misalnya suplementasi UFA, sterol
dan vitamin dalam pakan. Pendekatan lain
adalah penggunaan imunostimulan dalam
mencegah penyakit infeksius.
Sumber imunostimulan bagi akuakultur
dapat diproduksi secara kimia atau biologi.
Bahan-bahan imunostimulator tersebut dapat
dikelompokkan berdasarkan fungsi maupun
sumbernya dan terdiri atas beragam
kelompok yakni berupa bakteri dan produk
bakteri, yeast, kompleks karbohidrat, faktor
nutrisi, ekstrak hewan, ekstrak tumbuhan,
dan obat-obatan sintetik (Sakai 1999; Sealey
dan Gatlin III 2001; Cook et al., 2003).
Penelitian ini menggunakan nukleotida
sebagai imunostimulan dalam mengontrol
penyakit pada budidaya udang vaname.
Nukleotida memiliki fungsi penting dalam
fisiologi dan biokimia seperti penandaan
(encoding) dan penerusan informasi genetik,
memediasi energi metabolisme dan cell
signalling maupun sebagai koensim,
allosteric effectors, dan cellular agonist
(Galtin III dan Li, 2007).
Nukleotida merupakan nutrien semi
esensial yang mulai mendapat perhatian
serius untuk dikembangkan penggunaannya
sebagai imunostimulan dalam budidaya ikan
dan krustasea dalam beberapa tahun terakhir
ini. Publikasi ilmiah tentang penggunaan
nukleotida pada ikan memperlihatkan bahwa
bahan ini dapat meningkatkan respons imun
Henky Manoppo et al. / Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
dan resistensi ikan terhadap sejumlah
patogen secara simultan (Burrels et al.,
2001). Selain itu, pemberian nukleotida juga
dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan serta
meningkatkan toleransi terhadap stress.
Pada udang, laporan-laporan penelitian
tentang penggunaan nukleotida masih belum
tersedia atau masih sangat terbatas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi
respons imun non-spesifik, resistensi, dan
performa pertumbuhan udang vaname yang
diberi pakan nukleotida.
Hewan uji
Juvenil udang vaname diperoleh dari
fasilitas pembesaraan udang di Bakauheni
Lampung Selatan. Udang yang diambil
dimasukkan dalam kotak styrofoam yang
dilengkapi dengan aerator baterai, kemudian
diangkut melalui jalan darat ke Laboratorium
Kesehatan Ikan Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Bahan uji
Bahan uji adalah nukleotida murni
(Sigma-Aldrich) yang terdiri atas uridine-5’-
monophosphate disodium salt, cytidine-5’-
monophosphate disodium salt, guanosine-5’-
monophosphate disodium salt, adenosine-5’-
monophosphate sodium salt, dan inosine-5’-
monophosphate disodium salt.
Persiapan pakan
Kelima jenis nukleotida dalam jumlah
yang sama dicampur terlebih dahulu secara
homogen kemudian ditimbang sesuai dosis
yang dibutuhkan yakni 400 mg/kg.
Nukleotida dicampurkan ke dalam pakan
standar dengan cara melarutkannya terlebih
dahulu dalam sedikit air, kemudian dikering-
anginkan dalam temperatur ruang. Setelah
kering, pakan dilapisi dengan albumin (putih
telur) dan dikering-anginkan kembali. Pelet
yang sudah kering selanjutnya dimasukkan
dalam kantong plastik, disimpan dalam
lemari pendingin dan siap untuk digunakan.
Prosedur penelitian dan pengambilan data
Juvenil udang vaname dipelihara selama 2
minggu dalam bak fibreglass (kapasitas 1000
L) untuk proses aklimatisasi. Selama proses
aklimatisasi, udang diberi pakan standar
dengan tingkat pemberian 3% bobot badan/
hari dan diberikan pukul 09.00, 13.00, dan
17.00 setiap hari. Kualitas air dipertahankan
stabil dan penggantian air dilakukan setiap 3-
4 hari sekali tergantung pada kondisi air yang
Udang (berat rata-rata 5,39±0,56 g)
selanjutnya dipindahkan ke dalam 6 buah
akuarium kaca (60x30x30cm) yang dileng-
kapi aerator dengan airlift system, serta
menggunakan resirkulasi air. Keenam
akuarium tersebut dibagi atas dua kelompok
masing-masing dengan 3 ulangan. Setiap unit
akuarium berisi 50 L air dengan 15 ekor
udang. Udang dalam kelompok pertama
diberi pakan nukleotida sedangkan udang
dalam kelompok kedua diberi pakan standar
tanpa suplementasi nukleotida. Pemberian
pakan dilakukan selama 4 minggu.
Selama masa percobaan, parameter
kualitas air dimonitor setiap hari untuk
menjamin agar parameter lingkungan tetap
berada dalam kondisi stabil. Kotoran dan
sisa pakan yang terakumulasi dalam
akuarium dikeluarkan melalui penyiponan.
Penggantian air juga dilakukan setiap 3-4
hari sekali tergantung pada kondisi air yang
Sampel haemolymph untuk pengukuran
parameter imun diambil dari 3 ekor udang
per unit akuarium dan dikerjakan pada akhir
periode pemberian pakan perlakuan (minggu
ke-4). Pengambilan sampel haemolymph
dikerjakan berdasarkan prosedur yang
dikemukakan oleh (Liu dan Chen, 2004).
