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Introduction ' Sri Yantra (also written Shri Yantra) is a sacred diagram of Tantric Hindhuism. Its symbolism is explained in Zimmer[15]. It consists in three concentric parts: ffl An inner figure of interpenetrating triangles. This figure, symmetric in its vertical central axis, contains both upward-pointing triangles (vahni), symbolizing the male element ("Purusha ", the Person), and downward-pointing triangles ('sakti), symbolizing the female aspect ("Prakriti", i.e. energy) of divinity. There are 4 male triangles, and 5 female ones. Their inter-penetration symbolizes the complementarity of the opposite principles in creating the illusion of duality through ignorance, whereas the general symmetry and balance of the whole figure symbolizes the more profound reality of Unity of God through its various unfoldings. ffl Two concentric circles, wearing a regular lotus (padma) design. The inner pattern
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... Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine and Feminine divine. It is also known as Navayoni Chakra (Gerard, 1990). ...
Sri Yantra is one of the most auspicious, important and powerful Yantras, which not only gives the maximum benefit, but also proves beneficial for almost everybody. The traditional methods for drawing Sri Yantra are complex. It is very difficult to obtain Sri Yantra with full accuracy. The objective of this study is to define algorithmic approach for generating Sri Yantra with maximum accuracy. The accuracy is measured through the parameters like Concurrency, Concentricity and Equilateral. It is the source of attaining all worldly desires and fulfilling all wishes through inner cosmic power and mental strength. "Sri Yantra" - Sri means wealth and Yantra-means "Instrument"-"The Instrument for Wealth". The Instrument for Wealth the Sri Yantra brings about material and spiritual wealth Sri Yantra blesses the worshiper with peace, happiness, popularity, power, authority, wealth, prosperity and success. Leaders and men in authority should use this Yantra for attaining fame, power and financial benefits. Sri Yantra is definitely the answer to all the problems and negativity in our life. Existing edition of seven by seven grids had erroneous descriptions Sri Yantra, according to the latest English translation. Unfortunately, that one two is marred with errors in diagrams and unclear reference to inside-out construction instructions for the drawing of the triangular central pattern. There is no systematic approach to draw a traditional Sri Yantra. The methods used to generate Yantra in previous studies are approximate and not producing accurate design. This study presents a clear algorithmic approach to construct the Sri Yantra. This study mainly focuses to produce highest level of accuracy and construct the optimal configuration of Sri Yantra.
This book interprets for the Western mind the key motifs of India's legend, myth, and folklore, taken directly from the Sanskrit, and illustrated with seventy plates of Indian art. It is primarily an introduction to image-thinking and picture-reading in Indian art and thought, and it seeks to make the profound Hindu and Buddhist intuitions of the riddles of life and death recognizable not merely as Oriental but as universal elements. © 1946 by Bollingen Foundation, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
Esta obra ofrece una semblanza acerca del tantrismo y su relación con el arte, la ciencia y los rituales religiosos hindúes. La obra subraya una concepción más amplia del hombre a través de la práctica de técnicas tanto de pensamiento, meditación y experiencia que abren la conciencia del ser y del yo interior. Contiene 148 ilustraciones y esquemas.
Notes on Shri Maha Lakshmi Temple
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Yoga and Yantra. Their interrelation and their signiicance for Indian Archhology. Martinus Nijhoo, The Hague
  • P H Pott
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KK ama-Kall a-Vill asa. With the commentary of Natann ananda-NN atha. Translated with commentary by Arthur Avalon
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Principles of Tantra (Tantra Tattva) With an introduction and commentary by Arthur Avalon
  • Chandra Shr Yukta Shiva
  • Vidyy Arnava Bhattt Achh Arya Mahodaya
Shr yukta Shiva Chandra Vidyy arnava Bhattt achh arya Mahodaya. Principles of Tantra (Tantra Tattva). With an introduction and commentary by Arthur Avalon. Luzac, London, 1916.