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Comunicación, investigaciones sobre hongos xilófagos de arboles urbanos en Europa: primera cita de Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid en España



Primera cita del basidiomiceto Inonotus rickii en España y su segunda localización en Europa. Causa podredumbre blanca en tronco e invade y necrosa el tejido cortical. Se indica su nueva zona de distribución y se describen las características macro y microscópicas de sus carpóforos y de su crecimiento en condiciones ¿in vitro¿.
Bol. San. Veg. Plagas, 29: 277-279, 2003
Investigaciones sobre hongos xilófagos de árboles urbanos en
Europa: primera cita de Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid en España
Primera cita del basidiomiceto Inonotus rickii en España y su segunda localization
en Europa. Causa podredumbre blanca en tronco e invade y necrosa el tejido cortical. Se
indica su nueva zona de distribución y se describen las características macro y micros-
cópicas de sus carpóforos y de su crecimiento en condiciones "in vitro".
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Piazzale delle Cascine 28, Firenze, Italia.
Instituto Madrileño de Investigación Agraria (IMIA), Ctra. N-II Km.
38,2 28800 Alcalá de Henares, España.
Palabras clave: hongos de pudrición de madera, podredumbre blanca, necrosis
cortical, chancros
En el amplio y diverso mundo de los hon-
gos xilófagos, el género Inonotus Karst.
(Basidiomycetes-Hymenochaetaceae) ocupa
un lugar de importancia económica pues
comprende algunos de los productores de
necrosis cortical y podredumbre blanca de
maderas agresivos en árboles urbanos.
Las especies citadas en Europa incluyen:
/. hispidus (Bull.:Fr.) Karst, /. dryadeus
(Pers.:Fr.) Murr., /. tamaricis (Pat.) Maire, /.
cuticularis (Bull.:Fr.) Karst., /. dryophilus
(Berk.) Murr., /. radiatus (Sow.:Fr.) Karst., /.
rheades (Pers.) Bond e /. rickii (Pat.) Reid.
Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid (1957) (sin.:
Ptychogaster cubensis Pat. (1896) y Xant-
hochrous rickii Pat. (1908)) es una especie
pantropical que hasta ahora se había locali-
zado en Europa esporádicamente tan solo en
arbolado urbano en Sicilia
INTINI, 1988). Sin embargo, recientemente la
hemos detectado en España, donde parece
haberse aclimatado perfectamente, provo-
cando podredumbre blanca de duramen y
albura y necrosis cortical en varias plantas
Cuerpos fructíferos sésiles, de aplanados
a subesféricos o irregularmente ungulifor-
simples o imbricados, hasta 20 cm de
anchura, 25 cm de profundidad y 15 cm de
grosor; inicialmente pubescentes y de color
pardo dorado, se convierten en rugosos y de
color pardo oscuro de óxido en ejemplares
s viejos. Contexto de color arcilla, marrón
canela y marrón oscuro, zonado concéntri-
camente; primero carnoso y firme, después
se deshace en una masa de clamidosporas.
Figura 1. Tejido fúngico estéril pardo-dorado de Ino-
notus rickii en el tronco de Platanus sp.
Normalmente estos cuerpos fructíferos se
diferencian en vistosos chancros y protube-
rancias en tallos y ramas principales, a una
cierta altura por encima del suelo (Figs. 1 y
Sistema de hifas monomítico. Hifas hiali-
nas o amarillentas, septadas, sin fíbulas, de
1.6-4 (-8) um de diámetro, forman haces de
15-100 um de espesor. Entre ellos se distin-
guen numerosas clamidosporas, hialinas en
su juventud y marrones en la madurez, dis-
puestas mayoritariamente en filas y con for-
mas variadas: esféricas, subesféricas, forma
de pera, de barril o de limón; de tamaño
entre (8)-10-12 (12.5) um. Algunas clami-
dosporas presentan apéndices hifoides de
hasta 20 um de longitud. Entre las hifas de
los haces aparecen las setas, con forma de
huso o de garfio, color pardo oscuro, hasta
450 um de longitud y 8-12 um de diámetro.
Setass cortas (35-80 um) pueden produ-
cirse entre las hifas de la cutícula, aunque
s raramente.