Secara singkat, sekitar 0,1 ml haemolymph
diambil dari ventral sinus pada pangkal ruas
tubuh pertama dengan menggunakan alat
suntik 1 ml setelah sebelumnya dimasukkan
0,9 ml antikoagulan (30 mM trisodium sitrat,
0,34 M natrium klorida, 10 mM EDTA, pH
7,55, osmolaritas 780 mOsm/kg).
Parameter imun
Parameter imunitas udang yang diukur
terdiri atas total haemocyte count (THC), dan
Aktivitas phenoloxidase (PO). Prosedur
penghitungan parameter imun adalah sebagai
Penghitungan THC
Sebanyak 50 µl campuran haemolymph-
antikoagulan dimasukkan dalam neutral
Henky Manoppo et al. / Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
buffered formalin (10%) selama 30 menit.
Selanjutnya, THC dihitung dengan meng-
gunakan haemacytometer di bawah
mikroskop cahaya dengan pembesaran 40x.
Aktivitas PO
Aktivitas PO haemocyte diukur
berdasarkan formasi dopachrome yang di-
hasilkan oleh L-DOPA. Pengukuran aktivitas
PO dikerjakan berdasarkan prosedur yang
dikemukakan oleh Liu dan Chen, 2004.
Pertama-tama, 1 ml campuran hemolymph-
anticoagulan disentrifuse pada 700 g selama
20 menit pada 4oC. Supernatan dikeluarkan
dan pelet disuspensikan kembali secara
perlahan-lahan ke dalam larutan cacodylate-
citrate buffer (0.01 M sodium cacodylate,
0,45 M sodium chloride, 0.10 M trisodium
citrate, pH 7) dan disentrifuse kembali. Pelet
kemudian diambil dan disuspensikan dalam
200 µl cacodylate buffer (0,01 M sodium
cacodylate, 0,45 M sodium chloride, 0,01 M
calcium chloride, 0,26 M magnesium
chloride, pH 7).
Aliquot sebanyak 100 µl diinkubasi
dengan 50 µl trypsin (1 cacodylate
buffer) sebagai aktivator selama 10 menit
pada temperatur 25-26oC. Selanjutnya
tambahkan 50 µl L-DOPA (3
cacodylate buffer), setelah 5 menit,
ditambahkan 800 µl cacodylate buffer.
Optical density (OD) 490 nm diukur dengan
menggunakan Spektrofotometer (Hitachi U,
Larutan standar mengandung 100 µl
suspensi haemocyte, 50 µl cacodylate buffer
(pengganti trypsin), dan 50 µl L-DOPA
digunakan untuk mengukur background
aktivitas PO pada semua larutan uji.
Densitas optikal (OD) dari aktivitas PO pada
semua kondisi uji dinyatakan sebagai formasi
dopachrome dalam 50 µl haemolymph.
Setelah 4 minggu pemberian pakan
perlakuan, udang (8 ekor/akuarium) diuji-
tantang dengan bakteri Vibrio harveyi.
Sebelum dilakukan uji tantang, aerator
dimatikan terlebih dahulu selama kurang
lebih 30 menit, kemudian udang diuji tantang
melalui injeksi intramuskular 0,1 mL larutan
bakteri V. harveyi 1x106 cfu/mL pada ruas
tubuh ke tiga. Selanjutnya udang dimasukkan
kembali ke dalam akuarium. Selama periode
uji tantang, udang diberi pakan standar.
Kualitas air dimonitor agar berada dalam
kondisi stabil dan penggantian air dilakukan
setiap 3-4 hari sekali tergantung pada kondisi
air. Udang mati dikeluarkan setiap hari guna
mengkonfirmasi bahwa penyebab kematian
adalah V. harveyi. Pengamatan terhadap
mortalitas dilakukan setiap hari selama 14
hari setelah uji-tantang. Resistensi udang
diukur berdasarkan tingkat kelangsungan
hidup (SR) yang dicapai sampai pada akhir
periode pengamatan, SR dihitung dengan
formula (Effendie, 2002), SR (%)= Nt/No
x100, Nt=jumlah udang hidup pada waktu t
(ekor), No=jumlah udang hidup waktu tebar
Pertumbuhan udang diukur setiap dua
minggu sekali yakni pada hari ke 14 dan 28.
Pertumbuhan dinyatakan sebagai selisih
antara berat udang yang diukur pada akhir
percobaan dengan berat udang pada awal
percobaan (Effendie, 2002): G= WtWo,
G=pertumbuhan, Wt=berat udang pada
waktu t (g), Wo=berat udang pada awal
percobaan (g).
Analisis data
Evaluasi perbedaan responss imunitas
udang (THC, aktivitas PO), resistensi dan
pertumbuhan akibat adanya perlakuan
dilakukan melalui analisis ragam (Anova)
Total haemocyte count (THC)
Suplementasi nukleotida dalam pakan
dapat meningkatkan jumlah haemocyte
udang. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa
THC udang yang diberi pakan nukleotida
berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) jika
dibandingkan dengan udang yang hanya
diberi pakan standar (Gambar 1).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
apabila udang diberi pakan nukleotida 400 pakan selama 4 minggu berturut-
turut, maka THC dapat meningkat mencapai
87% lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan udang
yang diberi pakan standar (Gambar 1). Hasil
yang sama juga ditemukan pada penelitian
Henky Manoppo et al. / Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya yaituTHC
meningkat sekitar 76% lebih tinggi dari
udang kontrol (Manoppo et al., 2009).
Peningkatan jumlah THC disebabkan karena
nukleotida merupakan nutrien semi esensial
yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan
perbanyakan sel (Barnes, 2006). Sajeevan et
al. (2006) juga menyatakan bahwa nuk-
leotida yang ditambahkan dalam pakan
udang dapat mengoptimalkan fungsi
pembelahan sel termasuk sel-sel imun.
