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Low-Cost Mobile GPS Tracking Solution

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... As stated in the definition above, GPS stands forGlobal Positioning System [9], and refers to a group of U.S.Department of Defence satellite continuously circling the earth [2].The satellites transmit very low power radio signals allowinganyone with a GPS recipient to determine their location. ...
... The above command will select the SMS format as text mode. The device respond to the command with the prompt ">" andwaits for message text (max 160 character) [2]. To complete theoperation, send ctrl-Z char (0x1A). ...
... As stated in the definition above, GPS stands forGlobal Positioning System [9], and refers to a group of U.S.Department of Defence satellite continuously circling the earth [2].The satellites transmit very low power radio signals allowinganyone with a GPS recipient to determine their location. ...
... The above command will select the SMS format as text mode. The device respond to the command with the prompt ">" andwaits for message text (max 160 character) [2]. To complete theoperation, send ctrl-Z char (0x1A). ...
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In this paper,i am going to discuss, the need of Security systems for our Electronic Wallets, ATM’s which become a part of our regular lives. In present scenarios there is no specific security mechanism for physical machines, some of ATMcabins/rooms have entry detectors but maximum situation these methods are fail due to the policies of banks, such any bank card can use for transaction at any ATM’s, certain number of attempts, the verification and validations can be done twice in each and every entry, (ones for door detector and second is transaction of a process) the Execution time of a process increases, obviously it will reflect on time complexity. So to provide security for physical machine by using the GSM/GPS [9] module connected to ATM machine which can use to trace the current location of the Machine is read and it sent through message to the server or a control room, by which it is possible to provide security for physical Attack on Machines. As result we can reduce the thefts and misusing’s.
... According to our design, we are displaying the real time location on Google maps using an android application which is convenient for the students. Raj Kishen Moloo, Varun Kumar Digumber [3] provide us with the different solutions which are available in Mauritius. These solutions include additional functionality that the location can be displayed in Google maps, or an email alert can be sent or the speed data of the user can be monitored. ...
... An android application will access these coordinates via GPRS and plot them on a map. This map has a restricted boundary covering the area of VIT University alone, using geofencing [3] . The location is displayed as a black dot. ...
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Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) University is a renowned university located in south India, with a population of nearly 25000 students as of July, 2014. VIT has a large campus area of nearly 350 acre in the Vellore campus with over 50.83 lakh sq. ft. built-up space. For the convenience of its students, VIT runs shuttle cabs and buses throughout the campus. We have designed a system for tracking these transport vehicles and informing the students about their location. In our design, the location of these vehicles is acquired via a Global Positioning System (GPS) module and sent over to a web server using General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)/Global system for mobile communications (GSM). Students can access this using an android application on their smart-phones. This can also be displayed on android devices which will be placed at the Shuttle and bus stops present all throughout the campus. The location can be also be used by the management for keeping a track of their vehicles for security purposes.
... With GPS, we can precisely and easily establish our position on the world map, so it is used for orientation purposes by drivers and pedestrians since it has become quite affordable. In addition, it is now integrated into many devices such as mobile phones or other ubiquitous devices [26]. ...
... For the selection of localization technology, we take into account the analysis and the experience gained in the review of other work and the performance and benefits that are currently available [25,26,30,[34][35][36]38,42,59,[74][75][76][77]. Table 2 summarizes the main technical characteristics as they relate to the proposed objectives. ...
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Information Technology and Communications (ICT) is presented as the main element in order to achieve more efficient and sustainable city resource management, while making sure that the needs of the citizens to improve their quality of life are satisfied. A key element will be the creation of new systems that allow the acquisition of context information, automatically and transparently, in order to provide it to decision support systems. In this paper, we present a novel distributed system for obtaining, representing and providing the flow and movement of people in densely populated geographical areas. In order to accomplish these tasks, we propose the design of a smart sensor network based on RFID communication technologies, reliability patterns and integration techniques. Contrary to other proposals, this system represents a comprehensive solution that permits the acquisition of user information in a transparent and reliable way in a non-controlled and heterogeneous environment. This knowledge will be useful in moving towards the design of smart cities in which decision support on transport strategies, business evaluation or initiatives in the tourism sector will be supported by real relevant information. As a final result, a case study will be presented which will allow the validation of the proposal.