Además de carpóforos jóvenes, las grie-
tas corticales en ramas podridas albergan
también restos de cuerpos fructíferos oscu-
ros y pulverulentos que contienen masas de
clamidosporas, algunas hifas y setas simila-
res a las descritas para los cuerpos fructífe-
ros frescos.
En los cuerpos fructíferos recogidos en
varios muéstreos, todos ellos realizados en
noviembre y diciembre, nunca encontramos
basidios, basidiosporas ni setas himeniales.
Obtuvimos cultivos de /. rickii a partir de
madera podrida y de cuerpos fructíferos. En
los medios agar-zanahoria y agar-patata-dex-
trosa crecía un micelio inicialmente blanco y
algodonoso, tornándose posteriormente de
Figura 2. Masas pardo-doradas de tejido fúngico esté-
ril de ¡nonotus rickii localizadas a varios metros de
altura en el tronco de Acer negundo en Sevilla.
color crema, canela, ocre
marrón oscuro.
Al envejecer rezumaba
de gotas brillantes bajo
micelio. En cultivos
de 3-4
semanas aparecí-
an hifas
color amarillo claro,
de 1-5 um
de diámetro, septadas,
de hasta 300 um de longitud
5-12 (-18)
de diámetro,
clamidosporas esféricas,
subesféricas, ovoides
irregulares de 5-10
um de
diámetro. Clamidosporas simila-
encuentran también
los radios xile-
máticos de árboles infectados (INTINI, 1988).
Inonotus rickii presenta
amplio rango
de huéspedes que abarca multitud de frondo-
1971. Indian Polyporaceae. Council
Agricultural Research. New Delhi.
M., 1988. Contributo alia conoscenza dei funghi
lignicoli italiani: Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid.
1: 49-55.
M., 1985. Inonotus rickii,
polypore nou-
veau pour
flore européenne. Mycologia Helvetica
G., 1970.
Ptycogaster cubensis
Pat. et
Xanthochrous rickii
(Schinus molle
L.) au
Maroc. Bull.
Soc. Myc. Fr.
zonas tropicales
s raramente de zonas templadas, donde
ataque parece limitarse
árboles urbanos
clima suave (PATOUILLARD,
JAQUENOUD, 1985; INTINI, 1988).
En España
se ha
árboles urbanos
Sevilla afectando
dosas vivas, especialmente Acer negundo
s raramente
tis australis
Schinus molle.
rickii penetra
en la
debilitados, a través de heridas corti-
ramas rotas, causando podredumbre
blanca, necrosis cortical, chancros
W.A., 1919.
Cuban polypores
Mycologia 11:22-32.
1908. Xanthochrous rickii n.sp. Bull.
Myc. Fr. 24:6-8.
D.A., 1957. New
interesting records
lasian Basidiomycetes. III. Kew Bull. 12:127-143.
J.E. y
C.L., 1955. Estudios sobre
Basidiomycetes. III. "Polyporus rickii" f.sp. "negun-
dinis" sobre arces vivos.
Invest, agrie,
Buenos Aires.
julio 2002)
(Aceptación: 26 agosto 2002)
on the
xylophagous fungi
Europe: Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid found
Spain. Bol. San.
First report
Inonotus rickii
Spain, which constitutes
second place
causes white rot
stems and invades and kills the cortical tissue.
new area
and the
microscopic characteristics
its car-
in vitro cultures are described.
Key words: Wood decay fungi, white rot, cortical necrosis, cankers.
