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Fly ash – waste management and overview : A Review

  • Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad

Abstract and Figures

Fly ash (FA)-a coal combustion residue of thermal power plants has been regarded as a problematic solid waste all over the world. India has some of the largest reserves of coal in the world. Indian coal has high ash content and low calorific value. Nearly 73% of the country's total installed power generation capacity is thermal of which coal-based generation is 90%. Some 85 thermal power stations, besides several captive power plants use bituminous and sub-bituminous coal and produce large quantities of fly ash. High ash content (30%-50%) coal contributes to these large volumes of fly ash. Current annual production of Fly ash, a by-product from coal based thermal power plant (TPPs), is about 112 million tones (MT). Some of the problems associated with Fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity associated with heavy metal leached to groundwater. Fly ash, being treated as waste and a source of air and water pollution till recent past, is in fact a resource material and has also proven its worth over a period of time. The present paper reviews the potential applications for coal fly ash as a raw material: as a soil amelioration agent in agriculture, use, in highway embankments, in construction of bricks, as an aggregate material in Portland cement, filling of low lying areas etc in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, in the production of zeolites, in the formation of mesoporous materials, in the synthesis of geopolymers, for use as catalysts and catalyst supports, as an adsorbent for gases and waste water processes, and for the extraction of metals. Thus fly ash management is a cause of concern for the future. This article attempts to highlight the management of fly ash to make use of this solid waste, in order to save our environment.
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Recent Research in Science and Technology 2014, 6(1): 30-35
ISSN: 2076-5061
Available Online:
Fly ash – waste management and overview : A Review
Aakash Dwivedi* and Manish Kumar Jain**
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad-814004, Jharkhand, India
Fly ash (FA)-a coal combustion residue of thermal power plants has been regarded as a problematic solid waste all over the
world. India has some of the largest reserves of coal in the world. Indian coal has high ash content and low calorific value.
Nearly 73% of the country’s total installed power generation capacity is thermal of which coal-based generation is 90%. Some
85 thermal power stations, besides several captive power plants use bituminous and sub-bituminous coal and produce large
quantities of fly ash. High ash content (30% - 50%) coal contributes to these large volumes of fly ash. Current annual
production of Fly ash, a by-product from coal based thermal power plant (TPPs), is about 112 million tones (MT). Some of the
problems associated with Fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity associated with heavy metal
leached to groundwater. Fly ash, being treated as waste and a source of air and water pollution till recent past, is in fact a
resource material and has also proven its worth over a period of time. The present paper reviews the potential applications for
coal fly ash as a raw material: as a soil amelioration agent in agriculture, use, in highway embankments, in construction of
bricks, as an aggregate material in Portland cement, filling of low lying areas etc in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, in
the production of zeolites, in the formation of mesoporous materials, in the synthesis of geopolymers, for use as catalysts and
catalyst supports, as an adsorbent for gases and waste water processes, and for the extraction of metals. Thus fly ash
management is a cause of concern for the future. This article attempts to highlight the management of fly ash to make use of
this solid waste, in order to save our environment.
Keywords: Fly ash, particulate matter, thermal power plants, waste management, water pollution.
India is the third largest producer of coal and coal based
thermal power plant installations in India contribute about 70% of the
total installed capacity for power generation [1]. However, the
bituminous and sub-bituminous coals used contain over 40% ash
content. At present, 120-150 million tons of coal fly ash is generated
from 120 existing coal based thermal power plants in India [2]. Coal
fly ash is an industrial waste generated from coal combustion
process in thermal power plants. It is a fly ash, a coal combustion
residue having a complex heterogeneous mixture of amorphous and
crystalline phases and is generally fine powdered
ferroaluminosilicate material with Al, Ca, Mg, Fe, Na and Si as the
predominant elements. The coal fly ash also contains significant
amounts of toxic metals such as As, Ba, Hg, Cr, Ni, V, Pb, Zn and Se
characteristically enriched in coal fly ash particles [3-5]. The coal fly
ashes occupy more space in the premises of industrial plants and
are mixed with water to discharge into fly ash settling ponds or land
fills. Large quantities of coal fly ashes are stored in the form of waste
heaps or deposits, whose contamination poses a serious threat to
the environment as a major source of inorganic pollution. The
behavior of many metal pollutants and the release of such metals
during storage can have deleterious effects on the environment as
well as on human health [6]. Metals present in the ashes are
originated from the composition of the coal used in combustion,
combustion conditions, removal efficiency of air pollution control
device and method of coal fly ash disposal [7].
Fig 1. Fly ash production (million tonnes/year) in different countries
Metals present in the ashes are originated from the compo-
Large number of innovative alternate building materials and low cost
construction techniques developed through intensive research efforts
during last three to four decades satisfies functional as well as
specification requirements of conventional materials/techniques and
provide an avenue for bringing down the construction cost. Fly Ash,
an industrial by-product from Thermal Power Plants (TPPs), with
*Corresponding Author
Aakash Dwivedi
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian School of Mines,
Dhanbad-814004, Jharkhand, India
Recent Research in Science and Technology 2014, 6(1): 30-35
current annual generation of approximately 112 million tones and its
proven suitability for variety of applications as admixture in
cement/concrete/mortar, lime pozzolana mixture (bricks/blocks) etc.