... In 2011, R.K.Moloo and V.K.Digumber, [12] proposed and implemented a low-cost GPS tracking system using GPS and GPRS on cheap mobile phone devices. Their system allowed the user to view real time positioning and recorded tracks of a mobile phone adapted for the system. ...
... The comparison shown in table (4.3) is based on the system's features in terms of speed and cost. Mohandes [11] Moloo and Digumber [12] Data transfer between client and server model Via internet By using (WCF Web service technology ) SMS via GPRS By using (Asp.Net Web service) ...
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MSc. thesis in Computer Science supervision by Ayad Ghany Ismaeel, Faculty of Science, University of Zakha, Duhok- IRAQ. 2013
... This is a time-consuming and expensive process that is subject to different kinds of errors, like memory gaps or typing errors by the participants or transcription errors by the analyst. Automatic (vehicle) tracking systems, on the other hand, provide a huge amount of data that allow to flexibly determine the exact route, speed, and travel time for all recorded trips [3][4][5]. Even the MOT used can be automatically determined with high precision. ...
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Within the Mobility Choices (MC) project we have developed an app that allows users to record their travel behavior and encourages them to try out new means of transportation that may better fit their preferences. Tracks explicitly released by the users are anonymized and can be analyzed by authorized institutions. For recorded tracks, the freely available app automatically determines the segments with their transportation mode; analyzes the track according to the criteria environment, health, costs, and time; and indicates alternative connections that better fit the criteria, which can individually be configured by the user. In the second step, the users can edit their tracks and release them for further analysis by authorized institutions. The system is complemented by a Web-based analysis program that helps authorized institutions carry out specific evaluations of traffic flows based on the released tracks of the app users. The automatic transportation mode detection of the system reaches an accuracy of 97%. This requires only minimal corrections by the user, which can easily be done directly in the app before releasing a track. All this enables significantly more accurate surveys of transport behavior than the usual time-consuming manual (non-automated) approaches, based on questionnaires.
... Quality of fingerprint based identification is that it can work in a varied range of environments. It has strong core technology and, the ability of enrolling multiple fingers can be increased by the system accuracy and the flexibility dramatically [3]. The current demand for robust and secure security systems in vehicles are very high. ...
... .The app remembers where it previously saw the tile .By sharing with the community of tile lost item can find. One of the methods for finding objects in the home is through the use of computer vision and computational perception is explained in [11]. The system uses cameras to track when objects of interest are moved within a space and can thus report the current location of any object within its field of view. ...
... GPS can easily get a position in the world map, so it is used nowadays to orientate drivers and pedestrians since it has become quite affordable. In addition, it is now easily integrated into many devices, such as mobile phones or other ubiquitous devices[38]. With this technology, by having the exact location of people and the trajectories they have followed over time, it is possible to study their movement habits and even predict their locations at certain times of day. ...
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The present work discusses the possibilities offered by the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies with the aim of designing a system to dynamically obtain knowledge of accessibility issues in urban environments. This system is facilitated by technology to analyse the urban user experience and movement accessibility, which enabling accurate identification of urban barriers and monitoring its effectiveness over time. Therefore, the main purpose of the system is to meet the real needs and requirements of people with movement disabilities. The information obtained can be provided as a support service for decision-making to be used by city government, institutions, researchers, professionals and other individuals of society in general to improve the liveability and quality of the lives of citizens. The proposed system is a means of social awareness that makes the most vulnerable groups of citizens visible by involving them as active participants. To perform and implement the system, the latest communication and positioning technologies for smart sensing have been used, as well as the cloud computing paradigm. Finally, to validate the proposal, a case study has been presented using the university environment as a pre-deployment step in urban environments.
... M-LBS (mobile location-based service) is a tool that allows to personalize functionality of mobile application based on user location [1] . For the implementation of positioning, m- LBS can use multiple types of sensors, ranging from the obvious ones like GPS (Global Positioning System) [2][3], image base localization [4], Network-based (SIM-based) [5], inertial sensors [6], RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) for wireless sensor networks (WSN: Bluetooth, Wifi, ZigBee, UWB, Ultrasounds) [7][8][9][10]. Also research on increasing the reliability of the technologies RFID (Radiofrequency identification) can be found [11]. ...