... Argentina Acassuso, Buenos Aires Province Gottlieb et al., 2002 Argentina (location not specified) Intini, 1988 Buenos Aires City Gottlieb et al., 2002;Mielnichuk and Lopez, 2007;Robles et al., 2011Robles et al., , 2012Robles et al., , 2015a Buenos Aires Province Gottlieb et al., 2002 Córdoba Davidson et al., 1942;Stalpers, 2000 Brazil (location not specified) Davidson et al., 1942;Ryvarden, 1983;Intini, 1988 Goiânia Jaquenoud, 1985;Intini, 1988 Guinea Guinea (location not specified) Jaquenoud, 1985;Intini, 1988 Haiti Haiti (location not specified) Davidson et al., 1942;Intini, 1988 Lanzarote, Canary Islands García et al., 2014bSeville Intini, 2002aIntini and Tello, 2003 Spain (location not specified) Intini, 2002b Tenerife, Canary Islands García et al., 2014b Taiwan Kinmen County Chang and Fu, 1998 United States Arizona Gilbertson et al., 1974;Ryvarden, 2004, 2005Florida Davidson et al., 1942Gilbertson and Ryvarden, 1986;Intini, 1988;Barnard, 1993;Ryvarden, 2004Ryvarden, , 2005 Hawaii (location not specified) Intini, 1988 Hawthorne Louisiana Davidson et al., 1942;Gilbertson and Ryvarden, 1986;Intini, 1988;Ryvarden, 2004Ryvarden, , 2005 New Mexico Sanogo and Lujan, 2018 Oahu, Hawaii Davidson et al., 1942 Tucson, Arizona Gilbertson and Ryvarden, 1986 Uruguay Uruguay ( and drought periods which reflected the resistance to the climatic variations of the Cerrado. ...
... Our study expands and shed the light on the geographic distribution of the species with special reference to the Cerrado biome and updated list of plant hosts. I. rickii is easily described by the massive production of chlamydospores in vitro and in vivo, Adoxaceae Sambucus nigra L. (Kotlaba and Pouzar, 1994;Annesi et al., 2003Annesi et al., , 2005 Schinus molle L. (Intini, 1988(Intini, , 2002bAnnesi et al., 2003;Intini and Tello, 2003**;García et al., 2014a;Sepúlveda et al., 2016) Casuarina spp. (Gilbertson and Ryvarden, 1986;Wright and Alberto, 2006) 2 1.6 ...
... Cannabaceae Celtis australis L. (Kotlaba and Pouzar, 1994;Gottlieb et al., 2002;Intini, 2002b**;Melo et al., 2002;Annesi et al., 2003Annesi et al., , 2015Intini and Tello, 2003**;Mazza et al., 2008;Ramos et al., 2008) Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Gilbertson et al., 1974;Jaquenoud, 1985) 2 1.6 ...
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Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid (Agaricomycetes: Hymenochaetaceae) is a poroid fungus characterized by the expressive production of chlamydospores, in vivo and in vitro , especially during its anamorphic stage. The species plays important ecological roles, standing out as a phytopathogen, affecting several species of ornamental and wild trees, mainly in tropical and subtropical regions. The infected trees develop canker and white rot of the wood, showing symptoms of reduced vegetative vigor and decline of leaves and branches which causes death in some cases. The first record of I. rickii for the Cerrado biome (Brazilian Savanna) and the first record as causal agent of canker in Schinus molle L. in Brazil is reported here. In addition, we present a checklist of its worldwide geographical distribution and known hosts, from an extensive bibliographic search in Google Scholar, SciELO, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. The species is widespread in tropical and subtropical zones; common in the American continent, especially in Central and South America and the Mediterranean region, and rare in temperate zones. We found specimens growing in both living and dead hosts, totalizing 70 species of hosts, distributed in 43 genera and 22 families. Of these, Acer negundo L. (10.5%), Celtis australis L. (6.5%), and Platanus acerifolia (Aiton) Willd. (4.8%), and the Fabaceae (30%), Fagaceae (10%), and Sapindaceae (8.6%) families were the most frequent. We present morphological descriptions and illustrations, as well as the growth characteristics in culture medium. Our study expands the known geographical distribution of I. rickii , including the Cerrado biome, as well as its structural, physiological characteristics, and its hosts.
... P. Karst.; I. rickii (Pat.) Reid [Intini, 2002;Intini & Tello, 2003]. (Pat.) ...