Cement and Concrete Industry accounts for 50% Fly Ash utilization,
the total utilization of which at present stands at 30MT (28%). The
other areas of application are Low lying area fill (17%), Roads &
Embankments (15%), Dyke Raising (4%), Brick manufacturing (2%)
and other new areas for safe disposal of fly ash is in paint industry,
agriculture etc [8].
Fig 2. Utilization (%) of total produced fly ash in different countries
Effluent and disposal
Disposal and management of fly ash is a major problem in
coal-fired thermal power plants. Fly ash emissions from a variety of
coal combustion units show a wide range of composition. All
elements below atomic number 92 are present in coal ash. A 500
MW thermal power plant releases 200 mt SO2, 70 t NO2 and 500 t
fly ash approximately every day. Particulate matter (PM) considered
as a source of air pollution constitutes fly ash. The fine particles of fly
ash reach the pulmonary region of the lungs and remain there for
long periods of time; they behave like cumulative poisons. The
submicron particles enter deeper into the lungs and are deposited on
the alveolar walls where the metals could be transferred to the blood
plasma across the cell membrane (fig. 1). The residual particles
being silica (40–73%) cause silicosis. All the heavy metals (Ni, Cd,
Sb, As, Cr, Pb, etc.) generally found in fly ash are toxic in nature [9].
Fly ash can be disposed-off in a dry or wet state. Studies show that
wet disposal of this waste does not protect the environment from
migration of metal into the soil. Heavy metals cannot be degraded
biologically into harmless products like other organic waste. Studies
also show that coal ash satisfies the criteria for landfill disposal,
according to the Environmental Agency of Japan. According to the
hazardous waste management and handling rule of 1989, fly ash is
considered as non-hazardous. With the present practice of fly-ash
disposal in ash ponds (generally in the form of slurry), the total land
required for ash disposal would be about 82,200 ha by the year 2020
at an estimated 0.6 ha per MW. Fly ash can be treated as a by-
product rather than waste [10].
Laws and Legislation of Disposal of Flyash
Historically, wastes have always created a disposal problem.
The problem of flyash disposal has assumed such an enormous
scale in the country that the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF) issued a regulation on 14 September 1999 specifying
normative levels for progressive utilization of flyash. According to the
regulation, it is mandatory for the existing (old) and new coal based
thermal power plants to utilize 100% of the flyash produced in a
stipulated time horizon. The new coal thermal power plants are
required to use 100% of the flyash produced within nine years of
commencing operation. The old power plants, however, are required
to achieve 100% flyash utilization goal with in 15 years from the date
of issue of the regulation [11].
Table 1. Thermal power generation, coal consumption and ash generation in India
(Source: Current Sc 1792 IENCE Vol. 100,No. 12, 25 June 2011)
Fig 3. Penetration of tiny particles into the lungs.( Source:- Current Sc 1792 IENCE Vol. 100,No. 12, 25 June 2011)
Dwivedi and Jain
Classification of fly ash
Fly ash particles are generally spherical in shape and range in
size from 0.5 µm to 100 µm. They consist mostly of silicon dioxide
), which is present in two forms: amorphous, which is rounded
and smooth, and crystalline, which is sharp, pointed and hazardous;
aluminum oxide (Al
) and iron oxide (Fe
). Fly ashes are
generally highly heterogeneous, consisting of a mixture of glassy
particles with various identifiable crystalline phases such as quartz,
mullite, and various iron oxides.
Two classes of fly ash are defined by ASTM C618: Class F fly
ash and Class C fly ash. The chief difference between these classes
is the amount of calcium, silica, alumina, and iron content in the ash.
The chemical properties of the fly ash are largely influenced by the
chemical content of the coal burned (i.e., anthracite, bituminous, and
lignite) [13].
Class C fly ash
Fly ash produced from the burning of younger lignite or sub
bituminous coal, in addition to having pozzolanic properties, also has
some self-cementing properties. In the presence of water, Class C fly
ash will harden and gain strength over time. Class C fly ash
generally contains more than 20% lime (CaO). Unlike Class F, self-
cementing Class C fly ash does not require an activator. Alkali and
sulfate (SO
) contents are generally higher in Class C fly ashes [12].
Class F fly ash
The burning of harder, older anthracite and bituminous coal
typically produces Class F fly ash. This fly ash is pozzolanic in nature,
and contains less than 10% lime (CaO). Possessing pozzolanic
properties, the glassy silica and alumina of Class F fly ash requires a
cementing agent, such as Portland cement, quicklime, or hydrated
lime, with the presence of water in order to react and produce
cementitious compounds. Alternatively, the addition of a chemical
activator such as sodium silicate (water glass) to a Class F ash can
lead to the formation of a geopolymer [12].
Fig 4. Typical ash colors (Class „F & „C Fly ash)
(Source:- International journal of emerging trands in Engineering and Development Issue1, Vol 1August2011)
Fly ash utilization
During the last 30 years, extensive research has been carried
out to utilize the fly ash in various sectors, as this is not considered
as hazardous waste. Broadly, fly ash utilization programmes can be
viewed from two angles, i.e. mitigating environmental effects and
addressing disposal problems (low value–high volume utilization) [9].
Following are some of the potential areas of use of fly ash:-
Development of Fly Ash Based Polymer Composites as Wood
Fly ash based composites have been developed using fly ash
as filler and jute cloth as reinforcement. The technology on fly ash
Polymer Composite using Jute cloth as reinforcement for wood
substitute material can be applied in many applications like door
shutters, partition panels, flooring tiles, wall panelling, ceiling, etc.