Aktivitas phenoloxidase (PO)
Pemberian secara oral nukleotida juga
meningkatkan aktivitas PO udang vaname.
Hasil analisis memperlihatkan bahwa
aktivitas PO udang yang diberi pakan
nukleotida selama 4 minggu berbeda nyata
(P<0,02) jika dibandingkan dengan udang
yang diberi pakan standar (Gambar 2).
Sampai saat ini, belum ada laporan yang
tersedia tentang pengaruh nukleotida pada
resistensi udang terhadap infeksi patogen.
Pada ikan (Li et al., 2004) melaporkan bahwa
produksi oxidative radical neutrofil darah
striped bass hibrida meningkat setelah diberi
pakan nukleotida selama 6-7 minggu dan
diuji tantang dengan Streptococcus iniae,
dan kelangsugan hidup ikan yang diberi
pakan nukleotida (80%) lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan ikan yang diberi pakan
tanpa suplemen nukleotida (60%).
Pada rainbow trout berukuran 53-55 g,
mortalitas ikan yang diberi pakan nukleotida
(Optimun, 2 g/kg pakan) selama 2 minggu
dan diuji tantang ISAV (infectious salmon
anaemia virus) sebesar 35,7% sedangkan
ikan yang diberi pakan tanpa nukleotida
memiliki mortalitas 48% (Burrels et al.,
2001). Sakai et al. (2001) juga melaporkan
pemberian nukleotida yang diisolasi dari
yeast RNA 15 mg/ikan selama 3 hari pada
Cyprinus carpio 100 g meningkatkan
resistensi terhadap infeksi Aeromonas
hydrophila. Aktivitas fagositosis, respiratory
burst, serum complement dan aktivitas
lisozyme ikan yang diberi pakan nukleotida
meningkat. Burgents et al. (2004) juga
melaporkan peningkatan resistensi L.
vannamei terhadap infeksi buatan Vibrio jika
udang diberi pakan mengandung
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Gambar 1. THC (total haemocyte count) rata-rata (x
107 sel/mL) Litopenaeus vannamei setelah diberi
pakan nukleotida selama 4 minggu.
Gambar 2. Aktivitas PO (phenoloxidase) Lito-
penaeus vannamei setelah diberi pakan nukleotida
selama 4 minggu.
Gambar 3. Kelangsungan hidup Litopenaeus
vannamei setelah diberi pakan nukleotida selama 4
minggu dan diuji tantang dengan bakteri Vibrio
harveyi 0,1x106 cfu.udang-1.
Pertumbuhan udang diukur setiap 2
minggu sekali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa administrasi pakan nukleotida selama
Kelangsungan hidup (%)
Aktivitas PO
Resistensi (%)
THC (x107sel/mL)
Henky Manoppo et al. / Jurnal Akuakultur Indonesia 10 (1), 17 (2011)
Tabel 1. Pertumbuhan L. vannamei setelah diberi pakan nukleotida selama 4 minggu.
Berat Awal (g)
Berat Akhir (g)
Perolehan Berat (g)
14 hari
28 hari
14 hari
28 hari
14 hari tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap
laju pertumbuhan udang (P>0,05). Setelah
28 hari pemberian, pertumbuhan udang yang
diberi nukleotida berbeda sangat nyata jika
dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan udang
yang hanya diberi pakan standar (P<0,0)
(Gambar 4).
Pertumbuhan udang yang diberi nuk-
leotida mencapai rata-rata 4,73 g atau
65,38% lebih tinggi dari pertumbuhan udang
yang diberi pakan standar (Tabel 1). Hasil ini
sama seperti yang teramati pada penelitian
terdahulu dimana pertumbuhan mencapai
5,05 g atau (50.74% lebih tinggi dari kontrol)
setelah 4 minggu pemberian nukleotida 400
mg/kg pakan. Peningkatkan pertumbuhan
pada udang yang diberi nukleotida me-
rupakan hasil peningkatan efisiensi dan
pengambilan pakan udang. Adenosine dan
inosine yang sudah banyak digunakan dalam
pakan ternak, ikan dan krustasea laut yang
dapat meningkatkan pengambilan pakan
udang sehingga mengurangi leaching ke
dalam air. Sebaliknya, leaching nukleotida ke
dalam air diduga juga akan meningkatkan
daya tarik pakan dan pengambilan pakan
oleh udang. Jadi peningkatan pertumbuhan
Gambar 4. Pertumbuhan udang vaname
setelah 14 hari dan 28 hari diberi pakan
udang diduga terjadi sebagai hasil pe-
ningkatan efisiensi dan pengambilan pakan
udang (Li et al., 2007).
Pemberian nukleotida 400 mg/kg melalui
pakan selama 4 minggu memberi pengaruh
positif terhadap peningkatan respons imun
non-spesifik, resistensi dan pertumbuhan
udang vaname.
Barnes. A., 2006. Dietary Nucleotides:
Essential nutrients for shrimp growth and
immunity? Centre for Marine Studies,
University of Queensland.
Bachere, E., 2003. Anti-infectious immune
effectors in marine invertebrate: potential
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... Murthy et al. (2009) also reported that 0.2% and 0.5% nucleotide supplementation significantly increased THC compared to the control group. Similar results were reported by Manoppo et al. (2011), describing that THC in nucleotide-supplemented shrimp significantly increased up to 87% higher than shrimp fed a regular diet. Since crustacean immune responses are based on both cellular and humoral components, hemocytes play a role in the recognition of microorganisms (Söderhäll and Cerenius, 1998). ...