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Riassunto Gli Autori descrivono una raccolta effettuata nel territorio metropolitano della Città di Messina (Sicilia, Italia) di Inonotus rickii, specie tipica delle zone tropicali e subtropicali che ormai da diversi anni è solita fruttificare, anche se in maniera sporadica, nelle regioni mediterranee con prevalente crescita anamorfa. Abstract The Authors describe a collection carried out in the metropolitan territory of the City of Messina (Sicily, Italy) of Inonotus rickii, a species typical of tropical and subtropical areas which for several years bears fruit, albeit sporadically, in the Mediterranean regions, with prevailing anamorphic growth. Premessa Siamo ormai abituati, anche sulla scorta dei nostri precedenti ritrovamenti riferiti ad altre interessanti e rare specie fungine, alle numerose sorprese che il territorio messinese riserva agli studiosi di micologia: protagonista del presente contributo è Inonotus rickii, interessante specie lignicola di origine tropicale appartenente al gruppo informale dei polipori, oggetto di nostri recenti ritrovamenti, che è solita fruttificare ormai da alcuni anni nel territorio messinese. Nei primi giorni del mese di agosto dell'anno 2019 gli autori ricevono la segnalazione della crescita di una specie fungina a conformazione quasi perfettamente globosa e saldamente attaccata al substrato: un albero vivente di Albizia julibrissin.
... Il met beaucoup de temps pour s'installer en Europe. Des observations sont signalées au Montenegro et en Grèce dans les années 1990 (Kotlaba & Pouzar 1994), puis en Espagne (Intini & Tello 2003), au Portugal (Melo et al. 2002) et en France. Pieri & Rivoire (1996) présentent la première récolte du téléomorphe en France métropolitaine faite à Roquebrun (Hérault) et constatent que c' est en même temps la station la plus septentrionale connue à l' époque. ...
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Twenty six basidiomycete species are reported as new to Luxembourg, with comments on ecology, frequency, nomenclature and taxonomy. These include two cyphelloid species (Chromocyphella muscicola and Pseudolasiobolus minutissimus), five rarely collected corticioid species (Amaurodon cyaneus, Aphanobasidium subnitens, Coniophora fusispora, C. marmorata, Tomentellopsis pusilla), four other rare aphyllophoroid fungi (Ceratoba sidium calosporum, Inonotus obliquus, I. rickii, Lentaria byssiseda), one bolete (Imperator rhodopur­ pureus) and fourteen agaricoid fungi belonging to the genera Cortinarius, Deco nica, Lepiota, Leucoagaricus, Pseudolaccaria, Russula and Tricholoma. An rDNA sequence comprising ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 has been deposited in the GenBank database for four of these agari-coid species (Cortinarius caroviolaceus, C. collocandoides, C. herpeticus and Pseudo laccaria pachyphylla). A new locality of Byssonectria fusispora, whose last documented observation dates back more than 30 years, is also reported. Finaly, an identification error is rectified: the species named Aphroditeola olida represented by a photo in the mycological notes published in 2015 is indeed Paralepista flaccida.
... Emerging pathogens are affecting closely related species under stressful conditions playing the role of peripherals such as Inonotus rickii extending in urban areas (Intini and Tello 2003;Annesi et al. 2010). The potential of the pathogens to spread to other host species, as being reported also in Acer negundo in Italy (Annesi et al. 2010) makes possible an alternative scenario of a species of the pathogenic network to switch roles, from peripheral to connector. ...
The assembly of plant pathogenic communities is one of the central topics in community ecology. Based on collected metadata, a summary host-pathogen bipartite network was constructed, and network metrics such as connectance, node degree distribution, nestedness and modularity were employed to verify the non-random nature of host-pathogen interactions. The selected hosts (Quercus robur, Q. cerris, Q. frainetto, Q. pubescens, Q. petraea, Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies) are tree species characteristic for European forest ecosystems, covering large areas of Central and South-Eastern Europe including Romania. The selected tree species (based on their dominance in forest ecosystems) establish 109 forest ecosystem types in Romanian forest ecosystems’ typology. 105 species of wood pathogens and sapro-pathogens, covering whole area of Europe, were retrieved from published papers. The established bipartite network of wood pathogens and sapro-pathogens and their tree hosts was significantly modular, displaying four modules (Qnetwork = 0.24) and significantly nested (Nnetwork = 0.67), presented power law degree distribution, a common topology with mutualistic networks. Network topological characteristics generally encountered in parasitic networks described in literature, confirm the non-random assembly of the wood and bark pathogenic communities. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) performed on wood pathogens ‘matrix and forest types’ matrix showed high resemblance in the positioning pattern of trees in ordination space. Mantel test confirmed the NMDS result - a significant correlation between similarities in pathogen share and similarities in tree composition of the forest ecosystems in Romanian forest classification. The network architecture resembles other published networks depicting symbiotic interactions. As tree species assemble in distinct forest types, the transmission of emerging or invasive pathogens is expected to continue in the future due to modular nature of the networks, triggered by major climatic changes.