This technology has been developed by Regional Research
Laboratory, Bhopal in collaboration with Building Materials &
Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC) and TIFAC. One
commercial plant has also been set up based on this technology
near Chennai [13].
Fly Ash Based Cement
As per the specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards fly
ash upto 35% can be used in manufacture of PPC, while worldwide
there are examples of countries that permit upto 55% utilisation of fly
ash in PPC production. Setting aside 25% of cement production for
OPC for such applications, the balance 75% can be PPC with an
average fly ash content of 30% [14]. It would consume around 25 MT
fly ash, replacing same amount of cement clinker and resulting in net
saving Rs. 2500 crore [15].
Role of bio-amelioration of FA on soil
Recent investigations suggest that FA can find better
application if combined with organic amendments such as cow
manure,press mud, paper factory sludge, farmyard manure, sewage
sludge,crop residues and organic compost for improvement of
degraded/marginal soil [16]. Few beneficial combined effects of FA
and organic matter on soil have been found such as reduced heavy-
metal availability and killing pathogens in the sludge [17]; improved
soils through higher nutrient concentrations,better texture,lower bulk
Recent Research in Science and Technology 2014, 6(1): 30-35
density, higher porosity and mass moisture content and higher
content of fine-grained minerals [18]; enhanced the biological activity
in the soil [19]; reduced the leaching of major nutrients [20]; and
beneficial for vegetation [21]; .Use of swine manure with FA
increased the availability of Ca and Mg balancing the ratio between
monovalent and bivalent cations (Na
), which
otherwise proves detrimental to the soil [22]; Co-utilization of ‘slash’
a mixture of FA, sewage sludge and lime in the ratio of 60:30:10 had
beneficial soil ameliorating effect. ‘Slash’ incorporation in soil showed
positive effects on soil pH and Ca, Mg and P content and reduction
in the translocation of Ni and Cd [23] and enhanced growth and yield
of corn, potatoes and beans in pot trials. So, amendment with FA will
enhance agricultural sector for crop production. Further, organic
amendment application will provided anchorage and growth of the
plant on a FA dumping site [24].
Fly ash bricks
The Central Fuel Research Institute, Dhanbad has developed
a technology for the utilization of fly ash for the manufacture of
building bricks [9]. Fly Ash can be used in the range of 40-70%. Our
current clay brick production exceeds 100 billion bricks a year. In
such circumstances and when fly ash brick is technically acceptable,
economically viable and environment friendly, it may not be wrong to
target to produce at least 2 billion fly ash bricks per year. It would
consume about 5 million tonne of flyash/year, yielding a net saving of
around Rs. 20 crores per annum. Fly ash bricks have a number of
advantages over the conventional burnt clay bricks. Unglazed tiles
for use on footpaths can also be made from it. Awareness among the
public is required and the Government has to provide special
incentives for this purpose [21].
Fly ash in distemper
Distemper manufactured with fly ash as a replacement for
white cement has been used in several buildings in Neyveli, Tamil
Nadu, in the interior surfaces and the performance is satisfactory.
The cost of production will only be 50% that of commercial distemper
Fly ash-based ceramics
The National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur has
developed a process to produce ceramics from fly ash having
superior resistance to abrasion [9].
Ready mixed Fly ash concrete
Though Ready Mix concrete is quite popular in developed
countries but in India it consumes less than 5 percent of total cement
consumption. Only recently its application has started growing at a
fast rate. On an average 20% Fly ash (of cementitious material) in
the country is being used which can easily go very high. In ready mix
concrete various ingredients and quality parameters are strictly
maintained/controlled which is not possible in the concrete produced
at site and hence it can accommodate still higher quantity of fly ash
Nearly one third of our thermal power stations are at or near
to pit heads. Most of these mines cart sand for backfilling from river
beds, which are normally 50-80 kms away. Apart from the royalty,
huge amount of expenditure is incurred on transportation of sand. It
is estimated that about 15-20 million tonne of ash per annum can be
safely consumed in minefills yielding a saving of about Rs. 150 crore
a year [14].
Fly Ash in Road Construction
Fly ash can be used for construction of road and embankment.
Saves top soil which otherwise is conventionally used, avoids
creation of low lying areas (by excavation of soil to be used for
construction of embankments) [8]. Fly Ash may be used in road
construction for: Stabilizing and constructing sub-base or base;
upper layers of pavements; filling purposes. Concrete with Fly Ash
(10-20% by wt) is cost effective and improves performance of rigid
pavement; Soil mixed with Fly Ash and lime increases California
Bearing Ratio (CBR), increased (84.6%) on addition of only Fly Ash
to soil. National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) is currently using
60 lakh m
of Fly Ash and pr oposed to use another 67 lakh m
future projects.
Fly ash properties are somewhat unique as an engineering
material. Unlike typical soils used for embankment construction, fly
ash has a large uniformity coefficient consisting of clay-sized
particles. Engineering properties that will affect fly ash use in
embankments include grain size distribution, compaction
characteristics, shear strength, compressibility, permeability, and
frost susceptibility. Nearly all fly ash used in embankments are Class
F fly ashes [9]
In view of the growing need for development of road
infrastructure in the country, conservative estimates show that about
15-20 MT ash can be used in construction of road and flyover
embankments per annum in the vicinity of TPPs. This would yield a
saving of around Rs. 100 crore per year [16].