... Among the dietary treatments, the inclusion of 0.1% nucleotides in diets with 10% and 8% FM provided the better resistance to V. harveyi infection. This agrees with the report from Manoppo et al. (2011) in which a nucleotide-supplemented diet significantly enhanced protection and survival of L. vannamei after being challenged with V. harveyi at the concentration levels of 0.1 × 10 6 CFU per shrimp over 14 days using intramuscularly injection method. Not only for V. harveyi, the immunomodulatory effects of nucleotides could also enhance the resistance of L. vannamei against Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Guo et al., 2016) and even against one of the most devastating viral pathogens like white spot syndrome virus (Andrino et al., 2012). ...
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The use of soybean meal (SBM) as replacement for fish meal (FM) in diets for Pacific white shrimp (PWS), Litopenaeus vannamei, involves a negative impact on the health of PWS. Dietary nucleotides modulate the immune response; therefore, they might be able to counteract this effect by enhancing PWS immunity. Based on this hypothesis, this study was aimed at evaluating the effects of nucleotide supplementation in PWS receiving diets in which FM had been partially replaced by SBM. A 70-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary nucleotides on PWS growth performance, protein levels and retention rate, total hemocyte count (THC) and lysozyme activity. Ten experimental diets were formulated. The control diet included 10% FM and 43% SBM. Another diet was formulated by reducing FM to 5% and by increasing SBM up to 50%. The rest of diets included 0.05 or 0.1% nucleotide supplementation with varying degrees of FM replacement by SBM. A total of 900 PWS post larvae with an average initial body weight of 4.24 ± 0.03 g were randomly assigned to ten study groups, with six replicates per group and 15 PWS per aquaria tank. After the performance trial, disease resistance was evaluated in a 7-day challenge test with Vibrio harveyi at the consistent concentration of 10⁵ CFU mL⁻¹. Nucleotide supplementation led to significantly higher THC and lysozyme activity (P < 0.05) and a significantly increased PWS survival in the V. harveyi challenge test (P < 0.05). No significant differences were found between groups regarding growth parameters or protein analyses (P > 0.05). In conclusion, the present study shows a positive impact of nucleotide supplementation on immune response and disease resistance against V. harveyi. Nucleotides could therefore be used as functional dietary ingredients, especially in PWS which receive diets with FM replacement by plant-protein sources.
... Balanced nutritional use is now being studied to improve the response to stress and infection of pathogens such as UFA supplementation, sterols and vitamins in feed. Another approach is the use of immunostimulants in preventing infectious diseases (Manoppo et al., 2011). ...
... Immunostimulant sources for aquaculture can be produced chemically or biologically. These immunostimulatory ingredients can be grouped according to their functions and sources and consist of various groups like bacteria and bacterial products, yeast, carbohydrate complexes, nutritional factors, animal extracts, plant extracts, and synthetic drugs (Manoppo et al., 2011). The giving of good immunostimulant must pay attention to the optimal dose and frequency of administration. ...
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The business of developing shrimp farming cannot be separated from the existence of disease. In shrimp farming health management, disease prevention strategies can using various methods, one of which is immunostimulant. One alternative immunostimulant source that can be used to improve the body defense system in shrimp is squid (Loligo sp.) ink extract powder who has antibacterial ability. This study aims to analyze the presence of active compound in squid ink extract powder can be used as an immunostimulant candidate to against shrimp disease. The method used in this research is descriptive explorative and experimental method. This research was conducted with several stages of squid ink extraction until it becomes powder. Identification of squid ink extract powder is using FTIR and LC-MS test. The results showed that the squid ink extract powder contained alkaloid and carboxylic acid from the FTIR test results. Based on LC-MS test results, it was found that squid ink extract powder contained betaine, cinnamic acid, and choline compounds with large amounts of content. Betaine, cinnamic acid, and choline has several biological activity as antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, antifungal, etc. so that it can be used as an immunostimulant against shrimp disease.
... ,Sakai et al. (2001),Cao et al. (2011),Holen and Jonsson (2004),Li and Gatlin (2006) andManoppo and Sukenda (2013). The mechanism of exogenous nucleotide-enhancing immune function was still not clear; perhaps the reason was that most of the immune cells could not produce sufficient nucleotides to feed white blood cells and phagocytes, which could promote the secretion of immune factors and immune cell proliferation and differentiation, improve the ability of humoral and cellular immunity, and enhance the body's immune function. ...
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An 8 week feeding trial was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary nucleotides on growth performance, intestinal morphology, immune response and disease resistance of juvenile largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Five grades of dietary nucleotide levels were designed as 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 g kg⁻¹, respectively. Each group had 3 replicates, with 40 fish in each replicate. After the feeding experiment, 15 fish from each tank were infected with Aeromonas hydrophila for 14 days. The results indicated that fish fed the diets containing 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2 g kg⁻¹ nucleotides had higher growth performance and feed utilization than those fed the control diet. Nonetheless, there were no significant differences in survival between all the groups, although fish fed the diets with all‐level nucleotides obtained higher survival than those fed the control diet. Dietary nucleotides significantly affected the superoxide dismutase, acid phosphatase and catalase activities in serum but not the malondialdehyde content. Fish fed the 0.4 g kg⁻¹ nucleotide diets had the highest fold height, enterocyte height and muscular layer thickness significantly. The average mortality of largemouth bass infected with A. hydrophila was significantly influenced by dietary nucleotides. The mortality was significantly higher in the control group (91.11%) and 0.02% nucleotide group (73.11%) followed by the other groups and lowest in the 0.8 g kg⁻¹ nucleotide group. In summary, dietary 0.4–0.8 g kg⁻¹ nucleotides promoted growth performance, enhanced immunity and improved intestinal morphology and disease resistance of largemouth bass.