... En zonas templadas, sin embargo, se encuentra asociado principalmente a ambientes urbanos. Además de haber sido encontrado afectando árboles urbanos de Sudamérica (Gottlieb et al., 2002;Robles et al., 2011), se lo ha reportado en varios países de Europa (Melo et al., 2002;Annesi et al., 2003;Intini & Tello, 2003) y en Norteamérica (Farr et al., 1989). En Argentina ha sido previamente citado sobre P. acerifolia (Robles et al., 2011), Acacia melanoxylon R. Br., Acer negundo L., Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq., Celtis australis L. y Lippia citriodora Kunth (Gottlieb et al., 2002), evidenciando su amplio rango de hospedantes. ...
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Conocer las características de cepas fúngicas locales aumenta nuestra capacidad de poder hacer uso de sus propiedades e implementar, en consecuencia, nuevas y mejores formas de aprovechamiento de los recursos biológicos nativos. Con el fin de contribuir al conocimiento de estos organismos, en este trabajo se presentan descripciones detalladas y estudios de cultivo de 5 especies previamente reportadas como basidiomicetes endofíticos: Coprinopsis cinerea, Granulobasidium vellereum, Inonotus rickii, Phanerochaete chrysosporium y Trichosporon sporotrichoides, aisladas como endofitos de madera de plátanos de sombra (Platanus acerifolia) en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Coprinopsis cinerea es descripta por primera vez en cultivo y se señalan las diferencias que presentan los cultivos de G. vellereum e I. rickii con reportes previos. Los caracteres de cultivo de P. chrysosporium y T. sporotrichoides no presentaron diferencias apreciables con descripciones previas
... En zonas templadas, sin embargo, se encuentra asociado principalmente a ambientes urbanos. Además de haber sido encontrado afectando árboles urbanos de Sudamérica (Gottlieb et al., 2002;Robles et al., 2011), se lo ha reportado en varios países de Europa (Melo et al., 2002;Annesi et al., 2003;Intini & Tello, 2003) y en Norteamérica (Farr et al., 1989). En Argentina ha sido previamente citado sobre P. acerifolia (Robles et al., 2011), Acacia melanoxylon R. Br., Acer negundo L., Casuarina cunninghamiana Miq., Celtis australis L. y Lippia citriodora Kunth (Gottlieb et al., 2002), evidenciando su amplio rango de hospedantes. ...
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The knowledge of local fungal strains' features increases our ability to make use of their properties and to implement, in consequence, new and better ways of using the native biological resources. To contribute to the knowledge of these organisms, in this work we present descriptions and cultural studies of 5 species previously reported as endophytic basidiomycetes: Coprinopsis cinerea, Granulobasidium vellereum, Inonotus rickii, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Trichosporon sporotrichoides, isolated from wood of London plane trees (Platanus acerifolia) in Buenos Aires City, Argentina. Coprinopsis cinerea is described in culture for the first time and differences in cultures of G. vellereum and I. rickii with previous reports are listed. Culture characters of P. chrysosporium and T. sporotrichoides did not show appreciable differences with previous descriptions.
... Later, Kotlaba & Pouzar (1994) described the disease on Celtis australis L. and Sambucus nigra L., in Montenegro and in Greece, respectively, whereas Pieri & Rivoire (1996) found I. rickii on decayed Albizia sp. in France. Recently, Intini (2002b) and Intini & Tello (2003) reported P. cubensis attacking Acer negundo L., C. australis, Platanus x hybrida Brot. and Schinus molle L., in Spain. ...
... Comments: Some authors, such as Coelho (1994), Melo et al. (2002), and Ryvarden (2005) described setal hyphae that ranged from 250 × 17.94 μm. Although these measurements are similar to those in the Mondaí specimens, the longer hyphal setae found in the context -400(-500) × 9-20(-22) μm) -agrees with the sizes cited reported by Intini & Tello (2003). Basidiospore size in our specimens (6-8 × 4-7 μm) is similar to that reported by Coelho (1994;6.55-8.95 ...