Roller compacted concrete
Another application of using fly ash is in roller compacted
concrete dams. Many dams in the US have been constructed with
high fly ash contents. Fly ash lowers the heat of hydration allowing
thicker placements to occur. Data for these can be found at the US
Bureau of Reclamation. This has also been demonstrated in the
Ghatghar Dam Project in India [14].
Asphalt concrete
Asphalt concrete is a composite material consisting of an
asphalt binder and mineral aggregate. Both Class F and Class C fly
ash can typically be used as a mineral filler to fill the voids and
provide contact points between larger aggregate particles in asphalt
concrete mixes. This application is used in conjunction or as a
replacement for, other binders (such as Portland cement or hydrated
lime) [14]. For use in asphalt pavement, the fly ash must meet
mineral filler specifications outlined in ASTM D242. The hydrophobic
nature of fly ash gives pavements better resistance to stripping. Fly
ash has also been shown to increase the stiffness of the asphalt
Dwivedi and Jain
matrix, improving rutting resistance and increasing mix durability [8].
Use of Fly Ash in Agriculture
Agriculture and waste land management have emerged as
prime bulk utilization areas for fly ash in the country. It improves
permeability status of soil; improves fertility status of soil (soil health)/
crop yield; improves soil texture; reduces bulk density of soil;
improves water holding capacity/porosity; optimizes pH value;
improves soil aeration; reduces crust formation provides micro
nutrients like Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, B, Mn; provides macro nutrients like K,
P, Ca, Mg, S etc; works as a part substitute of gypsum for
reclamation of saline alkali soil and lime For reclamation of acidic
soils; ash ponds provides suitable conditions and essential nutrients
for plant growth, helps improve the economic condition of local
inhabitants; crops grown on fly ash amended soil are safe for human
consumption & groundwater quality is not affected [8].
Use of fly ash in agriculture has also proved to be
economically rewarding. The improvement in yield has been
recorded with fly ash doses varying from 20 tonne/hectare to 100
tonne/hectare. On an average 20-30% yield increase has been
observed Out of 150 million hectare of land under cultivation, 10
million hectares of land can safely be taken up for application of fly
ash per year. Taking a moderate fly ash dose of 20 mt per hectare it
would consume 200 million tonne flyash per year. This is more than
the annual availability of fly ash, therefore the shortfalls would be met
from accumulated 1500 million tonne stock of fly ash (available in
ash ponds). The fly ash treated fields would give additional yield of 5
million tonne foodgrains per year valued at about Rs. 3000 crore [15].
Table 2. Economic benefits of fly ash management
Fly Ash Consumption (Million
Savings per ye
ar (rupees in
Roads and Embankments
5770 around 1.2billion US$
It has been recognized worldwide that the utilization of an
enormous amount of fossil fuels has created various adverse effects
on the environment, including acid rain and global warming. An
increase in the average global temperature of approximately 0.56 K
has been measured over the past century (global warming). Gases
with three or more atoms that have higher heat capacities than those
of O
and N
cause the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide (CO
) is a
main greenhouse gas associated with global climate change. The
disposal, management and proper utilization of waste products has
become a concern for the scientists and environmentalists. Proper
management of solid-waste fly ash from thermal power plants is
necessary to safeguard our environment. Because of high cost
involved in road transportation for the dumping of fly ash, it is
advisable to explore all its possible applications. Fly ash is a
potential source of pollution not only for the atmosphere but also for
the other components of the environment. Deposition in storage
places can have negative influences on water and soil because of
their granulometric and mineral composition as well morphology and
filtration properties. This waste has found application in domestic and
wastewater treatment, purification, paint and enamel manufacturing.
In future, large-scale application of this waste product may be
possible for recovery of heavy metals, reclamation of wasteland, and
floriculture. The detailed investigations carried out on fly ash
elsewhere as well as at the Indian Institute of Science show that fly
ash has good potential for use in highway applications. Its low
specific gravity, freely draining nature, ease of compaction,
insensitiveness to changes in moisture content, good frictional
properties, etc. can be gainfully exploited in the construction of
embankments, roads, reclamation of low-lying areas, fill behind
retaining structures, etc.
On the other hand it can safely be concluded that fly ash,
which till recent years has been treated as a waste product of
thermal power stations, is in fact a valuable resource material.
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... However, the quality of the fly ash depends on the type of coal burnt in the power plant (Maurya et al., 2021a). Furthermore, fly ash may contain many carcinogenic heavy metals such as Pb, Ni, Cr, V, Cd, etc., which harm human health and the environment (Dwivedi & Jain, 2014). The abundant amounts of silica (SiO 2 ) and alumina (Al 2 O 3 ) in the fly ash make them an ultimate choice for utilization in the construction industries. ...
... Extending the research in this direction, Dharmalingam et al. (2015) modified fly ash with sodium lauryl sulfate and silane and reinforced it (10-40 wt.%) into epoxy. The other potential uses of fly ash have been explored in the ceramic industry and zeolite synthesis (Dwivedi & Jain, 2014;Maurya et al., 2021a). However, only about 25% of the fly ash of global production has been effectively utilized, and China is the only country that uses 70% of its complete waste (Bhattacharjee & Kandpal, 2022;Gollakota et al., 2019;Maurya et al., 2021c). ...