... In this experiment, the activity of PO in the group supplemented with 1.2 g/ kg nucleotides was significantly increased compared with that of the control group. Similarly, Cao et al. (2011) and Manoppo and Sukenda (2013) also found that the PO activity of prawn could significantly increase in the diet supplemented with nucleotides. ACP was a lysosomal marker enzyme in macrophages and was released in the immune responses to hemophagocytosis and envelopment in crustaceans. ...
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A 56-day feeding trial was conducted to study the effects of dietary nucleotides on growth performance, non-specific immunity, and disease resistance of the juvenile giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (initial weight, 0.095 ± 0.002 g). Five nucleotide levels were set, 0 g/kg, 0.2 g/kg, 0.4 g/kg, 0.8 g/kg, and 1.2 g/kg, respectively. Each group had 3 replicates with 300 prawns per replicate. After the feeding trial, 40 prawns from each pond were challenged with Vibrio anguillarum for 7 days. The results showed that the final body weight (FBW) and weight gain (WG) of 0.4 g/kg nucleotide group were significantly higher than those of the control group. The survival (SR) of 0.2 g/kg nucleotide group was significantly higher than that of the control group. The feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 0.4 g/kg nucleotide group was significantly lower than that of the control group. However, there was no significant difference in specific growth rate (SGR) among the experimental groups and control group. The dry matter, crude protein, and crude fat of prawns fed diet with nucleotides had no obvious trend, and there was no significant difference compared with the control group. The activities of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), phenoloxidase (PO), acid phosphatase (ACP), and lysozyme (LZM) in serum of prawns were significantly influenced by the nucleotides in diet. The phagocytosis rate and phagocytic index of hemocyte were significantly higher in the nucleotide group. Finally, the average mortality of prawns infected with Vibrio anguillarum was also significantly affected by nucleotides, and the relative percent survival (RPS) was more than 50% when the nucleotide level was 0.4–1.2 g/kg. In summary, dietary with 0.2–0.4 g/kg nucleotides promoted the growth performance, enhanced the immunity, and improved the disease resistance of M. rosenbergii.
... One of the crucial components in mushrooms is polysaccharides. Several polysaccharides used as supplements are beta-glucan (Murthy et al., 2009), oligonucleotides (Manoppo, 2013;Li et al., 2017), mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) (Sang et al., 2009;Zhang et al., 2012), fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), xylooligosaccharides (XOS), arabinoxylooligosaccharides (AXOS), isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO), and inulin (Ringø et al., 2010). This substance can improve immune responses, resistance to pathogens, and the growth performance of fish and crustaceans (Bai et al., 2015;Mohan et al., 2019b;Ringø et al., 2010). ...
We evaluated seven microfungi isolated from rivers or streams in Indonesia for a nutritional profile including protein, lipid, amino acids, fatty acids, and beta-glucan, i.e., Trichoderma harzianum, Macrophoma theicola, Tri- choderma lentiforme, Trichoderma hamatum, Mucor circinelloides, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, and Fusarium oxy- sporum. All isolates had relatively high nutritional content, where the proteins ranging from 31.56–45.58%, lipids 2.22–6.54%, amino acids 11.023–18.881 g/100 g, fatty acids 1.094–5.253%, and beta-glucan 0.170–0.280 g/dry weight. The most amino acids were glutamic acid, lysine, and leucine, while fatty acids were oleic acid (C 18:1ω9C), linoleic acid (C18:2ω6), and linolenic acid (C 18:3ω3 and ω6). Moreover, we have conducted a 14-day feeding trial on white shrimp post-larvae (PL-10) with two isolates of microfungi and their combination, including M. circinelloides and T. harzianum. Finally, the results indicated that T. harzianum fed with 0.5% and 1.5% could improve white shrimp post-larvae survival and growth performance. It was found that two dominant bacteria were Gordonia polyisoprenivorans and Croceibacter atlanticus. The cumulative mortality rate was not significant from the challenge trial with Vibrio harveyi (p > 0.05). However, further in-depth investi- gation needs to be conducted, and some microfungi contain anti-nutrients that can affect growth.
... Recently, there were priority of focusing on enhancement of non-specific immune response to protect shrimps from deseases [7]. Henky et al., (2011) studied enhancement of non-specific immune response of Litopenaeus vannamei by oral control of nucleotide [8]. In 2004, Burgents researched on disease resistance of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, by combining yeast and food [9]. ...
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This paper shows the results of the efficiency of a circulating fluidized bed biofiltration system using polyethelene as a filtering material. Changes in water quality parameters and the growth rates of shrimp (broodstock and commercial production) were used to assess the efficiency of water treatment system. The concentration of NH4+ in waste water from the broodstock tanks decreased 61% after three months of treatment. The final concentration of NH4+ after treatment was 0.07 mg/ml which meet the Vietnamese regulations for discard of aquaculture waste into coastal waters. Biological oxygen demand decreased 48%. The corresponding figures for treating waste water from commercial shrimp tanks were decreases of NH4+ by up to 61% with outlet concentration 0.07 mg/ml accepted to discard according to Vietnamese Standard and biological oxygen demand by 55%. Outlet water providing from broodstock and commercial shrimp tanks were treated with COD concentration decreased from 3.12 down to 2.62 mg/ml and 4.62 down to 2.68 mg/ml, or 16% and 41.9% of COD removal, respectively.