Conference Paper
Nowadays, almost everyone has their own portable computer in the form of a smartphone. It usually gives the ability of positioning and navigation using GPS signal. This method is not usually effective indoors. For navigation in buildings, other technologies based on completely different solutions should be used. There are many indoor navigation solutions available, based on the additional devices usage. They are effective, but require the purchase of additional hardware. Meanwhile, the user is most interested in the possibility of positioning using the same equipment both inside and outside. The authors of this article, noting this issue, decided to refer to the problem of positioning using bluetooth signal, which the module is built into every modern cell phone. Attempts were made to determine the position using bluetooth transmitters. Accuracy estimation of obtained position and considerations on the possibility of building a network of transmitters for positioning were also performed. For this purpose, experiments were conducted on the test object, where bluetooth transmitters and receivers-a mobile phones with Android were used. The signals were recorded using a suitably designed application and then analyzed. Considerations here described, are a part of studies to develop an effective indoor positioning system using various technologies available in today's mobile phones Keywords—indoor radio communication, bluetooth, indoor navigation, indoor positioning, mobile devices, bluetooth signal-based positioning
... This has been made possible by the launch of the 3G and 4G services. Despite of all these features provided, these smartphones are available at very affordable prices costing approximately $75 to $150 [3] . ...
transportation system plays a vital role in today's world. With the rapid growth in the number of vehicles, the traffic overhead is increasing day by day. People always look for ways to save time while travelling. Due to lack of necessary infrastructure it is difficult to obtain real-time access to a vehicle's location and its timings in case of public bus transportation systems. Addressing this problem, the paper present an innovative methodology to provide real-time updates of the vehicle's location to users through the use of cost efficient smartphones equipped with Global Positioning System that are widely available in the market. The implementation of the system is shown for use in various public and private sectors like for real-time bus tracking, taxi tracking, tracking people, tracking fleet of vehicles for logistics and other companies. The paper also presents how the data collected can be used for traffic estimation and other applications of implementing the system in vehicles.
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Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), is a concept originally developed to enhance transport accessibility through the provision of tailored mobility services that are paid for in one package. Tailored on-demand transport sharing as MaaS proposes, could allow for greater optimization of transportation resources, reduction in congestion, and a shift away from car dependence. In so doing, MaaS can create sustainable consumption and ensure the maximization of otherwise underutilized public transport assets. In the developing world, the concept of MaaS can seem abstract and challenging to implement. This is primarily because the transport forms available in these places are unstructured, informal and often, poorly regulated. Despite this, public transportation options in developing countries stand the chance of benefitting the most from the inclusion of technology in their operations. To implement MaaS in developing countries, there may be a need for a re-envisioning of MaaS itself. Additionally, gaps that can be filled with technology have to be identified, and operator and commuter willingness to adopt technological innovation, determined. This paper explores the opportunities and challenges in implementing MaaS in developing economies and makes recommendations of best-fitting technological solutions for these settings. The paper proposes as well, a conceptual business model for a paratransit-based MaaS, constructed around the current operations of paratransit.
As the increase use of smart phones protecting the smart phones from intruders is the challenging part. In this paper we are came up with application that is used to find the lost device by SMS command. The Mobile Anti-Theft is made for the benefits of the people for finding their device when lost using SMS commands. This project is able to locate the lost device and able to send the current location of device to the user. Using this application we can find the lost mobile phones without paying for any service in a cost efficient manner. It can also able to take the picture of the culprit who stole the mobile phone using both front and rear cameras.
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GPS system will help the companies to track and monitor their employees on their work time. If we do that, it will help you allow your Office staff to Track your location, this is especially useful for Security & Business applications. Mobiles also become much needed device for this generation. Previously we used mobiles, now it changed to smart phones, handheld devices this shows how powerful device we fitted within our pockets. We can do whatever we want with the smart phones by using technical impacts Instead of using complex and costly GPS tracking devices you can convert your Mobile phone into a powerful tracking device. The GPS devices provide an easy way to use tracking service available anywhere in the world. Using a mobile phone a system administrator can monitor their work.