... An inorganic waste product from thermal power plants is fly ash, which seriously threatens the environment and human health in developing countries like India, where thermal coal plants provide around 80% of the country's electricity. Although fly ash is already employed in the building and ceramics industries and zeolite synthesis, this only accounts for about 25% of the total fly ash created worldwide (Bhattacharjee & Kandpal, 2022;Dwivedi & Jain, 2014;Rodella et al., 2017). Fly ash is widely used in the commercial and industrial sectors for many purposes, but it is most famous for enhancing the resilience and workability of concrete mixtures. ...
The dependency of human civilization on electronic items and gadgets is rising at an accelerating pace due to the enormous population explosion. Moreover, to run these electronic items, electricity is a necessity that can be fulfilled only from thermal power plants, especially in countries like India, which have few nuclear power plants. However, fly ash generated from these thermal power plants has become an alarming concern in recent decades. Researchers and scientists have worked incessantly on upcycling and recycling fly ash strategies. The current book chapter discussed various fly ash types and their sources. Depending on their application, the collected fly ash may be treated via different methods, which are discussed thoroughly in this chapter. Further, treated fly ash can be used as a filler in developing various composites categorized based on their application. In addition, some of the incidents and drawbacks associated with fly ash have also been covered. This detailed book chapter gives an overview of the application of fly ash in different industries. It is intended to help researchers and industrialists understand the need to treat fly ash specifically to the tailored applications, thereby contributing to the global waste-to-wealth initiatives.
... As these materials were incorporated into concrete mixtures for decades, their influence on the properties of the produced concrete is renowned (Juenger et al., 2019;Kachouh et al., 2022;Lothenbach et al., 2011). Nevertheless, as the production of the aforementioned SCMs is projected to decrease in the coming decades (Dwivedi & Jain, 2014), the pressure on using sustainable and emerging SCMs will certainly rise. ...
... Another reason would be the availability of local material resources and waste management strategies, where countries possessing materials suitable for use as SCMs would have an advantage in terms of research and development. For example, India, China, and the United States are the top three countries globally in the production of fly ash (Dwivedi & Jain, 2014). Karen Scrivener ranked first in the list of top 10 authors publishing on SCMs by the number of publications (Fig. 3.3). ...
... Due to the much reliance in coal for power generation, the production of CFA is anticipated to reach more than 1 billion tons by 2030 as utilization rate does not counterbalance its production rate (Yadav et al., 2022). The utilization rate differs for countries, with highest reported in Denmark (100%), Italy (100%), Netherlands (100%), Japan (96.4%), France, Australia and Germany (85%), Canada (75%), and USA (65%) (Dwivedi, & Jain, 2014;Bhatt et al., 2019;Kelechi et al., 2022). The annual production of CFA in South Africa is around 26 million tons of which less than 10% is recycled and the remaining is stored in disposal sites converting large pieces of land to unusable sites (Van der Merwe et al., 2014). ...
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The Potential of Helichsryum splendidum for Restoration of Sites Polluted with Coal Fly Ash
... A pressing global concern revolves around the increasing demand for energy and the consequential rise in the generation of fly ash as a byproduct of coal combustion in traditional power plants. This surge in solid waste production necessitates comprehensive environmental protection measures, as exemplified by India, which annually produces a staggering, 120-150 million tons of coal fly ash generated from 120 existing coal based thermal power plants of fly ash alongside an equivalent quantity of Portland cement [3][4][5]. The composition of fly ash and bottom ash encompasses crucial elements/compounds such as potassium (K), silica (SiO 2 ), sulfur (S), alumina (Al), calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), sodium (Na), iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ), and magnesium (Mg) [6][7][8]. ...
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Exploring energy efficiency: assessing mechanical and thermal properties of sintered fly ash and clay-based composites, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 37(3) (2024), 313-328. https://doi. Abstract This study systematically investigates the influence of sintering on the physical and mechanical attributes of clay, both in its pristine state and when blended with varying proportions of fly ash. Employing a diverse array of analytical techniques, encompassing compression tests, measurements of density, porosity, and volume shrinkage, our inquiry seeks to provide a comprehensive elucidation of the alterations and transformations induced by the sintering process, particularly in conjunction with the integration of fly ash. The analysis discerns a noteworthy correlation between escalating sintering temperatures and the augmentation of key mechanical properties. Specifically, an elevation in Young's modulus, compressive stress, density, and volume shrinkage is evident as the sintering temperature increases. Simultaneously, a consistent diminution in porosity is observed, indicating a complex interplay of factors influencing the material characteristics. The elucidation of these intricate relationships contributes significantly to an advanced understanding of the synergistic effects arising from the combined influence of sintering and fly ash incorporation on the physical and mechanical attributes of the composite material. The implications of this investigation extend to diverse applications in material science and engineering, where a precise comprehension of sintering dynamics is paramount for optimizing the performance of clay-based composites.
... Fly ash (FA) is one of the major noxious wastes generated from coal based thermal power plants (Behera et al., 2018). It is ultrafine in nature and contains a number of toxic metals such as arsenic (As), barium (Ba), mercury(Hg), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), etc. depending upon the source of coal (Dwivedi and Jain 2014 processing and using natural resources can cause environmental problems such as: air, land and water pollution; disruption or destruction of ecosystems; and a decrease in biodiversity. Proper disposal and management of such a huge quantity of fly ash possessing potential threats of air and water soil pollution is a great challenge (Rawat et al., 2018). ...
... Fly ash (FA) is one of the major noxious wastes generated from coal based thermal power plants (Behera et al., 2018). It is ultrafine in nature and contains a number of toxic metals such as arsenic (As), barium (Ba), mercury(Hg), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), vanadium (V), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), etc. depending upon the source of coal (Dwivedi and Jain 2014). Extracting, processing and using natural resources can cause environmental problems such as: air, land and water pollution; disruption or destruction of ecosystems; and a decrease in biodiversity. ...