... The total nucleotide content in combination (IGCU) was higher than in other treatments but did not support significantly growth. There are limited studies di- Guo et al., 2016;Li et al., 2007;Manoppo et al., 2013;Xiong et al., 2018). Besides, growth-promoting effects have been reported in some fish species such as red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Cheng et al., 2011), Beluga sturgeon, Huso huso (Abtahi et al., 2013), turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L. (Peng et al., 2013), hybrid tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus ♀*Oreochromis aureus ♂ (Xu et al., 2015), red sea bream, P. major (Hossain et al., 2016), and amberjack, Seriola dumerili (Hossain et al., 2018). ...
The present study evaluated the effects of dietary supplementation of individual or a combination of nucleotides in soya bean meal‐based diet on growth, survival, apparent digestibility and intestinal condition of whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. The experimental protocol comprised a control set, and four test diets that were separately supplemented with 0.1% inosine monophosphate (IMP, D + I), 0.1% guanosine monophosphate (GMP, D + G), 0.1% mixture of IMP and GMP (D + IG) and 0.1% mixture of IMP, GMP, cytidine monophosphate (CMP) and uridine monophosphate (UMP) (D + IGCU). Triplicate groups of the shrimp (initial body weight = 0.99 ± 0.01 g) were fed four times daily for 8 weeks. Results demonstrated that D + G significantly enhanced body weight gain and specific growth rate in the shrimp compared with control and other dietary treatments with the various combinations of nucleotides (p < 0.05). However, the survival was not significantly affected by these treatments (p > 0.05). Shrimp fed D + G showed significantly higher feed intake and apparent net protein utilization compared with D + IGCU and, control and D + IG (p < 0.05) respectively. Nucleotide supplementation did not significantly improve the crude protein and lipid digestibility coefficients. This was evident when the data on these parameters were compared with those of the control. Shrimp fed D + G showed significantly improved intestinal villus height and body crude protein content (p < 0.05). In conclusion, GMP supplementation in soya bean meal‐based diet enhanced the growth, feed intake, protein utilization and villus height of L. vannamei.
... Xiong et al. (2018) reported significant enhancement of serum PO and LA and nonsignificant increment of T-NOS and T-SOD activities for Pacific white shrimp fed dietary NT-rich yeast compare than those fed control diet. Similarly, significantly increased supplementation effects of NT observed on serum PO activity (Cao et al. 2011;Manoppo & Sukenda 2013) and LA (Li et al. 2007b;Guo et al. 2016) of Pacific white shrimp. Shankar et al. (2012) reported significantly higher PO, superoxide anion production and total haemocyte count (THC) in prawns fed NT-based diets. ...
Although nucleotides (NT) have long been implicated as feed attractants in both vertebrate and invertebrate species, research into potential growth and health benefits of dietary NT in aquaculture species has just been implemented in early 2000s. To date, research pertaining to NT supplementation in aquafeed as functional nutrients has shown rather consistent and encouraging, beneficial results in fish and shrimp health management. Dietary NT serve a marked role to enhance growth in early stages of development, improve reproductive performances of brood fish, enhance larval quality, increase stress and disease resistance, modulate immune functions and improve intestinal morphology and gut microbiota of fish and shrimp. NT have also been used as functional supplement in alternative protein based diet, where NT was found as an effective supplement to increase the efficiency of utilizing alternative proteins. However, still there are numerous gaps in existing knowledge about exogenous NT administration to fish and shrimp including various aspects of digestion, absorption, metabolism, administration duration and age/size‐related responses. Adoption of different molecular technologies, like proteome modification and study of several gene expression pattern related to growth, immunity, gut health and stress resistance in details are important for exploring the underlying mechanisms of NT functions in improved growth and health performances of fish and shrimp. Efforts are also needed on production technologies to reduce the NT cost. Moreover, extensive research information is also required regarding the use of NT in alternative protein and lipid based diet to develop cost‐effective, ecofriendly functional aquafeed in near future.
Plant proteins have been increasingly used as sustainable substitutes for fish meal (FM) in aquafeeds; however, their high inclusion level compromises fish performance. The objective of this study was to examine whether yeast hydrolysate (YH) supplementation can improve the utilisation of high soybean meal (SM) diet and ameliorate its potential deteriorating impacts in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). A basal diet was formulated using 44% FM, and four additional diets were produced by replacing 30 or 60% of FM with SM with or without the addition of 2% YH (FM, SM30, SM60, SM30 + YH, and SM60 + YH diets). Each diet was fed to three groups of fish (35.3 ± 0.10 g, 150 fish per group) to visual satiety four times daily for 70 days. Fish growth was not impacted by FM replacement level or YH application. However, SM60 group exhibited markedly higher feed conversion ratio and lower survival rate than those fed the FM- and YH-supplemented diets (P
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The present study was designed to determine the effect of dietary β 1-3 glucan (BG) and a megadose of vitamin C on the nutrition (growth and survival, blood glucose, lactate, acylglycerides, cholesterol, hemocyanin [Hc], digestive gland glycogen [DGG]) and the immunological system (blood cells, prophenoloxidase [ProPO]) in Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles. Each treatment was replicated five times. Nutritional condition and immunological response of shrimp were recorded after 40 days of feeding with specific diets and during 48 h after a salinity shock (35–0‰). A significantly greater growth rate was observed in shrimp fed with BG or vitamin C diets than in the control group. Higher blood protein, total blood cells, granular cells, and ProPO activity were recorded in shrimp fed with vitamin C as compared to the remaining treatments. That means that BG was degraded in the digestive gland by β-glucanases to produce energy, permitting the use of more proteins for growth, whereas vitamin C was used to improve animal health, enhancing general metabolism in shrimp. The salinity stress induced a rapid use of reserves, triacylglycerols (TAGs), and cholesterol were reduced in blood and probably used as a source of energy or synthesis in the digestive gland. The increase in digestive gland glycogen 24 h after the salinity shock evidenced the use of these reserves by shrimp fed with all diets. In general, after the salinity, shock blood cells increased in shrimp fed with glucans and decreased in shrimp fed with vitamin C, whereas ProPO decreased in all shrimp after the salinity shock. This could mean that after the salinity, shock shrimp fed with glucans could synthesize cells and ProPO, whereas in shrimp fed with vitamin C, blood cells were just used to respond to the stress. After the salinity shock, an increment in the ProPO/granular cell ratio was observed in shrimp fed with vitamin C, indicating that these shrimp could rapidly increase the components of their immune system. In contrast, a continuous reduction in ProPO/granular cell ratio was observed in shrimp fed with glucans, revealing that with this type of immunostimulant, shrimp drive their immunological equipment to respond continuously to the stress. These results could explain why shrimp fed with immunostimulants presents immunological fatigue in contrast to shrimp fed with additives that improve their nutritional status, like vitamin C.