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In today's fast moving life GPS based tracking system has very much importance in everyone's life where loved ones, vehicles, mobile phones and other devices can be located with a touch of a button. Different quality parameters that are followed in GPS tracking systems are reported in this literature that helps in improving the quality of the tracking systems. This research paper is the survey based analysis of how GPS based tracking systems assures their quality in different applications. After analysis of the quality parameters, it has been explored that most of the GPS based tracking system are user friendly, cost effective, reliable and can be easily validated through different experiments and simulations. Most of the techniques are used for security and safety purpose and lack reusability factor. In future, we can work on the reusability of different techniques.
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Title of Thesis: Proposed System for Pregnant Women using Mobile GIS Based on Android Platform MSc thesis in Computer Science Supervision by Professor Ayad Ghany Ismaeel, College of Education -University of Salahaddin – Erbil, IRAQ. 2014.
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Introduction All IT systems, laptops are particularly hard to protect. Laptops are mobile, easily concealable, there is a big market to sell the hardware and there can be many of them in a single building. With the increased data storage capabilities of laptops, the loss of even a single laptop can induce dramatically costs to the organization. Thus, although there can be a large number of laptops in an organization, losing even a single laptop may not be acceptable. Organizations open to the public are particularly at risk from laptop theft. Hospitals and universities, for example, accept hundreds of people that can wander in the premises every day points out that 46% of data breaches occur in institutions open to the public: education, health care and the government. Laptops containing sensitive medical or academic data become highly vulnerable in these environments. The problem security professional's face is how to protect the laptops in such open organizations. The LAPTOP Tracking System is developed by exploring the applications of various state-of-the-art technologies to overcome the problems of laptop theft. This is a effective and efficient system in order to enhance the laptop security. This system is based on the Data Logging System. The Data Logging System consists of four different elements. They are • Measuring the laptop parameters such as position, time, and velocity and so on by the help of sensors. The sensor in this system is GPS sensor. • Recording the obtained parameters by the temporary logger unit. Microcontroller acts as temporary logger unit. • Uploading / accessing the recorded data. The process involved is called telemetry which is performed by GPRS • Finally, analysis and presentation of recorded data through internet or through the response to the SMS request by the subscriber. Case study: Statistics show that as many as one in ten laptops will be stolen or lost from your organisation over the lifetime of each computer. That's 10% of your colleagues and co-workers knocking on your door for a replacement machine. And this dismal scenario is extremely common around 90% of organisations are affected. Most theft is opportunistic the miscreants usually want the laptop for its resale value rather than for the data. Laptops are easy to sell anonymously over the internet and, once reformatted, stolen hardware is difficult to spot. Yet it's worrying that most laptops 58% are stolen from work. IDC research shows that the office is the most likely place for a thief to strike. Coffee shops, public transport and hotel lobbies may seem to be the most dangerous places for laptop theft – but your colleagues may actually be more risky than an unknown stranger. 86% of IT security practitioners report that someone in their organization has had a laptop lost or stolen. 89% of companies experience laptop loss. The average total cost to a business from laptop loss is $47,000. Objectives: The main objective of the project is foremost building a laptop tracking device that would be used in a real world. The device could be used for wide purposes such as tracking, Laptop tracking mechanism using GSM/GPS technology
Conference Paper
In this paper, design and development of a ubiquitous tracking system is proposed, in which vehicles are tracked and controlled us-ing the prevailing cellular technologies. The system contains a GPS receiver and a GSM modem interfaced with a microcontroller. To track any vehicle, the vehicle's owner has to send an SMS to the tracking system installed inside the vehicle. Upon receiving the SMS, the microcontroller takes the current location's longitude and latitude coordinates from GPS receiver, packs it into an SMS and sends it to the owner and on a web server using GSM modem. When the web server receives the SMS containing vehicles coordinates, it will show location of the vehicle on Google Maps. For android users, the location is also displayed on an android application. In case of vehicle theft, the owner is able to turn off the main ignition switch, check status and speed of the vehicle simply by sending an SMS. The system is also equipped with a special security button for parked vehicles. By turning the button ON, the system will come in ACTIVE mode and will keep a special check on the vehicle's movement meanwhile performing the normal tasks. If the system senses any movement of vehicle during the ACTIVE mode, it will turn the main ignition OFF and will inform the owner immediately be sending 5 SMSs. Record of the vehicle's movement will be continuously managed on the web server where each owner will have vehicle's account. We have used a wide number of technologies including, but not limited to, Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and Microcontroller. c ⃝ 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Elhadi M. Shakshuki.
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