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An experiment was conducted at the nursery of Guru Ghasidas Vishawavidyalaya, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh). Studied on germination behavior, physiological response and initial seedling growth performance of Terminalia arjuna (Roxd.) on growing media of different concentration of fly ash and soil during March to August 2022. Growing media was prepared by admixing fly ash to nursery soil (S) at five concentrations (T0, control), T1 20% (fly ash+soil), T2, 40% (fly ash +soil), T3, 60% (fly ash+soil) T4, 80% (fly ash +soil), T5, 100% (fly ash), The experimental design was CRD with six treatments and three replications. Freshly collected seeds were washed with cold water and sown at 2.0-3.0 cm depth in germination trays filled with media of different treatments. Significant (P<0.05) variation in germination period, rate, with respect to flyash concentration in media was observed (n=100). Maximum rate (60%) was found in media having 20% FA after 30 days of sowing. Significant (P<0.05) in seedling survival rate, plant height, diameter growth, leaf number, nodules per plant and seedling quality index were observed. The survival rate (91.11%), plant height (40.33 cm), collar diameter (4.23 mm), root length (40.11cm) and seedling quality index (7.92) were at maximum in growing media having 20% fly ash (T1). It is concluded form the present investigation that fly ash can be admixed 20% (w/w) in forest nurseries for improving germination and promoting seedling growth and quality improvement of Terminalia arjuna (Roxd)
... The concentration of these minerals and elements found in FA is usually higher than its concentration in the parent coal (Baba et al. 2008). It also contains the particulates that float up with the flue gases after the combustion of coal (Dwivedi and Jain 2014;Van der Merwe et al. 2014). Worldwide, coal power plants currently produce roughly 1.2 billion tons of fly ash each year (Yadav et al. 2022). ...
Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases emitted due to human activities, industrial processes and transportation from the combustion of fossil fuels and is considered the primary contributor to global warming and climate change. Carbon utilization refers to the use of captured carbon oxides, mostly CO2 and occasionally CO, as a feedstock for processes or the production of valuable products such as chemicals, synthetic fuels, and building materials. It has a high potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions. There are various methods and technologies for carbon utilization, including chemical, biological conversion, and mineralization, which will be explained in this chapter. First, important fuels and chemicals, including methane, methanol, dimethyl ether, formic acid, carbon monoxides as well as urea and polymers that can be produced by utilizing carbon dioxide will be introduced and the synthesis methods of each will be described. The use of carbon dioxide in the beverage and food industry will thereafter be looked into. In the biological conversion section, the types of microorganisms used and the products resulting from this conversion, such as bio-plastics, biofuels, and bio-alcohols, are introduced. Furthermore, the two types of carbon mineralization – in-situ and ex-situ – which are thought to be the most recent and efficient techniques for carbon utilization will be covered. The applications, products, challenges and risks of each of these techniques will be clearly discussed. Finally, the cost of utilizing carbon and its prospects for the future will be covered in the end.
Compressive strength (CS) of concrete is one of the most important factors in the construction industry and various time and effort-consuming tasks are required to measure it. To tackle such problems, the use of machine learning (ML), a branch of artificial intelligence, has recently resulted in a dramatic revolution in the construction sector, resulting in increased efficiency, accuracy, and creativity. Taking these factors into consideration, the current research was conducted on concrete manufactured with recycled coarse aggregate and fly ash generated as a byproduct of construction and demolition activities and thermal power plants. A large dataset consisting of 444 data points, along with ten input parameters, has been collected from the literature to forecast the CS of fly ash and recycled coarse aggregate-based self-compacting concrete. In this regard, ten advanced ML models, including K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Extra Tree Regressor (ETR), Bagging Regressor (BR), Adaboost Regressor (AR), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), Linear Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree Regression (DTR), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Gradient Boosting Regression (GBR) have been considered. Furthermore, various data visualization plots and model’s performance matrices such as scatter plot, histograms, heatmaps, Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) Analysis, Regression Error Characteristics (REC), and errors have been utilized. In order to evaluate the most influential input parameter and depict the overall performance of ML models, sensitivity analysis and Taylor’s diagram are used. As a method of validation, the Kfold cross-validation approach has been implemented to justify the obtained output. Based on the outcome of the study, the BR model has displayed remarkable accuracy with insignificant errors and high R-squared values (R2 = 0.961), while XGB (R2 = 0.959), and DTR (R2 = 0.952) models also achieved commendable, as compared to other ML models. Additionally, water content, curing days, fly ash, and w/c ratio were found to be the most critical components that directly impact the CS of fly ash and RCA-based SCC. To cater to diverse and extensive practices, a graphical user interface has been developed to assist researchers and engineers in getting instant results of their fly ash and RCA-based SCC mixes prior to the execution of time- and resource-consuming laboratory work.
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Energy requirements for the developing countries in particular are met from coal-based thermal power plants. The disposal of the increasing amounts of solid waste from coal-fired thermal power plants is becoming a serious concern to the environmentalists. Coal ash, 80% of which is very fine in nature and is thus known as fly ash is collected by electrostatic precipitators in stacks. In India, nearly 90 mt of fly ash is generated per annum at present and is largely responsible for environmental pollution. In developed countries like Germany, 80% of the fly ash generated is being utilized, whereas in India only 3% is being consumed. This article attempts to highlight the management of fly ash to make use of this solid waste, in order to save our environment.