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Penaeid shrimp aquaculture expanded significantly over the past two decades. However, shrimp farmers have suffered significant economic losses because of viral diseases. Researchers from the U.S. Marine Shrimp Farming Program (USMSFP) have developed novel approaches to mitigate the devastating impact of shrimp viruses, including the use of specific pathogen free (SPF) and specific pathogen resistant (SPR) shrimp, as well as the establishment of biosecure production systems that rely on pathogen exclusion. These approaches have evolved over the past decade in response to changing disease problems faced by U.S. shrimp farmers. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, U.S. farmers observed Runt Deformity Syndrome (RDS), an economically significant and frequent disease problem of cultured Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. RDS is characterized by reduced growth rates and cuticular deformities and is caused by Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV). The increasing incidence of RDS on commercial farms catalyzed USMSFP researchers to develop SPF stocks of L. vannamei that were free of IHHNV. High health offspring from these SPF stocks were made available to U.S. shrimp farmers, resulting in a significant increase in U.S. farmed shrimp production from 1992 -1994. However, in mid-1995, Taura syndrome virus (TSV) was identified in south Texas, the major shrimp farming region in the U.S., and the resulting TSV epizootic contributed to a 164% decline in Texas shrimp production from 1994 to 1995. USMSFP researchers responded by initiating a selective breeding program to develop TSV-resistant L. vannamei. The use of these high-health SPR stocks, in conjunction with on-farm biosecurity practices, resulted in incremental increases in U.S. shrimp production from 1998 to the present. Although TSV-resistant shrimp improved production and profitability for those farmers who were experiencing crop losses from TSV, breeding shrimp for resistance to a single viral pathogen, using current selective breeding strategies, may not be the most effective course of action for the long-term viability of the shrimp farming industry. USMSFP researchers are now developing biosecure shrimp production systems which rely on pathogen exclusion, and research results indicate that it is possible to produce > 5 kg of market-sized shrimp (~ 20 g) per m 2 of raceway in about 12 weeks, using < 400 L of water per kg of shrimp. With advanced biosecure technologies available, the U.S. shrimp farming industry will be able to expand into areas away from the coast with greater control against the spread of disease and without adversely affecting the environment.
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The efficacy of a marine yeast Candida sake as source of immunostimulant to Indian white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus was estimated. Biomass of C. sake was prepared using malt extract agar and incorporated at graded levels into a standard diet to prepare yeast diets of varying biomass concentrations (1%, 10% and 20%). F. indicus were fed on these diets for a period of 28 days and challenged orally with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and immune parameters such as total haemocyte count, phenoloxidase and nitroblue tetrazolium reduction (NBT) were determined. Ten per cent C. sake in the diet was found to support an optimum immune response in the animals in general and their enhancement could be observed on the second and third day following challenge with the virus. The study has demonstrated that marine yeast C. sake at 10% in diet (w/w) may be used as an effective source of immunostimulants in F. indicus.
To determine the effects of the inclusion of exogenous nucleotides in aquaculture diets on the resistance of fish to various challenge infections, trials were carried out and results presented. When added to normal fish feed formulations at a combined inclusion level of 0.03%, these additional nucleotides were shown to increase resistance to challenge infections with bacterial, viral and rickettsial diseases as well as ectoparasitic infestation. When fed for 3 weeks prior to challenge, the nucleotide-supplemented diet was superior (31% mortalities; relative percent survival: RPS=37%) to a β-glucan-containing diet (43% mortalities; RPS=12%) in reducing mortalities due to Vibrio anguillarum infection in fish fed the control diet (49% mortalities). Mortalities resulting from infections with infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus and Piscirickettsia salmonis were also significantly reduced (RPS=25.7% and 42.1%, respectively) as were the numbers of infesting sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) (37.8% reduction in the mean number of attached lice per fish). The mode of action of supplemental dietary nucleotides and advantages over recognised immunostimulants are discussed.