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A survey of lignolytic basidiomycetes from Mondaí (27º06'16"S, 53º24'07"W) in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina has revealed nine previously unrecorded species: Dacryopinax elegans, Cotylidia aurantiaca, Hymenochaete rubiginosa, Inonotus rickii, Phellinus rhytiphloeus, Echinoporia aculeifera, Oxyporus obducens, Amauroderma sprucei, and Pseudofavolus miquelii. Comments about the species and illustrations are provided. Introduction Among the estimated 1.5 million fungal species, only 74,000 to 120,000 species have been described. With limited human and financial resources, a total inventory is not possible within any reasonable time frame, which is estimated to be 1290 years at the current rate (Garibay-Orijel et al. 2009). Within the field of mycology, there are numerous studies about the diversity of macrofungi. However, Gilbert & Souza (2002) and Piepenbring (2007) point out that a significant portion of the fungal taxa from tropical forests has not yet been described.
... Later, Kotlaba & Pouzar (1994) described the disease on Celtis australis L. and Sambucus nigra L., in Montenegro and in Greece, respectively, whereas Pieri & Rivoire (1996) found I. rickii on decayed Albizia sp. in France. Recently, Intini (2002b) and Intini & Tello (2003) reported P. cubensis attacking Acer negundo L., C. australis, Platanus x hybrida Brot. and Schinus molle L., in Spain. ...
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Inonotus rickii is a basidiomycete that causes cankers and decay in several ornamental trees, and has been reported in Portugal since 2002. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the incidence of the disease caused by I. rickii on Celtis australis, in the community of Alcântara, Lisbon, where the European hackberry tree is the main sidewalk species. Disease incidence reached 19%, and affected trees showed sparse foliage, death of branches and white rot of heartwood. In some cases, chlamydospores masses and basidiocarps occurred on trunks and branches, especially on trees with more than 40 cm of DBH. Considering the increasingly importance of I. rickii and being C. australis one of the most important ornamental species used in the green areas of Lisbon, morphological and cultural characteristics of the pathogen are presented and its impact as agent of decline of urban trees is discussed.
Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst. and Inonotus rickii (Pat.) D.A. Reid. are important xylophagous fungi affecting street trees in Buenos Aires City, Argentina. The objective of this paper is to describe the decay patterns produced by these species in London plane wood (Platanus acerifolia (Ait.) Willd.), which is one of the most abundant tree species in the city, through light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A better knowledge of the decay patterns of these fungi at early stages would provide useful information for optimizing tree management programs. Microscopic observations showed that B. adusta, having caused an important loss of dry weight, showed more extensive degradation of wood after three months than I. rickii, affecting mainly fiber walls with potential consequences in tree strength and stiffness. Inonotus rickii, on the other hand, selectively affected vessel walls and middle lamellae between fibers. Rays remained virtually unaltered in all decayed wood.
Xanthochrous rickii n.sp
  • N Patouillard
PATOUILLARD, N., 1908. Xanthochrous rickii n.sp. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 24:6-8.
Estudios sobre Basidiomycetes. IIIPolyporus rickii" f.sp. "negundinis" sobre arces vivos
WRIGHT, J.E. y IACONIS, C.L., 1955. Estudios sobre Basidiomycetes. III. "Polyporus rickii" f.sp. "negundinis" sobre arces vivos. Rev. Invest, agrie, 9:97- 110. Buenos Aires.
Investigations on the xylophagous fungi of urban trees in Europe: Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid found in Spain
  • M Intiní
  • M L Tello
INTINÍ, M.; TELLO, M.L. 2003. Investigations on the xylophagous fungi of urban trees in Europe: Inonotus rickii (Pat.) Reid found in Spain. Bol. San. Veg. Plagas. Vol. 29: 277-279.
Polyporus rickii" f.sp. "negundinis" sobre arces vivos
  • J E Wright
  • C L Iaconis
WRIGHT, J.E. y IACONIS, C.L., 1955. Estudios sobre Basidiomycetes. III. "Polyporus rickii" f.sp. "negundinis" sobre arces vivos. Rev. Invest, agrie, 9:97-110. Buenos Aires. (Recepción: 1 julio 2002) (Aceptación: 26 agosto 2002)