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Current annual production of Fly ash, a by-product from coal based thermal power plant (TPPs), is about 112 million tonnes (MT). Some of the problems associated with Fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity associated with heavy metal leached to groundwater. Fly ash, being treated as waste and a source of air and water pollution till recent past, is in fact a resource material and has also proven its worth over a period of time. It is the action of human beings that determines the worth of any material. Materials having potential for gainful utilization remain in the category of waste till its potential is understood and is put to right use. Fly ash is one such example, which has been treated as waste materials, in India, till a decade back, and has now emerged not only as a resource material but also as an environment saviour. This paper presents different ways of using Fly ash in various sectors of civil engineering construction industry in India.
Coal combustion residues account for 90% of all fossil fuel combustion wastes produced in the USA. It is projected that by the year 2000 more than 150 million t of these materials will be produced in the USA each year. This article reviews the information available concerning the environmental impacts associated with the disposal or utilization of coal combustion residues. The majority of the information available in the literature concerns the impacts of fly and bottom ashes; other coal combustion wastes have not received much attention. The major potential impacts of ash disposal on terrestrial ecosystems include: leaching of potentially toxic substances into soils and groundwater, reductions in plant establishment and growth due primarily to adverse chemical characteristics of the ash; changes in the elemental composition of vegetation growing on the ash; and increased mobility and accumulation of potentially toxic elements throughout the food chain. Ash disposal in landfills and settling ponds can influence adjacent aquatic ecosystems directly, through Inputs of ash basin effluent and surface runoff, and indirectly, through seepage and groundwater contamination. Major impacts are generally associated with changes in water chemistry, including changes in pH and concentrations of potentially toxic elements. Using ash as a soil amendment can improve soil texture and water-holding capacity, increase soil pH, and enhance soil fertility. However, it may also result in excessive soluble salt concentrations, excess B, and increased concentrations of other potentially toxic trace elements; reduction in the concentrations and/or availability of soil N and P; elemental imbalances due to excessively high pH; and cementation or compaction of soil. Scrubber sludge and fluidized bed combustion waste may be used as soil amendments as well, but also may create problems due to high alkalinity and high salinity. 160 refs., 2 figs., 4 tabs.
The scarcity of land in Hong Kong makes landfilling an unattractive means for the disposal of sewage sludge and coal fly ash. Therefore, reutilisation of these solid wastes might ease the disposal problems. A glasshouse pot leaching study was performed to evaluate the feasibility of using alkaline fly ash as a stabilisation agent for sewage sludge and the final product being used as a potting medium. Sludge was amended with ash at 0, 5, 10, 35 and 50% (w/w). Each mixture was then mixed with a loamy soil (1:1 v/v) and leached with 600 mL of deionized water prior to plant growth experiment using Agropyron elongatum (Tall wheat grass). Soil pH and electrical conductivity following leaching increased consistently with an increase in ash amendment, from 6.3 to 8.2 and 1.6 to 2.3 dS m−1 respectively. Pots amended with 35% ash showed a significant reduction in Zn, Cu and Cd availability but an increase in B contents. The total dry weight yields of ash amended pots were significantly increased as compared to the control without ash amendment. Addition of ash also significantly reduced the uptake of Zn, Cu and Mn but increased shoot B contents. However, the high tissue B contents had no adverse effect on plant growth. The experimental results affirm that alkaline ash is effective in reducing the metal availability of sludge, and acts as a good stabilisation agent for sewage sludge.
A major shift to coal as an energy source adjunct with more stringent air quality standards will result in the increasing production of vast quantities of the already difficult‐to‐dispose coal residues in the United States. Since coal residues contain potentially hazardous substances, improper handling and disposal could cause undesirable environmental effects. This report intends to summarize impacts of land‐oriented utilization and disposal of various coal combustion residues. The physical and chemical properties of coal ashes are dependent on the coal's geological origin, combustion conditions, efficiency of particulate removal, and degree of weathering before final disposal. Coal residues, applied on cropland, are not practical sources of essential plant nutrients N, P, and K; however, they can effectively serve as a supplementary supply of Ca, S, B, Mo, and Se to soils. Fly ash could also be an effective amendment in neutralizing soil acidity. Many of the observed chemical and biological effects of fly ash applications to soils resulted from the increased activities of Ca ²⁺ and OH ⁻ ions. Most unweathered fly ashes, especially those coming from the subbituminous and lignite coals of the western U.S., are high in these constituents and usually will cause high soil salinity. The accumulation of B, Mo, Se, and soluble salts in fly ash‐amended soils appear to be the most serious constraints associated with land application of fly ash to soil.