Immunostimulants are valuable for the control of fish diseases and may be useful in fish culture. The immunostimulatory effects of glucan, chitin, lactoferrin and levamisole for fish and shrimp have been reported. Nutritional factors such as Vitamins B and C, growth hormone and prolactin have also been reported to be immunostimulators. These immunostimulants mainly facilitate the function of phagocytic cells and increase their bactericidal activities. Several immunostimulants also stimulate the natural killer cells, complement, lysozyme and antibody responses of fish. The activation of these immunological functions is associated with increased protection against infectious disease. Resistance to bacterial pathogens such as Vibrio anguillarum, V. salmonicida, Aeromonas salmonicida, Yersinia rukeri and Streptococcus spp. and to parasitic infections such as white spot disease can be increased by administration of immunostimulants, but not to intracellular pathogens such as Renibacterium salmoninarum and Pasteurella piscicida. The most effective method of administration of immunostimulants to fish is by injection. Oral and immersion methods have also been reported, but the efficacy of these methods decreases with long-term administration. Overdoses of several immunostimulants induce immunosuppression in fish. The side effects of immunostimulants have not been well-studied. Growth-promoting activity has been noted in fish or shrimp treated with glucan or lactoferrin. Immunostimulants can overcome immune suppression by sex hormones. Thus, the influence of immunostimulants in mature fish should be studied. In conclusion, immunostimulants can reduce the losses caused by disease in aquaculture; however, they may not be effective against all diseases. For the effective use of immunostimulants, the timing, dosages, method of administration and the physiological condition of fish need to be taken into consideration.
Nucleotides from yeast RNA were evaluated for their ability to enhance the non-specific immune responses in carp, Cyprinus carpio. Oral administration of nucleotides to fish daily for 3 days resulted in enhanced responses of phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) activities in kidney phagocytic cells. This activation of kidney cells was observed for at least 10 days post-treatment. The serum complement and lysozyme activities also increased in fish treated with nucleotides. Furthermore, the number of Aeromonas hydrophila in nucleotide-treated fish significantly decreased in the blood, kidney and liver after intraperitoneal injection. Thus yeast nucleotides appear to enhance non-specific immune responses in fish.
The objective of this work was to obtain probiotic bacterial strains with immunostimulatory qualities for shrimp. A total of 80 strains were isolated from the hepatopancreas of healthy wild shrimp (30±5 g) collected in Manglaralto-Ecuador. The probiotic effect in vitro was evaluated using the agar diffusion technique. Three strains identified as Vibrio P62, Vibrio P63 and Bacillus P64, showed inhibitory effects against Vibrio harveyi (S2). The colonization percentage in shrimp hepatopancreas was analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles with three primers. The strains P62, P63, and P64 achieved colonization percentages of 83%, 60% and 58%, respectively. The competitive interaction with V. harveyi (S2) was evaluated in shrimp using RAPDs and monoclonal antibodies. The inhibition percentage against S2 reached by strains P62, P63 and P64 was 54%, 19% and 34%, respectively. Histopathology was carried out after the colonization and interaction experiments, and confirmed that the probiotic strains had no pathogenic effects on the host. The immunostimulatory effect of P62 and P64 was evaluated in vivo using several immunity tests. Vibrio alginolyticus (Ili) was used as positive control. Shrimp that did not receive any probiotics served as the negative control group. The global immunity index was significantly higher (p<0.05) in the shrimps stimulated with P64 and V. alginolyticus. For the animals stimulated with P62, the immunity index was similar to the control. Mean shrimp weights for three probiotic groups were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the control. In conclusion the isolated strain Bacillus P64 showed both probiotic and immunostimulatory features, while Vibrio P62 only showed good probiotic properties.
The aquaculture of molluscs and crustaceans is an economical activity that is threatened by the repeated appearance of new diseases, non-infectious and infectious, which affect cultured species. Difficulties in controlling diseases in marine aquaculture come mainly from the differences in susceptibility of the animals according to their developmental stage (from larvae to adults) and from the diversity of pathogens that affect them. Among the causative agents encountered in marine aquaculture, viral and bacterial problems as well as fungal diseases dominate the larval production. Methods have been proposed for the control of disease in aquaculture, such as the use of probiotic bacteria, immunostimulants or the improvement of the larval quality via the nutrition, and zootechnical progress has been made. So far, antibiotics have been intensively used as preventive and curative measures, but such practices are now questioned because regular use of these chemical products has led to the appearance of drug-resistant bacteria and can also have harmful effects on the environment. In this context, alternative treatments as well as animal health monitoring have to be established as preventive measures. In the long term, the most effective way for sustainable aquaculture production will certainly rely upon the production of animals selected for increased resistance to disease, but until now, few papers can be found on this topic for marine invertebrates. Today, immune criteria as enhancement of non-specific defence responses are being considered.Investigation of the innate immune systems of molluscs and crustaceans may give new insights into the management and control of diseases in aquaculture. In particular, antimicrobial peptides present various application possibilities by their use as therapeutic agents, as tools for monitoring the health status of cultured animals, and by the use of encoding genes as selection markers for improving resistance to infections.
Despite their relatively short life and assumed lesser complexity, crustaceans have mechanisms to detect foreign matter. In particular, they appear to recognize common characteristics present in bacteria and fungi, such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and β-glucans. Although these microbial components can directly activate defensive cellular functions such as phagocytosis, melanization, encapsulation and coagulation, plasma recognition proteins amplify these stimuli. Beta glucan binding protein (BGBP) reacts with β-glucans and the glucan–BGBP complex induces degranulation and the activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO). This protein is present in all crustaceans studied so far and is highly conserved. Together with LPS-binding agglutinin, BGBP stimulates cellular function only after its reaction with LPS or β-glucans, resembling the secondary activities of vertebrate antibodies.