Fly ash is a finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of bituminous coal or lignite in a thermal power plant. Indian coals have on an average 45% ash content. Currently India generates around 95 million tonne of ash per year. It is likely to reach 125 million tonne mark by 2005 and 180 million by 2012. Research work of large number of agencies in the country and actual utilisations abroad have exhibited worth of flyash. However, may be due to lack of local experience, utilisation of flyash did not pick up in India, till a few years ago. Fly Ash Mission, established by Government of India in 1994 is providing a focussed thrust to develop local experiences and thus building up of confidence in techno- economic viability of flyash utilisations as well as safe disposal of un-utilised ashes. More than 50 technology demonstration projects implemented in the field have led to beginning of acceptance of fly ash as a resource material. Number of multiplier effects have started. Utilisation has increased from a meagre 1.5 million tonne during 1994 (3% of generation) to about 15 million tonne during the year 2000 (15% of generation). The paper illustrates that Indian fly ashes and the utilisation avenues hold the potential to give returns worth more than a billion dollars excluding valuation of resultant cleaner environment. I. INTRODUCTION In India, thermal power plants account for about 65% of electricity installed capacity and 70% of electricity generation. About 230 million tonnes of coal is being currently used by thermal power stations which is also about 65% of total coal production. There are 82 thermal power plants in utility sector in the country which currently produce around 95 million tonnes of flyash per annum. Considering the growth plans of power sector, the annual fly ash generation is expected to be about double by 2012 A.D. Since low ash high-grade coal is reserved for metallurgical and other industries, thermal power plants have no choice but to use low grade coal having ash content upto 55%. Further, the deteriorating quality of coal will aggravate the situation, if clean coal technologies are not adopted at large scale. Fly ash which is a finely divided residue resulting from the combustion of bituminous coal or sub-bituminous coal (lignite) in a thermal power plant generally consists of inorganic mineral constituents of coal. It has fineness 4000 to 8000 sq. cm. per gram and posseses pozzolanic
Past studies of the environmental aspects of fossil fuel waste disposal have focused on determining elemental concentrations, elemental distributions, and empirical rates of elemental extraction. The concenration data for the minor elements (i.e., As, B, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu,Pb, Mn, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Sr, V, and Zn) are extremely variable and are dependent on fuel composition and combustion processes. Studies of elemental extraction rates have provided empirical information on short-term leaching behavior that is relevant only to a specifiic waste sample. Extraction studies serve to characterize the initial states of wastes prior to disposal but generally have not provided information in the dominant waeathering reactions that will control the long-term concentrations of minor elements in the disposal environment. We propose that a more useful approach for understanding leachate chemistry involces the consideration of the thermodynamics of specific dissolution/preciptation, adsorption/desorption, and redox speciation reactions that occur during weathering in addituion to empirircal data. Because fossil fuel wastes are composed of hidh-temperature solids that formed under conditions of combustion, this approach can be used to describe the reation paths governing the alteration of the of the high-temperature solids to assemblages of secondary solids and aqueous species that are stable in weathering environments. The depiction of leaching behavior through solubility and speciation relationships rather than through empirical interpretations of extraction rates allows one to establish bounds for the aqueous concentrations of various elements, given information on the chemistry of waste solids and on physical and chemical conditions. The determination of thermodynamic data and application of those data to understanding the leachate chemistry of the minor elements in the disposal environment remains an area where much research is needed.
French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Redland Pioneer) and Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer) were grown in glasshouse experiments to examine the potential for phytotoxicity of B in a range of Australian fly ashes. In each experiment, the ashes used were either untreated, leached or adjusted to pH 6.5 and subsequently leached. In the first eperiment, the yield and B status of plants grown on five fly ashes mixed (5 and 10% by weight) with an acid-washed sand were measured and, with the exception of one ash, yield differences among ash sources and among ash treatments were attributed to differences in the degree of B toxicity. In a subsequent experiment, a fly ash with properties representative of most Australian ashes was mixed (0, 15, 30, 70 and 100% by weight) with a sandy loam, and the yield and mineral composition of plants grown on these mixtures determined. Although the available water capacity of the soil was substantially increased by fly ash addition, incorporating large proportions of untreated fly ash resulted in poor plant growth primarily due to B toxicity. In both experiments, leaching the ash reduced the potential for B toxicity, whereas adjustment of the pH to 6.5 and subsequent leaching of the fly ash resulted in plants with normal levels of B. There were marked differences in both the tissue levels of B and the extent of B toxicity symptoms between the two species. Rhodes grass appeared to be able to tolerate higher B contents in the growing medium by taking up much less of the element than French bean. The results indicate that phytotoxicity of B would be a major problem in establishing vegetation on ash dams and in the agronomic utilization of unweathered fly ashes in Australia.
A field experimental study was carried out successfully to improve the quality of the sandy soil by adding coal ash and sewage sludge. One ha of barren sandy soil field was chosen for the experiment in Shanghe County, Shandong Province, China. For soil amelioration and tree planting, two formulas of the mixture:coal ash, sewage sludge and soil, in ratios of 20:10:70 and 20:20:60, respectively, were used. Poplar trees were planted in pits filled with soils with additives (mixture of ash and sludge) as well as in the original sandy soil. In the 19th months after the trees were planted, the soils with additives were sampled and analyzed. The results show that the barren sandy soil was greatly improved after mixing with coal ash and sludge. The improved soils have remarkably higher nutrient concentrations, better texture, smaller bulk density, higher porosity and mass moisture content, and higher content of fine-grained minerals. During the first 22months after planting, the annual increase in height of the trees grown in the soil with additives (4.78m per year) was 55% higher than that of the control group (3.07m per year), and the annual increase in diameter at the breast height (1.3m) was 33 % higher (43.03 vs. 32.36mm). Trees planted in soils with additives appeared healthier and shed leaves later than those in the control group. As the volume of the additives (30–40% in both formulas) is less than that of the sandy soil in and around the tree pits, it appears that the use of coal ash and sludge for tree planting and soil amelioration is environmentally safe even though the additives have relatively high heavy metal concentrations.